import io
from process_media import MediaProcessor
import streamlit as st
from summarizer import BARTSummarizer
from Utils import fetch_article_text, get_text_from_youtube_url
from pytube import YouTube
def generate_summary(overall_summary, auto_chapters_summarize, text_to_summarize, show_text = False):
if overall_summary:
with st.spinner("Generating overall summary..."):
summarizer = BARTSummarizer()
summary = summarizer.chunk_summarize(text_to_summarize)
elif auto_chapters_summarize:
with st.spinner("Generating auto chapters summary..."):
summarizer = BARTSummarizer()
summary = summarizer.auto_chapters_summarize(text_to_summarize)
if show_text:
st.markdown("#### Text before summarization:")
' + text_to_summarize + '
', unsafe_allow_html=True)
st.markdown("#### Summary:")
def show_buttons(type, data = None):
text_to_summarize = None
overall_summary = st.button("Overall summary")
auto_chapters_summary = st.button("Auto Chapters summary...")
if type == "raw_text" or type == "url" and data:
if overall_summary or auto_chapters_summary:
if type == "raw_text":
text_to_summarize = data
generate_summary(overall_summary, auto_chapters_summary, text_to_summarize)
elif type == "url":
text_to_summarize = fetch_article_text(data)
generate_summary(overall_summary, auto_chapters_summary, text_to_summarize, show_text = True)
elif type == "audio_file" and data:
if overall_summary or auto_chapters_summary:
with st.spinner("Fetching text from audio..."):
text_to_summarize = process_audio_file(data)
generate_summary(overall_summary, auto_chapters_summary, text_to_summarize, show_text = True)
elif type == "video_file" and data:
if overall_summary or auto_chapters_summary:
with st.spinner("Fetching text from video..."):
text_to_summarize = process_video_file(data)
generate_summary(overall_summary, auto_chapters_summary, text_to_summarize, show_text = True)
elif type == "youtube_url" and data:
if overall_summary or auto_chapters_summary:
with st.spinner("Fetching text from video..."):
text_to_summarize = get_text_from_youtube_url(data)
with st.spinner("Captions not available. Downloading video..."):
text_to_summarize = get_yt_video(data)
st.error("Unable to fetch text from video. Please try a different video.")
text_to_summarize = None
if text_to_summarize:
generate_summary(overall_summary, auto_chapters_summarize, text_to_summarize, show_text = True)
elif type == 'document':
# TODO: Add document summary
def process_video_file(video_file):
media_processor = MediaProcessor()
text = media_processor.process_video(
return text
def process_audio_file(audio_file):
media_processor = MediaProcessor()
if audio_file.type == "audio/mpeg":
wav_bytes = media_processor.get_wav_from_audio(
wav_bytes =
text = media_processor.process_audio(wav_bytes)
return text
def get_yt_video(youtube_url):
yt = YouTube(youtube_url)
video_stream = yt.streams.first()
video_buffer = io.BytesIO()
media_processor = MediaProcessor()
text = media_processor.process_video(video_buffer.getvalue())
return text
with st.sidebar:
st.header("CHOOSE INPUT TYPE")
input_type ="", ["Text", "Media"], label_visibility = "hidden")
if input_type == "Text":
st.header("Summarize from text or URL")
text_type ="", ["Raw Text", "URL", "Document"], key="text_type", horizontal=True, label_visibility = "hidden")
if text_type == "Raw Text":
text = st.text_area("Enter raw text here", height=240, max_chars=10000, placeholder="Enter a paragraph to summarize")
if text:
show_buttons("raw_text", text)
elif text_type == "URL":
url = st.text_input("Enter URL here", placeholder="Enter URL to an article, blog post, etc.")
if url:
show_buttons("url", url)
## TODO: Add file upload option
elif input_type == "Media":
st.header("Summarize from file or YouTube URL")
media_type ="", ["Audio file", "Video file", "Youtube video link"], key="media_type", horizontal=True, label_visibility = "hidden")
if media_type == "Audio file":
audio_file = st.file_uploader("Upload an audio file", type=["mp3", "wav"], label_visibility="visible")
if audio_file is not None:
show_buttons("audio_file", audio_file)
elif media_type == "Video file":
video_file = st.file_uploader("Upload a video file", type=["mp4"], label_visibility="visible")
if video_file is not None:
show_buttons("video_file", video_file)
youtube_url = st.text_input("Enter YouTube URL here", placeholder="Enter URL to an YouTube video", label_visibility="visible")
if youtube_url:
show_buttons("youtube_url", youtube_url)