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// Copyright (c) ONNX Project Contributors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include "onnx/checker.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "onnx/common/file_utils.h"
#include "onnx/defs/schema.h"
#include "onnx/defs/tensor_proto_util.h"
#include "onnx/proto_utils.h"
#include "onnx/shape_inference/implementation.h"
#include "onnx/string_utils.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <direct.h>
#include <filesystem>
#else // POSIX
#include <sys/stat.h>
namespace ONNX_NAMESPACE {
namespace checker {
#define enforce_has_field(proto, field) \
do { \
if (!proto.has_##field()) { \
fail_check("Field '", #field, "' of '", #proto, "' is required but missing."); \
} \
} while (0)
#define enforce_non_empty_field(proto, field) \
do { \
if (proto.field().empty()) { \
fail_check("Field '", #field, "' of '", #proto, "' is required to be non-empty."); \
} \
} while (0)
void check_value_info(const ValueInfoProto& value_info, const CheckerContext& ctx) {
enforce_non_empty_field(value_info, name);
// Relax constraint for subgraph input/output.
if (!ctx.is_main_graph())
enforce_has_field(value_info, type);
const auto value_case = value_info.type().value_case();
switch (value_case) {
case TypeProto::kTensorType: {
const auto& type = value_info.type().tensor_type();
enforce_has_field(type, elem_type);
enforce_has_field(type, shape);
} break;
case TypeProto::kOptionalType: {
const auto& type = value_info.type().optional_type();
enforce_has_field(type, elem_type);
} break;
case TypeProto::kSequenceType: {
const auto& type = value_info.type().sequence_type();
enforce_has_field(type, elem_type);
} break;
case TypeProto::kMapType: {
const auto& type = value_info.type().map_type();
enforce_has_field(type, key_type);
enforce_has_field(type, value_type);
} break;
#ifdef ONNX_ML
case TypeProto::kOpaqueType:
case TypeProto::kSparseTensorType: {
const auto& type = value_info.type().sparse_tensor_type();
enforce_has_field(type, elem_type);
enforce_has_field(type, shape);
} break;
fail_check("Unrecognized type value case (value_info name: ", value_info.name(), "): ", value_case);
void check_tensor(const TensorProto& tensor, const CheckerContext& ctx) {
enforce_has_field(tensor, data_type);
if (tensor.data_type() == TensorProto::UNDEFINED) {
fail_check("setting data_type field (tensor name: ", tensor.name(), ") to UNDEFINED is not allowed");
int num_value_fields = 0;
const char* value_field = nullptr;
#define check_data_field(field) \
bool has_##field = tensor.field().size(); \
if (has_##field) { \
++num_value_fields; \
value_field = #field; \
#undef check_data_field
bool stored_externally = tensor.has_data_location() && tensor.data_location() == TensorProto::EXTERNAL;
if (stored_externally) {
if (num_value_fields != 0) {
"Data of TensorProto ( tensor name: ",
") is stored externally and should not have data field.",
bool has_location = false;
for (const StringStringEntryProto& entry : tensor.external_data()) {
if (entry.has_key() && entry.has_value() && entry.key() == "location") {
has_location = true;
resolve_external_data_location(ctx.get_model_dir(), entry.value(), tensor.name());
if (!has_location) {
fail_check("TensorProto ( tensor name: ", tensor.name(), ") is stored externally but doesn't have a location.");
int64_t nelem = 1;
for (auto x : tensor.dims()) {
nelem *= x;
if (nelem == 0 && num_value_fields != 0) {
fail_check("TensorProto (tensor name: ", tensor.name(), ") is 0-element but contains data!");
if (nelem != 0 && num_value_fields != 1) {
fail_check("TensorProto (tensor name: ", tensor.name(), ") should contain one and only one value field.");
if (has_raw_data) {
if (tensor.data_type() == TensorProto::STRING) {
fail_check("STRING data (tensor name: ", tensor.name(), ") should not be stored in raw_data field");
} else {
#define check_field(field) \
if (nelem != 0 && !has_##field) { \
fail_check( \
"values of data_type '", \
tensor.data_type(), \
"' should be stored in field '", \
#field, \
"' instead of '", \
value_field, \
"'"); \
switch (tensor.data_type()) {
case TensorProto::FLOAT:
case TensorProto::COMPLEX64:
case TensorProto::DOUBLE:
case TensorProto::COMPLEX128:
case TensorProto::INT32:
case TensorProto::UINT8:
case TensorProto::INT8:
case TensorProto::UINT16:
case TensorProto::INT16:
case TensorProto::BOOL:
case TensorProto::FLOAT16:
case TensorProto::BFLOAT16:
case TensorProto::FLOAT8E4M3FN:
case TensorProto::FLOAT8E4M3FNUZ:
case TensorProto::FLOAT8E5M2:
case TensorProto::FLOAT8E5M2FNUZ:
case TensorProto::UINT4:
case TensorProto::INT4:
case TensorProto::INT64:
case TensorProto::UINT32:
case TensorProto::UINT64:
case TensorProto::STRING:
fail_check("Unrecognized data_type (tensor name: ", tensor.name(), "): ", tensor.data_type());
#undef check_field
void check_sequence(const SequenceProto& sequence, const CheckerContext& ctx) {
enforce_has_field(sequence, elem_type);
if (sequence.elem_type() == SequenceProto::TENSOR) {
for (const TensorProto& tensor : sequence.tensor_values()) {
check_tensor(tensor, ctx);
} else if (sequence.elem_type() == SequenceProto::SPARSE_TENSOR) {
for (const SparseTensorProto& sparse_tensor : sequence.sparse_tensor_values()) {
check_sparse_tensor(sparse_tensor, ctx);
} else if (sequence.elem_type() == SequenceProto::SEQUENCE) {
for (const SequenceProto& seq : sequence.sequence_values()) {
check_sequence(seq, ctx);
} else if (sequence.elem_type() == SequenceProto::MAP) {
for (const MapProto& map : sequence.map_values()) {
check_map(map, ctx);
} else {
"Sequence ( Structure name: ",
", elem_type: ",
") is not have a valid element type.");
void check_optional(const OptionalProto& optional, const CheckerContext& ctx) {
enforce_has_field(optional, elem_type);
if (optional.elem_type() == OptionalProto::UNDEFINED) {
} else if (optional.elem_type() == OptionalProto::TENSOR) {
if (optional.has_tensor_value())
check_tensor(optional.tensor_value(), ctx);
} else if (optional.elem_type() == OptionalProto::SPARSE_TENSOR) {
if (optional.has_sparse_tensor_value())
check_sparse_tensor(optional.sparse_tensor_value(), ctx);
} else if (optional.elem_type() == OptionalProto::SEQUENCE) {
if (optional.has_sequence_value())
check_sequence(optional.sequence_value(), ctx);
} else if (optional.elem_type() == OptionalProto::MAP) {
if (optional.has_map_value())
check_map(optional.map_value(), ctx);
} else {
"Optional ( Structure name: ",
", elem_type: ",
") is not have a valid element type.");
void check_map(const MapProto& map, const CheckerContext& ctx) {
enforce_has_field(map, key_type);
if (map.key_type() == TensorProto::UNDEFINED) {
fail_check("setting key_type field (map name: ", map.name(), ") to UNDEFINED is not allowed");
// Check if key is a valid type, specifically INT8, INT16, INT32, INT64,
// UINT8, UINT16, UINT32, UINT64, or STRING.
if ((map.key_type() == TensorProto::FLOAT) || (map.key_type() == TensorProto::BOOL) ||
(map.key_type() == TensorProto::FLOAT16) || (map.key_type() == TensorProto::COMPLEX64) ||
(map.key_type() == TensorProto::COMPLEX128)) {
"setting key_type field (map name: ",
") to invalid TensorProto key_type ",
" is not allowed");
// MapProto will use either keys or string_keys, so only one should be > 0.
if ((map.keys_size() > 0) && (map.string_keys_size() > 0)) {
fail_check("Map (name: ", map.name(), ") should not contain more than one keys field.");
int num_keys = map.keys_size() + map.string_keys_size();
int num_values = 0;
enforce_has_field(map, values);
check_sequence(map.values(), ctx);
if (map.values().elem_type() == SequenceProto::TENSOR) {
num_values = map.values().tensor_values_size();
} else if (map.values().elem_type() == SequenceProto::SPARSE_TENSOR) {
num_values = map.values().sparse_tensor_values_size();
} else if (map.values().elem_type() == SequenceProto::SEQUENCE) {
num_values = map.values().sequence_values_size();
} else if (map.values().elem_type() == SequenceProto::MAP) {
num_values = map.values().map_values_size();
if (num_keys != num_values) {
fail_check("Length of map keys and map values are not the same (map name: ", map.name(), ")");
// Check that the index data stored in a SparseTensorProto is valid.
// indices: a 1-dimensional tensor; indices[i] represents the
// linearized index value for the i-th nonzero value.
void check_sparse_tensor_indices_1(
const TensorProto& indices,
const SparseTensorProto& sparse_tensor_proto,
size_t nnz) {
int dense_rank = sparse_tensor_proto.dims_size();
int64_t dense_size = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < dense_rank; ++i)
dense_size *= sparse_tensor_proto.dims(i);
if (static_cast<size_t>(indices.dims(0)) != nnz) {
fail_check("Sparse tensor indices (", indices.name(), ") has ", indices.dims(0), " values, but NNZ is ", nnz);
// Check if indices appear in ascending order, and if they have valid
// values. The i-th value in index_data is the linear index of the i-th
// non-zero value.
const std::vector<int64_t> index_data = ParseData<int64_t>(&indices);
int64_t prev_index = -1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nnz; ++i) {
int64_t curr_index = index_data[i]; // linearized index of i-th value
if (curr_index < 0 || curr_index >= dense_size) {
"Sparse tensor (",
") index value at position [",
"] out of range [0, ",
dense_size - 1,
if (curr_index <= prev_index) {
fail_check("Sparse tensor (", indices.name(), ") index value at position [", i, "] not in sorted order.");
prev_index = curr_index;
// Check that the index data stored in a SparseTensorProto is valid.
// indices: a 2-dimensional tensor; indices[i,j] represents the j-th
// index value for the i-th nonzero value.
void check_sparse_tensor_indices_2(
const TensorProto& indices,
const SparseTensorProto& sparse_tensor_proto,
size_t nnz) {
int dense_rank = sparse_tensor_proto.dims_size();
if (static_cast<size_t>(indices.dims(0)) != nnz) {
fail_check("Sparse tensor indices (", indices.name(), ") first dimension size does not equal NNZ.");
if (indices.dims(1) != dense_rank) {
fail_check("Sparse tensor indices (", indices.name(), ") second dimension size does not match rank of tensor.");
// Check if indices appear in ascending order, and if they have valid
// values.
const std::vector<int64_t> index_data = ParseData<int64_t>(&indices);
int64_t prev_index = -1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nnz; ++i) {
int64_t curr_index = 0; // linearized index of i-th value
for (int j = 0; j < dense_rank; ++j) {
auto index_ij = index_data[i * dense_rank + j];
if ((index_ij < 0) || (index_ij >= sparse_tensor_proto.dims(j))) {
fail_check("Sparse tensor (", indices.name(), ") index value at position [", i, ",", j, "] out of range.");
curr_index = curr_index * sparse_tensor_proto.dims(j) + index_ij;
if (curr_index <= prev_index) {
"Sparse tensor (", indices.name(), ") index value at position [", i, "] not in lexicographic sorted order.");
prev_index = curr_index;
void check_sparse_tensor(const SparseTensorProto& sparse_tensor_proto, const CheckerContext& ctx) {
enforce_has_field(sparse_tensor_proto, values);
const TensorProto& values = sparse_tensor_proto.values();
check_tensor(values, ctx);
// values must be a tensor of shape [NNZ]
// Currently we restrict the value associated with a particular index-tuple
// to be a single value. In the future, if there is a requirement,
// we may extend this to permit the value to be a "sub-tensor", in which
// case values will have dimension > 1.
if (values.dims_size() != 1) {
fail_check("Sparse tensor values (", values.name(), ") must have rank 1.");
size_t nnz = static_cast<size_t>(values.dims(0));
int dense_rank = sparse_tensor_proto.dims_size();
if (dense_rank == 0) {
fail_check("Sparse tensor (", values.name(), ") must have a dense-rank > 0");
for (int i = 0; i < dense_rank; ++i) {
if (sparse_tensor_proto.dims(i) <= 0) {
fail_check("Sparse tensor (", values.name(), ") dimensions are not positive.");
if (sparse_tensor_proto.has_indices()) {
const TensorProto& indices = sparse_tensor_proto.indices();
check_tensor(indices, ctx);
if (indices.data_type() != TensorProto::INT64) {
fail_check("Sparse tensor indices (", indices.name(), ") must have INT64 type.");
switch (indices.dims().size()) {
case 1:
// Indices in linearized format
check_sparse_tensor_indices_1(indices, sparse_tensor_proto, nnz);
case 2:
// Check COO-style index. E.g., an index for a 3D tensor is a 3-tuple.
check_sparse_tensor_indices_2(indices, sparse_tensor_proto, nnz);
fail_check("Sparse tensor indices (", indices.name(), ") must have rank 1 or 2.");
} else if (nnz != 0) {
fail_check("Sparse tensor (", values.name(), ") has no index values.");
// NB: This is a generic "attribute well-formedness" check, it doesn't
// actually test if an attribute is valid per a schema
void check_attribute(const AttributeProto& attr, const CheckerContext& ctx, const LexicalScopeContext& lex_ctx) {
enforce_non_empty_field(attr, name);
if (ctx.get_ir_version() >= 0x00000002) {
enforce_has_field(attr, type);
int used_fields = 0;
#define check_type(expected_type) \
if (attr.has_type() && attr.type() != expected_type) { \
fail_check("type field and data field mismatch in attribute ", attr.name(), "."); \
#define check_singular_field(field, type) \
if (attr.has_##field()) { \
++used_fields; \
check_type(type); \
#define check_repeated_field(field, type) \
if (attr.field##_size() > 0) { \
++used_fields; \
check_type(type); \
check_singular_field(f, AttributeProto::FLOAT);
check_singular_field(i, AttributeProto::INT);
check_singular_field(s, AttributeProto::STRING);
check_singular_field(t, AttributeProto::TENSOR);
check_singular_field(g, AttributeProto::GRAPH);
check_singular_field(tp, AttributeProto::TYPE_PROTO);
check_singular_field(sparse_tensor, AttributeProto::SPARSE_TENSOR);
check_repeated_field(floats, AttributeProto::FLOATS);
check_repeated_field(ints, AttributeProto::INTS);
check_repeated_field(strings, AttributeProto::STRINGS);
check_repeated_field(tensors, AttributeProto::TENSORS);
check_repeated_field(graphs, AttributeProto::GRAPHS);
check_repeated_field(sparse_tensors, AttributeProto::SPARSE_TENSORS);
check_repeated_field(type_protos, AttributeProto::TYPE_PROTOS);
#undef check_type
#undef check_singular_field
#undef check_repeated_field
// Normally, used_fields is expected to be 1.
// In proto3, when the value to be set is type default value (say 0 for
// int), used_fields may be 0.
if (used_fields > 1) {
fail_check("Attribute (name: ", attr.name(), ") should not contain more than one value field.");
if (!ctx.is_main_graph()) {
// It's an attribute of a node in function body.
if (attr.has_ref_attr_name() && used_fields != 0) {
// The attribute proto is supposed to refer to data outside and does not
// have its own value field set.
fail_check("Attribute (name: ", attr.name(), ") should refer to attribute in parent node.");
if (attr.has_t()) {
check_tensor(attr.t(), ctx);
if (attr.has_sparse_tensor()) {
check_sparse_tensor(attr.sparse_tensor(), ctx);
if (attr.has_g()) {
CheckerContext subgraph_ctx(ctx);
check_graph(attr.g(), subgraph_ctx, lex_ctx);
for (const auto& tensor : attr.tensors()) {
check_tensor(tensor, ctx);
for (const auto& sparse_tensor : attr.sparse_tensors()) {
check_sparse_tensor(sparse_tensor, ctx);
if (attr.graphs().size() > 0) {
CheckerContext subgraph_ctx(ctx);
for (const auto& graph : attr.graphs()) {
check_graph(graph, subgraph_ctx, lex_ctx);
void print_warning_if_has_experimental(const std::unordered_set<std::string>& used_experimental_ops) {
if (!used_experimental_ops.empty()) {
std::string all_experimental_ops;
for (const auto& op : used_experimental_ops) {
all_experimental_ops += " " + op + ",";
// Remove the last comma which is unnecessary
std::cout << "Warning: Model contains experimental ops:" + all_experimental_ops << std::endl;
void check_node(const NodeProto& node, const CheckerContext& ctx, const LexicalScopeContext& lex_ctx) {
enforce_non_empty_field(node, op_type);
if (node.input().empty() && node.output().empty()) {
fail_check("NodeProto (name: ", node.name(), ", type: ", node.op_type(), ") has zero input and zero output.");
// Resolve domain for node
const auto& opset_imports = ctx.get_opset_imports();
auto dit = opset_imports.find(node.domain());
if (dit == opset_imports.end()) {
fail_check("No opset import for domain '" + node.domain() + "'");
auto domain_version = dit->second;
// for ops referencing local functions, there is no schema to verify it.
// will add a check to verify consistency between these ops and local functions.
std::unordered_set<std::string> seen_attr_names{};
for (const auto& attr : node.attribute()) {
if (!seen_attr_names.insert(attr.name()).second) {
fail_check("Attribute '", attr.name(), "' appeared multiple times.");
check_attribute(attr, ctx, lex_ctx);
// This issue will be caught by check_graph instead
if (check_is_experimental_op(node)) {
const auto* schema = ctx.get_schema_registry()->GetSchema(node.op_type(), domain_version, node.domain());
if (!schema) {
if (node.domain() == ONNX_DOMAIN || node.domain() == AI_ONNX_ML_DOMAIN || node.domain() == "ai.onnx" ||
node.domain() == AI_ONNX_TRAINING_DOMAIN || ctx.check_custom_domain()) {
// fail the checker if op is in built-in domains or if it has no schema when `check_custom_domain` is true
"No Op registered for " + node.op_type() + " with domain_version of " +
} else if (schema->Deprecated()) {
"Op registered for " + node.op_type() + " is deprecated in domain_version of " +
} else {
void check_graph(const GraphProto& graph, const CheckerContext& ctx, const LexicalScopeContext& parent_lex) {
enforce_non_empty_field(graph, name);
for (const auto& value_info : graph.input()) {
check_value_info(value_info, ctx);
for (const auto& value_info : graph.output()) {
check_value_info(value_info, ctx);
// Inherit values available in outer scope
// Note that we do not allow shadowing, so the presence of an already-defined
// name is always an error.
LexicalScopeContext lex_ctx{parent_lex};
for (const auto& value_info : graph.input()) {
// TODO: If shadowing isn't allowed, this should maybe use
// this_or_ancestor_graph_has
if (lex_ctx.this_graph_has(value_info.name())) {
"Graph must be in single static assignment (SSA) form, however '",
"' has been used as graph input names multiple times.");
std::unordered_set<std::reference_wrapper<const std::string>, std::hash<std::string>, std::equal_to<std::string>>
for (const auto& init : graph.initializer()) {
enforce_has_field(init, name);
const auto& name = init.name();
if (name.empty()) {
fail_check("Tensor initializers must have a non-empty name");
if (!initializer_name_checker.insert(std::cref(name)).second) {
fail_check(name + " initializer name is not unique");
check_tensor(init, ctx);
if (ctx.get_ir_version() <= 0x00000003) {
// Initializers are a subset of graph inputs for IR_VERSION <= 3
if (!lex_ctx.this_graph_has(name)) {
fail_check(name + " in initializer but not in graph input");
} else {
// An initializer is allowed to have the same name as an input,
// but is not required to (for IR_VERSION >= 4)
for (const auto& sparse_init : graph.sparse_initializer()) {
const auto& values = sparse_init.values();
enforce_has_field(values, name);
const auto& name = values.name();
if (name.empty()) {
fail_check("Sparse tensor initializers must have a non-empty name");
if (!initializer_name_checker.insert(std::cref(name)).second) {
fail_check(name + " sparse initializer name is not unique across initializers and sparse_initializers");
check_sparse_tensor(sparse_init, ctx);
std::unordered_set<std::string> used_experimental_ops;
for (const auto& node : graph.node()) {
// nodes must be in topologically sorted order
for (const auto& input : node.input()) {
// explicit optional input
if (input.empty()) {
if (!lex_ctx.this_or_ancestor_graph_has(input)) {
"Nodes in a graph must be topologically sorted, however input '",
"' of node: \n",
"name: ",
" OpType: ",
"\n is not output of any previous nodes.");
if (check_is_experimental_op(node)) {
// This needs to happen before SSA check since we don't want to recurse and
// find that outputs from control flow ops are colliding with names in the
// inner block
check_node(node, ctx, lex_ctx);
ONNX_CATCH(ValidationError & ex) {
ex.AppendContext("Bad node spec for node. Name: " + node.name() + " OpType: " + node.op_type());
// check for SSA form
for (const auto& output : node.output()) {
// optional output
if (output.empty()) {
if (lex_ctx.this_or_ancestor_graph_has(output)) {
"Graph must be in single static assignment (SSA) form, however '",
"' has been used as output names multiple times.");
// Utilify function to get the imported version of domain from opset imports
// Returns -1 if requested domain is not found in the opset_imports
int get_version_for_domain(const std::string& domain, const std::unordered_map<std::string, int>& opset_imports) {
auto it = opset_imports.find(domain);
if (it == opset_imports.end()) {
return -1;
return it->second;
void check_opset_compatibility(
const NodeProto& node,
const CheckerContext& ctx,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, int>& func_opset_imports,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, int>& model_opset_imports) {
auto func_opset_version = get_version_for_domain(node.domain(), func_opset_imports);
auto model_opset_version = get_version_for_domain(node.domain(), model_opset_imports);
if (func_opset_version == -1) {
fail_check("No Opset registered for domain " + node.domain());
if (model_opset_version == -1) {
// model does not include opset import for a node present in function body.
// This is ok as along as the opset import is present in function level opset imports.
if (func_opset_version == model_opset_version) {
// both versions are same, no need to verify schema.
const auto* schema_for_model_import =
ctx.get_schema_registry()->GetSchema(node.op_type(), model_opset_version, node.domain());
const auto* schema_for_function_import =
ctx.get_schema_registry()->GetSchema(node.op_type(), func_opset_version, node.domain());
if (!schema_for_model_import && !schema_for_function_import) {
// the op belongs to a custom domain so we cannot verify schema
// if schema is present for 1 but not other or the schema since versions do not match then raise an error
if (!schema_for_model_import || !schema_for_function_import ||
schema_for_function_import->since_version() != schema_for_model_import->since_version()) {
"Opset import for domain " + node.domain() + " in function op " + node.op_type() +
"is not compatible with the version imported by model. FunctionOp imports version " +
ONNX_NAMESPACE::to_string(func_opset_version) + " whereas model imports version " +
void check_model_local_functions(
const ModelProto& model,
const CheckerContext& ctx,
const LexicalScopeContext& parent_lex) {
// make a copy of model opset imports to maintain a main copy of opset imports across the model and
// all model local functions to verify opset compatibility
std::unordered_map<std::string, int> model_opset_imports(ctx.get_opset_imports());
// merge the opset imports from every function in model_opset_imports
// only add the opset import if an entry for it does not exist in model_opset_imports
// if there is an entry then the compatibility will be checked later on in check_opset_compatibility
// called by check_function.
for (const auto& function_proto : model.functions()) {
for (const auto& opset_import : function_proto.opset_import()) {
if (get_version_for_domain(opset_import.domain(), model_opset_imports) == -1) {
model_opset_imports[opset_import.domain()] = opset_import.version();
CheckerContext ctx_copy = ctx;
for (const auto& function_proto : model.functions()) {
check_function(function_proto, ctx_copy, parent_lex);
void check_function(const FunctionProto& function, const CheckerContext& ctx, const LexicalScopeContext& parent_lex) {
enforce_non_empty_field(function, name);
if (ctx.get_ir_version() >= 0x00000008) {
enforce_has_field(function, domain);
const auto& model_opset_imports = ctx.get_opset_imports();
CheckerContext ctx_copy = ctx;
std::unordered_map<std::string, int> func_opset_imports;
for (auto& relied_opset : function.opset_import()) {
func_opset_imports[relied_opset.domain()] = static_cast<int>(relied_opset.version());
LexicalScopeContext lex_ctx{parent_lex};
for (const auto& input : function.input()) {
// TODO: If shadowing isn't allowed, this should maybe use
// this_or_ancestor_graph_has
if (lex_ctx.this_graph_has(input)) {
"Graph must be in single static assignment (SSA) form, however '", input, "' has been used multiple times.");
std::unordered_set<std::string> outputs;
for (const auto& output : function.output()) {
auto result = outputs.insert(output);
if (!result.second) {
fail_check("function (", function.name(), ") should not have duplicate outputs specified.");
std::unordered_set<std::string> attrs;
for (const auto& attr : function.attribute()) {
auto result = attrs.insert(attr);
if (!result.second) {
fail_check("function (", function.name(), ") should not have duplicate attributes specified.");
std::unordered_set<std::string> used_experimental_ops;
for (const auto& node : function.node()) {
// nodes must be in topologically sorted order
for (const auto& input : node.input()) {
// explicit optional input
if (input.empty()) {
if (!lex_ctx.this_graph_has(input)) {
"Nodes in a function must be topologically sorted, however input '",
"' of node: \n",
"Name: ",
" OpType: ",
"\n is neither output of any previous nodes nor input of the function.");
// check whether the opset version imported for a domain by function and model are
// compatible
if (!ctx_copy.skip_opset_compatibility_check())
check_opset_compatibility(node, ctx_copy, func_opset_imports, model_opset_imports);
if (check_is_experimental_op(node)) {
check_node(node, ctx_copy, lex_ctx);
// check for SSA form
for (const auto& output : node.output()) {
// optional output
if (output.empty()) {
if (lex_ctx.this_or_ancestor_graph_has(output)) {
"Function must be in single static assignment (SSA) form, however '",
"' has been used as output names multiple times.");
void check_model(const ModelProto& model, CheckerContext& ctx) {
if (!model.ir_version()) {
fail_check("The model does not have an ir_version set properly.");
if (model.ir_version() > IR_VERSION) {
fail_check("Your model ir_version ", model.ir_version(), " is higher than the checker's (", IR_VERSION, ").");
if (model.metadata_props_size() > 1) {
std::unordered_set<std::string> keys;
for (const StringStringEntryProto& entry : model.metadata_props()) {
auto i = keys.insert(entry.key());
if (!i.second) {
fail_check("Your model has duplicate keys in metadata_props.");
std::unordered_map<std::string, int> versions;
std::unordered_map<std::string, int> opset_imports;
for (const auto& opset_import : model.opset_import()) {
opset_imports[opset_import.domain()] = static_cast<int>(opset_import.version());
if (model.ir_version() >= 3) {
if (opset_imports.empty()) {
fail_check("model with IR version >= 3 must specify opset_import for ONNX");
} else {
if (opset_imports.empty())
opset_imports[ONNX_DOMAIN] = 1;
else {
fail_check("model with IR version < 3 cannot have opset_import specified");
LexicalScopeContext lex_ctx;
check_graph(model.graph(), ctx, lex_ctx);
if (ctx.get_ir_version() >= 0x00000008) {
check_model_local_functions(model, ctx, lex_ctx);
// TODO: check consistency between local functions and ops referencing it.
void check_model(
const std::string& model_path,
bool full_check,
bool skip_opset_compatibility_check,
bool check_custom_domain) {
ModelProto model;
LoadProtoFromPath(model_path, model);
CheckerContext ctx;
std::string model_dir;
size_t pos = model_path.find_last_of("\\/");
if (pos != std::string::npos) {
model_dir = model_path.substr(0, pos + 1);
check_model(model, ctx);
if (full_check) {
ShapeInferenceOptions options{true, 1, false};
ONNX_NAMESPACE::shape_inference::InferShapes(model, ctx.get_schema_registry(), options);
void check_model(
const ModelProto& model,
bool full_check,
bool skip_opset_compatibility_check,
bool check_custom_domain) {
CheckerContext ctx;
check_model(model, ctx);
if (full_check) {
ShapeInferenceOptions options{true, 1, false};
// Do not update the model in place by the check from shape inference
// because checker should not modify the original model
ModelProto copy = model;
ONNX_NAMESPACE::shape_inference::InferShapes(copy, ctx.get_schema_registry(), options);
std::string resolve_external_data_location(
const std::string& base_dir,
const std::string& location,
const std::string& tensor_name) {
#ifdef _WIN32
auto file_path = std::filesystem::path(utf8str_to_wstring(location));
if (file_path.is_absolute()) {
"Location of external TensorProto ( tensor name: ",
") should be a relative path, but it is an absolute path: ",
auto relative_path = file_path.lexically_normal().make_preferred().wstring();
// Check that normalized relative path contains ".." on Windows.
if (relative_path.find(L"..", 0) != std::string::npos) {
"Data of TensorProto ( tensor name: ",
") should be file inside the ",
", but the '",
"' points outside the directory");
std::wstring data_path = path_join(utf8str_to_wstring(base_dir), relative_path);
struct _stat64 buff;
if (data_path.empty() || (data_path[0] != '#' && _wstat64(data_path.c_str(), &buff) != 0)) {
"Data of TensorProto ( tensor name: ",
") should be stored in ",
", but it doesn't exist or is not accessible.");
return wstring_to_utf8str(data_path);
#else // POSIX
if (location.empty()) {
fail_check("Location of external TensorProto ( tensor name: ", tensor_name, ") should not be empty.");
} else if (location[0] == '/') {
"Location of external TensorProto ( tensor name: ",
") should be a relative path, but it is an absolute path: ",
std::string relative_path = clean_relative_path(location);
// Check that normalized relative path contains ".." on POSIX
if (relative_path.find("..", 0) != std::string::npos) {
"Data of TensorProto ( tensor name: ",
") should be file inside the ",
", but the '",
"' points outside the directory");
std::string data_path = path_join(base_dir, relative_path);
// use stat64 to check whether the file exists
#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__wasm__) || !defined(__GLIBC__)
struct stat buffer; // APPLE, wasm and non-glic stdlibs do not have stat64
if (data_path.empty() || (data_path[0] != '#' && stat((data_path).c_str(), &buffer) != 0)) {
struct stat64 buffer; // All POSIX under glibc except APPLE and wasm have stat64
if (data_path.empty() || (data_path[0] != '#' && stat64((data_path).c_str(), &buffer) != 0)) {
"Data of TensorProto ( tensor name: ",
") should be stored in ",
", but it doesn't exist or is not accessible.");
// Do not allow symlinks or directories.
if (data_path.empty() || (data_path[0] != '#' && !S_ISREG(buffer.st_mode))) {
"Data of TensorProto ( tensor name: ",
") should be stored in ",
", but it is not regular file.");
return data_path;
std::set<std::string> experimental_ops = {
bool check_is_experimental_op(const NodeProto& node) {
return (node.domain() == ONNX_DOMAIN || node.domain() == "ai.onnx") && experimental_ops.count(node.op_type());
#undef enforce_has_field
#undef enforce_non_empty_field
} // namespace checker
} // namespace ONNX_NAMESPACE