from ..libmp.backend import xrange from .functions import defun, defun_wrapped def _check_need_perturb(ctx, terms, prec, discard_known_zeros): perturb = recompute = False extraprec = 0 discard = [] for term_index, term in enumerate(terms): w_s, c_s, alpha_s, beta_s, a_s, b_s, z = term have_singular_nongamma_weight = False # Avoid division by zero in leading factors (TODO: # also check for near division by zero?) for k, w in enumerate(w_s): if not w: if[k]) <= 0 and c_s[k]: perturb = recompute = True have_singular_nongamma_weight = True pole_count = [0, 0, 0] # Check for gamma and series poles and near-poles for data_index, data in enumerate([alpha_s, beta_s, b_s]): for i, x in enumerate(data): n, d = ctx.nint_distance(x) # Poles if n > 0: continue if d == ctx.ninf: # OK if we have a polynomial # ------------------------------ ok = False if data_index == 2: for u in a_s: if ctx.isnpint(u) and u >= int(n): ok = True break if ok: continue pole_count[data_index] += 1 # ------------------------------ #perturb = recompute = True #return perturb, recompute, extraprec elif d < -4: extraprec += -d recompute = True if discard_known_zeros and pole_count[1] > pole_count[0] + pole_count[2] \ and not have_singular_nongamma_weight: discard.append(term_index) elif sum(pole_count): perturb = recompute = True return perturb, recompute, extraprec, discard _hypercomb_msg = """ hypercomb() failed to converge to the requested %i bits of accuracy using a working precision of %i bits. The function value may be zero or infinite; try passing zeroprec=N or infprec=M to bound finite values between 2^(-N) and 2^M. Otherwise try a higher maxprec or maxterms. """ @defun def hypercomb(ctx, function, params=[], discard_known_zeros=True, **kwargs): orig = ctx.prec sumvalue = dist = ctx.nint_distance ninf = ctx.ninf orig_params = params[:] verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', False) maxprec = kwargs.get('maxprec', ctx._default_hyper_maxprec(orig)) kwargs['maxprec'] = maxprec # For calls to hypsum zeroprec = kwargs.get('zeroprec') infprec = kwargs.get('infprec') perturbed_reference_value = None hextra = 0 try: while 1: ctx.prec += 10 if ctx.prec > maxprec: raise ValueError(_hypercomb_msg % (orig, ctx.prec)) orig2 = ctx.prec params = orig_params[:] terms = function(*params) if verbose: print() print("ENTERING hypercomb main loop") print("prec =", ctx.prec) print("hextra", hextra) perturb, recompute, extraprec, discard = \ _check_need_perturb(ctx, terms, orig, discard_known_zeros) ctx.prec += extraprec if perturb: if "hmag" in kwargs: hmag = kwargs["hmag"] elif ctx._fixed_precision: hmag = int(ctx.prec*0.3) else: hmag = orig + 10 + hextra h = ctx.ldexp(, -hmag) ctx.prec = orig2 + 10 + hmag + 10 for k in range(len(params)): params[k] += h # Heuristically ensure that the perturbations # are "independent" so that two perturbations # don't accidentally cancel each other out # in a subtraction. h += h/(k+1) if recompute: terms = function(*params) if discard_known_zeros: terms = [term for (i, term) in enumerate(terms) if i not in discard] if not terms: return evaluated_terms = [] for term_index, term_data in enumerate(terms): w_s, c_s, alpha_s, beta_s, a_s, b_s, z = term_data if verbose: print() print(" Evaluating term %i/%i : %iF%i" % \ (term_index+1, len(terms), len(a_s), len(b_s))) print(" powers", ctx.nstr(w_s), ctx.nstr(c_s)) print(" gamma", ctx.nstr(alpha_s), ctx.nstr(beta_s)) print(" hyper", ctx.nstr(a_s), ctx.nstr(b_s)) print(" z", ctx.nstr(z)) #v = ctx.hyper(a_s, b_s, z, **kwargs) #for a in alpha_s: v *= ctx.gamma(a) #for b in beta_s: v *= ctx.rgamma(b) #for w, c in zip(w_s, c_s): v *= ctx.power(w, c) v = ctx.fprod([ctx.hyper(a_s, b_s, z, **kwargs)] + \ [ctx.gamma(a) for a in alpha_s] + \ [ctx.rgamma(b) for b in beta_s] + \ [ctx.power(w,c) for (w,c) in zip(w_s,c_s)]) if verbose: print(" Value:", v) evaluated_terms.append(v) if len(terms) == 1 and (not perturb): sumvalue = evaluated_terms[0] break if ctx._fixed_precision: sumvalue = ctx.fsum(evaluated_terms) break sumvalue = ctx.fsum(evaluated_terms) term_magnitudes = [ctx.mag(x) for x in evaluated_terms] max_magnitude = max(term_magnitudes) sum_magnitude = ctx.mag(sumvalue) cancellation = max_magnitude - sum_magnitude if verbose: print() print(" Cancellation:", cancellation, "bits") print(" Increased precision:", ctx.prec - orig, "bits") precision_ok = cancellation < ctx.prec - orig if zeroprec is None: zero_ok = False else: zero_ok = max_magnitude - ctx.prec < -zeroprec if infprec is None: inf_ok = False else: inf_ok = max_magnitude > infprec if precision_ok and (not perturb) or ctx.isnan(cancellation): break elif precision_ok: if perturbed_reference_value is None: hextra += 20 perturbed_reference_value = sumvalue continue elif ctx.mag(sumvalue - perturbed_reference_value) <= \ ctx.mag(sumvalue) - orig: break elif zero_ok: sumvalue = break elif inf_ok: sumvalue = ctx.inf break elif 'hmag' in kwargs: break else: hextra *= 2 perturbed_reference_value = sumvalue # Increase precision else: increment = min(max(cancellation, orig//2), max(extraprec,orig)) ctx.prec += increment if verbose: print(" Must start over with increased precision") continue finally: ctx.prec = orig return +sumvalue @defun def hyper(ctx, a_s, b_s, z, **kwargs): """ Hypergeometric function, general case. """ z = ctx.convert(z) p = len(a_s) q = len(b_s) a_s = [ctx._convert_param(a) for a in a_s] b_s = [ctx._convert_param(b) for b in b_s] # Reduce degree by eliminating common parameters if kwargs.get('eliminate', True): elim_nonpositive = kwargs.get('eliminate_all', False) i = 0 while i < q and a_s: b = b_s[i] if b in a_s and (elim_nonpositive or not ctx.isnpint(b[0])): a_s.remove(b) b_s.remove(b) p -= 1 q -= 1 else: i += 1 # Handle special cases if p == 0: if q == 1: return ctx._hyp0f1(b_s, z, **kwargs) elif q == 0: return ctx.exp(z) elif p == 1: if q == 1: return ctx._hyp1f1(a_s, b_s, z, **kwargs) elif q == 2: return ctx._hyp1f2(a_s, b_s, z, **kwargs) elif q == 0: return ctx._hyp1f0(a_s[0][0], z) elif p == 2: if q == 1: return ctx._hyp2f1(a_s, b_s, z, **kwargs) elif q == 2: return ctx._hyp2f2(a_s, b_s, z, **kwargs) elif q == 3: return ctx._hyp2f3(a_s, b_s, z, **kwargs) elif q == 0: return ctx._hyp2f0(a_s, b_s, z, **kwargs) elif p == q+1: return ctx._hypq1fq(p, q, a_s, b_s, z, **kwargs) elif p > q+1 and not kwargs.get('force_series'): return ctx._hyp_borel(p, q, a_s, b_s, z, **kwargs) coeffs, types = zip(*(a_s+b_s)) return ctx.hypsum(p, q, types, coeffs, z, **kwargs) @defun def hyp0f1(ctx,b,z,**kwargs): return ctx.hyper([],[b],z,**kwargs) @defun def hyp1f1(ctx,a,b,z,**kwargs): return ctx.hyper([a],[b],z,**kwargs) @defun def hyp1f2(ctx,a1,b1,b2,z,**kwargs): return ctx.hyper([a1],[b1,b2],z,**kwargs) @defun def hyp2f1(ctx,a,b,c,z,**kwargs): return ctx.hyper([a,b],[c],z,**kwargs) @defun def hyp2f2(ctx,a1,a2,b1,b2,z,**kwargs): return ctx.hyper([a1,a2],[b1,b2],z,**kwargs) @defun def hyp2f3(ctx,a1,a2,b1,b2,b3,z,**kwargs): return ctx.hyper([a1,a2],[b1,b2,b3],z,**kwargs) @defun def hyp2f0(ctx,a,b,z,**kwargs): return ctx.hyper([a,b],[],z,**kwargs) @defun def hyp3f2(ctx,a1,a2,a3,b1,b2,z,**kwargs): return ctx.hyper([a1,a2,a3],[b1,b2],z,**kwargs) @defun_wrapped def _hyp1f0(ctx, a, z): return (1-z) ** (-a) @defun def _hyp0f1(ctx, b_s, z, **kwargs): (b, btype), = b_s if z: magz = ctx.mag(z) else: magz = 0 if magz >= 8 and not kwargs.get('force_series'): try: # # Hypergeometric0F1/06/02/03/0004/ # TODO: handle the all-real case more efficiently! # TODO: figure out how much precision is needed (exponential growth) orig = ctx.prec try: ctx.prec += 12 + magz//2 def h(): w = ctx.sqrt(-z) jw = ctx.j*w u = 1/(4*jw) c = ctx.mpq_1_2 - b E = ctx.exp(2*jw) T1 = ([-jw,E], [c,-1], [], [], [b-ctx.mpq_1_2, ctx.mpq_3_2-b], [], -u) T2 = ([jw,E], [c,1], [], [], [b-ctx.mpq_1_2, ctx.mpq_3_2-b], [], u) return T1, T2 v = ctx.hypercomb(h, [], force_series=True) v = ctx.gamma(b)/(2*ctx.sqrt(ctx.pi))*v finally: ctx.prec = orig if ctx._is_real_type(b) and ctx._is_real_type(z): v = ctx._re(v) return +v except ctx.NoConvergence: pass return ctx.hypsum(0, 1, (btype,), [b], z, **kwargs) @defun def _hyp1f1(ctx, a_s, b_s, z, **kwargs): (a, atype), = a_s (b, btype), = b_s if not z: return magz = ctx.mag(z) if magz >= 7 and not (ctx.isint(a) and <= 0): if ctx.isinf(z): if ctx.sign(a) == ctx.sign(b) == ctx.sign(z) == 1: return ctx.inf return ctx.nan * z try: try: ctx.prec += magz sector = ctx._im(z) < 0 def h(a,b): if sector: E = ctx.expjpi(ctx.fneg(a, exact=True)) else: E = ctx.expjpi(a) rz = 1/z T1 = ([E,z], [1,-a], [b], [b-a], [a, 1+a-b], [], -rz) T2 = ([ctx.exp(z),z], [1,a-b], [b], [a], [b-a, 1-a], [], rz) return T1, T2 v = ctx.hypercomb(h, [a,b], force_series=True) if ctx._is_real_type(a) and ctx._is_real_type(b) and ctx._is_real_type(z): v = ctx._re(v) return +v except ctx.NoConvergence: pass finally: ctx.prec -= magz v = ctx.hypsum(1, 1, (atype, btype), [a, b], z, **kwargs) return v def _hyp2f1_gosper(ctx,a,b,c,z,**kwargs): # Use Gosper's recurrence # See _a,_b,_c,_z = a, b, c, z orig = ctx.prec maxprec = kwargs.get('maxprec', 100*orig) extra = 10 while 1: ctx.prec = orig + extra #a = ctx.convert(_a) #b = ctx.convert(_b) #c = ctx.convert(_c) z = ctx.convert(_z) d = ctx.mpf(0) e = ctx.mpf(1) f = ctx.mpf(0) k = 0 # Common subexpression elimination, unfortunately making # things a bit unreadable. The formula is quite messy to begin # with, though... abz = a*b*z ch = c * ctx.mpq_1_2 c1h = (c+1) * ctx.mpq_1_2 nz = 1-z g = z/nz abg = a*b*g cba = c-b-a z2 = z-2 tol = -ctx.prec - 10 nstr = ctx.nstr nprint = ctx.nprint mag = ctx.mag maxmag = ctx.ninf while 1: kch = k+ch kakbz = (k+a)*(k+b)*z / (4*(k+1)*kch*(k+c1h)) d1 = kakbz*(e-(k+cba)*d*g) e1 = kakbz*(d*abg+(k+c)*e) ft = d*(k*(cba*z+k*z2-c)-abz)/(2*kch*nz) f1 = f + e - ft maxmag = max(maxmag, mag(f1)) if mag(f1-f) < tol: break d, e, f = d1, e1, f1 k += 1 cancellation = maxmag - mag(f1) if cancellation < extra: break else: extra += cancellation if extra > maxprec: raise ctx.NoConvergence return f1 @defun def _hyp2f1(ctx, a_s, b_s, z, **kwargs): (a, atype), (b, btype) = a_s (c, ctype), = b_s if z == 1: # TODO: the following logic can be simplified convergent = > 0 finite = (ctx.isint(a) and a <= 0) or (ctx.isint(b) and b <= 0) zerodiv = ctx.isint(c) and c <= 0 and not \ ((ctx.isint(a) and c <= a <= 0) or (ctx.isint(b) and c <= b <= 0)) #print "bz", a, b, c, z, convergent, finite, zerodiv # Gauss's theorem gives the value if convergent if (convergent or finite) and not zerodiv: return ctx.gammaprod([c, c-a-b], [c-a, c-b], _infsign=True) # Otherwise, there is a pole and we take the # sign to be that when approaching from below # XXX: this evaluation is not necessarily correct in all cases return ctx.hyp2f1(a,b,c,1-ctx.eps*2) * ctx.inf # Equal to 1 (first term), unless there is a subsequent # division by zero if not z: # Division by zero but power of z is higher than # first order so cancels if c or a == 0 or b == 0: return 1+z # Indeterminate return ctx.nan # Hit zero denominator unless numerator goes to 0 first if ctx.isint(c) and c <= 0: if (ctx.isint(a) and c <= a <= 0) or \ (ctx.isint(b) and c <= b <= 0): pass else: # Pole in series return ctx.inf absz = abs(z) # Fast case: standard series converges rapidly, # possibly in finitely many terms if absz <= 0.8 or (ctx.isint(a) and a <= 0 and a >= -1000) or \ (ctx.isint(b) and b <= 0 and b >= -1000): return ctx.hypsum(2, 1, (atype, btype, ctype), [a, b, c], z, **kwargs) orig = ctx.prec try: ctx.prec += 10 # Use 1/z transformation if absz >= 1.3: def h(a,b): t = ctx.mpq_1-c; ab = a-b; rz = 1/z T1 = ([-z],[-a], [c,-ab],[b,c-a], [a,t+a],[ctx.mpq_1+ab], rz) T2 = ([-z],[-b], [c,ab],[a,c-b], [b,t+b],[ctx.mpq_1-ab], rz) return T1, T2 v = ctx.hypercomb(h, [a,b], **kwargs) # Use 1-z transformation elif abs(1-z) <= 0.75: def h(a,b): t = c-a-b; ca = c-a; cb = c-b; rz = 1-z T1 = [], [], [c,t], [ca,cb], [a,b], [1-t], rz T2 = [rz], [t], [c,a+b-c], [a,b], [ca,cb], [1+t], rz return T1, T2 v = ctx.hypercomb(h, [a,b], **kwargs) # Use z/(z-1) transformation elif abs(z/(z-1)) <= 0.75: v = ctx.hyp2f1(a, c-b, c, z/(z-1)) / (1-z)**a # Remaining part of unit circle else: v = _hyp2f1_gosper(ctx,a,b,c,z,**kwargs) finally: ctx.prec = orig return +v @defun def _hypq1fq(ctx, p, q, a_s, b_s, z, **kwargs): r""" Evaluates 3F2, 4F3, 5F4, ... """ a_s, a_types = zip(*a_s) b_s, b_types = zip(*b_s) a_s = list(a_s) b_s = list(b_s) absz = abs(z) ispoly = False for a in a_s: if ctx.isint(a) and a <= 0: ispoly = True break # Direct summation if absz < 1 or ispoly: try: return ctx.hypsum(p, q, a_types+b_types, a_s+b_s, z, **kwargs) except ctx.NoConvergence: if absz > 1.1 or ispoly: raise # Use expansion at |z-1| -> 0. # Reference: Wolfgang Buhring, "Generalized Hypergeometric Functions at # Unit Argument", Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 114, No. 1 (Jan. 1992), # pp.145-153 # The current implementation has several problems: # 1. We only implement it for 3F2. The expansion coefficients are # given by extremely messy nested sums in the higher degree cases # (see reference). Is efficient sequential generation of the coefficients # possible in the > 3F2 case? # 2. Although the series converges, it may do so slowly, so we need # convergence acceleration. The acceleration implemented by # nsum does not always help, so results returned are sometimes # inaccurate! Can we do better? # 3. We should check conditions for convergence, and possibly # do a better job of cancelling out gamma poles if possible. if z == 1: # XXX: should also check for division by zero in the # denominator of the series (cf. hyp2f1) S = if S <= 0: #return ctx.hyper(a_s, b_s, 1-ctx.eps*2, **kwargs) * ctx.inf return ctx.hyper(a_s, b_s, 0.9, **kwargs) * ctx.inf if (p,q) == (3,2) and abs(z-1) < 0.05: # and kwargs.get('sum1') #print "Using alternate summation (experimental)" a1,a2,a3 = a_s b1,b2 = b_s u = b1+b2-a3 initial = ctx.gammaprod([b2-a3,b1-a3,a1,a2],[b2-a3,b1-a3,1,u]) def term(k, _cache={0:initial}): u = b1+b2-a3+k if k in _cache: t = _cache[k] else: t = _cache[k-1] t *= (b1+k-a3-1)*(b2+k-a3-1) t /= k*(u-1) _cache[k] = t return t * ctx.hyp2f1(a1,a2,u,z) try: S = ctx.nsum(term, [0,ctx.inf], verbose=kwargs.get('verbose'), strict=kwargs.get('strict', True)) return S * ctx.gammaprod([b1,b2],[a1,a2,a3]) except ctx.NoConvergence: pass # Try to use convergence acceleration on and close to the unit circle. # Problem: the convergence acceleration degenerates as |z-1| -> 0, # except for special cases. Everywhere else, the Shanks transformation # is very efficient. if absz < 1.1 and ctx._re(z) <= 1: def term(kk, _cache={}): k = int(kk) if k != kk: t = z ** ctx.mpf(kk) / ctx.fac(kk) for a in a_s: t *= ctx.rf(a,kk) for b in b_s: t /= ctx.rf(b,kk) return t if k in _cache: return _cache[k] t = term(k-1) m = k-1 for j in xrange(p): t *= (a_s[j]+m) for j in xrange(q): t /= (b_s[j]+m) t *= z t /= k _cache[k] = t return t sum_method = kwargs.get('sum_method', 'r+s+e') try: return ctx.nsum(term, [0,ctx.inf], verbose=kwargs.get('verbose'), strict=kwargs.get('strict', True), method=sum_method.replace('e','')) except ctx.NoConvergence: if 'e' not in sum_method: raise pass if kwargs.get('verbose'): print("Attempting Euler-Maclaurin summation") """ Somewhat slower version (one diffs_exp for each factor). However, this would be faster with fast direct derivatives of the gamma function. def power_diffs(k0): r = 0 l = ctx.log(z) while 1: yield z**ctx.mpf(k0) * l**r r += 1 def loggamma_diffs(x, reciprocal=False): sign = (-1) ** reciprocal yield sign * ctx.loggamma(x) i = 0 while 1: yield sign * ctx.psi(i,x) i += 1 def hyper_diffs(k0): b2 = b_s + [1] A = [ctx.diffs_exp(loggamma_diffs(a+k0)) for a in a_s] B = [ctx.diffs_exp(loggamma_diffs(b+k0,True)) for b in b2] Z = [power_diffs(k0)] C = ctx.gammaprod([b for b in b2], [a for a in a_s]) for d in ctx.diffs_prod(A + B + Z): v = C * d yield v """ def log_diffs(k0): b2 = b_s + [1] yield sum(ctx.loggamma(a+k0) for a in a_s) - \ sum(ctx.loggamma(b+k0) for b in b2) + k0*ctx.log(z) i = 0 while 1: v = sum(ctx.psi(i,a+k0) for a in a_s) - \ sum(ctx.psi(i,b+k0) for b in b2) if i == 0: v += ctx.log(z) yield v i += 1 def hyper_diffs(k0): C = ctx.gammaprod([b for b in b_s], [a for a in a_s]) for d in ctx.diffs_exp(log_diffs(k0)): v = C * d yield v tol = ctx.eps / 1024 prec = ctx.prec try: trunc = 50 * ctx.dps ctx.prec += 20 for i in xrange(5): head = ctx.fsum(term(k) for k in xrange(trunc)) tail, err = ctx.sumem(term, [trunc, ctx.inf], tol=tol, adiffs=hyper_diffs(trunc), verbose=kwargs.get('verbose'), error=True, _fast_abort=True) if err < tol: v = head + tail break trunc *= 2 # Need to increase precision because calculation of # derivatives may be inaccurate ctx.prec += ctx.prec//2 if i == 4: raise ctx.NoConvergence(\ "Euler-Maclaurin summation did not converge") finally: ctx.prec = prec return +v # Use 1/z transformation # # HypergeometricPFQ/06/01/05/02/0004/ def h(*args): a_s = list(args[:p]) b_s = list(args[p:]) Ts = [] recz = negz = ctx.fneg(z, exact=True) for k in range(q+1): ak = a_s[k] C = [negz] Cp = [-ak] Gn = b_s + [ak] + [a_s[j]-ak for j in range(q+1) if j != k] Gd = a_s + [b_s[j]-ak for j in range(q)] Fn = [ak] + [ak-b_s[j]+1 for j in range(q)] Fd = [1-a_s[j]+ak for j in range(q+1) if j != k] Ts.append((C, Cp, Gn, Gd, Fn, Fd, recz)) return Ts return ctx.hypercomb(h, a_s+b_s, **kwargs) @defun def _hyp_borel(ctx, p, q, a_s, b_s, z, **kwargs): if a_s: a_s, a_types = zip(*a_s) a_s = list(a_s) else: a_s, a_types = [], () if b_s: b_s, b_types = zip(*b_s) b_s = list(b_s) else: b_s, b_types = [], () kwargs['maxterms'] = kwargs.get('maxterms', ctx.prec) try: return ctx.hypsum(p, q, a_types+b_types, a_s+b_s, z, **kwargs) except ctx.NoConvergence: pass prec = ctx.prec try: tol = kwargs.get('asymp_tol', ctx.eps/4) ctx.prec += 10 # hypsum is has a conservative tolerance. So we try again: def term(k, cache={}): if k in cache: return cache[k] t = term(k-1) for a in a_s: t *= (a+(k-1)) for b in b_s: t /= (b+(k-1)) t *= z t /= k cache[k] = t return t s = for k in xrange(1, ctx.prec): t = term(k) s += t if abs(t) <= tol: return s finally: ctx.prec = prec if p <= q+3: contour = kwargs.get('contour') if not contour: if ctx.arg(z) < 0.25: u = z / max(1, abs(z)) if ctx.arg(z) >= 0: contour = [0, 2j, (2j+2)/u, 2/u, ctx.inf] else: contour = [0, -2j, (-2j+2)/u, 2/u, ctx.inf] #contour = [0, 2j/z, 2/z, ctx.inf] #contour = [0, 2j, 2/z, ctx.inf] #contour = [0, 2j, ctx.inf] else: contour = [0, ctx.inf] quad_kwargs = kwargs.get('quad_kwargs', {}) def g(t): return ctx.exp(-t)*ctx.hyper(a_s, b_s+[1], t*z) I, err = ctx.quad(g, contour, error=True, **quad_kwargs) if err <= abs(I)*ctx.eps*8: return I raise ctx.NoConvergence @defun def _hyp2f2(ctx, a_s, b_s, z, **kwargs): (a1, a1type), (a2, a2type) = a_s (b1, b1type), (b2, b2type) = b_s absz = abs(z) magz = ctx.mag(z) orig = ctx.prec # Asymptotic expansion is ~ exp(z) asymp_extraprec = magz # Asymptotic series is in terms of 3F1 can_use_asymptotic = (not kwargs.get('force_series')) and \ (ctx.mag(absz) > 3) # TODO: much of the following could be shared with 2F3 instead of # copypasted if can_use_asymptotic: #print "using asymp" try: try: ctx.prec += asymp_extraprec # # Hypergeometric2F2/06/02/02/0002/ def h(a1,a2,b1,b2): X = a1+a2-b1-b2 A2 = a1+a2 B2 = b1+b2 c = {} c[0] = c[1] = (A2-1)*X+b1*b2-a1*a2 s1 = 0 k = 0 tprev = 0 while 1: if k not in c: uu1 = 1-B2+2*a1+a1**2+2*a2+a2**2-A2*B2+a1*a2+b1*b2+(2*B2-3*(A2+1))*k+2*k**2 uu2 = (k-A2+b1-1)*(k-A2+b2-1)*(k-X-2) c[k] = * (uu1*c[k-1]-uu2*c[k-2]) t1 = c[k] * z**(-k) if abs(t1) < 0.1*ctx.eps: #print "Convergence :)" break # Quit if the series doesn't converge quickly enough if k > 5 and abs(tprev) / abs(t1) < 1.5: #print "No convergence :(" raise ctx.NoConvergence s1 += t1 tprev = t1 k += 1 S = ctx.exp(z)*s1 T1 = [z,S], [X,1], [b1,b2],[a1,a2],[],[],0 T2 = [-z],[-a1],[b1,b2,a2-a1],[a2,b1-a1,b2-a1],[a1,a1-b1+1,a1-b2+1],[a1-a2+1],-1/z T3 = [-z],[-a2],[b1,b2,a1-a2],[a1,b1-a2,b2-a2],[a2,a2-b1+1,a2-b2+1],[-a1+a2+1],-1/z return T1, T2, T3 v = ctx.hypercomb(h, [a1,a2,b1,b2], force_series=True, maxterms=4*ctx.prec) if sum(ctx._is_real_type(u) for u in [a1,a2,b1,b2,z]) == 5: v = return v except ctx.NoConvergence: pass finally: ctx.prec = orig return ctx.hypsum(2, 2, (a1type, a2type, b1type, b2type), [a1, a2, b1, b2], z, **kwargs) @defun def _hyp1f2(ctx, a_s, b_s, z, **kwargs): (a1, a1type), = a_s (b1, b1type), (b2, b2type) = b_s absz = abs(z) magz = ctx.mag(z) orig = ctx.prec # Asymptotic expansion is ~ exp(sqrt(z)) asymp_extraprec = z and magz//2 # Asymptotic series is in terms of 3F0 can_use_asymptotic = (not kwargs.get('force_series')) and \ (ctx.mag(absz) > 19) and \ (ctx.sqrt(absz) > 1.5*orig) # and \ # ctx._hyp_check_convergence([a1, a1-b1+1, a1-b2+1], [], # 1/absz, orig+40+asymp_extraprec) # TODO: much of the following could be shared with 2F3 instead of # copypasted if can_use_asymptotic: #print "using asymp" try: try: ctx.prec += asymp_extraprec # # Hypergeometric1F2/06/02/03/ def h(a1,b1,b2): X = ctx.mpq_1_2*(a1-b1-b2+ctx.mpq_1_2) c = {} c[0] = c[1] = 2*(ctx.mpq_1_4*(3*a1+b1+b2-2)*(a1-b1-b2)+b1*b2-ctx.mpq_3_16) c[2] = 2*(b1*b2+ctx.mpq_1_4*(a1-b1-b2)*(3*a1+b1+b2-2)-ctx.mpq_3_16)**2+\ ctx.mpq_1_16*(-16*(2*a1-3)*b1*b2 + \ 4*(a1-b1-b2)*(-8*a1**2+11*a1+b1+b2-2)-3) s1 = 0 s2 = 0 k = 0 tprev = 0 while 1: if k not in c: uu1 = (3*k**2+(-6*a1+2*b1+2*b2-4)*k + 3*a1**2 - \ (b1-b2)**2 - 2*a1*(b1+b2-2) + ctx.mpq_1_4) uu2 = (k-a1+b1-b2-ctx.mpq_1_2)*(k-a1-b1+b2-ctx.mpq_1_2)*\ (k-a1+b1+b2-ctx.mpq_5_2) c[k] =*k)*(uu1*c[k-1]-uu2*c[k-2]) w = c[k] * (-z)**(-0.5*k) t1 = (-ctx.j)**k * ctx.mpf(2)**(-k) * w t2 = ctx.j**k * ctx.mpf(2)**(-k) * w if abs(t1) < 0.1*ctx.eps: #print "Convergence :)" break # Quit if the series doesn't converge quickly enough if k > 5 and abs(tprev) / abs(t1) < 1.5: #print "No convergence :(" raise ctx.NoConvergence s1 += t1 s2 += t2 tprev = t1 k += 1 S = ctx.expj(ctx.pi*X+2*ctx.sqrt(-z))*s1 + \ ctx.expj(-(ctx.pi*X+2*ctx.sqrt(-z)))*s2 T1 = [0.5*S, ctx.pi, -z], [1, -0.5, X], [b1, b2], [a1],\ [], [], 0 T2 = [-z], [-a1], [b1,b2],[b1-a1,b2-a1], \ [a1,a1-b1+1,a1-b2+1], [], 1/z return T1, T2 v = ctx.hypercomb(h, [a1,b1,b2], force_series=True, maxterms=4*ctx.prec) if sum(ctx._is_real_type(u) for u in [a1,b1,b2,z]) == 4: v = return v except ctx.NoConvergence: pass finally: ctx.prec = orig #print "not using asymp" return ctx.hypsum(1, 2, (a1type, b1type, b2type), [a1, b1, b2], z, **kwargs) @defun def _hyp2f3(ctx, a_s, b_s, z, **kwargs): (a1, a1type), (a2, a2type) = a_s (b1, b1type), (b2, b2type), (b3, b3type) = b_s absz = abs(z) magz = ctx.mag(z) # Asymptotic expansion is ~ exp(sqrt(z)) asymp_extraprec = z and magz//2 orig = ctx.prec # Asymptotic series is in terms of 4F1 # The square root below empirically provides a plausible criterion # for the leading series to converge can_use_asymptotic = (not kwargs.get('force_series')) and \ (ctx.mag(absz) > 19) and (ctx.sqrt(absz) > 1.5*orig) if can_use_asymptotic: #print "using asymp" try: try: ctx.prec += asymp_extraprec # # Hypergeometric2F3/06/02/03/01/0002/ def h(a1,a2,b1,b2,b3): X = ctx.mpq_1_2*(a1+a2-b1-b2-b3+ctx.mpq_1_2) A2 = a1+a2 B3 = b1+b2+b3 A = a1*a2 B = b1*b2+b3*b2+b1*b3 R = b1*b2*b3 c = {} c[0] = c[1] = 2*(B - A + ctx.mpq_1_4*(3*A2+B3-2)*(A2-B3) - ctx.mpq_3_16) c[2] = ctx.mpq_1_2*c[1]**2 + ctx.mpq_1_16*(-16*(2*A2-3)*(B-A) + 32*R +\ 4*(-8*A2**2 + 11*A2 + 8*A + B3 - 2)*(A2-B3)-3) s1 = 0 s2 = 0 k = 0 tprev = 0 while 1: if k not in c: uu1 = (k-2*X-3)*(k-2*X-2*b1-1)*(k-2*X-2*b2-1)*\ (k-2*X-2*b3-1) uu2 = (4*(k-1)**3 - 6*(4*X+B3)*(k-1)**2 + \ 2*(24*X**2+12*B3*X+4*B+B3-1)*(k-1) - 32*X**3 - \ 24*B3*X**2 - 4*B - 8*R - 4*(4*B+B3-1)*X + 2*B3-1) uu3 = (5*(k-1)**2+2*(-10*X+A2-3*B3+3)*(k-1)+2*c[1]) c[k] =*k)*(uu1*c[k-3]-uu2*c[k-2]+uu3*c[k-1]) w = c[k] * ctx.power(-z, -0.5*k) t1 = (-ctx.j)**k * ctx.mpf(2)**(-k) * w t2 = ctx.j**k * ctx.mpf(2)**(-k) * w if abs(t1) < 0.1*ctx.eps: break # Quit if the series doesn't converge quickly enough if k > 5 and abs(tprev) / abs(t1) < 1.5: raise ctx.NoConvergence s1 += t1 s2 += t2 tprev = t1 k += 1 S = ctx.expj(ctx.pi*X+2*ctx.sqrt(-z))*s1 + \ ctx.expj(-(ctx.pi*X+2*ctx.sqrt(-z)))*s2 T1 = [0.5*S, ctx.pi, -z], [1, -0.5, X], [b1, b2, b3], [a1, a2],\ [], [], 0 T2 = [-z], [-a1], [b1,b2,b3,a2-a1],[a2,b1-a1,b2-a1,b3-a1], \ [a1,a1-b1+1,a1-b2+1,a1-b3+1], [a1-a2+1], 1/z T3 = [-z], [-a2], [b1,b2,b3,a1-a2],[a1,b1-a2,b2-a2,b3-a2], \ [a2,a2-b1+1,a2-b2+1,a2-b3+1],[-a1+a2+1], 1/z return T1, T2, T3 v = ctx.hypercomb(h, [a1,a2,b1,b2,b3], force_series=True, maxterms=4*ctx.prec) if sum(ctx._is_real_type(u) for u in [a1,a2,b1,b2,b3,z]) == 6: v = return v except ctx.NoConvergence: pass finally: ctx.prec = orig return ctx.hypsum(2, 3, (a1type, a2type, b1type, b2type, b3type), [a1, a2, b1, b2, b3], z, **kwargs) @defun def _hyp2f0(ctx, a_s, b_s, z, **kwargs): (a, atype), (b, btype) = a_s # We want to try aggressively to use the asymptotic expansion, # and fall back only when absolutely necessary try: kwargsb = kwargs.copy() kwargsb['maxterms'] = kwargsb.get('maxterms', ctx.prec) return ctx.hypsum(2, 0, (atype,btype), [a,b], z, **kwargsb) except ctx.NoConvergence: if kwargs.get('force_series'): raise pass def h(a, b): w = ctx.sinpi(b) rz = -1/z T1 = ([ctx.pi,w,rz],[1,-1,a],[],[a-b+1,b],[a],[b],rz) T2 = ([-ctx.pi,w,rz],[1,-1,1+a-b],[],[a,2-b],[a-b+1],[2-b],rz) return T1, T2 return ctx.hypercomb(h, [a, 1+a-b], **kwargs) @defun def meijerg(ctx, a_s, b_s, z, r=1, series=None, **kwargs): an, ap = a_s bm, bq = b_s n = len(an) p = n + len(ap) m = len(bm) q = m + len(bq) a = an+ap b = bm+bq a = [ctx.convert(_) for _ in a] b = [ctx.convert(_) for _ in b] z = ctx.convert(z) if series is None: if p < q: series = 1 if p > q: series = 2 if p == q: if m+n == p and abs(z) > 1: series = 2 else: series = 1 if kwargs.get('verbose'): print("Meijer G m,n,p,q,series =", m,n,p,q,series) if series == 1: def h(*args): a = args[:p] b = args[p:] terms = [] for k in range(m): bases = [z] expts = [b[k]/r] gn = [b[j]-b[k] for j in range(m) if j != k] gn += [1-a[j]+b[k] for j in range(n)] gd = [a[j]-b[k] for j in range(n,p)] gd += [1-b[j]+b[k] for j in range(m,q)] hn = [1-a[j]+b[k] for j in range(p)] hd = [1-b[j]+b[k] for j in range(q) if j != k] hz = (**(p-m-n) * z**( terms.append((bases, expts, gn, gd, hn, hd, hz)) return terms else: def h(*args): a = args[:p] b = args[p:] terms = [] for k in range(n): bases = [z] if r == 1: expts = [a[k]-1] else: expts = [(a[k]-1)/ctx.convert(r)] gn = [a[k]-a[j] for j in range(n) if j != k] gn += [1-a[k]+b[j] for j in range(m)] gd = [a[k]-b[j] for j in range(m,q)] gd += [1-a[k]+a[j] for j in range(n,p)] hn = [1-a[k]+b[j] for j in range(q)] hd = [1+a[j]-a[k] for j in range(p) if j != k] hz = (**(q-m-n) / z**( terms.append((bases, expts, gn, gd, hn, hd, hz)) return terms return ctx.hypercomb(h, a+b, **kwargs) @defun_wrapped def appellf1(ctx,a,b1,b2,c,x,y,**kwargs): # Assume x smaller # We will use x for the outer loop if abs(x) > abs(y): x, y = y, x b1, b2 = b2, b1 def ok(x): return abs(x) < 0.99 # Finite cases if ctx.isnpint(a): pass elif ctx.isnpint(b1): pass elif ctx.isnpint(b2): x, y, b1, b2 = y, x, b2, b1 else: #print x, y # Note: ok if |y| > 1, because # 2F1 implements analytic continuation if not ok(x): u1 = (x-y)/(x-1) if not ok(u1): raise ValueError("Analytic continuation not implemented") #print "Using analytic continuation" return (1-x)**(-b1)*(1-y)**(c-a-b2)*\ ctx.appellf1(c-a,b1,c-b1-b2,c,u1,y,**kwargs) return ctx.hyper2d({'m+n':[a],'m':[b1],'n':[b2]}, {'m+n':[c]}, x,y, **kwargs) @defun def appellf2(ctx,a,b1,b2,c1,c2,x,y,**kwargs): # TODO: continuation return ctx.hyper2d({'m+n':[a],'m':[b1],'n':[b2]}, {'m':[c1],'n':[c2]}, x,y, **kwargs) @defun def appellf3(ctx,a1,a2,b1,b2,c,x,y,**kwargs): outer_polynomial = ctx.isnpint(a1) or ctx.isnpint(b1) inner_polynomial = ctx.isnpint(a2) or ctx.isnpint(b2) if not outer_polynomial: if inner_polynomial or abs(x) > abs(y): x, y = y, x a1,a2,b1,b2 = a2,a1,b2,b1 return ctx.hyper2d({'m':[a1,b1],'n':[a2,b2]}, {'m+n':[c]},x,y,**kwargs) @defun def appellf4(ctx,a,b,c1,c2,x,y,**kwargs): # TODO: continuation return ctx.hyper2d({'m+n':[a,b]}, {'m':[c1],'n':[c2]},x,y,**kwargs) @defun def hyper2d(ctx, a, b, x, y, **kwargs): r""" Sums the generalized 2D hypergeometric series .. math :: \sum_{m=0}^{\infty} \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \frac{P((a),m,n)}{Q((b),m,n)} \frac{x^m y^n} {m! n!} where `(a) = (a_1,\ldots,a_r)`, `(b) = (b_1,\ldots,b_s)` and where `P` and `Q` are products of rising factorials such as `(a_j)_n` or `(a_j)_{m+n}`. `P` and `Q` are specified in the form of dicts, with the `m` and `n` dependence as keys and parameter lists as values. The supported rising factorials are given in the following table (note that only a few are supported in `Q`): +------------+-------------------+--------+ | Key | Rising factorial | `Q` | +============+===================+========+ | ``'m'`` | `(a_j)_m` | Yes | +------------+-------------------+--------+ | ``'n'`` | `(a_j)_n` | Yes | +------------+-------------------+--------+ | ``'m+n'`` | `(a_j)_{m+n}` | Yes | +------------+-------------------+--------+ | ``'m-n'`` | `(a_j)_{m-n}` | No | +------------+-------------------+--------+ | ``'n-m'`` | `(a_j)_{n-m}` | No | +------------+-------------------+--------+ | ``'2m+n'`` | `(a_j)_{2m+n}` | No | +------------+-------------------+--------+ | ``'2m-n'`` | `(a_j)_{2m-n}` | No | +------------+-------------------+--------+ | ``'2n-m'`` | `(a_j)_{2n-m}` | No | +------------+-------------------+--------+ For example, the Appell F1 and F4 functions .. math :: F_1 = \sum_{m=0}^{\infty} \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \frac{(a)_{m+n} (b)_m (c)_n}{(d)_{m+n}} \frac{x^m y^n}{m! n!} F_4 = \sum_{m=0}^{\infty} \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \frac{(a)_{m+n} (b)_{m+n}}{(c)_m (d)_{n}} \frac{x^m y^n}{m! n!} can be represented respectively as ``hyper2d({'m+n':[a], 'm':[b], 'n':[c]}, {'m+n':[d]}, x, y)`` ``hyper2d({'m+n':[a,b]}, {'m':[c], 'n':[d]}, x, y)`` More generally, :func:`~mpmath.hyper2d` can evaluate any of the 34 distinct convergent second-order (generalized Gaussian) hypergeometric series enumerated by Horn, as well as the Kampe de Feriet function. The series is computed by rewriting it so that the inner series (i.e. the series containing `n` and `y`) has the form of an ordinary generalized hypergeometric series and thereby can be evaluated efficiently using :func:`~mpmath.hyper`. If possible, manually swapping `x` and `y` and the corresponding parameters can sometimes give better results. **Examples** Two separable cases: a product of two geometric series, and a product of two Gaussian hypergeometric functions:: >>> from mpmath import * >>> mp.dps = 25; mp.pretty = True >>> x, y = mpf(0.25), mpf(0.5) >>> hyper2d({'m':1,'n':1}, {}, x,y) 2.666666666666666666666667 >>> 1/(1-x)/(1-y) 2.666666666666666666666667 >>> hyper2d({'m':[1,2],'n':[3,4]}, {'m':[5],'n':[6]}, x,y) 4.164358531238938319669856 >>> hyp2f1(1,2,5,x)*hyp2f1(3,4,6,y) 4.164358531238938319669856 Some more series that can be done in closed form:: >>> hyper2d({'m':1,'n':1},{'m+n':1},x,y) 2.013417124712514809623881 >>> (exp(x)*x-exp(y)*y)/(x-y) 2.013417124712514809623881 Six of the 34 Horn functions, G1-G3 and H1-H3:: >>> from mpmath import * >>> mp.dps = 10; mp.pretty = True >>> x, y = 0.0625, 0.125 >>> a1,a2,b1,b2,c1,c2,d = 1.1,-1.2,-1.3,-1.4,1.5,-1.6,1.7 >>> hyper2d({'m+n':a1,'n-m':b1,'m-n':b2},{},x,y) # G1 1.139090746 >>> nsum(lambda m,n: rf(a1,m+n)*rf(b1,n-m)*rf(b2,m-n)*\ ... x**m*y**n/fac(m)/fac(n), [0,inf], [0,inf]) 1.139090746 >>> hyper2d({'m':a1,'n':a2,'n-m':b1,'m-n':b2},{},x,y) # G2 0.9503682696 >>> nsum(lambda m,n: rf(a1,m)*rf(a2,n)*rf(b1,n-m)*rf(b2,m-n)*\ ... x**m*y**n/fac(m)/fac(n), [0,inf], [0,inf]) 0.9503682696 >>> hyper2d({'2n-m':a1,'2m-n':a2},{},x,y) # G3 1.029372029 >>> nsum(lambda m,n: rf(a1,2*n-m)*rf(a2,2*m-n)*\ ... x**m*y**n/fac(m)/fac(n), [0,inf], [0,inf]) 1.029372029 >>> hyper2d({'m-n':a1,'m+n':b1,'n':c1},{'m':d},x,y) # H1 -1.605331256 >>> nsum(lambda m,n: rf(a1,m-n)*rf(b1,m+n)*rf(c1,n)/rf(d,m)*\ ... x**m*y**n/fac(m)/fac(n), [0,inf], [0,inf]) -1.605331256 >>> hyper2d({'m-n':a1,'m':b1,'n':[c1,c2]},{'m':d},x,y) # H2 -2.35405404 >>> nsum(lambda m,n: rf(a1,m-n)*rf(b1,m)*rf(c1,n)*rf(c2,n)/rf(d,m)*\ ... x**m*y**n/fac(m)/fac(n), [0,inf], [0,inf]) -2.35405404 >>> hyper2d({'2m+n':a1,'n':b1},{'m+n':c1},x,y) # H3 0.974479074 >>> nsum(lambda m,n: rf(a1,2*m+n)*rf(b1,n)/rf(c1,m+n)*\ ... x**m*y**n/fac(m)/fac(n), [0,inf], [0,inf]) 0.974479074 **References** 1. [SrivastavaKarlsson]_ 2. [Weisstein]_ 3. [Weisstein]_ """ x = ctx.convert(x) y = ctx.convert(y) def parse(dct, key): args = dct.pop(key, []) try: args = list(args) except TypeError: args = [args] return [ctx.convert(arg) for arg in args] a_s = dict(a) b_s = dict(b) a_m = parse(a, 'm') a_n = parse(a, 'n') a_m_add_n = parse(a, 'm+n') a_m_sub_n = parse(a, 'm-n') a_n_sub_m = parse(a, 'n-m') a_2m_add_n = parse(a, '2m+n') a_2m_sub_n = parse(a, '2m-n') a_2n_sub_m = parse(a, '2n-m') b_m = parse(b, 'm') b_n = parse(b, 'n') b_m_add_n = parse(b, 'm+n') if a: raise ValueError("unsupported key: %r" % a.keys()[0]) if b: raise ValueError("unsupported key: %r" % b.keys()[0]) s = 0 outer = m = ctx.mpf(0) ok_count = 0 prec = ctx.prec maxterms = kwargs.get('maxterms', 20*prec) try: ctx.prec += 10 tol = +ctx.eps while 1: inner_sign = 1 outer_sign = 1 inner_a = list(a_n) inner_b = list(b_n) outer_a = [a+m for a in a_m] outer_b = [b+m for b in b_m] # (a)_{m+n} = (a)_m (a+m)_n for a in a_m_add_n: a = a+m inner_a.append(a) outer_a.append(a) # (b)_{m+n} = (b)_m (b+m)_n for b in b_m_add_n: b = b+m inner_b.append(b) outer_b.append(b) # (a)_{n-m} = (a-m)_n / (a-m)_m for a in a_n_sub_m: inner_a.append(a-m) outer_b.append(a-m-1) # (a)_{m-n} = (-1)^(m+n) (1-a-m)_m / (1-a-m)_n for a in a_m_sub_n: inner_sign *= (-1) outer_sign *= (-1)**(m) inner_b.append(1-a-m) outer_a.append(-a-m) # (a)_{2m+n} = (a)_{2m} (a+2m)_n for a in a_2m_add_n: inner_a.append(a+2*m) outer_a.append((a+2*m)*(1+a+2*m)) # (a)_{2m-n} = (-1)^(2m+n) (1-a-2m)_{2m} / (1-a-2m)_n for a in a_2m_sub_n: inner_sign *= (-1) inner_b.append(1-a-2*m) outer_a.append((a+2*m)*(1+a+2*m)) # (a)_{2n-m} = 4^n ((a-m)/2)_n ((a-m+1)/2)_n / (a-m)_m for a in a_2n_sub_m: inner_sign *= 4 inner_a.append(0.5*(a-m)) inner_a.append(0.5*(a-m+1)) outer_b.append(a-m-1) inner = ctx.hyper(inner_a, inner_b, inner_sign*y, zeroprec=ctx.prec, **kwargs) term = outer * inner * outer_sign if abs(term) < tol: ok_count += 1 else: ok_count = 0 if ok_count >= 3 or not outer: break s += term for a in outer_a: outer *= a for b in outer_b: outer /= b m += 1 outer = outer * x / m if m > maxterms: raise ctx.NoConvergence("maxterms exceeded in hyper2d") finally: ctx.prec = prec return +s """ @defun def kampe_de_feriet(ctx,a,b,c,d,e,f,x,y,**kwargs): return ctx.hyper2d({'m+n':a,'m':b,'n':c}, {'m+n':d,'m':e,'n':f}, x,y, **kwargs) """ @defun def bihyper(ctx, a_s, b_s, z, **kwargs): r""" Evaluates the bilateral hypergeometric series .. math :: \,_AH_B(a_1, \ldots, a_k; b_1, \ldots, b_B; z) = \sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{(a_1)_n \ldots (a_A)_n} {(b_1)_n \ldots (b_B)_n} \, z^n where, for direct convergence, `A = B` and `|z| = 1`, although a regularized sum exists more generally by considering the bilateral series as a sum of two ordinary hypergeometric functions. In order for the series to make sense, none of the parameters may be integers. **Examples** The value of `\,_2H_2` at `z = 1` is given by Dougall's formula:: >>> from mpmath import * >>> mp.dps = 25; mp.pretty = True >>> a,b,c,d = 0.5, 1.5, 2.25, 3.25 >>> bihyper([a,b],[c,d],1) -14.49118026212345786148847 >>> gammaprod([c,d,1-a,1-b,c+d-a-b-1],[c-a,d-a,c-b,d-b]) -14.49118026212345786148847 The regularized function `\,_1H_0` can be expressed as the sum of one `\,_2F_0` function and one `\,_1F_1` function:: >>> a = mpf(0.25) >>> z = mpf(0.75) >>> bihyper([a], [], z) (0.2454393389657273841385582 + 0.2454393389657273841385582j) >>> hyper([a,1],[],z) + (hyper([1],[1-a],-1/z)-1) (0.2454393389657273841385582 + 0.2454393389657273841385582j) >>> hyper([a,1],[],z) + hyper([1],[2-a],-1/z)/z/(a-1) (0.2454393389657273841385582 + 0.2454393389657273841385582j) **References** 1. [Slater]_ (chapter 6: "Bilateral Series", pp. 180-189) 2. [Wikipedia]_ """ z = ctx.convert(z) c_s = a_s + b_s p = len(a_s) q = len(b_s) if (p, q) == (0,0) or (p, q) == (1,1): return * z neg = (p-q) % 2 def h(*c_s): a_s = list(c_s[:p]) b_s = list(c_s[p:]) aa_s = [2-b for b in b_s] bb_s = [2-a for a in a_s] rp = [(-1)**neg * z] + [1-b for b in b_s] + [1-a for a in a_s] rc = [-1] + [1]*len(b_s) + [-1]*len(a_s) T1 = [], [], [], [], a_s + [1], b_s, z T2 = rp, rc, [], [], aa_s + [1], bb_s, (-1)**neg / z return T1, T2 return ctx.hypercomb(h, c_s, **kwargs)