# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. # Licensed under the MIT license. """ Model representation. """ import abc import json from enum import Enum from typing import (Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union, overload) from .operation import Cell, Operation, _IOPseudoOperation from .utils import get_importable_name, import_, uid __all__ = ['Model', 'ModelStatus', 'Graph', 'Node', 'Edge', 'Mutation', 'IllegalGraphError', 'MetricData'] MetricData = Any """ Type hint for graph metrics (loss, accuracy, etc). """ EdgeEndpoint = Tuple['Node', Optional[int]] """ Type hint for edge's endpoint. The int indicates nodes' order. """ class Evaluator(abc.ABC): """ Evaluator of a model. An evaluator should define where the training code is, and the configuration of training code. The configuration includes basic runtime information trainer needs to know (such as number of GPUs) or tune-able parameters (such as learning rate), depending on the implementation of training code. Each config should define how it is interpreted in ``_execute()``, taking only one argument which is the mutated model class. For example, functional evaluator might directly import the function and call the function. """ def __repr__(self): items = ', '.join(['%s=%r' % (k, v) for k, v in self.__dict__.items()]) return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({items})' @abc.abstractstaticmethod def _load(ir: Any) -> 'Evaluator': pass @staticmethod def _load_with_type(type_name: str, ir: Any) -> 'Optional[Evaluator]': if type_name == '_debug_no_trainer': return DebugEvaluator() config_cls = import_(type_name) assert issubclass(config_cls, Evaluator) return config_cls._load(ir) @abc.abstractmethod def _dump(self) -> Any: pass @abc.abstractmethod def _execute(self, model_cls: type) -> Any: pass @abc.abstractmethod def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: pass class Model: """ Represents a neural network model. During mutation, one `Model` object is created for each trainable snapshot. For example, consider a mutator that insert a node at an edge for each iteration. In one iteration, the mutator invokes 4 primitives: add node, remove edge, add edge to head, add edge to tail. These 4 primitives operates in one `Model` object. When they are all done the model will be set to "frozen" (trainable) status and be submitted to execution engine. And then a new iteration starts, and a new `Model` object is created by forking last model. Attributes ---------- python_class Python class that base model is converted from. python_init_params Initialization parameters of python class. status See `ModelStatus`. root_graph The outermost graph which usually takes dataset as input and feeds output to loss function. graphs All graphs (subgraphs) in this model. evaluator Model evaluator history Mutation history. `self` is directly mutated from `self.history[-1]`; `self.history[-1] is mutated from `self.history[-2]`, and so on. `self.history[0]` is the base graph. metric Training result of the model, or `None` if it's not yet trained or has failed to train. intermediate_metrics Intermediate training metrics. If the model is not trained, it's an empty list. """ def __init__(self, _internal=False): assert _internal, '`Model()` is private, use `model.fork()` instead' self.model_id: int = uid('model') self.python_class: Optional[Type] = None self.python_init_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None self.status: ModelStatus = ModelStatus.Mutating self._root_graph_name: str = '_model' self.graphs: Dict[str, Graph] = {} self.evaluator: Optional[Evaluator] = None self.history: List[Model] = [] self.metric: Optional[MetricData] = None self.intermediate_metrics: List[MetricData] = [] def __repr__(self): return f'Model(model_id={self.model_id}, status={self.status}, graphs={list(self.graphs.keys())}, ' + \ f'evaluator={self.evaluator}, metric={self.metric}, intermediate_metrics={self.intermediate_metrics}, ' + \ f'python_class={self.python_class})' @property def root_graph(self) -> 'Graph': return self.graphs[self._root_graph_name] def fork(self) -> 'Model': """ Create a new model which has same topology, names, and IDs to current one. Can only be invoked on a frozen model. The new model will be in `Mutating` state. This API is used in mutator base class. """ new_model = Model(_internal=True) new_model._root_graph_name = self._root_graph_name new_model.python_class = self.python_class new_model.python_init_params = self.python_init_params new_model.graphs = {name: graph._fork_to(new_model) for name, graph in self.graphs.items()} new_model.evaluator = self.evaluator # TODO this needs a clever copy (not deepcopy) if we need mutation new_model.history = [*self.history] # Note: the history is not updated. It will be updated when the model is changed, that is in mutator. return new_model @staticmethod def _load(ir: Any) -> 'Model': model = Model(_internal=True) for graph_name, graph_data in ir.items(): if graph_name != '_evaluator': Graph._load(model, graph_name, graph_data)._register() if '_evaluator' in ir: model.evaluator = Evaluator._load_with_type(ir['_evaluator']['__type__'], ir['_evaluator']) return model def _dump(self) -> Any: ret = {name: graph._dump() for name, graph in self.graphs.items()} if self.evaluator is not None: ret['_evaluator'] = { '__type__': get_importable_name(self.evaluator.__class__), **self.evaluator._dump() } return ret def get_nodes(self) -> Iterable['Node']: """ Traverse through all the nodes. """ for graph in self.graphs.values(): for node in graph.nodes: yield node def get_nodes_by_label(self, label: str) -> List['Node']: """ Traverse all the nodes to find the matched node(s) with the given label. There could be multiple nodes with the same label. Name space name can uniquely identify a graph or node. NOTE: the implementation does not support the class abstration """ matched_nodes = [] for graph in self.graphs.values(): nodes = graph.get_nodes_by_label(label) matched_nodes.extend(nodes) return matched_nodes def get_nodes_by_type(self, type_name: str) -> List['Node']: """ Traverse all the nodes to find the matched node(s) with the given type. """ matched_nodes = [] for graph in self.graphs.values(): nodes = graph.get_nodes_by_type(type_name) matched_nodes.extend(nodes) return matched_nodes def get_node_by_name(self, node_name: str) -> 'Node': """ Traverse all the nodes to find the matched node with the given name. """ matched_nodes = [] for graph in self.graphs.values(): nodes = graph.get_nodes_by_name(node_name) matched_nodes.extend(nodes) assert len(matched_nodes) <= 1 if matched_nodes: return matched_nodes[0] else: return None class ModelStatus(Enum): """ The status of model. A model is created in `Mutating` status. When the mutation is done and the model get ready to train, its status becomes `Frozen`. When training started, the model's status becomes `Training`. If training is successfully ended, model's `metric` attribute get set and its status becomes `Trained`. If training failed, the status becomes `Failed`. """ Mutating = "mutating" Frozen = "frozen" Training = "training" Trained = "trained" Failed = "failed" _InputPseudoUid = -1 _OutputPseudoUid = -2 class Graph: """ Graph topology. This class simply represents the topology, with no semantic meaning. All other information like metric, non-graph functions, mutation history, etc should go to `Model`. Each graph belongs to and only belongs to one `Model`. Attributes ---------- model The model containing (and owning) this graph. id Unique ID in the model. If two models have graphs of identical ID, they are semantically the same graph. Typically this means one graph is mutated from another, or they are both mutated from one ancestor. name Mnemonic name of this graph. It should have an one-to-one mapping with ID. input_names Optional mnemonic names of input parameters. output_names Optional mnemonic names of output values. input_node ... output_node ... hidden_nodes ... nodes All input/output/hidden nodes. edges ... """ def __init__(self, model: Model, graph_id: int, name: str = None, _internal: bool = False): assert _internal, '`Graph()` is private' self.model: Model = model self.id: int = graph_id self.name: str = name or f'_generated_{graph_id}' self.input_node: Node = Node(self, _InputPseudoUid, '_inputs', _IOPseudoOperation('_inputs'), _internal=True) self.output_node: Node = Node(self, _OutputPseudoUid, '_outputs', _IOPseudoOperation('_outputs'), _internal=True) self.hidden_nodes: List[Node] = [] self.edges: List[Edge] = [] def __repr__(self): return f'Graph(id={self.id}, name={self.name}, ' + \ f'input_names={self.input_node.operation.io_names}, ' + \ f'output_names={self.output_node.operation.io_names}, ' + \ f'num_hidden_nodes={len(self.hidden_nodes)}, num_edges={len(self.edges)})' @property def nodes(self) -> List['Node']: return [self.input_node, self.output_node] + self.hidden_nodes def _add_input(self, input_name) -> None: if self.input_node.operation.io_names is None: self.input_node.operation.io_names = [input_name] else: self.input_node.operation.io_names.append(input_name) def _add_output(self, output_name) -> None: if self.output_node.operation.io_names is None: self.output_node.operation.io_names = [output_name] else: self.output_node.operation.io_names.append(output_name) @overload def add_node(self, name: str, operation: Operation) -> 'Node': ... @overload def add_node(self, name: str, type_name: str, parameters: Dict[str, Any] = {}) -> 'Node': ... def add_node(self, name, operation_or_type, parameters={}): if isinstance(operation_or_type, Operation): op = operation_or_type else: op = Operation.new(operation_or_type, parameters, name) return Node(self, uid(), name, op, _internal=True)._register() @overload def insert_node_on_edge(self, edge: 'Edge', name: str, operation: Operation) -> 'Node': ... @overload def insert_node_on_edge(self, edge: 'Edge', name: str, type_name: str, parameters: Dict[str, Any] = {}) -> 'Node': ... def insert_node_on_edge(self, edge, name, operation_or_type, parameters={}) -> 'Node': if isinstance(operation_or_type, Operation): op = operation_or_type else: op = Operation.new(operation_or_type, parameters, name) new_node = Node(self, uid(), name, op, _internal=True)._register() # update edges self.add_edge((edge.head, edge.head_slot), (new_node, None)) self.add_edge((new_node, None), (edge.tail, edge.tail_slot)) self.del_edge(edge) return new_node # mutation def add_edge(self, head: EdgeEndpoint, tail: EdgeEndpoint) -> 'Edge': assert head[0].graph is self and tail[0].graph is self return Edge(head, tail, _internal=True)._register() def del_edge(self, edge: 'Edge') -> None: self.edges.remove(edge) def get_node_by_name(self, name: str) -> Optional['Node']: """ Returns the node which has specified name; or returns `None` if no node has this name. """ found = [node for node in self.nodes if node.name == name] return found[0] if found else None def get_nodes_by_type(self, operation_type: str) -> List['Node']: """ Returns nodes whose operation is specified typed. """ return [node for node in self.hidden_nodes if node.operation.type == operation_type] def get_node_by_id(self, node_id: int) -> Optional['Node']: """ Returns the node which has specified name; or returns `None` if no node has this name. """ found = [node for node in self.nodes if node.id == node_id] return found[0] if found else None def get_nodes_by_label(self, label: str) -> List['Node']: return [node for node in self.hidden_nodes if node.label == label] def get_nodes_by_name(self, name: str) -> List['Node']: return [node for node in self.hidden_nodes if node.name == name] def topo_sort(self) -> List['Node']: node_to_fanin = {} curr_nodes = [] for node in self.nodes: fanin = len(node.incoming_edges) node_to_fanin[node] = fanin if fanin == 0: curr_nodes.append(node) sorted_nodes = [] while curr_nodes: curr_node = curr_nodes.pop(0) sorted_nodes.append(curr_node) # use successor_slots because a node may connect to another node multiple times # to different slots for successor_slot in curr_node.successor_slots: successor = successor_slot[0] node_to_fanin[successor] -= 1 if node_to_fanin[successor] == 0: curr_nodes.append(successor) for key in node_to_fanin: assert node_to_fanin[key] == 0, '{}, fanin: {}, predecessor: {}, edges: {}, fanin: {}, keys: {}'.format( key, node_to_fanin[key], key.predecessors[0], self.edges, node_to_fanin.values(), node_to_fanin.keys()) return sorted_nodes def fork(self) -> 'Graph': """ Fork the model and returns corresponding graph in new model. This shortcut might be helpful because many algorithms only cares about "stem" subgraph instead of whole model. """ return self.model.fork().graphs[self.name] def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: return self is other def _fork_to(self, model: Model, name_prefix='') -> 'Graph': new_graph = Graph(model, self.id, name_prefix+self.name, _internal=True)._register() # TODO: use node copy instead new_graph.input_node.operation.io_names = self.input_node.operation.io_names new_graph.output_node.operation.io_names = self.output_node.operation.io_names new_graph.input_node.update_label(self.input_node.label) new_graph.output_node.update_label(self.output_node.label) for node in self.hidden_nodes: new_node = Node(new_graph, node.id, node.name, node.operation, _internal=True) new_node.update_label(node.label) new_node._register() id_to_new_node = {node.id: node for node in new_graph.nodes} for edge in self.edges: new_head = id_to_new_node[edge.head.id] new_tail = id_to_new_node[edge.tail.id] Edge((new_head, edge.head_slot), (new_tail, edge.tail_slot), _internal=True)._register() return new_graph def _copy(self) -> 'Graph': # Copy this graph inside the model. # The new graph will have identical topology, but its nodes' name and ID will be different. new_graph = Graph(self.model, uid(), _internal=True)._register() new_graph.input_node.operation.io_names = self.input_node.operation.io_names new_graph.output_node.operation.io_names = self.output_node.operation.io_names new_graph.input_node.update_label(self.input_node.label) new_graph.output_node.update_label(self.output_node.label) id_to_new_node = {} # old node ID -> new node object for old_node in self.hidden_nodes: new_node = Node(new_graph, uid(), None, old_node.operation, _internal=True)._register() new_node.update_label(old_node.label) id_to_new_node[old_node.id] = new_node for edge in self.edges: new_head = id_to_new_node[edge.head.id] new_tail = id_to_new_node[edge.tail.id] Edge((new_head, edge.head_slot), (new_tail, edge.tail_slot), _internal=True)._register() return new_graph def _register(self) -> 'Graph': self.model.graphs[self.name] = self return self @staticmethod def _load(model: Model, name: str, ir: Any) -> 'Graph': graph = Graph(model, uid(), name, _internal=True) graph.input_node.operation.io_names = ir.get('inputs') graph.output_node.operation.io_names = ir.get('outputs') for node_name, node_data in ir['nodes'].items(): Node._load(graph, node_name, node_data)._register() for edge_data in ir['edges']: Edge._load(graph, edge_data)._register() return graph def _dump(self) -> Any: return { 'inputs': self.input_node.operation.io_names, 'outputs': self.output_node.operation.io_names, 'nodes': {node.name: node._dump() for node in self.hidden_nodes}, 'edges': [edge._dump() for edge in self.edges] } class Node: """ An operation or an opaque subgraph inside a graph. Each node belongs to and only belongs to one `Graph`. Nodes should never be created with constructor. Use `Graph.add_node()` instead. The node itself is for topology only. Information of tensor calculation should all go inside `operation` attribute. TODO: parameter of subgraph (cell) It's easy to assign parameters on cell node, but it's hard to "use" them. We need to design a way to reference stored cell parameters in inner node operations. e.g. `self.fc = Linear(self.units)` <- how to express `self.units` in IR? Attributes ---------- graph The graph containing this node. id Unique ID in the model. If two models have nodes with same ID, they are semantically the same node. name Mnemonic name. It should have an one-to-one mapping with ID. label Optional. If two nodes have the same label, they are considered same by the mutator. operation ... cell Read only shortcut to get the referenced subgraph. If this node is not a subgraph (is a primitive operation), accessing `cell` will raise an error. predecessors Predecessor nodes of this node in the graph. This is an optional mutation helper. successors Successor nodes of this node in the graph. This is an optional mutation helper. incoming_edges Incoming edges of this node in the graph. This is an optional mutation helper. outgoing_edges Outgoing edges of this node in the graph. This is an optional mutation helper. """ def __init__(self, graph, node_id, name, operation, _internal=False): self.graph: Graph = graph self.id: int = node_id self.name: str = name or f'_generated_{node_id}' # TODO: the operation is likely to be considered editable by end-user and it will be hard to debug # maybe we should copy it here or make Operation class immutable, in next release self.operation: Operation = operation self.label: Optional[str] = None def __repr__(self): return f'Node(id={self.id}, name={self.name}, label={self.label}, operation={self.operation})' @property def predecessors(self) -> List['Node']: return sorted(set(edge.head for edge in self.incoming_edges), key=(lambda node: node.id)) @property def successors(self) -> List['Node']: return sorted(set(edge.tail for edge in self.outgoing_edges), key=(lambda node: node.id)) @property def successor_slots(self) -> List[Tuple['Node', Union[int, None]]]: return set((edge.tail, edge.tail_slot) for edge in self.outgoing_edges) @property def incoming_edges(self) -> List['Edge']: return [edge for edge in self.graph.edges if edge.tail is self] @property def outgoing_edges(self) -> List['Edge']: return [edge for edge in self.graph.edges if edge.head is self] @property def cell(self) -> Graph: assert isinstance(self.operation, Cell) return self.graph.model.graphs[self.operation.parameters['cell']] def update_label(self, label: str) -> None: self.label = label @overload def update_operation(self, operation: Operation) -> None: ... @overload def update_operation(self, type_name: str, parameters: Dict[str, Any] = {}) -> None: ... def update_operation(self, operation_or_type, parameters={}): if isinstance(operation_or_type, Operation): self.operation = operation_or_type else: self.operation = Operation.new(operation_or_type, parameters) # mutation def remove(self) -> None: assert not self.incoming_edges and not self.outgoing_edges self.graph.hidden_nodes.remove(self) # mutation def specialize_cell(self) -> Graph: """ Only available if the operation is a cell. Duplicate the cell template and let this node reference to newly created copy. """ new_cell = self.cell._copy()._register() self.operation = Cell(new_cell.name) return new_cell def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: return self is other def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(id(self)) def _register(self) -> 'Node': self.graph.hidden_nodes.append(self) return self @staticmethod def _load(graph: Graph, name: str, ir: Any) -> 'Node': if ir['operation']['type'] == '_cell': op = Cell(ir['operation']['cell_name'], ir['operation'].get('parameters', {})) else: op = Operation.new(ir['operation']['type'], ir['operation'].get('parameters', {})) node = Node(graph, uid(), name, op) if 'label' in ir: node.update_label(ir['label']) return node def _dump(self) -> Any: ret = {'operation': {'type': self.operation.type, 'parameters': self.operation.parameters}} if isinstance(self.operation, Cell): ret['operation']['cell_name'] = self.operation.cell_name if self.label is not None: ret['label'] = self.label return ret class Edge: """ A tensor, or "data flow", between two nodes. Example forward code snippet: ``` a, b, c = split(x) p = concat(a, c) q = sum(b, p) z = relu(q) ``` Edges in above snippet: + head: (split, 0), tail: (concat, 0) # a in concat + head: (split, 2), tail: (concat, 1) # c in concat + head: (split, 1), tail: (sum, -1 or 0) # b in sum + head: (concat, null), tail: (sum, -1 or 1) # p in sum + head: (sum, null), tail: (relu, null) # q in relu Attributes ---------- graph ... head Head node. tail Tail node. head_slot Index of outputs in head node. If the node has only one output, this should be `null`. tail_slot Index of inputs in tail node. If the node has only one input, this should be `null`. If the node does not care about order, this can be `-1`. """ def __init__(self, head: EdgeEndpoint, tail: EdgeEndpoint, _internal: bool = False): assert _internal, '`Edge()` is private' self.graph: Graph = head[0].graph self.head: Node = head[0] self.tail: Node = tail[0] self.head_slot: Optional[int] = head[1] self.tail_slot: Optional[int] = tail[1] def __repr__(self): return f'Edge(head=({self.head}, {self.head_slot}), tail=({self.tail}, {self.tail_slot}))' # mutation def remove(self) -> None: self.graph.edges.remove(self) def _register(self) -> 'Edge': self.graph.edges.append(self) return self @staticmethod def _load(graph: Graph, ir: Any) -> 'Edge': head = graph.get_node_by_name(ir['head'][0]) tail = graph.get_node_by_name(ir['tail'][0]) assert head is not None and tail is not None return Edge((head, ir['head'][1]), (tail, ir['tail'][1]), _internal=True) def _dump(self) -> Any: return { 'head': [self.head.name, self.head_slot], 'tail': [self.tail.name, self.tail_slot] } class Mutation: """ An execution of mutation, which consists of four parts: a mutator, a list of decisions (choices), the model that it comes from, and the model that it becomes. In general cases, the mutation logs are not reliable and should not be replayed as the mutators can be arbitrarily complex. However, for inline mutations, the labels correspond to mutator labels here, this can be useful for metadata visualization and python execution mode. Attributes ---------- mutator Mutator. samples Decisions/choices. from_ Model that is comes from. to Model that it becomes. """ def __init__(self, mutator: 'Mutator', samples: List[Any], from_: Model, to: Model): # noqa: F821 self.mutator: 'Mutator' = mutator # noqa: F821 self.samples: List[Any] = samples self.from_: Model = from_ self.to: Model = to def __repr__(self): return f'Edge(mutator={self.mutator}, samples={self.samples}, from={self.from_}, to={self.to})' class IllegalGraphError(ValueError): def __init__(self, graph, *args): self._debug_dump_graph(graph) super().__init__(*args) @staticmethod def _debug_dump_graph(graph): if isinstance(graph, Graph): graph = graph._dump() with open('generated/debug.json', 'w') as dump_file: json.dump(graph, dump_file, indent=4) class DebugEvaluator(Evaluator): @staticmethod def _load(ir: Any) -> 'DebugEvaluator': return DebugEvaluator() def _dump(self) -> Any: return {'__type__': '_debug_no_trainer'} def _execute(self, model_cls: type) -> Any: pass def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: return True