import atexit |
import logging |
import time |
from dataclasses import dataclass |
import os |
from pathlib import Path |
import socket |
from subprocess import Popen |
from threading import Thread |
import time |
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Union |
import colorama |
import psutil |
import torch |
import torch.nn as nn |
import nni.runtime.log |
from nni.experiment import Experiment, TrainingServiceConfig |
from nni.experiment import management, launcher, rest |
from nni.experiment.config import util |
from nni.experiment.config.base import ConfigBase, PathLike |
from nni.experiment.pipe import Pipe |
from nni.tools.nnictl.command_utils import kill_command |
from ..codegen import model_to_pytorch_script |
from ..converter import convert_to_graph |
from ..execution import list_models, set_execution_engine |
from ..execution.python import get_mutation_dict |
from ..graph import Model, Evaluator |
from ..integration import RetiariiAdvisor |
from ..mutator import Mutator |
from ..nn.pytorch.mutator import process_inline_mutation, extract_mutation_from_pt_module |
from ..strategy import BaseStrategy |
from ..oneshot.interface import BaseOneShotTrainer |
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) |
@dataclass(init=False) |
class RetiariiExeConfig(ConfigBase): |
experiment_name: Optional[str] = None |
search_space: Any = '' |
trial_command: str = '_reserved' |
trial_code_directory: PathLike = '.' |
trial_concurrency: int |
trial_gpu_number: int = 0 |
max_experiment_duration: Optional[str] = None |
max_trial_number: Optional[int] = None |
nni_manager_ip: Optional[str] = None |
debug: bool = False |
log_level: Optional[str] = None |
experiment_working_directory: PathLike = '~/nni-experiments' |
training_service: TrainingServiceConfig |
execution_engine: str = 'py' |
def __init__(self, training_service_platform: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs): |
super().__init__(**kwargs) |
if training_service_platform is not None: |
assert 'training_service' not in kwargs |
self.training_service = util.training_service_config_factory(platform = training_service_platform) |
self.__dict__['trial_command'] = 'python3 -m nni.retiarii.trial_entry py' |
def __setattr__(self, key, value): |
fixed_attrs = {'search_space': '', |
'trial_command': '_reserved'} |
if key in fixed_attrs and fixed_attrs[key] != value: |
raise AttributeError(f'{key} is not supposed to be set in Retiarii mode by users!') |
if key == 'trial_code_directory' and not (value == Path('.') or os.path.isabs(value)): |
raise AttributeError(f'{key} is not supposed to be set in Retiarii mode by users!') |
if key == 'execution_engine': |
assert value in ['base', 'py', 'cgo'], f'The specified execution engine "{value}" is not supported.' |
self.__dict__['trial_command'] = 'python3 -m nni.retiarii.trial_entry ' + value |
self.__dict__[key] = value |
def validate(self, initialized_tuner: bool = False) -> None: |
super().validate() |
@property |
def _canonical_rules(self): |
return _canonical_rules |
@property |
def _validation_rules(self): |
return _validation_rules |
_canonical_rules = { |
'trial_code_directory': util.canonical_path, |
'max_experiment_duration': lambda value: f'{util.parse_time(value)}s' if value is not None else None, |
'experiment_working_directory': util.canonical_path |
} |
_validation_rules = { |
'trial_code_directory': lambda value: (Path(value).is_dir(), f'"{value}" does not exist or is not directory'), |
'trial_concurrency': lambda value: value > 0, |
'trial_gpu_number': lambda value: value >= 0, |
'max_experiment_duration': lambda value: util.parse_time(value) > 0, |
'max_trial_number': lambda value: value > 0, |
'log_level': lambda value: value in ["trace", "debug", "info", "warning", "error", "fatal"], |
'training_service': lambda value: (type(value) is not TrainingServiceConfig, 'cannot be abstract base class') |
} |
def preprocess_model(base_model, trainer, applied_mutators, full_ir=True): |
if full_ir: |
try: |
script_module = torch.jit.script(base_model) |
except Exception as e: |
_logger.error('Your base model cannot be parsed by torch.jit.script, please fix the following error:') |
raise e |
base_model_ir = convert_to_graph(script_module, base_model) |
mutators = process_inline_mutation(base_model_ir) |
else: |
base_model_ir, mutators = extract_mutation_from_pt_module(base_model) |
base_model_ir.evaluator = trainer |
if mutators is not None and applied_mutators: |
raise RuntimeError('Have not supported mixed usage of LayerChoice/InputChoice and mutators, ' |
'do not use mutators when you use LayerChoice/InputChoice') |
if mutators is not None: |
applied_mutators = mutators |
return base_model_ir, applied_mutators |
def debug_mutated_model(base_model, trainer, applied_mutators): |
""" |
Locally run only one trial without launching an experiment for debug purpose, then exit. |
For example, it can be used to quickly check shape mismatch. |
Specifically, it applies mutators (default to choose the first candidate for the choices) |
to generate a new model, then run this model locally. |
Parameters |
---------- |
base_model : nni.retiarii.nn.pytorch.nn.Module |
the base model |
trainer : nni.retiarii.evaluator |
the training class of the generated models |
applied_mutators : list |
a list of mutators that will be applied on the base model for generating a new model |
""" |
base_model_ir, applied_mutators = preprocess_model(base_model, trainer, applied_mutators) |
from ..strategy import _LocalDebugStrategy |
strategy = _LocalDebugStrategy() |
strategy.run(base_model_ir, applied_mutators) |
_logger.info('local debug completed!') |
class RetiariiExperiment(Experiment): |
def __init__(self, base_model: nn.Module, trainer: Union[Evaluator, BaseOneShotTrainer], |
applied_mutators: List[Mutator] = None, strategy: BaseStrategy = None): |
self.config: RetiariiExeConfig = None |
self.port: Optional[int] = None |
self.base_model = base_model |
self.trainer = trainer |
self.applied_mutators = applied_mutators |
self.strategy = strategy |
self._dispatcher = RetiariiAdvisor() |
self._dispatcher_thread: Optional[Thread] = None |
self._proc: Optional[Popen] = None |
self._pipe: Optional[Pipe] = None |
def _start_strategy(self): |
base_model_ir, self.applied_mutators = preprocess_model( |
self.base_model, self.trainer, self.applied_mutators, full_ir=self.config.execution_engine != 'py') |
_logger.info('Start strategy...') |
self.strategy.run(base_model_ir, self.applied_mutators) |
_logger.info('Strategy exit') |
def start(self, port: int = 8080, debug: bool = False) -> None: |
""" |
Start the experiment in background. |
This method will raise exception on failure. |
If it returns, the experiment should have been successfully started. |
Parameters |
---------- |
port |
The port of web UI. |
debug |
Whether to start in debug mode. |
""" |
atexit.register(self.stop) |
if self.config.execution_engine == 'base': |
from ..execution.base import BaseExecutionEngine |
engine = BaseExecutionEngine() |
elif self.config.execution_engine == 'cgo': |
from ..execution.cgo_engine import CGOExecutionEngine |
engine = CGOExecutionEngine() |
elif self.config.execution_engine == 'py': |
from ..execution.python import PurePythonExecutionEngine |
engine = PurePythonExecutionEngine() |
set_execution_engine(engine) |
self.id = management.generate_experiment_id() |
if self.config.experiment_working_directory is not None: |
log_dir = Path(self.config.experiment_working_directory, self.id, 'log') |
else: |
log_dir = Path.home() / f'nni-experiments/{self.id}/log' |
nni.runtime.log.start_experiment_log(self.id, log_dir, debug) |
self._proc, self._pipe = launcher.start_experiment_retiarii(self.id, self.config, port, debug) |
assert self._proc is not None |
assert self._pipe is not None |
self.port = port |
self._dispatcher = self._create_dispatcher() |
self._dispatcher_thread = Thread(target=self._dispatcher.run) |
self._dispatcher_thread.start() |
ips = [self.config.nni_manager_ip] |
for interfaces in psutil.net_if_addrs().values(): |
for interface in interfaces: |
if interface.family == socket.AF_INET: |
ips.append(interface.address) |
ips = [f'http://{ip}:{port}' for ip in ips if ip] |
msg = 'Web UI URLs: ' + colorama.Fore.CYAN + ' '.join(ips) + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL |
_logger.info(msg) |
exp_status_checker = Thread(target=self._check_exp_status) |
exp_status_checker.start() |
self._start_strategy() |
_logger.info('Waiting for experiment to become DONE (you can ctrl+c if there is no running trial jobs)...') |
exp_status_checker.join() |
def _create_dispatcher(self): |
return self._dispatcher |
def run(self, config: RetiariiExeConfig = None, port: int = 8080, debug: bool = False) -> str: |
""" |
Run the experiment. |
This function will block until experiment finish or error. |
""" |
if isinstance(self.trainer, BaseOneShotTrainer): |
self.trainer.fit() |
else: |
assert config is not None, 'You are using classic search mode, config cannot be None!' |
self.config = config |
self.start(port, debug) |
def _check_exp_status(self) -> bool: |
""" |
Run the experiment. |
This function will block until experiment finish or error. |
Return `True` when experiment done; or return `False` when experiment failed. |
""" |
try: |
while True: |
time.sleep(10) |
if self._proc.poll() is None: |
status = self.get_status() |
else: |
return False |
if status == 'DONE' or status == 'STOPPED': |
return True |
if status == 'ERROR': |
return False |
except KeyboardInterrupt: |
_logger.warning('KeyboardInterrupt detected') |
finally: |
self.stop() |
def stop(self) -> None: |
""" |
Stop background experiment. |
""" |
_logger.info('Stopping experiment, please wait...') |
atexit.unregister(self.stop) |
if self.id is not None: |
nni.runtime.log.stop_experiment_log(self.id) |
if self._proc is not None: |
try: |
if self._proc.poll() is None: |
rest.delete(self.port, '/experiment') |
except Exception as e: |
_logger.exception(e) |
_logger.warning('Cannot gracefully stop experiment, killing NNI process...') |
kill_command(self._proc.pid) |
if self._pipe is not None: |
self._pipe.close() |
if self._dispatcher_thread is not None: |
self._dispatcher.stopping = True |
self._dispatcher_thread.join(timeout=1) |
self.id = None |
self.port = None |
self._proc = None |
self._pipe = None |
self._dispatcher = None |
self._dispatcher_thread = None |
_logger.info('Experiment stopped') |
def export_top_models(self, top_k: int = 1, optimize_mode: str = 'maximize', formatter: str = 'dict') -> Any: |
""" |
Export several top performing models. |
For one-shot algorithms, only top-1 is supported. For others, ``optimize_mode`` and ``formatter`` are |
available for customization. |
top_k : int |
How many models are intended to be exported. |
optimize_mode : str |
``maximize`` or ``minimize``. Not supported by one-shot algorithms. |
``optimize_mode`` is likely to be removed and defined in strategy in future. |
formatter : str |
Support ``code`` and ``dict``. Not supported by one-shot algorithms. |
If ``code``, the python code of model will be returned. |
If ``dict``, the mutation history will be returned. |
""" |
if formatter == 'code': |
assert self.config.execution_engine != 'py', 'You should use `dict` formatter when using Python execution engine.' |
if isinstance(self.trainer, BaseOneShotTrainer): |
assert top_k == 1, 'Only support top_k is 1 for now.' |
return self.trainer.export() |
else: |
all_models = filter(lambda m: m.metric is not None, list_models()) |
assert optimize_mode in ['maximize', 'minimize'] |
all_models = sorted(all_models, key=lambda m: m.metric, reverse=optimize_mode == 'maximize') |
assert formatter in ['code', 'dict'], 'Export formatter other than "code" and "dict" is not supported yet.' |
if formatter == 'code': |
return [model_to_pytorch_script(model) for model in all_models[:top_k]] |
elif formatter == 'dict': |
return [get_mutation_dict(model) for model in all_models[:top_k]] |
def retrain_model(self, model): |
""" |
this function retrains the exported model, and test it to output test accuracy |
""" |
raise NotImplementedError |