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# import pytorch3d
import torch
from einops import rearrange
from torch._C import device
def edges_to_sparse_incidence(edges, num_vertices):
num_edges = edges.shape[0]
row_indexes = torch.arange(num_edges, dtype=torch.long, device=edges.device).repeat_interleave(2)
col_indexes = edges.reshape(-1)
indexes = torch.stack([row_indexes, col_indexes])
values = torch.FloatTensor([1, -1]).to(edges.device).repeat(num_edges)
return torch.sparse.FloatTensor(indexes, values, torch.Size([num_edges, num_vertices]))
def compute_svd_rotation(vertices_rest_pose, vertices_deformed_pose, incidence_mat):
Adapted from:
vertices_rest_pose: B x V x D
vertices_deformed_pose: B x V x D
incidence_mat: E x V
batch_size, num_vertices, dimensions = vertices_rest_pose.shape
vertices =, vertices_deformed_pose), dim=0)
# 2B x V x D -> V x (D x 2B)
vertices = rearrange(vertices, 'a v d -> v (d a)')
# E x V . V x (D x 2B) - > E x (D x 2B)
edges =, vertices)
edges = rearrange(edges, 'e (d a) -> a e d', d=dimensions)
rest_edges, deformed_edges = torch.split(edges, batch_size, dim=0)
edges_outer = torch.matmul(rest_edges[:, :, :, None], deformed_edges[:, :, None, :])
edges_outer = rearrange(edges_outer, 'b e d1 d2 -> e (b d1 d2)')
abs_incidence_mat = incidence_mat.clone()
abs_incidence_mat._values()[:] = torch.abs(abs_incidence_mat._values())
# transposed S
S =, edges_outer)
S = rearrange(S, 'v (b d1 d2) -> b v d2 d1', v=num_vertices, b=batch_size, d1=dimensions, d2=dimensions)
# SVD on gpu is extremely slow!
device = S.device
U, _, V = torch.svd(S.cpu())
U =
V =
det_sign = torch.det(torch.matmul(U, V.transpose(-2, -1)))
U =[U[..., :-1], U[..., -1:] * det_sign[..., None, None]], axis=-1)
rotations = torch.matmul(U, V.transpose(-2, -1))
return rotations
def compute_rotation(vertices_rest_pose, vertices_deformed_pose, edges):
vertices_rest_pose: B x V x D
vertices_deformed_pose: B x V x D
edges: E x 2
num_vertices = vertices_rest_pose.shape[1]
incidence_mat = edges_to_sparse_incidence(edges, num_vertices)
rot = compute_svd_rotation(vertices_rest_pose, vertices_deformed_pose, incidence_mat)
rot = pytorch3d.transforms.matrix_to_quaternion(rot)
return rot
def quaternion_normalize(quaternion, eps=1e-12):
Adapted from tensorflow_graphics
Normalizes a quaternion.
In the following, A1 to An are optional batch dimensions.
quaternion: A tensor of shape `[A1, ..., An, 4]`, where the last dimension
represents a quaternion.
eps: A lower bound value for the norm that defaults to 1e-12.
name: A name for this op that defaults to "quaternion_normalize".
A N-D tensor of shape `[?, ..., ?, 1]` where the quaternion elements have
been normalized.
ValueError: If the shape of `quaternion` is not supported.
return l2_normalize(quaternion, dim=-1, epsilon=eps)
def l2_normalize(x, dim=-1, epsilon=1e-12):
square_sum = torch.sum(x ** 2, dim=dim, keepdim=True)
x_inv_norm = torch.rsqrt(torch.clamp(square_sum, min=epsilon))
return x * x_inv_norm
def arap_energy(vertices_rest_pose,
Adapted from tensorflow_graphics
Estimates an As Conformal As Possible (ACAP) fitting energy.
For a given mesh in rest pose, this function evaluates a variant of the ACAP
[1] fitting energy for a batch of deformed meshes. The vertex weights and edge
weights are defined on the rest pose.
The method implemented here is similar to [2], but with an added free variable
capturing a scale factor per vertex.
[1]: Yusuke Yoshiyasu, Wan-Chun Ma, Eiichi Yoshida, and Fumio Kanehiro.
"As-Conformal-As-Possible Surface Registration." Computer Graphics Forum. Vol.
33. No. 5. 2014.</br>
[2]: Olga Sorkine, and Marc Alexa.
"As-rigid-as-possible surface modeling". Symposium on Geometry Processing.
Vol. 4. 2007.
In the description of the arguments, V corresponds to
the number of vertices in the mesh, and E to the number of edges in this
In the following, A1 to An are optional batch dimensions.
vertices_rest_pose: A tensor of shape `[V, 3]` containing the position of
all the vertices of the mesh in rest pose.
vertices_deformed_pose: A tensor of shape `[A1, ..., An, V, 3]` containing
the position of all the vertices of the mesh in deformed pose.
quaternions: A tensor of shape `[A1, ..., An, V, 4]` defining a rigid
transformation to apply to each vertex of the rest pose. See Section 2
from [1] for further details.
edges: A tensor of shape `[E, 2]` defining indices of vertices that are
connected by an edge.
vertex_weight: An optional tensor of shape `[V]` defining the weight
associated with each vertex. Defaults to a tensor of ones.
edge_weight: A tensor of shape `[E]` defining the weight of edges. Common
choices for these weights include uniform weighting, and cotangent
weights. Defaults to a tensor of ones.
conformal_energy: A `bool` indicating whether each vertex is associated with
a scale factor or not. If this parameter is True, scaling information must
be encoded in the norm of `quaternions`. If this parameter is False, this
function implements the energy described in [2].
aggregate_loss: A `bool` defining whether the returned loss should be an
aggregate measure. When True, the mean squared error is returned. When
False, returns two losses for every edge of the mesh.
name: A name for this op. Defaults to "as_conformal_as_possible_energy".
When aggregate_loss is `True`, returns a tensor of shape `[A1, ..., An]`
containing the ACAP energies. When aggregate_loss is `False`, returns a
tensor of shape `[A1, ..., An, 2*E]` containing each term of the summation
described in the equation 7 of [2].
ValueError: if the shape of `vertices_rest_pose`, `vertices_deformed_pose`,
`quaternions`, `edges`, `vertex_weight`, or `edge_weight` is not supported.
# with tf.compat.v1.name_scope(name, "as_conformal_as_possible_energy", [
# vertices_rest_pose, vertices_deformed_pose, quaternions, edges,
# conformal_energy, vertex_weight, edge_weight
# ]):
# vertices_rest_pose = tf.convert_to_tensor(value=vertices_rest_pose)
# vertices_deformed_pose = tf.convert_to_tensor(value=vertices_deformed_pose)
# quaternions = tf.convert_to_tensor(value=quaternions)
# edges = tf.convert_to_tensor(value=edges)
# if vertex_weight is not None:
# vertex_weight = tf.convert_to_tensor(value=vertex_weight)
# if edge_weight is not None:
# edge_weight = tf.convert_to_tensor(value=edge_weight)
# shape.check_static(
# tensor=vertices_rest_pose,
# tensor_name="vertices_rest_pose",
# has_rank=2,
# has_dim_equals=(-1, 3))
# shape.check_static(
# tensor=vertices_deformed_pose,
# tensor_name="vertices_deformed_pose",
# has_rank_greater_than=1,
# has_dim_equals=(-1, 3))
# shape.check_static(
# tensor=quaternions,
# tensor_name="quaternions",
# has_rank_greater_than=1,
# has_dim_equals=(-1, 4))
# shape.compare_batch_dimensions(
# tensors=(vertices_deformed_pose, quaternions),
# last_axes=(-3, -3),
# broadcast_compatible=False)
# shape.check_static(
# tensor=edges, tensor_name="edges", has_rank=2, has_dim_equals=(-1, 2))
# tensors_with_vertices = [vertices_rest_pose,
# vertices_deformed_pose,
# quaternions]
# names_with_vertices = ["vertices_rest_pose",
# "vertices_deformed_pose",
# "quaternions"]
# axes_with_vertices = [-2, -2, -2]
# if vertex_weight is not None:
# shape.check_static(
# tensor=vertex_weight, tensor_name="vertex_weight", has_rank=1)
# tensors_with_vertices.append(vertex_weight)
# names_with_vertices.append("vertex_weight")
# axes_with_vertices.append(0)
# shape.compare_dimensions(
# tensors=tensors_with_vertices,
# axes=axes_with_vertices,
# tensor_names=names_with_vertices)
# if edge_weight is not None:
# shape.check_static(
# tensor=edge_weight, tensor_name="edge_weight", has_rank=1)
# shape.compare_dimensions(
# tensors=(edges, edge_weight),
# axes=(0, 0),
# tensor_names=("edges", "edge_weight"))
if not conformal_energy:
quaternions = quaternion_normalize(quaternions)
# Extracts the indices of vertices.
indices_i, indices_j = torch.unbind(edges, dim=-1)
# Extracts the vertices we need per term.
vertices_i_rest = vertices_rest_pose[..., indices_i, :]
vertices_j_rest = vertices_rest_pose[..., indices_j, :]
vertices_i_deformed = vertices_deformed_pose[..., indices_i, :]
vertices_j_deformed = vertices_deformed_pose[..., indices_j, :]
# Extracts the weights we need per term.
weights_shape = vertices_i_rest.shape[-2]
if vertex_weight is not None:
weight_i = vertex_weight[indices_i]
weight_j = vertex_weight[indices_j]
weight_i = weight_j = torch.ones(weights_shape, dtype=vertices_rest_pose.dtype, device=vertices_rest_pose.device)
weight_i = weight_i[..., None]
weight_j = weight_j[..., None]
if edge_weight is not None:
weight_ij = edge_weight
weight_ij = torch.ones(weights_shape, dtype=vertices_rest_pose.dtype, device=vertices_rest_pose.device)
weight_ij = weight_ij[..., None]
# Extracts the rotation we need per term.
quaternion_i = quaternions[..., indices_i, :]
quaternion_j = quaternions[..., indices_j, :]
# Computes the energy.
deformed_ij = vertices_i_deformed - vertices_j_deformed
rotated_rest_ij = pytorch3d.transforms.quaternion_apply(quaternion_i, (vertices_i_rest - vertices_j_rest))
energy_ij = weight_i * weight_ij * (deformed_ij - rotated_rest_ij)
deformed_ji = vertices_j_deformed - vertices_i_deformed
rotated_rest_ji = pytorch3d.transforms.quaternion_apply(quaternion_j, (vertices_j_rest - vertices_i_rest))
energy_ji = weight_j * weight_ij * (deformed_ji - rotated_rest_ji)
energy_ij_squared = torch.sum(energy_ij ** 2, dim=-1)
energy_ji_squared = torch.sum(energy_ji ** 2, dim=-1)
if aggregate_loss:
average_energy_ij = torch.mean(energy_ij_squared, dim=-1)
average_energy_ji = torch.mean(energy_ji_squared, dim=-1)
return (average_energy_ij + average_energy_ji) / 2.0
return, energy_ji_squared), dim=-1)
def arap_loss(vertices_rest_pose, vertices_deformed_pose, edges):
# squash batch dimensions
vertices_rest_pose_shape = list(vertices_rest_pose.shape)
vertices_deformed_pose_shape = list(vertices_deformed_pose.shape)
vertices_rest_pose = vertices_rest_pose.reshape([-1] + vertices_rest_pose_shape[-2:])
vertices_deformed_pose = vertices_deformed_pose.reshape([-1] + vertices_deformed_pose_shape[-2:])
# try:
quaternions = compute_rotation(vertices_rest_pose, vertices_deformed_pose, edges)
# except RuntimeError:
# print('SVD did not converge')
# batch_size = vertices_rest_pose.shape[0]
# num_vertices = vertices_rest_pose.shape[-2]
# quaternions = pytorch3d.transforms.matrix_to_quaternion(pytorch3d.transforms.euler_angles_to_matrix(torch.zeros([batch_size, num_vertices, 3], device=vertices_rest_pose.device), 'XYZ'))
quaternions = quaternions.detach()
energy = arap_energy(
return energy.reshape(vertices_rest_pose_shape[:-2])