from data import ABDataset
from utils.common.data_record import read_json, write_json
from PIL import Image
import os 
from utils.common.file import ensure_dir
import numpy as np
from itertools import groupby
from skimage import morphology, measure
from PIL import Image
from scipy import misc
import tqdm
from PIL import ImageFile
import shutil

def convert_seg_dataset_to_det(seg_imgs_path, seg_labels_path, root_dir, target_coco_ann_path, ignore_classes_idx, thread_i, min_img_size=224, label_after_hook=lambda x: x):

    Background class should not be considered. 
    However, if a seg dataset has only one valid class, so that the generated cls dataset also has only one class and 
    the cls accuracy will be 100% forever. But we do not use the generated cls dataset alone, so it is ok.
    assert len(seg_imgs_path) == len(seg_labels_path)
    classes_imgs_id_map = {}
    coco_ann = {
        'categories': [],
        "type": "instances",
        'images': [],
        'annotations': []
    image_id = 0
    ann_id = 0
    pbar = tqdm.tqdm(zip(seg_imgs_path, seg_labels_path), total=len(seg_imgs_path), 
                                                   dynamic_ncols=True, leave=False, desc=f'thread {thread_i}')
    for seg_img_path, seg_label_path in pbar:

            seg_img =
            seg_label ='L')
            seg_label = np.array(seg_label)
            seg_label = label_after_hook(seg_label)
        except Exception as e:
            print(f'file {seg_img_path} error, skip')
        # seg_img =
        # seg_label ='L')
        # seg_label = np.array(seg_label)
        image_coco_info = {'file_name': os.path.relpath(seg_img_path, root_dir), 'height': seg_img.height, 'width': seg_img.width,
        image_id += 1
        coco_ann['images'] += [image_coco_info]
        this_img_classes = set(seg_label.reshape(-1).tolist())
        # print(this_img_classes)
        for class_idx in this_img_classes:
            if class_idx in ignore_classes_idx:
            if class_idx not in classes_imgs_id_map.keys():
                classes_imgs_id_map[class_idx] = 0

            mask = np.zeros((seg_label.shape[0], seg_label.shape[1]), dtype=np.uint8)
            mask[seg_label == class_idx] = 1
            mask_without_small = morphology.remove_small_objects(mask, min_size=10, connectivity=2)
            label_image = measure.label(mask_without_small)

            for region in measure.regionprops(label_image):
                bbox = region.bbox # (top, left, bottom, right)
                bbox = [bbox[1], bbox[0], bbox[3], bbox[2]]  # (left, top, right, bottom)
                width, height = bbox[2] - bbox[0], bbox[3] - bbox[1]
                if width < min_img_size or height < min_img_size:
                # target_cropped_img_path = os.path.join(target_cls_data_dir, str(class_idx), 
                #                                        f'{classes_imgs_id_map[class_idx]}.{seg_img_path.split(".")[-1]}')
                # ensure_dir(target_cropped_img_path)
                # seg_img.crop(bbox).save(target_cropped_img_path)    
                # print(target_cropped_img_path)
                # exit()
                ann_coco_info = {'area': width*height, 'iscrowd': 0, 'image_id':
                   image_id - 1, 'bbox': [bbox[0], bbox[1], width, height],
                   'category_id': class_idx, 
                   'id': ann_id, 'ignore': 0,
                   'segmentation': []}
                ann_id += 1
                coco_ann['annotations'] += [ann_coco_info]
                classes_imgs_id_map[class_idx] += 1
                pbar.set_description(f'# ann: {ann_id}')

    coco_ann['categories'] = [
        {'id': ci, 'name': f'class_{c}_in_seg'} for ci, c in enumerate(classes_imgs_id_map.keys())
    c_to_ci_map = {c: ci for ci, c in enumerate(classes_imgs_id_map.keys())}
    for ann in coco_ann['annotations']:
        ann['category_id'] = c_to_ci_map[
    write_json(target_coco_ann_path, coco_ann, indent=0, backup=True)
    write_json(os.path.join(root_dir, 'coco_ann.json'), coco_ann, indent=0, backup=True)

    num_cls_imgs = 0
    for k, v in classes_imgs_id_map.items():
        # print(f'# class {k}: {v + 1}')
        num_cls_imgs += v
    # print(f'total: {num_cls_imgs}')
    return classes_imgs_id_map

from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

# def convert_seg_dataset_to_cls_multi_thread(seg_imgs_path, seg_labels_path, target_cls_data_dir, ignore_classes_idx, num_threads):
#     if os.path.exists(target_cls_data_dir):
#         shutil.rmtree(target_cls_data_dir)
#     assert len(seg_imgs_path) == len(seg_labels_path)
#     n = len(seg_imgs_path) // num_threads
#     pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_threads)
#     # threads = []
#     futures = []
#     for thread_i in range(num_threads):
#         # thread = threading.Thread(target=convert_seg_dataset_to_cls, 
#         #                           args=(seg_imgs_path[thread_i * n: (thread_i + 1) * n], 
#         #                                 seg_labels_path[thread_i * n: (thread_i + 1) * n], 
#         #                                 target_cls_data_dir, ignore_classes_idx))
#         # threads += [thread]
#         future = pool.submit(convert_seg_dataset_to_cls, *(seg_imgs_path[thread_i * n: (thread_i + 1) * n], 
#                                         seg_labels_path[thread_i * n: (thread_i + 1) * n], 
#                                         target_cls_data_dir, ignore_classes_idx, thread_i))
#         futures += [future]
#     futures += [
#         pool.submit(convert_seg_dataset_to_cls, *(seg_imgs_path[(thread_i + 1) * n: ], 
#                                         seg_labels_path[(thread_i + 1) * n: ], 
#                                         target_cls_data_dir, ignore_classes_idx, thread_i))
#     ]
#     for f in futures:
#         f.done()
#     res = []
#     for f in futures:
#         res += [f.result()]
#         print(res[-1])
#     res_dist = {}
#     for r in res:
#         for k, v in r.items():
#             if k in res_dist.keys():
#                 res_dist[k] += v 
#             else:
#                 res_dist[k] = v
#     print('results:')
#     print(res_dist)
#     pool.shutdown()

# import random
# def random_crop_aug(target_dir):
#     for class_dir in os.listdir(target_dir):
#         class_dir = os.path.join(target_dir, class_dir)
#         for img_path in os.listdir(class_dir):
#             img_path = os.path.join(class_dir, img_path)

#             img =
#             w, h = img.width, img.height
#             for ri in range(5):
#                 img.crop(
#                     [
#                         random.randint(0, w // 5),
#                         random.randint(0, h // 5),
#                         random.randint(w // 5 * 4, w),
#                         random.randint(h // 5 * 4, h)
#                     ]
#                 ).save(
#                     os.path.join(os.path.dirname(img_path), f'randaug_{ri}_' + os.path.basename(img_path))
#                 )
#                 # print(img_path)
#                 # exit()

def post_ignore_classes(coco_ann_json_path):
    # from data.datasets.object_detection.yolox_data_util.api import remap_dataset
    # remap_dataset(coco_ann_json_path, [], {})

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # SuperviselyPerson
    # root_dir = '/data/zql/datasets/supervisely_person_full_20230635/Supervisely Person Dataset'
    # images_path, labels_path = [], []
    # for p in os.listdir(root_dir):
    #     if p.startswith('ds'):
    #         p1 = os.path.join(root_dir, p, 'img')
    #         images_path += [(p, os.path.join(p1, n)) for n in os.listdir(p1)]
    # for dsi, img_p in images_path:
    #     target_p = os.path.join(root_dir, p, dsi, img_p.split('/')[-1])
    #     labels_path += [target_p]
    # images_path = [i[1] for i in images_path]
    # target_coco_ann_path = '/data/zql/datasets/supervisely_person_for_det_task/coco_ann.json'
    # if os.path.exists(target_coco_ann_path):
    #     os.remove(target_coco_ann_path)
    # convert_seg_dataset_to_det(
    #     seg_imgs_path=images_path,
    #     seg_labels_path=labels_path,
    #     root_dir=root_dir,
    #     target_coco_ann_path=target_coco_ann_path,
    #     ignore_classes_idx=[0, 2],
    #     # num_threads=8
    #     thread_i=0
    # )
    # random_crop_aug('/data/zql/datasets/supervisely_person_for_cls_task')
    # GTA5
    # root_dir = '/data/zql/datasets/GTA-ls-copy/GTA5'
    # images_path, labels_path = [], []
    # for p in os.listdir(os.path.join(root_dir, 'images')):
    #     p = os.path.join(root_dir, 'images', p)
    #     if not p.endswith('png'):
    #         continue
    #     images_path += [p]
    #     labels_path += [p.replace('images', 'labels_gt')]

    # target_coco_ann_path = '/data/zql/datasets/gta5_for_det_task/coco_ann.json'
    # if os.path.exists(target_coco_ann_path):
    #     os.remove(target_coco_ann_path)
    # """
    # [
    #     'road', 'sidewalk', 'building', 'wall',
    #     'fence', 'pole', 'light', 'sign',
    #     'vegetation', 'terrain', 'sky', 'people', # person
    #     'rider', 'car', 'truck', 'bus', 'train',
    #     'motocycle', 'bicycle'
    # ]
    # """
    # need_classes_idx = [13, 15]
    # convert_seg_dataset_to_det(
    #     seg_imgs_path=images_path,
    #     seg_labels_path=labels_path,
    #     root_dir=root_dir,
    #     target_coco_ann_path=target_coco_ann_path,
    #     ignore_classes_idx=[i for i in range(20) if i not in need_classes_idx],
    #     thread_i=0
    # )
    # from data.datasets.object_detection.yolox_data_util.api import remap_dataset
    # new_coco_ann_json_path = remap_dataset('/data/zql/datasets/GTA-ls-copy/GTA5/coco_ann.json', [-1], {0: 0, 1:-1, 2:-1, 3: 1, 4:-1, 5:-1})
    # print(new_coco_ann_json_path)
    # cityscapes
    # root_dir = '/data/zql/datasets/cityscape/'
    # def _get_target_suffix(mode: str, target_type: str) -> str:
    #     if target_type == 'instance':
    #         return '{}_instanceIds.png'.format(mode)
    #     elif target_type == 'semantic':
    #         return '{}_labelIds.png'.format(mode)
    #     elif target_type == 'color':
    #         return '{}_color.png'.format(mode)
    #     else:
    #         return '{}_polygons.json'.format(mode)

    # images_path, labels_path = [], []
    # split = 'train'
    # images_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'leftImg8bit', split)
    # targets_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'gtFine', split)
    # for city in os.listdir(images_dir):
    #     img_dir = os.path.join(images_dir, city)
    #     target_dir = os.path.join(targets_dir, city)
    #     for file_name in os.listdir(img_dir):
    #         target_types = []
    #         for t in ['semantic']:
    #             target_name = '{}_{}'.format(file_name.split('_leftImg8bit')[0],
    #                                             _get_target_suffix('gtFine', t))
    #             target_types.append(os.path.join(target_dir, target_name))

    #         images_path.append(os.path.join(img_dir, file_name))
    #         labels_path.append(target_types[0])
    # # print(images_path[0: 5], '\n', labels_path[0: 5])
    # target_coco_ann_path = '/data/zql/datasets/cityscape/coco_ann.json'
    # # if os.path.exists(target_dir):
    # #     shutil.rmtree(target_dir)
    # need_classes_idx = [26, 28]
    # convert_seg_dataset_to_det(
    #     seg_imgs_path=images_path,
    #     seg_labels_path=labels_path,
    #     root_dir=root_dir,
    #     target_coco_ann_path=target_coco_ann_path,
    #     ignore_classes_idx=[i for i in range(80) if i not in need_classes_idx],
    #     # num_threads=8
    #     thread_i=0
    # )
    # import shutil
    # ignore_target_dir = '/data/zql/datasets/cityscapes_for_cls_task_ignored'
    # ignore_label = 255
    # raw_idx_map_in_y_transform = {-1: ignore_label, 0: ignore_label, 1: ignore_label, 2: ignore_label,
    #         3: ignore_label, 4: ignore_label, 5: ignore_label, 6: ignore_label,
    #         7: 0, 8: 1, 9: ignore_label, 10: ignore_label, 11: 2, 12: 3, 13: 4,
    #         14: ignore_label, 15: ignore_label, 16: ignore_label, 17: 5,
    #         18: ignore_label, 19: 6, 20: 7, 21: 8, 22: 9, 23: 10, 24: 11, 25: 12, 26: 13, 27: 14,
    #         28: 15, 29: ignore_label, 30: ignore_label, 31: 16, 32: 17, 33: 18}
    # ignore_classes_idx = [k for k, v in raw_idx_map_in_y_transform.items() if v == ignore_label]
    # ignore_classes_idx = sorted(ignore_classes_idx)
    # for class_dir in os.listdir(target_dir):
    #     if int(class_dir) in ignore_classes_idx:
    #         continue
    #         shutil.move(
    #             os.path.join(target_dir, class_dir),
    #             os.path.join(ignore_target_dir, class_dir)
    #         )
    #     else:
    #         shutil.move(
    #             os.path.join(target_dir, class_dir),
    #             os.path.join(target_dir, str(raw_idx_map_in_y_transform[int(class_dir)]))
    #         )
    #         continue
    #     print(class_dir)
    # exit()
    # baidu person
    # root_dir = '/data/zql/datasets/baidu_person/clean_images/'
    # images_path, labels_path = [], []
    # for p in os.listdir(os.path.join(root_dir, 'images')):
    #     images_path += [os.path.join(root_dir, 'images', p)]
    #     labels_path += [os.path.join(root_dir, 'profiles', p.split('.')[0] + '-profile.jpg')]
    # target_dir = '/data/zql/datasets/baiduperson_for_cls_task'
    # # if os.path.exists(target_dir):
    # #     shutil.rmtree(target_dir)
    # def label_after_hook(x):
    #     x[x > 1] = 1
    #     return x    
    # convert_seg_dataset_to_det(
    #     seg_imgs_path=images_path,
    #     seg_labels_path=labels_path,
    #     root_dir=root_dir,
    #     target_coco_ann_path='/data/zql/datasets/baidu_person/clean_images/coco_ann_zql.json',
    #     ignore_classes_idx=[1],
    #     # num_threads=8
    #     thread_i=1,
    #     min_img_size=224,
    #     label_after_hook=label_after_hook
    # )
    # from data.visualize import visualize_classes_in_object_detection
    # from data import get_dataset
    # d = get_dataset('CityscapesDet', '/data/zql/datasets/cityscape/', 'val', None, [], None)
    # visualize_classes_in_object_detection(d, {'car': 0, 'bus': 1}, {}, 'debug.png')
    # d = get_dataset('GTA5Det', '/data/zql/datasets/GTA-ls-copy/GTA5', 'val', None, [], None)
    # visualize_classes_in_object_detection(d, {'car': 0, 'bus': 1}, {}, 'debug.png')
    # d = get_dataset('BaiduPersonDet', '/data/zql/datasets/baidu_person/clean_images/', 'val', None, [], None)
    # visualize_classes_in_object_detection(d, {'person': 0}, {}, 'debug.png')