book_name,summaries,categories The Highly Sensitive Person,"is a self-assessment guide and how-to-live template for people who feel, relate, process, and notice more deeply than others, and who frequently suffer from overstimulation as a result.",science Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?," is a collection of a clinical psychologist’s best practical advice to combat anxiety and depression and improve our mental health in small increments, collected from over a decade of 1-on-1 work with patients.",science The Midnight Library," tells the story of Nora, a depressed woman in her 30s, who, on the day she decides to die, finds herself in a library full of lives she could have lived, where she discovers there’s a lot more to life, even her current one, than she had ever imagined.",science Brave New World," presents a futuristic society engineered perfectly around capitalism and scientific efficiency, in which everyone is happy, conform, and content — but only at first glance.",science 1984, is the story of a man questioning the system that keeps his futuristic but dystopian society afloat and the chaos that quickly ensues once he gives in to his natural curiosity and desire to be free.,science Stolen Focus,"explains why our attention spans have been dwindling for decades, how technology accelerates this worrying trend, and what we can do to reclaim our focus and thus our capacity to live meaningful lives.",science The Life-Changing Science of Detecting Bullshit, teaches its readers how to avoid falling for the lies and false information that other people spread by helping them build essential thinking skills through examples from the real world.,science Dopamine Nation,"talks about the importance of living a balanced life in relation to all the pleasure and stimuli we’re surrounded with on a daily basis, such as drugs, devices, porn, gambling facilities, showing us how to avoid becoming dopamine addicts by restricting our access to them.",science The Art of Statistics," is a non-technical book that shows how statistics is helping humans everywhere get a new hold of data, interpret numbers, fact-check information, and reveal valuable insights, all while keeping the world as we know it afloat.",science No Self No Problem," is a provocative read about the implications of Buddhism in neuroscience, and more specifically about the idea that the self is only a product of the mind, meaning that there is no “I”.",science The Code Breaker," details the life of Nobel Prize winner Jennifer Doudna, who embarked on — and successfully completed — a journey to invent a tool that allows us to edit the human genetic code and thus will change our lives, health, and future generations forever.",science Super Human," presents the groundbreaking discoveries of Dave Asprey (the CEO of Bulletproof) in the field of diet & nutrition, biohacking, longevity, and offers a scientific view on how to live your best life and look like the best version of yourself by adopting practices acclaimed by bioengineers right away.",science This Is Your Mind On Plants, ,science The Undoing Project, talks about the life and extensive research in the psychology of Kahneman and Tversky by bringing forth some of the most influential and groundbreaking discoveries they unveiled about human behavior and the biases in our decisions.,science The Dawn of Everything," tells the story of how we went from hunter-gatherers to city-builders, from the Stone Age to today’s modern world, all by exploring a series of new discoveries made by scientists who are challenging some long-held beliefs about our history.",science One Decision," explains how flawed decisions occur and how you can avoid them by analyzing data at first, asking for fact-checked opinions, eliminating your biases and prejudice, and many more useful practices derived from psychological research.",science Napoleon’s Buttons, explores the scientific phenomenon of molecules by highlighting how we can trace the origins of our entire existence to something as tiny as atoms and make sense of various events in history that shaped our world.,science The Sovereign Individual," jumps into the future and presents a new world where life moves into the online environment, where the cybereconomy rules and governments are struggling to control the people like they used to, all through a revolution more powerful than anything we’ve seen before.",science Keto Answers," is your go-to guide on how to get started with the ketogenic diet, its positive implications on your health and proneness to diseases like diabetes, and a fact-based study that debunks myths and assumptions about following a low-carb diet.",science Joyful," talks about the power of small things in our lives, from colors, shapes, and designs, to nature, architecture, and simple everyday occurrences on our happiness and how we can harness simplicity to achieve a meaningful life filled with joy.",science Invisible Women," talks about the flaws in our societal system, which was built on the premise that men should rule and conquer the world while women should stay at home, which is why we’re still seeing gender gaps in the personal, professional, and day-to-day lives of women.",science The Worldly Philosophers," is your hands-on guide to economics, how the world works overall but especially from a financial point of view, what are the social and economic systems that existed throughout history, and how certain people’s concepts got to shape the world we know today.",science Brain Maker," argues that the relationship between your gut and your mind is stronger than you know, and proves how the microbiome is responsible for your overall health in the long run.",science Tesla: Man Out of Time," presents the biography and remarkable life of Nikola Tesla, one of the most notable inventors and engineers of all time, while also highlighting his bumpy relationship with Thomas Edison and his heavy childhood.",science The God Equation," presents a factual approach to the theory of life, the inception of the universe, and how modern physics lay the foundation of all natural laws that govern the galaxies, the planets, and our home called Earth.",science Astrophysics for People in a Hurry," talks about the laws of nature, physics, astronomy, and the mysterious inception of our cosmos, the universe, stars, and implicitly our beautiful planet where life thrives and perpetuates.",science Lifespan," addresses the concept of aging and defies the laws of nature that humankind knew till now by presenting a cure to aging that derives from exetensive research in biology, diet and nutrition, sports, and the science of combating diseases.",science The Inner Life of Animals," presents complex research on animals and the life of our ecosystem, which is not so different than ours, given that they can feel pain, experience emotions, and share other similarities with us, humans.",science Chaos," is a scientific piece of writing that presents the principles behind the Chaos Theory, which was popularized in the late 20th century and represents a monumental step forward in the area of scientific knowledge and the universe’s evolution overall.",science Unlimited Memory, explores the most effective ways to retain information and improve memory skills by teaching its readers some key aspects about the brain and explaining advanced learning strategies in an easy-to-follow manner.,science Wintering," highlights the similarities between the cold season of the year and the period of hardship in a human life, by emphasizing how everything eventually passes in time, and how we can learn to embrace challenging times by learning from wolves, from the cold, and how our ancestors dealt with the winter.",science The Shallows," explores the effects of the Internet on the human brain, which aren’t entirely positive, as our constant exposure to the online environment through digital devices strips our ability to target our focus and stay concentrated, all while modifying our brain neurologically and anatomically. ",science Rationality," explores the concept of ration as the pylon of all human progress and how it sets us apart from all other species, helping us evolve and developing societal layers, rules of conduct, and moral grounds for all our endeavors in life.",science The High 5 Habit," is a self-improvement book that aims to help anyone who deals with self-limitations take charge of their life by establishing a morning routine, ditching negative talk, and transforming their life through positivity and confidence.",science Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers," explores the leading causes of stress and how to keep it under control, as well as the biological science behind stress, which can be a catalyst for performance in the short term, but a potential threat in the long run.",science What Is Life?,"compresses a series of lectures given by the notorious physicist Erwin Schrödinger, and is a compelling research on how science, especially biology, chemistry and physics account for the ongoing process that the human body undertakes to simply exist and live",science The Self-Discipline Blueprint," delves into the subject of self-actualization and why it is crucial for humans to achieve a fulfilled and successful life by creating a routine and becoming focused, self-disciplined and hard-working.",science Stealing Fire, examines how a state of ecstasy can enhance the body-brain connection and allow humans to achieve excellent performance by accelerating their neural processes.,science Brain Food," delves into the topic of nutrition and how certain foods and nutrients can affect the well-being of the brain, its memory function, its cognitive capability, and how what we ingest can reverse the brain’s inclination to develop certain diseases.",science The Secret World of Weather," is a guide to forecasting weather through various clues found in nature, such as plants, the wind, or clouds, to come up with an accurate calculation of the weather without having to check the news.",science Long Life Learning," questions the current educational systems worldwide in relation to an increasing trend in job automation, growing life expectancy, and a devaluation in higher degrees, all with a strong focus on the future of work and urgency to adapt to it.",science The Genius of Dogs," explores the curious mind of man’s best friend in relation to human intelligence, as dogs and humans are connected and have many similarities that make the relationship between them so strong and unique. ",science Forest Bathing," explores the Japanese tradition of shinrin-yoku, a kind of forest therapy based on immersion in nature, and the various health and wellbeing benefits we can derive from it to live better, calmer lives.",science "Eat Better, Feel Better", is a go-to guide for combating modern dietary problems and adopting a healthier lifestyle.,science How To Change,"identifies the stumbling blocks that are in your way of reaching your goals and improving yourself and the research-backed ways to get over them, including how to beat some of the worst productivity and life problems like procrastination, laziness, and much more.",science The Data Detective," will make you smarter by showing how you can understand statistics well enough to see how they, and the beliefs and cognitive biases they can make you have, make such a huge impact in your life, for better or for worse, and how to separate fact from fiction.",science What Happened to You?," is Oprah’s look into trauma, including how traumatic experiences affect our brains throughout our lives, what they mean about the way we handle stress, and why we need to see it as both a problem with our society and our brains if we want to get through it.",science The Great Escape," challenges the idea that the world is on fire by declaring that things have never been better in many ways, although the advancements we’ve made and the ways they have improved many lives haven’t reached everyone equally.",science Ten Arguments For Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now," shows why you should quit social media because it stops joy, makes you a jerk, erodes truth, kills empathy, takes free will, keeps the world insane, destroys authenticity, blocks economic dignity, makes politics a mess, and hates you.",science The Emperor Of All Maladies," details the beginnings and progress in our understanding of cancer, including how we first started learning about it, began developing ways to treat it and discovered ways to prevent it, and the biological effect that it has on us.",science The Double Helix," tells the story of the discovery of DNA, which is one of the most significant scientific findings in all of history, by explaining the rivalries, struggles of the prideful scientific community to work together, and other roadblocks that James Watson had on the way to making the breakthrough of a lifetime that would change his life and the entire world.",science The Dark Net," dives into the details of the wildest and most dangerous parts of the digital world, including self-harmers, cryptocurrency programmers, computer scientists, hackers, extremists, pornographers, vigilantes, and much more.",science 2030," uses the current trajectory of the world, based on sociological, demographic, and technological trends, to outline the changes we can expect to happen in our lives by the beginning of the next decade.",science The End Of Illness, will change the way that you think of sickness and health by identifying the problems with the current mindset around them and how focusing on the systems within your body instead of disease will help you make better-informed decisions that will keep you on the path of good health.,science The Grand Design," explains the history of mankind from a scientific perspective, including how we came into existence and started to use science to explain the world and ourselves with laws like Newton’s and Einstein’s and more recent theories like quantum physics.",science I Contain Multitudes, will make you smarter and healthier by teaching you about the tiny ecosystems of microbes that live inside your body and on everything you see and by showing you how they affect your life and how to utilize them to improve your well-being.,science The Science Of Storytelling," will make you better at persuasion, writing, and speaking by outlining the psychology of telling good tales, including why our brains like them and how to craft the perfect ones.",science Mindful Work," is your guide to understanding how the practice of meditation got its roots in Western society, the many ways it radically improves your brain’s ability to do almost everything, and how it will improve your productivity.",science Phantoms In The Brain, will make you smarter about your own mind by sharing what scientists have learned from some of the most interesting experiences of patients with neurological disorders.,science Survival Of The Friendliest," explains why the #1 thing you can do for success is to focus on your social connections, how friendliness was the reason that our early ancestors survived as well as they did, and what you can do today to grow your social capital.",science How To Avoid A Climate Disaster," is Bill Gates’ plea to the individuals, governments, and business leaders of the world to reduce greenhouse emissions by changing the way we make things, plug in, grow things, get around, and keep warm and cool.",science Breath," is a fascinating and helpful guide to understanding the science of breathing, including how doing it slowly and through your nose is best for your lungs and body, and the many proven mental and physical benefits of being more mindful of how you inhale and exhale.",science When The Body Says No," will help you become healthier by teaching you the truth behind the mind-body connection, revealing how your mental state does in fact affect your physical condition and how you can improve both.",science The Soul Of An Octopus," will make you smarter about animal life in the ocean by explaining the fascinating abilities, brilliance, and personalities of octopuses.",science Late Bloomers, will help you become more patient with the speed of your progress by identifying the damaging influences of early achievement culture and societal pressure and how to be proud of reaching your peak later in life.,science Limitless," shows you how to unlock the full potential that your brain has for memory, reading, learning, and much more by showing you how to take the brakes off of your mental powers with tools like mindset, visualization, music, and more.",science Eat To Beat Disease, will help you be healthier and fight off infection by identifying how food affects your immune system and what to put into your body that will make you more resilient against illness.,science The Hot Zone," is Richard Preston’s version of a terrifying true story of how the Ebola virus came to be, why it’s so deadly and contagious, and how this all reveals our massive vulnerabilities and inefficiencies when it comes to fending off pandemics of all kinds.",science The Beautiful Cure, makes you smarter by showing you how your immune system works and how recent advancements in our understanding of it can help us improve our health like never before.,science The Telomere Effect, shows you how to live healthier and stay younger longer by identifying an important part of your physiology that you might have never heard of and teaching you how to take great care of it.,science Suggestible You," helps you understand and utilize the power of your mind-body connection by explaining the effect that your thoughts have on your body, including pain, illness, and memory and how to take advantage of it.",science Energy," makes you smarter by helping you understand where this important aspect of our lives comes from, how we’ve used it throughout history to get to where we are today, and why we need to be careful about how we consume it so that we can have a better future.",science The Sleep Solution," improves your quality of life by identifying the myths surrounding rest that keep you from getting more of it, showing you why they’re false, and teaching you how to establish proper sleep hygiene. ",science The Order Of Time," expands your mind by shattering your commonly held beliefs about time, identifying how the way society views it is merely a construct of the mind and its actual characteristics are a lot more interesting than we all think.",science Willpower Doesn’t Work, shows you how to change your life in a more efficient way than relying on sheer grit alone by identifying the importance of your environment and other factors that affect your productivity so you can become your best self.,science Food Fix, will help you eat healthier and improve the environment at the same time by explaining how bad our food is for us and our planet and what we can each do to fix these problems.,science Blueprint, helps you have hope for the goodness of the human race by revealing our biologically wired social tendencies that help us survive and thrive by working together.,science The Unexpected Joy Of Being Sober, will help you have a happier and healthier life by persuasively revealing the many disadvantages of alcohol and the benefits of going without it permanently. ,science Descartes’ Error, will help you understand why the argument that the mind and body are disconnected is false by using neuroscience and interesting case studies to identify how the body and our emotions play a vital role in logical thinking.,science Personality Isn’t Permanent," will shatter your long-held beliefs that you’re stuck as yourself, flaws and all, by identifying why the person you are is changeable and giving you specific and actionable steps to change.",science Deep Nutrition, will help you get healthier by explaining the danger of modern dieting techniques that are actually doing harm to your body and making you sick. ,science My Age Of Anxiety," is your guide to understanding an aspect of mental illness that most of us don’t realize is so severe, showing it’s biological and environmental origins and ways to treat it.",science The Body," helps you become smarter about how to take care of and use this mechanism that lets you have life by explaining how it’s put together, what happens on the inside, and how it works. ",science Boost!, is a guide for becoming more productive at work by using the preparation and performance techniques that world-class athletes use to win gold medals.,science AI Superpowers," will help you understand what to expect of the effect that artificial intelligence will have on your future job opportunities by diving into where China and the US, the world’s two leaders in AI, are heading with this breakthrough technology.",science Doubt: A History," is a fascinating look at the historical influence of doubt on science, religion, and the way we think today.",science What to Eat When," teaches us how food works inside our body and how to feed ourselves in a way that better suits our biology, making us healthier and stronger.",science Comfortably Unaware, is a well-researched compendium on how our food choices and animal agriculture impact the well-being of the whole planet.,science Pandemic," gives you an understanding of what pathogens and diseases are, how they evolve, what our lifestyle does to make them worse on us, how they can spread like wildfire, and most importantly, what we can do to stop them.",science Social, explains how our innate drive to build social connections is the primary driver behind our behavior and explores ways we can use this knowledge to our advantage. ,science A Brief History Of Everyone Who Ever Lived, gives you another important perspective on mankind’s past and present through the lens of our genes.,science Cosmos," will make you smarter by teaching you the basics of how the universe works, including our own solar system and its history.",science The Worry-Free Mind, helps free you of the shackles of all types of anxieties by identifying where they come from and what steps you need to take to regain control of your thinking patterns and become mentally healthy again.,science Brief Answers To The Big Questions," tackles some of the universe’s biggest mysteries, as Hawking explores the laws that govern the cosmos and the future of humankind. ",science Chernobyl," teaches some fascinating and important history, science, and leadership lessons by diving into the details of the events leading up to the worst nuclear disaster in human history and its aftermath.",science Seven Brief Lessons On Physics," is your guide to getting up to speed with current theories on how the universe works by explaining general relativity and quantum mechanics, the two pillars of modern physics.",science Brain Rules," teaches you how to become more productive at work and life by giving proven facts about how your mind works better with good sleep, exercise, and learning with all the senses.",science Broadcasting Happiness," is an encouraging resource that will help you boost your health and happiness in your relationships, work, and community by showing you how to unlock the power of positive words and stories.",science The Joy Of Movement, is just what you need to finally find the motivation to get out and exercise more often by teaching you the scientific reasons why it’s good for you and why your body is designed to enjoy it.,science The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, makes you smarter and more compassionate by revealing the previously unknown story of a woman with extraordinary cells that still live today and have contributed to dozens of medical breakthroughs.,science The Body Keeps The Score, teaches you how to get through the difficulties that arise from your traumatic past by revealing the psychology behind them and revealing some of the techniques therapists use to help victims recover.,science How To Change Your Mind," reveals new evidence on psychedelics, confirming their power to cure mental illness, ease depression and addiction, and help people die more peacefully. ",science Maybe You Should Talk To Someone, will help you feel more comfortable with using therapy to improve your mental health by giving a candid look into how therapy really works from the point of view of an experienced therapist who also found herself needing it.,science A General Theory Of Love, will help you reprogram your mind for better emotional intelligence and relationships by teaching you what three psychiatrists have to say about the science of why we experience love and other emotions.,science The Little Book of Lykke, gives Danish-derived and science-backed tips that will help you be happier.,science Why We Sleep, will motivate you get more and better quality sleep by showing you the recent scientific findings on why sleep deprivation is bad for individuals and society.,science A Universe From Nothing," will enlarge your knowledge of our expanding universe by showing you how it began, what we’re learning about it now, and what will happen to it in the future.",science A Crack In Creation," will teach you all about the power of gene editing that is made possible with CRISPR by detailing how it works, the benefits and opportunities it opens up, and the ethical risks of using it on humans.",science How To," will help you get better at abstract thinking as it gives solutions to some of the strangest problems in the wackiest, but still scientific, ways.",science A Mind For Numbers," will teach you how to learn math and science more efficiently and get good at them by understanding how your brain absorbs and processes information, even if these subjects don’t come naturally to you.",science A Beautiful Mind," tells the fascinating story of the mathematical genius, mental illness, and miraculous recovery and success of John Nash Jr.",science Feral, will help you find ways to improve the well-being of humanity by illustrating the deep connection between us and Nature and offering actionable advice on how to preserve balance in our ecosystems through rewilding.,science Sleep Smarter, is a collection of 21 simple tips and tricks to optimize your sleep environment once and then reap the benefits of more restful nights forever.,science What If," is a compilation of well-researched, science-based answers to some of the craziest hypothetical questions you can imagine.",science Exploring The World Of Lucid Dreaming, is a practical guide to dreaming consciously which uncovers an invaluable channel of communication between your conscious and unconscious mind.,science The Sports Gene," is a look at how genes affect our abilities, motivations, and endurance in sports, explaining why some people are better suited for certain sports than others.",science The Brain That Changes Itself, explores the groundbreaking research in neuroplasticity and shares fascinating stories of people who can use the brain’s ability to adapt and be cured of ailments previously incurable. ,science Psycho-Cybernetics," explains how thinking of the human mind as a machine can help improve your self-image, which will dramatically increase your success and happiness.",science Altered Traits, explores the science behind meditation techniques and the way they benefit and alter our mind and body.,science Merchants of Doubt," explains how a small but loud group of researchers were able to mislead the public about the truths around global warming, tobacco, DDT, and other important issues for decades. ",science How Not To Die, delivers a template for extending your life based on scientific research which recommends switching to a mainly plant-based diet. ,science Behave," sets out to explain the reason behind human behavior, good or bad, by exploring the influences of brain chemistry and our environment.",science Brainstorm, is a fascinating look into the teenage brain that explains why adolescents act so hormonally and recklessly.,science On The Origin Of Species, is the foundational book for modern evolutionary biology that marked a turning point in how we think about the beginnings of humankind.,science How Emotions Are Made, explores the often misconstrued world of human feelings and the cutting-edge science behind how they’re formed.,science Against Empathy, explains the problems with society’s obsession with empathy and explores its limitations while giving us useful alternatives for situations in which it doesn’t work.,science The Biology of Belief," is an overview of the recent findings in cellular biology, which are redefining the way we look at evolution, genetics and the nature of life.",science The Hidden Life of Trees,"describes how trees can communicate, support each other, learn from experience, and form alliances with other inhabitants of the forest.",science Silent Spring," is the story that sparked the global grassroots environmental movement in 1962, explaining how chemical pesticides work, what their drawbacks are, and how we can protect crops in better, more sustainable ways.",science Aware," is a comprehensive overview of the far-reaching benefits of meditation, rooted in both science and practice, enriched with actionable advice on how to practice mindfulness. ",science Lost Connections," explains why depression affects so many people and that improving our relationships, not taking medication, is the way to beat our mental health problems.",science The Age of Empathy," explains that empathy comes natural to humans, as it does to most other animals, and that we’re not wired to be selfish and violent, but kind and cooperative.",science Counterclockwise, is a critical look at current perspectives on health with a particular focus on how we can improve our own when we shift from being mindless to mindful.,science The Yes Brain," offers parenting techniques that will give your kids an open attitude towards life, balance, resilience, insight, and empathy.",science Born To Run," explains the natural benefits of long-distance running, and how you can become a better runner too, based on several years of research, experiences, and training.",science The Tao of Physics," questions many biases about Western science and Eastern spirituality, showing the close connections between the principles of physics and those of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoism",science Rest," examines why traditional methods of working too long and hard are inefficient compared to working less, resting, and playing to accomplish your best work.",science The Blue Zones Solution," shows you how to adopt the lifestyle and mindset practices of the healthiest, longest-living people on the planet from the five locations with the highest population of centenarians.",science "Write It Down, Make It Happen"," is a simple guide to help you accomplish your goals through the act of writing, showing you how to use this basic skill to focus, address fears, and stay motivated.",science Atomic Habits," is the definitive guide to breaking bad behaviors and adopting good ones in four steps, showing you how small, incremental, everyday routines compound into massive, positive change over time.",science Homo Deus, illustrates the history of the human race from how we came to be the dominant species over what narratives are shaping our lives today all the way to which obstacles we must overcome next to continue to thrive.,science The Chimp Paradox," uses a simple analogy to help you take control of your emotions and act in your own, best interest, whether it’s in making decisions, communicating with others, or your health and happiness.",science Factfulness," explains how our worldview has been distorted with the rise of new media, which ten human instincts cause erroneous thinking, and how we can learn to separate fact from fiction when forming our opinions.",science Problem Solving 101,"is a universal, four-step template for overcoming challenges in life, based on a traditional method Japanese school children learn early on.",science Skin In The Game," is an assessment of asymmetries in human interactions, aimed at helping you understand where and how gaps in uncertainty, risk, knowledge, and fairness emerge, and how to close them.",science When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing," breaks down the science of time so you can stop guessing when to do things and pick the best times to work, eat, sleep, have your coffee and even quit your job.",science Leonardo Da Vinci," is Walter Isaacson’s account of the life of one of the most brilliant artists, thinkers, and innovators who ever lived.",science Barking Up The Wrong Tree," turns standard success advice on its head by looking at both sides of many common arguments, like confidence, extroversion, or being nice, concluding it’s really other factors that decide if we win, and we control more of them than we think.",science Emotional Agility," provides a new, science-backed approach to navigating life’s many trials and detours on your path to fulfillment, with which you’ll face your emotions head on, observe them objectively, make choices based on your values and slowly tweak your mindset, motivation and habits.",science The Road Less Traveled,"is a spiritual classic, combining scientific and religious views to help you grow by confronting and solving your problems through discipline, love and grace.",science The Myth Of Multitasking," explains why doing everything at once is neither efficient, nor even possible, and gives you practical steps for more focus in the workplace.",science Long-Term Thinking For A Short-Sighted World," explains why we rarely think about the long-term consequences of our actions, how this puts our entire species in danger and what we can do to change and ensure a thriving future for mankind.",science Genius: The Life And Science Of Richard Feynman," tells the story of one the greatest minds in the history of science, all the way from his humble beginnings to changing physics as we know it and receiving the Nobel prize.",science Payoff," unravels the complex construct that is human motivation and shows you how it consists of many more parts than money and recognition, such as meaning, effort and ownership, so you can motivate yourself not just today, but every day.",science Peak," accumulates everything the pioneer researcher on deliberate practice has learned about expert performance through decades of exploration and analysis of what separates those, who are average, from those, who are world-class at what they do.",science The Habit Blueprint," strips down behavior change to its very core, giving you the ultimate, research-backed recipe for cultivating the habits you desire, with plenty of backup steps you can take to maximize your chances of success.",science Decisive," gives you a scientific, 4-step approach to making better decisions in your life and career, based on an extensivestudy of the availableliterature and research on the topic.",science A Short History Of Nearly Everything," explains everything we’ve learned about our world and the universe so far, including how they formed, how we learned to make sense of time, space and gravity, why it’s such a miracle that we’re alive and how much of our planet is still a complete mystery to us.",science The Art Of Choosing," extensively covers the scientific research made about human decision making, showing you what affects how you make choices, how the consequences of those choices affect you, as well as how you can adapt to these circumstances to make better decisions in the future.",science Forensics: The Anatomy Of Crime," gives you an inside looks at all the different fields of criminal forensics and their history, showing you how the investigation and evidence-collection of crimes has changed dramatically within the last 200 years, helping us find the truth behind more and more crimes.",science The Magic Of Reality," explains many of the world’s natural phenomenons in a scientific way, so that you can understand how the elementary components of our planet work together to logically, yet beautifully, create the place we all call home.",science The End Of Average," explains the fundamental flaws with our culture of averages, in which we design everything for the average person, when that person doesn’t exist, and shows how we can embrace our individuality and use it to succeed in a world that wants everyone to be the same.",science How Not To Be Wrong," shows you that math is really just the science of common sense and that studying a few key mathematical ideas can help you assess risks better, make the right decisions, navigate the world effortlessly and be wrong a lot less.",science Grit," describes what creates outstanding achievements, based on science, interviews with high achievers from various fields and the personal history of success of the author, Angela Duckworth, uncovering that achievement isn’t reserved for the talented only, but for those with passion and perseverance.",science Made To Stick," examines advertising campaigns, urban myths and compelling stories to determine the six traits that make ideas stick in our brains, so you don’t just know why you remember some things better than others, but can also spread your own ideas more easily among the right people.",science The Botany Of Desire," describes how, contrary to popular belief, we might not be using plants as much as plants use us, by getting humans to ensure their survival, thanks to appealing to our desires for beauty, sweetness, intoxication and control.",science The Magic of Math," shows you not only the power, but also the beauty of mathematics, unlike you’ve ever seen it in school and with practical, real-world applications.",science The Genius Of Birds," shines a new light on a genuinely underrated kind of vertebrate by explaining birds’ capacities to be social, intelligently solve challenges, learn languages, be artistic and navigate the planet.",science The Evolution Of Everything," compares creationist to evolutionist thinking, showing how the process of evolution we know from biology underlies and permeates the entire world, including society, morality, religion, culture, economics, money, innovation and even the internet.",science The Singularity Is Near," outlines the future of technology by describing how change keeps accelerating, what computers will look like and be made of, why biology and technology will become indistinguishable and how we can’t possibly predict what’ll happen after 2045.",science The Selfish Gene," explains the process of evolution in biology using genes as its basic unit, showing how they manifest in the form of organisms, what they do to ensure their own survival, how they program our brains, which strategies have worked best throughout history and what makes humans so special in this context.",science Elon Musk," is the first official biography of the creator of SolarCity, SpaceX and Tesla, based on over 30 hours of conversation time between authorAshlee Vance",science Einstein: His Life And Universe," takes a close look at the life of Albert Einstein, beginning in how his childhood shaped him, what his biggest discoveries and personal struggles were and how his focus changed in later years, without his geniusever fading until his very last moment.",science Smarter," is one “slow learner” turned A student’s experimental account of improving his intelligence by 16% through various tests, lessons and exercises and explains how you can increase your intelligence in scientifically proven ways.",science Hackers and Painters," is a collection of essays by Y Combinator founder Paul Graham about what makes a good computer programmer and how you cancodethe future if you are one, making a fortune in the process.",science Everything Is Obvious," shows you that common sense isn’t as reliable as you think it is, because it often fails us in helping to make predictions, and how you can change the way you or your company make decisions withmore scientific, statistically grounded methods.",science Oxygen," helps you understand the biology of our evolution by taking a close look at the molecule that can make and break all life and how it’s shaped the rise of animals, plants and humans, as well as why it might be the key to ending aging.",science Predictably Irrational," explains the hidden forces that really drive how we make decisions, which are far less rational than we think, but can help us stay on top of our finances, interact better with others and live happier lives, once we know about them.",science The Talent Code," cracks open the myth of talent and breaks it down from a neurological standpoint into three crucial parts, which anyone can pull together to become a world-class performer, artist, or athlete and form something they used to believe was not even within their own hands.",science Abundance," shows you the key technological trends being developed today, to give you a glimpse of a future that’s a lot brighter than you think and help you embrace the optimism we need to make it happen.",science Why We Love," delivers a scientific explanation for love, shows you how it developed historically and evolutionarily, tells you what we’re all attracted to and where we differ, and of course gives you actionable advice to deal with both the exciting, successful romance in your life, as well as its sometimes inevitable fallout.",science Freakonomics," helps you make better decisions by showing you how your life is dominated by incentives, how to close information asymmetries between you and the experts that exploit you and how to really tell the difference between causation and correlation.",science The Blue Zones," gives you advice on how to live to be 100 years and older by looking at five spots across the planet, where people live the longest, and drawing lessons about what they eat, drink, how they exercise and which habits most shape their lives.",science The China Study, examines the effect of animal protein intake on cancer risk and suggests improving your health by focusing on a plant-based diet.,science Drive, explores what has motivated humans throughout history and explains how we shifted from mere survival to the carrot and stick approach that’s still practiced today – and why it’s outdated.,science The Happiness Project," will show you how to change your life, without actually changing your life, thanks to the findings of modern science, ancient history and popular culture about happiness, which the author tested for a year and now shares with you.",science Immunity," is an introductory guide to how your immune system works, why it’s a double-edged sword, and which laws govern its existence.",science Outliers," explains why “the self-made man” is a myth and what truly lies behind the success of the best people in their field, which is often a series of lucky events, rare opportunities and other external factors, which are out of our control.",science Your Brain At Work," helps you overcome the daily challenges that take awayyour brain power, like constant email and interruption madness, high levels of stress, lack of control and high expectations, by showing you what goes on inside your head and giving you new approaches to control it better.",science Willpower," is a blend of practical tips and the latest scientific research on self-control, explaining how willpower works, what you can do to improve it, how to optimize it and which steps to take when it fails you.",science Talent Is Overrated," debunks both talent and experience as the determining factors and instead makes a case for deliberate practice, intrinsic motivation and starting early.",science The Power Of Habit," helps you understand whyhabits are at the core of everything youdo, how you can change them, and what impact that will have on your life, your business and society.",science Bounce," shows you that trainingtrumps talent every time, by explaining the science of deliberate practice, the mindset of high performers and how you can use those tools to become a master of whicheverskill you choose.",science Salt Sugar Fat," takes you through the history of the demise of home-cooked meals by explaining why you love salt, sugar and fat so much and how the processed food industry managed to hook us by cramming all 3 of those into their products.",science Sex at Dawn,"challenges conventional views on sex by diving deep into our ancestors’ sexual history and the rise of monogamy, thus prompting us to rethink our understanding of what sex and relationships should really feel and be like.",science A Brief History Of Time," is Stephen Hawking’s way of explaining the most complex concepts and ideas of physics, such as space, time, black holes, planets, stars and gravity to the average Joe, so that even you and I can better understand how our planet was created, where it came from, and where it’s going.",science Stumbling On Happiness," examines the capacity of our brains to fill in gaps and simulate experiences, shows how our lack of awareness of these powers sometimes leads us to wrong decisions, and how we can change our behavior to synthesize our own happiness.",science Moonwalking With Einstein," not only educates you about the history of memory, and how its standing has declined over centuries, but also gives you actionable techniques to extend and improve your own.",science Why Is Sex Fun," takes a humorous look at the evolution of human sex life, explaining why the way we behavesexually is often odd, but necessary for our survival.",science The Light We Carry," is a set of practices to help you stay calm, optimistic, and confident in an unpredictable world, based on Michelle Obama’s life experiences as a woman, mother, lawyer, daughter, leader, and the former First Lady of the United States.",biography Dear Girls," is a collection of letters written by comedian Ali Wong to her two daughters, recounting tales from her youth and life in an attempt to pass on some hard-earned wisdom to them and anyone willing to listen to her story.",biography On Writing, details Stephen King’s journey to becoming one of the best-selling authors of all time while delivering hard-won advice on the craft to aspiring writers.,biography Never Finished," is an inspiring blueprint for leveling up in the game of life that never ends, offering 8 evolutions of thought, painful truths, and motivating stories to help you smash any and all glass ceilings in your life.",biography Will," is world-famous actor and musician Will Smith’s autobiography, outlining his life’s story all the way from his humble beginnings in West Philadelphia to achieving fame as a musician and then global stardom as an actor and, ultimately, one of the most influential people of our time.",biography The Code Breaker," details the life of Nobel Prize winner Jennifer Doudna, who embarked on — and successfully completed — a journey to invent a tool that allows us to edit the human genetic code and thus will change our lives, health, and future generations forever.",biography Siddhartha," presents the self-discovery expedition of a man during the time of the Buddha who, unsure of what life really means to him, takes an exploratory journey to pursue the highs and lows of life, which ultimately leads him to discover the equilibrium in all things and a higher wisdom within.",biography Permanent Record," delves into the life story of Edward Snowden, the well-renowned national whistleblower who built the exposé on STELLARWIND, the US mass surveillance program used to spy on American citizens.",biography The Undoing Project, talks about the life and extensive research in the psychology of Kahneman and Tversky by bringing forth some of the most influential and groundbreaking discoveries they unveiled about human behavior and the biases in our decisions.,biography Love Warrior," delves into the life of Glennon Doyle, a woman who battled with self-destructive behaviors, eating disorders, depression, and many more challenges before finally embracing the life she deserved and started living meaningfully while being true to herself.",biography Killing the Mob," discusses a controversial topic – the mob, by outlining how the organized crime took place in America during the twentieth century, how conmen, robbers, murderers, and many others lived their lives, and how many organizations and rich families kept their power centralized.",biography More Money Than God," teaches us about the ins and outs of hedge funds, how those managing money makes a profit, and how you can learn from them and apply their techniques to your money management strategy.",biography How To Be A Bawse," briefly explores the life of Youtube superstar Lilly Singh and offers straightforward, yet practical advice on how to conquer your fears, follow your dreams and learn to use failures to your advantage in order to build the life you want to live.",biography Untamed," is an inspiring memoir of Glennon Doyle, a woman who found peace and inner strength by challenging life in all its areas, from love to parenting, personal growth, and work, after going through a powerful change that led her to discover crucial aspects about herself and allowed her to build a new life.",biography Tesla: Man Out of Time," presents the biography and remarkable life of Nikola Tesla, one of the most notable inventors and engineers of all time, while also highlighting his bumpy relationship with Thomas Edison and his heavy childhood.",biography Minor Feelings," explores the purgatory state that Asian-Americans are stuck into as immigrants who have an image of non-white and non-black people who don’t speak, disturb, or make any impression at all.",biography The Story of Philosophy," profiles the lives of great Western philosophers, such as Plato, Socrates, and Nietzsche, exploring their views on politics, religion, morality, the meaning of life, and plenty of other important concepts.",biography Win or Learn," explores the philosophy of life and the secrets behind peak performance in MMA of John Kavanagh, the trainer and friend of superstar Conor McGregor, and their journey to success which started in a modest gym in Ireland and ended up with McGregor having a net worth of 100 million dollars. ",biography All In," talks about the life of Billie Jean King, a remarkable woman and tennis player who fought for gender equality in sports and managed to change the US legislature in this regard by never giving up on her vision, which is to ensure a no discrimination zone in sports for young women.",biography Invent & Wander," is a collection of Jeff Bezos’s writings and letters to its shareholders, in which he expresses his philosophy of life and his way of doing business, which ultimately led him to know tremendous success and write history with his two companies: Amazon and Blue Origin.",biography Poor Charlie’s Almanack," explores the life of the famous investor Charlie Munger, the right hand of Warren Buffett, and teaches its readers how his inspirational take on life helped him achieve a fortune and still have time and money to dedicate towards philanthropic causes.",biography Richard Nixon: The Life," presents the detailed biography of the thirty-seventh president of the United States, who became famous for his successful endeavors that put him in the White House and for his controversial life the complexities of being such a top tier political figure.",biography The Last Lecture,"is a college professor’s final message to the world before his impending death of cancer at a relatively young age, offering meaningful life advice, significant words of wisdom, and a great deal of optimism and hope for humanity.",biography How To Fail," shows the surprising benefits of going through a difficult time through the experiences of the author, Elizabeth Day, including the failures in her life that she’s grateful for and how they’ve helped her grow, uncovering why we shouldn’t be so afraid of failure but instead embrace it.",biography What Happened," is Hillary Clinton’s post-mortem on the events and surprising result of her bid for the 2016 United States presidential election, including why she ran for president in the first place, what made it so hard for her to come out on top, and how the loss affected her after election night.",biography Open, is the autobiography of world-famous tennis player Andre Agassi in which he details his struggles and successes on the way to self-awareness and balance while he was also trying to handle the constant pressures and difficulties that came from being one of the best tennis players in the world.,biography Dark Towers," dives into the dirty inner workings and the rise and fall of Deutsche Bank, which contributed to many notable but not always beneficial events of the past 150 years, including the American railroad system, the Nazi regime, funding Russian oligarchs, and even the election of Donald Trump.",biography Greenlights," is the autobiography of Matthew McConaughey, in which he takes us on a wild ride of his journey through a childhood of tough love, rising to fame and success in Hollywood, changing his career, and more, guided by the green lights he saw that led him forward at each step.",biography The Double Helix," tells the story of the discovery of DNA, which is one of the most significant scientific findings in all of history, by explaining the rivalries, struggles of the prideful scientific community to work together, and other roadblocks that James Watson had on the way to making the breakthrough of a lifetime that would change his life and the entire world.",biography Titan," will inspire you to keep working hard to make your business goals happen by sharing the life story of John D. Rockefeller Sr., from his humble beginnings to his astronomical success as an oil tycoon and beyond.",biography The Truths We Hold," is the autobiography of civil rights activist, Californian Senator, and Vice President Kamala Harris, which details her early years in the justice system fighting for the people and what she has been doing in the last few years to help those suffering from the inefficiencies in the United States government.",biography Mighty Be Our Powers, shares the inspirational story of Leymah Gbowee who helped bring together an influential group of women that were tired of the unrest in their country and whose efforts eventually led to the end of a devastating and long-lasting civil war.,biography A Promised Land,"is former president Barack Obama’s memoir in which he explains how he got into politics, what it was like for him to be president of the United States from 2009 to 2017, and how he felt during some of his biggest achievements, like passingthe Affordable Care Act.",biography A Higher Loyalty," shares James Comey’s experiences as the director of the FBI and outlines what he learned about leadership, ethics, and politics throughout his life, career, and experiences with President Trump who was the reason he lost his job in May of 2017.",biography First They Killed My Father," is Loung Ung’s account of the horrific events that she and her family had to go through while living in Cambodia during the Khmer Rouge regime in the 1970s and explains how it devastated their country, the way it separated their family, and how Loung got through it all.",biography Hillbilly Elegy, is the inspiring autobiography of J.D. Vance who explains how his life began in poverty and turbulence and what he had to do to beat those difficult circumstances and rise to success.,biography The Ride Of A Lifetime,"illustrates Robert Iger’s journey to becoming the CEO of Disney, and how his vision, strategy, and guidance successfully led the company through a time when its future was highly uncertain.",biography Imagine It Forward," inspires businesses and individuals to challenge outdated thinking and ways of doing work by sharing the life and business experiences of Beth Comstock, one of America’s most innovative businesswomen.",biography Educated," will help you become more grateful for your schooling, freedom, and normal relationships by explaining the family difficulties that Tara Westover had to break free of so that she could get her own education.",biography Alibaba," shares the inspiring story of Jack Ma’s hard work, entrepreneurial vision, and smart thinking that helped him build one of the most successful and influential companies in the world. ",biography Between The World And Me, helps us all fight prejudice and prepares young black men in the US for growing up by revealing Ta-Nehisi Coates’s reality of life as a black man dealing with racism in America.,biography Born A Crime, will inspire you to make great things happen no matter what circumstances you’re born into by revealing the story of how Trevor Noah grew up as a mixed child in South Africa on the way to becoming an adult.,biography The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, makes you smarter and more compassionate by revealing the previously unknown story of a woman with extraordinary cells that still live today and have contributed to dozens of medical breakthroughs.,biography Barbarians At The Gate, shows you how not to run a business and reveals the shocking greed of corporate America in the 1980s by telling the story of the leveraged buyout of RJR Nabisco.,biography Becoming,"will use Michelle Obama’s life story tomotivate you to move forward with your dreams regardless of your circumstances, criticism, or what people think.",biography The Man Who Solved The Market, shares the interesting story of Jim Simons’s rise to wealth and success that came from him tapping into his math genius to make incredible gains in stock market investments.,biography Alexander Hamilton," will inspire you to boldly use your strengths to change the world as it tells the story of a poor orphan who grew to become one of the most intelligent, ambitious, and influential people in American history.",biography When Breath Becomes Air," helps you see what’s really important by diving into Paul Kalanithi’s life of loving neuroscience, literature, meaning, and his family that ended from cancer in his mid-thirties. ",biography A Woman of No Importance," tells the fascinating and exciting story of Virginia Hall, an American who became one of the best spies for the Allies in World War II and helped significantly in the defeat of Nazi Germany.",biography A Beautiful Mind," tells the fascinating story of the mathematical genius, mental illness, and miraculous recovery and success of John Nash Jr.",biography How To Be Black, is a personal story illustrating what it means to be black in a reality largely determined by the white culture.,biography Extreme Ownership," contains useful leadership advice from two Navy SEALs who learned to stay strong, disciplined, and level-headed in high-stakes combat scenarios.",biography Make Your Bed, encourages you to pursue your goals and change the lives of others for the better by showing that success is a combination of individual willpower and mutual support.,biography Can’t Hurt Me," is the story of David Goggins, who went from being overweight and depressed to becoming a record-breaking athlete, inspiring military leader, and world-class personal trainer.",biography Team Of Rivals,"explains why Abraham Lincoln rose above his political rivals despite their stronger reputations and how he used empathy to unite not just his enemies, but an entire country.",biography Outwitting The Devil," is an imagined interview between Napoleon Hill and the Devil himself, in which he wrings certain truths from the root of evil, which will help us avoid his grasp and live a good life.",biography Minimalism, is an instructive introduction to the philosophy of less and how it helped two guys who had achieved the American dream let go of their possessions and the depressions that came with them.,biography How To Fail At Almost Everything And Still Win Big, is the memoir of Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams,biography Leonardo Da Vinci," is Walter Isaacson’s account of the life of one of the most brilliant artists, thinkers, and innovators who ever lived.",biography Principles," holds the set of rules for work and life billionaire investor and CEO of the most successful fund in history, Ray Dalio, has acquired through his 40-year career in finance.",biography Finding My Virginity," is Richard Branson’s follow-up biography, which shares the highlights of his entrepreneurial journey over the past two decades.",biography Walden," details Henry David Thoreau’s two-year stay in a self-built cabin by a lake in the woods, sharing what he learned about solitude, nature, work, thinking and fulfillment during his break from modern city life.",biography The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari," is a self-help classic telling the story of fictional lawyer Julian Mantle, who sold his mansion and Ferrari to study the seven virtues of the Sages of Sivana in the Himalayan mountains.",biography Option B," shares the stories of people who’ve had to deal with a traumatizing event, most notably Facebook’s COO Sheryl Sandberg, to help you face adversity, become more resilient and find joy again after life punches you in the face.",biography Genius: The Life And Science Of Richard Feynman," tells the story of one the greatest minds in the history of science, all the way from his humble beginnings to changing physics as we know it and receiving the Nobel prize.",biography The Snowball," is the only authorized biography of Warren Buffett, the “Oracle of Omaha,” legendary value investor and once richest man on earth, detailing his life from the very humble beginnings all the way to his unfathomablesuccess.",biography Napoleon The Great," is the definitive, modern biography of legendary leader, French idol and European visionary Napoleon Bonaparte, detailing his life from his early yearsas an immigrant, over his rise through the military ranks, all the way to his greatest battles, political achievements and ultimate exile.",biography The Man Who Fed The World,"is the biographyof Dr. Norman Borlaug, Nobel Peace Prize laureate andUS national hero, who saved over a billion lives by dedicating his own to ending world hunger and leading the green revolution, which helped get agriculture to apoint where it can feed the world.",biography iWoz," is Steve Wozniak’s autobiography, detailing his story in his own words, from early tinkering with electronics in his home, to college and his first job, all the way to singlehandedly creating the world’s first desktopcomputer, the Apple I and founding what would become the most valuable company in the world.",biography Benjamin Franklin: An American Life, takes a thorough look at the life of one of the most influential humans that ever lived and explains how he could achieve such greatness in so many different fields and areas.,biography Long Walk To Freedom," is the autobiography of Nelson Mandela, South African anti-apartheid activist, national icon and the first South African black president, elected in the first, fully democratic election in the country.",biography Catch Me If You Can," is the story of how Frank Abagnale, one of the most famous con-artists in history, faked over eight identities, several professions, and cashed over $2.5 million of forged checks in the 1960s, until the police finally caught him at age 21.",biography Shoe Dog," is the autobiography of Nike’s founder Phil Knight, who at last decided to share the story of how he founded one of the most iconic, profitable and world-changing brands in the world.",biography Alexander The Great," is one of the latest, most updated, and contemporary books on the life of the ancient, Macedonian king, who would extend his empire from a little slide of land in Greece through Persia, Egypt, all the way to India, forming the greatest empire the ancient world had ever seen.",biography Howard Hughes: His Life And Madness," details the birth, childhood, career, death and legacy of shimmering business tycoon Howard Hughes, who was a billionaire, world-renowned aviator, actor and industry magnate.",biography Elon Musk," is the first official biography of the creator of SolarCity, SpaceX and Tesla, based on over 30 hours of conversation time between authorAshlee Vance",biography Einstein: His Life And Universe," takes a close look at the life of Albert Einstein, beginning in how his childhood shaped him, what his biggest discoveries and personal struggles were and how his focus changed in later years, without his geniusever fading until his very last moment.",biography The Autobiography Of Malcolm X, chroniclesthe life and work of one of the most influential members of the civil rights movement in the United States.,biography Charlie Munger," teaches you the investment approach and ideas about life from Warren Buffett’s business partner and billionaire Charlie Munger, which the two have used for decades to run one of the most successful companies in the world.",biography A Tale of Two Cities," tells the stories of two connected families in 18th-century London and Paris, exploring everything from love and loss to murder and family intrigue, thus teaching us about history, ethics, and the complexity of human relationships.",politics The Light We Carry," is a set of practices to help you stay calm, optimistic, and confident in an unpredictable world, based on Michelle Obama’s life experiences as a woman, mother, lawyer, daughter, leader, and the former First Lady of the United States.",politics Brave New World," presents a futuristic society engineered perfectly around capitalism and scientific efficiency, in which everyone is happy, conform, and content — but only at first glance.",politics 1984, is the story of a man questioning the system that keeps his futuristic but dystopian society afloat and the chaos that quickly ensues once he gives in to his natural curiosity and desire to be free.,politics Permanent Record," delves into the life story of Edward Snowden, the well-renowned national whistleblower who built the exposé on STELLARWIND, the US mass surveillance program used to spy on American citizens.",politics Maoism," explores the ideology of Mao Zedong, the Chinese leader of the communist party of the twentieth century, and how he managed to turn his doctrine into a mass-adopted phenomenon that continues even today, under different forms and shapes.",politics The Dawn of Everything," tells the story of how we went from hunter-gatherers to city-builders, from the Stone Age to today’s modern world, all by exploring a series of new discoveries made by scientists who are challenging some long-held beliefs about our history.",politics Killing the Mob," discusses a controversial topic – the mob, by outlining how the organized crime took place in America during the twentieth century, how conmen, robbers, murderers, and many others lived their lives, and how many organizations and rich families kept their power centralized.",politics More Money Than God," teaches us about the ins and outs of hedge funds, how those managing money makes a profit, and how you can learn from them and apply their techniques to your money management strategy.",politics The Sovereign Individual," jumps into the future and presents a new world where life moves into the online environment, where the cybereconomy rules and governments are struggling to control the people like they used to, all through a revolution more powerful than anything we’ve seen before.",politics How to Be Right," delves into some of the thorniest issues that author O’Brien had to deal with throughout his career as a radio host in London, where he came across provocative arguments, people who love to debate just for the sake of it, and many others who used manipulation to get their point across.",politics Invisible Women," talks about the flaws in our societal system, which was built on the premise that men should rule and conquer the world while women should stay at home, which is why we’re still seeing gender gaps in the personal, professional, and day-to-day lives of women.",politics Requiem For The American Dream," argues that the gap between the wealthy and the poor is not an accident, but rather the result of intentional policy decisions made by rich individuals and corporations to increase their power and decrease that of ordinary citizens.",politics The Person You Mean to Be, teaches you how to navigate cognitive biases that may prevent you from forming meaningful relationships and experiencing the world as it is by leading you to wrongful assumptions or limitations about your environment or by anchoring you in your preexisting beliefs.,politics First Principles," delves into the history of American evolution and highlights how the parents of modern thinking were inspired by Roman and Greek philosophy in their mindset, military actions, views of the world, and many more.",politics The Second Sex," delves into the concept of feminism by looking at historical facts and biases, and explains how being a woman implies being subjugated to a man and making yourself smaller so that you can fit in today’s world, but also how women everywhere should react to the system and change it.",politics Minor Feelings," explores the purgatory state that Asian-Americans are stuck into as immigrants who have an image of non-white and non-black people who don’t speak, disturb, or make any impression at all.",politics The Authoritarian Moment," presents the America of today, where authoritarian powers seem to be taking over while putting the democracy at risk, and pleas to protect the freedom and rights that the founding fathers of democracy built centuries ago.",politics "Woke, Inc."," taps into the dark secrets of the woke culture in corporate America, which organizations generate tremendous amounts of profit by hiding behind causes like social justice, gender equality, climate change, and many other popular matters.",politics The Story of Philosophy," profiles the lives of great Western philosophers, such as Plato, Socrates, and Nietzsche, exploring their views on politics, religion, morality, the meaning of life, and plenty of other important concepts.",politics Richard Nixon: The Life," presents the detailed biography of the thirty-seventh president of the United States, who became famous for his successful endeavors that put him in the White House and for his controversial life the complexities of being such a top tier political figure.",politics How to Be a Conservative," builds the case for traditionalists and conservative people who view society through the lenses of someone who’s defending their nation, the long-lasting values of the world, the free market, and many other healthy principles. ",politics The Social Contract," is a political piece of writing that serves as a pylon for the democracies of today, as it theorizes the elements of a free state where people agree to coexist with each other under the rules of a common body that represents the general will.",politics An Ugly Truth," offers a critical look at Facebook and its administrators, who foster a gaslighting environment and a controversial social media platform that can easily become a danger for its users both virtually and in real life due to its immense power and influence on our society.",politics Socialism," by Michael Newman outlines the history of the governmental theory that everything should be owned and controlled by the community as a whole, including how this idea has impacted the world in the last 200 years, how its original aims have been lost, and ways we might use it in the future.",politics How Democracies Die,"lays out the foundational principles of working democracies by looking at historical events, especially in Latin America, that show how democracies have failed in the past, how it could happen again, and how we can protect democracy from threats like bad leadership, inequality, and extremism.",politics What Happened," is Hillary Clinton’s post-mortem on the events and surprising result of her bid for the 2016 United States presidential election, including why she ran for president in the first place, what made it so hard for her to come out on top, and how the loss affected her after election night.",politics Hood Feminism," explores the idea that traditional feminism only seeks to improve life for white women and not all women, arguing that true equality and inclusivity means seeking to lift all women, including those of color.",politics How To Be A Leader," is Greek philosopher Plutarch’s guide to leadership and uses practical ideas, historical narratives, political events, and more to outline the qualities of the best leaders, including serving for the right reasons, speaking persuasively, and following more experienced leaders.",politics Dark Towers," dives into the dirty inner workings and the rise and fall of Deutsche Bank, which contributed to many notable but not always beneficial events of the past 150 years, including the American railroad system, the Nazi regime, funding Russian oligarchs, and even the election of Donald Trump.",politics The Great Escape," challenges the idea that the world is on fire by declaring that things have never been better in many ways, although the advancements we’ve made and the ways they have improved many lives haven’t reached everyone equally.",politics Why Nations Fail," dives into the reasons why economic inequality is so common in the world today and identifies that poor decisions of those in political power are the main reason for unfairness rather than culture, geography, climate, or any other factor.",politics The Myth Of The Strong Leader," reveals why being a bold, charismatic leader might not be all it’s cracked up to be, showing that we give way too much credit to “strong” leaders and illustrating the problematic consequences this societal pattern entails.",politics Ten Arguments For Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now," shows why you should quit social media because it stops joy, makes you a jerk, erodes truth, kills empathy, takes free will, keeps the world insane, destroys authenticity, blocks economic dignity, makes politics a mess, and hates you.",politics The End Of Power, explains why the old positions of power aren’t as powerful as they used to be due to recent changes in society and technology and how this shift has put more influence in the hands of everyday citizens like you and what it might mean for the future of our governments and world.,politics Restart," tells the story of India’s almost-leadership of the world’s economy, showing why and how it instead succumbed to problems from the past, how those problems still hold it back today, and what the country might do about them.",politics How To Avoid A Climate Disaster," is Bill Gates’ plea to the individuals, governments, and business leaders of the world to reduce greenhouse emissions by changing the way we make things, plug in, grow things, get around, and keep warm and cool.",politics The Truths We Hold," is the autobiography of civil rights activist, Californian Senator, and Vice President Kamala Harris, which details her early years in the justice system fighting for the people and what she has been doing in the last few years to help those suffering from the inefficiencies in the United States government.",politics The Big Necessity," makes you smarter about feces by explaining how sanitation works, the damage it causes when it’s not done properly, and what we can do to improve it around the world.",politics White Fragility," will help you take steps toward becoming a kinder and more fair person by helping you understand why it’s so difficult for white people, especially in America, to talk about racism.",politics Shattered," explains the details around Hillary Clinton’s shocking 2016 presidential election loss and explains how an FBI investigation, Bernie Sanders, infighting on her team, and overconfidence in data analytics all contributed to her defeat.",politics Prisoners Of Geography," explains how the location of a country dramatically affects its success and the amount of power it has in the world, and how this has determined the outcomes of major world events for centuries.",politics Green Illusions," will open your mind to the true nature of our problem with energy by explaining the potential dangers and inefficiencies of alternative energy sources like wind, hydrogen, solar, and nuclear, and identifies the real culprit of our energy crisis and how to stop it.",politics Mighty Be Our Powers, shares the inspirational story of Leymah Gbowee who helped bring together an influential group of women that were tired of the unrest in their country and whose efforts eventually led to the end of a devastating and long-lasting civil war.,politics A Promised Land,"is former president Barack Obama’s memoir in which he explains how he got into politics, what it was like for him to be president of the United States from 2009 to 2017, and how he felt during some of his biggest achievements, like passingthe Affordable Care Act.",politics A Higher Loyalty," shares James Comey’s experiences as the director of the FBI and outlines what he learned about leadership, ethics, and politics throughout his life, career, and experiences with President Trump who was the reason he lost his job in May of 2017.",politics The Ethics Of Ambiguity,"explains existentialist philosophy in a post–World War II setting, showing us how we can accept the absurdity of life and use its randomness to create rather than despair.",politics The Warmth Of Other Suns," is the story of how and why millions of Black Americans left the South between 1915 and 1970 to escape the brutality of the Jim Crow Laws and find safety, better pay, and more freedom in what is known today as The Great Migration.",politics Just Mercy," explains why the United States judicial system is so broken, including how its bias toward women, Blacks, minorities, and others makes communities and the entire country a worse place and what author Bryan Stevenson is doing with his Equal Justice Initiative to try to stop these injustices.",politics First They Killed My Father," is Loung Ung’s account of the horrific events that she and her family had to go through while living in Cambodia during the Khmer Rouge regime in the 1970s and explains how it devastated their country, the way it separated their family, and how Loung got through it all.",politics The End Of Poverty," will help you develop a kinder and more compassionate heart by opening your eyes to the terrible state of the poorest countries in the world, how they got to be this way, and why solving this problem is in our best interests and may be easier than we think.",politics On Tyranny," makes you more vigilant of the warning signs of oppression by identifying it’s political nature, how to protect yourself and society, and what you can do to resist dangerous leadership.",politics The Hot Zone," is Richard Preston’s version of a terrifying true story of how the Ebola virus came to be, why it’s so deadly and contagious, and how this all reveals our massive vulnerabilities and inefficiencies when it comes to fending off pandemics of all kinds.",politics Stamped From The Beginning, will open your mind to the true origins of racism by challenging your long-held beliefs about it that have been perpetrated by racists throughout history.,politics Upheaval," enlightens you by telling the stories of seven countries that fell into crises, including how they got there and what they did to get out, and identifies the common threads between all of them.",politics Winners Take All," helps you see the ultra-rich in a more accurate light by identifying their shady strategies, including using the idea of “making the world a better place” as a front that only serves as a way to solidify their wealth and power.",politics Evicted," reveals the awful situation of those living in the poorest cities in the United States by identifying how this situation came to be, the horrendous effect it has on the individuals and families that deal with it, and what we might do to stop it.",politics Dreamland," blows open the story of the United States’ opioid crisis, from the frustrating greed and oversight that created it, how drug dealers accelerated it’s spread, and what we’re doing now to stop it.",politics So You Want To Talk About Race," will help you make the world a better, fairer place by explaining how deeply entrenched racism is in our culture today and giving specific tips for having effective conversations about it so you can help end this major issue with society.",politics What The Eyes Don’t See," tells the shocking and unfortunate story of the public drinking water crisis in Flint, Michigan and how one woman stood up against government corruption and racism to make a positive difference for the city.",politics Dark Money, dives into the depths of the greed and corruption in the American political system by revealing the story of the Koch brothers who have been enabling the ultra-wealthy to influence political decisions for decades.,politics Food Fix, will help you eat healthier and improve the environment at the same time by explaining how bad our food is for us and our planet and what we can each do to fix these problems.,politics Age Of Anger, will help you understand the current state of the world better by explaining how we got to this present situation of upheaval we’re in and how we might stand a chance of making things better.,politics How To Be An Antiracist," will make you a better, kinder, and more fair person by revealing how deeply ingrained racism is in our society and outlining what we can all do to annihilate it completely.",politics Capitalism, shows you how the movement of money in the world really works by outlining the dominant system in the world and its origins and future.,politics Capitalism And Freedom, helps you understand some of the most important factors protecting your liberty by outlining the government’s role in economics and how things go best when political entities are small and stay out of the flow of money in a country.,politics Cradle To Cradle," uncovers the hidden problems with manufacturing, how they affect our planet, and what you can do to help by becoming eco-efficient.",politics Comfortably Unaware, is a well-researched compendium on how our food choices and animal agriculture impact the well-being of the whole planet.,politics Impeachment, is your guide to understanding how the US government has the power to remove a president and reviews the events surrounding past evictions of the commander-in-chief. ,politics The Road To Serfdom," helps you keep your freedoms and individuality by taking a stand against socialism, identifying its risks to turn into totalitarianism, and why this was especially important after WWII.",politics Crippled America, makes you a more informed citizen by sharing the political beliefs and reasoning behind billionaire and businessman Donald J. Trump’s plans to make his country great again.,politics Fear," takes an inside look through the eyes of journalist, Bob Woodward",politics Brotopia, motivates you to be fairer in the workplace as an employee or employer by revealing the sad sexist state of Silicon Valley.,politics Braiding Sweetgrass, offers some great ways for all of us to take better care of and be more grateful for our planet by explaining the way that Native Americans view and take care of it.,politics Pandemic," gives you an understanding of what pathogens and diseases are, how they evolve, what our lifestyle does to make them worse on us, how they can spread like wildfire, and most importantly, what we can do to stop them.",politics Chasing The Scream," is a scathing review of the failed war on drugs, explaining its history with surprising statistics and identifying new ways that we can think about addiction, recovery, and drug laws.",politics Common Sense, is a classic piece of US history that will help you see the importance of societies coming together to form a fair governmental system and how these ideas paved the way for the American revolution.,politics Age Of Ambition, explains how China has gone from impoverished and only developing to a world superpower and economic powerhouse in only the last 30 years. ,politics Chernobyl," teaches some fascinating and important history, science, and leadership lessons by diving into the details of the events leading up to the worst nuclear disaster in human history and its aftermath.",politics The Power Paradox," frames the concept of power in an inspiring new narrative, which can help us create better and more equal relationships, workplaces, and societies.",politics Between The World And Me, helps us all fight prejudice and prepares young black men in the US for growing up by revealing Ta-Nehisi Coates’s reality of life as a black man dealing with racism in America.,politics Born A Crime, will inspire you to make great things happen no matter what circumstances you’re born into by revealing the story of how Trevor Noah grew up as a mixed child in South Africa on the way to becoming an adult.,politics Behind The Beautiful Forevers," will make you more grateful for what you have, look for ways to tear down corruption in the world, and help the poor by sharing the experiences of people living in the Annawadi slum in India.",politics Becoming,"will use Michelle Obama’s life story tomotivate you to move forward with your dreams regardless of your circumstances, criticism, or what people think.",politics Alexander Hamilton," will inspire you to boldly use your strengths to change the world as it tells the story of a poor orphan who grew to become one of the most intelligent, ambitious, and influential people in American history.",politics A Woman of No Importance," tells the fascinating and exciting story of Virginia Hall, an American who became one of the best spies for the Allies in World War II and helped significantly in the defeat of Nazi Germany.",politics A World In Disarray, will open your mind to new ways of making the world a more peaceful place by guiding you through the major changes in global affairs since World War II.,politics Call Sign Chaos," is a review of US foreign policy through the eyes of General Jim Mattis, who led forces in Afghanistan and Iraq.",politics 23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism, will help you think more clearly about our current economic state by uncovering the hidden consequences of free-market capitalism and offering solutions that could give us all a more fair world.,politics A Crack In Creation," will teach you all about the power of gene editing that is made possible with CRISPR by detailing how it works, the benefits and opportunities it opens up, and the ethical risks of using it on humans.",politics A Vindication Of The Rights Of Woman, will help you make the world a more fair place by teaching some of the gender inequalities of the eighteenth century.,politics A People’s History Of The United States," will help you improve the world by giving you a better understanding of the true, sometimes shameful, story of this America’s rise to power.",politics The Uninhabitable Earth, explains how humanity’s complacency and negligence have put this world on a course to soon be unlivable unless we each do our small part to improve how we care for this beautiful planet we live on.,politics Identity," explains the evolution of identity politics and how they lead the way to deep political divisions, giving suggestions about what we can do to alleviate this ever-growing problem. ",politics A First-Rate Madness," shares the stories of many world leaders and explains how they prevailed despite their mental illnesses and struggles, showing you how to turn your psychological disadvantages into leadership strengths.",politics Manufacturing Consent, reveals how the upper class controls and skews the news to get the masses to believe whatever serves them best.,politics Eating Animals," reveals the true burden of the modern-day meat industry that we all bear as a society and details the environmental, health-related, and ethical consequences.",politics The Sixth Extinction, summarizes how human activity has contributed to the mass extinction of species and points out ways to mitigate our biggest environmental problems.,politics Merchants of Doubt," explains how a small but loud group of researchers were able to mislead the public about the truths around global warming, tobacco, DDT, and other important issues for decades. ",politics Silent Spring," is the story that sparked the global grassroots environmental movement in 1962, explaining how chemical pesticides work, what their drawbacks are, and how we can protect crops in better, more sustainable ways.",politics Enlightenment Now," describes how the values of the Enlightenment, science, reason, humanism, and progress, keep improving our world until today, making it a better place day by day, despite the negative news.",politics Fire And Fury," is a first-person account of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in 2016, his unexpected victory, and subsequent first year in the White House as 45th president of the United States.",politics A Splendid Exchange," outlines the history of global trade, revealing its older than we think, has enabled the progress of civilization, and continues to change the world on a daily basis.",politics Long-Term Thinking For A Short-Sighted World," explains why we rarely think about the long-term consequences of our actions, how this puts our entire species in danger and what we can do to change and ensure a thriving future for mankind.",politics The Republic," is one of the most important works about philosophy and politics in history, written by Plato, one of Socrates students in ancient Greece, as a dialogue about justice and political systems.",politics Nudge, shows you how you can unconsciously make better decisions by designing your environment so it nudges you in the right direction every time temptation becomes greatest and thus build your own choice architecture in advance.,politics The World According To Star Wars," Summary examines not only the unrivaled popularity of this epic franchise, but also what we can learn from it about the real world about politics, law, economics and even ourselves.",politics Benjamin Franklin: An American Life, takes a thorough look at the life of one of the most influential humans that ever lived and explains how he could achieve such greatness in so many different fields and areas.,politics Ghettoside," explains the history of homicide in the United States and why particularly black communities struggle with high murder rates, as well as what can and must be done to change the status quo for the better.",politics Excellent Sheep,"describes how fundamentally broken elite education is, why it makes students feel depressed and lost, how educational institutions have been alienated from their true purpose, what students really must learn in college and how we can go back to making college a place for self-discovery and critical thinking.",politics Farmageddon," is a shocking compendium of the facts and figures about how the mass production of cheap meat influences our world, ranging from water and air pollution, to threatening species, to making us obese and sick, in order toshow why we must return to more traditional farming techniques to sustainably feed the world.",politics Fast Food Nation," describes how the fast food industry has reduced the overall food quality worldwide, created poor working conditions for millions of people and ruined public health.",politics The Prince," is a 16th century political treatise, famous for condoning, even encouraging evil behavior amongst political rulers, in order for them to stay in power.",politics The Audacity Of Hope," explains Barack Obama’s personal, political and spiritual beliefs, on which he based his 2008 presidential election campaign, which made him the first African-American president of the United States of America. ",politics Superintelligence," asks what will happen once we manage to build computers that are smarter than us, including what we need to do, how it’s going to work, and why it has to be done the exact right way to make sure the human race doesn’t go extinct.",politics The Facebook Effect," is the only official account of the history of the world’s largest social network, explaining why it’s so successful and how it’s changed both the world and us.",politics Creative Schools, reveals how fundamentally broken our formal education system really is and how we can change our perspective to teach children the competencies and things they actually need to navigate the modern world.,politics The 4 Minute Millionaire," is a collection of 44 short lessons sourced from the best finance books, each paired with an action item to help you get closer to financial freedom in just 4 minutes a day.",economics The Simple Path to Wealth," is a three-step template for achieving financial freedom in a straightforward way, passed from a wealthy man to his teenage daughter through a series of letters.",economics Brave New World," presents a futuristic society engineered perfectly around capitalism and scientific efficiency, in which everyone is happy, conform, and content — but only at first glance.",economics 1984, is the story of a man questioning the system that keeps his futuristic but dystopian society afloat and the chaos that quickly ensues once he gives in to his natural curiosity and desire to be free.,economics The Infinite Game," argues that business is not a competition but an infinite journey, and that to do well in it, leaders must advance a “Just Cause,” build trusting teams, learn from their “Worthy Rivals,” and practice existential flexibility.",economics Rich Dad’s Cashflow Quadrant," is an inspiring read by Kiyosaki which comes as a sequel after his first groundbreaking book and presents how hard work doesn’t always equal becoming rich, as wealth is likely a result of smart money decisions.",economics Maoism," explores the ideology of Mao Zedong, the Chinese leader of the communist party of the twentieth century, and how he managed to turn his doctrine into a mass-adopted phenomenon that continues even today, under different forms and shapes.",economics More Money Than God," teaches us about the ins and outs of hedge funds, how those managing money makes a profit, and how you can learn from them and apply their techniques to your money management strategy.",economics The Sovereign Individual," jumps into the future and presents a new world where life moves into the online environment, where the cybereconomy rules and governments are struggling to control the people like they used to, all through a revolution more powerful than anything we’ve seen before.",economics Requiem For The American Dream," argues that the gap between the wealthy and the poor is not an accident, but rather the result of intentional policy decisions made by rich individuals and corporations to increase their power and decrease that of ordinary citizens.",economics Die With Zero," teaches us that wealth accumulation isn’t the only aspect of our life that we should be chasing, but rather keep an eye on meaningful experiences, our relationships, and the limited time we have on earth.",economics The Worldly Philosophers," is your hands-on guide to economics, how the world works overall but especially from a financial point of view, what are the social and economic systems that existed throughout history, and how certain people’s concepts got to shape the world we know today.",economics The Invincible Company, explores the secrets of a successful company by proving how focusing on strengthening the core business values and operations while concentrating on R&D in parallel is a better strategy than just disrupting continuously and seeking new markets.,economics "Woke, Inc."," taps into the dark secrets of the woke culture in corporate America, which organizations generate tremendous amounts of profit by hiding behind causes like social justice, gender equality, climate change, and many other popular matters.",economics Masters of Scale," teaches entrepreneurs ways to open up a successful company and scale it from the grounds-up by going into detail about the right business practices, how to seize opportunities, and foster an organizational culture that encourages innovation and customer-centricity.",economics AI 2041," explores the concept of artificial intelligence and delves into some thought-provoking ideas about AI taking over the world in the next twenty years, from our day-to-day lives to our jobs, becoming a worldwide used tool that will shake the world as we know it from the ground up.",economics Rationality," explores the concept of ration as the pylon of all human progress and how it sets us apart from all other species, helping us evolve and developing societal layers, rules of conduct, and moral grounds for all our endeavors in life.",economics 10-Minute Toughness," is a hands-on guide to becoming the best version of yourself and achieving success through consistent good practices such as eating right, forming meaningful relationships, committing to your goals publicly, visualizing your achievements, and many others.",economics Testing Business Ideas," highlights the importance of trial and error, learning from mistakes and prototypes, and always improving your offerings in a business, so as to bring a successful product to the market that will sell instead of causing you troubles.",economics Value Proposition Design," opens up a new perspective of what added value in a product consists of, how to find and target your market correctly, how you can design a product successfully, bring it forth to your prospects and have them be excited to buy it, all through the creation of a customer-centric business",economics Stocks for the Long Run," delves into the subject of investing and the implications that come with picking securities, whether they’re stocks, bonds, or commodities, having in mind the generally higher returns of stocks over the years and how to build a balanced portfolio that can face times of crisis.",economics Cryptocurrency Investing For Dummies," is a hands-on guide on how to get started with investing in digital coins by placing a trade using a broker what they represent, and how to pick the right ones from the batch of cryptocurrencies available on the market.",economics A Random Walk Down Wall Street," explores how the individual investor can make money in the stock market by following a simple path that is guaranteed to bring success, if the investor has patience and gets accustomed to a series of concepts about stocks and what analyzing them consists of.",economics One Up on Wall Street," talks about the challenges of being a stock market investor, while also exploring how anyone can pick good, well-performing stocks without having much knowledge in the field, by following a few key practices.",economics The Psychology of Money," explores how money moves around in an economy and how personal biases and the emotional factor play an important role in our financial decisions, as well as how to think more rationally and make better decisions when it comes to money.",economics Socialism," by Michael Newman outlines the history of the governmental theory that everything should be owned and controlled by the community as a whole, including how this idea has impacted the world in the last 200 years, how its original aims have been lost, and ways we might use it in the future.",economics Make Money Trading Options," teaches the art of trading stock options, including the pitfalls to watch out for and how to use simple tools like the Test Trading Strategy and virtual trading tools to find stocks that are most likely to be profitable, so you don’tm have to just guess where to invest.",economics The Data Detective," will make you smarter by showing how you can understand statistics well enough to see how they, and the beliefs and cognitive biases they can make you have, make such a huge impact in your life, for better or for worse, and how to separate fact from fiction.",economics Hyper-Learning," shows how people and companies can adapt in the rapidly changing world we live in today, explaining how a growth mindset, colleaboration, and losing your ego will build your confidence that you can stay relevant and competitive as the world around you accelerates.",economics Dark Towers," dives into the dirty inner workings and the rise and fall of Deutsche Bank, which contributed to many notable but not always beneficial events of the past 150 years, including the American railroad system, the Nazi regime, funding Russian oligarchs, and even the election of Donald Trump.",economics The Great Escape," challenges the idea that the world is on fire by declaring that things have never been better in many ways, although the advancements we’ve made and the ways they have improved many lives haven’t reached everyone equally.",economics Why Nations Fail," dives into the reasons why economic inequality is so common in the world today and identifies that poor decisions of those in political power are the main reason for unfairness rather than culture, geography, climate, or any other factor.",economics The Bitcoin Standard, uses the history of money and gold to explain why Bitcoin is the way to go if the world wants to stick to having sound money and why it’s the only cryptocurrency to be focusing on right now.,economics Cryptoassets," is your guide to understanding this revolutionary new digital asset class and explains the history of Bitcoin, how to invest in it and other cryptocurrencies, and how the blockchain technology behind it all works.",economics The End Of Power, explains why the old positions of power aren’t as powerful as they used to be due to recent changes in society and technology and how this shift has put more influence in the hands of everyday citizens like you and what it might mean for the future of our governments and world.,economics 2030," uses the current trajectory of the world, based on sociological, demographic, and technological trends, to outline the changes we can expect to happen in our lives by the beginning of the next decade.",economics Restart," tells the story of India’s almost-leadership of the world’s economy, showing why and how it instead succumbed to problems from the past, how those problems still hold it back today, and what the country might do about them.",economics What I Learned Losing A Million Dollars, shows you how to recognize and steer clear of the pitfalls of stock investing by sharing the story of one man who made some bad investment decisions and had to deal with some pretty terrible consequences because of them.,economics Narrative Economics," explains the influence that popular stories have on the way economies operate, including the rise of Bitcoin, stock market booms and crashes, the nature of epidemics, and more.",economics The Age Of Cryptocurrency," explains the past, present, and future of Bitcoin, including its benefits and drawbacks, how it aligns with the definition of money well enough to be its own currency, how it and other cryptocurrencies will change our economy and the entire world.",economics Digital Gold," details the beginnings of Bitcoin, including how it was developed, why it’s early years were such a struggle, the many people that contributed to its rise, and how it’s changed our world so far and why it will continue doing so for a long time.",economics Moneyland, uncovers the mystery of how the rich keep getting richer by revealing the great lengths they’ll go to so they can avoid taxes and other things that threaten their wealth.,economics Winners Take All," helps you see the ultra-rich in a more accurate light by identifying their shady strategies, including using the idea of “making the world a better place” as a front that only serves as a way to solidify their wealth and power.",economics Dark Money, dives into the depths of the greed and corruption in the American political system by revealing the story of the Koch brothers who have been enabling the ultra-wealthy to influence political decisions for decades.,economics Building Social Business," will teach you how to change the world for the better by starting a company that does good for mankind, giving you all the answers about how they work and how to begin one of your own.",economics Capitalism, shows you how the movement of money in the world really works by outlining the dominant system in the world and its origins and future.,economics Capitalism And Freedom, helps you understand some of the most important factors protecting your liberty by outlining the government’s role in economics and how things go best when political entities are small and stay out of the flow of money in a country.,economics Life After Google, explains why Silicon Valley is suffering a nervous breakdown as big data and machine intelligence comes to an end and the post-Google era dawns.,economics Thank You For Being Late," helps you slow down and take life at a more reasonable pace by explaining the state of our rapidly changing environment, economy, and technology.",economics The Box, teaches how the drive and imagination of one entrepreneur impacted the world economy and changed the face of global trade with container shipping. ,economics Business Adventures," will teach you how to run a company, invest in the stock market, change jobs, and many other things by sharing some of the most interesting experiences that big companies and their leaders have had over the last century.",economics The Man Who Solved The Market, shares the interesting story of Jim Simons’s rise to wealth and success that came from him tapping into his math genius to make incredible gains in stock market investments.,economics Adaptive Markets," gives you a better understanding of how the movement of money in the world works by outlining the characteristics of the market, some of which are more like living creatures than you might think.",economics Money, is your guide for learning how to stop pushing yourself to do more at your job and live a happier and more fulfilling life by making your money work hard for you. ,economics Cooked," is a historical exploration of the four primary elements we use to transform our food, from fire to water, air, and earth, celebrating traditional cooking methods while showing you practical ways to improve your eating habits and prepare more of your own food.",economics 23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism, will help you think more clearly about our current economic state by uncovering the hidden consequences of free-market capitalism and offering solutions that could give us all a more fair world.,economics A People’s History Of The United States," will help you improve the world by giving you a better understanding of the true, sometimes shameful, story of this America’s rise to power.",economics A Beautiful Mind," tells the fascinating story of the mathematical genius, mental illness, and miraculous recovery and success of John Nash Jr.",economics Doughnut Economics," is a wake-up call to transform our capitalist worldview obsessed with growth into a more balanced, sustainable perspective that allows both humans and our planet to thrive.",economics Skin In The Game," is an assessment of asymmetries in human interactions, aimed at helping you understand where and how gaps in uncertainty, risk, knowledge, and fairness emerge, and how to close them.",economics When To Rob A Bank, is a collection of the best of the Freakonomics authors’ blog posts from over 10 years of blogging about economics in all areas of our life.,economics Superfreakonomics," reveals how you can find non-obvious solutions to tricky problems by focusing on raw, hard data and thinking like an economist, which willget youcloser to the truth than everyone else.",economics Lean In," explains why women are still underrepresented in the workforce, what holds them back, how we can enable and support them, and how any woman can take the lead and hold the flag of female leadership high.",economics The World According To Star Wars," Summary examines not only the unrivaled popularity of this epic franchise, but also what we can learn from it about the real world about politics, law, economics and even ourselves.",economics In Defense Of Food,"describes the decline of natural eating in exchange for diets driven by science and nutritional data, how this decline has ruined our health, and what we can do to return to food as a simple, cultural, natural aspect of life.",economics Predictably Irrational," explains the hidden forces that really drive how we make decisions, which are far less rational than we think, but can help us stay on top of our finances, interact better with others and live happier lives, once we know about them.",economics Freakonomics," helps you make better decisions by showing you how your life is dominated by incentives, how to close information asymmetries between you and the experts that exploit you and how to really tell the difference between causation and correlation.",economics The Omnivore’s Dilemma," explains the range of food choices we face today using four meals on a spectrum from highly processed to entirely self-gathered, thus teaching us how the industrial revolution changed the way we eat, why organic food isn’t necessarily better, what truly natural food looks like, and which options we have in making the tradeoff between fast, delicious, cheap, ethical, sustainable, and environmentally friendly meals.",economics The Little Prince," is a beautiful children’s story full of valuable lessons for adults, recounting the tale of an aviator and a little boy from a distant planet, both stranded in the desert, looking to get home, sharing what they’ve learned about life.",environment This Is Your Mind On Plants, ,environment "Guns, Germs, and Steel"," is a multidisciplinary study that employs anthropological, biological, evolutionary, and socio-economic analyses to chart the fates of different peoples throughout human history and understand why some groups succeeded to develop and advance, while others haven’t.",environment The God Equation," presents a factual approach to the theory of life, the inception of the universe, and how modern physics lay the foundation of all natural laws that govern the galaxies, the planets, and our home called Earth.",environment Astrophysics for People in a Hurry," talks about the laws of nature, physics, astronomy, and the mysterious inception of our cosmos, the universe, stars, and implicitly our beautiful planet where life thrives and perpetuates.",environment The Inner Life of Animals," presents complex research on animals and the life of our ecosystem, which is not so different than ours, given that they can feel pain, experience emotions, and share other similarities with us, humans.",environment The Bhagavad Gita," is the number one spiritual text in Hinduism, packed with wisdom about life and purpose as well as powerful advice on living virtuously but authentically without succumbing to life’s temptations or other people’s dreams.",environment All In," talks about the life of Billie Jean King, a remarkable woman and tennis player who fought for gender equality in sports and managed to change the US legislature in this regard by never giving up on her vision, which is to ensure a no discrimination zone in sports for young women.",environment Surrounded by Idiots," offers great advice on how to get your point across more effectively, communicate better, and work your way up in your personal and professional life by getting to know the four types of personalities people generally have and how to address each one in particular to kickstart a beneficial dialogue, instead of engaging in a conflict.",environment Everyday Zen," explains the philosophy of a meaningful life and teaches you how to reinvent yourself by accepting the grand wisdom and energy of the universe and learning to sit still, have more compassion, love more, and find beauty in your life.",environment Invent & Wander," is a collection of Jeff Bezos’s writings and letters to its shareholders, in which he expresses his philosophy of life and his way of doing business, which ultimately led him to know tremendous success and write history with his two companies: Amazon and Blue Origin.",environment Your Erroneous Zones," offers a hands-on guide on how to escape negative thinking, falling into your own self-destructive patterns, take charge of your thoughts and implicitly, your emotions, and how to build a better version of yourself starting with putting yourself first and not caring about what others may think.",environment Chatter," will help you make sense of the inner mind chatter that frequently takes over your mind, showing you how to quiet negative thoughts, stop overthinking, feel less anxious, and develop useful practices to consistently alleviate negative emotions.",environment Wintering," highlights the similarities between the cold season of the year and the period of hardship in a human life, by emphasizing how everything eventually passes in time, and how we can learn to embrace challenging times by learning from wolves, from the cold, and how our ancestors dealt with the winter.",environment What Is Life?,"compresses a series of lectures given by the notorious physicist Erwin Schrödinger, and is a compelling research on how science, especially biology, chemistry and physics account for the ongoing process that the human body undertakes to simply exist and live",environment The Secret World of Weather," is a guide to forecasting weather through various clues found in nature, such as plants, the wind, or clouds, to come up with an accurate calculation of the weather without having to check the news.",environment The Genius of Dogs," explores the curious mind of man’s best friend in relation to human intelligence, as dogs and humans are connected and have many similarities that make the relationship between them so strong and unique. ",environment Forest Bathing," explores the Japanese tradition of shinrin-yoku, a kind of forest therapy based on immersion in nature, and the various health and wellbeing benefits we can derive from it to live better, calmer lives.",environment The World Until Yesterday," identifies some of the most valuable lessons we can learn from societies of the past like hunter-gatherers, including how to resolve conflicts better, more effective ways to raise children, how to stay healthier for longer, and much more.",environment Raising A Secure Child," teaches new parents how to feel confident that they can meet their child’s needs without making them too attached by outlining the experience that Hoffman, Cooper, and Powell have in helping parents form healthy attachments with their kids in ways that help them avoid becoming too hard on themselves and their children.",environment How To Avoid A Climate Disaster," is Bill Gates’ plea to the individuals, governments, and business leaders of the world to reduce greenhouse emissions by changing the way we make things, plug in, grow things, get around, and keep warm and cool.",environment Green Illusions," will open your mind to the true nature of our problem with energy by explaining the potential dangers and inefficiencies of alternative energy sources like wind, hydrogen, solar, and nuclear, and identifies the real culprit of our energy crisis and how to stop it.",environment Energy," makes you smarter by helping you understand where this important aspect of our lives comes from, how we’ve used it throughout history to get to where we are today, and why we need to be careful about how we consume it so that we can have a better future.",environment Food Fix, will help you eat healthier and improve the environment at the same time by explaining how bad our food is for us and our planet and what we can each do to fix these problems.,environment Cradle To Cradle," uncovers the hidden problems with manufacturing, how they affect our planet, and what you can do to help by becoming eco-efficient.",environment Thank You For Being Late," helps you slow down and take life at a more reasonable pace by explaining the state of our rapidly changing environment, economy, and technology.",environment Comfortably Unaware, is a well-researched compendium on how our food choices and animal agriculture impact the well-being of the whole planet.,environment Affluenza, asserts that the reason we are so unhappy is because of our obsession with consumption and the sickness that it brings upon ourselves and the world around us as well.,environment Braiding Sweetgrass, offers some great ways for all of us to take better care of and be more grateful for our planet by explaining the way that Native Americans view and take care of it.,environment Pandemic," gives you an understanding of what pathogens and diseases are, how they evolve, what our lifestyle does to make them worse on us, how they can spread like wildfire, and most importantly, what we can do to stop them.",environment "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle"," gives ways to improve your health and the environment by learning how to garden, cook, and eat more fruits and vegetables. ",environment Cooked," is a historical exploration of the four primary elements we use to transform our food, from fire to water, air, and earth, celebrating traditional cooking methods while showing you practical ways to improve your eating habits and prepare more of your own food.",environment A Walk In The Woods," tells the interesting story of the adventures Bill Bryson and Stephen Katz had while walking the beautiful, rugged, and historic Appalachian Trail.",environment Feral, will help you find ways to improve the well-being of humanity by illustrating the deep connection between us and Nature and offering actionable advice on how to preserve balance in our ecosystems through rewilding.,environment The Uninhabitable Earth, explains how humanity’s complacency and negligence have put this world on a course to soon be unlivable unless we each do our small part to improve how we care for this beautiful planet we live on.,environment Eating Animals," reveals the true burden of the modern-day meat industry that we all bear as a society and details the environmental, health-related, and ethical consequences.",environment The Sixth Extinction, summarizes how human activity has contributed to the mass extinction of species and points out ways to mitigate our biggest environmental problems.,environment Merchants of Doubt," explains how a small but loud group of researchers were able to mislead the public about the truths around global warming, tobacco, DDT, and other important issues for decades. ",environment On The Origin Of Species, is the foundational book for modern evolutionary biology that marked a turning point in how we think about the beginnings of humankind.,environment The Hidden Life of Trees,"describes how trees can communicate, support each other, learn from experience, and form alliances with other inhabitants of the forest.",environment Silent Spring," is the story that sparked the global grassroots environmental movement in 1962, explaining how chemical pesticides work, what their drawbacks are, and how we can protect crops in better, more sustainable ways.",environment Minimalism, is an instructive introduction to the philosophy of less and how it helped two guys who had achieved the American dream let go of their possessions and the depressions that came with them.,environment Doughnut Economics," is a wake-up call to transform our capitalist worldview obsessed with growth into a more balanced, sustainable perspective that allows both humans and our planet to thrive.",environment Walden," details Henry David Thoreau’s two-year stay in a self-built cabin by a lake in the woods, sharing what he learned about solitude, nature, work, thinking and fulfillment during his break from modern city life.",environment Long-Term Thinking For A Short-Sighted World," explains why we rarely think about the long-term consequences of our actions, how this puts our entire species in danger and what we can do to change and ensure a thriving future for mankind.",environment When To Rob A Bank, is a collection of the best of the Freakonomics authors’ blog posts from over 10 years of blogging about economics in all areas of our life.,environment Farmageddon," is a shocking compendium of the facts and figures about how the mass production of cheap meat influences our world, ranging from water and air pollution, to threatening species, to making us obese and sick, in order toshow why we must return to more traditional farming techniques to sustainably feed the world.",environment The Botany Of Desire," describes how, contrary to popular belief, we might not be using plants as much as plants use us, by getting humans to ensure their survival, thanks to appealing to our desires for beauty, sweetness, intoxication and control.",environment A New Earth," outlines a crazy and destructive place we call home, but not without showing us that we can all save it together, by looking into our minds and detaching ourselves from our ego, so we can practice acceptance and enjoyment.",environment The Little Prince," is a beautiful children’s story full of valuable lessons for adults, recounting the tale of an aviator and a little boy from a distant planet, both stranded in the desert, looking to get home, sharing what they’ve learned about life.",relationships The Picture of Dorian Gray," tells the story of a young, beautiful man who trades his soul for eternal youth, then descends further and further into a moral abyss — until he discovers there is, after all, a price to pay for his actions.",relationships "The Great Gatsby is an American classic following Jay Gatsby’s quest to win back his long-lost love by faking a successful life, ","depicting the struggles around love, relationships, societal standing, and consumerism of people in the “roaring” 1920s.",relationships A Tale of Two Cities," tells the stories of two connected families in 18th-century London and Paris, exploring everything from love and loss to murder and family intrigue, thus teaching us about history, ethics, and the complexity of human relationships.",relationships The Light We Carry," is a set of practices to help you stay calm, optimistic, and confident in an unpredictable world, based on Michelle Obama’s life experiences as a woman, mother, lawyer, daughter, leader, and the former First Lady of the United States.",relationships Dear Girls," is a collection of letters written by comedian Ali Wong to her two daughters, recounting tales from her youth and life in an attempt to pass on some hard-earned wisdom to them and anyone willing to listen to her story.",relationships The Highly Sensitive Person,"is a self-assessment guide and how-to-live template for people who feel, relate, process, and notice more deeply than others, and who frequently suffer from overstimulation as a result.",relationships Bittersweet," explains where emotions like sorrow, longing, and sadness come from and what their purpose in our lives is, as well as helping us deal with grief, loss, and our own mortality.",relationships The Power of Regret," is a deep dive into an emotion we all experience, outlining in three parts why regret makes us more human, not less, which four core regrets plague us all, and how we can accept and reshape our mistakes into better futures instead of keeping them as skeletons in our closets.",relationships Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?," is a collection of a clinical psychologist’s best practical advice to combat anxiety and depression and improve our mental health in small increments, collected from over a decade of 1-on-1 work with patients.",relationships The Midnight Library," tells the story of Nora, a depressed woman in her 30s, who, on the day she decides to die, finds herself in a library full of lives she could have lived, where she discovers there’s a lot more to life, even her current one, than she had ever imagined.",relationships Brave New World," presents a futuristic society engineered perfectly around capitalism and scientific efficiency, in which everyone is happy, conform, and content — but only at first glance.",relationships The Daily Laws,"is a page-a-day, calendar-style book covering the three big topics of mastery, power, and emotions, sharing Robert Greene’s best lessons from 20 years of research of the dynamics within and between humans.",relationships The Life-Changing Science of Detecting Bullshit, teaches its readers how to avoid falling for the lies and false information that other people spread by helping them build essential thinking skills through examples from the real world.,relationships No Hard Feelings, is a practical book for better managing the emotional side of work and building the skills needed to enhance your performance both within your role and more broadly throughout your career path by finding motivation again and managing negative emotions.,relationships One Decision," explains how flawed decisions occur and how you can avoid them by analyzing data at first, asking for fact-checked opinions, eliminating your biases and prejudice, and many more useful practices derived from psychological research.",relationships Love Warrior," delves into the life of Glennon Doyle, a woman who battled with self-destructive behaviors, eating disorders, depression, and many more challenges before finally embracing the life she deserved and started living meaningfully while being true to herself.",relationships The Courage to Be Happy, offers a hands-on guide to living a meaningful life and letting go of negative thoughts by compiling the groundbreaking theories of psychologist Alfred Adler with other valuable research into an all-in-one book for becoming a happy and fulfilled person.,relationships Untamed," is an inspiring memoir of Glennon Doyle, a woman who found peace and inner strength by challenging life in all its areas, from love to parenting, personal growth, and work, after going through a powerful change that led her to discover crucial aspects about herself and allowed her to build a new life.",relationships "Good Vibes, Good Life"," explores ways to unlock your true potential by loving yourself more, practicing self-care, manifesting your wishes, and transforming negative emotions into positive ones using simple tips and tricks for a happy life.",relationships What to Say When You Talk to Yourself," is a book by Shad Helmstetter, a self-help guru who has written several pieces on the subject of self-talk, and who argues that in order to achieve our highest self we need to work on how we talk to ourselves and identify our biggest challenge to conquer.",relationships Daily Rituals," is a compilation of the best practices and habits of successful people from different fields aimed to help anyone increase productivity, get past writer’s block, and become more creative and efficient in their everyday work.",relationships That Sounds Fun," uncovers the secrets of a happy life: mindfulness, love, joy, and a good dose of doing whatever makes us happy as often as we can, starting from simple, day-to-day activities, to much bigger life experiences that speak to our soul.",relationships Hug Your Haters," talks about the importance of acknowledging your haters or dissatisfied customers and valuing their opinion in the process of building better products, improving the existing offerings, and growing your strategies overall.",relationships Minor Feelings," explores the purgatory state that Asian-Americans are stuck into as immigrants who have an image of non-white and non-black people who don’t speak, disturb, or make any impression at all.",relationships The Year of Magical Thinking, ,relationships Real Change, offers a way out of the burdening problems around the world that sometimes weigh on our spirit and make us feel powerless by presenting meditation practices that help us alleviate negative emotions and face these issues with determination and change them for the better.,relationships The Inner Life of Animals," presents complex research on animals and the life of our ecosystem, which is not so different than ours, given that they can feel pain, experience emotions, and share other similarities with us, humans.",relationships "How to Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere"," shares the secrets of effective communication and teaches you how to adopt a charisma that’ll help you navigate conversations easier, break the ice, and get your point across right away, and talk to people in general.",relationships Love People Use Things," conceptualizes the idea of living a simple, minimalist life while focusing on what’s important, such as the people next to us, and making the most of every moment spent with those we love.",relationships The Lost Art of Connecting," explores ways to build meaningful and genuine relationships in life by using the Gather, Ask, Do method and relying less on gaining benefits from networking, but rather on deepening your connection with other human beings and cultivating authentic emotions.",relationships The Art of Possibility," explores the remarkable effects of an open mentality and being prepared to seize opportunities, allowing a variety of possibilities into your life, and finding solutions to problems by being a hopeful person.",relationships The Comfort Crisis," addresses contemporary people who live a stressful life and talks about being comfortable with discomfort and reclaiming a happy, healthy mindset by implementing a few odd, but highly effective practices in their daily lives.",relationships I Hear You," explores the idea of becoming a better listener, engaging in productive conversations and avoiding building up frustrations by taking charge of your communication patterns and improving them in your further dialogues.",relationships Happy Together," is written by two of the world’s most renowned psychologists, and it explores the concept of love and relationships by teaching its readers how to build and maintain happy, flourishing connections and how to optimize their couple life by focusing on the good and healthily dealing with the bad.",relationships The Practice of Groundedness," provides a more grounded way of living by eliminating the cult of being productive all the time to achieve success, instead offering a way to be at peace with yourself, prioritizing mental health and a simple yet meaningful life. ",relationships Rationality," explores the concept of ration as the pylon of all human progress and how it sets us apart from all other species, helping us evolve and developing societal layers, rules of conduct, and moral grounds for all our endeavors in life.",relationships Atlas of the Heart," maps out a series of human emotions and their meaning and explores the psychology behind a human’s feelings and how they make up our lives and change our behaviors, and how to build meaningful connections by learning how to deal with them.",relationships Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers," explores the leading causes of stress and how to keep it under control, as well as the biological science behind stress, which can be a catalyst for performance in the short term, but a potential threat in the long run.",relationships How to Raise an Adult," serves as a practical guide for all the parents who want to raise responsible and independent adults, but often catch themselves falling into the trap of over protecting their children and actually inhibiting their natural evolution and the growing up process.",relationships Perfectly Confident," explores the idea of confidence and offers a series of valuable practices that anyone can implement in their life to improve this aspect, as well as an overview of how confidence is supposed to look and feel like in its realest form, without adding or subtracting too much of it. ",relationships Love Worth Making," delves into the subject of sexuality and explores ways to create meaningful and exciting sexual experiences in a long-lasting relationship, based on his experience of over thirty years working with couples, all by focusing on the sexual feelings instead of the techniques.",relationships No More Mr. Nice Guy," explores ways to eliminate the “Nice Guy Syndrome”, which implies being a man that avoids conflicts at all costs and prefers to show only his nice side to the world, even when it affects him negatively by damaging his personality and preventing him from achieving his goals in life.",relationships Real Help," offers a hands-on approach to improving your life and achieving unconventional success through a happy, fulfilled, ordinary life, rather than fighting the broken system until you’ve got millions in the bank and out-of-the-ordinary achievements.",relationships The Art of Rhetoric," is an ancient, time-proven reference book that explores the secrets behind persuasion, rhetoric, and good public speaking by providing compelling information on what a good speech should consist of and how truth and virtue are at the foundation of every good story.",relationships "Humor, Seriously"," explores how bringing fun and entertainment into the workplace can enhance team productivity, spark creativity, increase trust between members and improve people’s overall sentiment in relation to work and job-related activities.",relationships U Thrive," explores the topic of college life and offers practical advice on how to diminish stress and anxiety from exams, deadlines, unfitting roommates, while thriving in the campus, academic life, and creating meaningful experiences.",relationships The Joy of Missing Out," explores today’s idea of productivity and common misconceptions about what it means to be productive, as well as how eliminating unnecessary stress by prioritizing effectively can help us live a better life.",relationships Legendary Service," talks about the principles behind extraordinary customer service and how a company can implement them to achieve a competitive advantage and stand out on the market using simple, yet crucial tactics to satisfy customers.",relationships Safe People," focuses on the importance of recognizing the types of people, distinguishing between the safe and unsafe ones, avoiding toxic relationships, and establishing meaningful ones by reading people and trusting God.",relationships Be Where Your Feet Are," explores the enlightening life lessons that one of America’s top-tier sports personalities has to give, from being present in the moment and living in a meaningful way, to achieving a more fulfilling and successful life.",relationships The Leader In You," explores how the world leaders managed to achieve performance in their lives by creating meaningful connections and reaching a higher level of productivity through a positive, proactive mindset.",relationships How To Do The Work," is a go-to guide that teaches us how to establish a mind-body-spirit connection and create better connections with the people around us by exploring how these aspects are interconnected and influenced by the way we eat, think, and feel.",relationships The Power of Focus, offers its readers a focus-based approach that they can use to achieve their financial and personal goals through practical exercises and habits that they can implement into their daily lives to actively shape their future.,relationships Keep Showing Up," explores the struggles that married couples face on a daily basis, from falling into a routine to fighting over their children, and how to overcome them by being grateful, positive and re-establishing a connection with God. ",relationships The Genius of Dogs," explores the curious mind of man’s best friend in relation to human intelligence, as dogs and humans are connected and have many similarities that make the relationship between them so strong and unique. ",relationships Collaborative Intelligence," helps you enhance your unique thinking traits and develop an individualized form of intelligence based on what works best for you, what your strengths are, and how you communicate with others.",relationships How To Fail," shows the surprising benefits of going through a difficult time through the experiences of the author, Elizabeth Day, including the failures in her life that she’s grateful for and how they’ve helped her grow, uncovering why we shouldn’t be so afraid of failure but instead embrace it.",relationships How To Change,"identifies the stumbling blocks that are in your way of reaching your goals and improving yourself and the research-backed ways to get over them, including how to beat some of the worst productivity and life problems like procrastination, laziness, and much more.",relationships The Art of Stopping Time," teaches a framework of mindfulness, philosophy, and time-management you can use to achieve Time Prosperity, which is having plenty of time to reach your dreams without overwhelm, tumult, or constriction.",relationships Boundaries," explains, with the help of modern psychology and Christian ideals, how to improve your mental health and personal growth by establishing guidelines for self-care that include saying no more often and standing firm in your decisions rather than letting people walk all over you.",relationships Intimacy And Desire," uses case studies of couples in therapy to show how partners can turn their normal sexual struggles and issues with sexual desire into a journey of personal, spiritual, and psychological growth that leads to a stronger bond and deeper, healthier desires for each other.",relationships Open, is the autobiography of world-famous tennis player Andre Agassi in which he details his struggles and successes on the way to self-awareness and balance while he was also trying to handle the constant pressures and difficulties that came from being one of the best tennis players in the world.,relationships How To Be A Leader," is Greek philosopher Plutarch’s guide to leadership and uses practical ideas, historical narratives, political events, and more to outline the qualities of the best leaders, including serving for the right reasons, speaking persuasively, and following more experienced leaders.",relationships Greenlights," is the autobiography of Matthew McConaughey, in which he takes us on a wild ride of his journey through a childhood of tough love, rising to fame and success in Hollywood, changing his career, and more, guided by the green lights he saw that led him forward at each step.",relationships Think Again," will make you more intelligent, persuasive, and self-aware by identifying the power of being humble about what you don’t know, how to recognize blind spots in your thinking before they start causing you problems, and what you can do to become more effective at convincing others of your way of thinking.",relationships Caste," unveils the hidden cultural and societal rules of our class system, including where it comes from, why it’s so deeply entrenched in society, and how we can dismantle it forever and finally allow all people to have the equality they deserve.",relationships Raising A Secure Child," teaches new parents how to feel confident that they can meet their child’s needs without making them too attached by outlining the experience that Hoffman, Cooper, and Powell have in helping parents form healthy attachments with their kids in ways that help them avoid becoming too hard on themselves and their children.",relationships Say Nothing," contains the awful story of murder amid the Northern Ireland Conflict and a reflection on what caused it, those who were primarily involved, some of the worst parts of what happened, and other details of this dark era in the history of Ireland.",relationships Boys & Sex," shares the best insights that Peggy Orenstein had after two years of asking young men about their sex lives, including why stereotypes make life harder for them, how hookup culture is destroying relationships, and what we as a society can do to help these boys have better, healthier views about and experiences with sex.",relationships The Relationship Cure," will show you how to improve all your relationships whether in a marriage, at work, or with friends, by revealing the science of understanding how others communicate their needs and how to efficiently express your own desires too.",relationships The Social Leap," will help you understand human nature better by explaining the most significant event in our species’ evolutionary history and looking at how we adapted socially, emotionally, and psychologically to survive.",relationships Survival Of The Friendliest," explains why the #1 thing you can do for success is to focus on your social connections, how friendliness was the reason that our early ancestors survived as well as they did, and what you can do today to grow your social capital.",relationships Relationship Goals, will open your mind to the true nature of healthy connections with others and help you prepare for health and happiness while you’re single and when you get married by outlining common relationship traps and how to avoid them.,relationships Power Relationships, shows you how to have a fantastic career and a fulfilling life by connecting with the right people early and growing those relationships.,relationships How To Love," teaches the secrets of caring for and connecting with yourself, your partner, and everyone in the world by looking at love through the lens of mindfulness.",relationships Quiet Power, identifies the hidden superpowers of introverts and empowers them by helping them understand why it’s so difficult to be quiet in a world that’s loud and how to ease their way into becoming confident in social situations.,relationships Thank You For Arguing," outlines the importance of arguments and rhetoric and teaches you how to persuade other people by setting clear goals for your conversations, identifying core issues, using logic, being the kind of person that can win arguments, and much more.",relationships Games People Play, is a classic book about human behavior which explains the wild and interesting psychological games that you and everybody around you play to manipulate each other in self-destructive and divisive ways and how to tame your ego so you can quit playing and enjoy healthier relationships.,relationships The Leadership Challenge, shares the top leadership lessons from 25 years of experience and research of authors James Kouzes and Barry Posner and explains what makes successful managers and how you can apply the same principles to become one yourself.,relationships The Wisdom Of Finance," is a fascinating book that identifies the differences and similarities between the world of money and life experiences like relationships, showing how principles from each of these can benefit each other.",relationships The Apology Impulse," will help you and your business become more authentic in your relationships with others by identifying how much companies say sorry, why they do, how they get it wrong, and the right way to do it.",relationships The Art Of Communicating," will improve your interpersonal and relationship skills by identifying the power of using mindfulness when talking with others, showing you how to listen with respect, convey your ideas efficiently, and most of all deepen your connections with others.",relationships Good People," is a book about business and leadership which explains the importance of focusing on and building integrity in the workplace, including why it’s so vital if you want your company to be successful, how you can get it, and why an emphasis on competencies alone won’t cut it anymore.",relationships The Lucifer Effect," is a book by Philip Zimbardo that explains why you’re not always a good person, identifying the often misunderstood line between good and evil that we all walk by uncovering the shocking results of the authors Stanford Prison Experiment and other cases that show how evil people can be.",relationships Come As You Are," is sex educator Dr. Emily Nagoski’s explanation of the truth about female sexuality, including the hidden science of what turns women on, why it works, how to utilize this knowledge to improve your sex life, and why sexual myths make you feel inadequate in bed.",relationships The Seven Principles For Making Marriage Work," is a compilation of the best lessons from John Gottman’s research on how healthy relationships happen and will teach you exactly what you and your spouse need to do to have a happy, healthy, and successful marriage.",relationships She Comes First," is sex therapist Dr. Ian Kerner’s guide to improving sex by emphasizing the female orgasm, explaining why changing your mindset about sex and focusing on the stimulation of the right places in the right ways can be more enjoyable than intercourse for both men and women.",relationships Mating In Captivity," explains the best sex advice that couples therapist Esther Perel has discovered in over twenty years of experience, and explains the barriers that can kill sexual desire in our domesticated society and what you and your spouse can do to remove them so you can enjoy better emotional and physical intimacy together.",relationships First They Killed My Father," is Loung Ung’s account of the horrific events that she and her family had to go through while living in Cambodia during the Khmer Rouge regime in the 1970s and explains how it devastated their country, the way it separated their family, and how Loung got through it all.",relationships Getting To Yes, is a handbook for having successful negotiations that teaches everything you need to know about resolving conflicts of all kinds and reaching win-win solutions in every discussion without giving in or making the other person unhappy.,relationships Emotional Intelligence 2.0," explains what Emotional Intelligence is and how you can use it to build fantastic relationships in your personal life and career by utilizing the powers of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management.",relationships Presence," is a life-changing guide to growing your self-confidence that shows how posture, mindset, and body language all expand your feeling of empowerment and your communication skills.",relationships On Tyranny," makes you more vigilant of the warning signs of oppression by identifying it’s political nature, how to protect yourself and society, and what you can do to resist dangerous leadership.",relationships Radical Candor,"will teach you how to connect with people at work, push them to be their best, know when and how to fire them, and create an environment of trust and innovation in the workplace.",relationships Weird Parenting Wins," will make you better at raising your kids by sharing some strange ways that fathers and mothers have had success with their children, helping you see that your intuition might just be the greatest tool you have at your disposal.",relationships Hillbilly Elegy, is the inspiring autobiography of J.D. Vance who explains how his life began in poverty and turbulence and what he had to do to beat those difficult circumstances and rise to success.,relationships Leadership and Self-Deception," is a guide to becoming self-aware by learning to see your faults more accurately, understanding other’s strengths and needs, and leaning into your natural instinct to help other people as much as possible.",relationships Becoming The Boss," shows leaders of all kinds, whether new or experienced, how to identify the pitfalls that stand in the way of influencing others for the better and overcome them.",relationships Who Not How," will skyrocket your success, happiness, and fulfillment in all areas of your life by identifying why you’re looking at your problems the wrong way and how simply seeking to get the right people to help you will make all the difference.",relationships The Power Of Showing Up, inspires parents to help their kids develop strong bonds and emotional intelligence by identifying how to be fully present as well as the benefits of doing so.,relationships Thanks For The Feedback, will skyrocket your personal growth and success by helping you see the vital role that criticism of all kinds plays in your ability to improve as a person and by teaching you how to receive it well.,relationships Words Can Change Your Brain," is the ultimate guide to becoming an expert communicator, teaching you how to use psychology to your advantage to express yourself better, listen more, and create an environment of trust with anyone you speak with.",relationships Happier, will improve your mental state and level of success by identifying what you get wrong about joy and how to discover what’s most important to you and how to make those things a more significant part of your life.,relationships Bad Feminist," will show you a new way of looking at equality by revealing some not so common ideas about race, gender, and feminism in the United States.",relationships The Power Of Bad, gives some excellent tips on how to become happier by identifying your tendency toward negativity and what psychology and research have to show you about how to beat it.,relationships Everybody Matters," identifies the best way to become successful in business, help your team members trust you, and enable people to reach their full potential by showing the power of taking better care of your employees as if they were family.",relationships Hold Me Tight, gives you advice on how to build and sustain a deeper connection with your spouse or partner by identifying the importance that every kind of emotion has in creating a lasting relationship and how to handle each of them maturely.,relationships Conscious Uncoupling, will improve your love life by showing you how to break up the right way and why things are going to be okay after you separate from someone you once loved.,relationships So You Want To Talk About Race," will help you make the world a better, fairer place by explaining how deeply entrenched racism is in our culture today and giving specific tips for having effective conversations about it so you can help end this major issue with society.",relationships The Pragmatist’s Guide To Relationships," is an extensive, practical guide to finding a companion, be it for marriage, dating, or sex and building a healthy, happy life with them.",relationships Battle Hymn Of The Tiger Mother, opens your eyes to the potential benefits of tough love by sharing the traditionally Chinese parenting style and experiences of Amy Chua.,relationships 13 Things Mentally Strong Parents Don’t Do," teaches parents how to stop being a roadblock to their kids academic, behavioral, and emotional success by outlining ways to develop the right thinking habits.",relationships Blueprint, helps you have hope for the goodness of the human race by revealing our biologically wired social tendencies that help us survive and thrive by working together.,relationships How To Be An Antiracist," will make you a better, kinder, and more fair person by revealing how deeply ingrained racism is in our society and outlining what we can all do to annihilate it completely.",relationships SPIN Selling," is your guide to becoming an expert salesperson by identifying what the author learned from 35,000 sales calls and 12 years of research on the topic.",relationships The Coaching Habit," outlines the questions, attitudes, and habits required of managers who want to become great at motivating their team to become self-sustaining.",relationships Educated," will help you become more grateful for your schooling, freedom, and normal relationships by explaining the family difficulties that Tara Westover had to break free of so that she could get her own education.",relationships The Advice Trap,"will drastically improve your communication skills and make you more likable, thanks to explaining why defaulting to sharing your opinion about everything is a bad idea and how listening until you truly understand people’s needs will make a much bigger positive difference in their lives.",relationships The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read, will help you step back and focus more on the big picture of parenting to foster a strong relationship with your child so they can grow up emotionally and mentally healthy.,relationships You’re Not Listening, is a book that will improve your communication skills by revealing how uncommon the skill of paying attention to what others are saying is and what experts teach about how to get better at it.,relationships Insight," will help you understand what self-awareness is, why it’s vital if you want to become your best self, and how to overcome the obstacles in the way of having more of it.",relationships All About Love, teaches you how to get more affection and connection in your relationships by explaining why true love is so difficult these days and how to combat the unrealistic expectations society has set up that makes it so hard.,relationships Selfish Reasons to Have More Kids," explains how parents accidentally allowed modernity to suck all the pleasure out of family life, and why they should feel no guilt over choosing a low-stress way of parenting instead. ",relationships The Road Back To You, will teach you more about what kind of person you are by identifying the pros and cons of each personality type within the Enneagram test.,relationships The Hero Factor, teaches by example that real leadership success focuses on people as much as profits.,relationships The Business Romantic, shows how doing business that is focused on passion and connection leads to more success in today’s world.,relationships Brotopia, motivates you to be fairer in the workplace as an employee or employer by revealing the sad sexist state of Silicon Valley.,relationships What They Don’t Teach You At Harvard Business School," teaches why succeeding in business has less to do with accumulated theoretical knowledge through schooling and books, and more about people and communication.",relationships 30 Lessons For Loving, gives the relationship advice of hundreds of couples who have stayed together into old age and will teach you how to have happiness and longevity in your love life.,relationships Leadership Strategy And Tactics," shows you how to become effective when you’re in charge by using the power of traits like accountability, humility, and others that Jocko Willink uses to lead his team of Navy SEALs.",relationships The Algebra of Happiness, outlines the variables in the equation for happiness and how to build them in your life.,relationships The Power Paradox," frames the concept of power in an inspiring new narrative, which can help us create better and more equal relationships, workplaces, and societies.",relationships Between The World And Me, helps us all fight prejudice and prepares young black men in the US for growing up by revealing Ta-Nehisi Coates’s reality of life as a black man dealing with racism in America.,relationships The Body Keeps The Score, teaches you how to get through the difficulties that arise from your traumatic past by revealing the psychology behind them and revealing some of the techniques therapists use to help victims recover.,relationships An Invisible Thread, will help you feel more motivated to be kind to others by sharing the heartwarming story of the incredible friendship between a boy afflicted with poverty and a successful businesswoman.,relationships A Beginner’s Guide To The End," is your guide to using the principles of stillness, cleaning, and grief to prepare for your own or a loved one’s death.",relationships When Breath Becomes Air," helps you see what’s really important by diving into Paul Kalanithi’s life of loving neuroscience, literature, meaning, and his family that ended from cancer in his mid-thirties. ",relationships Why Are We Yelling?," will improve your relationships, professional life, and the way you view the world by showing you that arguments aren’t bad, but important growing experiences if we learn to make them productive.",relationships A General Theory Of Love, will help you reprogram your mind for better emotional intelligence and relationships by teaching you what three psychiatrists have to say about the science of why we experience love and other emotions.,relationships The Go-Giver, teaches a pattern for becoming a better person and seeing more success in business and work by focusing on being authentic and giving as much value as possible. ,relationships The Anatomy Of Peace, will help you make your life and the world more calm by explaining the inefficiencies in our go-to pattern of using conflict to resolve differences and giving specific tips for how to use understanding to settle issues.,relationships The Little Book of Lykke, gives Danish-derived and science-backed tips that will help you be happier.,relationships Extraordinary Influence," helps you become a better leader by revealing what neuroscience has to say about effective leadership, identifying communication as the key to the highest levels of performance.",relationships A Return To Love," will help you let go of resentment, fear, and anger to have happier and healthier jobs and relationships by teaching you how to embrace the power of love.",relationships A Vindication Of The Rights Of Woman, will help you make the world a more fair place by teaching some of the gender inequalities of the eighteenth century.,relationships Unlocking Potential, is a guide that will help you as a leader make a difference in people’s lives in the long run by learning how to coach people in a way that brings to light their greatest strengths and capabilities.,relationships Tell Me More," will help you make everything, even the worst of times, go more smoothly by learning about a few useful phrases to habitually use come rain or shine.",relationships How To Be Black, is a personal story illustrating what it means to be black in a reality largely determined by the white culture.,relationships The 5 Levels Of Leadership, will teach you how to lead others with lasting influence by focusing on your people instead of your position.,relationships Talking To Strangers, helps you better understand and accurately judge the people you don’t know while staying patient and tolerant with others.,relationships Big Potential, will show you that the real secret to success and thriving in all aspects of life is developing strong connections with others and treating them in a way that lifts them up.,relationships The Second Mountain," argues that the key to living a meaningful, fulfilling, and happy life is not found in the pursuit of self-improvement but instead a life of service to others.",relationships Invisible Influence," will help you make better choices by revealing and reducing the effect that others have on your actions, thoughts, and preferences.",relationships The Fine Art Of Small Talk," will teach you how to skillfully start, continue, and end conversations with anyone, no matter how shy you think you are.",relationships Necessary Endings," is a guide to change that explains how you can get rid of unwanted behaviors, events, and people in your life and use the magic of new beginnings to build a better life.",relationships Never Split the Difference,"is one of the best negotiation manuals ever written, explaining why you should never compromise, and how to negotiate like a pro in your everyday life as well as high-stakes situations.",relationships Finite And Infinite Games,"offers the theory that we play many different games in life, showing you that work and relationships are long-term endeavors and how to play them in order to win.",relationships The Charisma Myth," debunks the idea that charisma is a born trait, outlining several tools and exercises you can use to develop a charming social appeal and magnetic personality, even if you’re not extroverted.",relationships Nonviolent Communication," explains how focusing on people’s underlying needs and making observations instead of judgments can revolutionize the way you interact with anybody, even your worst enemies.",relationships Difficult Conversations," identifies why we shy away from some conversations more than others, and what we can do to navigate them successfully and without stress.",relationships The Secret Life of Pronouns," is a collection of research and case studies explaining what our use of pronouns, articles, and other style words can reveal about ourselves.",relationships QBQ!, will teach you to ask better questions and stay accountable and why doing so will change every aspect of your life for the better.,relationships The Road to Character," explains why today’s ever-increasing obsession with the self is eclipsing moral virtues and our ability to build character, and how that gets in the way of our happiness.",relationships Multipliers,"explains the five types of people who inspire, support, and improve others in their organization, showing you how to become one as well as avoid diminishers, the people who drag down others and make it harder for them to perform.",relationships Spy the Lie, is a collection of professional tips on how to more accurately detect when someone is lying to you through a combination of verbal and non-verbal cues.,relationships Social Intelligence," is a complete guide to the neuroscience of relationships, explaining how your social interactions shape you and how you can use these effects to your advantage.",relationships Just Listen, teaches how to get your message across to anyone by using proven listening and persuasion techniques. ,relationships Brainstorm, is a fascinating look into the teenage brain that explains why adolescents act so hormonally and recklessly.,relationships How Emotions Are Made, explores the often misconstrued world of human feelings and the cutting-edge science behind how they’re formed.,relationships Against Empathy, explains the problems with society’s obsession with empathy and explores its limitations while giving us useful alternatives for situations in which it doesn’t work.,relationships The Hidden Life of Trees,"describes how trees can communicate, support each other, learn from experience, and form alliances with other inhabitants of the forest.",relationships The Moral Animal, introduces you to the fascinating world of evolutionary psychology and uncovers the genetic strategies that explain why we do everything we do. ,relationships The Five Dysfunctions of a Team," uses a fable to explain why even the best teams struggle to work together, offering actionable strategies to overcome distrust and office politics in order to achieve important goals as a cohesive, effective unit.",relationships Lost Connections," explains why depression affects so many people and that improving our relationships, not taking medication, is the way to beat our mental health problems.",relationships Crucial Conversations, will teach you how to avoid conflict and come to positive solutions in high-stakes conversations so you can be effective in your personal and professional life. ,relationships Executive Presence,"is an actionable guide to the essential components of a strong leader’s charisma, including and teaching you elements like gravitas, communication, appearance, and others.",relationships No-Drama Discipline, is a refreshing approach to parenting that looks at the neuroscience of a developing child’s brain to understand how to best discipline and teach kids while making them feel loved.,relationships Tribal Leadership,"explains the various roles people take on in organizations, showing you how to navigate, connect, and lead change across the five different stages of your company’s “tribal society.”",relationships The Yes Brain," offers parenting techniques that will give your kids an open attitude towards life, balance, resilience, insight, and empathy.",relationships The 5 Love Languages, shows couples how to make their love last by learning to recognize the unique way their partner feels love.,relationships "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus", helps you improve your relationships by identifying the key differences between men and women.,relationships The Social Animal, weaves social science research into the story of a fictional couple to shed light on the decision-making power of our unconscious minds.,relationships The Third Door, follows an 18-year-old’s wild quest of interviewing many of the world’s most successful people to discover what it takes to get to the top.,relationships How Luck Happens," shows you how to foster your own luck by creating the conditions for it to manifest itself in your work, love and all other aspects of life.",relationships Liespotting," teaches you how to identify deceptive behavior with practical advice and foster a culture of trust, truth, and honesty in your immediate environment.",relationships The Blue Zones Solution," shows you how to adopt the lifestyle and mindset practices of the healthiest, longest-living people on the planet from the five locations with the highest population of centenarians.",relationships Braving The Wilderness," offers a four-step process to find true belonging through authenticity, bravery, trust, and vulnerability since it’s mostly about learning to stand alone rather than trying to fit in.",relationships The Courage To Be Disliked," is a Japanese analysis of the work of 19th-century psychologist Alfred Adler, who established that happiness lies in the hands of each human individual and does not depend on past traumas.",relationships Make Time," is about creating space in your life for what truly matters using highlights, laser-style focus, energizing breaks, and regularly reflecting on how you spend your most valuable asset.",relationships The Energy Bus," is a fable that will help you create positive energy with ten simple rules and make it the center of your life, work, and relationships.",relationships Atomic Habits," is the definitive guide to breaking bad behaviors and adopting good ones in four steps, showing you how small, incremental, everyday routines compound into massive, positive change over time.",relationships The Art Of Seduction," is a template for persuading anyone, whether it’s a business contact, a political adversary, or a love interest, toact in your best interest.",relationships The Laws of Human Nature," helps you understand why people do what they do and how you can use both your own psychological flaws and those of others to your advantage at work, in relationships, and in life.",relationships Dare To Lead," dispels common myths about modern-day workplace culture and shows you that true leadership requires nothing but vulnerability, values, trust, and resilience.",relationships How Successful People Think," lays out eleven specific ways of thinking you can practice to live a better, happier, more successful life.",relationships How To Be A Stoic," is a practical guide to ancient philosophy in modern life, covering the principles Socrates, Epictetus, and Cato followed in the three disciplines of desire, action, and assent.",relationships The Culture Code," examines the dynamics of groups, large and small, formal and informal, to help you understand how great teams work and what you can do to improve your relationships wherever you cooperate with others.",relationships 12 Rules For Life,"is a story-based, stern yet entertaining self-help manual for young people laying out a set of simple rules to help us become more disciplined, behave better, act with integrity, and balance our lives while enjoying them as much as we can.",relationships Principles," holds the set of rules for work and life billionaire investor and CEO of the most successful fund in history, Ray Dalio, has acquired through his 40-year career in finance.",relationships The Road Less Traveled,"is a spiritual classic, combining scientific and religious views to help you grow by confronting and solving your problems through discipline, love and grace.",relationships Finding My Virginity," is Richard Branson’s follow-up biography, which shares the highlights of his entrepreneurial journey over the past two decades.",relationships I Thought It Was Just Me (But It Isn’t), helps you understand and better manage the complicated and painful feeling of shame.,relationships Pre-Suasion," takes you through the latest social psychology research to explain how marketers, persuaders and our environment primes us to say certain things and take specific actions, as well as how you can harness the same ideas to master the art of persuasion.",relationships "If You’re So Smart, Why Aren’t You Happy"," walks you through the seven deadly sins of unhappiness, which will show you how small the correlation between success and happiness truly is and help you avoid chasing the wrong things in your short time here on earth.",relationships The Life-Changing Magic Of Not Giving A F*ck," is a funny, practical guide to mental decluttering, giving you actionable tips to stop caring about things that don’t really matter to you, without feeling ashamed or guilty.",relationships You Are A Badass," helps you become self-aware, figure out what you want in life and then summon the guts to not worry about the how, kick others’ opinions to the curb and focus your life on the thing that will make you happy.",relationships Labor of Love," illustrates the history of modern dating as we know it, starting from its origins in the late 1800s all the way to the dating websites and apps we know today.",relationships At Home," takes you on a tour of the modern home, using each room as occasion to reminisce about the history of its tradition, thus enlightening you with how the amenities and comforts of everyday life you now take for granted have come to be.",relationships Ego Is The Enemy," reveals why a tendency that’s hardwired into our brains — the belief that the world revolves around us and us alone — keeps holding us back from living the very life it dreams up for us, including what we can do to overcome our ego, be kinder to others and ourselves, and achieve true greatness.",relationships Plato At The Googleplex,"asks what would happen if ancient philosopher Plato were alive today and came in contact with the modern world, for example by touring Google’s headquarters, and what the implications of his encounters are for the relevance of philosophy in our civilized, hyper-technological world.",relationships The Power Of The Other," shows you the surprisingly big influence other people have on your life, what different kinds of relationships you have with them and how you can cultivate more good ones to replace the bad, fake or unconnected andlive a more fulfilled life.",relationships Unlimited Power," is a self-help classic, which breaks down how Tony Robbins has helped top performers achieve at their highest level and how you can use the same mental and physical tactics to accomplish your biggest goals in life.",relationships When To Rob A Bank, is a collection of the best of the Freakonomics authors’ blog posts from over 10 years of blogging about economics in all areas of our life.,relationships The Gifts Of Imperfection," shows you how to embrace your inner flaws to accept who you are, instead of constantly chasing the image of who you’re trying to be, because other people expect you to act in certain ways.",relationships The Sunflower, recounts an experience of holocaust survivor Simon Wiesenthal,relationships How Will You Measure Your Life," shows you how to sustain motivation at work and in life to spend your time on earth happily and fulfilled, by focusing not just on money and your career, but your family, relationships and personal well-being.",relationships Move Your Bus,"illustrates the different kinds of groups in organizations, how leaders can inspire those groups, and what individuals can do to become highly valued, productive members of the organizations they serve.",relationships The 8th Habit," is about finding your voice and helping others discover their own, in order to thrive at work in the Information Age, where interdependence is more important than independence.",relationships The Longevity Project," shows you how you can live longer by analyzing the results from one of the world’s longest-lasting studies and drawingsurprisingconclusions about the work ethic, happiness, love, marriage and religion of people who have lived to old age.",relationships Mindsight," offers a new way of transforming your life for the better by connecting emotional awareness with the right reactions in your body, based on the work of a renowned pyschologistand his patients.",relationships The World According To Star Wars," Summary examines not only the unrivaled popularity of this epic franchise, but also what we can learn from it about the real world about politics, law, economics and even ourselves.",relationships A Force For Good," is a universal call to turn ourcompassion outward and use it to improve ourselves and the world around us in science, religion, social issues, business and education.",relationships The Lessons Of History," describes recurring themes and trends throughout 5,000 years of human history, viewed through the lenses of 12 different fields, aimed at explaining the present, the future, human nature and the inner workings of states.",relationships 59 Seconds," shows you several self-improvement hacks, grounded in the science of psychology, which you can use to improve your mindset, happiness and life in less than a minute.",relationships Give And Take," explains the three different types of how we interact with others and shows you why being a giver is, contrary to popular belief, the best way to success in business and life.",relationships Rising Strong," describes a 3-phase process of bouncing back from failure, which you can implement both in your own life and as a team or company, in order to embrace setbacks as part of life, deal with your emotions, confront your own ideas and rise stronger every time.",relationships The Art Of Asking," teaches you to finally accept the help of others, stop trying to do everything on your own, and show you how you can build a closely knit family of friends and supporters by being honest, generous and not afraid to ask.",relationships The Better Angels Of Our Nature," illustrates why we live in the most peaceful time ever in history, by looking at what motivates us to behave violently, how these motivators are outweighed by our tendencies towards a peaceful life and which major shifts in history caused this global reduction in crime.",relationships Ignore Everybody," outlines 40 ways for creative people to let their inner artist bubble to the surface by staying in control of their art, not selling out and refusingto conform towhat the world wants you to do.",relationships I Wear The Black Hat," shows you that determining if a person is good or bad isn’t as straightforward as you might think, by uncovering some of the biases that make us see people in a different light, regardless of their true intentions.",relationships The Facebook Effect," is the only official account of the history of the world’s largest social network, explaining why it’s so successful and how it’s changed both the world and us.",relationships The Education Of A Value Investor," is the story of how Guy Spier turned away from his greedy, morally corrupted investment banking environment and into a true value investor by modeling his work and life after Warren Buffett and his value investing approach.",relationships The Selfish Gene," explains the process of evolution in biology using genes as its basic unit, showing how they manifest in the form of organisms, what they do to ensure their own survival, how they program our brains, which strategies have worked best throughout history and what makes humans so special in this context.",relationships The Upside Of Irrationality,"shows you the many ways in which you act irrational, while thinking what you’re doing makes perfect sense, and how this irrational behavior can actually be beneficial, as long as you use it the right way.",relationships To Sell Is Human," shows you that selling is part of your life, no matter what you do, and what a successful salesperson looks like in the 21st century, with practical ideas to help you convince others in a more honest, natural and sustainable way.",relationships Are You Fully Charged," shows you the three keys to arriving at work and life with a battery that’s brimming with happiness and motivation, which are energy, interactions and meaning, and how to implement them in your day.",relationships People Over Profit," evaluates the four stages most companies go through as they mature, moving from honest over efficiency to deception and, if they’re lucky, redemption, unless they foster seven core beliefs and stay honest all the way to the end.",relationships Year of Yes, details famous TV-show creator Shonda Rhimes’s change from introversion to socialite by saying “Yes” to anything for a full year and how she was finally able to face her fears and start loving herself.,relationships Peak: How Great Companies Get Their Mojo From Maslow," explains why relationships are the most valuable currency in both business and life, by examining how Chip Conley",relationships Who Moved My Cheese," tells a parable, which you can directly apply to your own life, in order to stop fearing what lies ahead and instead thrive in an environment of change and uncertainty.",relationships The One Minute Manager," gives managers three simple tools that each take 60 seconds or less to use but can tremendously improve their efficiency in getting people to stay motivated, happy, and ready to deliver great work.",relationships Never Eat Alone," is a modern classic, which explains the art of networking and gives you actionable advice on how you can harness the power of good relationships and become a good networker to build a career you love.",relationships How To Be A Positive Leader," taps into the expertise of 17 leadership experts to show you how you can become a positive leader, who empowers everyone around him, whether at work or at home, with small changes, that compound into a big impact.",relationships Why We Love," delivers a scientific explanation for love, shows you how it developed historically and evolutionarily, tells you what we’re all attracted to and where we differ, and of course gives you actionable advice to deal with both the exciting, successful romance in your life, as well as its sometimes inevitable fallout.",relationships Emotional Intelligence," explains the importance of emotions in your life, how they help and hurt your ability to navigate the world, followed by practical advice on how to improve your own emotional intelligence and why that is thekey to leading a successful life.",relationships The Blue Zones," gives you advice on how to live to be 100 years and older by looking at five spots across the planet, where people live the longest, and drawing lessons about what they eat, drink, how they exercise and which habits most shape their lives.",relationships The Truth," sees Neil Strauss draw lessons about monogamy, love and relationships learned from depression, sex addiction treatment, swinger parties and science labs, in the decade after becoming one of the world’s most notorious pick-up artists and desired single men on the planet.",relationships First Things First," shows you how to stop looking at the clock and start looking at the compass, by figuring out what’s important, prioritizing those things in your life, developing a vision for the future, building the right relationships and becoming a strong leader wherever you go.",relationships Happier At Home," is an instruction manual to transform your home into a castle of happiness by figuring out what needs to be changed, what needs to stay the same, and embracing the gift of family.",relationships Tribes," turns you from a sheepwalker into a heretic, by giving you the tools to start your own tribe, explaining why they’re the future of business and showing you that you too, can be a leader.",relationships The Happiness Project," will show you how to change your life, without actually changing your life, thanks to the findings of modern science, ancient history and popular culture about happiness, which the author tested for a year and now shares with you.",relationships Attached," delivers a scientific explanation why some relationships thrive and steer a clear path over a lifetime, while others crash and burn, based on the human need for attachment and the three different styles of it.",relationships The Honest Truth About Dishonesty," reveals our motivation behind cheating, why it’s not entirely rational, and, based on many experiments, what we can do to lessen the conflict between wanting to get ahead and being good people.",relationships How To Win Friends And Influence People," teaches you countless principles to become a likable person, handle your relationships well, win others over and help them change their behavior without being intrusive.",relationships The Power Of No," is an encompassing instruction manual for you to harness the power of this little word to get healthy, rid yourself of bad relationships, embrace abundance and ultimately say yes to yourself.",relationships The Achievement Habit," shows you that being an achiever can be learned, by using the principles of design thinking to walk you through several stories and exercises, which will get you to stop wishing and start doing.",relationships "Mistakes Were Made, But Not By Me"," takes you on a journey of famous examples and areas of life where mistakes are hushed up instead of admitted, showing you along the way how thishinders progress, why we do it in the first place, and what you can do to start honestly admitting your own.",relationships What Every Body Is Saying," is an ex-FBI agents guide to reading non-verbal cues, which will help you spot others’ true intentions and feelings, even when their mouths are saying something different.",relationships The Speed Of Trust," not only explains the economics of trust, but also shows you how to cultivate great trust in yourself, your relationships, and the three kinds of stakeholders you’ll deal with when you’re running a company.",relationships Choose Yourself," is a call to give up traditional career paths and take your life into your own hands by building good habits, creating your own career, and making a decision to choose yourself.",relationships Sex at Dawn,"challenges conventional views on sex by diving deep into our ancestors’ sexual history and the rise of monogamy, thus prompting us to rethink our understanding of what sex and relationships should really feel and be like.",relationships Influence," has been the go-to book for marketers since its release in 1984, which deliverssix key principles behind human influence and explains them with countless practical examples.",relationships The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People," teaches you both personal and professional effectiveness bychanging your view of how the world works and giving you 7 habits, which, if adopted well, will lead you to immense success.",relationships The Little Prince," is a beautiful children’s story full of valuable lessons for adults, recounting the tale of an aviator and a little boy from a distant planet, both stranded in the desert, looking to get home, sharing what they’ve learned about life.",happiness The Picture of Dorian Gray," tells the story of a young, beautiful man who trades his soul for eternal youth, then descends further and further into a moral abyss — until he discovers there is, after all, a price to pay for his actions.",happiness "The Great Gatsby is an American classic following Jay Gatsby’s quest to win back his long-lost love by faking a successful life, ","depicting the struggles around love, relationships, societal standing, and consumerism of people in the “roaring” 1920s.",happiness The Light We Carry," is a set of practices to help you stay calm, optimistic, and confident in an unpredictable world, based on Michelle Obama’s life experiences as a woman, mother, lawyer, daughter, leader, and the former First Lady of the United States.",happiness Dear Girls," is a collection of letters written by comedian Ali Wong to her two daughters, recounting tales from her youth and life in an attempt to pass on some hard-earned wisdom to them and anyone willing to listen to her story.",happiness Never Finished," is an inspiring blueprint for leveling up in the game of life that never ends, offering 8 evolutions of thought, painful truths, and motivating stories to help you smash any and all glass ceilings in your life.",happiness The Highly Sensitive Person,"is a self-assessment guide and how-to-live template for people who feel, relate, process, and notice more deeply than others, and who frequently suffer from overstimulation as a result.",happiness Bittersweet," explains where emotions like sorrow, longing, and sadness come from and what their purpose in our lives is, as well as helping us deal with grief, loss, and our own mortality.",happiness The Power of Regret," is a deep dive into an emotion we all experience, outlining in three parts why regret makes us more human, not less, which four core regrets plague us all, and how we can accept and reshape our mistakes into better futures instead of keeping them as skeletons in our closets.",happiness Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?," is a collection of a clinical psychologist’s best practical advice to combat anxiety and depression and improve our mental health in small increments, collected from over a decade of 1-on-1 work with patients.",happiness The Financial Diet," is a compendium of clever money tips for beginners, offering thrifty spending advice and sound money strategies in a wide range of areas, such as budgeting, investing, work, food, home, and even love.",happiness Just Keep Buying," will help you answer the big questions about saving and investing money with clever stories and interesting data, all while acknowledging that your needs and desires will change throughout life and that, therefore, your financial behavior will have to do the same.",happiness The Midnight Library," tells the story of Nora, a depressed woman in her 30s, who, on the day she decides to die, finds herself in a library full of lives she could have lived, where she discovers there’s a lot more to life, even her current one, than she had ever imagined.",happiness Brave New World," presents a futuristic society engineered perfectly around capitalism and scientific efficiency, in which everyone is happy, conform, and content — but only at first glance.",happiness The Catcher in the Rye," describes the adventures of well-off teenage boy Holden Caulfield on a weekend out alone in New York City, illuminating the struggles of young adults with existential questions of morality, identity, meaning, and connection.",happiness Stolen Focus,"explains why our attention spans have been dwindling for decades, how technology accelerates this worrying trend, and what we can do to reclaim our focus and thus our capacity to live meaningful lives.",happiness The Daily Laws,"is a page-a-day, calendar-style book covering the three big topics of mastery, power, and emotions, sharing Robert Greene’s best lessons from 20 years of research of the dynamics within and between humans.",happiness Dopamine Nation,"talks about the importance of living a balanced life in relation to all the pleasure and stimuli we’re surrounded with on a daily basis, such as drugs, devices, porn, gambling facilities, showing us how to avoid becoming dopamine addicts by restricting our access to them.",happiness Discipline Is Destiny," is a three-part manual to master and implement the Stoic virtue of temperance, aka discipline, in your life, thus improving your body, mind, and spirit.",happiness The How of Happiness," describes a scientific approach to being happier by giving you a short quiz to determine your “happiness set point,” followed by various tools and tactics to help you take control of the large chunk of happiness that’s fully within your grasp.",happiness Will," is world-famous actor and musician Will Smith’s autobiography, outlining his life’s story all the way from his humble beginnings in West Philadelphia to achieving fame as a musician and then global stardom as an actor and, ultimately, one of the most influential people of our time.",happiness Resilience," will help you find joy in self-transformation, showing you ways to become more positive, hard-working, and face hardship with the kind of bravery and optimism that will get you through any challenge.",happiness The Greatest Secret," comes as a sequel to “The Secret,” which was a worldwide phenomenon when it first came out as it presented the idea that one can change their own life by tapping into the Universe’s powers and asking for their wildest dreams to come true using the law of attraction.",happiness Loserthink," talks about the sabotaging thinking habits that run our minds and paralyze us when it comes to taking charge of life, and how we can overcome them with small, incremental steps that drive powerful change.",happiness Siddhartha," presents the self-discovery expedition of a man during the time of the Buddha who, unsure of what life really means to him, takes an exploratory journey to pursue the highs and lows of life, which ultimately leads him to discover the equilibrium in all things and a higher wisdom within.",happiness No Hard Feelings, is a practical book for better managing the emotional side of work and building the skills needed to enhance your performance both within your role and more broadly throughout your career path by finding motivation again and managing negative emotions.,happiness The Art of Living," talks about living a peaceful life through meditation and gratitude, especially by using the Vipassana meditation technique and the philosophy behind Buddhism, which promotes developing a clearer vision of life and seeing things as they truly are.",happiness The Universe Has Your Back," explores the importance of spiritual elevation, meditation, and ways to live by a mantra that serves you in your self-discovery journey that will shape your reality through new and improved thoughts and inner beliefs.",happiness Love Warrior," delves into the life of Glennon Doyle, a woman who battled with self-destructive behaviors, eating disorders, depression, and many more challenges before finally embracing the life she deserved and started living meaningfully while being true to herself.",happiness The Mind Illuminated," is the definitive guide to meditation and consciousness, as it teaches its readers how meditation works, and how to navigate the ten stages of conscious breathing and intentional practice of mindfulness, all while highlighting why meditation is so crucial in everyone’s lives.",happiness The Courage to Be Happy, offers a hands-on guide to living a meaningful life and letting go of negative thoughts by compiling the groundbreaking theories of psychologist Alfred Adler with other valuable research into an all-in-one book for becoming a happy and fulfilled person.,happiness Die With Zero," teaches us that wealth accumulation isn’t the only aspect of our life that we should be chasing, but rather keep an eye on meaningful experiences, our relationships, and the limited time we have on earth.",happiness Untamed," is an inspiring memoir of Glennon Doyle, a woman who found peace and inner strength by challenging life in all its areas, from love to parenting, personal growth, and work, after going through a powerful change that led her to discover crucial aspects about herself and allowed her to build a new life.",happiness Your Money Or Your Life," is the ultimate guide to financial freedom, as it explores nine effective ways to stop living paycheck to paycheck, get out of debt, earn enough money to make more than just a living, and start living your life worry free from a financial point of view.",happiness "Good Vibes, Good Life"," explores ways to unlock your true potential by loving yourself more, practicing self-care, manifesting your wishes, and transforming negative emotions into positive ones using simple tips and tricks for a happy life.",happiness What to Say When You Talk to Yourself," is a book by Shad Helmstetter, a self-help guru who has written several pieces on the subject of self-talk, and who argues that in order to achieve our highest self we need to work on how we talk to ourselves and identify our biggest challenge to conquer.",happiness Daily Rituals," is a compilation of the best practices and habits of successful people from different fields aimed to help anyone increase productivity, get past writer’s block, and become more creative and efficient in their everyday work.",happiness The 100-Year Life," teaches you how to be resourceful and prepare ahead of time for a world in which people not only live longer but reach an age in the triple-digits, and talks about what you should be doing right now to ensure you have enough money for retirement.",happiness The Daily Stoic," is a year-long compilation of short, daily meditations from ancient Stoic philosophers like Seneca, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, and others, teaching you equanimity, resilience, and perseverance",happiness That Sounds Fun," uncovers the secrets of a happy life: mindfulness, love, joy, and a good dose of doing whatever makes us happy as often as we can, starting from simple, day-to-day activities, to much bigger life experiences that speak to our soul.",happiness Designing Your Work Life," is a helpful guidebook for anyone who wants to create and maintain a work environment that is both happy and productive by working with what they already have, rather than keep on changing jobs in hope of finding better.",happiness The Bhagavad Gita," is the number one spiritual text in Hinduism, packed with wisdom about life and purpose as well as powerful advice on living virtuously but authentically without succumbing to life’s temptations or other people’s dreams.",happiness Love People Use Things," conceptualizes the idea of living a simple, minimalist life while focusing on what’s important, such as the people next to us, and making the most of every moment spent with those we love.",happiness Everyday Zen," explains the philosophy of a meaningful life and teaches you how to reinvent yourself by accepting the grand wisdom and energy of the universe and learning to sit still, have more compassion, love more, and find beauty in your life.",happiness Your Erroneous Zones," offers a hands-on guide on how to escape negative thinking, falling into your own self-destructive patterns, take charge of your thoughts and implicitly, your emotions, and how to build a better version of yourself starting with putting yourself first and not caring about what others may think.",happiness Courage Is Calling,"analyzes the actions taken in difficult situations by some of history’s leading figures, thus drawing conclusions about what makes someone courageous and showing you how to become a braver person day-by-day, step-by-step.",happiness Chatter," will help you make sense of the inner mind chatter that frequently takes over your mind, showing you how to quiet negative thoughts, stop overthinking, feel less anxious, and develop useful practices to consistently alleviate negative emotions.",happiness The Mountain Is You," is a self-discovery book that aims to help its readers tap into their own power and discover their potential by overcoming trauma, life’s challenges, and working on their emotional damages, all through accepting change, envisioning a prosperous future, and stopping the self-sabotage.",happiness Wintering," highlights the similarities between the cold season of the year and the period of hardship in a human life, by emphasizing how everything eventually passes in time, and how we can learn to embrace challenging times by learning from wolves, from the cold, and how our ancestors dealt with the winter.",happiness The Almanack of Naval Ravikant," compiles the valuable lessons of Naval Ravikant, who teaches people how to build wealth and achieve long-term happiness by working on a few essential skills, all while discovering the secrets of living a good life.",happiness Four Thousand Weeks," explores the popularized concept of time management from a different point of view, by tapping into ancient knowledge from famous philosophers, researchers, and spiritual figures, rather than promoting the contemporary idea of high-level productivity and constant self-optimization.",happiness The Nicomachean Ethics,"is a historically important text compiling Aristotle’s extensive discussion of existential questions concerning happiness, ethics, friendship, knowledge, pleasure, virtue, and even society at large.",happiness Happy Together," is written by two of the world’s most renowned psychologists, and it explores the concept of love and relationships by teaching its readers how to build and maintain happy, flourishing connections and how to optimize their couple life by focusing on the good and healthily dealing with the bad.",happiness The Practice of Groundedness," provides a more grounded way of living by eliminating the cult of being productive all the time to achieve success, instead offering a way to be at peace with yourself, prioritizing mental health and a simple yet meaningful life. ",happiness Atlas of the Heart," maps out a series of human emotions and their meaning and explores the psychology behind a human’s feelings and how they make up our lives and change our behaviors, and how to build meaningful connections by learning how to deal with them.",happiness The High 5 Habit," is a self-improvement book that aims to help anyone who deals with self-limitations take charge of their life by establishing a morning routine, ditching negative talk, and transforming their life through positivity and confidence.",happiness Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers," explores the leading causes of stress and how to keep it under control, as well as the biological science behind stress, which can be a catalyst for performance in the short term, but a potential threat in the long run.",happiness How to Raise an Adult," serves as a practical guide for all the parents who want to raise responsible and independent adults, but often catch themselves falling into the trap of over protecting their children and actually inhibiting their natural evolution and the growing up process.",happiness Trust Yourself," offers career and wellbeing advice from a sensitive striver’s point of view, a introvert-leaning character type that comes with plenty of positive traits but is also prone to burnout, giving practical tips on breaking free from stress and perfectionism for a healthier, more balanced life.",happiness Perfectly Confident," explores the idea of confidence and offers a series of valuable practices that anyone can implement in their life to improve this aspect, as well as an overview of how confidence is supposed to look and feel like in its realest form, without adding or subtracting too much of it. ",happiness Unbeatable Mind," explores the idea that everyone has a higher self-potential lying underneath that they ought to explore and tap into in order to live their life to the fullest and maximize their happiness and success, all possible through the 20X rule.",happiness Love Worth Making," delves into the subject of sexuality and explores ways to create meaningful and exciting sexual experiences in a long-lasting relationship, based on his experience of over thirty years working with couples, all by focusing on the sexual feelings instead of the techniques.",happiness The Great Mental Models, will improve your decision-making process by sharing some unique but well-documented thinking models you can use to interact more efficiently with the world and other people.,happiness No More Mr. Nice Guy," explores ways to eliminate the “Nice Guy Syndrome”, which implies being a man that avoids conflicts at all costs and prefers to show only his nice side to the world, even when it affects him negatively by damaging his personality and preventing him from achieving his goals in life.",happiness The Alter Ego Effect," offers a practical approach on how to construct and benefit from alter egos, or the little heroes inside you, so as to achieve your desired goals and build a successful life with the help of a few key role models that you can borrow some attributes from or even impersonate in times of need.",happiness Anxiety at Work," outlines the importance of having a harmonious working environment due to the constant increase in people’s stress levels from their professional lives, and how managers, direct supervisors, CEOs, and other executive bodies can help reduce it by fostering a healthy environment.",happiness Real Help," offers a hands-on approach to improving your life and achieving unconventional success through a happy, fulfilled, ordinary life, rather than fighting the broken system until you’ve got millions in the bank and out-of-the-ordinary achievements.",happiness The Comfort Book," explores how depression feels like and its effects on our mind and body, and how we can overcome it by taking small, but significant steps in that direction, starting with finding hope, being more present at the moment, and acknowledging that we’re enough.",happiness The Self-Discipline Blueprint," delves into the subject of self-actualization and why it is crucial for humans to achieve a fulfilled and successful life by creating a routine and becoming focused, self-disciplined and hard-working.",happiness "Humor, Seriously"," explores how bringing fun and entertainment into the workplace can enhance team productivity, spark creativity, increase trust between members and improve people’s overall sentiment in relation to work and job-related activities.",happiness U Thrive," explores the topic of college life and offers practical advice on how to diminish stress and anxiety from exams, deadlines, unfitting roommates, while thriving in the campus, academic life, and creating meaningful experiences.",happiness The Joy of Missing Out," explores today’s idea of productivity and common misconceptions about what it means to be productive, as well as how eliminating unnecessary stress by prioritizing effectively can help us live a better life.",happiness Legendary Service," talks about the principles behind extraordinary customer service and how a company can implement them to achieve a competitive advantage and stand out on the market using simple, yet crucial tactics to satisfy customers.",happiness Unfu*k Yourself, offers practical advice on how to get out of your self-destructive thoughts and take charge of your life by learning how to control them and motivate yourself to take more responsibility for your life than you ever have before.,happiness Radical Honesty," looks into the concept of lying and how we can train ourselves to avoid doing it as only through morality we can live an honest life, although our natural inclination to lie can sometimes push us to alter the truth.",happiness Thrivers," explores the perspective of a child born in today’s fast-paced, digital era and how the average minor is being educated towards higher-than-usual achievements, being mature, responsible and successful, instead of being happy and focused on their own definition of success.",happiness Safe People," focuses on the importance of recognizing the types of people, distinguishing between the safe and unsafe ones, avoiding toxic relationships, and establishing meaningful ones by reading people and trusting God.",happiness Be Where Your Feet Are," explores the enlightening life lessons that one of America’s top-tier sports personalities has to give, from being present in the moment and living in a meaningful way, to achieving a more fulfilling and successful life.",happiness The Leader In You," explores how the world leaders managed to achieve performance in their lives by creating meaningful connections and reaching a higher level of productivity through a positive, proactive mindset.",happiness The Last Lecture,"is a college professor’s final message to the world before his impending death of cancer at a relatively young age, offering meaningful life advice, significant words of wisdom, and a great deal of optimism and hope for humanity.",happiness Work Less Finish More," is a hands-on guide to adopting a more focused frame of mind and developing habits that will enhance your productivity levels, give you a sense of accomplishment and put you in the right direction in order to achieve your objectives.",happiness How To Do The Work," is a go-to guide that teaches us how to establish a mind-body-spirit connection and create better connections with the people around us by exploring how these aspects are interconnected and influenced by the way we eat, think, and feel.",happiness Keep Showing Up," explores the struggles that married couples face on a daily basis, from falling into a routine to fighting over their children, and how to overcome them by being grateful, positive and re-establishing a connection with God. ",happiness The Burnout Fix," delivers practical advice on how to thrive in the dynamic working environment we revolve around every day by setting healthy boundaries, keeping a work-life balance, and prioritizing our well-being.",happiness Forest Bathing," explores the Japanese tradition of shinrin-yoku, a kind of forest therapy based on immersion in nature, and the various health and wellbeing benefits we can derive from it to live better, calmer lives.",happiness Goals!," By Brian Tracy shows you how to unleash the power of goal setting to help you get or become whatever you want, identifying ways to set goals that lead you to success by being specific, challenging yourself, thinking positively, preparing, adjusting your timelines on big goals, and more.",happiness The Kindness Method," by Shahroo Izadi teaches how self-compassion and understanding make forming habits easier than being hard on yourself, using the personal experiences of the author and what she’s learned as an addiction recovery therapist to show how self-esteem is the true key to behavior change.",happiness Soundtracks," teaches you how to beat overthinking by challenging whether your thoughts are true, retiring unhelpful and unkind ideas, adopting thought-boosting mantras from others, using symbols to reinforce positive thoughts, and more.",happiness 75 Hard," is a fitness challenge and book that teaches mental toughness by making you commit to five daily critical tasks for 75 days straight, including drinking a gallon of water, reading 10 pages of a non-fiction book, doing two 45-minute workouts, taking a progress picture, and following a diet.",happiness How To Fail," shows the surprising benefits of going through a difficult time through the experiences of the author, Elizabeth Day, including the failures in her life that she’s grateful for and how they’ve helped her grow, uncovering why we shouldn’t be so afraid of failure but instead embrace it.",happiness How To Change,"identifies the stumbling blocks that are in your way of reaching your goals and improving yourself and the research-backed ways to get over them, including how to beat some of the worst productivity and life problems like procrastination, laziness, and much more.",happiness The Art of Stopping Time," teaches a framework of mindfulness, philosophy, and time-management you can use to achieve Time Prosperity, which is having plenty of time to reach your dreams without overwhelm, tumult, or constriction.",happiness What Are You Doing With Your Life?," turns traditional ideas about happiness and the purpose of life on its head by diving into the details of life’s most important questions, all so you can live with intention and joy more consistently.",happiness The Way of Integrity," uses science, spirituality, humor, and Dante’s Divine Comedy to teach you how to find well-being, healing, a sense of purpose, and much more by rediscovering integrity, or the recently lost art of living true to yourself by what you do, think and say.",happiness Journey of Awakening," explains the basics of meditation using ideas from multiple spiritual sources, including how to avoid the mental traps that make it difficult so you can practice frequently and make mindfulness, and the many benefits that come with it, part of your daily life.",happiness Feel Great Lose Weight, goes beyond fad diets and quick fixes for weight problems and instead dives into the science of how your body really works when you put food into it and how you can use this information to be fitter and feel better.,happiness Born To Win," explores how planning and preparation is the only way to win in life and shows you how to use these tools in combination with a vision, goals, and thinking positively to become a winner in all aspects of life.",happiness Boundaries," explains, with the help of modern psychology and Christian ideals, how to improve your mental health and personal growth by establishing guidelines for self-care that include saying no more often and standing firm in your decisions rather than letting people walk all over you.",happiness Do Nothing," explores the idea that our focus on being productive all the time is making us less effective because of how little rest we get, identifying how the consequences of overworking ourselves, and the benefits of taking time off, make a compelling argument that we should spend more time doing nothing.",happiness The Bullet Journal Method, introduces a unique system for organizing you can use t,happiness Intimacy And Desire," uses case studies of couples in therapy to show how partners can turn their normal sexual struggles and issues with sexual desire into a journey of personal, spiritual, and psychological growth that leads to a stronger bond and deeper, healthier desires for each other.",happiness Open, is the autobiography of world-famous tennis player Andre Agassi in which he details his struggles and successes on the way to self-awareness and balance while he was also trying to handle the constant pressures and difficulties that came from being one of the best tennis players in the world.,happiness Beyond Order," is the follow-up to Jordan Peterson’s bestselling book 12 Rules for Life and identifies another 12 rules to live by that help us live with and even embrace the chaos that we struggle with every day, identifying that too much order can be a problem just as much as too much disorder.",happiness Ten Arguments For Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now," shows why you should quit social media because it stops joy, makes you a jerk, erodes truth, kills empathy, takes free will, keeps the world insane, destroys authenticity, blocks economic dignity, makes politics a mess, and hates you.",happiness The Drama Of The Gifted Child," is an international bestseller that will help you unearth your sad, suppressed memories from childhood that still haunt you today and teach you how to confront them so you can avoid passing them on to your children, release yourself from the pains of your past, and finally be free to live a life of fulfillment.",happiness Think Again," will make you more intelligent, persuasive, and self-aware by identifying the power of being humble about what you don’t know, how to recognize blind spots in your thinking before they start causing you problems, and what you can do to become more effective at convincing others of your way of thinking.",happiness Forgiving What You Can’t Forget," teaches you how to heal from past traumas that still haunt you today by going through the lessons that author Lysa TerKeurst learned from childhood abuse and an unfaithful spouse, which have helped her find peace even in tough situations by forgiving those who have wronged her.",happiness The End Of Illness, will change the way that you think of sickness and health by identifying the problems with the current mindset around them and how focusing on the systems within your body instead of disease will help you make better-informed decisions that will keep you on the path of good health.,happiness Raising A Secure Child," teaches new parents how to feel confident that they can meet their child’s needs without making them too attached by outlining the experience that Hoffman, Cooper, and Powell have in helping parents form healthy attachments with their kids in ways that help them avoid becoming too hard on themselves and their children.",happiness Boys & Sex," shares the best insights that Peggy Orenstein had after two years of asking young men about their sex lives, including why stereotypes make life harder for them, how hookup culture is destroying relationships, and what we as a society can do to help these boys have better, healthier views about and experiences with sex.",happiness Unlearn, will show you how to win even in changing circumstances by revealing why the patterns you used for past successes won’t always work and how to adopt a learning attitude to stop them from holding you back.,happiness My Morning Routine," is the ultimate guide to building healthy habits in the hours right after you wake up with tips backed up by the experiences of some of the most successful people in the world, including Ryan Holiday, Chris Guillebeau, Nir Eyal, and many more.",happiness Under Pressure," uncovers the hidden anxieties and stresses that school-aged girls experience and what parents, educators, and all of us can do to help them break through it and succeed.",happiness Mindful Work," is your guide to understanding how the practice of meditation got its roots in Western society, the many ways it radically improves your brain’s ability to do almost everything, and how it will improve your productivity.",happiness Phantoms In The Brain, will make you smarter about your own mind by sharing what scientists have learned from some of the most interesting experiences of patients with neurological disorders.,happiness Pivot," will give you the confidence you need to change careers by showing you how to prepare by examining your strengths, working with the right people, testing ideas, and creating opportunities.",happiness The Social Leap," will help you understand human nature better by explaining the most significant event in our species’ evolutionary history and looking at how we adapted socially, emotionally, and psychologically to survive.",happiness Survival Of The Friendliest," explains why the #1 thing you can do for success is to focus on your social connections, how friendliness was the reason that our early ancestors survived as well as they did, and what you can do today to grow your social capital.",happiness The Charge," shows you how to unlock the baseline and forward human drives within you that will help you get energized, grounded, and working so that you can have the life of happiness and fulfillment you’ve always wanted.",happiness Relationship Goals, will open your mind to the true nature of healthy connections with others and help you prepare for health and happiness while you’re single and when you get married by outlining common relationship traps and how to avoid them.,happiness Thoughts Without A Thinker," helps you get more peace, overcome mental illness, and ease suffering by outlining the principles of Buddhism, mindfulness, and meditation as they relate to psychoanalysis.",happiness Get Out Of Your Head," shows you how to break the pattern of negative thinking so you can consistently entertain healthier and happier thoughts by teaching simple tips like being alone, connecting with others, and reconnecting with God.",happiness Getting COMFY, will show you how to improve each day of your life by identifying why you need to begin the right way and giving a step-by-step framework to make it happen.,happiness How To Love," teaches the secrets of caring for and connecting with yourself, your partner, and everyone in the world by looking at love through the lens of mindfulness.",happiness Curious," is your guide to becoming more intelligent by harnessing the power of inquisitiveness and outlines the true nature of curiosity, how to keep it flourishing to become smarter, and what you might unknowingly be doing to suffocate its power.",happiness Late Bloomers, will help you become more patient with the speed of your progress by identifying the damaging influences of early achievement culture and societal pressure and how to be proud of reaching your peak later in life.,happiness It’s All In Your Head," will motivate you to work hard, stay determined, and believe you can achieve your dreams by sharing the rise to fame of the prolific composer Russ.",happiness Brain Wash," will show you how to have a more peaceful, contented life by revealing what’s wrong with all of the bad habits that society accepts as normal, how they affect our brains, and the 10-day program you can follow to fix it.",happiness Unplug," is your guide to utilizing meditation to enhance your brain, deal with stress, and become happier, explaining the basics of this practice, how to get started with it, and what science has to teach about its many benefits.",happiness Ego Friendly," brings a twist to the mainstream spiritual narrative by showing you how to befriend your ego and treat it as your ally, instead of “letting go of it.”",happiness Eat Sleep Work Repeat," identifies why so many workplaces are unnecessarily stressful, how it makes employees unhappy and businesses less profitable, and what we all need to do to fix this growing problem.",happiness The Art Of Communicating," will improve your interpersonal and relationship skills by identifying the power of using mindfulness when talking with others, showing you how to listen with respect, convey your ideas efficiently, and most of all deepen your connections with others.",happiness Mind Over Money," is the ultimate guide to understanding the psychology of personal finance, explaining how your beliefs about money began forming when you were very young and what you can do to make your brain your financial friend instead of your enemy.",happiness The Alchemist," is a classic novel in which a boy named Santiago embarks on a journey seeking treasure in the Egyptian pyramids after having a recurring dream about it and on the way meets mentors, falls in love, and most importantly, learns the true importance of who he is and how to improve himself and focus on what really matters in life.",happiness The Seven Principles For Making Marriage Work," is a compilation of the best lessons from John Gottman’s research on how healthy relationships happen and will teach you exactly what you and your spouse need to do to have a happy, healthy, and successful marriage.",happiness Start Where You Are, helps you discover the power of meditation and compassion by going beyond what incense to buy and giving you real and powerful advice on how to make these tools part of your daily life so you can live with greater happiness and peace.,happiness High Performance Habits," is your guide to building the six systems that science and the lives of the most successful people in the world prove will turn you into a productive, fulfilled, and extraordinary person.",happiness Living Forward," shows you how to finally get direction, purpose, and fulfillment by identifying why you need a Life Plan, how to write one, and the amazing life you can have if you implement it.",happiness The Purpose Driven Life, is Christian pastor Rick Warren’s answer to the burning question that we all have about why we’re here and explains God’s five purposes for your life and how you can realize and live each of them by going on a 40-day spiritual journey.,happiness Emotional Intelligence 2.0," explains what Emotional Intelligence is and how you can use it to build fantastic relationships in your personal life and career by utilizing the powers of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management.",happiness The Happiness Trap," offers an easy-to-follow, practical guide to implementing Acceptances and Commitment Therapy (ACT), an effective method for loosening the grip of negative emotions so you can follow your values in life. ",happiness Mind Over Clutter," helps you take steps to improve your mental health, physical health, and the environment by showing you why having too much junk is so bad for you and outlining how to get rid of it all.",happiness Who Not How," will skyrocket your success, happiness, and fulfillment in all areas of your life by identifying why you’re looking at your problems the wrong way and how simply seeking to get the right people to help you will make all the difference.",happiness Reasons To Stay Alive," shows you the dangers and difficulties surrounding mental illness, uncovers the stigma around it, and identifies how to recover from it by sharing the story of Matt Haig’s recovery after an awful panic attack and subsequent battle with depression and anxiety.",happiness Words Can Change Your Brain," is the ultimate guide to becoming an expert communicator, teaching you how to use psychology to your advantage to express yourself better, listen more, and create an environment of trust with anyone you speak with.",happiness Metahuman, shows you how to tap into your unlimited potential by discovering a higher level of awareness surrounding the limits of your everyday reality.,happiness The Telomere Effect, shows you how to live healthier and stay younger longer by identifying an important part of your physiology that you might have never heard of and teaching you how to take great care of it.,happiness Happier, will improve your mental state and level of success by identifying what you get wrong about joy and how to discover what’s most important to you and how to make those things a more significant part of your life.,happiness Upheaval," enlightens you by telling the stories of seven countries that fell into crises, including how they got there and what they did to get out, and identifies the common threads between all of them.",happiness The Courage Habit," helps you unearth your hidden desires for a better life, shows you how fear buried them in the first place, and outlines the path toward overcoming the paralysis that being afraid brings so that you can have everything you’ve ever dreamed of.",happiness The Power Of Bad, gives some excellent tips on how to become happier by identifying your tendency toward negativity and what psychology and research have to show you about how to beat it.,happiness Who Will Cry When You Die?, helps you leave a lasting legacy of greatness after you’re gone by giving specific tips on how to become the best version of yourself and the kind that makes others grateful for all of your contributions to their lives and the world.,happiness Super Attractor," will help you become happier, find your purpose, overcome your fears, and begin living the life you’ve always wanted by identifying the steps you need to take to connect with a higher spiritual power.",happiness The Way Of Zen," is the ultimate guide to understanding the history, principles, and benefits of Zen and how it can help us experience mental stillness and enjoy life even in uncertain times.",happiness Everybody Matters," identifies the best way to become successful in business, help your team members trust you, and enable people to reach their full potential by showing the power of taking better care of your employees as if they were family.",happiness A Monk’s Guide To Happiness, will help you find more joy in life by identifying the mental pitfalls you fall into that make it so hard to have and how to shatter the shackles of suffering to finally find inner peace.,happiness See You At The Top," shows you how to have a spiritually, socially, financially, and physically successful and meaningful life by utilizing tools like positive thinking, kindness to others, and goal-setting.",happiness Own Your Everyday," shows you how to let go of comparison, stress, and distractions so you can find your purpose and live a more fulfilling life by sharing inspiring lessons from the experiences of author Jordan Lee Dooley.",happiness Resisting Happiness," shows you how to get more joy in your life by exploring the roadblocks you unknowingly put in the way of it, explaining why it’s a choice, and giving specific tips to help you make the decision to be content.",happiness When Things Fall Apart, gives you the confidence to make it through life’s inevitable setbacks by sharing ideas and strategies like mindfulness to grow your resilience and come out on top.,happiness Willpower Doesn’t Work, shows you how to change your life in a more efficient way than relying on sheer grit alone by identifying the importance of your environment and other factors that affect your productivity so you can become your best self.,happiness Get Out Of Your Own Way, guides you through the process of overcoming what’s holding you back from being your best self and reaching success you’ve never dreamed of by identifying how Dave Hollis came to realize his limiting beliefs and beat them.,happiness Conscious Uncoupling, will improve your love life by showing you how to break up the right way and why things are going to be okay after you separate from someone you once loved.,happiness Living In Your Top 1%, shows you how to become your best self and live up to your full potential by outlining nine science-backed ways to beat the odds and achieve your goals and dreams.,happiness The Pragmatist’s Guide To Relationships," is an extensive, practical guide to finding a companion, be it for marriage, dating, or sex and building a healthy, happy life with them.",happiness Joy At Work," takes Marie Kondo’s famous tidying-up tips and applies it to your job to help you be happier in the physical areas, digital spaces, and uses of your time in the office.",happiness Battle Hymn Of The Tiger Mother, opens your eyes to the potential benefits of tough love by sharing the traditionally Chinese parenting style and experiences of Amy Chua.,happiness How To Do Nothing," makes you more productive and helps you have more peace by identifying the problems with our current 24/7 work culture, where it came from, and how pausing to reflect helps you overcome it.",happiness Think Small," gives the science-backed secrets to following through with your goals, identifying seven key components that will help you use your own human nature to your advantage for wild success like you’ve never had before.",happiness 13 Things Mentally Strong Parents Don’t Do," teaches parents how to stop being a roadblock to their kids academic, behavioral, and emotional success by outlining ways to develop the right thinking habits.",happiness Everything Is Figureoutable, will help you annihilate the limiting beliefs that are holding you back so that you can finally pursue your dreams by identifying the thinking patterns that get you stuck and how to use self-empowerment principles to become free.,happiness The 15 Invaluable Laws Of Growth, will inspire you to get up and improve your life by showing you how change only happens when we actively nurture it and identifying the steps and strategies to thrive in your career and life.,happiness Empire Of Illusion," motivates you to watch less TV and get better at reading by outlining the sharp drop in literacy levels in the United States in recent years, the negative effects that have followed, and the dark future ahead if we continue on this path.",happiness Be A Free Range Human," inspires you to finally quit that 9-5 job that is sucking the life out of you and begin working for yourself by explaining why the “job security” doesn’t exist anymore, helping you discover your passions, and identifying the steps you need to follow if you want to start a life of freedom and happiness.",happiness Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude, is a classic self-improvement book that will boost your happiness and give you the life of your dreams by identifying what Napoleon Hill learned interviewing hundreds of successful people and sharing how their outlook on life helped them get to the top.,happiness Blueprint, helps you have hope for the goodness of the human race by revealing our biologically wired social tendencies that help us survive and thrive by working together.,happiness The Unexpected Joy Of Being Sober, will help you have a happier and healthier life by persuasively revealing the many disadvantages of alcohol and the benefits of going without it permanently. ,happiness Status Anxiety, identifies the ways that your desire to be seen as someone successful makes you mentally unhealthy and also shows ways that you can combat the disease of trying to climb the never-ending social ladder.,happiness Why We Can’t Sleep," will help women in Generation X feel better about the challenges they face by examining the reasons why they are going through midlife crises due to poor market conditions, caring for children and elderly parents simultaneously, and facing massive amounts of discrimination.",happiness Best Self," will help you become the hero you’ve always wanted to be by teaching you how to be honest with yourself about what you desire, identify your toxic anti-self, and discover the traits of the greatest possible version of you that you can imagine.",happiness Personality Isn’t Permanent," will shatter your long-held beliefs that you’re stuck as yourself, flaws and all, by identifying why the person you are is changeable and giving you specific and actionable steps to change.",happiness Your Best Year Ever," gives powerful inspiration to change your life by helping you identify what you should improve on, how to get over the hurdles in your way, and the patterns and habits you need to set so that achieving your dreams is more possible than ever.",happiness Design Your Future, motivates you to get out of your limiting beliefs and fears that are holding you back from building a life you love by identifying why you got stuck in a career or job you hate and what steps you must take to finally live your dreams.,happiness The Body," helps you become smarter about how to take care of and use this mechanism that lets you have life by explaining how it’s put together, what happens on the inside, and how it works. ",happiness The Latte Factor, teaches us how to overcome limiting beliefs about money and build our financial freedom through small daily choices. ,happiness " Outer Order, Inner Calm"," gives you advice to declutter your space and keep it orderly, to foster your inner peace and allow you to flourish.",happiness Boost!, is a guide for becoming more productive at work by using the preparation and performance techniques that world-class athletes use to win gold medals.,happiness The Coaching Habit," outlines the questions, attitudes, and habits required of managers who want to become great at motivating their team to become self-sustaining.",happiness Self-Compassion," teaches you the art of being kind to yourself by identifying what causes you to beat yourself up, how it affects your life negatively, and what you can do to relate to yourself in healthier and more compassionate ways.",happiness Thank You For Being Late," helps you slow down and take life at a more reasonable pace by explaining the state of our rapidly changing environment, economy, and technology.",happiness What to Eat When," teaches us how food works inside our body and how to feed ourselves in a way that better suits our biology, making us healthier and stronger.",happiness The Confidence Code, empowers women to become more courageous by explaining their natural tendencies toward timidity and how to break them even in a world dominated by men. ,happiness Educated," will help you become more grateful for your schooling, freedom, and normal relationships by explaining the family difficulties that Tara Westover had to break free of so that she could get her own education.",happiness The Advice Trap,"will drastically improve your communication skills and make you more likable, thanks to explaining why defaulting to sharing your opinion about everything is a bad idea and how listening until you truly understand people’s needs will make a much bigger positive difference in their lives.",happiness The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read, will help you step back and focus more on the big picture of parenting to foster a strong relationship with your child so they can grow up emotionally and mentally healthy.,happiness Designing Your Life," will show you how to break the shackles of your mundane 9-5 job by sharing exercises and tips that will direct you towards your true calling that fills you with passion, purpose, and fulfillment.",happiness An Astronaut’s Guide To Life On Earth, teaches you how to live better by taking lessons from the rigorous requirements of going to outer space and applying them to everyday life. ,happiness You’re Not Listening, is a book that will improve your communication skills by revealing how uncommon the skill of paying attention to what others are saying is and what experts teach about how to get better at it.,happiness Insight," will help you understand what self-awareness is, why it’s vital if you want to become your best self, and how to overcome the obstacles in the way of having more of it.",happiness All About Love, teaches you how to get more affection and connection in your relationships by explaining why true love is so difficult these days and how to combat the unrealistic expectations society has set up that makes it so hard.,happiness Selfish Reasons to Have More Kids," explains how parents accidentally allowed modernity to suck all the pleasure out of family life, and why they should feel no guilt over choosing a low-stress way of parenting instead. ",happiness The Road Back To You, will teach you more about what kind of person you are by identifying the pros and cons of each personality type within the Enneagram test.,happiness Brotopia, motivates you to be fairer in the workplace as an employee or employer by revealing the sad sexist state of Silicon Valley.,happiness It Doesn’t Have To Be Crazy At Work," helps you relax about the current hurry-up and work yourself to death culture and instead see why getting rid of these stressful mentalities will make you and your company more focused, calm, and productive.",happiness Affluenza, asserts that the reason we are so unhappy is because of our obsession with consumption and the sickness that it brings upon ourselves and the world around us as well.,happiness Braiding Sweetgrass, offers some great ways for all of us to take better care of and be more grateful for our planet by explaining the way that Native Americans view and take care of it.,happiness Alibaba," shares the inspiring story of Jack Ma’s hard work, entrepreneurial vision, and smart thinking that helped him build one of the most successful and influential companies in the world. ",happiness Playing With FIRE," will teach you how to be happier with your financial life and worry less about money by getting into the Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) movement.",happiness Social, explains how our innate drive to build social connections is the primary driver behind our behavior and explores ways we can use this knowledge to our advantage. ,happiness Chasing The Scream," is a scathing review of the failed war on drugs, explaining its history with surprising statistics and identifying new ways that we can think about addiction, recovery, and drug laws.",happiness Creative Confidence, helps break the mundanity of everyday work and life by exploring the power that being more innovative has to improve happiness and success in many different areas.,happiness The Path Made Clear, contains Oprah Winfrey’s tips for how to discover your real purpose so you can live a life of success and significance.,happiness 30 Lessons For Loving, gives the relationship advice of hundreds of couples who have stayed together into old age and will teach you how to have happiness and longevity in your love life.,happiness The Worry-Free Mind, helps free you of the shackles of all types of anxieties by identifying where they come from and what steps you need to take to regain control of your thinking patterns and become mentally healthy again.,happiness Be Obsessed Or Be Average," motivates you to get your heart into your work and live up to your true potential by identifying the thinking patterns and work habits of the passionate, successful, and driven Grant Cardone.",happiness Do What You Are, will help you discover your personality type and how it can lead you to a more satisfying career that corresponds to your talents and interests.,happiness Tiny Habits, shows you the power of applying small changes to your routine to unleash the full power that habits have to make your life better.,happiness Great Thinkers, shows how much of what’s truly important in life can be solved by the wisdom left behind by brilliant minds from long past.,happiness The Algebra of Happiness, outlines the variables in the equation for happiness and how to build them in your life.,happiness The Power Paradox," frames the concept of power in an inspiring new narrative, which can help us create better and more equal relationships, workplaces, and societies.",happiness Brain Rules," teaches you how to become more productive at work and life by giving proven facts about how your mind works better with good sleep, exercise, and learning with all the senses.",happiness Broadcasting Happiness," is an encouraging resource that will help you boost your health and happiness in your relationships, work, and community by showing you how to unlock the power of positive words and stories.",happiness Alone Together, is a book that will make you want to have a better relationship with technology by revealing just how much we rely on it and the ways our connection to it is growing worse and having negative effects on us all.,happiness The Joy Of Movement, is just what you need to finally find the motivation to get out and exercise more often by teaching you the scientific reasons why it’s good for you and why your body is designed to enjoy it.,happiness "Girl, Stop Apologizing", is an inspirational book for women everywhere to start living up to their potential and stop apologizing for following their dreams. ,happiness Brave," will help you have the relationships, career, and everything else in life that you’ve always wanted but have been afraid to go for by teaching you how to become more courageous. ",happiness The Body Keeps The Score, teaches you how to get through the difficulties that arise from your traumatic past by revealing the psychology behind them and revealing some of the techniques therapists use to help victims recover.,happiness How Not To Worry," will teach you how to live stress-free by revealing your brain’s primitive emotional survival instinct and providing a simple and effective roadmap for letting go of your anxieties. ",happiness How To Change Your Mind," reveals new evidence on psychedelics, confirming their power to cure mental illness, ease depression and addiction, and help people die more peacefully. ",happiness When Breath Becomes Air," helps you see what’s really important by diving into Paul Kalanithi’s life of loving neuroscience, literature, meaning, and his family that ended from cancer in his mid-thirties. ",happiness Q,uit Like A Millionaire,happiness Why Are We Yelling?," will improve your relationships, professional life, and the way you view the world by showing you that arguments aren’t bad, but important growing experiences if we learn to make them productive.",happiness Anatomy Of An Epidemic, teaches you how to make better decisions about your mental health as it uncovers the questionable origin of medication and reveals the interesting connection between psychiatry and pharmaceutical companies.,happiness A General Theory Of Love, will help you reprogram your mind for better emotional intelligence and relationships by teaching you what three psychiatrists have to say about the science of why we experience love and other emotions.,happiness Stillness Is The Key," will show you how to harness the power of slowing down your body and mind for less distractions, better self-control, and, above all, a happier and more peaceful life.",happiness The Go-Giver, teaches a pattern for becoming a better person and seeing more success in business and work by focusing on being authentic and giving as much value as possible. ,happiness The Anatomy Of Peace, will help you make your life and the world more calm by explaining the inefficiencies in our go-to pattern of using conflict to resolve differences and giving specific tips for how to use understanding to settle issues.,happiness The Little Book of Lykke, gives Danish-derived and science-backed tips that will help you be happier.,happiness Money, is your guide for learning how to stop pushing yourself to do more at your job and live a happier and more fulfilling life by making your money work hard for you. ,happiness Radical Acceptance, teaches how you can become more content and happy in your life by applying the principles of meditation and Buddhism. ,happiness Why We Sleep, will motivate you get more and better quality sleep by showing you the recent scientific findings on why sleep deprivation is bad for individuals and society.,happiness The Next Right Thing," is your guide for making wise, thoughtful, and intentional decisions simply by looking for the single best action to take at the moment.",happiness 7 Strategies For Wealth And Happiness," is the ultimate guide to improving your wealth through self-discipline, action, and a positive attitude toward work, money, and the people around you.",happiness A Walk In The Woods," tells the interesting story of the adventures Bill Bryson and Stephen Katz had while walking the beautiful, rugged, and historic Appalachian Trail.",happiness The Passion Paradox, explains the risks of blindly following what we love to do the most and teaches us how to cultivate our passions in a way that can lead us to a fulfilling life.,happiness Irresistible," reveals how alarmingly stuck to our devices we are, shows the negative consequences of technology addiction, and gives tips for a healthier relationship with the digital world. ",happiness Making It All Work, explains how to balance your daily tasks with your long-term goals to bring them all together for a happy and productive life.,happiness A More Beautiful Question," will teach you how to ask more and better questions, showing you the power that the right questions have to transform your life for the better.",happiness A Return To Love," will help you let go of resentment, fear, and anger to have happier and healthier jobs and relationships by teaching you how to embrace the power of love.",happiness A Message To Garcia, teaches you how to be the best at your job by becoming a dedicated worker with a good attitude about whatever tasks your company gives you.,happiness Time And How To Spend It, is your guide to becoming more productive by not focusing on working extra hours but instead using the time off more effectively.,happiness Feral, will help you find ways to improve the well-being of humanity by illustrating the deep connection between us and Nature and offering actionable advice on how to preserve balance in our ecosystems through rewilding.,happiness Tell Me More," will help you make everything, even the worst of times, go more smoothly by learning about a few useful phrases to habitually use come rain or shine.",happiness No Excuses!," teaches us that self-discipline is the key to success and gives us practical advice to master it and achieve self-actualization, happy relationships, and financial security.",happiness Big Potential, will show you that the real secret to success and thriving in all aspects of life is developing strong connections with others and treating them in a way that lifts them up.,happiness The Second Mountain," argues that the key to living a meaningful, fulfilling, and happy life is not found in the pursuit of self-improvement but instead a life of service to others.",happiness Super Brain, explores the idea that through increased self-awareness and conscious intention we can teach our brain to perform at a higher level than we thought possible.,happiness Millionaire Success Habits, will teach you the habits you need to become financially successful and make a big difference in the world along the way.,happiness Game Changers, reveals the secrets that some of the most impactful people in the world use to hack their biology and win at life and will teach you how to achieve your goals and be happy. ,happiness The Miracle of Mindfulness, teaches the ancient Buddhist practice of mindfulness and how living in the present will make you happier.,happiness Necessary Endings," is a guide to change that explains how you can get rid of unwanted behaviors, events, and people in your life and use the magic of new beginnings to build a better life.",happiness Exploring The World Of Lucid Dreaming, is a practical guide to dreaming consciously which uncovers an invaluable channel of communication between your conscious and unconscious mind.,happiness When Bad Things Happen To Good People," explains why even the best of people sometimes suffer from adversity, and how we can turn our pain into something meaningful instead of lamenting it.",happiness The Art of Thinking Clearly, is a full compendium of the psychological biases that once helped us survive but now only hinder us from living our best life.,happiness QBQ!, will teach you to ask better questions and stay accountable and why doing so will change every aspect of your life for the better.,happiness The Road to Character," explains why today’s ever-increasing obsession with the self is eclipsing moral virtues and our ability to build character, and how that gets in the way of our happiness.",happiness Social Intelligence," is a complete guide to the neuroscience of relationships, explaining how your social interactions shape you and how you can use these effects to your advantage.",happiness The Brain That Changes Itself, explores the groundbreaking research in neuroplasticity and shares fascinating stories of people who can use the brain’s ability to adapt and be cured of ailments previously incurable. ,happiness Psycho-Cybernetics," explains how thinking of the human mind as a machine can help improve your self-image, which will dramatically increase your success and happiness.",happiness The Start-Up of You, explains why you need manage your career as if you were running a start-up to get ahead in today’s ultra-competitive and ever-changing business world. ,happiness Altered Traits, explores the science behind meditation techniques and the way they benefit and alter our mind and body.,happiness The Tao Te Ching," is a collection of 81 short, poignant chapters full of advice on living in harmony with “the Tao,” translated as “the Way,” an ancient Chinese interpretation of the spiritual force underpinning all life, first written around 400 BC but relevant to this day.",happiness "Girl, Wash Your Face"," inspires women to take their lives into their own hands and make their dreams happen, no matter how discouraged they may feel at the moment.",happiness How Emotions Are Made, explores the often misconstrued world of human feelings and the cutting-edge science behind how they’re formed.,happiness Inner Engineering, is a guide to creating a life of happiness by exploring your internal landscape of thoughts and feelings and learning to align them with what the universe tells you.,happiness Search Inside Yourself," adapts the ancient ethos of “knowing thyself” to the realities of a modern, fast-paced workplace by introducing mindfulness exercises to enhance emotional intelligence.",happiness Aware," is a comprehensive overview of the far-reaching benefits of meditation, rooted in both science and practice, enriched with actionable advice on how to practice mindfulness. ",happiness Lost Connections," explains why depression affects so many people and that improving our relationships, not taking medication, is the way to beat our mental health problems.",happiness Can’t Hurt Me," is the story of David Goggins, who went from being overweight and depressed to becoming a record-breaking athlete, inspiring military leader, and world-class personal trainer.",happiness Ikigai," explains how you can live a longer and happier life by having a purpose, eating healthy, and not retiring.",happiness What I Know For Sure," encourages you to create the life you want by pursuing excellence, practicing gratitude, and leveraging bad experiences to become stronger. ",happiness The 5 Love Languages, shows couples how to make their love last by learning to recognize the unique way their partner feels love.,happiness The Happy Mind, shows you what science and experience teach about how to become happier by assuming responsibility for your own well-being.,happiness Everything Is F*cked, explains what’s wrong with our approach towards happiness and gives philosophical suggestions that help us make our lives worth living.,happiness Be Fearless," shows that radical changes are more effective than small enhancements and urges us to be boldin trying to make progress. ",happiness "Change Your Questions, Change Your Life", will revolutionize your thinking with questions that create a learning mindset. ,happiness The 5 AM Club," helps you get up at 5 AM every morning, build a morning routine, and make time for the self-improvement you need to find success.",happiness My Stroke Of Insight,teaches you how to calm yourself anytime by simply tuning into the inherent peacefulness of the right side of the brain.,happiness The Presence Process," is an actionable 10-week program to become more present and consciously respond to situations based on breathing practice, insightful text, and observing your day-to-day experience.",happiness Rest," examines why traditional methods of working too long and hard are inefficient compared to working less, resting, and playing to accomplish your best work.",happiness The Antidote," will explain everything that’s wrong with positivity-based self-help advice and what you should do instead to feel, live, and be happier. ",happiness The Blue Zones Solution," shows you how to adopt the lifestyle and mindset practices of the healthiest, longest-living people on the planet from the five locations with the highest population of centenarians.",happiness Braving The Wilderness," offers a four-step process to find true belonging through authenticity, bravery, trust, and vulnerability since it’s mostly about learning to stand alone rather than trying to fit in.",happiness The Courage To Be Disliked," is a Japanese analysis of the work of 19th-century psychologist Alfred Adler, who established that happiness lies in the hands of each human individual and does not depend on past traumas.",happiness The Energy Bus," is a fable that will help you create positive energy with ten simple rules and make it the center of your life, work, and relationships.",happiness Atomic Habits," is the definitive guide to breaking bad behaviors and adopting good ones in four steps, showing you how small, incremental, everyday routines compound into massive, positive change over time.",happiness Reinvent Yourself," is a template for how to best adapt in a world in which the only constant is change, so that you may find happiness, success, wealth, meaningful work, and whatever else you desire in life.",happiness The Chimp Paradox," uses a simple analogy to help you take control of your emotions and act in your own, best interest, whether it’s in making decisions, communicating with others, or your health and happiness.",happiness How Successful People Think," lays out eleven specific ways of thinking you can practice to live a better, happier, more successful life.",happiness Minimalism, is an instructive introduction to the philosophy of less and how it helped two guys who had achieved the American dream let go of their possessions and the depressions that came with them.,happiness The Art Of Travel," is a modern, philosophic take on the joys of going away, exploring why we do so in the first place and how we can avoid falling into today’s most common tourist traps.",happiness 12 Rules For Life,"is a story-based, stern yet entertaining self-help manual for young people laying out a set of simple rules to help us become more disciplined, behave better, act with integrity, and balance our lives while enjoying them as much as we can.",happiness Solve For Happy," lays out a former Google engineers formula for happiness, which shows you not only that it’s our default state, but also how to overcome the obstacles we face in remaining in it.",happiness How To Fail At Almost Everything And Still Win Big, is the memoir of Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams,happiness The Wisdom Of Life," is an essay from Arthur Schopenhauer’s last published work, which breaks down happiness into three parts and explains how we can achieve it.",happiness Tribe of Mentors," is a collection of over 100 mini-interviews, where some of the world’s most successful people share their ideas around habits, learning, money, relationships, failure, success, and life.",happiness The Big Leap," is about changing your overall perspective, so you can embrace a philosophy that’ll help you achieve your full potential in work, relationships, finance, and all other walks of life.",happiness Amusing Ourselves To Death, takes you through the history of media to highlight how entertainment’s standing in society has risen to the point where our addiction to it undermines our independent thinking.,happiness The Book Of Joy," is the result of a 7-day meeting between the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu, two of the world’s most influential spiritual leaders, during which they discussed one of life’s most important questions: how do we find joy despite suffering?",happiness Find Your Why," is an actionable guide to discover your mission in life, figure out how you can live it on a daily basis and share it with the world.",happiness Principles," holds the set of rules for work and life billionaire investor and CEO of the most successful fund in history, Ray Dalio, has acquired through his 40-year career in finance.",happiness Emotional Agility," provides a new, science-backed approach to navigating life’s many trials and detours on your path to fulfillment, with which you’ll face your emotions head on, observe them objectively, make choices based on your values and slowly tweak your mindset, motivation and habits.",happiness The Road Less Traveled,"is a spiritual classic, combining scientific and religious views to help you grow by confronting and solving your problems through discipline, love and grace.",happiness The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck," does away with the positive psychology craze to instead give you a Stoic, no-BS approach to living a life that might not always be happy, but meaningful and centered only around what’s important to you.",happiness The Happiness Equation," reveals nine scientifically backed secrets to happiness to show you that by wanting nothing and doing anything, you can have everything.",happiness Walden," details Henry David Thoreau’s two-year stay in a self-built cabin by a lake in the woods, sharing what he learned about solitude, nature, work, thinking and fulfillment during his break from modern city life.",happiness I Thought It Was Just Me (But It Isn’t), helps you understand and better manage the complicated and painful feeling of shame.,happiness The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari," is a self-help classic telling the story of fictional lawyer Julian Mantle, who sold his mansion and Ferrari to study the seven virtues of the Sages of Sivana in the Himalayan mountains.",happiness Failing Forward," will help you stop making excuses, start embracing failure as a natural, necessary part of the process and let you find the confidence to proceed anyway.",happiness "If You’re So Smart, Why Aren’t You Happy"," walks you through the seven deadly sins of unhappiness, which will show you how small the correlation between success and happiness truly is and help you avoid chasing the wrong things in your short time here on earth.",happiness The Little Book Of Hygge," is about the hard-to-describe, yet powerful Danish attitude towards life, which consistentlyranks Denmark amongthe happiest countries in the world and how you can cultivate it for yourself.",happiness Option B," shares the stories of people who’ve had to deal with a traumatizing event, most notably Facebook’s COO Sheryl Sandberg, to help you face adversity, become more resilient and find joy again after life punches you in the face.",happiness The Life-Changing Magic Of Not Giving A F*ck," is a funny, practical guide to mental decluttering, giving you actionable tips to stop caring about things that don’t really matter to you, without feeling ashamed or guilty.",happiness You Are A Badass," helps you become self-aware, figure out what you want in life and then summon the guts to not worry about the how, kick others’ opinions to the curb and focus your life on the thing that will make you happy.",happiness Payoff," unravels the complex construct that is human motivation and shows you how it consists of many more parts than money and recognition, such as meaning, effort and ownership, so you can motivate yourself not just today, but every day.",happiness At Home," takes you on a tour of the modern home, using each room as occasion to reminisce about the history of its tradition, thus enlightening you with how the amenities and comforts of everyday life you now take for granted have come to be.",happiness Ego Is The Enemy," reveals why a tendency that’s hardwired into our brains — the belief that the world revolves around us and us alone — keeps holding us back from living the very life it dreams up for us, including what we can do to overcome our ego, be kinder to others and ourselves, and achieve true greatness.",happiness The Power Of The Other," shows you the surprisingly big influence other people have on your life, what different kinds of relationships you have with them and how you can cultivate more good ones to replace the bad, fake or unconnected andlive a more fulfilled life.",happiness The Untethered Soul," describes how you can untie your self from your ego, harness your inner energy, expand beyond yourself and float through the river of life instead of blocking or fighting it.",happiness The Gifts Of Imperfection," shows you how to embrace your inner flaws to accept who you are, instead of constantly chasing the image of who you’re trying to be, because other people expect you to act in certain ways.",happiness The Sunflower, recounts an experience of holocaust survivor Simon Wiesenthal,happiness How Will You Measure Your Life," shows you how to sustain motivation at work and in life to spend your time on earth happily and fulfilled, by focusing not just on money and your career, but your family, relationships and personal well-being.",happiness Finding Your Element," shows you how to find your talents and passions, embrace them, and come up with your own definition of happiness, so you can combine what you love with what you’re good at to live a long, happy life.",happiness Loving What Is," gives you four simple questions to turn negative thoughts around, change how you react to the events and people that stress you and thus end your own suffering to love reality as it is.",happiness Bit Literacy, shows you how to navigate innumerable streamsof digital information without becoming paralyzed by managing your media with a few simple systems.,happiness The Wisdom Of Insecurity," is a self-help classic that breaks down our psychological need for stability and explains how it’s led us right into consumerism, why that won’t solve our problem and how we can really calm our anxiety.",happiness The Longevity Project," shows you how you can live longer by analyzing the results from one of the world’s longest-lasting studies and drawingsurprisingconclusions about the work ethic, happiness, love, marriage and religion of people who have lived to old age.",happiness Flourish," establishes a new model for well-being, rooted in positive psychology, building on five key pillars to help you create a happy life through the power of simple exercises.",happiness Mindsight," offers a new way of transforming your life for the better by connecting emotional awareness with the right reactions in your body, based on the work of a renowned pyschologistand his patients.",happiness A Force For Good," is a universal call to turn ourcompassion outward and use it to improve ourselves and the world around us in science, religion, social issues, business and education.",happiness Disrupt Yourself," explains how you can harnessthe ever-accelerating power of disruptive innovation in your personal life, be it to advance your career or to build a company that thrives, by embracing your limitations, focusing on your strengths and staying flexible and curious along the way.",happiness How To Stop Worrying And Start Living," is a self-help classic which addresses one of the leading causes of physical illness, worry, by showing you simple and actionable techniques to eliminate it from your life.",happiness A Guide To The Good Life,"is a roadmap for aspiring Stoics, revealing why this ancient philosophy is useful today, what Stoicism is truly about, and showing you how to cultivate its powerful principles in your own life.",happiness 59 Seconds," shows you several self-improvement hacks, grounded in the science of psychology, which you can use to improve your mindset, happiness and life in less than a minute.",happiness Habits Of A Happy Brain," explains the four neurotransmitters in your brain that create happiness, why you can’t be happy all the time, and how you can rewire your brain by taking responsibility for your own hormones and thus, happiness.",happiness Rising Strong," describes a 3-phase process of bouncing back from failure, which you can implement both in your own life and as a team or company, in order to embrace setbacks as part of life, deal with your emotions, confront your own ideas and rise stronger every time.",happiness The Black Swan," explains why we are so bad at predicting the future, and how unlikely events dramatically change our lives if they do happen, as well as what you can do to become better at expecting the unexpected.",happiness Reality Is Broken," flips the image of the lonely gamer on its head, explaining how games create real value, can be used to make us happier and even help us solve global problems.",happiness Born For This," shows you how to find the work you were meant to do, which actually might consist of many different forms of work over the course of your life, by showing you the power of a side hustle, proper risk-assessment, creating your own job and pursuing all of your passions – one at a time.",happiness Breakfast With Socrates," takes you through an ordinary day in the company of extraordinary minds, by linking each part of it to the core message of one of several great philosophers throughout history, such as Descartes, Nietzsche, Marx, and even Buddha.",happiness Hardwiring Happiness," tells you what you can do to overcome your negativity bias of focusing on and exaggerating negative events by relishing, extending and prioritizing the good things in your life to become happier.",happiness Daring Greatly," is a book about having the courage to be vulnerable in a world where everyone wants to appear strong, confident and like they know what they’re doing.",happiness Man’s Search for Meaning," details holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl’s horrifying experiences in Nazi concentration camps, along with his psychological approach of logotherapy, which is also what helped him survive and shows you how you can – and must – find meaning in your life.",happiness Are You Fully Charged," shows you the three keys to arriving at work and life with a battery that’s brimming with happiness and motivation, which are energy, interactions and meaning, and how to implement them in your day.",happiness How To Be Alone," shows you that solitude not only has its benefits, but is a vital component of happiness and that you should embrace it and slowly discover what dosage you need, and why it’s okay to let society think you’re a bit weird sometimes.",happiness "Wherever You Go, There You Are"," explains what mindfulness is and why it’s not reserved for Zen practitioners and Buddhist monks, giving you simple ways to practice it in everyday life, both formally and informally, while helping you avoid the obstacles on your way to a more aware self.",happiness Year of Yes, details famous TV-show creator Shonda Rhimes’s change from introversion to socialite by saying “Yes” to anything for a full year and how she was finally able to face her fears and start loving herself.,happiness The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up," takes you through the process of simplifying, organizing and storing your belongings step by step, to make your home a place of peace and clarity.",happiness Who Moved My Cheese," tells a parable, which you can directly apply to your own life, in order to stop fearing what lies ahead and instead thrive in an environment of change and uncertainty.",happiness Singletasking," digs into neuroscientific research to explain why we’re not meant to multitask, how you can go back to the old, singletasking ways, and why that’s better for your work, relationships and happiness.",happiness The Da Vinci Curse," explains why people with many talents don’t fit into a world where we need specialists and, if you have many talents yourself, shows you how you can lift this curse, by giving you a framework to follow and find your true vocation in life.",happiness As A Man Thinketh," is an essay and self-help classic, which argues that the key to mastering your life is harnessing the power of your thoughts and helps you cultivate the philosophy and attitude of a positive, successful person.",happiness Buddha’s Brain," explains how world-changing thought leaders like Moses, Mohammed, Jesus, Gandhi and the Buddha altered their brains with the power of their minds and how you can use the latest findings of neuroscience to do the same and become a morepositive, resilient, mindful and happy person.",happiness 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do," started as a personal reminder to not give in to bad habits in the face of adversity, but turned into a psychological guidebook to help you improve your mental strength and emotional resilience.",happiness The Six Pillars Of Self-Esteem," is the definitive piece on one of the most important psychological traits we need to live a happy life, and lays out how you can introduce six practices into your life, to assert your right to be happy and live a fulfilling life.",happiness Everything I Know," ditches all the rules and gives you a guide to living a fulfilled and adventurous life that can be infinitely updated, stretched, expanded and customized, based on who you are, instead of another “do-this-to-get-rich-fast” scheme that doesn’t work for everyone.",happiness Emotional Intelligence," explains the importance of emotions in your life, how they help and hurt your ability to navigate the world, followed by practical advice on how to improve your own emotional intelligence and why that is thekey to leading a successful life.",happiness Thrive," shines a light on the missing ingredient in our perception of success, which includes well-being, wonder, wisdom and giving, and goes beyond just money and power, which often drive people right into burnout, terrible health and unhappiness.",happiness The End Of Stress," shows you not only that treating stress as normal is wrong and how it harms your mental and physical health, but also gives you actionable tips and strategies to end stress once and for all so you can live a long, happy, powerful and creative life.",happiness Awaken The Giant Within," is the psychological blueprint you can follow to wake up and start taking control of your life, starting in your mind, spreading through your body and then all the way through your relationships, work and finances until you’re the giant you were always meant to be.",happiness Strengthsfinder 2.0," argues that we should forget about fixing our weaknesses, and go all in on our strengths instead, by showing you ways to figure out which 5 key strengths are an innate part of you and giving you advice on how to use them in your life and work.",happiness The Promise Of A Pencil," narrates the story of how Adam Braun, well-bred, average college kid, working at Bain & Company, shook off what society expected of him and created a life of significance and success by starting his own charity, which now has built hundreds of schools for children in need.",happiness The Blue Zones," gives you advice on how to live to be 100 years and older by looking at five spots across the planet, where people live the longest, and drawing lessons about what they eat, drink, how they exercise and which habits most shape their lives.",happiness Vagabonding," will change your relationship with money and travel by showing you that long-term life on the road isn’t reserved for rich people and hippies, and will give you the tools you need to start living a life of adventure, simplicity and content.",happiness The Truth," sees Neil Strauss draw lessons about monogamy, love and relationships learned from depression, sex addiction treatment, swinger parties and science labs, in the decade after becoming one of the world’s most notorious pick-up artists and desired single men on the planet.",happiness Meditations,"is a collection of 12 books written by Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, who consistently journaled to remember his education in Stoic philosophy, and whose writings will teach you logic, faith, and self-discipline.",happiness 10% Happier," gives skeptics an easy “in” to meditation, by taking a very non-fluffy approach to the science behind this mindfulness practice and showing you how and why letting go of your ego is important for living a stress-free life.",happiness Happier At Home," is an instruction manual to transform your home into a castle of happiness by figuring out what needs to be changed, what needs to stay the same, and embracing the gift of family.",happiness The Power of Now,"shows you that every minute you spend worrying about the future or regretting the past is a minute lost, because the only place you can truly live in is the present, the now, which is why the book offers actionable strategies to start living every minute as it occurs and becoming 100% present in and for your life.",happiness The In-Between," is a reminder to slow down and learn to appreciate the little moments in life, like the times when we’re really just waiting for the next big thing, as they shape our lives a lot more than we think.",happiness Drive, explores what has motivated humans throughout history and explains how we shifted from mere survival to the carrot and stick approach that’s still practiced today – and why it’s outdated.,happiness The Happiness Project," will show you how to change your life, without actually changing your life, thanks to the findings of modern science, ancient history and popular culture about happiness, which the author tested for a year and now shares with you.",happiness The Obstacle Is The Way," is a modern take on the ancient philosophy of Stoicism, which helps you endure the struggles of life with grace and resilience by drawing lessons from ancient heroes, former presidents, modern actors, athletes, and how they turned adversity into success thanks to the power of perception, action, and will.",happiness The Power Of Positive Thinking," will show you that the roots of success lie in the mind and teach you how to believe in yourself, break the habit of worrying, and take control of your life by taking control of your thoughts and changing your attitude.",happiness Attached," delivers a scientific explanation why some relationships thrive and steer a clear path over a lifetime, while others crash and burn, based on the human need for attachment and the three different styles of it.",happiness Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff (… And It’s All Small Stuff)," will keep you from letting the little, stressful things in life, like your email inbox, rushing to trains, and annoying co-workers drive you insane and help you find peace and calm in a stressful world.",happiness Big Magic," is the book that’ll give you the courage you need to pursue your creative interests by showing you how to deal with your fears, notice ideas and act on them and take the stress out of creation.",happiness Less Doing More Living," is based on the assumption that the less you have to do, the more life you have to live, and helps you implement this philosophy into your life by giving you real-world tools to boost efficiency in every aspect of your life.",happiness Rewire," explains why we keep engaging in addictive and self-destructive behavior, how our brains justify it and where you can get started on breaking your bad habits by becoming more mindful and disciplined.",happiness The Power Of No," is an encompassing instruction manual for you to harness the power of this little word to get healthy, rid yourself of bad relationships, embrace abundance and ultimately say yes to yourself.",happiness Think And Grow Rich," is a curation of the 13 most common habits of wealthy and successful people, distilled from studying over 500 individuals over the course of 20 years.",happiness Talent Is Overrated," debunks both talent and experience as the determining factors and instead makes a case for deliberate practice, intrinsic motivation and starting early.",happiness SuperBetter," not only breaks down the science behind games and how they help us become physically, emotionally, mentally and socially stronger, but also gives you a 7-step system you can use to turn your own life into a game, have more fun than ever before and overcome your biggest challenges.",happiness "Mistakes Were Made, But Not By Me"," takes you on a journey of famous examples and areas of life where mistakes are hushed up instead of admitted, showing you along the way how thishinders progress, why we do it in the first place, and what you can do to start honestly admitting your own.",happiness Quitter," is a blueprint to help you close the gap between your day job and your dream job, showing you simple steps you can take towards your dream without turning it into a nightmare.",happiness Work The System," will fundamentally change the way you view the world, by showing you the systems all around you and giving you the guiding principles to influence the right ones to make your business successful.",happiness Essentialism,"will show you a new, better way of looking at productivityby giving you permission to be extremely selective about what’s truly essential in your life and then ruthlessly cutting out everything else.",happiness The Power Of Habit," helps you understand whyhabits are at the core of everything youdo, how you can change them, and what impact that will have on your life, your business and society.",happiness Money: Master The Game," holds 7 simple steps to financial freedom, based on the advice of the world’s best billionaire investors, interviewed by Tony Robbins.",happiness The Power Of Less," shows you how to align your life with your most important goals, by finding out what’s really essential, changing your habits one at a time and working focused and productively on only those projects that will lead you to where you really want to go.",happiness Choose Yourself," is a call to give up traditional career paths and take your life into your own hands by building good habits, creating your own career, and making a decision to choose yourself.",happiness The Happiness Of Pursuit," is a call to take control of your own life by going on a quest, which will fill your life with meaning, purpose, and a whole lot of adventure.",happiness The Millionaire Fastlane," points out what’s wrong with the old get a degree, get a job, work hard, retire rich model, defines wealth in a new way, and shows you the path to retiring young.",happiness The Art Of Happiness," is the result of a psychiatrist interviewing the Dalai Lama on how he personally achieved inner peace, calmness, and happiness.",happiness The Paradox Of Choice," shows you how today’s vast amount of choice makes you frustrated, less likely to choose, more likely to mess up, and less happy overall, before giving you concrete strategies and tips to ease the burden of decision-making.",happiness Stumbling On Happiness," examines the capacity of our brains to fill in gaps and simulate experiences, shows how our lack of awareness of these powers sometimes leads us to wrong decisions, and how we can change our behavior to synthesize our own happiness.",happiness The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People," teaches you both personal and professional effectiveness bychanging your view of how the world works and giving you 7 habits, which, if adopted well, will lead you to immense success.",happiness The Upside Of Stress," helps you change your mindset from one that avoids anxiety at all costs to a belief that embraces stress as a normal part of life, which helps you respond to it in better ways and actually be healthier.",happiness The Miracle Morning," makes it clear that in order to become successful,you have to dedicate time to personal development each day, and then gives you a 6-step morning routine to create and shape that time.",happiness The Game," is like a seat right next to Neil Strauss on his rollercoaster ride through the pickup community, where he gets hooked, successful, lost, wins and fails, until he finds his true self again.",happiness Flow," explains why we seek happiness in externals and what’s wrong with it, where you can really find enjoyment in life, and how you can truly become happy by creating your own meaning of life.",happiness Eat That Frog, provides 21 techniques and strategies to stop procrastinating and get more done.,happiness The Upside Of Your Dark Side," takes a look at our darkest emotions, like anxiety or anger, and shows you there are real benefits that followthem and their underlying character traits, such as narcissism or psychopathy.",happiness "The Great Gatsby is an American classic following Jay Gatsby’s quest to win back his long-lost love by faking a successful life, ","depicting the struggles around love, relationships, societal standing, and consumerism of people in the “roaring” 1920s.",money The Financial Diet," is a compendium of clever money tips for beginners, offering thrifty spending advice and sound money strategies in a wide range of areas, such as budgeting, investing, work, food, home, and even love.",money The 4 Minute Millionaire," is a collection of 44 short lessons sourced from the best finance books, each paired with an action item to help you get closer to financial freedom in just 4 minutes a day.",money The Simple Path to Wealth," is a three-step template for achieving financial freedom in a straightforward way, passed from a wealthy man to his teenage daughter through a series of letters.",money "The Wealthy Gardener is a series of stories told from the perspective of an old, wealthy man, who shares the financial wisdom he’s acquired over many years with the members in his community, showing them how to", build wealth step-by-step through short yet meaningful anecdotes.,money Just Keep Buying," will help you answer the big questions about saving and investing money with clever stories and interesting data, all while acknowledging that your needs and desires will change throughout life and that, therefore, your financial behavior will have to do the same.",money The Catcher in the Rye," describes the adventures of well-off teenage boy Holden Caulfield on a weekend out alone in New York City, illuminating the struggles of young adults with existential questions of morality, identity, meaning, and connection.",money Rich Dad’s Cashflow Quadrant," is an inspiring read by Kiyosaki which comes as a sequel after his first groundbreaking book and presents how hard work doesn’t always equal becoming rich, as wealth is likely a result of smart money decisions.",money More Money Than God," teaches us about the ins and outs of hedge funds, how those managing money makes a profit, and how you can learn from them and apply their techniques to your money management strategy.",money Die With Zero," teaches us that wealth accumulation isn’t the only aspect of our life that we should be chasing, but rather keep an eye on meaningful experiences, our relationships, and the limited time we have on earth.",money Your Money Or Your Life," is the ultimate guide to financial freedom, as it explores nine effective ways to stop living paycheck to paycheck, get out of debt, earn enough money to make more than just a living, and start living your life worry free from a financial point of view.",money The 100-Year Life," teaches you how to be resourceful and prepare ahead of time for a world in which people not only live longer but reach an age in the triple-digits, and talks about what you should be doing right now to ensure you have enough money for retirement.",money Pioneering Portfolio Management," is a financial book that touches on subjects like institutional investments, asset classes, securities management, and how to adjust a portfolio based on risk, a diversified approach to investing, and overall asset allocation.",money Masters of Scale," teaches entrepreneurs ways to open up a successful company and scale it from the grounds-up by going into detail about the right business practices, how to seize opportunities, and foster an organizational culture that encourages innovation and customer-centricity.",money Poor Charlie’s Almanack," explores the life of the famous investor Charlie Munger, the right hand of Warren Buffett, and teaches its readers how his inspirational take on life helped him achieve a fortune and still have time and money to dedicate towards philanthropic causes.",money The Almanack of Naval Ravikant," compiles the valuable lessons of Naval Ravikant, who teaches people how to build wealth and achieve long-term happiness by working on a few essential skills, all while discovering the secrets of living a good life.",money Stocks for the Long Run," delves into the subject of investing and the implications that come with picking securities, whether they’re stocks, bonds, or commodities, having in mind the generally higher returns of stocks over the years and how to build a balanced portfolio that can face times of crisis.",money Cryptocurrency Investing For Dummies," is a hands-on guide on how to get started with investing in digital coins by placing a trade using a broker what they represent, and how to pick the right ones from the batch of cryptocurrencies available on the market.",money Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits," paves the way to success for all investors by outlining how to analyse stocks, understand the market, make smart investments and wise money decisions, and profit from them by being patient with the stock market and keeping your money in for the long-term.",money A Random Walk Down Wall Street," explores how the individual investor can make money in the stock market by following a simple path that is guaranteed to bring success, if the investor has patience and gets accustomed to a series of concepts about stocks and what analyzing them consists of.",money One Up on Wall Street," talks about the challenges of being a stock market investor, while also exploring how anyone can pick good, well-performing stocks without having much knowledge in the field, by following a few key practices.",money The Psychology of Money," explores how money moves around in an economy and how personal biases and the emotional factor play an important role in our financial decisions, as well as how to think more rationally and make better decisions when it comes to money.",money The Power of Focus, offers its readers a focus-based approach that they can use to achieve their financial and personal goals through practical exercises and habits that they can implement into their daily lives to actively shape their future.,money Socialism," by Michael Newman outlines the history of the governmental theory that everything should be owned and controlled by the community as a whole, including how this idea has impacted the world in the last 200 years, how its original aims have been lost, and ways we might use it in the future.",money Make Money Trading Options," teaches the art of trading stock options, including the pitfalls to watch out for and how to use simple tools like the Test Trading Strategy and virtual trading tools to find stocks that are most likely to be profitable, so you don’tm have to just guess where to invest.",money Hyper-Learning," shows how people and companies can adapt in the rapidly changing world we live in today, explaining how a growth mindset, colleaboration, and losing your ego will build your confidence that you can stay relevant and competitive as the world around you accelerates.",money Billion Dollar Whale," tells the incredible story of Jho Low, a Malaysian man who committed one of the biggest heists of the century by defrauding a national investment fund.",money Dark Towers," dives into the dirty inner workings and the rise and fall of Deutsche Bank, which contributed to many notable but not always beneficial events of the past 150 years, including the American railroad system, the Nazi regime, funding Russian oligarchs, and even the election of Donald Trump.",money Why Nations Fail," dives into the reasons why economic inequality is so common in the world today and identifies that poor decisions of those in political power are the main reason for unfairness rather than culture, geography, climate, or any other factor.",money The Bitcoin Standard, uses the history of money and gold to explain why Bitcoin is the way to go if the world wants to stick to having sound money and why it’s the only cryptocurrency to be focusing on right now.,money Cryptoassets," is your guide to understanding this revolutionary new digital asset class and explains the history of Bitcoin, how to invest in it and other cryptocurrencies, and how the blockchain technology behind it all works.",money Spark," teaches you how to become an influential, un-fireable asset to your team at work by taking on the role of a leader regardless of your position, utilizing the power of creative thinking to make better decisions, and learning how to be more self-aware and humble.",money Small Giants," is your guide to keeping your company little but mighty that will allow you to pass up deliberate growth for staying true to what’s really important, which is your ideals, time, passions, and doing what you do best so well that customers can’t help but flock to you.",money What I Learned Losing A Million Dollars, shows you how to recognize and steer clear of the pitfalls of stock investing by sharing the story of one man who made some bad investment decisions and had to deal with some pretty terrible consequences because of them.,money Titan," will inspire you to keep working hard to make your business goals happen by sharing the life story of John D. Rockefeller Sr., from his humble beginnings to his astronomical success as an oil tycoon and beyond.",money Narrative Economics," explains the influence that popular stories have on the way economies operate, including the rise of Bitcoin, stock market booms and crashes, the nature of epidemics, and more.",money The Age Of Cryptocurrency," explains the past, present, and future of Bitcoin, including its benefits and drawbacks, how it aligns with the definition of money well enough to be its own currency, how it and other cryptocurrencies will change our economy and the entire world.",money Profit First,"explains why traditional business finances are upside down and how, by focusing on profit first and reasoning up from there, you can grow your business to new heights more sustainably, all while being less stressed about money.",money Blockchain Revolution," explains how the power of this new technology behind Bitcoin can transform our world financially by improving the way we store our money and do business to make it more fair, transparent, equal, and free from corruption.",money Digital Gold," details the beginnings of Bitcoin, including how it was developed, why it’s early years were such a struggle, the many people that contributed to its rise, and how it’s changed our world so far and why it will continue doing so for a long time.",money Get A Financial Life, shows those that are new to managing money how to do it confidently by explaining everything from debt and savings to insurance and investing.,money The Wisdom Of Finance," is a fascinating book that identifies the differences and similarities between the world of money and life experiences like relationships, showing how principles from each of these can benefit each other.",money Mind Over Money," is the ultimate guide to understanding the psychology of personal finance, explaining how your beliefs about money began forming when you were very young and what you can do to make your brain your financial friend instead of your enemy.",money The Alchemist," is a classic novel in which a boy named Santiago embarks on a journey seeking treasure in the Egyptian pyramids after having a recurring dream about it and on the way meets mentors, falls in love, and most importantly, learns the true importance of who he is and how to improve himself and focus on what really matters in life.",money Fit For Growth," is a guide to expanding your company’s influence and profits by looking for ways to cut costs in the right places, restructuring your business model, and eliminating unnecessary departments to pave the way for exponential success.",money Broke Millennial, shows those in their twenties and thirties how to manage their finances so that they can stop scraping by and instead begin to live more confidently when it comes to money.,money Moneyland, uncovers the mystery of how the rich keep getting richer by revealing the great lengths they’ll go to so they can avoid taxes and other things that threaten their wealth.,money Winners Take All," helps you see the ultra-rich in a more accurate light by identifying their shady strategies, including using the idea of “making the world a better place” as a front that only serves as a way to solidify their wealth and power.",money Why “A” Students Work For “C” Students, contains Robert Kiyosaki’s lessons on how the global financial crisis is the result of a lack of education and shows parents how to become truly money literate so they can teach their kids to do the same and attain financial freedom.,money From Here To Financial Happiness, is your guide to having a healthier relationship with money and shows you how looking to the future to prepare for what’s ahead can make you a lot less stressed about your financial life.,money Be A Free Range Human," inspires you to finally quit that 9-5 job that is sucking the life out of you and begin working for yourself by explaining why the “job security” doesn’t exist anymore, helping you discover your passions, and identifying the steps you need to follow if you want to start a life of freedom and happiness.",money Dark Money, dives into the depths of the greed and corruption in the American political system by revealing the story of the Koch brothers who have been enabling the ultra-wealthy to influence political decisions for decades.,money Agile Selling, helps you become a great salesperson by identifying how successful people thrive in any sales position with the skills of learning and adapting quickly.,money Brainfluence, will help you get more sales by revealing people’s subconscious thinking and their motivations in the decision-making process they use when buying.,money Building Social Business," will teach you how to change the world for the better by starting a company that does good for mankind, giving you all the answers about how they work and how to begin one of your own.",money Brandwashed, will help you make better buying decisions by identifying the psychological tools that marketers use to turn your own brain against you and make you think that you need to buy their products.,money Capitalism, shows you how the movement of money in the world really works by outlining the dominant system in the world and its origins and future.,money Capitalism And Freedom, helps you understand some of the most important factors protecting your liberty by outlining the government’s role in economics and how things go best when political entities are small and stay out of the flow of money in a country.,money Built To Sell, shows you how to become a successful entrepreneur by explaining the steps necessary to grow a small service company and one day sell it.,money The Latte Factor, teaches us how to overcome limiting beliefs about money and build our financial freedom through small daily choices. ,money Business Model Generation," teaches you how to start your own company by explaining the details of matching your customer’s needs with your product’s capabilities, managing finances, and everything else involved in the planning stages of entrepreneurship.",money Life After Google, explains why Silicon Valley is suffering a nervous breakdown as big data and machine intelligence comes to an end and the post-Google era dawns.,money The Psychology Of Selling, motivates you to work on your self-image and how you relate to customers so that you can close more deals.,money Educated," will help you become more grateful for your schooling, freedom, and normal relationships by explaining the family difficulties that Tara Westover had to break free of so that she could get her own education.",money Designing Your Life," will show you how to break the shackles of your mundane 9-5 job by sharing exercises and tips that will direct you towards your true calling that fills you with passion, purpose, and fulfillment.",money Ask, shows you a method that helps you take the guesswork out of the equation so you can give your customers what they want even if they don’t know what they want.,money Buyology, shows you how to spend less money by revealing the psychological traps that companies use to hack your brain and get you to purchase their products without you even realizing they’re doing it.,money It Doesn’t Have To Be Crazy At Work," helps you relax about the current hurry-up and work yourself to death culture and instead see why getting rid of these stressful mentalities will make you and your company more focused, calm, and productive.",money Affluenza, asserts that the reason we are so unhappy is because of our obsession with consumption and the sickness that it brings upon ourselves and the world around us as well.,money Alibaba," shares the inspiring story of Jack Ma’s hard work, entrepreneurial vision, and smart thinking that helped him build one of the most successful and influential companies in the world. ",money Playing With FIRE," will teach you how to be happier with your financial life and worry less about money by getting into the Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) movement.",money Pandemic," gives you an understanding of what pathogens and diseases are, how they evolve, what our lifestyle does to make them worse on us, how they can spread like wildfire, and most importantly, what we can do to stop them.",money Creative Confidence, helps break the mundanity of everyday work and life by exploring the power that being more innovative has to improve happiness and success in many different areas.,money What They Don’t Teach You At Harvard Business School," teaches why succeeding in business has less to do with accumulated theoretical knowledge through schooling and books, and more about people and communication.",money Measure What Matters," teaches you how to implement tracking systems into your company and life that will help you record your progress, stay accountable, and make reaching your goals almost inevitable.",money The Algebra of Happiness, outlines the variables in the equation for happiness and how to build them in your life.,money An American Sickness," will motivate you to see what you can do to help improve the state of healthcare in the United States by blowing open the recent greed, corruption, and selfishness of healthcare companies.",money Business Adventures," will teach you how to run a company, invest in the stock market, change jobs, and many other things by sharing some of the most interesting experiences that big companies and their leaders have had over the last century.",money Barbarians At The Gate, shows you how not to run a business and reveals the shocking greed of corporate America in the 1980s by telling the story of the leveraged buyout of RJR Nabisco.,money Accounting Made Simple," is your guide to learning the fundamental charts, equations, and concepts of managing a business’s financial statements.",money The Man Who Solved The Market, shares the interesting story of Jim Simons’s rise to wealth and success that came from him tapping into his math genius to make incredible gains in stock market investments.,money Q,uit Like A Millionaire,money The Execution Factor," will show you how to become successful by utilizing the power of vision, passion, action, resilience, and relationships that propelled author Kim Perell from unemployed and broke to a multi-millionaire in just seven years. ",money Adaptive Markets," gives you a better understanding of how the movement of money in the world works by outlining the characteristics of the market, some of which are more like living creatures than you might think.",money The Go-Giver, teaches a pattern for becoming a better person and seeing more success in business and work by focusing on being authentic and giving as much value as possible. ,money "Arise, Awake", will inspire you to move forward with your entrepreneurial dreams by sharing the inspirational stories of six Indian entrepreneurs and the lessons they learned on the path to success.,money Money, is your guide for learning how to stop pushing yourself to do more at your job and live a happier and more fulfilling life by making your money work hard for you. ,money 7 Strategies For Wealth And Happiness," is the ultimate guide to improving your wealth through self-discipline, action, and a positive attitude toward work, money, and the people around you.",money 23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism, will help you think more clearly about our current economic state by uncovering the hidden consequences of free-market capitalism and offering solutions that could give us all a more fair world.,money 60 Seconds & You’re Hired!," is a guide to getting your dream job that will help you feel confident in your next interview by teaching you how to impress your interviewer with being concise, focusing on your strengths, and knowing what to do at every step of the process.",money Blue Ocean Shift, guides you through the steps to beating out your competition by creating new markets that aren’t overcrowded.,money Bullshit Jobs," asserts that roughly two out of every five people are stuck in work that is bereft of purpose, and these workers could suffer psychological damage as a result. ",money Millionaire Success Habits, will teach you the habits you need to become financially successful and make a big difference in the world along the way.,money You Are A Badass At Making Money, will help you stop making excuses and get over your bad relationship with money to become a money-making machine.,money Manufacturing Consent, reveals how the upper class controls and skews the news to get the masses to believe whatever serves them best.,money Never Split the Difference,"is one of the best negotiation manuals ever written, explaining why you should never compromise, and how to negotiate like a pro in your everyday life as well as high-stakes situations.",money Dollars And Sense, explains why it’s so hard to manage money and teaches you how to combat false cues and natural desires so you can manage your dollars in better ways.,money The Science of Getting Rich," gives you permission to embrace your natural desire for wealth and explains why riches lead to a prosperous and abundant life in mind, body, and soul.",money Outwitting The Devil," is an imagined interview between Napoleon Hill and the Devil himself, in which he wrings certain truths from the root of evil, which will help us avoid his grasp and live a good life.",money The Automatic Millionaire," is an actionable, step-by-step plan for building wealth without being disciplined by relying on fixed percentages, small payments, and automated transactions.",money The Barefoot Investor,"is an Australian farm boy’s no-BS guide to taking charge of your personal finances with a simple system focused on eliminating debt, living in the now, and still retiring in peace.",money How To Fail At Almost Everything And Still Win Big, is the memoir of Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams,money Tribe of Mentors," is a collection of over 100 mini-interviews, where some of the world’s most successful people share their ideas around habits, learning, money, relationships, failure, success, and life.",money Real Artists Don’t Starve,"debunks all myths around the starving artist and shows you you can, will and deserve to make a living from your creative work.",money Unshakeable," distills the essence of world class investors down into four core principles you should follow while investing, giving you simple rules and actionable steps to follow to make sure your finances flourish.",money The 10X Rule," will show you how to achieve extraordinary success by pointing out what’s wrong with shooting for average, why you should aim ten times higher when tackling your goals, and how to back up your new, bold targets with the right actions.",money The Power Of Broke," shows you how to leverage having no money into an advantage in business by compensating it with creativity, passion and authenticity.",money Your Move: The Underdog’s Guide to Building Your Business," is Ramit Sethi’s no-BS guide to starting your own business that’ll help you escape the 9-to-5, all the way from coming up with profitable ideas, overcoming psychological barriers and figuring out who to sell to to growing, maintaining and systematizing your business in the future.",money The Snowball," is the only authorized biography of Warren Buffett, the “Oracle of Omaha,” legendary value investor and once richest man on earth, detailing his life from the very humble beginnings all the way to his unfathomablesuccess.",money You Are A Badass," helps you become self-aware, figure out what you want in life and then summon the guts to not worry about the how, kick others’ opinions to the curb and focus your life on the thing that will make you happy.",money When To Rob A Bank, is a collection of the best of the Freakonomics authors’ blog posts from over 10 years of blogging about economics in all areas of our life.,money The Opposite Of Spoiled," shows you how to raise financially conscious children, who learn the value of money early on by leading an open dialogue about money, giving them responsibility and teaching them patience.",money Fooled By Randomness," explains how luck, uncertainty, probability, human error, risk, and decision-making work together to influence our actions, set against the backdrop of business and specifically, investing, to uncover how much bigger the role of chance in our lives is, than we usually make it out to be.",money The Audacity Of Hope," explains Barack Obama’s personal, political and spiritual beliefs, on which he based his 2008 presidential election campaign, which made him the first African-American president of the United States of America. ",money The Millionaire Real Estate Agent," is about how you can systematically build a thriving real estate business, drawing lessons both about the professional as well as the personal side of things.",money The Evolution Of Everything," compares creationist to evolutionist thinking, showing how the process of evolution we know from biology underlies and permeates the entire world, including society, morality, religion, culture, economics, money, innovation and even the internet.",money The Education Of A Value Investor," is the story of how Guy Spier turned away from his greedy, morally corrupted investment banking environment and into a true value investor by modeling his work and life after Warren Buffett and his value investing approach.",money How To Win At The Sport Of Business, is Mark Cuban’s account of how he changed his mindset and attitude over the years to go from broke to billionaire and help you embrace the habits of a successful businessman (or woman).,money Predictably Irrational," explains the hidden forces that really drive how we make decisions, which are far less rational than we think, but can help us stay on top of our finances, interact better with others and live happier lives, once we know about them.",money Charlie Munger," teaches you the investment approach and ideas about life from Warren Buffett’s business partner and billionaire Charlie Munger, which the two have used for decades to run one of the most successful companies in the world.",money Rule #1," hands you the reins of personal investing, even if you’ve never held them before, by using a few simple rules from Warren Buffett’s value investing approach to guide you towards financial independence.",money The Millionaire Next Door, shows you the simple spending and saving habits that lead to more cash in the bank than most people earn in their life while helping you avoid critical mistakes on your way to financial independence.,money "The Little Book That (Still) Beats The Market is a step-by-step tutorial to implement a simple, mathematical formula when buying stocks which guarantees long-term profits",.,money Vagabonding," will change your relationship with money and travel by showing you that long-term life on the road isn’t reserved for rich people and hippies, and will give you the tools you need to start living a life of adventure, simplicity and content.",money The E-Myth Revisited," explains why 80% of small businesses fail, and how to ensure yours isn’t among those by building a company that’s based on systems and not on the work of a single individual.",money Uncertainty," shows you that the condition of not knowing is nothing to fear, but the birthplace of innovation, which, if you embrace it while anchoring yourself, has an unlimited potential for growth, wealth and happiness.",money The One-Page Financial Plan," is a refreshing, fun look at personal finance, that takes away the feeling that financial planning is a burden for the less disciplined, and shows you that you can plan your entire financial future on a single page.",money The Little Book of Common Sense Investing," shows you an alternative to actively, poorly managed, overpaid funds by introducing you to low-cost, passive index funds as a sustainable investing strategy, which gets you the retirement savings you need without the usual hassle of stock investing.",money The Total Money Makeover," shows you how to stop accepting debt as normal, eliminate it forever in small increments, and build the financial future you deserve in seven steps.",money Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind, suggests our financial success is predetermined from birth and shows us what to do to break through mental barriers and acquire the habits and thinking of the rich.,money Bold," shows you that exponential technology has democratized the power to change the world and build wealth, by putting it into everyone’s hands and explains which trends entrepreneurs will most benefit from in the future, how to capitalize on them and which challenges are really bold enough to impact us all.",money The Self-Made Billionaire Effect," looks at the five dualities billionaires characteristically exhibit, which put them in a different category than most employees, but allow them to have a vision large enough to reach the number of people they need to make their business a billion dollar enterprise.",money The Happiness Project," will show you how to change your life, without actually changing your life, thanks to the findings of modern science, ancient history and popular culture about happiness, which the author tested for a year and now shares with you.",money Anything You Want," teaches you how to build a business that’s based on who you are, and can become anything you want it to be, rather than following the traditional paths of startup or corporate culture.",money The $100 Startup," shows you how to break free from the shackles of 9 to 5 by combining your passion and skills into your own microbusiness, which you can start for $100 or less, yet still turn into a full time income, thanks to the power of the internet.",money The New Trading For A Living," teaches you a calm approach to stock trading, by equipping you with the basic tools of chart analysis, risk-minimizing rules and showing you which amateur mistakes to avoid when getting started as a stock trader.",money Thinking Fast And Slow," shows you how two systems in your brain are constantlyfighting over control of your behavior and actions, and teaches you the many ways in which this leads to errors in memory, judgment and decisions, and what you can do about it.",money The Power Of Starting Something Stupid," shows you that most ideas are often falsely labeled stupid at first, and that if they are, that’s a good indicator you should pursue them and not care what anyone thinks.",money The Richest Man In Babylon," gives common sense financial advice which you can apply today, told through tales and parables from the times of ancient Babylon.",money Less Doing More Living," is based on the assumption that the less you have to do, the more life you have to live, and helps you implement this philosophy into your life by giving you real-world tools to boost efficiency in every aspect of your life.",money Think And Grow Rich," is a curation of the 13 most common habits of wealthy and successful people, distilled from studying over 500 individuals over the course of 20 years.",money The Intelligent Investor," explains value investing, which is focused on generating steady, long-term profits by ignoring the current market and picking companies with high intrinsic value.",money Money: Master The Game," holds 7 simple steps to financial freedom, based on the advice of the world’s best billionaire investors, interviewed by Tony Robbins.",money Choose Yourself," is a call to give up traditional career paths and take your life into your own hands by building good habits, creating your own career, and making a decision to choose yourself.",money The Millionaire Fastlane," points out what’s wrong with the old get a degree, get a job, work hard, retire rich model, defines wealth in a new way, and shows you the path to retiring young.",money The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People," teaches you both personal and professional effectiveness bychanging your view of how the world works and giving you 7 habits, which, if adopted well, will lead you to immense success.",money The 4-Hour Workweek," is the step-by-step blueprint to free yourself from the shackles of a corporate job, create a business to fund the lifestyle of your dreams, and live life like a millionaire, without actually having to be one.",money Automate Your Busywork,"is a step-by-step guide to getting rid of your most dreaded tasks, fueled by the simple but sophisticated “Automation Flywheel,” which will help you reduce stress, get more done, and find time for your most meaningful work.",productivity The Power of Regret," is a deep dive into an emotion we all experience, outlining in three parts why regret makes us more human, not less, which four core regrets plague us all, and how we can accept and reshape our mistakes into better futures instead of keeping them as skeletons in our closets.",productivity Brave New World," presents a futuristic society engineered perfectly around capitalism and scientific efficiency, in which everyone is happy, conform, and content — but only at first glance.",productivity Stolen Focus,"explains why our attention spans have been dwindling for decades, how technology accelerates this worrying trend, and what we can do to reclaim our focus and thus our capacity to live meaningful lives.",productivity The Infinite Game," argues that business is not a competition but an infinite journey, and that to do well in it, leaders must advance a “Just Cause,” build trusting teams, learn from their “Worthy Rivals,” and practice existential flexibility.",productivity The Daily Laws,"is a page-a-day, calendar-style book covering the three big topics of mastery, power, and emotions, sharing Robert Greene’s best lessons from 20 years of research of the dynamics within and between humans.",productivity The Life-Changing Science of Detecting Bullshit, teaches its readers how to avoid falling for the lies and false information that other people spread by helping them build essential thinking skills through examples from the real world.,productivity Discipline Is Destiny," is a three-part manual to master and implement the Stoic virtue of temperance, aka discipline, in your life, thus improving your body, mind, and spirit.",productivity The Art of Statistics," is a non-technical book that shows how statistics is helping humans everywhere get a new hold of data, interpret numbers, fact-check information, and reveal valuable insights, all while keeping the world as we know it afloat.",productivity The How of Happiness," describes a scientific approach to being happier by giving you a short quiz to determine your “happiness set point,” followed by various tools and tactics to help you take control of the large chunk of happiness that’s fully within your grasp.",productivity Resilience," will help you find joy in self-transformation, showing you ways to become more positive, hard-working, and face hardship with the kind of bravery and optimism that will get you through any challenge.",productivity Super Human," presents the groundbreaking discoveries of Dave Asprey (the CEO of Bulletproof) in the field of diet & nutrition, biohacking, longevity, and offers a scientific view on how to live your best life and look like the best version of yourself by adopting practices acclaimed by bioengineers right away.",productivity Loserthink," talks about the sabotaging thinking habits that run our minds and paralyze us when it comes to taking charge of life, and how we can overcome them with small, incremental steps that drive powerful change.",productivity No Hard Feelings, is a practical book for better managing the emotional side of work and building the skills needed to enhance your performance both within your role and more broadly throughout your career path by finding motivation again and managing negative emotions.,productivity The Art of Living," talks about living a peaceful life through meditation and gratitude, especially by using the Vipassana meditation technique and the philosophy behind Buddhism, which promotes developing a clearer vision of life and seeing things as they truly are.",productivity One Decision," explains how flawed decisions occur and how you can avoid them by analyzing data at first, asking for fact-checked opinions, eliminating your biases and prejudice, and many more useful practices derived from psychological research.",productivity The Universe Has Your Back," explores the importance of spiritual elevation, meditation, and ways to live by a mantra that serves you in your self-discovery journey that will shape your reality through new and improved thoughts and inner beliefs.",productivity Loonshots," explores the process of innovation, specifically how groundbreaking ideas emerge from simple thoughts and how important it is for organizations to give course to them by creating learning environments where people feel safe exploring and creating.",productivity Love Warrior," delves into the life of Glennon Doyle, a woman who battled with self-destructive behaviors, eating disorders, depression, and many more challenges before finally embracing the life she deserved and started living meaningfully while being true to herself.",productivity The Mind Illuminated," is the definitive guide to meditation and consciousness, as it teaches its readers how meditation works, and how to navigate the ten stages of conscious breathing and intentional practice of mindfulness, all while highlighting why meditation is so crucial in everyone’s lives.",productivity The Courage to Be Happy, offers a hands-on guide to living a meaningful life and letting go of negative thoughts by compiling the groundbreaking theories of psychologist Alfred Adler with other valuable research into an all-in-one book for becoming a happy and fulfilled person.,productivity The Book of Mistakes," follows the adventures of David, a young adult who is going through a rough patch and receives guidance from a wise man who teaches him the nine mistakes he should avoid, how to become successful, and a series of valuable life lessons that can save anyone many years of their life.",productivity The Practice,"talks about ways to enhance your creativity, boost your innovation skills, upgrade your creative process, and most importantly, get disciplined in your practice to turn your hobby into a professional endeavor.",productivity How to Break Up With Your Phone ,"explores a common problem for all of us who are engaging with social media and constant use of phones, namely our addiction to these devices and the internet, and ways to ditch it for good and find meaning in our lives outside of our virtual encounters.",productivity The Slight Edge," outlines the importance of doing small, little improvements in our everyday life to achieve a successful bigger picture, and how by focusing more on making better day-by-day choices you can shape a remarkable future.",productivity "Good Vibes, Good Life"," explores ways to unlock your true potential by loving yourself more, practicing self-care, manifesting your wishes, and transforming negative emotions into positive ones using simple tips and tricks for a happy life.",productivity What to Say When You Talk to Yourself," is a book by Shad Helmstetter, a self-help guru who has written several pieces on the subject of self-talk, and who argues that in order to achieve our highest self we need to work on how we talk to ourselves and identify our biggest challenge to conquer.",productivity Everyday Millionaires, proves how anyone can become a millionaire if they have a solid actionable plan and the willingness to work hard by drawing conclusions from the largest study ever conducted on the lives of millionaires.,productivity Daily Rituals," is a compilation of the best practices and habits of successful people from different fields aimed to help anyone increase productivity, get past writer’s block, and become more creative and efficient in their everyday work.",productivity Chasing Excellence," breaks down how world-class athletes achieve the mental strength they need to succeed, highlighting",productivity A World Without Email," presents a utopia where people engage in their usual professional activities without using emails as a means of communication, and explores a new way of working that doesn’t rely on instant messaging, which is known for decreasing productivity at the workplace.",productivity The 5 Choices, teaches us how to reach our highest potential in the workplace and achieve the top level of productivity through a series of tips and tricks and work habits that can change your life right away if you’re willing to give them a try.,productivity The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding, is a compilation of laws that provides insights for conducting successful marketing campaigns by focusing on the essence of branding and how brands must be created and managed in order to survive in the competitive world.,productivity The 100-Year Life," teaches you how to be resourceful and prepare ahead of time for a world in which people not only live longer but reach an age in the triple-digits, and talks about what you should be doing right now to ensure you have enough money for retirement.",productivity That Sounds Fun," uncovers the secrets of a happy life: mindfulness, love, joy, and a good dose of doing whatever makes us happy as often as we can, starting from simple, day-to-day activities, to much bigger life experiences that speak to our soul.",productivity Designing Your Work Life," is a helpful guidebook for anyone who wants to create and maintain a work environment that is both happy and productive by working with what they already have, rather than keep on changing jobs in hope of finding better.",productivity Hug Your Haters," talks about the importance of acknowledging your haters or dissatisfied customers and valuing their opinion in the process of building better products, improving the existing offerings, and growing your strategies overall.",productivity Mastermind: How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes," presents the story of one of the most famous detectives we’ve ever known and his adventures in the world of uncovering mysteries while highlighting the secrets of his powerful mind, psychological tricks, deduction games, and teaching you how to strengthen your cognitive capacity.",productivity Lessons from the Titans," tells the story of some of the biggest industrial companies in the United States and presents life-long strategies, valuable ideas, and mistakes to avoid for any business who wants to achieve long-term success.",productivity Bored and Brilliant," explores the idea of how just doing nothing, daydreaming and spacing out can improve our cognitive functions, enhance creativity and original thinking overall while also helping us relieve stress.",productivity Not Today, talks about what it really means to be productive and presents nine effective strategies to achieve higher returns on your work input from the perspective of two entrepreneurs who are used to working hard.,productivity Die Empty," talks about the importance of following your dreams and aspirations, living a meaningful, active life, and using your native gifts to create a legacy and inspire others to tap into their own potential as well.",productivity Mind Hacking," is a hands-on guide on how to transform your mind in just 21 days, which is the time required for your brain to form new habits and adapt to changes, and teaches you how to reprogram your brain to follow healthier, better habits, and ditch the self-sabotaging patterns that stand in your way.",productivity Inspired," taps into a popular subject, which is how to build successful products that sell, run a thriving business by avoiding common mistakes and traps along the way by motivating employees and setting a prime example through knowledge and skills, all while developing worthwhile products that are needed on the market.",productivity Invent & Wander," is a collection of Jeff Bezos’s writings and letters to its shareholders, in which he expresses his philosophy of life and his way of doing business, which ultimately led him to know tremendous success and write history with his two companies: Amazon and Blue Origin.",productivity Indistractable," how our modern gadgets and technology distract us from work and cause real concentration issues, impacting our performance and even the quality of our lives, and how we can address the root cause of the problem to solve it. ",productivity Healthy at 100," will show you how to maintain healthy habits well into your old age, such as exercising, practicing gratitude, and avoiding stress, all by relying on simple but effective practices that have stood the test of time.",productivity Noise," delves into the concept of randomness and talks about how we as humans make decisions that prove to be life-changing, without putting the necessary thought into it, and how we can strengthen our thinking processes.",productivity Keep Going," teaches us how to persist in creative work when our brain wants to take a million different paths, showing us how to harness our brain power in moments of innovation as well as tediousness.",productivity Unlimited Memory, explores the most effective ways to retain information and improve memory skills by teaching its readers some key aspects about the brain and explaining advanced learning strategies in an easy-to-follow manner.,productivity The Shallows," explores the effects of the Internet on the human brain, which aren’t entirely positive, as our constant exposure to the online environment through digital devices strips our ability to target our focus and stay concentrated, all while modifying our brain neurologically and anatomically. ",productivity The Almanack of Naval Ravikant," compiles the valuable lessons of Naval Ravikant, who teaches people how to build wealth and achieve long-term happiness by working on a few essential skills, all while discovering the secrets of living a good life.",productivity Four Thousand Weeks," explores the popularized concept of time management from a different point of view, by tapping into ancient knowledge from famous philosophers, researchers, and spiritual figures, rather than promoting the contemporary idea of high-level productivity and constant self-optimization.",productivity Effortless, takes the idea of productivity to another level by explaining how doing the most with a minimum input of effort and time is a much more desired outcome than the idea of being constantly busy that is glamorized nowadays.,productivity Make It Stick," explores ways to memorize faster and make learning easier, all while debunking myths and common misconceptions about learning being difficult and attributed to those who have highly native cognitive skills, with the help of researchers who’ve studied the science of memory their entire life.",productivity Trust Yourself," offers career and wellbeing advice from a sensitive striver’s point of view, a introvert-leaning character type that comes with plenty of positive traits but is also prone to burnout, giving practical tips on breaking free from stress and perfectionism for a healthier, more balanced life.",productivity The Great Mental Models, will improve your decision-making process by sharing some unique but well-documented thinking models you can use to interact more efficiently with the world and other people.,productivity How to Think More Effectively," delves into the subject of thinking mechanisms and cognitive processes, and explores how you can think more efficiently and draw better insights from the world around you by adopting a few key practices, such as filtering your thoughts or prioritizing work. ",productivity The Self-Discipline Blueprint," delves into the subject of self-actualization and why it is crucial for humans to achieve a fulfilled and successful life by creating a routine and becoming focused, self-disciplined and hard-working.",productivity Boss It," is a hands-on guide to entrepreneurship and what running business implies, from motivation, to hard work, consistency, great time management and a series of practical skills that are needed to fully succeed in this environment.",productivity "Humor, Seriously"," explores how bringing fun and entertainment into the workplace can enhance team productivity, spark creativity, increase trust between members and improve people’s overall sentiment in relation to work and job-related activities.",productivity Do What Matters Most," outlines the importance of time management in anyone’s life and explores highly efficient methods to set goals for short-term and long-term intervals, as well as how to achieve them by being more productive and learning how to prioritize.",productivity The Little Book of Talent," explores the concept of talents, skills and capabilities, and offers a multitude of effective tips and tricks on how to acquire hard skills using methods tested by top performers worldwide.",productivity Hiring Success, highlights the importance of the human resource for any company and describes a successful business approach that focuses on finding highly trained and skilled future employees as a source of competitive advantage on the market.,productivity Fail Fast Fail Often," outlines the importance of accepting failure as a natural part of our life, and how by embracing it instead of fearing it can improve the way we evolve, grow, learn and respond to new experiences and people.",productivity U Thrive," explores the topic of college life and offers practical advice on how to diminish stress and anxiety from exams, deadlines, unfitting roommates, while thriving in the campus, academic life, and creating meaningful experiences.",productivity The Joy of Missing Out," explores today’s idea of productivity and common misconceptions about what it means to be productive, as well as how eliminating unnecessary stress by prioritizing effectively can help us live a better life.",productivity Disney U," outlines the principles that create the customer-centric philosophy of Disney and contribute to the company’s massive success, while also highlighting some aspects of their organizational culture, such as caring for their staff and providing high-quality training.",productivity Unfu*k Yourself, offers practical advice on how to get out of your self-destructive thoughts and take charge of your life by learning how to control them and motivate yourself to take more responsibility for your life than you ever have before.,productivity Stealing Fire, examines how a state of ecstasy can enhance the body-brain connection and allow humans to achieve excellent performance by accelerating their neural processes.,productivity Be Where Your Feet Are," explores the enlightening life lessons that one of America’s top-tier sports personalities has to give, from being present in the moment and living in a meaningful way, to achieving a more fulfilling and successful life.",productivity The Leader In You," explores how the world leaders managed to achieve performance in their lives by creating meaningful connections and reaching a higher level of productivity through a positive, proactive mindset.",productivity Work Less Finish More," is a hands-on guide to adopting a more focused frame of mind and developing habits that will enhance your productivity levels, give you a sense of accomplishment and put you in the right direction in order to achieve your objectives.",productivity Long Life Learning," questions the current educational systems worldwide in relation to an increasing trend in job automation, growing life expectancy, and a devaluation in higher degrees, all with a strong focus on the future of work and urgency to adapt to it.",productivity The Power of Focus, offers its readers a focus-based approach that they can use to achieve their financial and personal goals through practical exercises and habits that they can implement into their daily lives to actively shape their future.,productivity The Hidden Habits of Genius, looks at how geniuses separate themselves from the rest by having in common a distinctive set of characteristics and habits that form a unique way of thinking and cultivating brilliance. ,productivity The Burnout Fix," delivers practical advice on how to thrive in the dynamic working environment we revolve around every day by setting healthy boundaries, keeping a work-life balance, and prioritizing our well-being.",productivity How to Take Smart Notes," is the perfect guide on how to improve your writing, reading, and learning techniques using simple yet little-known tips-and-tricks that you can implement right away to develop these skills.",productivity The Law Says What," is a book that delivers significant insights into various everyday aspects of the law that most of us don’t know about but really should, how we should navigate between them and get a better understanding of how they can protect us.",productivity Collaborative Intelligence," helps you enhance your unique thinking traits and develop an individualized form of intelligence based on what works best for you, what your strengths are, and how you communicate with others.",productivity Bounce Back," is a book by Susan Kahn, a business coach who will teach you the psychology of resilience from the perspectives of Greek philosophy, Sigmund Freud, and modern neuroscience, so you can recover quickly from professional blunders of all kinds by changing your thinking.",productivity Goals!," By Brian Tracy shows you how to unleash the power of goal setting to help you get or become whatever you want, identifying ways to set goals that lead you to success by being specific, challenging yourself, thinking positively, preparing, adjusting your timelines on big goals, and more.",productivity "Now, Discover Your Strengths"," shows you how to find your top five strengths by outlining what strengths are, how you get them, why they’re important to reaching your full potential, and how to discover your own through analyzing the times when your behavior is the most natural or instinctive and why.",productivity The Kindness Method," by Shahroo Izadi teaches how self-compassion and understanding make forming habits easier than being hard on yourself, using the personal experiences of the author and what she’s learned as an addiction recovery therapist to show how self-esteem is the true key to behavior change.",productivity 75 Hard," is a fitness challenge and book that teaches mental toughness by making you commit to five daily critical tasks for 75 days straight, including drinking a gallon of water, reading 10 pages of a non-fiction book, doing two 45-minute workouts, taking a progress picture, and following a diet.",productivity How To Change,"identifies the stumbling blocks that are in your way of reaching your goals and improving yourself and the research-backed ways to get over them, including how to beat some of the worst productivity and life problems like procrastination, laziness, and much more.",productivity The Art of Stopping Time," teaches a framework of mindfulness, philosophy, and time-management you can use to achieve Time Prosperity, which is having plenty of time to reach your dreams without overwhelm, tumult, or constriction.",productivity Make Money Trading Options," teaches the art of trading stock options, including the pitfalls to watch out for and how to use simple tools like the Test Trading Strategy and virtual trading tools to find stocks that are most likely to be profitable, so you don’tm have to just guess where to invest.",productivity Journey of Awakening," explains the basics of meditation using ideas from multiple spiritual sources, including how to avoid the mental traps that make it difficult so you can practice frequently and make mindfulness, and the many benefits that come with it, part of your daily life.",productivity Born To Win," explores how planning and preparation is the only way to win in life and shows you how to use these tools in combination with a vision, goals, and thinking positively to become a winner in all aspects of life.",productivity Do Nothing," explores the idea that our focus on being productive all the time is making us less effective because of how little rest we get, identifying how the consequences of overworking ourselves, and the benefits of taking time off, make a compelling argument that we should spend more time doing nothing.",productivity The Bullet Journal Method, introduces a unique system for organizing you can use t,productivity The Data Detective," will make you smarter by showing how you can understand statistics well enough to see how they, and the beliefs and cognitive biases they can make you have, make such a huge impact in your life, for better or for worse, and how to separate fact from fiction.",productivity How To Be A Leader," is Greek philosopher Plutarch’s guide to leadership and uses practical ideas, historical narratives, political events, and more to outline the qualities of the best leaders, including serving for the right reasons, speaking persuasively, and following more experienced leaders.",productivity Beyond Order," is the follow-up to Jordan Peterson’s bestselling book 12 Rules for Life and identifies another 12 rules to live by that help us live with and even embrace the chaos that we struggle with every day, identifying that too much order can be a problem just as much as too much disorder.",productivity Hyperfocus," teaches you how to become more efficient and improve your concentration by deciding on one thing to work on, focusing only on that task, learning to understand when your mind has wandered and redirecting your attention back to your work, and thinking creatively when you’re not working.",productivity No Rules Rules," explains the incredibly unique and efficient company culture of Netflix, including the amazing levels of freedom and responsibility it gives employees and how this innovative way of running the business is the very reason that Netflix is so successful.",productivity The Design Of Everyday Things, helps you understand why your inability to use some products isn’t your fault but instead is the result of bad design and how companies can use the principles of cognitive psychology to implement better design principles that actually solve your problems without creating more of them.,productivity Think Again," will make you more intelligent, persuasive, and self-aware by identifying the power of being humble about what you don’t know, how to recognize blind spots in your thinking before they start causing you problems, and what you can do to become more effective at convincing others of your way of thinking.",productivity See You On The Internet, is the ultimate beginner-level digital marketing guide that teaches you how to build an online business presence by doing everything from starting a website to managing social media accounts.,productivity Small Giants," is your guide to keeping your company little but mighty that will allow you to pass up deliberate growth for staying true to what’s really important, which is your ideals, time, passions, and doing what you do best so well that customers can’t help but flock to you.",productivity Unlearn, will show you how to win even in changing circumstances by revealing why the patterns you used for past successes won’t always work and how to adopt a learning attitude to stop them from holding you back.,productivity My Morning Routine," is the ultimate guide to building healthy habits in the hours right after you wake up with tips backed up by the experiences of some of the most successful people in the world, including Ryan Holiday, Chris Guillebeau, Nir Eyal, and many more.",productivity Mindful Work," is your guide to understanding how the practice of meditation got its roots in Western society, the many ways it radically improves your brain’s ability to do almost everything, and how it will improve your productivity.",productivity The Coach’s Survival Guide, gives you all the tools that you need to become a successful coach and make the biggest positive impact on your clients.,productivity Pivot," will give you the confidence you need to change careers by showing you how to prepare by examining your strengths, working with the right people, testing ideas, and creating opportunities.",productivity The Social Leap," will help you understand human nature better by explaining the most significant event in our species’ evolutionary history and looking at how we adapted socially, emotionally, and psychologically to survive.",productivity Survival Of The Friendliest," explains why the #1 thing you can do for success is to focus on your social connections, how friendliness was the reason that our early ancestors survived as well as they did, and what you can do today to grow your social capital.",productivity The Charge," shows you how to unlock the baseline and forward human drives within you that will help you get energized, grounded, and working so that you can have the life of happiness and fulfillment you’ve always wanted.",productivity Maximize Your Potential," shows you how to make your work life one that’s both fulfilling and productive by shifting your mindset and taking advantage of your ambitions, skills, and creativity.",productivity Thoughts Without A Thinker," helps you get more peace, overcome mental illness, and ease suffering by outlining the principles of Buddhism, mindfulness, and meditation as they relate to psychoanalysis.",productivity Get Out Of Your Head," shows you how to break the pattern of negative thinking so you can consistently entertain healthier and happier thoughts by teaching simple tips like being alone, connecting with others, and reconnecting with God.",productivity Getting COMFY, will show you how to improve each day of your life by identifying why you need to begin the right way and giving a step-by-step framework to make it happen.,productivity Power Relationships, shows you how to have a fantastic career and a fulfilling life by connecting with the right people early and growing those relationships.,productivity When The Body Says No," will help you become healthier by teaching you the truth behind the mind-body connection, revealing how your mental state does in fact affect your physical condition and how you can improve both.",productivity Curious," is your guide to becoming more intelligent by harnessing the power of inquisitiveness and outlines the true nature of curiosity, how to keep it flourishing to become smarter, and what you might unknowingly be doing to suffocate its power.",productivity Limitless," shows you how to unlock the full potential that your brain has for memory, reading, learning, and much more by showing you how to take the brakes off of your mental powers with tools like mindset, visualization, music, and more.",productivity It’s All In Your Head," will motivate you to work hard, stay determined, and believe you can achieve your dreams by sharing the rise to fame of the prolific composer Russ.",productivity Brain Wash," will show you how to have a more peaceful, contented life by revealing what’s wrong with all of the bad habits that society accepts as normal, how they affect our brains, and the 10-day program you can follow to fix it.",productivity Team Of Teams, reveals the incredible power that small teams have to manage the difficult and complicated issues that arise in every company and how even large organizations can take advantage of them by building a system of many teams that work together.,productivity The Leadership Challenge, shares the top leadership lessons from 25 years of experience and research of authors James Kouzes and Barry Posner and explains what makes successful managers and how you can apply the same principles to become one yourself.,productivity The Wisdom Of Finance," is a fascinating book that identifies the differences and similarities between the world of money and life experiences like relationships, showing how principles from each of these can benefit each other.",productivity Eat Sleep Work Repeat," identifies why so many workplaces are unnecessarily stressful, how it makes employees unhappy and businesses less profitable, and what we all need to do to fix this growing problem.",productivity Think Like A Rocket Scientist, teaches you how to think like an engineer in your everyday life so that you can accomplish your personal and professional goals and reach your full potential.,productivity The Art Of Communicating," will improve your interpersonal and relationship skills by identifying the power of using mindfulness when talking with others, showing you how to listen with respect, convey your ideas efficiently, and most of all deepen your connections with others.",productivity Good People," is a book about business and leadership which explains the importance of focusing on and building integrity in the workplace, including why it’s so vital if you want your company to be successful, how you can get it, and why an emphasis on competencies alone won’t cut it anymore.",productivity The Alchemist," is a classic novel in which a boy named Santiago embarks on a journey seeking treasure in the Egyptian pyramids after having a recurring dream about it and on the way meets mentors, falls in love, and most importantly, learns the true importance of who he is and how to improve himself and focus on what really matters in life.",productivity High Performance Habits," is your guide to building the six systems that science and the lives of the most successful people in the world prove will turn you into a productive, fulfilled, and extraordinary person.",productivity Living Forward," shows you how to finally get direction, purpose, and fulfillment by identifying why you need a Life Plan, how to write one, and the amazing life you can have if you implement it.",productivity Getting To Yes, is a handbook for having successful negotiations that teaches everything you need to know about resolving conflicts of all kinds and reaching win-win solutions in every discussion without giving in or making the other person unhappy.,productivity Emotional Intelligence 2.0," explains what Emotional Intelligence is and how you can use it to build fantastic relationships in your personal life and career by utilizing the powers of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management.",productivity Presence," is a life-changing guide to growing your self-confidence that shows how posture, mindset, and body language all expand your feeling of empowerment and your communication skills.",productivity Who Not How," will skyrocket your success, happiness, and fulfillment in all areas of your life by identifying why you’re looking at your problems the wrong way and how simply seeking to get the right people to help you will make all the difference.",productivity You’ll See It When You Believe It," shows you how to discover your true, best self by revealing how to use the power of your mind to find peace with yourself, the people around you, and the universe.",productivity The Courage Habit," helps you unearth your hidden desires for a better life, shows you how fear buried them in the first place, and outlines the path toward overcoming the paralysis that being afraid brings so that you can have everything you’ve ever dreamed of.",productivity The Power Of Bad, gives some excellent tips on how to become happier by identifying your tendency toward negativity and what psychology and research have to show you about how to beat it.,productivity Suggestible You," helps you understand and utilize the power of your mind-body connection by explaining the effect that your thoughts have on your body, including pain, illness, and memory and how to take advantage of it.",productivity Winners Dream," will inspire you to get up and get moving to make your biggest goals happen by sharing the incredible rags to riches story of Bill McDermott, who went from humble beginnings to CEO of the biggest software company in the world simply by having a vision of what he wanted in life.",productivity Everybody Matters," identifies the best way to become successful in business, help your team members trust you, and enable people to reach their full potential by showing the power of taking better care of your employees as if they were family.",productivity See You At The Top," shows you how to have a spiritually, socially, financially, and physically successful and meaningful life by utilizing tools like positive thinking, kindness to others, and goal-setting.",productivity The Sleep Solution," improves your quality of life by identifying the myths surrounding rest that keep you from getting more of it, showing you why they’re false, and teaching you how to establish proper sleep hygiene. ",productivity Own Your Everyday," shows you how to let go of comparison, stress, and distractions so you can find your purpose and live a more fulfilling life by sharing inspiring lessons from the experiences of author Jordan Lee Dooley.",productivity Willpower Doesn’t Work, shows you how to change your life in a more efficient way than relying on sheer grit alone by identifying the importance of your environment and other factors that affect your productivity so you can become your best self.,productivity The Fifth Discipline, shows you how to find joy at work again as an employee and improve your company’s productivity if you’re an employer by outlining the five values you must adopt to turn your workplace into a learning environment.,productivity Get Out Of Your Own Way, guides you through the process of overcoming what’s holding you back from being your best self and reaching success you’ve never dreamed of by identifying how Dave Hollis came to realize his limiting beliefs and beat them.,productivity Living In Your Top 1%, shows you how to become your best self and live up to your full potential by outlining nine science-backed ways to beat the odds and achieve your goals and dreams.,productivity Joy At Work," takes Marie Kondo’s famous tidying-up tips and applies it to your job to help you be happier in the physical areas, digital spaces, and uses of your time in the office.",productivity How To Do Nothing," makes you more productive and helps you have more peace by identifying the problems with our current 24/7 work culture, where it came from, and how pausing to reflect helps you overcome it.",productivity Think Small," gives the science-backed secrets to following through with your goals, identifying seven key components that will help you use your own human nature to your advantage for wild success like you’ve never had before.",productivity Everything Is Figureoutable, will help you annihilate the limiting beliefs that are holding you back so that you can finally pursue your dreams by identifying the thinking patterns that get you stuck and how to use self-empowerment principles to become free.,productivity The 15 Invaluable Laws Of Growth, will inspire you to get up and improve your life by showing you how change only happens when we actively nurture it and identifying the steps and strategies to thrive in your career and life.,productivity Epic Content Marketing, shows why traditional methods for selling like TV and direct mail are dead and how creating content is the new future of advertising because it actually grabs people’s attention by focusing on what they care about instead of your product.,productivity Be A Free Range Human," inspires you to finally quit that 9-5 job that is sucking the life out of you and begin working for yourself by explaining why the “job security” doesn’t exist anymore, helping you discover your passions, and identifying the steps you need to follow if you want to start a life of freedom and happiness.",productivity Agile Selling, helps you become a great salesperson by identifying how successful people thrive in any sales position with the skills of learning and adapting quickly.,productivity Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude, is a classic self-improvement book that will boost your happiness and give you the life of your dreams by identifying what Napoleon Hill learned interviewing hundreds of successful people and sharing how their outlook on life helped them get to the top.,productivity Free To Focus," will make you more productive by identifying why your understanding of the definition of efficient work is flawed, how to fix it, and how to have the confidence to say no to distractions and work that isn’t worth your time.",productivity Personality Isn’t Permanent," will shatter your long-held beliefs that you’re stuck as yourself, flaws and all, by identifying why the person you are is changeable and giving you specific and actionable steps to change.",productivity The 4 Day Week," will help you improve your personal productivity and that of everyone around you by outlining a powerful technique to reduce the workweek by one day and implement other changes to help employees be healthier, happier, and more focused.",productivity Change By Design, makes you a better problem solver at every aspect of life by outlining the design thinking process that companies can use to innovate and improve.,productivity Your Best Year Ever," gives powerful inspiration to change your life by helping you identify what you should improve on, how to get over the hurdles in your way, and the patterns and habits you need to set so that achieving your dreams is more possible than ever.",productivity Design Your Future, motivates you to get out of your limiting beliefs and fears that are holding you back from building a life you love by identifying why you got stuck in a career or job you hate and what steps you must take to finally live your dreams.,productivity SPIN Selling," is your guide to becoming an expert salesperson by identifying what the author learned from 35,000 sales calls and 12 years of research on the topic.",productivity " Outer Order, Inner Calm"," gives you advice to declutter your space and keep it orderly, to foster your inner peace and allow you to flourish.",productivity Boost!, is a guide for becoming more productive at work by using the preparation and performance techniques that world-class athletes use to win gold medals.,productivity The Coaching Habit," outlines the questions, attitudes, and habits required of managers who want to become great at motivating their team to become self-sustaining.",productivity The Psychology Of Selling, motivates you to work on your self-image and how you relate to customers so that you can close more deals.,productivity The 4 Disciplines Of Execution," outlines the path that company leaders and individuals must follow to set the right goals and improve behavior to achieve success on a bigger, long-term scale.",productivity What to Eat When," teaches us how food works inside our body and how to feed ourselves in a way that better suits our biology, making us healthier and stronger.",productivity The Advice Trap,"will drastically improve your communication skills and make you more likable, thanks to explaining why defaulting to sharing your opinion about everything is a bad idea and how listening until you truly understand people’s needs will make a much bigger positive difference in their lives.",productivity Designing Your Life," will show you how to break the shackles of your mundane 9-5 job by sharing exercises and tips that will direct you towards your true calling that fills you with passion, purpose, and fulfillment.",productivity You’re Not Listening, is a book that will improve your communication skills by revealing how uncommon the skill of paying attention to what others are saying is and what experts teach about how to get better at it.,productivity Insight," will help you understand what self-awareness is, why it’s vital if you want to become your best self, and how to overcome the obstacles in the way of having more of it.",productivity Ask, shows you a method that helps you take the guesswork out of the equation so you can give your customers what they want even if they don’t know what they want.,productivity The Road Back To You, will teach you more about what kind of person you are by identifying the pros and cons of each personality type within the Enneagram test.,productivity The Business Romantic, shows how doing business that is focused on passion and connection leads to more success in today’s world.,productivity Brotopia, motivates you to be fairer in the workplace as an employee or employer by revealing the sad sexist state of Silicon Valley.,productivity It Doesn’t Have To Be Crazy At Work," helps you relax about the current hurry-up and work yourself to death culture and instead see why getting rid of these stressful mentalities will make you and your company more focused, calm, and productive.",productivity Alibaba," shares the inspiring story of Jack Ma’s hard work, entrepreneurial vision, and smart thinking that helped him build one of the most successful and influential companies in the world. ",productivity Playing With FIRE," will teach you how to be happier with your financial life and worry less about money by getting into the Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) movement.",productivity The Introvert’s Complete Career Guide, will teach those who have a hard time talking to people how to gain confidence in navigating the workplace from job interview to office relationships.,productivity Creative Confidence, helps break the mundanity of everyday work and life by exploring the power that being more innovative has to improve happiness and success in many different areas.,productivity What They Don’t Teach You At Harvard Business School," teaches why succeeding in business has less to do with accumulated theoretical knowledge through schooling and books, and more about people and communication.",productivity Measure What Matters," teaches you how to implement tracking systems into your company and life that will help you record your progress, stay accountable, and make reaching your goals almost inevitable.",productivity Do What You Are, will help you discover your personality type and how it can lead you to a more satisfying career that corresponds to your talents and interests.,productivity Leadership Strategy And Tactics," shows you how to become effective when you’re in charge by using the power of traits like accountability, humility, and others that Jocko Willink uses to lead his team of Navy SEALs.",productivity Tiny Habits, shows you the power of applying small changes to your routine to unleash the full power that habits have to make your life better.,productivity The Algebra of Happiness, outlines the variables in the equation for happiness and how to build them in your life.,productivity The Power Paradox," frames the concept of power in an inspiring new narrative, which can help us create better and more equal relationships, workplaces, and societies.",productivity What Got You Here Won’t Get You There, helps you overcome your personality traits and behaviors that stop you from achieving even more success.,productivity Brain Rules," teaches you how to become more productive at work and life by giving proven facts about how your mind works better with good sleep, exercise, and learning with all the senses.",productivity Broadcasting Happiness," is an encouraging resource that will help you boost your health and happiness in your relationships, work, and community by showing you how to unlock the power of positive words and stories.",productivity Alone Together, is a book that will make you want to have a better relationship with technology by revealing just how much we rely on it and the ways our connection to it is growing worse and having negative effects on us all.,productivity The Joy Of Movement, is just what you need to finally find the motivation to get out and exercise more often by teaching you the scientific reasons why it’s good for you and why your body is designed to enjoy it.,productivity "Girl, Stop Apologizing", is an inspirational book for women everywhere to start living up to their potential and stop apologizing for following their dreams. ,productivity Trillion Dollar Coach, will help you become a better leader in the office by sharing the life and teachings of businessman Bill Campbell who helped build multi-billion dollar companies in Silicon Valley.,productivity Cribsheet," is a smart guide on how to make the best parenting choices for you and your child, by using an economic perspective and evidence-based advice based on scientific data.",productivity Brave," will help you have the relationships, career, and everything else in life that you’ve always wanted but have been afraid to go for by teaching you how to become more courageous. ",productivity Range, shows that having a broad spectrum of skills and interests and taking your time to figure them out is better than specializing in just one area.,productivity How Not To Worry," will teach you how to live stress-free by revealing your brain’s primitive emotional survival instinct and providing a simple and effective roadmap for letting go of your anxieties. ",productivity Bird By Bird," is Ann Lamott’s guide to using the power of routine, being yourself, rolling with the punches, and many other principles to become a better writer.",productivity The Storytelling Edge, will boost your communication and persuasiveness skills by showing you how to tell powerful narratives in a convincing way and giving examples of why you should.,productivity The 4 Pillar Plan," is your guide to the right diet, exercise, relaxation, and sleep decisions that will improve your health dramatically.",productivity Why Are We Yelling?," will improve your relationships, professional life, and the way you view the world by showing you that arguments aren’t bad, but important growing experiences if we learn to make them productive.",productivity Stillness Is The Key," will show you how to harness the power of slowing down your body and mind for less distractions, better self-control, and, above all, a happier and more peaceful life.",productivity Alchemy, is your guide to making magic happen in business and life by teaching you how to practice irrational thinking to stand out and come up with powerful solutions to your problems and those of others. ,productivity The Go-Giver, teaches a pattern for becoming a better person and seeing more success in business and work by focusing on being authentic and giving as much value as possible. ,productivity The Anatomy Of Peace, will help you make your life and the world more calm by explaining the inefficiencies in our go-to pattern of using conflict to resolve differences and giving specific tips for how to use understanding to settle issues.,productivity The Little Book of Lykke, gives Danish-derived and science-backed tips that will help you be happier.,productivity "Arise, Awake", will inspire you to move forward with your entrepreneurial dreams by sharing the inspirational stories of six Indian entrepreneurs and the lessons they learned on the path to success.,productivity Money, is your guide for learning how to stop pushing yourself to do more at your job and live a happier and more fulfilling life by making your money work hard for you. ,productivity Radical Acceptance, teaches how you can become more content and happy in your life by applying the principles of meditation and Buddhism. ,productivity Why We Sleep, will motivate you get more and better quality sleep by showing you the recent scientific findings on why sleep deprivation is bad for individuals and society.,productivity The Next Right Thing," is your guide for making wise, thoughtful, and intentional decisions simply by looking for the single best action to take at the moment.",productivity 7 Strategies For Wealth And Happiness," is the ultimate guide to improving your wealth through self-discipline, action, and a positive attitude toward work, money, and the people around you.",productivity A Whole New Mind, is your guide to standing out in the competitive workplace by taking advantage of the big-picture skills of the right side of your brain.,productivity Extraordinary Influence," helps you become a better leader by revealing what neuroscience has to say about effective leadership, identifying communication as the key to the highest levels of performance.",productivity The Passion Paradox, explains the risks of blindly following what we love to do the most and teaches us how to cultivate our passions in a way that can lead us to a fulfilling life.,productivity Irresistible," reveals how alarmingly stuck to our devices we are, shows the negative consequences of technology addiction, and gives tips for a healthier relationship with the digital world. ",productivity Making It All Work, explains how to balance your daily tasks with your long-term goals to bring them all together for a happy and productive life.,productivity A More Beautiful Question," will teach you how to ask more and better questions, showing you the power that the right questions have to transform your life for the better.",productivity A Return To Love," will help you let go of resentment, fear, and anger to have happier and healthier jobs and relationships by teaching you how to embrace the power of love.",productivity 60 Seconds & You’re Hired!," is a guide to getting your dream job that will help you feel confident in your next interview by teaching you how to impress your interviewer with being concise, focusing on your strengths, and knowing what to do at every step of the process.",productivity A Mind For Numbers," will teach you how to learn math and science more efficiently and get good at them by understanding how your brain absorbs and processes information, even if these subjects don’t come naturally to you.",productivity A Message To Garcia, teaches you how to be the best at your job by becoming a dedicated worker with a good attitude about whatever tasks your company gives you.,productivity Time And How To Spend It, is your guide to becoming more productive by not focusing on working extra hours but instead using the time off more effectively.,productivity Unlocking Potential, is a guide that will help you as a leader make a difference in people’s lives in the long run by learning how to coach people in a way that brings to light their greatest strengths and capabilities.,productivity Bullshit Jobs," asserts that roughly two out of every five people are stuck in work that is bereft of purpose, and these workers could suffer psychological damage as a result. ",productivity No Excuses!," teaches us that self-discipline is the key to success and gives us practical advice to master it and achieve self-actualization, happy relationships, and financial security.",productivity Big Potential, will show you that the real secret to success and thriving in all aspects of life is developing strong connections with others and treating them in a way that lifts them up.,productivity The Second Mountain," argues that the key to living a meaningful, fulfilling, and happy life is not found in the pursuit of self-improvement but instead a life of service to others.",productivity Super Brain, explores the idea that through increased self-awareness and conscious intention we can teach our brain to perform at a higher level than we thought possible.,productivity Millionaire Success Habits, will teach you the habits you need to become financially successful and make a big difference in the world along the way.,productivity Game Changers, reveals the secrets that some of the most impactful people in the world use to hack their biology and win at life and will teach you how to achieve your goals and be happy. ,productivity Sleep Smarter, is a collection of 21 simple tips and tricks to optimize your sleep environment once and then reap the benefits of more restful nights forever.,productivity Necessary Endings," is a guide to change that explains how you can get rid of unwanted behaviors, events, and people in your life and use the magic of new beginnings to build a better life.",productivity Extreme Ownership," contains useful leadership advice from two Navy SEALs who learned to stay strong, disciplined, and level-headed in high-stakes combat scenarios.",productivity Never Split the Difference,"is one of the best negotiation manuals ever written, explaining why you should never compromise, and how to negotiate like a pro in your everyday life as well as high-stakes situations.",productivity The Dip," teaches us that, between starting and succeeding, there’s a time of struggle when we should either pursue excellence or quit strategically while helping us choose between the two.",productivity The Organized Mind, will show you how to adapt your mind to our modern information culture so you can work efficiently without feeling exhausted.,productivity Make Your Bed, encourages you to pursue your goals and change the lives of others for the better by showing that success is a combination of individual willpower and mutual support.,productivity QBQ!, will teach you to ask better questions and stay accountable and why doing so will change every aspect of your life for the better.,productivity Multipliers,"explains the five types of people who inspire, support, and improve others in their organization, showing you how to become one as well as avoid diminishers, the people who drag down others and make it harder for them to perform.",productivity The Messy Middle, challenges the notion that projects grow slowly and smoothly toward success by outlining the rocky but important intermediate stages of any journey and how to survive them.,productivity Psycho-Cybernetics," explains how thinking of the human mind as a machine can help improve your self-image, which will dramatically increase your success and happiness.",productivity Altered Traits, explores the science behind meditation techniques and the way they benefit and alter our mind and body.,productivity The Effective Executive," gives leaders a step-by-step formula to become more productive, developing their own strengths and those of their employees.",productivity The Checklist Manifesto,explainswhy checklists cansave lives and teaches you how to implement them correctly.,productivity "Girl, Wash Your Face"," inspires women to take their lives into their own hands and make their dreams happen, no matter how discouraged they may feel at the moment.",productivity The 12 Week Year, will teach you how to reliably hit your goals by planning in 12-week cycles instead of following our typical 12-month routine.,productivity The Five Dysfunctions of a Team," uses a fable to explain why even the best teams struggle to work together, offering actionable strategies to overcome distrust and office politics in order to achieve important goals as a cohesive, effective unit.",productivity The Miracle Equation," is a simple, step-by-step process to make achieving your goals inevitable by bridging the gap between knowing and doing.",productivity The Science of Getting Rich," gives you permission to embrace your natural desire for wealth and explains why riches lead to a prosperous and abundant life in mind, body, and soul.",productivity Great At Work, examines what it takes to be a top performer and gives practical advice to achieve significant results at work while maintaining an excellent work-life balance.,productivity Digital Minimalism,"shows us where to draw the line with technology, how to properly take time off our digital devices, and why doing so is the key to living a happy, focused life in a noisy world.",productivity Be Fearless," shows that radical changes are more effective than small enhancements and urges us to be boldin trying to make progress. ",productivity "Change Your Questions, Change Your Life", will revolutionize your thinking with questions that create a learning mindset. ,productivity The 5 AM Club," helps you get up at 5 AM every morning, build a morning routine, and make time for the self-improvement you need to find success.",productivity The Third Door, follows an 18-year-old’s wild quest of interviewing many of the world’s most successful people to discover what it takes to get to the top.,productivity Rest," examines why traditional methods of working too long and hard are inefficient compared to working less, resting, and playing to accomplish your best work.",productivity The Rise, explains the integral role of failure in all creative endeavors and provides examples of great thinkers who thrived because they viewed failure as a necessary part of their journey towards mastery.,productivity How Luck Happens," shows you how to foster your own luck by creating the conditions for it to manifest itself in your work, love and all other aspects of life.",productivity The Antidote," will explain everything that’s wrong with positivity-based self-help advice and what you should do instead to feel, live, and be happier. ",productivity Peak Performance," shows you how to perform at your highest level by exploring the most significant factors that contribute to delivering our best work, such as stress, rest, focus, and purpose.",productivity "Own The Day, Own Your Life", is a straightforward guide to maximizing your potential by optimizing your health of body and mind with simple tweaks to your daily routine.,productivity "Write It Down, Make It Happen"," is a simple guide to help you accomplish your goals through the act of writing, showing you how to use this basic skill to focus, address fears, and stay motivated.",productivity Braving The Wilderness," offers a four-step process to find true belonging through authenticity, bravery, trust, and vulnerability since it’s mostly about learning to stand alone rather than trying to fit in.",productivity Make Time," is about creating space in your life for what truly matters using highlights, laser-style focus, energizing breaks, and regularly reflecting on how you spend your most valuable asset.",productivity The Energy Bus," is a fable that will help you create positive energy with ten simple rules and make it the center of your life, work, and relationships.",productivity Atomic Habits," is the definitive guide to breaking bad behaviors and adopting good ones in four steps, showing you how small, incremental, everyday routines compound into massive, positive change over time.",productivity The Laws of Human Nature," helps you understand why people do what they do and how you can use both your own psychological flaws and those of others to your advantage at work, in relationships, and in life.",productivity The Inner Game Of Tennis," is about the mental state required to deliver peak performance and how you can cultivate that state in sports, work, and life.",productivity The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind," is a spiritual self-help classic, which teaches you how to use visualization and other suggestion techniques to adapt your unconscious behavior in positive ways.",productivity The Chimp Paradox," uses a simple analogy to help you take control of your emotions and act in your own, best interest, whether it’s in making decisions, communicating with others, or your health and happiness.",productivity How To Talk To Anyone," is a collection of actionable tips to help you master the art of human communication, leave great first impressions and make people feel comfortable around you in all walks of life.",productivity Minimalism, is an instructive introduction to the philosophy of less and how it helped two guys who had achieved the American dream let go of their possessions and the depressions that came with them.,productivity The First 20 Hours, lays out a methodical approach you can use to pick up new skills quickly without worrying about how long it takes to become an expert.,productivity The Culture Code," examines the dynamics of groups, large and small, formal and informal, to help you understand how great teams work and what you can do to improve your relationships wherever you cooperate with others.",productivity The Fifth Agreement,"is an update and sequel to one of the world’s most popular self-help books, which shines a new light on ancient, Toltec wisdom, to help us master our selves, cultivate deep awareness, and be who we really are.",productivity 12 Rules For Life,"is a story-based, stern yet entertaining self-help manual for young people laying out a set of simple rules to help us become more disciplined, behave better, act with integrity, and balance our lives while enjoying them as much as we can.",productivity The 4-Hour Body,"is a complete guide to hacking your health, helping you achieve anything from rapid fat loss and quick muscle gain to better sleep, sex, and extreme athletic performance.",productivity How To Fail At Almost Everything And Still Win Big, is the memoir of Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams,productivity Problem Solving 101,"is a universal, four-step template for overcoming challenges in life, based on a traditional method Japanese school children learn early on.",productivity The Secret," is a self-help book by Rhonda Byrne that explains how the law of attraction, which states that positive energy attracts positive things into your life, governs your thinking and actions, and how you can use the power of positive thinking to achieve anything you can imagine.",productivity Tribe of Mentors," is a collection of over 100 mini-interviews, where some of the world’s most successful people share their ideas around habits, learning, money, relationships, failure, success, and life.",productivity The Big Leap," is about changing your overall perspective, so you can embrace a philosophy that’ll help you achieve your full potential in work, relationships, finance, and all other walks of life.",productivity When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing," breaks down the science of time so you can stop guessing when to do things and pick the best times to work, eat, sleep, have your coffee and even quit your job.",productivity Leonardo Da Vinci," is Walter Isaacson’s account of the life of one of the most brilliant artists, thinkers, and innovators who ever lived.",productivity Barking Up The Wrong Tree," turns standard success advice on its head by looking at both sides of many common arguments, like confidence, extroversion, or being nice, concluding it’s really other factors that decide if we win, and we control more of them than we think.",productivity Find Your Why," is an actionable guide to discover your mission in life, figure out how you can live it on a daily basis and share it with the world.",productivity Principles," holds the set of rules for work and life billionaire investor and CEO of the most successful fund in history, Ray Dalio, has acquired through his 40-year career in finance.",productivity Nobody Wants to Read Your Sh*t," combines countless lessons Steven Pressfield has learned from succeeding as a writer in advertising, the movie industry, fiction, non-fiction, and self-help, in order to help you write like a pro.",productivity Finish," identifies perfectionism as the biggest enemy of your goals, in order to then help you defeat it with research backed strategies to get things out the door while having fun, taking the pressure off and cutting yourself some slack.",productivity The 5 Second Rule," is a simple tool that undercuts most of the psychological weapons your brain employs to keep you from taking action, which will allow you to procrastinate less, live happier and reach your goals.",productivity The Four Tendencies,"is a personality profile framework to help you understand how you and the people around you deal with their outer and inner expectations, so you can better manage your life, work and relationships.",productivity The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck," does away with the positive psychology craze to instead give you a Stoic, no-BS approach to living a life that might not always be happy, but meaningful and centered only around what’s important to you.",productivity The Myth Of Multitasking," explains why doing everything at once is neither efficient, nor even possible, and gives you practical steps for more focus in the workplace.",productivity Accidental Genius,"introduces you to the concept of freewriting, which you can use to solve complex problems, exercise your creativity, flesh out your ideas and even build a catalog of publishable work.",productivity The Productivity Project, recounts the lessons Chris Bailey learned over the course of a year running various productivity experiments to help you get more done in all areas of your life.,productivity Real Artists Don’t Starve,"debunks all myths around the starving artist and shows you you can, will and deserve to make a living from your creative work.",productivity What Color Is Your Parachute," is a classic for job seekers, equipping you with the tools, tips and strategies you need to quickly find the right gig in today’s fast-moving market.",productivity Get Smart," reveals how you can access more of your brain’s power through simple, actionable brain training techniques that’ll spark your creativity, make you look for the positive and help you achieve your goals faster.",productivity Failing Forward," will help you stop making excuses, start embracing failure as a natural, necessary part of the process and let you find the confidence to proceed anyway.",productivity The 10X Rule," will show you how to achieve extraordinary success by pointing out what’s wrong with shooting for average, why you should aim ten times higher when tackling your goals, and how to back up your new, bold targets with the right actions.",productivity The Four Agreements," draws on the long tradition of the Toltecs, an ancient, indigenous people of Mexico, to show you that we have been domesticated from childhood, how these internal, guiding rules hurt us and what we can do to break and replace them with a new set of agreements with ourselves.",productivity Sprint, completely overhauls your project management process so it allows you to go from zero to prototype in just five days and figure out if your idea is worth creating faster than ever.,productivity The Innovator’s Dilemma," is a business classic that explains the power of disruption, why market leaders are often set up to fail as technologies and industries change and what incumbents can do to secure their market leadership for a long time.",productivity On The Shortness Of Life," is a 2,000 year old, 20-page masterpiece by Seneca, Roman stoic philosopher and teacher to the emperors, about time and how to best use it, to ensure you lead a long and fulfilling life.",productivity The Life-Changing Magic Of Not Giving A F*ck," is a funny, practical guide to mental decluttering, giving you actionable tips to stop caring about things that don’t really matter to you, without feeling ashamed or guilty.",productivity Trying Not To Try," explores ancient, Chinese philosophy to break down the art of being spontaneous, which will help you unite your mind and body, reach a state of flow, and breeze through life like a leaf in a river.",productivity You Are A Badass," helps you become self-aware, figure out what you want in life and then summon the guts to not worry about the how, kick others’ opinions to the curb and focus your life on the thing that will make you happy.",productivity Peak," accumulates everything the pioneer researcher on deliberate practice has learned about expert performance through decades of exploration and analysis of what separates those, who are average, from those, who are world-class at what they do.",productivity Ego Is The Enemy," reveals why a tendency that’s hardwired into our brains — the belief that the world revolves around us and us alone — keeps holding us back from living the very life it dreams up for us, including what we can do to overcome our ego, be kinder to others and ourselves, and achieve true greatness.",productivity Simple Rules," shows you how to navigate our incredibly complex world by learning the structure of and coming up with your own set of easy, clear-cut rules to follow for the most various situations in life.",productivity The Habit Blueprint," strips down behavior change to its very core, giving you the ultimate, research-backed recipe for cultivating the habits you desire, with plenty of backup steps you can take to maximize your chances of success.",productivity The Creative Habit," is a dancer’s blueprint to making creativity a habit, which she’s successfully done for over 50 years in the entertainment industry.",productivity The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success," brings together the spiritual calmness and mindful behavior of Eastern religions with Western striving for achieving internal and external success, showing you seven specific ways to let both come to you.",productivity Decisive," gives you a scientific, 4-step approach to making better decisions in your life and career, based on an extensivestudy of the availableliterature and research on the topic.",productivity Making Ideas Happen," is a systematized approach to coming up with creative ideas and, more importantly, actually executing them, that teams and companies can use to move their business and the world forward.",productivity The Artist’s Way," is an all-time, self-help classic, helping you to reigniteyour inner artist, recover your creativity and let the divine energy flow through you as you create your art.",productivity The Power Of The Other," shows you the surprisingly big influence other people have on your life, what different kinds of relationships you have with them and how you can cultivate more good ones to replace the bad, fake or unconnected andlive a more fulfilled life.",productivity The Untethered Soul," describes how you can untie your self from your ego, harness your inner energy, expand beyond yourself and float through the river of life instead of blocking or fighting it.",productivity Unlimited Power," is a self-help classic, which breaks down how Tony Robbins has helped top performers achieve at their highest level and how you can use the same mental and physical tactics to accomplish your biggest goals in life.",productivity Six Thinking Hats,"divides thinking into six distinct areas and perspectives, which will help you, your team, and your company tackle problems from different angles, thus solving them with the power of parallel thinking and saving time, money, and energy as a result.",productivity The Gifts Of Imperfection," shows you how to embrace your inner flaws to accept who you are, instead of constantly chasing the image of who you’re trying to be, because other people expect you to act in certain ways.",productivity Steal Like An Artist," gives you permission to copy your heroes’ work and use it as a springboard to find your own, unique style, all while remembering to have fun, creating the right work environment for your art and letting neither criticism nor praise drive you off track.",productivity How Will You Measure Your Life," shows you how to sustain motivation at work and in life to spend your time on earth happily and fulfilled, by focusing not just on money and your career, but your family, relationships and personal well-being.",productivity Mind Gym," explains why the performance of world-class athletes isn’t onlya result of their physical training, but just as much due to their mentally fit minds and shows you how you can cultivate the mindset of a top performer yourself.",productivity The Practicing Mind," shows you how to cultivatepatience, focus, and discipline for working towards your biggest goals, bygoing back to the basic principles of practice, embracing a child-like trial-and-error attitude again and thus make working hard towards mastery a fulfilling process in itself.",productivity Nudge, shows you how you can unconsciously make better decisions by designing your environment so it nudges you in the right direction every time temptation becomes greatest and thus build your own choice architecture in advance.,productivity Finding Your Element," shows you how to find your talents and passions, embrace them, and come up with your own definition of happiness, so you can combine what you love with what you’re good at to live a long, happy life.",productivity The Art Of Choosing," extensively covers the scientific research made about human decision making, showing you what affects how you make choices, how the consequences of those choices affect you, as well as how you can adapt to these circumstances to make better decisions in the future.",productivity How To Read A Book," is a 1940 classic teaching you how to become a more active reader and deliberately practice the various stages of reading, in order to maximize the value you get from books.",productivity Move Your Bus,"illustrates the different kinds of groups in organizations, how leaders can inspire those groups, and what individuals can do to become highly valued, productive members of the organizations they serve.",productivity Getting Everything You Can Out Of All You’ve Got," gives you 21 ways to beat the competition in business by working with the assets you have, but are not considering, learning to see opportunities where others see obstacles and doing things differently on purpose.",productivity The Compound Effect," will show you why big, abrupt changes rarely work and how you can change your life over time with the power of small, daily steps, a routine that builds momentum and the courage to break through your limits when you reach them.",productivity The 8th Habit," is about finding your voice and helping others discover their own, in order to thrive at work in the Information Age, where interdependence is more important than independence.",productivity Your Best Just Got Better," shows you how to tackle productivity and performance with the best techniques to help you work smarter, get more done and stay inspired.",productivity Bit Literacy, shows you how to navigate innumerable streamsof digital information without becoming paralyzed by managing your media with a few simple systems.,productivity Switch," is about how you can lead and encourage changes of human behavior, both in yourself and in your organization, by focusing on the three forces that influence it: the rider, the elephant and the path.",productivity Algorithms To Live By," explains how computer algorithms work, why their relevancy isn’t limited to the digital world and how you can make better decisions by strategically using the right algorithm at the right time, for example in dating, at home or in the office.",productivity The Wisdom Of Insecurity," is a self-help classic that breaks down our psychological need for stability and explains how it’s led us right into consumerism, why that won’t solve our problem and how we can really calm our anxiety.",productivity The Man Who Fed The World,"is the biographyof Dr. Norman Borlaug, Nobel Peace Prize laureate andUS national hero, who saved over a billion lives by dedicating his own to ending world hunger and leading the green revolution, which helped get agriculture to apoint where it can feed the world.",productivity Disrupt Yourself," explains how you can harnessthe ever-accelerating power of disruptive innovation in your personal life, be it to advance your career or to build a company that thrives, by embracing your limitations, focusing on your strengths and staying flexible and curious along the way.",productivity Winners: And How They Succeed," draws on years of research and extensive interviews with a wide array of successful people to deliver a blueprint for what it takes to win in life based on strategy, leadership and team-building.",productivity The End Of Average," explains the fundamental flaws with our culture of averages, in which we design everything for the average person, when that person doesn’t exist, and shows how we can embrace our individuality and use it to succeed in a world that wants everyone to be the same.",productivity Benjamin Franklin: An American Life, takes a thorough look at the life of one of the most influential humans that ever lived and explains how he could achieve such greatness in so many different fields and areas.,productivity 59 Seconds," shows you several self-improvement hacks, grounded in the science of psychology, which you can use to improve your mindset, happiness and life in less than a minute.",productivity How Not To Be Wrong," shows you that math is really just the science of common sense and that studying a few key mathematical ideas can help you assess risks better, make the right decisions, navigate the world effortlessly and be wrong a lot less.",productivity Excellent Sheep,"describes how fundamentally broken elite education is, why it makes students feel depressed and lost, how educational institutions have been alienated from their true purpose, what students really must learn in college and how we can go back to making college a place for self-discovery and critical thinking.",productivity The Rise Of Superman," decodes the science of ultimate, human performance by examining how top athletes enter and stay in a state of flow, while achieving their greatest feats, and how you can do the same.",productivity Shoe Dog," is the autobiography of Nike’s founder Phil Knight, who at last decided to share the story of how he founded one of the most iconic, profitable and world-changing brands in the world.",productivity The Art Of Asking," teaches you to finally accept the help of others, stop trying to do everything on your own, and show you how you can build a closely knit family of friends and supporters by being honest, generous and not afraid to ask.",productivity The Code Of The Extraordinary Mind," gives you a 10-step framework for success, based on the lives of the world’s most successful people, who the author has spent 200+ hours interviewing.",productivity Reality Is Broken," flips the image of the lonely gamer on its head, explaining how games create real value, can be used to make us happier and even help us solve global problems.",productivity Ignore Everybody," outlines 40 ways for creative people to let their inner artist bubble to the surface by staying in control of their art, not selling out and refusingto conform towhat the world wants you to do.",productivity "Think Like A Freak teaches you how to reject conventional wisdom as often as possible, ask the right questions about everything and come up with your own, statistically validated answers, instead of relying on other peoples’ opinions or common sense",.,productivity Born For This," shows you how to find the work you were meant to do, which actually might consist of many different forms of work over the course of your life, by showing you the power of a side hustle, proper risk-assessment, creating your own job and pursuing all of your passions – one at a time.",productivity Remote, explains why offices are a thing of the past and what both companies and employees can do to thrive in a company that’s spread all across the globe with people working wherever they choose to.,productivity The Now Habit," is a strategic program to help you eliminate procrastination from your life, bring fun and motivation back to your work and enjoy your well-earned spare time without feeling guilty.",productivity Where Good Ideas Come From," describes how the process of innovation is similar to evolution and why good ideas have to be shaped over time, build on existing platforms, require connections, luck, and error and how you can turn something old into something new.",productivity Mini Habits," explains how you can get the most out of the fact that 45% of your behavior happens on autopilot by setting ridiculously small goals, relying on willpower instead of motivation and tracking your progress to live a life that’s full ofgood mini habits.",productivity "The Eureka Factor lays out the history of so-called “aha moments” and explains what happens in your brain as you have them, where they come from and how you can train yourself to have more flashes of genius",.,productivity Grain Brain," takes a look at the impact carbohydrates have on the structure and development of your brain, arriving at the conclusion that a diet high in fat, low in carbs and especially sugar, combined with fasting, lots of activity and more sleep could provide you with a much higher quality of life.",productivity A Curious Mind," is an homage to the power of asking questions, showing you how being curious can change your entire life, from the way you do business, to how you interact with your loved ones, or even shape your country.",productivity Smarter," is one “slow learner” turned A student’s experimental account of improving his intelligence by 16% through various tests, lessons and exercises and explains how you can increase your intelligence in scientifically proven ways.",productivity Breakfast With Socrates," takes you through an ordinary day in the company of extraordinary minds, by linking each part of it to the core message of one of several great philosophers throughout history, such as Descartes, Nietzsche, Marx, and even Buddha.",productivity The Third Wave," lays out the history of the internet and how it’s about to permeate everything in our lives, as well as what it takes for entrepreneurs to make use of this mega-trend and thrive in an omni-connected, always-online world.",productivity Originals," re-defines what being creative means by using many specific examples of how persistence, procrastination, transparency, critical thinking and perspective can be brought together to change the world.",productivity Hardwiring Happiness," tells you what you can do to overcome your negativity bias of focusing on and exaggerating negative events by relishing, extending and prioritizing the good things in your life to become happier.",productivity Hatching Twitter," details the story and human drama behind the creation and meteoric rise of Twitter, the social media platform that’s changed how we communicate over the past ten years.",productivity The Sleep Revolution," paints a grim picture of Western sleep culture, but not without extending a hand to school kids, students, professionals and CEOs alike by offering genuine advice on how to stop wearing sleep deprivation as a badge of honor and finally get a good night’s sleep.",productivity How to Become a Straight-A Student," gives you the techniques A+ students have used to pass college with flying colors and summa cum laude degrees, without compromising their entire lives and spending every minute in the library, ranging from time management and note-taking tactics all the way to how you can write a great thesis.",productivity The Upside Of Irrationality,"shows you the many ways in which you act irrational, while thinking what you’re doing makes perfect sense, and how this irrational behavior can actually be beneficial, as long as you use it the right way.",productivity Rejection Proof," shows you that no “No” lasts forever, and how you can use rejection therapy to change your perspective of fear, embrace new challenges, and hear the word “Yes” more often than ever before.",productivity Smartcuts," explains how some people and businesses achieve rapid growth and build sustainable, profitable companies in the time it takes you to get another promotion, by working smart, not hard and hacking into the ladder of success, instead of climbing it one step at a time.",productivity Predictable Success," leads you through the various stages of companies and alternative paths they can and might take, depending on their actions, showing you the safest path towards predictable success, where you consistently achieve your goals.",productivity Traction, is a roadmap for startups to achieve the exponential growth necessary to survive the first few months and years by looking at 19 ways to get traction and a framework to help you pick the best one for your startup.,productivity How To Win At The Sport Of Business, is Mark Cuban’s account of how he changed his mindset and attitude over the years to go from broke to billionaire and help you embrace the habits of a successful businessman (or woman).,productivity Black Box Thinking," reveals that all paths to success lead through failure and what you can do to change your perspective on it, admit your mistakes, and build your own black box to consistently learn and improve from the feedback failure gives you.",productivity Charlie Munger," teaches you the investment approach and ideas about life from Warren Buffett’s business partner and billionaire Charlie Munger, which the two have used for decades to run one of the most successful companies in the world.",productivity The Talent Code," cracks open the myth of talent and breaks it down from a neurological standpoint into three crucial parts, which anyone can pull together to become a world-class performer, artist, or athlete and form something they used to believe was not even within their own hands.",productivity Reading Like A Writer," takes you through the various elements of world-famousliterature and shows you how, by paying close attention to how great authors employ them, you can not only get a lot more from your reading, but also learn to be a better writer yourself.",productivity Smarter Faster Better," tells deeply researched stories from professionals around the world to show you how to do what you’re already doing in a better, more efficient way, by focusing on decisions, motivation and the way we set goals.",productivity Abundance," shows you the key technological trends being developed today, to give you a glimpse of a future that’s a lot brighter than you think and help you embrace the optimism we need to make it happen.",productivity 10 Days To Faster Reading," helps youbring your reading skills to the current century, even if you’ve stopped developing them, like most of us, with the end of elementary school, by helping you select what to read in a better way and giving you actionable techniques to read and retain faster and better.",productivity The Art Of Learning," explains the science of becoming a top performer, based on Josh Waitzkin’s personal rise to the top of the chess and Tai Chi world, by showing you the right mindset, proper ways to practice and how to build the habits of a professional.",productivity Carrots And Sticks," explains how you can harness the power of incentives – carrots and sticks – to change your bad behaviors, improve your self-control and reach your long-term goals.",productivity Are You Fully Charged," shows you the three keys to arriving at work and life with a battery that’s brimming with happiness and motivation, which are energy, interactions and meaning, and how to implement them in your day.",productivity "Wherever You Go, There You Are"," explains what mindfulness is and why it’s not reserved for Zen practitioners and Buddhist monks, giving you simple ways to practice it in everyday life, both formally and informally, while helping you avoid the obstacles on your way to a more aware self.",productivity "Eat, Move, Sleep"," shows you that living a long and healthy life is not the result of massive lifestyle changes, but of lots of small habits, which improve the way you sleep, eat and exercise and, if combined, add a whole lot to your health.",productivity Year of Yes, details famous TV-show creator Shonda Rhimes’s change from introversion to socialite by saying “Yes” to anything for a full year and how she was finally able to face her fears and start loving herself.,productivity The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up," takes you through the process of simplifying, organizing and storing your belongings step by step, to make your home a place of peace and clarity.",productivity Why We Work," looks at the purpose of work in our lives by examining how different people view their work, what traits make work feel meaningful, and which questions companies should ask to maximize the motivation of their employees.",productivity Deep Work," proposes that we have lost our ability to focus deeply and immerse ourselves in a complex task, showing you how to cultivate this skill again and focus more than ever before with four simple rules.",productivity Who Moved My Cheese," tells a parable, which you can directly apply to your own life, in order to stop fearing what lies ahead and instead thrive in an environment of change and uncertainty.",productivity The One Minute Manager," gives managers three simple tools that each take 60 seconds or less to use but can tremendously improve their efficiency in getting people to stay motivated, happy, and ready to deliver great work.",productivity Singletasking," digs into neuroscientific research to explain why we’re not meant to multitask, how you can go back to the old, singletasking ways, and why that’s better for your work, relationships and happiness.",productivity The Da Vinci Curse," explains why people with many talents don’t fit into a world where we need specialists and, if you have many talents yourself, shows you how you can lift this curse, by giving you a framework to follow and find your true vocation in life.",productivity Never Eat Alone," is a modern classic, which explains the art of networking and gives you actionable advice on how you can harness the power of good relationships and become a good networker to build a career you love.",productivity 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do," started as a personal reminder to not give in to bad habits in the face of adversity, but turned into a psychological guidebook to help you improve your mental strength and emotional resilience.",productivity Thrive," shines a light on the missing ingredient in our perception of success, which includes well-being, wonder, wisdom and giving, and goes beyond just money and power, which often drive people right into burnout, terrible health and unhappiness.",productivity Losing My Virginity," details Richard Branson’s meteoric rise to success and digs into what made him the adventurous, fun-loving, daring entrepreneur he is today and what lessons you can learn about business from him.",productivity The End Of Stress," shows you not only that treating stress as normal is wrong and how it harms your mental and physical health, but also gives you actionable tips and strategies to end stress once and for all so you can live a long, happy, powerful and creative life.",productivity Awaken The Giant Within," is the psychological blueprint you can follow to wake up and start taking control of your life, starting in your mind, spreading through your body and then all the way through your relationships, work and finances until you’re the giant you were always meant to be.",productivity The Desire Map," gives your goal-setting mechanism a makeover by showing you that desire, not facts, is what fuels our lives and helps you rely on your feelings to navigate life, instead of giving in to the pressure of the outside world to check the boxes on goals that don’t really matter to you.",productivity Strengthsfinder 2.0," argues that we should forget about fixing our weaknesses, and go all in on our strengths instead, by showing you ways to figure out which 5 key strengths are an innate part of you and giving you advice on how to use them in your life and work.",productivity The Art of Non-Conformity," teaches you how to play life by your own rules by giving you practical glimpses into the world of self-employment, a new approach to travel, to-do list minimalism and conscious spending habits.",productivity David and Goliath," explains why underdogs win in situations where the odds are stacked unfavorably against them, and how you can do the same.",productivity Uncertainty," shows you that the condition of not knowing is nothing to fear, but the birthplace of innovation, which, if you embrace it while anchoring yourself, has an unlimited potential for growth, wealth and happiness.",productivity Blink," explains what happens when you listen to your gut feeling, why these snap judgments are often much more efficient than conscious deliberating, and how to avoid your intuition leading you to wrong assumptions.",productivity First Things First," shows you how to stop looking at the clock and start looking at the compass, by figuring out what’s important, prioritizing those things in your life, developing a vision for the future, building the right relationships and becoming a strong leader wherever you go.",productivity Linchpin," shows you why the time of simply following instructions at your job is over and how to make yourself indispensable, which is a must for success today.",productivity Focus," shows you that attention is the thing that makes life worth living and helps you develop more of it tobecome focused in every area of life: work, relationships and your own attitude towards life and the planet.",productivity The In-Between," is a reminder to slow down and learn to appreciate the little moments in life, like the times when we’re really just waiting for the next big thing, as they shape our lives a lot more than we think.",productivity Rework," shows you that you need less than you think to start a business – way less – by explaining why plans are actually harmful, how productivity isn’t a result from working long hours and why hiring and seeking investors should be your absolute last resort.",productivity Drive, explores what has motivated humans throughout history and explains how we shifted from mere survival to the carrot and stick approach that’s still practiced today – and why it’s outdated.,productivity The Success Principles," condenses 64 lessons Jack Canfield learned on his journey to becoming a successful entrepreneur, author, coach and speaker into 6 sections, which will help you transform your mindset and take responsibility and control of your own life, so you can get from where you are to where you want to be.",productivity Tribes," turns you from a sheepwalker into a heretic, by giving you the tools to start your own tribe, explaining why they’re the future of business and showing you that you too, can be a leader.",productivity Do Over," shines a light on the four core skills you need to build an amazing career: relationships, skills, character and hustle, and shows you how to develop each one of them and use them in different stages of your career.",productivity The Happiness Project," will show you how to change your life, without actually changing your life, thanks to the findings of modern science, ancient history and popular culture about happiness, which the author tested for a year and now shares with you.",productivity The Obstacle Is The Way," is a modern take on the ancient philosophy of Stoicism, which helps you endure the struggles of life with grace and resilience by drawing lessons from ancient heroes, former presidents, modern actors, athletes, and how they turned adversity into success thanks to the power of perception, action, and will.",productivity Outliers," explains why “the self-made man” is a myth and what truly lies behind the success of the best people in their field, which is often a series of lucky events, rare opportunities and other external factors, which are out of our control.",productivity Crush It," is the blueprint you need to turn your passion into your profession and will give you the tools to turn yourself into a brand, leverage social media, produce great content and reap the financial benefits of it.",productivity The Year Without Pants," dives into the company culture of Automattic, the company behind and explains how they’ve created a culture of work where employees thrive, creativity flows freely and new ideas are implemented on a daily basis.",productivity Start," shows you how you can flip the switch of your life from average to awesome by punching fear in the face, being realistic, living with purpose and going through the five stages of success, one step at a time.",productivity The Power Of Positive Thinking," will show you that the roots of success lie in the mind and teach you how to believe in yourself, break the habit of worrying, and take control of your life by taking control of your thoughts and changing your attitude.",productivity Rookie Smarts," argues against experience and for a mindset of learning in the modern workplace, due to knowledge growing and changing fast, which gives rookies a competitive advantage, as they’re not bound by common practices and the status quo.",productivity Thinking Fast And Slow," shows you how two systems in your brain are constantlyfighting over control of your behavior and actions, and teaches you the many ways in which this leads to errors in memory, judgment and decisions, and what you can do about it.",productivity Your Brain At Work," helps you overcome the daily challenges that take awayyour brain power, like constant email and interruption madness, high levels of stress, lack of control and high expectations, by showing you what goes on inside your head and giving you new approaches to control it better.",productivity Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff (… And It’s All Small Stuff)," will keep you from letting the little, stressful things in life, like your email inbox, rushing to trains, and annoying co-workers drive you insane and help you find peace and calm in a stressful world.",productivity Big Magic," is the book that’ll give you the courage you need to pursue your creative interests by showing you how to deal with your fears, notice ideas and act on them and take the stress out of creation.",productivity The Psychology of Winning," teaches you the 10 qualities of winners, which set them apart and help them win in every sphere of life: personally, professionally and spiritually.",productivity The Power Of Starting Something Stupid," shows you that most ideas are often falsely labeled stupid at first, and that if they are, that’s a good indicator you should pursue them and not care what anyone thinks.",productivity The 80/20 Principle, reveals how you can boost your effectiveness both in your own life and for your business by getting you in the mindset that not all inputs produce an equal amount of outputs and helping you embrace the Pareto principle.,productivity Willpower," is a blend of practical tips and the latest scientific research on self-control, explaining how willpower works, what you can do to improve it, how to optimize it and which steps to take when it fails you.",productivity Less Doing More Living," is based on the assumption that the less you have to do, the more life you have to live, and helps you implement this philosophy into your life by giving you real-world tools to boost efficiency in every aspect of your life.",productivity Rewire," explains why we keep engaging in addictive and self-destructive behavior, how our brains justify it and where you can get started on breaking your bad habits by becoming more mindful and disciplined.",productivity Quiet," shows the slow rise of the extrovert ideal for success throughout the 20th century, while making a case for the underappreciated power of introverts and showing up new ways for both forces to cooperate.",productivity Antifragile," reveals how some systems thrive from shocks, volatility and uncertainty, instead of breaking from them, and how you can adapt more antifragile traits yourself to thrive in an uncertain and chaotic world.",productivity Getting Things Done," is a manual for stress-free productivity, which helps you set up a system of lists, reminders and weekly reviews, in order to free your mind from having to remember tasks and to-dos and instead let it work at full focus on the task at hand.",productivity Think And Grow Rich," is a curation of the 13 most common habits of wealthy and successful people, distilled from studying over 500 individuals over the course of 20 years.",productivity Talent Is Overrated," debunks both talent and experience as the determining factors and instead makes a case for deliberate practice, intrinsic motivation and starting early.",productivity SuperBetter," not only breaks down the science behind games and how they help us become physically, emotionally, mentally and socially stronger, but also gives you a 7-step system you can use to turn your own life into a game, have more fun than ever before and overcome your biggest challenges.",productivity The Achievement Habit," shows you that being an achiever can be learned, by using the principles of design thinking to walk you through several stories and exercises, which will get you to stop wishing and start doing.",productivity "Mistakes Were Made, But Not By Me"," takes you on a journey of famous examples and areas of life where mistakes are hushed up instead of admitted, showing you along the way how thishinders progress, why we do it in the first place, and what you can do to start honestly admitting your own.",productivity Quitter," is a blueprint to help you close the gap between your day job and your dream job, showing you simple steps you can take towards your dream without turning it into a nightmare.",productivity "Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook"," is a message to everyone who’s not on the social media train yet, showing them how to tell their story the right way on social media, so that it’ll actually get heard.",productivity The Art Of Work," is the instruction manual to find your vocation by looking into your passions, connecting them to the needs of the world, and thus building a legacy that’s bigger than yourself.",productivity Work The System," will fundamentally change the way you view the world, by showing you the systems all around you and giving you the guiding principles to influence the right ones to make your business successful.",productivity The War Of Art," brings some much needed tough love to all artists, business people and creatives who spend more time battling the resistance against work than actually working, by identifying the procrastinating forces at play and pulling out the rug from under their feet.",productivity Essentialism,"will show you a new, better way of looking at productivityby giving you permission to be extremely selective about what’s truly essential in your life and then ruthlessly cutting out everything else.",productivity Mastery," debunks the myth of talent and shows you there are proven steps you can take to achieve mastery in a discipline of your own choosing, by analyzing the paths of some of history’s most famous masters, such as Einstein, Darwin and Da Vinci.",productivity The Pomodoro Technique," is the simplest way to productively manage your time with only two lists and a timer, by breaking down your workload into small, manageable chunks to stay fresh and focused throughout your day.",productivity The Power Of Habit," helps you understand whyhabits are at the core of everything youdo, how you can change them, and what impact that will have on your life, your business and society.",productivity So Good They Can’t Ignore You," sheds some much needed light on the “follow your passion” myth and shows you that the true path to work you love lies in becoming a craftsman of the work you already have, collecting rare skills and taking control of your hours in the process.",productivity The Power Of Less," shows you how to align your life with your most important goals, by finding out what’s really essential, changing your habits one at a time and working focused and productively on only those projects that will lead you to where you really want to go.",productivity Bounce," shows you that trainingtrumps talent every time, by explaining the science of deliberate practice, the mindset of high performers and how you can use those tools to become a master of whicheverskill you choose.",productivity Zero To One," is an inside look at Peter Thiel’s philosophy and strategy for making your startup a success by looking at the lessons he learned from founding and selling PayPal, investing in Facebook and becoming a billionaire in the process.",productivity Choose Yourself," is a call to give up traditional career paths and take your life into your own hands by building good habits, creating your own career, and making a decision to choose yourself.",productivity The Millionaire Fastlane," points out what’s wrong with the old get a degree, get a job, work hard, retire rich model, defines wealth in a new way, and shows you the path to retiring young.",productivity The ONE Thing," gives you a very simple approach to productivity, based around a single question, to help you have less clutter, distractions and stress, and more focus, energy and success.",productivity The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People," teaches you both personal and professional effectiveness bychanging your view of how the world works and giving you 7 habits, which, if adopted well, will lead you to immense success.",productivity Steve Jobs," is the most detailed and accurate account of the life of the man who created Apple, the most valuable technology company in the world.",productivity Moonwalking With Einstein," not only educates you about the history of memory, and how its standing has declined over centuries, but also gives you actionable techniques to extend and improve your own.",productivity The Upside Of Stress," helps you change your mindset from one that avoids anxiety at all costs to a belief that embraces stress as a normal part of life, which helps you respond to it in better ways and actually be healthier.",productivity The Miracle Morning," makes it clear that in order to become successful,you have to dedicate time to personal development each day, and then gives you a 6-step morning routine to create and shape that time.",productivity The 4-Hour Workweek," is the step-by-step blueprint to free yourself from the shackles of a corporate job, create a business to fund the lifestyle of your dreams, and live life like a millionaire, without actually having to be one.",productivity The Wisdom Of Crowds," researches why groups reach better decisions than individuals, what makes groups smart, where the dangers of group decisions lie, and how each of us can encourage the groups we are part of to work together.",productivity The Willpower Instinct," breaks down willpower into 3 categories, and gives you science-backed systems to improve your self-control, break bad habits and choose long-term goals over instant gratification.",productivity How We Learn," teaches you how your brain creates and recalls memories, what you can do to remember things better and longer, and how you can boost your creativity and improve your gut decisions along the way.",productivity Flow," explains why we seek happiness in externals and what’s wrong with it, where you can really find enjoyment in life, and how you can truly become happy by creating your own meaning of life.",productivity Eat That Frog, provides 21 techniques and strategies to stop procrastinating and get more done.,productivity You Are Not Your Brain," educates you about the science behind bad habits and breaking them, giving you an actionable 4-step framework you can use to stop listening to your brain’s deceptive messages.",productivity The Upside Of Your Dark Side," takes a look at our darkest emotions, like anxiety or anger, and shows you there are real benefits that followthem and their underlying character traits, such as narcissism or psychopathy.",productivity Outlive,"compiles the latest science on health and longevity, combined with practical advice anyone can use to live better today and beat four types of chronic disease with the four pillars of good health: exercise, nutrition, sleep, and emotional health.",psychology The Picture of Dorian Gray," tells the story of a young, beautiful man who trades his soul for eternal youth, then descends further and further into a moral abyss — until he discovers there is, after all, a price to pay for his actions.",psychology The Light We Carry," is a set of practices to help you stay calm, optimistic, and confident in an unpredictable world, based on Michelle Obama’s life experiences as a woman, mother, lawyer, daughter, leader, and the former First Lady of the United States.",psychology Never Finished," is an inspiring blueprint for leveling up in the game of life that never ends, offering 8 evolutions of thought, painful truths, and motivating stories to help you smash any and all glass ceilings in your life.",psychology The Highly Sensitive Person,"is a self-assessment guide and how-to-live template for people who feel, relate, process, and notice more deeply than others, and who frequently suffer from overstimulation as a result.",psychology Bittersweet," explains where emotions like sorrow, longing, and sadness come from and what their purpose in our lives is, as well as helping us deal with grief, loss, and our own mortality.",psychology The Power of Regret," is a deep dive into an emotion we all experience, outlining in three parts why regret makes us more human, not less, which four core regrets plague us all, and how we can accept and reshape our mistakes into better futures instead of keeping them as skeletons in our closets.",psychology Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?," is a collection of a clinical psychologist’s best practical advice to combat anxiety and depression and improve our mental health in small increments, collected from over a decade of 1-on-1 work with patients.",psychology The Financial Diet," is a compendium of clever money tips for beginners, offering thrifty spending advice and sound money strategies in a wide range of areas, such as budgeting, investing, work, food, home, and even love.",psychology The 4 Minute Millionaire," is a collection of 44 short lessons sourced from the best finance books, each paired with an action item to help you get closer to financial freedom in just 4 minutes a day.",psychology Just Keep Buying," will help you answer the big questions about saving and investing money with clever stories and interesting data, all while acknowledging that your needs and desires will change throughout life and that, therefore, your financial behavior will have to do the same.",psychology The Midnight Library," tells the story of Nora, a depressed woman in her 30s, who, on the day she decides to die, finds herself in a library full of lives she could have lived, where she discovers there’s a lot more to life, even her current one, than she had ever imagined.",psychology Brave New World," presents a futuristic society engineered perfectly around capitalism and scientific efficiency, in which everyone is happy, conform, and content — but only at first glance.",psychology 1984, is the story of a man questioning the system that keeps his futuristic but dystopian society afloat and the chaos that quickly ensues once he gives in to his natural curiosity and desire to be free.,psychology The Catcher in the Rye," describes the adventures of well-off teenage boy Holden Caulfield on a weekend out alone in New York City, illuminating the struggles of young adults with existential questions of morality, identity, meaning, and connection.",psychology Stolen Focus,"explains why our attention spans have been dwindling for decades, how technology accelerates this worrying trend, and what we can do to reclaim our focus and thus our capacity to live meaningful lives.",psychology The 1-Page Marketing Plan," offers a hands-on guide to creating a simple, single-page marketing strategy that will help you find prospects, generate leads, keep them engaged, and close sales, all from scratch.",psychology The Daily Laws,"is a page-a-day, calendar-style book covering the three big topics of mastery, power, and emotions, sharing Robert Greene’s best lessons from 20 years of research of the dynamics within and between humans.",psychology The Life-Changing Science of Detecting Bullshit, teaches its readers how to avoid falling for the lies and false information that other people spread by helping them build essential thinking skills through examples from the real world.,psychology Dopamine Nation,"talks about the importance of living a balanced life in relation to all the pleasure and stimuli we’re surrounded with on a daily basis, such as drugs, devices, porn, gambling facilities, showing us how to avoid becoming dopamine addicts by restricting our access to them.",psychology Discipline Is Destiny," is a three-part manual to master and implement the Stoic virtue of temperance, aka discipline, in your life, thus improving your body, mind, and spirit.",psychology The How of Happiness," describes a scientific approach to being happier by giving you a short quiz to determine your “happiness set point,” followed by various tools and tactics to help you take control of the large chunk of happiness that’s fully within your grasp.",psychology Resilience," will help you find joy in self-transformation, showing you ways to become more positive, hard-working, and face hardship with the kind of bravery and optimism that will get you through any challenge.",psychology The Greatest Secret," comes as a sequel to “The Secret,” which was a worldwide phenomenon when it first came out as it presented the idea that one can change their own life by tapping into the Universe’s powers and asking for their wildest dreams to come true using the law of attraction.",psychology This Is Your Mind On Plants, ,psychology Loserthink," talks about the sabotaging thinking habits that run our minds and paralyze us when it comes to taking charge of life, and how we can overcome them with small, incremental steps that drive powerful change.",psychology No Hard Feelings, is a practical book for better managing the emotional side of work and building the skills needed to enhance your performance both within your role and more broadly throughout your career path by finding motivation again and managing negative emotions.,psychology The Art of Living," talks about living a peaceful life through meditation and gratitude, especially by using the Vipassana meditation technique and the philosophy behind Buddhism, which promotes developing a clearer vision of life and seeing things as they truly are.",psychology The Undoing Project, talks about the life and extensive research in the psychology of Kahneman and Tversky by bringing forth some of the most influential and groundbreaking discoveries they unveiled about human behavior and the biases in our decisions.,psychology One Decision," explains how flawed decisions occur and how you can avoid them by analyzing data at first, asking for fact-checked opinions, eliminating your biases and prejudice, and many more useful practices derived from psychological research.",psychology The Universe Has Your Back," explores the importance of spiritual elevation, meditation, and ways to live by a mantra that serves you in your self-discovery journey that will shape your reality through new and improved thoughts and inner beliefs.",psychology Love Warrior," delves into the life of Glennon Doyle, a woman who battled with self-destructive behaviors, eating disorders, depression, and many more challenges before finally embracing the life she deserved and started living meaningfully while being true to herself.",psychology The Mind Illuminated," is the definitive guide to meditation and consciousness, as it teaches its readers how meditation works, and how to navigate the ten stages of conscious breathing and intentional practice of mindfulness, all while highlighting why meditation is so crucial in everyone’s lives.",psychology The Courage to Be Happy, offers a hands-on guide to living a meaningful life and letting go of negative thoughts by compiling the groundbreaking theories of psychologist Alfred Adler with other valuable research into an all-in-one book for becoming a happy and fulfilled person.,psychology How to Be Right," delves into some of the thorniest issues that author O’Brien had to deal with throughout his career as a radio host in London, where he came across provocative arguments, people who love to debate just for the sake of it, and many others who used manipulation to get their point across.",psychology Joyful," talks about the power of small things in our lives, from colors, shapes, and designs, to nature, architecture, and simple everyday occurrences on our happiness and how we can harness simplicity to achieve a meaningful life filled with joy.",psychology How To Be A Bawse," briefly explores the life of Youtube superstar Lilly Singh and offers straightforward, yet practical advice on how to conquer your fears, follow your dreams and learn to use failures to your advantage in order to build the life you want to live.",psychology The Practice,"talks about ways to enhance your creativity, boost your innovation skills, upgrade your creative process, and most importantly, get disciplined in your practice to turn your hobby into a professional endeavor.",psychology How to Break Up With Your Phone ,"explores a common problem for all of us who are engaging with social media and constant use of phones, namely our addiction to these devices and the internet, and ways to ditch it for good and find meaning in our lives outside of our virtual encounters.",psychology The Person You Mean to Be, teaches you how to navigate cognitive biases that may prevent you from forming meaningful relationships and experiencing the world as it is by leading you to wrongful assumptions or limitations about your environment or by anchoring you in your preexisting beliefs.,psychology Die With Zero," teaches us that wealth accumulation isn’t the only aspect of our life that we should be chasing, but rather keep an eye on meaningful experiences, our relationships, and the limited time we have on earth.",psychology The Slight Edge," outlines the importance of doing small, little improvements in our everyday life to achieve a successful bigger picture, and how by focusing more on making better day-by-day choices you can shape a remarkable future.",psychology "Good Vibes, Good Life"," explores ways to unlock your true potential by loving yourself more, practicing self-care, manifesting your wishes, and transforming negative emotions into positive ones using simple tips and tricks for a happy life.",psychology What to Say When You Talk to Yourself," is a book by Shad Helmstetter, a self-help guru who has written several pieces on the subject of self-talk, and who argues that in order to achieve our highest self we need to work on how we talk to ourselves and identify our biggest challenge to conquer.",psychology Daily Rituals," is a compilation of the best practices and habits of successful people from different fields aimed to help anyone increase productivity, get past writer’s block, and become more creative and efficient in their everyday work.",psychology Chasing Excellence," breaks down how world-class athletes achieve the mental strength they need to succeed, highlighting",psychology A World Without Email," presents a utopia where people engage in their usual professional activities without using emails as a means of communication, and explores a new way of working that doesn’t rely on instant messaging, which is known for decreasing productivity at the workplace.",psychology Designing Your Work Life," is a helpful guidebook for anyone who wants to create and maintain a work environment that is both happy and productive by working with what they already have, rather than keep on changing jobs in hope of finding better.",psychology Hug Your Haters," talks about the importance of acknowledging your haters or dissatisfied customers and valuing their opinion in the process of building better products, improving the existing offerings, and growing your strategies overall.",psychology The Second Sex," delves into the concept of feminism by looking at historical facts and biases, and explains how being a woman implies being subjugated to a man and making yourself smaller so that you can fit in today’s world, but also how women everywhere should react to the system and change it.",psychology The Year of Magical Thinking, ,psychology Mastermind: How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes," presents the story of one of the most famous detectives we’ve ever known and his adventures in the world of uncovering mysteries while highlighting the secrets of his powerful mind, psychological tricks, deduction games, and teaching you how to strengthen your cognitive capacity.",psychology The Inner Life of Animals," presents complex research on animals and the life of our ecosystem, which is not so different than ours, given that they can feel pain, experience emotions, and share other similarities with us, humans.",psychology Courage Is Calling,"analyzes the actions taken in difficult situations by some of history’s leading figures, thus drawing conclusions about what makes someone courageous and showing you how to become a braver person day-by-day, step-by-step.",psychology Noise," delves into the concept of randomness and talks about how we as humans make decisions that prove to be life-changing, without putting the necessary thought into it, and how we can strengthen our thinking processes.",psychology Keep Going," teaches us how to persist in creative work when our brain wants to take a million different paths, showing us how to harness our brain power in moments of innovation as well as tediousness.",psychology The Mountain Is You," is a self-discovery book that aims to help its readers tap into their own power and discover their potential by overcoming trauma, life’s challenges, and working on their emotional damages, all through accepting change, envisioning a prosperous future, and stopping the self-sabotage.",psychology Unlimited Memory, explores the most effective ways to retain information and improve memory skills by teaching its readers some key aspects about the brain and explaining advanced learning strategies in an easy-to-follow manner.,psychology The Shallows," explores the effects of the Internet on the human brain, which aren’t entirely positive, as our constant exposure to the online environment through digital devices strips our ability to target our focus and stay concentrated, all while modifying our brain neurologically and anatomically. ",psychology Discourses," is a transcription of Epictetus’s lectures which aim to address a series of life ethics and tales that can help us make sense of certain things happening to us, such as hardship, challenges, and life events that ultimately lead to a stronger character.",psychology The Almanack of Naval Ravikant," compiles the valuable lessons of Naval Ravikant, who teaches people how to build wealth and achieve long-term happiness by working on a few essential skills, all while discovering the secrets of living a good life.",psychology The Nicomachean Ethics,"is a historically important text compiling Aristotle’s extensive discussion of existential questions concerning happiness, ethics, friendship, knowledge, pleasure, virtue, and even society at large.",psychology I Hear You," explores the idea of becoming a better listener, engaging in productive conversations and avoiding building up frustrations by taking charge of your communication patterns and improving them in your further dialogues.",psychology Happy Together," is written by two of the world’s most renowned psychologists, and it explores the concept of love and relationships by teaching its readers how to build and maintain happy, flourishing connections and how to optimize their couple life by focusing on the good and healthily dealing with the bad.",psychology The Practice of Groundedness," provides a more grounded way of living by eliminating the cult of being productive all the time to achieve success, instead offering a way to be at peace with yourself, prioritizing mental health and a simple yet meaningful life. ",psychology Rationality," explores the concept of ration as the pylon of all human progress and how it sets us apart from all other species, helping us evolve and developing societal layers, rules of conduct, and moral grounds for all our endeavors in life.",psychology Atlas of the Heart," maps out a series of human emotions and their meaning and explores the psychology behind a human’s feelings and how they make up our lives and change our behaviors, and how to build meaningful connections by learning how to deal with them.",psychology The High 5 Habit," is a self-improvement book that aims to help anyone who deals with self-limitations take charge of their life by establishing a morning routine, ditching negative talk, and transforming their life through positivity and confidence.",psychology Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers," explores the leading causes of stress and how to keep it under control, as well as the biological science behind stress, which can be a catalyst for performance in the short term, but a potential threat in the long run.",psychology Toward a Psychology of Being,"encompasses the extended research of Abraham Maslow on the human condition, how people view their wants and needs, the process of psychological growth and how achieving a sense of fulfillment is possible by understanding your perspective on needs and the way your mind works.",psychology How to Be a Conservative," builds the case for traditionalists and conservative people who view society through the lenses of someone who’s defending their nation, the long-lasting values of the world, the free market, and many other healthy principles. ",psychology Trust Yourself," offers career and wellbeing advice from a sensitive striver’s point of view, a introvert-leaning character type that comes with plenty of positive traits but is also prone to burnout, giving practical tips on breaking free from stress and perfectionism for a healthier, more balanced life.",psychology Perfectly Confident," explores the idea of confidence and offers a series of valuable practices that anyone can implement in their life to improve this aspect, as well as an overview of how confidence is supposed to look and feel like in its realest form, without adding or subtracting too much of it. ",psychology Unbeatable Mind," explores the idea that everyone has a higher self-potential lying underneath that they ought to explore and tap into in order to live their life to the fullest and maximize their happiness and success, all possible through the 20X rule.",psychology The Great Mental Models, will improve your decision-making process by sharing some unique but well-documented thinking models you can use to interact more efficiently with the world and other people.,psychology The Motivation Manifesto," explores how we can find purpose and meaningfulness in our lives by discovering our inner motivators and overcoming our fears, tapping into our inner power and living life fully and freely.",psychology The Alter Ego Effect," offers a practical approach on how to construct and benefit from alter egos, or the little heroes inside you, so as to achieve your desired goals and build a successful life with the help of a few key role models that you can borrow some attributes from or even impersonate in times of need.",psychology The Psychology of Money," explores how money moves around in an economy and how personal biases and the emotional factor play an important role in our financial decisions, as well as how to think more rationally and make better decisions when it comes to money.",psychology How to Think More Effectively," delves into the subject of thinking mechanisms and cognitive processes, and explores how you can think more efficiently and draw better insights from the world around you by adopting a few key practices, such as filtering your thoughts or prioritizing work. ",psychology Real Help," offers a hands-on approach to improving your life and achieving unconventional success through a happy, fulfilled, ordinary life, rather than fighting the broken system until you’ve got millions in the bank and out-of-the-ordinary achievements.",psychology The Art of Rhetoric," is an ancient, time-proven reference book that explores the secrets behind persuasion, rhetoric, and good public speaking by providing compelling information on what a good speech should consist of and how truth and virtue are at the foundation of every good story.",psychology The Self-Discipline Blueprint," delves into the subject of self-actualization and why it is crucial for humans to achieve a fulfilled and successful life by creating a routine and becoming focused, self-disciplined and hard-working.",psychology "Humor, Seriously"," explores how bringing fun and entertainment into the workplace can enhance team productivity, spark creativity, increase trust between members and improve people’s overall sentiment in relation to work and job-related activities.",psychology The Little Book of Talent," explores the concept of talents, skills and capabilities, and offers a multitude of effective tips and tricks on how to acquire hard skills using methods tested by top performers worldwide.",psychology Fail Fast Fail Often," outlines the importance of accepting failure as a natural part of our life, and how by embracing it instead of fearing it can improve the way we evolve, grow, learn and respond to new experiences and people.",psychology The Joy of Missing Out," explores today’s idea of productivity and common misconceptions about what it means to be productive, as well as how eliminating unnecessary stress by prioritizing effectively can help us live a better life.",psychology Stealing Fire, examines how a state of ecstasy can enhance the body-brain connection and allow humans to achieve excellent performance by accelerating their neural processes.,psychology Radical Honesty," looks into the concept of lying and how we can train ourselves to avoid doing it as only through morality we can live an honest life, although our natural inclination to lie can sometimes push us to alter the truth.",psychology Thrivers," explores the perspective of a child born in today’s fast-paced, digital era and how the average minor is being educated towards higher-than-usual achievements, being mature, responsible and successful, instead of being happy and focused on their own definition of success.",psychology Safe People," focuses on the importance of recognizing the types of people, distinguishing between the safe and unsafe ones, avoiding toxic relationships, and establishing meaningful ones by reading people and trusting God.",psychology Work Less Finish More," is a hands-on guide to adopting a more focused frame of mind and developing habits that will enhance your productivity levels, give you a sense of accomplishment and put you in the right direction in order to achieve your objectives.",psychology How To Do The Work," is a go-to guide that teaches us how to establish a mind-body-spirit connection and create better connections with the people around us by exploring how these aspects are interconnected and influenced by the way we eat, think, and feel.",psychology The Genius of Dogs," explores the curious mind of man’s best friend in relation to human intelligence, as dogs and humans are connected and have many similarities that make the relationship between them so strong and unique. ",psychology Collaborative Intelligence," helps you enhance your unique thinking traits and develop an individualized form of intelligence based on what works best for you, what your strengths are, and how you communicate with others.",psychology Bounce Back," is a book by Susan Kahn, a business coach who will teach you the psychology of resilience from the perspectives of Greek philosophy, Sigmund Freud, and modern neuroscience, so you can recover quickly from professional blunders of all kinds by changing your thinking.",psychology "Now, Discover Your Strengths"," shows you how to find your top five strengths by outlining what strengths are, how you get them, why they’re important to reaching your full potential, and how to discover your own through analyzing the times when your behavior is the most natural or instinctive and why.",psychology The Kindness Method," by Shahroo Izadi teaches how self-compassion and understanding make forming habits easier than being hard on yourself, using the personal experiences of the author and what she’s learned as an addiction recovery therapist to show how self-esteem is the true key to behavior change.",psychology Soundtracks," teaches you how to beat overthinking by challenging whether your thoughts are true, retiring unhelpful and unkind ideas, adopting thought-boosting mantras from others, using symbols to reinforce positive thoughts, and more.",psychology How To Change,"identifies the stumbling blocks that are in your way of reaching your goals and improving yourself and the research-backed ways to get over them, including how to beat some of the worst productivity and life problems like procrastination, laziness, and much more.",psychology Boundaries," explains, with the help of modern psychology and Christian ideals, how to improve your mental health and personal growth by establishing guidelines for self-care that include saying no more often and standing firm in your decisions rather than letting people walk all over you.",psychology The Data Detective," will make you smarter by showing how you can understand statistics well enough to see how they, and the beliefs and cognitive biases they can make you have, make such a huge impact in your life, for better or for worse, and how to separate fact from fiction.",psychology What Happened to You?," is Oprah’s look into trauma, including how traumatic experiences affect our brains throughout our lives, what they mean about the way we handle stress, and why we need to see it as both a problem with our society and our brains if we want to get through it.",psychology Intimacy And Desire," uses case studies of couples in therapy to show how partners can turn their normal sexual struggles and issues with sexual desire into a journey of personal, spiritual, and psychological growth that leads to a stronger bond and deeper, healthier desires for each other.",psychology Doesn’t Hurt To Ask,"teaches persuasion via asking the right questions, explaining that intentional questions are the key to sharing your ideas, connecting with your audience, and convincing people both in the office and at home.",psychology Beyond Order," is the follow-up to Jordan Peterson’s bestselling book 12 Rules for Life and identifies another 12 rules to live by that help us live with and even embrace the chaos that we struggle with every day, identifying that too much order can be a problem just as much as too much disorder.",psychology Hyperfocus," teaches you how to become more efficient and improve your concentration by deciding on one thing to work on, focusing only on that task, learning to understand when your mind has wandered and redirecting your attention back to your work, and thinking creatively when you’re not working.",psychology Ten Arguments For Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now," shows why you should quit social media because it stops joy, makes you a jerk, erodes truth, kills empathy, takes free will, keeps the world insane, destroys authenticity, blocks economic dignity, makes politics a mess, and hates you.",psychology The Design Of Everyday Things, helps you understand why your inability to use some products isn’t your fault but instead is the result of bad design and how companies can use the principles of cognitive psychology to implement better design principles that actually solve your problems without creating more of them.,psychology The Drama Of The Gifted Child," is an international bestseller that will help you unearth your sad, suppressed memories from childhood that still haunt you today and teach you how to confront them so you can avoid passing them on to your children, release yourself from the pains of your past, and finally be free to live a life of fulfillment.",psychology Think Again," will make you more intelligent, persuasive, and self-aware by identifying the power of being humble about what you don’t know, how to recognize blind spots in your thinking before they start causing you problems, and what you can do to become more effective at convincing others of your way of thinking.",psychology Say Nothing," contains the awful story of murder amid the Northern Ireland Conflict and a reflection on what caused it, those who were primarily involved, some of the worst parts of what happened, and other details of this dark era in the history of Ireland.",psychology Boys & Sex," shares the best insights that Peggy Orenstein had after two years of asking young men about their sex lives, including why stereotypes make life harder for them, how hookup culture is destroying relationships, and what we as a society can do to help these boys have better, healthier views about and experiences with sex.",psychology Unlearn, will show you how to win even in changing circumstances by revealing why the patterns you used for past successes won’t always work and how to adopt a learning attitude to stop them from holding you back.,psychology The Science Of Storytelling," will make you better at persuasion, writing, and speaking by outlining the psychology of telling good tales, including why our brains like them and how to craft the perfect ones.",psychology Under Pressure," uncovers the hidden anxieties and stresses that school-aged girls experience and what parents, educators, and all of us can do to help them break through it and succeed.",psychology Mindful Work," is your guide to understanding how the practice of meditation got its roots in Western society, the many ways it radically improves your brain’s ability to do almost everything, and how it will improve your productivity.",psychology The Coach’s Survival Guide, gives you all the tools that you need to become a successful coach and make the biggest positive impact on your clients.,psychology Phantoms In The Brain, will make you smarter about your own mind by sharing what scientists have learned from some of the most interesting experiences of patients with neurological disorders.,psychology The Social Leap," will help you understand human nature better by explaining the most significant event in our species’ evolutionary history and looking at how we adapted socially, emotionally, and psychologically to survive.",psychology Survival Of The Friendliest," explains why the #1 thing you can do for success is to focus on your social connections, how friendliness was the reason that our early ancestors survived as well as they did, and what you can do today to grow your social capital.",psychology The Charge," shows you how to unlock the baseline and forward human drives within you that will help you get energized, grounded, and working so that you can have the life of happiness and fulfillment you’ve always wanted.",psychology Relationship Goals, will open your mind to the true nature of healthy connections with others and help you prepare for health and happiness while you’re single and when you get married by outlining common relationship traps and how to avoid them.,psychology Maximize Your Potential," shows you how to make your work life one that’s both fulfilling and productive by shifting your mindset and taking advantage of your ambitions, skills, and creativity.",psychology Thoughts Without A Thinker," helps you get more peace, overcome mental illness, and ease suffering by outlining the principles of Buddhism, mindfulness, and meditation as they relate to psychoanalysis.",psychology Get Out Of Your Head," shows you how to break the pattern of negative thinking so you can consistently entertain healthier and happier thoughts by teaching simple tips like being alone, connecting with others, and reconnecting with God.",psychology When The Body Says No," will help you become healthier by teaching you the truth behind the mind-body connection, revealing how your mental state does in fact affect your physical condition and how you can improve both.",psychology How To Love," teaches the secrets of caring for and connecting with yourself, your partner, and everyone in the world by looking at love through the lens of mindfulness.",psychology Curious," is your guide to becoming more intelligent by harnessing the power of inquisitiveness and outlines the true nature of curiosity, how to keep it flourishing to become smarter, and what you might unknowingly be doing to suffocate its power.",psychology Quiet Power, identifies the hidden superpowers of introverts and empowers them by helping them understand why it’s so difficult to be quiet in a world that’s loud and how to ease their way into becoming confident in social situations.,psychology Thank You For Arguing," outlines the importance of arguments and rhetoric and teaches you how to persuade other people by setting clear goals for your conversations, identifying core issues, using logic, being the kind of person that can win arguments, and much more.",psychology Late Bloomers, will help you become more patient with the speed of your progress by identifying the damaging influences of early achievement culture and societal pressure and how to be proud of reaching your peak later in life.,psychology Limitless," shows you how to unlock the full potential that your brain has for memory, reading, learning, and much more by showing you how to take the brakes off of your mental powers with tools like mindset, visualization, music, and more.",psychology It’s All In Your Head," will motivate you to work hard, stay determined, and believe you can achieve your dreams by sharing the rise to fame of the prolific composer Russ.",psychology Brain Wash," will show you how to have a more peaceful, contented life by revealing what’s wrong with all of the bad habits that society accepts as normal, how they affect our brains, and the 10-day program you can follow to fix it.",psychology Games People Play, is a classic book about human behavior which explains the wild and interesting psychological games that you and everybody around you play to manipulate each other in self-destructive and divisive ways and how to tame your ego so you can quit playing and enjoy healthier relationships.,psychology Unplug," is your guide to utilizing meditation to enhance your brain, deal with stress, and become happier, explaining the basics of this practice, how to get started with it, and what science has to teach about its many benefits.",psychology The Power Of Myth," is a book based on Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyer’s popular 1988 documentary of the same name, explaining where myths come from, why they are so common in society, how they’ve evolved, and what important role they still play in our ever-changing world today.",psychology Ego Friendly," brings a twist to the mainstream spiritual narrative by showing you how to befriend your ego and treat it as your ally, instead of “letting go of it.”",psychology Eat Sleep Work Repeat," identifies why so many workplaces are unnecessarily stressful, how it makes employees unhappy and businesses less profitable, and what we all need to do to fix this growing problem.",psychology The Apology Impulse," will help you and your business become more authentic in your relationships with others by identifying how much companies say sorry, why they do, how they get it wrong, and the right way to do it.",psychology Think Like A Rocket Scientist, teaches you how to think like an engineer in your everyday life so that you can accomplish your personal and professional goals and reach your full potential.,psychology The Art Of Communicating," will improve your interpersonal and relationship skills by identifying the power of using mindfulness when talking with others, showing you how to listen with respect, convey your ideas efficiently, and most of all deepen your connections with others.",psychology Good People," is a book about business and leadership which explains the importance of focusing on and building integrity in the workplace, including why it’s so vital if you want your company to be successful, how you can get it, and why an emphasis on competencies alone won’t cut it anymore.",psychology Mind Over Money," is the ultimate guide to understanding the psychology of personal finance, explaining how your beliefs about money began forming when you were very young and what you can do to make your brain your financial friend instead of your enemy.",psychology The Lucifer Effect," is a book by Philip Zimbardo that explains why you’re not always a good person, identifying the often misunderstood line between good and evil that we all walk by uncovering the shocking results of the authors Stanford Prison Experiment and other cases that show how evil people can be.",psychology The Alchemist," is a classic novel in which a boy named Santiago embarks on a journey seeking treasure in the Egyptian pyramids after having a recurring dream about it and on the way meets mentors, falls in love, and most importantly, learns the true importance of who he is and how to improve himself and focus on what really matters in life.",psychology The Seven Principles For Making Marriage Work," is a compilation of the best lessons from John Gottman’s research on how healthy relationships happen and will teach you exactly what you and your spouse need to do to have a happy, healthy, and successful marriage.",psychology Start Where You Are, helps you discover the power of meditation and compassion by going beyond what incense to buy and giving you real and powerful advice on how to make these tools part of your daily life so you can live with greater happiness and peace.,psychology High Performance Habits," is your guide to building the six systems that science and the lives of the most successful people in the world prove will turn you into a productive, fulfilled, and extraordinary person.",psychology Living Forward," shows you how to finally get direction, purpose, and fulfillment by identifying why you need a Life Plan, how to write one, and the amazing life you can have if you implement it.",psychology Getting To Yes, is a handbook for having successful negotiations that teaches everything you need to know about resolving conflicts of all kinds and reaching win-win solutions in every discussion without giving in or making the other person unhappy.,psychology Emotional Intelligence 2.0," explains what Emotional Intelligence is and how you can use it to build fantastic relationships in your personal life and career by utilizing the powers of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management.",psychology Presence," is a life-changing guide to growing your self-confidence that shows how posture, mindset, and body language all expand your feeling of empowerment and your communication skills.",psychology The Happiness Trap," offers an easy-to-follow, practical guide to implementing Acceptances and Commitment Therapy (ACT), an effective method for loosening the grip of negative emotions so you can follow your values in life. ",psychology Mind Over Clutter," helps you take steps to improve your mental health, physical health, and the environment by showing you why having too much junk is so bad for you and outlining how to get rid of it all.",psychology Leadership and Self-Deception," is a guide to becoming self-aware by learning to see your faults more accurately, understanding other’s strengths and needs, and leaning into your natural instinct to help other people as much as possible.",psychology Who Not How," will skyrocket your success, happiness, and fulfillment in all areas of your life by identifying why you’re looking at your problems the wrong way and how simply seeking to get the right people to help you will make all the difference.",psychology The Power Of Showing Up, inspires parents to help their kids develop strong bonds and emotional intelligence by identifying how to be fully present as well as the benefits of doing so.,psychology You’ll See It When You Believe It," shows you how to discover your true, best self by revealing how to use the power of your mind to find peace with yourself, the people around you, and the universe.",psychology Reasons To Stay Alive," shows you the dangers and difficulties surrounding mental illness, uncovers the stigma around it, and identifies how to recover from it by sharing the story of Matt Haig’s recovery after an awful panic attack and subsequent battle with depression and anxiety.",psychology Words Can Change Your Brain," is the ultimate guide to becoming an expert communicator, teaching you how to use psychology to your advantage to express yourself better, listen more, and create an environment of trust with anyone you speak with.",psychology Happier, will improve your mental state and level of success by identifying what you get wrong about joy and how to discover what’s most important to you and how to make those things a more significant part of your life.,psychology The Courage Habit," helps you unearth your hidden desires for a better life, shows you how fear buried them in the first place, and outlines the path toward overcoming the paralysis that being afraid brings so that you can have everything you’ve ever dreamed of.",psychology The Power Of Bad, gives some excellent tips on how to become happier by identifying your tendency toward negativity and what psychology and research have to show you about how to beat it.,psychology Suggestible You," helps you understand and utilize the power of your mind-body connection by explaining the effect that your thoughts have on your body, including pain, illness, and memory and how to take advantage of it.",psychology The Way Of Zen," is the ultimate guide to understanding the history, principles, and benefits of Zen and how it can help us experience mental stillness and enjoy life even in uncertain times.",psychology Hold Me Tight, gives you advice on how to build and sustain a deeper connection with your spouse or partner by identifying the importance that every kind of emotion has in creating a lasting relationship and how to handle each of them maturely.,psychology The Sleep Solution," improves your quality of life by identifying the myths surrounding rest that keep you from getting more of it, showing you why they’re false, and teaching you how to establish proper sleep hygiene. ",psychology When Things Fall Apart, gives you the confidence to make it through life’s inevitable setbacks by sharing ideas and strategies like mindfulness to grow your resilience and come out on top.,psychology Willpower Doesn’t Work, shows you how to change your life in a more efficient way than relying on sheer grit alone by identifying the importance of your environment and other factors that affect your productivity so you can become your best self.,psychology Building A StoryBrand, is your guide to turning your sales pages and product into an adventure for your clients by identifying the seven steps to successful storytelling as a company and how to craft the clearest message possible so that they will understand and want to be part of it.,psychology Get Out Of Your Own Way, guides you through the process of overcoming what’s holding you back from being your best self and reaching success you’ve never dreamed of by identifying how Dave Hollis came to realize his limiting beliefs and beat them.,psychology Conscious Uncoupling, will improve your love life by showing you how to break up the right way and why things are going to be okay after you separate from someone you once loved.,psychology Living In Your Top 1%, shows you how to become your best self and live up to your full potential by outlining nine science-backed ways to beat the odds and achieve your goals and dreams.,psychology Joy At Work," takes Marie Kondo’s famous tidying-up tips and applies it to your job to help you be happier in the physical areas, digital spaces, and uses of your time in the office.",psychology Think Small," gives the science-backed secrets to following through with your goals, identifying seven key components that will help you use your own human nature to your advantage for wild success like you’ve never had before.",psychology 13 Things Mentally Strong Parents Don’t Do," teaches parents how to stop being a roadblock to their kids academic, behavioral, and emotional success by outlining ways to develop the right thinking habits.",psychology Everything Is Figureoutable, will help you annihilate the limiting beliefs that are holding you back so that you can finally pursue your dreams by identifying the thinking patterns that get you stuck and how to use self-empowerment principles to become free.,psychology The 15 Invaluable Laws Of Growth, will inspire you to get up and improve your life by showing you how change only happens when we actively nurture it and identifying the steps and strategies to thrive in your career and life.,psychology Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude, is a classic self-improvement book that will boost your happiness and give you the life of your dreams by identifying what Napoleon Hill learned interviewing hundreds of successful people and sharing how their outlook on life helped them get to the top.,psychology Status Anxiety, identifies the ways that your desire to be seen as someone successful makes you mentally unhealthy and also shows ways that you can combat the disease of trying to climb the never-ending social ladder.,psychology Descartes’ Error, will help you understand why the argument that the mind and body are disconnected is false by using neuroscience and interesting case studies to identify how the body and our emotions play a vital role in logical thinking.,psychology Brandwashed, will help you make better buying decisions by identifying the psychological tools that marketers use to turn your own brain against you and make you think that you need to buy their products.,psychology Personality Isn’t Permanent," will shatter your long-held beliefs that you’re stuck as yourself, flaws and all, by identifying why the person you are is changeable and giving you specific and actionable steps to change.",psychology Everybody Lies," will expand your mind about the true nature of human beings by explaining what big data is, how it came to be, and how we can use it to understand ourselves better.",psychology My Age Of Anxiety," is your guide to understanding an aspect of mental illness that most of us don’t realize is so severe, showing it’s biological and environmental origins and ways to treat it.",psychology " Outer Order, Inner Calm"," gives you advice to declutter your space and keep it orderly, to foster your inner peace and allow you to flourish.",psychology Boost!, is a guide for becoming more productive at work by using the preparation and performance techniques that world-class athletes use to win gold medals.,psychology The Coaching Habit," outlines the questions, attitudes, and habits required of managers who want to become great at motivating their team to become self-sustaining.",psychology Self-Compassion," teaches you the art of being kind to yourself by identifying what causes you to beat yourself up, how it affects your life negatively, and what you can do to relate to yourself in healthier and more compassionate ways.",psychology The Psychology Of Selling, motivates you to work on your self-image and how you relate to customers so that you can close more deals.,psychology What to Eat When," teaches us how food works inside our body and how to feed ourselves in a way that better suits our biology, making us healthier and stronger.",psychology The Confidence Code, empowers women to become more courageous by explaining their natural tendencies toward timidity and how to break them even in a world dominated by men. ,psychology The Advice Trap,"will drastically improve your communication skills and make you more likable, thanks to explaining why defaulting to sharing your opinion about everything is a bad idea and how listening until you truly understand people’s needs will make a much bigger positive difference in their lives.",psychology The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read, will help you step back and focus more on the big picture of parenting to foster a strong relationship with your child so they can grow up emotionally and mentally healthy.,psychology Insight," will help you understand what self-awareness is, why it’s vital if you want to become your best self, and how to overcome the obstacles in the way of having more of it.",psychology All About Love, teaches you how to get more affection and connection in your relationships by explaining why true love is so difficult these days and how to combat the unrealistic expectations society has set up that makes it so hard.,psychology Ask, shows you a method that helps you take the guesswork out of the equation so you can give your customers what they want even if they don’t know what they want.,psychology The Road Back To You, will teach you more about what kind of person you are by identifying the pros and cons of each personality type within the Enneagram test.,psychology Buyology, shows you how to spend less money by revealing the psychological traps that companies use to hack your brain and get you to purchase their products without you even realizing they’re doing it.,psychology The Introvert’s Complete Career Guide, will teach those who have a hard time talking to people how to gain confidence in navigating the workplace from job interview to office relationships.,psychology Social, explains how our innate drive to build social connections is the primary driver behind our behavior and explores ways we can use this knowledge to our advantage. ,psychology The Personality Brokers," uncovers the true, yet un-scientific origins of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality test.",psychology Chasing The Scream," is a scathing review of the failed war on drugs, explaining its history with surprising statistics and identifying new ways that we can think about addiction, recovery, and drug laws.",psychology The Worry-Free Mind, helps free you of the shackles of all types of anxieties by identifying where they come from and what steps you need to take to regain control of your thinking patterns and become mentally healthy again.,psychology Do What You Are, will help you discover your personality type and how it can lead you to a more satisfying career that corresponds to your talents and interests.,psychology Tiny Habits, shows you the power of applying small changes to your routine to unleash the full power that habits have to make your life better.,psychology Great Thinkers, shows how much of what’s truly important in life can be solved by the wisdom left behind by brilliant minds from long past.,psychology The Algebra of Happiness, outlines the variables in the equation for happiness and how to build them in your life.,psychology The Power Paradox," frames the concept of power in an inspiring new narrative, which can help us create better and more equal relationships, workplaces, and societies.",psychology What Got You Here Won’t Get You There, helps you overcome your personality traits and behaviors that stop you from achieving even more success.,psychology Brain Rules," teaches you how to become more productive at work and life by giving proven facts about how your mind works better with good sleep, exercise, and learning with all the senses.",psychology Broadcasting Happiness," is an encouraging resource that will help you boost your health and happiness in your relationships, work, and community by showing you how to unlock the power of positive words and stories.",psychology Alone Together, is a book that will make you want to have a better relationship with technology by revealing just how much we rely on it and the ways our connection to it is growing worse and having negative effects on us all.,psychology The Joy Of Movement, is just what you need to finally find the motivation to get out and exercise more often by teaching you the scientific reasons why it’s good for you and why your body is designed to enjoy it.,psychology "Girl, Stop Apologizing", is an inspirational book for women everywhere to start living up to their potential and stop apologizing for following their dreams. ,psychology Cribsheet," is a smart guide on how to make the best parenting choices for you and your child, by using an economic perspective and evidence-based advice based on scientific data.",psychology The Body Keeps The Score, teaches you how to get through the difficulties that arise from your traumatic past by revealing the psychology behind them and revealing some of the techniques therapists use to help victims recover.,psychology How Not To Worry," will teach you how to live stress-free by revealing your brain’s primitive emotional survival instinct and providing a simple and effective roadmap for letting go of your anxieties. ",psychology The Storytelling Edge, will boost your communication and persuasiveness skills by showing you how to tell powerful narratives in a convincing way and giving examples of why you should.,psychology How To Change Your Mind," reveals new evidence on psychedelics, confirming their power to cure mental illness, ease depression and addiction, and help people die more peacefully. ",psychology Maybe You Should Talk To Someone, will help you feel more comfortable with using therapy to improve your mental health by giving a candid look into how therapy really works from the point of view of an experienced therapist who also found herself needing it.,psychology Why Are We Yelling?," will improve your relationships, professional life, and the way you view the world by showing you that arguments aren’t bad, but important growing experiences if we learn to make them productive.",psychology Anatomy Of An Epidemic, teaches you how to make better decisions about your mental health as it uncovers the questionable origin of medication and reveals the interesting connection between psychiatry and pharmaceutical companies.,psychology A General Theory Of Love, will help you reprogram your mind for better emotional intelligence and relationships by teaching you what three psychiatrists have to say about the science of why we experience love and other emotions.,psychology Stillness Is The Key," will show you how to harness the power of slowing down your body and mind for less distractions, better self-control, and, above all, a happier and more peaceful life.",psychology The Anatomy Of Peace, will help you make your life and the world more calm by explaining the inefficiencies in our go-to pattern of using conflict to resolve differences and giving specific tips for how to use understanding to settle issues.,psychology Radical Acceptance, teaches how you can become more content and happy in your life by applying the principles of meditation and Buddhism. ,psychology Why We Sleep, will motivate you get more and better quality sleep by showing you the recent scientific findings on why sleep deprivation is bad for individuals and society.,psychology A Whole New Mind, is your guide to standing out in the competitive workplace by taking advantage of the big-picture skills of the right side of your brain.,psychology The Passion Paradox, explains the risks of blindly following what we love to do the most and teaches us how to cultivate our passions in a way that can lead us to a fulfilling life.,psychology Irresistible," reveals how alarmingly stuck to our devices we are, shows the negative consequences of technology addiction, and gives tips for a healthier relationship with the digital world. ",psychology A More Beautiful Question," will teach you how to ask more and better questions, showing you the power that the right questions have to transform your life for the better.",psychology A Return To Love," will help you let go of resentment, fear, and anger to have happier and healthier jobs and relationships by teaching you how to embrace the power of love.",psychology A Mind For Numbers," will teach you how to learn math and science more efficiently and get good at them by understanding how your brain absorbs and processes information, even if these subjects don’t come naturally to you.",psychology A Beautiful Mind," tells the fascinating story of the mathematical genius, mental illness, and miraculous recovery and success of John Nash Jr.",psychology Time And How To Spend It, is your guide to becoming more productive by not focusing on working extra hours but instead using the time off more effectively.,psychology Bullshit Jobs," asserts that roughly two out of every five people are stuck in work that is bereft of purpose, and these workers could suffer psychological damage as a result. ",psychology Talking To Strangers, helps you better understand and accurately judge the people you don’t know while staying patient and tolerant with others.,psychology Big Potential, will show you that the real secret to success and thriving in all aspects of life is developing strong connections with others and treating them in a way that lifts them up.,psychology The Second Mountain," argues that the key to living a meaningful, fulfilling, and happy life is not found in the pursuit of self-improvement but instead a life of service to others.",psychology Super Brain, explores the idea that through increased self-awareness and conscious intention we can teach our brain to perform at a higher level than we thought possible.,psychology Game Changers, reveals the secrets that some of the most impactful people in the world use to hack their biology and win at life and will teach you how to achieve your goals and be happy. ,psychology Invisible Influence," will help you make better choices by revealing and reducing the effect that others have on your actions, thoughts, and preferences.",psychology You Are A Badass At Making Money, will help you stop making excuses and get over your bad relationship with money to become a money-making machine.,psychology The Miracle of Mindfulness, teaches the ancient Buddhist practice of mindfulness and how living in the present will make you happier.,psychology The Fine Art Of Small Talk," will teach you how to skillfully start, continue, and end conversations with anyone, no matter how shy you think you are.",psychology Sleep Smarter, is a collection of 21 simple tips and tricks to optimize your sleep environment once and then reap the benefits of more restful nights forever.,psychology A First-Rate Madness," shares the stories of many world leaders and explains how they prevailed despite their mental illnesses and struggles, showing you how to turn your psychological disadvantages into leadership strengths.",psychology Manufacturing Consent, reveals how the upper class controls and skews the news to get the masses to believe whatever serves them best.,psychology Never Split the Difference,"is one of the best negotiation manuals ever written, explaining why you should never compromise, and how to negotiate like a pro in your everyday life as well as high-stakes situations.",psychology The Dip," teaches us that, between starting and succeeding, there’s a time of struggle when we should either pursue excellence or quit strategically while helping us choose between the two.",psychology Exploring The World Of Lucid Dreaming, is a practical guide to dreaming consciously which uncovers an invaluable channel of communication between your conscious and unconscious mind.,psychology The Charisma Myth," debunks the idea that charisma is a born trait, outlining several tools and exercises you can use to develop a charming social appeal and magnetic personality, even if you’re not extroverted.",psychology Nonviolent Communication," explains how focusing on people’s underlying needs and making observations instead of judgments can revolutionize the way you interact with anybody, even your worst enemies.",psychology Difficult Conversations," identifies why we shy away from some conversations more than others, and what we can do to navigate them successfully and without stress.",psychology The Art of Thinking Clearly, is a full compendium of the psychological biases that once helped us survive but now only hinder us from living our best life.,psychology The Organized Mind, will show you how to adapt your mind to our modern information culture so you can work efficiently without feeling exhausted.,psychology The Secret Life of Pronouns," is a collection of research and case studies explaining what our use of pronouns, articles, and other style words can reveal about ourselves.",psychology QBQ!, will teach you to ask better questions and stay accountable and why doing so will change every aspect of your life for the better.,psychology Multipliers,"explains the five types of people who inspire, support, and improve others in their organization, showing you how to become one as well as avoid diminishers, the people who drag down others and make it harder for them to perform.",psychology Spy the Lie, is a collection of professional tips on how to more accurately detect when someone is lying to you through a combination of verbal and non-verbal cues.,psychology Social Intelligence," is a complete guide to the neuroscience of relationships, explaining how your social interactions shape you and how you can use these effects to your advantage.",psychology The Brain That Changes Itself, explores the groundbreaking research in neuroplasticity and shares fascinating stories of people who can use the brain’s ability to adapt and be cured of ailments previously incurable. ,psychology Psycho-Cybernetics," explains how thinking of the human mind as a machine can help improve your self-image, which will dramatically increase your success and happiness.",psychology Altered Traits, explores the science behind meditation techniques and the way they benefit and alter our mind and body.,psychology Just Listen, teaches how to get your message across to anyone by using proven listening and persuasion techniques. ,psychology Behave," sets out to explain the reason behind human behavior, good or bad, by exploring the influences of brain chemistry and our environment.",psychology Brainstorm, is a fascinating look into the teenage brain that explains why adolescents act so hormonally and recklessly.,psychology The Tao Te Ching," is a collection of 81 short, poignant chapters full of advice on living in harmony with “the Tao,” translated as “the Way,” an ancient Chinese interpretation of the spiritual force underpinning all life, first written around 400 BC but relevant to this day.",psychology "Girl, Wash Your Face"," inspires women to take their lives into their own hands and make their dreams happen, no matter how discouraged they may feel at the moment.",psychology How Emotions Are Made, explores the often misconstrued world of human feelings and the cutting-edge science behind how they’re formed.,psychology Against Empathy, explains the problems with society’s obsession with empathy and explores its limitations while giving us useful alternatives for situations in which it doesn’t work.,psychology Search Inside Yourself," adapts the ancient ethos of “knowing thyself” to the realities of a modern, fast-paced workplace by introducing mindfulness exercises to enhance emotional intelligence.",psychology The Moral Animal, introduces you to the fascinating world of evolutionary psychology and uncovers the genetic strategies that explain why we do everything we do. ,psychology The 12 Week Year, will teach you how to reliably hit your goals by planning in 12-week cycles instead of following our typical 12-month routine.,psychology Aware," is a comprehensive overview of the far-reaching benefits of meditation, rooted in both science and practice, enriched with actionable advice on how to practice mindfulness. ",psychology Lost Connections," explains why depression affects so many people and that improving our relationships, not taking medication, is the way to beat our mental health problems.",psychology Dollars And Sense, explains why it’s so hard to manage money and teaches you how to combat false cues and natural desires so you can manage your dollars in better ways.,psychology Can’t Hurt Me," is the story of David Goggins, who went from being overweight and depressed to becoming a record-breaking athlete, inspiring military leader, and world-class personal trainer.",psychology Crucial Conversations, will teach you how to avoid conflict and come to positive solutions in high-stakes conversations so you can be effective in your personal and professional life. ,psychology The Age of Empathy," explains that empathy comes natural to humans, as it does to most other animals, and that we’re not wired to be selfish and violent, but kind and cooperative.",psychology The Science of Getting Rich," gives you permission to embrace your natural desire for wealth and explains why riches lead to a prosperous and abundant life in mind, body, and soul.",psychology Counterclockwise, is a critical look at current perspectives on health with a particular focus on how we can improve our own when we shift from being mindless to mindful.,psychology Contagious," illustrates why certain ideas and products spread better than others by sharing compelling stories from the world of business, social campaigns, and media.",psychology No-Drama Discipline, is a refreshing approach to parenting that looks at the neuroscience of a developing child’s brain to understand how to best discipline and teach kids while making them feel loved.,psychology Tribal Leadership,"explains the various roles people take on in organizations, showing you how to navigate, connect, and lead change across the five different stages of your company’s “tribal society.”",psychology The Yes Brain," offers parenting techniques that will give your kids an open attitude towards life, balance, resilience, insight, and empathy.",psychology The 5 Love Languages, shows couples how to make their love last by learning to recognize the unique way their partner feels love.,psychology The Happy Mind, shows you what science and experience teach about how to become happier by assuming responsibility for your own well-being.,psychology Everything Is F*cked, explains what’s wrong with our approach towards happiness and gives philosophical suggestions that help us make our lives worth living.,psychology "Change Your Questions, Change Your Life", will revolutionize your thinking with questions that create a learning mindset. ,psychology The 5 AM Club," helps you get up at 5 AM every morning, build a morning routine, and make time for the self-improvement you need to find success.",psychology "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus", helps you improve your relationships by identifying the key differences between men and women.,psychology My Stroke Of Insight,teaches you how to calm yourself anytime by simply tuning into the inherent peacefulness of the right side of the brain.,psychology The Presence Process," is an actionable 10-week program to become more present and consciously respond to situations based on breathing practice, insightful text, and observing your day-to-day experience.",psychology The Social Animal, weaves social science research into the story of a fictional couple to shed light on the decision-making power of our unconscious minds.,psychology Rest," examines why traditional methods of working too long and hard are inefficient compared to working less, resting, and playing to accomplish your best work.",psychology How Luck Happens," shows you how to foster your own luck by creating the conditions for it to manifest itself in your work, love and all other aspects of life.",psychology Liespotting," teaches you how to identify deceptive behavior with practical advice and foster a culture of trust, truth, and honesty in your immediate environment.",psychology The Antidote," will explain everything that’s wrong with positivity-based self-help advice and what you should do instead to feel, live, and be happier. ",psychology The More Of Less," teaches you how to declutter your time, mental capacities, and spaces to give more attention to the people and experiences that matter most.",psychology Psyched Up, is an in-depth look at the science behind mental preparation that will show you how to do your best when it counts the most based on what top performers do.,psychology Peak Performance," shows you how to perform at your highest level by exploring the most significant factors that contribute to delivering our best work, such as stress, rest, focus, and purpose.",psychology "Write It Down, Make It Happen"," is a simple guide to help you accomplish your goals through the act of writing, showing you how to use this basic skill to focus, address fears, and stay motivated.",psychology Braving The Wilderness," offers a four-step process to find true belonging through authenticity, bravery, trust, and vulnerability since it’s mostly about learning to stand alone rather than trying to fit in.",psychology The Courage To Be Disliked," is a Japanese analysis of the work of 19th-century psychologist Alfred Adler, who established that happiness lies in the hands of each human individual and does not depend on past traumas.",psychology Make Time," is about creating space in your life for what truly matters using highlights, laser-style focus, energizing breaks, and regularly reflecting on how you spend your most valuable asset.",psychology The Energy Bus," is a fable that will help you create positive energy with ten simple rules and make it the center of your life, work, and relationships.",psychology Atomic Habits," is the definitive guide to breaking bad behaviors and adopting good ones in four steps, showing you how small, incremental, everyday routines compound into massive, positive change over time.",psychology The Art Of Seduction," is a template for persuading anyone, whether it’s a business contact, a political adversary, or a love interest, toact in your best interest.",psychology Outwitting The Devil," is an imagined interview between Napoleon Hill and the Devil himself, in which he wrings certain truths from the root of evil, which will help us avoid his grasp and live a good life.",psychology The Laws of Human Nature," helps you understand why people do what they do and how you can use both your own psychological flaws and those of others to your advantage at work, in relationships, and in life.",psychology Dare To Lead," dispels common myths about modern-day workplace culture and shows you that true leadership requires nothing but vulnerability, values, trust, and resilience.",psychology The Inner Game Of Tennis," is about the mental state required to deliver peak performance and how you can cultivate that state in sports, work, and life.",psychology 21 Lessons For The 21st Century," highlights today’s most pressing political, cultural, and economic challenges created by technologywhile helping us prepare for an uncertain future.",psychology The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind," is a spiritual self-help classic, which teaches you how to use visualization and other suggestion techniques to adapt your unconscious behavior in positive ways.",psychology The Chimp Paradox," uses a simple analogy to help you take control of your emotions and act in your own, best interest, whether it’s in making decisions, communicating with others, or your health and happiness.",psychology How Successful People Think," lays out eleven specific ways of thinking you can practice to live a better, happier, more successful life.",psychology Factfulness," explains how our worldview has been distorted with the rise of new media, which ten human instincts cause erroneous thinking, and how we can learn to separate fact from fiction when forming our opinions.",psychology How To Talk To Anyone," is a collection of actionable tips to help you master the art of human communication, leave great first impressions and make people feel comfortable around you in all walks of life.",psychology Minimalism, is an instructive introduction to the philosophy of less and how it helped two guys who had achieved the American dream let go of their possessions and the depressions that came with them.,psychology The First 20 Hours, lays out a methodical approach you can use to pick up new skills quickly without worrying about how long it takes to become an expert.,psychology The Culture Code," examines the dynamics of groups, large and small, formal and informal, to help you understand how great teams work and what you can do to improve your relationships wherever you cooperate with others.",psychology Letters From A Stoic, is a collection of moral epistles famous Roman Stoic and philosopher Seneca,psychology 12 Rules For Life,"is a story-based, stern yet entertaining self-help manual for young people laying out a set of simple rules to help us become more disciplined, behave better, act with integrity, and balance our lives while enjoying them as much as we can.",psychology Solve For Happy," lays out a former Google engineers formula for happiness, which shows you not only that it’s our default state, but also how to overcome the obstacles we face in remaining in it.",psychology How To Fail At Almost Everything And Still Win Big, is the memoir of Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams,psychology Problem Solving 101,"is a universal, four-step template for overcoming challenges in life, based on a traditional method Japanese school children learn early on.",psychology The Wisdom Of Life," is an essay from Arthur Schopenhauer’s last published work, which breaks down happiness into three parts and explains how we can achieve it.",psychology Skin In The Game," is an assessment of asymmetries in human interactions, aimed at helping you understand where and how gaps in uncertainty, risk, knowledge, and fairness emerge, and how to close them.",psychology The Secret," is a self-help book by Rhonda Byrne that explains how the law of attraction, which states that positive energy attracts positive things into your life, governs your thinking and actions, and how you can use the power of positive thinking to achieve anything you can imagine.",psychology When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing," breaks down the science of time so you can stop guessing when to do things and pick the best times to work, eat, sleep, have your coffee and even quit your job.",psychology Barking Up The Wrong Tree," turns standard success advice on its head by looking at both sides of many common arguments, like confidence, extroversion, or being nice, concluding it’s really other factors that decide if we win, and we control more of them than we think.",psychology The Book Of Joy," is the result of a 7-day meeting between the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu, two of the world’s most influential spiritual leaders, during which they discussed one of life’s most important questions: how do we find joy despite suffering?",psychology Find Your Why," is an actionable guide to discover your mission in life, figure out how you can live it on a daily basis and share it with the world.",psychology Principles," holds the set of rules for work and life billionaire investor and CEO of the most successful fund in history, Ray Dalio, has acquired through his 40-year career in finance.",psychology Nobody Wants to Read Your Sh*t," combines countless lessons Steven Pressfield has learned from succeeding as a writer in advertising, the movie industry, fiction, non-fiction, and self-help, in order to help you write like a pro.",psychology Emotional Agility," provides a new, science-backed approach to navigating life’s many trials and detours on your path to fulfillment, with which you’ll face your emotions head on, observe them objectively, make choices based on your values and slowly tweak your mindset, motivation and habits.",psychology The Road Less Traveled,"is a spiritual classic, combining scientific and religious views to help you grow by confronting and solving your problems through discipline, love and grace.",psychology The 5 Second Rule," is a simple tool that undercuts most of the psychological weapons your brain employs to keep you from taking action, which will allow you to procrastinate less, live happier and reach your goals.",psychology The Four Tendencies,"is a personality profile framework to help you understand how you and the people around you deal with their outer and inner expectations, so you can better manage your life, work and relationships.",psychology The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck," does away with the positive psychology craze to instead give you a Stoic, no-BS approach to living a life that might not always be happy, but meaningful and centered only around what’s important to you.",psychology The Happiness Equation," reveals nine scientifically backed secrets to happiness to show you that by wanting nothing and doing anything, you can have everything.",psychology The Myth Of Multitasking," explains why doing everything at once is neither efficient, nor even possible, and gives you practical steps for more focus in the workplace.",psychology Accidental Genius,"introduces you to the concept of freewriting, which you can use to solve complex problems, exercise your creativity, flesh out your ideas and even build a catalog of publishable work.",psychology I Thought It Was Just Me (But It Isn’t), helps you understand and better manage the complicated and painful feeling of shame.,psychology Get Smart," reveals how you can access more of your brain’s power through simple, actionable brain training techniques that’ll spark your creativity, make you look for the positive and help you achieve your goals faster.",psychology The Interpretation Of Dreams," is Sigmund Freud’s seminal work on scientifically analyzing the deeper meaning hidden inside each and every one of our human dreams, which will help you make more sense of your own psyche.",psychology Failing Forward," will help you stop making excuses, start embracing failure as a natural, necessary part of the process and let you find the confidence to proceed anyway.",psychology The Four Agreements," draws on the long tradition of the Toltecs, an ancient, indigenous people of Mexico, to show you that we have been domesticated from childhood, how these internal, guiding rules hurt us and what we can do to break and replace them with a new set of agreements with ourselves.",psychology Pre-Suasion," takes you through the latest social psychology research to explain how marketers, persuaders and our environment primes us to say certain things and take specific actions, as well as how you can harness the same ideas to master the art of persuasion.",psychology "If You’re So Smart, Why Aren’t You Happy"," walks you through the seven deadly sins of unhappiness, which will show you how small the correlation between success and happiness truly is and help you avoid chasing the wrong things in your short time here on earth.",psychology The Little Book Of Hygge," is about the hard-to-describe, yet powerful Danish attitude towards life, which consistentlyranks Denmark amongthe happiest countries in the world and how you can cultivate it for yourself.",psychology Option B," shares the stories of people who’ve had to deal with a traumatizing event, most notably Facebook’s COO Sheryl Sandberg, to help you face adversity, become more resilient and find joy again after life punches you in the face.",psychology Long-Term Thinking For A Short-Sighted World," explains why we rarely think about the long-term consequences of our actions, how this puts our entire species in danger and what we can do to change and ensure a thriving future for mankind.",psychology The Life-Changing Magic Of Not Giving A F*ck," is a funny, practical guide to mental decluttering, giving you actionable tips to stop caring about things that don’t really matter to you, without feeling ashamed or guilty.",psychology Trying Not To Try," explores ancient, Chinese philosophy to break down the art of being spontaneous, which will help you unite your mind and body, reach a state of flow, and breeze through life like a leaf in a river.",psychology You Are A Badass," helps you become self-aware, figure out what you want in life and then summon the guts to not worry about the how, kick others’ opinions to the curb and focus your life on the thing that will make you happy.",psychology Payoff," unravels the complex construct that is human motivation and shows you how it consists of many more parts than money and recognition, such as meaning, effort and ownership, so you can motivate yourself not just today, but every day.",psychology Peak," accumulates everything the pioneer researcher on deliberate practice has learned about expert performance through decades of exploration and analysis of what separates those, who are average, from those, who are world-class at what they do.",psychology Ego Is The Enemy," reveals why a tendency that’s hardwired into our brains — the belief that the world revolves around us and us alone — keeps holding us back from living the very life it dreams up for us, including what we can do to overcome our ego, be kinder to others and ourselves, and achieve true greatness.",psychology Simple Rules," shows you how to navigate our incredibly complex world by learning the structure of and coming up with your own set of easy, clear-cut rules to follow for the most various situations in life.",psychology The Habit Blueprint," strips down behavior change to its very core, giving you the ultimate, research-backed recipe for cultivating the habits you desire, with plenty of backup steps you can take to maximize your chances of success.",psychology The Creative Habit," is a dancer’s blueprint to making creativity a habit, which she’s successfully done for over 50 years in the entertainment industry.",psychology Plato At The Googleplex,"asks what would happen if ancient philosopher Plato were alive today and came in contact with the modern world, for example by touring Google’s headquarters, and what the implications of his encounters are for the relevance of philosophy in our civilized, hyper-technological world.",psychology 21 Days To A Big Idea," shows you how to combine the creative and rational sides of your brain to come up with cool, new ideas and fun ways to implement them, which might even help you create a sustainable business in the long run, in as little as 21 days.",psychology Decisive," gives you a scientific, 4-step approach to making better decisions in your life and career, based on an extensivestudy of the availableliterature and research on the topic.",psychology The Artist’s Way," is an all-time, self-help classic, helping you to reigniteyour inner artist, recover your creativity and let the divine energy flow through you as you create your art.",psychology The Power Of The Other," shows you the surprisingly big influence other people have on your life, what different kinds of relationships you have with them and how you can cultivate more good ones to replace the bad, fake or unconnected andlive a more fulfilled life.",psychology The Untethered Soul," describes how you can untie your self from your ego, harness your inner energy, expand beyond yourself and float through the river of life instead of blocking or fighting it.",psychology Unlimited Power," is a self-help classic, which breaks down how Tony Robbins has helped top performers achieve at their highest level and how you can use the same mental and physical tactics to accomplish your biggest goals in life.",psychology When To Rob A Bank, is a collection of the best of the Freakonomics authors’ blog posts from over 10 years of blogging about economics in all areas of our life.,psychology The Geography Of Genius," explains how genius is not an inherited trait bound to individual, but rather happens at the intersection of time and place, by talking you on a tour through some of the historically most creative cities in the world.",psychology Six Thinking Hats,"divides thinking into six distinct areas and perspectives, which will help you, your team, and your company tackle problems from different angles, thus solving them with the power of parallel thinking and saving time, money, and energy as a result.",psychology The Gifts Of Imperfection," shows you how to embrace your inner flaws to accept who you are, instead of constantly chasing the image of who you’re trying to be, because other people expect you to act in certain ways.",psychology The Sunflower, recounts an experience of holocaust survivor Simon Wiesenthal,psychology The Language Instinct," argues that we are born with an innate capability to understand languages, that most of them are more similar than you might think and explains where our capability to deal with words so well comes from.",psychology Superfreakonomics," reveals how you can find non-obvious solutions to tricky problems by focusing on raw, hard data and thinking like an economist, which willget youcloser to the truth than everyone else.",psychology How Will You Measure Your Life," shows you how to sustain motivation at work and in life to spend your time on earth happily and fulfilled, by focusing not just on money and your career, but your family, relationships and personal well-being.",psychology Mind Gym," explains why the performance of world-class athletes isn’t onlya result of their physical training, but just as much due to their mentally fit minds and shows you how you can cultivate the mindset of a top performer yourself.",psychology The Practicing Mind," shows you how to cultivatepatience, focus, and discipline for working towards your biggest goals, bygoing back to the basic principles of practice, embracing a child-like trial-and-error attitude again and thus make working hard towards mastery a fulfilling process in itself.",psychology Nudge, shows you how you can unconsciously make better decisions by designing your environment so it nudges you in the right direction every time temptation becomes greatest and thus build your own choice architecture in advance.,psychology Finding Your Element," shows you how to find your talents and passions, embrace them, and come up with your own definition of happiness, so you can combine what you love with what you’re good at to live a long, happy life.",psychology The Art Of Choosing," extensively covers the scientific research made about human decision making, showing you what affects how you make choices, how the consequences of those choices affect you, as well as how you can adapt to these circumstances to make better decisions in the future.",psychology Loving What Is," gives you four simple questions to turn negative thoughts around, change how you react to the events and people that stress you and thus end your own suffering to love reality as it is.",psychology How To Read A Book," is a 1940 classic teaching you how to become a more active reader and deliberately practice the various stages of reading, in order to maximize the value you get from books.",psychology Move Your Bus,"illustrates the different kinds of groups in organizations, how leaders can inspire those groups, and what individuals can do to become highly valued, productive members of the organizations they serve.",psychology The Compound Effect," will show you why big, abrupt changes rarely work and how you can change your life over time with the power of small, daily steps, a routine that builds momentum and the courage to break through your limits when you reach them.",psychology The 8th Habit," is about finding your voice and helping others discover their own, in order to thrive at work in the Information Age, where interdependence is more important than independence.",psychology Your Best Just Got Better," shows you how to tackle productivity and performance with the best techniques to help you work smarter, get more done and stay inspired.",psychology Bit Literacy, shows you how to navigate innumerable streamsof digital information without becoming paralyzed by managing your media with a few simple systems.,psychology Switch," is about how you can lead and encourage changes of human behavior, both in yourself and in your organization, by focusing on the three forces that influence it: the rider, the elephant and the path.",psychology Algorithms To Live By," explains how computer algorithms work, why their relevancy isn’t limited to the digital world and how you can make better decisions by strategically using the right algorithm at the right time, for example in dating, at home or in the office.",psychology The Wisdom Of Insecurity," is a self-help classic that breaks down our psychological need for stability and explains how it’s led us right into consumerism, why that won’t solve our problem and how we can really calm our anxiety.",psychology Flourish," establishes a new model for well-being, rooted in positive psychology, building on five key pillars to help you create a happy life through the power of simple exercises.",psychology Mindsight," offers a new way of transforming your life for the better by connecting emotional awareness with the right reactions in your body, based on the work of a renowned pyschologistand his patients.",psychology A Force For Good," is a universal call to turn ourcompassion outward and use it to improve ourselves and the world around us in science, religion, social issues, business and education.",psychology Disrupt Yourself," explains how you can harnessthe ever-accelerating power of disruptive innovation in your personal life, be it to advance your career or to build a company that thrives, by embracing your limitations, focusing on your strengths and staying flexible and curious along the way.",psychology How To Stop Worrying And Start Living," is a self-help classic which addresses one of the leading causes of physical illness, worry, by showing you simple and actionable techniques to eliminate it from your life.",psychology The Lessons Of History," describes recurring themes and trends throughout 5,000 years of human history, viewed through the lenses of 12 different fields, aimed at explaining the present, the future, human nature and the inner workings of states.",psychology The End Of Average," explains the fundamental flaws with our culture of averages, in which we design everything for the average person, when that person doesn’t exist, and shows how we can embrace our individuality and use it to succeed in a world that wants everyone to be the same.",psychology A Guide To The Good Life,"is a roadmap for aspiring Stoics, revealing why this ancient philosophy is useful today, what Stoicism is truly about, and showing you how to cultivate its powerful principles in your own life.",psychology 59 Seconds," shows you several self-improvement hacks, grounded in the science of psychology, which you can use to improve your mindset, happiness and life in less than a minute.",psychology How Not To Be Wrong," shows you that math is really just the science of common sense and that studying a few key mathematical ideas can help you assess risks better, make the right decisions, navigate the world effortlessly and be wrong a lot less.",psychology Habits Of A Happy Brain," explains the four neurotransmitters in your brain that create happiness, why you can’t be happy all the time, and how you can rewire your brain by taking responsibility for your own hormones and thus, happiness.",psychology Excellent Sheep,"describes how fundamentally broken elite education is, why it makes students feel depressed and lost, how educational institutions have been alienated from their true purpose, what students really must learn in college and how we can go back to making college a place for self-discovery and critical thinking.",psychology Give And Take," explains the three different types of how we interact with others and shows you why being a giver is, contrary to popular belief, the best way to success in business and life.",psychology Grit," describes what creates outstanding achievements, based on science, interviews with high achievers from various fields and the personal history of success of the author, Angela Duckworth, uncovering that achievement isn’t reserved for the talented only, but for those with passion and perseverance.",psychology Through The Language Glass," explains how the language you speak fundamentally alters your reality and how nature, culture and language have all been intertwined all throughout history.",psychology Million Dollar Consulting," teaches you how to build a thriving consultancy business, by focusing on relationships, delivering strategic value and thinking long-term all the way through.",psychology The Rise Of Superman," decodes the science of ultimate, human performance by examining how top athletes enter and stay in a state of flow, while achieving their greatest feats, and how you can do the same.",psychology Fooled By Randomness," explains how luck, uncertainty, probability, human error, risk, and decision-making work together to influence our actions, set against the backdrop of business and specifically, investing, to uncover how much bigger the role of chance in our lives is, than we usually make it out to be.",psychology Rising Strong," describes a 3-phase process of bouncing back from failure, which you can implement both in your own life and as a team or company, in order to embrace setbacks as part of life, deal with your emotions, confront your own ideas and rise stronger every time.",psychology Made To Stick," examines advertising campaigns, urban myths and compelling stories to determine the six traits that make ideas stick in our brains, so you don’t just know why you remember some things better than others, but can also spread your own ideas more easily among the right people.",psychology How To Create A Mind," breaks down the human brain into its components, in order to then draw parallels to computers and find out what is required to let them replicate our minds, thus creating true, artificial intelligence.",psychology The Art Of Asking," teaches you to finally accept the help of others, stop trying to do everything on your own, and show you how you can build a closely knit family of friends and supporters by being honest, generous and not afraid to ask.",psychology The Black Swan," explains why we are so bad at predicting the future, and how unlikely events dramatically change our lives if they do happen, as well as what you can do to become better at expecting the unexpected.",psychology The Code Of The Extraordinary Mind," gives you a 10-step framework for success, based on the lives of the world’s most successful people, who the author has spent 200+ hours interviewing.",psychology The Botany Of Desire," describes how, contrary to popular belief, we might not be using plants as much as plants use us, by getting humans to ensure their survival, thanks to appealing to our desires for beauty, sweetness, intoxication and control.",psychology The Better Angels Of Our Nature," illustrates why we live in the most peaceful time ever in history, by looking at what motivates us to behave violently, how these motivators are outweighed by our tendencies towards a peaceful life and which major shifts in history caused this global reduction in crime.",psychology Ignore Everybody," outlines 40 ways for creative people to let their inner artist bubble to the surface by staying in control of their art, not selling out and refusingto conform towhat the world wants you to do.",psychology The Magic of Math," shows you not only the power, but also the beauty of mathematics, unlike you’ve ever seen it in school and with practical, real-world applications.",psychology "Think Like A Freak teaches you how to reject conventional wisdom as often as possible, ask the right questions about everything and come up with your own, statistically validated answers, instead of relying on other peoples’ opinions or common sense",.,psychology I Wear The Black Hat," shows you that determining if a person is good or bad isn’t as straightforward as you might think, by uncovering some of the biases that make us see people in a different light, regardless of their true intentions.",psychology Born For This," shows you how to find the work you were meant to do, which actually might consist of many different forms of work over the course of your life, by showing you the power of a side hustle, proper risk-assessment, creating your own job and pursuing all of your passions – one at a time.",psychology The Now Habit," is a strategic program to help you eliminate procrastination from your life, bring fun and motivation back to your work and enjoy your well-earned spare time without feeling guilty.",psychology Creative Schools, reveals how fundamentally broken our formal education system really is and how we can change our perspective to teach children the competencies and things they actually need to navigate the modern world.,psychology The Genius Of Birds," shines a new light on a genuinely underrated kind of vertebrate by explaining birds’ capacities to be social, intelligently solve challenges, learn languages, be artistic and navigate the planet.",psychology Mini Habits," explains how you can get the most out of the fact that 45% of your behavior happens on autopilot by setting ridiculously small goals, relying on willpower instead of motivation and tracking your progress to live a life that’s full ofgood mini habits.",psychology "The Eureka Factor lays out the history of so-called “aha moments” and explains what happens in your brain as you have them, where they come from and how you can train yourself to have more flashes of genius",.,psychology Grain Brain," takes a look at the impact carbohydrates have on the structure and development of your brain, arriving at the conclusion that a diet high in fat, low in carbs and especially sugar, combined with fasting, lots of activity and more sleep could provide you with a much higher quality of life.",psychology Howard Hughes: His Life And Madness," details the birth, childhood, career, death and legacy of shimmering business tycoon Howard Hughes, who was a billionaire, world-renowned aviator, actor and industry magnate.",psychology A Curious Mind," is an homage to the power of asking questions, showing you how being curious can change your entire life, from the way you do business, to how you interact with your loved ones, or even shape your country.",psychology The Selfish Gene," explains the process of evolution in biology using genes as its basic unit, showing how they manifest in the form of organisms, what they do to ensure their own survival, how they program our brains, which strategies have worked best throughout history and what makes humans so special in this context.",psychology Inventology," takes you through the history of how many of the world’s best inventors came across their ideas, uncovering their creative process and howyou can update it for today to figure out what drives great inventions and come up with your own.",psychology Smarter," is one “slow learner” turned A student’s experimental account of improving his intelligence by 16% through various tests, lessons and exercises and explains how you can increase your intelligence in scientifically proven ways.",psychology Breakfast With Socrates," takes you through an ordinary day in the company of extraordinary minds, by linking each part of it to the core message of one of several great philosophers throughout history, such as Descartes, Nietzsche, Marx, and even Buddha.",psychology Originals," re-defines what being creative means by using many specific examples of how persistence, procrastination, transparency, critical thinking and perspective can be brought together to change the world.",psychology Hardwiring Happiness," tells you what you can do to overcome your negativity bias of focusing on and exaggerating negative events by relishing, extending and prioritizing the good things in your life to become happier.",psychology Pitch Anything," relies on tactics and strategies from a field called neuroeconomics to give you an entirely new way of presenting, pitching and convincing other people of your ideas and offers.",psychology The Signal And The Noise," explains why so many predictions end up being wrong, and how statisticians, politicians and meteorologists fallprey to masses of data, when findingimportant signals is mostly a matter of being cautious, diligent and, most importantly, human.",psychology Everything Is Obvious," shows you that common sense isn’t as reliable as you think it is, because it often fails us in helping to make predictions, and how you can change the way you or your company make decisions withmore scientific, statistically grounded methods.",psychology The Sleep Revolution," paints a grim picture of Western sleep culture, but not without extending a hand to school kids, students, professionals and CEOs alike by offering genuine advice on how to stop wearing sleep deprivation as a badge of honor and finally get a good night’s sleep.",psychology The Upside Of Irrationality,"shows you the many ways in which you act irrational, while thinking what you’re doing makes perfect sense, and how this irrational behavior can actually be beneficial, as long as you use it the right way.",psychology Rejection Proof," shows you that no “No” lasts forever, and how you can use rejection therapy to change your perspective of fear, embrace new challenges, and hear the word “Yes” more often than ever before.",psychology Daring Greatly," is a book about having the courage to be vulnerable in a world where everyone wants to appear strong, confident and like they know what they’re doing.",psychology Predictable Success," leads you through the various stages of companies and alternative paths they can and might take, depending on their actions, showing you the safest path towards predictable success, where you consistently achieve your goals.",psychology How To Win At The Sport Of Business, is Mark Cuban’s account of how he changed his mindset and attitude over the years to go from broke to billionaire and help you embrace the habits of a successful businessman (or woman).,psychology Meditations On First Philosophy,"is one of the premier works of Western philosophy, written byRené Descartes in 1641, prompting us to abandon everything that can possibly be doubted and then starting to reason our way forward based only on what we can know with absolute certainty.",psychology To Sell Is Human," shows you that selling is part of your life, no matter what you do, and what a successful salesperson looks like in the 21st century, with practical ideas to help you convince others in a more honest, natural and sustainable way.",psychology Black Box Thinking," reveals that all paths to success lead through failure and what you can do to change your perspective on it, admit your mistakes, and build your own black box to consistently learn and improve from the feedback failure gives you.",psychology This Is Your Brain On Music," explains where music historically comes from, what it triggers in our brain, how we develop our tastes and why it’s a crucial part of our lives, along with what makes great musicians great.",psychology Predictably Irrational," explains the hidden forces that really drive how we make decisions, which are far less rational than we think, but can help us stay on top of our finances, interact better with others and live happier lives, once we know about them.",psychology Charlie Munger," teaches you the investment approach and ideas about life from Warren Buffett’s business partner and billionaire Charlie Munger, which the two have used for decades to run one of the most successful companies in the world.",psychology The Talent Code," cracks open the myth of talent and breaks it down from a neurological standpoint into three crucial parts, which anyone can pull together to become a world-class performer, artist, or athlete and form something they used to believe was not even within their own hands.",psychology Reading Like A Writer," takes you through the various elements of world-famousliterature and shows you how, by paying close attention to how great authors employ them, you can not only get a lot more from your reading, but also learn to be a better writer yourself.",psychology Man’s Search for Meaning," details holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl’s horrifying experiences in Nazi concentration camps, along with his psychological approach of logotherapy, which is also what helped him survive and shows you how you can – and must – find meaning in your life.",psychology Smarter Faster Better," tells deeply researched stories from professionals around the world to show you how to do what you’re already doing in a better, more efficient way, by focusing on decisions, motivation and the way we set goals.",psychology Abundance," shows you the key technological trends being developed today, to give you a glimpse of a future that’s a lot brighter than you think and help you embrace the optimism we need to make it happen.",psychology 10 Days To Faster Reading," helps youbring your reading skills to the current century, even if you’ve stopped developing them, like most of us, with the end of elementary school, by helping you select what to read in a better way and giving you actionable techniques to read and retain faster and better.",psychology The ADHD Advantage," sheds light on one of the most falsely assessed health conditions of the 21st century, by explaining how ADHD is overdiagnosed, overmedicated and why people with ADHD should embrace it as a means of success.",psychology The Art Of Learning," explains the science of becoming a top performer, based on Josh Waitzkin’s personal rise to the top of the chess and Tai Chi world, by showing you the right mindset, proper ways to practice and how to build the habits of a professional.",psychology Ending Aging," describes how the process of aging is like a disease and therefore, treatable, by outlining the seven primary ways in which we age and possible antidotes to all of them, plus a glimpse into the future of potentially indefinite human life.",psychology Carrots And Sticks," explains how you can harness the power of incentives – carrots and sticks – to change your bad behaviors, improve your self-control and reach your long-term goals.",psychology Are You Fully Charged," shows you the three keys to arriving at work and life with a battery that’s brimming with happiness and motivation, which are energy, interactions and meaning, and how to implement them in your day.",psychology How To Be Alone," shows you that solitude not only has its benefits, but is a vital component of happiness and that you should embrace it and slowly discover what dosage you need, and why it’s okay to let society think you’re a bit weird sometimes.",psychology "Wherever You Go, There You Are"," explains what mindfulness is and why it’s not reserved for Zen practitioners and Buddhist monks, giving you simple ways to practice it in everyday life, both formally and informally, while helping you avoid the obstacles on your way to a more aware self.",psychology Year of Yes, details famous TV-show creator Shonda Rhimes’s change from introversion to socialite by saying “Yes” to anything for a full year and how she was finally able to face her fears and start loving herself.,psychology The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up," takes you through the process of simplifying, organizing and storing your belongings step by step, to make your home a place of peace and clarity.",psychology Why We Work," looks at the purpose of work in our lives by examining how different people view their work, what traits make work feel meaningful, and which questions companies should ask to maximize the motivation of their employees.",psychology Deep Work," proposes that we have lost our ability to focus deeply and immerse ourselves in a complex task, showing you how to cultivate this skill again and focus more than ever before with four simple rules.",psychology Who Moved My Cheese," tells a parable, which you can directly apply to your own life, in order to stop fearing what lies ahead and instead thrive in an environment of change and uncertainty.",psychology Singletasking," digs into neuroscientific research to explain why we’re not meant to multitask, how you can go back to the old, singletasking ways, and why that’s better for your work, relationships and happiness.",psychology How To Read Literature Like A Professor," shows you how to get more out of your reading, by educating you about the basics of classic literature and how authors use patterns, themes, memory and symbolism in their work to deliver their message to you.",psychology The 48 Laws Of Power," draws on many of history’s most famous power quarrels to showyou what power looks like, how you can get it, what to do to defend yourself against the power of others and, most importantly, how to use it well and keep it.",psychology The Da Vinci Curse," explains why people with many talents don’t fit into a world where we need specialists and, if you have many talents yourself, shows you how you can lift this curse, by giving you a framework to follow and find your true vocation in life.",psychology As A Man Thinketh," is an essay and self-help classic, which argues that the key to mastering your life is harnessing the power of your thoughts and helps you cultivate the philosophy and attitude of a positive, successful person.",psychology Never Eat Alone," is a modern classic, which explains the art of networking and gives you actionable advice on how you can harness the power of good relationships and become a good networker to build a career you love.",psychology Buddha’s Brain," explains how world-changing thought leaders like Moses, Mohammed, Jesus, Gandhi and the Buddha altered their brains with the power of their minds and how you can use the latest findings of neuroscience to do the same and become a morepositive, resilient, mindful and happy person.",psychology 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do," started as a personal reminder to not give in to bad habits in the face of adversity, but turned into a psychological guidebook to help you improve your mental strength and emotional resilience.",psychology Why We Love," delivers a scientific explanation for love, shows you how it developed historically and evolutionarily, tells you what we’re all attracted to and where we differ, and of course gives you actionable advice to deal with both the exciting, successful romance in your life, as well as its sometimes inevitable fallout.",psychology The Six Pillars Of Self-Esteem," is the definitive piece on one of the most important psychological traits we need to live a happy life, and lays out how you can introduce six practices into your life, to assert your right to be happy and live a fulfilling life.",psychology Emotional Intelligence," explains the importance of emotions in your life, how they help and hurt your ability to navigate the world, followed by practical advice on how to improve your own emotional intelligence and why that is thekey to leading a successful life.",psychology Thrive," shines a light on the missing ingredient in our perception of success, which includes well-being, wonder, wisdom and giving, and goes beyond just money and power, which often drive people right into burnout, terrible health and unhappiness.",psychology Losing My Virginity," details Richard Branson’s meteoric rise to success and digs into what made him the adventurous, fun-loving, daring entrepreneur he is today and what lessons you can learn about business from him.",psychology The End Of Stress," shows you not only that treating stress as normal is wrong and how it harms your mental and physical health, but also gives you actionable tips and strategies to end stress once and for all so you can live a long, happy, powerful and creative life.",psychology Awaken The Giant Within," is the psychological blueprint you can follow to wake up and start taking control of your life, starting in your mind, spreading through your body and then all the way through your relationships, work and finances until you’re the giant you were always meant to be.",psychology Freakonomics," helps you make better decisions by showing you how your life is dominated by incentives, how to close information asymmetries between you and the experts that exploit you and how to really tell the difference between causation and correlation.",psychology The Desire Map," gives your goal-setting mechanism a makeover by showing you that desire, not facts, is what fuels our lives and helps you rely on your feelings to navigate life, instead of giving in to the pressure of the outside world to check the boxes on goals that don’t really matter to you.",psychology Strengthsfinder 2.0," argues that we should forget about fixing our weaknesses, and go all in on our strengths instead, by showing you ways to figure out which 5 key strengths are an innate part of you and giving you advice on how to use them in your life and work.",psychology The Art of Non-Conformity," teaches you how to play life by your own rules by giving you practical glimpses into the world of self-employment, a new approach to travel, to-do list minimalism and conscious spending habits.",psychology The Blue Zones," gives you advice on how to live to be 100 years and older by looking at five spots across the planet, where people live the longest, and drawing lessons about what they eat, drink, how they exercise and which habits most shape their lives.",psychology Vagabonding," will change your relationship with money and travel by showing you that long-term life on the road isn’t reserved for rich people and hippies, and will give you the tools you need to start living a life of adventure, simplicity and content.",psychology The Truth," sees Neil Strauss draw lessons about monogamy, love and relationships learned from depression, sex addiction treatment, swinger parties and science labs, in the decade after becoming one of the world’s most notorious pick-up artists and desired single men on the planet.",psychology Meditations,"is a collection of 12 books written by Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, who consistently journaled to remember his education in Stoic philosophy, and whose writings will teach you logic, faith, and self-discipline.",psychology David and Goliath," explains why underdogs win in situations where the odds are stacked unfavorably against them, and how you can do the same.",psychology Uncertainty," shows you that the condition of not knowing is nothing to fear, but the birthplace of innovation, which, if you embrace it while anchoring yourself, has an unlimited potential for growth, wealth and happiness.",psychology Blink," explains what happens when you listen to your gut feeling, why these snap judgments are often much more efficient than conscious deliberating, and how to avoid your intuition leading you to wrong assumptions.",psychology First Things First," shows you how to stop looking at the clock and start looking at the compass, by figuring out what’s important, prioritizing those things in your life, developing a vision for the future, building the right relationships and becoming a strong leader wherever you go.",psychology Linchpin," shows you why the time of simply following instructions at your job is over and how to make yourself indispensable, which is a must for success today.",psychology Focus," shows you that attention is the thing that makes life worth living and helps you develop more of it tobecome focused in every area of life: work, relationships and your own attitude towards life and the planet.",psychology 10% Happier," gives skeptics an easy “in” to meditation, by taking a very non-fluffy approach to the science behind this mindfulness practice and showing you how and why letting go of your ego is important for living a stress-free life.",psychology Happier At Home," is an instruction manual to transform your home into a castle of happiness by figuring out what needs to be changed, what needs to stay the same, and embracing the gift of family.",psychology The Power of Now,"shows you that every minute you spend worrying about the future or regretting the past is a minute lost, because the only place you can truly live in is the present, the now, which is why the book offers actionable strategies to start living every minute as it occurs and becoming 100% present in and for your life.",psychology The In-Between," is a reminder to slow down and learn to appreciate the little moments in life, like the times when we’re really just waiting for the next big thing, as they shape our lives a lot more than we think.",psychology All Marketers Are Liars," is based on the idea that we believe whatever we want to believe, and that it’s exactly this trait of ours, which marketers use (and sometimes abuse) to sell their products by infusing them with good stories – whether they’re true or not.",psychology Drive, explores what has motivated humans throughout history and explains how we shifted from mere survival to the carrot and stick approach that’s still practiced today – and why it’s outdated.,psychology The Success Principles," condenses 64 lessons Jack Canfield learned on his journey to becoming a successful entrepreneur, author, coach and speaker into 6 sections, which will help you transform your mindset and take responsibility and control of your own life, so you can get from where you are to where you want to be.",psychology Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind, suggests our financial success is predetermined from birth and shows us what to do to break through mental barriers and acquire the habits and thinking of the rich.,psychology "Trust Me, I’m Lying","is a marketer’s take on how influential blogs have become, why that’s something to worry about, and which broken dynamics govern the internet today, including his own confessions of how he gamed that very system to successfully generate press for his clients.",psychology Do Over," shines a light on the four core skills you need to build an amazing career: relationships, skills, character and hustle, and shows you how to develop each one of them and use them in different stages of your career.",psychology Launch," is an early internet entrepreneurs step-by-step blueprint to creating products people want, launching them from the comfort of your home and building the life you’ve always wanted, thanks to the power of psychology, email, and of course the internet.",psychology The Happiness Project," will show you how to change your life, without actually changing your life, thanks to the findings of modern science, ancient history and popular culture about happiness, which the author tested for a year and now shares with you.",psychology The Obstacle Is The Way," is a modern take on the ancient philosophy of Stoicism, which helps you endure the struggles of life with grace and resilience by drawing lessons from ancient heroes, former presidents, modern actors, athletes, and how they turned adversity into success thanks to the power of perception, action, and will.",psychology The New Trading For A Living," teaches you a calm approach to stock trading, by equipping you with the basic tools of chart analysis, risk-minimizing rules and showing you which amateur mistakes to avoid when getting started as a stock trader.",psychology Outliers," explains why “the self-made man” is a myth and what truly lies behind the success of the best people in their field, which is often a series of lucky events, rare opportunities and other external factors, which are out of our control.",psychology Start," shows you how you can flip the switch of your life from average to awesome by punching fear in the face, being realistic, living with purpose and going through the five stages of success, one step at a time.",psychology The Power Of Positive Thinking," will show you that the roots of success lie in the mind and teach you how to believe in yourself, break the habit of worrying, and take control of your life by taking control of your thoughts and changing your attitude.",psychology Permission Marketing," explains why nobody pays attention to TV commercials and flyers anymore, and shows you how in today’s crowded market, you can cheaply start a dialogue with your ideal customer, build a relationship over time and sell to them much more effectively.",psychology Attached," delivers a scientific explanation why some relationships thrive and steer a clear path over a lifetime, while others crash and burn, based on the human need for attachment and the three different styles of it.",psychology Thinking Fast And Slow," shows you how two systems in your brain are constantlyfighting over control of your behavior and actions, and teaches you the many ways in which this leads to errors in memory, judgment and decisions, and what you can do about it.",psychology Your Brain At Work," helps you overcome the daily challenges that take awayyour brain power, like constant email and interruption madness, high levels of stress, lack of control and high expectations, by showing you what goes on inside your head and giving you new approaches to control it better.",psychology Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff (… And It’s All Small Stuff)," will keep you from letting the little, stressful things in life, like your email inbox, rushing to trains, and annoying co-workers drive you insane and help you find peace and calm in a stressful world.",psychology Big Magic," is the book that’ll give you the courage you need to pursue your creative interests by showing you how to deal with your fears, notice ideas and act on them and take the stress out of creation.",psychology The Psychology of Winning," teaches you the 10 qualities of winners, which set them apart and help them win in every sphere of life: personally, professionally and spiritually.",psychology The 80/20 Principle, reveals how you can boost your effectiveness both in your own life and for your business by getting you in the mindset that not all inputs produce an equal amount of outputs and helping you embrace the Pareto principle.,psychology Crossing The Chasm," gives high tech startups a marketing blueprint, in order to make their product get the initial traction it needs to eventually reach the majority of the market and not die in the chasm between early adopters and pragmatists.",psychology Willpower," is a blend of practical tips and the latest scientific research on self-control, explaining how willpower works, what you can do to improve it, how to optimize it and which steps to take when it fails you.",psychology The Honest Truth About Dishonesty," reveals our motivation behind cheating, why it’s not entirely rational, and, based on many experiments, what we can do to lessen the conflict between wanting to get ahead and being good people.",psychology Less Doing More Living," is based on the assumption that the less you have to do, the more life you have to live, and helps you implement this philosophy into your life by giving you real-world tools to boost efficiency in every aspect of your life.",psychology Rewire," explains why we keep engaging in addictive and self-destructive behavior, how our brains justify it and where you can get started on breaking your bad habits by becoming more mindful and disciplined.",psychology How To Win Friends And Influence People," teaches you countless principles to become a likable person, handle your relationships well, win others over and help them change their behavior without being intrusive.",psychology Quiet," shows the slow rise of the extrovert ideal for success throughout the 20th century, while making a case for the underappreciated power of introverts and showing up new ways for both forces to cooperate.",psychology Antifragile," reveals how some systems thrive from shocks, volatility and uncertainty, instead of breaking from them, and how you can adapt more antifragile traits yourself to thrive in an uncertain and chaotic world.",psychology The Power Of No," is an encompassing instruction manual for you to harness the power of this little word to get healthy, rid yourself of bad relationships, embrace abundance and ultimately say yes to yourself.",psychology Getting Things Done," is a manual for stress-free productivity, which helps you set up a system of lists, reminders and weekly reviews, in order to free your mind from having to remember tasks and to-dos and instead let it work at full focus on the task at hand.",psychology Think And Grow Rich," is a curation of the 13 most common habits of wealthy and successful people, distilled from studying over 500 individuals over the course of 20 years.",psychology Talent Is Overrated," debunks both talent and experience as the determining factors and instead makes a case for deliberate practice, intrinsic motivation and starting early.",psychology SuperBetter," not only breaks down the science behind games and how they help us become physically, emotionally, mentally and socially stronger, but also gives you a 7-step system you can use to turn your own life into a game, have more fun than ever before and overcome your biggest challenges.",psychology Purple Cow," explains why building a great product and advertising the heck out of it simply doesn’t cut it anymore and how you canbuild something that’s so remarkable people have to share it, in order to succeed in today’s crowded post-advertising world.",psychology The Achievement Habit," shows you that being an achiever can be learned, by using the principles of design thinking to walk you through several stories and exercises, which will get you to stop wishing and start doing.",psychology "Mistakes Were Made, But Not By Me"," takes you on a journey of famous examples and areas of life where mistakes are hushed up instead of admitted, showing you along the way how thishinders progress, why we do it in the first place, and what you can do to start honestly admitting your own.",psychology Quitter," is a blueprint to help you close the gap between your day job and your dream job, showing you simple steps you can take towards your dream without turning it into a nightmare.",psychology What Every Body Is Saying," is an ex-FBI agents guide to reading non-verbal cues, which will help you spot others’ true intentions and feelings, even when their mouths are saying something different.",psychology The Art Of Work," is the instruction manual to find your vocation by looking into your passions, connecting them to the needs of the world, and thus building a legacy that’s bigger than yourself.",psychology Work The System," will fundamentally change the way you view the world, by showing you the systems all around you and giving you the guiding principles to influence the right ones to make your business successful.",psychology The War Of Art," brings some much needed tough love to all artists, business people and creatives who spend more time battling the resistance against work than actually working, by identifying the procrastinating forces at play and pulling out the rug from under their feet.",psychology The Tipping Point," explains how ideas spread like epidemics and which few elements need to come together to help an idea reach the point of critical mass, where its viral effect becomes unstoppable.",psychology Essentialism,"will show you a new, better way of looking at productivityby giving you permission to be extremely selective about what’s truly essential in your life and then ruthlessly cutting out everything else.",psychology Mastery," debunks the myth of talent and shows you there are proven steps you can take to achieve mastery in a discipline of your own choosing, by analyzing the paths of some of history’s most famous masters, such as Einstein, Darwin and Da Vinci.",psychology The Pomodoro Technique," is the simplest way to productively manage your time with only two lists and a timer, by breaking down your workload into small, manageable chunks to stay fresh and focused throughout your day.",psychology The Power Of Habit," helps you understand whyhabits are at the core of everything youdo, how you can change them, and what impact that will have on your life, your business and society.",psychology So Good They Can’t Ignore You," sheds some much needed light on the “follow your passion” myth and shows you that the true path to work you love lies in becoming a craftsman of the work you already have, collecting rare skills and taking control of your hours in the process.",psychology The Speed Of Trust," not only explains the economics of trust, but also shows you how to cultivate great trust in yourself, your relationships, and the three kinds of stakeholders you’ll deal with when you’re running a company.",psychology The Power Of Less," shows you how to align your life with your most important goals, by finding out what’s really essential, changing your habits one at a time and working focused and productively on only those projects that will lead you to where you really want to go.",psychology Bounce," shows you that trainingtrumps talent every time, by explaining the science of deliberate practice, the mindset of high performers and how you can use those tools to become a master of whicheverskill you choose.",psychology Choose Yourself," is a call to give up traditional career paths and take your life into your own hands by building good habits, creating your own career, and making a decision to choose yourself.",psychology Salt Sugar Fat," takes you through the history of the demise of home-cooked meals by explaining why you love salt, sugar and fat so much and how the processed food industry managed to hook us by cramming all 3 of those into their products.",psychology The Millionaire Fastlane," points out what’s wrong with the old get a degree, get a job, work hard, retire rich model, defines wealth in a new way, and shows you the path to retiring young.",psychology The ONE Thing," gives you a very simple approach to productivity, based around a single question, to help you have less clutter, distractions and stress, and more focus, energy and success.",psychology Sex at Dawn,"challenges conventional views on sex by diving deep into our ancestors’ sexual history and the rise of monogamy, thus prompting us to rethink our understanding of what sex and relationships should really feel and be like.",psychology Talk Like TED," has analyzed over 500 of the most popular TED talks to help you integrate the three most common features of them, novelty, emotions, and being memorable, into your own presentations and make you a better speaker.",psychology Influence," has been the go-to book for marketers since its release in 1984, which deliverssix key principles behind human influence and explains them with countless practical examples.",psychology The Art Of Happiness," is the result of a psychiatrist interviewing the Dalai Lama on how he personally achieved inner peace, calmness, and happiness.",psychology The Paradox Of Choice," shows you how today’s vast amount of choice makes you frustrated, less likely to choose, more likely to mess up, and less happy overall, before giving you concrete strategies and tips to ease the burden of decision-making.",psychology Stumbling On Happiness," examines the capacity of our brains to fill in gaps and simulate experiences, shows how our lack of awareness of these powers sometimes leads us to wrong decisions, and how we can change our behavior to synthesize our own happiness.",psychology The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People," teaches you both personal and professional effectiveness bychanging your view of how the world works and giving you 7 habits, which, if adopted well, will lead you to immense success.",psychology Moonwalking With Einstein," not only educates you about the history of memory, and how its standing has declined over centuries, but also gives you actionable techniques to extend and improve your own.",psychology The Upside Of Stress," helps you change your mindset from one that avoids anxiety at all costs to a belief that embraces stress as a normal part of life, which helps you respond to it in better ways and actually be healthier.",psychology The Miracle Morning," makes it clear that in order to become successful,you have to dedicate time to personal development each day, and then gives you a 6-step morning routine to create and shape that time.",psychology The 4-Hour Workweek," is the step-by-step blueprint to free yourself from the shackles of a corporate job, create a business to fund the lifestyle of your dreams, and live life like a millionaire, without actually having to be one.",psychology Hooked," shows you how some of the world’s most successfulproducts, like smartphones, make us form habits around them and why that’s crucial to their success, before teachingyou the 4-step framework that lies behind them.",psychology The Wisdom Of Crowds," researches why groups reach better decisions than individuals, what makes groups smart, where the dangers of group decisions lie, and how each of us can encourage the groups we are part of to work together.",psychology The Game," is like a seat right next to Neil Strauss on his rollercoaster ride through the pickup community, where he gets hooked, successful, lost, wins and fails, until he finds his true self again.",psychology The Willpower Instinct," breaks down willpower into 3 categories, and gives you science-backed systems to improve your self-control, break bad habits and choose long-term goals over instant gratification.",psychology How We Learn," teaches you how your brain creates and recalls memories, what you can do to remember things better and longer, and how you can boost your creativity and improve your gut decisions along the way.",psychology Flow," explains why we seek happiness in externals and what’s wrong with it, where you can really find enjoyment in life, and how you can truly become happy by creating your own meaning of life.",psychology Eat That Frog, provides 21 techniques and strategies to stop procrastinating and get more done.,psychology Duct Tape Marketing, introduces small businesses to the nuts and bolts of marketing in the 21st century by taking them all the way from character profiles and strategy through specific marketing tactics to building a great referral system.,psychology You Are Not Your Brain," educates you about the science behind bad habits and breaking them, giving you an actionable 4-step framework you can use to stop listening to your brain’s deceptive messages.",psychology The Upside Of Your Dark Side," takes a look at our darkest emotions, like anxiety or anger, and shows you there are real benefits that followthem and their underlying character traits, such as narcissism or psychopathy.",psychology Do The Work," is Steven Pressfield’s follow-up to The War Of Art, where he gives you actionable tactics and strategies to overcome resistance, the force behind procrastination.",psychology The Happiness Advantage," turns the tables on happiness, by proving it’s a tool for success, instead of the result of it, and gives you 7 actionable principles you can use toincrease both.",psychology The Little Prince," is a beautiful children’s story full of valuable lessons for adults, recounting the tale of an aviator and a little boy from a distant planet, both stranded in the desert, looking to get home, sharing what they’ve learned about life.",motivation A Tale of Two Cities," tells the stories of two connected families in 18th-century London and Paris, exploring everything from love and loss to murder and family intrigue, thus teaching us about history, ethics, and the complexity of human relationships.",motivation The Light We Carry," is a set of practices to help you stay calm, optimistic, and confident in an unpredictable world, based on Michelle Obama’s life experiences as a woman, mother, lawyer, daughter, leader, and the former First Lady of the United States.",motivation Dear Girls," is a collection of letters written by comedian Ali Wong to her two daughters, recounting tales from her youth and life in an attempt to pass on some hard-earned wisdom to them and anyone willing to listen to her story.",motivation On Writing, details Stephen King’s journey to becoming one of the best-selling authors of all time while delivering hard-won advice on the craft to aspiring writers.,motivation Never Finished," is an inspiring blueprint for leveling up in the game of life that never ends, offering 8 evolutions of thought, painful truths, and motivating stories to help you smash any and all glass ceilings in your life.",motivation The Simple Path to Wealth," is a three-step template for achieving financial freedom in a straightforward way, passed from a wealthy man to his teenage daughter through a series of letters.",motivation "The Wealthy Gardener is a series of stories told from the perspective of an old, wealthy man, who shares the financial wisdom he’s acquired over many years with the members in his community, showing them how to", build wealth step-by-step through short yet meaningful anecdotes.,motivation The Midnight Library," tells the story of Nora, a depressed woman in her 30s, who, on the day she decides to die, finds herself in a library full of lives she could have lived, where she discovers there’s a lot more to life, even her current one, than she had ever imagined.",motivation The Infinite Game," argues that business is not a competition but an infinite journey, and that to do well in it, leaders must advance a “Just Cause,” build trusting teams, learn from their “Worthy Rivals,” and practice existential flexibility.",motivation The Daily Laws,"is a page-a-day, calendar-style book covering the three big topics of mastery, power, and emotions, sharing Robert Greene’s best lessons from 20 years of research of the dynamics within and between humans.",motivation Discipline Is Destiny," is a three-part manual to master and implement the Stoic virtue of temperance, aka discipline, in your life, thus improving your body, mind, and spirit.",motivation The How of Happiness," describes a scientific approach to being happier by giving you a short quiz to determine your “happiness set point,” followed by various tools and tactics to help you take control of the large chunk of happiness that’s fully within your grasp.",motivation Will," is world-famous actor and musician Will Smith’s autobiography, outlining his life’s story all the way from his humble beginnings in West Philadelphia to achieving fame as a musician and then global stardom as an actor and, ultimately, one of the most influential people of our time.",motivation Resilience," will help you find joy in self-transformation, showing you ways to become more positive, hard-working, and face hardship with the kind of bravery and optimism that will get you through any challenge.",motivation The Greatest Secret," comes as a sequel to “The Secret,” which was a worldwide phenomenon when it first came out as it presented the idea that one can change their own life by tapping into the Universe’s powers and asking for their wildest dreams to come true using the law of attraction.",motivation Loserthink," talks about the sabotaging thinking habits that run our minds and paralyze us when it comes to taking charge of life, and how we can overcome them with small, incremental steps that drive powerful change.",motivation Siddhartha," presents the self-discovery expedition of a man during the time of the Buddha who, unsure of what life really means to him, takes an exploratory journey to pursue the highs and lows of life, which ultimately leads him to discover the equilibrium in all things and a higher wisdom within.",motivation No Hard Feelings, is a practical book for better managing the emotional side of work and building the skills needed to enhance your performance both within your role and more broadly throughout your career path by finding motivation again and managing negative emotions.,motivation The Art of Living," talks about living a peaceful life through meditation and gratitude, especially by using the Vipassana meditation technique and the philosophy behind Buddhism, which promotes developing a clearer vision of life and seeing things as they truly are.",motivation The Universe Has Your Back," explores the importance of spiritual elevation, meditation, and ways to live by a mantra that serves you in your self-discovery journey that will shape your reality through new and improved thoughts and inner beliefs.",motivation Loonshots," explores the process of innovation, specifically how groundbreaking ideas emerge from simple thoughts and how important it is for organizations to give course to them by creating learning environments where people feel safe exploring and creating.",motivation Love Warrior," delves into the life of Glennon Doyle, a woman who battled with self-destructive behaviors, eating disorders, depression, and many more challenges before finally embracing the life she deserved and started living meaningfully while being true to herself.",motivation The Mind Illuminated," is the definitive guide to meditation and consciousness, as it teaches its readers how meditation works, and how to navigate the ten stages of conscious breathing and intentional practice of mindfulness, all while highlighting why meditation is so crucial in everyone’s lives.",motivation The Courage to Be Happy, offers a hands-on guide to living a meaningful life and letting go of negative thoughts by compiling the groundbreaking theories of psychologist Alfred Adler with other valuable research into an all-in-one book for becoming a happy and fulfilled person.,motivation Keto Answers," is your go-to guide on how to get started with the ketogenic diet, its positive implications on your health and proneness to diseases like diabetes, and a fact-based study that debunks myths and assumptions about following a low-carb diet.",motivation The Book of Mistakes," follows the adventures of David, a young adult who is going through a rough patch and receives guidance from a wise man who teaches him the nine mistakes he should avoid, how to become successful, and a series of valuable life lessons that can save anyone many years of their life.",motivation Untamed," is an inspiring memoir of Glennon Doyle, a woman who found peace and inner strength by challenging life in all its areas, from love to parenting, personal growth, and work, after going through a powerful change that led her to discover crucial aspects about herself and allowed her to build a new life.",motivation The Slight Edge," outlines the importance of doing small, little improvements in our everyday life to achieve a successful bigger picture, and how by focusing more on making better day-by-day choices you can shape a remarkable future.",motivation Expert Secrets," teaches you how to create and implement an informative marketing plan and putting it into practice, while also showing you what problem you must solve for your prospects or teach them how to do it themselves.",motivation "Good Vibes, Good Life"," explores ways to unlock your true potential by loving yourself more, practicing self-care, manifesting your wishes, and transforming negative emotions into positive ones using simple tips and tricks for a happy life.",motivation What to Say When You Talk to Yourself," is a book by Shad Helmstetter, a self-help guru who has written several pieces on the subject of self-talk, and who argues that in order to achieve our highest self we need to work on how we talk to ourselves and identify our biggest challenge to conquer.",motivation Everyday Millionaires, proves how anyone can become a millionaire if they have a solid actionable plan and the willingness to work hard by drawing conclusions from the largest study ever conducted on the lives of millionaires.,motivation Daily Rituals," is a compilation of the best practices and habits of successful people from different fields aimed to help anyone increase productivity, get past writer’s block, and become more creative and efficient in their everyday work.",motivation Chasing Excellence," breaks down how world-class athletes achieve the mental strength they need to succeed, highlighting",motivation The 5 Choices, teaches us how to reach our highest potential in the workplace and achieve the top level of productivity through a series of tips and tricks and work habits that can change your life right away if you’re willing to give them a try.,motivation The 100-Year Life," teaches you how to be resourceful and prepare ahead of time for a world in which people not only live longer but reach an age in the triple-digits, and talks about what you should be doing right now to ensure you have enough money for retirement.",motivation The Daily Stoic," is a year-long compilation of short, daily meditations from ancient Stoic philosophers like Seneca, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, and others, teaching you equanimity, resilience, and perseverance",motivation That Sounds Fun," uncovers the secrets of a happy life: mindfulness, love, joy, and a good dose of doing whatever makes us happy as often as we can, starting from simple, day-to-day activities, to much bigger life experiences that speak to our soul.",motivation Designing Your Work Life," is a helpful guidebook for anyone who wants to create and maintain a work environment that is both happy and productive by working with what they already have, rather than keep on changing jobs in hope of finding better.",motivation Minor Feelings," explores the purgatory state that Asian-Americans are stuck into as immigrants who have an image of non-white and non-black people who don’t speak, disturb, or make any impression at all.",motivation The Year of Magical Thinking, ,motivation Mastermind: How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes," presents the story of one of the most famous detectives we’ve ever known and his adventures in the world of uncovering mysteries while highlighting the secrets of his powerful mind, psychological tricks, deduction games, and teaching you how to strengthen your cognitive capacity.",motivation Bored and Brilliant," explores the idea of how just doing nothing, daydreaming and spacing out can improve our cognitive functions, enhance creativity and original thinking overall while also helping us relieve stress.",motivation Real Change, offers a way out of the burdening problems around the world that sometimes weigh on our spirit and make us feel powerless by presenting meditation practices that help us alleviate negative emotions and face these issues with determination and change them for the better.,motivation The Bhagavad Gita," is the number one spiritual text in Hinduism, packed with wisdom about life and purpose as well as powerful advice on living virtuously but authentically without succumbing to life’s temptations or other people’s dreams.",motivation Chaos," is a scientific piece of writing that presents the principles behind the Chaos Theory, which was popularized in the late 20th century and represents a monumental step forward in the area of scientific knowledge and the universe’s evolution overall.",motivation Love People Use Things," conceptualizes the idea of living a simple, minimalist life while focusing on what’s important, such as the people next to us, and making the most of every moment spent with those we love.",motivation The Longevity Paradox," explores ways to live a longer, healthier life and “die young” as a senior, instead of having to go through illnesses, all by focusing on the microbiome and improving our lifestyle as heart surgeon ",motivation Die Empty," talks about the importance of following your dreams and aspirations, living a meaningful, active life, and using your native gifts to create a legacy and inspire others to tap into their own potential as well.",motivation The Art of Possibility," explores the remarkable effects of an open mentality and being prepared to seize opportunities, allowing a variety of possibilities into your life, and finding solutions to problems by being a hopeful person.",motivation Raise Your Game," delves into the philosophy of peak performance presented by a former basketball coach who achieved success by focusing on self-awareness, discipline, and a series of virtues.",motivation Win or Learn," explores the philosophy of life and the secrets behind peak performance in MMA of John Kavanagh, the trainer and friend of superstar Conor McGregor, and their journey to success which started in a modest gym in Ireland and ended up with McGregor having a net worth of 100 million dollars. ",motivation Masters of Scale," teaches entrepreneurs ways to open up a successful company and scale it from the grounds-up by going into detail about the right business practices, how to seize opportunities, and foster an organizational culture that encourages innovation and customer-centricity.",motivation Lead Yourself First,"highlights the importance of solitude, sorting your mind, and self-awareness in leading others, recommending strongly aligned goals and an inspiring mission to get others to take initiative on your shared objectives.",motivation The Mom Test," talks about ways to tell if your business idea is great or terrible by assessing the opinions of your friends, family, and investors accordingly, and not believing everything they say just to make you feel good.",motivation Everyday Zen," explains the philosophy of a meaningful life and teaches you how to reinvent yourself by accepting the grand wisdom and energy of the universe and learning to sit still, have more compassion, love more, and find beauty in your life.",motivation Words That Work," outlines the importance of using the right words and the appropriate body language in a given situation to make yourself understood properly and get the most out of the dialogue, while also teaching you some tips-and-tricks on how to win arguments, tame conflicts, and get your point across using a wise selection of words.",motivation Invent & Wander," is a collection of Jeff Bezos’s writings and letters to its shareholders, in which he expresses his philosophy of life and his way of doing business, which ultimately led him to know tremendous success and write history with his two companies: Amazon and Blue Origin.",motivation Your Erroneous Zones," offers a hands-on guide on how to escape negative thinking, falling into your own self-destructive patterns, take charge of your thoughts and implicitly, your emotions, and how to build a better version of yourself starting with putting yourself first and not caring about what others may think.",motivation Courage Is Calling,"analyzes the actions taken in difficult situations by some of history’s leading figures, thus drawing conclusions about what makes someone courageous and showing you how to become a braver person day-by-day, step-by-step.",motivation Healthy at 100," will show you how to maintain healthy habits well into your old age, such as exercising, practicing gratitude, and avoiding stress, all by relying on simple but effective practices that have stood the test of time.",motivation Keep Going," teaches us how to persist in creative work when our brain wants to take a million different paths, showing us how to harness our brain power in moments of innovation as well as tediousness.",motivation Chatter," will help you make sense of the inner mind chatter that frequently takes over your mind, showing you how to quiet negative thoughts, stop overthinking, feel less anxious, and develop useful practices to consistently alleviate negative emotions.",motivation The Mountain Is You," is a self-discovery book that aims to help its readers tap into their own power and discover their potential by overcoming trauma, life’s challenges, and working on their emotional damages, all through accepting change, envisioning a prosperous future, and stopping the self-sabotage.",motivation Wintering," highlights the similarities between the cold season of the year and the period of hardship in a human life, by emphasizing how everything eventually passes in time, and how we can learn to embrace challenging times by learning from wolves, from the cold, and how our ancestors dealt with the winter.",motivation The Comfort Crisis," addresses contemporary people who live a stressful life and talks about being comfortable with discomfort and reclaiming a happy, healthy mindset by implementing a few odd, but highly effective practices in their daily lives.",motivation Poor Charlie’s Almanack," explores the life of the famous investor Charlie Munger, the right hand of Warren Buffett, and teaches its readers how his inspirational take on life helped him achieve a fortune and still have time and money to dedicate towards philanthropic causes.",motivation Discourses," is a transcription of Epictetus’s lectures which aim to address a series of life ethics and tales that can help us make sense of certain things happening to us, such as hardship, challenges, and life events that ultimately lead to a stronger character.",motivation The Almanack of Naval Ravikant," compiles the valuable lessons of Naval Ravikant, who teaches people how to build wealth and achieve long-term happiness by working on a few essential skills, all while discovering the secrets of living a good life.",motivation Four Thousand Weeks," explores the popularized concept of time management from a different point of view, by tapping into ancient knowledge from famous philosophers, researchers, and spiritual figures, rather than promoting the contemporary idea of high-level productivity and constant self-optimization.",motivation The Nicomachean Ethics,"is a historically important text compiling Aristotle’s extensive discussion of existential questions concerning happiness, ethics, friendship, knowledge, pleasure, virtue, and even society at large.",motivation I Hear You," explores the idea of becoming a better listener, engaging in productive conversations and avoiding building up frustrations by taking charge of your communication patterns and improving them in your further dialogues.",motivation Happy Together," is written by two of the world’s most renowned psychologists, and it explores the concept of love and relationships by teaching its readers how to build and maintain happy, flourishing connections and how to optimize their couple life by focusing on the good and healthily dealing with the bad.",motivation The Practice of Groundedness," provides a more grounded way of living by eliminating the cult of being productive all the time to achieve success, instead offering a way to be at peace with yourself, prioritizing mental health and a simple yet meaningful life. ",motivation Richard Nixon: The Life," presents the detailed biography of the thirty-seventh president of the United States, who became famous for his successful endeavors that put him in the White House and for his controversial life the complexities of being such a top tier political figure.",motivation Rationality," explores the concept of ration as the pylon of all human progress and how it sets us apart from all other species, helping us evolve and developing societal layers, rules of conduct, and moral grounds for all our endeavors in life.",motivation Atlas of the Heart," maps out a series of human emotions and their meaning and explores the psychology behind a human’s feelings and how they make up our lives and change our behaviors, and how to build meaningful connections by learning how to deal with them.",motivation The High 5 Habit," is a self-improvement book that aims to help anyone who deals with self-limitations take charge of their life by establishing a morning routine, ditching negative talk, and transforming their life through positivity and confidence.",motivation Perfectly Confident," explores the idea of confidence and offers a series of valuable practices that anyone can implement in their life to improve this aspect, as well as an overview of how confidence is supposed to look and feel like in its realest form, without adding or subtracting too much of it. ",motivation Unbeatable Mind," explores the idea that everyone has a higher self-potential lying underneath that they ought to explore and tap into in order to live their life to the fullest and maximize their happiness and success, all possible through the 20X rule.",motivation The Hero With a Thousand Faces," analyzes humankind from a mythological and symbolistic point of view to prove that all humans have similar core concepts written in them, such as the monomyth, which is a way of narrating stories that people from all over the world use to connect with one another.",motivation The Motivation Manifesto," explores how we can find purpose and meaningfulness in our lives by discovering our inner motivators and overcoming our fears, tapping into our inner power and living life fully and freely.",motivation The Alter Ego Effect," offers a practical approach on how to construct and benefit from alter egos, or the little heroes inside you, so as to achieve your desired goals and build a successful life with the help of a few key role models that you can borrow some attributes from or even impersonate in times of need.",motivation Real Help," offers a hands-on approach to improving your life and achieving unconventional success through a happy, fulfilled, ordinary life, rather than fighting the broken system until you’ve got millions in the bank and out-of-the-ordinary achievements.",motivation The Comfort Book," explores how depression feels like and its effects on our mind and body, and how we can overcome it by taking small, but significant steps in that direction, starting with finding hope, being more present at the moment, and acknowledging that we’re enough.",motivation The Self-Discipline Blueprint," delves into the subject of self-actualization and why it is crucial for humans to achieve a fulfilled and successful life by creating a routine and becoming focused, self-disciplined and hard-working.",motivation "Humor, Seriously"," explores how bringing fun and entertainment into the workplace can enhance team productivity, spark creativity, increase trust between members and improve people’s overall sentiment in relation to work and job-related activities.",motivation Do What Matters Most," outlines the importance of time management in anyone’s life and explores highly efficient methods to set goals for short-term and long-term intervals, as well as how to achieve them by being more productive and learning how to prioritize.",motivation The Little Book of Talent," explores the concept of talents, skills and capabilities, and offers a multitude of effective tips and tricks on how to acquire hard skills using methods tested by top performers worldwide.",motivation Fail Fast Fail Often," outlines the importance of accepting failure as a natural part of our life, and how by embracing it instead of fearing it can improve the way we evolve, grow, learn and respond to new experiences and people.",motivation Unfu*k Yourself, offers practical advice on how to get out of your self-destructive thoughts and take charge of your life by learning how to control them and motivate yourself to take more responsibility for your life than you ever have before.,motivation Radical Honesty," looks into the concept of lying and how we can train ourselves to avoid doing it as only through morality we can live an honest life, although our natural inclination to lie can sometimes push us to alter the truth.",motivation Be Where Your Feet Are," explores the enlightening life lessons that one of America’s top-tier sports personalities has to give, from being present in the moment and living in a meaningful way, to achieving a more fulfilling and successful life.",motivation The Leader In You," explores how the world leaders managed to achieve performance in their lives by creating meaningful connections and reaching a higher level of productivity through a positive, proactive mindset.",motivation The Last Lecture,"is a college professor’s final message to the world before his impending death of cancer at a relatively young age, offering meaningful life advice, significant words of wisdom, and a great deal of optimism and hope for humanity.",motivation Work Less Finish More," is a hands-on guide to adopting a more focused frame of mind and developing habits that will enhance your productivity levels, give you a sense of accomplishment and put you in the right direction in order to achieve your objectives.",motivation How To Do The Work," is a go-to guide that teaches us how to establish a mind-body-spirit connection and create better connections with the people around us by exploring how these aspects are interconnected and influenced by the way we eat, think, and feel.",motivation The Power of Focus, offers its readers a focus-based approach that they can use to achieve their financial and personal goals through practical exercises and habits that they can implement into their daily lives to actively shape their future.,motivation The Hidden Habits of Genius, looks at how geniuses separate themselves from the rest by having in common a distinctive set of characteristics and habits that form a unique way of thinking and cultivating brilliance. ,motivation Keep Showing Up," explores the struggles that married couples face on a daily basis, from falling into a routine to fighting over their children, and how to overcome them by being grateful, positive and re-establishing a connection with God. ",motivation The Burnout Fix," delivers practical advice on how to thrive in the dynamic working environment we revolve around every day by setting healthy boundaries, keeping a work-life balance, and prioritizing our well-being.",motivation How to Take Smart Notes," is the perfect guide on how to improve your writing, reading, and learning techniques using simple yet little-known tips-and-tricks that you can implement right away to develop these skills.",motivation Forest Bathing," explores the Japanese tradition of shinrin-yoku, a kind of forest therapy based on immersion in nature, and the various health and wellbeing benefits we can derive from it to live better, calmer lives.",motivation "Eat Better, Feel Better", is a go-to guide for combating modern dietary problems and adopting a healthier lifestyle.,motivation Bounce Back," is a book by Susan Kahn, a business coach who will teach you the psychology of resilience from the perspectives of Greek philosophy, Sigmund Freud, and modern neuroscience, so you can recover quickly from professional blunders of all kinds by changing your thinking.",motivation Goals!," By Brian Tracy shows you how to unleash the power of goal setting to help you get or become whatever you want, identifying ways to set goals that lead you to success by being specific, challenging yourself, thinking positively, preparing, adjusting your timelines on big goals, and more.",motivation "Now, Discover Your Strengths"," shows you how to find your top five strengths by outlining what strengths are, how you get them, why they’re important to reaching your full potential, and how to discover your own through analyzing the times when your behavior is the most natural or instinctive and why.",motivation The Kindness Method," by Shahroo Izadi teaches how self-compassion and understanding make forming habits easier than being hard on yourself, using the personal experiences of the author and what she’s learned as an addiction recovery therapist to show how self-esteem is the true key to behavior change.",motivation Soundtracks," teaches you how to beat overthinking by challenging whether your thoughts are true, retiring unhelpful and unkind ideas, adopting thought-boosting mantras from others, using symbols to reinforce positive thoughts, and more.",motivation 75 Hard," is a fitness challenge and book that teaches mental toughness by making you commit to five daily critical tasks for 75 days straight, including drinking a gallon of water, reading 10 pages of a non-fiction book, doing two 45-minute workouts, taking a progress picture, and following a diet.",motivation How To Fail," shows the surprising benefits of going through a difficult time through the experiences of the author, Elizabeth Day, including the failures in her life that she’s grateful for and how they’ve helped her grow, uncovering why we shouldn’t be so afraid of failure but instead embrace it.",motivation How To Change,"identifies the stumbling blocks that are in your way of reaching your goals and improving yourself and the research-backed ways to get over them, including how to beat some of the worst productivity and life problems like procrastination, laziness, and much more.",motivation The Art of Stopping Time," teaches a framework of mindfulness, philosophy, and time-management you can use to achieve Time Prosperity, which is having plenty of time to reach your dreams without overwhelm, tumult, or constriction.",motivation What Are You Doing With Your Life?," turns traditional ideas about happiness and the purpose of life on its head by diving into the details of life’s most important questions, all so you can live with intention and joy more consistently.",motivation The Way of Integrity," uses science, spirituality, humor, and Dante’s Divine Comedy to teach you how to find well-being, healing, a sense of purpose, and much more by rediscovering integrity, or the recently lost art of living true to yourself by what you do, think and say.",motivation Journey of Awakening," explains the basics of meditation using ideas from multiple spiritual sources, including how to avoid the mental traps that make it difficult so you can practice frequently and make mindfulness, and the many benefits that come with it, part of your daily life.",motivation Feel Great Lose Weight, goes beyond fad diets and quick fixes for weight problems and instead dives into the science of how your body really works when you put food into it and how you can use this information to be fitter and feel better.,motivation Born To Win," explores how planning and preparation is the only way to win in life and shows you how to use these tools in combination with a vision, goals, and thinking positively to become a winner in all aspects of life.",motivation The Hero Code," identifies the traits of real-life heroes through inspiring stories of bravery and determination, many taken directly from the author’s experience as a four-star Navy admiral.",motivation Do Nothing," explores the idea that our focus on being productive all the time is making us less effective because of how little rest we get, identifying how the consequences of overworking ourselves, and the benefits of taking time off, make a compelling argument that we should spend more time doing nothing.",motivation The Bullet Journal Method, introduces a unique system for organizing you can use t,motivation What Happened," is Hillary Clinton’s post-mortem on the events and surprising result of her bid for the 2016 United States presidential election, including why she ran for president in the first place, what made it so hard for her to come out on top, and how the loss affected her after election night.",motivation Lives of the Stoics,"takes a deep dive into the experiences and beliefs of some of the earliest philosophers practicing the four Stoic virtues of courage, temperance, justice, and wisdom.",motivation Doesn’t Hurt To Ask,"teaches persuasion via asking the right questions, explaining that intentional questions are the key to sharing your ideas, connecting with your audience, and convincing people both in the office and at home.",motivation Open, is the autobiography of world-famous tennis player Andre Agassi in which he details his struggles and successes on the way to self-awareness and balance while he was also trying to handle the constant pressures and difficulties that came from being one of the best tennis players in the world.,motivation Hyper-Learning," shows how people and companies can adapt in the rapidly changing world we live in today, explaining how a growth mindset, colleaboration, and losing your ego will build your confidence that you can stay relevant and competitive as the world around you accelerates.",motivation How To Be A Leader," is Greek philosopher Plutarch’s guide to leadership and uses practical ideas, historical narratives, political events, and more to outline the qualities of the best leaders, including serving for the right reasons, speaking persuasively, and following more experienced leaders.",motivation Beyond Order," is the follow-up to Jordan Peterson’s bestselling book 12 Rules for Life and identifies another 12 rules to live by that help us live with and even embrace the chaos that we struggle with every day, identifying that too much order can be a problem just as much as too much disorder.",motivation Hyperfocus," teaches you how to become more efficient and improve your concentration by deciding on one thing to work on, focusing only on that task, learning to understand when your mind has wandered and redirecting your attention back to your work, and thinking creatively when you’re not working.",motivation The Myth Of The Strong Leader," reveals why being a bold, charismatic leader might not be all it’s cracked up to be, showing that we give way too much credit to “strong” leaders and illustrating the problematic consequences this societal pattern entails.",motivation Greenlights," is the autobiography of Matthew McConaughey, in which he takes us on a wild ride of his journey through a childhood of tough love, rising to fame and success in Hollywood, changing his career, and more, guided by the green lights he saw that led him forward at each step.",motivation No Rules Rules," explains the incredibly unique and efficient company culture of Netflix, including the amazing levels of freedom and responsibility it gives employees and how this innovative way of running the business is the very reason that Netflix is so successful.",motivation The Drama Of The Gifted Child," is an international bestseller that will help you unearth your sad, suppressed memories from childhood that still haunt you today and teach you how to confront them so you can avoid passing them on to your children, release yourself from the pains of your past, and finally be free to live a life of fulfillment.",motivation Four Hundred Souls,"tells the history of African Americans from the perspective of 90 authors who share insights on 400 years of conflict, oppression, and faith that with all the hard work of those fighting for equality, things would get better someday.",motivation Spark," teaches you how to become an influential, un-fireable asset to your team at work by taking on the role of a leader regardless of your position, utilizing the power of creative thinking to make better decisions, and learning how to be more self-aware and humble.",motivation The Gift Of Fear, is a guide to understanding how your fear and instincts about other people can protect you by showing you how to recognize and understand the warning signs that criminals and violent people exhibit before they strike.,motivation Think Again," will make you more intelligent, persuasive, and self-aware by identifying the power of being humble about what you don’t know, how to recognize blind spots in your thinking before they start causing you problems, and what you can do to become more effective at convincing others of your way of thinking.",motivation Forgiving What You Can’t Forget," teaches you how to heal from past traumas that still haunt you today by going through the lessons that author Lysa TerKeurst learned from childhood abuse and an unfaithful spouse, which have helped her find peace even in tough situations by forgiving those who have wronged her.",motivation Caste," unveils the hidden cultural and societal rules of our class system, including where it comes from, why it’s so deeply entrenched in society, and how we can dismantle it forever and finally allow all people to have the equality they deserve.",motivation The End Of Illness, will change the way that you think of sickness and health by identifying the problems with the current mindset around them and how focusing on the systems within your body instead of disease will help you make better-informed decisions that will keep you on the path of good health.,motivation Raising A Secure Child," teaches new parents how to feel confident that they can meet their child’s needs without making them too attached by outlining the experience that Hoffman, Cooper, and Powell have in helping parents form healthy attachments with their kids in ways that help them avoid becoming too hard on themselves and their children.",motivation Restart," tells the story of India’s almost-leadership of the world’s economy, showing why and how it instead succumbed to problems from the past, how those problems still hold it back today, and what the country might do about them.",motivation The Grand Design," explains the history of mankind from a scientific perspective, including how we came into existence and started to use science to explain the world and ourselves with laws like Newton’s and Einstein’s and more recent theories like quantum physics.",motivation Small Giants," is your guide to keeping your company little but mighty that will allow you to pass up deliberate growth for staying true to what’s really important, which is your ideals, time, passions, and doing what you do best so well that customers can’t help but flock to you.",motivation Boys & Sex," shares the best insights that Peggy Orenstein had after two years of asking young men about their sex lives, including why stereotypes make life harder for them, how hookup culture is destroying relationships, and what we as a society can do to help these boys have better, healthier views about and experiences with sex.",motivation Unlearn, will show you how to win even in changing circumstances by revealing why the patterns you used for past successes won’t always work and how to adopt a learning attitude to stop them from holding you back.,motivation My Morning Routine," is the ultimate guide to building healthy habits in the hours right after you wake up with tips backed up by the experiences of some of the most successful people in the world, including Ryan Holiday, Chris Guillebeau, Nir Eyal, and many more.",motivation Titan," will inspire you to keep working hard to make your business goals happen by sharing the life story of John D. Rockefeller Sr., from his humble beginnings to his astronomical success as an oil tycoon and beyond.",motivation The Charge," shows you how to unlock the baseline and forward human drives within you that will help you get energized, grounded, and working so that you can have the life of happiness and fulfillment you’ve always wanted.",motivation Maximize Your Potential," shows you how to make your work life one that’s both fulfilling and productive by shifting your mindset and taking advantage of your ambitions, skills, and creativity.",motivation Get Out Of Your Head," shows you how to break the pattern of negative thinking so you can consistently entertain healthier and happier thoughts by teaching simple tips like being alone, connecting with others, and reconnecting with God.",motivation Getting COMFY, will show you how to improve each day of your life by identifying why you need to begin the right way and giving a step-by-step framework to make it happen.,motivation Quiet Power, identifies the hidden superpowers of introverts and empowers them by helping them understand why it’s so difficult to be quiet in a world that’s loud and how to ease their way into becoming confident in social situations.,motivation Late Bloomers, will help you become more patient with the speed of your progress by identifying the damaging influences of early achievement culture and societal pressure and how to be proud of reaching your peak later in life.,motivation Limitless," shows you how to unlock the full potential that your brain has for memory, reading, learning, and much more by showing you how to take the brakes off of your mental powers with tools like mindset, visualization, music, and more.",motivation It’s All In Your Head," will motivate you to work hard, stay determined, and believe you can achieve your dreams by sharing the rise to fame of the prolific composer Russ.",motivation Brain Wash," will show you how to have a more peaceful, contented life by revealing what’s wrong with all of the bad habits that society accepts as normal, how they affect our brains, and the 10-day program you can follow to fix it.",motivation Mighty Be Our Powers, shares the inspirational story of Leymah Gbowee who helped bring together an influential group of women that were tired of the unrest in their country and whose efforts eventually led to the end of a devastating and long-lasting civil war.,motivation Ego Friendly," brings a twist to the mainstream spiritual narrative by showing you how to befriend your ego and treat it as your ally, instead of “letting go of it.”",motivation Think Like A Rocket Scientist, teaches you how to think like an engineer in your everyday life so that you can accomplish your personal and professional goals and reach your full potential.,motivation The Alchemist," is a classic novel in which a boy named Santiago embarks on a journey seeking treasure in the Egyptian pyramids after having a recurring dream about it and on the way meets mentors, falls in love, and most importantly, learns the true importance of who he is and how to improve himself and focus on what really matters in life.",motivation Start Where You Are, helps you discover the power of meditation and compassion by going beyond what incense to buy and giving you real and powerful advice on how to make these tools part of your daily life so you can live with greater happiness and peace.,motivation High Performance Habits," is your guide to building the six systems that science and the lives of the most successful people in the world prove will turn you into a productive, fulfilled, and extraordinary person.",motivation Living Forward," shows you how to finally get direction, purpose, and fulfillment by identifying why you need a Life Plan, how to write one, and the amazing life you can have if you implement it.",motivation Presence," is a life-changing guide to growing your self-confidence that shows how posture, mindset, and body language all expand your feeling of empowerment and your communication skills.",motivation Hillbilly Elegy, is the inspiring autobiography of J.D. Vance who explains how his life began in poverty and turbulence and what he had to do to beat those difficult circumstances and rise to success.,motivation Who Not How," will skyrocket your success, happiness, and fulfillment in all areas of your life by identifying why you’re looking at your problems the wrong way and how simply seeking to get the right people to help you will make all the difference.",motivation The Ride Of A Lifetime,"illustrates Robert Iger’s journey to becoming the CEO of Disney, and how his vision, strategy, and guidance successfully led the company through a time when its future was highly uncertain.",motivation You’ll See It When You Believe It," shows you how to discover your true, best self by revealing how to use the power of your mind to find peace with yourself, the people around you, and the universe.",motivation Reasons To Stay Alive," shows you the dangers and difficulties surrounding mental illness, uncovers the stigma around it, and identifies how to recover from it by sharing the story of Matt Haig’s recovery after an awful panic attack and subsequent battle with depression and anxiety.",motivation Metahuman, shows you how to tap into your unlimited potential by discovering a higher level of awareness surrounding the limits of your everyday reality.,motivation Imagine It Forward," inspires businesses and individuals to challenge outdated thinking and ways of doing work by sharing the life and business experiences of Beth Comstock, one of America’s most innovative businesswomen.",motivation Happier, will improve your mental state and level of success by identifying what you get wrong about joy and how to discover what’s most important to you and how to make those things a more significant part of your life.,motivation The Courage Habit," helps you unearth your hidden desires for a better life, shows you how fear buried them in the first place, and outlines the path toward overcoming the paralysis that being afraid brings so that you can have everything you’ve ever dreamed of.",motivation Who Will Cry When You Die?, helps you leave a lasting legacy of greatness after you’re gone by giving specific tips on how to become the best version of yourself and the kind that makes others grateful for all of your contributions to their lives and the world.,motivation Super Attractor," will help you become happier, find your purpose, overcome your fears, and begin living the life you’ve always wanted by identifying the steps you need to take to connect with a higher spiritual power.",motivation Winners Dream," will inspire you to get up and get moving to make your biggest goals happen by sharing the incredible rags to riches story of Bill McDermott, who went from humble beginnings to CEO of the biggest software company in the world simply by having a vision of what he wanted in life.",motivation See You At The Top," shows you how to have a spiritually, socially, financially, and physically successful and meaningful life by utilizing tools like positive thinking, kindness to others, and goal-setting.",motivation Own Your Everyday," shows you how to let go of comparison, stress, and distractions so you can find your purpose and live a more fulfilling life by sharing inspiring lessons from the experiences of author Jordan Lee Dooley.",motivation Resisting Happiness," shows you how to get more joy in your life by exploring the roadblocks you unknowingly put in the way of it, explaining why it’s a choice, and giving specific tips to help you make the decision to be content.",motivation When Things Fall Apart, gives you the confidence to make it through life’s inevitable setbacks by sharing ideas and strategies like mindfulness to grow your resilience and come out on top.,motivation Willpower Doesn’t Work, shows you how to change your life in a more efficient way than relying on sheer grit alone by identifying the importance of your environment and other factors that affect your productivity so you can become your best self.,motivation Get Out Of Your Own Way, guides you through the process of overcoming what’s holding you back from being your best self and reaching success you’ve never dreamed of by identifying how Dave Hollis came to realize his limiting beliefs and beat them.,motivation Living In Your Top 1%, shows you how to become your best self and live up to your full potential by outlining nine science-backed ways to beat the odds and achieve your goals and dreams.,motivation Joy At Work," takes Marie Kondo’s famous tidying-up tips and applies it to your job to help you be happier in the physical areas, digital spaces, and uses of your time in the office.",motivation Think Small," gives the science-backed secrets to following through with your goals, identifying seven key components that will help you use your own human nature to your advantage for wild success like you’ve never had before.",motivation Everything Is Figureoutable, will help you annihilate the limiting beliefs that are holding you back so that you can finally pursue your dreams by identifying the thinking patterns that get you stuck and how to use self-empowerment principles to become free.,motivation The 15 Invaluable Laws Of Growth, will inspire you to get up and improve your life by showing you how change only happens when we actively nurture it and identifying the steps and strategies to thrive in your career and life.,motivation Empire Of Illusion," motivates you to watch less TV and get better at reading by outlining the sharp drop in literacy levels in the United States in recent years, the negative effects that have followed, and the dark future ahead if we continue on this path.",motivation Be A Free Range Human," inspires you to finally quit that 9-5 job that is sucking the life out of you and begin working for yourself by explaining why the “job security” doesn’t exist anymore, helping you discover your passions, and identifying the steps you need to follow if you want to start a life of freedom and happiness.",motivation Blueprint, helps you have hope for the goodness of the human race by revealing our biologically wired social tendencies that help us survive and thrive by working together.,motivation Best Self," will help you become the hero you’ve always wanted to be by teaching you how to be honest with yourself about what you desire, identify your toxic anti-self, and discover the traits of the greatest possible version of you that you can imagine.",motivation Personality Isn’t Permanent," will shatter your long-held beliefs that you’re stuck as yourself, flaws and all, by identifying why the person you are is changeable and giving you specific and actionable steps to change.",motivation Your Best Year Ever," gives powerful inspiration to change your life by helping you identify what you should improve on, how to get over the hurdles in your way, and the patterns and habits you need to set so that achieving your dreams is more possible than ever.",motivation Design Your Future, motivates you to get out of your limiting beliefs and fears that are holding you back from building a life you love by identifying why you got stuck in a career or job you hate and what steps you must take to finally live your dreams.,motivation Boost!, is a guide for becoming more productive at work by using the preparation and performance techniques that world-class athletes use to win gold medals.,motivation Self-Compassion," teaches you the art of being kind to yourself by identifying what causes you to beat yourself up, how it affects your life negatively, and what you can do to relate to yourself in healthier and more compassionate ways.",motivation The 4 Disciplines Of Execution," outlines the path that company leaders and individuals must follow to set the right goals and improve behavior to achieve success on a bigger, long-term scale.",motivation The Confidence Code, empowers women to become more courageous by explaining their natural tendencies toward timidity and how to break them even in a world dominated by men. ,motivation The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read, will help you step back and focus more on the big picture of parenting to foster a strong relationship with your child so they can grow up emotionally and mentally healthy.,motivation Designing Your Life," will show you how to break the shackles of your mundane 9-5 job by sharing exercises and tips that will direct you towards your true calling that fills you with passion, purpose, and fulfillment.",motivation An Astronaut’s Guide To Life On Earth, teaches you how to live better by taking lessons from the rigorous requirements of going to outer space and applying them to everyday life. ,motivation Insight," will help you understand what self-awareness is, why it’s vital if you want to become your best self, and how to overcome the obstacles in the way of having more of it.",motivation The Road Back To You, will teach you more about what kind of person you are by identifying the pros and cons of each personality type within the Enneagram test.,motivation The Business Romantic, shows how doing business that is focused on passion and connection leads to more success in today’s world.,motivation Brotopia, motivates you to be fairer in the workplace as an employee or employer by revealing the sad sexist state of Silicon Valley.,motivation It Doesn’t Have To Be Crazy At Work," helps you relax about the current hurry-up and work yourself to death culture and instead see why getting rid of these stressful mentalities will make you and your company more focused, calm, and productive.",motivation Alibaba," shares the inspiring story of Jack Ma’s hard work, entrepreneurial vision, and smart thinking that helped him build one of the most successful and influential companies in the world. ",motivation Playing With FIRE," will teach you how to be happier with your financial life and worry less about money by getting into the Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) movement.",motivation Creative Confidence, helps break the mundanity of everyday work and life by exploring the power that being more innovative has to improve happiness and success in many different areas.,motivation What They Don’t Teach You At Harvard Business School," teaches why succeeding in business has less to do with accumulated theoretical knowledge through schooling and books, and more about people and communication.",motivation The Path Made Clear, contains Oprah Winfrey’s tips for how to discover your real purpose so you can live a life of success and significance.,motivation The Box, teaches how the drive and imagination of one entrepreneur impacted the world economy and changed the face of global trade with container shipping. ,motivation Cosmos," will make you smarter by teaching you the basics of how the universe works, including our own solar system and its history.",motivation Measure What Matters," teaches you how to implement tracking systems into your company and life that will help you record your progress, stay accountable, and make reaching your goals almost inevitable.",motivation Be Obsessed Or Be Average," motivates you to get your heart into your work and live up to your true potential by identifying the thinking patterns and work habits of the passionate, successful, and driven Grant Cardone.",motivation Do What You Are, will help you discover your personality type and how it can lead you to a more satisfying career that corresponds to your talents and interests.,motivation Leadership Strategy And Tactics," shows you how to become effective when you’re in charge by using the power of traits like accountability, humility, and others that Jocko Willink uses to lead his team of Navy SEALs.",motivation Tiny Habits, shows you the power of applying small changes to your routine to unleash the full power that habits have to make your life better.,motivation Great Thinkers, shows how much of what’s truly important in life can be solved by the wisdom left behind by brilliant minds from long past.,motivation Broadcasting Happiness," is an encouraging resource that will help you boost your health and happiness in your relationships, work, and community by showing you how to unlock the power of positive words and stories.",motivation The Joy Of Movement, is just what you need to finally find the motivation to get out and exercise more often by teaching you the scientific reasons why it’s good for you and why your body is designed to enjoy it.,motivation Born A Crime, will inspire you to make great things happen no matter what circumstances you’re born into by revealing the story of how Trevor Noah grew up as a mixed child in South Africa on the way to becoming an adult.,motivation "Girl, Stop Apologizing", is an inspirational book for women everywhere to start living up to their potential and stop apologizing for following their dreams. ,motivation Trillion Dollar Coach, will help you become a better leader in the office by sharing the life and teachings of businessman Bill Campbell who helped build multi-billion dollar companies in Silicon Valley.,motivation Brave," will help you have the relationships, career, and everything else in life that you’ve always wanted but have been afraid to go for by teaching you how to become more courageous. ",motivation Bird By Bird," is Ann Lamott’s guide to using the power of routine, being yourself, rolling with the punches, and many other principles to become a better writer.",motivation Becoming,"will use Michelle Obama’s life story tomotivate you to move forward with your dreams regardless of your circumstances, criticism, or what people think.",motivation Alexander Hamilton," will inspire you to boldly use your strengths to change the world as it tells the story of a poor orphan who grew to become one of the most intelligent, ambitious, and influential people in American history.",motivation When Breath Becomes Air," helps you see what’s really important by diving into Paul Kalanithi’s life of loving neuroscience, literature, meaning, and his family that ended from cancer in his mid-thirties. ",motivation The Execution Factor," will show you how to become successful by utilizing the power of vision, passion, action, resilience, and relationships that propelled author Kim Perell from unemployed and broke to a multi-millionaire in just seven years. ",motivation Stillness Is The Key," will show you how to harness the power of slowing down your body and mind for less distractions, better self-control, and, above all, a happier and more peaceful life.",motivation Alchemy, is your guide to making magic happen in business and life by teaching you how to practice irrational thinking to stand out and come up with powerful solutions to your problems and those of others. ,motivation The Go-Giver, teaches a pattern for becoming a better person and seeing more success in business and work by focusing on being authentic and giving as much value as possible. ,motivation A Woman of No Importance," tells the fascinating and exciting story of Virginia Hall, an American who became one of the best spies for the Allies in World War II and helped significantly in the defeat of Nazi Germany.",motivation The Little Book of Lykke, gives Danish-derived and science-backed tips that will help you be happier.,motivation "Arise, Awake", will inspire you to move forward with your entrepreneurial dreams by sharing the inspirational stories of six Indian entrepreneurs and the lessons they learned on the path to success.,motivation Radical Acceptance, teaches how you can become more content and happy in your life by applying the principles of meditation and Buddhism. ,motivation Why We Sleep, will motivate you get more and better quality sleep by showing you the recent scientific findings on why sleep deprivation is bad for individuals and society.,motivation The Next Right Thing," is your guide for making wise, thoughtful, and intentional decisions simply by looking for the single best action to take at the moment.",motivation 7 Strategies For Wealth And Happiness," is the ultimate guide to improving your wealth through self-discipline, action, and a positive attitude toward work, money, and the people around you.",motivation A Whole New Mind, is your guide to standing out in the competitive workplace by taking advantage of the big-picture skills of the right side of your brain.,motivation A Walk In The Woods," tells the interesting story of the adventures Bill Bryson and Stephen Katz had while walking the beautiful, rugged, and historic Appalachian Trail.",motivation The Passion Paradox, explains the risks of blindly following what we love to do the most and teaches us how to cultivate our passions in a way that can lead us to a fulfilling life.,motivation A More Beautiful Question," will teach you how to ask more and better questions, showing you the power that the right questions have to transform your life for the better.",motivation A Return To Love," will help you let go of resentment, fear, and anger to have happier and healthier jobs and relationships by teaching you how to embrace the power of love.",motivation A Message To Garcia, teaches you how to be the best at your job by becoming a dedicated worker with a good attitude about whatever tasks your company gives you.,motivation Time And How To Spend It, is your guide to becoming more productive by not focusing on working extra hours but instead using the time off more effectively.,motivation Unlocking Potential, is a guide that will help you as a leader make a difference in people’s lives in the long run by learning how to coach people in a way that brings to light their greatest strengths and capabilities.,motivation Tell Me More," will help you make everything, even the worst of times, go more smoothly by learning about a few useful phrases to habitually use come rain or shine.",motivation No Excuses!," teaches us that self-discipline is the key to success and gives us practical advice to master it and achieve self-actualization, happy relationships, and financial security.",motivation Big Potential, will show you that the real secret to success and thriving in all aspects of life is developing strong connections with others and treating them in a way that lifts them up.,motivation The Second Mountain," argues that the key to living a meaningful, fulfilling, and happy life is not found in the pursuit of self-improvement but instead a life of service to others.",motivation Getting There, will inspire you to move toward your entrepreneurial dreams with the business journeys of six successful entrepreneurs. ,motivation Millionaire Success Habits, will teach you the habits you need to become financially successful and make a big difference in the world along the way.,motivation Game Changers, reveals the secrets that some of the most impactful people in the world use to hack their biology and win at life and will teach you how to achieve your goals and be happy. ,motivation You Are A Badass At Making Money, will help you stop making excuses and get over your bad relationship with money to become a money-making machine.,motivation Necessary Endings," is a guide to change that explains how you can get rid of unwanted behaviors, events, and people in your life and use the magic of new beginnings to build a better life.",motivation Extreme Ownership," contains useful leadership advice from two Navy SEALs who learned to stay strong, disciplined, and level-headed in high-stakes combat scenarios.",motivation Make Your Bed, encourages you to pursue your goals and change the lives of others for the better by showing that success is a combination of individual willpower and mutual support.,motivation QBQ!, will teach you to ask better questions and stay accountable and why doing so will change every aspect of your life for the better.,motivation The Road to Character," explains why today’s ever-increasing obsession with the self is eclipsing moral virtues and our ability to build character, and how that gets in the way of our happiness.",motivation The Messy Middle, challenges the notion that projects grow slowly and smoothly toward success by outlining the rocky but important intermediate stages of any journey and how to survive them.,motivation The Start-Up of You, explains why you need manage your career as if you were running a start-up to get ahead in today’s ultra-competitive and ever-changing business world. ,motivation "Girl, Wash Your Face"," inspires women to take their lives into their own hands and make their dreams happen, no matter how discouraged they may feel at the moment.",motivation Inner Engineering, is a guide to creating a life of happiness by exploring your internal landscape of thoughts and feelings and learning to align them with what the universe tells you.,motivation The 12 Week Year, will teach you how to reliably hit your goals by planning in 12-week cycles instead of following our typical 12-month routine.,motivation The Miracle Equation," is a simple, step-by-step process to make achieving your goals inevitable by bridging the gap between knowing and doing.",motivation Imperfect Courage, is the story of how entrepreneur Jessica Honegger learned to step out of her comfort zone and build a million-dollar business helping artists and people in need around the world.,motivation Can’t Hurt Me," is the story of David Goggins, who went from being overweight and depressed to becoming a record-breaking athlete, inspiring military leader, and world-class personal trainer.",motivation What I Know For Sure," encourages you to create the life you want by pursuing excellence, practicing gratitude, and leveraging bad experiences to become stronger. ",motivation Hit Refresh, tells the inspiring story of an Indian boy named Satya Nadella,motivation The Science of Getting Rich," gives you permission to embrace your natural desire for wealth and explains why riches lead to a prosperous and abundant life in mind, body, and soul.",motivation Everything Is F*cked, explains what’s wrong with our approach towards happiness and gives philosophical suggestions that help us make our lives worth living.,motivation Be Fearless," shows that radical changes are more effective than small enhancements and urges us to be boldin trying to make progress. ",motivation #GIRLBOSS, shows that even an unconventional life can lead to success when you discover your passions and improve your skills in unusual and unpredictable ways.,motivation "Change Your Questions, Change Your Life", will revolutionize your thinking with questions that create a learning mindset. ,motivation The 5 AM Club," helps you get up at 5 AM every morning, build a morning routine, and make time for the self-improvement you need to find success.",motivation Team Of Rivals,"explains why Abraham Lincoln rose above his political rivals despite their stronger reputations and how he used empathy to unite not just his enemies, but an entire country.",motivation The Third Door, follows an 18-year-old’s wild quest of interviewing many of the world’s most successful people to discover what it takes to get to the top.,motivation The Rise, explains the integral role of failure in all creative endeavors and provides examples of great thinkers who thrived because they viewed failure as a necessary part of their journey towards mastery.,motivation How Luck Happens," shows you how to foster your own luck by creating the conditions for it to manifest itself in your work, love and all other aspects of life.",motivation Peak Performance," shows you how to perform at your highest level by exploring the most significant factors that contribute to delivering our best work, such as stress, rest, focus, and purpose.",motivation "Write It Down, Make It Happen"," is a simple guide to help you accomplish your goals through the act of writing, showing you how to use this basic skill to focus, address fears, and stay motivated.",motivation Braving The Wilderness," offers a four-step process to find true belonging through authenticity, bravery, trust, and vulnerability since it’s mostly about learning to stand alone rather than trying to fit in.",motivation The Courage To Be Disliked," is a Japanese analysis of the work of 19th-century psychologist Alfred Adler, who established that happiness lies in the hands of each human individual and does not depend on past traumas.",motivation Make Time," is about creating space in your life for what truly matters using highlights, laser-style focus, energizing breaks, and regularly reflecting on how you spend your most valuable asset.",motivation The Energy Bus," is a fable that will help you create positive energy with ten simple rules and make it the center of your life, work, and relationships.",motivation Atomic Habits," is the definitive guide to breaking bad behaviors and adopting good ones in four steps, showing you how small, incremental, everyday routines compound into massive, positive change over time.",motivation Outwitting The Devil," is an imagined interview between Napoleon Hill and the Devil himself, in which he wrings certain truths from the root of evil, which will help us avoid his grasp and live a good life.",motivation Reinvent Yourself," is a template for how to best adapt in a world in which the only constant is change, so that you may find happiness, success, wealth, meaningful work, and whatever else you desire in life.",motivation Dare To Lead," dispels common myths about modern-day workplace culture and shows you that true leadership requires nothing but vulnerability, values, trust, and resilience.",motivation The Automatic Millionaire," is an actionable, step-by-step plan for building wealth without being disciplined by relying on fixed percentages, small payments, and automated transactions.",motivation The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind," is a spiritual self-help classic, which teaches you how to use visualization and other suggestion techniques to adapt your unconscious behavior in positive ways.",motivation How Successful People Think," lays out eleven specific ways of thinking you can practice to live a better, happier, more successful life.",motivation Minimalism, is an instructive introduction to the philosophy of less and how it helped two guys who had achieved the American dream let go of their possessions and the depressions that came with them.,motivation 12 Rules For Life,"is a story-based, stern yet entertaining self-help manual for young people laying out a set of simple rules to help us become more disciplined, behave better, act with integrity, and balance our lives while enjoying them as much as we can.",motivation How To Fail At Almost Everything And Still Win Big, is the memoir of Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams,motivation Crushing It," is Gary Vaynerchuk’s follow-up to his personal branding manifesto Crush It, in which he reiterates the importance of a personal brand and shows you the endless possibilities that come with building one today.",motivation The Secret," is a self-help book by Rhonda Byrne that explains how the law of attraction, which states that positive energy attracts positive things into your life, governs your thinking and actions, and how you can use the power of positive thinking to achieve anything you can imagine.",motivation Tribe of Mentors," is a collection of over 100 mini-interviews, where some of the world’s most successful people share their ideas around habits, learning, money, relationships, failure, success, and life.",motivation The Big Leap," is about changing your overall perspective, so you can embrace a philosophy that’ll help you achieve your full potential in work, relationships, finance, and all other walks of life.",motivation When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing," breaks down the science of time so you can stop guessing when to do things and pick the best times to work, eat, sleep, have your coffee and even quit your job.",motivation Leonardo Da Vinci," is Walter Isaacson’s account of the life of one of the most brilliant artists, thinkers, and innovators who ever lived.",motivation Barking Up The Wrong Tree," turns standard success advice on its head by looking at both sides of many common arguments, like confidence, extroversion, or being nice, concluding it’s really other factors that decide if we win, and we control more of them than we think.",motivation Find Your Why," is an actionable guide to discover your mission in life, figure out how you can live it on a daily basis and share it with the world.",motivation Principles," holds the set of rules for work and life billionaire investor and CEO of the most successful fund in history, Ray Dalio, has acquired through his 40-year career in finance.",motivation Finish," identifies perfectionism as the biggest enemy of your goals, in order to then help you defeat it with research backed strategies to get things out the door while having fun, taking the pressure off and cutting yourself some slack.",motivation Emotional Agility," provides a new, science-backed approach to navigating life’s many trials and detours on your path to fulfillment, with which you’ll face your emotions head on, observe them objectively, make choices based on your values and slowly tweak your mindset, motivation and habits.",motivation The Road Less Traveled,"is a spiritual classic, combining scientific and religious views to help you grow by confronting and solving your problems through discipline, love and grace.",motivation Side Hustle,"shows you how to set up new income streams without quitting your day job, taking you all the way from your initial idea to your first earned dollars in just 27 days.",motivation The 5 Second Rule," is a simple tool that undercuts most of the psychological weapons your brain employs to keep you from taking action, which will allow you to procrastinate less, live happier and reach your goals.",motivation The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck," does away with the positive psychology craze to instead give you a Stoic, no-BS approach to living a life that might not always be happy, but meaningful and centered only around what’s important to you.",motivation The Happiness Equation," reveals nine scientifically backed secrets to happiness to show you that by wanting nothing and doing anything, you can have everything.",motivation Accidental Genius,"introduces you to the concept of freewriting, which you can use to solve complex problems, exercise your creativity, flesh out your ideas and even build a catalog of publishable work.",motivation The Productivity Project, recounts the lessons Chris Bailey learned over the course of a year running various productivity experiments to help you get more done in all areas of your life.,motivation The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari," is a self-help classic telling the story of fictional lawyer Julian Mantle, who sold his mansion and Ferrari to study the seven virtues of the Sages of Sivana in the Himalayan mountains.",motivation Real Artists Don’t Starve,"debunks all myths around the starving artist and shows you you can, will and deserve to make a living from your creative work.",motivation Get Smart," reveals how you can access more of your brain’s power through simple, actionable brain training techniques that’ll spark your creativity, make you look for the positive and help you achieve your goals faster.",motivation Failing Forward," will help you stop making excuses, start embracing failure as a natural, necessary part of the process and let you find the confidence to proceed anyway.",motivation The 10X Rule," will show you how to achieve extraordinary success by pointing out what’s wrong with shooting for average, why you should aim ten times higher when tackling your goals, and how to back up your new, bold targets with the right actions.",motivation The Power Of Broke," shows you how to leverage having no money into an advantage in business by compensating it with creativity, passion and authenticity.",motivation "If You’re So Smart, Why Aren’t You Happy"," walks you through the seven deadly sins of unhappiness, which will show you how small the correlation between success and happiness truly is and help you avoid chasing the wrong things in your short time here on earth.",motivation Option B," shares the stories of people who’ve had to deal with a traumatizing event, most notably Facebook’s COO Sheryl Sandberg, to help you face adversity, become more resilient and find joy again after life punches you in the face.",motivation Genius: The Life And Science Of Richard Feynman," tells the story of one the greatest minds in the history of science, all the way from his humble beginnings to changing physics as we know it and receiving the Nobel prize.",motivation The Life-Changing Magic Of Not Giving A F*ck," is a funny, practical guide to mental decluttering, giving you actionable tips to stop caring about things that don’t really matter to you, without feeling ashamed or guilty.",motivation You Are A Badass," helps you become self-aware, figure out what you want in life and then summon the guts to not worry about the how, kick others’ opinions to the curb and focus your life on the thing that will make you happy.",motivation Payoff," unravels the complex construct that is human motivation and shows you how it consists of many more parts than money and recognition, such as meaning, effort and ownership, so you can motivate yourself not just today, but every day.",motivation Peak," accumulates everything the pioneer researcher on deliberate practice has learned about expert performance through decades of exploration and analysis of what separates those, who are average, from those, who are world-class at what they do.",motivation Unlimited Power," is a self-help classic, which breaks down how Tony Robbins has helped top performers achieve at their highest level and how you can use the same mental and physical tactics to accomplish your biggest goals in life.",motivation The Gifts Of Imperfection," shows you how to embrace your inner flaws to accept who you are, instead of constantly chasing the image of who you’re trying to be, because other people expect you to act in certain ways.",motivation Steal Like An Artist," gives you permission to copy your heroes’ work and use it as a springboard to find your own, unique style, all while remembering to have fun, creating the right work environment for your art and letting neither criticism nor praise drive you off track.",motivation How Will You Measure Your Life," shows you how to sustain motivation at work and in life to spend your time on earth happily and fulfilled, by focusing not just on money and your career, but your family, relationships and personal well-being.",motivation Mind Gym," explains why the performance of world-class athletes isn’t onlya result of their physical training, but just as much due to their mentally fit minds and shows you how you can cultivate the mindset of a top performer yourself.",motivation Your Best Just Got Better," shows you how to tackle productivity and performance with the best techniques to help you work smarter, get more done and stay inspired.",motivation Alibaba’s World," is an inside look at one of the world’s largest e-commerce companies from one of itsfirst Western employees, who served as its vice president and head of international marketing for several years, showing how this company turned from startup to global player in just 15 years.",motivation A Force For Good," is a universal call to turn ourcompassion outward and use it to improve ourselves and the world around us in science, religion, social issues, business and education.",motivation Disrupt Yourself," explains how you can harnessthe ever-accelerating power of disruptive innovation in your personal life, be it to advance your career or to build a company that thrives, by embracing your limitations, focusing on your strengths and staying flexible and curious along the way.",motivation Winners: And How They Succeed," draws on years of research and extensive interviews with a wide array of successful people to deliver a blueprint for what it takes to win in life based on strategy, leadership and team-building.",motivation Benjamin Franklin: An American Life, takes a thorough look at the life of one of the most influential humans that ever lived and explains how he could achieve such greatness in so many different fields and areas.,motivation Long Walk To Freedom," is the autobiography of Nelson Mandela, South African anti-apartheid activist, national icon and the first South African black president, elected in the first, fully democratic election in the country.",motivation Grit," describes what creates outstanding achievements, based on science, interviews with high achievers from various fields and the personal history of success of the author, Angela Duckworth, uncovering that achievement isn’t reserved for the talented only, but for those with passion and perseverance.",motivation Million Dollar Consulting," teaches you how to build a thriving consultancy business, by focusing on relationships, delivering strategic value and thinking long-term all the way through.",motivation The Rise Of Superman," decodes the science of ultimate, human performance by examining how top athletes enter and stay in a state of flow, while achieving their greatest feats, and how you can do the same.",motivation The Code Of The Extraordinary Mind," gives you a 10-step framework for success, based on the lives of the world’s most successful people, who the author has spent 200+ hours interviewing.",motivation Born For This," shows you how to find the work you were meant to do, which actually might consist of many different forms of work over the course of your life, by showing you the power of a side hustle, proper risk-assessment, creating your own job and pursuing all of your passions – one at a time.",motivation The Now Habit," is a strategic program to help you eliminate procrastination from your life, bring fun and motivation back to your work and enjoy your well-earned spare time without feeling guilty.",motivation Howard Hughes: His Life And Madness," details the birth, childhood, career, death and legacy of shimmering business tycoon Howard Hughes, who was a billionaire, world-renowned aviator, actor and industry magnate.",motivation A Curious Mind," is an homage to the power of asking questions, showing you how being curious can change your entire life, from the way you do business, to how you interact with your loved ones, or even shape your country.",motivation Elon Musk," is the first official biography of the creator of SolarCity, SpaceX and Tesla, based on over 30 hours of conversation time between authorAshlee Vance",motivation Einstein: His Life And Universe," takes a close look at the life of Albert Einstein, beginning in how his childhood shaped him, what his biggest discoveries and personal struggles were and how his focus changed in later years, without his geniusever fading until his very last moment.",motivation Hardwiring Happiness," tells you what you can do to overcome your negativity bias of focusing on and exaggerating negative events by relishing, extending and prioritizing the good things in your life to become happier.",motivation How to Become a Straight-A Student," gives you the techniques A+ students have used to pass college with flying colors and summa cum laude degrees, without compromising their entire lives and spending every minute in the library, ranging from time management and note-taking tactics all the way to how you can write a great thesis.",motivation Rejection Proof," shows you that no “No” lasts forever, and how you can use rejection therapy to change your perspective of fear, embrace new challenges, and hear the word “Yes” more often than ever before.",motivation Daring Greatly," is a book about having the courage to be vulnerable in a world where everyone wants to appear strong, confident and like they know what they’re doing.",motivation Predictable Success," leads you through the various stages of companies and alternative paths they can and might take, depending on their actions, showing you the safest path towards predictable success, where you consistently achieve your goals.",motivation How To Win At The Sport Of Business, is Mark Cuban’s account of how he changed his mindset and attitude over the years to go from broke to billionaire and help you embrace the habits of a successful businessman (or woman).,motivation Man’s Search for Meaning," details holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl’s horrifying experiences in Nazi concentration camps, along with his psychological approach of logotherapy, which is also what helped him survive and shows you how you can – and must – find meaning in your life.",motivation Smarter Faster Better," tells deeply researched stories from professionals around the world to show you how to do what you’re already doing in a better, more efficient way, by focusing on decisions, motivation and the way we set goals.",motivation The Art Of Learning," explains the science of becoming a top performer, based on Josh Waitzkin’s personal rise to the top of the chess and Tai Chi world, by showing you the right mindset, proper ways to practice and how to build the habits of a professional.",motivation Carrots And Sticks," explains how you can harness the power of incentives – carrots and sticks – to change your bad behaviors, improve your self-control and reach your long-term goals.",motivation Year of Yes, details famous TV-show creator Shonda Rhimes’s change from introversion to socialite by saying “Yes” to anything for a full year and how she was finally able to face her fears and start loving herself.,motivation The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up," takes you through the process of simplifying, organizing and storing your belongings step by step, to make your home a place of peace and clarity.",motivation Why We Work," looks at the purpose of work in our lives by examining how different people view their work, what traits make work feel meaningful, and which questions companies should ask to maximize the motivation of their employees.",motivation Who Moved My Cheese," tells a parable, which you can directly apply to your own life, in order to stop fearing what lies ahead and instead thrive in an environment of change and uncertainty.",motivation Everything I Know," ditches all the rules and gives you a guide to living a fulfilled and adventurous life that can be infinitely updated, stretched, expanded and customized, based on who you are, instead of another “do-this-to-get-rich-fast” scheme that doesn’t work for everyone.",motivation Thrive," shines a light on the missing ingredient in our perception of success, which includes well-being, wonder, wisdom and giving, and goes beyond just money and power, which often drive people right into burnout, terrible health and unhappiness.",motivation Losing My Virginity," details Richard Branson’s meteoric rise to success and digs into what made him the adventurous, fun-loving, daring entrepreneur he is today and what lessons you can learn about business from him.",motivation Awaken The Giant Within," is the psychological blueprint you can follow to wake up and start taking control of your life, starting in your mind, spreading through your body and then all the way through your relationships, work and finances until you’re the giant you were always meant to be.",motivation The Desire Map," gives your goal-setting mechanism a makeover by showing you that desire, not facts, is what fuels our lives and helps you rely on your feelings to navigate life, instead of giving in to the pressure of the outside world to check the boxes on goals that don’t really matter to you.",motivation Strengthsfinder 2.0," argues that we should forget about fixing our weaknesses, and go all in on our strengths instead, by showing you ways to figure out which 5 key strengths are an innate part of you and giving you advice on how to use them in your life and work.",motivation The Art of Non-Conformity," teaches you how to play life by your own rules by giving you practical glimpses into the world of self-employment, a new approach to travel, to-do list minimalism and conscious spending habits.",motivation The Promise Of A Pencil," narrates the story of how Adam Braun, well-bred, average college kid, working at Bain & Company, shook off what society expected of him and created a life of significance and success by starting his own charity, which now has built hundreds of schools for children in need.",motivation The Blue Zones," gives you advice on how to live to be 100 years and older by looking at five spots across the planet, where people live the longest, and drawing lessons about what they eat, drink, how they exercise and which habits most shape their lives.",motivation David and Goliath," explains why underdogs win in situations where the odds are stacked unfavorably against them, and how you can do the same.",motivation The One-Page Financial Plan," is a refreshing, fun look at personal finance, that takes away the feeling that financial planning is a burden for the less disciplined, and shows you that you can plan your entire financial future on a single page.",motivation The Total Money Makeover," shows you how to stop accepting debt as normal, eliminate it forever in small increments, and build the financial future you deserve in seven steps.",motivation First Things First," shows you how to stop looking at the clock and start looking at the compass, by figuring out what’s important, prioritizing those things in your life, developing a vision for the future, building the right relationships and becoming a strong leader wherever you go.",motivation The Power of Now,"shows you that every minute you spend worrying about the future or regretting the past is a minute lost, because the only place you can truly live in is the present, the now, which is why the book offers actionable strategies to start living every minute as it occurs and becoming 100% present in and for your life.",motivation Sam Walton: Made In America," shines a light on the man behind the biggest fortune ever amassed in business and explains how he built Walmart into a billion-dollar empire with hard work, incessant learning and an unrivaled resolve to make every single customer as happy as can be.",motivation Rework," shows you that you need less than you think to start a business – way less – by explaining why plans are actually harmful, how productivity isn’t a result from working long hours and why hiring and seeking investors should be your absolute last resort.",motivation The Success Principles," condenses 64 lessons Jack Canfield learned on his journey to becoming a successful entrepreneur, author, coach and speaker into 6 sections, which will help you transform your mindset and take responsibility and control of your own life, so you can get from where you are to where you want to be.",motivation Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind, suggests our financial success is predetermined from birth and shows us what to do to break through mental barriers and acquire the habits and thinking of the rich.,motivation Do Over," shines a light on the four core skills you need to build an amazing career: relationships, skills, character and hustle, and shows you how to develop each one of them and use them in different stages of your career.",motivation The Happiness Project," will show you how to change your life, without actually changing your life, thanks to the findings of modern science, ancient history and popular culture about happiness, which the author tested for a year and now shares with you.",motivation The Obstacle Is The Way," is a modern take on the ancient philosophy of Stoicism, which helps you endure the struggles of life with grace and resilience by drawing lessons from ancient heroes, former presidents, modern actors, athletes, and how they turned adversity into success thanks to the power of perception, action, and will.",motivation Outliers," explains why “the self-made man” is a myth and what truly lies behind the success of the best people in their field, which is often a series of lucky events, rare opportunities and other external factors, which are out of our control.",motivation Crush It," is the blueprint you need to turn your passion into your profession and will give you the tools to turn yourself into a brand, leverage social media, produce great content and reap the financial benefits of it.",motivation Start," shows you how you can flip the switch of your life from average to awesome by punching fear in the face, being realistic, living with purpose and going through the five stages of success, one step at a time.",motivation The Power Of Positive Thinking," will show you that the roots of success lie in the mind and teach you how to believe in yourself, break the habit of worrying, and take control of your life by taking control of your thoughts and changing your attitude.",motivation Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff (… And It’s All Small Stuff)," will keep you from letting the little, stressful things in life, like your email inbox, rushing to trains, and annoying co-workers drive you insane and help you find peace and calm in a stressful world.",motivation Big Magic," is the book that’ll give you the courage you need to pursue your creative interests by showing you how to deal with your fears, notice ideas and act on them and take the stress out of creation.",motivation The Psychology of Winning," teaches you the 10 qualities of winners, which set them apart and help them win in every sphere of life: personally, professionally and spiritually.",motivation The Power Of Starting Something Stupid," shows you that most ideas are often falsely labeled stupid at first, and that if they are, that’s a good indicator you should pursue them and not care what anyone thinks.",motivation How To Win Friends And Influence People," teaches you countless principles to become a likable person, handle your relationships well, win others over and help them change their behavior without being intrusive.",motivation Make Your Mark," is a business book for creatives, telling them how to get started on turning their creative energy into a profitable business with simple, actionable ideas taken from 20 leading entrepreneurs and designers, who lead successful creative businesses.",motivation Think And Grow Rich," is a curation of the 13 most common habits of wealthy and successful people, distilled from studying over 500 individuals over the course of 20 years.",motivation SuperBetter," not only breaks down the science behind games and how they help us become physically, emotionally, mentally and socially stronger, but also gives you a 7-step system you can use to turn your own life into a game, have more fun than ever before and overcome your biggest challenges.",motivation The Achievement Habit," shows you that being an achiever can be learned, by using the principles of design thinking to walk you through several stories and exercises, which will get you to stop wishing and start doing.",motivation Quitter," is a blueprint to help you close the gap between your day job and your dream job, showing you simple steps you can take towards your dream without turning it into a nightmare.",motivation The Art Of Work," is the instruction manual to find your vocation by looking into your passions, connecting them to the needs of the world, and thus building a legacy that’s bigger than yourself.",motivation The War Of Art," brings some much needed tough love to all artists, business people and creatives who spend more time battling the resistance against work than actually working, by identifying the procrastinating forces at play and pulling out the rug from under their feet.",motivation Essentialism,"will show you a new, better way of looking at productivityby giving you permission to be extremely selective about what’s truly essential in your life and then ruthlessly cutting out everything else.",motivation The Power Of Habit," helps you understand whyhabits are at the core of everything youdo, how you can change them, and what impact that will have on your life, your business and society.",motivation So Good They Can’t Ignore You," sheds some much needed light on the “follow your passion” myth and shows you that the true path to work you love lies in becoming a craftsman of the work you already have, collecting rare skills and taking control of your hours in the process.",motivation Money: Master The Game," holds 7 simple steps to financial freedom, based on the advice of the world’s best billionaire investors, interviewed by Tony Robbins.",motivation The Power Of Less," shows you how to align your life with your most important goals, by finding out what’s really essential, changing your habits one at a time and working focused and productively on only those projects that will lead you to where you really want to go.",motivation Bounce," shows you that trainingtrumps talent every time, by explaining the science of deliberate practice, the mindset of high performers and how you can use those tools to become a master of whicheverskill you choose.",motivation Zero To One," is an inside look at Peter Thiel’s philosophy and strategy for making your startup a success by looking at the lessons he learned from founding and selling PayPal, investing in Facebook and becoming a billionaire in the process.",motivation Choose Yourself," is a call to give up traditional career paths and take your life into your own hands by building good habits, creating your own career, and making a decision to choose yourself.",motivation The Happiness Of Pursuit," is a call to take control of your own life by going on a quest, which will fill your life with meaning, purpose, and a whole lot of adventure.",motivation The Millionaire Fastlane," points out what’s wrong with the old get a degree, get a job, work hard, retire rich model, defines wealth in a new way, and shows you the path to retiring young.",motivation The ONE Thing," gives you a very simple approach to productivity, based around a single question, to help you have less clutter, distractions and stress, and more focus, energy and success.",motivation Stumbling On Happiness," examines the capacity of our brains to fill in gaps and simulate experiences, shows how our lack of awareness of these powers sometimes leads us to wrong decisions, and how we can change our behavior to synthesize our own happiness.",motivation The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People," teaches you both personal and professional effectiveness bychanging your view of how the world works and giving you 7 habits, which, if adopted well, will lead you to immense success.",motivation Steve Jobs," is the most detailed and accurate account of the life of the man who created Apple, the most valuable technology company in the world.",motivation The Miracle Morning," makes it clear that in order to become successful,you have to dedicate time to personal development each day, and then gives you a 6-step morning routine to create and shape that time.",motivation The 4-Hour Workweek," is the step-by-step blueprint to free yourself from the shackles of a corporate job, create a business to fund the lifestyle of your dreams, and live life like a millionaire, without actually having to be one.",motivation The Willpower Instinct," breaks down willpower into 3 categories, and gives you science-backed systems to improve your self-control, break bad habits and choose long-term goals over instant gratification.",motivation The Upside Of Your Dark Side," takes a look at our darkest emotions, like anxiety or anger, and shows you there are real benefits that followthem and their underlying character traits, such as narcissism or psychopathy.",motivation Do The Work," is Steven Pressfield’s follow-up to The War Of Art, where he gives you actionable tactics and strategies to overcome resistance, the force behind procrastination.",motivation Built To Last, examines what lies behind the extraordinary success of 18 visionary companies and which principles and ideasthey’ve usedto thrive for a century.,motivation The Happiness Advantage," turns the tables on happiness, by proving it’s a tool for success, instead of the result of it, and gives you 7 actionable principles you can use toincrease both.",motivation Automate Your Busywork,"is a step-by-step guide to getting rid of your most dreaded tasks, fueled by the simple but sophisticated “Automation Flywheel,” which will help you reduce stress, get more done, and find time for your most meaningful work.",marketing The Infinite Game," argues that business is not a competition but an infinite journey, and that to do well in it, leaders must advance a “Just Cause,” build trusting teams, learn from their “Worthy Rivals,” and practice existential flexibility.",marketing The 1-Page Marketing Plan," offers a hands-on guide to creating a simple, single-page marketing strategy that will help you find prospects, generate leads, keep them engaged, and close sales, all from scratch.",marketing The Life-Changing Science of Detecting Bullshit, teaches its readers how to avoid falling for the lies and false information that other people spread by helping them build essential thinking skills through examples from the real world.,marketing Expert Secrets," teaches you how to create and implement an informative marketing plan and putting it into practice, while also showing you what problem you must solve for your prospects or teach them how to do it themselves.",marketing The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding, is a compilation of laws that provides insights for conducting successful marketing campaigns by focusing on the essence of branding and how brands must be created and managed in order to survive in the competitive world.,marketing Lessons from the Titans," tells the story of some of the biggest industrial companies in the United States and presents life-long strategies, valuable ideas, and mistakes to avoid for any business who wants to achieve long-term success.",marketing The Cult of We," presents the story of WeWork, a hyped American company that offered office spaces for rent and became the most valuable start-up in the world, only to be exposed later on as a massively overpriced business that was in fact losing a million dollars a day.",marketing The Sales Advantage," offers a practical guide to acquiring customers, closing sales, and increasing profits by following a series of proven techniques from a corporate coaching course about sales procedures.",marketing "Woke, Inc."," taps into the dark secrets of the woke culture in corporate America, which organizations generate tremendous amounts of profit by hiding behind causes like social justice, gender equality, climate change, and many other popular matters.",marketing Masters of Scale," teaches entrepreneurs ways to open up a successful company and scale it from the grounds-up by going into detail about the right business practices, how to seize opportunities, and foster an organizational culture that encourages innovation and customer-centricity.",marketing The Mom Test," talks about ways to tell if your business idea is great or terrible by assessing the opinions of your friends, family, and investors accordingly, and not believing everything they say just to make you feel good.",marketing Keep Going," teaches us how to persist in creative work when our brain wants to take a million different paths, showing us how to harness our brain power in moments of innovation as well as tediousness.",marketing Show Your Work!," talks about the importance of being discoverable, showcasing your work like a professional, and networking properly in order to succeed with your creative work.",marketing Testing Business Ideas," highlights the importance of trial and error, learning from mistakes and prototypes, and always improving your offerings in a business, so as to bring a successful product to the market that will sell instead of causing you troubles.",marketing The Art of Rhetoric," is an ancient, time-proven reference book that explores the secrets behind persuasion, rhetoric, and good public speaking by providing compelling information on what a good speech should consist of and how truth and virtue are at the foundation of every good story.",marketing Hiring Success, highlights the importance of the human resource for any company and describes a successful business approach that focuses on finding highly trained and skilled future employees as a source of competitive advantage on the market.,marketing An Ugly Truth," offers a critical look at Facebook and its administrators, who foster a gaslighting environment and a controversial social media platform that can easily become a danger for its users both virtually and in real life due to its immense power and influence on our society.",marketing Hyper-Learning," shows how people and companies can adapt in the rapidly changing world we live in today, explaining how a growth mindset, colleaboration, and losing your ego will build your confidence that you can stay relevant and competitive as the world around you accelerates.",marketing No Logo," uses four parts, including “No Space,” “No Choice,” “No Jobs,” and “No Logo,” to explain the growth of brand power since the 1980s, how the focus of companies on image rather than products has affected employees, and to identify those who fight against large corporations and their brands.",marketing The Design Of Everyday Things, helps you understand why your inability to use some products isn’t your fault but instead is the result of bad design and how companies can use the principles of cognitive psychology to implement better design principles that actually solve your problems without creating more of them.,marketing Cryptoassets," is your guide to understanding this revolutionary new digital asset class and explains the history of Bitcoin, how to invest in it and other cryptocurrencies, and how the blockchain technology behind it all works.",marketing Spark," teaches you how to become an influential, un-fireable asset to your team at work by taking on the role of a leader regardless of your position, utilizing the power of creative thinking to make better decisions, and learning how to be more self-aware and humble.",marketing Think Again," will make you more intelligent, persuasive, and self-aware by identifying the power of being humble about what you don’t know, how to recognize blind spots in your thinking before they start causing you problems, and what you can do to become more effective at convincing others of your way of thinking.",marketing See You On The Internet, is the ultimate beginner-level digital marketing guide that teaches you how to build an online business presence by doing everything from starting a website to managing social media accounts.,marketing Small Giants," is your guide to keeping your company little but mighty that will allow you to pass up deliberate growth for staying true to what’s really important, which is your ideals, time, passions, and doing what you do best so well that customers can’t help but flock to you.",marketing Subscribed," helps your company move to a subscription model by identifying the history of this innovative idea, how it makes businesses so successful, and what you need to do to implement it in your own company.",marketing How I Built This, is a compilation of the best tips and lessons that Guy Raz learned from interviewing the founders of the greatest businesses in the world on his podcast of the same name and teaches how to start a company and keep it running strong.,marketing Storyworthy," shows you how to tell a narrative that will impact others by outlining how to engage your audience throughout the start, end, and everything in between.",marketing The Art Of The Start, is your guide to beginning a company and explains everything from getting the right people on board to writing a winning business plan and building your brand.,marketing Building A StoryBrand, is your guide to turning your sales pages and product into an adventure for your clients by identifying the seven steps to successful storytelling as a company and how to craft the clearest message possible so that they will understand and want to be part of it.,marketing Epic Content Marketing, shows why traditional methods for selling like TV and direct mail are dead and how creating content is the new future of advertising because it actually grabs people’s attention by focusing on what they care about instead of your product.,marketing Agile Selling, helps you become a great salesperson by identifying how successful people thrive in any sales position with the skills of learning and adapting quickly.,marketing Brainfluence, will help you get more sales by revealing people’s subconscious thinking and their motivations in the decision-making process they use when buying.,marketing Cashvertising," teaches you how to become an expert at marketing by using techniques like using the power of authority, following the three steps of writing a perfect headline, and appealing to the eight basic desires people have instead of spending millions on ads.",marketing SPIN Selling," is your guide to becoming an expert salesperson by identifying what the author learned from 35,000 sales calls and 12 years of research on the topic.",marketing Business Model Generation," teaches you how to start your own company by explaining the details of matching your customer’s needs with your product’s capabilities, managing finances, and everything else involved in the planning stages of entrepreneurship.",marketing The Psychology Of Selling, motivates you to work on your self-image and how you relate to customers so that you can close more deals.,marketing Ask, shows you a method that helps you take the guesswork out of the equation so you can give your customers what they want even if they don’t know what they want.,marketing Buyology, shows you how to spend less money by revealing the psychological traps that companies use to hack your brain and get you to purchase their products without you even realizing they’re doing it.,marketing The Business Romantic, shows how doing business that is focused on passion and connection leads to more success in today’s world.,marketing Alibaba," shares the inspiring story of Jack Ma’s hard work, entrepreneurial vision, and smart thinking that helped him build one of the most successful and influential companies in the world. ",marketing The Storytelling Edge, will boost your communication and persuasiveness skills by showing you how to tell powerful narratives in a convincing way and giving examples of why you should.,marketing Amazon, will help you make your business better by sharing what made Jeff Bezos’s gigantic company so successful at going from its humble beginnings to now dominating the e-commerce market.,marketing Alchemy, is your guide to making magic happen in business and life by teaching you how to practice irrational thinking to stand out and come up with powerful solutions to your problems and those of others. ,marketing The Go-Giver, teaches a pattern for becoming a better person and seeing more success in business and work by focusing on being authentic and giving as much value as possible. ,marketing Blue Ocean Shift, guides you through the steps to beating out your competition by creating new markets that aren’t overcrowded.,marketing Getting There, will inspire you to move toward your entrepreneurial dreams with the business journeys of six successful entrepreneurs. ,marketing Manufacturing Consent, reveals how the upper class controls and skews the news to get the masses to believe whatever serves them best.,marketing Never Split the Difference,"is one of the best negotiation manuals ever written, explaining why you should never compromise, and how to negotiate like a pro in your everyday life as well as high-stakes situations.",marketing This Is Marketing," argues that marketing success in today’s world comes from focusing more on the needs, values, and desires of our target audience, rather than spamming as many people as possible with our message.",marketing Start Something That Matters," encourages you to overcome your fear of the unknown and create a business that not only makes money but also helps people, even if you have few resources to start with. ",marketing An Audience Of One," is a practical and inspiring manual for creators who want to live from their art, showing a simple, purpose-driven path to achieve that goal.",marketing Contagious," illustrates why certain ideas and products spread better than others by sharing compelling stories from the world of business, social campaigns, and media.",marketing Company Of One," will teach you how going small, not big when creating your own company will bring you independence, income, and lots of free time without the hassles of having to manage employees, long meetings, and forced growth.",marketing Blitzscaling," is the strategy some of today’s most valuable companies have used to achieve huge market shares, insanely fast growth, big profit margins, and become corporate giants in a very short time.",marketing The Laws of Human Nature," helps you understand why people do what they do and how you can use both your own psychological flaws and those of others to your advantage at work, in relationships, and in life.",marketing The Greatest Salesman In The World, is a business classic that will help you become better at sales by becoming a better person all around.,marketing How To Talk To Anyone," is a collection of actionable tips to help you master the art of human communication, leave great first impressions and make people feel comfortable around you in all walks of life.",marketing How To Fail At Almost Everything And Still Win Big, is the memoir of Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams,marketing Crushing It," is Gary Vaynerchuk’s follow-up to his personal branding manifesto Crush It, in which he reiterates the importance of a personal brand and shows you the endless possibilities that come with building one today.",marketing Nobody Wants to Read Your Sh*t," combines countless lessons Steven Pressfield has learned from succeeding as a writer in advertising, the movie industry, fiction, non-fiction, and self-help, in order to help you write like a pro.",marketing Side Hustle,"shows you how to set up new income streams without quitting your day job, taking you all the way from your initial idea to your first earned dollars in just 27 days.",marketing Real Artists Don’t Starve,"debunks all myths around the starving artist and shows you you can, will and deserve to make a living from your creative work.",marketing The Fortune Cookie Principle,"explains why a great product or service isn’t enough, how you can tell a compelling story about your brand and why that’s the most important aspect of running a business today.",marketing Your Move: The Underdog’s Guide to Building Your Business," is Ramit Sethi’s no-BS guide to starting your own business that’ll help you escape the 9-to-5, all the way from coming up with profitable ideas, overcoming psychological barriers and figuring out who to sell to to growing, maintaining and systematizing your business in the future.",marketing Pre-Suasion," takes you through the latest social psychology research to explain how marketers, persuaders and our environment primes us to say certain things and take specific actions, as well as how you can harness the same ideas to master the art of persuasion.",marketing Sprint, completely overhauls your project management process so it allows you to go from zero to prototype in just five days and figure out if your idea is worth creating faster than ever.,marketing The Innovator’s Dilemma," is a business classic that explains the power of disruption, why market leaders are often set up to fail as technologies and industries change and what incumbents can do to secure their market leadership for a long time.",marketing Make A Killing On Kindle," shows you how you can market your self-published ebooks on Amazon the right way, without wasting time on social media or building a huge author platform first by focusing on a few key areas to set up your book for long-term sales in just 18 hours.",marketing Free: The Future Of A Radical Price," explains how offering things for free has moved from marketing gimmick to truly sustainable business strategy, thanks to the power of the internet, and how free and freemium models are already changing howwe sell stuff.",marketing Facebook Ads Manual," gives you an exact, step-by-step tutorial to create and run your first Facebook ads campaign, allowing you to market your product, page, or yourself to a massive audience for next to no money and make you a true social media marketer.",marketing Moonshot!, describes why now is the best time ever to build a business and how you can harness technology to create an experience customers will love by seeing the possibilities of the future before others do.,marketing Behind The Cloud," tells the story of, one of the biggest and earliest cloud computing, software-as-a-service companies in the world and how it went from small startup to billion-dollar status.",marketing Confessions Of An Advertising Man," is the marketing bible of the 60s, written by “the father of advertising,” David Ogilvy to inspire a philosophy of honesty, hard work and ethical behavior in his industry.",marketing Will It Fly," is a step-by-step guide to testing your business idea, making sure your new venturematches who you are, and not wasting time or money on something people won’t want, so your business won’t just run, but fly.",marketing Million Dollar Consulting," teaches you how to build a thriving consultancy business, by focusing on relationships, delivering strategic value and thinking long-term all the way through.",marketing "Content, Inc."," describes a six-step model you can use to do your marketing long before you need it, without even having a product, or spending a lot of money, so your entrepreneurial venture will be a guaranteed success.",marketing Design To Grow," uses Coca-Cola as an example of how keeping a company stable and flexible at the same time over decades is not only possible, but a must to grow and scale your business across the globe.",marketing The Long Tail," explains why the big commercial hit is dead, how businesses can and will generate most of their future revenue from a long tail of niche products, which serve even the rarest customer needs, and what you can do to embrace this idea today.",marketing Made To Stick," examines advertising campaigns, urban myths and compelling stories to determine the six traits that make ideas stick in our brains, so you don’t just know why you remember some things better than others, but can also spread your own ideas more easily among the right people.",marketing The Art Of Asking," teaches you to finally accept the help of others, stop trying to do everything on your own, and show you how you can build a closely knit family of friends and supporters by being honest, generous and not afraid to ask.",marketing The 22 Immutable Laws Of Marketing," is an absolute marketing classic, outlining 22 rules by which companies function, and, depending on how muchyou adhere to them, will determine the success or failure of your products and ultimately, your company.",marketing One Simple Idea," shows you how to turn your ideas into licensed products and build copmanies around those that useoutsourced manufacturers to produce, market, sell, ship and distribute those products.",marketing The Freaks Shall Inherit The Earth," is Chris Brogan’s manual to help you do business your way, not care what anyone thinks, own your art and still use media in the best way possible to remain profitable.",marketing Pitch Anything," relies on tactics and strategies from a field called neuroeconomics to give you an entirely new way of presenting, pitching and convincing other people of your ideas and offers.",marketing To Sell Is Human," shows you that selling is part of your life, no matter what you do, and what a successful salesperson looks like in the 21st century, with practical ideas to help you convince others in a more honest, natural and sustainable way.",marketing The Personal MBA," will save you a few hundred grand by outlining everything you really need to know to get started on a thriving business, none of which is taught in expensive colleges.",marketing Predictably Irrational," explains the hidden forces that really drive how we make decisions, which are far less rational than we think, but can help us stay on top of our finances, interact better with others and live happier lives, once we know about them.",marketing Startup Growth Engines," shows you the strategies and tactics startups like Uber, Facebook and Yelp have used to achieve phenomenal growth in short time periods, and how you can use them to solve a big problem on a grand scale.",marketing Peak: How Great Companies Get Their Mojo From Maslow," explains why relationships are the most valuable currency in both business and life, by examining how Chip Conley",marketing Losing My Virginity," details Richard Branson’s meteoric rise to success and digs into what made him the adventurous, fun-loving, daring entrepreneur he is today and what lessons you can learn about business from him.",marketing The E-Myth Revisited," explains why 80% of small businesses fail, and how to ensure yours isn’t among those by building a company that’s based on systems and not on the work of a single individual.",marketing Delivering Happiness," explains howmega online shoe retailer Zappos built aunique company culture and customer experience worth remembering, which turned it into a billion dollar business.",marketing Sam Walton: Made In America," shines a light on the man behind the biggest fortune ever amassed in business and explains how he built Walmart into a billion-dollar empire with hard work, incessant learning and an unrivaled resolve to make every single customer as happy as can be.",marketing All Marketers Are Liars," is based on the idea that we believe whatever we want to believe, and that it’s exactly this trait of ours, which marketers use (and sometimes abuse) to sell their products by infusing them with good stories – whether they’re true or not.",marketing Rework," shows you that you need less than you think to start a business – way less – by explaining why plans are actually harmful, how productivity isn’t a result from working long hours and why hiring and seeking investors should be your absolute last resort.",marketing Tribes," turns you from a sheepwalker into a heretic, by giving you the tools to start your own tribe, explaining why they’re the future of business and showing you that you too, can be a leader.",marketing "Trust Me, I’m Lying","is a marketer’s take on how influential blogs have become, why that’s something to worry about, and which broken dynamics govern the internet today, including his own confessions of how he gamed that very system to successfully generate press for his clients.",marketing The Thank You Economy," announces the return of small town courtesy to the world of business, thanks to social media, and shows you why business must not neglect nurturing its one-on-one relationships with customers through the new channels online, to thrive in the modern world.",marketing Launch," is an early internet entrepreneurs step-by-step blueprint to creating products people want, launching them from the comfort of your home and building the life you’ve always wanted, thanks to the power of psychology, email, and of course the internet.",marketing The $100 Startup," shows you how to break free from the shackles of 9 to 5 by combining your passion and skills into your own microbusiness, which you can start for $100 or less, yet still turn into a full time income, thanks to the power of the internet.",marketing Crush It," is the blueprint you need to turn your passion into your profession and will give you the tools to turn yourself into a brand, leverage social media, produce great content and reap the financial benefits of it.",marketing Permission Marketing," explains why nobody pays attention to TV commercials and flyers anymore, and shows you how in today’s crowded market, you can cheaply start a dialogue with your ideal customer, build a relationship over time and sell to them much more effectively.",marketing The Art Of Social Media," is a compendium of over 100 practical tips to treat your social media presence like a business and use a bottom-up approach to get the attention your brand, product or business deserves.",marketing Crossing The Chasm," gives high tech startups a marketing blueprint, in order to make their product get the initial traction it needs to eventually reach the majority of the market and not die in the chasm between early adopters and pragmatists.",marketing How To Win Friends And Influence People," teaches you countless principles to become a likable person, handle your relationships well, win others over and help them change their behavior without being intrusive.",marketing Make Your Mark," is a business book for creatives, telling them how to get started on turning their creative energy into a profitable business with simple, actionable ideas taken from 20 leading entrepreneurs and designers, who lead successful creative businesses.",marketing Purple Cow," explains why building a great product and advertising the heck out of it simply doesn’t cut it anymore and how you canbuild something that’s so remarkable people have to share it, in order to succeed in today’s crowded post-advertising world.",marketing The Tipping Point," explains how ideas spread like epidemics and which few elements need to come together to help an idea reach the point of critical mass, where its viral effect becomes unstoppable.",marketing Zero To One," is an inside look at Peter Thiel’s philosophy and strategy for making your startup a success by looking at the lessons he learned from founding and selling PayPal, investing in Facebook and becoming a billionaire in the process.",marketing Salt Sugar Fat," takes you through the history of the demise of home-cooked meals by explaining why you love salt, sugar and fat so much and how the processed food industry managed to hook us by cramming all 3 of those into their products.",marketing Growth Hacker Marketing," explains the 4-step framework today’s startups use to remove the barrier between marketing and product development, thus making the product itself the best way to get new and more customers.",marketing The Ultimate Sales Machine," is the legacy Chet Holmes left to help sales staff all over the world, by giving them 12 key strategies to relentlessly focus and execute on, in order to at least double their sales.",marketing Influence," has been the go-to book for marketers since its release in 1984, which deliverssix key principles behind human influence and explains them with countless practical examples.",marketing The 4-Hour Workweek," is the step-by-step blueprint to free yourself from the shackles of a corporate job, create a business to fund the lifestyle of your dreams, and live life like a millionaire, without actually having to be one.",marketing Automate Your Busywork,"is a step-by-step guide to getting rid of your most dreaded tasks, fueled by the simple but sophisticated “Automation Flywheel,” which will help you reduce stress, get more done, and find time for your most meaningful work.",management The Infinite Game," argues that business is not a competition but an infinite journey, and that to do well in it, leaders must advance a “Just Cause,” build trusting teams, learn from their “Worthy Rivals,” and practice existential flexibility.",management Loserthink," talks about the sabotaging thinking habits that run our minds and paralyze us when it comes to taking charge of life, and how we can overcome them with small, incremental steps that drive powerful change.",management No Hard Feelings, is a practical book for better managing the emotional side of work and building the skills needed to enhance your performance both within your role and more broadly throughout your career path by finding motivation again and managing negative emotions.,management Loonshots," explores the process of innovation, specifically how groundbreaking ideas emerge from simple thoughts and how important it is for organizations to give course to them by creating learning environments where people feel safe exploring and creating.",management Everyday Millionaires, proves how anyone can become a millionaire if they have a solid actionable plan and the willingness to work hard by drawing conclusions from the largest study ever conducted on the lives of millionaires.,management A World Without Email," presents a utopia where people engage in their usual professional activities without using emails as a means of communication, and explores a new way of working that doesn’t rely on instant messaging, which is known for decreasing productivity at the workplace.",management Blue Ocean Strategy," talks about a new type of business strategy that doesn’t necessarily rely on gaining a competitive advantage over your rivals, but on innovating your way out of the current market to create your own ocean of opportunities.",management The 5 Choices, teaches us how to reach our highest potential in the workplace and achieve the top level of productivity through a series of tips and tricks and work habits that can change your life right away if you’re willing to give them a try.,management The 100-Year Life," teaches you how to be resourceful and prepare ahead of time for a world in which people not only live longer but reach an age in the triple-digits, and talks about what you should be doing right now to ensure you have enough money for retirement.",management Designing Your Work Life," is a helpful guidebook for anyone who wants to create and maintain a work environment that is both happy and productive by working with what they already have, rather than keep on changing jobs in hope of finding better.",management Hug Your Haters," talks about the importance of acknowledging your haters or dissatisfied customers and valuing their opinion in the process of building better products, improving the existing offerings, and growing your strategies overall.",management Managing Oneself," is a guide to developing a skillful persona and learning more about your strengths, weaknesses, inclinations, and how you collaborate with others, all while making yourself more knowledgeable about how to thrive in your career.",management The Invincible Company, explores the secrets of a successful company by proving how focusing on strengthening the core business values and operations while concentrating on R&D in parallel is a better strategy than just disrupting continuously and seeking new markets.,management Lessons from the Titans," tells the story of some of the biggest industrial companies in the United States and presents life-long strategies, valuable ideas, and mistakes to avoid for any business who wants to achieve long-term success.",management Bored and Brilliant," explores the idea of how just doing nothing, daydreaming and spacing out can improve our cognitive functions, enhance creativity and original thinking overall while also helping us relieve stress.",management Real Change, offers a way out of the burdening problems around the world that sometimes weigh on our spirit and make us feel powerless by presenting meditation practices that help us alleviate negative emotions and face these issues with determination and change them for the better.,management Elite Minds," delves into the idea of success and teaches you how to train your mind to tap into its highest potential, adopt a winning mentality, embrace the gifts you’ve been given and improve mental toughness.",management The Cult of We," presents the story of WeWork, a hyped American company that offered office spaces for rent and became the most valuable start-up in the world, only to be exposed later on as a massively overpriced business that was in fact losing a million dollars a day.",management The Sales Advantage," offers a practical guide to acquiring customers, closing sales, and increasing profits by following a series of proven techniques from a corporate coaching course about sales procedures.",management Raise Your Game," delves into the philosophy of peak performance presented by a former basketball coach who achieved success by focusing on self-awareness, discipline, and a series of virtues.",management "Woke, Inc."," taps into the dark secrets of the woke culture in corporate America, which organizations generate tremendous amounts of profit by hiding behind causes like social justice, gender equality, climate change, and many other popular matters.",management Mind Hacking," is a hands-on guide on how to transform your mind in just 21 days, which is the time required for your brain to form new habits and adapt to changes, and teaches you how to reprogram your brain to follow healthier, better habits, and ditch the self-sabotaging patterns that stand in your way.",management Surrounded by Idiots," offers great advice on how to get your point across more effectively, communicate better, and work your way up in your personal and professional life by getting to know the four types of personalities people generally have and how to address each one in particular to kickstart a beneficial dialogue, instead of engaging in a conflict.",management Four Thousand Weeks," explores the popularized concept of time management from a different point of view, by tapping into ancient knowledge from famous philosophers, researchers, and spiritual figures, rather than promoting the contemporary idea of high-level productivity and constant self-optimization.",management Effortless, takes the idea of productivity to another level by explaining how doing the most with a minimum input of effort and time is a much more desired outcome than the idea of being constantly busy that is glamorized nowadays.,management Make It Stick," explores ways to memorize faster and make learning easier, all while debunking myths and common misconceptions about learning being difficult and attributed to those who have highly native cognitive skills, with the help of researchers who’ve studied the science of memory their entire life.",management Atlas of the Heart," maps out a series of human emotions and their meaning and explores the psychology behind a human’s feelings and how they make up our lives and change our behaviors, and how to build meaningful connections by learning how to deal with them.",management High-Impact Tools for Teams," aims to combat recurring project-management problems that take place in teams and especially during meetings, which tend to get chaotic and deviate from their initial purpose, all through the Team Alignment Map, a solution proposed by the authors. ",management The Great Mental Models, will improve your decision-making process by sharing some unique but well-documented thinking models you can use to interact more efficiently with the world and other people.,management Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits," paves the way to success for all investors by outlining how to analyse stocks, understand the market, make smart investments and wise money decisions, and profit from them by being patient with the stock market and keeping your money in for the long-term.",management The Art of Rhetoric," is an ancient, time-proven reference book that explores the secrets behind persuasion, rhetoric, and good public speaking by providing compelling information on what a good speech should consist of and how truth and virtue are at the foundation of every good story.",management "Humor, Seriously"," explores how bringing fun and entertainment into the workplace can enhance team productivity, spark creativity, increase trust between members and improve people’s overall sentiment in relation to work and job-related activities.",management Do What Matters Most," outlines the importance of time management in anyone’s life and explores highly efficient methods to set goals for short-term and long-term intervals, as well as how to achieve them by being more productive and learning how to prioritize.",management Hiring Success, highlights the importance of the human resource for any company and describes a successful business approach that focuses on finding highly trained and skilled future employees as a source of competitive advantage on the market.,management The Joy of Missing Out," explores today’s idea of productivity and common misconceptions about what it means to be productive, as well as how eliminating unnecessary stress by prioritizing effectively can help us live a better life.",management Legendary Service," talks about the principles behind extraordinary customer service and how a company can implement them to achieve a competitive advantage and stand out on the market using simple, yet crucial tactics to satisfy customers.",management Disney U," outlines the principles that create the customer-centric philosophy of Disney and contribute to the company’s massive success, while also highlighting some aspects of their organizational culture, such as caring for their staff and providing high-quality training.",management The Leader In You," explores how the world leaders managed to achieve performance in their lives by creating meaningful connections and reaching a higher level of productivity through a positive, proactive mindset.",management Work Less Finish More," is a hands-on guide to adopting a more focused frame of mind and developing habits that will enhance your productivity levels, give you a sense of accomplishment and put you in the right direction in order to achieve your objectives.",management The Power of Focus, offers its readers a focus-based approach that they can use to achieve their financial and personal goals through practical exercises and habits that they can implement into their daily lives to actively shape their future.,management An Ugly Truth," offers a critical look at Facebook and its administrators, who foster a gaslighting environment and a controversial social media platform that can easily become a danger for its users both virtually and in real life due to its immense power and influence on our society.",management The Burnout Fix," delivers practical advice on how to thrive in the dynamic working environment we revolve around every day by setting healthy boundaries, keeping a work-life balance, and prioritizing our well-being.",management How to Take Smart Notes," is the perfect guide on how to improve your writing, reading, and learning techniques using simple yet little-known tips-and-tricks that you can implement right away to develop these skills.",management Collaborative Intelligence," helps you enhance your unique thinking traits and develop an individualized form of intelligence based on what works best for you, what your strengths are, and how you communicate with others.",management Socialism," by Michael Newman outlines the history of the governmental theory that everything should be owned and controlled by the community as a whole, including how this idea has impacted the world in the last 200 years, how its original aims have been lost, and ways we might use it in the future.",management Goals!," By Brian Tracy shows you how to unleash the power of goal setting to help you get or become whatever you want, identifying ways to set goals that lead you to success by being specific, challenging yourself, thinking positively, preparing, adjusting your timelines on big goals, and more.",management The Art of Stopping Time," teaches a framework of mindfulness, philosophy, and time-management you can use to achieve Time Prosperity, which is having plenty of time to reach your dreams without overwhelm, tumult, or constriction.",management Make Money Trading Options," teaches the art of trading stock options, including the pitfalls to watch out for and how to use simple tools like the Test Trading Strategy and virtual trading tools to find stocks that are most likely to be profitable, so you don’tm have to just guess where to invest.",management The Bullet Journal Method, introduces a unique system for organizing you can use t,management Hyper-Learning," shows how people and companies can adapt in the rapidly changing world we live in today, explaining how a growth mindset, colleaboration, and losing your ego will build your confidence that you can stay relevant and competitive as the world around you accelerates.",management How To Be A Leader," is Greek philosopher Plutarch’s guide to leadership and uses practical ideas, historical narratives, political events, and more to outline the qualities of the best leaders, including serving for the right reasons, speaking persuasively, and following more experienced leaders.",management Hyperfocus," teaches you how to become more efficient and improve your concentration by deciding on one thing to work on, focusing only on that task, learning to understand when your mind has wandered and redirecting your attention back to your work, and thinking creatively when you’re not working.",management Why Nations Fail," dives into the reasons why economic inequality is so common in the world today and identifies that poor decisions of those in political power are the main reason for unfairness rather than culture, geography, climate, or any other factor.",management No Rules Rules," explains the incredibly unique and efficient company culture of Netflix, including the amazing levels of freedom and responsibility it gives employees and how this innovative way of running the business is the very reason that Netflix is so successful.",management The Bitcoin Standard, uses the history of money and gold to explain why Bitcoin is the way to go if the world wants to stick to having sound money and why it’s the only cryptocurrency to be focusing on right now.,management Spark," teaches you how to become an influential, un-fireable asset to your team at work by taking on the role of a leader regardless of your position, utilizing the power of creative thinking to make better decisions, and learning how to be more self-aware and humble.",management Small Giants," is your guide to keeping your company little but mighty that will allow you to pass up deliberate growth for staying true to what’s really important, which is your ideals, time, passions, and doing what you do best so well that customers can’t help but flock to you.",management Unlearn, will show you how to win even in changing circumstances by revealing why the patterns you used for past successes won’t always work and how to adopt a learning attitude to stop them from holding you back.,management Mindful Work," is your guide to understanding how the practice of meditation got its roots in Western society, the many ways it radically improves your brain’s ability to do almost everything, and how it will improve your productivity.",management Subscribed," helps your company move to a subscription model by identifying the history of this innovative idea, how it makes businesses so successful, and what you need to do to implement it in your own company.",management The Coach’s Survival Guide, gives you all the tools that you need to become a successful coach and make the biggest positive impact on your clients.,management Titan," will inspire you to keep working hard to make your business goals happen by sharing the life story of John D. Rockefeller Sr., from his humble beginnings to his astronomical success as an oil tycoon and beyond.",management Profit First,"explains why traditional business finances are upside down and how, by focusing on profit first and reasoning up from there, you can grow your business to new heights more sustainably, all while being less stressed about money.",management Power Relationships, shows you how to have a fantastic career and a fulfilling life by connecting with the right people early and growing those relationships.,management "First, Break All The Rules","claims that everything you think you know about managing people is wrong, revealing how you can challenge the status quo so that both you and those you lead will achieve their full potential.",management Nail It Then Scale It, teaches you how to craft the perfect business plan and grow your company by focusing on getting to know your customers and solving their problems then creating products to solve those issues.,management Team Of Teams, reveals the incredible power that small teams have to manage the difficult and complicated issues that arise in every company and how even large organizations can take advantage of them by building a system of many teams that work together.,management The Leadership Challenge, shares the top leadership lessons from 25 years of experience and research of authors James Kouzes and Barry Posner and explains what makes successful managers and how you can apply the same principles to become one yourself.,management Eat Sleep Work Repeat," identifies why so many workplaces are unnecessarily stressful, how it makes employees unhappy and businesses less profitable, and what we all need to do to fix this growing problem.",management The Apology Impulse," will help you and your business become more authentic in your relationships with others by identifying how much companies say sorry, why they do, how they get it wrong, and the right way to do it.",management Good People," is a book about business and leadership which explains the importance of focusing on and building integrity in the workplace, including why it’s so vital if you want your company to be successful, how you can get it, and why an emphasis on competencies alone won’t cut it anymore.",management Fit For Growth," is a guide to expanding your company’s influence and profits by looking for ways to cut costs in the right places, restructuring your business model, and eliminating unnecessary departments to pave the way for exponential success.",management Getting To Yes, is a handbook for having successful negotiations that teaches everything you need to know about resolving conflicts of all kinds and reaching win-win solutions in every discussion without giving in or making the other person unhappy.,management Presence," is a life-changing guide to growing your self-confidence that shows how posture, mindset, and body language all expand your feeling of empowerment and your communication skills.",management Radical Candor,"will teach you how to connect with people at work, push them to be their best, know when and how to fire them, and create an environment of trust and innovation in the workplace.",management Leadership and Self-Deception," is a guide to becoming self-aware by learning to see your faults more accurately, understanding other’s strengths and needs, and leaning into your natural instinct to help other people as much as possible.",management Becoming The Boss," shows leaders of all kinds, whether new or experienced, how to identify the pitfalls that stand in the way of influencing others for the better and overcome them.",management The Ride Of A Lifetime,"illustrates Robert Iger’s journey to becoming the CEO of Disney, and how his vision, strategy, and guidance successfully led the company through a time when its future was highly uncertain.",management Thanks For The Feedback, will skyrocket your personal growth and success by helping you see the vital role that criticism of all kinds plays in your ability to improve as a person and by teaching you how to receive it well.,management The Four Steps To The Epiphany, shows startups how to plan for and achieve success by giving examples of companies that failed and outlining the path they need to take to flourish.,management Everybody Matters," identifies the best way to become successful in business, help your team members trust you, and enable people to reach their full potential by showing the power of taking better care of your employees as if they were family.",management The Fifth Discipline, shows you how to find joy at work again as an employee and improve your company’s productivity if you’re an employer by outlining the five values you must adopt to turn your workplace into a learning environment.,management Leadershift, will show you how to become a great leader by identifying the need to constantly improve your mindset and methods and showing you what to do so that you can make the biggest impact on your team and your organization.,management Be Our Guest, shows you how to take better care of your customers by outlining the philosophy and systems that Disney has for taking care of theirs which have helped it become one of the most successful companies in the world.,management The 4 Day Week," will help you improve your personal productivity and that of everyone around you by outlining a powerful technique to reduce the workweek by one day and implement other changes to help employees be healthier, happier, and more focused.",management The Coaching Habit," outlines the questions, attitudes, and habits required of managers who want to become great at motivating their team to become self-sustaining.",management The 4 Disciplines Of Execution," outlines the path that company leaders and individuals must follow to set the right goals and improve behavior to achieve success on a bigger, long-term scale.",management The Advice Trap,"will drastically improve your communication skills and make you more likable, thanks to explaining why defaulting to sharing your opinion about everything is a bad idea and how listening until you truly understand people’s needs will make a much bigger positive difference in their lives.",management You’re Not Listening, is a book that will improve your communication skills by revealing how uncommon the skill of paying attention to what others are saying is and what experts teach about how to get better at it.,management The Hero Factor, teaches by example that real leadership success focuses on people as much as profits.,management The Business Romantic, shows how doing business that is focused on passion and connection leads to more success in today’s world.,management Brotopia, motivates you to be fairer in the workplace as an employee or employer by revealing the sad sexist state of Silicon Valley.,management It Doesn’t Have To Be Crazy At Work," helps you relax about the current hurry-up and work yourself to death culture and instead see why getting rid of these stressful mentalities will make you and your company more focused, calm, and productive.",management Alibaba," shares the inspiring story of Jack Ma’s hard work, entrepreneurial vision, and smart thinking that helped him build one of the most successful and influential companies in the world. ",management Measure What Matters," teaches you how to implement tracking systems into your company and life that will help you record your progress, stay accountable, and make reaching your goals almost inevitable.",management Chernobyl," teaches some fascinating and important history, science, and leadership lessons by diving into the details of the events leading up to the worst nuclear disaster in human history and its aftermath.",management Leadership Strategy And Tactics," shows you how to become effective when you’re in charge by using the power of traits like accountability, humility, and others that Jocko Willink uses to lead his team of Navy SEALs.",management The Power Paradox," frames the concept of power in an inspiring new narrative, which can help us create better and more equal relationships, workplaces, and societies.",management What Got You Here Won’t Get You There, helps you overcome your personality traits and behaviors that stop you from achieving even more success.,management Trillion Dollar Coach, will help you become a better leader in the office by sharing the life and teachings of businessman Bill Campbell who helped build multi-billion dollar companies in Silicon Valley.,management The Go-Giver, teaches a pattern for becoming a better person and seeing more success in business and work by focusing on being authentic and giving as much value as possible. ,management The Next Right Thing," is your guide for making wise, thoughtful, and intentional decisions simply by looking for the single best action to take at the moment.",management Extraordinary Influence," helps you become a better leader by revealing what neuroscience has to say about effective leadership, identifying communication as the key to the highest levels of performance.",management Unlocking Potential, is a guide that will help you as a leader make a difference in people’s lives in the long run by learning how to coach people in a way that brings to light their greatest strengths and capabilities.,management The 5 Levels Of Leadership, will teach you how to lead others with lasting influence by focusing on your people instead of your position.,management Big Potential, will show you that the real secret to success and thriving in all aspects of life is developing strong connections with others and treating them in a way that lifts them up.,management The Second Mountain," argues that the key to living a meaningful, fulfilling, and happy life is not found in the pursuit of self-improvement but instead a life of service to others.",management Extreme Ownership," contains useful leadership advice from two Navy SEALs who learned to stay strong, disciplined, and level-headed in high-stakes combat scenarios.",management In Search Of Excellence," is a study of America’s top 15 companies, revealing what entrepreneurs should focus on if they want their businesses to thrive.",management Never Split the Difference,"is one of the best negotiation manuals ever written, explaining why you should never compromise, and how to negotiate like a pro in your everyday life as well as high-stakes situations.",management Catalyst," explains why extraordinary career growth requires the right stimuli at the right time to propel you to the next level, and shows you how to cultivate them.",management Difficult Conversations," identifies why we shy away from some conversations more than others, and what we can do to navigate them successfully and without stress.",management QBQ!, will teach you to ask better questions and stay accountable and why doing so will change every aspect of your life for the better.,management Multipliers,"explains the five types of people who inspire, support, and improve others in their organization, showing you how to become one as well as avoid diminishers, the people who drag down others and make it harder for them to perform.",management EntreLeadership, provides you with a path to becoming a great leader in your company by identifying the necessary management and entrepreneurial skills.,management Just Listen, teaches how to get your message across to anyone by using proven listening and persuasion techniques. ,management The Effective Executive," gives leaders a step-by-step formula to become more productive, developing their own strengths and those of their employees.",management The Checklist Manifesto,explainswhy checklists cansave lives and teaches you how to implement them correctly.,management The 12 Week Year, will teach you how to reliably hit your goals by planning in 12-week cycles instead of following our typical 12-month routine.,management The Five Dysfunctions of a Team," uses a fable to explain why even the best teams struggle to work together, offering actionable strategies to overcome distrust and office politics in order to achieve important goals as a cohesive, effective unit.",management Crucial Conversations, will teach you how to avoid conflict and come to positive solutions in high-stakes conversations so you can be effective in your personal and professional life. ,management Executive Presence,"is an actionable guide to the essential components of a strong leader’s charisma, including and teaching you elements like gravitas, communication, appearance, and others.",management Theory U," helps leaders act based on the future, not the past, and allows them to create organizational change at a global level through creative and agile methodologies. ",management Tribal Leadership,"explains the various roles people take on in organizations, showing you how to navigate, connect, and lead change across the five different stages of your company’s “tribal society.”",management Team Of Rivals,"explains why Abraham Lincoln rose above his political rivals despite their stronger reputations and how he used empathy to unite not just his enemies, but an entire country.",management Make Time," is about creating space in your life for what truly matters using highlights, laser-style focus, energizing breaks, and regularly reflecting on how you spend your most valuable asset.",management The Energy Bus," is a fable that will help you create positive energy with ten simple rules and make it the center of your life, work, and relationships.",management Blitzscaling," is the strategy some of today’s most valuable companies have used to achieve huge market shares, insanely fast growth, big profit margins, and become corporate giants in a very short time.",management The Laws of Human Nature," helps you understand why people do what they do and how you can use both your own psychological flaws and those of others to your advantage at work, in relationships, and in life.",management Dare To Lead," dispels common myths about modern-day workplace culture and shows you that true leadership requires nothing but vulnerability, values, trust, and resilience.",management The Culture Code," examines the dynamics of groups, large and small, formal and informal, to help you understand how great teams work and what you can do to improve your relationships wherever you cooperate with others.",management Problem Solving 101,"is a universal, four-step template for overcoming challenges in life, based on a traditional method Japanese school children learn early on.",management Skin In The Game," is an assessment of asymmetries in human interactions, aimed at helping you understand where and how gaps in uncertainty, risk, knowledge, and fairness emerge, and how to close them.",management Principles," holds the set of rules for work and life billionaire investor and CEO of the most successful fund in history, Ray Dalio, has acquired through his 40-year career in finance.",management Finding My Virginity," is Richard Branson’s follow-up biography, which shares the highlights of his entrepreneurial journey over the past two decades.",management Sprint, completely overhauls your project management process so it allows you to go from zero to prototype in just five days and figure out if your idea is worth creating faster than ever.,management The Innovator’s Dilemma," is a business classic that explains the power of disruption, why market leaders are often set up to fail as technologies and industries change and what incumbents can do to secure their market leadership for a long time.",management Six Thinking Hats,"divides thinking into six distinct areas and perspectives, which will help you, your team, and your company tackle problems from different angles, thus solving them with the power of parallel thinking and saving time, money, and energy as a result.",management Lean In," explains why women are still underrepresented in the workforce, what holds them back, how we can enable and support them, and how any woman can take the lead and hold the flag of female leadership high.",management The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership," shows you that leadership is learned not inherited and that you can become a leader too, if you internalize some of the universal principles at play in any leader-follower-relationship.",management Move Your Bus,"illustrates the different kinds of groups in organizations, how leaders can inspire those groups, and what individuals can do to become highly valued, productive members of the organizations they serve.",management Getting Everything You Can Out Of All You’ve Got," gives you 21 ways to beat the competition in business by working with the assets you have, but are not considering, learning to see opportunities where others see obstacles and doing things differently on purpose.",management The 8th Habit," is about finding your voice and helping others discover their own, in order to thrive at work in the Information Age, where interdependence is more important than independence.",management Shoe Dog," is the autobiography of Nike’s founder Phil Knight, who at last decided to share the story of how he founded one of the most iconic, profitable and world-changing brands in the world.",management Made To Stick," examines advertising campaigns, urban myths and compelling stories to determine the six traits that make ideas stick in our brains, so you don’t just know why you remember some things better than others, but can also spread your own ideas more easily among the right people.",management "Creativity, Inc."," is an instruction manual for instilling inspiration into employees, managers and bosses, by revealing the hidden forces that get in the way, based on over30years of experience of the president of Pixar, Ed Catmull.",management Remote, explains why offices are a thing of the past and what both companies and employees can do to thrive in a company that’s spread all across the globe with people working wherever they choose to.,management The Rebel Rules," shows you how you can run a business by being yourself, relying on your vision, instinct, passion and agility to call the shots, stay innovative and maneuver your business like a startup, even if it’s long outgrown its baby pants.",management Smartcuts," explains how some people and businesses achieve rapid growth and build sustainable, profitable companies in the time it takes you to get another promotion, by working smart, not hard and hacking into the ladder of success, instead of climbing it one step at a time.",management People Over Profit," evaluates the four stages most companies go through as they mature, moving from honest over efficiency to deception and, if they’re lucky, redemption, unless they foster seven core beliefs and stay honest all the way to the end.",management Who Moved My Cheese," tells a parable, which you can directly apply to your own life, in order to stop fearing what lies ahead and instead thrive in an environment of change and uncertainty.",management The One Minute Manager," gives managers three simple tools that each take 60 seconds or less to use but can tremendously improve their efficiency in getting people to stay motivated, happy, and ready to deliver great work.",management How To Be A Positive Leader," taps into the expertise of 17 leadership experts to show you how you can become a positive leader, who empowers everyone around him, whether at work or at home, with small changes, that compound into a big impact.",management A Year With Peter Drucker," compiles 52 lessons with weekly exercises into one comprehensive, year-long curriculumfor managers, leaders, and those who aspire to be one or the other, based on the teachings of the father of modern management.",management Linchpin," shows you why the time of simply following instructions at your job is over and how to make yourself indispensable, which is a must for success today.",management Sam Walton: Made In America," shines a light on the man behind the biggest fortune ever amassed in business and explains how he built Walmart into a billion-dollar empire with hard work, incessant learning and an unrivaled resolve to make every single customer as happy as can be.",management Good To Great," examines what it takes for ordinary companies to become great and outperform their competitors by analyzing 28 companies over 30years, who managed to make the transition or fell prey to their bad habits.",management Rework," shows you that you need less than you think to start a business – way less – by explaining why plans are actually harmful, how productivity isn’t a result from working long hours and why hiring and seeking investors should be your absolute last resort.",management The Thank You Economy," announces the return of small town courtesy to the world of business, thanks to social media, and shows you why business must not neglect nurturing its one-on-one relationships with customers through the new channels online, to thrive in the modern world.",management The Year Without Pants," dives into the company culture of Automattic, the company behind and explains how they’ve created a culture of work where employees thrive, creativity flows freely and new ideas are implemented on a daily basis.",management Rookie Smarts," argues against experience and for a mindset of learning in the modern workplace, due to knowledge growing and changing fast, which gives rookies a competitive advantage, as they’re not bound by common practices and the status quo.",management The Power Of Starting Something Stupid," shows you that most ideas are often falsely labeled stupid at first, and that if they are, that’s a good indicator you should pursue them and not care what anyone thinks.",management Crossing The Chasm," gives high tech startups a marketing blueprint, in order to make their product get the initial traction it needs to eventually reach the majority of the market and not die in the chasm between early adopters and pragmatists.",management How To Win Friends And Influence People," teaches you countless principles to become a likable person, handle your relationships well, win others over and help them change their behavior without being intrusive.",management Getting Things Done," is a manual for stress-free productivity, which helps you set up a system of lists, reminders and weekly reviews, in order to free your mind from having to remember tasks and to-dos and instead let it work at full focus on the task at hand.",management "Mistakes Were Made, But Not By Me"," takes you on a journey of famous examples and areas of life where mistakes are hushed up instead of admitted, showing you along the way how thishinders progress, why we do it in the first place, and what you can do to start honestly admitting your own.",management Start With Why," is Simon Sinek’s mission to help others do work, which inspires them, and uses real-world examples of great leaders to show you how they communicate and how you can adapt their mindset to inspire others yourself.",management Zero To One," is an inside look at Peter Thiel’s philosophy and strategy for making your startup a success by looking at the lessons he learned from founding and selling PayPal, investing in Facebook and becoming a billionaire in the process.",management The Ultimate Sales Machine," is the legacy Chet Holmes left to help sales staff all over the world, by giving them 12 key strategies to relentlessly focus and execute on, in order to at least double their sales.",management Winning," is Jack Welch’s manual to becoming an astonishing manager and leader, which gives you practical tools to manage the finances, strategy and, most importantly, the people of your company.",management The Lean Startup," offers both entrepreneurs and wantrepreneurs a semi-scientific, real-world approach to building a business by using validation, finding a profitable business model and creating a growth engine.",management Influence," has been the go-to book for marketers since its release in 1984, which deliverssix key principles behind human influence and explains them with countless practical examples.",management The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People," teaches you both personal and professional effectiveness bychanging your view of how the world works and giving you 7 habits, which, if adopted well, will lead you to immense success.",management Steve Jobs," is the most detailed and accurate account of the life of the man who created Apple, the most valuable technology company in the world.",management The 4-Hour Workweek," is the step-by-step blueprint to free yourself from the shackles of a corporate job, create a business to fund the lifestyle of your dreams, and live life like a millionaire, without actually having to be one.",management The Wisdom Of Crowds," researches why groups reach better decisions than individuals, what makes groups smart, where the dangers of group decisions lie, and how each of us can encourage the groups we are part of to work together.",management The Hard Thing About Hard Things," isan insidelook at the tough decisions and lonely times all CEOs face, before showing you what it takes to build a great organization and become a world-class leader.",management Outlive,"compiles the latest science on health and longevity, combined with practical advice anyone can use to live better today and beat four types of chronic disease with the four pillars of good health: exercise, nutrition, sleep, and emotional health.",health Stolen Focus,"explains why our attention spans have been dwindling for decades, how technology accelerates this worrying trend, and what we can do to reclaim our focus and thus our capacity to live meaningful lives.",health Dopamine Nation,"talks about the importance of living a balanced life in relation to all the pleasure and stimuli we’re surrounded with on a daily basis, such as drugs, devices, porn, gambling facilities, showing us how to avoid becoming dopamine addicts by restricting our access to them.",health Discipline Is Destiny," is a three-part manual to master and implement the Stoic virtue of temperance, aka discipline, in your life, thus improving your body, mind, and spirit.",health The Code Breaker," details the life of Nobel Prize winner Jennifer Doudna, who embarked on — and successfully completed — a journey to invent a tool that allows us to edit the human genetic code and thus will change our lives, health, and future generations forever.",health Super Human," presents the groundbreaking discoveries of Dave Asprey (the CEO of Bulletproof) in the field of diet & nutrition, biohacking, longevity, and offers a scientific view on how to live your best life and look like the best version of yourself by adopting practices acclaimed by bioengineers right away.",health This Is Your Mind On Plants, ,health The Art of Living," talks about living a peaceful life through meditation and gratitude, especially by using the Vipassana meditation technique and the philosophy behind Buddhism, which promotes developing a clearer vision of life and seeing things as they truly are.",health The Mind Illuminated," is the definitive guide to meditation and consciousness, as it teaches its readers how meditation works, and how to navigate the ten stages of conscious breathing and intentional practice of mindfulness, all while highlighting why meditation is so crucial in everyone’s lives.",health Keto Answers," is your go-to guide on how to get started with the ketogenic diet, its positive implications on your health and proneness to diseases like diabetes, and a fact-based study that debunks myths and assumptions about following a low-carb diet.",health Joyful," talks about the power of small things in our lives, from colors, shapes, and designs, to nature, architecture, and simple everyday occurrences on our happiness and how we can harness simplicity to achieve a meaningful life filled with joy.",health How to Break Up With Your Phone ,"explores a common problem for all of us who are engaging with social media and constant use of phones, namely our addiction to these devices and the internet, and ways to ditch it for good and find meaning in our lives outside of our virtual encounters.",health "Good Vibes, Good Life"," explores ways to unlock your true potential by loving yourself more, practicing self-care, manifesting your wishes, and transforming negative emotions into positive ones using simple tips and tricks for a happy life.",health Daily Rituals," is a compilation of the best practices and habits of successful people from different fields aimed to help anyone increase productivity, get past writer’s block, and become more creative and efficient in their everyday work.",health Chasing Excellence," breaks down how world-class athletes achieve the mental strength they need to succeed, highlighting",health Brain Maker," argues that the relationship between your gut and your mind is stronger than you know, and proves how the microbiome is responsible for your overall health in the long run.",health The 100-Year Life," teaches you how to be resourceful and prepare ahead of time for a world in which people not only live longer but reach an age in the triple-digits, and talks about what you should be doing right now to ensure you have enough money for retirement.",health Lifespan," addresses the concept of aging and defies the laws of nature that humankind knew till now by presenting a cure to aging that derives from exetensive research in biology, diet and nutrition, sports, and the science of combating diseases.",health Intuitive Eating," explores the philosophy of eating according to your body’s needs and ditching diets, eating trends, and other limiting eating programs in favor of a well-balanced lifestyle built on personal body-related needs.",health The Longevity Paradox," explores ways to live a longer, healthier life and “die young” as a senior, instead of having to go through illnesses, all by focusing on the microbiome and improving our lifestyle as heart surgeon ",health The Complete Ketogenic Diet for Beginners," explores the principles of a ketogenic diet, which implies eating little to no carbs, and introducing multiple sources of fat in your daily meals to boost your metabolism and lose unwanted weight. ",health Your Erroneous Zones," offers a hands-on guide on how to escape negative thinking, falling into your own self-destructive patterns, take charge of your thoughts and implicitly, your emotions, and how to build a better version of yourself starting with putting yourself first and not caring about what others may think.",health Healthy at 100," will show you how to maintain healthy habits well into your old age, such as exercising, practicing gratitude, and avoiding stress, all by relying on simple but effective practices that have stood the test of time.",health Fat For Fuel, explores the “,health Chatter," will help you make sense of the inner mind chatter that frequently takes over your mind, showing you how to quiet negative thoughts, stop overthinking, feel less anxious, and develop useful practices to consistently alleviate negative emotions.",health The High 5 Habit," is a self-improvement book that aims to help anyone who deals with self-limitations take charge of their life by establishing a morning routine, ditching negative talk, and transforming their life through positivity and confidence.",health Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers," explores the leading causes of stress and how to keep it under control, as well as the biological science behind stress, which can be a catalyst for performance in the short term, but a potential threat in the long run.",health Trust Yourself," offers career and wellbeing advice from a sensitive striver’s point of view, a introvert-leaning character type that comes with plenty of positive traits but is also prone to burnout, giving practical tips on breaking free from stress and perfectionism for a healthier, more balanced life.",health Unbeatable Mind," explores the idea that everyone has a higher self-potential lying underneath that they ought to explore and tap into in order to live their life to the fullest and maximize their happiness and success, all possible through the 20X rule.",health Body By Science," offers a hands-on approach to fitness and what building a healthy, fit, and strong body implies, all while debunking common myths about training practices that served as a benchmark for gym enthusiasts since the rise of the sports industry.",health Anxiety at Work," outlines the importance of having a harmonious working environment due to the constant increase in people’s stress levels from their professional lives, and how managers, direct supervisors, CEOs, and other executive bodies can help reduce it by fostering a healthy environment.",health "Humor, Seriously"," explores how bringing fun and entertainment into the workplace can enhance team productivity, spark creativity, increase trust between members and improve people’s overall sentiment in relation to work and job-related activities.",health The Joy of Missing Out," explores today’s idea of productivity and common misconceptions about what it means to be productive, as well as how eliminating unnecessary stress by prioritizing effectively can help us live a better life.",health Stealing Fire, examines how a state of ecstasy can enhance the body-brain connection and allow humans to achieve excellent performance by accelerating their neural processes.,health Safe People," focuses on the importance of recognizing the types of people, distinguishing between the safe and unsafe ones, avoiding toxic relationships, and establishing meaningful ones by reading people and trusting God.",health Brain Food," delves into the topic of nutrition and how certain foods and nutrients can affect the well-being of the brain, its memory function, its cognitive capability, and how what we ingest can reverse the brain’s inclination to develop certain diseases.",health Work Less Finish More," is a hands-on guide to adopting a more focused frame of mind and developing habits that will enhance your productivity levels, give you a sense of accomplishment and put you in the right direction in order to achieve your objectives.",health How To Do The Work," is a go-to guide that teaches us how to establish a mind-body-spirit connection and create better connections with the people around us by exploring how these aspects are interconnected and influenced by the way we eat, think, and feel.",health The Case Against Sugar," advocates against the use of sugar in the food industry and offers a critical look at how this harmful substance took over the world under the eyes of our highest institutions, who are very well aware of its toxicity but choose to remain silent.",health Forest Bathing," explores the Japanese tradition of shinrin-yoku, a kind of forest therapy based on immersion in nature, and the various health and wellbeing benefits we can derive from it to live better, calmer lives.",health "Eat Better, Feel Better", is a go-to guide for combating modern dietary problems and adopting a healthier lifestyle.,health The Kindness Method," by Shahroo Izadi teaches how self-compassion and understanding make forming habits easier than being hard on yourself, using the personal experiences of the author and what she’s learned as an addiction recovery therapist to show how self-esteem is the true key to behavior change.",health 75 Hard," is a fitness challenge and book that teaches mental toughness by making you commit to five daily critical tasks for 75 days straight, including drinking a gallon of water, reading 10 pages of a non-fiction book, doing two 45-minute workouts, taking a progress picture, and following a diet.",health How To Change,"identifies the stumbling blocks that are in your way of reaching your goals and improving yourself and the research-backed ways to get over them, including how to beat some of the worst productivity and life problems like procrastination, laziness, and much more.",health The Art of Stopping Time," teaches a framework of mindfulness, philosophy, and time-management you can use to achieve Time Prosperity, which is having plenty of time to reach your dreams without overwhelm, tumult, or constriction.",health Journey of Awakening," explains the basics of meditation using ideas from multiple spiritual sources, including how to avoid the mental traps that make it difficult so you can practice frequently and make mindfulness, and the many benefits that come with it, part of your daily life.",health Feel Great Lose Weight, goes beyond fad diets and quick fixes for weight problems and instead dives into the science of how your body really works when you put food into it and how you can use this information to be fitter and feel better.,health Born To Win," explores how planning and preparation is the only way to win in life and shows you how to use these tools in combination with a vision, goals, and thinking positively to become a winner in all aspects of life.",health Do Nothing," explores the idea that our focus on being productive all the time is making us less effective because of how little rest we get, identifying how the consequences of overworking ourselves, and the benefits of taking time off, make a compelling argument that we should spend more time doing nothing.",health The Bullet Journal Method, introduces a unique system for organizing you can use t,health What Happened to You?," is Oprah’s look into trauma, including how traumatic experiences affect our brains throughout our lives, what they mean about the way we handle stress, and why we need to see it as both a problem with our society and our brains if we want to get through it.",health Intimacy And Desire," uses case studies of couples in therapy to show how partners can turn their normal sexual struggles and issues with sexual desire into a journey of personal, spiritual, and psychological growth that leads to a stronger bond and deeper, healthier desires for each other.",health Beyond Order," is the follow-up to Jordan Peterson’s bestselling book 12 Rules for Life and identifies another 12 rules to live by that help us live with and even embrace the chaos that we struggle with every day, identifying that too much order can be a problem just as much as too much disorder.",health The Great Escape," challenges the idea that the world is on fire by declaring that things have never been better in many ways, although the advancements we’ve made and the ways they have improved many lives haven’t reached everyone equally.",health The World Until Yesterday," identifies some of the most valuable lessons we can learn from societies of the past like hunter-gatherers, including how to resolve conflicts better, more effective ways to raise children, how to stay healthier for longer, and much more.",health The Emperor Of All Maladies," details the beginnings and progress in our understanding of cancer, including how we first started learning about it, began developing ways to treat it and discovered ways to prevent it, and the biological effect that it has on us.",health The Double Helix," tells the story of the discovery of DNA, which is one of the most significant scientific findings in all of history, by explaining the rivalries, struggles of the prideful scientific community to work together, and other roadblocks that James Watson had on the way to making the breakthrough of a lifetime that would change his life and the entire world.",health The End Of Illness, will change the way that you think of sickness and health by identifying the problems with the current mindset around them and how focusing on the systems within your body instead of disease will help you make better-informed decisions that will keep you on the path of good health.,health Girls & Sex,"identifies how pop culture and societal expectations hurt young women as they begin navigating the realm of sexuality, teaching us how to help girls feel empowered in choosing who they want to be.",health My Morning Routine," is the ultimate guide to building healthy habits in the hours right after you wake up with tips backed up by the experiences of some of the most successful people in the world, including Ryan Holiday, Chris Guillebeau, Nir Eyal, and many more.",health I Contain Multitudes, will make you smarter and healthier by teaching you about the tiny ecosystems of microbes that live inside your body and on everything you see and by showing you how they affect your life and how to utilize them to improve your well-being.,health Mindful Work," is your guide to understanding how the practice of meditation got its roots in Western society, the many ways it radically improves your brain’s ability to do almost everything, and how it will improve your productivity.",health Phantoms In The Brain, will make you smarter about your own mind by sharing what scientists have learned from some of the most interesting experiences of patients with neurological disorders.,health Survival Of The Friendliest," explains why the #1 thing you can do for success is to focus on your social connections, how friendliness was the reason that our early ancestors survived as well as they did, and what you can do today to grow your social capital.",health The Big Necessity," makes you smarter about feces by explaining how sanitation works, the damage it causes when it’s not done properly, and what we can do to improve it around the world.",health Breath," is a fascinating and helpful guide to understanding the science of breathing, including how doing it slowly and through your nose is best for your lungs and body, and the many proven mental and physical benefits of being more mindful of how you inhale and exhale.",health Getting COMFY, will show you how to improve each day of your life by identifying why you need to begin the right way and giving a step-by-step framework to make it happen.,health When The Body Says No," will help you become healthier by teaching you the truth behind the mind-body connection, revealing how your mental state does in fact affect your physical condition and how you can improve both.",health Brain Wash," will show you how to have a more peaceful, contented life by revealing what’s wrong with all of the bad habits that society accepts as normal, how they affect our brains, and the 10-day program you can follow to fix it.",health Eat Sleep Work Repeat," identifies why so many workplaces are unnecessarily stressful, how it makes employees unhappy and businesses less profitable, and what we all need to do to fix this growing problem.",health Eat To Beat Disease, will help you be healthier and fight off infection by identifying how food affects your immune system and what to put into your body that will make you more resilient against illness.,health The Happiness Trap," offers an easy-to-follow, practical guide to implementing Acceptances and Commitment Therapy (ACT), an effective method for loosening the grip of negative emotions so you can follow your values in life. ",health Mind Over Clutter," helps you take steps to improve your mental health, physical health, and the environment by showing you why having too much junk is so bad for you and outlining how to get rid of it all.",health Reasons To Stay Alive," shows you the dangers and difficulties surrounding mental illness, uncovers the stigma around it, and identifies how to recover from it by sharing the story of Matt Haig’s recovery after an awful panic attack and subsequent battle with depression and anxiety.",health The Beautiful Cure, makes you smarter by showing you how your immune system works and how recent advancements in our understanding of it can help us improve our health like never before.,health The Telomere Effect, shows you how to live healthier and stay younger longer by identifying an important part of your physiology that you might have never heard of and teaching you how to take great care of it.,health The Sleep Solution," improves your quality of life by identifying the myths surrounding rest that keep you from getting more of it, showing you why they’re false, and teaching you how to establish proper sleep hygiene. ",health Resisting Happiness," shows you how to get more joy in your life by exploring the roadblocks you unknowingly put in the way of it, explaining why it’s a choice, and giving specific tips to help you make the decision to be content.",health When Things Fall Apart, gives you the confidence to make it through life’s inevitable setbacks by sharing ideas and strategies like mindfulness to grow your resilience and come out on top.,health Dreamland," blows open the story of the United States’ opioid crisis, from the frustrating greed and oversight that created it, how drug dealers accelerated it’s spread, and what we’re doing now to stop it.",health What The Eyes Don’t See," tells the shocking and unfortunate story of the public drinking water crisis in Flint, Michigan and how one woman stood up against government corruption and racism to make a positive difference for the city.",health How To Do Nothing," makes you more productive and helps you have more peace by identifying the problems with our current 24/7 work culture, where it came from, and how pausing to reflect helps you overcome it.",health Food Fix, will help you eat healthier and improve the environment at the same time by explaining how bad our food is for us and our planet and what we can each do to fix these problems.,health Eat To Live," will help you lose weight, feel better, and live longer by identifying the flaws in what we think is true about nutrition and using science and case studies to reveal how certain foods affect us for better or worse.",health The Unexpected Joy Of Being Sober, will help you have a happier and healthier life by persuasively revealing the many disadvantages of alcohol and the benefits of going without it permanently. ,health Status Anxiety, identifies the ways that your desire to be seen as someone successful makes you mentally unhealthy and also shows ways that you can combat the disease of trying to climb the never-ending social ladder.,health Personality Isn’t Permanent," will shatter your long-held beliefs that you’re stuck as yourself, flaws and all, by identifying why the person you are is changeable and giving you specific and actionable steps to change.",health Deep Nutrition, will help you get healthier by explaining the danger of modern dieting techniques that are actually doing harm to your body and making you sick. ,health My Age Of Anxiety," is your guide to understanding an aspect of mental illness that most of us don’t realize is so severe, showing it’s biological and environmental origins and ways to treat it.",health Your Best Year Ever," gives powerful inspiration to change your life by helping you identify what you should improve on, how to get over the hurdles in your way, and the patterns and habits you need to set so that achieving your dreams is more possible than ever.",health The Body," helps you become smarter about how to take care of and use this mechanism that lets you have life by explaining how it’s put together, what happens on the inside, and how it works. ",health " Outer Order, Inner Calm"," gives you advice to declutter your space and keep it orderly, to foster your inner peace and allow you to flourish.",health Boost!, is a guide for becoming more productive at work by using the preparation and performance techniques that world-class athletes use to win gold medals.,health Self-Compassion," teaches you the art of being kind to yourself by identifying what causes you to beat yourself up, how it affects your life negatively, and what you can do to relate to yourself in healthier and more compassionate ways.",health What to Eat When," teaches us how food works inside our body and how to feed ourselves in a way that better suits our biology, making us healthier and stronger.",health Comfortably Unaware, is a well-researched compendium on how our food choices and animal agriculture impact the well-being of the whole planet.,health The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read, will help you step back and focus more on the big picture of parenting to foster a strong relationship with your child so they can grow up emotionally and mentally healthy.,health Insight," will help you understand what self-awareness is, why it’s vital if you want to become your best self, and how to overcome the obstacles in the way of having more of it.",health Braiding Sweetgrass, offers some great ways for all of us to take better care of and be more grateful for our planet by explaining the way that Native Americans view and take care of it.,health Pandemic," gives you an understanding of what pathogens and diseases are, how they evolve, what our lifestyle does to make them worse on us, how they can spread like wildfire, and most importantly, what we can do to stop them.",health Chasing The Scream," is a scathing review of the failed war on drugs, explaining its history with surprising statistics and identifying new ways that we can think about addiction, recovery, and drug laws.",health The Power Paradox," frames the concept of power in an inspiring new narrative, which can help us create better and more equal relationships, workplaces, and societies.",health Brain Rules," teaches you how to become more productive at work and life by giving proven facts about how your mind works better with good sleep, exercise, and learning with all the senses.",health Broadcasting Happiness," is an encouraging resource that will help you boost your health and happiness in your relationships, work, and community by showing you how to unlock the power of positive words and stories.",health Alone Together, is a book that will make you want to have a better relationship with technology by revealing just how much we rely on it and the ways our connection to it is growing worse and having negative effects on us all.,health The Joy Of Movement, is just what you need to finally find the motivation to get out and exercise more often by teaching you the scientific reasons why it’s good for you and why your body is designed to enjoy it.,health The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, makes you smarter and more compassionate by revealing the previously unknown story of a woman with extraordinary cells that still live today and have contributed to dozens of medical breakthroughs.,health An American Sickness," will motivate you to see what you can do to help improve the state of healthcare in the United States by blowing open the recent greed, corruption, and selfishness of healthcare companies.",health The Body Keeps The Score, teaches you how to get through the difficulties that arise from your traumatic past by revealing the psychology behind them and revealing some of the techniques therapists use to help victims recover.,health "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle"," gives ways to improve your health and the environment by learning how to garden, cook, and eat more fruits and vegetables. ",health How Not To Worry," will teach you how to live stress-free by revealing your brain’s primitive emotional survival instinct and providing a simple and effective roadmap for letting go of your anxieties. ",health The 4 Pillar Plan," is your guide to the right diet, exercise, relaxation, and sleep decisions that will improve your health dramatically.",health How To Change Your Mind," reveals new evidence on psychedelics, confirming their power to cure mental illness, ease depression and addiction, and help people die more peacefully. ",health Maybe You Should Talk To Someone, will help you feel more comfortable with using therapy to improve your mental health by giving a candid look into how therapy really works from the point of view of an experienced therapist who also found herself needing it.,health A Beginner’s Guide To The End," is your guide to using the principles of stillness, cleaning, and grief to prepare for your own or a loved one’s death.",health The Plant Paradox, helps you make better food decisions and eat healthier by arguing that some plant foods that we think are healthy can actually be harming us and making it harder to lose weight. ,health When Breath Becomes Air," helps you see what’s really important by diving into Paul Kalanithi’s life of loving neuroscience, literature, meaning, and his family that ended from cancer in his mid-thirties. ",health Anatomy Of An Epidemic, teaches you how to make better decisions about your mental health as it uncovers the questionable origin of medication and reveals the interesting connection between psychiatry and pharmaceutical companies.,health Stillness Is The Key," will show you how to harness the power of slowing down your body and mind for less distractions, better self-control, and, above all, a happier and more peaceful life.",health The Little Book of Lykke, gives Danish-derived and science-backed tips that will help you be happier.,health Cooked," is a historical exploration of the four primary elements we use to transform our food, from fire to water, air, and earth, celebrating traditional cooking methods while showing you practical ways to improve your eating habits and prepare more of your own food.",health Radical Acceptance, teaches how you can become more content and happy in your life by applying the principles of meditation and Buddhism. ,health Why We Sleep, will motivate you get more and better quality sleep by showing you the recent scientific findings on why sleep deprivation is bad for individuals and society.,health Irresistible," reveals how alarmingly stuck to our devices we are, shows the negative consequences of technology addiction, and gives tips for a healthier relationship with the digital world. ",health A Crack In Creation," will teach you all about the power of gene editing that is made possible with CRISPR by detailing how it works, the benefits and opportunities it opens up, and the ethical risks of using it on humans.",health Time And How To Spend It, is your guide to becoming more productive by not focusing on working extra hours but instead using the time off more effectively.,health Feral, will help you find ways to improve the well-being of humanity by illustrating the deep connection between us and Nature and offering actionable advice on how to preserve balance in our ecosystems through rewilding.,health Tell Me More," will help you make everything, even the worst of times, go more smoothly by learning about a few useful phrases to habitually use come rain or shine.",health No Excuses!," teaches us that self-discipline is the key to success and gives us practical advice to master it and achieve self-actualization, happy relationships, and financial security.",health The Uninhabitable Earth, explains how humanity’s complacency and negligence have put this world on a course to soon be unlivable unless we each do our small part to improve how we care for this beautiful planet we live on.,health Game Changers, reveals the secrets that some of the most impactful people in the world use to hack their biology and win at life and will teach you how to achieve your goals and be happy. ,health Sleep Smarter, is a collection of 21 simple tips and tricks to optimize your sleep environment once and then reap the benefits of more restful nights forever.,health Eating Animals," reveals the true burden of the modern-day meat industry that we all bear as a society and details the environmental, health-related, and ethical consequences.",health The Sports Gene," is a look at how genes affect our abilities, motivations, and endurance in sports, explaining why some people are better suited for certain sports than others.",health Social Intelligence," is a complete guide to the neuroscience of relationships, explaining how your social interactions shape you and how you can use these effects to your advantage.",health How Not To Die, delivers a template for extending your life based on scientific research which recommends switching to a mainly plant-based diet. ,health Silent Spring," is the story that sparked the global grassroots environmental movement in 1962, explaining how chemical pesticides work, what their drawbacks are, and how we can protect crops in better, more sustainable ways.",health Aware," is a comprehensive overview of the far-reaching benefits of meditation, rooted in both science and practice, enriched with actionable advice on how to practice mindfulness. ",health Genius Foods, is the ultimate science-based diet plan that will help your brain perform with clarity and intelligence while protecting you against dementia. ,health Can’t Hurt Me," is the story of David Goggins, who went from being overweight and depressed to becoming a record-breaking athlete, inspiring military leader, and world-class personal trainer.",health Ikigai," explains how you can live a longer and happier life by having a purpose, eating healthy, and not retiring.",health Counterclockwise, is a critical look at current perspectives on health with a particular focus on how we can improve our own when we shift from being mindless to mindful.,health Digital Minimalism,"shows us where to draw the line with technology, how to properly take time off our digital devices, and why doing so is the key to living a happy, focused life in a noisy world.",health The 5 AM Club," helps you get up at 5 AM every morning, build a morning routine, and make time for the self-improvement you need to find success.",health Born To Run," explains the natural benefits of long-distance running, and how you can become a better runner too, based on several years of research, experiences, and training.",health Rest," examines why traditional methods of working too long and hard are inefficient compared to working less, resting, and playing to accomplish your best work.",health The Blue Zones Solution," shows you how to adopt the lifestyle and mindset practices of the healthiest, longest-living people on the planet from the five locations with the highest population of centenarians.",health Peak Performance," shows you how to perform at your highest level by exploring the most significant factors that contribute to delivering our best work, such as stress, rest, focus, and purpose.",health "Own The Day, Own Your Life", is a straightforward guide to maximizing your potential by optimizing your health of body and mind with simple tweaks to your daily routine.,health Atomic Habits," is the definitive guide to breaking bad behaviors and adopting good ones in four steps, showing you how small, incremental, everyday routines compound into massive, positive change over time.",health 12 Rules For Life,"is a story-based, stern yet entertaining self-help manual for young people laying out a set of simple rules to help us become more disciplined, behave better, act with integrity, and balance our lives while enjoying them as much as we can.",health The 4-Hour Body,"is a complete guide to hacking your health, helping you achieve anything from rapid fat loss and quick muscle gain to better sleep, sex, and extreme athletic performance.",health When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing," breaks down the science of time so you can stop guessing when to do things and pick the best times to work, eat, sleep, have your coffee and even quit your job.",health Mind Gym," explains why the performance of world-class athletes isn’t onlya result of their physical training, but just as much due to their mentally fit minds and shows you how you can cultivate the mindset of a top performer yourself.",health The Longevity Project," shows you how you can live longer by analyzing the results from one of the world’s longest-lasting studies and drawingsurprisingconclusions about the work ethic, happiness, love, marriage and religion of people who have lived to old age.",health The Bulletproof Diet,"describes a simple high-fat, low-carb diet with intermittent fasting, high-intensity exercise and good sleeping practices to help you lose weight, have more energy and be able to focus better than ever before.",health Farmageddon," is a shocking compendium of the facts and figures about how the mass production of cheap meat influences our world, ranging from water and air pollution, to threatening species, to making us obese and sick, in order toshow why we must return to more traditional farming techniques to sustainably feed the world.",health First Bite," explains how you’ve acquired your eating habits in your childhood and why they’re not hardwired, as well as how you can change them for the better and teach your children to eat healthy.",health Fast Food Nation," describes how the fast food industry has reduced the overall food quality worldwide, created poor working conditions for millions of people and ruined public health.",health Grain Brain," takes a look at the impact carbohydrates have on the structure and development of your brain, arriving at the conclusion that a diet high in fat, low in carbs and especially sugar, combined with fasting, lots of activity and more sleep could provide you with a much higher quality of life.",health The Sleep Revolution," paints a grim picture of Western sleep culture, but not without extending a hand to school kids, students, professionals and CEOs alike by offering genuine advice on how to stop wearing sleep deprivation as a badge of honor and finally get a good night’s sleep.",health In Defense Of Food,"describes the decline of natural eating in exchange for diets driven by science and nutritional data, how this decline has ruined our health, and what we can do to return to food as a simple, cultural, natural aspect of life.",health Oxygen," helps you understand the biology of our evolution by taking a close look at the molecule that can make and break all life and how it’s shaped the rise of animals, plants and humans, as well as why it might be the key to ending aging.",health The ADHD Advantage," sheds light on one of the most falsely assessed health conditions of the 21st century, by explaining how ADHD is overdiagnosed, overmedicated and why people with ADHD should embrace it as a means of success.",health The Art Of Learning," explains the science of becoming a top performer, based on Josh Waitzkin’s personal rise to the top of the chess and Tai Chi world, by showing you the right mindset, proper ways to practice and how to build the habits of a professional.",health Ending Aging," describes how the process of aging is like a disease and therefore, treatable, by outlining the seven primary ways in which we age and possible antidotes to all of them, plus a glimpse into the future of potentially indefinite human life.",health Are You Fully Charged," shows you the three keys to arriving at work and life with a battery that’s brimming with happiness and motivation, which are energy, interactions and meaning, and how to implement them in your day.",health "Eat, Move, Sleep"," shows you that living a long and healthy life is not the result of massive lifestyle changes, but of lots of small habits, which improve the way you sleep, eat and exercise and, if combined, add a whole lot to your health.",health The End Of Stress," shows you not only that treating stress as normal is wrong and how it harms your mental and physical health, but also gives you actionable tips and strategies to end stress once and for all so you can live a long, happy, powerful and creative life.",health The Blue Zones," gives you advice on how to live to be 100 years and older by looking at five spots across the planet, where people live the longest, and drawing lessons about what they eat, drink, how they exercise and which habits most shape their lives.",health The China Study, examines the effect of animal protein intake on cancer risk and suggests improving your health by focusing on a plant-based diet.,health The Happiness Project," will show you how to change your life, without actually changing your life, thanks to the findings of modern science, ancient history and popular culture about happiness, which the author tested for a year and now shares with you.",health Immunity," is an introductory guide to how your immune system works, why it’s a double-edged sword, and which laws govern its existence.",health The Omnivore’s Dilemma," explains the range of food choices we face today using four meals on a spectrum from highly processed to entirely self-gathered, thus teaching us how the industrial revolution changed the way we eat, why organic food isn’t necessarily better, what truly natural food looks like, and which options we have in making the tradeoff between fast, delicious, cheap, ethical, sustainable, and environmentally friendly meals.",health The Power Of No," is an encompassing instruction manual for you to harness the power of this little word to get healthy, rid yourself of bad relationships, embrace abundance and ultimately say yes to yourself.",health The Power Of Habit," helps you understand whyhabits are at the core of everything youdo, how you can change them, and what impact that will have on your life, your business and society.",health Choose Yourself," is a call to give up traditional career paths and take your life into your own hands by building good habits, creating your own career, and making a decision to choose yourself.",health Automate Your Busywork,"is a step-by-step guide to getting rid of your most dreaded tasks, fueled by the simple but sophisticated “Automation Flywheel,” which will help you reduce stress, get more done, and find time for your most meaningful work.",business Never Finished," is an inspiring blueprint for leveling up in the game of life that never ends, offering 8 evolutions of thought, painful truths, and motivating stories to help you smash any and all glass ceilings in your life.",business The 4 Minute Millionaire," is a collection of 44 short lessons sourced from the best finance books, each paired with an action item to help you get closer to financial freedom in just 4 minutes a day.",business Stolen Focus,"explains why our attention spans have been dwindling for decades, how technology accelerates this worrying trend, and what we can do to reclaim our focus and thus our capacity to live meaningful lives.",business The Infinite Game," argues that business is not a competition but an infinite journey, and that to do well in it, leaders must advance a “Just Cause,” build trusting teams, learn from their “Worthy Rivals,” and practice existential flexibility.",business The 1-Page Marketing Plan," offers a hands-on guide to creating a simple, single-page marketing strategy that will help you find prospects, generate leads, keep them engaged, and close sales, all from scratch.",business The Daily Laws,"is a page-a-day, calendar-style book covering the three big topics of mastery, power, and emotions, sharing Robert Greene’s best lessons from 20 years of research of the dynamics within and between humans.",business The Life-Changing Science of Detecting Bullshit, teaches its readers how to avoid falling for the lies and false information that other people spread by helping them build essential thinking skills through examples from the real world.,business Discipline Is Destiny," is a three-part manual to master and implement the Stoic virtue of temperance, aka discipline, in your life, thus improving your body, mind, and spirit.",business The Art of Statistics," is a non-technical book that shows how statistics is helping humans everywhere get a new hold of data, interpret numbers, fact-check information, and reveal valuable insights, all while keeping the world as we know it afloat.",business Resilience," will help you find joy in self-transformation, showing you ways to become more positive, hard-working, and face hardship with the kind of bravery and optimism that will get you through any challenge.",business Rich Dad’s Cashflow Quadrant," is an inspiring read by Kiyosaki which comes as a sequel after his first groundbreaking book and presents how hard work doesn’t always equal becoming rich, as wealth is likely a result of smart money decisions.",business No Hard Feelings, is a practical book for better managing the emotional side of work and building the skills needed to enhance your performance both within your role and more broadly throughout your career path by finding motivation again and managing negative emotions.,business More Money Than God," teaches us about the ins and outs of hedge funds, how those managing money makes a profit, and how you can learn from them and apply their techniques to your money management strategy.",business The Sovereign Individual," jumps into the future and presents a new world where life moves into the online environment, where the cybereconomy rules and governments are struggling to control the people like they used to, all through a revolution more powerful than anything we’ve seen before.",business The Book of Mistakes," follows the adventures of David, a young adult who is going through a rough patch and receives guidance from a wise man who teaches him the nine mistakes he should avoid, how to become successful, and a series of valuable life lessons that can save anyone many years of their life.",business How To Be A Bawse," briefly explores the life of Youtube superstar Lilly Singh and offers straightforward, yet practical advice on how to conquer your fears, follow your dreams and learn to use failures to your advantage in order to build the life you want to live.",business The Practice,"talks about ways to enhance your creativity, boost your innovation skills, upgrade your creative process, and most importantly, get disciplined in your practice to turn your hobby into a professional endeavor.",business Invisible Women," talks about the flaws in our societal system, which was built on the premise that men should rule and conquer the world while women should stay at home, which is why we’re still seeing gender gaps in the personal, professional, and day-to-day lives of women.",business The Person You Mean to Be, teaches you how to navigate cognitive biases that may prevent you from forming meaningful relationships and experiencing the world as it is by leading you to wrongful assumptions or limitations about your environment or by anchoring you in your preexisting beliefs.,business Die With Zero," teaches us that wealth accumulation isn’t the only aspect of our life that we should be chasing, but rather keep an eye on meaningful experiences, our relationships, and the limited time we have on earth.",business Expert Secrets," teaches you how to create and implement an informative marketing plan and putting it into practice, while also showing you what problem you must solve for your prospects or teach them how to do it themselves.",business Blue Ocean Strategy," talks about a new type of business strategy that doesn’t necessarily rely on gaining a competitive advantage over your rivals, but on innovating your way out of the current market to create your own ocean of opportunities.",business The 5 Choices, teaches us how to reach our highest potential in the workplace and achieve the top level of productivity through a series of tips and tricks and work habits that can change your life right away if you’re willing to give them a try.,business The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding, is a compilation of laws that provides insights for conducting successful marketing campaigns by focusing on the essence of branding and how brands must be created and managed in order to survive in the competitive world.,business Hug Your Haters," talks about the importance of acknowledging your haters or dissatisfied customers and valuing their opinion in the process of building better products, improving the existing offerings, and growing your strategies overall.",business The Invincible Company, explores the secrets of a successful company by proving how focusing on strengthening the core business values and operations while concentrating on R&D in parallel is a better strategy than just disrupting continuously and seeking new markets.,business Lessons from the Titans," tells the story of some of the biggest industrial companies in the United States and presents life-long strategies, valuable ideas, and mistakes to avoid for any business who wants to achieve long-term success.",business "How to Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere"," shares the secrets of effective communication and teaches you how to adopt a charisma that’ll help you navigate conversations easier, break the ice, and get your point across right away, and talk to people in general.",business Pioneering Portfolio Management," is a financial book that touches on subjects like institutional investments, asset classes, securities management, and how to adjust a portfolio based on risk, a diversified approach to investing, and overall asset allocation.",business The Cult of We," presents the story of WeWork, a hyped American company that offered office spaces for rent and became the most valuable start-up in the world, only to be exposed later on as a massively overpriced business that was in fact losing a million dollars a day.",business The Lost Art of Connecting," explores ways to build meaningful and genuine relationships in life by using the Gather, Ask, Do method and relying less on gaining benefits from networking, but rather on deepening your connection with other human beings and cultivating authentic emotions.",business Die Empty," talks about the importance of following your dreams and aspirations, living a meaningful, active life, and using your native gifts to create a legacy and inspire others to tap into their own potential as well.",business The Sales Advantage," offers a practical guide to acquiring customers, closing sales, and increasing profits by following a series of proven techniques from a corporate coaching course about sales procedures.",business Raise Your Game," delves into the philosophy of peak performance presented by a former basketball coach who achieved success by focusing on self-awareness, discipline, and a series of virtues.",business "Woke, Inc."," taps into the dark secrets of the woke culture in corporate America, which organizations generate tremendous amounts of profit by hiding behind causes like social justice, gender equality, climate change, and many other popular matters.",business Masters of Scale," teaches entrepreneurs ways to open up a successful company and scale it from the grounds-up by going into detail about the right business practices, how to seize opportunities, and foster an organizational culture that encourages innovation and customer-centricity.",business The Mom Test," talks about ways to tell if your business idea is great or terrible by assessing the opinions of your friends, family, and investors accordingly, and not believing everything they say just to make you feel good.",business Mind Hacking," is a hands-on guide on how to transform your mind in just 21 days, which is the time required for your brain to form new habits and adapt to changes, and teaches you how to reprogram your brain to follow healthier, better habits, and ditch the self-sabotaging patterns that stand in your way.",business Inspired," taps into a popular subject, which is how to build successful products that sell, run a thriving business by avoiding common mistakes and traps along the way by motivating employees and setting a prime example through knowledge and skills, all while developing worthwhile products that are needed on the market.",business Invent & Wander," is a collection of Jeff Bezos’s writings and letters to its shareholders, in which he expresses his philosophy of life and his way of doing business, which ultimately led him to know tremendous success and write history with his two companies: Amazon and Blue Origin.",business Courage Is Calling,"analyzes the actions taken in difficult situations by some of history’s leading figures, thus drawing conclusions about what makes someone courageous and showing you how to become a braver person day-by-day, step-by-step.",business Show Your Work!," talks about the importance of being discoverable, showcasing your work like a professional, and networking properly in order to succeed with your creative work.",business High-Impact Tools for Teams," aims to combat recurring project-management problems that take place in teams and especially during meetings, which tend to get chaotic and deviate from their initial purpose, all through the Team Alignment Map, a solution proposed by the authors. ",business 10-Minute Toughness," is a hands-on guide to becoming the best version of yourself and achieving success through consistent good practices such as eating right, forming meaningful relationships, committing to your goals publicly, visualizing your achievements, and many others.",business Testing Business Ideas," highlights the importance of trial and error, learning from mistakes and prototypes, and always improving your offerings in a business, so as to bring a successful product to the market that will sell instead of causing you troubles.",business Value Proposition Design," opens up a new perspective of what added value in a product consists of, how to find and target your market correctly, how you can design a product successfully, bring it forth to your prospects and have them be excited to buy it, all through the creation of a customer-centric business",business Don Quixote," is a classic novel from 1605 which portraits the life and insightful journey of Don Quixote de la Mancha, a Spanish man who seems to be losing his mind on his quest to become a knight and restore chivalry alongside with a farmer named Sancho Panza, with whom he fights multiple imaginary enemies and faces a series of fantastic challenges.",business Perfectly Confident," explores the idea of confidence and offers a series of valuable practices that anyone can implement in their life to improve this aspect, as well as an overview of how confidence is supposed to look and feel like in its realest form, without adding or subtracting too much of it. ",business Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits," paves the way to success for all investors by outlining how to analyse stocks, understand the market, make smart investments and wise money decisions, and profit from them by being patient with the stock market and keeping your money in for the long-term.",business The Psychology of Money," explores how money moves around in an economy and how personal biases and the emotional factor play an important role in our financial decisions, as well as how to think more rationally and make better decisions when it comes to money.",business Anxiety at Work," outlines the importance of having a harmonious working environment due to the constant increase in people’s stress levels from their professional lives, and how managers, direct supervisors, CEOs, and other executive bodies can help reduce it by fostering a healthy environment.",business The Art of Rhetoric," is an ancient, time-proven reference book that explores the secrets behind persuasion, rhetoric, and good public speaking by providing compelling information on what a good speech should consist of and how truth and virtue are at the foundation of every good story.",business Boss It," is a hands-on guide to entrepreneurship and what running business implies, from motivation, to hard work, consistency, great time management and a series of practical skills that are needed to fully succeed in this environment.",business Hiring Success, highlights the importance of the human resource for any company and describes a successful business approach that focuses on finding highly trained and skilled future employees as a source of competitive advantage on the market.,business Legendary Service," talks about the principles behind extraordinary customer service and how a company can implement them to achieve a competitive advantage and stand out on the market using simple, yet crucial tactics to satisfy customers.",business Disney U," outlines the principles that create the customer-centric philosophy of Disney and contribute to the company’s massive success, while also highlighting some aspects of their organizational culture, such as caring for their staff and providing high-quality training.",business The Power of Focus, offers its readers a focus-based approach that they can use to achieve their financial and personal goals through practical exercises and habits that they can implement into their daily lives to actively shape their future.,business An Ugly Truth," offers a critical look at Facebook and its administrators, who foster a gaslighting environment and a controversial social media platform that can easily become a danger for its users both virtually and in real life due to its immense power and influence on our society.",business The Burnout Fix," delivers practical advice on how to thrive in the dynamic working environment we revolve around every day by setting healthy boundaries, keeping a work-life balance, and prioritizing our well-being.",business Socialism," by Michael Newman outlines the history of the governmental theory that everything should be owned and controlled by the community as a whole, including how this idea has impacted the world in the last 200 years, how its original aims have been lost, and ways we might use it in the future.",business The Data Detective," will make you smarter by showing how you can understand statistics well enough to see how they, and the beliefs and cognitive biases they can make you have, make such a huge impact in your life, for better or for worse, and how to separate fact from fiction.",business Hyper-Learning," shows how people and companies can adapt in the rapidly changing world we live in today, explaining how a growth mindset, colleaboration, and losing your ego will build your confidence that you can stay relevant and competitive as the world around you accelerates.",business Billion Dollar Whale," tells the incredible story of Jho Low, a Malaysian man who committed one of the biggest heists of the century by defrauding a national investment fund.",business No Logo," uses four parts, including “No Space,” “No Choice,” “No Jobs,” and “No Logo,” to explain the growth of brand power since the 1980s, how the focus of companies on image rather than products has affected employees, and to identify those who fight against large corporations and their brands.",business No Rules Rules," explains the incredibly unique and efficient company culture of Netflix, including the amazing levels of freedom and responsibility it gives employees and how this innovative way of running the business is the very reason that Netflix is so successful.",business The Bitcoin Standard, uses the history of money and gold to explain why Bitcoin is the way to go if the world wants to stick to having sound money and why it’s the only cryptocurrency to be focusing on right now.,business Cryptoassets," is your guide to understanding this revolutionary new digital asset class and explains the history of Bitcoin, how to invest in it and other cryptocurrencies, and how the blockchain technology behind it all works.",business Spark," teaches you how to become an influential, un-fireable asset to your team at work by taking on the role of a leader regardless of your position, utilizing the power of creative thinking to make better decisions, and learning how to be more self-aware and humble.",business Think Again," will make you more intelligent, persuasive, and self-aware by identifying the power of being humble about what you don’t know, how to recognize blind spots in your thinking before they start causing you problems, and what you can do to become more effective at convincing others of your way of thinking.",business See You On The Internet, is the ultimate beginner-level digital marketing guide that teaches you how to build an online business presence by doing everything from starting a website to managing social media accounts.,business Small Giants," is your guide to keeping your company little but mighty that will allow you to pass up deliberate growth for staying true to what’s really important, which is your ideals, time, passions, and doing what you do best so well that customers can’t help but flock to you.",business Unlearn, will show you how to win even in changing circumstances by revealing why the patterns you used for past successes won’t always work and how to adopt a learning attitude to stop them from holding you back.,business Mindful Work," is your guide to understanding how the practice of meditation got its roots in Western society, the many ways it radically improves your brain’s ability to do almost everything, and how it will improve your productivity.",business Subscribed," helps your company move to a subscription model by identifying the history of this innovative idea, how it makes businesses so successful, and what you need to do to implement it in your own company.",business The Coach’s Survival Guide, gives you all the tools that you need to become a successful coach and make the biggest positive impact on your clients.,business Pivot," will give you the confidence you need to change careers by showing you how to prepare by examining your strengths, working with the right people, testing ideas, and creating opportunities.",business Titan," will inspire you to keep working hard to make your business goals happen by sharing the life story of John D. Rockefeller Sr., from his humble beginnings to his astronomical success as an oil tycoon and beyond.",business The Charge," shows you how to unlock the baseline and forward human drives within you that will help you get energized, grounded, and working so that you can have the life of happiness and fulfillment you’ve always wanted.",business Profit First,"explains why traditional business finances are upside down and how, by focusing on profit first and reasoning up from there, you can grow your business to new heights more sustainably, all while being less stressed about money.",business Power Relationships, shows you how to have a fantastic career and a fulfilling life by connecting with the right people early and growing those relationships.,business "First, Break All The Rules","claims that everything you think you know about managing people is wrong, revealing how you can challenge the status quo so that both you and those you lead will achieve their full potential.",business Nail It Then Scale It, teaches you how to craft the perfect business plan and grow your company by focusing on getting to know your customers and solving their problems then creating products to solve those issues.,business Team Of Teams, reveals the incredible power that small teams have to manage the difficult and complicated issues that arise in every company and how even large organizations can take advantage of them by building a system of many teams that work together.,business How I Built This, is a compilation of the best tips and lessons that Guy Raz learned from interviewing the founders of the greatest businesses in the world on his podcast of the same name and teaches how to start a company and keep it running strong.,business The Leadership Challenge, shares the top leadership lessons from 25 years of experience and research of authors James Kouzes and Barry Posner and explains what makes successful managers and how you can apply the same principles to become one yourself.,business The Wisdom Of Finance," is a fascinating book that identifies the differences and similarities between the world of money and life experiences like relationships, showing how principles from each of these can benefit each other.",business The Apology Impulse," will help you and your business become more authentic in your relationships with others by identifying how much companies say sorry, why they do, how they get it wrong, and the right way to do it.",business Good People," is a book about business and leadership which explains the importance of focusing on and building integrity in the workplace, including why it’s so vital if you want your company to be successful, how you can get it, and why an emphasis on competencies alone won’t cut it anymore.",business The Alchemist," is a classic novel in which a boy named Santiago embarks on a journey seeking treasure in the Egyptian pyramids after having a recurring dream about it and on the way meets mentors, falls in love, and most importantly, learns the true importance of who he is and how to improve himself and focus on what really matters in life.",business Fit For Growth," is a guide to expanding your company’s influence and profits by looking for ways to cut costs in the right places, restructuring your business model, and eliminating unnecessary departments to pave the way for exponential success.",business High Performance Habits," is your guide to building the six systems that science and the lives of the most successful people in the world prove will turn you into a productive, fulfilled, and extraordinary person.",business Getting To Yes, is a handbook for having successful negotiations that teaches everything you need to know about resolving conflicts of all kinds and reaching win-win solutions in every discussion without giving in or making the other person unhappy.,business Presence," is a life-changing guide to growing your self-confidence that shows how posture, mindset, and body language all expand your feeling of empowerment and your communication skills.",business Radical Candor,"will teach you how to connect with people at work, push them to be their best, know when and how to fire them, and create an environment of trust and innovation in the workplace.",business Hillbilly Elegy, is the inspiring autobiography of J.D. Vance who explains how his life began in poverty and turbulence and what he had to do to beat those difficult circumstances and rise to success.,business Leadership and Self-Deception," is a guide to becoming self-aware by learning to see your faults more accurately, understanding other’s strengths and needs, and leaning into your natural instinct to help other people as much as possible.",business Who Not How," will skyrocket your success, happiness, and fulfillment in all areas of your life by identifying why you’re looking at your problems the wrong way and how simply seeking to get the right people to help you will make all the difference.",business The Ride Of A Lifetime,"illustrates Robert Iger’s journey to becoming the CEO of Disney, and how his vision, strategy, and guidance successfully led the company through a time when its future was highly uncertain.",business Imagine It Forward," inspires businesses and individuals to challenge outdated thinking and ways of doing work by sharing the life and business experiences of Beth Comstock, one of America’s most innovative businesswomen.",business The Four Steps To The Epiphany, shows startups how to plan for and achieve success by giving examples of companies that failed and outlining the path they need to take to flourish.,business Moneyland, uncovers the mystery of how the rich keep getting richer by revealing the great lengths they’ll go to so they can avoid taxes and other things that threaten their wealth.,business Winners Dream," will inspire you to get up and get moving to make your biggest goals happen by sharing the incredible rags to riches story of Bill McDermott, who went from humble beginnings to CEO of the biggest software company in the world simply by having a vision of what he wanted in life.",business Everybody Matters," identifies the best way to become successful in business, help your team members trust you, and enable people to reach their full potential by showing the power of taking better care of your employees as if they were family.",business The Art Of The Start, is your guide to beginning a company and explains everything from getting the right people on board to writing a winning business plan and building your brand.,business Willpower Doesn’t Work, shows you how to change your life in a more efficient way than relying on sheer grit alone by identifying the importance of your environment and other factors that affect your productivity so you can become your best self.,business The Fifth Discipline, shows you how to find joy at work again as an employee and improve your company’s productivity if you’re an employer by outlining the five values you must adopt to turn your workplace into a learning environment.,business Building A StoryBrand, is your guide to turning your sales pages and product into an adventure for your clients by identifying the seven steps to successful storytelling as a company and how to craft the clearest message possible so that they will understand and want to be part of it.,business Be Our Guest, shows you how to take better care of your customers by outlining the philosophy and systems that Disney has for taking care of theirs which have helped it become one of the most successful companies in the world.,business Joy At Work," takes Marie Kondo’s famous tidying-up tips and applies it to your job to help you be happier in the physical areas, digital spaces, and uses of your time in the office.",business Epic Content Marketing, shows why traditional methods for selling like TV and direct mail are dead and how creating content is the new future of advertising because it actually grabs people’s attention by focusing on what they care about instead of your product.,business Agile Selling, helps you become a great salesperson by identifying how successful people thrive in any sales position with the skills of learning and adapting quickly.,business Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude, is a classic self-improvement book that will boost your happiness and give you the life of your dreams by identifying what Napoleon Hill learned interviewing hundreds of successful people and sharing how their outlook on life helped them get to the top.,business Brainfluence, will help you get more sales by revealing people’s subconscious thinking and their motivations in the decision-making process they use when buying.,business Building Social Business," will teach you how to change the world for the better by starting a company that does good for mankind, giving you all the answers about how they work and how to begin one of your own.",business Brandwashed, will help you make better buying decisions by identifying the psychological tools that marketers use to turn your own brain against you and make you think that you need to buy their products.,business The 4 Day Week," will help you improve your personal productivity and that of everyone around you by outlining a powerful technique to reduce the workweek by one day and implement other changes to help employees be healthier, happier, and more focused.",business Cashvertising," teaches you how to become an expert at marketing by using techniques like using the power of authority, following the three steps of writing a perfect headline, and appealing to the eight basic desires people have instead of spending millions on ads.",business Change By Design, makes you a better problem solver at every aspect of life by outlining the design thinking process that companies can use to innovate and improve.,business Built To Sell, shows you how to become a successful entrepreneur by explaining the steps necessary to grow a small service company and one day sell it.,business SPIN Selling," is your guide to becoming an expert salesperson by identifying what the author learned from 35,000 sales calls and 12 years of research on the topic.",business Cradle To Cradle," uncovers the hidden problems with manufacturing, how they affect our planet, and what you can do to help by becoming eco-efficient.",business Business Model Generation," teaches you how to start your own company by explaining the details of matching your customer’s needs with your product’s capabilities, managing finances, and everything else involved in the planning stages of entrepreneurship.",business Boost!, is a guide for becoming more productive at work by using the preparation and performance techniques that world-class athletes use to win gold medals.,business The Coaching Habit," outlines the questions, attitudes, and habits required of managers who want to become great at motivating their team to become self-sustaining.",business The Psychology Of Selling, motivates you to work on your self-image and how you relate to customers so that you can close more deals.,business The 4 Disciplines Of Execution," outlines the path that company leaders and individuals must follow to set the right goals and improve behavior to achieve success on a bigger, long-term scale.",business The Confidence Code, empowers women to become more courageous by explaining their natural tendencies toward timidity and how to break them even in a world dominated by men. ,business The Advice Trap,"will drastically improve your communication skills and make you more likable, thanks to explaining why defaulting to sharing your opinion about everything is a bad idea and how listening until you truly understand people’s needs will make a much bigger positive difference in their lives.",business You’re Not Listening, is a book that will improve your communication skills by revealing how uncommon the skill of paying attention to what others are saying is and what experts teach about how to get better at it.,business Ask, shows you a method that helps you take the guesswork out of the equation so you can give your customers what they want even if they don’t know what they want.,business The Hero Factor, teaches by example that real leadership success focuses on people as much as profits.,business Buyology, shows you how to spend less money by revealing the psychological traps that companies use to hack your brain and get you to purchase their products without you even realizing they’re doing it.,business The Business Romantic, shows how doing business that is focused on passion and connection leads to more success in today’s world.,business Brotopia, motivates you to be fairer in the workplace as an employee or employer by revealing the sad sexist state of Silicon Valley.,business It Doesn’t Have To Be Crazy At Work," helps you relax about the current hurry-up and work yourself to death culture and instead see why getting rid of these stressful mentalities will make you and your company more focused, calm, and productive.",business Alibaba," shares the inspiring story of Jack Ma’s hard work, entrepreneurial vision, and smart thinking that helped him build one of the most successful and influential companies in the world. ",business What They Don’t Teach You At Harvard Business School," teaches why succeeding in business has less to do with accumulated theoretical knowledge through schooling and books, and more about people and communication.",business The Box, teaches how the drive and imagination of one entrepreneur impacted the world economy and changed the face of global trade with container shipping. ,business Measure What Matters," teaches you how to implement tracking systems into your company and life that will help you record your progress, stay accountable, and make reaching your goals almost inevitable.",business Be Obsessed Or Be Average," motivates you to get your heart into your work and live up to your true potential by identifying the thinking patterns and work habits of the passionate, successful, and driven Grant Cardone.",business Leadership Strategy And Tactics," shows you how to become effective when you’re in charge by using the power of traits like accountability, humility, and others that Jocko Willink uses to lead his team of Navy SEALs.",business The Algebra of Happiness, outlines the variables in the equation for happiness and how to build them in your life.,business The Power Paradox," frames the concept of power in an inspiring new narrative, which can help us create better and more equal relationships, workplaces, and societies.",business What Got You Here Won’t Get You There, helps you overcome your personality traits and behaviors that stop you from achieving even more success.,business Born A Crime, will inspire you to make great things happen no matter what circumstances you’re born into by revealing the story of how Trevor Noah grew up as a mixed child in South Africa on the way to becoming an adult.,business Trillion Dollar Coach, will help you become a better leader in the office by sharing the life and teachings of businessman Bill Campbell who helped build multi-billion dollar companies in Silicon Valley.,business An American Sickness," will motivate you to see what you can do to help improve the state of healthcare in the United States by blowing open the recent greed, corruption, and selfishness of healthcare companies.",business Business Adventures," will teach you how to run a company, invest in the stock market, change jobs, and many other things by sharing some of the most interesting experiences that big companies and their leaders have had over the last century.",business Barbarians At The Gate, shows you how not to run a business and reveals the shocking greed of corporate America in the 1980s by telling the story of the leveraged buyout of RJR Nabisco.,business The Storytelling Edge, will boost your communication and persuasiveness skills by showing you how to tell powerful narratives in a convincing way and giving examples of why you should.,business Accounting Made Simple," is your guide to learning the fundamental charts, equations, and concepts of managing a business’s financial statements.",business The Execution Factor," will show you how to become successful by utilizing the power of vision, passion, action, resilience, and relationships that propelled author Kim Perell from unemployed and broke to a multi-millionaire in just seven years. ",business Amazon, will help you make your business better by sharing what made Jeff Bezos’s gigantic company so successful at going from its humble beginnings to now dominating the e-commerce market.,business Adaptive Markets," gives you a better understanding of how the movement of money in the world works by outlining the characteristics of the market, some of which are more like living creatures than you might think.",business Alchemy, is your guide to making magic happen in business and life by teaching you how to practice irrational thinking to stand out and come up with powerful solutions to your problems and those of others. ,business The Go-Giver, teaches a pattern for becoming a better person and seeing more success in business and work by focusing on being authentic and giving as much value as possible. ,business "Arise, Awake", will inspire you to move forward with your entrepreneurial dreams by sharing the inspirational stories of six Indian entrepreneurs and the lessons they learned on the path to success.,business 7 Strategies For Wealth And Happiness," is the ultimate guide to improving your wealth through self-discipline, action, and a positive attitude toward work, money, and the people around you.",business A Whole New Mind, is your guide to standing out in the competitive workplace by taking advantage of the big-picture skills of the right side of your brain.,business Extraordinary Influence," helps you become a better leader by revealing what neuroscience has to say about effective leadership, identifying communication as the key to the highest levels of performance.",business The Passion Paradox, explains the risks of blindly following what we love to do the most and teaches us how to cultivate our passions in a way that can lead us to a fulfilling life.,business A More Beautiful Question," will teach you how to ask more and better questions, showing you the power that the right questions have to transform your life for the better.",business 23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism, will help you think more clearly about our current economic state by uncovering the hidden consequences of free-market capitalism and offering solutions that could give us all a more fair world.,business A Return To Love," will help you let go of resentment, fear, and anger to have happier and healthier jobs and relationships by teaching you how to embrace the power of love.",business 60 Seconds & You’re Hired!," is a guide to getting your dream job that will help you feel confident in your next interview by teaching you how to impress your interviewer with being concise, focusing on your strengths, and knowing what to do at every step of the process.",business A Message To Garcia, teaches you how to be the best at your job by becoming a dedicated worker with a good attitude about whatever tasks your company gives you.,business Blue Ocean Shift, guides you through the steps to beating out your competition by creating new markets that aren’t overcrowded.,business Time And How To Spend It, is your guide to becoming more productive by not focusing on working extra hours but instead using the time off more effectively.,business Unlocking Potential, is a guide that will help you as a leader make a difference in people’s lives in the long run by learning how to coach people in a way that brings to light their greatest strengths and capabilities.,business Bullshit Jobs," asserts that roughly two out of every five people are stuck in work that is bereft of purpose, and these workers could suffer psychological damage as a result. ",business The 5 Levels Of Leadership, will teach you how to lead others with lasting influence by focusing on your people instead of your position.,business No Excuses!," teaches us that self-discipline is the key to success and gives us practical advice to master it and achieve self-actualization, happy relationships, and financial security.",business Big Potential, will show you that the real secret to success and thriving in all aspects of life is developing strong connections with others and treating them in a way that lifts them up.,business Getting There, will inspire you to move toward your entrepreneurial dreams with the business journeys of six successful entrepreneurs. ,business You Are A Badass At Making Money, will help you stop making excuses and get over your bad relationship with money to become a money-making machine.,business In Search Of Excellence," is a study of America’s top 15 companies, revealing what entrepreneurs should focus on if they want their businesses to thrive.",business Never Split the Difference,"is one of the best negotiation manuals ever written, explaining why you should never compromise, and how to negotiate like a pro in your everyday life as well as high-stakes situations.",business The Dip," teaches us that, between starting and succeeding, there’s a time of struggle when we should either pursue excellence or quit strategically while helping us choose between the two.",business This Is Marketing," argues that marketing success in today’s world comes from focusing more on the needs, values, and desires of our target audience, rather than spamming as many people as possible with our message.",business Start Something That Matters," encourages you to overcome your fear of the unknown and create a business that not only makes money but also helps people, even if you have few resources to start with. ",business Catalyst," explains why extraordinary career growth requires the right stimuli at the right time to propel you to the next level, and shows you how to cultivate them.",business QBQ!, will teach you to ask better questions and stay accountable and why doing so will change every aspect of your life for the better.,business Multipliers,"explains the five types of people who inspire, support, and improve others in their organization, showing you how to become one as well as avoid diminishers, the people who drag down others and make it harder for them to perform.",business EntreLeadership, provides you with a path to becoming a great leader in your company by identifying the necessary management and entrepreneurial skills.,business The Messy Middle, challenges the notion that projects grow slowly and smoothly toward success by outlining the rocky but important intermediate stages of any journey and how to survive them.,business The Start-Up of You, explains why you need manage your career as if you were running a start-up to get ahead in today’s ultra-competitive and ever-changing business world. ,business The Effective Executive," gives leaders a step-by-step formula to become more productive, developing their own strengths and those of their employees.",business The Checklist Manifesto,explainswhy checklists cansave lives and teaches you how to implement them correctly.,business "Girl, Wash Your Face"," inspires women to take their lives into their own hands and make their dreams happen, no matter how discouraged they may feel at the moment.",business The 12 Week Year, will teach you how to reliably hit your goals by planning in 12-week cycles instead of following our typical 12-month routine.,business The Five Dysfunctions of a Team," uses a fable to explain why even the best teams struggle to work together, offering actionable strategies to overcome distrust and office politics in order to achieve important goals as a cohesive, effective unit.",business Crucial Conversations, will teach you how to avoid conflict and come to positive solutions in high-stakes conversations so you can be effective in your personal and professional life. ,business Executive Presence,"is an actionable guide to the essential components of a strong leader’s charisma, including and teaching you elements like gravitas, communication, appearance, and others.",business Founders at Work, shows you how to start a successful business based on the principles of the founders of some of the world’s most famous and accomplished startups.,business Hit Refresh, tells the inspiring story of an Indian boy named Satya Nadella,business Bad Blood, is the story of how Elizabeth Holmes promised the world a medical miracle that actually operated on deception and lies. ,business Contagious," illustrates why certain ideas and products spread better than others by sharing compelling stories from the world of business, social campaigns, and media.",business Great At Work, examines what it takes to be a top performer and gives practical advice to achieve significant results at work while maintaining an excellent work-life balance.,business Be Fearless," shows that radical changes are more effective than small enhancements and urges us to be boldin trying to make progress. ",business #GIRLBOSS, shows that even an unconventional life can lead to success when you discover your passions and improve your skills in unusual and unpredictable ways.,business The 5 AM Club," helps you get up at 5 AM every morning, build a morning routine, and make time for the self-improvement you need to find success.",business The Third Door, follows an 18-year-old’s wild quest of interviewing many of the world’s most successful people to discover what it takes to get to the top.,business Company Of One," will teach you how going small, not big when creating your own company will bring you independence, income, and lots of free time without the hassles of having to manage employees, long meetings, and forced growth.",business The Energy Bus," is a fable that will help you create positive energy with ten simple rules and make it the center of your life, work, and relationships.",business Blitzscaling," is the strategy some of today’s most valuable companies have used to achieve huge market shares, insanely fast growth, big profit margins, and become corporate giants in a very short time.",business The Art Of Seduction," is a template for persuading anyone, whether it’s a business contact, a political adversary, or a love interest, toact in your best interest.",business The Greatest Salesman In The World, is a business classic that will help you become better at sales by becoming a better person all around.,business How Successful People Think," lays out eleven specific ways of thinking you can practice to live a better, happier, more successful life.",business How To Talk To Anyone," is a collection of actionable tips to help you master the art of human communication, leave great first impressions and make people feel comfortable around you in all walks of life.",business The Culture Code," examines the dynamics of groups, large and small, formal and informal, to help you understand how great teams work and what you can do to improve your relationships wherever you cooperate with others.",business Problem Solving 101,"is a universal, four-step template for overcoming challenges in life, based on a traditional method Japanese school children learn early on.",business Crushing It," is Gary Vaynerchuk’s follow-up to his personal branding manifesto Crush It, in which he reiterates the importance of a personal brand and shows you the endless possibilities that come with building one today.",business Tribe of Mentors," is a collection of over 100 mini-interviews, where some of the world’s most successful people share their ideas around habits, learning, money, relationships, failure, success, and life.",business Principles," holds the set of rules for work and life billionaire investor and CEO of the most successful fund in history, Ray Dalio, has acquired through his 40-year career in finance.",business Finish," identifies perfectionism as the biggest enemy of your goals, in order to then help you defeat it with research backed strategies to get things out the door while having fun, taking the pressure off and cutting yourself some slack.",business Finding My Virginity," is Richard Branson’s follow-up biography, which shares the highlights of his entrepreneurial journey over the past two decades.",business Side Hustle,"shows you how to set up new income streams without quitting your day job, taking you all the way from your initial idea to your first earned dollars in just 27 days.",business The Fortune Cookie Principle,"explains why a great product or service isn’t enough, how you can tell a compelling story about your brand and why that’s the most important aspect of running a business today.",business The 10X Rule," will show you how to achieve extraordinary success by pointing out what’s wrong with shooting for average, why you should aim ten times higher when tackling your goals, and how to back up your new, bold targets with the right actions.",business The Power Of Broke," shows you how to leverage having no money into an advantage in business by compensating it with creativity, passion and authenticity.",business Your Move: The Underdog’s Guide to Building Your Business," is Ramit Sethi’s no-BS guide to starting your own business that’ll help you escape the 9-to-5, all the way from coming up with profitable ideas, overcoming psychological barriers and figuring out who to sell to to growing, maintaining and systematizing your business in the future.",business Pre-Suasion," takes you through the latest social psychology research to explain how marketers, persuaders and our environment primes us to say certain things and take specific actions, as well as how you can harness the same ideas to master the art of persuasion.",business Sprint, completely overhauls your project management process so it allows you to go from zero to prototype in just five days and figure out if your idea is worth creating faster than ever.,business The Innovator’s Dilemma," is a business classic that explains the power of disruption, why market leaders are often set up to fail as technologies and industries change and what incumbents can do to secure their market leadership for a long time.",business The Snowball," is the only authorized biography of Warren Buffett, the “Oracle of Omaha,” legendary value investor and once richest man on earth, detailing his life from the very humble beginnings all the way to his unfathomablesuccess.",business 21 Days To A Big Idea," shows you how to combine the creative and rational sides of your brain to come up with cool, new ideas and fun ways to implement them, which might even help you create a sustainable business in the long run, in as little as 21 days.",business Making Ideas Happen," is a systematized approach to coming up with creative ideas and, more importantly, actually executing them, that teams and companies can use to move their business and the world forward.",business Six Thinking Hats,"divides thinking into six distinct areas and perspectives, which will help you, your team, and your company tackle problems from different angles, thus solving them with the power of parallel thinking and saving time, money, and energy as a result.",business How We Got To Now," explores the history of innovation, how innovations connect to one another, create an environment for change and where innovations come from.",business Steal Like An Artist," gives you permission to copy your heroes’ work and use it as a springboard to find your own, unique style, all while remembering to have fun, creating the right work environment for your art and letting neither criticism nor praise drive you off track.",business How Will You Measure Your Life," shows you how to sustain motivation at work and in life to spend your time on earth happily and fulfilled, by focusing not just on money and your career, but your family, relationships and personal well-being.",business Free: The Future Of A Radical Price," explains how offering things for free has moved from marketing gimmick to truly sustainable business strategy, thanks to the power of the internet, and how free and freemium models are already changing howwe sell stuff.",business Chaos Monkeys," is a fun behind-the-scenes look that lifts the veil on some of the weird, mysterious and sometimes questionable practices going on behind closed doors of mega startups in Silicon Valley.",business Move Your Bus,"illustrates the different kinds of groups in organizations, how leaders can inspire those groups, and what individuals can do to become highly valued, productive members of the organizations they serve.",business Getting Everything You Can Out Of All You’ve Got," gives you 21 ways to beat the competition in business by working with the assets you have, but are not considering, learning to see opportunities where others see obstacles and doing things differently on purpose.",business Facebook Ads Manual," gives you an exact, step-by-step tutorial to create and run your first Facebook ads campaign, allowing you to market your product, page, or yourself to a massive audience for next to no money and make you a true social media marketer.",business Alibaba’s World," is an inside look at one of the world’s largest e-commerce companies from one of itsfirst Western employees, who served as its vice president and head of international marketing for several years, showing how this company turned from startup to global player in just 15 years.",business iWoz," is Steve Wozniak’s autobiography, detailing his story in his own words, from early tinkering with electronics in his home, to college and his first job, all the way to singlehandedly creating the world’s first desktopcomputer, the Apple I and founding what would become the most valuable company in the world.",business Winners: And How They Succeed," draws on years of research and extensive interviews with a wide array of successful people to deliver a blueprint for what it takes to win in life based on strategy, leadership and team-building.",business Benjamin Franklin: An American Life, takes a thorough look at the life of one of the most influential humans that ever lived and explains how he could achieve such greatness in so many different fields and areas.,business Moonshot!, describes why now is the best time ever to build a business and how you can harness technology to create an experience customers will love by seeing the possibilities of the future before others do.,business Behind The Cloud," tells the story of, one of the biggest and earliest cloud computing, software-as-a-service companies in the world and how it went from small startup to billion-dollar status.",business The House Of Rothschild," examines the facts and myth around the wealthiest family in the world in the 19th century, and how they managed to go from being outcast and isolated to building the biggest bank in the world.",business The Idea Factory," explains how one company, Bell Labs, has managed to spearhead innovation in the communications industry for almost 100 years by dedicating themselves to science and research, thus producing a disproportionately big share of the technology that significantly shapes our lives today.",business Confessions Of An Advertising Man," is the marketing bible of the 60s, written by “the father of advertising,” David Ogilvy to inspire a philosophy of honesty, hard work and ethical behavior in his industry.",business Grit," describes what creates outstanding achievements, based on science, interviews with high achievers from various fields and the personal history of success of the author, Angela Duckworth, uncovering that achievement isn’t reserved for the talented only, but for those with passion and perseverance.",business Will It Fly," is a step-by-step guide to testing your business idea, making sure your new venturematches who you are, and not wasting time or money on something people won’t want, so your business won’t just run, but fly.",business Million Dollar Consulting," teaches you how to build a thriving consultancy business, by focusing on relationships, delivering strategic value and thinking long-term all the way through.",business "Content, Inc."," describes a six-step model you can use to do your marketing long before you need it, without even having a product, or spending a lot of money, so your entrepreneurial venture will be a guaranteed success.",business Design To Grow," uses Coca-Cola as an example of how keeping a company stable and flexible at the same time over decades is not only possible, but a must to grow and scale your business across the globe.",business Fooled By Randomness," explains how luck, uncertainty, probability, human error, risk, and decision-making work together to influence our actions, set against the backdrop of business and specifically, investing, to uncover how much bigger the role of chance in our lives is, than we usually make it out to be.",business Shoe Dog," is the autobiography of Nike’s founder Phil Knight, who at last decided to share the story of how he founded one of the most iconic, profitable and world-changing brands in the world.",business The Long Tail," explains why the big commercial hit is dead, how businesses can and will generate most of their future revenue from a long tail of niche products, which serve even the rarest customer needs, and what you can do to embrace this idea today.",business Made To Stick," examines advertising campaigns, urban myths and compelling stories to determine the six traits that make ideas stick in our brains, so you don’t just know why you remember some things better than others, but can also spread your own ideas more easily among the right people.",business The 22 Immutable Laws Of Marketing," is an absolute marketing classic, outlining 22 rules by which companies function, and, depending on how muchyou adhere to them, will determine the success or failure of your products and ultimately, your company.",business "Creativity, Inc."," is an instruction manual for instilling inspiration into employees, managers and bosses, by revealing the hidden forces that get in the way, based on over30years of experience of the president of Pixar, Ed Catmull.",business One Simple Idea," shows you how to turn your ideas into licensed products and build copmanies around those that useoutsourced manufacturers to produce, market, sell, ship and distribute those products.",business Lean Analytics," opens up the world of collecting and analyzing data to new entrepreneurs, by showing them how to use data as a powerful tool without getting consumed by it to build, launch and grow their startup faster while focusing on the right metrics.",business The Prince," is a 16th century political treatise, famous for condoning, even encouraging evil behavior amongst political rulers, in order for them to stay in power.",business Born For This," shows you how to find the work you were meant to do, which actually might consist of many different forms of work over the course of your life, by showing you the power of a side hustle, proper risk-assessment, creating your own job and pursuing all of your passions – one at a time.",business Remote, explains why offices are a thing of the past and what both companies and employees can do to thrive in a company that’s spread all across the globe with people working wherever they choose to.,business The Rebel Rules," shows you how you can run a business by being yourself, relying on your vision, instinct, passion and agility to call the shots, stay innovative and maneuver your business like a startup, even if it’s long outgrown its baby pants.",business Start-Up Nation," explains how a tiny, controversial, politically isolated country like Israel manages to be one of the world’s creative hubs with more startups, venture capital and new technology than entire continents.",business The Millionaire Real Estate Agent," is about how you can systematically build a thriving real estate business, drawing lessons both about the professional as well as the personal side of things.",business Things A Little Bird Told Me," is Twitter co-founder Biz Stone’s look back at the years of his life during and before Twitter, from which he draws many lessons about business, life and society.",business Smart People Should Build Things," explains how the current education system works against the economy by producing an endless string of bankers and consultants, instead of the innovators we need, and how we can encourage more young people to become entrepreneurs to solve this problem.",business The Freaks Shall Inherit The Earth," is Chris Brogan’s manual to help you do business your way, not care what anyone thinks, own your art and still use media in the best way possible to remain profitable.",business Without Their Permission," is Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian’s plea to you to start something, as he lays out how anyone can use the internet to shape the future of the 21st century without having to get a yes from somebody else first.",business Where Good Ideas Come From," describes how the process of innovation is similar to evolution and why good ideas have to be shaped over time, build on existing platforms, require connections, luck, and error and how you can turn something old into something new.",business The Education Of A Value Investor," is the story of how Guy Spier turned away from his greedy, morally corrupted investment banking environment and into a true value investor by modeling his work and life after Warren Buffett and his value investing approach.",business Howard Hughes: His Life And Madness," details the birth, childhood, career, death and legacy of shimmering business tycoon Howard Hughes, who was a billionaire, world-renowned aviator, actor and industry magnate.",business A Curious Mind," is an homage to the power of asking questions, showing you how being curious can change your entire life, from the way you do business, to how you interact with your loved ones, or even shape your country.",business Elon Musk," is the first official biography of the creator of SolarCity, SpaceX and Tesla, based on over 30 hours of conversation time between authorAshlee Vance",business Hackers and Painters," is a collection of essays by Y Combinator founder Paul Graham about what makes a good computer programmer and how you cancodethe future if you are one, making a fortune in the process.",business The Third Wave," lays out the history of the internet and how it’s about to permeate everything in our lives, as well as what it takes for entrepreneurs to make use of this mega-trend and thrive in an omni-connected, always-online world.",business Originals," re-defines what being creative means by using many specific examples of how persistence, procrastination, transparency, critical thinking and perspective can be brought together to change the world.",business Pitch Anything," relies on tactics and strategies from a field called neuroeconomics to give you an entirely new way of presenting, pitching and convincing other people of your ideas and offers.",business Hatching Twitter," details the story and human drama behind the creation and meteoric rise of Twitter, the social media platform that’s changed how we communicate over the past ten years.",business The Signal And The Noise," explains why so many predictions end up being wrong, and how statisticians, politicians and meteorologists fallprey to masses of data, when findingimportant signals is mostly a matter of being cautious, diligent and, most importantly, human.",business Everything Is Obvious," shows you that common sense isn’t as reliable as you think it is, because it often fails us in helping to make predictions, and how you can change the way you or your company make decisions withmore scientific, statistically grounded methods.",business Rejection Proof," shows you that no “No” lasts forever, and how you can use rejection therapy to change your perspective of fear, embrace new challenges, and hear the word “Yes” more often than ever before.",business Smartcuts," explains how some people and businesses achieve rapid growth and build sustainable, profitable companies in the time it takes you to get another promotion, by working smart, not hard and hacking into the ladder of success, instead of climbing it one step at a time.",business Predictable Success," leads you through the various stages of companies and alternative paths they can and might take, depending on their actions, showing you the safest path towards predictable success, where you consistently achieve your goals.",business Traction, is a roadmap for startups to achieve the exponential growth necessary to survive the first few months and years by looking at 19 ways to get traction and a framework to help you pick the best one for your startup.,business How To Win At The Sport Of Business, is Mark Cuban’s account of how he changed his mindset and attitude over the years to go from broke to billionaire and help you embrace the habits of a successful businessman (or woman).,business To Sell Is Human," shows you that selling is part of your life, no matter what you do, and what a successful salesperson looks like in the 21st century, with practical ideas to help you convince others in a more honest, natural and sustainable way.",business The Personal MBA," will save you a few hundred grand by outlining everything you really need to know to get started on a thriving business, none of which is taught in expensive colleges.",business Startup Growth Engines," shows you the strategies and tactics startups like Uber, Facebook and Yelp have used to achieve phenomenal growth in short time periods, and how you can use them to solve a big problem on a grand scale.",business People Over Profit," evaluates the four stages most companies go through as they mature, moving from honest over efficiency to deception and, if they’re lucky, redemption, unless they foster seven core beliefs and stay honest all the way to the end.",business Peak: How Great Companies Get Their Mojo From Maslow," explains why relationships are the most valuable currency in both business and life, by examining how Chip Conley",business Why We Work," looks at the purpose of work in our lives by examining how different people view their work, what traits make work feel meaningful, and which questions companies should ask to maximize the motivation of their employees.",business Who Moved My Cheese," tells a parable, which you can directly apply to your own life, in order to stop fearing what lies ahead and instead thrive in an environment of change and uncertainty.",business The One Minute Manager," gives managers three simple tools that each take 60 seconds or less to use but can tremendously improve their efficiency in getting people to stay motivated, happy, and ready to deliver great work.",business Never Eat Alone," is a modern classic, which explains the art of networking and gives you actionable advice on how you can harness the power of good relationships and become a good networker to build a career you love.",business How To Be A Positive Leader," taps into the expertise of 17 leadership experts to show you how you can become a positive leader, who empowers everyone around him, whether at work or at home, with small changes, that compound into a big impact.",business Losing My Virginity," details Richard Branson’s meteoric rise to success and digs into what made him the adventurous, fun-loving, daring entrepreneur he is today and what lessons you can learn about business from him.",business The Art of Non-Conformity," teaches you how to play life by your own rules by giving you practical glimpses into the world of self-employment, a new approach to travel, to-do list minimalism and conscious spending habits.",business The Promise Of A Pencil," narrates the story of how Adam Braun, well-bred, average college kid, working at Bain & Company, shook off what society expected of him and created a life of significance and success by starting his own charity, which now has built hundreds of schools for children in need.",business The E-Myth Revisited," explains why 80% of small businesses fail, and how to ensure yours isn’t among those by building a company that’s based on systems and not on the work of a single individual.",business Uncertainty," shows you that the condition of not knowing is nothing to fear, but the birthplace of innovation, which, if you embrace it while anchoring yourself, has an unlimited potential for growth, wealth and happiness.",business A Year With Peter Drucker," compiles 52 lessons with weekly exercises into one comprehensive, year-long curriculumfor managers, leaders, and those who aspire to be one or the other, based on the teachings of the father of modern management.",business Delivering Happiness," explains howmega online shoe retailer Zappos built aunique company culture and customer experience worth remembering, which turned it into a billion dollar business.",business Sam Walton: Made In America," shines a light on the man behind the biggest fortune ever amassed in business and explains how he built Walmart into a billion-dollar empire with hard work, incessant learning and an unrivaled resolve to make every single customer as happy as can be.",business Good To Great," examines what it takes for ordinary companies to become great and outperform their competitors by analyzing 28 companies over 30years, who managed to make the transition or fell prey to their bad habits.",business All Marketers Are Liars," is based on the idea that we believe whatever we want to believe, and that it’s exactly this trait of ours, which marketers use (and sometimes abuse) to sell their products by infusing them with good stories – whether they’re true or not.",business Rework," shows you that you need less than you think to start a business – way less – by explaining why plans are actually harmful, how productivity isn’t a result from working long hours and why hiring and seeking investors should be your absolute last resort.",business The Success Principles," condenses 64 lessons Jack Canfield learned on his journey to becoming a successful entrepreneur, author, coach and speaker into 6 sections, which will help you transform your mindset and take responsibility and control of your own life, so you can get from where you are to where you want to be.",business Tribes," turns you from a sheepwalker into a heretic, by giving you the tools to start your own tribe, explaining why they’re the future of business and showing you that you too, can be a leader.",business Bold," shows you that exponential technology has democratized the power to change the world and build wealth, by putting it into everyone’s hands and explains which trends entrepreneurs will most benefit from in the future, how to capitalize on them and which challenges are really bold enough to impact us all.",business "Trust Me, I’m Lying","is a marketer’s take on how influential blogs have become, why that’s something to worry about, and which broken dynamics govern the internet today, including his own confessions of how he gamed that very system to successfully generate press for his clients.",business The Self-Made Billionaire Effect," looks at the five dualities billionaires characteristically exhibit, which put them in a different category than most employees, but allow them to have a vision large enough to reach the number of people they need to make their business a billion dollar enterprise.",business The Thank You Economy," announces the return of small town courtesy to the world of business, thanks to social media, and shows you why business must not neglect nurturing its one-on-one relationships with customers through the new channels online, to thrive in the modern world.",business Launch," is an early internet entrepreneurs step-by-step blueprint to creating products people want, launching them from the comfort of your home and building the life you’ve always wanted, thanks to the power of psychology, email, and of course the internet.",business The Everything Store," is the closest biographical documentation of the unprecedented rise of Amazon as an online retail store with an almost infinite amount of choice, based on over 300 interviews with current and former Amazon employees and executives, family members of the founder and the hard facts available to the public.",business Anything You Want," teaches you how to build a business that’s based on who you are, and can become anything you want it to be, rather than following the traditional paths of startup or corporate culture.",business The $100 Startup," shows you how to break free from the shackles of 9 to 5 by combining your passion and skills into your own microbusiness, which you can start for $100 or less, yet still turn into a full time income, thanks to the power of the internet.",business Outliers," explains why “the self-made man” is a myth and what truly lies behind the success of the best people in their field, which is often a series of lucky events, rare opportunities and other external factors, which are out of our control.",business Crush It," is the blueprint you need to turn your passion into your profession and will give you the tools to turn yourself into a brand, leverage social media, produce great content and reap the financial benefits of it.",business The Year Without Pants," dives into the company culture of Automattic, the company behind and explains how they’ve created a culture of work where employees thrive, creativity flows freely and new ideas are implemented on a daily basis.",business Permission Marketing," explains why nobody pays attention to TV commercials and flyers anymore, and shows you how in today’s crowded market, you can cheaply start a dialogue with your ideal customer, build a relationship over time and sell to them much more effectively.",business The Art Of Social Media," is a compendium of over 100 practical tips to treat your social media presence like a business and use a bottom-up approach to get the attention your brand, product or business deserves.",business The Art Of War," has been considered the definitive text on military strategy and warfare ever since being written in ancient China around 500 BC, inspiring businesses, athletes, and of course generals to beat their opponents and competition the right way until today.",business Thinking Fast And Slow," shows you how two systems in your brain are constantlyfighting over control of your behavior and actions, and teaches you the many ways in which this leads to errors in memory, judgment and decisions, and what you can do about it.",business The Power Of Starting Something Stupid," shows you that most ideas are often falsely labeled stupid at first, and that if they are, that’s a good indicator you should pursue them and not care what anyone thinks.",business The Richest Man In Babylon," gives common sense financial advice which you can apply today, told through tales and parables from the times of ancient Babylon.",business The 80/20 Principle, reveals how you can boost your effectiveness both in your own life and for your business by getting you in the mindset that not all inputs produce an equal amount of outputs and helping you embrace the Pareto principle.,business Crossing The Chasm," gives high tech startups a marketing blueprint, in order to make their product get the initial traction it needs to eventually reach the majority of the market and not die in the chasm between early adopters and pragmatists.",business How To Win Friends And Influence People," teaches you countless principles to become a likable person, handle your relationships well, win others over and help them change their behavior without being intrusive.",business Make Your Mark," is a business book for creatives, telling them how to get started on turning their creative energy into a profitable business with simple, actionable ideas taken from 20 leading entrepreneurs and designers, who lead successful creative businesses.",business Think And Grow Rich," is a curation of the 13 most common habits of wealthy and successful people, distilled from studying over 500 individuals over the course of 20 years.",business Purple Cow," explains why building a great product and advertising the heck out of it simply doesn’t cut it anymore and how you canbuild something that’s so remarkable people have to share it, in order to succeed in today’s crowded post-advertising world.",business "Mistakes Were Made, But Not By Me"," takes you on a journey of famous examples and areas of life where mistakes are hushed up instead of admitted, showing you along the way how thishinders progress, why we do it in the first place, and what you can do to start honestly admitting your own.",business "Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook"," is a message to everyone who’s not on the social media train yet, showing them how to tell their story the right way on social media, so that it’ll actually get heard.",business Great By Choice," analyzes what makes the world’s best companies thrive in even the most uncertain and chaotic times, by distilling nine years of research and great stories into three actionable principles.",business Work The System," will fundamentally change the way you view the world, by showing you the systems all around you and giving you the guiding principles to influence the right ones to make your business successful.",business Start With Why," is Simon Sinek’s mission to help others do work, which inspires them, and uses real-world examples of great leaders to show you how they communicate and how you can adapt their mindset to inspire others yourself.",business The War Of Art," brings some much needed tough love to all artists, business people and creatives who spend more time battling the resistance against work than actually working, by identifying the procrastinating forces at play and pulling out the rug from under their feet.",business The Tipping Point," explains how ideas spread like epidemics and which few elements need to come together to help an idea reach the point of critical mass, where its viral effect becomes unstoppable.",business Essentialism,"will show you a new, better way of looking at productivityby giving you permission to be extremely selective about what’s truly essential in your life and then ruthlessly cutting out everything else.",business The Speed Of Trust," not only explains the economics of trust, but also shows you how to cultivate great trust in yourself, your relationships, and the three kinds of stakeholders you’ll deal with when you’re running a company.",business Zero To One," is an inside look at Peter Thiel’s philosophy and strategy for making your startup a success by looking at the lessons he learned from founding and selling PayPal, investing in Facebook and becoming a billionaire in the process.",business Choose Yourself," is a call to give up traditional career paths and take your life into your own hands by building good habits, creating your own career, and making a decision to choose yourself.",business The Millionaire Fastlane," points out what’s wrong with the old get a degree, get a job, work hard, retire rich model, defines wealth in a new way, and shows you the path to retiring young.",business Growth Hacker Marketing," explains the 4-step framework today’s startups use to remove the barrier between marketing and product development, thus making the product itself the best way to get new and more customers.",business The Ultimate Sales Machine," is the legacy Chet Holmes left to help sales staff all over the world, by giving them 12 key strategies to relentlessly focus and execute on, in order to at least double their sales.",business The ONE Thing," gives you a very simple approach to productivity, based around a single question, to help you have less clutter, distractions and stress, and more focus, energy and success.",business Winning," is Jack Welch’s manual to becoming an astonishing manager and leader, which gives you practical tools to manage the finances, strategy and, most importantly, the people of your company.",business The Lean Startup," offers both entrepreneurs and wantrepreneurs a semi-scientific, real-world approach to building a business by using validation, finding a profitable business model and creating a growth engine.",business Influence," has been the go-to book for marketers since its release in 1984, which deliverssix key principles behind human influence and explains them with countless practical examples.",business The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People," teaches you both personal and professional effectiveness bychanging your view of how the world works and giving you 7 habits, which, if adopted well, will lead you to immense success.",business Steve Jobs," is the most detailed and accurate account of the life of the man who created Apple, the most valuable technology company in the world.",business The 4-Hour Workweek," is the step-by-step blueprint to free yourself from the shackles of a corporate job, create a business to fund the lifestyle of your dreams, and live life like a millionaire, without actually having to be one.",business Hooked," shows you how some of the world’s most successfulproducts, like smartphones, make us form habits around them and why that’s crucial to their success, before teachingyou the 4-step framework that lies behind them.",business The Little Prince," is a beautiful children’s story full of valuable lessons for adults, recounting the tale of an aviator and a little boy from a distant planet, both stranded in the desert, looking to get home, sharing what they’ve learned about life.",creativity On Writing, details Stephen King’s journey to becoming one of the best-selling authors of all time while delivering hard-won advice on the craft to aspiring writers.,creativity The Midnight Library," tells the story of Nora, a depressed woman in her 30s, who, on the day she decides to die, finds herself in a library full of lives she could have lived, where she discovers there’s a lot more to life, even her current one, than she had ever imagined.",creativity Stolen Focus,"explains why our attention spans have been dwindling for decades, how technology accelerates this worrying trend, and what we can do to reclaim our focus and thus our capacity to live meaningful lives.",creativity The Daily Laws,"is a page-a-day, calendar-style book covering the three big topics of mastery, power, and emotions, sharing Robert Greene’s best lessons from 20 years of research of the dynamics within and between humans.",creativity Loserthink," talks about the sabotaging thinking habits that run our minds and paralyze us when it comes to taking charge of life, and how we can overcome them with small, incremental steps that drive powerful change.",creativity Loonshots," explores the process of innovation, specifically how groundbreaking ideas emerge from simple thoughts and how important it is for organizations to give course to them by creating learning environments where people feel safe exploring and creating.",creativity Joyful," talks about the power of small things in our lives, from colors, shapes, and designs, to nature, architecture, and simple everyday occurrences on our happiness and how we can harness simplicity to achieve a meaningful life filled with joy.",creativity The Practice,"talks about ways to enhance your creativity, boost your innovation skills, upgrade your creative process, and most importantly, get disciplined in your practice to turn your hobby into a professional endeavor.",creativity Expert Secrets," teaches you how to create and implement an informative marketing plan and putting it into practice, while also showing you what problem you must solve for your prospects or teach them how to do it themselves.",creativity Daily Rituals," is a compilation of the best practices and habits of successful people from different fields aimed to help anyone increase productivity, get past writer’s block, and become more creative and efficient in their everyday work.",creativity The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding, is a compilation of laws that provides insights for conducting successful marketing campaigns by focusing on the essence of branding and how brands must be created and managed in order to survive in the competitive world.,creativity Designing Your Work Life," is a helpful guidebook for anyone who wants to create and maintain a work environment that is both happy and productive by working with what they already have, rather than keep on changing jobs in hope of finding better.",creativity Mastermind: How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes," presents the story of one of the most famous detectives we’ve ever known and his adventures in the world of uncovering mysteries while highlighting the secrets of his powerful mind, psychological tricks, deduction games, and teaching you how to strengthen your cognitive capacity.",creativity "Woke, Inc."," taps into the dark secrets of the woke culture in corporate America, which organizations generate tremendous amounts of profit by hiding behind causes like social justice, gender equality, climate change, and many other popular matters.",creativity Keep Going," teaches us how to persist in creative work when our brain wants to take a million different paths, showing us how to harness our brain power in moments of innovation as well as tediousness.",creativity Testing Business Ideas," highlights the importance of trial and error, learning from mistakes and prototypes, and always improving your offerings in a business, so as to bring a successful product to the market that will sell instead of causing you troubles.",creativity Value Proposition Design," opens up a new perspective of what added value in a product consists of, how to find and target your market correctly, how you can design a product successfully, bring it forth to your prospects and have them be excited to buy it, all through the creation of a customer-centric business",creativity The Hero With a Thousand Faces," analyzes humankind from a mythological and symbolistic point of view to prove that all humans have similar core concepts written in them, such as the monomyth, which is a way of narrating stories that people from all over the world use to connect with one another.",creativity The Art of Rhetoric," is an ancient, time-proven reference book that explores the secrets behind persuasion, rhetoric, and good public speaking by providing compelling information on what a good speech should consist of and how truth and virtue are at the foundation of every good story.",creativity "Humor, Seriously"," explores how bringing fun and entertainment into the workplace can enhance team productivity, spark creativity, increase trust between members and improve people’s overall sentiment in relation to work and job-related activities.",creativity The Little Book of Talent," explores the concept of talents, skills and capabilities, and offers a multitude of effective tips and tricks on how to acquire hard skills using methods tested by top performers worldwide.",creativity Stealing Fire, examines how a state of ecstasy can enhance the body-brain connection and allow humans to achieve excellent performance by accelerating their neural processes.,creativity Thrivers," explores the perspective of a child born in today’s fast-paced, digital era and how the average minor is being educated towards higher-than-usual achievements, being mature, responsible and successful, instead of being happy and focused on their own definition of success.",creativity The Last Lecture,"is a college professor’s final message to the world before his impending death of cancer at a relatively young age, offering meaningful life advice, significant words of wisdom, and a great deal of optimism and hope for humanity.",creativity The Hidden Habits of Genius, looks at how geniuses separate themselves from the rest by having in common a distinctive set of characteristics and habits that form a unique way of thinking and cultivating brilliance. ,creativity How to Take Smart Notes," is the perfect guide on how to improve your writing, reading, and learning techniques using simple yet little-known tips-and-tricks that you can implement right away to develop these skills.",creativity Collaborative Intelligence," helps you enhance your unique thinking traits and develop an individualized form of intelligence based on what works best for you, what your strengths are, and how you communicate with others.",creativity "Eat Better, Feel Better", is a go-to guide for combating modern dietary problems and adopting a healthier lifestyle.,creativity The Data Detective," will make you smarter by showing how you can understand statistics well enough to see how they, and the beliefs and cognitive biases they can make you have, make such a huge impact in your life, for better or for worse, and how to separate fact from fiction.",creativity Beyond Order," is the follow-up to Jordan Peterson’s bestselling book 12 Rules for Life and identifies another 12 rules to live by that help us live with and even embrace the chaos that we struggle with every day, identifying that too much order can be a problem just as much as too much disorder.",creativity Greenlights," is the autobiography of Matthew McConaughey, in which he takes us on a wild ride of his journey through a childhood of tough love, rising to fame and success in Hollywood, changing his career, and more, guided by the green lights he saw that led him forward at each step.",creativity Think Again," will make you more intelligent, persuasive, and self-aware by identifying the power of being humble about what you don’t know, how to recognize blind spots in your thinking before they start causing you problems, and what you can do to become more effective at convincing others of your way of thinking.",creativity 2030," uses the current trajectory of the world, based on sociological, demographic, and technological trends, to outline the changes we can expect to happen in our lives by the beginning of the next decade.",creativity See You On The Internet, is the ultimate beginner-level digital marketing guide that teaches you how to build an online business presence by doing everything from starting a website to managing social media accounts.,creativity The Grand Design," explains the history of mankind from a scientific perspective, including how we came into existence and started to use science to explain the world and ourselves with laws like Newton’s and Einstein’s and more recent theories like quantum physics.",creativity Small Giants," is your guide to keeping your company little but mighty that will allow you to pass up deliberate growth for staying true to what’s really important, which is your ideals, time, passions, and doing what you do best so well that customers can’t help but flock to you.",creativity The Science Of Storytelling," will make you better at persuasion, writing, and speaking by outlining the psychology of telling good tales, including why our brains like them and how to craft the perfect ones.",creativity The Charge," shows you how to unlock the baseline and forward human drives within you that will help you get energized, grounded, and working so that you can have the life of happiness and fulfillment you’ve always wanted.",creativity Curious," is your guide to becoming more intelligent by harnessing the power of inquisitiveness and outlines the true nature of curiosity, how to keep it flourishing to become smarter, and what you might unknowingly be doing to suffocate its power.",creativity It’s All In Your Head," will motivate you to work hard, stay determined, and believe you can achieve your dreams by sharing the rise to fame of the prolific composer Russ.",creativity The Power Of Myth," is a book based on Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyer’s popular 1988 documentary of the same name, explaining where myths come from, why they are so common in society, how they’ve evolved, and what important role they still play in our ever-changing world today.",creativity Think Like A Rocket Scientist, teaches you how to think like an engineer in your everyday life so that you can accomplish your personal and professional goals and reach your full potential.,creativity The Alchemist," is a classic novel in which a boy named Santiago embarks on a journey seeking treasure in the Egyptian pyramids after having a recurring dream about it and on the way meets mentors, falls in love, and most importantly, learns the true importance of who he is and how to improve himself and focus on what really matters in life.",creativity Weird Parenting Wins," will make you better at raising your kids by sharing some strange ways that fathers and mothers have had success with their children, helping you see that your intuition might just be the greatest tool you have at your disposal.",creativity Who Not How," will skyrocket your success, happiness, and fulfillment in all areas of your life by identifying why you’re looking at your problems the wrong way and how simply seeking to get the right people to help you will make all the difference.",creativity On Writing Well," is your guide to becoming a great non-fiction writer that explains why you must learn and practice principles like simplicity, consistency, voice, editing, and enthusiasm if you want to persuade readers and make a difference in their lives.",creativity Metahuman, shows you how to tap into your unlimited potential by discovering a higher level of awareness surrounding the limits of your everyday reality.,creativity Storyworthy," shows you how to tell a narrative that will impact others by outlining how to engage your audience throughout the start, end, and everything in between.",creativity Building A StoryBrand, is your guide to turning your sales pages and product into an adventure for your clients by identifying the seven steps to successful storytelling as a company and how to craft the clearest message possible so that they will understand and want to be part of it.,creativity Be Our Guest, shows you how to take better care of your customers by outlining the philosophy and systems that Disney has for taking care of theirs which have helped it become one of the most successful companies in the world.,creativity Epic Content Marketing, shows why traditional methods for selling like TV and direct mail are dead and how creating content is the new future of advertising because it actually grabs people’s attention by focusing on what they care about instead of your product.,creativity The Business Romantic, shows how doing business that is focused on passion and connection leads to more success in today’s world.,creativity Alibaba," shares the inspiring story of Jack Ma’s hard work, entrepreneurial vision, and smart thinking that helped him build one of the most successful and influential companies in the world. ",creativity Creative Confidence, helps break the mundanity of everyday work and life by exploring the power that being more innovative has to improve happiness and success in many different areas.,creativity Range, shows that having a broad spectrum of skills and interests and taking your time to figure them out is better than specializing in just one area.,creativity Bird By Bird," is Ann Lamott’s guide to using the power of routine, being yourself, rolling with the punches, and many other principles to become a better writer.",creativity The Storytelling Edge, will boost your communication and persuasiveness skills by showing you how to tell powerful narratives in a convincing way and giving examples of why you should.,creativity Alchemy, is your guide to making magic happen in business and life by teaching you how to practice irrational thinking to stand out and come up with powerful solutions to your problems and those of others. ,creativity "Arise, Awake", will inspire you to move forward with your entrepreneurial dreams by sharing the inspirational stories of six Indian entrepreneurs and the lessons they learned on the path to success.,creativity A Whole New Mind, is your guide to standing out in the competitive workplace by taking advantage of the big-picture skills of the right side of your brain.,creativity The Passion Paradox, explains the risks of blindly following what we love to do the most and teaches us how to cultivate our passions in a way that can lead us to a fulfilling life.,creativity A More Beautiful Question," will teach you how to ask more and better questions, showing you the power that the right questions have to transform your life for the better.",creativity How To," will help you get better at abstract thinking as it gives solutions to some of the strangest problems in the wackiest, but still scientific, ways.",creativity Blue Ocean Shift, guides you through the steps to beating out your competition by creating new markets that aren’t overcrowded.,creativity Getting There, will inspire you to move toward your entrepreneurial dreams with the business journeys of six successful entrepreneurs. ,creativity What If," is a compilation of well-researched, science-based answers to some of the craziest hypothetical questions you can imagine.",creativity Exploring The World Of Lucid Dreaming, is a practical guide to dreaming consciously which uncovers an invaluable channel of communication between your conscious and unconscious mind.,creativity The Messy Middle, challenges the notion that projects grow slowly and smoothly toward success by outlining the rocky but important intermediate stages of any journey and how to survive them.,creativity The Start-Up of You, explains why you need manage your career as if you were running a start-up to get ahead in today’s ultra-competitive and ever-changing business world. ,creativity Inner Engineering, is a guide to creating a life of happiness by exploring your internal landscape of thoughts and feelings and learning to align them with what the universe tells you.,creativity An Audience Of One," is a practical and inspiring manual for creators who want to live from their art, showing a simple, purpose-driven path to achieve that goal.",creativity Hit Refresh, tells the inspiring story of an Indian boy named Satya Nadella,creativity Contagious," illustrates why certain ideas and products spread better than others by sharing compelling stories from the world of business, social campaigns, and media.",creativity Digital Renaissance," uses empirical data to show that the digitization of media has led to a flood of art, but that its average quality hasn’t changed.",creativity #GIRLBOSS, shows that even an unconventional life can lead to success when you discover your passions and improve your skills in unusual and unpredictable ways.,creativity "Change Your Questions, Change Your Life", will revolutionize your thinking with questions that create a learning mindset. ,creativity The 5 AM Club," helps you get up at 5 AM every morning, build a morning routine, and make time for the self-improvement you need to find success.",creativity The Third Door, follows an 18-year-old’s wild quest of interviewing many of the world’s most successful people to discover what it takes to get to the top.,creativity The Rise, explains the integral role of failure in all creative endeavors and provides examples of great thinkers who thrived because they viewed failure as a necessary part of their journey towards mastery.,creativity Company Of One," will teach you how going small, not big when creating your own company will bring you independence, income, and lots of free time without the hassles of having to manage employees, long meetings, and forced growth.",creativity Make Time," is about creating space in your life for what truly matters using highlights, laser-style focus, energizing breaks, and regularly reflecting on how you spend your most valuable asset.",creativity The Art Of Seduction," is a template for persuading anyone, whether it’s a business contact, a political adversary, or a love interest, toact in your best interest.",creativity How Successful People Think," lays out eleven specific ways of thinking you can practice to live a better, happier, more successful life.",creativity The Art Of Travel," is a modern, philosophic take on the joys of going away, exploring why we do so in the first place and how we can avoid falling into today’s most common tourist traps.",creativity 12 Rules For Life,"is a story-based, stern yet entertaining self-help manual for young people laying out a set of simple rules to help us become more disciplined, behave better, act with integrity, and balance our lives while enjoying them as much as we can.",creativity How To Fail At Almost Everything And Still Win Big, is the memoir of Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams,creativity Problem Solving 101,"is a universal, four-step template for overcoming challenges in life, based on a traditional method Japanese school children learn early on.",creativity Crushing It," is Gary Vaynerchuk’s follow-up to his personal branding manifesto Crush It, in which he reiterates the importance of a personal brand and shows you the endless possibilities that come with building one today.",creativity Leonardo Da Vinci," is Walter Isaacson’s account of the life of one of the most brilliant artists, thinkers, and innovators who ever lived.",creativity Nobody Wants to Read Your Sh*t," combines countless lessons Steven Pressfield has learned from succeeding as a writer in advertising, the movie industry, fiction, non-fiction, and self-help, in order to help you write like a pro.",creativity Side Hustle,"shows you how to set up new income streams without quitting your day job, taking you all the way from your initial idea to your first earned dollars in just 27 days.",creativity Out Of Our Minds," is about how we can set ourselves and our children up for doing good work in organizations around the globe, thanks to leaving behind the old mass education model and unleashing our individual creativity.",creativity Accidental Genius,"introduces you to the concept of freewriting, which you can use to solve complex problems, exercise your creativity, flesh out your ideas and even build a catalog of publishable work.",creativity Walden," details Henry David Thoreau’s two-year stay in a self-built cabin by a lake in the woods, sharing what he learned about solitude, nature, work, thinking and fulfillment during his break from modern city life.",creativity Real Artists Don’t Starve,"debunks all myths around the starving artist and shows you you can, will and deserve to make a living from your creative work.",creativity Failing Forward," will help you stop making excuses, start embracing failure as a natural, necessary part of the process and let you find the confidence to proceed anyway.",creativity The Four Agreements," draws on the long tradition of the Toltecs, an ancient, indigenous people of Mexico, to show you that we have been domesticated from childhood, how these internal, guiding rules hurt us and what we can do to break and replace them with a new set of agreements with ourselves.",creativity Sprint, completely overhauls your project management process so it allows you to go from zero to prototype in just five days and figure out if your idea is worth creating faster than ever.,creativity The Innovators," walks you through the history of the digital revolution, showing how it was a combined effort of many creative minds over decades, that enabled us to go from huge, clunky machines to the fast, globally connected devices in your pocket today.",creativity Genius: The Life And Science Of Richard Feynman," tells the story of one the greatest minds in the history of science, all the way from his humble beginnings to changing physics as we know it and receiving the Nobel prize.",creativity The Innovator’s Dilemma," is a business classic that explains the power of disruption, why market leaders are often set up to fail as technologies and industries change and what incumbents can do to secure their market leadership for a long time.",creativity Ego Is The Enemy," reveals why a tendency that’s hardwired into our brains — the belief that the world revolves around us and us alone — keeps holding us back from living the very life it dreams up for us, including what we can do to overcome our ego, be kinder to others and ourselves, and achieve true greatness.",creativity The Creative Habit," is a dancer’s blueprint to making creativity a habit, which she’s successfully done for over 50 years in the entertainment industry.",creativity Plato At The Googleplex,"asks what would happen if ancient philosopher Plato were alive today and came in contact with the modern world, for example by touring Google’s headquarters, and what the implications of his encounters are for the relevance of philosophy in our civilized, hyper-technological world.",creativity 21 Days To A Big Idea," shows you how to combine the creative and rational sides of your brain to come up with cool, new ideas and fun ways to implement them, which might even help you create a sustainable business in the long run, in as little as 21 days.",creativity Making Ideas Happen," is a systematized approach to coming up with creative ideas and, more importantly, actually executing them, that teams and companies can use to move their business and the world forward.",creativity The Artist’s Way," is an all-time, self-help classic, helping you to reigniteyour inner artist, recover your creativity and let the divine energy flow through you as you create your art.",creativity The Geography Of Genius," explains how genius is not an inherited trait bound to individual, but rather happens at the intersection of time and place, by talking you on a tour through some of the historically most creative cities in the world.",creativity How We Got To Now," explores the history of innovation, how innovations connect to one another, create an environment for change and where innovations come from.",creativity Steal Like An Artist," gives you permission to copy your heroes’ work and use it as a springboard to find your own, unique style, all while remembering to have fun, creating the right work environment for your art and letting neither criticism nor praise drive you off track.",creativity Make A Killing On Kindle," shows you how you can market your self-published ebooks on Amazon the right way, without wasting time on social media or building a huge author platform first by focusing on a few key areas to set up your book for long-term sales in just 18 hours.",creativity Free: The Future Of A Radical Price," explains how offering things for free has moved from marketing gimmick to truly sustainable business strategy, thanks to the power of the internet, and how free and freemium models are already changing howwe sell stuff.",creativity How To Read A Book," is a 1940 classic teaching you how to become a more active reader and deliberately practice the various stages of reading, in order to maximize the value you get from books.",creativity The World According To Star Wars," Summary examines not only the unrivaled popularity of this epic franchise, but also what we can learn from it about the real world about politics, law, economics and even ourselves.",creativity Disrupt Yourself," explains how you can harnessthe ever-accelerating power of disruptive innovation in your personal life, be it to advance your career or to build a company that thrives, by embracing your limitations, focusing on your strengths and staying flexible and curious along the way.",creativity Benjamin Franklin: An American Life, takes a thorough look at the life of one of the most influential humans that ever lived and explains how he could achieve such greatness in so many different fields and areas.,creativity Moonshot!, describes why now is the best time ever to build a business and how you can harness technology to create an experience customers will love by seeing the possibilities of the future before others do.,creativity Excellent Sheep,"describes how fundamentally broken elite education is, why it makes students feel depressed and lost, how educational institutions have been alienated from their true purpose, what students really must learn in college and how we can go back to making college a place for self-discovery and critical thinking.",creativity The Idea Factory," explains how one company, Bell Labs, has managed to spearhead innovation in the communications industry for almost 100 years by dedicating themselves to science and research, thus producing a disproportionately big share of the technology that significantly shapes our lives today.",creativity Will It Fly," is a step-by-step guide to testing your business idea, making sure your new venturematches who you are, and not wasting time or money on something people won’t want, so your business won’t just run, but fly.",creativity "Content, Inc."," describes a six-step model you can use to do your marketing long before you need it, without even having a product, or spending a lot of money, so your entrepreneurial venture will be a guaranteed success.",creativity Catch Me If You Can," is the story of how Frank Abagnale, one of the most famous con-artists in history, faked over eight identities, several professions, and cashed over $2.5 million of forged checks in the 1960s, until the police finally caught him at age 21.",creativity Made To Stick," examines advertising campaigns, urban myths and compelling stories to determine the six traits that make ideas stick in our brains, so you don’t just know why you remember some things better than others, but can also spread your own ideas more easily among the right people.",creativity The Code Of The Extraordinary Mind," gives you a 10-step framework for success, based on the lives of the world’s most successful people, who the author has spent 200+ hours interviewing.",creativity "Creativity, Inc."," is an instruction manual for instilling inspiration into employees, managers and bosses, by revealing the hidden forces that get in the way, based on over30years of experience of the president of Pixar, Ed Catmull.",creativity One Simple Idea," shows you how to turn your ideas into licensed products and build copmanies around those that useoutsourced manufacturers to produce, market, sell, ship and distribute those products.",creativity Ignore Everybody," outlines 40 ways for creative people to let their inner artist bubble to the surface by staying in control of their art, not selling out and refusingto conform towhat the world wants you to do.",creativity "Think Like A Freak teaches you how to reject conventional wisdom as often as possible, ask the right questions about everything and come up with your own, statistically validated answers, instead of relying on other peoples’ opinions or common sense",.,creativity Born For This," shows you how to find the work you were meant to do, which actually might consist of many different forms of work over the course of your life, by showing you the power of a side hustle, proper risk-assessment, creating your own job and pursuing all of your passions – one at a time.",creativity Creative Schools, reveals how fundamentally broken our formal education system really is and how we can change our perspective to teach children the competencies and things they actually need to navigate the modern world.,creativity The Rebel Rules," shows you how you can run a business by being yourself, relying on your vision, instinct, passion and agility to call the shots, stay innovative and maneuver your business like a startup, even if it’s long outgrown its baby pants.",creativity Things A Little Bird Told Me," is Twitter co-founder Biz Stone’s look back at the years of his life during and before Twitter, from which he draws many lessons about business, life and society.",creativity Smart People Should Build Things," explains how the current education system works against the economy by producing an endless string of bankers and consultants, instead of the innovators we need, and how we can encourage more young people to become entrepreneurs to solve this problem.",creativity The Freaks Shall Inherit The Earth," is Chris Brogan’s manual to help you do business your way, not care what anyone thinks, own your art and still use media in the best way possible to remain profitable.",creativity Where Good Ideas Come From," describes how the process of innovation is similar to evolution and why good ideas have to be shaped over time, build on existing platforms, require connections, luck, and error and how you can turn something old into something new.",creativity "The Eureka Factor lays out the history of so-called “aha moments” and explains what happens in your brain as you have them, where they come from and how you can train yourself to have more flashes of genius",.,creativity A Curious Mind," is an homage to the power of asking questions, showing you how being curious can change your entire life, from the way you do business, to how you interact with your loved ones, or even shape your country.",creativity Inventology," takes you through the history of how many of the world’s best inventors came across their ideas, uncovering their creative process and howyou can update it for today to figure out what drives great inventions and come up with your own.",creativity Einstein: His Life And Universe," takes a close look at the life of Albert Einstein, beginning in how his childhood shaped him, what his biggest discoveries and personal struggles were and how his focus changed in later years, without his geniusever fading until his very last moment.",creativity Hackers and Painters," is a collection of essays by Y Combinator founder Paul Graham about what makes a good computer programmer and how you cancodethe future if you are one, making a fortune in the process.",creativity Breakfast With Socrates," takes you through an ordinary day in the company of extraordinary minds, by linking each part of it to the core message of one of several great philosophers throughout history, such as Descartes, Nietzsche, Marx, and even Buddha.",creativity The Third Wave," lays out the history of the internet and how it’s about to permeate everything in our lives, as well as what it takes for entrepreneurs to make use of this mega-trend and thrive in an omni-connected, always-online world.",creativity Originals," re-defines what being creative means by using many specific examples of how persistence, procrastination, transparency, critical thinking and perspective can be brought together to change the world.",creativity Pitch Anything," relies on tactics and strategies from a field called neuroeconomics to give you an entirely new way of presenting, pitching and convincing other people of your ideas and offers.",creativity Hatching Twitter," details the story and human drama behind the creation and meteoric rise of Twitter, the social media platform that’s changed how we communicate over the past ten years.",creativity Smartcuts," explains how some people and businesses achieve rapid growth and build sustainable, profitable companies in the time it takes you to get another promotion, by working smart, not hard and hacking into the ladder of success, instead of climbing it one step at a time.",creativity Traction, is a roadmap for startups to achieve the exponential growth necessary to survive the first few months and years by looking at 19 ways to get traction and a framework to help you pick the best one for your startup.,creativity This Is Your Brain On Music," explains where music historically comes from, what it triggers in our brain, how we develop our tastes and why it’s a crucial part of our lives, along with what makes great musicians great.",creativity Reading Like A Writer," takes you through the various elements of world-famousliterature and shows you how, by paying close attention to how great authors employ them, you can not only get a lot more from your reading, but also learn to be a better writer yourself.",creativity Who Moved My Cheese," tells a parable, which you can directly apply to your own life, in order to stop fearing what lies ahead and instead thrive in an environment of change and uncertainty.",creativity The Da Vinci Curse," explains why people with many talents don’t fit into a world where we need specialists and, if you have many talents yourself, shows you how you can lift this curse, by giving you a framework to follow and find your true vocation in life.",creativity Everything I Know," ditches all the rules and gives you a guide to living a fulfilled and adventurous life that can be infinitely updated, stretched, expanded and customized, based on who you are, instead of another “do-this-to-get-rich-fast” scheme that doesn’t work for everyone.",creativity Losing My Virginity," details Richard Branson’s meteoric rise to success and digs into what made him the adventurous, fun-loving, daring entrepreneur he is today and what lessons you can learn about business from him.",creativity The Desire Map," gives your goal-setting mechanism a makeover by showing you that desire, not facts, is what fuels our lives and helps you rely on your feelings to navigate life, instead of giving in to the pressure of the outside world to check the boxes on goals that don’t really matter to you.",creativity The Art of Non-Conformity," teaches you how to play life by your own rules by giving you practical glimpses into the world of self-employment, a new approach to travel, to-do list minimalism and conscious spending habits.",creativity The E-Myth Revisited," explains why 80% of small businesses fail, and how to ensure yours isn’t among those by building a company that’s based on systems and not on the work of a single individual.",creativity Uncertainty," shows you that the condition of not knowing is nothing to fear, but the birthplace of innovation, which, if you embrace it while anchoring yourself, has an unlimited potential for growth, wealth and happiness.",creativity "Trust Me, I’m Lying","is a marketer’s take on how influential blogs have become, why that’s something to worry about, and which broken dynamics govern the internet today, including his own confessions of how he gamed that very system to successfully generate press for his clients.",creativity The $100 Startup," shows you how to break free from the shackles of 9 to 5 by combining your passion and skills into your own microbusiness, which you can start for $100 or less, yet still turn into a full time income, thanks to the power of the internet.",creativity Crush It," is the blueprint you need to turn your passion into your profession and will give you the tools to turn yourself into a brand, leverage social media, produce great content and reap the financial benefits of it.",creativity Permission Marketing," explains why nobody pays attention to TV commercials and flyers anymore, and shows you how in today’s crowded market, you can cheaply start a dialogue with your ideal customer, build a relationship over time and sell to them much more effectively.",creativity Rookie Smarts," argues against experience and for a mindset of learning in the modern workplace, due to knowledge growing and changing fast, which gives rookies a competitive advantage, as they’re not bound by common practices and the status quo.",creativity The Art Of Social Media," is a compendium of over 100 practical tips to treat your social media presence like a business and use a bottom-up approach to get the attention your brand, product or business deserves.",creativity Big Magic," is the book that’ll give you the courage you need to pursue your creative interests by showing you how to deal with your fears, notice ideas and act on them and take the stress out of creation.",creativity The Power Of Starting Something Stupid," shows you that most ideas are often falsely labeled stupid at first, and that if they are, that’s a good indicator you should pursue them and not care what anyone thinks.",creativity Make Your Mark," is a business book for creatives, telling them how to get started on turning their creative energy into a profitable business with simple, actionable ideas taken from 20 leading entrepreneurs and designers, who lead successful creative businesses.",creativity Think And Grow Rich," is a curation of the 13 most common habits of wealthy and successful people, distilled from studying over 500 individuals over the course of 20 years.",creativity "Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook"," is a message to everyone who’s not on the social media train yet, showing them how to tell their story the right way on social media, so that it’ll actually get heard.",creativity The Art Of Work," is the instruction manual to find your vocation by looking into your passions, connecting them to the needs of the world, and thus building a legacy that’s bigger than yourself.",creativity Start With Why," is Simon Sinek’s mission to help others do work, which inspires them, and uses real-world examples of great leaders to show you how they communicate and how you can adapt their mindset to inspire others yourself.",creativity The War Of Art," brings some much needed tough love to all artists, business people and creatives who spend more time battling the resistance against work than actually working, by identifying the procrastinating forces at play and pulling out the rug from under their feet.",creativity The Tipping Point," explains how ideas spread like epidemics and which few elements need to come together to help an idea reach the point of critical mass, where its viral effect becomes unstoppable.",creativity Mastery," debunks the myth of talent and shows you there are proven steps you can take to achieve mastery in a discipline of your own choosing, by analyzing the paths of some of history’s most famous masters, such as Einstein, Darwin and Da Vinci.",creativity Choose Yourself," is a call to give up traditional career paths and take your life into your own hands by building good habits, creating your own career, and making a decision to choose yourself.",creativity The Happiness Of Pursuit," is a call to take control of your own life by going on a quest, which will fill your life with meaning, purpose, and a whole lot of adventure.",creativity The Millionaire Fastlane," points out what’s wrong with the old get a degree, get a job, work hard, retire rich model, defines wealth in a new way, and shows you the path to retiring young.",creativity Growth Hacker Marketing," explains the 4-step framework today’s startups use to remove the barrier between marketing and product development, thus making the product itself the best way to get new and more customers.",creativity A Brief History Of Time," is Stephen Hawking’s way of explaining the most complex concepts and ideas of physics, such as space, time, black holes, planets, stars and gravity to the average Joe, so that even you and I can better understand how our planet was created, where it came from, and where it’s going.",creativity Steve Jobs," is the most detailed and accurate account of the life of the man who created Apple, the most valuable technology company in the world.",creativity Hooked," shows you how some of the world’s most successfulproducts, like smartphones, make us form habits around them and why that’s crucial to their success, before teachingyou the 4-step framework that lies behind them.",creativity The Wisdom Of Crowds," researches why groups reach better decisions than individuals, what makes groups smart, where the dangers of group decisions lie, and how each of us can encourage the groups we are part of to work together.",creativity How We Learn," teaches you how your brain creates and recalls memories, what you can do to remember things better and longer, and how you can boost your creativity and improve your gut decisions along the way.",creativity Do The Work," is Steven Pressfield’s follow-up to The War Of Art, where he gives you actionable tactics and strategies to overcome resistance, the force behind procrastination.",creativity Built To Last, examines what lies behind the extraordinary success of 18 visionary companies and which principles and ideasthey’ve usedto thrive for a century.,creativity A Tale of Two Cities," tells the stories of two connected families in 18th-century London and Paris, exploring everything from love and loss to murder and family intrigue, thus teaching us about history, ethics, and the complexity of human relationships.",education Dear Girls," is a collection of letters written by comedian Ali Wong to her two daughters, recounting tales from her youth and life in an attempt to pass on some hard-earned wisdom to them and anyone willing to listen to her story.",education The 4 Minute Millionaire," is a collection of 44 short lessons sourced from the best finance books, each paired with an action item to help you get closer to financial freedom in just 4 minutes a day.",education "The Wealthy Gardener is a series of stories told from the perspective of an old, wealthy man, who shares the financial wisdom he’s acquired over many years with the members in his community, showing them how to", build wealth step-by-step through short yet meaningful anecdotes.,education Brave New World," presents a futuristic society engineered perfectly around capitalism and scientific efficiency, in which everyone is happy, conform, and content — but only at first glance.",education 1984, is the story of a man questioning the system that keeps his futuristic but dystopian society afloat and the chaos that quickly ensues once he gives in to his natural curiosity and desire to be free.,education The Catcher in the Rye," describes the adventures of well-off teenage boy Holden Caulfield on a weekend out alone in New York City, illuminating the struggles of young adults with existential questions of morality, identity, meaning, and connection.",education The Infinite Game," argues that business is not a competition but an infinite journey, and that to do well in it, leaders must advance a “Just Cause,” build trusting teams, learn from their “Worthy Rivals,” and practice existential flexibility.",education The Art of Statistics," is a non-technical book that shows how statistics is helping humans everywhere get a new hold of data, interpret numbers, fact-check information, and reveal valuable insights, all while keeping the world as we know it afloat.",education Rich Dad’s Cashflow Quadrant," is an inspiring read by Kiyosaki which comes as a sequel after his first groundbreaking book and presents how hard work doesn’t always equal becoming rich, as wealth is likely a result of smart money decisions.",education Maoism," explores the ideology of Mao Zedong, the Chinese leader of the communist party of the twentieth century, and how he managed to turn his doctrine into a mass-adopted phenomenon that continues even today, under different forms and shapes.",education The Dawn of Everything," tells the story of how we went from hunter-gatherers to city-builders, from the Stone Age to today’s modern world, all by exploring a series of new discoveries made by scientists who are challenging some long-held beliefs about our history.",education Napoleon’s Buttons, explores the scientific phenomenon of molecules by highlighting how we can trace the origins of our entire existence to something as tiny as atoms and make sense of various events in history that shaped our world.,education The Courage to Be Happy, offers a hands-on guide to living a meaningful life and letting go of negative thoughts by compiling the groundbreaking theories of psychologist Alfred Adler with other valuable research into an all-in-one book for becoming a happy and fulfilled person.,education How to Break Up With Your Phone ,"explores a common problem for all of us who are engaging with social media and constant use of phones, namely our addiction to these devices and the internet, and ways to ditch it for good and find meaning in our lives outside of our virtual encounters.",education The Daily Stoic," is a year-long compilation of short, daily meditations from ancient Stoic philosophers like Seneca, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, and others, teaching you equanimity, resilience, and perseverance",education Designing Your Work Life," is a helpful guidebook for anyone who wants to create and maintain a work environment that is both happy and productive by working with what they already have, rather than keep on changing jobs in hope of finding better.",education "Eats, Shoots & Leaves"," offers a humorous, yet instructive overview of how punctuation rules play a huge part in our writing language and how today’s society has become overly relaxed about using the right punctuations marks, leaving grammar-concerned people like her frustrated.",education The God Equation," presents a factual approach to the theory of life, the inception of the universe, and how modern physics lay the foundation of all natural laws that govern the galaxies, the planets, and our home called Earth.",education Astrophysics for People in a Hurry," talks about the laws of nature, physics, astronomy, and the mysterious inception of our cosmos, the universe, stars, and implicitly our beautiful planet where life thrives and perpetuates.",education Lifespan," addresses the concept of aging and defies the laws of nature that humankind knew till now by presenting a cure to aging that derives from exetensive research in biology, diet and nutrition, sports, and the science of combating diseases.",education Chaos," is a scientific piece of writing that presents the principles behind the Chaos Theory, which was popularized in the late 20th century and represents a monumental step forward in the area of scientific knowledge and the universe’s evolution overall.",education Elite Minds," delves into the idea of success and teaches you how to train your mind to tap into its highest potential, adopt a winning mentality, embrace the gifts you’ve been given and improve mental toughness.",education The Mom Test," talks about ways to tell if your business idea is great or terrible by assessing the opinions of your friends, family, and investors accordingly, and not believing everything they say just to make you feel good.",education Noise," delves into the concept of randomness and talks about how we as humans make decisions that prove to be life-changing, without putting the necessary thought into it, and how we can strengthen our thinking processes.",education Fat For Fuel, explores the “,education Show Your Work!," talks about the importance of being discoverable, showcasing your work like a professional, and networking properly in order to succeed with your creative work.",education The Practice of Groundedness," provides a more grounded way of living by eliminating the cult of being productive all the time to achieve success, instead offering a way to be at peace with yourself, prioritizing mental health and a simple yet meaningful life. ",education Richard Nixon: The Life," presents the detailed biography of the thirty-seventh president of the United States, who became famous for his successful endeavors that put him in the White House and for his controversial life the complexities of being such a top tier political figure.",education Make It Stick," explores ways to memorize faster and make learning easier, all while debunking myths and common misconceptions about learning being difficult and attributed to those who have highly native cognitive skills, with the help of researchers who’ve studied the science of memory their entire life.",education Rationality," explores the concept of ration as the pylon of all human progress and how it sets us apart from all other species, helping us evolve and developing societal layers, rules of conduct, and moral grounds for all our endeavors in life.",education What Is Life?,"compresses a series of lectures given by the notorious physicist Erwin Schrödinger, and is a compelling research on how science, especially biology, chemistry and physics account for the ongoing process that the human body undertakes to simply exist and live",education The Art of Rhetoric," is an ancient, time-proven reference book that explores the secrets behind persuasion, rhetoric, and good public speaking by providing compelling information on what a good speech should consist of and how truth and virtue are at the foundation of every good story.",education U Thrive," explores the topic of college life and offers practical advice on how to diminish stress and anxiety from exams, deadlines, unfitting roommates, while thriving in the campus, academic life, and creating meaningful experiences.",education Thrivers," explores the perspective of a child born in today’s fast-paced, digital era and how the average minor is being educated towards higher-than-usual achievements, being mature, responsible and successful, instead of being happy and focused on their own definition of success.",education The Secret World of Weather," is a guide to forecasting weather through various clues found in nature, such as plants, the wind, or clouds, to come up with an accurate calculation of the weather without having to check the news.",education Long Life Learning," questions the current educational systems worldwide in relation to an increasing trend in job automation, growing life expectancy, and a devaluation in higher degrees, all with a strong focus on the future of work and urgency to adapt to it.",education The Case Against Sugar," advocates against the use of sugar in the food industry and offers a critical look at how this harmful substance took over the world under the eyes of our highest institutions, who are very well aware of its toxicity but choose to remain silent.",education The Hidden Habits of Genius, looks at how geniuses separate themselves from the rest by having in common a distinctive set of characteristics and habits that form a unique way of thinking and cultivating brilliance. ,education How to Take Smart Notes," is the perfect guide on how to improve your writing, reading, and learning techniques using simple yet little-known tips-and-tricks that you can implement right away to develop these skills.",education The Law Says What," is a book that delivers significant insights into various everyday aspects of the law that most of us don’t know about but really should, how we should navigate between them and get a better understanding of how they can protect us.",education How Democracies Die,"lays out the foundational principles of working democracies by looking at historical events, especially in Latin America, that show how democracies have failed in the past, how it could happen again, and how we can protect democracy from threats like bad leadership, inequality, and extremism.",education The Data Detective," will make you smarter by showing how you can understand statistics well enough to see how they, and the beliefs and cognitive biases they can make you have, make such a huge impact in your life, for better or for worse, and how to separate fact from fiction.",education Lives of the Stoics,"takes a deep dive into the experiences and beliefs of some of the earliest philosophers practicing the four Stoic virtues of courage, temperance, justice, and wisdom.",education Hyperfocus," teaches you how to become more efficient and improve your concentration by deciding on one thing to work on, focusing only on that task, learning to understand when your mind has wandered and redirecting your attention back to your work, and thinking creatively when you’re not working.",education No Logo," uses four parts, including “No Space,” “No Choice,” “No Jobs,” and “No Logo,” to explain the growth of brand power since the 1980s, how the focus of companies on image rather than products has affected employees, and to identify those who fight against large corporations and their brands.",education The Double Helix," tells the story of the discovery of DNA, which is one of the most significant scientific findings in all of history, by explaining the rivalries, struggles of the prideful scientific community to work together, and other roadblocks that James Watson had on the way to making the breakthrough of a lifetime that would change his life and the entire world.",education Restart," tells the story of India’s almost-leadership of the world’s economy, showing why and how it instead succumbed to problems from the past, how those problems still hold it back today, and what the country might do about them.",education The Grand Design," explains the history of mankind from a scientific perspective, including how we came into existence and started to use science to explain the world and ourselves with laws like Newton’s and Einstein’s and more recent theories like quantum physics.",education Boys & Sex," shares the best insights that Peggy Orenstein had after two years of asking young men about their sex lives, including why stereotypes make life harder for them, how hookup culture is destroying relationships, and what we as a society can do to help these boys have better, healthier views about and experiences with sex.",education Girls & Sex,"identifies how pop culture and societal expectations hurt young women as they begin navigating the realm of sexuality, teaching us how to help girls feel empowered in choosing who they want to be.",education The Case Against Education," reveals why the schooling system is so broken, how it doesn’t fulfill its intended purposes but instead creates multiple problems for society, and what we might try to do to fix it. ",education Curious," is your guide to becoming more intelligent by harnessing the power of inquisitiveness and outlines the true nature of curiosity, how to keep it flourishing to become smarter, and what you might unknowingly be doing to suffocate its power.",education The Importance Of Being Little," outlines the terrible inefficiencies of preschools, identifies how brilliantly curious the minds of kids are, and teaches ways to help them succeed through focusing more on principles like play and skill-development.",education Weird Parenting Wins," will make you better at raising your kids by sharing some strange ways that fathers and mothers have had success with their children, helping you see that your intuition might just be the greatest tool you have at your disposal.",education Hillbilly Elegy, is the inspiring autobiography of J.D. Vance who explains how his life began in poverty and turbulence and what he had to do to beat those difficult circumstances and rise to success.,education Why “A” Students Work For “C” Students, contains Robert Kiyosaki’s lessons on how the global financial crisis is the result of a lack of education and shows parents how to become truly money literate so they can teach their kids to do the same and attain financial freedom.,education The Fifth Discipline, shows you how to find joy at work again as an employee and improve your company’s productivity if you’re an employer by outlining the five values you must adopt to turn your workplace into a learning environment.,education So You Want To Talk About Race," will help you make the world a better, fairer place by explaining how deeply entrenched racism is in our culture today and giving specific tips for having effective conversations about it so you can help end this major issue with society.",education Battle Hymn Of The Tiger Mother, opens your eyes to the potential benefits of tough love by sharing the traditionally Chinese parenting style and experiences of Amy Chua.,education Empire Of Illusion," motivates you to watch less TV and get better at reading by outlining the sharp drop in literacy levels in the United States in recent years, the negative effects that have followed, and the dark future ahead if we continue on this path.",education Educated," will help you become more grateful for your schooling, freedom, and normal relationships by explaining the family difficulties that Tara Westover had to break free of so that she could get her own education.",education Crippled America, makes you a more informed citizen by sharing the political beliefs and reasoning behind billionaire and businessman Donald J. Trump’s plans to make his country great again.,education Born A Crime, will inspire you to make great things happen no matter what circumstances you’re born into by revealing the story of how Trevor Noah grew up as a mixed child in South Africa on the way to becoming an adult.,education Range, shows that having a broad spectrum of skills and interests and taking your time to figure them out is better than specializing in just one area.,education Becoming,"will use Michelle Obama’s life story tomotivate you to move forward with your dreams regardless of your circumstances, criticism, or what people think.",education How To," will help you get better at abstract thinking as it gives solutions to some of the strangest problems in the wackiest, but still scientific, ways.",education The Uninhabitable Earth, explains how humanity’s complacency and negligence have put this world on a course to soon be unlivable unless we each do our small part to improve how we care for this beautiful planet we live on.,education Outwitting The Devil," is an imagined interview between Napoleon Hill and the Devil himself, in which he wrings certain truths from the root of evil, which will help us avoid his grasp and live a good life.",education Reinvent Yourself," is a template for how to best adapt in a world in which the only constant is change, so that you may find happiness, success, wealth, meaningful work, and whatever else you desire in life.",education 21 Lessons For The 21st Century," highlights today’s most pressing political, cultural, and economic challenges created by technologywhile helping us prepare for an uncertain future.",education Homo Deus, illustrates the history of the human race from how we came to be the dominant species over what narratives are shaping our lives today all the way to which obstacles we must overcome next to continue to thrive.,education How To Talk To Anyone," is a collection of actionable tips to help you master the art of human communication, leave great first impressions and make people feel comfortable around you in all walks of life.",education How To Fail At Almost Everything And Still Win Big, is the memoir of Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams,education Problem Solving 101,"is a universal, four-step template for overcoming challenges in life, based on a traditional method Japanese school children learn early on.",education Skin In The Game," is an assessment of asymmetries in human interactions, aimed at helping you understand where and how gaps in uncertainty, risk, knowledge, and fairness emerge, and how to close them.",education Leonardo Da Vinci," is Walter Isaacson’s account of the life of one of the most brilliant artists, thinkers, and innovators who ever lived.",education Barking Up The Wrong Tree," turns standard success advice on its head by looking at both sides of many common arguments, like confidence, extroversion, or being nice, concluding it’s really other factors that decide if we win, and we control more of them than we think.",education Out Of Our Minds," is about how we can set ourselves and our children up for doing good work in organizations around the globe, thanks to leaving behind the old mass education model and unleashing our individual creativity.",education Ego Is The Enemy," reveals why a tendency that’s hardwired into our brains — the belief that the world revolves around us and us alone — keeps holding us back from living the very life it dreams up for us, including what we can do to overcome our ego, be kinder to others and ourselves, and achieve true greatness.",education Plato At The Googleplex,"asks what would happen if ancient philosopher Plato were alive today and came in contact with the modern world, for example by touring Google’s headquarters, and what the implications of his encounters are for the relevance of philosophy in our civilized, hyper-technological world.",education How To Read A Book," is a 1940 classic teaching you how to become a more active reader and deliberately practice the various stages of reading, in order to maximize the value you get from books.",education The Opposite Of Spoiled," shows you how to raise financially conscious children, who learn the value of money early on by leading an open dialogue about money, giving them responsibility and teaching them patience.",education The Magic Of Reality," explains many of the world’s natural phenomenons in a scientific way, so that you can understand how the elementary components of our planet work together to logically, yet beautifully, create the place we all call home.",education Benjamin Franklin: An American Life, takes a thorough look at the life of one of the most influential humans that ever lived and explains how he could achieve such greatness in so many different fields and areas.,education Excellent Sheep,"describes how fundamentally broken elite education is, why it makes students feel depressed and lost, how educational institutions have been alienated from their true purpose, what students really must learn in college and how we can go back to making college a place for self-discovery and critical thinking.",education Long Walk To Freedom," is the autobiography of Nelson Mandela, South African anti-apartheid activist, national icon and the first South African black president, elected in the first, fully democratic election in the country.",education The Magic of Math," shows you not only the power, but also the beauty of mathematics, unlike you’ve ever seen it in school and with practical, real-world applications.",education Creative Schools, reveals how fundamentally broken our formal education system really is and how we can change our perspective to teach children the competencies and things they actually need to navigate the modern world.,education Smart People Should Build Things," explains how the current education system works against the economy by producing an endless string of bankers and consultants, instead of the innovators we need, and how we can encourage more young people to become entrepreneurs to solve this problem.",education A Curious Mind," is an homage to the power of asking questions, showing you how being curious can change your entire life, from the way you do business, to how you interact with your loved ones, or even shape your country.",education How to Become a Straight-A Student," gives you the techniques A+ students have used to pass college with flying colors and summa cum laude degrees, without compromising their entire lives and spending every minute in the library, ranging from time management and note-taking tactics all the way to how you can write a great thesis.",education Meditations On First Philosophy,"is one of the premier works of Western philosophy, written byRené Descartes in 1641, prompting us to abandon everything that can possibly be doubted and then starting to reason our way forward based only on what we can know with absolute certainty.",education The Personal MBA," will save you a few hundred grand by outlining everything you really need to know to get started on a thriving business, none of which is taught in expensive colleges.",education Man’s Search for Meaning," details holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl’s horrifying experiences in Nazi concentration camps, along with his psychological approach of logotherapy, which is also what helped him survive and shows you how you can – and must – find meaning in your life.",education 10 Days To Faster Reading," helps youbring your reading skills to the current century, even if you’ve stopped developing them, like most of us, with the end of elementary school, by helping you select what to read in a better way and giving you actionable techniques to read and retain faster and better.",education The Art Of Learning," explains the science of becoming a top performer, based on Josh Waitzkin’s personal rise to the top of the chess and Tai Chi world, by showing you the right mindset, proper ways to practice and how to build the habits of a professional.",education How To Read Literature Like A Professor," shows you how to get more out of your reading, by educating you about the basics of classic literature and how authors use patterns, themes, memory and symbolism in their work to deliver their message to you.",education The Promise Of A Pencil," narrates the story of how Adam Braun, well-bred, average college kid, working at Bain & Company, shook off what society expected of him and created a life of significance and success by starting his own charity, which now has built hundreds of schools for children in need.",education Second Chance," prepares you for the greatest evolutionary event in history, which we’re all living through right now: the shift from the Industrial Age to the Information Age, where jobs and traditional educations aren’t the right tools to build wealth anymore.",education Outliers," explains why “the self-made man” is a myth and what truly lies behind the success of the best people in their field, which is often a series of lucky events, rare opportunities and other external factors, which are out of our control.",education Mastery," debunks the myth of talent and shows you there are proven steps you can take to achieve mastery in a discipline of your own choosing, by analyzing the paths of some of history’s most famous masters, such as Einstein, Darwin and Da Vinci.",education Money: Master The Game," holds 7 simple steps to financial freedom, based on the advice of the world’s best billionaire investors, interviewed by Tony Robbins.",education Bounce," shows you that trainingtrumps talent every time, by explaining the science of deliberate practice, the mindset of high performers and how you can use those tools to become a master of whicheverskill you choose.",education Choose Yourself," is a call to give up traditional career paths and take your life into your own hands by building good habits, creating your own career, and making a decision to choose yourself.",education Salt Sugar Fat," takes you through the history of the demise of home-cooked meals by explaining why you love salt, sugar and fat so much and how the processed food industry managed to hook us by cramming all 3 of those into their products.",education The Millionaire Fastlane," points out what’s wrong with the old get a degree, get a job, work hard, retire rich model, defines wealth in a new way, and shows you the path to retiring young.",education How We Learn," teaches you how your brain creates and recalls memories, what you can do to remember things better and longer, and how you can boost your creativity and improve your gut decisions along the way.",education The Little Prince," is a beautiful children’s story full of valuable lessons for adults, recounting the tale of an aviator and a little boy from a distant planet, both stranded in the desert, looking to get home, sharing what they’ve learned about life.",fiction The Picture of Dorian Gray," tells the story of a young, beautiful man who trades his soul for eternal youth, then descends further and further into a moral abyss — until he discovers there is, after all, a price to pay for his actions.",fiction "The Great Gatsby is an American classic following Jay Gatsby’s quest to win back his long-lost love by faking a successful life, ","depicting the struggles around love, relationships, societal standing, and consumerism of people in the “roaring” 1920s.",fiction A Tale of Two Cities," tells the stories of two connected families in 18th-century London and Paris, exploring everything from love and loss to murder and family intrigue, thus teaching us about history, ethics, and the complexity of human relationships.",fiction "The Wealthy Gardener is a series of stories told from the perspective of an old, wealthy man, who shares the financial wisdom he’s acquired over many years with the members in his community, showing them how to", build wealth step-by-step through short yet meaningful anecdotes.,fiction The Midnight Library," tells the story of Nora, a depressed woman in her 30s, who, on the day she decides to die, finds herself in a library full of lives she could have lived, where she discovers there’s a lot more to life, even her current one, than she had ever imagined.",fiction Brave New World," presents a futuristic society engineered perfectly around capitalism and scientific efficiency, in which everyone is happy, conform, and content — but only at first glance.",fiction 1984, is the story of a man questioning the system that keeps his futuristic but dystopian society afloat and the chaos that quickly ensues once he gives in to his natural curiosity and desire to be free.,fiction The Catcher in the Rye," describes the adventures of well-off teenage boy Holden Caulfield on a weekend out alone in New York City, illuminating the struggles of young adults with existential questions of morality, identity, meaning, and connection.",fiction Siddhartha," presents the self-discovery expedition of a man during the time of the Buddha who, unsure of what life really means to him, takes an exploratory journey to pursue the highs and lows of life, which ultimately leads him to discover the equilibrium in all things and a higher wisdom within.",fiction The Little Prince," is a beautiful children’s story full of valuable lessons for adults, recounting the tale of an aviator and a little boy from a distant planet, both stranded in the desert, looking to get home, sharing what they’ve learned about life.",communication Dear Girls," is a collection of letters written by comedian Ali Wong to her two daughters, recounting tales from her youth and life in an attempt to pass on some hard-earned wisdom to them and anyone willing to listen to her story.",communication On Writing, details Stephen King’s journey to becoming one of the best-selling authors of all time while delivering hard-won advice on the craft to aspiring writers.,communication The Highly Sensitive Person,"is a self-assessment guide and how-to-live template for people who feel, relate, process, and notice more deeply than others, and who frequently suffer from overstimulation as a result.",communication The Financial Diet," is a compendium of clever money tips for beginners, offering thrifty spending advice and sound money strategies in a wide range of areas, such as budgeting, investing, work, food, home, and even love.",communication The Catcher in the Rye," describes the adventures of well-off teenage boy Holden Caulfield on a weekend out alone in New York City, illuminating the struggles of young adults with existential questions of morality, identity, meaning, and connection.",communication The Infinite Game," argues that business is not a competition but an infinite journey, and that to do well in it, leaders must advance a “Just Cause,” build trusting teams, learn from their “Worthy Rivals,” and practice existential flexibility.",communication The Daily Laws,"is a page-a-day, calendar-style book covering the three big topics of mastery, power, and emotions, sharing Robert Greene’s best lessons from 20 years of research of the dynamics within and between humans.",communication The Life-Changing Science of Detecting Bullshit, teaches its readers how to avoid falling for the lies and false information that other people spread by helping them build essential thinking skills through examples from the real world.,communication Discipline Is Destiny," is a three-part manual to master and implement the Stoic virtue of temperance, aka discipline, in your life, thus improving your body, mind, and spirit.",communication One Decision," explains how flawed decisions occur and how you can avoid them by analyzing data at first, asking for fact-checked opinions, eliminating your biases and prejudice, and many more useful practices derived from psychological research.",communication The Courage to Be Happy, offers a hands-on guide to living a meaningful life and letting go of negative thoughts by compiling the groundbreaking theories of psychologist Alfred Adler with other valuable research into an all-in-one book for becoming a happy and fulfilled person.,communication Expert Secrets," teaches you how to create and implement an informative marketing plan and putting it into practice, while also showing you what problem you must solve for your prospects or teach them how to do it themselves.",communication What to Say When You Talk to Yourself," is a book by Shad Helmstetter, a self-help guru who has written several pieces on the subject of self-talk, and who argues that in order to achieve our highest self we need to work on how we talk to ourselves and identify our biggest challenge to conquer.",communication A World Without Email," presents a utopia where people engage in their usual professional activities without using emails as a means of communication, and explores a new way of working that doesn’t rely on instant messaging, which is known for decreasing productivity at the workplace.",communication The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding, is a compilation of laws that provides insights for conducting successful marketing campaigns by focusing on the essence of branding and how brands must be created and managed in order to survive in the competitive world.,communication Hug Your Haters," talks about the importance of acknowledging your haters or dissatisfied customers and valuing their opinion in the process of building better products, improving the existing offerings, and growing your strategies overall.",communication "Eats, Shoots & Leaves"," offers a humorous, yet instructive overview of how punctuation rules play a huge part in our writing language and how today’s society has become overly relaxed about using the right punctuations marks, leaving grammar-concerned people like her frustrated.",communication "How to Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere"," shares the secrets of effective communication and teaches you how to adopt a charisma that’ll help you navigate conversations easier, break the ice, and get your point across right away, and talk to people in general.",communication Love People Use Things," conceptualizes the idea of living a simple, minimalist life while focusing on what’s important, such as the people next to us, and making the most of every moment spent with those we love.",communication The Lost Art of Connecting," explores ways to build meaningful and genuine relationships in life by using the Gather, Ask, Do method and relying less on gaining benefits from networking, but rather on deepening your connection with other human beings and cultivating authentic emotions.",communication The Sales Advantage," offers a practical guide to acquiring customers, closing sales, and increasing profits by following a series of proven techniques from a corporate coaching course about sales procedures.",communication The Mom Test," talks about ways to tell if your business idea is great or terrible by assessing the opinions of your friends, family, and investors accordingly, and not believing everything they say just to make you feel good.",communication Surrounded by Idiots," offers great advice on how to get your point across more effectively, communicate better, and work your way up in your personal and professional life by getting to know the four types of personalities people generally have and how to address each one in particular to kickstart a beneficial dialogue, instead of engaging in a conflict.",communication Words That Work," outlines the importance of using the right words and the appropriate body language in a given situation to make yourself understood properly and get the most out of the dialogue, while also teaching you some tips-and-tricks on how to win arguments, tame conflicts, and get your point across using a wise selection of words.",communication Indistractable," how our modern gadgets and technology distract us from work and cause real concentration issues, impacting our performance and even the quality of our lives, and how we can address the root cause of the problem to solve it. ",communication The Comfort Crisis," addresses contemporary people who live a stressful life and talks about being comfortable with discomfort and reclaiming a happy, healthy mindset by implementing a few odd, but highly effective practices in their daily lives.",communication Poor Charlie’s Almanack," explores the life of the famous investor Charlie Munger, the right hand of Warren Buffett, and teaches its readers how his inspirational take on life helped him achieve a fortune and still have time and money to dedicate towards philanthropic causes.",communication I Hear You," explores the idea of becoming a better listener, engaging in productive conversations and avoiding building up frustrations by taking charge of your communication patterns and improving them in your further dialogues.",communication Effortless, takes the idea of productivity to another level by explaining how doing the most with a minimum input of effort and time is a much more desired outcome than the idea of being constantly busy that is glamorized nowadays.,communication Happy Together," is written by two of the world’s most renowned psychologists, and it explores the concept of love and relationships by teaching its readers how to build and maintain happy, flourishing connections and how to optimize their couple life by focusing on the good and healthily dealing with the bad.",communication Make It Stick," explores ways to memorize faster and make learning easier, all while debunking myths and common misconceptions about learning being difficult and attributed to those who have highly native cognitive skills, with the help of researchers who’ve studied the science of memory their entire life.",communication AI 2041," explores the concept of artificial intelligence and delves into some thought-provoking ideas about AI taking over the world in the next twenty years, from our day-to-day lives to our jobs, becoming a worldwide used tool that will shake the world as we know it from the ground up.",communication Atlas of the Heart," maps out a series of human emotions and their meaning and explores the psychology behind a human’s feelings and how they make up our lives and change our behaviors, and how to build meaningful connections by learning how to deal with them.",communication Perfectly Confident," explores the idea of confidence and offers a series of valuable practices that anyone can implement in their life to improve this aspect, as well as an overview of how confidence is supposed to look and feel like in its realest form, without adding or subtracting too much of it. ",communication Love Worth Making," delves into the subject of sexuality and explores ways to create meaningful and exciting sexual experiences in a long-lasting relationship, based on his experience of over thirty years working with couples, all by focusing on the sexual feelings instead of the techniques.",communication The Hero With a Thousand Faces," analyzes humankind from a mythological and symbolistic point of view to prove that all humans have similar core concepts written in them, such as the monomyth, which is a way of narrating stories that people from all over the world use to connect with one another.",communication No More Mr. Nice Guy," explores ways to eliminate the “Nice Guy Syndrome”, which implies being a man that avoids conflicts at all costs and prefers to show only his nice side to the world, even when it affects him negatively by damaging his personality and preventing him from achieving his goals in life.",communication Real Help," offers a hands-on approach to improving your life and achieving unconventional success through a happy, fulfilled, ordinary life, rather than fighting the broken system until you’ve got millions in the bank and out-of-the-ordinary achievements.",communication The Art of Rhetoric," is an ancient, time-proven reference book that explores the secrets behind persuasion, rhetoric, and good public speaking by providing compelling information on what a good speech should consist of and how truth and virtue are at the foundation of every good story.",communication "Humor, Seriously"," explores how bringing fun and entertainment into the workplace can enhance team productivity, spark creativity, increase trust between members and improve people’s overall sentiment in relation to work and job-related activities.",communication Radical Honesty," looks into the concept of lying and how we can train ourselves to avoid doing it as only through morality we can live an honest life, although our natural inclination to lie can sometimes push us to alter the truth.",communication The Leader In You," explores how the world leaders managed to achieve performance in their lives by creating meaningful connections and reaching a higher level of productivity through a positive, proactive mindset.",communication Collaborative Intelligence," helps you enhance your unique thinking traits and develop an individualized form of intelligence based on what works best for you, what your strengths are, and how you communicate with others.",communication Boundaries," explains, with the help of modern psychology and Christian ideals, how to improve your mental health and personal growth by establishing guidelines for self-care that include saying no more often and standing firm in your decisions rather than letting people walk all over you.",communication Doesn’t Hurt To Ask,"teaches persuasion via asking the right questions, explaining that intentional questions are the key to sharing your ideas, connecting with your audience, and convincing people both in the office and at home.",communication How To Be A Leader," is Greek philosopher Plutarch’s guide to leadership and uses practical ideas, historical narratives, political events, and more to outline the qualities of the best leaders, including serving for the right reasons, speaking persuasively, and following more experienced leaders.",communication Spark," teaches you how to become an influential, un-fireable asset to your team at work by taking on the role of a leader regardless of your position, utilizing the power of creative thinking to make better decisions, and learning how to be more self-aware and humble.",communication Think Again," will make you more intelligent, persuasive, and self-aware by identifying the power of being humble about what you don’t know, how to recognize blind spots in your thinking before they start causing you problems, and what you can do to become more effective at convincing others of your way of thinking.",communication See You On The Internet, is the ultimate beginner-level digital marketing guide that teaches you how to build an online business presence by doing everything from starting a website to managing social media accounts.,communication Small Giants," is your guide to keeping your company little but mighty that will allow you to pass up deliberate growth for staying true to what’s really important, which is your ideals, time, passions, and doing what you do best so well that customers can’t help but flock to you.",communication The Coach’s Survival Guide, gives you all the tools that you need to become a successful coach and make the biggest positive impact on your clients.,communication Survival Of The Friendliest," explains why the #1 thing you can do for success is to focus on your social connections, how friendliness was the reason that our early ancestors survived as well as they did, and what you can do today to grow your social capital.",communication Power Relationships, shows you how to have a fantastic career and a fulfilling life by connecting with the right people early and growing those relationships.,communication Curious," is your guide to becoming more intelligent by harnessing the power of inquisitiveness and outlines the true nature of curiosity, how to keep it flourishing to become smarter, and what you might unknowingly be doing to suffocate its power.",communication You Are Not A Gadget," will help you get a better grasp on how much the internet undervalues your individuality by explaining the history of the digital world, the worrying path that it has put us on, and how we might make changes as a society to fix these problems.",communication Quiet Power, identifies the hidden superpowers of introverts and empowers them by helping them understand why it’s so difficult to be quiet in a world that’s loud and how to ease their way into becoming confident in social situations.,communication Thank You For Arguing," outlines the importance of arguments and rhetoric and teaches you how to persuade other people by setting clear goals for your conversations, identifying core issues, using logic, being the kind of person that can win arguments, and much more.",communication Games People Play, is a classic book about human behavior which explains the wild and interesting psychological games that you and everybody around you play to manipulate each other in self-destructive and divisive ways and how to tame your ego so you can quit playing and enjoy healthier relationships.,communication Fluent In 3 Months, explains how to master a new language faster than you ever thought possible and identifies why your beliefs about learning get in your way of succeeding at it.,communication Team Of Teams, reveals the incredible power that small teams have to manage the difficult and complicated issues that arise in every company and how even large organizations can take advantage of them by building a system of many teams that work together.,communication The Leadership Challenge, shares the top leadership lessons from 25 years of experience and research of authors James Kouzes and Barry Posner and explains what makes successful managers and how you can apply the same principles to become one yourself.,communication The Apology Impulse," will help you and your business become more authentic in your relationships with others by identifying how much companies say sorry, why they do, how they get it wrong, and the right way to do it.",communication The Art Of Communicating," will improve your interpersonal and relationship skills by identifying the power of using mindfulness when talking with others, showing you how to listen with respect, convey your ideas efficiently, and most of all deepen your connections with others.",communication Good People," is a book about business and leadership which explains the importance of focusing on and building integrity in the workplace, including why it’s so vital if you want your company to be successful, how you can get it, and why an emphasis on competencies alone won’t cut it anymore.",communication Come As You Are," is sex educator Dr. Emily Nagoski’s explanation of the truth about female sexuality, including the hidden science of what turns women on, why it works, how to utilize this knowledge to improve your sex life, and why sexual myths make you feel inadequate in bed.",communication The Seven Principles For Making Marriage Work," is a compilation of the best lessons from John Gottman’s research on how healthy relationships happen and will teach you exactly what you and your spouse need to do to have a happy, healthy, and successful marriage.",communication Getting To Yes, is a handbook for having successful negotiations that teaches everything you need to know about resolving conflicts of all kinds and reaching win-win solutions in every discussion without giving in or making the other person unhappy.,communication Emotional Intelligence 2.0," explains what Emotional Intelligence is and how you can use it to build fantastic relationships in your personal life and career by utilizing the powers of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management.",communication Presence," is a life-changing guide to growing your self-confidence that shows how posture, mindset, and body language all expand your feeling of empowerment and your communication skills.",communication Radical Candor,"will teach you how to connect with people at work, push them to be their best, know when and how to fire them, and create an environment of trust and innovation in the workplace.",communication Weird Parenting Wins," will make you better at raising your kids by sharing some strange ways that fathers and mothers have had success with their children, helping you see that your intuition might just be the greatest tool you have at your disposal.",communication Leadership and Self-Deception," is a guide to becoming self-aware by learning to see your faults more accurately, understanding other’s strengths and needs, and leaning into your natural instinct to help other people as much as possible.",communication Becoming The Boss," shows leaders of all kinds, whether new or experienced, how to identify the pitfalls that stand in the way of influencing others for the better and overcome them.",communication Who Not How," will skyrocket your success, happiness, and fulfillment in all areas of your life by identifying why you’re looking at your problems the wrong way and how simply seeking to get the right people to help you will make all the difference.",communication Thanks For The Feedback, will skyrocket your personal growth and success by helping you see the vital role that criticism of all kinds plays in your ability to improve as a person and by teaching you how to receive it well.,communication Words Can Change Your Brain," is the ultimate guide to becoming an expert communicator, teaching you how to use psychology to your advantage to express yourself better, listen more, and create an environment of trust with anyone you speak with.",communication On Writing Well," is your guide to becoming a great non-fiction writer that explains why you must learn and practice principles like simplicity, consistency, voice, editing, and enthusiasm if you want to persuade readers and make a difference in their lives.",communication Storyworthy," shows you how to tell a narrative that will impact others by outlining how to engage your audience throughout the start, end, and everything in between.",communication Imagine It Forward," inspires businesses and individuals to challenge outdated thinking and ways of doing work by sharing the life and business experiences of Beth Comstock, one of America’s most innovative businesswomen.",communication Building A StoryBrand, is your guide to turning your sales pages and product into an adventure for your clients by identifying the seven steps to successful storytelling as a company and how to craft the clearest message possible so that they will understand and want to be part of it.,communication Be Our Guest, shows you how to take better care of your customers by outlining the philosophy and systems that Disney has for taking care of theirs which have helped it become one of the most successful companies in the world.,communication The Pragmatist’s Guide To Relationships," is an extensive, practical guide to finding a companion, be it for marriage, dating, or sex and building a healthy, happy life with them.",communication 13 Things Mentally Strong Parents Don’t Do," teaches parents how to stop being a roadblock to their kids academic, behavioral, and emotional success by outlining ways to develop the right thinking habits.",communication Epic Content Marketing, shows why traditional methods for selling like TV and direct mail are dead and how creating content is the new future of advertising because it actually grabs people’s attention by focusing on what they care about instead of your product.,communication Brainfluence, will help you get more sales by revealing people’s subconscious thinking and their motivations in the decision-making process they use when buying.,communication SPIN Selling," is your guide to becoming an expert salesperson by identifying what the author learned from 35,000 sales calls and 12 years of research on the topic.",communication The Coaching Habit," outlines the questions, attitudes, and habits required of managers who want to become great at motivating their team to become self-sustaining.",communication The Psychology Of Selling, motivates you to work on your self-image and how you relate to customers so that you can close more deals.,communication The Confidence Code, empowers women to become more courageous by explaining their natural tendencies toward timidity and how to break them even in a world dominated by men. ,communication The Advice Trap,"will drastically improve your communication skills and make you more likable, thanks to explaining why defaulting to sharing your opinion about everything is a bad idea and how listening until you truly understand people’s needs will make a much bigger positive difference in their lives.",communication The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read, will help you step back and focus more on the big picture of parenting to foster a strong relationship with your child so they can grow up emotionally and mentally healthy.,communication You’re Not Listening, is a book that will improve your communication skills by revealing how uncommon the skill of paying attention to what others are saying is and what experts teach about how to get better at it.,communication All About Love, teaches you how to get more affection and connection in your relationships by explaining why true love is so difficult these days and how to combat the unrealistic expectations society has set up that makes it so hard.,communication Ask, shows you a method that helps you take the guesswork out of the equation so you can give your customers what they want even if they don’t know what they want.,communication The Hero Factor, teaches by example that real leadership success focuses on people as much as profits.,communication The Business Romantic, shows how doing business that is focused on passion and connection leads to more success in today’s world.,communication Pitch Perfect," is the ultimate guide to becoming more efficient at communication in work, at home, and everywhere you go. ",communication The Introvert’s Complete Career Guide, will teach those who have a hard time talking to people how to gain confidence in navigating the workplace from job interview to office relationships.,communication Social, explains how our innate drive to build social connections is the primary driver behind our behavior and explores ways we can use this knowledge to our advantage. ,communication What They Don’t Teach You At Harvard Business School," teaches why succeeding in business has less to do with accumulated theoretical knowledge through schooling and books, and more about people and communication.",communication 30 Lessons For Loving, gives the relationship advice of hundreds of couples who have stayed together into old age and will teach you how to have happiness and longevity in your love life.,communication Chernobyl," teaches some fascinating and important history, science, and leadership lessons by diving into the details of the events leading up to the worst nuclear disaster in human history and its aftermath.",communication Leadership Strategy And Tactics," shows you how to become effective when you’re in charge by using the power of traits like accountability, humility, and others that Jocko Willink uses to lead his team of Navy SEALs.",communication Broadcasting Happiness," is an encouraging resource that will help you boost your health and happiness in your relationships, work, and community by showing you how to unlock the power of positive words and stories.",communication Brave," will help you have the relationships, career, and everything else in life that you’ve always wanted but have been afraid to go for by teaching you how to become more courageous. ",communication Bird By Bird," is Ann Lamott’s guide to using the power of routine, being yourself, rolling with the punches, and many other principles to become a better writer.",communication The Storytelling Edge, will boost your communication and persuasiveness skills by showing you how to tell powerful narratives in a convincing way and giving examples of why you should.,communication Why Are We Yelling?," will improve your relationships, professional life, and the way you view the world by showing you that arguments aren’t bad, but important growing experiences if we learn to make them productive.",communication The Go-Giver, teaches a pattern for becoming a better person and seeing more success in business and work by focusing on being authentic and giving as much value as possible. ,communication The Anatomy Of Peace, will help you make your life and the world more calm by explaining the inefficiencies in our go-to pattern of using conflict to resolve differences and giving specific tips for how to use understanding to settle issues.,communication Extraordinary Influence," helps you become a better leader by revealing what neuroscience has to say about effective leadership, identifying communication as the key to the highest levels of performance.",communication Irresistible," reveals how alarmingly stuck to our devices we are, shows the negative consequences of technology addiction, and gives tips for a healthier relationship with the digital world. ",communication A More Beautiful Question," will teach you how to ask more and better questions, showing you the power that the right questions have to transform your life for the better.",communication A Return To Love," will help you let go of resentment, fear, and anger to have happier and healthier jobs and relationships by teaching you how to embrace the power of love.",communication 60 Seconds & You’re Hired!," is a guide to getting your dream job that will help you feel confident in your next interview by teaching you how to impress your interviewer with being concise, focusing on your strengths, and knowing what to do at every step of the process.",communication Unlocking Potential, is a guide that will help you as a leader make a difference in people’s lives in the long run by learning how to coach people in a way that brings to light their greatest strengths and capabilities.,communication Tell Me More," will help you make everything, even the worst of times, go more smoothly by learning about a few useful phrases to habitually use come rain or shine.",communication Talking To Strangers, helps you better understand and accurately judge the people you don’t know while staying patient and tolerant with others.,communication Big Potential, will show you that the real secret to success and thriving in all aspects of life is developing strong connections with others and treating them in a way that lifts them up.,communication The Fine Art Of Small Talk," will teach you how to skillfully start, continue, and end conversations with anyone, no matter how shy you think you are.",communication Necessary Endings," is a guide to change that explains how you can get rid of unwanted behaviors, events, and people in your life and use the magic of new beginnings to build a better life.",communication Extreme Ownership," contains useful leadership advice from two Navy SEALs who learned to stay strong, disciplined, and level-headed in high-stakes combat scenarios.",communication Never Split the Difference,"is one of the best negotiation manuals ever written, explaining why you should never compromise, and how to negotiate like a pro in your everyday life as well as high-stakes situations.",communication The Charisma Myth," debunks the idea that charisma is a born trait, outlining several tools and exercises you can use to develop a charming social appeal and magnetic personality, even if you’re not extroverted.",communication This Is Marketing," argues that marketing success in today’s world comes from focusing more on the needs, values, and desires of our target audience, rather than spamming as many people as possible with our message.",communication Start Something That Matters," encourages you to overcome your fear of the unknown and create a business that not only makes money but also helps people, even if you have few resources to start with. ",communication Nonviolent Communication," explains how focusing on people’s underlying needs and making observations instead of judgments can revolutionize the way you interact with anybody, even your worst enemies.",communication Difficult Conversations," identifies why we shy away from some conversations more than others, and what we can do to navigate them successfully and without stress.",communication The Secret Life of Pronouns," is a collection of research and case studies explaining what our use of pronouns, articles, and other style words can reveal about ourselves.",communication QBQ!, will teach you to ask better questions and stay accountable and why doing so will change every aspect of your life for the better.,communication Multipliers,"explains the five types of people who inspire, support, and improve others in their organization, showing you how to become one as well as avoid diminishers, the people who drag down others and make it harder for them to perform.",communication Spy the Lie, is a collection of professional tips on how to more accurately detect when someone is lying to you through a combination of verbal and non-verbal cues.,communication Social Intelligence," is a complete guide to the neuroscience of relationships, explaining how your social interactions shape you and how you can use these effects to your advantage.",communication EntreLeadership, provides you with a path to becoming a great leader in your company by identifying the necessary management and entrepreneurial skills.,communication Just Listen, teaches how to get your message across to anyone by using proven listening and persuasion techniques. ,communication Brainstorm, is a fascinating look into the teenage brain that explains why adolescents act so hormonally and recklessly.,communication The Checklist Manifesto,explainswhy checklists cansave lives and teaches you how to implement them correctly.,communication Against Empathy, explains the problems with society’s obsession with empathy and explores its limitations while giving us useful alternatives for situations in which it doesn’t work.,communication The Five Dysfunctions of a Team," uses a fable to explain why even the best teams struggle to work together, offering actionable strategies to overcome distrust and office politics in order to achieve important goals as a cohesive, effective unit.",communication Lost Connections," explains why depression affects so many people and that improving our relationships, not taking medication, is the way to beat our mental health problems.",communication Crucial Conversations, will teach you how to avoid conflict and come to positive solutions in high-stakes conversations so you can be effective in your personal and professional life. ,communication Executive Presence,"is an actionable guide to the essential components of a strong leader’s charisma, including and teaching you elements like gravitas, communication, appearance, and others.",communication No-Drama Discipline, is a refreshing approach to parenting that looks at the neuroscience of a developing child’s brain to understand how to best discipline and teach kids while making them feel loved.,communication So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed," explains how public shaming can bring down websites, close businesses, destroy careers, and why it often suppresses ethical behavior instead of encouraging it.",communication The Yes Brain," offers parenting techniques that will give your kids an open attitude towards life, balance, resilience, insight, and empathy.",communication The 5 Love Languages, shows couples how to make their love last by learning to recognize the unique way their partner feels love.,communication "Change Your Questions, Change Your Life", will revolutionize your thinking with questions that create a learning mindset. ,communication "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus", helps you improve your relationships by identifying the key differences between men and women.,communication The Social Animal, weaves social science research into the story of a fictional couple to shed light on the decision-making power of our unconscious minds.,communication The Third Door, follows an 18-year-old’s wild quest of interviewing many of the world’s most successful people to discover what it takes to get to the top.,communication Liespotting," teaches you how to identify deceptive behavior with practical advice and foster a culture of trust, truth, and honesty in your immediate environment.",communication Braving The Wilderness," offers a four-step process to find true belonging through authenticity, bravery, trust, and vulnerability since it’s mostly about learning to stand alone rather than trying to fit in.",communication The Energy Bus," is a fable that will help you create positive energy with ten simple rules and make it the center of your life, work, and relationships.",communication The Art Of Seduction," is a template for persuading anyone, whether it’s a business contact, a political adversary, or a love interest, toact in your best interest.",communication Outwitting The Devil," is an imagined interview between Napoleon Hill and the Devil himself, in which he wrings certain truths from the root of evil, which will help us avoid his grasp and live a good life.",communication The Laws of Human Nature," helps you understand why people do what they do and how you can use both your own psychological flaws and those of others to your advantage at work, in relationships, and in life.",communication The Greatest Salesman In The World, is a business classic that will help you become better at sales by becoming a better person all around.,communication The Chimp Paradox," uses a simple analogy to help you take control of your emotions and act in your own, best interest, whether it’s in making decisions, communicating with others, or your health and happiness.",communication How Successful People Think," lays out eleven specific ways of thinking you can practice to live a better, happier, more successful life.",communication How To Talk To Anyone," is a collection of actionable tips to help you master the art of human communication, leave great first impressions and make people feel comfortable around you in all walks of life.",communication The Culture Code," examines the dynamics of groups, large and small, formal and informal, to help you understand how great teams work and what you can do to improve your relationships wherever you cooperate with others.",communication 12 Rules For Life,"is a story-based, stern yet entertaining self-help manual for young people laying out a set of simple rules to help us become more disciplined, behave better, act with integrity, and balance our lives while enjoying them as much as we can.",communication How To Fail At Almost Everything And Still Win Big, is the memoir of Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams,communication Crushing It," is Gary Vaynerchuk’s follow-up to his personal branding manifesto Crush It, in which he reiterates the importance of a personal brand and shows you the endless possibilities that come with building one today.",communication Principles," holds the set of rules for work and life billionaire investor and CEO of the most successful fund in history, Ray Dalio, has acquired through his 40-year career in finance.",communication Nobody Wants to Read Your Sh*t," combines countless lessons Steven Pressfield has learned from succeeding as a writer in advertising, the movie industry, fiction, non-fiction, and self-help, in order to help you write like a pro.",communication Finding My Virginity," is Richard Branson’s follow-up biography, which shares the highlights of his entrepreneurial journey over the past two decades.",communication Accidental Genius,"introduces you to the concept of freewriting, which you can use to solve complex problems, exercise your creativity, flesh out your ideas and even build a catalog of publishable work.",communication I Thought It Was Just Me (But It Isn’t), helps you understand and better manage the complicated and painful feeling of shame.,communication Pre-Suasion," takes you through the latest social psychology research to explain how marketers, persuaders and our environment primes us to say certain things and take specific actions, as well as how you can harness the same ideas to master the art of persuasion.",communication The Life-Changing Magic Of Not Giving A F*ck," is a funny, practical guide to mental decluttering, giving you actionable tips to stop caring about things that don’t really matter to you, without feeling ashamed or guilty.",communication Labor of Love," illustrates the history of modern dating as we know it, starting from its origins in the late 1800s all the way to the dating websites and apps we know today.",communication Ego Is The Enemy," reveals why a tendency that’s hardwired into our brains — the belief that the world revolves around us and us alone — keeps holding us back from living the very life it dreams up for us, including what we can do to overcome our ego, be kinder to others and ourselves, and achieve true greatness.",communication The Power Of The Other," shows you the surprisingly big influence other people have on your life, what different kinds of relationships you have with them and how you can cultivate more good ones to replace the bad, fake or unconnected andlive a more fulfilled life.",communication Unlimited Power," is a self-help classic, which breaks down how Tony Robbins has helped top performers achieve at their highest level and how you can use the same mental and physical tactics to accomplish your biggest goals in life.",communication When To Rob A Bank, is a collection of the best of the Freakonomics authors’ blog posts from over 10 years of blogging about economics in all areas of our life.,communication Six Thinking Hats,"divides thinking into six distinct areas and perspectives, which will help you, your team, and your company tackle problems from different angles, thus solving them with the power of parallel thinking and saving time, money, and energy as a result.",communication The Sunflower, recounts an experience of holocaust survivor Simon Wiesenthal,communication Lean In," explains why women are still underrepresented in the workforce, what holds them back, how we can enable and support them, and how any woman can take the lead and hold the flag of female leadership high.",communication Move Your Bus,"illustrates the different kinds of groups in organizations, how leaders can inspire those groups, and what individuals can do to become highly valued, productive members of the organizations they serve.",communication The 8th Habit," is about finding your voice and helping others discover their own, in order to thrive at work in the Information Age, where interdependence is more important than independence.",communication A Force For Good," is a universal call to turn ourcompassion outward and use it to improve ourselves and the world around us in science, religion, social issues, business and education.",communication Give And Take," explains the three different types of how we interact with others and shows you why being a giver is, contrary to popular belief, the best way to success in business and life.",communication TED Talks," is an instruction manual to become a great public speaker and deliver talks that are unforgettable, based on over 15 years worth of experience of the head of TED, the most popular speaking platform in the world.",communication Million Dollar Consulting," teaches you how to build a thriving consultancy business, by focusing on relationships, delivering strategic value and thinking long-term all the way through.",communication Rising Strong," describes a 3-phase process of bouncing back from failure, which you can implement both in your own life and as a team or company, in order to embrace setbacks as part of life, deal with your emotions, confront your own ideas and rise stronger every time.",communication The Art Of Asking," teaches you to finally accept the help of others, stop trying to do everything on your own, and show you how you can build a closely knit family of friends and supporters by being honest, generous and not afraid to ask.",communication The 22 Immutable Laws Of Marketing," is an absolute marketing classic, outlining 22 rules by which companies function, and, depending on how muchyou adhere to them, will determine the success or failure of your products and ultimately, your company.",communication I Wear The Black Hat," shows you that determining if a person is good or bad isn’t as straightforward as you might think, by uncovering some of the biases that make us see people in a different light, regardless of their true intentions.",communication The Facebook Effect," is the only official account of the history of the world’s largest social network, explaining why it’s so successful and how it’s changed both the world and us.",communication The Rebel Rules," shows you how you can run a business by being yourself, relying on your vision, instinct, passion and agility to call the shots, stay innovative and maneuver your business like a startup, even if it’s long outgrown its baby pants.",communication A Curious Mind," is an homage to the power of asking questions, showing you how being curious can change your entire life, from the way you do business, to how you interact with your loved ones, or even shape your country.",communication Pitch Anything," relies on tactics and strategies from a field called neuroeconomics to give you an entirely new way of presenting, pitching and convincing other people of your ideas and offers.",communication Rejection Proof," shows you that no “No” lasts forever, and how you can use rejection therapy to change your perspective of fear, embrace new challenges, and hear the word “Yes” more often than ever before.",communication Smartcuts," explains how some people and businesses achieve rapid growth and build sustainable, profitable companies in the time it takes you to get another promotion, by working smart, not hard and hacking into the ladder of success, instead of climbing it one step at a time.",communication Traction, is a roadmap for startups to achieve the exponential growth necessary to survive the first few months and years by looking at 19 ways to get traction and a framework to help you pick the best one for your startup.,communication To Sell Is Human," shows you that selling is part of your life, no matter what you do, and what a successful salesperson looks like in the 21st century, with practical ideas to help you convince others in a more honest, natural and sustainable way.",communication Year of Yes, details famous TV-show creator Shonda Rhimes’s change from introversion to socialite by saying “Yes” to anything for a full year and how she was finally able to face her fears and start loving herself.,communication Who Moved My Cheese," tells a parable, which you can directly apply to your own life, in order to stop fearing what lies ahead and instead thrive in an environment of change and uncertainty.",communication The One Minute Manager," gives managers three simple tools that each take 60 seconds or less to use but can tremendously improve their efficiency in getting people to stay motivated, happy, and ready to deliver great work.",communication Never Eat Alone," is a modern classic, which explains the art of networking and gives you actionable advice on how you can harness the power of good relationships and become a good networker to build a career you love.",communication How To Be A Positive Leader," taps into the expertise of 17 leadership experts to show you how you can become a positive leader, who empowers everyone around him, whether at work or at home, with small changes, that compound into a big impact.",communication Emotional Intelligence," explains the importance of emotions in your life, how they help and hurt your ability to navigate the world, followed by practical advice on how to improve your own emotional intelligence and why that is thekey to leading a successful life.",communication Happier At Home," is an instruction manual to transform your home into a castle of happiness by figuring out what needs to be changed, what needs to stay the same, and embracing the gift of family.",communication Tribes," turns you from a sheepwalker into a heretic, by giving you the tools to start your own tribe, explaining why they’re the future of business and showing you that you too, can be a leader.",communication "Trust Me, I’m Lying","is a marketer’s take on how influential blogs have become, why that’s something to worry about, and which broken dynamics govern the internet today, including his own confessions of how he gamed that very system to successfully generate press for his clients.",communication Crush It," is the blueprint you need to turn your passion into your profession and will give you the tools to turn yourself into a brand, leverage social media, produce great content and reap the financial benefits of it.",communication Attached," delivers a scientific explanation why some relationships thrive and steer a clear path over a lifetime, while others crash and burn, based on the human need for attachment and the three different styles of it.",communication Rookie Smarts," argues against experience and for a mindset of learning in the modern workplace, due to knowledge growing and changing fast, which gives rookies a competitive advantage, as they’re not bound by common practices and the status quo.",communication The Art Of Social Media," is a compendium of over 100 practical tips to treat your social media presence like a business and use a bottom-up approach to get the attention your brand, product or business deserves.",communication The Honest Truth About Dishonesty," reveals our motivation behind cheating, why it’s not entirely rational, and, based on many experiments, what we can do to lessen the conflict between wanting to get ahead and being good people.",communication How To Win Friends And Influence People," teaches you countless principles to become a likable person, handle your relationships well, win others over and help them change their behavior without being intrusive.",communication The Power Of No," is an encompassing instruction manual for you to harness the power of this little word to get healthy, rid yourself of bad relationships, embrace abundance and ultimately say yes to yourself.",communication Purple Cow," explains why building a great product and advertising the heck out of it simply doesn’t cut it anymore and how you canbuild something that’s so remarkable people have to share it, in order to succeed in today’s crowded post-advertising world.",communication The Achievement Habit," shows you that being an achiever can be learned, by using the principles of design thinking to walk you through several stories and exercises, which will get you to stop wishing and start doing.",communication "Mistakes Were Made, But Not By Me"," takes you on a journey of famous examples and areas of life where mistakes are hushed up instead of admitted, showing you along the way how thishinders progress, why we do it in the first place, and what you can do to start honestly admitting your own.",communication What Every Body Is Saying," is an ex-FBI agents guide to reading non-verbal cues, which will help you spot others’ true intentions and feelings, even when their mouths are saying something different.",communication "Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook"," is a message to everyone who’s not on the social media train yet, showing them how to tell their story the right way on social media, so that it’ll actually get heard.",communication Start With Why," is Simon Sinek’s mission to help others do work, which inspires them, and uses real-world examples of great leaders to show you how they communicate and how you can adapt their mindset to inspire others yourself.",communication The Tipping Point," explains how ideas spread like epidemics and which few elements need to come together to help an idea reach the point of critical mass, where its viral effect becomes unstoppable.",communication The Speed Of Trust," not only explains the economics of trust, but also shows you how to cultivate great trust in yourself, your relationships, and the three kinds of stakeholders you’ll deal with when you’re running a company.",communication Talk Like TED," has analyzed over 500 of the most popular TED talks to help you integrate the three most common features of them, novelty, emotions, and being memorable, into your own presentations and make you a better speaker.",communication Influence," has been the go-to book for marketers since its release in 1984, which deliverssix key principles behind human influence and explains them with countless practical examples.",communication The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People," teaches you both personal and professional effectiveness bychanging your view of how the world works and giving you 7 habits, which, if adopted well, will lead you to immense success.",communication The Wisdom Of Crowds," researches why groups reach better decisions than individuals, what makes groups smart, where the dangers of group decisions lie, and how each of us can encourage the groups we are part of to work together.",communication Leaders Eat Last," teaches you where the need for leadership comes from historically, what the consequences of bad leadership are and how you can be a good leader in the modern world.",communication Bittersweet," explains where emotions like sorrow, longing, and sadness come from and what their purpose in our lives is, as well as helping us deal with grief, loss, and our own mortality.",religion The Power of Regret," is a deep dive into an emotion we all experience, outlining in three parts why regret makes us more human, not less, which four core regrets plague us all, and how we can accept and reshape our mistakes into better futures instead of keeping them as skeletons in our closets.",religion Brave New World," presents a futuristic society engineered perfectly around capitalism and scientific efficiency, in which everyone is happy, conform, and content — but only at first glance.",religion No Self No Problem," is a provocative read about the implications of Buddhism in neuroscience, and more specifically about the idea that the self is only a product of the mind, meaning that there is no “I”.",religion Siddhartha," presents the self-discovery expedition of a man during the time of the Buddha who, unsure of what life really means to him, takes an exploratory journey to pursue the highs and lows of life, which ultimately leads him to discover the equilibrium in all things and a higher wisdom within.",religion The Art of Living," talks about living a peaceful life through meditation and gratitude, especially by using the Vipassana meditation technique and the philosophy behind Buddhism, which promotes developing a clearer vision of life and seeing things as they truly are.",religion The Universe Has Your Back," explores the importance of spiritual elevation, meditation, and ways to live by a mantra that serves you in your self-discovery journey that will shape your reality through new and improved thoughts and inner beliefs.",religion Untamed," is an inspiring memoir of Glennon Doyle, a woman who found peace and inner strength by challenging life in all its areas, from love to parenting, personal growth, and work, after going through a powerful change that led her to discover crucial aspects about herself and allowed her to build a new life.",religion The Bhagavad Gita," is the number one spiritual text in Hinduism, packed with wisdom about life and purpose as well as powerful advice on living virtuously but authentically without succumbing to life’s temptations or other people’s dreams.",religion The Story of Philosophy," profiles the lives of great Western philosophers, such as Plato, Socrates, and Nietzsche, exploring their views on politics, religion, morality, the meaning of life, and plenty of other important concepts.",religion Safe People," focuses on the importance of recognizing the types of people, distinguishing between the safe and unsafe ones, avoiding toxic relationships, and establishing meaningful ones by reading people and trusting God.",religion Keep Showing Up," explores the struggles that married couples face on a daily basis, from falling into a routine to fighting over their children, and how to overcome them by being grateful, positive and re-establishing a connection with God. ",religion Caste," unveils the hidden cultural and societal rules of our class system, including where it comes from, why it’s so deeply entrenched in society, and how we can dismantle it forever and finally allow all people to have the equality they deserve.",religion Get Out Of Your Head," shows you how to break the pattern of negative thinking so you can consistently entertain healthier and happier thoughts by teaching simple tips like being alone, connecting with others, and reconnecting with God.",religion The Power Of Myth," is a book based on Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyer’s popular 1988 documentary of the same name, explaining where myths come from, why they are so common in society, how they’ve evolved, and what important role they still play in our ever-changing world today.",religion The Purpose Driven Life, is Christian pastor Rick Warren’s answer to the burning question that we all have about why we’re here and explains God’s five purposes for your life and how you can realize and live each of them by going on a 40-day spiritual journey.,religion Super Attractor," will help you become happier, find your purpose, overcome your fears, and begin living the life you’ve always wanted by identifying the steps you need to take to connect with a higher spiritual power.",religion The Way Of Zen," is the ultimate guide to understanding the history, principles, and benefits of Zen and how it can help us experience mental stillness and enjoy life even in uncertain times.",religion Doubt: A History," is a fascinating look at the historical influence of doubt on science, religion, and the way we think today.",religion Educated," will help you become more grateful for your schooling, freedom, and normal relationships by explaining the family difficulties that Tara Westover had to break free of so that she could get her own education.",religion Radical Acceptance, teaches how you can become more content and happy in your life by applying the principles of meditation and Buddhism. ,religion The Varieties Of Religious Experience," will show you that spirituality isn’t limited to church and that you too can benefit from trying a variety of religious practices, even if you identify with no religion in particular.",religion When Bad Things Happen To Good People," explains why even the best of people sometimes suffer from adversity, and how we can turn our pain into something meaningful instead of lamenting it.",religion The Tao Te Ching," is a collection of 81 short, poignant chapters full of advice on living in harmony with “the Tao,” translated as “the Way,” an ancient Chinese interpretation of the spiritual force underpinning all life, first written around 400 BC but relevant to this day.",religion Faith," is an in-depth exploration of the many meanings of faith and the various ways it affects human life, backed by the personal account of former US President Jimmy Carter.",religion The Tao of Physics," questions many biases about Western science and Eastern spirituality, showing the close connections between the principles of physics and those of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoism",religion The Road Less Traveled,"is a spiritual classic, combining scientific and religious views to help you grow by confronting and solving your problems through discipline, love and grace.",religion The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success," brings together the spiritual calmness and mindful behavior of Eastern religions with Western striving for achieving internal and external success, showing you seven specific ways to let both come to you.",religion The Wisdom Of Insecurity," is a self-help classic that breaks down our psychological need for stability and explains how it’s led us right into consumerism, why that won’t solve our problem and how we can really calm our anxiety.",religion Automate Your Busywork,"is a step-by-step guide to getting rid of your most dreaded tasks, fueled by the simple but sophisticated “Automation Flywheel,” which will help you reduce stress, get more done, and find time for your most meaningful work.",technology Brave New World," presents a futuristic society engineered perfectly around capitalism and scientific efficiency, in which everyone is happy, conform, and content — but only at first glance.",technology 1984, is the story of a man questioning the system that keeps his futuristic but dystopian society afloat and the chaos that quickly ensues once he gives in to his natural curiosity and desire to be free.,technology Stolen Focus,"explains why our attention spans have been dwindling for decades, how technology accelerates this worrying trend, and what we can do to reclaim our focus and thus our capacity to live meaningful lives.",technology The Life-Changing Science of Detecting Bullshit, teaches its readers how to avoid falling for the lies and false information that other people spread by helping them build essential thinking skills through examples from the real world.,technology Dopamine Nation,"talks about the importance of living a balanced life in relation to all the pleasure and stimuli we’re surrounded with on a daily basis, such as drugs, devices, porn, gambling facilities, showing us how to avoid becoming dopamine addicts by restricting our access to them.",technology The Code Breaker," details the life of Nobel Prize winner Jennifer Doudna, who embarked on — and successfully completed — a journey to invent a tool that allows us to edit the human genetic code and thus will change our lives, health, and future generations forever.",technology Permanent Record," delves into the life story of Edward Snowden, the well-renowned national whistleblower who built the exposé on STELLARWIND, the US mass surveillance program used to spy on American citizens.",technology Loonshots," explores the process of innovation, specifically how groundbreaking ideas emerge from simple thoughts and how important it is for organizations to give course to them by creating learning environments where people feel safe exploring and creating.",technology How to Break Up With Your Phone ,"explores a common problem for all of us who are engaging with social media and constant use of phones, namely our addiction to these devices and the internet, and ways to ditch it for good and find meaning in our lives outside of our virtual encounters.",technology Expert Secrets," teaches you how to create and implement an informative marketing plan and putting it into practice, while also showing you what problem you must solve for your prospects or teach them how to do it themselves.",technology The 100-Year Life," teaches you how to be resourceful and prepare ahead of time for a world in which people not only live longer but reach an age in the triple-digits, and talks about what you should be doing right now to ensure you have enough money for retirement.",technology Tesla: Man Out of Time," presents the biography and remarkable life of Nikola Tesla, one of the most notable inventors and engineers of all time, while also highlighting his bumpy relationship with Thomas Edison and his heavy childhood.",technology Inspired," taps into a popular subject, which is how to build successful products that sell, run a thriving business by avoiding common mistakes and traps along the way by motivating employees and setting a prime example through knowledge and skills, all while developing worthwhile products that are needed on the market.",technology Invent & Wander," is a collection of Jeff Bezos’s writings and letters to its shareholders, in which he expresses his philosophy of life and his way of doing business, which ultimately led him to know tremendous success and write history with his two companies: Amazon and Blue Origin.",technology Indistractable," how our modern gadgets and technology distract us from work and cause real concentration issues, impacting our performance and even the quality of our lives, and how we can address the root cause of the problem to solve it. ",technology Show Your Work!," talks about the importance of being discoverable, showcasing your work like a professional, and networking properly in order to succeed with your creative work.",technology The Shallows," explores the effects of the Internet on the human brain, which aren’t entirely positive, as our constant exposure to the online environment through digital devices strips our ability to target our focus and stay concentrated, all while modifying our brain neurologically and anatomically. ",technology AI 2041," explores the concept of artificial intelligence and delves into some thought-provoking ideas about AI taking over the world in the next twenty years, from our day-to-day lives to our jobs, becoming a worldwide used tool that will shake the world as we know it from the ground up.",technology Testing Business Ideas," highlights the importance of trial and error, learning from mistakes and prototypes, and always improving your offerings in a business, so as to bring a successful product to the market that will sell instead of causing you troubles.",technology Cryptocurrency Investing For Dummies," is a hands-on guide on how to get started with investing in digital coins by placing a trade using a broker what they represent, and how to pick the right ones from the batch of cryptocurrencies available on the market.",technology Stealing Fire, examines how a state of ecstasy can enhance the body-brain connection and allow humans to achieve excellent performance by accelerating their neural processes.,technology Long Life Learning," questions the current educational systems worldwide in relation to an increasing trend in job automation, growing life expectancy, and a devaluation in higher degrees, all with a strong focus on the future of work and urgency to adapt to it.",technology An Ugly Truth," offers a critical look at Facebook and its administrators, who foster a gaslighting environment and a controversial social media platform that can easily become a danger for its users both virtually and in real life due to its immense power and influence on our society.",technology Make Money Trading Options," teaches the art of trading stock options, including the pitfalls to watch out for and how to use simple tools like the Test Trading Strategy and virtual trading tools to find stocks that are most likely to be profitable, so you don’tm have to just guess where to invest.",technology Ten Arguments For Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now," shows why you should quit social media because it stops joy, makes you a jerk, erodes truth, kills empathy, takes free will, keeps the world insane, destroys authenticity, blocks economic dignity, makes politics a mess, and hates you.",technology No Rules Rules," explains the incredibly unique and efficient company culture of Netflix, including the amazing levels of freedom and responsibility it gives employees and how this innovative way of running the business is the very reason that Netflix is so successful.",technology The Bitcoin Standard, uses the history of money and gold to explain why Bitcoin is the way to go if the world wants to stick to having sound money and why it’s the only cryptocurrency to be focusing on right now.,technology The Design Of Everyday Things, helps you understand why your inability to use some products isn’t your fault but instead is the result of bad design and how companies can use the principles of cognitive psychology to implement better design principles that actually solve your problems without creating more of them.,technology Cryptoassets," is your guide to understanding this revolutionary new digital asset class and explains the history of Bitcoin, how to invest in it and other cryptocurrencies, and how the blockchain technology behind it all works.",technology The Double Helix," tells the story of the discovery of DNA, which is one of the most significant scientific findings in all of history, by explaining the rivalries, struggles of the prideful scientific community to work together, and other roadblocks that James Watson had on the way to making the breakthrough of a lifetime that would change his life and the entire world.",technology The Dark Net," dives into the details of the wildest and most dangerous parts of the digital world, including self-harmers, cryptocurrency programmers, computer scientists, hackers, extremists, pornographers, vigilantes, and much more.",technology 2030," uses the current trajectory of the world, based on sociological, demographic, and technological trends, to outline the changes we can expect to happen in our lives by the beginning of the next decade.",technology See You On The Internet, is the ultimate beginner-level digital marketing guide that teaches you how to build an online business presence by doing everything from starting a website to managing social media accounts.,technology The Grand Design," explains the history of mankind from a scientific perspective, including how we came into existence and started to use science to explain the world and ourselves with laws like Newton’s and Einstein’s and more recent theories like quantum physics.",technology Subscribed," helps your company move to a subscription model by identifying the history of this innovative idea, how it makes businesses so successful, and what you need to do to implement it in your own company.",technology Narrative Economics," explains the influence that popular stories have on the way economies operate, including the rise of Bitcoin, stock market booms and crashes, the nature of epidemics, and more.",technology The Age Of Cryptocurrency," explains the past, present, and future of Bitcoin, including its benefits and drawbacks, how it aligns with the definition of money well enough to be its own currency, how it and other cryptocurrencies will change our economy and the entire world.",technology Blockchain Revolution," explains how the power of this new technology behind Bitcoin can transform our world financially by improving the way we store our money and do business to make it more fair, transparent, equal, and free from corruption.",technology You Are Not A Gadget," will help you get a better grasp on how much the internet undervalues your individuality by explaining the history of the digital world, the worrying path that it has put us on, and how we might make changes as a society to fix these problems.",technology Dataclysm, gives powerful motivation for being more honest online by using information collected from the internet to identify what all of us are really like under the veil of anonymity and how we as a society have changed recently.,technology Everybody Lies," will expand your mind about the true nature of human beings by explaining what big data is, how it came to be, and how we can use it to understand ourselves better.",technology AI Superpowers," will help you understand what to expect of the effect that artificial intelligence will have on your future job opportunities by diving into where China and the US, the world’s two leaders in AI, are heading with this breakthrough technology.",technology Life After Google, explains why Silicon Valley is suffering a nervous breakdown as big data and machine intelligence comes to an end and the post-Google era dawns.,technology Thank You For Being Late," helps you slow down and take life at a more reasonable pace by explaining the state of our rapidly changing environment, economy, and technology.",technology Alone Together, is a book that will make you want to have a better relationship with technology by revealing just how much we rely on it and the ways our connection to it is growing worse and having negative effects on us all.,technology Amazon, will help you make your business better by sharing what made Jeff Bezos’s gigantic company so successful at going from its humble beginnings to now dominating the e-commerce market.,technology Irresistible," reveals how alarmingly stuck to our devices we are, shows the negative consequences of technology addiction, and gives tips for a healthier relationship with the digital world. ",technology A Crack In Creation," will teach you all about the power of gene editing that is made possible with CRISPR by detailing how it works, the benefits and opportunities it opens up, and the ethical risks of using it on humans.",technology How To," will help you get better at abstract thinking as it gives solutions to some of the strangest problems in the wackiest, but still scientific, ways.",technology The Uninhabitable Earth, explains how humanity’s complacency and negligence have put this world on a course to soon be unlivable unless we each do our small part to improve how we care for this beautiful planet we live on.,technology What If," is a compilation of well-researched, science-based answers to some of the craziest hypothetical questions you can imagine.",technology Deep Thinking, is a recap of the past fifty years of the information revolution and an attempt to identify where AI technology may lead us.,technology Digital Renaissance," uses empirical data to show that the digitization of media has led to a flood of art, but that its average quality hasn’t changed.",technology Digital Minimalism,"shows us where to draw the line with technology, how to properly take time off our digital devices, and why doing so is the key to living a happy, focused life in a noisy world.",technology Make Time," is about creating space in your life for what truly matters using highlights, laser-style focus, energizing breaks, and regularly reflecting on how you spend your most valuable asset.",technology Reinvent Yourself," is a template for how to best adapt in a world in which the only constant is change, so that you may find happiness, success, wealth, meaningful work, and whatever else you desire in life.",technology Homo Deus, illustrates the history of the human race from how we came to be the dominant species over what narratives are shaping our lives today all the way to which obstacles we must overcome next to continue to thrive.,technology Amusing Ourselves To Death, takes you through the history of media to highlight how entertainment’s standing in society has risen to the point where our addiction to it undermines our independent thinking.,technology Wonderland," shows you that much of societal and technological progress actually originates from people playing and just following their curiosity, as it takes you on a tour of history’s greatest dabblers and how they helped build the future.",technology The Innovators," walks you through the history of the digital revolution, showing how it was a combined effort of many creative minds over decades, that enabled us to go from huge, clunky machines to the fast, globally connected devices in your pocket today.",technology Plato At The Googleplex,"asks what would happen if ancient philosopher Plato were alive today and came in contact with the modern world, for example by touring Google’s headquarters, and what the implications of his encounters are for the relevance of philosophy in our civilized, hyper-technological world.",technology Facebook Ads Manual," gives you an exact, step-by-step tutorial to create and run your first Facebook ads campaign, allowing you to market your product, page, or yourself to a massive audience for next to no money and make you a true social media marketer.",technology Bit Literacy, shows you how to navigate innumerable streamsof digital information without becoming paralyzed by managing your media with a few simple systems.,technology Algorithms To Live By," explains how computer algorithms work, why their relevancy isn’t limited to the digital world and how you can make better decisions by strategically using the right algorithm at the right time, for example in dating, at home or in the office.",technology Forensics: The Anatomy Of Crime," gives you an inside looks at all the different fields of criminal forensics and their history, showing you how the investigation and evidence-collection of crimes has changed dramatically within the last 200 years, helping us find the truth behind more and more crimes.",technology Tubes," is a behind-the-scenes look at the real, tangible, physical heart of the internet, this elusive and seemingly invisible technology that permeates all of our lives on a daily basis.",technology iWoz," is Steve Wozniak’s autobiography, detailing his story in his own words, from early tinkering with electronics in his home, to college and his first job, all the way to singlehandedly creating the world’s first desktopcomputer, the Apple I and founding what would become the most valuable company in the world.",technology Moonshot!, describes why now is the best time ever to build a business and how you can harness technology to create an experience customers will love by seeing the possibilities of the future before others do.,technology Behind The Cloud," tells the story of, one of the biggest and earliest cloud computing, software-as-a-service companies in the world and how it went from small startup to billion-dollar status.",technology The Idea Factory," explains how one company, Bell Labs, has managed to spearhead innovation in the communications industry for almost 100 years by dedicating themselves to science and research, thus producing a disproportionately big share of the technology that significantly shapes our lives today.",technology How To Create A Mind," breaks down the human brain into its components, in order to then draw parallels to computers and find out what is required to let them replicate our minds, thus creating true, artificial intelligence.",technology Lean Analytics," opens up the world of collecting and analyzing data to new entrepreneurs, by showing them how to use data as a powerful tool without getting consumed by it to build, launch and grow their startup faster while focusing on the right metrics.",technology Reality Is Broken," flips the image of the lonely gamer on its head, explaining how games create real value, can be used to make us happier and even help us solve global problems.",technology Superintelligence," asks what will happen once we manage to build computers that are smarter than us, including what we need to do, how it’s going to work, and why it has to be done the exact right way to make sure the human race doesn’t go extinct.",technology Remote, explains why offices are a thing of the past and what both companies and employees can do to thrive in a company that’s spread all across the globe with people working wherever they choose to.,technology The Facebook Effect," is the only official account of the history of the world’s largest social network, explaining why it’s so successful and how it’s changed both the world and us.",technology Without Their Permission," is Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian’s plea to you to start something, as he lays out how anyone can use the internet to shape the future of the 21st century without having to get a yes from somebody else first.",technology The Evolution Of Everything," compares creationist to evolutionist thinking, showing how the process of evolution we know from biology underlies and permeates the entire world, including society, morality, religion, culture, economics, money, innovation and even the internet.",technology The Singularity Is Near," outlines the future of technology by describing how change keeps accelerating, what computers will look like and be made of, why biology and technology will become indistinguishable and how we can’t possibly predict what’ll happen after 2045.",technology Elon Musk," is the first official biography of the creator of SolarCity, SpaceX and Tesla, based on over 30 hours of conversation time between authorAshlee Vance",technology Hackers and Painters," is a collection of essays by Y Combinator founder Paul Graham about what makes a good computer programmer and how you cancodethe future if you are one, making a fortune in the process.",technology The Third Wave," lays out the history of the internet and how it’s about to permeate everything in our lives, as well as what it takes for entrepreneurs to make use of this mega-trend and thrive in an omni-connected, always-online world.",technology Hatching Twitter," details the story and human drama behind the creation and meteoric rise of Twitter, the social media platform that’s changed how we communicate over the past ten years.",technology Abundance," shows you the key technological trends being developed today, to give you a glimpse of a future that’s a lot brighter than you think and help you embrace the optimism we need to make it happen.",technology Rework," shows you that you need less than you think to start a business – way less – by explaining why plans are actually harmful, how productivity isn’t a result from working long hours and why hiring and seeking investors should be your absolute last resort.",technology Tribes," turns you from a sheepwalker into a heretic, by giving you the tools to start your own tribe, explaining why they’re the future of business and showing you that you too, can be a leader.",technology Bold," shows you that exponential technology has democratized the power to change the world and build wealth, by putting it into everyone’s hands and explains which trends entrepreneurs will most benefit from in the future, how to capitalize on them and which challenges are really bold enough to impact us all.",technology "Trust Me, I’m Lying","is a marketer’s take on how influential blogs have become, why that’s something to worry about, and which broken dynamics govern the internet today, including his own confessions of how he gamed that very system to successfully generate press for his clients.",technology The Thank You Economy," announces the return of small town courtesy to the world of business, thanks to social media, and shows you why business must not neglect nurturing its one-on-one relationships with customers through the new channels online, to thrive in the modern world.",technology Launch," is an early internet entrepreneurs step-by-step blueprint to creating products people want, launching them from the comfort of your home and building the life you’ve always wanted, thanks to the power of psychology, email, and of course the internet.",technology The Everything Store," is the closest biographical documentation of the unprecedented rise of Amazon as an online retail store with an almost infinite amount of choice, based on over 300 interviews with current and former Amazon employees and executives, family members of the founder and the hard facts available to the public.",technology Crush It," is the blueprint you need to turn your passion into your profession and will give you the tools to turn yourself into a brand, leverage social media, produce great content and reap the financial benefits of it.",technology Permission Marketing," explains why nobody pays attention to TV commercials and flyers anymore, and shows you how in today’s crowded market, you can cheaply start a dialogue with your ideal customer, build a relationship over time and sell to them much more effectively.",technology The Art Of Social Media," is a compendium of over 100 practical tips to treat your social media presence like a business and use a bottom-up approach to get the attention your brand, product or business deserves.",technology Crossing The Chasm," gives high tech startups a marketing blueprint, in order to make their product get the initial traction it needs to eventually reach the majority of the market and not die in the chasm between early adopters and pragmatists.",technology SuperBetter," not only breaks down the science behind games and how they help us become physically, emotionally, mentally and socially stronger, but also gives you a 7-step system you can use to turn your own life into a game, have more fun than ever before and overcome your biggest challenges.",technology Dear Girls," is a collection of letters written by comedian Ali Wong to her two daughters, recounting tales from her youth and life in an attempt to pass on some hard-earned wisdom to them and anyone willing to listen to her story.",work Automate Your Busywork,"is a step-by-step guide to getting rid of your most dreaded tasks, fueled by the simple but sophisticated “Automation Flywheel,” which will help you reduce stress, get more done, and find time for your most meaningful work.",work On Writing, details Stephen King’s journey to becoming one of the best-selling authors of all time while delivering hard-won advice on the craft to aspiring writers.,work Never Finished," is an inspiring blueprint for leveling up in the game of life that never ends, offering 8 evolutions of thought, painful truths, and motivating stories to help you smash any and all glass ceilings in your life.",work The Highly Sensitive Person,"is a self-assessment guide and how-to-live template for people who feel, relate, process, and notice more deeply than others, and who frequently suffer from overstimulation as a result.",work "The Wealthy Gardener is a series of stories told from the perspective of an old, wealthy man, who shares the financial wisdom he’s acquired over many years with the members in his community, showing them how to", build wealth step-by-step through short yet meaningful anecdotes.,work The Midnight Library," tells the story of Nora, a depressed woman in her 30s, who, on the day she decides to die, finds herself in a library full of lives she could have lived, where she discovers there’s a lot more to life, even her current one, than she had ever imagined.",work Stolen Focus,"explains why our attention spans have been dwindling for decades, how technology accelerates this worrying trend, and what we can do to reclaim our focus and thus our capacity to live meaningful lives.",work The Infinite Game," argues that business is not a competition but an infinite journey, and that to do well in it, leaders must advance a “Just Cause,” build trusting teams, learn from their “Worthy Rivals,” and practice existential flexibility.",work The Daily Laws,"is a page-a-day, calendar-style book covering the three big topics of mastery, power, and emotions, sharing Robert Greene’s best lessons from 20 years of research of the dynamics within and between humans.",work Discipline Is Destiny," is a three-part manual to master and implement the Stoic virtue of temperance, aka discipline, in your life, thus improving your body, mind, and spirit.",work The Art of Statistics," is a non-technical book that shows how statistics is helping humans everywhere get a new hold of data, interpret numbers, fact-check information, and reveal valuable insights, all while keeping the world as we know it afloat.",work Will," is world-famous actor and musician Will Smith’s autobiography, outlining his life’s story all the way from his humble beginnings in West Philadelphia to achieving fame as a musician and then global stardom as an actor and, ultimately, one of the most influential people of our time.",work Rich Dad’s Cashflow Quadrant," is an inspiring read by Kiyosaki which comes as a sequel after his first groundbreaking book and presents how hard work doesn’t always equal becoming rich, as wealth is likely a result of smart money decisions.",work No Hard Feelings, is a practical book for better managing the emotional side of work and building the skills needed to enhance your performance both within your role and more broadly throughout your career path by finding motivation again and managing negative emotions.,work Loonshots," explores the process of innovation, specifically how groundbreaking ideas emerge from simple thoughts and how important it is for organizations to give course to them by creating learning environments where people feel safe exploring and creating.",work The Book of Mistakes," follows the adventures of David, a young adult who is going through a rough patch and receives guidance from a wise man who teaches him the nine mistakes he should avoid, how to become successful, and a series of valuable life lessons that can save anyone many years of their life.",work The Slight Edge," outlines the importance of doing small, little improvements in our everyday life to achieve a successful bigger picture, and how by focusing more on making better day-by-day choices you can shape a remarkable future.",work Expert Secrets," teaches you how to create and implement an informative marketing plan and putting it into practice, while also showing you what problem you must solve for your prospects or teach them how to do it themselves.",work Everyday Millionaires, proves how anyone can become a millionaire if they have a solid actionable plan and the willingness to work hard by drawing conclusions from the largest study ever conducted on the lives of millionaires.,work Daily Rituals," is a compilation of the best practices and habits of successful people from different fields aimed to help anyone increase productivity, get past writer’s block, and become more creative and efficient in their everyday work.",work The Worldly Philosophers," is your hands-on guide to economics, how the world works overall but especially from a financial point of view, what are the social and economic systems that existed throughout history, and how certain people’s concepts got to shape the world we know today.",work A World Without Email," presents a utopia where people engage in their usual professional activities without using emails as a means of communication, and explores a new way of working that doesn’t rely on instant messaging, which is known for decreasing productivity at the workplace.",work Blue Ocean Strategy," talks about a new type of business strategy that doesn’t necessarily rely on gaining a competitive advantage over your rivals, but on innovating your way out of the current market to create your own ocean of opportunities.",work The 5 Choices, teaches us how to reach our highest potential in the workplace and achieve the top level of productivity through a series of tips and tricks and work habits that can change your life right away if you’re willing to give them a try.,work The Daily Stoic," is a year-long compilation of short, daily meditations from ancient Stoic philosophers like Seneca, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, and others, teaching you equanimity, resilience, and perseverance",work Designing Your Work Life," is a helpful guidebook for anyone who wants to create and maintain a work environment that is both happy and productive by working with what they already have, rather than keep on changing jobs in hope of finding better.",work Hug Your Haters," talks about the importance of acknowledging your haters or dissatisfied customers and valuing their opinion in the process of building better products, improving the existing offerings, and growing your strategies overall.",work Mastermind: How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes," presents the story of one of the most famous detectives we’ve ever known and his adventures in the world of uncovering mysteries while highlighting the secrets of his powerful mind, psychological tricks, deduction games, and teaching you how to strengthen your cognitive capacity.",work The Invincible Company, explores the secrets of a successful company by proving how focusing on strengthening the core business values and operations while concentrating on R&D in parallel is a better strategy than just disrupting continuously and seeking new markets.,work Bored and Brilliant," explores the idea of how just doing nothing, daydreaming and spacing out can improve our cognitive functions, enhance creativity and original thinking overall while also helping us relieve stress.",work Not Today, talks about what it really means to be productive and presents nine effective strategies to achieve higher returns on your work input from the perspective of two entrepreneurs who are used to working hard.,work Elite Minds," delves into the idea of success and teaches you how to train your mind to tap into its highest potential, adopt a winning mentality, embrace the gifts you’ve been given and improve mental toughness.",work The Lost Art of Connecting," explores ways to build meaningful and genuine relationships in life by using the Gather, Ask, Do method and relying less on gaining benefits from networking, but rather on deepening your connection with other human beings and cultivating authentic emotions.",work Die Empty," talks about the importance of following your dreams and aspirations, living a meaningful, active life, and using your native gifts to create a legacy and inspire others to tap into their own potential as well.",work The Sales Advantage," offers a practical guide to acquiring customers, closing sales, and increasing profits by following a series of proven techniques from a corporate coaching course about sales procedures.",work Masters of Scale," teaches entrepreneurs ways to open up a successful company and scale it from the grounds-up by going into detail about the right business practices, how to seize opportunities, and foster an organizational culture that encourages innovation and customer-centricity.",work The Mom Test," talks about ways to tell if your business idea is great or terrible by assessing the opinions of your friends, family, and investors accordingly, and not believing everything they say just to make you feel good.",work Words That Work," outlines the importance of using the right words and the appropriate body language in a given situation to make yourself understood properly and get the most out of the dialogue, while also teaching you some tips-and-tricks on how to win arguments, tame conflicts, and get your point across using a wise selection of words.",work Invent & Wander," is a collection of Jeff Bezos’s writings and letters to its shareholders, in which he expresses his philosophy of life and his way of doing business, which ultimately led him to know tremendous success and write history with his two companies: Amazon and Blue Origin.",work Your Erroneous Zones," offers a hands-on guide on how to escape negative thinking, falling into your own self-destructive patterns, take charge of your thoughts and implicitly, your emotions, and how to build a better version of yourself starting with putting yourself first and not caring about what others may think.",work Indistractable," how our modern gadgets and technology distract us from work and cause real concentration issues, impacting our performance and even the quality of our lives, and how we can address the root cause of the problem to solve it. ",work Courage Is Calling,"analyzes the actions taken in difficult situations by some of history’s leading figures, thus drawing conclusions about what makes someone courageous and showing you how to become a braver person day-by-day, step-by-step.",work Keep Going," teaches us how to persist in creative work when our brain wants to take a million different paths, showing us how to harness our brain power in moments of innovation as well as tediousness.",work Unlimited Memory, explores the most effective ways to retain information and improve memory skills by teaching its readers some key aspects about the brain and explaining advanced learning strategies in an easy-to-follow manner.,work The Almanack of Naval Ravikant," compiles the valuable lessons of Naval Ravikant, who teaches people how to build wealth and achieve long-term happiness by working on a few essential skills, all while discovering the secrets of living a good life.",work The Nicomachean Ethics,"is a historically important text compiling Aristotle’s extensive discussion of existential questions concerning happiness, ethics, friendship, knowledge, pleasure, virtue, and even society at large.",work Richard Nixon: The Life," presents the detailed biography of the thirty-seventh president of the United States, who became famous for his successful endeavors that put him in the White House and for his controversial life the complexities of being such a top tier political figure.",work High-Impact Tools for Teams," aims to combat recurring project-management problems that take place in teams and especially during meetings, which tend to get chaotic and deviate from their initial purpose, all through the Team Alignment Map, a solution proposed by the authors. ",work Trust Yourself," offers career and wellbeing advice from a sensitive striver’s point of view, a introvert-leaning character type that comes with plenty of positive traits but is also prone to burnout, giving practical tips on breaking free from stress and perfectionism for a healthier, more balanced life.",work Perfectly Confident," explores the idea of confidence and offers a series of valuable practices that anyone can implement in their life to improve this aspect, as well as an overview of how confidence is supposed to look and feel like in its realest form, without adding or subtracting too much of it. ",work No More Mr. Nice Guy," explores ways to eliminate the “Nice Guy Syndrome”, which implies being a man that avoids conflicts at all costs and prefers to show only his nice side to the world, even when it affects him negatively by damaging his personality and preventing him from achieving his goals in life.",work How to Think More Effectively," delves into the subject of thinking mechanisms and cognitive processes, and explores how you can think more efficiently and draw better insights from the world around you by adopting a few key practices, such as filtering your thoughts or prioritizing work. ",work Anxiety at Work," outlines the importance of having a harmonious working environment due to the constant increase in people’s stress levels from their professional lives, and how managers, direct supervisors, CEOs, and other executive bodies can help reduce it by fostering a healthy environment.",work Real Help," offers a hands-on approach to improving your life and achieving unconventional success through a happy, fulfilled, ordinary life, rather than fighting the broken system until you’ve got millions in the bank and out-of-the-ordinary achievements.",work The Art of Rhetoric," is an ancient, time-proven reference book that explores the secrets behind persuasion, rhetoric, and good public speaking by providing compelling information on what a good speech should consist of and how truth and virtue are at the foundation of every good story.",work The Self-Discipline Blueprint," delves into the subject of self-actualization and why it is crucial for humans to achieve a fulfilled and successful life by creating a routine and becoming focused, self-disciplined and hard-working.",work Boss It," is a hands-on guide to entrepreneurship and what running business implies, from motivation, to hard work, consistency, great time management and a series of practical skills that are needed to fully succeed in this environment.",work "Humor, Seriously"," explores how bringing fun and entertainment into the workplace can enhance team productivity, spark creativity, increase trust between members and improve people’s overall sentiment in relation to work and job-related activities.",work Do What Matters Most," outlines the importance of time management in anyone’s life and explores highly efficient methods to set goals for short-term and long-term intervals, as well as how to achieve them by being more productive and learning how to prioritize.",work Hiring Success, highlights the importance of the human resource for any company and describes a successful business approach that focuses on finding highly trained and skilled future employees as a source of competitive advantage on the market.,work Fail Fast Fail Often," outlines the importance of accepting failure as a natural part of our life, and how by embracing it instead of fearing it can improve the way we evolve, grow, learn and respond to new experiences and people.",work The Joy of Missing Out," explores today’s idea of productivity and common misconceptions about what it means to be productive, as well as how eliminating unnecessary stress by prioritizing effectively can help us live a better life.",work Legendary Service," talks about the principles behind extraordinary customer service and how a company can implement them to achieve a competitive advantage and stand out on the market using simple, yet crucial tactics to satisfy customers.",work Disney U," outlines the principles that create the customer-centric philosophy of Disney and contribute to the company’s massive success, while also highlighting some aspects of their organizational culture, such as caring for their staff and providing high-quality training.",work Stealing Fire, examines how a state of ecstasy can enhance the body-brain connection and allow humans to achieve excellent performance by accelerating their neural processes.,work The Leader In You," explores how the world leaders managed to achieve performance in their lives by creating meaningful connections and reaching a higher level of productivity through a positive, proactive mindset.",work Work Less Finish More," is a hands-on guide to adopting a more focused frame of mind and developing habits that will enhance your productivity levels, give you a sense of accomplishment and put you in the right direction in order to achieve your objectives.",work Long Life Learning," questions the current educational systems worldwide in relation to an increasing trend in job automation, growing life expectancy, and a devaluation in higher degrees, all with a strong focus on the future of work and urgency to adapt to it.",work The Power of Focus, offers its readers a focus-based approach that they can use to achieve their financial and personal goals through practical exercises and habits that they can implement into their daily lives to actively shape their future.,work The Hidden Habits of Genius, looks at how geniuses separate themselves from the rest by having in common a distinctive set of characteristics and habits that form a unique way of thinking and cultivating brilliance. ,work The Burnout Fix," delivers practical advice on how to thrive in the dynamic working environment we revolve around every day by setting healthy boundaries, keeping a work-life balance, and prioritizing our well-being.",work The Law Says What," is a book that delivers significant insights into various everyday aspects of the law that most of us don’t know about but really should, how we should navigate between them and get a better understanding of how they can protect us.",work Collaborative Intelligence," helps you enhance your unique thinking traits and develop an individualized form of intelligence based on what works best for you, what your strengths are, and how you communicate with others.",work Bounce Back," is a book by Susan Kahn, a business coach who will teach you the psychology of resilience from the perspectives of Greek philosophy, Sigmund Freud, and modern neuroscience, so you can recover quickly from professional blunders of all kinds by changing your thinking.",work Make Money Trading Options," teaches the art of trading stock options, including the pitfalls to watch out for and how to use simple tools like the Test Trading Strategy and virtual trading tools to find stocks that are most likely to be profitable, so you don’tm have to just guess where to invest.",work Born To Win," explores how planning and preparation is the only way to win in life and shows you how to use these tools in combination with a vision, goals, and thinking positively to become a winner in all aspects of life.",work Doesn’t Hurt To Ask,"teaches persuasion via asking the right questions, explaining that intentional questions are the key to sharing your ideas, connecting with your audience, and convincing people both in the office and at home.",work Open, is the autobiography of world-famous tennis player Andre Agassi in which he details his struggles and successes on the way to self-awareness and balance while he was also trying to handle the constant pressures and difficulties that came from being one of the best tennis players in the world.,work Hyper-Learning," shows how people and companies can adapt in the rapidly changing world we live in today, explaining how a growth mindset, colleaboration, and losing your ego will build your confidence that you can stay relevant and competitive as the world around you accelerates.",work How To Be A Leader," is Greek philosopher Plutarch’s guide to leadership and uses practical ideas, historical narratives, political events, and more to outline the qualities of the best leaders, including serving for the right reasons, speaking persuasively, and following more experienced leaders.",work Hyperfocus," teaches you how to become more efficient and improve your concentration by deciding on one thing to work on, focusing only on that task, learning to understand when your mind has wandered and redirecting your attention back to your work, and thinking creatively when you’re not working.",work Greenlights," is the autobiography of Matthew McConaughey, in which he takes us on a wild ride of his journey through a childhood of tough love, rising to fame and success in Hollywood, changing his career, and more, guided by the green lights he saw that led him forward at each step.",work No Rules Rules," explains the incredibly unique and efficient company culture of Netflix, including the amazing levels of freedom and responsibility it gives employees and how this innovative way of running the business is the very reason that Netflix is so successful.",work See You On The Internet, is the ultimate beginner-level digital marketing guide that teaches you how to build an online business presence by doing everything from starting a website to managing social media accounts.,work Small Giants," is your guide to keeping your company little but mighty that will allow you to pass up deliberate growth for staying true to what’s really important, which is your ideals, time, passions, and doing what you do best so well that customers can’t help but flock to you.",work Unlearn, will show you how to win even in changing circumstances by revealing why the patterns you used for past successes won’t always work and how to adopt a learning attitude to stop them from holding you back.,work Mindful Work," is your guide to understanding how the practice of meditation got its roots in Western society, the many ways it radically improves your brain’s ability to do almost everything, and how it will improve your productivity.",work Subscribed," helps your company move to a subscription model by identifying the history of this innovative idea, how it makes businesses so successful, and what you need to do to implement it in your own company.",work The Coach’s Survival Guide, gives you all the tools that you need to become a successful coach and make the biggest positive impact on your clients.,work Pivot," will give you the confidence you need to change careers by showing you how to prepare by examining your strengths, working with the right people, testing ideas, and creating opportunities.",work Titan," will inspire you to keep working hard to make your business goals happen by sharing the life story of John D. Rockefeller Sr., from his humble beginnings to his astronomical success as an oil tycoon and beyond.",work The Charge," shows you how to unlock the baseline and forward human drives within you that will help you get energized, grounded, and working so that you can have the life of happiness and fulfillment you’ve always wanted.",work Maximize Your Potential," shows you how to make your work life one that’s both fulfilling and productive by shifting your mindset and taking advantage of your ambitions, skills, and creativity.",work Power Relationships, shows you how to have a fantastic career and a fulfilling life by connecting with the right people early and growing those relationships.,work "First, Break All The Rules","claims that everything you think you know about managing people is wrong, revealing how you can challenge the status quo so that both you and those you lead will achieve their full potential.",work Limitless," shows you how to unlock the full potential that your brain has for memory, reading, learning, and much more by showing you how to take the brakes off of your mental powers with tools like mindset, visualization, music, and more.",work Team Of Teams, reveals the incredible power that small teams have to manage the difficult and complicated issues that arise in every company and how even large organizations can take advantage of them by building a system of many teams that work together.,work The Leadership Challenge, shares the top leadership lessons from 25 years of experience and research of authors James Kouzes and Barry Posner and explains what makes successful managers and how you can apply the same principles to become one yourself.,work Eat Sleep Work Repeat," identifies why so many workplaces are unnecessarily stressful, how it makes employees unhappy and businesses less profitable, and what we all need to do to fix this growing problem.",work The Apology Impulse," will help you and your business become more authentic in your relationships with others by identifying how much companies say sorry, why they do, how they get it wrong, and the right way to do it.",work Think Like A Rocket Scientist, teaches you how to think like an engineer in your everyday life so that you can accomplish your personal and professional goals and reach your full potential.,work Good People," is a book about business and leadership which explains the importance of focusing on and building integrity in the workplace, including why it’s so vital if you want your company to be successful, how you can get it, and why an emphasis on competencies alone won’t cut it anymore.",work Mind Over Money," is the ultimate guide to understanding the psychology of personal finance, explaining how your beliefs about money began forming when you were very young and what you can do to make your brain your financial friend instead of your enemy.",work The Alchemist," is a classic novel in which a boy named Santiago embarks on a journey seeking treasure in the Egyptian pyramids after having a recurring dream about it and on the way meets mentors, falls in love, and most importantly, learns the true importance of who he is and how to improve himself and focus on what really matters in life.",work Fit For Growth," is a guide to expanding your company’s influence and profits by looking for ways to cut costs in the right places, restructuring your business model, and eliminating unnecessary departments to pave the way for exponential success.",work High Performance Habits," is your guide to building the six systems that science and the lives of the most successful people in the world prove will turn you into a productive, fulfilled, and extraordinary person.",work Getting To Yes, is a handbook for having successful negotiations that teaches everything you need to know about resolving conflicts of all kinds and reaching win-win solutions in every discussion without giving in or making the other person unhappy.,work Presence," is a life-changing guide to growing your self-confidence that shows how posture, mindset, and body language all expand your feeling of empowerment and your communication skills.",work Radical Candor,"will teach you how to connect with people at work, push them to be their best, know when and how to fire them, and create an environment of trust and innovation in the workplace.",work Becoming The Boss," shows leaders of all kinds, whether new or experienced, how to identify the pitfalls that stand in the way of influencing others for the better and overcome them.",work Who Not How," will skyrocket your success, happiness, and fulfillment in all areas of your life by identifying why you’re looking at your problems the wrong way and how simply seeking to get the right people to help you will make all the difference.",work The Ride Of A Lifetime,"illustrates Robert Iger’s journey to becoming the CEO of Disney, and how his vision, strategy, and guidance successfully led the company through a time when its future was highly uncertain.",work You’ll See It When You Believe It," shows you how to discover your true, best self by revealing how to use the power of your mind to find peace with yourself, the people around you, and the universe.",work Imagine It Forward," inspires businesses and individuals to challenge outdated thinking and ways of doing work by sharing the life and business experiences of Beth Comstock, one of America’s most innovative businesswomen.",work The Four Steps To The Epiphany, shows startups how to plan for and achieve success by giving examples of companies that failed and outlining the path they need to take to flourish.,work Super Attractor," will help you become happier, find your purpose, overcome your fears, and begin living the life you’ve always wanted by identifying the steps you need to take to connect with a higher spiritual power.",work Winners Dream," will inspire you to get up and get moving to make your biggest goals happen by sharing the incredible rags to riches story of Bill McDermott, who went from humble beginnings to CEO of the biggest software company in the world simply by having a vision of what he wanted in life.",work Everybody Matters," identifies the best way to become successful in business, help your team members trust you, and enable people to reach their full potential by showing the power of taking better care of your employees as if they were family.",work Why “A” Students Work For “C” Students, contains Robert Kiyosaki’s lessons on how the global financial crisis is the result of a lack of education and shows parents how to become truly money literate so they can teach their kids to do the same and attain financial freedom.,work See You At The Top," shows you how to have a spiritually, socially, financially, and physically successful and meaningful life by utilizing tools like positive thinking, kindness to others, and goal-setting.",work Own Your Everyday," shows you how to let go of comparison, stress, and distractions so you can find your purpose and live a more fulfilling life by sharing inspiring lessons from the experiences of author Jordan Lee Dooley.",work Willpower Doesn’t Work, shows you how to change your life in a more efficient way than relying on sheer grit alone by identifying the importance of your environment and other factors that affect your productivity so you can become your best self.,work The Fifth Discipline, shows you how to find joy at work again as an employee and improve your company’s productivity if you’re an employer by outlining the five values you must adopt to turn your workplace into a learning environment.,work Building A StoryBrand, is your guide to turning your sales pages and product into an adventure for your clients by identifying the seven steps to successful storytelling as a company and how to craft the clearest message possible so that they will understand and want to be part of it.,work Get Out Of Your Own Way, guides you through the process of overcoming what’s holding you back from being your best self and reaching success you’ve never dreamed of by identifying how Dave Hollis came to realize his limiting beliefs and beat them.,work Living In Your Top 1%, shows you how to become your best self and live up to your full potential by outlining nine science-backed ways to beat the odds and achieve your goals and dreams.,work Joy At Work," takes Marie Kondo’s famous tidying-up tips and applies it to your job to help you be happier in the physical areas, digital spaces, and uses of your time in the office.",work How To Do Nothing," makes you more productive and helps you have more peace by identifying the problems with our current 24/7 work culture, where it came from, and how pausing to reflect helps you overcome it.",work The 15 Invaluable Laws Of Growth, will inspire you to get up and improve your life by showing you how change only happens when we actively nurture it and identifying the steps and strategies to thrive in your career and life.,work Epic Content Marketing, shows why traditional methods for selling like TV and direct mail are dead and how creating content is the new future of advertising because it actually grabs people’s attention by focusing on what they care about instead of your product.,work Be A Free Range Human," inspires you to finally quit that 9-5 job that is sucking the life out of you and begin working for yourself by explaining why the “job security” doesn’t exist anymore, helping you discover your passions, and identifying the steps you need to follow if you want to start a life of freedom and happiness.",work Agile Selling, helps you become a great salesperson by identifying how successful people thrive in any sales position with the skills of learning and adapting quickly.,work Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude, is a classic self-improvement book that will boost your happiness and give you the life of your dreams by identifying what Napoleon Hill learned interviewing hundreds of successful people and sharing how their outlook on life helped them get to the top.,work Best Self," will help you become the hero you’ve always wanted to be by teaching you how to be honest with yourself about what you desire, identify your toxic anti-self, and discover the traits of the greatest possible version of you that you can imagine.",work Personality Isn’t Permanent," will shatter your long-held beliefs that you’re stuck as yourself, flaws and all, by identifying why the person you are is changeable and giving you specific and actionable steps to change.",work The 4 Day Week," will help you improve your personal productivity and that of everyone around you by outlining a powerful technique to reduce the workweek by one day and implement other changes to help employees be healthier, happier, and more focused.",work Change By Design, makes you a better problem solver at every aspect of life by outlining the design thinking process that companies can use to innovate and improve.,work Your Best Year Ever," gives powerful inspiration to change your life by helping you identify what you should improve on, how to get over the hurdles in your way, and the patterns and habits you need to set so that achieving your dreams is more possible than ever.",work Built To Sell, shows you how to become a successful entrepreneur by explaining the steps necessary to grow a small service company and one day sell it.,work Design Your Future, motivates you to get out of your limiting beliefs and fears that are holding you back from building a life you love by identifying why you got stuck in a career or job you hate and what steps you must take to finally live your dreams.,work Business Model Generation," teaches you how to start your own company by explaining the details of matching your customer’s needs with your product’s capabilities, managing finances, and everything else involved in the planning stages of entrepreneurship.",work " Outer Order, Inner Calm"," gives you advice to declutter your space and keep it orderly, to foster your inner peace and allow you to flourish.",work Boost!, is a guide for becoming more productive at work by using the preparation and performance techniques that world-class athletes use to win gold medals.,work AI Superpowers," will help you understand what to expect of the effect that artificial intelligence will have on your future job opportunities by diving into where China and the US, the world’s two leaders in AI, are heading with this breakthrough technology.",work The Coaching Habit," outlines the questions, attitudes, and habits required of managers who want to become great at motivating their team to become self-sustaining.",work The Psychology Of Selling, motivates you to work on your self-image and how you relate to customers so that you can close more deals.,work The 4 Disciplines Of Execution," outlines the path that company leaders and individuals must follow to set the right goals and improve behavior to achieve success on a bigger, long-term scale.",work The Confidence Code, empowers women to become more courageous by explaining their natural tendencies toward timidity and how to break them even in a world dominated by men. ,work Educated," will help you become more grateful for your schooling, freedom, and normal relationships by explaining the family difficulties that Tara Westover had to break free of so that she could get her own education.",work The Advice Trap,"will drastically improve your communication skills and make you more likable, thanks to explaining why defaulting to sharing your opinion about everything is a bad idea and how listening until you truly understand people’s needs will make a much bigger positive difference in their lives.",work Designing Your Life," will show you how to break the shackles of your mundane 9-5 job by sharing exercises and tips that will direct you towards your true calling that fills you with passion, purpose, and fulfillment.",work Ask, shows you a method that helps you take the guesswork out of the equation so you can give your customers what they want even if they don’t know what they want.,work The Road Back To You, will teach you more about what kind of person you are by identifying the pros and cons of each personality type within the Enneagram test.,work The Hero Factor, teaches by example that real leadership success focuses on people as much as profits.,work The Business Romantic, shows how doing business that is focused on passion and connection leads to more success in today’s world.,work Brotopia, motivates you to be fairer in the workplace as an employee or employer by revealing the sad sexist state of Silicon Valley.,work It Doesn’t Have To Be Crazy At Work," helps you relax about the current hurry-up and work yourself to death culture and instead see why getting rid of these stressful mentalities will make you and your company more focused, calm, and productive.",work Alibaba," shares the inspiring story of Jack Ma’s hard work, entrepreneurial vision, and smart thinking that helped him build one of the most successful and influential companies in the world. ",work Playing With FIRE," will teach you how to be happier with your financial life and worry less about money by getting into the Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) movement.",work The Introvert’s Complete Career Guide, will teach those who have a hard time talking to people how to gain confidence in navigating the workplace from job interview to office relationships.,work Creative Confidence, helps break the mundanity of everyday work and life by exploring the power that being more innovative has to improve happiness and success in many different areas.,work What They Don’t Teach You At Harvard Business School," teaches why succeeding in business has less to do with accumulated theoretical knowledge through schooling and books, and more about people and communication.",work The Path Made Clear, contains Oprah Winfrey’s tips for how to discover your real purpose so you can live a life of success and significance.,work Measure What Matters," teaches you how to implement tracking systems into your company and life that will help you record your progress, stay accountable, and make reaching your goals almost inevitable.",work Be Obsessed Or Be Average," motivates you to get your heart into your work and live up to your true potential by identifying the thinking patterns and work habits of the passionate, successful, and driven Grant Cardone.",work Do What You Are, will help you discover your personality type and how it can lead you to a more satisfying career that corresponds to your talents and interests.,work Leadership Strategy And Tactics," shows you how to become effective when you’re in charge by using the power of traits like accountability, humility, and others that Jocko Willink uses to lead his team of Navy SEALs.",work Tiny Habits, shows you the power of applying small changes to your routine to unleash the full power that habits have to make your life better.,work The Algebra of Happiness, outlines the variables in the equation for happiness and how to build them in your life.,work The Power Paradox," frames the concept of power in an inspiring new narrative, which can help us create better and more equal relationships, workplaces, and societies.",work What Got You Here Won’t Get You There, helps you overcome your personality traits and behaviors that stop you from achieving even more success.,work Born A Crime, will inspire you to make great things happen no matter what circumstances you’re born into by revealing the story of how Trevor Noah grew up as a mixed child in South Africa on the way to becoming an adult.,work Trillion Dollar Coach, will help you become a better leader in the office by sharing the life and teachings of businessman Bill Campbell who helped build multi-billion dollar companies in Silicon Valley.,work Business Adventures," will teach you how to run a company, invest in the stock market, change jobs, and many other things by sharing some of the most interesting experiences that big companies and their leaders have had over the last century.",work Brave," will help you have the relationships, career, and everything else in life that you’ve always wanted but have been afraid to go for by teaching you how to become more courageous. ",work Range, shows that having a broad spectrum of skills and interests and taking your time to figure them out is better than specializing in just one area.,work When Breath Becomes Air," helps you see what’s really important by diving into Paul Kalanithi’s life of loving neuroscience, literature, meaning, and his family that ended from cancer in his mid-thirties. ",work Why Are We Yelling?," will improve your relationships, professional life, and the way you view the world by showing you that arguments aren’t bad, but important growing experiences if we learn to make them productive.",work Alchemy, is your guide to making magic happen in business and life by teaching you how to practice irrational thinking to stand out and come up with powerful solutions to your problems and those of others. ,work The Go-Giver, teaches a pattern for becoming a better person and seeing more success in business and work by focusing on being authentic and giving as much value as possible. ,work "Arise, Awake", will inspire you to move forward with your entrepreneurial dreams by sharing the inspirational stories of six Indian entrepreneurs and the lessons they learned on the path to success.,work Money, is your guide for learning how to stop pushing yourself to do more at your job and live a happier and more fulfilling life by making your money work hard for you. ,work The Next Right Thing," is your guide for making wise, thoughtful, and intentional decisions simply by looking for the single best action to take at the moment.",work 7 Strategies For Wealth And Happiness," is the ultimate guide to improving your wealth through self-discipline, action, and a positive attitude toward work, money, and the people around you.",work A Whole New Mind, is your guide to standing out in the competitive workplace by taking advantage of the big-picture skills of the right side of your brain.,work Extraordinary Influence," helps you become a better leader by revealing what neuroscience has to say about effective leadership, identifying communication as the key to the highest levels of performance.",work The Passion Paradox, explains the risks of blindly following what we love to do the most and teaches us how to cultivate our passions in a way that can lead us to a fulfilling life.,work Irresistible," reveals how alarmingly stuck to our devices we are, shows the negative consequences of technology addiction, and gives tips for a healthier relationship with the digital world. ",work Making It All Work, explains how to balance your daily tasks with your long-term goals to bring them all together for a happy and productive life.,work A More Beautiful Question," will teach you how to ask more and better questions, showing you the power that the right questions have to transform your life for the better.",work A Return To Love," will help you let go of resentment, fear, and anger to have happier and healthier jobs and relationships by teaching you how to embrace the power of love.",work 60 Seconds & You’re Hired!," is a guide to getting your dream job that will help you feel confident in your next interview by teaching you how to impress your interviewer with being concise, focusing on your strengths, and knowing what to do at every step of the process.",work A Message To Garcia, teaches you how to be the best at your job by becoming a dedicated worker with a good attitude about whatever tasks your company gives you.,work Blue Ocean Shift, guides you through the steps to beating out your competition by creating new markets that aren’t overcrowded.,work Time And How To Spend It, is your guide to becoming more productive by not focusing on working extra hours but instead using the time off more effectively.,work Unlocking Potential, is a guide that will help you as a leader make a difference in people’s lives in the long run by learning how to coach people in a way that brings to light their greatest strengths and capabilities.,work Bullshit Jobs," asserts that roughly two out of every five people are stuck in work that is bereft of purpose, and these workers could suffer psychological damage as a result. ",work The 5 Levels Of Leadership, will teach you how to lead others with lasting influence by focusing on your people instead of your position.,work Big Potential, will show you that the real secret to success and thriving in all aspects of life is developing strong connections with others and treating them in a way that lifts them up.,work Millionaire Success Habits, will teach you the habits you need to become financially successful and make a big difference in the world along the way.,work Game Changers, reveals the secrets that some of the most impactful people in the world use to hack their biology and win at life and will teach you how to achieve your goals and be happy. ,work You Are A Badass At Making Money, will help you stop making excuses and get over your bad relationship with money to become a money-making machine.,work Extreme Ownership," contains useful leadership advice from two Navy SEALs who learned to stay strong, disciplined, and level-headed in high-stakes combat scenarios.",work Finite And Infinite Games,"offers the theory that we play many different games in life, showing you that work and relationships are long-term endeavors and how to play them in order to win.",work The Dip," teaches us that, between starting and succeeding, there’s a time of struggle when we should either pursue excellence or quit strategically while helping us choose between the two.",work Catalyst," explains why extraordinary career growth requires the right stimuli at the right time to propel you to the next level, and shows you how to cultivate them.",work The Organized Mind, will show you how to adapt your mind to our modern information culture so you can work efficiently without feeling exhausted.,work QBQ!, will teach you to ask better questions and stay accountable and why doing so will change every aspect of your life for the better.,work Multipliers,"explains the five types of people who inspire, support, and improve others in their organization, showing you how to become one as well as avoid diminishers, the people who drag down others and make it harder for them to perform.",work EntreLeadership, provides you with a path to becoming a great leader in your company by identifying the necessary management and entrepreneurial skills.,work The Messy Middle, challenges the notion that projects grow slowly and smoothly toward success by outlining the rocky but important intermediate stages of any journey and how to survive them.,work The Start-Up of You, explains why you need manage your career as if you were running a start-up to get ahead in today’s ultra-competitive and ever-changing business world. ,work The Effective Executive," gives leaders a step-by-step formula to become more productive, developing their own strengths and those of their employees.",work The Checklist Manifesto,explainswhy checklists cansave lives and teaches you how to implement them correctly.,work "Girl, Wash Your Face"," inspires women to take their lives into their own hands and make their dreams happen, no matter how discouraged they may feel at the moment.",work Search Inside Yourself," adapts the ancient ethos of “knowing thyself” to the realities of a modern, fast-paced workplace by introducing mindfulness exercises to enhance emotional intelligence.",work The 12 Week Year, will teach you how to reliably hit your goals by planning in 12-week cycles instead of following our typical 12-month routine.,work The Five Dysfunctions of a Team," uses a fable to explain why even the best teams struggle to work together, offering actionable strategies to overcome distrust and office politics in order to achieve important goals as a cohesive, effective unit.",work Ikigai," explains how you can live a longer and happier life by having a purpose, eating healthy, and not retiring.",work Founders at Work, shows you how to start a successful business based on the principles of the founders of some of the world’s most famous and accomplished startups.,work An Audience Of One," is a practical and inspiring manual for creators who want to live from their art, showing a simple, purpose-driven path to achieve that goal.",work Hit Refresh, tells the inspiring story of an Indian boy named Satya Nadella,work Great At Work, examines what it takes to be a top performer and gives practical advice to achieve significant results at work while maintaining an excellent work-life balance.,work Tribal Leadership,"explains the various roles people take on in organizations, showing you how to navigate, connect, and lead change across the five different stages of your company’s “tribal society.”",work #GIRLBOSS, shows that even an unconventional life can lead to success when you discover your passions and improve your skills in unusual and unpredictable ways.,work The 5 AM Club," helps you get up at 5 AM every morning, build a morning routine, and make time for the self-improvement you need to find success.",work Rest," examines why traditional methods of working too long and hard are inefficient compared to working less, resting, and playing to accomplish your best work.",work The Antidote," will explain everything that’s wrong with positivity-based self-help advice and what you should do instead to feel, live, and be happier. ",work Company Of One," will teach you how going small, not big when creating your own company will bring you independence, income, and lots of free time without the hassles of having to manage employees, long meetings, and forced growth.",work Peak Performance," shows you how to perform at your highest level by exploring the most significant factors that contribute to delivering our best work, such as stress, rest, focus, and purpose.",work Make Time," is about creating space in your life for what truly matters using highlights, laser-style focus, energizing breaks, and regularly reflecting on how you spend your most valuable asset.",work The Energy Bus," is a fable that will help you create positive energy with ten simple rules and make it the center of your life, work, and relationships.",work Atomic Habits," is the definitive guide to breaking bad behaviors and adopting good ones in four steps, showing you how small, incremental, everyday routines compound into massive, positive change over time.",work Reinvent Yourself," is a template for how to best adapt in a world in which the only constant is change, so that you may find happiness, success, wealth, meaningful work, and whatever else you desire in life.",work Dare To Lead," dispels common myths about modern-day workplace culture and shows you that true leadership requires nothing but vulnerability, values, trust, and resilience.",work How Successful People Think," lays out eleven specific ways of thinking you can practice to live a better, happier, more successful life.",work How To Talk To Anyone," is a collection of actionable tips to help you master the art of human communication, leave great first impressions and make people feel comfortable around you in all walks of life.",work The Culture Code," examines the dynamics of groups, large and small, formal and informal, to help you understand how great teams work and what you can do to improve your relationships wherever you cooperate with others.",work 12 Rules For Life,"is a story-based, stern yet entertaining self-help manual for young people laying out a set of simple rules to help us become more disciplined, behave better, act with integrity, and balance our lives while enjoying them as much as we can.",work How To Fail At Almost Everything And Still Win Big, is the memoir of Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams,work Problem Solving 101,"is a universal, four-step template for overcoming challenges in life, based on a traditional method Japanese school children learn early on.",work Crushing It," is Gary Vaynerchuk’s follow-up to his personal branding manifesto Crush It, in which he reiterates the importance of a personal brand and shows you the endless possibilities that come with building one today.",work The Big Leap," is about changing your overall perspective, so you can embrace a philosophy that’ll help you achieve your full potential in work, relationships, finance, and all other walks of life.",work When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing," breaks down the science of time so you can stop guessing when to do things and pick the best times to work, eat, sleep, have your coffee and even quit your job.",work Leonardo Da Vinci," is Walter Isaacson’s account of the life of one of the most brilliant artists, thinkers, and innovators who ever lived.",work Barking Up The Wrong Tree," turns standard success advice on its head by looking at both sides of many common arguments, like confidence, extroversion, or being nice, concluding it’s really other factors that decide if we win, and we control more of them than we think.",work Find Your Why," is an actionable guide to discover your mission in life, figure out how you can live it on a daily basis and share it with the world.",work Principles," holds the set of rules for work and life billionaire investor and CEO of the most successful fund in history, Ray Dalio, has acquired through his 40-year career in finance.",work Finish," identifies perfectionism as the biggest enemy of your goals, in order to then help you defeat it with research backed strategies to get things out the door while having fun, taking the pressure off and cutting yourself some slack.",work Finding My Virginity," is Richard Branson’s follow-up biography, which shares the highlights of his entrepreneurial journey over the past two decades.",work Side Hustle,"shows you how to set up new income streams without quitting your day job, taking you all the way from your initial idea to your first earned dollars in just 27 days.",work The 5 Second Rule," is a simple tool that undercuts most of the psychological weapons your brain employs to keep you from taking action, which will allow you to procrastinate less, live happier and reach your goals.",work The Myth Of Multitasking," explains why doing everything at once is neither efficient, nor even possible, and gives you practical steps for more focus in the workplace.",work The Productivity Project, recounts the lessons Chris Bailey learned over the course of a year running various productivity experiments to help you get more done in all areas of your life.,work The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari," is a self-help classic telling the story of fictional lawyer Julian Mantle, who sold his mansion and Ferrari to study the seven virtues of the Sages of Sivana in the Himalayan mountains.",work Real Artists Don’t Starve,"debunks all myths around the starving artist and shows you you can, will and deserve to make a living from your creative work.",work What Color Is Your Parachute," is a classic for job seekers, equipping you with the tools, tips and strategies you need to quickly find the right gig in today’s fast-moving market.",work The 10X Rule," will show you how to achieve extraordinary success by pointing out what’s wrong with shooting for average, why you should aim ten times higher when tackling your goals, and how to back up your new, bold targets with the right actions.",work Your Move: The Underdog’s Guide to Building Your Business," is Ramit Sethi’s no-BS guide to starting your own business that’ll help you escape the 9-to-5, all the way from coming up with profitable ideas, overcoming psychological barriers and figuring out who to sell to to growing, maintaining and systematizing your business in the future.",work You Are A Badass," helps you become self-aware, figure out what you want in life and then summon the guts to not worry about the how, kick others’ opinions to the curb and focus your life on the thing that will make you happy.",work Peak," accumulates everything the pioneer researcher on deliberate practice has learned about expert performance through decades of exploration and analysis of what separates those, who are average, from those, who are world-class at what they do.",work Ego Is The Enemy," reveals why a tendency that’s hardwired into our brains — the belief that the world revolves around us and us alone — keeps holding us back from living the very life it dreams up for us, including what we can do to overcome our ego, be kinder to others and ourselves, and achieve true greatness.",work The Creative Habit," is a dancer’s blueprint to making creativity a habit, which she’s successfully done for over 50 years in the entertainment industry.",work Six Thinking Hats,"divides thinking into six distinct areas and perspectives, which will help you, your team, and your company tackle problems from different angles, thus solving them with the power of parallel thinking and saving time, money, and energy as a result.",work Steal Like An Artist," gives you permission to copy your heroes’ work and use it as a springboard to find your own, unique style, all while remembering to have fun, creating the right work environment for your art and letting neither criticism nor praise drive you off track.",work How Will You Measure Your Life," shows you how to sustain motivation at work and in life to spend your time on earth happily and fulfilled, by focusing not just on money and your career, but your family, relationships and personal well-being.",work Lean In," explains why women are still underrepresented in the workforce, what holds them back, how we can enable and support them, and how any woman can take the lead and hold the flag of female leadership high.",work Finding Your Element," shows you how to find your talents and passions, embrace them, and come up with your own definition of happiness, so you can combine what you love with what you’re good at to live a long, happy life.",work Move Your Bus,"illustrates the different kinds of groups in organizations, how leaders can inspire those groups, and what individuals can do to become highly valued, productive members of the organizations they serve.",work The 8th Habit," is about finding your voice and helping others discover their own, in order to thrive at work in the Information Age, where interdependence is more important than independence.",work Switch," is about how you can lead and encourage changes of human behavior, both in yourself and in your organization, by focusing on the three forces that influence it: the rider, the elephant and the path.",work Disrupt Yourself," explains how you can harnessthe ever-accelerating power of disruptive innovation in your personal life, be it to advance your career or to build a company that thrives, by embracing your limitations, focusing on your strengths and staying flexible and curious along the way.",work iWoz," is Steve Wozniak’s autobiography, detailing his story in his own words, from early tinkering with electronics in his home, to college and his first job, all the way to singlehandedly creating the world’s first desktopcomputer, the Apple I and founding what would become the most valuable company in the world.",work Winners: And How They Succeed," draws on years of research and extensive interviews with a wide array of successful people to deliver a blueprint for what it takes to win in life based on strategy, leadership and team-building.",work Benjamin Franklin: An American Life, takes a thorough look at the life of one of the most influential humans that ever lived and explains how he could achieve such greatness in so many different fields and areas.,work Grit," describes what creates outstanding achievements, based on science, interviews with high achievers from various fields and the personal history of success of the author, Angela Duckworth, uncovering that achievement isn’t reserved for the talented only, but for those with passion and perseverance.",work Made To Stick," examines advertising campaigns, urban myths and compelling stories to determine the six traits that make ideas stick in our brains, so you don’t just know why you remember some things better than others, but can also spread your own ideas more easily among the right people.",work "Creativity, Inc."," is an instruction manual for instilling inspiration into employees, managers and bosses, by revealing the hidden forces that get in the way, based on over30years of experience of the president of Pixar, Ed Catmull.",work Born For This," shows you how to find the work you were meant to do, which actually might consist of many different forms of work over the course of your life, by showing you the power of a side hustle, proper risk-assessment, creating your own job and pursuing all of your passions – one at a time.",work Remote, explains why offices are a thing of the past and what both companies and employees can do to thrive in a company that’s spread all across the globe with people working wherever they choose to.,work The Now Habit," is a strategic program to help you eliminate procrastination from your life, bring fun and motivation back to your work and enjoy your well-earned spare time without feeling guilty.",work The Millionaire Real Estate Agent," is about how you can systematically build a thriving real estate business, drawing lessons both about the professional as well as the personal side of things.",work Einstein: His Life And Universe," takes a close look at the life of Albert Einstein, beginning in how his childhood shaped him, what his biggest discoveries and personal struggles were and how his focus changed in later years, without his geniusever fading until his very last moment.",work How to Become a Straight-A Student," gives you the techniques A+ students have used to pass college with flying colors and summa cum laude degrees, without compromising their entire lives and spending every minute in the library, ranging from time management and note-taking tactics all the way to how you can write a great thesis.",work Smartcuts," explains how some people and businesses achieve rapid growth and build sustainable, profitable companies in the time it takes you to get another promotion, by working smart, not hard and hacking into the ladder of success, instead of climbing it one step at a time.",work To Sell Is Human," shows you that selling is part of your life, no matter what you do, and what a successful salesperson looks like in the 21st century, with practical ideas to help you convince others in a more honest, natural and sustainable way.",work The Personal MBA," will save you a few hundred grand by outlining everything you really need to know to get started on a thriving business, none of which is taught in expensive colleges.",work Are You Fully Charged," shows you the three keys to arriving at work and life with a battery that’s brimming with happiness and motivation, which are energy, interactions and meaning, and how to implement them in your day.",work Why We Work," looks at the purpose of work in our lives by examining how different people view their work, what traits make work feel meaningful, and which questions companies should ask to maximize the motivation of their employees.",work Deep Work," proposes that we have lost our ability to focus deeply and immerse ourselves in a complex task, showing you how to cultivate this skill again and focus more than ever before with four simple rules.",work Who Moved My Cheese," tells a parable, which you can directly apply to your own life, in order to stop fearing what lies ahead and instead thrive in an environment of change and uncertainty.",work Singletasking," digs into neuroscientific research to explain why we’re not meant to multitask, how you can go back to the old, singletasking ways, and why that’s better for your work, relationships and happiness.",work The Da Vinci Curse," explains why people with many talents don’t fit into a world where we need specialists and, if you have many talents yourself, shows you how you can lift this curse, by giving you a framework to follow and find your true vocation in life.",work Never Eat Alone," is a modern classic, which explains the art of networking and gives you actionable advice on how you can harness the power of good relationships and become a good networker to build a career you love.",work How To Be A Positive Leader," taps into the expertise of 17 leadership experts to show you how you can become a positive leader, who empowers everyone around him, whether at work or at home, with small changes, that compound into a big impact.",work Losing My Virginity," details Richard Branson’s meteoric rise to success and digs into what made him the adventurous, fun-loving, daring entrepreneur he is today and what lessons you can learn about business from him.",work Strengthsfinder 2.0," argues that we should forget about fixing our weaknesses, and go all in on our strengths instead, by showing you ways to figure out which 5 key strengths are an innate part of you and giving you advice on how to use them in your life and work.",work The Art of Non-Conformity," teaches you how to play life by your own rules by giving you practical glimpses into the world of self-employment, a new approach to travel, to-do list minimalism and conscious spending habits.",work Uncertainty," shows you that the condition of not knowing is nothing to fear, but the birthplace of innovation, which, if you embrace it while anchoring yourself, has an unlimited potential for growth, wealth and happiness.",work A Year With Peter Drucker," compiles 52 lessons with weekly exercises into one comprehensive, year-long curriculumfor managers, leaders, and those who aspire to be one or the other, based on the teachings of the father of modern management.",work Linchpin," shows you why the time of simply following instructions at your job is over and how to make yourself indispensable, which is a must for success today.",work Focus," shows you that attention is the thing that makes life worth living and helps you develop more of it tobecome focused in every area of life: work, relationships and your own attitude towards life and the planet.",work Sam Walton: Made In America," shines a light on the man behind the biggest fortune ever amassed in business and explains how he built Walmart into a billion-dollar empire with hard work, incessant learning and an unrivaled resolve to make every single customer as happy as can be.",work Rework," shows you that you need less than you think to start a business – way less – by explaining why plans are actually harmful, how productivity isn’t a result from working long hours and why hiring and seeking investors should be your absolute last resort.",work Drive, explores what has motivated humans throughout history and explains how we shifted from mere survival to the carrot and stick approach that’s still practiced today – and why it’s outdated.,work The Success Principles," condenses 64 lessons Jack Canfield learned on his journey to becoming a successful entrepreneur, author, coach and speaker into 6 sections, which will help you transform your mindset and take responsibility and control of your own life, so you can get from where you are to where you want to be.",work Do Over," shines a light on the four core skills you need to build an amazing career: relationships, skills, character and hustle, and shows you how to develop each one of them and use them in different stages of your career.",work Outliers," explains why “the self-made man” is a myth and what truly lies behind the success of the best people in their field, which is often a series of lucky events, rare opportunities and other external factors, which are out of our control.",work The Year Without Pants," dives into the company culture of Automattic, the company behind and explains how they’ve created a culture of work where employees thrive, creativity flows freely and new ideas are implemented on a daily basis.",work Start," shows you how you can flip the switch of your life from average to awesome by punching fear in the face, being realistic, living with purpose and going through the five stages of success, one step at a time.",work Rookie Smarts," argues against experience and for a mindset of learning in the modern workplace, due to knowledge growing and changing fast, which gives rookies a competitive advantage, as they’re not bound by common practices and the status quo.",work Your Brain At Work," helps you overcome the daily challenges that take awayyour brain power, like constant email and interruption madness, high levels of stress, lack of control and high expectations, by showing you what goes on inside your head and giving you new approaches to control it better.",work Big Magic," is the book that’ll give you the courage you need to pursue your creative interests by showing you how to deal with your fears, notice ideas and act on them and take the stress out of creation.",work The Power Of Starting Something Stupid," shows you that most ideas are often falsely labeled stupid at first, and that if they are, that’s a good indicator you should pursue them and not care what anyone thinks.",work The Richest Man In Babylon," gives common sense financial advice which you can apply today, told through tales and parables from the times of ancient Babylon.",work The 80/20 Principle, reveals how you can boost your effectiveness both in your own life and for your business by getting you in the mindset that not all inputs produce an equal amount of outputs and helping you embrace the Pareto principle.,work Willpower," is a blend of practical tips and the latest scientific research on self-control, explaining how willpower works, what you can do to improve it, how to optimize it and which steps to take when it fails you.",work Less Doing More Living," is based on the assumption that the less you have to do, the more life you have to live, and helps you implement this philosophy into your life by giving you real-world tools to boost efficiency in every aspect of your life.",work How To Win Friends And Influence People," teaches you countless principles to become a likable person, handle your relationships well, win others over and help them change their behavior without being intrusive.",work Quiet," shows the slow rise of the extrovert ideal for success throughout the 20th century, while making a case for the underappreciated power of introverts and showing up new ways for both forces to cooperate.",work Getting Things Done," is a manual for stress-free productivity, which helps you set up a system of lists, reminders and weekly reviews, in order to free your mind from having to remember tasks and to-dos and instead let it work at full focus on the task at hand.",work Make Your Mark," is a business book for creatives, telling them how to get started on turning their creative energy into a profitable business with simple, actionable ideas taken from 20 leading entrepreneurs and designers, who lead successful creative businesses.",work Think And Grow Rich," is a curation of the 13 most common habits of wealthy and successful people, distilled from studying over 500 individuals over the course of 20 years.",work Talent Is Overrated," debunks both talent and experience as the determining factors and instead makes a case for deliberate practice, intrinsic motivation and starting early.",work The Achievement Habit," shows you that being an achiever can be learned, by using the principles of design thinking to walk you through several stories and exercises, which will get you to stop wishing and start doing.",work Quitter," is a blueprint to help you close the gap between your day job and your dream job, showing you simple steps you can take towards your dream without turning it into a nightmare.",work "Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook"," is a message to everyone who’s not on the social media train yet, showing them how to tell their story the right way on social media, so that it’ll actually get heard.",work The Art Of Work," is the instruction manual to find your vocation by looking into your passions, connecting them to the needs of the world, and thus building a legacy that’s bigger than yourself.",work Great By Choice," analyzes what makes the world’s best companies thrive in even the most uncertain and chaotic times, by distilling nine years of research and great stories into three actionable principles.",work Work The System," will fundamentally change the way you view the world, by showing you the systems all around you and giving you the guiding principles to influence the right ones to make your business successful.",work Start With Why," is Simon Sinek’s mission to help others do work, which inspires them, and uses real-world examples of great leaders to show you how they communicate and how you can adapt their mindset to inspire others yourself.",work The War Of Art," brings some much needed tough love to all artists, business people and creatives who spend more time battling the resistance against work than actually working, by identifying the procrastinating forces at play and pulling out the rug from under their feet.",work Essentialism,"will show you a new, better way of looking at productivityby giving you permission to be extremely selective about what’s truly essential in your life and then ruthlessly cutting out everything else.",work Mastery," debunks the myth of talent and shows you there are proven steps you can take to achieve mastery in a discipline of your own choosing, by analyzing the paths of some of history’s most famous masters, such as Einstein, Darwin and Da Vinci.",work The Pomodoro Technique," is the simplest way to productively manage your time with only two lists and a timer, by breaking down your workload into small, manageable chunks to stay fresh and focused throughout your day.",work The Power Of Habit," helps you understand whyhabits are at the core of everything youdo, how you can change them, and what impact that will have on your life, your business and society.",work So Good They Can’t Ignore You," sheds some much needed light on the “follow your passion” myth and shows you that the true path to work you love lies in becoming a craftsman of the work you already have, collecting rare skills and taking control of your hours in the process.",work Bounce," shows you that trainingtrumps talent every time, by explaining the science of deliberate practice, the mindset of high performers and how you can use those tools to become a master of whicheverskill you choose.",work Zero To One," is an inside look at Peter Thiel’s philosophy and strategy for making your startup a success by looking at the lessons he learned from founding and selling PayPal, investing in Facebook and becoming a billionaire in the process.",work Choose Yourself," is a call to give up traditional career paths and take your life into your own hands by building good habits, creating your own career, and making a decision to choose yourself.",work The Happiness Of Pursuit," is a call to take control of your own life by going on a quest, which will fill your life with meaning, purpose, and a whole lot of adventure.",work The Millionaire Fastlane," points out what’s wrong with the old get a degree, get a job, work hard, retire rich model, defines wealth in a new way, and shows you the path to retiring young.",work The ONE Thing," gives you a very simple approach to productivity, based around a single question, to help you have less clutter, distractions and stress, and more focus, energy and success.",work Winning," is Jack Welch’s manual to becoming an astonishing manager and leader, which gives you practical tools to manage the finances, strategy and, most importantly, the people of your company.",work Influence," has been the go-to book for marketers since its release in 1984, which deliverssix key principles behind human influence and explains them with countless practical examples.",work The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People," teaches you both personal and professional effectiveness bychanging your view of how the world works and giving you 7 habits, which, if adopted well, will lead you to immense success.",work Steve Jobs," is the most detailed and accurate account of the life of the man who created Apple, the most valuable technology company in the world.",work The Upside Of Stress," helps you change your mindset from one that avoids anxiety at all costs to a belief that embraces stress as a normal part of life, which helps you respond to it in better ways and actually be healthier.",work The 4-Hour Workweek," is the step-by-step blueprint to free yourself from the shackles of a corporate job, create a business to fund the lifestyle of your dreams, and live life like a millionaire, without actually having to be one.",work The Wisdom Of Crowds," researches why groups reach better decisions than individuals, what makes groups smart, where the dangers of group decisions lie, and how each of us can encourage the groups we are part of to work together.",work The Willpower Instinct," breaks down willpower into 3 categories, and gives you science-backed systems to improve your self-control, break bad habits and choose long-term goals over instant gratification.",work Flow," explains why we seek happiness in externals and what’s wrong with it, where you can really find enjoyment in life, and how you can truly become happy by creating your own meaning of life.",work Eat That Frog, provides 21 techniques and strategies to stop procrastinating and get more done.,work Do The Work," is Steven Pressfield’s follow-up to The War Of Art, where he gives you actionable tactics and strategies to overcome resistance, the force behind procrastination.",work Leaders Eat Last," teaches you where the need for leadership comes from historically, what the consequences of bad leadership are and how you can be a good leader in the modern world.",work Built To Last, examines what lies behind the extraordinary success of 18 visionary companies and which principles and ideasthey’ve usedto thrive for a century.,work The Happiness Advantage," turns the tables on happiness, by proving it’s a tool for success, instead of the result of it, and gives you 7 actionable principles you can use toincrease both.",work I Will Teach You To Be Rich, helps you save money on autopilot while allowing yourself to spend guilt-free on the things you enjoy.,work Better Than Before," breaks downthe latest research onhow to break bad habits and develop good ones, in order to helpyou find your habit tendency and give you a few simple toolstostart improving your own habits.",work The Happiness Hypothesis," is the most thorough analysis of how you can findhappiness in our modern society, backed by plenty of scientific research, real-life examples and even a formula for happiness.",work Rich Dad Poor Dad," tells the story of a boy with two fathers, one rich, one poor, to help you develop the mindset and financial knowledge you need to build a life of wealth and freedom.",work The Little Prince," is a beautiful children’s story full of valuable lessons for adults, recounting the tale of an aviator and a little boy from a distant planet, both stranded in the desert, looking to get home, sharing what they’ve learned about life.",mindfulness The Light We Carry," is a set of practices to help you stay calm, optimistic, and confident in an unpredictable world, based on Michelle Obama’s life experiences as a woman, mother, lawyer, daughter, leader, and the former First Lady of the United States.",mindfulness Bittersweet," explains where emotions like sorrow, longing, and sadness come from and what their purpose in our lives is, as well as helping us deal with grief, loss, and our own mortality.",mindfulness Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?," is a collection of a clinical psychologist’s best practical advice to combat anxiety and depression and improve our mental health in small increments, collected from over a decade of 1-on-1 work with patients.",mindfulness The Midnight Library," tells the story of Nora, a depressed woman in her 30s, who, on the day she decides to die, finds herself in a library full of lives she could have lived, where she discovers there’s a lot more to life, even her current one, than she had ever imagined.",mindfulness Brave New World," presents a futuristic society engineered perfectly around capitalism and scientific efficiency, in which everyone is happy, conform, and content — but only at first glance.",mindfulness Stolen Focus,"explains why our attention spans have been dwindling for decades, how technology accelerates this worrying trend, and what we can do to reclaim our focus and thus our capacity to live meaningful lives.",mindfulness The Daily Laws,"is a page-a-day, calendar-style book covering the three big topics of mastery, power, and emotions, sharing Robert Greene’s best lessons from 20 years of research of the dynamics within and between humans.",mindfulness Dopamine Nation,"talks about the importance of living a balanced life in relation to all the pleasure and stimuli we’re surrounded with on a daily basis, such as drugs, devices, porn, gambling facilities, showing us how to avoid becoming dopamine addicts by restricting our access to them.",mindfulness The How of Happiness," describes a scientific approach to being happier by giving you a short quiz to determine your “happiness set point,” followed by various tools and tactics to help you take control of the large chunk of happiness that’s fully within your grasp.",mindfulness No Self No Problem," is a provocative read about the implications of Buddhism in neuroscience, and more specifically about the idea that the self is only a product of the mind, meaning that there is no “I”.",mindfulness The Greatest Secret," comes as a sequel to “The Secret,” which was a worldwide phenomenon when it first came out as it presented the idea that one can change their own life by tapping into the Universe’s powers and asking for their wildest dreams to come true using the law of attraction.",mindfulness Loserthink," talks about the sabotaging thinking habits that run our minds and paralyze us when it comes to taking charge of life, and how we can overcome them with small, incremental steps that drive powerful change.",mindfulness Siddhartha," presents the self-discovery expedition of a man during the time of the Buddha who, unsure of what life really means to him, takes an exploratory journey to pursue the highs and lows of life, which ultimately leads him to discover the equilibrium in all things and a higher wisdom within.",mindfulness The Art of Living," talks about living a peaceful life through meditation and gratitude, especially by using the Vipassana meditation technique and the philosophy behind Buddhism, which promotes developing a clearer vision of life and seeing things as they truly are.",mindfulness One Decision," explains how flawed decisions occur and how you can avoid them by analyzing data at first, asking for fact-checked opinions, eliminating your biases and prejudice, and many more useful practices derived from psychological research.",mindfulness The Universe Has Your Back," explores the importance of spiritual elevation, meditation, and ways to live by a mantra that serves you in your self-discovery journey that will shape your reality through new and improved thoughts and inner beliefs.",mindfulness Love Warrior," delves into the life of Glennon Doyle, a woman who battled with self-destructive behaviors, eating disorders, depression, and many more challenges before finally embracing the life she deserved and started living meaningfully while being true to herself.",mindfulness The Mind Illuminated," is the definitive guide to meditation and consciousness, as it teaches its readers how meditation works, and how to navigate the ten stages of conscious breathing and intentional practice of mindfulness, all while highlighting why meditation is so crucial in everyone’s lives.",mindfulness The Courage to Be Happy, offers a hands-on guide to living a meaningful life and letting go of negative thoughts by compiling the groundbreaking theories of psychologist Alfred Adler with other valuable research into an all-in-one book for becoming a happy and fulfilled person.,mindfulness How to Break Up With Your Phone ,"explores a common problem for all of us who are engaging with social media and constant use of phones, namely our addiction to these devices and the internet, and ways to ditch it for good and find meaning in our lives outside of our virtual encounters.",mindfulness Untamed," is an inspiring memoir of Glennon Doyle, a woman who found peace and inner strength by challenging life in all its areas, from love to parenting, personal growth, and work, after going through a powerful change that led her to discover crucial aspects about herself and allowed her to build a new life.",mindfulness The Slight Edge," outlines the importance of doing small, little improvements in our everyday life to achieve a successful bigger picture, and how by focusing more on making better day-by-day choices you can shape a remarkable future.",mindfulness "Good Vibes, Good Life"," explores ways to unlock your true potential by loving yourself more, practicing self-care, manifesting your wishes, and transforming negative emotions into positive ones using simple tips and tricks for a happy life.",mindfulness What to Say When You Talk to Yourself," is a book by Shad Helmstetter, a self-help guru who has written several pieces on the subject of self-talk, and who argues that in order to achieve our highest self we need to work on how we talk to ourselves and identify our biggest challenge to conquer.",mindfulness Daily Rituals," is a compilation of the best practices and habits of successful people from different fields aimed to help anyone increase productivity, get past writer’s block, and become more creative and efficient in their everyday work.",mindfulness Chasing Excellence," breaks down how world-class athletes achieve the mental strength they need to succeed, highlighting",mindfulness A World Without Email," presents a utopia where people engage in their usual professional activities without using emails as a means of communication, and explores a new way of working that doesn’t rely on instant messaging, which is known for decreasing productivity at the workplace.",mindfulness The 5 Choices, teaches us how to reach our highest potential in the workplace and achieve the top level of productivity through a series of tips and tricks and work habits that can change your life right away if you’re willing to give them a try.,mindfulness The 100-Year Life," teaches you how to be resourceful and prepare ahead of time for a world in which people not only live longer but reach an age in the triple-digits, and talks about what you should be doing right now to ensure you have enough money for retirement.",mindfulness The Daily Stoic," is a year-long compilation of short, daily meditations from ancient Stoic philosophers like Seneca, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, and others, teaching you equanimity, resilience, and perseverance",mindfulness That Sounds Fun," uncovers the secrets of a happy life: mindfulness, love, joy, and a good dose of doing whatever makes us happy as often as we can, starting from simple, day-to-day activities, to much bigger life experiences that speak to our soul.",mindfulness Designing Your Work Life," is a helpful guidebook for anyone who wants to create and maintain a work environment that is both happy and productive by working with what they already have, rather than keep on changing jobs in hope of finding better.",mindfulness Hug Your Haters," talks about the importance of acknowledging your haters or dissatisfied customers and valuing their opinion in the process of building better products, improving the existing offerings, and growing your strategies overall.",mindfulness "Eats, Shoots & Leaves"," offers a humorous, yet instructive overview of how punctuation rules play a huge part in our writing language and how today’s society has become overly relaxed about using the right punctuations marks, leaving grammar-concerned people like her frustrated.",mindfulness The Year of Magical Thinking, ,mindfulness Mastermind: How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes," presents the story of one of the most famous detectives we’ve ever known and his adventures in the world of uncovering mysteries while highlighting the secrets of his powerful mind, psychological tricks, deduction games, and teaching you how to strengthen your cognitive capacity.",mindfulness Managing Oneself," is a guide to developing a skillful persona and learning more about your strengths, weaknesses, inclinations, and how you collaborate with others, all while making yourself more knowledgeable about how to thrive in your career.",mindfulness Bored and Brilliant," explores the idea of how just doing nothing, daydreaming and spacing out can improve our cognitive functions, enhance creativity and original thinking overall while also helping us relieve stress.",mindfulness Real Change, offers a way out of the burdening problems around the world that sometimes weigh on our spirit and make us feel powerless by presenting meditation practices that help us alleviate negative emotions and face these issues with determination and change them for the better.,mindfulness Not Today, talks about what it really means to be productive and presents nine effective strategies to achieve higher returns on your work input from the perspective of two entrepreneurs who are used to working hard.,mindfulness Elite Minds," delves into the idea of success and teaches you how to train your mind to tap into its highest potential, adopt a winning mentality, embrace the gifts you’ve been given and improve mental toughness.",mindfulness Intuitive Eating," explores the philosophy of eating according to your body’s needs and ditching diets, eating trends, and other limiting eating programs in favor of a well-balanced lifestyle built on personal body-related needs.",mindfulness The Art of Possibility," explores the remarkable effects of an open mentality and being prepared to seize opportunities, allowing a variety of possibilities into your life, and finding solutions to problems by being a hopeful person.",mindfulness The Complete Ketogenic Diet for Beginners," explores the principles of a ketogenic diet, which implies eating little to no carbs, and introducing multiple sources of fat in your daily meals to boost your metabolism and lose unwanted weight. ",mindfulness Mind Hacking," is a hands-on guide on how to transform your mind in just 21 days, which is the time required for your brain to form new habits and adapt to changes, and teaches you how to reprogram your brain to follow healthier, better habits, and ditch the self-sabotaging patterns that stand in your way.",mindfulness Surrounded by Idiots," offers great advice on how to get your point across more effectively, communicate better, and work your way up in your personal and professional life by getting to know the four types of personalities people generally have and how to address each one in particular to kickstart a beneficial dialogue, instead of engaging in a conflict.",mindfulness Everyday Zen," explains the philosophy of a meaningful life and teaches you how to reinvent yourself by accepting the grand wisdom and energy of the universe and learning to sit still, have more compassion, love more, and find beauty in your life.",mindfulness Words That Work," outlines the importance of using the right words and the appropriate body language in a given situation to make yourself understood properly and get the most out of the dialogue, while also teaching you some tips-and-tricks on how to win arguments, tame conflicts, and get your point across using a wise selection of words.",mindfulness Your Erroneous Zones," offers a hands-on guide on how to escape negative thinking, falling into your own self-destructive patterns, take charge of your thoughts and implicitly, your emotions, and how to build a better version of yourself starting with putting yourself first and not caring about what others may think.",mindfulness Indistractable," how our modern gadgets and technology distract us from work and cause real concentration issues, impacting our performance and even the quality of our lives, and how we can address the root cause of the problem to solve it. ",mindfulness Keep Going," teaches us how to persist in creative work when our brain wants to take a million different paths, showing us how to harness our brain power in moments of innovation as well as tediousness.",mindfulness Fat For Fuel, explores the “,mindfulness Chatter," will help you make sense of the inner mind chatter that frequently takes over your mind, showing you how to quiet negative thoughts, stop overthinking, feel less anxious, and develop useful practices to consistently alleviate negative emotions.",mindfulness The Mountain Is You," is a self-discovery book that aims to help its readers tap into their own power and discover their potential by overcoming trauma, life’s challenges, and working on their emotional damages, all through accepting change, envisioning a prosperous future, and stopping the self-sabotage.",mindfulness Wintering," highlights the similarities between the cold season of the year and the period of hardship in a human life, by emphasizing how everything eventually passes in time, and how we can learn to embrace challenging times by learning from wolves, from the cold, and how our ancestors dealt with the winter.",mindfulness The Shallows," explores the effects of the Internet on the human brain, which aren’t entirely positive, as our constant exposure to the online environment through digital devices strips our ability to target our focus and stay concentrated, all while modifying our brain neurologically and anatomically. ",mindfulness The Comfort Crisis," addresses contemporary people who live a stressful life and talks about being comfortable with discomfort and reclaiming a happy, healthy mindset by implementing a few odd, but highly effective practices in their daily lives.",mindfulness Discourses," is a transcription of Epictetus’s lectures which aim to address a series of life ethics and tales that can help us make sense of certain things happening to us, such as hardship, challenges, and life events that ultimately lead to a stronger character.",mindfulness The Almanack of Naval Ravikant," compiles the valuable lessons of Naval Ravikant, who teaches people how to build wealth and achieve long-term happiness by working on a few essential skills, all while discovering the secrets of living a good life.",mindfulness Four Thousand Weeks," explores the popularized concept of time management from a different point of view, by tapping into ancient knowledge from famous philosophers, researchers, and spiritual figures, rather than promoting the contemporary idea of high-level productivity and constant self-optimization.",mindfulness The Nicomachean Ethics,"is a historically important text compiling Aristotle’s extensive discussion of existential questions concerning happiness, ethics, friendship, knowledge, pleasure, virtue, and even society at large.",mindfulness I Hear You," explores the idea of becoming a better listener, engaging in productive conversations and avoiding building up frustrations by taking charge of your communication patterns and improving them in your further dialogues.",mindfulness Effortless, takes the idea of productivity to another level by explaining how doing the most with a minimum input of effort and time is a much more desired outcome than the idea of being constantly busy that is glamorized nowadays.,mindfulness Happy Together," is written by two of the world’s most renowned psychologists, and it explores the concept of love and relationships by teaching its readers how to build and maintain happy, flourishing connections and how to optimize their couple life by focusing on the good and healthily dealing with the bad.",mindfulness The Practice of Groundedness," provides a more grounded way of living by eliminating the cult of being productive all the time to achieve success, instead offering a way to be at peace with yourself, prioritizing mental health and a simple yet meaningful life. ",mindfulness Make It Stick," explores ways to memorize faster and make learning easier, all while debunking myths and common misconceptions about learning being difficult and attributed to those who have highly native cognitive skills, with the help of researchers who’ve studied the science of memory their entire life.",mindfulness AI 2041," explores the concept of artificial intelligence and delves into some thought-provoking ideas about AI taking over the world in the next twenty years, from our day-to-day lives to our jobs, becoming a worldwide used tool that will shake the world as we know it from the ground up.",mindfulness Atlas of the Heart," maps out a series of human emotions and their meaning and explores the psychology behind a human’s feelings and how they make up our lives and change our behaviors, and how to build meaningful connections by learning how to deal with them.",mindfulness The High 5 Habit," is a self-improvement book that aims to help anyone who deals with self-limitations take charge of their life by establishing a morning routine, ditching negative talk, and transforming their life through positivity and confidence.",mindfulness 10-Minute Toughness," is a hands-on guide to becoming the best version of yourself and achieving success through consistent good practices such as eating right, forming meaningful relationships, committing to your goals publicly, visualizing your achievements, and many others.",mindfulness Don Quixote," is a classic novel from 1605 which portraits the life and insightful journey of Don Quixote de la Mancha, a Spanish man who seems to be losing his mind on his quest to become a knight and restore chivalry alongside with a farmer named Sancho Panza, with whom he fights multiple imaginary enemies and faces a series of fantastic challenges.",mindfulness Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers," explores the leading causes of stress and how to keep it under control, as well as the biological science behind stress, which can be a catalyst for performance in the short term, but a potential threat in the long run.",mindfulness Toward a Psychology of Being,"encompasses the extended research of Abraham Maslow on the human condition, how people view their wants and needs, the process of psychological growth and how achieving a sense of fulfillment is possible by understanding your perspective on needs and the way your mind works.",mindfulness Trust Yourself," offers career and wellbeing advice from a sensitive striver’s point of view, a introvert-leaning character type that comes with plenty of positive traits but is also prone to burnout, giving practical tips on breaking free from stress and perfectionism for a healthier, more balanced life.",mindfulness Unbeatable Mind," explores the idea that everyone has a higher self-potential lying underneath that they ought to explore and tap into in order to live their life to the fullest and maximize their happiness and success, all possible through the 20X rule.",mindfulness Love Worth Making," delves into the subject of sexuality and explores ways to create meaningful and exciting sexual experiences in a long-lasting relationship, based on his experience of over thirty years working with couples, all by focusing on the sexual feelings instead of the techniques.",mindfulness The Great Mental Models, will improve your decision-making process by sharing some unique but well-documented thinking models you can use to interact more efficiently with the world and other people.,mindfulness The Motivation Manifesto," explores how we can find purpose and meaningfulness in our lives by discovering our inner motivators and overcoming our fears, tapping into our inner power and living life fully and freely.",mindfulness No More Mr. Nice Guy," explores ways to eliminate the “Nice Guy Syndrome”, which implies being a man that avoids conflicts at all costs and prefers to show only his nice side to the world, even when it affects him negatively by damaging his personality and preventing him from achieving his goals in life.",mindfulness The Alter Ego Effect," offers a practical approach on how to construct and benefit from alter egos, or the little heroes inside you, so as to achieve your desired goals and build a successful life with the help of a few key role models that you can borrow some attributes from or even impersonate in times of need.",mindfulness How to Think More Effectively," delves into the subject of thinking mechanisms and cognitive processes, and explores how you can think more efficiently and draw better insights from the world around you by adopting a few key practices, such as filtering your thoughts or prioritizing work. ",mindfulness Real Help," offers a hands-on approach to improving your life and achieving unconventional success through a happy, fulfilled, ordinary life, rather than fighting the broken system until you’ve got millions in the bank and out-of-the-ordinary achievements.",mindfulness The Comfort Book," explores how depression feels like and its effects on our mind and body, and how we can overcome it by taking small, but significant steps in that direction, starting with finding hope, being more present at the moment, and acknowledging that we’re enough.",mindfulness The Self-Discipline Blueprint," delves into the subject of self-actualization and why it is crucial for humans to achieve a fulfilled and successful life by creating a routine and becoming focused, self-disciplined and hard-working.",mindfulness Do What Matters Most," outlines the importance of time management in anyone’s life and explores highly efficient methods to set goals for short-term and long-term intervals, as well as how to achieve them by being more productive and learning how to prioritize.",mindfulness The Little Book of Talent," explores the concept of talents, skills and capabilities, and offers a multitude of effective tips and tricks on how to acquire hard skills using methods tested by top performers worldwide.",mindfulness Fail Fast Fail Often," outlines the importance of accepting failure as a natural part of our life, and how by embracing it instead of fearing it can improve the way we evolve, grow, learn and respond to new experiences and people.",mindfulness U Thrive," explores the topic of college life and offers practical advice on how to diminish stress and anxiety from exams, deadlines, unfitting roommates, while thriving in the campus, academic life, and creating meaningful experiences.",mindfulness The Joy of Missing Out," explores today’s idea of productivity and common misconceptions about what it means to be productive, as well as how eliminating unnecessary stress by prioritizing effectively can help us live a better life.",mindfulness Unfu*k Yourself, offers practical advice on how to get out of your self-destructive thoughts and take charge of your life by learning how to control them and motivate yourself to take more responsibility for your life than you ever have before.,mindfulness Stealing Fire, examines how a state of ecstasy can enhance the body-brain connection and allow humans to achieve excellent performance by accelerating their neural processes.,mindfulness Radical Honesty," looks into the concept of lying and how we can train ourselves to avoid doing it as only through morality we can live an honest life, although our natural inclination to lie can sometimes push us to alter the truth.",mindfulness Thrivers," explores the perspective of a child born in today’s fast-paced, digital era and how the average minor is being educated towards higher-than-usual achievements, being mature, responsible and successful, instead of being happy and focused on their own definition of success.",mindfulness Safe People," focuses on the importance of recognizing the types of people, distinguishing between the safe and unsafe ones, avoiding toxic relationships, and establishing meaningful ones by reading people and trusting God.",mindfulness Be Where Your Feet Are," explores the enlightening life lessons that one of America’s top-tier sports personalities has to give, from being present in the moment and living in a meaningful way, to achieving a more fulfilling and successful life.",mindfulness The Leader In You," explores how the world leaders managed to achieve performance in their lives by creating meaningful connections and reaching a higher level of productivity through a positive, proactive mindset.",mindfulness The Last Lecture,"is a college professor’s final message to the world before his impending death of cancer at a relatively young age, offering meaningful life advice, significant words of wisdom, and a great deal of optimism and hope for humanity.",mindfulness Work Less Finish More," is a hands-on guide to adopting a more focused frame of mind and developing habits that will enhance your productivity levels, give you a sense of accomplishment and put you in the right direction in order to achieve your objectives.",mindfulness How To Do The Work," is a go-to guide that teaches us how to establish a mind-body-spirit connection and create better connections with the people around us by exploring how these aspects are interconnected and influenced by the way we eat, think, and feel.",mindfulness The Power of Focus, offers its readers a focus-based approach that they can use to achieve their financial and personal goals through practical exercises and habits that they can implement into their daily lives to actively shape their future.,mindfulness The Case Against Sugar," advocates against the use of sugar in the food industry and offers a critical look at how this harmful substance took over the world under the eyes of our highest institutions, who are very well aware of its toxicity but choose to remain silent.",mindfulness The Hidden Habits of Genius, looks at how geniuses separate themselves from the rest by having in common a distinctive set of characteristics and habits that form a unique way of thinking and cultivating brilliance. ,mindfulness The Burnout Fix," delivers practical advice on how to thrive in the dynamic working environment we revolve around every day by setting healthy boundaries, keeping a work-life balance, and prioritizing our well-being.",mindfulness Collaborative Intelligence," helps you enhance your unique thinking traits and develop an individualized form of intelligence based on what works best for you, what your strengths are, and how you communicate with others.",mindfulness Forest Bathing," explores the Japanese tradition of shinrin-yoku, a kind of forest therapy based on immersion in nature, and the various health and wellbeing benefits we can derive from it to live better, calmer lives.",mindfulness Bounce Back," is a book by Susan Kahn, a business coach who will teach you the psychology of resilience from the perspectives of Greek philosophy, Sigmund Freud, and modern neuroscience, so you can recover quickly from professional blunders of all kinds by changing your thinking.",mindfulness Goals!," By Brian Tracy shows you how to unleash the power of goal setting to help you get or become whatever you want, identifying ways to set goals that lead you to success by being specific, challenging yourself, thinking positively, preparing, adjusting your timelines on big goals, and more.",mindfulness "Now, Discover Your Strengths"," shows you how to find your top five strengths by outlining what strengths are, how you get them, why they’re important to reaching your full potential, and how to discover your own through analyzing the times when your behavior is the most natural or instinctive and why.",mindfulness The Kindness Method," by Shahroo Izadi teaches how self-compassion and understanding make forming habits easier than being hard on yourself, using the personal experiences of the author and what she’s learned as an addiction recovery therapist to show how self-esteem is the true key to behavior change.",mindfulness Soundtracks," teaches you how to beat overthinking by challenging whether your thoughts are true, retiring unhelpful and unkind ideas, adopting thought-boosting mantras from others, using symbols to reinforce positive thoughts, and more.",mindfulness 75 Hard," is a fitness challenge and book that teaches mental toughness by making you commit to five daily critical tasks for 75 days straight, including drinking a gallon of water, reading 10 pages of a non-fiction book, doing two 45-minute workouts, taking a progress picture, and following a diet.",mindfulness How To Fail," shows the surprising benefits of going through a difficult time through the experiences of the author, Elizabeth Day, including the failures in her life that she’s grateful for and how they’ve helped her grow, uncovering why we shouldn’t be so afraid of failure but instead embrace it.",mindfulness How To Change,"identifies the stumbling blocks that are in your way of reaching your goals and improving yourself and the research-backed ways to get over them, including how to beat some of the worst productivity and life problems like procrastination, laziness, and much more.",mindfulness The Art of Stopping Time," teaches a framework of mindfulness, philosophy, and time-management you can use to achieve Time Prosperity, which is having plenty of time to reach your dreams without overwhelm, tumult, or constriction.",mindfulness What Are You Doing With Your Life?," turns traditional ideas about happiness and the purpose of life on its head by diving into the details of life’s most important questions, all so you can live with intention and joy more consistently.",mindfulness The Way of Integrity," uses science, spirituality, humor, and Dante’s Divine Comedy to teach you how to find well-being, healing, a sense of purpose, and much more by rediscovering integrity, or the recently lost art of living true to yourself by what you do, think and say.",mindfulness Journey of Awakening," explains the basics of meditation using ideas from multiple spiritual sources, including how to avoid the mental traps that make it difficult so you can practice frequently and make mindfulness, and the many benefits that come with it, part of your daily life.",mindfulness Feel Great Lose Weight, goes beyond fad diets and quick fixes for weight problems and instead dives into the science of how your body really works when you put food into it and how you can use this information to be fitter and feel better.,mindfulness Born To Win," explores how planning and preparation is the only way to win in life and shows you how to use these tools in combination with a vision, goals, and thinking positively to become a winner in all aspects of life.",mindfulness The Hero Code," identifies the traits of real-life heroes through inspiring stories of bravery and determination, many taken directly from the author’s experience as a four-star Navy admiral.",mindfulness Boundaries," explains, with the help of modern psychology and Christian ideals, how to improve your mental health and personal growth by establishing guidelines for self-care that include saying no more often and standing firm in your decisions rather than letting people walk all over you.",mindfulness Do Nothing," explores the idea that our focus on being productive all the time is making us less effective because of how little rest we get, identifying how the consequences of overworking ourselves, and the benefits of taking time off, make a compelling argument that we should spend more time doing nothing.",mindfulness The Bullet Journal Method, introduces a unique system for organizing you can use t,mindfulness The Data Detective," will make you smarter by showing how you can understand statistics well enough to see how they, and the beliefs and cognitive biases they can make you have, make such a huge impact in your life, for better or for worse, and how to separate fact from fiction.",mindfulness What Happened to You?," is Oprah’s look into trauma, including how traumatic experiences affect our brains throughout our lives, what they mean about the way we handle stress, and why we need to see it as both a problem with our society and our brains if we want to get through it.",mindfulness Intimacy And Desire," uses case studies of couples in therapy to show how partners can turn their normal sexual struggles and issues with sexual desire into a journey of personal, spiritual, and psychological growth that leads to a stronger bond and deeper, healthier desires for each other.",mindfulness Open, is the autobiography of world-famous tennis player Andre Agassi in which he details his struggles and successes on the way to self-awareness and balance while he was also trying to handle the constant pressures and difficulties that came from being one of the best tennis players in the world.,mindfulness Beyond Order," is the follow-up to Jordan Peterson’s bestselling book 12 Rules for Life and identifies another 12 rules to live by that help us live with and even embrace the chaos that we struggle with every day, identifying that too much order can be a problem just as much as too much disorder.",mindfulness Hyperfocus," teaches you how to become more efficient and improve your concentration by deciding on one thing to work on, focusing only on that task, learning to understand when your mind has wandered and redirecting your attention back to your work, and thinking creatively when you’re not working.",mindfulness Ten Arguments For Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now," shows why you should quit social media because it stops joy, makes you a jerk, erodes truth, kills empathy, takes free will, keeps the world insane, destroys authenticity, blocks economic dignity, makes politics a mess, and hates you.",mindfulness The Drama Of The Gifted Child," is an international bestseller that will help you unearth your sad, suppressed memories from childhood that still haunt you today and teach you how to confront them so you can avoid passing them on to your children, release yourself from the pains of your past, and finally be free to live a life of fulfillment.",mindfulness Four Hundred Souls,"tells the history of African Americans from the perspective of 90 authors who share insights on 400 years of conflict, oppression, and faith that with all the hard work of those fighting for equality, things would get better someday.",mindfulness The Gift Of Fear, is a guide to understanding how your fear and instincts about other people can protect you by showing you how to recognize and understand the warning signs that criminals and violent people exhibit before they strike.,mindfulness Think Again," will make you more intelligent, persuasive, and self-aware by identifying the power of being humble about what you don’t know, how to recognize blind spots in your thinking before they start causing you problems, and what you can do to become more effective at convincing others of your way of thinking.",mindfulness Forgiving What You Can’t Forget," teaches you how to heal from past traumas that still haunt you today by going through the lessons that author Lysa TerKeurst learned from childhood abuse and an unfaithful spouse, which have helped her find peace even in tough situations by forgiving those who have wronged her.",mindfulness Caste," unveils the hidden cultural and societal rules of our class system, including where it comes from, why it’s so deeply entrenched in society, and how we can dismantle it forever and finally allow all people to have the equality they deserve.",mindfulness Raising A Secure Child," teaches new parents how to feel confident that they can meet their child’s needs without making them too attached by outlining the experience that Hoffman, Cooper, and Powell have in helping parents form healthy attachments with their kids in ways that help them avoid becoming too hard on themselves and their children.",mindfulness The Grand Design," explains the history of mankind from a scientific perspective, including how we came into existence and started to use science to explain the world and ourselves with laws like Newton’s and Einstein’s and more recent theories like quantum physics.",mindfulness Unlearn, will show you how to win even in changing circumstances by revealing why the patterns you used for past successes won’t always work and how to adopt a learning attitude to stop them from holding you back.,mindfulness My Morning Routine," is the ultimate guide to building healthy habits in the hours right after you wake up with tips backed up by the experiences of some of the most successful people in the world, including Ryan Holiday, Chris Guillebeau, Nir Eyal, and many more.",mindfulness Under Pressure," uncovers the hidden anxieties and stresses that school-aged girls experience and what parents, educators, and all of us can do to help them break through it and succeed.",mindfulness Mindful Work," is your guide to understanding how the practice of meditation got its roots in Western society, the many ways it radically improves your brain’s ability to do almost everything, and how it will improve your productivity.",mindfulness Phantoms In The Brain, will make you smarter about your own mind by sharing what scientists have learned from some of the most interesting experiences of patients with neurological disorders.,mindfulness Pivot," will give you the confidence you need to change careers by showing you how to prepare by examining your strengths, working with the right people, testing ideas, and creating opportunities.",mindfulness The Charge," shows you how to unlock the baseline and forward human drives within you that will help you get energized, grounded, and working so that you can have the life of happiness and fulfillment you’ve always wanted.",mindfulness Thoughts Without A Thinker," helps you get more peace, overcome mental illness, and ease suffering by outlining the principles of Buddhism, mindfulness, and meditation as they relate to psychoanalysis.",mindfulness Breath," is a fascinating and helpful guide to understanding the science of breathing, including how doing it slowly and through your nose is best for your lungs and body, and the many proven mental and physical benefits of being more mindful of how you inhale and exhale.",mindfulness Get Out Of Your Head," shows you how to break the pattern of negative thinking so you can consistently entertain healthier and happier thoughts by teaching simple tips like being alone, connecting with others, and reconnecting with God.",mindfulness Getting COMFY, will show you how to improve each day of your life by identifying why you need to begin the right way and giving a step-by-step framework to make it happen.,mindfulness When The Body Says No," will help you become healthier by teaching you the truth behind the mind-body connection, revealing how your mental state does in fact affect your physical condition and how you can improve both.",mindfulness How To Love," teaches the secrets of caring for and connecting with yourself, your partner, and everyone in the world by looking at love through the lens of mindfulness.",mindfulness Brain Wash," will show you how to have a more peaceful, contented life by revealing what’s wrong with all of the bad habits that society accepts as normal, how they affect our brains, and the 10-day program you can follow to fix it.",mindfulness Unplug," is your guide to utilizing meditation to enhance your brain, deal with stress, and become happier, explaining the basics of this practice, how to get started with it, and what science has to teach about its many benefits.",mindfulness Ego Friendly," brings a twist to the mainstream spiritual narrative by showing you how to befriend your ego and treat it as your ally, instead of “letting go of it.”",mindfulness Eat Sleep Work Repeat," identifies why so many workplaces are unnecessarily stressful, how it makes employees unhappy and businesses less profitable, and what we all need to do to fix this growing problem.",mindfulness The Art Of Communicating," will improve your interpersonal and relationship skills by identifying the power of using mindfulness when talking with others, showing you how to listen with respect, convey your ideas efficiently, and most of all deepen your connections with others.",mindfulness Start Where You Are, helps you discover the power of meditation and compassion by going beyond what incense to buy and giving you real and powerful advice on how to make these tools part of your daily life so you can live with greater happiness and peace.,mindfulness Living Forward," shows you how to finally get direction, purpose, and fulfillment by identifying why you need a Life Plan, how to write one, and the amazing life you can have if you implement it.",mindfulness Emotional Intelligence 2.0," explains what Emotional Intelligence is and how you can use it to build fantastic relationships in your personal life and career by utilizing the powers of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management.",mindfulness The Happiness Trap," offers an easy-to-follow, practical guide to implementing Acceptances and Commitment Therapy (ACT), an effective method for loosening the grip of negative emotions so you can follow your values in life. ",mindfulness Mind Over Clutter," helps you take steps to improve your mental health, physical health, and the environment by showing you why having too much junk is so bad for you and outlining how to get rid of it all.",mindfulness Reasons To Stay Alive," shows you the dangers and difficulties surrounding mental illness, uncovers the stigma around it, and identifies how to recover from it by sharing the story of Matt Haig’s recovery after an awful panic attack and subsequent battle with depression and anxiety.",mindfulness Metahuman, shows you how to tap into your unlimited potential by discovering a higher level of awareness surrounding the limits of your everyday reality.,mindfulness Happier, will improve your mental state and level of success by identifying what you get wrong about joy and how to discover what’s most important to you and how to make those things a more significant part of your life.,mindfulness The Power Of Bad, gives some excellent tips on how to become happier by identifying your tendency toward negativity and what psychology and research have to show you about how to beat it.,mindfulness Who Will Cry When You Die?, helps you leave a lasting legacy of greatness after you’re gone by giving specific tips on how to become the best version of yourself and the kind that makes others grateful for all of your contributions to their lives and the world.,mindfulness The Way Of Zen," is the ultimate guide to understanding the history, principles, and benefits of Zen and how it can help us experience mental stillness and enjoy life even in uncertain times.",mindfulness A Monk’s Guide To Happiness, will help you find more joy in life by identifying the mental pitfalls you fall into that make it so hard to have and how to shatter the shackles of suffering to finally find inner peace.,mindfulness Resisting Happiness," shows you how to get more joy in your life by exploring the roadblocks you unknowingly put in the way of it, explaining why it’s a choice, and giving specific tips to help you make the decision to be content.",mindfulness When Things Fall Apart, gives you the confidence to make it through life’s inevitable setbacks by sharing ideas and strategies like mindfulness to grow your resilience and come out on top.,mindfulness Willpower Doesn’t Work, shows you how to change your life in a more efficient way than relying on sheer grit alone by identifying the importance of your environment and other factors that affect your productivity so you can become your best self.,mindfulness Joy At Work," takes Marie Kondo’s famous tidying-up tips and applies it to your job to help you be happier in the physical areas, digital spaces, and uses of your time in the office.",mindfulness How To Do Nothing," makes you more productive and helps you have more peace by identifying the problems with our current 24/7 work culture, where it came from, and how pausing to reflect helps you overcome it.",mindfulness The Unexpected Joy Of Being Sober, will help you have a happier and healthier life by persuasively revealing the many disadvantages of alcohol and the benefits of going without it permanently. ,mindfulness Status Anxiety, identifies the ways that your desire to be seen as someone successful makes you mentally unhealthy and also shows ways that you can combat the disease of trying to climb the never-ending social ladder.,mindfulness Personality Isn’t Permanent," will shatter your long-held beliefs that you’re stuck as yourself, flaws and all, by identifying why the person you are is changeable and giving you specific and actionable steps to change.",mindfulness Design Your Future, motivates you to get out of your limiting beliefs and fears that are holding you back from building a life you love by identifying why you got stuck in a career or job you hate and what steps you must take to finally live your dreams.,mindfulness " Outer Order, Inner Calm"," gives you advice to declutter your space and keep it orderly, to foster your inner peace and allow you to flourish.",mindfulness Self-Compassion," teaches you the art of being kind to yourself by identifying what causes you to beat yourself up, how it affects your life negatively, and what you can do to relate to yourself in healthier and more compassionate ways.",mindfulness Comfortably Unaware, is a well-researched compendium on how our food choices and animal agriculture impact the well-being of the whole planet.,mindfulness The Advice Trap,"will drastically improve your communication skills and make you more likable, thanks to explaining why defaulting to sharing your opinion about everything is a bad idea and how listening until you truly understand people’s needs will make a much bigger positive difference in their lives.",mindfulness The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read, will help you step back and focus more on the big picture of parenting to foster a strong relationship with your child so they can grow up emotionally and mentally healthy.,mindfulness Insight," will help you understand what self-awareness is, why it’s vital if you want to become your best self, and how to overcome the obstacles in the way of having more of it.",mindfulness Affluenza, asserts that the reason we are so unhappy is because of our obsession with consumption and the sickness that it brings upon ourselves and the world around us as well.,mindfulness Braiding Sweetgrass, offers some great ways for all of us to take better care of and be more grateful for our planet by explaining the way that Native Americans view and take care of it.,mindfulness The Ruthless Elimination Of Hurry," will teach you how to slow down, relax, and live a simpler life to become happier and improve your wellbeing.",mindfulness The Path Made Clear, contains Oprah Winfrey’s tips for how to discover your real purpose so you can live a life of success and significance.,mindfulness Measure What Matters," teaches you how to implement tracking systems into your company and life that will help you record your progress, stay accountable, and make reaching your goals almost inevitable.",mindfulness The Worry-Free Mind, helps free you of the shackles of all types of anxieties by identifying where they come from and what steps you need to take to regain control of your thinking patterns and become mentally healthy again.,mindfulness Do What You Are, will help you discover your personality type and how it can lead you to a more satisfying career that corresponds to your talents and interests.,mindfulness Great Thinkers, shows how much of what’s truly important in life can be solved by the wisdom left behind by brilliant minds from long past.,mindfulness Brain Rules," teaches you how to become more productive at work and life by giving proven facts about how your mind works better with good sleep, exercise, and learning with all the senses.",mindfulness Broadcasting Happiness," is an encouraging resource that will help you boost your health and happiness in your relationships, work, and community by showing you how to unlock the power of positive words and stories.",mindfulness The Body Keeps The Score, teaches you how to get through the difficulties that arise from your traumatic past by revealing the psychology behind them and revealing some of the techniques therapists use to help victims recover.,mindfulness How Not To Worry," will teach you how to live stress-free by revealing your brain’s primitive emotional survival instinct and providing a simple and effective roadmap for letting go of your anxieties. ",mindfulness How To Change Your Mind," reveals new evidence on psychedelics, confirming their power to cure mental illness, ease depression and addiction, and help people die more peacefully. ",mindfulness A Beginner’s Guide To The End," is your guide to using the principles of stillness, cleaning, and grief to prepare for your own or a loved one’s death.",mindfulness Stillness Is The Key," will show you how to harness the power of slowing down your body and mind for less distractions, better self-control, and, above all, a happier and more peaceful life.",mindfulness The Little Book of Lykke, gives Danish-derived and science-backed tips that will help you be happier.,mindfulness Radical Acceptance, teaches how you can become more content and happy in your life by applying the principles of meditation and Buddhism. ,mindfulness The Next Right Thing," is your guide for making wise, thoughtful, and intentional decisions simply by looking for the single best action to take at the moment.",mindfulness 7 Strategies For Wealth And Happiness," is the ultimate guide to improving your wealth through self-discipline, action, and a positive attitude toward work, money, and the people around you.",mindfulness A Whole New Mind, is your guide to standing out in the competitive workplace by taking advantage of the big-picture skills of the right side of your brain.,mindfulness Irresistible," reveals how alarmingly stuck to our devices we are, shows the negative consequences of technology addiction, and gives tips for a healthier relationship with the digital world. ",mindfulness A Return To Love," will help you let go of resentment, fear, and anger to have happier and healthier jobs and relationships by teaching you how to embrace the power of love.",mindfulness Time And How To Spend It, is your guide to becoming more productive by not focusing on working extra hours but instead using the time off more effectively.,mindfulness Feral, will help you find ways to improve the well-being of humanity by illustrating the deep connection between us and Nature and offering actionable advice on how to preserve balance in our ecosystems through rewilding.,mindfulness Bullshit Jobs," asserts that roughly two out of every five people are stuck in work that is bereft of purpose, and these workers could suffer psychological damage as a result. ",mindfulness Big Potential, will show you that the real secret to success and thriving in all aspects of life is developing strong connections with others and treating them in a way that lifts them up.,mindfulness Super Brain, explores the idea that through increased self-awareness and conscious intention we can teach our brain to perform at a higher level than we thought possible.,mindfulness The Miracle of Mindfulness, teaches the ancient Buddhist practice of mindfulness and how living in the present will make you happier.,mindfulness Exploring The World Of Lucid Dreaming, is a practical guide to dreaming consciously which uncovers an invaluable channel of communication between your conscious and unconscious mind.,mindfulness The Varieties Of Religious Experience," will show you that spirituality isn’t limited to church and that you too can benefit from trying a variety of religious practices, even if you identify with no religion in particular.",mindfulness When Bad Things Happen To Good People," explains why even the best of people sometimes suffer from adversity, and how we can turn our pain into something meaningful instead of lamenting it.",mindfulness The Art of Thinking Clearly, is a full compendium of the psychological biases that once helped us survive but now only hinder us from living our best life.,mindfulness The Organized Mind, will show you how to adapt your mind to our modern information culture so you can work efficiently without feeling exhausted.,mindfulness The Secret Life of Pronouns," is a collection of research and case studies explaining what our use of pronouns, articles, and other style words can reveal about ourselves.",mindfulness QBQ!, will teach you to ask better questions and stay accountable and why doing so will change every aspect of your life for the better.,mindfulness The Road to Character," explains why today’s ever-increasing obsession with the self is eclipsing moral virtues and our ability to build character, and how that gets in the way of our happiness.",mindfulness Social Intelligence," is a complete guide to the neuroscience of relationships, explaining how your social interactions shape you and how you can use these effects to your advantage.",mindfulness The Brain That Changes Itself, explores the groundbreaking research in neuroplasticity and shares fascinating stories of people who can use the brain’s ability to adapt and be cured of ailments previously incurable. ,mindfulness Psycho-Cybernetics," explains how thinking of the human mind as a machine can help improve your self-image, which will dramatically increase your success and happiness.",mindfulness Altered Traits, explores the science behind meditation techniques and the way they benefit and alter our mind and body.,mindfulness Behave," sets out to explain the reason behind human behavior, good or bad, by exploring the influences of brain chemistry and our environment.",mindfulness The Tao Te Ching," is a collection of 81 short, poignant chapters full of advice on living in harmony with “the Tao,” translated as “the Way,” an ancient Chinese interpretation of the spiritual force underpinning all life, first written around 400 BC but relevant to this day.",mindfulness "Girl, Wash Your Face"," inspires women to take their lives into their own hands and make their dreams happen, no matter how discouraged they may feel at the moment.",mindfulness Inner Engineering, is a guide to creating a life of happiness by exploring your internal landscape of thoughts and feelings and learning to align them with what the universe tells you.,mindfulness Search Inside Yourself," adapts the ancient ethos of “knowing thyself” to the realities of a modern, fast-paced workplace by introducing mindfulness exercises to enhance emotional intelligence.",mindfulness The Book ,is a spiritual explorationoftrue human nature and our place in the universe thatchallenges wide-spreadbut oftenmisled beliefs.,mindfulness Aware," is a comprehensive overview of the far-reaching benefits of meditation, rooted in both science and practice, enriched with actionable advice on how to practice mindfulness. ",mindfulness Digital Minimalism,"shows us where to draw the line with technology, how to properly take time off our digital devices, and why doing so is the key to living a happy, focused life in a noisy world.",mindfulness The Happy Mind, shows you what science and experience teach about how to become happier by assuming responsibility for your own well-being.,mindfulness Everything Is F*cked, explains what’s wrong with our approach towards happiness and gives philosophical suggestions that help us make our lives worth living.,mindfulness The Tao of Physics," questions many biases about Western science and Eastern spirituality, showing the close connections between the principles of physics and those of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoism",mindfulness My Stroke Of Insight,teaches you how to calm yourself anytime by simply tuning into the inherent peacefulness of the right side of the brain.,mindfulness The Presence Process," is an actionable 10-week program to become more present and consciously respond to situations based on breathing practice, insightful text, and observing your day-to-day experience.",mindfulness The More Of Less," teaches you how to declutter your time, mental capacities, and spaces to give more attention to the people and experiences that matter most.",mindfulness The Courage To Be Disliked," is a Japanese analysis of the work of 19th-century psychologist Alfred Adler, who established that happiness lies in the hands of each human individual and does not depend on past traumas.",mindfulness The Energy Bus," is a fable that will help you create positive energy with ten simple rules and make it the center of your life, work, and relationships.",mindfulness Atomic Habits," is the definitive guide to breaking bad behaviors and adopting good ones in four steps, showing you how small, incremental, everyday routines compound into massive, positive change over time.",mindfulness Outwitting The Devil," is an imagined interview between Napoleon Hill and the Devil himself, in which he wrings certain truths from the root of evil, which will help us avoid his grasp and live a good life.",mindfulness The Inner Game Of Tennis," is about the mental state required to deliver peak performance and how you can cultivate that state in sports, work, and life.",mindfulness The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind," is a spiritual self-help classic, which teaches you how to use visualization and other suggestion techniques to adapt your unconscious behavior in positive ways.",mindfulness Minimalism, is an instructive introduction to the philosophy of less and how it helped two guys who had achieved the American dream let go of their possessions and the depressions that came with them.,mindfulness Letters From A Stoic, is a collection of moral epistles famous Roman Stoic and philosopher Seneca,mindfulness The Wisdom Of Life," is an essay from Arthur Schopenhauer’s last published work, which breaks down happiness into three parts and explains how we can achieve it.",mindfulness The Secret," is a self-help book by Rhonda Byrne that explains how the law of attraction, which states that positive energy attracts positive things into your life, governs your thinking and actions, and how you can use the power of positive thinking to achieve anything you can imagine.",mindfulness The Book Of Joy," is the result of a 7-day meeting between the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu, two of the world’s most influential spiritual leaders, during which they discussed one of life’s most important questions: how do we find joy despite suffering?",mindfulness Principles," holds the set of rules for work and life billionaire investor and CEO of the most successful fund in history, Ray Dalio, has acquired through his 40-year career in finance.",mindfulness The 5 Second Rule," is a simple tool that undercuts most of the psychological weapons your brain employs to keep you from taking action, which will allow you to procrastinate less, live happier and reach your goals.",mindfulness The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck," does away with the positive psychology craze to instead give you a Stoic, no-BS approach to living a life that might not always be happy, but meaningful and centered only around what’s important to you.",mindfulness The Myth Of Multitasking," explains why doing everything at once is neither efficient, nor even possible, and gives you practical steps for more focus in the workplace.",mindfulness I Thought It Was Just Me (But It Isn’t), helps you understand and better manage the complicated and painful feeling of shame.,mindfulness The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari," is a self-help classic telling the story of fictional lawyer Julian Mantle, who sold his mansion and Ferrari to study the seven virtues of the Sages of Sivana in the Himalayan mountains.",mindfulness The Four Agreements," draws on the long tradition of the Toltecs, an ancient, indigenous people of Mexico, to show you that we have been domesticated from childhood, how these internal, guiding rules hurt us and what we can do to break and replace them with a new set of agreements with ourselves.",mindfulness "If You’re So Smart, Why Aren’t You Happy"," walks you through the seven deadly sins of unhappiness, which will show you how small the correlation between success and happiness truly is and help you avoid chasing the wrong things in your short time here on earth.",mindfulness The Little Book Of Hygge," is about the hard-to-describe, yet powerful Danish attitude towards life, which consistentlyranks Denmark amongthe happiest countries in the world and how you can cultivate it for yourself.",mindfulness Long-Term Thinking For A Short-Sighted World," explains why we rarely think about the long-term consequences of our actions, how this puts our entire species in danger and what we can do to change and ensure a thriving future for mankind.",mindfulness The Life-Changing Magic Of Not Giving A F*ck," is a funny, practical guide to mental decluttering, giving you actionable tips to stop caring about things that don’t really matter to you, without feeling ashamed or guilty.",mindfulness Trying Not To Try," explores ancient, Chinese philosophy to break down the art of being spontaneous, which will help you unite your mind and body, reach a state of flow, and breeze through life like a leaf in a river.",mindfulness At Home," takes you on a tour of the modern home, using each room as occasion to reminisce about the history of its tradition, thus enlightening you with how the amenities and comforts of everyday life you now take for granted have come to be.",mindfulness Peak," accumulates everything the pioneer researcher on deliberate practice has learned about expert performance through decades of exploration and analysis of what separates those, who are average, from those, who are world-class at what they do.",mindfulness Ego Is The Enemy," reveals why a tendency that’s hardwired into our brains — the belief that the world revolves around us and us alone — keeps holding us back from living the very life it dreams up for us, including what we can do to overcome our ego, be kinder to others and ourselves, and achieve true greatness.",mindfulness Simple Rules," shows you how to navigate our incredibly complex world by learning the structure of and coming up with your own set of easy, clear-cut rules to follow for the most various situations in life.",mindfulness The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success," brings together the spiritual calmness and mindful behavior of Eastern religions with Western striving for achieving internal and external success, showing you seven specific ways to let both come to you.",mindfulness The Untethered Soul," describes how you can untie your self from your ego, harness your inner energy, expand beyond yourself and float through the river of life instead of blocking or fighting it.",mindfulness The Gifts Of Imperfection," shows you how to embrace your inner flaws to accept who you are, instead of constantly chasing the image of who you’re trying to be, because other people expect you to act in certain ways.",mindfulness How Will You Measure Your Life," shows you how to sustain motivation at work and in life to spend your time on earth happily and fulfilled, by focusing not just on money and your career, but your family, relationships and personal well-being.",mindfulness Mind Gym," explains why the performance of world-class athletes isn’t onlya result of their physical training, but just as much due to their mentally fit minds and shows you how you can cultivate the mindset of a top performer yourself.",mindfulness Finding Your Element," shows you how to find your talents and passions, embrace them, and come up with your own definition of happiness, so you can combine what you love with what you’re good at to live a long, happy life.",mindfulness The Wisdom Of Insecurity," is a self-help classic that breaks down our psychological need for stability and explains how it’s led us right into consumerism, why that won’t solve our problem and how we can really calm our anxiety.",mindfulness Mindsight," offers a new way of transforming your life for the better by connecting emotional awareness with the right reactions in your body, based on the work of a renowned pyschologistand his patients.",mindfulness A Force For Good," is a universal call to turn ourcompassion outward and use it to improve ourselves and the world around us in science, religion, social issues, business and education.",mindfulness How To Stop Worrying And Start Living," is a self-help classic which addresses one of the leading causes of physical illness, worry, by showing you simple and actionable techniques to eliminate it from your life.",mindfulness A Guide To The Good Life,"is a roadmap for aspiring Stoics, revealing why this ancient philosophy is useful today, what Stoicism is truly about, and showing you how to cultivate its powerful principles in your own life.",mindfulness Rising Strong," describes a 3-phase process of bouncing back from failure, which you can implement both in your own life and as a team or company, in order to embrace setbacks as part of life, deal with your emotions, confront your own ideas and rise stronger every time.",mindfulness The Code Of The Extraordinary Mind," gives you a 10-step framework for success, based on the lives of the world’s most successful people, who the author has spent 200+ hours interviewing.",mindfulness "Think Like A Freak teaches you how to reject conventional wisdom as often as possible, ask the right questions about everything and come up with your own, statistically validated answers, instead of relying on other peoples’ opinions or common sense",.,mindfulness Daring Greatly," is a book about having the courage to be vulnerable in a world where everyone wants to appear strong, confident and like they know what they’re doing.",mindfulness Meditations On First Philosophy,"is one of the premier works of Western philosophy, written byRené Descartes in 1641, prompting us to abandon everything that can possibly be doubted and then starting to reason our way forward based only on what we can know with absolute certainty.",mindfulness A New Earth," outlines a crazy and destructive place we call home, but not without showing us that we can all save it together, by looking into our minds and detaching ourselves from our ego, so we can practice acceptance and enjoyment.",mindfulness "Wherever You Go, There You Are"," explains what mindfulness is and why it’s not reserved for Zen practitioners and Buddhist monks, giving you simple ways to practice it in everyday life, both formally and informally, while helping you avoid the obstacles on your way to a more aware self.",mindfulness The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up," takes you through the process of simplifying, organizing and storing your belongings step by step, to make your home a place of peace and clarity.",mindfulness Who Moved My Cheese," tells a parable, which you can directly apply to your own life, in order to stop fearing what lies ahead and instead thrive in an environment of change and uncertainty.",mindfulness Singletasking," digs into neuroscientific research to explain why we’re not meant to multitask, how you can go back to the old, singletasking ways, and why that’s better for your work, relationships and happiness.",mindfulness As A Man Thinketh," is an essay and self-help classic, which argues that the key to mastering your life is harnessing the power of your thoughts and helps you cultivate the philosophy and attitude of a positive, successful person.",mindfulness Buddha’s Brain," explains how world-changing thought leaders like Moses, Mohammed, Jesus, Gandhi and the Buddha altered their brains with the power of their minds and how you can use the latest findings of neuroscience to do the same and become a morepositive, resilient, mindful and happy person.",mindfulness 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do," started as a personal reminder to not give in to bad habits in the face of adversity, but turned into a psychological guidebook to help you improve your mental strength and emotional resilience.",mindfulness The Art of Non-Conformity," teaches you how to play life by your own rules by giving you practical glimpses into the world of self-employment, a new approach to travel, to-do list minimalism and conscious spending habits.",mindfulness Vagabonding," will change your relationship with money and travel by showing you that long-term life on the road isn’t reserved for rich people and hippies, and will give you the tools you need to start living a life of adventure, simplicity and content.",mindfulness First Things First," shows you how to stop looking at the clock and start looking at the compass, by figuring out what’s important, prioritizing those things in your life, developing a vision for the future, building the right relationships and becoming a strong leader wherever you go.",mindfulness Focus," shows you that attention is the thing that makes life worth living and helps you develop more of it tobecome focused in every area of life: work, relationships and your own attitude towards life and the planet.",mindfulness 10% Happier," gives skeptics an easy “in” to meditation, by taking a very non-fluffy approach to the science behind this mindfulness practice and showing you how and why letting go of your ego is important for living a stress-free life.",mindfulness The Power of Now,"shows you that every minute you spend worrying about the future or regretting the past is a minute lost, because the only place you can truly live in is the present, the now, which is why the book offers actionable strategies to start living every minute as it occurs and becoming 100% present in and for your life.",mindfulness The In-Between," is a reminder to slow down and learn to appreciate the little moments in life, like the times when we’re really just waiting for the next big thing, as they shape our lives a lot more than we think.",mindfulness The Obstacle Is The Way," is a modern take on the ancient philosophy of Stoicism, which helps you endure the struggles of life with grace and resilience by drawing lessons from ancient heroes, former presidents, modern actors, athletes, and how they turned adversity into success thanks to the power of perception, action, and will.",mindfulness The Power Of Positive Thinking," will show you that the roots of success lie in the mind and teach you how to believe in yourself, break the habit of worrying, and take control of your life by taking control of your thoughts and changing your attitude.",mindfulness Thinking Fast And Slow," shows you how two systems in your brain are constantlyfighting over control of your behavior and actions, and teaches you the many ways in which this leads to errors in memory, judgment and decisions, and what you can do about it.",mindfulness Your Brain At Work," helps you overcome the daily challenges that take awayyour brain power, like constant email and interruption madness, high levels of stress, lack of control and high expectations, by showing you what goes on inside your head and giving you new approaches to control it better.",mindfulness Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff (… And It’s All Small Stuff)," will keep you from letting the little, stressful things in life, like your email inbox, rushing to trains, and annoying co-workers drive you insane and help you find peace and calm in a stressful world.",mindfulness Less Doing More Living," is based on the assumption that the less you have to do, the more life you have to live, and helps you implement this philosophy into your life by giving you real-world tools to boost efficiency in every aspect of your life.",mindfulness Rewire," explains why we keep engaging in addictive and self-destructive behavior, how our brains justify it and where you can get started on breaking your bad habits by becoming more mindful and disciplined.",mindfulness The Power Of No," is an encompassing instruction manual for you to harness the power of this little word to get healthy, rid yourself of bad relationships, embrace abundance and ultimately say yes to yourself.",mindfulness Think And Grow Rich," is a curation of the 13 most common habits of wealthy and successful people, distilled from studying over 500 individuals over the course of 20 years.",mindfulness "Mistakes Were Made, But Not By Me"," takes you on a journey of famous examples and areas of life where mistakes are hushed up instead of admitted, showing you along the way how thishinders progress, why we do it in the first place, and what you can do to start honestly admitting your own.",mindfulness Essentialism,"will show you a new, better way of looking at productivityby giving you permission to be extremely selective about what’s truly essential in your life and then ruthlessly cutting out everything else.",mindfulness The Art Of Happiness," is the result of a psychiatrist interviewing the Dalai Lama on how he personally achieved inner peace, calmness, and happiness.",mindfulness The Paradox Of Choice," shows you how today’s vast amount of choice makes you frustrated, less likely to choose, more likely to mess up, and less happy overall, before giving you concrete strategies and tips to ease the burden of decision-making.",mindfulness Stumbling On Happiness," examines the capacity of our brains to fill in gaps and simulate experiences, shows how our lack of awareness of these powers sometimes leads us to wrong decisions, and how we can change our behavior to synthesize our own happiness.",mindfulness The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People," teaches you both personal and professional effectiveness bychanging your view of how the world works and giving you 7 habits, which, if adopted well, will lead you to immense success.",mindfulness