import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import datetime import time import os from transformers import pipeline # Ensure assets directory exists if not os.path.exists("assets"): os.makedirs("assets") # Set up the app configuration st.set_page_config(page_title="OncoPlan - Radiation Therapy Planner", page_icon="⚕️", layout="wide") # Sidebar Navigation st.sidebar.title("Navigation") page ="Go to", ["Home", "Patient Information", "Treatment Plan", "AI Chatbot"]) # Cancer Types & Regions cancer_types = { "Brain Tumors": ["Left Cerebral Hemisphere", "Right Cerebral Hemisphere", "Frontal Lobe", "Parietal Lobe", "Temporal Lobe", "Occipital Lobe", "Brainstem", "Cerebellum", "Intraventricular Region", "Pineal Region", "Peripheral Region", "Brain Parenchyma"], "Breast Cancer": ["Left Breast", "Right Breast", "Ductal Region", "Lobular Region", "Axillary Lymph Nodes"], "Lung Cancer": ["Left Lung - Upper Lobe", "Left Lung - Lower Lobe", "Right Lung - Upper Lobe", "Right Lung - Middle Lobe", "Right Lung - Lower Lobe", "Mediastinum", "Pleura"], "Other": ["Custom"] } # Home Page if page == "Home": st.title("OncoPlan - AI-Powered Radiation Therapy Planner") st.image("oncoplan_banner.webp") st.markdown(""" ## Welcome to OncoPlan OncoPlan is an advanced AI-powered radiation therapy planning tool designed for oncologists. **Features:** - Accurate Radiation Therapy Planning - Dynamic Cancer Type & Region Selection - AI Chatbot for Treatment Guidance - Tumor Reduction & Recovery Graphs """) # Patient Information Page if page == "Patient Information": st.title("Patient Information") name = st.text_input("Patient Name") age = st.number_input("Age", min_value=0, max_value=120, step=1) gender ="Gender", ["Male", "Female", "Other"]) cancer_type = st.selectbox("Type of Cancer", list(cancer_types.keys())) region = st.selectbox("Region of Body", cancer_types[cancer_type]) has_brain_mets = st.checkbox("Brain Metastases (Brain Mets)") brain_mets_primary_cancer = st.selectbox("Primary Cancer", ["Breast", "Lung", "Melanoma", "Colon", "Kidney", "Prostate", "Other"]) if has_brain_mets else None brain_mets_regions = st.multiselect("Affected Brain Regions", [ "Frontal Lobe", "Parietal Lobe", "Temporal Lobe", "Occipital Lobe", "Cerebellum", "Brainstem", "Multiple Regions", "Meninges (Leptomeningeal Spread)" ]) stage = st.selectbox("Stage of Cancer", ["I", "II", "III", "IV"]) separation = st.number_input("Separation (cm)") machine = st.selectbox("Machine", ["Co-60", "LINAC", "Teletherapy"]) if st.button("Save Patient Info"): st.session_state["patient_data"] = {"name": name, "age": age, "gender": gender, "cancer_type": cancer_type, "region": region, "stage": stage, "separation": separation, "machine": machine} st.success("Patient Information Saved!") # Treatment Plan Page if page == "Treatment Plan": if "patient_data" not in st.session_state: st.warning("Please enter patient details first!") else: data = st.session_state["patient_data"] st.title(f"Radiotherapy Treatment Plan for {data['name']}") # Treatment Plan Logic num_sessions = 15 if data['age'] < 40 else 10 if data['age'] < 65 else 8 interval_days = 1 if data['age'] < 40 else 3 if data['age'] < 65 else 7 start_date = table_data = [] total_dose = 0 dose_per_session = 2 for session in range(1, num_sessions + 1): session_date = start_date + datetime.timedelta(days=(session - 1) * interval_days) total_dose += dose_per_session table_data.append([session, session_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), dose_per_session, total_dose]) df = pd.DataFrame(table_data, columns=["Session #", "Date", "Dose (Gy)", "Total Dose (Gy)"]) st.table(df) # Tumor Reduction Graph sessions = np.arange(1, num_sessions + 1) tumor_size = 100 * np.exp(-0.15 * sessions) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(sessions, tumor_size, marker='o', linestyle='-') ax.set_xlabel("Sessions") ax.set_ylabel("Tumor Size (%)") ax.set_title("Tumor Shrinkage Over Treatment") st.pyplot(fig) # AI Chatbot Page if page == "AI Chatbot": st.subheader("💬 AI Chatbot") chatbot = pipeline("question-answering", model="microsoft/BiomedNLP-PubMedBERT-base-uncased-abstract-fulltext") user_input = st.text_input("Ask about cancer, radiotherapy, or treatments:") if user_input: response = chatbot(question=user_input, context="Cancer is a disease involving abnormal cell growth...") st.write(f"**OncoBot:** {response['answer']}") # Sidebar Footer st.sidebar.markdown("---")"Developed for Medical Use Only. Consult a Specialist for Professional Advice.")