from __future__ import annotations import functools from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Sequence, Tuple, Union import torch from functorch._C import dim as _C from ._parsing import ( _ellipsis, AnonymousAxis, comma_separate, parse_pattern, validate_rearrange_expressions, ) __all__ = ["rearrange"] dims = _C.dims @functools.lru_cache(256) def _create_rearrange_callable( tensor_ndim: int, pattern: str, **axes_lengths: int ) -> Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]: r"""Translate an `einops`-style pattern into a callable that performs the rearrange using first-class dimensions. Since the an equivalent result is computed for tensors with the same number of dimensions, with the same pattern and specified axes lengths, this function can be memoized. Args: tensor_ndim (int): the number of dimensions in the tensor to rearrange pattern (str): the `einops`-style rearrangement pattern axes_lengths (int): any additional length specifications for dimensions Returns: Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]: a callable that performs the rearrangement """ left, right = parse_pattern(pattern, axes_lengths) validate_rearrange_expressions(left, right, axes_lengths) n_anon_dims = sum(not dim for dim in left.composition) if left.has_ellipsis: n_ellipsis_dims = tensor_ndim - (len(left.composition) - 1) n_named_dims = len(left.identifiers) - 1 if (pattern_ndim := n_anon_dims + n_named_dims) > tensor_ndim: raise ValueError( f"Number of dimensions in pattern ({pattern_ndim}) must be less than or equal to the number of " f"dimensions in the tensor ({tensor_ndim})" ) else: n_ellipsis_dims = 0 n_named_dims = len(left.identifiers) if (pattern_ndim := len(left.composition)) != tensor_ndim: raise ValueError( f"Number of dimensions in pattern ({pattern_ndim}) must be equal to the number of dimensions in " f"the tensor ({tensor_ndim})" ) n_dims = n_named_dims + n_ellipsis_dims + n_anon_dims if n_dims == 0: # an identity rearrangement on a 0-dimension tensor return lambda tensor: tensor first_class_dims: Tuple[str, ...] = tuple(f"d{i}" for i in range(n_dims)) identifier_dim_map: Dict[Union[str, AnonymousAxis], Tuple[str, ...]] = {} anon_axes: List[AnonymousAxis] = [] # map the left-hand side identifiers to strings representing first class dims dims_i = 0 for dimension in left.composition: if isinstance(dimension, list): for identifier in dimension: # non-unitary anon axes are not allowed in rearrange & unitary anon axes are represented as empty lists assert isinstance(identifier, str) identifier_dim_map[identifier] = (first_class_dims[dims_i],) dims_i += 1 if not dimension: # unitary anonymous axis anon_axis = AnonymousAxis("1") identifier_dim_map[anon_axis] = (first_class_dims[dims_i],) anon_axes.append(anon_axis) dimension.append(anon_axis) dims_i += 1 elif dimension == _ellipsis: identifier = _ellipsis identifier_dim_map[identifier] = tuple( first_class_dims[dims_i + j] for j in range(n_ellipsis_dims) ) dims_i += n_ellipsis_dims else: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected dimension: {dimension}") def composition_to_dims( composition: Sequence[Union[List[Union[str, AnonymousAxis]], str]] ) -> List[Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]]]: """Convert a `ParsedExpression.composition` into a `Tensor.__getitem__` index of strings representing first class dims.""" dim_composition: List[Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]]] = [] for dimension in composition: if isinstance(dimension, list): dim_composition.append( tuple( dim for identifier in dimension for dim in identifier_dim_map[identifier] ) ) elif dimension == _ellipsis: dim_composition.extend(identifier_dim_map[_ellipsis]) else: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected dimension: {dimension}") return dim_composition left_dims = composition_to_dims(left.composition) right_dims = composition_to_dims(right.composition) anon_dims = tuple(identifier_dim_map[axis][0] for axis in anon_axes) specified_lengths = tuple( (identifier_dim_map[axis][0], length) for axis, length in axes_lengths.items() ) custom_rearrange_callable_name = "do_rearrange" custom_rearrange_callable_code = ( ( f"def {custom_rearrange_callable_name}(tensor):\n" f" {comma_separate(first_class_dims)} = dims({n_dims})\n" ) + ( "".join( f" {dim}.size = {length}\n" for (dim, length) in specified_lengths ) if specified_lengths else "" ) + f" tensor = tensor[{comma_separate(left_dims)}].order({comma_separate(right_dims)})\n" + ( f" return tensor.sum({comma_separate([anon_dims])}, keepdim=False)\n" if anon_dims else " return tensor\n" ) ) exec(custom_rearrange_callable_code) return locals()[custom_rearrange_callable_name] def rearrange( tensor: Union[torch.Tensor, List[torch.Tensor], Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...]], pattern: str, **axes_lengths: int, ) -> torch.Tensor: r"""A native implementation of `einops.rearrange`, a reader-friendly smart element reordering for multidimensional tensors. This operation includes functionality of transpose (axes permutation), reshape (view), squeeze, unsqueeze, stack, concatenate and other operations. See: Args: tensor (Tensor or sequence of Tensor): the tensor(s) to rearrange pattern (str): the rearrangement pattern axes_lengths (int): any additional length specifications for dimensions Returns: Tensor: the rearranged tensor Examples: >>> # suppose we have a set of 32 images in "h w c" format (height-width-channel) >>> images = torch.randn((32, 30, 40, 3)) >>> # stack along first (batch) axis, output is a single array >>> rearrange(images, 'b h w c -> b h w c').shape torch.Size([32, 30, 40, 3]) >>> # concatenate images along height (vertical axis), 960 = 32 * 30 >>> rearrange(images, 'b h w c -> (b h) w c').shape torch.Size([960, 40, 3]) >>> # concatenated images along horizontal axis, 1280 = 32 * 40 >>> rearrange(images, 'b h w c -> h (b w) c').shape torch.Size([30, 1280, 3]) >>> # reordered axes to "b c h w" format for deep learning >>> rearrange(images, 'b h w c -> b c h w').shape torch.Size([32, 3, 30, 40]) >>> # flattened each image into a vector, 3600 = 30 * 40 * 3 >>> rearrange(images, 'b h w c -> b (c h w)').shape torch.Size([32, 3600]) >>> # split each image into 4 smaller (top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right), 128 = 32 * 2 * 2 >>> rearrange(images, 'b (h1 h) (w1 w) c -> (b h1 w1) h w c', h1=2, w1=2).shape torch.Size([128, 15, 20, 3]) >>> # space-to-depth operation >>> rearrange(images, 'b (h h1) (w w1) c -> b h w (c h1 w1)', h1=2, w1=2).shape torch.Size([32, 15, 20, 12]) """ if not isinstance(tensor, torch.Tensor): tensor = torch.stack(tensor) rearrange_callable = _create_rearrange_callable( tensor.ndim, pattern, **axes_lengths ) return rearrange_callable(tensor)