import pandas as pd |
import tweepy |
import re |
import emoji |
import spacy |
import gensim |
import json |
import string |
from spacy.tokenizer import Tokenizer |
from gensim.parsing.preprocessing import STOPWORDS as SW |
from wordcloud import STOPWORDS |
from gensim.corpora import Dictionary |
from gensim.models.coherencemodel import CoherenceModel |
from pprint import pprint |
import numpy as np |
import tqdm |
from gensim.parsing.preprocessing import preprocess_string, strip_punctuation, strip_numeric |
import torch |
from transformers import T5ForConditionalGeneration,T5Tokenizer |
from googletrans import Translator |
from bertopic import BERTopic |
from umap import UMAP |
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer |
from operator import itemgetter |
import gradio as gr |
global df |
client = tweepy.Client(bearer_token=bearer_token) |
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_lg') |
print('hi') |
def scrape(keywords): |
query = keywords + ' (lang:en OR lang:tl) -is:retweet' |
max_results = 100 |
tweet_fields=['geo', 'id', 'lang', 'created_at'] |
expansions=['geo.place_id'] |
place_fields = ['contained_within', 'country', 'country_code', 'full_name', 'geo', 'id', 'name', 'place_type'] |
response = client.search_recent_tweets( |
query=query, |
max_results=max_results, |
tweet_fields=tweet_fields, |
expansions=expansions, |
place_fields=place_fields |
) |
tweets = [] |
for x in response[0]: |
tweets.append(str(x)) |
place_data = response[1] |
df = pd.DataFrame(tweets, columns=['tweet']) |
return place_data |
def get_example(dataset): |
df = pd.read_csv(dataset + '.csv') |
return df |
def give_emoji_free_text(text): |
""" |
Removes emoji's from tweets |
Accepts: |
Text (tweets) |
Returns: |
Text (emoji free tweets) |
""" |
emoji_list = [c for c in text if c in emoji.EMOJI_DATA] |
clean_text = ' '.join([str for str in text.split() if not any(i in str for i in emoji_list)]) |
return clean_text |
def url_free_text(text): |
''' |
Cleans text from urls |
''' |
text = re.sub(r'http\S+', '', text) |
return text |
def get_lemmas(text): |
'''Used to lemmatize the processed tweets''' |
lemmas = [] |
doc = nlp(text) |
for token in doc: |
if ((token.is_stop == False) and (token.is_punct == False)) and (token.pos_ != 'PRON'): |
lemmas.append(token.lemma_) |
return lemmas |
def tokenize(text): |
""" |
Parses a string into a list of semantic units (words) |
Args: |
text (str): The string that the function will tokenize. |
Returns: |
list: tokens parsed out |
""" |
pattern = r"http\S+" |
tokens = re.sub(pattern, "", text) |
tokens = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z 0-9]', '', text) |
tokens = re.sub('[%s]' % re.escape(string.punctuation), '', text) |
tokens = re.sub('\w*\d\w*', '', text) |
tokens = tokens.strip(',') |
tokens = tokens.strip('?') |
tokens = tokens.strip('!') |
tokens = tokens.strip("'") |
tokens = tokens.strip(".") |
tokens = tokens.lower().split() |
return tokens |
def cleaning(df): |
df.rename(columns = {'tweet':'original_tweets'}, inplace = True) |
call_emoji_free = lambda x: give_emoji_free_text(x) |
df['emoji_free_tweets'] = df['original_tweets'].apply(call_emoji_free) |
df['url_free_tweets'] = df['emoji_free_tweets'].apply(url_free_text) |
f = open('stopwords-tl.json') |
tlStopwords = json.loads(f.read()) |
stopwords = set(STOPWORDS) |
stopwords.update(tlStopwords) |
stopwords.update(['na', 'sa', 'ko', 'ako', 'ng', 'mga', 'ba', 'ka', 'yung', 'lang', 'di', 'mo', 'kasi']) |
tokenizer = Tokenizer(nlp.vocab) |
custom_stopwords = ['hi','\n','\n\n', '&', ' ', '.', '-', 'got', "it's", 'it’s', "i'm", 'i’m', 'im', 'want', 'like', '$', '@'] |
STOP_WORDS = nlp.Defaults.stop_words.union(custom_stopwords) |
ALL_STOP_WORDS = STOP_WORDS.union(SW).union(stopwords) |
tokens = [] |
STOP_WORDS.update(stopwords) |
for doc in tokenizer.pipe(df['url_free_tweets'], batch_size=500): |
doc_tokens = [] |
for token in doc: |
if token.text.lower() not in STOP_WORDS: |
doc_tokens.append(token.text.lower()) |
tokens.append(doc_tokens) |
df['tokens'] = tokens |
df['tokens_back_to_text'] = [' '.join(map(str, l)) for l in df['tokens']] |
df['lemmas'] = df['tokens_back_to_text'].apply(get_lemmas) |
df['lemmas_back_to_text'] = [' '.join(map(str, l)) for l in df['lemmas']] |
df['lemma_tokens'] = df['lemmas_back_to_text'].apply(tokenize) |
def split_corpus(corpus, n): |
for i in range(0, len(corpus), n): |
corpus_split = corpus |
yield corpus_split[i:i + n] |
def compute_coherence_values_base_lda(dictionary, corpus, texts, limit, coherence, start=2, step=1): |
coherence_values = [] |
model_list = [] |
for num_topics in range(start, limit, step): |
model = gensim.models.ldamodel.LdaModel(corpus=corpus, |
num_topics=num_topics, |
random_state=100, |
chunksize=200, |
passes=10, |
per_word_topics=True, |
id2word=id2word) |
model_list.append(model) |
coherencemodel = CoherenceModel(model=model, texts=texts, dictionary=dictionary, coherence=coherence) |
coherence_values.append(coherencemodel.get_coherence()) |
return model_list, coherence_values |
def base_lda(): |
global id2word |
id2word = Dictionary(df['lemma_tokens']) |
id2word.filter_extremes(no_below=2, no_above=.99) |
global corpus |
corpus = [id2word.doc2bow(d) for d in df['lemma_tokens']] |
global corpus_og |
corpus_og = [id2word.doc2bow(d) for d in df['lemma_tokens']] |
corpus_split = corpus |
split_corpus(corpus_split, 5) |
global coherence |
coherence = 'c_v' |
coherence_averages = [0] * 8 |
for i in range(5): |
training_corpus = corpus_split |
training_corpus.remove(training_corpus[i]) |
print(training_corpus[i]) |
model_list, coherence_values = compute_coherence_values_base_lda(dictionary=id2word, corpus=training_corpus, |
texts=df['lemma_tokens'], |
start=2, |
limit=10, |
step=1, |
coherence=coherence) |
for j in range(len(coherence_values)): |
coherence_averages[j] += coherence_values[j] |
limit = 10; start = 2; step = 1; |
x = range(start, limit, step) |
coherence_averages = [x / 5 for x in coherence_averages] |
if coherence == 'c_v': |
k_max = max(coherence_averages) |
else: |
k_max = min(coherence_averages, key=abs) |
global num_topics |
num_topics = coherence_averages.index(k_max) + 2 |
def compute_coherence_values2(corpus, dictionary, k, a, b): |
lda_model = gensim.models.ldamodel.LdaModel(corpus=corpus, |
id2word=id2word, |
num_topics=num_topics, |
random_state=100, |
chunksize=200, |
passes=10, |
alpha=a, |
eta=b, |
per_word_topics=True) |
coherence_model_lda = CoherenceModel(model=lda_model, |
texts=df['lemma_tokens'], |
dictionary=id2word, |
coherence='c_v') |
return coherence_model_lda.get_coherence() |
def hyperparameter_optimization(): |
grid = {} |
grid['Validation_Set'] = {} |
min_topics = 1 |
max_topics = 10 |
step_size = 1 |
topics_range = range(min_topics, max_topics, step_size) |
alpha = [0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 5, 10] |
beta = [0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 5, 10] |
num_of_docs = len(corpus_og) |
corpus_sets = [gensim.utils.ClippedCorpus(corpus_og, int(num_of_docs*0.75)), |
corpus_og] |
corpus_title = ['75% Corpus', '100% Corpus'] |
model_results = {'Validation_Set': [], |
'Alpha': [], |
'Beta': [], |
'Coherence': [] |
} |
if 1 == 1: |
pbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=540) |
for i in range(len(corpus_sets)): |
for a in alpha: |
for b in beta: |
cv = compute_coherence_values2(corpus=corpus_sets[i], |
dictionary=id2word, |
k=num_topics, |
a=a, |
b=b) |
model_results['Validation_Set'].append(corpus_title[i]) |
model_results['Alpha'].append(a) |
model_results['Beta'].append(b) |
model_results['Coherence'].append(cv) |
pbar.update(1) |
pd.DataFrame(model_results).to_csv('lda_tuning_results_new.csv', index=False) |
pbar.close() |
params_df = pd.read_csv('lda_tuning_results_new.csv') |
params_df = params_df[params_df.Validation_Set == '75% Corpus'] |
params_df.reset_index(inplace=True) |
params_df = params_df.replace(np.inf, -np.inf) |
max_params = params_df.loc[params_df['Coherence'].idxmax()] |
max_coherence = max_params['Coherence'] |
max_alpha = max_params['Alpha'] |
max_beta = max_params['Beta'] |
max_validation_set = max_params['Validation_Set'] |
global lda_model_final |
lda_model_final = gensim.models.ldamodel.LdaModel(corpus=corpus_og, |
id2word=id2word, |
num_topics=num_topics, |
random_state=100, |
chunksize=200, |
passes=10, |
alpha=max_alpha, |
eta=max_beta, |
per_word_topics=True) |
coherence_model_lda = CoherenceModel(model=lda_model_final, texts=df['lemma_tokens'], dictionary=id2word, |
coherence='c_v') |
coherence_lda = coherence_model_lda.get_coherence() |
return coherence_lda |
def assignMaxTopic(l): |
maxTopic = max(l,key=itemgetter(1))[0] |
return maxTopic |
def assignTopic(l): |
topics = [] |
for x in l: |
topics.append(x[0]) |
def topic_assignment(df): |
lda_topics = lda_model_final.show_topics(num_words=10) |
topics = [] |
filters = [lambda x: x.lower(), strip_punctuation, strip_numeric] |
for topic in lda_topics: |
topics.append(preprocess_string(topic[1], filters)) |
df['topic'] = [sorted(lda_model_final[corpus_og][text][0]) for text in range(len(df['original_tweets']))] |
df = df[df['topic'].map(lambda d: len(d)) > 0] |
df['max_topic'] = df['topic'].map(lambda row: assignMaxTopic(row)) |
global topic_clusters |
topic_clusters = [] |
for i in range(num_topics): |
topic_clusters.append(df[df['max_topic'].isin(([i]))]) |
topic_clusters[i] = topic_clusters[i]['original_tweets'].tolist() |
def get_topic_value(row, i): |
if len(row) == 1: |
return row[0][1] |
else: |
try: |
return row[i][1] |
except Exception as e: |
print(e) |
def reprsentative_tweets(): |
global top_tweets |
top_tweets = [] |
for i in range(len(topic_clusters)): |
tweets = df.loc[df['max_topic'] == i] |
tweets['topic'] = tweets['topic'].apply(lambda x: get_topic_value(x, i)) |
tweets_sorted = tweets.sort_values('topic', ascending=False) |
tweets_sorted.drop_duplicates(subset=['original_tweets']) |
rep_tweets = tweets_sorted['original_tweets'] |
rep_tweets = [*set(rep_tweets)] |
top_tweets.append(rep_tweets[:5]) |
return top_tweets |
def topic_summarization(topic_groups): |
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") |
model = T5ForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained("Michau/t5-base-en-generate-headline") |
tokenizer = T5Tokenizer.from_pretrained("Michau/t5-base-en-generate-headline") |
model = model.to(device) |
translator = Translator() |
headlines = [] |
for i in range(len(topic_groups)): |
tweets = " ".join(topic_groups[i]) |
out = translator.translate(tweets, dest='en') |
text = out.text |
max_len = 256 |
encoding = tokenizer.encode_plus(text, return_tensors = "pt") |
input_ids = encoding["input_ids"].to(device) |
attention_masks = encoding["attention_mask"].to(device) |
beam_outputs = model.generate( |
input_ids = input_ids, |
attention_mask = attention_masks, |
max_length = 64, |
num_beams = 3, |
early_stopping = True, |
) |
result = tokenizer.decode(beam_outputs[0]) |
headlines += "Topic " + str(i) + " " + result |
return headlines |
def compute_coherence_value_bertopic(topic_model): |
topic_words = [[words for words, _ in topic_model.get_topic(topic)] for topic in range(len(set(topics))-1)] |
coherence_model = CoherenceModel(topics=topic_words, |
texts=df['lemma_tokens'], |
corpus=corpus, |
dictionary=id2word, |
coherence=coherence) |
coherence_score = coherence_model.get_coherence() |
return coherence_score |
def base_bertopic(): |
df['lemma_tokens_string'] = df['lemma_tokens'].apply(lambda x: ' '.join(x)) |
global id2word |
id2word = Dictionary(df['lemma_tokens']) |
global corpus |
corpus = [id2word.doc2bow(d) for d in df['lemma_tokens']] |
global umap_model |
umap_model = UMAP(n_neighbors=15, |
n_components=5, |
min_dist=0.0, |
metric='cosine', |
random_state=100) |
base_topic_model = BERTopic(umap_model=umap_model, language="english", calculate_probabilities=True) |
topics, probabilities = base_topic_model.fit_transform(df['lemma_tokens_string']) |
try: |
print(compute_coherence_value_bertopic(base_topic_model)) |
except: |
print('Unable to generate meaningful topics (Base BERTopic model)') |
def optimized_bertopic(): |
vectorizer_model = CountVectorizer(max_features=1_000, stop_words="english") |
optimized_topic_model = BERTopic(umap_model=umap_model, |
language="multilingual", |
n_gram_range=(1, 3), |
vectorizer_model=vectorizer_model, |
calculate_probabilities=True) |
topics, probabilities = optimized_topic_model.fit_transform(df['lemma_tokens_string']) |
try: |
print(compute_coherence_value_bertopic(optimized_topic_model)) |
except: |
print('Unable to generate meaningful topics, base BERTopic model if possible') |
rep_docs = optimized_topic_model.representative_docs_ |
global top_tweets |
top_tweets = [] |
for topic in rep_docs: |
if topic == -1: |
print('test') |
continue |
topic_docs = rep_docs.get(topic) |
tweets = [] |
for doc in topic_docs: |
index = df.isin([doc]).any(axis=1).idxmax() |
tweets.append(df.loc[index, 'original_tweets']) |
print(tweets) |
top_tweets.append(tweets) |
global examples |
def main(dataset, model): |
global df |
examples = [ "katip,katipunan", |
"bgc,bonifacio global city", |
"pobla,poblacion", |
"cubao", |
"taft" |
] |
keyword_list = dataset.split(',') |
if len(keyword_list) > 1: |
keywords = '(' + ' OR '.join(keyword_list) + ')' |
else: |
keywords = keyword_list[0] |
if dataset in examples: |
df = get_example(keywords) |
place_data = 'test' |
else: |
print(dataset) |
place_data = str(scrape(keyword_list)) |
print(df) |
cleaning(df) |
print(df) |
if model == 'LDA': |
base_lda() |
coherence = hyperparameter_optimization() |
topic_assignment(df) |
top_tweets = reprsentative_tweets() |
else: |
base_bertopic() |
optimized_bertopic() |
headlines = topic_summarization(top_tweets) |
headlines = '\n'.join(str(h) for h in headlines) |
return place_data, headlines |
iface = gr.Interface(fn=main, |
inputs=[gr.Dropdown(["katip,katipunan", |
"bgc,bonifacio global city", |
"cubao", |
"taft", |
"pobla,poblacion"], |
label="Dataset"), |
gr.Dropdown(["LDA", |
"BERTopic"], |
label="Model") |
], |
outputs=["text", |
"text"]) |
iface.launch() |