Why did F. Scott Fitzgerald write The Great Gatsby?, “Fitzgerald wrote The Great Gatsby in order to criticize American trends of excess, glorifying wealth and obsession, and to highlight how the idea of a “self made” business man is often misleading or unattainable.”
What year was the great gatsby written in?, “The Great Gatsby was written by F. Scott Fitzgerald in 1925.”
What is the year the great gatsby is based on?, “The Great Gatsby takes place in the summer of 1922.”
Who is the main character of The Great Gatsby?, “It is commonly agreed that the main protagonist of the story is mysterious socialite Jay Gatsby. However, since all characters’ defining actions revolve around praising Daisy Buchanan, it could also be argued that Daisy is a major main character to the plot.”
Who is the narrator of the Great Gatsby?, “The narrator of the Great Gatsby is Nick Carraway, a struggling stock broker who witnesses the lives of his neighbor, Jay Gatsby, and distant relatives, Daisy and Tom Buchanan, unravel.”