import gradio as gr, glob, os, auditok, zipfile, requests, json, traceback, tempfile, random
from moviepy.editor import *
from pydub import AudioSegment
def split_wav_or_mp3_file(audiofileuploader, mindur2, maxdur2, name_for_split_files2, strict):
if audiofileuploader == None:
raise gr.Error("Audio file cannot be empty!")
if mindur2 == maxdur2:
raise gr.Error(f"Cannot split mindur={mindur2} and maxdur={maxdur2}, min and max are the same number.")
elif mindur2 > maxdur2:
raise gr.Error(f"Cannot split mindur={mindur2} and maxdur={maxdur2}, mindur is higher than maxdur.")
elif name_for_split_files2 == None:
raise gr.Error("Split files name cannot be empty!")
audio_path = audiofileuploader
audio_regions = auditok.split(
strict_min_dur=True if strict == True else False
for i, r in enumerate(audio_regions):
filename ="{name_for_split_files2}-{i+1}.wav")
for f in sorted(glob.glob("*.wav")):
audio_files = glob.glob("*.wav")
zip_file_name2 = ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file_name2, "w") as zip_file:
for audio_file in audio_files:
zip_file.write(audio_file, os.path.basename(audio_file))
for file2 in glob.glob("*.wav"):
return f"File split successfully!\nCheck below for zipped files.\nAmount created: {len(audio_files)}", zip_file_name2
def mp4_to_wav_or_mp3(mp4fileuploader, file_format, random_filename):
if mp4fileuploader == None:
raise gr.Error("Input cannot be empty!")
if file_format == "wav":
videoinput = AudioFileClip(mp4fileuploader)
output_filename = "convertedaudio.wav" if not random_filename else f"convertedaudio_{random.randint(1000, 9999)}.wav"
elif file_format == "mp3":
videoinput = AudioFileClip(mp4fileuploader)
output_filename = "convertedaudio.mp3" if not random_filename else f"convertedaudio_{random.randint(1000, 9999)}.mp3"
return "Converted mp4 file successfully!", output_filename
raise gr.Error(traceback.format_exc())
def remove_audio_file_from_directory():
for r in glob.glob("*.wav"):
for w in glob.glob("*.mp3"):
for y in glob.glob("convertedaudio.mp3"):
for a in glob.glob("convertedaudio.wav"):
return gr.Info("File removed.")
def mvsep_api_request(mvsep_key, audio_file, sep_dropdown):
if mvsep_key == "":
return gr.Warning("You must have an MVSEP API key for this to work!")
if audio_file == None:
return gr.Warning("Please select an audio file!")
if sep_dropdown == "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------":
return gr.Warning("This option is not a model!")
url = ""
files = {
"audiofile": open(audio_file, 'rb')
data = {
"api_token": mvsep_key,
"sep_type": sep_dropdown
r =, files=files, data=data)
json_format = r.json()
hash_val = json_format['data']['hash']
return f"Request sent successfully! Your hash is: {hash_val}\n\nUse the 'Get Status' tab to check the status of your request."
def mvsep_check_request(hash_textbox):
url = ""
params = {
"hash": hash_textbox
r = requests.get(url, params=params)
rjson = r.json()
success = rjson['success']
status = rjson['status']
return f"Was successful? {str(success)}.\nStatus: {status}."
except requests.exceptions.JSONDecodeError:
return gr.Info("Status not available or request not sent.")
def mvsep_download_separated_audio(hash_textbox):
url = ""
params = {
"hash": hash_textbox
r = requests.get(url, params=params)
rjson = r.json()
status = rjson['status']
files = rjson.get('data', {}).get('files', [])
urls = [file['url'] for file in files]
if status == "waiting" or status == "processing":
return gr.Info("Job not finished yet, so nothing to download for now.")
return json.dumps(urls, indent=4)
except requests.exceptions.JSONDecodeError:
return gr.Info("Nothing to download yet. Check back later.")
def split_by_dur(file_upload, dur_to_cut):
if file_upload == None:
raise gr.Error("Audio file cannot be empty!")
audio = AudioSegment.from_file(file_upload)
trimmed_audio = audio[:dur_to_cut]
ms_to_min = round((dur_to_cut/(1000*60))%60, 1)
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".mp3") as temp_file:
trimmed_audio.export(, format="mp3")
return f"Trimmed to {ms_to_min} minutes successfully.",
except Exception as e:
return gr.Error(traceback.format_exc())
def zip_to_many(zip_upload):
temp_dir = "temp_audio_files"
os.makedirs(temp_dir, exist_ok=True)
with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_upload, 'r') as zip_ref:
audio_files = [os.path.join(temp_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(temp_dir) if f.endswith(('.mp3', '.wav', '.ogg'))]
combined_audio = AudioSegment.empty()
for audio_file in audio_files:
audio = AudioSegment.from_file(audio_file)
combined_audio += audio
output_path = "combined_audio.mp3"
combined_audio.export(output_path, format="mp3")
for audio_file in audio_files:
return "Done.", output_path
with gr.Blocks(theme='bethecloud/storj_theme', title="Global Dataset Maker") as app:
Welcome to the Cafeteria (formally GDMGS)!
" Currently, no yt functions are working right now, so they have been deleted. Please use this tool to split an audio file, convert an mp4 file to mp3 or wav, or use mvsep."
gr.Markdown("## Duplicate this space if you want to make your own changes!")
"This Space will create a dataset for you and use MVSEP to isolate vocals, all automatically. **Please be warned that due to not having a GPU on this Space, some steps might take longer to complete.**"
" This Space's storage is ephemeral, meaning all audio files are visible to you only. I do not have access to any of this, nor would I do anything with it anyway.
with gr.Tabs():
with gr.TabItem("Misc tools"):
with gr.Tab("File splitter"):
gr.Markdown("If you would rather split a single WAV or mp3 audio file, use this method instead.")
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
with gr.Row():
audiofileuploader = gr.File(file_count='single', file_types=[".wav", ".mp3"], label="WAV or mp3 file")
mindur2 = gr.Number(label="Min duration", minimum=1, maximum=10, value=1)
maxdur2 = gr.Number(label="Max duration", minimum=1, maximum=10, value=5)
name_for_split_files2 = gr.Textbox(label="Name for split files")
strict = gr.Checkbox(False, label="Enable strict duration?", info="Use this option if you want to minimize the '(audio_file) is less than 0.76 seconds' warning on Colab. Keep in mind that this only applies for min duration, max is ignored.")
audiofileuploadbtn = gr.Button("Split", variant='primary')
[audiofileuploader, mindur2, maxdur2, name_for_split_files2, strict],
[gr.Text(label="Output"), gr.File(label="Zipped files")]
with gr.Tab("Split audio file by duration"):
gr.Markdown("If you have an audio file thats too long for MVSEP (or any other use cases), use this section to split the audio by duration.")
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
with gr.Row():
file_upload = gr.File(file_count='single', file_types=[".wav", ".mp3"], label="WAV or MP3 file")
dur_to_cut = gr.Number(label="Duration to split audio (in ms). Cannot be larger than the duration of the audio file.", precision=0)
begin = gr.Button("Split at given duration", variant='primary')
[file_upload, dur_to_cut],
[gr.Text(label="Output"), gr.File(label="Trimmed audio")]
with gr.Tab("MP4 to mp3/wav converter"):
gr.Markdown("If you have an mp4 file, you can convert it to mp3 or wav here. Only click the 'Remove file' button when done.")
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
with gr.Row():
mp4fileuploader = gr.File(file_count='single', file_types=[".mp4"], label="mp4 file")
file_format = gr.Radio(["wav", "mp3"], value="mp3", label="Convert mp4 file to:")
random_filename = gr.Checkbox(False, label="Use random filename?")
convert_btn = gr.Button("Convert", variant='primary')
remove_file_btn = gr.Button("Remove file from directory", variant='secondary')
[mp4fileuploader, file_format, random_filename],
[gr.Text(label="Output"), gr.File(label="Converted audio file")]
with gr.Tab("MVSEP"):
gr.Markdown("Use MVSEP to isolate audio.\n\n**You will be required to input your API key, but it will not be saved ever, I don't use anything saved here for bad intentions, nor would I have access to it regardless.**")
with gr.Tab("Send Request via audio file"):
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
with gr.Row():
mvsep_key = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Enter your MVSEP API key.", label="API key")
audio_file = gr.File(file_count='single', file_types=[".mp3"], label="Audio file")
sep_dropdown = gr.Dropdown(
["0 - spleeter (vocals, music)",
"1 - spleeter (vocals, drums, bass, other)",
"2 - spleeter (vocals, drums, bass, piano, other)",
"3 - unmix XL (vocals, drums, bass, other)",
"4 - unmix HQ (vocals, drums, bass, other)",
"5 - unmix SD (vocals, drums, bass, other)",
"6 - unmix SE (vocals, music)",
"7 - MDX A (vocals, drums, bass, other)",
"8 - MDX B (vocals, drums, bass, other)",
"9 - UVR HQ (vocals, music)",
"10 - Demucs3 Model A (vocals, drums, bass, other)",
"11 - Demucs3 Model B (vocals, drums, bass, other)",
"12 - MDX-B Karaoke (lead/back vocals)",
"13 - Demucs2 (vocals, drums, bass, other)",
"14 - Zero Shot (Query Based) (LQ)",
"15 - Danna sep (vocals, drums, bass, other)",
"16 - Byte Dance (vocals, drums, bass, other)",
"17 - UVRv5 Demucs (vocals, music)",
"18 - MVSep DNR (music, sfx, speech)",
"19 - MVSep Vocal Model (vocals, music)",
"20 - Demucs4 HT (vocals, drums, bass, other)",
"22 - FoxJoy Reverb Removal (other)",
"23 - MDX B (vocals, instrumental)",
"24 - MVSep Demucs4HT DNR (dialog, sfx, music)",
"25 - MDX23C (vocals, instrumental)",
"26 - Ensemble (vocals, instrumental) [PREMIUM ONLY]",
"27 - Demucs4 Vocals 2023 (vocals, instrumental)",
"28 - Ensemble (vocals, instrumental, bass, drums, other) [PREMIUM ONLY]",
"29 - MVSep Piano (piano, other)",
"30 - Ensemble All-In (vocals, bass, drums, piano, guitar, lead/back vocals, other) [PREMIUM ONLY]",
"31 - MVSep Guitar (guitar, other)",
"33 - Vit Large 23 (vocals, instrum)",
"34 - MVSep Crowd removal (crowd, other)",
"35 - MVSep MelBand Roformer (vocals, instrum)",
"36 - BandIt Plus (speech, music, effects)",
"37 - DrumSep (kick, snare, cymbals, toms)",
"38 - LarsNet (kick, snare, cymbals, toms, hihat)",
"39 - Whisper (extract text from audio)",
"40 - BS Roformer (vocals, instrumental)",
"41 - MVSep Bass (bass, other)",
"42 - MVSep MultiSpeaker (MDX23C)",
"43 - MVSEP Multichannel BS (vocals, inst)",
"44 - MVSep Drums (drums, other)",
"45 - Bandit v2 (speech, music, effects)"
value="45 - Bandit v2 (speech, music, effects)",
label="Model type:",
send_req = gr.Button("Send request", variant='primary')
[mvsep_key, audio_file, sep_dropdown],
with gr.Tab("Get status of request"):
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
with gr.Row():
hash_textbox = gr.Textbox(label="Hash")
check_status = gr.Button("Check status", variant='primary')
download = gr.Button("Download separated audio", variant='secondary')
with gr.Tab("Convert many audio files to one file"):
gr.Markdown("Upload a ZIP full of many audio files and this will attempt to convert it to one long audio file. **Will not work if there are folders inside the zip.**")
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
with gr.Row():
zip_upload = gr.File(file_count='single', file_types=[".zip"], label="Zip file")
combine_btn = gr.Button("Combine", variant='primary')
[gr.Text(label="Status"), gr.File(label="Combined file")]
with gr.TabItem("Changelog"):
gr.Markdown("v1.2 - Added an option (in mp4 to mp3/wav converter) to have the output file be a random filename.")
gr.Markdown("v1.1 - Added new tool: Convert many audio files to one file.")
gr.Markdown("v1 - Not the most exciting v1 release. **Removed yt functions as they are no longer working.**")
gr.Markdown("v0.99.9 - Added new tool: Split audio file by duration.")