# Copyright 2021 AlQuraishi Laboratory # Copyright 2021 DeepMind Technologies Limited # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from functools import reduce import importlib import math import sys from operator import mul import torch import torch.nn as nn from typing import Optional, Tuple, Sequence, Union from dockformerpp.model.primitives import Linear, LayerNorm, ipa_point_weights_init_ from dockformerpp.utils.residue_constants import ( restype_rigid_group_default_frame, restype_atom14_to_rigid_group, restype_atom14_mask, restype_atom14_rigid_group_positions, ) from dockformerpp.utils.geometry.quat_rigid import QuatRigid from dockformerpp.utils.geometry.rigid_matrix_vector import Rigid3Array from dockformerpp.utils.geometry.vector import Vec3Array, square_euclidean_distance from dockformerpp.utils.feats import ( frames_and_literature_positions_to_atom14_pos, torsion_angles_to_frames, ) from dockformerpp.utils.precision_utils import is_fp16_enabled from dockformerpp.utils.rigid_utils import Rotation, Rigid from dockformerpp.utils.tensor_utils import ( dict_multimap, permute_final_dims, flatten_final_dims, ) import importlib.util attn_core_is_installed = importlib.util.find_spec("attn_core_inplace_cuda") is not None attn_core_inplace_cuda = None if attn_core_is_installed: attn_core_inplace_cuda = importlib.import_module("attn_core_inplace_cuda") class AngleResnetBlock(nn.Module): def __init__(self, c_hidden): """ Args: c_hidden: Hidden channel dimension """ super(AngleResnetBlock, self).__init__() self.c_hidden = c_hidden self.linear_1 = Linear(self.c_hidden, self.c_hidden, init="relu") self.linear_2 = Linear(self.c_hidden, self.c_hidden, init="final") self.relu = nn.ReLU() def forward(self, a: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: s_initial = a a = self.relu(a) a = self.linear_1(a) a = self.relu(a) a = self.linear_2(a) return a + s_initial class AngleResnet(nn.Module): """ Implements Algorithm 20, lines 11-14 """ def __init__(self, c_in, c_hidden, no_blocks, no_angles, epsilon): """ Args: c_in: Input channel dimension c_hidden: Hidden channel dimension no_blocks: Number of resnet blocks no_angles: Number of torsion angles to generate epsilon: Small constant for normalization """ super(AngleResnet, self).__init__() self.c_in = c_in self.c_hidden = c_hidden self.no_blocks = no_blocks self.no_angles = no_angles self.eps = epsilon self.linear_in = Linear(self.c_in, self.c_hidden) self.linear_initial = Linear(self.c_in, self.c_hidden) self.layers = nn.ModuleList() for _ in range(self.no_blocks): layer = AngleResnetBlock(c_hidden=self.c_hidden) self.layers.append(layer) self.linear_out = Linear(self.c_hidden, self.no_angles * 2) self.relu = nn.ReLU() def forward( self, s: torch.Tensor, s_initial: torch.Tensor ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ Args: s: [*, C_hidden] single embedding s_initial: [*, C_hidden] single embedding as of the start of the StructureModule Returns: [*, no_angles, 2] predicted angles """ # NOTE: The ReLU's applied to the inputs are absent from the supplement # pseudocode but present in the source. For maximal compatibility with # the pretrained weights, I'm going with the source. # [*, C_hidden] s_initial = self.relu(s_initial) s_initial = self.linear_initial(s_initial) s = self.relu(s) s = self.linear_in(s) s = s + s_initial for l in self.layers: s = l(s) s = self.relu(s) # [*, no_angles * 2] s = self.linear_out(s) # [*, no_angles, 2] s = s.view(s.shape[:-1] + (-1, 2)) unnormalized_s = s norm_denom = torch.sqrt( torch.clamp( torch.sum(s ** 2, dim=-1, keepdim=True), min=self.eps, ) ) s = s / norm_denom return unnormalized_s, s class PointProjection(nn.Module): def __init__(self, c_hidden: int, num_points: int, no_heads: int, return_local_points: bool = False, ): super().__init__() self.return_local_points = return_local_points self.no_heads = no_heads self.num_points = num_points # Multimer requires this to be run with fp32 precision during training precision = None self.linear = Linear(c_hidden, no_heads * 3 * num_points, precision=precision) def forward(self, activations: torch.Tensor, rigids: Union[Rigid, Rigid3Array], ) -> Union[torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]]: # TODO: Needs to run in high precision during training points_local = self.linear(activations) out_shape = points_local.shape[:-1] + (self.no_heads, self.num_points, 3) points_local = torch.split( points_local, points_local.shape[-1] // 3, dim=-1 ) points_local = torch.stack(points_local, dim=-1).view(out_shape) points_global = rigids[..., None, None].apply(points_local) if(self.return_local_points): return points_global, points_local return points_global class InvariantPointAttention(nn.Module): """ Implements Algorithm 22. """ def __init__( self, c_s: int, c_z: int, c_hidden: int, no_heads: int, no_qk_points: int, no_v_points: int, inf: float = 1e5, eps: float = 1e-8, ): """ Args: c_s: Single representation channel dimension c_z: Pair representation channel dimension c_hidden: Hidden channel dimension no_heads: Number of attention heads no_qk_points: Number of query/key points to generate no_v_points: Number of value points to generate """ super(InvariantPointAttention, self).__init__() self.c_s = c_s self.c_z = c_z self.c_hidden = c_hidden self.no_heads = no_heads self.no_qk_points = no_qk_points self.no_v_points = no_v_points self.inf = inf self.eps = eps # These linear layers differ from their specifications in the # supplement. There, they lack bias and use Glorot initialization. # Here as in the official source, they have bias and use the default # Lecun initialization. hc = self.c_hidden * self.no_heads self.linear_q = Linear(self.c_s, hc, bias=True) self.linear_q_points = PointProjection( self.c_s, self.no_qk_points, self.no_heads, ) self.linear_kv = Linear(self.c_s, 2 * hc) self.linear_kv_points = PointProjection( self.c_s, self.no_qk_points + self.no_v_points, self.no_heads, ) self.linear_b = Linear(self.c_z, self.no_heads) self.head_weights = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros((no_heads))) ipa_point_weights_init_(self.head_weights) concat_out_dim = self.no_heads * ( self.c_z + self.c_hidden + self.no_v_points * 4 ) self.linear_out = Linear(concat_out_dim, self.c_s, init="final") self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=-1) self.softplus = nn.Softplus() def forward( self, s: torch.Tensor, z: torch.Tensor, r: Union[Rigid, Rigid3Array], mask: torch.Tensor, inplace_safe: bool = False, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Args: s: [*, N_res, C_s] single representation z: [*, N_res, N_res, C_z] pair representation r: [*, N_res] transformation object mask: [*, N_res] mask Returns: [*, N_res, C_s] single representation update """ z = [z] ####################################### # Generate scalar and point activations ####################################### # [*, N_res, H * C_hidden] q = self.linear_q(s) # [*, N_res, H, C_hidden] q = q.view(q.shape[:-1] + (self.no_heads, -1)) # [*, N_res, H, P_qk] q_pts = self.linear_q_points(s, r) # The following two blocks are equivalent # They're separated only to preserve compatibility with old AF weights # [*, N_res, H * 2 * C_hidden] kv = self.linear_kv(s) # [*, N_res, H, 2 * C_hidden] kv = kv.view(kv.shape[:-1] + (self.no_heads, -1)) # [*, N_res, H, C_hidden] k, v = torch.split(kv, self.c_hidden, dim=-1) kv_pts = self.linear_kv_points(s, r) # [*, N_res, H, P_q/P_v, 3] k_pts, v_pts = torch.split( kv_pts, [self.no_qk_points, self.no_v_points], dim=-2 ) ########################## # Compute attention scores ########################## # [*, N_res, N_res, H] b = self.linear_b(z[0]) # [*, H, N_res, N_res] if (is_fp16_enabled()): with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(enabled=False): a = torch.matmul( permute_final_dims(q.float(), (1, 0, 2)), # [*, H, N_res, C_hidden] permute_final_dims(k.float(), (1, 2, 0)), # [*, H, C_hidden, N_res] ) else: a = torch.matmul( permute_final_dims(q, (1, 0, 2)), # [*, H, N_res, C_hidden] permute_final_dims(k, (1, 2, 0)), # [*, H, C_hidden, N_res] ) a *= math.sqrt(1.0 / (3 * self.c_hidden)) a += (math.sqrt(1.0 / 3) * permute_final_dims(b, (2, 0, 1))) # [*, N_res, N_res, H, P_q, 3] pt_att = q_pts.unsqueeze(-4) - k_pts.unsqueeze(-5) if (inplace_safe): pt_att *= pt_att else: pt_att = pt_att ** 2 pt_att = sum(torch.unbind(pt_att, dim=-1)) head_weights = self.softplus(self.head_weights).view( *((1,) * len(pt_att.shape[:-2]) + (-1, 1)) ) head_weights = head_weights * math.sqrt( 1.0 / (3 * (self.no_qk_points * 9.0 / 2)) ) if (inplace_safe): pt_att *= head_weights else: pt_att = pt_att * head_weights # [*, N_res, N_res, H] pt_att = torch.sum(pt_att, dim=-1) * (-0.5) # [*, N_res, N_res] square_mask = mask.unsqueeze(-1) * mask.unsqueeze(-2) square_mask = self.inf * (square_mask - 1) # [*, H, N_res, N_res] pt_att = permute_final_dims(pt_att, (2, 0, 1)) if (inplace_safe): a += pt_att del pt_att a += square_mask.unsqueeze(-3) # in-place softmax attn_core_inplace_cuda.forward_( a, reduce(mul, a.shape[:-1]), a.shape[-1], ) else: a = a + pt_att a = a + square_mask.unsqueeze(-3) a = self.softmax(a) ################ # Compute output ################ # [*, N_res, H, C_hidden] o = torch.matmul( a, v.transpose(-2, -3).to(dtype=a.dtype) ).transpose(-2, -3) # [*, N_res, H * C_hidden] o = flatten_final_dims(o, 2) # [*, H, 3, N_res, P_v] if (inplace_safe): v_pts = permute_final_dims(v_pts, (1, 3, 0, 2)) o_pt = [ torch.matmul(a, v.to(a.dtype)) for v in torch.unbind(v_pts, dim=-3) ] o_pt = torch.stack(o_pt, dim=-3) else: o_pt = torch.sum( ( a[..., None, :, :, None] * permute_final_dims(v_pts, (1, 3, 0, 2))[..., None, :, :] ), dim=-2, ) # [*, N_res, H, P_v, 3] o_pt = permute_final_dims(o_pt, (2, 0, 3, 1)) o_pt = r[..., None, None].invert_apply(o_pt) # [*, N_res, H * P_v] o_pt_norm = flatten_final_dims( torch.sqrt(torch.sum(o_pt ** 2, dim=-1) + self.eps), 2 ) # [*, N_res, H * P_v, 3] o_pt = o_pt.reshape(*o_pt.shape[:-3], -1, 3) o_pt = torch.unbind(o_pt, dim=-1) # [*, N_res, H, C_z] o_pair = torch.matmul(a.transpose(-2, -3), z[0].to(dtype=a.dtype)) # [*, N_res, H * C_z] o_pair = flatten_final_dims(o_pair, 2) # [*, N_res, C_s] s = self.linear_out( torch.cat( (o, *o_pt, o_pt_norm, o_pair), dim=-1 ).to(dtype=z[0].dtype) ) return s class BackboneUpdate(nn.Module): """ Implements part of Algorithm 23. """ def __init__(self, c_s): """ Args: c_s: Single representation channel dimension """ super(BackboneUpdate, self).__init__() self.c_s = c_s self.linear = Linear(self.c_s, 6, init="final") def forward(self, s: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ Args: [*, N_res, C_s] single representation Returns: [*, N_res, 6] update vector """ # [*, 6] update = self.linear(s) return update class StructureModuleTransitionLayer(nn.Module): def __init__(self, c): super(StructureModuleTransitionLayer, self).__init__() self.c = c self.linear_1 = Linear(self.c, self.c, init="relu") self.linear_2 = Linear(self.c, self.c, init="relu") self.linear_3 = Linear(self.c, self.c, init="final") self.relu = nn.ReLU() def forward(self, s): s_initial = s s = self.linear_1(s) s = self.relu(s) s = self.linear_2(s) s = self.relu(s) s = self.linear_3(s) s = s + s_initial return s class StructureModuleTransition(nn.Module): def __init__(self, c, num_layers, dropout_rate): super(StructureModuleTransition, self).__init__() self.c = c self.num_layers = num_layers self.dropout_rate = dropout_rate self.layers = nn.ModuleList() for _ in range(self.num_layers): l = StructureModuleTransitionLayer(self.c) self.layers.append(l) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(self.dropout_rate) self.layer_norm = LayerNorm(self.c) def forward(self, s): for l in self.layers: s = l(s) s = self.dropout(s) s = self.layer_norm(s) return s class StructureModule(nn.Module): def __init__( self, c_s, c_z, c_ipa, c_resnet, no_heads_ipa, no_qk_points, no_v_points, dropout_rate, no_blocks, no_transition_layers, no_resnet_blocks, no_angles, trans_scale_factor, epsilon, inf, **kwargs, ): """ Args: c_s: Single representation channel dimension c_z: Pair representation channel dimension c_ipa: IPA hidden channel dimension c_resnet: Angle resnet (Alg. 23 lines 11-14) hidden channel dimension no_heads_ipa: Number of IPA heads no_qk_points: Number of query/key points to generate during IPA no_v_points: Number of value points to generate during IPA dropout_rate: Dropout rate used throughout the layer no_blocks: Number of structure module blocks no_transition_layers: Number of layers in the single representation transition (Alg. 23 lines 8-9) no_resnet_blocks: Number of blocks in the angle resnet no_angles: Number of angles to generate in the angle resnet trans_scale_factor: Scale of single representation transition hidden dimension epsilon: Small number used in angle resnet normalization inf: Large number used for attention masking """ super(StructureModule, self).__init__() self.c_s = c_s self.c_z = c_z self.c_ipa = c_ipa self.c_resnet = c_resnet self.no_heads_ipa = no_heads_ipa self.no_qk_points = no_qk_points self.no_v_points = no_v_points self.dropout_rate = dropout_rate self.no_blocks = no_blocks self.no_transition_layers = no_transition_layers self.no_resnet_blocks = no_resnet_blocks self.no_angles = no_angles self.trans_scale_factor = trans_scale_factor self.epsilon = epsilon self.inf = inf # Buffers to be lazily initialized later # self.default_frames # self.group_idx # self.atom_mask # self.lit_positions self.layer_norm_s = LayerNorm(self.c_s) self.layer_norm_z = LayerNorm(self.c_z) self.linear_in = Linear(self.c_s, self.c_s) self.ipa = InvariantPointAttention( self.c_s, self.c_z, self.c_ipa, self.no_heads_ipa, self.no_qk_points, self.no_v_points, inf=self.inf, eps=self.epsilon, ) self.ipa_dropout = nn.Dropout(self.dropout_rate) self.layer_norm_ipa = LayerNorm(self.c_s) self.transition = StructureModuleTransition( self.c_s, self.no_transition_layers, self.dropout_rate, ) self.bb_update = BackboneUpdate(self.c_s) self.angle_resnet = AngleResnet( self.c_s, self.c_resnet, self.no_resnet_blocks, self.no_angles, self.epsilon, ) def forward( self, evoformer_output_dict, aatype, mask=None, inplace_safe=False, ): """ Args: evoformer_output_dict: Dictionary containing: "single": [*, N_res, C_s] single representation "pair": [*, N_res, N_res, C_z] pair representation aatype: [*, N_res] amino acid indices mask: Optional [*, N_res] sequence mask Returns: A dictionary of outputs """ s = evoformer_output_dict["single"] if mask is None: # [*, N] mask = s.new_ones(s.shape[:-1]) # [*, N, C_s] s = self.layer_norm_s(s) # [*, N, N, C_z] z = self.layer_norm_z(evoformer_output_dict["pair"]) # [*, N, C_s] s_initial = s s = self.linear_in(s) # [*, N] rigids = Rigid.identity( s.shape[:-1], s.dtype, s.device, self.training, fmt="quat", ) outputs = [] for i in range(self.no_blocks): # [*, N, C_s] s = s + self.ipa( s, z, rigids, mask, inplace_safe=inplace_safe, ) s = self.ipa_dropout(s) s = self.layer_norm_ipa(s) s = self.transition(s) # [*, N] # [*, N_res, 6] vector of translations and rotations bb_update_output = self.bb_update(s) rigids = rigids.compose_q_update_vec(bb_update_output) # To hew as closely as possible to AlphaFold, we convert our # quaternion-based transformations to rotation-matrix ones # here backb_to_global = Rigid( Rotation( rot_mats=rigids.get_rots().get_rot_mats(), quats=None ), rigids.get_trans(), ) backb_to_global = backb_to_global.scale_translation( self.trans_scale_factor ) # [*, N, 7, 2] unnormalized_angles, angles = self.angle_resnet(s, s_initial) all_frames_to_global = self.torsion_angles_to_frames( backb_to_global, angles, aatype, ) pred_xyz = self.frames_and_literature_positions_to_atom14_pos( all_frames_to_global, aatype, ) scaled_rigids = rigids.scale_translation(self.trans_scale_factor) preds = { "frames": scaled_rigids.to_tensor_7(), "sidechain_frames": all_frames_to_global.to_tensor_4x4(), "unnormalized_angles": unnormalized_angles, "angles": angles, "positions": pred_xyz, "states": s, } outputs.append(preds) rigids = rigids.stop_rot_gradient() del z outputs = dict_multimap(torch.stack, outputs) outputs["single"] = s return outputs def _init_residue_constants(self, float_dtype, device): if not hasattr(self, "default_frames"): self.register_buffer( "default_frames", torch.tensor( restype_rigid_group_default_frame, dtype=float_dtype, device=device, requires_grad=False, ), persistent=False, ) if not hasattr(self, "group_idx"): self.register_buffer( "group_idx", torch.tensor( restype_atom14_to_rigid_group, device=device, requires_grad=False, ), persistent=False, ) if not hasattr(self, "atom_mask"): self.register_buffer( "atom_mask", torch.tensor( restype_atom14_mask, dtype=float_dtype, device=device, requires_grad=False, ), persistent=False, ) if not hasattr(self, "lit_positions"): self.register_buffer( "lit_positions", torch.tensor( restype_atom14_rigid_group_positions, dtype=float_dtype, device=device, requires_grad=False, ), persistent=False, ) def torsion_angles_to_frames(self, r, alpha, f): # Lazily initialize the residue constants on the correct device self._init_residue_constants(alpha.dtype, alpha.device) # Separated purely to make testing less annoying return torsion_angles_to_frames(r, alpha, f, self.default_frames) def frames_and_literature_positions_to_atom14_pos( self, r, f # [*, N, 8] # [*, N] ): # Lazily initialize the residue constants on the correct device self._init_residue_constants(r.dtype, r.device) return frames_and_literature_positions_to_atom14_pos( r, f, self.default_frames, self.group_idx, self.atom_mask, self.lit_positions, )