Build error
Build error
File size: 5,608 Bytes
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from typing import Tuple
import numpy
import scipy
from facefusion import inference_manager
from import conditional_download_hashes, conditional_download_sources
from facefusion.filesystem import resolve_relative_path
from facefusion.thread_helper import thread_semaphore
from facefusion.typing import Audio, AudioChunk, InferencePool, ModelOptions, ModelSet
MODEL_SET : ModelSet =\
'url': '',
'path': resolve_relative_path('../.assets/models/kim_vocal_2.hash')
'url': '',
'path': resolve_relative_path('../.assets/models/kim_vocal_2.onnx')
def get_inference_pool() -> InferencePool:
model_sources = get_model_options().get('sources')
return inference_manager.get_inference_pool(__name__, model_sources)
def clear_inference_pool() -> None:
def get_model_options() -> ModelOptions:
return MODEL_SET.get('kim_vocal_2')
def pre_check() -> bool:
download_directory_path = resolve_relative_path('../.assets/models')
model_hashes = get_model_options().get('hashes')
model_sources = get_model_options().get('sources')
return conditional_download_hashes(download_directory_path, model_hashes) and conditional_download_sources(download_directory_path, model_sources)
def batch_extract_voice(audio : Audio, chunk_size : int, step_size : int) -> Audio:
temp_audio = numpy.zeros((audio.shape[0], 2)).astype(numpy.float32)
temp_chunk = numpy.zeros((audio.shape[0], 2)).astype(numpy.float32)
for start in range(0, audio.shape[0], step_size):
end = min(start + chunk_size, audio.shape[0])
temp_audio[start:end, ...] += extract_voice(audio[start:end, ...])
temp_chunk[start:end, ...] += 1
audio = temp_audio / temp_chunk
return audio
def extract_voice(temp_audio_chunk : AudioChunk) -> AudioChunk:
voice_extractor = get_inference_pool().get('voice_extractor')
chunk_size = (voice_extractor.get_inputs()[0].shape[3] - 1) * 1024
trim_size = 3840
temp_audio_chunk, pad_size = prepare_audio_chunk(temp_audio_chunk.T, chunk_size, trim_size)
temp_audio_chunk = decompose_audio_chunk(temp_audio_chunk, trim_size)
with thread_semaphore():
temp_audio_chunk =,
'input': temp_audio_chunk
temp_audio_chunk = compose_audio_chunk(temp_audio_chunk, trim_size)
temp_audio_chunk = normalize_audio_chunk(temp_audio_chunk, chunk_size, trim_size, pad_size)
return temp_audio_chunk
def prepare_audio_chunk(temp_audio_chunk : AudioChunk, chunk_size : int, trim_size : int) -> Tuple[AudioChunk, int]:
step_size = chunk_size - 2 * trim_size
pad_size = step_size - temp_audio_chunk.shape[1] % step_size
audio_chunk_size = temp_audio_chunk.shape[1] + pad_size
temp_audio_chunk = temp_audio_chunk.astype(numpy.float32) / numpy.iinfo(numpy.int16).max
temp_audio_chunk = numpy.pad(temp_audio_chunk, ((0, 0), (trim_size, trim_size + pad_size)))
temp_audio_chunks = []
for index in range(0, audio_chunk_size, step_size):
temp_audio_chunks.append(temp_audio_chunk[:, index:index + chunk_size])
temp_audio_chunk = numpy.concatenate(temp_audio_chunks, axis = 0)
temp_audio_chunk = temp_audio_chunk.reshape((-1, chunk_size))
return temp_audio_chunk, pad_size
def decompose_audio_chunk(temp_audio_chunk : AudioChunk, trim_size : int) -> AudioChunk:
frame_size = 7680
frame_overlap = 6656
voice_extractor = get_inference_pool().get('voice_extractor')
voice_extractor_shape = voice_extractor.get_inputs()[0].shape
window =
temp_audio_chunk = scipy.signal.stft(temp_audio_chunk, nperseg = frame_size, noverlap = frame_overlap, window = window)[2]
temp_audio_chunk = numpy.stack((numpy.real(temp_audio_chunk), numpy.imag(temp_audio_chunk)), axis = -1).transpose((0, 3, 1, 2))
temp_audio_chunk = temp_audio_chunk.reshape(-1, 2, 2, trim_size + 1, voice_extractor_shape[3]).reshape(-1, voice_extractor_shape[1], trim_size + 1, voice_extractor_shape[3])
temp_audio_chunk = temp_audio_chunk[:, :, :voice_extractor_shape[2]]
temp_audio_chunk /= numpy.sqrt(1.0 / window.sum() ** 2)
return temp_audio_chunk
def compose_audio_chunk(temp_audio_chunk : AudioChunk, trim_size : int) -> AudioChunk:
frame_size = 7680
frame_overlap = 6656
voice_extractor = get_inference_pool().get('voice_extractor')
voice_extractor_shape = voice_extractor.get_inputs()[0].shape
window =
temp_audio_chunk = numpy.pad(temp_audio_chunk, ((0, 0), (0, 0), (0, trim_size + 1 - voice_extractor_shape[2]), (0, 0)))
temp_audio_chunk = temp_audio_chunk.reshape(-1, 2, trim_size + 1, voice_extractor_shape[3]).transpose((0, 2, 3, 1))
temp_audio_chunk = temp_audio_chunk[:, :, :, 0] + 1j * temp_audio_chunk[:, :, :, 1]
temp_audio_chunk = scipy.signal.istft(temp_audio_chunk, nperseg = frame_size, noverlap = frame_overlap, window = window)[1]
temp_audio_chunk *= numpy.sqrt(1.0 / window.sum() ** 2)
return temp_audio_chunk
def normalize_audio_chunk(temp_audio_chunk : AudioChunk, chunk_size : int, trim_size : int, pad_size : int) -> AudioChunk:
temp_audio_chunk = temp_audio_chunk.reshape((-1, 2, chunk_size))
temp_audio_chunk = temp_audio_chunk[:, :, trim_size:-trim_size].transpose(1, 0, 2)
temp_audio_chunk = temp_audio_chunk.reshape(2, -1)[:, :-pad_size].T
return temp_audio_chunk