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content="Deformable Neural Radiance Fields creates free-viewpoint portraits (nerfies) from casually captured videos.">
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<title>Nerfies: Deformable Neural Radiance Fields</title>
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<h2 class="title is-3">Abstract</h2>
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<h2 class="title is-3">Video</h2>
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<!-- Visual Effects. -->
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<h2 class="title is-3">Visual Effects</h2>
<slot id=2 name="second"></slot>
<!--/ Visual Effects. -->
<!-- Matting. -->
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<h2 class="title is-3">Matting</h2>
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<div class="column content">
As a byproduct of our method, we can also solve the matting problem by ignoring
samples that fall outside of a bounding box during rendering.
<video id="matting-video" controls playsinline height="100%">
<source src="./static/videos/matting.mp4"
<!--/ Matting. -->
<!-- Animation. -->
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<h2 class="title is-3">Animation</h2>
<!-- Interpolating. -->
<h3 class="title is-4">Interpolating states</h3>
<div class="content has-text-justified">
We can also animate the scene by interpolating the deformation latent codes of two input
frames. Use the slider here to linearly interpolate between the left frame and the right
<div class="columns is-vcentered interpolation-panel">
<div class="column is-3 has-text-centered">
<img src="./static/images/interpolate_start.jpg"
alt="Interpolate start reference image."/>
<p>Start Frame</p>
<div class="column interpolation-video-column">
<div id="interpolation-image-wrapper">
<input class="slider is-fullwidth is-large is-info"
step="1" min="0" max="100" value="0" type="range">
<div class="column is-3 has-text-centered">
<img src="./static/images/interpolate_end.jpg"
alt="Interpolation end reference image."/>
<p class="is-bold">End Frame</p>
<!--/ Interpolating. -->
<!-- Re-rendering. -->
<h3 class="title is-4">Re-rendering the input video</h3>
<div class="content has-text-justified">
Using <span class="dnerf">Nerfies</span>, you can re-render a video from a novel
viewpoint such as a stabilized camera by playing back the training deformations.
<div class="content has-text-centered">
<video id="replay-video"
<source src="./static/videos/replay.mp4"
<!--/ Re-rendering. -->
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<h2 class="title is-3">Related Links</h2>
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There's a lot of excellent work that was introduced around the same time as ours.
<a href="" target="_blank">Progressive Encoding for Neural Optimization</a> introduces an idea similar to our windowed position encoding for coarse-to-fine optimization.
<a href="" target="_blank">D-NeRF</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">NR-NeRF</a>
both use deformation fields to model non-rigid scenes.
Some works model videos with a NeRF by directly modulating the density, such as <a href="" target="_blank">Video-NeRF</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">NSFF</a>, and <a href="" target="_blank">DyNeRF</a>
There are probably many more by the time you are reading this. Check out <a href="" target="_blank">Frank Dellart's survey on recent NeRF papers</a>, and <a href="" target="_blank">Yen-Chen Lin's curated list of NeRF papers</a>.
<!--/ Concurrent Work. -->
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<h2 class="title">BibTeX</h2>
author = {Park, Keunhong and Sinha, Utkarsh and Barron, Jonathan T. and Bouaziz, Sofien and Goldman, Dan B and Seitz, Steven M. and Martin-Brualla, Ricardo},
title = {Nerfies: Deformable Neural Radiance Fields},
journal = {ICCV},
year = {2021},
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