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o=new e(31);for(let e=0;e<31;++e)o[e]=r+=1<<t[e-1];const l=new n(o[30]);for(let t=1;t<30;++t)for(let e=o[t];e<o[t+1];++e)l[e]=e-o[t]<<5|t;return{b:o,r:l}},{b:f,r:c}=s(r,2);f[28]=258,c[258]=28;const{b:i,r:a}=s(o,0),h=new e(32768);for(let t=0;t<32768;++t){let e=(43690&t)>>1|(21845&t)<<1;e=(52428&e)>>2|(13107&e)<<2,e=(61680&e)>>4|(3855&e)<<4,h[t]=((65280&e)>>8|(255&e)<<8)>>1}const u=(t,n,r)=>{const o=t.length;let l=0;const s=new e(n);for(;l<o;++l)t[l]&&++s[t[l]-1];const f=new e(n);for(l=1;l<n;++l)f[l]=f[l-1]+s[l-1]<<1;let c;if(r){c=new e(1<<n);const r=15-n;for(l=0;l<o;++l)if(t[l]){const e=l<<4|t[l],o=n-t[l];let s=f[t[l]-1]++<<o;for(const t=s|(1<<o)-1;s<=t;++s)c[h[s]>>r]=e}}else for(c=new e(o),l=0;l<o;++l)t[l]&&(c[l]=h[f[t[l]-1]++]>>15-t[l]);return c},w=new t(288);for(let t=0;t<144;++t)w[t]=8;for(let t=144;t<256;++t)w[t]=9;for(let t=256;t<280;++t)w[t]=7;for(let t=280;t<288;++t)w[t]=8;const g=new t(32);for(let t=0;t<32;++t)g[t]=5;const b=u(w,9,0),d=u(w,9,1),m=u(g,5,0),y=u(g,5,1),M=t=>{let e=t[0];for(let n=1;n<t.length;++n)t[n]>e&&(e=t[n]);return e},p=(t,e,n)=>{const r=e/8|0;return(t[r]|t[r+1]<<8)>>(7&e)&n},k=(t,e)=>{const n=e/8|0;return(t[n]|t[n+1]<<8|t[n+2]<<16)>>(7&e)},v=t=>(t+7)/8|0,x=(e,n,r)=>{(null==n||n<0)&&(n=0),(null==r||r>e.length)&&(r=e.length);const o=new t(r-n);return o.set(e.subarray(n,r)),o},E=["unexpected EOF","invalid block type","invalid length/literal","invalid distance","stream finished","no stream handler",,"no callback","invalid UTF-8 data","extra field too long","date not in range 1980-2099","filename too long","stream finishing","invalid zip data"],A=(t,e,n)=>{const r=new Error(e||E[t]);if(r.code=t,Error.captureStackTrace&&Error.captureStackTrace(r,A),!n)throw r;return r},T=(e,n,s,c)=>{const a=e.length,h=c?c.length:0;if(!a||n.f&&!n.l)return s||new t(0);const w=!s||2!=n.i,g=n.i;s||(s=new t(3*a));const b=e=>{let n=s.length;if(e>n){const r=new t(Math.max(2*n,e));r.set(s),s=r}};let m=n.f||0,E=n.p||0,T=n.b||0,U=n.l,z=n.d,F=n.m,S=n.n;const I=8*a;do{if(!U){m=p(e,E,1);const r=p(e,E+1,3);if(E+=3,!r){const t=v(E)+4,r=e[t-4]|e[t-3]<<8,o=t+r;if(o>a){g&&A(0);break}w&&b(T+r),s.set(e.subarray(t,o),T),n.b=T+=r,n.p=E=8*o,n.f=m;continue}if(1==r)U=d,z=y,F=9,S=5;else if(2==r){const n=p(e,E,31)+257,r=p(e,E+10,15)+4,o=n+p(e,E+5,31)+1;E+=14;const s=new t(o),f=new t(19);for(let t=0;t<r;++t)f[l[t]]=p(e,E+3*t,7);E+=3*r;const c=M(f),i=(1<<c)-1,a=u(f,c,1);for(let t=0;t<o;){const n=a[p(e,E,i)];E+=15&n;const r=n>>4;if(r<16)s[t++]=r;else{let n=0,o=0;for(16==r?(o=3+p(e,E,3),E+=2,n=s[t-1]):17==r?(o=3+p(e,E,7),E+=3):18==r&&(o=11+p(e,E,127),E+=7);o--;)s[t++]=n}}const h=s.subarray(0,n),w=s.subarray(n);F=M(h),S=M(w),U=u(h,F,1),z=u(w,S,1)}else A(1);if(E>I){g&&A(0);break}}w&&b(T+131072);const x=(1<<F)-1,O=(1<<S)-1;let j=E;for(;;j=E){const t=U[k(e,E)&x],n=t>>4;if(E+=15&t,E>I){g&&A(0);break}if(t||A(2),n<256)s[T++]=n;else{if(256==n){j=E,U=null;break}{let t=n-254;if(n>264){const o=n-257,l=r[o];t=p(e,E,(1<<l)-1)+f[o],E+=l}const l=z[k(e,E)&O],a=l>>4;l||A(3),E+=15&l;let u=i[a];if(a>3){const t=o[a];u+=k(e,E)&(1<<t)-1,E+=t}if(E>I){g&&A(0);break}w&&b(T+131072);const d=T+t;if(T<u){const t=h-u,e=Math.min(u,d);for(t+T<0&&A(3);T<e;++T)s[T]=c[t+T]}for(;T<d;T+=4)s[T]=s[T-u],s[T+1]=s[T+1-u],s[T+2]=s[T+2-u],s[T+3]=s[T+3-u];T=d}}}n.l=U,n.p=j,n.b=T,n.f=m,U&&(m=1,n.m=F,n.d=z,n.n=S)}while(!m);return T==s.length?s:x(s,0,T)},U=(t,e,n)=>{n<<=7&e;const r=e/8|0;t[r]|=n,t[r+1]|=n>>8},z=(t,e,n)=>{n<<=7&e;const r=e/8|0;t[r]|=n,t[r+1]|=n>>8,t[r+2]|=n>>16},F=(n,r)=>{const o=[];for(let t=0;t<n.length;++t)n[t]&&o.push({s:t,f:n[t]});const l=o.length,s=o.slice();if(!l)return{t:C,l:0};if(1==l){const e=new t(o[0].s+1);return e[o[0].s]=1,{t:e,l:1}}o.sort(((t,e)=>t.f-e.f)),o.push({s:-1,f:25001});let f=o[0],c=o[1],i=0,a=1,h=2;for(o[0]={s:-1,f:f.f+c.f,l:f,r:c};a!=l-1;)f=o[o[i].f<o[h].f?i++:h++],c=o[i!=a&&o[i].f<o[h].f?i++:h++],o[a++]={s:-1,f:f.f+c.f,l:f,r:c};let u=s[0].s;for(let t=1;t<l;++t)s[t].s>u&&(u=s[t].s);const w=new e(u+1);let g=S(o[a-1],w,0);if(g>r){let t=0,e=0;const n=g-r,o=1<<n;for(s.sort(((t,e)=>w[e.s]-w[t.s]||t.f-e.f));t<l;++t){const n=s[t].s;if(!(w[n]>r))break;e+=o-(1<<g-w[n]),w[n]=r}for(e>>=n;e>0;){const n=s[t].s;w[n]<r?e-=1<<r-w[n]++-1:++t}for(;t>=0&&e;--t){const n=s[t].s;w[n]==r&&(--w[n],++e)}g=r}return{t:new t(w),l:g}},S=(t,e,n)=>-1==t.s?Math.max(S(t.l,e,n+1),S(t.r,e,n+1)):e[t.s]=n,I=t=>{let n=t.length;for(;n&&!t[--n];);const r=new e(++n);let o=0,l=t[0],s=1;const f=t=>{r[o++]=t};for(let e=1;e<=n;++e)if(t[e]==l&&e!=n)++s;else{if(!l&&s>2){for(;s>138;s-=138)f(32754);s>2&&(f(s>10?s-11<<5|28690:s-3<<5|12305),s=0)}else if(s>3){for(f(l),--s;s>6;s-=6)f(8304);s>2&&(f(s-3<<5|8208),s=0)}for(;s--;)f(l);s=1,l=t[e]}return{c:r.subarray(0,o),n:n}},O=(t,e)=>{let n=0;for(let r=0;r<e.length;++r)n+=t[r]*e[r];return n},j=(t,e,n)=>{const r=n.length,o=v(e+2);t[o]=255&r,t[o+1]=r>>8,t[o+2]=255^t[o],t[o+3]=255^t[o+1];for(let e=0;e<r;++e)t[o+e+4]=n[e];return 8*(o+4+r)},q=(t,n,s,f,c,i,a,h,d,y,M)=>{U(n,M++,s),++c[256];const{t:p,l:k}=F(c,15),{t:v,l:x}=F(i,15),{c:E,n:A}=I(p),{c:T,n:S}=I(v),q=new e(19);for(let t=0;t<E.length;++t)++q[31&E[t]];for(let t=0;t<T.length;++t)++q[31&T[t]];const{t:B,l:C}=F(q,7);let D=19;for(;D>4&&!B[l[D-1]];--D);const G=y+5<<3,H=O(c,w)+O(i,g)+a,J=O(c,p)+O(i,v)+a+14+3*D+O(q,B)+2*q[16]+3*q[17]+7*q[18];if(d>=0&&G<=H&&G<=J)return j(n,M,t.subarray(d,d+y));let K,L,N,P;if(U(n,M,1+(J<H)),M+=2,J<H){K=u(p,k,0),L=p,N=u(v,x,0),P=v;const t=u(B,C,0);U(n,M,A-257),U(n,M+5,S-1),U(n,M+10,D-4),M+=14;for(let t=0;t<D;++t)U(n,M+3*t,B[l[t]]);M+=3*D;const e=[E,T];for(let r=0;r<2;++r){const o=e[r];for(let e=0;e<o.length;++e){const r=31&o[e];U(n,M,t[r]),M+=B[r],r>15&&(U(n,M,o[e]>>5&127),M+=o[e]>>12)}}}else K=b,L=w,N=m,P=g;for(let t=0;t<h;++t){const e=f[t];if(e>255){const t=e>>18&31;z(n,M,K[t+257]),M+=L[t+257],t>7&&(U(n,M,e>>23&31),M+=r[t]);const l=31&e;z(n,M,N[l]),M+=P[l],l>3&&(z(n,M,e>>5&8191),M+=o[l])}else z(n,M,K[e]),M+=L[e]}return z(n,M,K[256]),M+L[256]},B=new n([65540,131080,131088,131104,262176,1048704,1048832,2114560,2117632]),C=new t(0),D=(l,s,f,i,h,u)=>{const w=u.z||l.length,g=new t(i+w+5*(1+Math.ceil(w/7e3))+h),b=g.subarray(i,g.length-h),d=u.l;let m=7&(u.r||0);if(s){m&&(b[0]=u.r>>3);const t=B[s-1],i=t>>13,h=8191&t,g=(1<<f)-1,y=u.p||new e(32768),M=u.h||new e(g+1),p=Math.ceil(f/3),k=2*p,v=t=>(l[t]^l[t+1]<<p^l[t+2]<<k)&g,x=new n(25e3),E=new e(288),A=new e(32);let T=0,U=0,z=u.i||0,F=0,S=u.w||0,I=0;for(;z+2<w;++z){const t=v(z);let e=32767&z,n=M[t];if(y[e]=n,M[t]=e,S<=z){const s=w-z;if((T>7e3||F>24576)&&(s>423||!d)){m=q(l,b,0,x,E,A,U,F,I,z-I,m),F=T=U=0,I=z;for(let t=0;t<286;++t)E[t]=0;for(let t=0;t<30;++t)A[t]=0}let f=2,u=0,g=h,M=e-n&32767;if(s>2&&t==v(z-M)){const t=Math.min(i,s)-1,r=Math.min(32767,z),o=Math.min(258,s);for(;M<=r&&--g&&e!=n;){if(l[z+f]==l[z+f-M]){let e=0;for(;e<o&&l[z+e]==l[z+e-M];++e);if(e>f){if(f=e,u=M,e>t)break;const r=Math.min(M,e-2);let o=0;for(let t=0;t<r;++t){const e=z-M+t&32767,r=e-y[e]&32767;r>o&&(o=r,n=e)}}}e=n,n=y[e],M+=e-n&32767}}if(u){x[F++]=268435456|c[f]<<18|a[u];const t=31&c[f],e=31&a[u];U+=r[t]+o[e],++E[257+t],++A[e],S=z+f,++T}else x[F++]=l[z],++E[l[z]]}}for(z=Math.max(z,S);z<w;++z)x[F++]=l[z],++E[l[z]];m=q(l,b,d,x,E,A,U,F,I,z-I,m),d||(u.r=7&m|b[m/8|0]<<3,m-=7,u.h=M,u.p=y,u.i=z,u.w=S)}else{for(let t=u.w||0;t<w+d;t+=65535){let e=t+65535;e>=w&&(b[m/8|0]=d,e=w),m=j(b,m+1,l.subarray(t,e))}u.i=w}return x(g,0,i+v(m)+h)},G=(e,n,r,o,l)=>{if(!l&&(l={l:1},n.dictionary)){const r=n.dictionary.subarray(-32768),o=new t(r.length+e.length);o.set(r),o.set(e,r.length),e=o,l.w=r.length}return D(e,null==n.level?6:n.level,null==n.mem?Math.ceil(1.5*Math.max(8,Math.min(13,Math.log(e.length)))):12+n.mem,r,o,l)};function H(t,e){return G(t,e||{},0,0)}function J(t,e){return T(t,{i:2},e&&e.out,e&&e.dictionary)}self.deflateSync=H;self.inflateSync=J;} </script> <script> const stringToUint = string => { let uintArray = new Uint8Array(string.length); for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) { uintArray[i] = string.charCodeAt(i); } return uintArray; } const uintToString = uintArray => { let str = ""; let len = Math.ceil(uintArray.byteLength / 32767); for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { str += String.fromCharCode.apply(null, uintArray.subarray(i * 32767, Math.min((i + 1) * 32767, uintArray.byteLength))); } return str; } let isCompressedChats = localStorage.getItem("compressedChats") === "true"; const originSetItem = localStorage.setItem; localStorage.setItem = (key, value) => { try { if (isCompressedChats && key === "chats") value = uintToString(deflateSync(new TextEncoder().encode(value), { level: 1 })); originSetItem.call(localStorage, key, value) } catch (e) { if (isCompressedChats) { notyf.error(translations[locale]["localQuotaExceedTip"]) return; } let isKeyChats = key === "chats"; let compressed = uintToString(deflateSync(new TextEncoder().encode(isKeyChats ? value : localStorage.getItem("chats")), { level: 1 })); originSetItem.call(localStorage, "chats", compressed); originSetItem.call(localStorage, "compressedChats", true); isCompressedChats = true; if (!isKeyChats) originSetItem.call(localStorage, key, value); } } </script> <script> const localeList = ["en", "zh"]; let locale; // UI语言 const setLangEle = document.getElementById("setLang"); const setLang = () => { let langClass = locale + "Lang"; localStorage.setItem("UILang", locale) setLangEle.classList = "setDetail themeDetail langDetail " + langClass; } setLangEle.onclick = (ev) => { let idx = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(setLangEle.children, ev.target); if (locale !== localeList[idx]) { locale = localeList[idx]; setLang(); changeLocale(); } } const initLang = () => { let localLang = localStorage.getItem("UILang") || (navigator.language.startsWith("zh-") ? "zh" : "en"); let isInit = locale === void 0; if (locale !== localLang) { locale = localLang; if (!isInit) changeLocale(); }; setLang(); } initLang(); const translations = { "en": { "description": "Simple and powerful ChatGPT app", "newChat": "New chat", "newChatName": "New chat", "newFolder": "New folder", "newFolderName": "New folder", "search": "Search", "matchCaseTip": "Match case", "forceRe": "Force refresh", "clearAll": "Clear all chats", "setting": "Setting", "nav": "Navigate", "winedWin": "Window", "fullWin": "Full screen", "quickSet": "Quick setting", "chat": "Chat", "tts": "TTS", "stt": "STT", "gptModel": "GPT model", "gptBrowsing": "GPT-4-browsing", "avatar": "Avatar", "systemRole": "System role", "presetRole": "Preset", "default": "Default", "assistant": "Assistant", "cat": "Cat girl", "emoji": "Emoji", "withImg": "Image", "defaultText": "", "assistantText": "You are a helpful assistant, answer as concisely as possible.", "catText": "You are a cute cat girl, you must end every sentence with 'meow'", "emojiText": "Your personality is very lively, there must be at least one emoji icon in every sentence", "imageText": "When you need to send pictures, please generate them in markdown language, without backslashes or code boxes. When you need to use the unsplash API, follow the format, https://source.unsplash.com/960x640/?<English keywords>", "nature": "Nature", "natureNeg": "Accurate", "naturePos": "Creativity", "quality": "Quality", "qualityNeg": "Repetitive", "qualityPos": "Nonsense", "chatsWidth": "Chats width", "typeSpeed": "Typing speed", "continuousLen": "Context messages", "msgAbbr": " msgs.", "slow": "Slow", "fast": "Fast", "longReply": "Long reply", "ttsService": "TTS API", "azureTTS": "Azure", "edgeTTS": "Edge", "systemTTS": "System", "azureRegion": "Azure region", "loadVoice": "Load voice", "voiceName": "Choose voice", "userVoice": "User voice", "replyVoice": "Reply voice", "TTSTest": "Hello, nice to meet you.", "play": "Play", "pause": "Pause", "resume": "Resume", "stop": "Stop", "style": "Style", "role": "Role", "volume": "Volume", "low": "Low", "high": "High", "rate": "Rate", "slow": "Slow", "fast": "Fast", "pitch": "Pitch", "neutral": "Neutral", "intense": "Intense", "contSpeech": "Continuous speech", "autoSpeech": "Auto speech", "unsupportRecTip": "Voice recognition is not supported in the current environment. Please refer to the documentation.", "lang": "Language", "dialect": "Dialect", "autoSendKey": "Auto send keyword", "autoStopKey": "Auto stop keyword", "autoSendDelay": "Auto send delay time", "second": "s", "keepListenMic": "Keep listen", "send": "Send", "askTip": "Type message here", "clearChat": "Clear chat", "general": "General", "hotkey": "Hotkey", "data": "Data", "theme": "Theme", "darkTheme": "Dark", "lightTheme": "Light", "autoTheme": "Auto", "systemTheme": "System", "customDarkTheme": "Custom dark theme", "startDark": "Start", "endDark": "End", "aiEndpoint": "OpenAI endpoint", "aiKey": "OpenAI API key", "used": "Used ", "available": "Avail ", "navKey": "Toggle nav", "fullKey": "Window size", "themeKey": "Toggle theme", "themeKey": "Toggle lang", "inputKey": "Message", "voiceKey": "Voice", "resetTip": "Restore default", "recKey": "Recognition", "speechKey": "Start speech", "export": "Export", "import": "Import", "clear": "Clear", "reset": "Reset", "localStore": "Local storage", "forceReTip": "Force refresh page?", "noSpeechTip": "No speech was detected. You may need to adjust your microphone settings.", "noMicTip": "No microphone was found. Ensure that a microphone is installed and microphone settings are configured correctly.", "noMicPerTip": "Permission to use microphone is blocked.", "azureInvalidTip": "Access is denied due to invalid access key or API endpoint!", "errorAiKeyTip": "Invalid or incorrect API key, please check API key!", "copyCode": "Copy code", "copySuccess": "Success", "update": "Update", "cancel": "Cancel", "delMsgTip": "Delete this message?", "edit": "Edit", "refresh": "Refresh", "continue": "Continue", "copy": "Copy", "del": "Delete", "downAudio": "Download audio", "speech": "Speech", "chats": " chats", "delFolderTip": "Delete this folder?", "delChatTip": "Delete this chat?", "exportSuccTip": "Export successful!", "importSuccTip": "Import successful!", "importFailTip": "Import failed, please check the file format!", "clearChatSuccTip": "Clear chats data successful!", "resetSetSuccTip": "Reset settings successful!", "clearAllTip": "Delete all chats and folders?", "resetSetTip": "Restore all settings to default?", "hotkeyConflict": "Hotkey conflict, please choose another key!", "customDarkTip": "Start time and end time cannot be the same!", "timeoutTip": "Request timeout, please try again later!", "largeReqTip": "Request is too large, please delete part of the chat or cancel continuous chat!", "noModelPerTip": "Not permission to use this model, please choose another GPT model!", "apiRateTip": "Trigger API call rate limit, please try again later!", "exceedLimitTip": "API usage exceeded limit, please check your bill!", "badGateTip": "Gateway error or timeout, please try again later!", "badEndpointTip": "Failed to access the endpoint, please check the endpoint!", "clearChatTip": "Clear this chat?", "cantSpeechTip": "Current voice cannot synthesize this message, please choose another voice or message!", "localQuotaExceedTip": "Local storage exceeded limit, please export chats data and clear or delete some chats!", }, "zh": { "description": "简洁而强大的ChatGPT应用", "newChat": "新建会话", "newChatName": "新的会话", "newFolder": "新建文件夹", "newFolderName": "新文件夹", "search": "搜索", "matchCaseTip": "区分大小写", "forceRe": "强制刷新", "clearAll": "清空全部", "setting": "设置", "nav": "导航", "winedWin": "窗口", "fullWin": "全屏", "quickSet": "快速设置", "chat": "会话", "tts": "语音合成", "stt": "语音识别", "gptModel": "GPT模型", "gptBrowsing": "GPT-4-联网", "avatar": "用户头像", "systemRole": "系统角色", "presetRole": "预设角色", "default": "默认", "assistant": "助手", "cat": "猫娘", "emoji": "表情", "withImg": "有图", "defaultText": "", "assistantText": "你是一个乐于助人的助手,尽量简明扼要地回答", "catText": "你是一个可爱的猫娘,每句话结尾都要带个'喵'", "emojiText": "你的性格很活泼,每句话中都要有至少一个emoji图标", "imageText": "当你需要发送图片的时候,请用 markdown 语言生成,不要反斜线,不要代码框,需要使用 unsplash API时,遵循一下格式, https://source.unsplash.com/960x640/? <英文关键词>", "nature": "角色性格", "natureNeg": "准确严谨", "naturePos": "灵活创新", "quality": "回答质量", "qualityNeg": "重复保守", "qualityPos": "胡言乱语", "chatsWidth": "会话宽度", "typeSpeed": "打字机速度", "continuousLen": "上下文消息数", "msgAbbr": "条", "slow": "慢", "fast": "快", "longReply": "长回复", "ttsService": "语音合成服务", "azureTTS": "Azure语音", "edgeTTS": "Edge语音", "systemTTS": "系统语音", "azureRegion": "Azure区域", "loadVoice": "加载语音", "voiceName": "选择语音", "userVoice": "用户语音", "replyVoice": "回答语音", "TTSTest": "你好,很高兴认识你。", "play": "播放", "pause": "暂停", "resume": "恢复", "stop": "停止", "style": "风格", "role": "角色", "volume": "音量", "low": "低", "high": "高", "rate": "语速", "slow": "慢", "fast": "快", "pitch": "音调", "neutral": "平淡", "intense": "起伏", "contSpeech": "连续朗读", "autoSpeech": "自动朗读", "unsupportRecTip": "当前环境不支持语音识别,请查阅文档。", "lang": "语言", "dialect": "方言", "autoSendKey": "自动发送关键词", "autoStopKey": "自动停止关键词", "autoSendDelay": "自动发送延迟时间", "second": "秒", "keepListenMic": "保持监听", "send": "发送", "askTip": "来问点什么吧", "clearChat": "清空会话", "general": "通用", "hotkey": "快捷键", "data": "数据", "theme": "主题", "darkTheme": "深色", "lightTheme": "浅色", "autoTheme": "自动", "systemTheme": "跟随系统", "customDarkTheme": "自定义深色主题时间", "startDark": "开始时间", "endDark": "结束时间", "aiEndpoint": "OpenAI接口", "aiKey": "API密钥", "used": "已用 ", "available": "可用 ", "navKey": "切换导航", "fullKey": "全屏/窗口", "themeKey": "切换主题", "langKey": "切换语言", "inputKey": "输入框", "voiceKey": "语音", "resetTip": "重置设置", "recKey": "语音输入", "speechKey": "朗读会话", "export": "导出", "import": "导入", "clear": "清空", "reset": "重置", "localStore": "本地存储", "forceReTip": "是否强制刷新页面?", "noSpeechTip": "未识别到语音,请调整麦克风后重试!", "noMicTip": "未识别到麦克风,请确保已安装麦克风!", "noMicPerTip": "未允许麦克风权限!", "azureInvalidTip": "由于订阅密钥无效或 API 端点错误,访问被拒绝!", "errorAiKeyTip": "API密钥错误或失效,请检查API密钥!", "copyCode": "复制代码", "copySuccess": "复制成功", "update": "更新", "cancel": "取消", "delMsgTip": "是否删除此消息?", "edit": "编辑", "refresh": "刷新", "continue": "继续", "copy": "复制", "del": "删除", "downAudio": "下载语音", "speech": "朗读", "chats": "个会话", "delFolderTip": "是否删除此文件夹?", "delChatTip": "是否删除此会话?", "exportSuccTip": "导出成功!", "importSuccTip": "导入成功!", "importFailTip": "导入失败,请检查文件格式!", "clearChatSuccTip": "清空会话成功!", "resetSetSuccTip": "重置设置成功!", "clearAllTip": "是否删除所有会话和文件夹?", "resetSetTip": "是否还原所有设置为默认值?", "hotkeyConflict": "快捷键冲突,请选择其他键位!", "customDarkTip": "开始时间和结束时间不能相同!", "timeoutTip": "请求超时,请稍后重试!", "largeReqTip": "请求内容过大,请删除部分对话或关闭连续对话!", "noModelPerTip": "无权使用此模型,请选择其他GPT模型!", "apiRateTip": "触发API调用频率限制,请稍后重试!", "exceedLimitTip": "API使用超出限额,请检查您的账单!", "badGateTip": "网关错误或超时,请稍后重试!", "badEndpointTip": "访问接口失败,请检查接口!", "clearChatTip": "是否清空此会话?", "cantSpeechTip": "当前语音无法合成此消息,请选择其他语音或消息!", "localQuotaExceedTip": "本地存储超出限额,请导出会话并清空或删除部分会话!", }, }; const translateElement = (ele, type) => { const key = ele.getAttribute("data-i18n-" + type); const translation = translations[locale][key]; if (type === "title") { ele.setAttribute("title", translation); } else if (type === "place") { ele.setAttribute("placeholder", translation); } else if (type === "value") { ele.setAttribute("value", translation); } else { ele.textContent = translation; } } const initLocale = () => { document.querySelectorAll("[data-i18n-title]").forEach(ele => { translateElement(ele, "title") }); document.querySelectorAll("[data-i18n-place]").forEach(ele => { translateElement(ele, "place") }); document.querySelectorAll("[data-i18n-value]").forEach(ele => { translateElement(ele, "value") }); document.querySelectorAll("[data-i18n-key]").forEach(ele => { translateElement(ele, "key") }); document.querySelectorAll("[data-i18n-theme]").forEach(ele => { let key = themeMode === 2 ? 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"hidden" : "visible"; localStorage.setItem("voiceRecLang", select_dialect.value); }; let localLangIdx = 0; let localDiaIdx = 0; let localRecLang = localStorage.getItem("voiceRecLang") || langs[0][1][0]; if (localRecLang) { let localIndex = langs.findIndex(item => { let diaIdx = item.findIndex(lang => { return lang instanceof Array && lang[0] === localRecLang }); if (diaIdx !== -1) { localDiaIdx = diaIdx - 1; return true; } return false; }); if (localIndex !== -1) localLangIdx = localIndex; } selectLangOption.onchange = updateCountry; select_language.onchange = updateCountry; selectDiaOption.onchange = select_dialect.onchange = function () { selectDiaOption.selectedIndex = select_dialect.selectedIndex = this.selectedIndex; localStorage.setItem("voiceRecLang", select_dialect.value); } selectLangOption.selectedIndex = select_language.selectedIndex = localLangIdx; select_language.dispatchEvent(new Event("change")); selectDiaOption.selectedIndex = select_dialect.selectedIndex = localDiaIdx; select_dialect.dispatchEvent(new Event("change")); let localAutoSendWord = localStorage.getItem("autoVoiceSendWord"); autoSendWord = autoSendText.value = localAutoSendWord || autoSendText.getAttribute("value") || ""; autoSendText.onchange = () => { autoSendWord = autoSendText.value; localStorage.setItem("autoVoiceSendWord", autoSendWord); } autoSendText.dispatchEvent(new Event("change")); let localAutoStopWord = localStorage.getItem("autoVoiceStopWord"); autoStopWord = autoStopText.value = localAutoStopWord || autoStopText.getAttribute("value") || ""; autoStopText.onchange = () => { autoStopWord = autoStopText.value; localStorage.setItem("autoVoiceStopWord", autoStopWord); } autoStopText.dispatchEvent(new Event("change")); let outEle = document.getElementById("autoSendTimeout"); let localTimeout = localStorage.getItem("autoVoiceSendOut"); outEle.value = autoSendTime = parseInt(localTimeout || outEle.getAttribute("value")); outEle.oninput = () => { outEle.style.backgroundSize = (outEle.value - outEle.min) * 100 / (outEle.max - outEle.min) + "% 100%"; autoSendTime = parseInt(outEle.value); localStorage.setItem("autoVoiceSendOut", outEle.value); } outEle.dispatchEvent(new Event("input")); outEle.onchange = () => { let hasAutoTimer = !!autoSendTimer; clearAutoSendTimer(); if (hasAutoTimer) setAutoTimer(); } const keepMicEle = document.getElementById("keepListenMic"); let localKeepMic = localStorage.getItem("keepListenMic"); keepMicEle.checked = keepListenMic = (localKeepMic || keepMicEle.getAttribute("checked")) === "true"; keepMicEle.onchange = () => { keepListenMic = keepMicEle.checked; localStorage.setItem("keepListenMic", keepListenMic); } keepMicEle.dispatchEvent(new Event("change")); let recIns = new webkitSpeechRecognition(); // prevent some Android bug recIns.continuous = !isAndroid; recIns.interimResults = true; recIns.maxAlternatives = 1; let recRes = tempRes = ""; let preRes, affRes; const setAutoTimer = () => { if (autoSendTime) { autoSendTimer = setTimeout(() => { genFunc(); autoSendTimer = void 0; }, autoSendTime * 1000); } } const resEvent = (event) => { if (typeof (event.results) === "undefined") { toggleRecEvent(); return; } let isFinal; let autoFlag; for (let i = event.resultIndex; i < event.results.length; ++i) { isFinal = event.results[i].isFinal; if (isFinal) { recRes += event.results[i][0].transcript if (autoSendWord) { let idx = recRes.indexOf(autoSendWord); if (idx !== -1) { recRes = recRes.slice(0, idx); autoFlag = 1; break; } } if (autoStopWord) { let idx = recRes.indexOf(autoStopWord); if (idx !== -1) { recRes = recRes.slice(0, idx); autoFlag = 2; break; } } } else { tempRes = recRes + event.results[i][0].transcript } } inputAreaEle.value = preRes + (isFinal ? recRes : tempRes) + affRes; textInputEvent(); inputAreaEle.focus(); inputAreaEle.selectionEnd = inputAreaEle.value.length - affRes.length; if (autoFlag) { if (autoFlag === 1) genFunc(); else endEvent(false, false); } clearAutoSendTimer(); if (autoFlag !== 1) setAutoTimer(); }; resetRecRes = () => { preRes = inputAreaEle.value.slice(0, inputAreaEle.selectionStart); affRes = inputAreaEle.value.slice(inputAreaEle.selectionEnd); recRes = tempRes = ""; } const stopAction = () => { clearAutoSendTimer(); recIns.onresult = null; recIns.onerror = null; recIns.onend = null; voiceRecEle.classList.remove("voiceRecing"); recing = false; } const endEvent = (event, flag) => { if (flag !== void 0) { if (!flag) { recIns.stop(); stopAction(); } } else if (event) { if (keepListenMic && event.type === "end") { recIns.start(); resetRecRes(); } else { if (event.type === "error") recIns.stop(); stopAction(); } } }; const errorEvent = (ev) => { if (event.error === "no-speech") { notyf.open({ type: "warning", message: translations[locale]["noSpeechTip"] }); } if (event.error === "audio-capture") { notyf.error(translations[locale]["noMicTip"]) endEvent(ev); } if (event.error === "not-allowed") { notyf.error(translations[locale]["noMicPerTip"]) endEvent(ev); } } const closeEvent = (ev) => { if (voiceRecSetEle.contains(ev.target)) return; if (!voiceRecSetEle.contains(ev.target)) { voiceRecSetEle.style.display = "none"; document.removeEventListener("mousedown", closeEvent, true); voiceRecEle.classList.remove("voiceLong"); } } const longEvent = () => { voiceRecSetEle.style.display = "block"; document.addEventListener("mousedown", closeEvent, true); } const toggleRecEvent = () => { if (voiceRecEle.classList.toggle("voiceRecing")) { try { resetRecRes(); recIns.lang = select_dialect.value; recIns.start(); recIns.onresult = resEvent; recIns.onerror = errorEvent; recIns.onend = endEvent; recing = true; } catch (e) { endEvent(false, false); } } else { endEvent(false, false); } }; toggleRecEv = toggleRecEvent; let timer; const voiceDownEvent = (ev) => { ev.preventDefault(); let i = 0; voiceRecEle.classList.add("voiceLong"); timer = setInterval(() => { i += 1; if (i >= 3) { clearInterval(timer); timer = void 0; longEvent(); } }, 100) }; const voiceUpEvent = (ev) => { ev.preventDefault(); if (timer !== void 0) { toggleRecEvent(); clearInterval(timer); timer = void 0; voiceRecEle.classList.remove("voiceLong"); } } voiceRecEle.onmousedown = voiceDownEvent; voiceRecEle.ontouchstart = voiceDownEvent; voiceRecEle.onmouseup = voiceUpEvent; voiceRecEle.ontouchend = voiceUpEvent; }; }; initRecSetting(); document.querySelector(".sysSwitch").onclick = document.querySelector(".setSwitch").onclick = function (ev) { let activeEle = this.getElementsByClassName("activeSwitch")[0]; if (ev.target !== activeEle) { activeEle.classList.remove("activeSwitch"); ev.target.classList.add("activeSwitch"); document.getElementById(ev.target.dataset.id).style.display = "block"; document.getElementById(activeEle.dataset.id).style.display = "none"; } }; if (!supportSpe) { speechServiceEle.remove(2); } const initVoiceVal = () => { let localVoiceType = localStorage.getItem("existVoice"); speechServiceEle.value = existVoice = parseInt(localVoiceType || "2"); } initVoiceVal(); const clearAzureVoice = () => { azureKey = void 0; azureRegion = void 0; azureRole = []; azureStyle = []; document.getElementById("azureExtra").style.display = "none"; azureKeyInput.parentElement.style.display = "none"; preSetAzureRegion.parentElement.style.display = "none"; if (azureTokenTimer) { clearInterval(azureTokenTimer); azureTokenTimer = void 0; } } speechServiceEle.onchange = () => { existVoice = parseInt(speechServiceEle.value); localStorage.setItem("existVoice", existVoice); toggleVoiceCheck(true); if (checkAzureAbort && !checkAzureAbort.signal.aborted) { checkAzureAbort.abort(); checkAzureAbort = void 0; } if (checkEdgeAbort && !checkEdgeAbort.signal.aborted) { checkEdgeAbort.abort(); checkEdgeAbort = void 0; } if (existVoice === 3) { azureKeyInput.parentElement.style.display = "block"; preSetAzureRegion.parentElement.style.display = "block"; loadAzureVoice(); } else if (existVoice === 2) { clearAzureVoice(); loadEdgeVoice(); } else if (existVoice === 1) { toggleVoiceCheck(false); clearAzureVoice(); loadLocalVoice(); } } let azureVoiceData, edgeVoiceData, systemVoiceData, checkAzureAbort, checkEdgeAbort; const toggleVoiceCheck = (bool) => { checkVoiceLoad.style.display = bool ? "flex" : "none"; speechDetail.style.display = bool ? "none" : "block"; } const loadAzureVoice = () => { let checking = false; const checkAzureFunc = () => { if (checking) return; if (azureKey) { checking = true; checkVoiceLoad.classList.add("voiceChecking"); if (azureTokenTimer) { clearInterval(azureTokenTimer); } checkAzureAbort = new AbortController(); setTimeout(() => { if (checkAzureAbort && !checkAzureAbort.signal.aborted) { checkAzureAbort.abort(); checkAzureAbort = void 0; } }, 15000); Promise.all([getAzureToken(checkAzureAbort.signal), getVoiceList(checkAzureAbort.signal)]).then(() => { azureTokenTimer = setInterval(() => { getAzureToken(); }, 540000); toggleVoiceCheck(false); }).catch(e => { }).finally(() => { checkVoiceLoad.classList.remove("voiceChecking"); checking = false; }) } }; checkVoiceLoad.onclick = checkAzureFunc; const getAzureToken = (signal) => { return new Promise((res, rej) => { fetch("https://" + azureRegion + ".api.cognitive.microsoft.com/sts/v1.0/issueToken", { signal, method: "POST", headers: { "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key": azureKey } }).then(response => { response.text().then(text => { try { let json = JSON.parse(text); notyf.error(translations[locale]["azureInvalidTip"]); rej(); } catch (e) { azureToken = text; res(); } }); }).catch(e => { rej(); }) }) }; const getVoiceList = (signal) => { return new Promise((res, rej) => { if (azureVoiceData) { initVoiceSetting(azureVoiceData); res(); } else { let localAzureVoiceData = localStorage.getItem(azureRegion + "voiceData"); if (localAzureVoiceData) { azureVoiceData = JSON.parse(localAzureVoiceData); initVoiceSetting(azureVoiceData); res(); } else { fetch("https://" + azureRegion + ".tts.speech.microsoft.com/cognitiveservices/voices/list", { signal, headers: { "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key": azureKey } }).then(response => { response.json().then(json => { azureVoiceData = json; localStorage.setItem(azureRegion + "voiceData", JSON.stringify(json)); initVoiceSetting(json); res(); }).catch(e => { notyf.error(translations[locale]["azureInvalidTip"]); rej(); }) }).catch(e => { rej(); }) } } }) }; let azureRegionEle = document.getElementById("preSetAzureRegion"); if (!azureRegionEle.options.length) { const azureRegions = ['southafricanorth', 'eastasia', 'southeastasia', 'australiaeast', 'centralindia', 'japaneast', 'japanwest', 'koreacentral', 'canadacentral', 'northeurope', 'westeurope', 'francecentral', 'germanywestcentral', 'norwayeast', 'switzerlandnorth', 'switzerlandwest', 'uksouth', 'uaenorth', 'brazilsouth', 'centralus', 'eastus', 'eastus2', 'northcentralus', 'southcentralus', 'westcentralus', 'westus', 'westus2', 'westus3']; azureRegions.forEach((region, i) => { let option = document.createElement("option"); option.value = region; option.text = region; azureRegionEle.options.add(option); }); } let localAzureRegion = localStorage.getItem("azureRegion"); if (localAzureRegion) { azureRegion = localAzureRegion; azureRegionEle.value = localAzureRegion; } azureRegionEle.onchange = () => { azureRegion = azureRegionEle.value; localStorage.setItem("azureRegion", azureRegion); toggleVoiceCheck(true); } azureRegionEle.dispatchEvent(new Event("change")); let azureKeyEle = document.getElementById("azureKeyInput"); let localAzureKey = localStorage.getItem("azureKey"); if (localAzureKey) { azureKey = localAzureKey; azureKeyEle.value = localAzureKey; } azureKeyEle.onchange = () => { azureKey = azureKeyEle.value; localStorage.setItem("azureKey", azureKey); toggleVoiceCheck(true); } azureKeyEle.dispatchEvent(new Event("change")); if (azureKey) { checkAzureFunc(); } } const loadEdgeVoice = () => { let checking = false; const endCheck = () => { checkVoiceLoad.classList.remove("voiceChecking"); checking = false; }; const checkEdgeFunc = () => { if (checking) return; checking = true; checkVoiceLoad.classList.add("voiceChecking"); if (edgeVoiceData) { initVoiceSetting(edgeVoiceData); toggleVoiceCheck(false); endCheck(); } else { checkEdgeAbort = new AbortController(); setTimeout(() => { if (checkEdgeAbort && !checkEdgeAbort.signal.aborted) { checkEdgeAbort.abort(); checkEdgeAbort = void 0; } }, 10000); fetch("https://speech.platform.bing.com/consumer/speech/synthesize/readaloud/voices/list?trustedclienttoken=6A5AA1D4EAFF4E9FB37E23D68491D6F4", { signal: checkEdgeAbort.signal }).then(response => { response.json().then(json => { edgeVoiceData = json; toggleVoiceCheck(false); initVoiceSetting(json); endCheck(); }); }).catch(err => { endCheck(); }) } }; checkEdgeFunc(); checkVoiceLoad.onclick = checkEdgeFunc; }; const loadLocalVoice = () => { if (systemVoiceData) { initVoiceSetting(systemVoiceData); } else { let initedVoice = false; const getLocalVoice = () => { let voices = speechSynthesis.getVoices(); if (voices.length) { if (!initedVoice) { initedVoice = true; systemVoiceData = voices; initVoiceSetting(voices); } return true; } else { return false; } } let syncExist = getLocalVoice(); if (!syncExist) { if ("onvoiceschanged" in speechSynthesis) { speechSynthesis.onvoiceschanged = () => { getLocalVoice(); } } else if (speechSynthesis.addEventListener) { speechSynthesis.addEventListener("voiceschanged", () => { getLocalVoice(); }) } let timeout = 0; let timer = setInterval(() => { if (getLocalVoice() || timeout > 1000) { if (timeout > 1000) { existVoice = 0; } clearInterval(timer); timer = null; } timeout += 300; }, 300) } } }; const initVoiceSetting = (voices) => { let isOnline = existVoice >= 2; let voicesEle = document.getElementById("preSetSpeech"); // 支持中文和英文 voices = isOnline ? voices.filter(item => item.Locale.match(/^(zh-|en-)/)) : voices.filter(item => item.lang.match(/^(zh-|en-)/)); if (isOnline) { voices.map(item => { item.name = item.FriendlyName || (`${item.DisplayName} Online (${item.VoiceType}) - ${item.LocaleName}`); item.lang = item.Locale; }) } voices.sort((a, b) => { if (a.lang.slice(0, 2) === b.lang.slice(0, 2)) { if (a.lang.slice(0, 2) === "zh") { return (a.lang === b.lang) ? 0 : (a.lang > b.lang) ? 1 : -1; // zh-CN 在前 } else { return 0 } } return (locale === "zh" ? (a.lang < b.lang) : (a.lang > b.lang)) ? 1 : -1; // 中文UI,则中文"z"在前 }); voices.map(item => { if (item.name.match(/^(Google |Microsoft )/)) { item.displayName = item.name.replace(/^.*? /, ""); } else { item.displayName = item.name; } }); voicesEle.innerHTML = ""; voices.forEach((voice, i) => { let option = document.createElement("option"); option.value = i; option.text = voice.displayName; voicesEle.options.add(option); }); voicesEle.onchange = () => { voiceRole[voiceType] = voices[voicesEle.value]; localStorage.setItem("voice" + voiceType, voiceRole[voiceType].name); if (voiceRole[voiceType].StyleList || voiceRole[voiceType].RolePlayList) { document.getElementById("azureExtra").style.display = "block"; let voiceStyles = voiceRole[voiceType].StyleList; let voiceRoles = voiceRole[voiceType].RolePlayList; if (voiceRoles) { preSetVoiceRole.innerHTML = ""; voiceRoles.forEach((role, i) => { let option = document.createElement("option"); option.value = role; option.text = role; preSetVoiceRole.options.add(option); }); let localRole = localStorage.getItem("azureRole" + voiceType); if (localRole && voiceRoles.indexOf(localRole) !== -1) { preSetVoiceRole.value = localRole; azureRole[voiceType] = localRole; } else { preSetVoiceRole.selectedIndex = 0; azureRole[voiceType] = voiceRole[0]; } preSetVoiceRole.onchange = () => { azureRole[voiceType] = preSetVoiceRole.value; localStorage.setItem("azureRole" + voiceType, preSetVoiceRole.value); } preSetVoiceRole.dispatchEvent(new Event("change")); } else { azureRole[voiceType] = void 0; localStorage.removeItem("azureRole" + voiceType); } preSetVoiceRole.style.display = voiceRoles ? "block" : "none"; preSetVoiceRole.previousElementSibling.style.display = voiceRoles ? "block" : "none"; if (voiceStyles) { preSetVoiceStyle.innerHTML = ""; voiceStyles.forEach((style, i) => { let option = document.createElement("option"); option.value = style; option.text = style; preSetVoiceStyle.options.add(option); }); let localStyle = localStorage.getItem("azureStyle" + voiceType); if (localStyle && voiceStyles.indexOf(localStyle) !== -1) { preSetVoiceStyle.value = localStyle; azureStyle[voiceType] = localStyle; } else { preSetVoiceStyle.selectedIndex = 0; azureStyle[voiceType] = voiceStyles[0]; } preSetVoiceStyle.onchange = () => { azureStyle[voiceType] = preSetVoiceStyle.value; localStorage.setItem("azureStyle" + voiceType, preSetVoiceStyle.value) } preSetVoiceStyle.dispatchEvent(new Event("change")); } else { azureStyle[voiceType] = void 0; localStorage.removeItem("azureStyle" + voiceType); } preSetVoiceStyle.style.display = voiceStyles ? "block" : "none"; preSetVoiceStyle.previousElementSibling.style.display = voiceStyles ? "block" : "none"; } else { document.getElementById("azureExtra").style.display = "none"; azureRole[voiceType] = void 0; localStorage.removeItem("azureRole" + voiceType); azureStyle[voiceType] = void 0; localStorage.removeItem("azureStyle" + voiceType); } }; const loadAnother = (type) => { type = type ^ 1; let localVoice = localStorage.getItem("voice" + type); if (localVoice) { let localIndex = voices.findIndex(item => { return item.name === localVoice }); if (localIndex === -1) localIndex = 0; voiceRole[type] = voices[localIndex]; } else { voiceRole[type] = voices[0]; } if (existVoice === 3) { let localStyle = localStorage.getItem("azureStyle" + type); azureStyle[type] = localStyle ? localStyle : void 0; let localRole = localStorage.getItem("azureRole" + type); azureRole[type] = localRole ? localRole : void 0; } } const voiceChange = () => { let localVoice = localStorage.getItem("voice" + voiceType); if (localVoice) { let localIndex = voices.findIndex(item => { return item.name === localVoice }); if (localIndex === -1) localIndex = 0; voiceRole[voiceType] = voices[localIndex]; voicesEle.value = localIndex; } else { voiceRole[voiceType] = voices[0]; } voicesEle.dispatchEvent(new Event("change")); } voiceChange(); loadAnother(voiceType); let volumeEle = document.getElementById("voiceVolume"); let localVolume = localStorage.getItem("voiceVolume0"); voiceVolume[0] = parseFloat(localVolume || volumeEle.getAttribute("value")); const voiceVolumeChange = () => { let localVolume = localStorage.getItem("voiceVolume" + voiceType); volumeEle.value = voiceVolume[voiceType] = parseFloat(localVolume || volumeEle.getAttribute("value")); volumeEle.style.backgroundSize = (volumeEle.value - volumeEle.min) * 100 / (volumeEle.max - volumeEle.min) + "% 100%"; } volumeEle.oninput = () => { volumeEle.style.backgroundSize = (volumeEle.value - volumeEle.min) * 100 / (volumeEle.max - volumeEle.min) + "% 100%"; voiceVolume[voiceType] = parseFloat(volumeEle.value); localStorage.setItem("voiceVolume" + voiceType, volumeEle.value); } voiceVolumeChange(); let rateEle = document.getElementById("voiceRate"); let localRate = localStorage.getItem("voiceRate0"); voiceRate[0] = parseFloat(localRate || rateEle.getAttribute("value")); const voiceRateChange = () => { let localRate = localStorage.getItem("voiceRate" + voiceType); rateEle.value = voiceRate[voiceType] = parseFloat(localRate || rateEle.getAttribute("value")); rateEle.style.backgroundSize = (rateEle.value - rateEle.min) * 100 / (rateEle.max - rateEle.min) + "% 100%"; } rateEle.oninput = () => { rateEle.style.backgroundSize = (rateEle.value - rateEle.min) * 100 / (rateEle.max - rateEle.min) + "% 100%"; voiceRate[voiceType] = parseFloat(rateEle.value); localStorage.setItem("voiceRate" + voiceType, rateEle.value); } voiceRateChange(); let pitchEle = document.getElementById("voicePitch"); let localPitch = localStorage.getItem("voicePitch0"); voicePitch[0] = parseFloat(localPitch || pitchEle.getAttribute("value")); const voicePitchChange = () => { let localPitch = localStorage.getItem("voicePitch" + voiceType); pitchEle.value = voicePitch[voiceType] = parseFloat(localPitch || pitchEle.getAttribute("value")); pitchEle.style.backgroundSize = (pitchEle.value - pitchEle.min) * 100 / (pitchEle.max - pitchEle.min) + "% 100%"; } pitchEle.oninput = () => { pitchEle.style.backgroundSize = (pitchEle.value - pitchEle.min) * 100 / (pitchEle.max - pitchEle.min) + "% 100%"; voicePitch[voiceType] = parseFloat(pitchEle.value); localStorage.setItem("voicePitch" + voiceType, pitchEle.value); } voicePitchChange(); document.getElementById("voiceTypes").onclick = (ev) => { let type = ev.target.dataset.type; if (type !== void 0) { type = parseInt(type); if (type != voiceType) { voiceType = type; ev.target.classList.add("selVoiceType"); ev.target.parentElement.children[type ^ 1].classList.remove("selVoiceType"); voiceChange(); voiceVolumeChange(); voiceRateChange(); voicePitchChange(); 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state.md.inline.skipToken(state); } if (!found || start + 1 === state.pos) { state.pos = start; return false; } content = state.src.slice(start + 1, state.pos); // don't allow unescaped spaces/newlines inside if (content.match(/(^|[^\\])(\\\\)*\s/)) { state.pos = start; return false; } // found! state.posMax = state.pos; state.pos = start + 1; // Earlier we checked !silent, but this implementation does not need it token = state.push('sup_open', 'sup', 1); token.markup = '^'; token = state.push('text', '', 0); token.content = content.replace(UNESCAPE_RE, '$1'); token = state.push('sup_close', 'sup', -1); token.markup = '^'; state.pos = state.posMax + 1; state.posMax = max; return true; } const subscript = (state, silent) => { let found, content, token, max = state.posMax, start = state.pos; if (state.src.charCodeAt(start) !== 0x7E/* ~ */) { return false; } if (silent) { return false; } // don't run any pairs in validation mode if (start + 2 >= max) { return false; } state.pos = start + 1; while (state.pos < max) { if (state.src.charCodeAt(state.pos) === 0x7E/* ~ */) { found = true; break; } state.md.inline.skipToken(state); } if (!found || start + 1 === state.pos) { state.pos = start; return false; } content = state.src.slice(start + 1, state.pos); // don't allow unescaped spaces/newlines inside if (content.match(/(^|[^\\])(\\\\)*\s/)) { state.pos = start; return false; } // found! state.posMax = state.pos; state.pos = start + 1; // Earlier we checked !silent, but this implementation does not need it token = state.push('sub_open', 'sub', 1); token.markup = '~'; token = state.push('text', '', 0); token.content = content.replace(UNESCAPE_RE, '$1'); token = state.push('sub_close', 'sub', -1); token.markup = '~'; state.pos = state.posMax + 1; state.posMax = max; return true; } const md = markdownit({ linkify: true, // 识别链接 highlight: function (str, lang) { // markdown高亮 try { return hljs.highlightAuto(str).value; } catch (e) { } return ""; // use external default escaping } }); md.inline.ruler.after("emphasis", "sup", superscript); md.inline.ruler.after("emphasis", "sub", subscript); md.use(texmath, { engine: katex, delimiters: ["brackets", "dollars"] }); md.renderer.rules.link_open = (tokens, idx, options, env, self) => { let aIndex = tokens[idx].attrIndex("target"); if (tokens[idx + 1] && tokens[idx + 1].type === "image") tokens[idx].attrPush(["download", ""]); else if (aIndex < 0) tokens[idx].attrPush(["target", "_blank"]); else tokens[idx].attrs[aIndex][1] = "_blank"; return self.renderToken(tokens, idx, options); }; const codeUtils = { getCodeLang(str = "") { const res = str.match(/ class="language-(.*?)"/); return (res && res[1]) || ""; }, getFragment(str = "") { return str ? `<span class="u-mdic-copy-code_lang" text="${str}"></span>` : ""; }, }; const getCodeLangFragment = (oriStr = "") => { return codeUtils.getFragment(codeUtils.getCodeLang(oriStr)); }; const copyClickCode = (ele) => { const input = document.createElement("textarea"); input.value = ele.parentElement.previousElementSibling.textContent; const nDom = ele.previousElementSibling; const nDelay = ele.dataset.mdicNotifyDelay; const cDom = nDom.previousElementSibling; document.body.appendChild(input); input.select(); input.setSelectionRange(0, input.value.length); document.execCommand("copy"); document.body.removeChild(input); if (nDom.style.display === "none") { nDom.style.display = "block"; cDom && (cDom.style.display = "none"); setTimeout(() => { nDom.style.display = "none"; cDom && (cDom.style.display = "block"); }, nDelay); } }; const copyClickMd = (idx) => { const input = document.createElement("textarea"); input.value = data[idx].content; document.body.appendChild(input); input.select(); input.setSelectionRange(0, input.value.length); document.execCommand("copy"); document.body.removeChild(input); } const enhanceCode = (render, options = {}) => (...args) => { /* args = [tokens, idx, options, env, slf] */ const { btnText = translations[locale]["copyCode"], // button text successText = translations[locale]["copySuccess"], // copy-success text successTextDelay = 2000, // successText show time [ms] showCodeLanguage = true, // false | show code language } = options; const [tokens = {}, idx = 0] = args; const originResult = render.apply(this, args); const langFrag = showCodeLanguage ? getCodeLangFragment(originResult) : ""; const tpls = [ '<div class="m-mdic-copy-wrapper">', `${langFrag}`, `<div class="u-mdic-copy-notify" style="display:none;" text="${successText}"></div>`, `<button class="u-mdic-copy-btn j-mdic-copy-btn" text="${btnText}" data-mdic-notify-delay="${successTextDelay}" onclick="copyClickCode(this)"></button>`, '</div>', ]; return originResult.replace("</pre>", `${tpls.join("")}</pre>`); }; md.renderer.rules.code_block = enhanceCode(md.renderer.rules.code_block); md.renderer.rules.fence = enhanceCode(md.renderer.rules.fence); md.renderer.rules.image = function (tokens, idx, options, env, self) { let token = tokens[idx]; token.attrs[token.attrIndex("alt")][1] = self.renderInlineAsText(token.children, options, env); token.attrSet("onload", "scrollToBottomLoad(this);this.removeAttribute('onload');this.removeAttribute('onerror')"); token.attrSet("onerror", "scrollToBottomLoad(this);this.removeAttribute('onload');this.removeAttribute('onerror')"); token.attrPush(["decoding", "async"]); token.attrPush(["loading", "lazy"]); return self.renderToken(tokens, idx, options) } let currentVoiceIdx; let editingIdx; let originText; const resumeSend = () => { if (editingIdx !== void 0) { chatlog.children[systemRole ? editingIdx - 1 : editingIdx].classList.remove("showEditReq"); } sendBtnEle.children[0].textContent = translations[locale]["send"]; inputAreaEle.value = originText; clearEle.title = translations[locale]["clearChat"]; clearEle.classList.remove("closeConv"); originText = void 0; editingIdx = void 0; } const mdOptionEvent = function (ev) { let id = ev.target.dataset.id; if (id) { let parent = ev.target.parentElement; let idxEle = parent.parentElement; let idx = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(chatlog.children, this.parentElement); if (id === "voiceBtn" || id === "speechMd" || id === "pauseMd" || id === "resumeMd") { let classList = parent.dataset.id === "voiceBtn" ? parent.classList : ev.target.classList; if (classList.contains("readyVoice")) { if (chatlog.children[idx].dataset.loading !== "true") { idx = systemRole ? idx + 1 : idx; speechEvent(idx); } } else if (classList.contains("pauseVoice")) { if (voiceIns) { if (voiceIns instanceof Audio) voiceIns.pause(); else { if (supportSpe) speechSynthesis.pause(); classList.remove("readyVoice"); classList.remove("pauseVoice"); classList.add("resumeVoice"); } } } else { if (voiceIns) { if (voiceIns instanceof Audio) voiceIns.play(); else { if (supportSpe) speechSynthesis.resume(); classList.remove("readyVoice"); classList.remove("resumeVoice"); classList.add("pauseVoice"); } } } } else if (id === "editMd") { let reqEle = chatlog.children[idx]; idx = systemRole ? idx + 1 : idx; if (editingIdx === idx) return; if (editingIdx !== void 0) { chatListEle.children[systemRole ? editingIdx - 1 : editingIdx].classList.remove("showEditReq"); } reqEle.classList.add("showEditReq"); editingIdx = idx; originText = inputAreaEle.value; inputAreaEle.value = data[idx].content; inputAreaEle.dispatchEvent(new Event("input")); inputAreaEle.focus(); sendBtnEle.children[0].textContent = translations[locale]["update"]; clearEle.title = translations[locale]["cancel"]; clearEle.classList.add("closeConv"); } else if (id === "refreshMd") { if (noLoading()) { if (ev.target.classList.contains("refreshReq")) { chatlog.children[idx].children[1].innerHTML = "<p class='cursorCls'><br /></p>"; chatlog.children[idx].dataset.loading = true; idx = systemRole ? idx + 1 : idx; data[idx].content = ""; if (idx === data.findIndex(item => { return item.role === "assistant" })) activeChatEle.children[1].children[1].textContent = ""; if (idx === currentVoiceIdx) endSpeak(); loadAction(true); refreshIdx = idx; streamGen(); } else { chatlog.children[idx].dataset.loading = true; idx = systemRole ? idx + 1 : idx; progressData = data[idx].content; loadAction(true); refreshIdx = idx; streamGen(true); } } } else if (id === "copyMd") { idx = systemRole ? idx + 1 : idx; copyClickMd(idx); notyf.success(translations[locale]["copySuccess"]); } else if (id === "delMd") { if (noLoading()) { if (confirmAction(translations[locale]["delMsgTip"])) { chatlog.removeChild(chatlog.children[idx]); idx = systemRole ? idx + 1 : idx; let firstIdx = data.findIndex(item => { return item.role === "assistant" }); if (currentVoiceIdx !== void 0) { if (currentVoiceIdx === idx) { endSpeak() } else if (currentVoiceIdx > idx) { currentVoiceIdx-- } } if (editingIdx !== void 0) { if (editingIdx === idx) { resumeSend() } else if (editingIdx > idx) { editingIdx-- } } data.splice(idx, 1); if (firstIdx === idx) updateChatPre(); updateChats(); } } } else if (id === "downAudioMd") { if (chatlog.children[idx].dataset.loading !== "true") { idx = systemRole ? idx + 1 : idx; downloadAudio(idx); } } } } const formatMdEle = (ele, model) => { let avatar = document.createElement("div"); avatar.className = "chatAvatar"; if (ele.className === "response") avatar.classList.add((model && model.startsWith("gpt-4")) ? "gpt4Avatar" : "gpt3Avatar"); avatar.innerHTML = ele.className === "request" ? `<img src="${userAvatar}" />` : `<svg width="22" height="22"><use xlink:href="#aiIcon"></use></svg>`; ele.appendChild(avatar); let realMd = document.createElement("div"); realMd.className = ele.className === "request" ? "requestBody" : "markdown-body"; ele.appendChild(realMd); let mdOption = document.createElement("div"); mdOption.className = "mdOption"; ele.appendChild(mdOption); let optionWidth = existVoice >= 2 ? 140 : 105; mdOption.innerHTML += `<div class="optionItems" style="width:${optionWidth}px;left:-${optionWidth - 10}px">` + (ele.className === "request" ? `<div data-id="editMd" class="optionItem" title="${translations[locale]["edit"]}"> <svg width="18" height="18"><use xlink:href="#chatEditIcon" /></svg> </div>` : `<div data-id="refreshMd" class="refreshReq optionItem" title="${translations[locale]["refresh"]}"> <svg width="16" height="16" ><use xlink:href="#refreshIcon" /></svg> <svg width="16" height="16" ><use xlink:href="#halfRefIcon" /></svg> </div>`) + `<div data-id="copyMd" class="optionItem" title="${translations[locale]["copy"]}"> <svg width="20" height="20"><use xlink:href="#copyIcon" /></svg> </div> <div data-id="delMd" class="optionItem" title="${translations[locale]["del"]}"> <svg width="20" height="20"><use xlink:href="#delIcon" /></svg> </div>` + (existVoice >= 2 ? `<div data-id="downAudioMd" class="optionItem" title="${translations[locale]["downAudio"]}"> <svg width="20" height="20"><use xlink:href="#downAudioIcon" /></svg> </div>` : "") + `</div>`; if (existVoice) { mdOption.innerHTML += `<div class="voiceCls readyVoice" data-id="voiceBtn"> <svg width="20" height="20" role="img" data-id="speechMd"><title>${translations[locale]["speech"]}</title><use xlink:href="#readyVoiceIcon" /></svg> <svg width="20" height="20" role="img" data-id="pauseMd"><title>${translations[locale]["pause"]}</title><use xlink:href="#pauseVoiceIcon" /></svg> <svg width="20" height="20" role="img" data-id="resumeMd"><title>${translations[locale]["resume"]}</title><use xlink:href="#resumeVoiceIcon" /></svg> </div>` } mdOption.onclick = mdOptionEvent; } let allListEle = chatListEle.parentElement; let folderData = []; let chatsData = []; let chatIdxs = []; let searchIdxs = []; let activeChatIdx = 0; let activeChatEle; let operateChatIdx, operateFolderIdx; let dragLi, dragType, dragIdx; let mobileDragOut; const mobileDragStartEV = function (ev) { if (mobileDragOut !== void 0) { clearTimeout(mobileDragOut); mobileDragOut = void 0; } mobileDragOut = setTimeout(() => { this.setAttribute("draggable", "true"); this.dispatchEvent(ev); }, 200); }; if (isMobile) { let stopDragOut = () => { if (mobileDragOut !== void 0) { clearTimeout(mobileDragOut); mobileDragOut = void 0; } }; let stopDrag = () => { stopDragOut(); document.querySelectorAll("[draggable=true]").forEach(ele => { ele.setAttribute("draggable", "false"); }) }; document.body.addEventListener("touchmove", stopDragOut); document.body.addEventListener("touchend", stopDrag); document.body.addEventListener("touchcancel", stopDrag); }; const delDragIdx = () => { let chatIdx = chatIdxs.indexOf(dragIdx); if (chatIdx !== -1) { chatIdxs.splice(chatIdx, 1); } else { folderData.forEach((item, i) => { let inIdx = item.idxs.indexOf(dragIdx); if (inIdx !== -1) { item.idxs.splice(inIdx, 1); updateFolder(i); } }) } } const updateFolder = (idx) => { let folderEle = folderListEle.children[idx]; let childLen = folderData[idx].idxs.length; folderEle.children[0].children[1].children[1].textContent = childLen + translations[locale]["chats"]; folderEle.classList.toggle("expandFolder", childLen); } folderListEle.ondragenter = chatListEle.ondragenter = function (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); if (ev.target === dragLi) return; allListEle.querySelectorAll(".dragingChat").forEach(ele => { ele.classList.remove("dragingChat"); }) if (dragType === "chat") { if (this === chatListEle) { this.classList.add("dragingChat"); let dragindex = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(chatListEle.children, dragLi); let targetindex = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(chatListEle.children, ev.target); delDragIdx(); if (targetindex !== -1) { chatIdxs.splice(targetindex, 0, dragIdx); if (dragindex === -1 || dragindex >= targetindex) { chatListEle.insertBefore(dragLi, ev.target); } else { chatListEle.insertBefore(dragLi, ev.target.nextElementSibling); } } else { chatIdxs.push(dragIdx); chatListEle.appendChild(dragLi); } } else if (this === folderListEle) { let folderIdx; if (ev.target.classList.contains("headLi")) { ev.target.parentElement.classList.add("dragingChat"); ev.target.nextElementSibling.appendChild(dragLi); delDragIdx(); folderIdx = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(folderListEle.children, ev.target.parentElement); folderData[folderIdx].idxs.push(dragIdx); updateFolder(folderIdx); } else if (ev.target.classList.contains("chatLi")) { ev.target.parentElement.parentElement.classList.add("dragingChat"); let parent = ev.target.parentElement; delDragIdx(); folderIdx = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(folderListEle.children, parent.parentElement); let dragindex = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(parent.children, dragLi); let targetindex = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(parent.children, ev.target); if (dragindex !== -1) { folderData[folderIdx].idxs.splice(targetindex, 0, dragIdx); if (dragindex < targetindex) { parent.insertBefore(dragLi, ev.target.nextElementSibling); } else { parent.insertBefore(dragLi, ev.target); } } else { folderData[folderIdx].idxs.push(dragIdx); parent.appendChild(dragLi); } updateFolder(folderIdx); } } updateChatIdxs(); } else if (dragType === "folder") { if (this === folderListEle) { let dragindex = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(folderListEle.children, dragLi); let folderIdx = Array.prototype.findIndex.call(folderListEle.children, (item) => { return item.contains(ev.target); }) folderListEle.children[folderIdx].classList.remove("expandFolder"); let folderEle = folderListEle.children[folderIdx]; let data = folderData.splice(dragindex, 1)[0]; folderData.splice(folderIdx, 0, data); if (dragindex === -1 || dragindex >= folderIdx) { folderListEle.insertBefore(dragLi, folderEle); } else { folderListEle.insertBefore(dragLi, folderEle.nextElementSibling); } updateChatIdxs(); } } } folderListEle.ondragover = chatListEle.ondragover = (ev) => { ev.preventDefault(); } folderListEle.ondragend = chatListEle.ondragend = (ev) => { document.getElementsByClassName("dragingLi")[0].classList.remove("dragingLi"); allListEle.querySelectorAll(".dragingChat").forEach(ele => { ele.classList.remove("dragingChat"); }) dragType = dragIdx = dragLi = void 0; } const chatDragStartEv = function (ev) { ev.stopPropagation(); dragLi = this; dragLi.classList.add("dragingLi"); dragType = "chat"; if (chatListEle.contains(this)) { let idx = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(chatListEle.children, this); dragIdx = chatIdxs[idx]; } else if (folderListEle.contains(this)) { let folderIdx = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(folderListEle.children, this.parentElement.parentElement); let inFolderIdx = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(this.parentElement.children, this); dragIdx = folderData[folderIdx].idxs[inFolderIdx]; } } const extraFolderActive = (folderIdx) => { let folderNewIdx = -1; for (let i = folderIdx - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (folderData[i].idxs.length) { folderNewIdx = i; } } if (folderNewIdx === -1) { for (let i = folderIdx + 1; i < folderData.length; i++) { if (folderData[i].idxs.length) folderNewIdx = i; } } if (folderNewIdx !== -1) { activeChatIdx = folderData[folderNewIdx].idxs[0]; } else if (chatIdxs.length) { activeChatIdx = chatIdxs[0]; } else { activeChatIdx = -1; } } const delFolder = (folderIdx, ele) => { if (confirmAction(translations[locale]["delFolderTip"])) { let delData = folderData[folderIdx]; let idxs = delData.idxs.sort(); ele.parentElement.remove(); if (idxs.indexOf(activeChatIdx) !== -1) { endAll(); extraFolderActive(folderIdx); } folderData.splice(folderIdx, 1); for (let i = idxs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { chatsData.splice(idxs[i], 1); } folderData.forEach(item => { if (item.idxs.length) { item.idxs.forEach((i, ix) => { let len = idxs.filter(j => { return i > j }).length; if (len) { item.idxs[ix] = i - len; } }) } }) chatIdxs.forEach((item, ix) => { let len = idxs.filter(j => { return item > j }).length; if (len) chatIdxs[ix] = item - len; }) let len = idxs.filter(j => { return activeChatIdx > j }).length; if (len) activeChatIdx -= len; if (activeChatIdx === -1) { addNewChat(); activeChatIdx = 0; chatEleAdd(activeChatIdx); } updateChats(); activeChat(); } } const folderAddChat = (folderIdx, headEle) => { endAll(); let chat = { name: translations[locale]["newChatName"], data: [] }; chatsData.push(chat); activeChatIdx = chatsData.length - 1; folderData[folderIdx].idxs.push(activeChatIdx); let ele = chatEleAdd(activeChatIdx, false) headEle.nextElementSibling.appendChild(ele); updateFolder(folderIdx); updateChats(); activeChat(ele); } const folderEleEvent = function (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); let parent = this.parentElement; let idx = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(folderListEle.children, parent); if (ev.target.className === "headLi") { let isExpanded = parent.classList.toggle("expandFolder"); if (folderData[idx].idxs.indexOf(activeChatIdx) !== -1) { parent.classList.toggle("activeFolder", !isExpanded); } } else if (ev.target.dataset.type === "folderAddChat") { folderAddChat(idx, this); } else if (ev.target.dataset.type === "folderEdit") { toEditName(idx, this, 0); } else if (ev.target.dataset.type === "folderDel") { delFolder(idx, this); } } const folderDragStartEv = function (ev) { dragLi = this; dragLi.classList.add("dragingLi"); dragType = "folder"; dragIdx = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(folderListEle.children, this); } const folderEleAdd = (idx, push = true) => { let folder = folderData[idx]; let folderEle = document.createElement("div"); folderEle.className = "folderLi"; if (!isMobile) folderEle.setAttribute("draggable", "true"); else folderEle.ontouchstart = mobileDragStartEV; let headEle = document.createElement("div"); headEle.className = "headLi"; headEle.innerHTML = `<svg width="24" height="24"><use xlink:href="#expandFolderIcon" /></svg> <div class="folderInfo"> <div class="folderName"></div> <div class="folderNum"></div> </div> <div class="folderOption"> <svg data-type="folderAddChat" width="24" height="24" role="img"><title>${translations[locale]["newChat"]}</title><use xlink:href="#addIcon" /></svg> <svg data-type="folderEdit" width="24" height="24" role="img"><title>${translations[locale]["edit"]}</title><use xlink:href="#chatEditIcon" /></svg> <svg data-type="folderDel" width="24" height="24" role="img"><title>${translations[locale]["del"]}</title><use xlink:href="#delIcon" /></svg> </div>` headEle.children[1].children[0].textContent = folder.name; headEle.children[1].children[1].textContent = folder.idxs.length + translations[locale]["chats"]; folderEle.appendChild(headEle); folderEle.ondragstart = folderDragStartEv; headEle.onclick = folderEleEvent; let chatsEle = document.createElement("div"); chatsEle.className = "chatsInFolder"; for (let i = 0; i < folder.idxs.length; i++) { chatsEle.appendChild(chatEleAdd(folder.idxs[i], false)); } folderEle.appendChild(chatsEle); if (push) { folderListEle.appendChild(folderEle) } else { folderListEle.insertBefore(folderEle, folderListEle.firstChild) } } document.getElementById("newFolder").onclick = function () { folderData.unshift({ name: translations[locale]["newFolderName"], idxs: [] }); folderEleAdd(0, false); updateChatIdxs(); folderListEle.parentElement.scrollTop = 0; }; const initChatEle = (index, chatEle) => { chatEle.children[1].children[0].textContent = chatsData[index].name; let chatPreview = ""; if (chatsData[index].data && chatsData[index].data.length) { let first = chatsData[index].data.find(item => { return item.role === "assistant" }); if (first) { chatPreview = first.content.slice(0, 30) } } chatEle.children[1].children[1].textContent = chatPreview; }; const chatEleAdd = (idx, appendChat = true) => { let chat = chatsData[idx]; let chatEle = document.createElement("div"); chatEle.className = "chatLi"; if (!isMobile) chatEle.setAttribute("draggable", "true"); else chatEle.ontouchstart = mobileDragStartEV; chatEle.ondragstart = chatDragStartEv; chatEle.innerHTML = `<svg width="24" height="24"><use xlink:href="#chatIcon" /></svg> <div class="chatInfo"> <div class="chatName"></div> <div class="chatPre"></div> </div> <div class="chatOption"><svg data-type="chatEdit" width="24" height="24" role="img"><title>${translations[locale]["edit"]}</title><use xlink:href="#chatEditIcon" /></svg> <svg data-type="chatDel" width="24" height="24" role="img"><title>${translations[locale]["del"]}</title><use xlink:href="#delIcon" /></svg></div>` if (appendChat) chatListEle.appendChild(chatEle); initChatEle(idx, chatEle); chatEle.onclick = chatEleEvent; return chatEle; }; const addNewChat = () => { let chat = { name: translations[locale]["newChatName"], data: [] }; if (presetRoleData.default) chat.data.unshift({ role: "system", content: presetRoleData.default }); preEle.selectedIndex = 0; chatsData.push(chat); chatIdxs.push(chatsData.length - 1); updateChats(); }; const delChat = (idx, ele, folderIdx, inFolderIdx) => { if (confirmAction(translations[locale]["delChatTip"])) { if (idx === activeChatIdx) endAll(); if (folderIdx !== void 0) { let folder = folderData[folderIdx]; folder.idxs.splice(inFolderIdx, 1); updateFolder(folderIdx); if (idx === activeChatIdx) { if (inFolderIdx - 1 >= 0) { activeChatIdx = folder.idxs[inFolderIdx - 1]; } else if (folder.idxs.length) { activeChatIdx = folder.idxs[0]; } else { extraFolderActive(folderIdx); } } } else { let chatIdx = chatIdxs.indexOf(idx); chatIdxs.splice(chatIdx, 1); if (idx === activeChatIdx) { if (chatIdx - 1 >= 0) { activeChatIdx = chatIdxs[chatIdx - 1]; } else if (chatIdxs.length) { activeChatIdx = chatIdxs[0]; } else { let folderNewIdx = -1; for (let i = folderData.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (folderData[i].idxs.length) folderNewIdx = i; } if (folderNewIdx !== -1) { activeChatIdx = folderData[folderNewIdx].idxs[0]; } else { activeChatIdx = -1; } } } } if (activeChatIdx > idx) activeChatIdx--; chatsData.splice(idx, 1); ele.remove(); folderData.forEach(item => { if (item.idxs.length) { item.idxs.forEach((i, ix) => { if (i > idx) item.idxs[ix] = i - 1; }) } }) chatIdxs.forEach((item, ix) => { if (item > idx) chatIdxs[ix] = item - 1; }) if (activeChatIdx === -1) { addNewChat(); activeChatIdx = 0; chatEleAdd(activeChatIdx); } updateChats(); activeChat(); } }; const endEditEvent = (ev) => { if (!document.getElementById("activeChatEdit").contains(ev.target)) { endEditChat(); } }; const preventDrag = (ev) => { ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } const endEditChat = () => { if (operateChatIdx !== void 0) { let ele = getChatEle(operateChatIdx); chatsData[operateChatIdx].name = ele.children[1].children[0].textContent = document.getElementById("activeChatEdit").value; ele.lastElementChild.remove(); } else if (operateFolderIdx !== void 0) { let ele = folderListEle.children[operateFolderIdx].children[0]; folderData[operateFolderIdx].name = ele.children[1].children[0].textContent = document.getElementById("activeChatEdit").value; ele.lastElementChild.remove(); } updateChats(); operateChatIdx = operateFolderIdx = void 0; document.body.removeEventListener("mousedown", endEditEvent, true); } const toEditName = (idx, ele, type) => { let inputEle = document.createElement("input"); inputEle.id = "activeChatEdit"; inputEle.setAttribute("draggable", "true"); inputEle.ondragstart = preventDrag; ele.appendChild(inputEle); if (type) { inputEle.value = chatsData[idx].name; operateChatIdx = idx; } else { inputEle.value = folderData[idx].name; operateFolderIdx = idx; } inputEle.setSelectionRange(0, 0); inputEle.focus(); inputEle.onkeydown = (e) => { if (e.keyCode === 13) { e.preventDefault(); endEditChat(); } }; document.body.addEventListener("mousedown", endEditEvent, true); return inputEle; }; const chatEleEvent = function (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); let idx, folderIdx, inFolderIdx; if (chatListEle.contains(this)) { idx = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(chatListEle.children, this); idx = chatIdxs[idx]; } else if (folderListEle.contains(this)) { folderIdx = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(folderListEle.children, this.parentElement.parentElement); inFolderIdx = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(this.parentElement.children, this); idx = folderData[folderIdx].idxs[inFolderIdx]; } if (ev.target.classList.contains("chatLi")) { if (searchChatEle.value || activeChatIdx !== idx) { endAll(); activeChatIdx = idx; activeChat(this); } if (window.innerWidth <= 800) { document.body.classList.remove("show-nav"); } } else if (ev.target.dataset.type === "chatEdit") { toEditName(idx, this, 1); } else if (ev.target.dataset.type === "chatDel") { delChat(idx, this, folderIdx, inFolderIdx); } }; const updateChats = () => { localStorage.setItem("chats", JSON.stringify(chatsData)); updateChatIdxs(); }; const updateChatIdxs = () => { localStorage.setItem("chatIdxs", JSON.stringify(chatIdxs)); localStorage.setItem("folders", JSON.stringify(folderData)); } const createConvEle = (className, append = true, model) => { let div = document.createElement("div"); div.className = className; formatMdEle(div, model); if (append) chatlog.appendChild(div); return div; } const getChatEle = (idx) => { let chatIdx = chatIdxs.indexOf(idx); if (chatIdx !== -1) { return chatListEle.children[chatIdx]; } else { let inFolderIdx; let folderIdx = folderData.findIndex(item => { inFolderIdx = item.idxs.indexOf(idx); return inFolderIdx !== -1; }) if (folderIdx !== -1) { return folderListEle.children[folderIdx].children[1].children[inFolderIdx]; } } } const activeChat = (ele) => { data = chatsData[activeChatIdx]["data"]; allListEle.querySelectorAll(".activeChatLi").forEach(ele => { ele.classList.remove("activeChatLi"); }) allListEle.querySelectorAll(".activeFolder").forEach(ele => { ele.classList.remove("activeFolder") }) if (!ele) ele = getChatEle(activeChatIdx); ele.classList.add("activeChatLi"); activeChatEle = ele; if (chatIdxs.indexOf(activeChatIdx) === -1) { if (!ele.parentElement.parentElement.classList.contains("expandFolder")) { ele.parentElement.parentElement.classList.add("activeFolder"); } } if (data[0] && data[0].role === "system") { systemRole = data[0].content; systemEle.value = systemRole; } else { systemRole = void 0; systemEle.value = ""; } chatlog.innerHTML = ""; if (systemRole ? data.length - 1 : data.length) { let firstIdx = systemRole ? 1 : 0; for (let i = firstIdx; i < data.length; i++) { if (data[i].role === "user") { createConvEle("request").children[1].textContent = data[i].content; } else { createConvEle("response", true, data[i].model).children[1].innerHTML = md.render(data[i].content) || "<br />"; } } } let top = ele.offsetTop + ele.offsetHeight - allListEle.clientHeight; if (allListEle.scrollTop < top) allListEle.scrollTop = top; localStorage.setItem("activeChatIdx", activeChatIdx); if (searchIdxs[activeChatIdx] !== void 0) { let dataIdx = searchIdxs[activeChatIdx]; if (dataIdx !== -1) { let currChatEle = chatlog.children[systemRole ? dataIdx - 1 : dataIdx]; let childs = currChatEle.children[1].getElementsByTagName("*"); if (childs.length) { for (let i = childs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (childs[i].textContent && childs[i].textContent.indexOf(searchChatEle.value) !== -1) { let offTop = findOffsetTop(childs[i], messagesEle); messagesEle.scrollTop = offTop + childs[i].offsetHeight - messagesEle.clientHeight * 0.15; break; } } } else messagesEle.scrollTop = currChatEle.offsetTop; } else messagesEle.scrollTop = 0; } }; newChatEle.onclick = () => { endAll(); addNewChat(); activeChatIdx = chatsData.length - 1; chatEleAdd(activeChatIdx); activeChat(chatListEle.lastElementChild); }; const initChats = () => { let localChats = localStorage.getItem("chats"); let localFolders = localStorage.getItem("folders"); let localChatIdxs = localStorage.getItem("chatIdxs") let localChatIdx = localStorage.getItem("activeChatIdx"); activeChatIdx = (localChatIdx && parseInt(localChatIdx)) || 0; if (localChats) { if (isCompressedChats) localChats = new TextDecoder().decode(inflateSync(stringToUint(localChats))); chatsData = JSON.parse(localChats); let folderIdxs = []; if (localFolders) { folderData = JSON.parse(localFolders); for (let i = 0; i < folderData.length; i++) { folderEleAdd(i); folderIdxs.push(...folderData[i].idxs); } } if (localChatIdxs) { chatIdxs = JSON.parse(localChatIdxs); for (let i = 0; i < chatIdxs.length; i++) { chatEleAdd(chatIdxs[i]); } } else { for (let i = 0; i < chatsData.length; i++) { if (folderIdxs.indexOf(i) === -1) { chatIdxs.push(i); chatEleAdd(i); } } updateChatIdxs(); } } else { addNewChat(); chatEleAdd(activeChatIdx); } }; const initExpanded = () => { let folderIdx = folderData.findIndex(item => { return item.idxs.indexOf(activeChatIdx) !== -1; }) if (folderIdx !== -1) { folderListEle.children[folderIdx].classList.add("expandFolder"); } } initChats(); initExpanded(); activeChat(); document.getElementById("clearSearch").onclick = () => { searchChatEle.value = ""; searchChatEle.dispatchEvent(new Event("input")); searchChatEle.focus(); } const toSearchChats = () => { searchIdxs.length = 0; for (let i = 0; i < chatsData.length; i++) { let chatEle = getChatEle(i); chatEle.style.display = null; let flags = isCaseSearch ? "" : "i"; let pattern = escapeRegexExp(searchChatEle.value); let regex = new RegExp(pattern, flags); let nameData = chatsData[i].name.match(regex); let nameIdx = nameData ? nameData.index : -1; let matchContent; let dataIdx = chatsData[i].data.findIndex(item => { return item.role !== "system" && (matchContent = item.content.match(regex)) }) if (nameIdx !== -1 || dataIdx !== -1) { let ele = chatEle.children[1]; if (dataIdx !== -1) { let data = chatsData[i].data[dataIdx]; let idx = matchContent.index; let endIdx = idx + matchContent[0].length; ele.children[1].textContent = (idx > 8 ? "..." : "") + data.content.slice(idx > 8 ? idx - 5 : 0, idx); ele.children[1].appendChild(document.createElement("span")); ele.children[1].lastChild.textContent = data.content.slice(idx, endIdx); ele.children[1].appendChild(document.createTextNode(data.content.slice(endIdx))) } else { initChatEle(i, chatEle); } if (nameIdx !== -1) { let endIdx = nameIdx + nameData[0].length; ele.children[0].textContent = (nameIdx > 5 ? "..." : "") + chatsData[i].name.slice(nameIdx > 5 ? nameIdx - 3 : 0, nameIdx); ele.children[0].appendChild(document.createElement("span")); ele.children[0].lastChild.textContent = chatsData[i].name.slice(nameIdx, endIdx); ele.children[0].appendChild(document.createTextNode(chatsData[i].name.slice(endIdx))) } else { ele.children[0].textContent = chatsData[i].name; } searchIdxs[i] = dataIdx; } else { chatEle.style.display = "none"; initChatEle(i, chatEle); } } for (let i = 0; i < folderListEle.children.length; i++) { let folderChatEle = folderListEle.children[i].children[1]; if (!folderChatEle.children.length || Array.prototype.filter.call(folderChatEle.children, (ele) => { return ele.style.display !== "none" }).length === 0) { folderListEle.children[i].style.display = "none"; } } } searchChatEle.oninput = (ev) => { if (searchChatEle.value.length) { toSearchChats(); } else { searchIdxs.length = 0; for (let i = 0; i < chatsData.length; i++) { let chatEle = getChatEle(i); chatEle.style.display = null; initChatEle(i, chatEle); } for (let i = 0; i < folderListEle.children.length; i++) { folderListEle.children[i].style.display = null; } } }; document.getElementById("resetHotKey").onclick = () => { localStorage.removeItem("hotKeys"); initHotKey(); notyf.success(translations[locale]["resetSetSuccTip"]); }; const blobToText = (blob) => { return new Promise((res, rej) => { let reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsText(blob); reader.onload = () => { res(reader.result); } reader.onerror = (error) => { rej(error); } }) }; document.getElementById("exportChat").onclick = () => { if (loading) stopLoading(); let data = { chatsData: chatsData, folderData: folderData, chatIdxs: chatIdxs } let blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)], { type: "application/json" }); let date = new Date(); let fileName = "chats-" + date.getFullYear() + "-" + (date.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + date.getDate() + ".json"; downBlob(blob, fileName); notyf.success(translations[locale]["exportSuccTip"]); }; document.getElementById("importChatInput").onchange = function () { let file = this.files[0]; blobToText(file).then(text => { try { let json = JSON.parse(text); let checked = json.chatsData && json.folderData && json.chatIdxs && json.chatsData.every(item => { return item.name !== void 0 && item.data !== void 0; }); if (checked) { let preFolder = folderData.length; let preLen = chatsData.length; if (json.chatsData) { chatsData = chatsData.concat(json.chatsData); } if (json.folderData) { for (let i = 0; i < json.folderData.length; i++) { json.folderData[i].idxs = json.folderData[i].idxs.map(item => { return item + preLen; }) folderData.push(json.folderData[i]); folderEleAdd(i + preFolder); } } if (json.chatIdxs) { for (let i = 0; i < json.chatIdxs.length; i++) { let newIdx = json.chatIdxs[i] + preLen; chatIdxs.push(newIdx) chatEleAdd(newIdx); } } updateChats(); checkStorage(); notyf.success(translations[locale]["importSuccTip"]); } else { throw new Error("fmt error"); } } catch (e) { notyf.error(translations[locale]["importFailTip"]); } this.value = ""; }) }; clearChatSet.onclick = clearChat.onclick = () => { if (confirmAction(translations[locale]["clearAllTip"])) { chatsData.length = 0; chatIdxs.length = 0; folderData.length = 0; folderListEle.innerHTML = ""; chatListEle.innerHTML = ""; endAll(); addNewChat(); activeChatIdx = 0; chatEleAdd(activeChatIdx); localStorage.removeItem("compressedChats"); isCompressedChats = false; updateChats(); checkStorage(); activeChat(chatListEle.firstElementChild); notyf.success(translations[locale]["clearChatSuccTip"]); } }; let localSetKeys = ['modelVersion', 'APISelect', 'APIHost', 'APIKey', 'hotKeys', 'userAvatar', 'system', 'temp', 'top_p', 'convWidth0', 'convWidth1', 'textSpeed', 'contLen', 'enableLongReply', 'existVoice', 'voiceTestText', 'azureRegion', 'azureKey', 'enableContVoice', 'enableAutoVoice', 'voiceRecLang', 'autoVoiceSendWord', 'autoVoiceStopWord', 'autoVoiceSendOut', 'keepListenMic', 'fullWindow', 'themeMode', 'autoThemeMode', 'customDarkTime', 'UILang', 'pinNav', 'voice0', 'voicePitch0', 'voiceVolume0', 'voiceRate0', 'azureRole0', 'azureStyle0', 'voice1', 'voicePitch1', 'voiceVolume1', 'voiceRate1', 'azureRole1', 'azureStyle1', 'searchFlag']; document.getElementById("exportSet").onclick = () => { let data = {} for (let i = 0; i < localSetKeys.length; i++) { let key = localSetKeys[i]; let val = localStorage.getItem(key); if (val != void 0) data[key] = val; } let blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)], { type: "application/json" }); let date = new Date(); let fileName = "settings-" + date.getFullYear() + "-" + (date.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + date.getDate() + ".json"; downBlob(blob, fileName); notyf.success(translations[locale]["exportSuccTip"]); }; document.getElementById("importSetInput").onchange = function () { let file = this.files[0]; blobToText(file).then(text => { try { let json = JSON.parse(text); let keys = Object.keys(json); for (let i = 0; i < localSetKeys.length; i++) { let key = localSetKeys[i]; let val = json[key]; if (val !== void 0) localStorage.setItem(key, val); else localStorage.removeItem(key); } initSetting(); initVoiceVal(); speechServiceEle.dispatchEvent(new Event("change")); initRecSetting(); initHotKey(); initLang(); checkStorage(); notyf.success(translations[locale]["importSuccTip"]); } catch (e) { notyf.error(translations[locale]["importFailTip"]); } this.value = ""; }) }; document.getElementById("resetSet").onclick = () => { if (confirmAction(translations[locale]["resetSetTip"])) { endAll(); if (existVoice === 3) localStorage.removeItem(azureRegion + "voiceData"); let data = {}; for (let i = 0; i < localSetKeys.length; i++) { let key = localSetKeys[i]; let val = localStorage.removeItem(key); } initSetting(); initVoiceVal(); speechServiceEle.dispatchEvent(new Event("change")); initRecSetting(); initHotKey(); initLang(); checkStorage(); notyf.success(translations[locale]["resetSetSuccTip"]); } } const endAll = () => { endSpeak(); if (editingIdx !== void 0) resumeSend(); if (loading) stopLoading(); }; const processIdx = (plus) => { if (currentVoiceIdx !== void 0) currentVoiceIdx += plus; if (editingIdx !== void 0) editingIdx += plus; } const hotKeyVals = {}; const ctrlHotKeyEv = (ev) => { if (ev.ctrlKey || ev.metaKey) { switch (ev.key.toLowerCase()) { case hotKeyVals["Nav"]: ev.preventDefault(); toggleNavEv(); return false; case hotKeyVals["Search"]: ev.preventDefault(); searchChatEle.focus(); return false; case hotKeyVals["Input"]: ev.preventDefault(); inputAreaEle.focus(); return false; case hotKeyVals["NewChat"]: ev.preventDefault(); newChatEle.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("click")); return false; case hotKeyVals["ClearChat"]: ev.preventDefault(); clearEle.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("click")); return false; case hotKeyVals["VoiceRec"]: if (supportRec) { ev.preventDefault(); toggleRecEv(); } return false; case hotKeyVals["VoiceSpeak"]: ev.preventDefault(); speechEvent(systemRole ? 1 : 0); return false; } } } const ctrlAltHotKeyEv = (ev) => { if ((ev.ctrlKey || ev.metaKey) && ev.altKey) { switch (ev.key.toLowerCase()) { case hotKeyVals["Window"]: ev.preventDefault(); toggleFull.dispatchEvent(new Event("click")); return false; case hotKeyVals["Theme"]: ev.preventDefault(); lightEle.dispatchEvent(new Event("click")); return false; case hotKeyVals["Lang"]: ev.preventDefault(); let idx = localeList.indexOf(locale) + 1; if (idx === localeList.length) idx = 0; locale = localeList[idx]; setLang(); changeLocale(); return false; } } } const listKey = ['Nav', 'Search', 'Input', 'NewChat', 'ClearChat', 'VoiceRec', 'VoiceSpeak', 'Window', 'Theme', 'Lang']; const ctrlKeyIdx = 7; const defKeyVal = ['b', 'k', 'i', 'e', 'r', 'q', 's', 'u', 't', 'l']; const initHotKey = () => { let localKeysObj = {}; let localKeys = localStorage.getItem("hotKeys"); if (localKeys) { try { localKeysObj = JSON.parse(localKeys); } catch (e) { } } let pre1 = isApple ? "⌘ + " : "Ctrl + "; let pre2 = isApple ? "⌘ + ⌥ + " : "Ctrl + Alt + "; for (let i = 0; i < listKey.length; i++) { let key = listKey[i]; if (key === "VoiceRec" && !supportRec) continue; let ele = window["hotKey" + key]; for (let j = 0; j < 26; j++) { // top-level hotkey, can't overwrite if (i < ctrlKeyIdx && (j === 13 || j === 19 || j === 22)) continue; let val = String.fromCharCode(j + 97); ele.options.add(new Option((i < ctrlKeyIdx ? pre1 : pre2) + val.toUpperCase(), val)); } hotKeyVals[key] = ele.value = localKeysObj[key] || defKeyVal[i]; ele.onchange = () => { if (hotKeyVals[key] === ele.value) return; let exist = listKey.find((item, idx) => { return (i < ctrlKeyIdx ? idx < ctrlKeyIdx : idx >= ctrlKeyIdx) && hotKeyVals[item] === ele.value; }) if (exist) { ele.value = hotKeyVals[key]; notyf.error(translations[locale]["hotkeyConflict"]) return; } hotKeyVals[key] = ele.value; localStorage.setItem("hotKeys", JSON.stringify(hotKeyVals)); } } }; initHotKey(); document.addEventListener("keydown", ctrlHotKeyEv); document.addEventListener("keydown", ctrlAltHotKeyEv); const initSetting = () => { const modelEle = document.getElementById("preSetModel"); let localModel = localStorage.getItem("modelVersion"); modelVersion = modelEle.value = localModel || "gpt-4o-mini"; modelEle.onchange = () => { modelVersion = modelEle.value; localStorage.setItem("modelVersion", modelVersion); } modelEle.dispatchEvent(new Event("change")); const apiHostEle = document.getElementById("apiHostInput"); const apiSelectEle = document.getElementById("apiSelect"); let localApiSelect = localStorage.getItem("APISelect"); if (localApiSelect) { try { apiSelects = JSON.parse(localApiSelect); } catch (e) { apiSelects.length = 0; } } else { apiSelects.length = 0; } const delApiOption = function (ev) { ev.stopPropagation(); let index = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(apiSelectEle.children, this.parentElement); apiSelects.splice(index, 1); this.parentElement.remove(); localStorage.setItem("APISelect", JSON.stringify(apiSelects)); if (!apiSelects.length) apiSelectEle.style.display = "none"; } const appendApiOption = () => { apiSelects.push(apiHost); initApiOption(apiHost); localStorage.setItem("APISelect", JSON.stringify(apiSelects)); } const selApiOption = function (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); apiSelectEle.style.display = "none"; let index = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(apiSelectEle.children, this); apiHostEle.value = apiSelects[index]; apiHostEle.dispatchEvent(new Event("change")); } const initApiOption = (api) => { let optionEle = document.createElement("div"); optionEle.onclick = selApiOption; let textEle = document.createElement("span"); textEle.textContent = api; optionEle.appendChild(textEle); let delEle = document.createElement("div"); delEle.className = "delApiOption"; delEle.onclick = delApiOption; delEle.innerHTML = `<svg width="24" height="24"><use xlink:href="#closeIcon" /></svg>`; optionEle.appendChild(delEle); apiSelectEle.appendChild(optionEle); } const initApiSelectEle = () => { apiSelectEle.innerHTML = ""; for (let i = 0; i < apiSelects.length; i++) { initApiOption(apiSelects[i]); } } initApiSelectEle(); apiHostEle.onfocus = () => { if (apiSelects.length) apiSelectEle.style.display = "block"; } apiHostEle.onblur = (ev) => { if (!(ev.relatedTarget && apiSelectEle.contains(ev.relatedTarget))) apiSelectEle.style.display = "none"; } let localApiHost = localStorage.getItem("APIHost"); apiHost = apiHostEle.value = envAPIEndpoint || localApiHost || apiHostEle.getAttribute("value") || window.location.origin || ""; apiHostEle.onchange = () => { apiHost = apiHostEle.value; if (apiHost && apiSelects.indexOf(apiHost) === -1) appendApiOption(); localStorage.setItem("APIHost", apiHost); } apiHostEle.dispatchEvent(new Event("change")); const keyEle = document.getElementById("keyInput"); let localKey = localStorage.getItem("APIKey"); customAPIKey = keyEle.value = envAPIKey || localKey || keyEle.getAttribute("value") || ""; keyEle.onchange = () => { customAPIKey = keyEle.value; localStorage.setItem("APIKey", customAPIKey); } keyEle.dispatchEvent(new Event("change")); const updateAvatar = () => { setAvatarPre.src = userAvatar; chatlog.querySelectorAll(".request>.chatAvatar").forEach(ele => { ele.children[0].src = userAvatar; }) } let localAvatar = localStorage.getItem("userAvatar"); userAvatar = setAvatarPre.src = setAvatar.value = localAvatar || setAvatar.getAttribute("value") || (window.location + "avatar.png"); setAvatar.onchange = () => { userAvatar = setAvatar.value; localStorage.setItem("userAvatar", userAvatar); updateAvatar(); } setAvatar.dispatchEvent(new Event("change")); let localSystem = localStorage.getItem("system"); systemEle.onchange = () => { systemRole = systemEle.value; localStorage.setItem("system", systemRole); if (systemRole) { if (data[0] && data[0].role === "system") { data[0].content = systemRole; } else { data.unshift({ role: "system", content: systemRole }); processIdx(1); } } else if (data[0] && data[0].role === "system") { data.shift(); processIdx(-1); } updateChats(); } if (systemRole === void 0) { systemRole = systemEle.value = localSystem || presetRoleData.default || ""; if (systemRole) { data.unshift({ role: "system", content: systemRole }); processIdx(1); updateChats(); } } preEle.onchange = () => { let val = preEle.value; if (val && presetRoleData[val]) { systemEle.value = presetRoleData[val]; } else { systemEle.value = ""; } systemEle.dispatchEvent(new Event("change")); systemEle.focus(); } const topEle = document.getElementById("top_p"); let localTop = localStorage.getItem("top_p"); topEle.value = roleNature = parseFloat(localTop || topEle.getAttribute("value")); topEle.oninput = () => { topEle.style.backgroundSize = (topEle.value - topEle.min) * 100 / (topEle.max - topEle.min) + "% 100%"; roleNature = parseFloat(topEle.value); localStorage.setItem("top_p", topEle.value); } topEle.dispatchEvent(new Event("input")); const tempEle = document.getElementById("temp"); let localTemp = localStorage.getItem("temp"); tempEle.value = roleTemp = parseFloat(localTemp || tempEle.getAttribute("value")); tempEle.oninput = () => { tempEle.style.backgroundSize = (tempEle.value - tempEle.min) * 100 / (tempEle.max - tempEle.min) + "% 100%"; roleTemp = parseFloat(tempEle.value); localStorage.setItem("temp", tempEle.value); } tempEle.dispatchEvent(new Event("input")); const convWEle = document.getElementById("convWidth"); const styleSheet = document.styleSheets[0]; convWEle.oninput = () => { let type = isFull ? 1 : 0; convWEle.style.backgroundSize = (convWEle.value - convWEle.min) * 100 / (convWEle.max - convWEle.min) + "% 100%"; convWidth[type] = parseInt(convWEle.value); localStorage.setItem("convWidth" + type, convWEle.value); styleSheet.deleteRule(0); styleSheet.deleteRule(0); styleSheet.insertRule(`.bottom_wrapper{max-width:${convWidth[type]}%;}`, 0); styleSheet.insertRule(`.requestBody,.response .markdown-body{max-width:calc(${convWidth[type]}% - 88px);}`, 0); } const setConvValue = () => { let type = isFull ? 1 : 0; let localConv = localStorage.getItem("convWidth" + type); convWEle.value = parseInt(localConv || (type ? "60" : "100")); convWEle.dispatchEvent(new Event("input")); } const fullFunc = () => { isFull = windowEle.classList.contains("full_window"); localStorage.setItem("fullWindow", isFull); setConvValue(); toggleFull.title = isFull ? translations[locale]["winedWin"] : translations[locale]["fullWin"]; toggleFull.children[0].children[0].setAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", "href", isFull ? 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"none" : "block"; if (dialogEle.style.display === "block") { document.addEventListener("mousedown", closeEvent, true); settingEle.classList.add("showSetting"); } else { document.removeEventListener("mousedown", closeEvent, true); settingEle.classList.remove("showSetting"); } } let delayId; const delay = () => { return new Promise((resolve) => delayId = setTimeout(resolve, textSpeed)); //打字机时间间隔 } const uuidv4 = () => { let uuid = ([1e7] + 1e3 + 4e3 + 8e3 + 1e11).replace(/[018]/g, c => (c ^ crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(1))[0] & 15 >> c / 4).toString(16) ); return existVoice === 3 ? uuid.toUpperCase() : uuid; } const getTime = () => { return existVoice === 3 ? new Date().toISOString() : new Date().toString(); } const getWSPre = (date, requestId) => { let osPlatform = (typeof window !== "undefined") ? "Browser" : "Node"; osPlatform += "/" + navigator.platform; let osName = navigator.userAgent; let osVersion = navigator.appVersion; return `Path: speech.config\r\nX-RequestId: ${requestId}\r\nX-Timestamp: ${date}\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{"context":{"system":{"name":"SpeechSDK","version":"1.26.0","build":"JavaScript","lang":"JavaScript","os":{"platform":"${osPlatform}","name":"${osName}","version":"${osVersion}"}}}}` } const getWSAudio = (date, requestId) => { return existVoice === 3 ? `Path: synthesis.context\r\nX-RequestId: ${requestId}\r\nX-Timestamp: ${date}\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{"synthesis":{"audio":{"metadataOptions":{"sentenceBoundaryEnabled":false,"wordBoundaryEnabled":false},"outputFormat":"${voiceFormat}"}}}` : `X-Timestamp:${date}\r\nContent-Type:application/json; charset=utf-8\r\nPath:speech.config\r\n\r\n{"context":{"synthesis":{"audio":{"metadataoptions":{"sentenceBoundaryEnabled":"false","wordBoundaryEnabled":"true"},"outputFormat":"${voiceFormat}"}}}}` } const getWSText = (date, requestId, lang, voice, volume, rate, pitch, style, role, msg) => { let fmtVolume = volume === 1 ? "+0%" : volume * 100 - 100 + "%"; let fmtRate = (rate >= 1 ? "+" : "") + (rate * 100 - 100) + "%"; let fmtPitch = (pitch >= 1 ? "+" : "") + (pitch - 1) + "Hz"; msg = getEscape(msg); if (existVoice === 3) { let fmtStyle = style ? ` style="${style}"` : ""; let fmtRole = role ? ` role="${role}"` : ""; let fmtExpress = fmtStyle + fmtRole; return `Path: ssml\r\nX-RequestId: ${requestId}\r\nX-Timestamp: ${date}\r\nContent-Type: application/ssml+xml\r\n\r\n<speak version='1.0' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2001/10/synthesis' xmlns:mstts='https://www.w3.org/2001/mstts' xml:lang='${lang}'><voice name='${voice}'><mstts:express-as${fmtExpress}><prosody pitch='${fmtPitch}' rate='${fmtRate}' volume='${fmtVolume}'>${msg}</prosody></mstts:express-as></voice></speak>`; } else { return `X-RequestId:${requestId}\r\nContent-Type:application/ssml+xml\r\nX-Timestamp:${date}Z\r\nPath:ssml\r\n\r\n<speak version='1.0' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2001/10/synthesis' xmlns:mstts='https://www.w3.org/2001/mstts' xml:lang='${lang}'><voice name='${voice}'><prosody pitch='${fmtPitch}' rate='${fmtRate}' volume='${fmtVolume}'>${msg}</prosody></voice></speak>`; } } const getAzureWSURL = () => { return `wss://${azureRegion}.tts.speech.microsoft.com/cognitiveservices/websocket/v1?Authorization=bearer%20${azureToken}` } const edgeTTSURL = "wss://speech.platform.bing.com/consumer/speech/synthesize/readaloud/edge/v1?trustedclienttoken=6A5AA1D4EAFF4E9FB37E23D68491D6F4"; const resetSpeakIcon = () => { if (currentVoiceIdx !== void 0) { chatlog.children[systemRole ? currentVoiceIdx - 1 : currentVoiceIdx].classList.remove("showVoiceCls"); chatlog.children[systemRole ? currentVoiceIdx - 1 : currentVoiceIdx].lastChild.lastChild.className = "voiceCls readyVoice"; } } const endSpeak = () => { resetSpeakIcon(); currentVoiceIdx = void 0; if (voiceIns && voiceIns instanceof Audio) { voiceIns.pause(); voiceIns.currentTime = 0; URL.revokeObjectURL(voiceIns.src); voiceIns.removeAttribute("src"); voiceIns.onended = voiceIns.onerror = null; sourceBuffer = void 0; speechPushing = false; if (voiceSocket && voiceSocket["pending"]) { voiceSocket.close() } if (autoVoiceSocket && autoVoiceSocket["pending"]) { autoVoiceSocket.close() } speechQuene.length = 0; autoMediaSource = void 0; voiceContentQuene = []; voiceEndFlagQuene = []; voiceBlobURLQuene = []; autoOnlineVoiceFlag = false; } else if (supportSpe) { speechSynthesis.cancel(); } } const speakEvent = (ins, force = true, end = false) => { return new Promise((res, rej) => { ins.onerror = () => { if (end) { endSpeak(); } else if (force) { resetSpeakIcon(); } res(); } if (ins instanceof Audio) { ins.onended = ins.onerror; ins.play(); } else { ins.onend = ins.onerror; speechSynthesis.speak(voiceIns); } }) }; let voiceData = []; let voiceSocket; let speechPushing = false; let speechQuene = []; let sourceBuffer; speechQuene.push = function (buffer) { if (!speechPushing && (sourceBuffer && !sourceBuffer.updating)) { speechPushing = true; sourceBuffer.appendBuffer(buffer); } else { Array.prototype.push.call(this, buffer) } } const initSocket = () => { return new Promise((res, rej) => { if (!voiceSocket || voiceSocket.readyState > 1) { voiceSocket = new WebSocket(existVoice === 3 ? getAzureWSURL() : edgeTTSURL); voiceSocket.binaryType = "arraybuffer"; voiceSocket.onopen = () => { res(); }; voiceSocket.onerror = () => { rej(); } } else { return res(); } }) } const initStreamVoice = (mediaSource) => { return new Promise((r, j) => { Promise.all([initSocket(), new Promise(res => { mediaSource.onsourceopen = () => { res(); }; })]).then(() => { r(); }) }) } let downQuene = {}; let downSocket; const downBlob = (blob, name) => { let a = document.createElement("a"); a.download = name; a.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob); a.click(); } const initDownSocket = () => { return new Promise((res, rej) => { if (!downSocket || downSocket.readyState > 1) { downSocket = new WebSocket(existVoice === 3 ? getAzureWSURL() : edgeTTSURL); downSocket.binaryType = "arraybuffer"; downSocket.onopen = () => { res(); }; downSocket.onmessage = (e) => { if (e.data instanceof ArrayBuffer) { let text = new TextDecoder().decode(e.data.slice(0, voicePreLen)); let reqIdx = text.indexOf(":"); let uuid = text.slice(reqIdx + 1, reqIdx + 33); downQuene[uuid]["blob"].push(e.data.slice(voicePreLen)); } else if (e.data.indexOf("Path:turn.end") !== -1) { let reqIdx = e.data.indexOf(":"); let uuid = e.data.slice(reqIdx + 1, reqIdx + 33); let blob = new Blob(downQuene[uuid]["blob"], { type: voiceMIME }); let key = downQuene[uuid]["key"]; let name = downQuene[uuid]["name"]; if (blob.size === 0) { notyf.open({ type: "warning", message: translations[locale]["cantSpeechTip"] }); return; } voiceData[key] = blob; if (downQuene[uuid]["isTest"]) { testVoiceBlob = blob; playTestAudio(); } else { downBlob(blob, name.slice(0, 16) + voiceSuffix); } } } downSocket.onerror = () => { rej(); } } else { return res(); } }) } let testVoiceBlob; let testVoiceIns; const playTestAudio = () => { if (existVoice >= 2) { if (!testVoiceIns || testVoiceIns instanceof Audio === false) { testVoiceIns = new Audio(); testVoiceIns.onended = testVoiceIns.onerror = () => { stopTestVoice(); } } testVoiceIns.src = URL.createObjectURL(testVoiceBlob); testVoiceIns.play(); } else if (supportSpe) { speechSynthesis.speak(testVoiceIns); } } const pauseTestVoice = () => { if (testVoiceIns) { if (testVoiceIns && testVoiceIns instanceof Audio) { testVoiceIns.pause(); } else if (supportSpe) { speechSynthesis.pause(); } } testVoiceBtn.className = "justSetLine resumeTestVoice"; } const resumeTestVoice = () => { if (testVoiceIns) { if (testVoiceIns && testVoiceIns instanceof Audio) { testVoiceIns.play(); } else if (supportSpe) { speechSynthesis.resume(); } } testVoiceBtn.className = "justSetLine pauseTestVoice"; } const stopTestVoice = () => { if (testVoiceIns) { if (testVoiceIns instanceof Audio) { testVoiceIns.pause(); testVoiceIns.currentTime = 0; URL.revokeObjectURL(testVoiceIns.src); testVoiceIns.removeAttribute("src"); } else if (supportSpe) { speechSynthesis.cancel(); } } testVoiceBtn.className = "justSetLine readyTestVoice"; } const startTestVoice = async () => { testVoiceBtn.className = "justSetLine pauseTestVoice"; let volume = voiceVolume[voiceType]; let rate = voiceRate[voiceType]; let pitch = voicePitch[voiceType]; let content = voiceTestText; if (existVoice >= 2) { let voice = existVoice === 3 ? voiceRole[voiceType].ShortName : voiceRole[voiceType].Name; let style = azureStyle[voiceType]; let role = azureRole[voiceType]; let key = content + voice + volume + rate + pitch + (style ? style : "") + (role ? role : ""); let blob = voiceData[key]; if (blob) { testVoiceBlob = blob; playTestAudio(); } else { await initDownSocket(); let currDate = getTime(); let lang = voiceRole[voiceType].lang; let uuid = uuidv4(); if (existVoice === 3) { downSocket.send(getWSPre(currDate, uuid)); } downSocket.send(getWSAudio(currDate, uuid)); downSocket.send(getWSText(currDate, uuid, lang, voice, volume, rate, pitch, style, role, content)); downSocket["pending"] = true; downQuene[uuid] = {}; downQuene[uuid]["name"] = content; downQuene[uuid]["key"] = key; downQuene[uuid]["isTest"] = true; downQuene[uuid]["blob"] = []; } } else { testVoiceIns = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(); testVoiceIns.onend = testVoiceIns.onerror = () => { stopTestVoice(); } testVoiceIns.voice = voiceRole[voiceType]; testVoiceIns.volume = volume; testVoiceIns.rate = rate; testVoiceIns.pitch = pitch; testVoiceIns.text = content; playTestAudio(); } } const downloadAudio = async (idx) => { if (existVoice < 2) { return; } let type = data[idx].role === "user" ? 0 : 1; let voice = existVoice === 3 ? voiceRole[type].ShortName : voiceRole[type].Name; let volume = voiceVolume[type]; let rate = voiceRate[type]; let pitch = voicePitch[type]; let style = azureStyle[type]; let role = azureRole[type]; let content = chatlog.children[systemRole ? idx - 1 : idx].children[1].textContent; let key = content + voice + volume + rate + pitch + (style ? style : "") + (role ? role : ""); let blob = voiceData[key]; if (blob) { downBlob(blob, content.slice(0, 16) + voiceSuffix); } else { await initDownSocket(); let currDate = getTime(); let lang = voiceRole[type].lang; let uuid = uuidv4(); if (existVoice === 3) { downSocket.send(getWSPre(currDate, uuid)); } downSocket.send(getWSAudio(currDate, uuid)); downSocket.send(getWSText(currDate, uuid, lang, voice, volume, rate, pitch, style, role, content)); downSocket["pending"] = true; downQuene[uuid] = {}; downQuene[uuid]["name"] = content; downQuene[uuid]["key"] = key; downQuene[uuid]["blob"] = []; } } const NoMSEPending = (key) => { return new Promise((res, rej) => { let bufArray = []; voiceSocket.onmessage = (e) => { if (e.data instanceof ArrayBuffer) { bufArray.push(e.data.slice(voicePreLen)); } else if (e.data.indexOf("Path:turn.end") !== -1) { voiceSocket["pending"] = false; if (!(bufArray.length === 1 && bufArray[0].byteLength === 0)) { voiceData[key] = new Blob(bufArray, { type: voiceMIME }); res(voiceData[key]); } else { res(new Blob()); } } } }) } const pauseEv = () => { if (voiceIns.src) { let ele = chatlog.children[systemRole ? currentVoiceIdx - 1 : currentVoiceIdx].lastChild.lastChild; ele.classList.remove("readyVoice"); ele.classList.remove("pauseVoice"); ele.classList.add("resumeVoice"); } } const resumeEv = () => { if (voiceIns.src) { let ele = chatlog.children[systemRole ? currentVoiceIdx - 1 : currentVoiceIdx].lastChild.lastChild; ele.classList.remove("readyVoice"); ele.classList.remove("resumeVoice"); ele.classList.add("pauseVoice"); } } const speechEvent = async (idx) => { if (!data[idx]) return; endSpeak(); currentVoiceIdx = idx; if (!data[idx].content && enableContVoice) { if (currentVoiceIdx !== data.length - 1) { return speechEvent(currentVoiceIdx + 1) } else { return endSpeak() } }; let type = data[idx].role === "user" ? 0 : 1; chatlog.children[systemRole ? idx - 1 : idx].classList.add("showVoiceCls"); let voiceIconEle = chatlog.children[systemRole ? idx - 1 : idx].lastChild.lastChild; voiceIconEle.className = "voiceCls pauseVoice"; let content = chatlog.children[systemRole ? idx - 1 : idx].children[1].textContent; let volume = voiceVolume[type]; let rate = voiceRate[type]; let pitch = voicePitch[type]; let style = azureStyle[type]; let role = azureRole[type]; if (existVoice >= 2) { if (!voiceIns || voiceIns instanceof Audio === false) { voiceIns = new Audio(); voiceIns.onpause = pauseEv; voiceIns.onplay = resumeEv; } let voice = existVoice === 3 ? voiceRole[type].ShortName : voiceRole[type].Name; let key = content + voice + volume + rate + pitch + (style ? style : "") + (role ? role : ""); let currData = voiceData[key]; if (currData) { voiceIns.src = URL.createObjectURL(currData); } else { let mediaSource; if (supportMSE) { mediaSource = new MediaSource; voiceIns.src = URL.createObjectURL(mediaSource); await initStreamVoice(mediaSource); if (!sourceBuffer) { sourceBuffer = mediaSource.addSourceBuffer(voiceMIME); } sourceBuffer.onupdateend = function () { speechPushing = false; if (speechQuene.length) { let buf = speechQuene.shift(); if (buf["end"]) { if (!sourceBuffer.buffered.length) notyf.open({ type: "warning", message: translations[locale]["cantSpeechTip"] }); mediaSource.endOfStream(); } else { speechPushing = true; sourceBuffer.appendBuffer(buf); } } }; let bufArray = []; voiceSocket.onmessage = (e) => { if (e.data instanceof ArrayBuffer) { let buf = e.data.slice(voicePreLen); bufArray.push(buf); speechQuene.push(buf); } else if (e.data.indexOf("Path:turn.end") !== -1) { voiceSocket["pending"] = false; if (!(bufArray.length === 1 && bufArray[0].byteLength === 0)) voiceData[key] = new Blob(bufArray, { type: voiceMIME }); if (!speechQuene.length && !speechPushing) { mediaSource.endOfStream(); } else { let buf = new ArrayBuffer(); buf["end"] = true; speechQuene.push(buf); } } } } else { await initSocket(); } let currDate = getTime(); let lang = voiceRole[type].lang; let uuid = uuidv4(); if (existVoice === 3) { voiceSocket.send(getWSPre(currDate, uuid)); } voiceSocket.send(getWSAudio(currDate, uuid)); voiceSocket.send(getWSText(currDate, uuid, lang, voice, volume, rate, pitch, style, role, content)); voiceSocket["pending"] = true; if (!supportMSE) { let blob = await NoMSEPending(key); if (blob.size === 0) notyf.open({ type: "warning", message: translations[locale]["cantSpeechTip"] }); voiceIns.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob); } } } else { voiceIns = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(); voiceIns.voice = voiceRole[type]; voiceIns.volume = volume; voiceIns.rate = rate; voiceIns.pitch = pitch; voiceIns.text = content; } await speakEvent(voiceIns); if (enableContVoice) { if (currentVoiceIdx !== data.length - 1) { return speechEvent(currentVoiceIdx + 1) } else { endSpeak() } } }; let autoVoiceSocket; let autoMediaSource; let voiceContentQuene = []; let voiceEndFlagQuene = []; let voiceBlobURLQuene = []; let autoOnlineVoiceFlag = false; const autoAddQuene = () => { if (voiceContentQuene.length) { let content = getUnescape(md.render(voiceContentQuene.shift())); let currDate = getTime(); let uuid = uuidv4(); let voice = voiceRole[1].Name; if (existVoice === 3) { autoVoiceSocket.send(getWSPre(currDate, uuid)); voice = voiceRole[1].ShortName; } autoVoiceSocket.send(getWSAudio(currDate, uuid)); autoVoiceSocket.send(getWSText(currDate, uuid, voiceRole[1].lang, voice, voiceVolume[1], voiceRate[1], voicePitch[1], azureStyle[1], azureRole[1], content)); autoVoiceSocket["pending"] = true; autoOnlineVoiceFlag = true; } } const autoSpeechEvent = (content, ele, force = false, end = false) => { if (ele.lastChild.lastChild.classList.contains("readyVoice")) { ele.classList.add("showVoiceCls"); ele.lastChild.lastChild.className = "voiceCls pauseVoice"; } if (existVoice >= 2) { voiceContentQuene.push(content); voiceEndFlagQuene.push(end); if (!voiceIns || voiceIns instanceof Audio === false) { voiceIns = new Audio(); voiceIns.onpause = pauseEv; voiceIns.onplay = resumeEv; } if (!autoVoiceSocket || autoVoiceSocket.readyState > 1) { autoVoiceSocket = new WebSocket(existVoice === 3 ? getAzureWSURL() : edgeTTSURL); autoVoiceSocket.binaryType = "arraybuffer"; autoVoiceSocket.onopen = () => { autoAddQuene(); }; autoVoiceSocket.onerror = () => { autoOnlineVoiceFlag = false; }; }; let bufArray = []; autoVoiceSocket.onmessage = (e) => { if (e.data instanceof ArrayBuffer) { (supportMSE ? speechQuene : bufArray).push(e.data.slice(voicePreLen)); } else { if (e.data.indexOf("Path:turn.end") !== -1) { autoVoiceSocket["pending"] = false; autoOnlineVoiceFlag = false; if (!supportMSE) { let blob = new Blob(bufArray, { type: voiceMIME }); bufArray = []; if (blob.size) { let blobURL = URL.createObjectURL(blob); if (!voiceIns.src) { voiceIns.src = blobURL; voiceIns.play(); } else { voiceBlobURLQuene.push(blobURL); } } else { notyf.open({ type: "warning", message: translations[locale]["cantSpeechTip"] }); } autoAddQuene(); } if (voiceEndFlagQuene.shift()) { if (supportMSE) { if (!speechQuene.length && !speechPushing) { autoMediaSource.endOfStream(); } else { let buf = new ArrayBuffer(); buf["end"] = true; speechQuene.push(buf); } } else { if (!voiceBlobURLQuene.length && !voiceIns.src) { endSpeak(); } else { voiceBlobURLQuene.push("end"); } } }; if (supportMSE) { autoAddQuene(); } } } }; if (!autoOnlineVoiceFlag && autoVoiceSocket.readyState) { autoAddQuene(); } if (supportMSE) { if (!autoMediaSource) { autoMediaSource = new MediaSource(); autoMediaSource.onsourceopen = () => { if (!sourceBuffer) { sourceBuffer = autoMediaSource.addSourceBuffer(voiceMIME); sourceBuffer.onupdateend = () => { speechPushing = false; if (speechQuene.length) { let buf = speechQuene.shift(); if (buf["end"]) { if (!sourceBuffer.buffered.length) notyf.open({ type: "warning", message: translations[locale]["cantSpeechTip"] }); autoMediaSource.endOfStream(); } else { speechPushing = true; sourceBuffer.appendBuffer(buf); } } }; } } } if (!voiceIns.src) { voiceIns.src = URL.createObjectURL(autoMediaSource); voiceIns.play(); voiceIns.onended = voiceIns.onerror = () => { endSpeak(); } } } else { voiceIns.onended = voiceIns.onerror = () => { if (voiceBlobURLQuene.length) { let src = voiceBlobURLQuene.shift(); if (src === "end") { endSpeak(); } else { voiceIns.src = src; voiceIns.currentTime = 0; voiceIns.play(); } } else { voiceIns.currentTime = 0; voiceIns.removeAttribute("src"); } } } } else { voiceIns = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(content); voiceIns.volume = voiceVolume[1]; voiceIns.rate = voiceRate[1]; voiceIns.pitch = voicePitch[1]; voiceIns.voice = voiceRole[1]; speakEvent(voiceIns, force, end); } }; const confirmAction = (prompt) => { if (window.confirm(prompt)) { return true } else { return false } }; let autoVoiceIdx = 0; let autoVoiceDataIdx; let refreshIdx; let currentResEle; let progressData = ""; const streamGen = async (long) => { controller = new AbortController(); controllerId = setTimeout(() => { notyf.error(translations[locale]["timeoutTip"]); stopLoading(); }, 200000); let isRefresh = refreshIdx !== void 0; if (isRefresh) { currentResEle = chatlog.children[systemRole ? refreshIdx - 1 : refreshIdx]; if (outOfMsgWindow(currentResEle)) messagesEle.scrollTo(0, currentResEle.offsetTop) } else if (!currentResEle) { currentResEle = createConvEle("response", true, modelVersion); currentResEle.children[1].innerHTML = "<p class='cursorCls'><br /></p>"; currentResEle.dataset.loading = true; scrollToBottom(); } let idx = isRefresh ? refreshIdx : data.length; if (existVoice && enableAutoVoice && !long) { if (isRefresh) { endSpeak(); autoVoiceDataIdx = currentVoiceIdx = idx; } else if (currentVoiceIdx !== data.length) { endSpeak(); autoVoiceDataIdx = currentVoiceIdx = idx; } }; try { let dataSlice; if (long) { idx = isRefresh ? refreshIdx : data.length - 1; dataSlice = [data[idx - 1], data[idx]]; if (systemRole) dataSlice.unshift(data[0]); } else { let startIdx = idx > contLen ? idx - contLen - 1 : 0; dataSlice = data.slice(startIdx, idx); if (systemRole && startIdx > 0) dataSlice.unshift(data[0]); } dataSlice = dataSlice.map(item => { if (item.role === "assistant") return { role: item.role, content: item.content }; else return item; }) let headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json" }; if (customAPIKey) headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + customAPIKey; const res = await fetch(apiHost + ((apiHost.length && !apiHost.endsWith("/")) ? "/" : "") + API_URL, { method: "POST", headers, body: JSON.stringify({ messages: dataSlice, model: modelVersion, stream: true, temperature: roleTemp, top_p: roleNature }), signal: controller.signal }); clearTimeout(controllerId); controllerId = void 0; if (res.status !== 200) { if (res.status === 401) { notyf.error(translations[locale]["errorAiKeyTip"]) } else if (res.status === 400 || res.status === 413) { notyf.error(translations[locale]["largeReqTip"]); } else if (res.status === 404) { notyf.error(translations[locale]["noModelPerTip"]); } else if (res.status === 429) { notyf.error(res.statusText ? translations[locale]["apiRateTip"] : translations[locale]["exceedLimitTip"]); } else { notyf.error(translations[locale]["badGateTip"]); } stopLoading(); return; } const decoder = new TextDecoder(); const reader = res.body.getReader(); const readChunk = async () => { return reader.read().then(async ({ value, done }) => { if (!done) { value = decoder.decode(value); let chunks = value.match(/[^\n]+/g); if (!chunks) return readChunk(); for (let i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) { let chunk = chunks[i]; if (chunk) { let payload; try { payload = JSON.parse(chunk.slice(5)); } catch (e) { break; } if (!payload.choices.length) continue; if (payload.choices[0].finish_reason) { let lenStop = payload.choices[0].finish_reason === "length"; let longReplyFlag = enableLongReply && lenStop; let ele = currentResEle.lastChild.children[0].children[0]; if (!enableLongReply && lenStop) { ele.className = "halfRefReq optionItem"; ele.title = translations[locale]["continue"] } else { ele.className = "refreshReq optionItem"; ele.title = translations[locale]["refresh"] }; if (existVoice && enableAutoVoice && currentVoiceIdx === autoVoiceDataIdx) { let voiceText = longReplyFlag ? "" : progressData.slice(autoVoiceIdx), stop = !longReplyFlag; autoSpeechEvent(voiceText, currentResEle, false, stop); } break; } else { let content = payload.choices[0].delta.content; if (content) { if (!progressData && !content.trim()) continue; if (existVoice && enableAutoVoice && currentVoiceIdx === autoVoiceDataIdx) { let spliter = content.match(/\.|\?|!|~|。|?|!|\n/); if (spliter) { let voiceText = progressData.slice(autoVoiceIdx) + content.slice(0, spliter.index + 1); autoVoiceIdx += voiceText.length; autoSpeechEvent(voiceText, currentResEle); } } if (progressData) await delay(); progressData += content; currentResEle.children[1].innerHTML = md.render(progressData); scrollToBottom(); } } } } return readChunk(); } else { if (isRefresh) { data[refreshIdx].content = progressData; if (longReplyFlag) return streamGen(true); } else { if (long) { data[data.length - 1].content = progressData } else { data.push({ role: "assistant", content: progressData, model: modelVersion }) } if (longReplyFlag) return streamGen(true); } stopLoading(false); } }); }; await readChunk(); } catch (e) { if (e.message.indexOf("aborted") === -1) { notyf.error(translations[locale]["badEndpointTip"]) stopLoading(); } } }; const loadAction = (bool) => { loading = bool; sendBtnEle.disabled = bool; sendBtnEle.className = bool ? " loading" : "loaded"; stopEle.style.display = bool ? "flex" : "none"; textInputEvent(); }; const updateChatPre = () => { let ele = activeChatEle.children[1].children[1]; let first = data.find(item => { return item.role === "assistant" }); ele.textContent = first ? first.content.slice(0, 30) : ""; forceRepaint(ele.parentElement) } const stopLoading = (abort = true) => { stopEle.style.display = "none"; if (currentResEle.children[1].querySelector(".cursorCls")) currentResEle.children[1].innerHTML = "<br />"; if (abort) { controller.abort(); if (controllerId) clearTimeout(controllerId); if (delayId) clearTimeout(delayId); if (refreshIdx !== void 0) { data[refreshIdx].content = progressData } else if (data[data.length - 1].role === "assistant") { data[data.length - 1].content = progressData } else { data.push({ role: "assistant", content: progressData, model: modelVersion }) } if (existVoice && enableAutoVoice && currentVoiceIdx === autoVoiceDataIdx && progressData.length) { let voiceText = progressData.slice(autoVoiceIdx); autoSpeechEvent(voiceText, currentResEle, false, true); } } if (activeChatEle.children[1].children[1].textContent === "") updateChatPre(); updateChats(); controllerId = delayId = refreshIdx = autoVoiceDataIdx = void 0; autoVoiceIdx = 0; currentResEle.dataset.loading = false; currentResEle = null; progressData = ""; loadAction(false); }; const generateText = (message) => { loadAction(true); let requestEle; let isBottom = isContentBottom(); if (editingIdx !== void 0) { let idx = editingIdx; let eleIdx = systemRole ? idx - 1 : idx; requestEle = chatlog.children[eleIdx]; data[idx].content = message; resumeSend(); if (idx !== data.length - 1) { requestEle.children[1].textContent = message; if (data[idx + 1].role !== "assistant") { if (currentVoiceIdx !== void 0) { if (currentVoiceIdx > idx) { currentVoiceIdx++ } } data.splice(idx + 1, 0, { role: "assistant", content: "", model: modelVersion }); chatlog.insertBefore(createConvEle("response", false, modelVersion), chatlog.children[eleIdx + 1]); } chatlog.children[eleIdx + 1].children[1].innerHTML = "<p class='cursorCls'><br /></p>"; chatlog.children[eleIdx + 1].dataset.loading = true; idx = idx + 1; data[idx].content = ""; if (idx === currentVoiceIdx) { endSpeak() }; refreshIdx = idx; updateChats(); streamGen(); return; } } else { requestEle = createConvEle("request"); data.push({ role: "user", content: message }); } requestEle.children[1].textContent = message; if (chatsData[activeChatIdx].name === translations[locale]["newChatName"]) { if (message.length > 20) message = message.slice(0, 17) + "..."; chatsData[activeChatIdx].name = message; activeChatEle.children[1].children[0].textContent = message; } updateChats(); if (isBottom) messagesEle.scrollTo(0, messagesEle.scrollHeight); streamGen(); }; inputAreaEle.onkeydown = (e) => { if (e.keyCode === 13 && !e.shiftKey) { e.preventDefault(); genFunc(); } else if (keepListenMic && recing) { resetRecRes(); } }; const genFunc = function () { clearAutoSendTimer(); if (!keepListenMic && recing) { toggleRecEv(); } let message = inputAreaEle.value.trim(); if (message.length !== 0 && noLoading()) { inputAreaEle.value = ""; inputAreaEle.style.height = "47px"; if (keepListenMic && recing) resetRecRes(); generateText(message); } }; sendBtnEle.onclick = genFunc; stopEle.onclick = stopLoading; clearEle.onclick = () => { if (editingIdx === void 0) { if (noLoading() && confirmAction(translations[locale]["clearChatTip"])) { endSpeak(); if (systemRole) { data.length = 1 } else { data.length = 0 } chatlog.innerHTML = ""; updateChatPre(); updateChats(); } } else { resumeSend(); } } </script> <link crossorigin="anonymous" href="https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/npm/katex@0.16.10/dist/katex.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <script defer> let downRoleController = new AbortController(); const loadPrompt = () => { downRoleController.abort(); downRoleController = new AbortController(); setTimeout(() => { downRoleController.abort(); }, 10000); preEle.options.length = 5; if (locale === "zh") { fetch("https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/gh/PlexPt/awesome-chatgpt-prompts-zh/prompts-zh.json", { signal: downRoleController.signal }).then(async (response) => { let res = await response.json(); for (let i = 0; i < res.length; i++) { let key = "act" + i; presetRoleData[key] = res[i].prompt.trim(); let optionEle = document.createElement("option"); optionEle.text = res[i].act; optionEle.value = key; preEle.options.add(optionEle); } }).catch(e => { }) } else { fetch("https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/gh/f/awesome-chatgpt-prompts/prompts.csv", { signal: downRoleController.signal }).then(async (response) => { let res = await response.text(); let arr = res.split("\n"); for (let i = 1; i < arr.length - 1; i++) { let key = "act" + i; let index = arr[i].indexOf(","); presetRoleData[key] = arr[i].slice(index + 2, -1); let optionEle = document.createElement("option"); optionEle.text = arr[i].slice(1, index - 1); optionEle.value = key; preEle.options.add(optionEle); } }).catch(e => { }) } } loadPrompt(); </script> </body> </html>