import streamlit as st |
import os |
from PIL import Image, ImageOps |
from PIL import ImageDraw, ImageFont |
import random |
from io import BytesIO |
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth |
import boto3 |
import json |
from datetime import datetime |
import requests |
remote_url = os.environ.get("remote_url") |
base_url = os.environ.get("base_url") |
authEmail = os.environ.get("authEmail") |
authPass = os.environ.get("authPass") |
aws_access_key_id = os.environ.get("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID") |
aws_secret_access_key = os.environ.get("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY") |
aws_default_region = os.environ.get("AWS_DEFAULT_REGION") |
bucket_name = os.environ.get("bucket_name") |
user_id = os.environ.get("user_id") |
session = boto3.Session( |
aws_access_key_id=aws_access_key_id, |
aws_secret_access_key=aws_secret_access_key, |
region_name=aws_default_region |
) |
s3 = session.client('s3') |
def calculate_font_size(box, max_font_size=30, min_font_size=10, font_path="NotoSansKR-Medium.otf"): |
width = box[2] - box[0] |
font_size = int(max_font_size * width / 100) |
font_size = min(max_font_size, font_size) |
font_size = max(min_font_size, font_size) |
font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path, font_size) |
return font, font_size |
def estimate_text_size(text, font_size): |
avg_character_width = font_size * 0.5 |
text_width = len(text) * avg_character_width |
text_height = font_size |
return text_width, text_height |
def draw_annotated_box(draw, box, text, font_path="NotoSansKR-Medium.otf"): |
x1, y1, x2, y2 = box |
draw.rectangle([x1, y1, x2, y2], outline="green", width=3) |
font, font_size = calculate_font_size(box) |
text_width, text_height = estimate_text_size(text, font_size) |
reduced_text_height = int(text_height * 0.8) |
background_box = [x1, y1 - reduced_text_height - 2, x1 + text_width + 2, y1] |
draw.rectangle(background_box, fill="green") |
draw.text((x1, y1 - text_height), text, font=font, fill="white") |
def upload_to_s3(image_data, region): |
region = region.upper() |
path_prefix = f"image_{region}" |
s3 = boto3.client('s3') |
now = datetime.now() |
date_str = now.strftime("%Y%m%d") |
time_str = now.strftime("%H%M%S") |
file_name = f"{path_prefix}/{user_id}_{date_str}_{time_str}.jpeg" |
try: |
s3.put_object( |
Body=image_data, |
Bucket=bucket_name, |
Key=file_name, |
ContentType='image/jpeg' |
) |
return True |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error uploading to S3: {e}") |
return False |
def main(): |
st.title("๐ ANPR - Ver.1.0.leon") |
country = st.radio("๐ฆ Type of License", options=['Korean', 'EU']) |
st.markdown(""" |
Korean : ๐ฐ๐ท<br> |
EU : ๐ฆ๐ฑ ๐ฆ๐ฉ ๐ฆ๐น ๐ง๐ช ๐ง๐ฆ ๐ง๐ฌ ๐ญ๐ท ๐จ๐พ ๐จ๐ฟ ๐ฉ๐ฐ ๐ซ๐ฎ ๐ซ๐ท ๐ฉ๐ช ๐ฌ๐ท ๐ญ๐บ ๐ฎ๐ช ๐ฎ๐น ๐ฑ๐ฎ ๐ฒ๐น ๐ฒ๐จ ๐ฒ๐ช ๐ณ๐ฑ ๐ฒ๐ฐ ๐ณ๐ด ๐ต๐ฑ ๐ต๐น ๐ท๐ด ๐ธ๐ฒ ๐ท๐ธ ๐ธ๐ฐ ๐ธ๐ฎ ๐ช๐ธ ๐ธ๐ช ๐จ๐ญ ๐ฌ๐ง ๐ฑ๐บ |
""", unsafe_allow_html=True) |
st.text("") |
st.write("๐งช Options ") |
use_default_image = st.checkbox("Use default server image?", value=False) |
img_file_buffer = st.file_uploader("๐ฆ Upload your image", type=['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png']) if not use_default_image else None |
submit = st.button("Submit") |
show_image = True |
if show_image: |
font = ImageFont.truetype("NotoSansKR-Medium.otf", 30) |
if submit: |
if use_default_image or img_file_buffer is not None: |
gif_runner = st.image('wait-waiting.gif') |
if use_default_image: |
if country == 'Korean': |
image_choice = random.choice(['kr1.jpg']) |
image_choice = os.path.join('./', image_choice) |
image = Image.open(image_choice) |
elif country == 'EU': |
image_choice = random.choice(['eu1.jpg']) |
image_choice = os.path.join('./', image_choice) |
image = Image.open(image_choice) |
else: |
image = Image.open(img_file_buffer) |
image = ImageOps.exif_transpose(image) |
img_byte_arr = BytesIO() |
if image.mode == 'RGBA': |
rgb_image = image.convert('RGB') |
rgb_image.save(img_byte_arr, format='JPEG') |
else: |
image.save(img_byte_arr, format='JPEG') |
img_byte_arr.seek(0) |
region = "kr" |
if country == 'Korean': |
region = "kr" |
elif country == 'EU': |
region = "eu" |
auth_values = HTTPBasicAuth(authEmail, authPass) |
url = remote_url |
form_data = {'base_url': base_url, 'region':region} |
files = {'file': ('image.jpg', img_byte_arr, 'image/jpeg')} |
res = requests.post(url, headers={'Accept': 'application/json'}, |
files=files, |
data=form_data, |
auth=auth_values) |
img_byte_arr.seek(0) |
if use_default_image == False: |
if upload_to_s3(img_byte_arr.getvalue(), region): |
print("Upload successful!") |
img_byte_arr.close() |
if res.status_code == 200: |
output_res = res.json() |
if show_image: |
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) |
for item in output_res['results']: |
x1, y1, x2, y2 = item['ltrb'] |
ocr_text = item['ocr'] |
if show_image: |
draw_annotated_box(draw, (x1, y1, x2, y2), ocr_text) |
if show_image: |
st.image(image, caption='Annotated Image', use_column_width=True) |
st.header('๐ฆ Result Json') |
st.code(json.dumps(output_res, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False), language="json") |
else: |
error_detail = res.json().get("detail", "Unknown error") |
st.code(f"Failed to get result, Status Code: {res.status_code}, Detail: {error_detail}") |
gif_runner.empty() |
st.write("") |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
main() |