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"""Implementation of a space that represents closed boxes in euclidean space."""
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, SupportsFloat, Tuple, Type, Union
import numpy as np
import gym.error
from gym import logger
from gym.spaces.space import Space
def _short_repr(arr: np.ndarray) -> str:
"""Create a shortened string representation of a numpy array.
If arr is a multiple of the all-ones vector, return a string representation of the multiplier.
Otherwise, return a string representation of the entire array.
arr: The array to represent
A short representation of the array
if arr.size != 0 and np.min(arr) == np.max(arr):
return str(np.min(arr))
return str(arr)
def is_float_integer(var) -> bool:
"""Checks if a variable is an integer or float."""
return np.issubdtype(type(var), np.integer) or np.issubdtype(type(var), np.floating)
class Box(Space[np.ndarray]):
r"""A (possibly unbounded) box in :math:`\mathbb{R}^n`.
Specifically, a Box represents the Cartesian product of n closed intervals.
Each interval has the form of one of :math:`[a, b]`, :math:`(-\infty, b]`,
:math:`[a, \infty)`, or :math:`(-\infty, \infty)`.
There are two common use cases:
* Identical bound for each dimension::
>>> Box(low=-1.0, high=2.0, shape=(3, 4), dtype=np.float32)
Box(3, 4)
* Independent bound for each dimension::
>>> Box(low=np.array([-1.0, -2.0]), high=np.array([2.0, 4.0]), dtype=np.float32)
def __init__(
low: Union[SupportsFloat, np.ndarray],
high: Union[SupportsFloat, np.ndarray],
shape: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None,
dtype: Type = np.float32,
seed: Optional[Union[int, np.random.Generator]] = None,
r"""Constructor of :class:`Box`.
The argument ``low`` specifies the lower bound of each dimension and ``high`` specifies the upper bounds.
I.e., the space that is constructed will be the product of the intervals :math:`[\text{low}[i], \text{high}[i]]`.
If ``low`` (or ``high``) is a scalar, the lower bound (or upper bound, respectively) will be assumed to be
this value across all dimensions.
low (Union[SupportsFloat, np.ndarray]): Lower bounds of the intervals.
high (Union[SupportsFloat, np.ndarray]): Upper bounds of the intervals.
shape (Optional[Sequence[int]]): The shape is inferred from the shape of `low` or `high` `np.ndarray`s with
`low` and `high` scalars defaulting to a shape of (1,)
dtype: The dtype of the elements of the space. If this is an integer type, the :class:`Box` is essentially a discrete space.
seed: Optionally, you can use this argument to seed the RNG that is used to sample from the space.
ValueError: If no shape information is provided (shape is None, low is None and high is None) then a
value error is raised.
assert (
dtype is not None
), "Box dtype must be explicitly provided, cannot be None."
self.dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
# determine shape if it isn't provided directly
if shape is not None:
assert all(
np.issubdtype(type(dim), np.integer) for dim in shape
), f"Expect all shape elements to be an integer, actual type: {tuple(type(dim) for dim in shape)}"
shape = tuple(int(dim) for dim in shape) # This changes any np types to int
elif isinstance(low, np.ndarray):
shape = low.shape
elif isinstance(high, np.ndarray):
shape = high.shape
elif is_float_integer(low) and is_float_integer(high):
shape = (1,)
raise ValueError(
f"Box shape is inferred from low and high, expect their types to be np.ndarray, an integer or a float, actual type low: {type(low)}, high: {type(high)}"
# Capture the boundedness information before replacing np.inf with get_inf
_low = np.full(shape, low, dtype=float) if is_float_integer(low) else low
self.bounded_below = -np.inf < _low
_high = np.full(shape, high, dtype=float) if is_float_integer(high) else high
self.bounded_above = np.inf > _high
low = _broadcast(low, dtype, shape, inf_sign="-") # type: ignore
high = _broadcast(high, dtype, shape, inf_sign="+") # type: ignore
assert isinstance(low, np.ndarray)
assert (
low.shape == shape
), f"low.shape doesn't match provided shape, low.shape: {low.shape}, shape: {shape}"
assert isinstance(high, np.ndarray)
assert (
high.shape == shape
), f"high.shape doesn't match provided shape, high.shape: {high.shape}, shape: {shape}"
self._shape: Tuple[int, ...] = shape
low_precision = get_precision(low.dtype)
high_precision = get_precision(high.dtype)
dtype_precision = get_precision(self.dtype)
if min(low_precision, high_precision) > dtype_precision: # type: ignore
logger.warn(f"Box bound precision lowered by casting to {self.dtype}")
self.low = low.astype(self.dtype)
self.high = high.astype(self.dtype)
self.low_repr = _short_repr(self.low)
self.high_repr = _short_repr(self.high)
super().__init__(self.shape, self.dtype, seed)
def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]:
"""Has stricter type than gym.Space - never None."""
return self._shape
def is_np_flattenable(self):
"""Checks whether this space can be flattened to a :class:`spaces.Box`."""
return True
def is_bounded(self, manner: str = "both") -> bool:
"""Checks whether the box is bounded in some sense.
manner (str): One of ``"both"``, ``"below"``, ``"above"``.
If the space is bounded
ValueError: If `manner` is neither ``"both"`` nor ``"below"`` or ``"above"``
below = bool(np.all(self.bounded_below))
above = bool(np.all(self.bounded_above))
if manner == "both":
return below and above
elif manner == "below":
return below
elif manner == "above":
return above
raise ValueError(
f"manner is not in {{'below', 'above', 'both'}}, actual value: {manner}"
def sample(self, mask: None = None) -> np.ndarray:
r"""Generates a single random sample inside the Box.
In creating a sample of the box, each coordinate is sampled (independently) from a distribution
that is chosen according to the form of the interval:
* :math:`[a, b]` : uniform distribution
* :math:`[a, \infty)` : shifted exponential distribution
* :math:`(-\infty, b]` : shifted negative exponential distribution
* :math:`(-\infty, \infty)` : normal distribution
mask: A mask for sampling values from the Box space, currently unsupported.
A sampled value from the Box
if mask is not None:
raise gym.error.Error(
f"Box.sample cannot be provided a mask, actual value: {mask}"
high = self.high if self.dtype.kind == "f" else self.high.astype("int64") + 1
sample = np.empty(self.shape)
# Masking arrays which classify the coordinates according to interval
# type
unbounded = ~self.bounded_below & ~self.bounded_above
upp_bounded = ~self.bounded_below & self.bounded_above
low_bounded = self.bounded_below & ~self.bounded_above
bounded = self.bounded_below & self.bounded_above
# Vectorized sampling by interval type
sample[unbounded] = self.np_random.normal(size=unbounded[unbounded].shape)
sample[low_bounded] = (
+ self.low[low_bounded]
sample[upp_bounded] = (
+ self.high[upp_bounded]
sample[bounded] = self.np_random.uniform(
low=self.low[bounded], high=high[bounded], size=bounded[bounded].shape
if self.dtype.kind == "i":
sample = np.floor(sample)
return sample.astype(self.dtype)
def contains(self, x) -> bool:
"""Return boolean specifying if x is a valid member of this space."""
if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
logger.warn("Casting input x to numpy array.")
x = np.asarray(x, dtype=self.dtype)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return False
return bool(
np.can_cast(x.dtype, self.dtype)
and x.shape == self.shape
and np.all(x >= self.low)
and np.all(x <= self.high)
def to_jsonable(self, sample_n):
"""Convert a batch of samples from this space to a JSONable data type."""
return np.array(sample_n).tolist()
def from_jsonable(self, sample_n: Sequence[Union[float, int]]) -> List[np.ndarray]:
"""Convert a JSONable data type to a batch of samples from this space."""
return [np.asarray(sample) for sample in sample_n]
def __repr__(self) -> str:
"""A string representation of this space.
The representation will include bounds, shape and dtype.
If a bound is uniform, only the corresponding scalar will be given to avoid redundant and ugly strings.
A representation of the space
return f"Box({self.low_repr}, {self.high_repr}, {self.shape}, {self.dtype})"
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
"""Check whether `other` is equivalent to this instance. Doesn't check dtype equivalence."""
return (
isinstance(other, Box)
and (self.shape == other.shape)
# and (self.dtype == other.dtype)
and np.allclose(self.low, other.low)
and np.allclose(self.high, other.high)
def __setstate__(self, state: Dict):
"""Sets the state of the box for unpickling a box with legacy support."""
# legacy support through re-adding "low_repr" and "high_repr" if missing from pickled state
if not hasattr(self, "low_repr"):
self.low_repr = _short_repr(self.low)
if not hasattr(self, "high_repr"):
self.high_repr = _short_repr(self.high)
def get_inf(dtype, sign: str) -> SupportsFloat:
"""Returns an infinite that doesn't break things.
dtype: An `np.dtype`
sign (str): must be either `"+"` or `"-"`
Gets an infinite value with the sign and dtype
TypeError: Unknown sign, use either '+' or '-'
ValueError: Unknown dtype for infinite bounds
if np.dtype(dtype).kind == "f":
if sign == "+":
return np.inf
elif sign == "-":
return -np.inf
raise TypeError(f"Unknown sign {sign}, use either '+' or '-'")
elif np.dtype(dtype).kind == "i":
if sign == "+":
return np.iinfo(dtype).max - 2
elif sign == "-":
return np.iinfo(dtype).min + 2
raise TypeError(f"Unknown sign {sign}, use either '+' or '-'")
raise ValueError(f"Unknown dtype {dtype} for infinite bounds")
def get_precision(dtype) -> SupportsFloat:
"""Get precision of a data type."""
if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.floating):
return np.finfo(dtype).precision
return np.inf
def _broadcast(
value: Union[SupportsFloat, np.ndarray],
shape: Tuple[int, ...],
inf_sign: str,
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Handle infinite bounds and broadcast at the same time if needed."""
if is_float_integer(value):
value = get_inf(dtype, inf_sign) if np.isinf(value) else value # type: ignore
value = np.full(shape, value, dtype=dtype)
assert isinstance(value, np.ndarray)
if np.any(np.isinf(value)):
# create new array with dtype, but maintain old one to preserve np.inf
temp = value.astype(dtype)
temp[np.isinf(value)] = get_inf(dtype, inf_sign)
value = temp
return value