import os import zlib from typing import Optional from facefusion.filesystem import is_file def create_hash(content : bytes) -> str: return format(zlib.crc32(content), '08x') def validate_hash(validate_path : str) -> bool: hash_path = get_hash_path(validate_path) if is_file(hash_path): with open(hash_path, 'r') as hash_file: hash_content = with open(validate_path, 'rb') as validate_file: validate_content = return create_hash(validate_content) == hash_content return False def get_hash_path(validate_path : str) -> Optional[str]: if is_file(validate_path): validate_directory_path, _ = os.path.split(validate_path) validate_file_name, _ = os.path.splitext(_) return os.path.join(validate_directory_path, validate_file_name + '.hash') return None