Build error
Build error
!include MUI2.nsh | |
!include nsDialogs.nsh | |
!include LogicLib.nsh | |
RequestExecutionLevel user | |
ManifestDPIAware true | |
Name 'FaceFusion 3.0.0' | |
OutFile 'FaceFusion_3.0.0.exe' | |
!define MUI_ICON 'facefusion.ico' | |
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY | |
Page custom InstallPage PostInstallPage | |
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES | |
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE English | |
Var UseDefault | |
Var UseCuda | |
Var UseDirectMl | |
Var UseOpenVino | |
Function .onInit | |
StrCpy $INSTDIR 'C:\FaceFusion' | |
FunctionEnd | |
Function InstallPage | |
nsDialogs::Create 1018 | |
!insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT 'Choose Your Accelerator' 'Choose your accelerator based on the graphics card.' | |
${NSD_CreateRadioButton} 0 40u 100% 10u 'Default' | |
Pop $UseDefault | |
${NSD_CreateRadioButton} 0 55u 100% 10u 'CUDA (NVIDIA)' | |
Pop $UseCuda | |
${NSD_CreateRadioButton} 0 70u 100% 10u 'DirectML (AMD, Intel, NVIDIA)' | |
Pop $UseDirectMl | |
${NSD_CreateRadioButton} 0 85u 100% 10u 'OpenVINO (Intel)' | |
Pop $UseOpenVino | |
${NSD_Check} $UseDefault | |
nsDialogs::Show | |
FunctionEnd | |
Function PostInstallPage | |
${NSD_GetState} $UseDefault $UseDefault | |
${NSD_GetState} $UseCuda $UseCuda | |
${NSD_GetState} $UseDirectMl $UseDirectMl | |
${NSD_GetState} $UseOpenVino $UseOpenVino | |
FunctionEnd | |
Function Destroy | |
${If} ${Silent} | |
Quit | |
${Else} | |
Abort | |
${EndIf} | |
FunctionEnd | |
Section 'Prepare Your Platform' | |
DetailPrint 'Install GIT' | |
inetc::get '' '$TEMP\Git.exe' | |
Delete '$TEMP\Git.exe' | |
${If} $0 > 0 | |
DetailPrint 'Git installation aborted with error code $0' | |
Call Destroy | |
${EndIf} | |
DetailPrint 'Uninstall Conda' | |
ExecWait '$LOCALAPPDATA\Programs\Miniconda3\Uninstall-Miniconda3.exe /S _?=$LOCALAPPDATA\Programs\Miniconda3' | |
RMDir /r '$LOCALAPPDATA\Programs\Miniconda3' | |
DetailPrint 'Install Conda' | |
inetc::get '' '$TEMP\Miniconda3.exe' | |
ExecWait '$TEMP\Miniconda3.exe /InstallationType=JustMe /AddToPath=1 /S /D=$LOCALAPPDATA\Programs\Miniconda3' $1 | |
Delete '$TEMP\Miniconda3.exe' | |
${If} $1 > 0 | |
DetailPrint 'Conda installation aborted with error code $1' | |
Call Destroy | |
${EndIf} | |
SectionEnd | |
Section 'Download Your Copy' | |
SetOutPath $INSTDIR | |
DetailPrint 'Download Your Copy' | |
RMDir /r $INSTDIR | |
nsExec::Exec '$LOCALAPPDATA\Programs\Git\cmd\git.exe config http.sslVerify false' | |
nsExec::Exec '$LOCALAPPDATA\Programs\Git\cmd\git.exe clone --branch 3.0.0 .' | |
SectionEnd | |
Section 'Prepare Your Environment' | |
DetailPrint 'Prepare Your Environment' | |
nsExec::Exec '$LOCALAPPDATA\Programs\Miniconda3\Scripts\conda.exe init --all' | |
nsExec::Exec '$LOCALAPPDATA\Programs\Miniconda3\Scripts\conda.exe create --name facefusion python=3.10 --yes' | |
SectionEnd | |
Section 'Create Install Batch' | |
SetOutPath $INSTDIR | |
FileOpen $0 install-ffmpeg.bat w | |
FileOpen $1 install-accelerator.bat w | |
FileOpen $2 install-application.bat w | |
FileWrite $0 '@echo off && conda activate facefusion && conda install conda-forge::ffmpeg=7.0.2 --yes' | |
${If} $UseCuda == 1 | |
FileWrite $1 '@echo off && conda activate facefusion && conda install conda-forge::cuda-runtime=12.4.1 cudnn= conda-forge::gputil=1.4.0 conda-forge::zlib-wapi --yes' | |
FileWrite $2 '@echo off && conda activate facefusion && python --onnxruntime cuda-12.4' | |
${ElseIf} $UseDirectMl == 1 | |
FileWrite $2 '@echo off && conda activate facefusion && python --onnxruntime directml' | |
${ElseIf} $UseOpenVino == 1 | |
FileWrite $1 '@echo off && conda activate facefusion && conda install conda-forge::openvino=2024.2.0 --yes' | |
FileWrite $2 '@echo off && conda activate facefusion && python --onnxruntime openvino' | |
${Else} | |
FileWrite $2 '@echo off && conda activate facefusion && python --onnxruntime default' | |
${EndIf} | |
FileClose $0 | |
FileClose $1 | |
FileClose $2 | |
SectionEnd | |
Section 'Install Your FFmpeg' | |
SetOutPath $INSTDIR | |
DetailPrint 'Install Your FFmpeg' | |
nsExec::ExecToLog 'install-ffmpeg.bat' | |
SectionEnd | |
Section 'Install Your Accelerator' | |
SetOutPath $INSTDIR | |
DetailPrint 'Install Your Accelerator' | |
nsExec::ExecToLog 'install-accelerator.bat' | |
SectionEnd | |
Section 'Install The Application' | |
SetOutPath $INSTDIR | |
DetailPrint 'Install The Application' | |
nsExec::ExecToLog 'install-application.bat' | |
SectionEnd | |
Section 'Create Run Batch' | |
SetOutPath $INSTDIR | |
FileOpen $0 facefusion.bat w | |
FileWrite $0 '@echo off && conda activate facefusion && python %*' | |
FileClose $0 | |
SectionEnd | |
Section 'Register The Application' | |
DetailPrint 'Register The Application' | |
CreateDirectory $SMPROGRAMS\FaceFusion | |
CreateShortcut '$SMPROGRAMS\FaceFusion\FaceFusion.lnk' $INSTDIR\run.bat '--open-browser' $INSTDIR\.install\facefusion.ico | |
CreateShortcut '$SMPROGRAMS\FaceFusion\FaceFusion Benchmark.lnk' $INSTDIR\run.bat '--ui-layouts benchmark --open-browser' $INSTDIR\.install\facefusion.ico | |
CreateShortcut '$SMPROGRAMS\FaceFusion\FaceFusion Webcam.lnk' $INSTDIR\run.bat '--ui-layouts webcam --open-browser' $INSTDIR\.install\facefusion.ico | |
CreateShortcut $DESKTOP\FaceFusion.lnk $INSTDIR\run.bat '--open-browser' $INSTDIR\.install\facefusion.ico | |
WriteUninstaller $INSTDIR\Uninstall.exe | |
WriteRegStr HKLM SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\FaceFusion DisplayName 'FaceFusion' | |
WriteRegStr HKLM SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\FaceFusion DisplayVersion '3.0.0' | |
WriteRegStr HKLM SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\FaceFusion Publisher 'Henry Ruhs' | |
WriteRegStr HKLM SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\FaceFusion InstallLocation $INSTDIR | |
WriteRegStr HKLM SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\FaceFusion UninstallString $INSTDIR\uninstall.exe | |
SectionEnd | |
Section 'Uninstall' | |
nsExec::Exec '$LOCALAPPDATA\Programs\Miniconda3\Scripts\conda.exe env remove --name facefusion --yes' | |
Delete $DESKTOP\FaceFusion.lnk | |
RMDir /r $SMPROGRAMS\FaceFusion | |
RMDir /r $INSTDIR | |
DeleteRegKey HKLM SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\FaceFusion | |
SectionEnd | |