# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. import collections import copy from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod from typing import Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union import mmcv import numpy as np from mmcv.transforms import BaseTransform from mmdet.structures.bbox import autocast_box_type from mmengine.dataset import BaseDataset from mmengine.dataset.base_dataset import Compose from numpy import random from mmyolo.registry import TRANSFORMS class BaseMixImageTransform(BaseTransform, metaclass=ABCMeta): """A Base Transform of multiple images mixed. Suitable for training on multiple images mixed data augmentation like mosaic and mixup. Cached mosaic transform will random select images from the cache and combine them into one output image if use_cached is True. Args: pre_transform(Sequence[str]): Sequence of transform object or config dict to be composed. Defaults to None. prob(float): The transformation probability. Defaults to 1.0. use_cached (bool): Whether to use cache. Defaults to False. max_cached_images (int): The maximum length of the cache. The larger the cache, the stronger the randomness of this transform. As a rule of thumb, providing 10 caches for each image suffices for randomness. Defaults to 40. random_pop (bool): Whether to randomly pop a result from the cache when the cache is full. If set to False, use FIFO popping method. Defaults to True. max_refetch (int): The maximum number of retry iterations for getting valid results from the pipeline. If the number of iterations is greater than `max_refetch`, but results is still None, then the iteration is terminated and raise the error. Defaults to 15. """ def __init__(self, pre_transform: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, prob: float = 1.0, use_cached: bool = False, max_cached_images: int = 40, random_pop: bool = True, max_refetch: int = 15): self.max_refetch = max_refetch self.prob = prob self.use_cached = use_cached self.max_cached_images = max_cached_images self.random_pop = random_pop self.results_cache = [] if pre_transform is None: self.pre_transform = None else: self.pre_transform = Compose(pre_transform) @abstractmethod def get_indexes(self, dataset: Union[BaseDataset, list]) -> Union[list, int]: """Call function to collect indexes. Args: dataset (:obj:`Dataset` or list): The dataset or cached list. Returns: list or int: indexes. """ pass @abstractmethod def mix_img_transform(self, results: dict) -> dict: """Mixed image data transformation. Args: results (dict): Result dict. Returns: results (dict): Updated result dict. """ pass @autocast_box_type() def transform(self, results: dict) -> dict: """Data augmentation function. The transform steps are as follows: 1. Randomly generate index list of other images. 2. Before Mosaic or MixUp need to go through the necessary pre_transform, such as MixUp' pre_transform pipeline include: 'LoadImageFromFile','LoadAnnotations', 'Mosaic' and 'RandomAffine'. 3. Use mix_img_transform function to implement specific mix operations. Args: results (dict): Result dict. Returns: results (dict): Updated result dict. """ if random.uniform(0, 1) > self.prob: return results if self.use_cached: # Be careful: deep copying can be very time-consuming # if results includes dataset. dataset = results.pop('dataset', None) self.results_cache.append(copy.deepcopy(results)) if len(self.results_cache) > self.max_cached_images: if self.random_pop: index = random.randint(0, len(self.results_cache) - 1) else: index = 0 self.results_cache.pop(index) if len(self.results_cache) <= 4: return results else: assert 'dataset' in results # Be careful: deep copying can be very time-consuming # if results includes dataset. dataset = results.pop('dataset', None) for _ in range(self.max_refetch): # get index of one or three other images if self.use_cached: indexes = self.get_indexes(self.results_cache) else: indexes = self.get_indexes(dataset) if not isinstance(indexes, collections.abc.Sequence): indexes = [indexes] if self.use_cached: mix_results = [ copy.deepcopy(self.results_cache[i]) for i in indexes ] else: # get images information will be used for Mosaic or MixUp mix_results = [ copy.deepcopy(dataset.get_data_info(index)) for index in indexes ] if self.pre_transform is not None: for i, data in enumerate(mix_results): # pre_transform may also require dataset data.update({'dataset': dataset}) # before Mosaic or MixUp need to go through # the necessary pre_transform _results = self.pre_transform(data) _results.pop('dataset') mix_results[i] = _results if None not in mix_results: results['mix_results'] = mix_results break print('Repeated calculation') else: raise RuntimeError( 'The loading pipeline of the original dataset' ' always return None. Please check the correctness ' 'of the dataset and its pipeline.') # Mosaic or MixUp results = self.mix_img_transform(results) if 'mix_results' in results: results.pop('mix_results') results['dataset'] = dataset return results @TRANSFORMS.register_module() class Mosaic(BaseMixImageTransform): """Mosaic augmentation. Given 4 images, mosaic transform combines them into one output image. The output image is composed of the parts from each sub- image. .. code:: text mosaic transform center_x +------------------------------+ | pad | | | +-----------+ pad | | | | | | | image1 +-----------+ | | | | | | | image2 | center_y |----+-+-----------+-----------+ | | cropped | | |pad | image3 | image4 | | | | | +----|-------------+-----------+ | | +-------------+ The mosaic transform steps are as follows: 1. Choose the mosaic center as the intersections of 4 images 2. Get the left top image according to the index, and randomly sample another 3 images from the custom dataset. 3. Sub image will be cropped if image is larger than mosaic patch Required Keys: - img - gt_bboxes (BaseBoxes[torch.float32]) (optional) - gt_bboxes_labels (np.int64) (optional) - gt_ignore_flags (bool) (optional) - mix_results (List[dict]) Modified Keys: - img - img_shape - gt_bboxes (optional) - gt_bboxes_labels (optional) - gt_ignore_flags (optional) Args: img_scale (Sequence[int]): Image size after mosaic pipeline of single image. The shape order should be (width, height). Defaults to (640, 640). center_ratio_range (Sequence[float]): Center ratio range of mosaic output. Defaults to (0.5, 1.5). bbox_clip_border (bool, optional): Whether to clip the objects outside the border of the image. In some dataset like MOT17, the gt bboxes are allowed to cross the border of images. Therefore, we don't need to clip the gt bboxes in these cases. Defaults to True. pad_val (int): Pad value. Defaults to 114. pre_transform(Sequence[dict]): Sequence of transform object or config dict to be composed. prob (float): Probability of applying this transformation. Defaults to 1.0. use_cached (bool): Whether to use cache. Defaults to False. max_cached_images (int): The maximum length of the cache. The larger the cache, the stronger the randomness of this transform. As a rule of thumb, providing 10 caches for each image suffices for randomness. Defaults to 40. random_pop (bool): Whether to randomly pop a result from the cache when the cache is full. If set to False, use FIFO popping method. Defaults to True. max_refetch (int): The maximum number of retry iterations for getting valid results from the pipeline. If the number of iterations is greater than `max_refetch`, but results is still None, then the iteration is terminated and raise the error. Defaults to 15. """ def __init__(self, img_scale: Tuple[int, int] = (640, 640), center_ratio_range: Tuple[float, float] = (0.5, 1.5), bbox_clip_border: bool = True, pad_val: float = 114.0, pre_transform: Sequence[dict] = None, prob: float = 1.0, use_cached: bool = False, max_cached_images: int = 40, random_pop: bool = True, max_refetch: int = 15): assert isinstance(img_scale, tuple) assert 0 <= prob <= 1.0, 'The probability should be in range [0,1]. ' \ f'got {prob}.' if use_cached: assert max_cached_images >= 4, 'The length of cache must >= 4, ' \ f'but got {max_cached_images}.' super().__init__( pre_transform=pre_transform, prob=prob, use_cached=use_cached, max_cached_images=max_cached_images, random_pop=random_pop, max_refetch=max_refetch) self.img_scale = img_scale self.center_ratio_range = center_ratio_range self.bbox_clip_border = bbox_clip_border self.pad_val = pad_val def get_indexes(self, dataset: Union[BaseDataset, list]) -> list: """Call function to collect indexes. Args: dataset (:obj:`Dataset` or list): The dataset or cached list. Returns: list: indexes. """ indexes = [random.randint(0, len(dataset)) for _ in range(3)] return indexes def mix_img_transform(self, results: dict) -> dict: """Mixed image data transformation. Args: results (dict): Result dict. Returns: results (dict): Updated result dict. """ assert 'mix_results' in results mosaic_bboxes = [] mosaic_bboxes_labels = [] mosaic_ignore_flags = [] mosaic_masks = [] with_mask = True if 'gt_masks' in results else False # self.img_scale is wh format img_scale_w, img_scale_h = self.img_scale if len(results['img'].shape) == 3: mosaic_img = np.full( (int(img_scale_h * 2), int(img_scale_w * 2), 3), self.pad_val, dtype=results['img'].dtype) else: mosaic_img = np.full((int(img_scale_h * 2), int(img_scale_w * 2)), self.pad_val, dtype=results['img'].dtype) # mosaic center x, y center_x = int(random.uniform(*self.center_ratio_range) * img_scale_w) center_y = int(random.uniform(*self.center_ratio_range) * img_scale_h) center_position = (center_x, center_y) loc_strs = ('top_left', 'top_right', 'bottom_left', 'bottom_right') for i, loc in enumerate(loc_strs): if loc == 'top_left': results_patch = results else: results_patch = results['mix_results'][i - 1] img_i = results_patch['img'] h_i, w_i = img_i.shape[:2] # keep_ratio resize scale_ratio_i = min(img_scale_h / h_i, img_scale_w / w_i) img_i = mmcv.imresize( img_i, (int(w_i * scale_ratio_i), int(h_i * scale_ratio_i))) # compute the combine parameters paste_coord, crop_coord = self._mosaic_combine( loc, center_position, img_i.shape[:2][::-1]) x1_p, y1_p, x2_p, y2_p = paste_coord x1_c, y1_c, x2_c, y2_c = crop_coord # crop and paste image mosaic_img[y1_p:y2_p, x1_p:x2_p] = img_i[y1_c:y2_c, x1_c:x2_c] # adjust coordinate gt_bboxes_i = results_patch['gt_bboxes'] gt_bboxes_labels_i = results_patch['gt_bboxes_labels'] gt_ignore_flags_i = results_patch['gt_ignore_flags'] padw = x1_p - x1_c padh = y1_p - y1_c gt_bboxes_i.rescale_([scale_ratio_i, scale_ratio_i]) gt_bboxes_i.translate_([padw, padh]) mosaic_bboxes.append(gt_bboxes_i) mosaic_bboxes_labels.append(gt_bboxes_labels_i) mosaic_ignore_flags.append(gt_ignore_flags_i) if with_mask and results_patch.get('gt_masks', None) is not None: gt_masks_i = results_patch['gt_masks'] gt_masks_i = gt_masks_i.rescale(float(scale_ratio_i)) gt_masks_i = gt_masks_i.translate( out_shape=(int(self.img_scale[0] * 2), int(self.img_scale[1] * 2)), offset=padw, direction='horizontal') gt_masks_i = gt_masks_i.translate( out_shape=(int(self.img_scale[0] * 2), int(self.img_scale[1] * 2)), offset=padh, direction='vertical') mosaic_masks.append(gt_masks_i) mosaic_bboxes = mosaic_bboxes[0].cat(mosaic_bboxes, 0) mosaic_bboxes_labels = np.concatenate(mosaic_bboxes_labels, 0) mosaic_ignore_flags = np.concatenate(mosaic_ignore_flags, 0) if self.bbox_clip_border: mosaic_bboxes.clip_([2 * img_scale_h, 2 * img_scale_w]) if with_mask: mosaic_masks = mosaic_masks[0].cat(mosaic_masks) results['gt_masks'] = mosaic_masks else: # remove outside bboxes inside_inds = mosaic_bboxes.is_inside( [2 * img_scale_h, 2 * img_scale_w]).numpy() mosaic_bboxes = mosaic_bboxes[inside_inds] mosaic_bboxes_labels = mosaic_bboxes_labels[inside_inds] mosaic_ignore_flags = mosaic_ignore_flags[inside_inds] if with_mask: mosaic_masks = mosaic_masks[0].cat(mosaic_masks)[inside_inds] results['gt_masks'] = mosaic_masks results['img'] = mosaic_img results['img_shape'] = mosaic_img.shape results['gt_bboxes'] = mosaic_bboxes results['gt_bboxes_labels'] = mosaic_bboxes_labels results['gt_ignore_flags'] = mosaic_ignore_flags return results def _mosaic_combine( self, loc: str, center_position_xy: Sequence[float], img_shape_wh: Sequence[int]) -> Tuple[Tuple[int], Tuple[int]]: """Calculate global coordinate of mosaic image and local coordinate of cropped sub-image. Args: loc (str): Index for the sub-image, loc in ('top_left', 'top_right', 'bottom_left', 'bottom_right'). center_position_xy (Sequence[float]): Mixing center for 4 images, (x, y). img_shape_wh (Sequence[int]): Width and height of sub-image Returns: tuple[tuple[float]]: Corresponding coordinate of pasting and cropping - paste_coord (tuple): paste corner coordinate in mosaic image. - crop_coord (tuple): crop corner coordinate in mosaic image. """ assert loc in ('top_left', 'top_right', 'bottom_left', 'bottom_right') if loc == 'top_left': # index0 to top left part of image x1, y1, x2, y2 = max(center_position_xy[0] - img_shape_wh[0], 0), \ max(center_position_xy[1] - img_shape_wh[1], 0), \ center_position_xy[0], \ center_position_xy[1] crop_coord = img_shape_wh[0] - (x2 - x1), img_shape_wh[1] - ( y2 - y1), img_shape_wh[0], img_shape_wh[1] elif loc == 'top_right': # index1 to top right part of image x1, y1, x2, y2 = center_position_xy[0], \ max(center_position_xy[1] - img_shape_wh[1], 0), \ min(center_position_xy[0] + img_shape_wh[0], self.img_scale[0] * 2), \ center_position_xy[1] crop_coord = 0, img_shape_wh[1] - (y2 - y1), min( img_shape_wh[0], x2 - x1), img_shape_wh[1] elif loc == 'bottom_left': # index2 to bottom left part of image x1, y1, x2, y2 = max(center_position_xy[0] - img_shape_wh[0], 0), \ center_position_xy[1], \ center_position_xy[0], \ min(self.img_scale[1] * 2, center_position_xy[1] + img_shape_wh[1]) crop_coord = img_shape_wh[0] - (x2 - x1), 0, img_shape_wh[0], min( y2 - y1, img_shape_wh[1]) else: # index3 to bottom right part of image x1, y1, x2, y2 = center_position_xy[0], \ center_position_xy[1], \ min(center_position_xy[0] + img_shape_wh[0], self.img_scale[0] * 2), \ min(self.img_scale[1] * 2, center_position_xy[1] + img_shape_wh[1]) crop_coord = 0, 0, min(img_shape_wh[0], x2 - x1), min(y2 - y1, img_shape_wh[1]) paste_coord = x1, y1, x2, y2 return paste_coord, crop_coord def __repr__(self) -> str: repr_str = self.__class__.__name__ repr_str += f'(img_scale={self.img_scale}, ' repr_str += f'center_ratio_range={self.center_ratio_range}, ' repr_str += f'pad_val={self.pad_val}, ' repr_str += f'prob={self.prob})' return repr_str @TRANSFORMS.register_module() class Mosaic9(BaseMixImageTransform): """Mosaic9 augmentation. Given 9 images, mosaic transform combines them into one output image. The output image is composed of the parts from each sub- image. .. code:: text +-------------------------------+------------+ | pad | pad | | | +----------+ | | | | +---------------+ top_right | | | | top | image2 | | | top_left | image1 | | | | image8 o--------+------+--------+---+ | | | | | | +----+----------+ | right |pad| | | center | image3 | | | left | image0 +---------------+---| | image7 | | | | +---+-----------+---+--------+ | | | | cropped | | bottom_right |pad| | |bottom_left| | image4 | | | | image6 | bottom | | | +---|-----------+ image5 +---------------+---| | pad | | pad | +-----------+------------+-------------------+ The mosaic transform steps are as follows: 1. Get the center image according to the index, and randomly sample another 8 images from the custom dataset. 2. Randomly offset the image after Mosaic Required Keys: - img - gt_bboxes (BaseBoxes[torch.float32]) (optional) - gt_bboxes_labels (np.int64) (optional) - gt_ignore_flags (bool) (optional) - mix_results (List[dict]) Modified Keys: - img - img_shape - gt_bboxes (optional) - gt_bboxes_labels (optional) - gt_ignore_flags (optional) Args: img_scale (Sequence[int]): Image size after mosaic pipeline of single image. The shape order should be (width, height). Defaults to (640, 640). bbox_clip_border (bool, optional): Whether to clip the objects outside the border of the image. In some dataset like MOT17, the gt bboxes are allowed to cross the border of images. Therefore, we don't need to clip the gt bboxes in these cases. Defaults to True. pad_val (int): Pad value. Defaults to 114. pre_transform(Sequence[dict]): Sequence of transform object or config dict to be composed. prob (float): Probability of applying this transformation. Defaults to 1.0. use_cached (bool): Whether to use cache. Defaults to False. max_cached_images (int): The maximum length of the cache. The larger the cache, the stronger the randomness of this transform. As a rule of thumb, providing 5 caches for each image suffices for randomness. Defaults to 50. random_pop (bool): Whether to randomly pop a result from the cache when the cache is full. If set to False, use FIFO popping method. Defaults to True. max_refetch (int): The maximum number of retry iterations for getting valid results from the pipeline. If the number of iterations is greater than `max_refetch`, but results is still None, then the iteration is terminated and raise the error. Defaults to 15. """ def __init__(self, img_scale: Tuple[int, int] = (640, 640), bbox_clip_border: bool = True, pad_val: Union[float, int] = 114.0, pre_transform: Sequence[dict] = None, prob: float = 1.0, use_cached: bool = False, max_cached_images: int = 50, random_pop: bool = True, max_refetch: int = 15): assert isinstance(img_scale, tuple) assert 0 <= prob <= 1.0, 'The probability should be in range [0,1]. ' \ f'got {prob}.' if use_cached: assert max_cached_images >= 9, 'The length of cache must >= 9, ' \ f'but got {max_cached_images}.' super().__init__( pre_transform=pre_transform, prob=prob, use_cached=use_cached, max_cached_images=max_cached_images, random_pop=random_pop, max_refetch=max_refetch) self.img_scale = img_scale self.bbox_clip_border = bbox_clip_border self.pad_val = pad_val # intermediate variables self._current_img_shape = [0, 0] self._center_img_shape = [0, 0] self._previous_img_shape = [0, 0] def get_indexes(self, dataset: Union[BaseDataset, list]) -> list: """Call function to collect indexes. Args: dataset (:obj:`Dataset` or list): The dataset or cached list. Returns: list: indexes. """ indexes = [random.randint(0, len(dataset)) for _ in range(8)] return indexes def mix_img_transform(self, results: dict) -> dict: """Mixed image data transformation. Args: results (dict): Result dict. Returns: results (dict): Updated result dict. """ assert 'mix_results' in results mosaic_bboxes = [] mosaic_bboxes_labels = [] mosaic_ignore_flags = [] img_scale_w, img_scale_h = self.img_scale if len(results['img'].shape) == 3: mosaic_img = np.full( (int(img_scale_h * 3), int(img_scale_w * 3), 3), self.pad_val, dtype=results['img'].dtype) else: mosaic_img = np.full((int(img_scale_h * 3), int(img_scale_w * 3)), self.pad_val, dtype=results['img'].dtype) # index = 0 is mean original image # len(results['mix_results']) = 8 loc_strs = ('center', 'top', 'top_right', 'right', 'bottom_right', 'bottom', 'bottom_left', 'left', 'top_left') results_all = [results, *results['mix_results']] for index, results_patch in enumerate(results_all): img_i = results_patch['img'] # keep_ratio resize img_i_h, img_i_w = img_i.shape[:2] scale_ratio_i = min(img_scale_h / img_i_h, img_scale_w / img_i_w) img_i = mmcv.imresize( img_i, (int(img_i_w * scale_ratio_i), int(img_i_h * scale_ratio_i))) paste_coord = self._mosaic_combine(loc_strs[index], img_i.shape[:2]) padw, padh = paste_coord[:2] x1, y1, x2, y2 = (max(x, 0) for x in paste_coord) mosaic_img[y1:y2, x1:x2] = img_i[y1 - padh:, x1 - padw:] gt_bboxes_i = results_patch['gt_bboxes'] gt_bboxes_labels_i = results_patch['gt_bboxes_labels'] gt_ignore_flags_i = results_patch['gt_ignore_flags'] gt_bboxes_i.rescale_([scale_ratio_i, scale_ratio_i]) gt_bboxes_i.translate_([padw, padh]) mosaic_bboxes.append(gt_bboxes_i) mosaic_bboxes_labels.append(gt_bboxes_labels_i) mosaic_ignore_flags.append(gt_ignore_flags_i) # Offset offset_x = int(random.uniform(0, img_scale_w)) offset_y = int(random.uniform(0, img_scale_h)) mosaic_img = mosaic_img[offset_y:offset_y + 2 * img_scale_h, offset_x:offset_x + 2 * img_scale_w] mosaic_bboxes = mosaic_bboxes[0].cat(mosaic_bboxes, 0) mosaic_bboxes.translate_([-offset_x, -offset_y]) mosaic_bboxes_labels = np.concatenate(mosaic_bboxes_labels, 0) mosaic_ignore_flags = np.concatenate(mosaic_ignore_flags, 0) if self.bbox_clip_border: mosaic_bboxes.clip_([2 * img_scale_h, 2 * img_scale_w]) else: # remove outside bboxes inside_inds = mosaic_bboxes.is_inside( [2 * img_scale_h, 2 * img_scale_w]).numpy() mosaic_bboxes = mosaic_bboxes[inside_inds] mosaic_bboxes_labels = mosaic_bboxes_labels[inside_inds] mosaic_ignore_flags = mosaic_ignore_flags[inside_inds] results['img'] = mosaic_img results['img_shape'] = mosaic_img.shape results['gt_bboxes'] = mosaic_bboxes results['gt_bboxes_labels'] = mosaic_bboxes_labels results['gt_ignore_flags'] = mosaic_ignore_flags return results def _mosaic_combine(self, loc: str, img_shape_hw: Tuple[int, int]) -> Tuple[int, ...]: """Calculate global coordinate of mosaic image. Args: loc (str): Index for the sub-image. img_shape_hw (Sequence[int]): Height and width of sub-image Returns: paste_coord (tuple): paste corner coordinate in mosaic image. """ assert loc in ('center', 'top', 'top_right', 'right', 'bottom_right', 'bottom', 'bottom_left', 'left', 'top_left') img_scale_w, img_scale_h = self.img_scale self._current_img_shape = img_shape_hw current_img_h, current_img_w = self._current_img_shape previous_img_h, previous_img_w = self._previous_img_shape center_img_h, center_img_w = self._center_img_shape if loc == 'center': self._center_img_shape = self._current_img_shape # xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax paste_coord = img_scale_w, \ img_scale_h, \ img_scale_w + current_img_w, \ img_scale_h + current_img_h elif loc == 'top': paste_coord = img_scale_w, \ img_scale_h - current_img_h, \ img_scale_w + current_img_w, \ img_scale_h elif loc == 'top_right': paste_coord = img_scale_w + previous_img_w, \ img_scale_h - current_img_h, \ img_scale_w + previous_img_w + current_img_w, \ img_scale_h elif loc == 'right': paste_coord = img_scale_w + center_img_w, \ img_scale_h, \ img_scale_w + center_img_w + current_img_w, \ img_scale_h + current_img_h elif loc == 'bottom_right': paste_coord = img_scale_w + center_img_w, \ img_scale_h + previous_img_h, \ img_scale_w + center_img_w + current_img_w, \ img_scale_h + previous_img_h + current_img_h elif loc == 'bottom': paste_coord = img_scale_w + center_img_w - current_img_w, \ img_scale_h + center_img_h, \ img_scale_w + center_img_w, \ img_scale_h + center_img_h + current_img_h elif loc == 'bottom_left': paste_coord = img_scale_w + center_img_w - \ previous_img_w - current_img_w, \ img_scale_h + center_img_h, \ img_scale_w + center_img_w - previous_img_w, \ img_scale_h + center_img_h + current_img_h elif loc == 'left': paste_coord = img_scale_w - current_img_w, \ img_scale_h + center_img_h - current_img_h, \ img_scale_w, \ img_scale_h + center_img_h elif loc == 'top_left': paste_coord = img_scale_w - current_img_w, \ img_scale_h + center_img_h - \ previous_img_h - current_img_h, \ img_scale_w, \ img_scale_h + center_img_h - previous_img_h self._previous_img_shape = self._current_img_shape # xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax return paste_coord def __repr__(self) -> str: repr_str = self.__class__.__name__ repr_str += f'(img_scale={self.img_scale}, ' repr_str += f'pad_val={self.pad_val}, ' repr_str += f'prob={self.prob})' return repr_str @TRANSFORMS.register_module() class YOLOv5MixUp(BaseMixImageTransform): """MixUp data augmentation for YOLOv5. .. code:: text The mixup transform steps are as follows: 1. Another random image is picked by dataset. 2. Randomly obtain the fusion ratio from the beta distribution, then fuse the target of the original image and mixup image through this ratio. Required Keys: - img - gt_bboxes (BaseBoxes[torch.float32]) (optional) - gt_bboxes_labels (np.int64) (optional) - gt_ignore_flags (bool) (optional) - mix_results (List[dict]) Modified Keys: - img - img_shape - gt_bboxes (optional) - gt_bboxes_labels (optional) - gt_ignore_flags (optional) Args: alpha (float): parameter of beta distribution to get mixup ratio. Defaults to 32. beta (float): parameter of beta distribution to get mixup ratio. Defaults to 32. pre_transform (Sequence[dict]): Sequence of transform object or config dict to be composed. prob (float): Probability of applying this transformation. Defaults to 1.0. use_cached (bool): Whether to use cache. Defaults to False. max_cached_images (int): The maximum length of the cache. The larger the cache, the stronger the randomness of this transform. As a rule of thumb, providing 10 caches for each image suffices for randomness. Defaults to 20. random_pop (bool): Whether to randomly pop a result from the cache when the cache is full. If set to False, use FIFO popping method. Defaults to True. max_refetch (int): The maximum number of iterations. If the number of iterations is greater than `max_refetch`, but gt_bbox is still empty, then the iteration is terminated. Defaults to 15. """ def __init__(self, alpha: float = 32.0, beta: float = 32.0, pre_transform: Sequence[dict] = None, prob: float = 1.0, use_cached: bool = False, max_cached_images: int = 20, random_pop: bool = True, max_refetch: int = 15): if use_cached: assert max_cached_images >= 2, 'The length of cache must >= 2, ' \ f'but got {max_cached_images}.' super().__init__( pre_transform=pre_transform, prob=prob, use_cached=use_cached, max_cached_images=max_cached_images, random_pop=random_pop, max_refetch=max_refetch) self.alpha = alpha self.beta = beta def get_indexes(self, dataset: Union[BaseDataset, list]) -> int: """Call function to collect indexes. Args: dataset (:obj:`Dataset` or list): The dataset or cached list. Returns: int: indexes. """ return random.randint(0, len(dataset)) def mix_img_transform(self, results: dict) -> dict: """YOLOv5 MixUp transform function. Args: results (dict): Result dict Returns: results (dict): Updated result dict. """ assert 'mix_results' in results retrieve_results = results['mix_results'][0] retrieve_img = retrieve_results['img'] ori_img = results['img'] assert ori_img.shape == retrieve_img.shape # Randomly obtain the fusion ratio from the beta distribution, # which is around 0.5 ratio = np.random.beta(self.alpha, self.beta) mixup_img = (ori_img * ratio + retrieve_img * (1 - ratio)) retrieve_gt_bboxes = retrieve_results['gt_bboxes'] retrieve_gt_bboxes_labels = retrieve_results['gt_bboxes_labels'] retrieve_gt_ignore_flags = retrieve_results['gt_ignore_flags'] mixup_gt_bboxes = retrieve_gt_bboxes.cat( (results['gt_bboxes'], retrieve_gt_bboxes), dim=0) mixup_gt_bboxes_labels = np.concatenate( (results['gt_bboxes_labels'], retrieve_gt_bboxes_labels), axis=0) mixup_gt_ignore_flags = np.concatenate( (results['gt_ignore_flags'], retrieve_gt_ignore_flags), axis=0) if 'gt_masks' in results: assert 'gt_masks' in retrieve_results mixup_gt_masks = results['gt_masks'].cat( [results['gt_masks'], retrieve_results['gt_masks']]) results['gt_masks'] = mixup_gt_masks results['img'] = mixup_img.astype(np.uint8) results['img_shape'] = mixup_img.shape results['gt_bboxes'] = mixup_gt_bboxes results['gt_bboxes_labels'] = mixup_gt_bboxes_labels results['gt_ignore_flags'] = mixup_gt_ignore_flags return results @TRANSFORMS.register_module() class YOLOXMixUp(BaseMixImageTransform): """MixUp data augmentation for YOLOX. .. code:: text mixup transform +---------------+--------------+ | mixup image | | | +--------|--------+ | | | | | | +---------------+ | | | | | | | | image | | | | | | | | | | | +-----------------+ | | pad | +------------------------------+ The mixup transform steps are as follows: 1. Another random image is picked by dataset and embedded in the top left patch(after padding and resizing) 2. The target of mixup transform is the weighted average of mixup image and origin image. Required Keys: - img - gt_bboxes (BaseBoxes[torch.float32]) (optional) - gt_bboxes_labels (np.int64) (optional) - gt_ignore_flags (bool) (optional) - mix_results (List[dict]) Modified Keys: - img - img_shape - gt_bboxes (optional) - gt_bboxes_labels (optional) - gt_ignore_flags (optional) Args: img_scale (Sequence[int]): Image output size after mixup pipeline. The shape order should be (width, height). Defaults to (640, 640). ratio_range (Sequence[float]): Scale ratio of mixup image. Defaults to (0.5, 1.5). flip_ratio (float): Horizontal flip ratio of mixup image. Defaults to 0.5. pad_val (int): Pad value. Defaults to 114. bbox_clip_border (bool, optional): Whether to clip the objects outside the border of the image. In some dataset like MOT17, the gt bboxes are allowed to cross the border of images. Therefore, we don't need to clip the gt bboxes in these cases. Defaults to True. pre_transform(Sequence[dict]): Sequence of transform object or config dict to be composed. prob (float): Probability of applying this transformation. Defaults to 1.0. use_cached (bool): Whether to use cache. Defaults to False. max_cached_images (int): The maximum length of the cache. The larger the cache, the stronger the randomness of this transform. As a rule of thumb, providing 10 caches for each image suffices for randomness. Defaults to 20. random_pop (bool): Whether to randomly pop a result from the cache when the cache is full. If set to False, use FIFO popping method. Defaults to True. max_refetch (int): The maximum number of iterations. If the number of iterations is greater than `max_refetch`, but gt_bbox is still empty, then the iteration is terminated. Defaults to 15. """ def __init__(self, img_scale: Tuple[int, int] = (640, 640), ratio_range: Tuple[float, float] = (0.5, 1.5), flip_ratio: float = 0.5, pad_val: float = 114.0, bbox_clip_border: bool = True, pre_transform: Sequence[dict] = None, prob: float = 1.0, use_cached: bool = False, max_cached_images: int = 20, random_pop: bool = True, max_refetch: int = 15): assert isinstance(img_scale, tuple) if use_cached: assert max_cached_images >= 2, 'The length of cache must >= 2, ' \ f'but got {max_cached_images}.' super().__init__( pre_transform=pre_transform, prob=prob, use_cached=use_cached, max_cached_images=max_cached_images, random_pop=random_pop, max_refetch=max_refetch) self.img_scale = img_scale self.ratio_range = ratio_range self.flip_ratio = flip_ratio self.pad_val = pad_val self.bbox_clip_border = bbox_clip_border def get_indexes(self, dataset: Union[BaseDataset, list]) -> int: """Call function to collect indexes. Args: dataset (:obj:`Dataset` or list): The dataset or cached list. Returns: int: indexes. """ return random.randint(0, len(dataset)) def mix_img_transform(self, results: dict) -> dict: """YOLOX MixUp transform function. Args: results (dict): Result dict. Returns: results (dict): Updated result dict. """ assert 'mix_results' in results assert len( results['mix_results']) == 1, 'MixUp only support 2 images now !' if results['mix_results'][0]['gt_bboxes'].shape[0] == 0: # empty bbox return results retrieve_results = results['mix_results'][0] retrieve_img = retrieve_results['img'] jit_factor = random.uniform(*self.ratio_range) is_filp = random.uniform(0, 1) > self.flip_ratio if len(retrieve_img.shape) == 3: out_img = np.ones((self.img_scale[1], self.img_scale[0], 3), dtype=retrieve_img.dtype) * self.pad_val else: out_img = np.ones( self.img_scale[::-1], dtype=retrieve_img.dtype) * self.pad_val # 1. keep_ratio resize scale_ratio = min(self.img_scale[1] / retrieve_img.shape[0], self.img_scale[0] / retrieve_img.shape[1]) retrieve_img = mmcv.imresize( retrieve_img, (int(retrieve_img.shape[1] * scale_ratio), int(retrieve_img.shape[0] * scale_ratio))) # 2. paste out_img[:retrieve_img.shape[0], :retrieve_img.shape[1]] = retrieve_img # 3. scale jit scale_ratio *= jit_factor out_img = mmcv.imresize(out_img, (int(out_img.shape[1] * jit_factor), int(out_img.shape[0] * jit_factor))) # 4. flip if is_filp: out_img = out_img[:, ::-1, :] # 5. random crop ori_img = results['img'] origin_h, origin_w = out_img.shape[:2] target_h, target_w = ori_img.shape[:2] padded_img = np.ones((max(origin_h, target_h), max( origin_w, target_w), 3)) * self.pad_val padded_img = padded_img.astype(np.uint8) padded_img[:origin_h, :origin_w] = out_img x_offset, y_offset = 0, 0 if padded_img.shape[0] > target_h: y_offset = random.randint(0, padded_img.shape[0] - target_h) if padded_img.shape[1] > target_w: x_offset = random.randint(0, padded_img.shape[1] - target_w) padded_cropped_img = padded_img[y_offset:y_offset + target_h, x_offset:x_offset + target_w] # 6. adjust bbox retrieve_gt_bboxes = retrieve_results['gt_bboxes'] retrieve_gt_bboxes.rescale_([scale_ratio, scale_ratio]) if self.bbox_clip_border: retrieve_gt_bboxes.clip_([origin_h, origin_w]) if is_filp: retrieve_gt_bboxes.flip_([origin_h, origin_w], direction='horizontal') # 7. filter cp_retrieve_gt_bboxes = retrieve_gt_bboxes.clone() cp_retrieve_gt_bboxes.translate_([-x_offset, -y_offset]) if self.bbox_clip_border: cp_retrieve_gt_bboxes.clip_([target_h, target_w]) # 8. mix up mixup_img = 0.5 * ori_img + 0.5 * padded_cropped_img retrieve_gt_bboxes_labels = retrieve_results['gt_bboxes_labels'] retrieve_gt_ignore_flags = retrieve_results['gt_ignore_flags'] mixup_gt_bboxes = cp_retrieve_gt_bboxes.cat( (results['gt_bboxes'], cp_retrieve_gt_bboxes), dim=0) mixup_gt_bboxes_labels = np.concatenate( (results['gt_bboxes_labels'], retrieve_gt_bboxes_labels), axis=0) mixup_gt_ignore_flags = np.concatenate( (results['gt_ignore_flags'], retrieve_gt_ignore_flags), axis=0) if not self.bbox_clip_border: # remove outside bbox inside_inds = mixup_gt_bboxes.is_inside([target_h, target_w]).numpy() mixup_gt_bboxes = mixup_gt_bboxes[inside_inds] mixup_gt_bboxes_labels = mixup_gt_bboxes_labels[inside_inds] mixup_gt_ignore_flags = mixup_gt_ignore_flags[inside_inds] results['img'] = mixup_img.astype(np.uint8) results['img_shape'] = mixup_img.shape results['gt_bboxes'] = mixup_gt_bboxes results['gt_bboxes_labels'] = mixup_gt_bboxes_labels results['gt_ignore_flags'] = mixup_gt_ignore_flags return results def __repr__(self) -> str: repr_str = self.__class__.__name__ repr_str += f'(img_scale={self.img_scale}, ' repr_str += f'ratio_range={self.ratio_range}, ' repr_str += f'flip_ratio={self.flip_ratio}, ' repr_str += f'pad_val={self.pad_val}, ' repr_str += f'max_refetch={self.max_refetch}, ' repr_str += f'bbox_clip_border={self.bbox_clip_border})' return repr_str