################################################################ # # # utilities # # # ################################################################ package NLP::utilities; use File::Spec; use Time::HiRes qw(time); use Time::Local; use NLP::English; use NLP::UTF8; $utf8 = NLP::UTF8; $englishPM = NLP::English; %empty_ht = (); use constant DEBUGGING => 0; sub member { local($this,$elem,@array) = @_; my $a; if (defined($elem)) { foreach $a (@array) { if (defined($a)) { return 1 if $elem eq $a; } else { $DB::single = 1; # debugger breakpoint print STDERR "\nWarning: Undefined variable utilities::member::a\n"; } } } else { $DB::single = 1; # debugger breakpoint print STDERR "\nWarning: Undefined variable utilities::member::elem\n"; } return 0; } sub dual_member { local($this,$elem1,$elem2,*array1,*array2) = @_; # returns 1 if there exists a position $n # such that $elem1 occurs at position $n in @array1 # and $elem2 occurs at same position $n in @array2 return 0 unless defined($elem1) && defined($elem2); my $last_index = ($#array1 < $#array2) ? $#array1 : $#array2; #min my $a; my $b; foreach $i ((0 .. $last_index)) { return 1 if defined($a = $array1[$i]) && defined($b = $array2[$i]) && ($a eq $elem1) && ($b eq $elem2); } return 0; } sub sorted_list_equal { local($this,*list1,*list2) = @_; return 0 unless $#list1 == $#list2; foreach $i ((0 .. $#list1)) { return 0 unless $list1[$i] eq $list2[$i]; } return 1; } sub trim { local($this, $s) = @_; $s =~ s/^\s*//; $s =~ s/\s*$//; $s =~ s/\s+/ /g; return $s; } sub trim2 { local($this, $s) = @_; $s =~ s/^\s*//; $s =~ s/\s*$//; return $s; } sub trim_left { local($this, $s) = @_; $s =~ s/^\s*//; return $s; } sub cap_member { local($this,$elem,@array) = @_; my $a; my $lc_elem = lc $elem; foreach $a (@array) { return $a if $lc_elem eq lc $a; } return ""; } sub remove_elem { local($this,$elem,@array) = @_; return @array unless $this->member($elem, @array); @rm_list = (); foreach $a (@array) { push(@rm_list, $a) unless $elem eq $a; } return @rm_list; } sub intersect_p { local($this,*list1,*list2) = @_; foreach $elem1 (@list1) { if (defined($elem1)) { foreach $elem2 (@list2) { if (defined($elem2)) { return 1 if $elem1 eq $elem2; } else { $DB::single = 1; # debugger breakpoint print STDERR "\nWarning: Undefined variable utilities::intersect_p::elem2\n"; } } } else { $DB::single = 1; # debugger breakpoint print STDERR "\nWarning: Undefined variable utilities::intersect_p::elem1\n"; } } return 0; } sub intersect_expl_p { local($this,*list1,@list2) = @_; foreach $elem1 (@list1) { foreach $elem2 (@list2) { return 1 if $elem1 eq $elem2; } } return 0; } sub intersection { local($this,*list1,*list2) = @_; @intersection_list = (); foreach $elem1 (@list1) { foreach $elem2 (@list2) { push(@intersection_list, $elem1) if ($elem1 eq $elem2) && ! $this->member($elem1, @intersection_list); } } return @intersection_list; } sub cap_intersect_p { local($this,*list1,*list2) = @_; foreach $elem1 (@list1) { $lc_elem1 = lc $elem1; foreach $elem2 (@list2) { return 1 if $lc_elem1 eq lc $elem2; } } return 0; } sub subset_p { local($this,*list1,*list2) = @_; foreach $elem1 (@list1) { return 0 unless $this->member($elem1, @list2); } return 1; } sub cap_subset_p { local($this,*list1,*list2) = @_; foreach $elem1 (@list1) { return 0 unless $this->cap_member($elem1, @list2); } return 1; } sub unique { local($this, @list) = @_; my %seen = (); @uniq = (); foreach $item (@list) { push(@uniq, $item) unless $seen{$item}++; } return @uniq; } sub position { local($this,$elem,@array) = @_; $i = 0; foreach $a (@array) { return $i if $elem eq $a; $i++; } return -1; } sub positions { local($this,$elem,@array) = @_; $i = 0; @positions_in_list = (); foreach $a (@array) { push(@positions_in_list, $i) if $elem eq $a; $i++; } return @positions_in_list; } sub last_position { local($this,$elem,@array) = @_; $result = -1; $i = 0; foreach $a (@array) { $result = $i if $elem eq $a; $i++; } return $result; } sub rand_n_digit_number { local($this,$n) = @_; return 0 unless $n =~ /^[1-9]\d*$/; $ten_power_n = 10 ** ($n - 1); return int(rand(9 * $ten_power_n)) + $ten_power_n; } # Consider File::Temp sub new_tmp_filename { local($this,$filename) = @_; $loop_limit = 1000; ($dir,$simple_filename) = ($filename =~ /^(.+)\/([^\/]+)$/); $simple_filename = $filename unless defined($simple_filename); $new_filename = "$dir/tmp-" . $this->rand_n_digit_number(8) . "-$simple_filename"; while ((-e $new_filename) && ($loop_limit-- >= 0)) { $new_filename = "$dir/tmp-" . $this->rand_n_digit_number(8) . "-$simple_filename"; } return $new_filename; } # support sorting order: "8", "8.0", "8.5", "8.5.1.", "8.10", "10", "10-12" sub compare_complex_numeric { local($this,$a,$b) = @_; (my $a_num,my $a_rest) = ($a =~ /^(\d+)\D*(.*)$/); (my $b_num,my $b_rest) = ($b =~ /^(\d+)\D*(.*)$/); if (defined($a_rest) && defined($b_rest)) { return ($a_num <=> $b_num) || $this->compare_complex_numeric($a_rest,$b_rest); } else { return $a cmp $b; } } # support sorting order: "lesson8-ps-v1.9.xml", "Lesson 10_ps-v_1.11.xml" # approach: segment strings into alphabetic and numerical sections and compare pairwise sub compare_mixed_alpha_numeric { local($this,$a,$b) = @_; ($a_alpha,$a_num,$a_rest) = ($a =~ /^(\D*)(\d[-\d\.]*)(.*)$/); ($b_alpha,$b_num,$b_rest) = ($b =~ /^(\D*)(\d[-\d\.]*)(.*)$/); ($a_alpha) = ($a =~ /^(\D*)/) unless defined $a_alpha; ($b_alpha) = ($b =~ /^(\D*)/) unless defined $b_alpha; # ignore non-alphabetic characters in alpha sections $a_alpha =~ s/\W|_//g; $b_alpha =~ s/\W|_//g; if ($alpha_cmp = lc $a_alpha cmp lc $b_alpha) { return $alpha_cmp; } elsif (defined($a_rest) && defined($b_rest)) { return $this->compare_complex_numeric($a_num,$b_num) || $this->compare_mixed_alpha_numeric ($a_rest,$b_rest); } else { return (defined($a_num) <=> defined($b_num)) || ($a cmp $b); } } # @sorted_lessons = sort { NLP::utilities->compare_mixed_alpha_numeric($a,$b) } @lessons; sub html_guarded_p { local($this,$string) = @_; return 0 if $string =~ /[<>"]/; $string .= " "; @segs = split('&',$string); shift @segs; foreach $seg (@segs) { next if $seg =~ /^[a-z]{2,6};/i; # next if $seg =~ /^amp;/; # next if $seg =~ /^quot;/; # next if $seg =~ /^nbsp;/; # next if $seg =~ /^gt;/; # next if $seg =~ /^lt;/; next if $seg =~ /^#(\d+);/; next if $seg =~ /^#x([0-9a-fA-F]+);/; return 0; } return 1; } sub guard_tooltip_text { local($this,$string) = @_; $string =~ s/\xCB\x88/'/g; return $string; } sub guard_html { local($this,$string,$control_string) = @_; return "" unless defined($string); my $guarded_string; $control_string = "" unless defined($control_string); return $string if ($string =~ /&/) && (! ($control_string =~ /\bstrict\b/)) && $this->html_guarded_p($string); $guarded_string = $string; $guarded_string =~ s/&/&/g; if ($control_string =~ /slash quote/) { $guarded_string =~ s/"/\\"/g; } elsif ($control_string =~ /keep quote/) { } else { $guarded_string =~ s/\"/"/g; } if ($control_string =~ /escape-slash/) { $guarded_string =~ s/\//&x2F;/g; } $guarded_string =~ s/>/>/g; $guarded_string =~ s/</</g; return $guarded_string; } sub unguard_html { local($this,$string) = @_; return undef unless defined($string); $string=~ s[&(\S*?);]{ local $_ = $1; /^amp$/i ? "&" : /^quot$/i ? '"' : /^apos$/i ? "'" : /^gt$/i ? ">" : /^lt$/i ? "<" : /^x2F$/i ? "/" : /^nbsp$/i ? "\xC2\xA0" : /^#(\d+)$/ ? $this->chr($1) : /^#x([0-9a-f]+)$/i ? $this->chr(hex($1)) : $_ }gex; return $string; } sub unguard_html_r { local($this,$string) = @_; return undef unless defined($string); $string =~ s/&/&/g; $string =~ s/"/'/g; $string =~ s/</</g; $string =~ s/>/>/g; ($d) = ($string =~ /&#(\d+);/); while (defined($d)) { $c = $this->chr($d); $string =~ s/&#$d;/$c/g; ($d) = ($string =~ /&#(\d+);/); } ($x) = ($string =~ /&#x([0-9a-f]+);/i); while (defined($x)) { $c = $this->chr(hex($x)); $string =~ s/&#x$x;/$c/g; ($x) = ($string =~ /&#x([0-9a-f]+);/i); } $string0 = $string; ($x) = ($string =~ /(?:https?|www|\.com)\S*\%([0-9a-f]{2,2})/i); while (defined($x)) { $c = $this->chr("%" . hex($x)); $string =~ s/\%$x/$c/g; ($x) = ($string =~ /(?:https?|www|\.com)\S*\%([0-9a-f]{2,2})/i); } return $string; } sub unguard_html_l { local($caller,$string) = @_; return undef unless defined($string); my $pre; my $core; my $post; my $repl; my $s = $string; if (($pre,$core,$post) = ($s =~ /^(.*)&(amp|quot|lt|gt|#\d+|#x[0-9a-f]+);(.*)$/i)) { $repl = "?"; $repl = "&" if $core =~ /^amp$/i; $repl = "'" if $core =~ /^quot$/i; $repl = "<" if $core =~ /^lt$/i; $repl = ">" if $core =~ /^gt$/i; if ($core =~ /^#\d+$/i) { $core2 = substr($core,1); $repl = $caller->chr($core2); } $repl = $caller->chr(hex(substr($core,2))) if $core =~ /^#x[0-9a-f]+$/i; $s = $pre . $repl . $post; } return $s; } sub guard_html_quote { local($caller,$string) = @_; $string =~ s/"/"/g; return $string; } sub unguard_html_quote { local($caller,$string) = @_; $string =~ s/"/"/g; return $string; } sub uri_encode { local($caller,$string) = @_; $string =~ s/([^^A-Za-z0-9\-_.!~*()'])/ sprintf "%%%02x", ord $1 /eg; return $string; } sub uri_decode { local($caller,$string) = @_; $string =~ s/%([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/chr(hex($1))/eg; return $string; } sub remove_xml_tags { local($caller,$string) = @_; $string =~ s/<\/?[a-zA-Z][-_:a-zA-Z0-9]*(\s+[a-zA-Z][-_:a-zA-Z0-9]*=\"[^"]*\")*\s*\/?>//g; return $string; } sub remove_any_tokenization_at_signs_around_xml_tags { local($caller,$string) = @_; $string =~ s/(?:\@ \@)?(<[^<>]+>)(?:\@ \@)?/$1/g; $string =~ s/\@?(<[^<>]+>)\@?/$1/g; return $string; } sub remove_xml_tags_and_any_bordering_at_signs { # at-signs from tokenization local($caller,$string) = @_; $string =~ s/\@?<\/?[a-zA-Z][-_:a-zA-Z0-9]*(\s+[a-zA-Z][-_:a-zA-Z0-9]*=\"[^"]*\")*\s*\/?>\@?//g; return $string; } sub chr { local($caller,$i) = @_; return undef unless $i =~ /^\%?\d+$/; if ($i =~ /^%/) { $i =~ s/^\%//; return chr($i) if $i < 128; return "\x80" | chr($i - 128) if $i < 256; } else { return chr($i) if $i < 128; return ("\xC0" | chr(($i / 64) % 32)) . ("\x80" | chr($i % 64)) if $i < 2048; return ("\xE0" | chr(int($i / 4096) % 16)) . ("\x80" | chr(int($i / 64) % 64)) . ("\x80" | chr($i % 64)) if $i < 65536; return ("\xF0" | chr(int($i / 262144) % 8)) . ("\x80" | chr(int($i / 4096) % 64)) . ("\x80" | chr(int($i / 64) % 64)) . ("\x80" | chr($i % 64)) if $i < 2097152; } return "?"; } sub guard_cgi { local($caller, $string) = @_; $guarded_string = $string; if ($string =~ /[\x80-\xFF]/) { $guarded_string = ""; while ($string ne "") { $char = substr($string, 0, 1); $string = substr($string, 1); if ($char =~ /^[\\ ;\#\&\:\=\"\'\+\?\x00-\x1F\x80-\xFF]$/) { $hex = sprintf("%2.2x",ord($char)); $guarded_string .= uc "%$hex"; } else { $guarded_string .= $char; } } } else { $guarded_string = $string; $guarded_string =~ s/%/%25/g; $guarded_string =~ s/\n/%5Cn/g; $guarded_string =~ s/\t/%5Ct/g; $guarded_string =~ s/ /%20/g; $guarded_string =~ s/"/%22/g; $guarded_string =~ s/#/%23/g; $guarded_string =~ s/&/%26/g; $guarded_string =~ s/'/%27/g; $guarded_string =~ s/\+/%2B/g; $guarded_string =~ s/\//%2F/g; $guarded_string =~ s/:/%3A/g; $guarded_string =~ s/;/%3B/g; $guarded_string =~ s/</%3C/g; $guarded_string =~ s/=/%3D/g; $guarded_string =~ s/>/%3E/g; $guarded_string =~ s/\?/%3F/g; } return $guarded_string; } sub repair_cgi_guard { local($caller,$string) = @_; # undo second cgi-guard, e.g. "Jo%25C3%25ABlle_Aubron" -> "Jo%C3%ABlle_Aubron" $string =~ s/(%)25([CD][0-9A-F]%)25([89AB][0-9A-F])/$1$2$3/g; $string =~ s/(%)25(E[0-9A-F]%)25([89AB][0-9A-F]%)25([89AB][0-9A-F])/$1$2$3$4/g; return $string; } sub unguard_cgi { local($caller,$string) = @_; $unguarded_string = $string; $unguarded_string =~ s/%5Cn/\n/g; $unguarded_string =~ s/%5Ct/\t/g; $unguarded_string =~ s/%20/ /g; $unguarded_string =~ s/%23/#/g; $unguarded_string =~ s/%26/&/g; $unguarded_string =~ s/%2B/+/g; $unguarded_string =~ s/%2C/,/g; $unguarded_string =~ s/%3A/:/g; $unguarded_string =~ s/%3D/=/g; $unguarded_string =~ s/%3F/?/g; $unguarded_string =~ s/%C3%A9/\xC3\xA9/g; # more general ($code) = ($unguarded_string =~ /%([0-9A-F]{2,2})/); while (defined($code)) { $percent_code = "%" . $code; $hex_code = sprintf("%c", hex($code)); $unguarded_string =~ s/$percent_code/$hex_code/g; ($code) = ($unguarded_string =~ /%([0-9A-F]{2,2})/); } return $unguarded_string; } sub regex_guard { local($caller,$string) = @_; $guarded_string = $string; $guarded_string =~ s/([\\\/\^\|\(\)\{\}\$\@\*\+\?\.\[\]])/\\$1/g if $guarded_string =~ /[\\\/\^\|\(\)\{\}\$\@\*\+\?\.\[\]]/; return $guarded_string; } sub g_regex_spec_tok_p { local($this,$string) = @_; # specials: ( ) (?: ) [ ] return ($string =~ /^(\(\?:|[()\[\]])$/); } sub regex_guard_norm { local($this,$string) = @_; return $string unless $string =~ /[\[\]\\()$@?+]/; my $rest = $string; my @stack = (""); while ($rest ne "") { # specials: ( ) (?: ) [ ] ? + if (($pre, $special, $post) = ($rest =~ /^((?:\\.|[^\[\]()?+])*)(\(\?:|[\[\]()?+])(.*)$/)) { # print STDERR "Special: $pre *$special* $post\n"; unless ($pre eq "") { push(@stack, $pre); while (($#stack >= 1) && (! $this->g_regex_spec_tok_p($stack[$#stack-1])) && (! $this->g_regex_spec_tok_p($stack[$#stack]))) { $s1 = pop @stack; $s2 = pop @stack; push(@stack, "$s2$s1"); } } if ($special =~ /^[?+]$/) { push(@stack, "\\") if ($stack[$#stack] eq "") || ($this->g_regex_spec_tok_p($stack[$#stack]) && ($stack[$#stack] ne "[")); push(@stack, $special); } elsif ($special eq "]") { if (($#stack >= 1) && ($stack[$#stack-1] eq "[") && ! $this->g_regex_spec_tok_p($stack[$#stack])) { $char_expression = pop @stack; pop @stack; push(@stack, "[$char_expression]"); } else { push(@stack, $special); } } elsif (($special =~ /^[()]/) && (($stack[$#stack] eq "[") || (($#stack >= 1) && ($stack[$#stack-1] eq "[") && ! $this->g_regex_spec_tok_p($stack[$#stack])))) { push(@stack, "\\$special"); } elsif ($special eq ")") { if (($#stack >= 1) && ($stack[$#stack-1] =~ /^\((\?:)?$/) && ! $this->g_regex_spec_tok_p($stack[$#stack])) { $alt_expression = pop @stack; $open_para = pop @stack; if ($open_para eq "(") { push(@stack, "(?:$alt_expression)"); } else { push(@stack, "$open_para$alt_expression)"); } } else { push(@stack, $special); } } else { push(@stack, $special); } while (($#stack >= 1) && (! $this->g_regex_spec_tok_p($stack[$#stack-1])) && (! $this->g_regex_spec_tok_p($stack[$#stack]))) { $s1 = pop @stack; $s2 = pop @stack; push(@stack, "$s2$s1"); } $rest = $post; } else { push(@stack, $rest); $rest = ""; } } # print STDERR "Stack: " . join(";", @stack) . "\n"; foreach $i ((0 .. $#stack)) { $stack_elem = $stack[$i]; if ($stack_elem =~ /^[()\[\]]$/) { $stack[$i] = "\\" . $stack[$i]; } } return join("", @stack); } sub string_guard { local($caller,$string) = @_; return "" unless defined($string); $guarded_string = $string; $guarded_string =~ s/([\\"])/\\$1/g if $guarded_string =~ /[\\"]/; return $guarded_string; } sub json_string_guard { local($caller,$string) = @_; return "" unless defined($string); $guarded_string = $string; $guarded_string =~ s/([\\"])/\\$1/g if $guarded_string =~ /[\\"]/; $guarded_string =~ s/\r*\n/\\n/g if $guarded_string =~ /\n/; return $guarded_string; } sub json_string_unguard { local($caller,$string) = @_; return "" unless defined($string); $string =~ s/\\n/\n/g if $string =~ /\\n/; return $string; } sub guard_javascript_arg { local($caller,$string) = @_; return "" unless defined($string); $guarded_string = $string; $guarded_string =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $guarded_string =~ s/'/\\'/g; return $guarded_string; } sub guard_substitution_right_hand_side { # "$1x" => "$1 . \"x\"" local($caller,$string) = @_; my $result = ""; ($pre,$var,$post) = ($string =~ /^([^\$]*)(\$\d)(.*)$/); while (defined($var)) { $result .= " . " if $result; $result .= "\"$pre\" . " unless $pre eq ""; $result .= $var; $string = $post; ($pre,$var,$post) = ($string =~ /^([^\$]*)(\$\d)(.*)$/); } $result .= " . \"$string\"" if $string; return $result; } sub string_starts_with_substring { local($caller,$string,$substring) = @_; $guarded_substring = $caller->regex_guard($substring); return $string =~ /^$guarded_substring/; } sub one_string_starts_with_the_other { local($caller,$s1,$s2) = @_; return ($s1 eq $s2) || $caller->string_starts_with_substring($s1,$s2) || $caller->string_starts_with_substring($s2,$s1); } sub string_ends_in_substring { local($caller,$string,$substring) = @_; $guarded_substring = $caller->regex_guard($substring); return $string =~ /$guarded_substring$/; } sub string_equal_ignore_leading_multiple_or_trailing_blanks { local($caller,$string1,$string2) = @_; return 1 if $string1 eq $string2; $string1 =~ s/\s+/ /; $string2 =~ s/\s+/ /; $string1 =~ s/^\s+//; $string2 =~ s/^\s+//; $string1 =~ s/\s+$//; $string2 =~ s/\s+$//; return $string1 eq $string2; } sub strip_substring_from_start_of_string { local($caller,$string,$substring,$error_code) = @_; $error_code = "ERROR" unless defined($error_code); my $reg_surf = $caller->regex_guard($substring); if ($string =~ /^$guarded_substring/) { $string =~ s/^$reg_surf//; return $string; } else { return $error_code; } } sub strip_substring_from_end_of_string { local($caller,$string,$substring,$error_code) = @_; $error_code = "ERROR" unless defined($error_code); my $reg_surf = $caller->regex_guard($substring); if ($string =~ /$reg_surf$/) { $string =~ s/$reg_surf$//; return $string; } else { return $error_code; } } # to be deprecated sub lang_code { local($caller,$language) = @_; $langPM = NLP::Language->new(); return $langPM->lang_code($language); } sub full_language { local($caller,$lang_code) = @_; return "Arabic" if $lang_code eq "ar"; return "Chinese" if $lang_code eq "zh"; return "Czech" if $lang_code eq "cs"; return "Danish" if $lang_code eq "da"; return "Dutch" if $lang_code eq "nl"; return "English" if $lang_code eq "en"; return "Finnish" if $lang_code eq "fi"; return "French" if $lang_code eq "fr"; return "German" if $lang_code eq "de"; return "Greek" if $lang_code eq "el"; return "Hebrew" if $lang_code eq "he"; return "Hindi" if $lang_code eq "hi"; return "Hungarian" if $lang_code eq "hu"; return "Icelandic" if $lang_code eq "is"; return "Indonesian" if $lang_code eq "id"; return "Italian" if $lang_code eq "it"; return "Japanese" if $lang_code eq "ja"; return "Kinyarwanda" if $lang_code eq "rw"; return "Korean" if $lang_code eq "ko"; return "Latin" if $lang_code eq "la"; return "Malagasy" if $lang_code eq "mg"; return "Norwegian" if $lang_code eq "no"; return "Pashto" if $lang_code eq "ps"; return "Persian" if $lang_code eq "fa"; return "Polish" if $lang_code eq "pl"; return "Portuguese" if $lang_code eq "pt"; return "Romanian" if $lang_code eq "ro"; return "Russian" if $lang_code eq "ru"; return "Spanish" if $lang_code eq "es"; return "Swedish" if $lang_code eq "sv"; return "Turkish" if $lang_code eq "tr"; return "Urdu" if $lang_code eq "ur"; return ""; } # to be deprecated sub short_lang_name { local($caller,$lang_code) = @_; $langPM = NLP::Language->new(); return $langPM->shortname($lang_code); } sub ml_dir { local($caller,$language,$type) = @_; $type = "MSB" unless defined($type); $lang_code = $langPM->lang_code($language); return $caller->ml_dir($lang_code, "lex") . "/corpora" if $type eq "corpora"; return "" unless defined($rc); $ml_home = $rc->ml_home_dir(); return File::Spec->catfile($ml_home, "arabic") if ($lang_code eq "ar-iq") && ! $caller->member(lc $type,"lex","onto","dict"); $langPM = NLP::Language->new(); $lexdir = $langPM->lexdir($lang_code); return $lexdir if defined($lexdir); return ""; } sub language_lex_filename { local($caller,$language,$type) = @_; $langPM = NLP::Language->new(); if (($lang_code = $langPM->lang_code($language)) && ($ml_dir = $caller->ml_dir($lang_code,$type)) && ($norm_language = $caller->short_lang_name($lang_code))) { return "$ml_dir/$norm_language-lex" if ($type eq "lex"); return "$ml_dir/onto" if ($type eq "onto"); return "$ml_dir/$norm_language-english-dict" if ($type eq "dict") && !($lang_code eq "en"); return ""; } else { return ""; } } # filename_without_path is obsolete - replace with # use File::Basename; # basename($filename) sub filename_without_path { local($caller,$filename) = @_; $filename =~ s/^.*\/([^\/]+)$/$1/; return $filename; } sub option_string { local($caller,$input_name,$default,*values,*labels) = @_; my $s = "<select id=\"$input_name\" name=\"$input_name\" size=\"1\">"; for $i (0 .. $#values) { my $value = $values[$i]; my $label = $labels[$i]; my $selected_clause = ($default eq $value) ? "selected" : ""; $s .= "<option $selected_clause value=\"$value\">$label</option>"; } $s .= "</select>"; return $s; } sub pes_subseq_surf { local($this,$start,$length,$langCode,@pes) = @_; my $surf = ""; if ($start+$length-1 <= $#pes) { foreach $i ($start .. $start + $length - 1) { my $pe = $pes[$i]; $surf .= $pe->get("surf",""); $surf .= " " if $langCode =~ /^(ar|en|fr)$/; } } $surf =~ s/\s+$//; return $surf; } sub copyList { local($this,@list) = @_; @copy_list = (); foreach $elem (@list) { push(@copy_list,$elem); } return @copy_list; } sub list_with_same_elem { local($this,$size,$elem) = @_; @list = (); foreach $i (0 .. $size-1) { push(@list,$elem); } return @list; } sub count_occurrences { local($this,$s,$substring) = @_; $occ = 0; $new = $s; $guarded_substring = $this->regex_guard($substring); $new =~ s/$guarded_substring//; while ($new ne $s) { $occ++; $s = $new; $new =~ s/$guarded_substring//; } return $occ; } sub position_of_nth_occurrence { local($this,$s,$substring,$occ) = @_; return -1 unless $occ > 0; my $pos = 0; while (($pos = index($s, $substring, $pos)) >= 0) { return $pos if $occ == 1; $occ--; $pos = $pos + length($substring); } return -1; } sub has_diff_elements_p { local($this,@array) = @_; return 0 if $#array < 1; $elem = $array[0]; foreach $a (@array) { return 1 if $elem ne $a; } return 0; } sub init_log { local($this,$logfile, $control) = @_; $control = "" unless defined($control); if ((DEBUGGING || ($control =~ /debug/i)) && $logfile) { system("rm -f $logfile"); system("date > $logfile; chmod 777 $logfile"); } } sub time_stamp_log { local($this,$logfile, $control) = @_; $control = "" unless defined($control); if ((DEBUGGING || ($control =~ /debug/i)) && $logfile) { system("date >> $logfile; chmod 777 $logfile"); } } sub log { local($this,$message,$logfile,$control) = @_; $control = "" unless defined($control); if ((DEBUGGING || ($control =~ /debug/i)) && $logfile) { $this->init_log($logfile, $control) unless -w $logfile; if ($control =~ /timestamp/i) { $this->time_stamp_log($logfile, $control); } $guarded_message = $message; $guarded_message =~ s/"/\\"/g; system("echo \"$guarded_message\" >> $logfile"); } } sub month_name_to_month_number { local($this,$month_name) = @_; $month_name_init = lc substr($month_name,0,3); return $this->position($month_name_init, "jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dec") + 1; } my @short_month_names = ("Jan.","Febr.","March","April","May","June","July","Aug.","Sept.","Oct.","Nov.","Dec."); my @full_month_names = ("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"); sub month_number_to_month_name { local($this,$month_number, $control) = @_; $month_number =~ s/^0//; if ($month_number =~ /^([1-9]|1[0-2])$/) { return ($control && ($control =~ /short/i)) ? $short_month_names[$month_number-1] : $full_month_names[$month_number-1]; } else { return ""; } } sub leap_year { local($this,$year) = @_; return 0 if $year % 4 != 0; return 1 if $year % 400 == 0; return 0 if $year % 100 == 0; return 1; } sub datetime { local($this,$format,$time_in_secs, $command) = @_; $command = "" unless defined($command); $time_in_secs = time unless defined($time_in_secs) && $time_in_secs; @time_vector = ($command =~ /\b(gm|utc)\b/i) ? gmtime($time_in_secs) : localtime($time_in_secs); ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst)=@time_vector; $thisyear = $year + 1900; $thismon=(Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec)[$mon]; $thismon2=("Jan.","Febr.","March","April","May","June","July","Aug.","Sept.","Oct.","Nov.","Dec.")[$mon]; $thismonth = $mon + 1; $thisday=(Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat)[$wday]; $milliseconds = int(($time_in_secs - int($time_in_secs)) * 1000); $date="$thisday $thismon $mday, $thisyear"; $sdate="$thismon $mday, $thisyear"; $dashedDate = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d",$thisyear,$thismonth,$mday); $slashedDate = sprintf("%02d/%02d/%04d",$mday,$thismonth,$thisyear); $time=sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d",$hour,$min,$sec); $shorttime=sprintf("%d:%02d",$hour,$min); $shortdatetime = "$thismon2 $mday, $shorttime"; if ($date =~ /undefined/) { return ""; } elsif ($format eq "date at time") { return "$date at $time"; } elsif ($format eq "date") { return "$date"; } elsif ($format eq "sdate") { return "$sdate"; } elsif ($format eq "ddate") { return "$dashedDate"; } elsif ($format eq "time") { return "$time"; } elsif ($format eq "dateTtime+ms") { return $dashedDate . "T" . $time . "." . $milliseconds; } elsif ($format eq "dateTtime") { return $dashedDate . "T" . $time; } elsif ($format eq "yyyymmdd") { return sprintf("%04d%02d%02d",$thisyear,$thismonth,$mday); } elsif ($format eq "short date at time") { return $shortdatetime; } else { return "$date at $time"; } } sub datetime_of_last_file_modification { local($this,$format,$filename) = @_; return $this->datetime($format,(stat($filename))[9]); } sub add_1sec { local($this,$datetime) = @_; if (($year,$month,$day,$hour,$minute,$second) = ($datetime =~ /^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)T(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)$/)) { $second++; if ($second >= 60) { $second -= 60; $minute++; } if ($minute >= 60) { $minute -= 60; $hour++; } if ($hour >= 24) { $hour -= 24; $day++; } if ($month =~ /^(01|03|05|07|08|10|12)$/) { if ($day > 31) { $day -= 31; $month++; } } elsif ($month =~ /^(04|06|09|11)$/) { if ($day > 30) { $day -= 30; $month++; } } elsif (($month eq "02") && $this->leap_year($year)) { if ($day > 29) { $day -= 29; $month++; } } elsif ($month eq "02") { if ($day > 28) { $day -= 28; $month++; } } if ($month > 12) { $month -= 12; $year++; } return sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d", $year,$month,$day,$hour,$minute,$second); } else { return ""; } } sub stopwatch { local($this, $function, $id, *ht, *OUT) = @_; # function: start|stop|count|report; start|stop times are absolute (in secs.) my $current_time = time; # print OUT "Point S stopwatch $function $id $current_time\n"; if ($function eq "start") { if ($ht{STOPWATCH_START}->{$id}) { $ht{STOPWATCH_N_RESTARTS}->{$id} = ($ht{STOPWATCH_N_RESTARTS}->{$id} || 0) + 1; } else { $ht{STOPWATCH_START}->{$id} = $current_time; } } elsif ($function eq "end") { if ($start_time = $ht{STOPWATCH_START}->{$id}) { $ht{STOPWATCH_TIME}->{$id} = ($ht{STOPWATCH_TIME}->{$id} || 0) + ($current_time - $start_time); $ht{STOPWATCH_START}->{$id} = ""; } else { $ht{STOPWATCH_N_DEAD_ENDS}->{$id} = ($ht{STOPWATCH_N_DEAD_ENDS}->{$id} || 0) + 1; } } elsif ($function eq "count") { $ht{STOPWATCH_COUNT}->{$id} = ($ht{STOPWATCH_COUNT}->{$id} || 0) + 1; } elsif ($function eq "report") { my $id2; foreach $id2 (keys %{$ht{STOPWATCH_START}}) { if ($start_time = $ht{STOPWATCH_START}->{$id2}) { $ht{STOPWATCH_TIME}->{$id2} = ($ht{STOPWATCH_TIME}->{$id2} || 0) + ($current_time - $start_time); $ht{STOPWATCH_START}->{$id2} = $current_time; } } print OUT "Time report:\n"; foreach $id2 (sort { $ht{STOPWATCH_TIME}->{$b} <=> $ht{STOPWATCH_TIME}->{$a} } keys %{$ht{STOPWATCH_TIME}}) { my $stopwatch_time = $ht{STOPWATCH_TIME}->{$id2}; $stopwatch_time = $this->round_to_n_decimal_places($stopwatch_time, 3); my $n_restarts = $ht{STOPWATCH_N_RESTARTS}->{$id2}; my $n_dead_ends = $ht{STOPWATCH_N_DEAD_ENDS}->{$id2}; my $start_time = $ht{STOPWATCH_START}->{$id2}; print OUT " $id2: $stopwatch_time seconds"; print OUT " with $n_restarts restart(s)" if $n_restarts; print OUT " with $n_dead_ends dead end(s)" if $n_dead_ends; print OUT " (active)" if $start_time; print OUT "\n"; } foreach $id2 (sort { $ht{STOPWATCH_COUNT}->{$b} <=> $ht{STOPWATCH_COUNT}->{$a} } keys %{$ht{STOPWATCH_COUNT}}) { $count = $ht{STOPWATCH_COUNT}->{$id2}; print OUT " C $id2: $count\n"; } } } sub print_html_banner { local($this,$text,$bgcolor,*OUT,$control) = @_; $control = "" unless defined($control); $bgcolor = "#BBCCFF" unless defined($bgcolor); print OUT "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tr bgcolor=\"$bgcolor\"><td>"; print OUT " " unless $text =~ /^\s*<(table|nobr)/; print OUT $text; print OUT "</td></tr></table>\n"; print OUT "<br />\n" unless $control =~ /nobr/i; } sub print_html_head { local($this, $title, *OUT, $control, $onload_fc, $add_javascript) = @_; $control = "" unless defined($control); $onload_fc = "" unless defined($onload_fc); $onload_clause = ($onload_fc) ? " onload=\"$onload_fc\"" : ""; $add_javascript = "" unless defined($add_javascript); $max_age_clause = ""; $max_age_clause = "<meta http-equiv=\"cache-control\" content=\"max-age=3600\" \/>"; # if $control =~ /\bexp1hour\b/; $css_clause = ""; $css_clause = "\n <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"https://www.isi.edu/~ulf/css/handheld/default.css\" media=\"handheld\"\/>" if $control =~ /css/; $css_clause .= "\n <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"https://www.isi.edu/~ulf/css/handheld/default.css\" media=\"only screen and (max-device-width:480px)\"\/>" if $control =~ /css/; $css_clause = "\n <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"https://www.isi.edu/~ulf/css/handheld/default.css\">" if $control =~ /css-handheld/; $icon_clause = ""; $icon_clause .= "\n <link rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"https://www.isi.edu/~ulf/amr/images/AMR-favicon.ico\">" if $control =~ /\bAMR\b/i; $icon_clause .= "\n <link rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"https://www.isi.edu/~ulf/croom/images/CRE-favicon.ico\">" if $control =~ /\bCRE\b/i; print OUT "\xEF\xBB\xBF\n" unless $control =~ /\bno-bom\b/; # utf8 marker byte order mark print OUT<<END_OF_HEADER1; <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> $max_age_clause <title>$title</title>$css_clause$icon_clause END_OF_HEADER1 ; unless ($control =~ /no javascript/) { print OUT<<END_OF_HEADER2; <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function toggle(id) { if ((s = document.getElementById(id)) != null) { if (s.style.display == 'none') { s.style.display = 'inline'; } else { s.style.display = 'none'; } } } function toggle_group(group_id, url, new_search_help_id) { if (((s = document.getElementById('new_search_on_next_click_p')) == null) || (s.value == 0)) { i = 1; id = group_id + '_' + i; while ((s = document.getElementById(id)) != null) { if (s.style.display == 'none') { s.style.display = 'inline'; } else { s.style.display = 'none'; } i = i + 1; id = group_id + '_' + i; } } if ((s = document.getElementById('new_search_on_next_click_p')) != null) { new_search_value = s.value; 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tmp.write(' ' + warning + '\\n'); tmp.write(' <p>\\n'); tmp.write(' <input type=\"submit\" title=\"Close this window.\" value=\"OK\" onclick=\"self.close();\">\\n'); tmp.write(' </body>\\n'); tmp.write('</html>\\n'); tmp.close(); } function new_search_on_next_click(new_search_help_id) { if ((s = document.getElementById(new_search_help_id)) != null) { s.style.display = 'inline'; } if ((s = document.getElementById('new_search_on_next_click_p')) != null) { s.value = 1; } } function set(id, value) { if ((s = document.getElementById(id)) != null) { s.value = value; } } function set_group_pairwise(snt_id, odd_value, even_value) { gi = 0; group_id = snt_id + '_' + gi; i = 1; id = group_id + '_' + i; while (((s = document.getElementById(id)) != null) || (gi == 0)) { while ((s = document.getElementById(id)) != null) { s.style.display = odd_value; i = i + 1; id = group_id + '_' + i; if ((s = document.getElementById(id)) != null) { s.style.display = even_value; } i = i + 1; id = group_id + '_' + i; 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print OUT "<html>\n"; print OUT " <head>\n"; print OUT " <title>DEBUG</title>\n"; print OUT " <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" \/>\n"; print OUT " <meta http-equiv=\"cache-control\" content=\"max-age=30\" \/>\n"; print OUT " </head>\n"; print OUT " <body>\n"; print OUT " $s\n"; print OUT " </body>\n"; print OUT "</html>\n"; } sub http_catfile { local($this, @path) = @_; $result = File::Spec->catfile(@path); $result =~ s/(https?):\/([a-zA-Z])/$1:\/\/$2/; return $result; } sub underscore_to_space { local($this, $s) = @_; return "" unless defined($s); $s =~ s/_+/ /g; return $s; } sub space_to_underscore { local($this, $s) = @_; return "" unless defined($s); $s =~ s/ /_/g; return $s; } sub remove_spaces { local($this, $s) = @_; $s =~ s/\s//g; return $s; } sub is_punctuation_string_p { local($this, $s) = @_; return "" unless $s; $s = $this->normalize_string($s) if $s =~ /[\x80-\xBF]/; return $s =~ /^[-_,;:.?!\/\@+*"()]+$/; } sub is_rare_punctuation_string_p { local($this, $s) = @_; return 0 unless $s =~ /^[\x21-\x2F\x3A\x40\x5B-\x60\x7B-\x7E]{2,}$/; return 0 if $s =~ /^(\.{2,3}|-{2,3}|\*{2,3}|::|\@?[-\/:]\@?)$/; return 1; } sub simplify_punctuation { local($this, $s) = @_; $s =~ s/\xE2\x80\x92/-/g; $s =~ s/\xE2\x80\x93/-/g; $s =~ s/\xE2\x80\x94/-/g; $s =~ s/\xE2\x80\x95/-/g; $s =~ s/\xE2\x80\x98/`/g; $s =~ s/\xE2\x80\x99/'/g; $s =~ s/\xE2\x80\x9A/`/g; $s =~ s/\xE2\x80\x9C/"/g; $s =~ s/\xE2\x80\x9D/"/g; $s =~ s/\xE2\x80\x9E/"/g; $s =~ s/\xE2\x80\x9F/"/g; $s =~ s/\xE2\x80\xA2/*/g; $s =~ s/\xE2\x80\xA4/./g; $s =~ s/\xE2\x80\xA5/../g; $s =~ s/\xE2\x80\xA6/.../g; return $s; } sub latin_plus_p { local($this, $s, $control) = @_; $control = "" unless defined($control); return $s =~ /^([\x20-\x7E]|\xC2[\xA1-\xBF]|[\xC3-\xCC][\x80-\xBF]|\xCA[\x80-\xAF]|\xE2[\x80-\xAF][\x80-\xBF])+$/; } sub nth_line_in_file { local($this, $filename, $n) = @_; return "" unless $n =~ /^[1-9]\d*$/; open(IN, $filename) || return ""; my $line_no = 0; while (<IN>) { $line_no++; if ($n == $line_no) { $_ =~ s/\s+$//; close(IN); return $_; } } close(IN); return ""; } sub read_file { local($this, $filename) = @_; my $file_content = ""; open(IN, $filename) || return ""; while (<IN>) { $file_content .= $_; } close(IN); return $file_content; } sub cap_list { local($this, @list) = @_; @cap_list = (); foreach $l (@list) { ($premod, $core) = ($l =~ /^(a|an) (\S.*)$/); if (defined($premod) && defined($core)) { push(@cap_list, "$premod \u$core"); } elsif ($this->cap_member($l, "US")) { push(@cap_list, uc $l); } else { push(@cap_list, "\u$l"); } } return @cap_list; } sub integer_list_with_commas_and_ranges { local($this, @list) = @_; my $in_range_p = 0; my $last_value = 0; my $result = ""; while (@list) { $elem = shift @list; if ($elem =~ /^\d+$/) { if ($in_range_p) { if ($elem == $last_value + 1) { $last_value = $elem; } else { $result .= "-$last_value, $elem"; if (@list && ($next = $list[0]) && ($elem =~ /^\d+$/) && ($next =~ /^\d+$/) && ($next == $elem + 1)) { $last_value = $elem; $in_range_p = 1; } else { $in_range_p = 0; } } } else { $result .= ", $elem"; if (@list && ($next = $list[0]) && ($elem =~ /^\d+$/) && ($next =~ /^\d+$/) && ($next == $elem + 1)) { $last_value = $elem; $in_range_p = 1; } } } else { if ($in_range_p) { $result .= "-$last_value, $elem"; $in_range_p = 0; } else { $result .= ", $elem"; } } } if ($in_range_p) { $result .= "-$last_value"; } $result =~ s/^,\s*//; return $result; } sub comma_append { local($this, $a, $b) = @_; if (defined($a) && ($a =~ /\S/)) { if (defined($b) && ($b =~ /\S/)) { return "$a,$b"; } else { return $a; } } else { if (defined($b) && ($b =~ /\S/)) { return $b; } else { return ""; } } } sub version { return "3.17"; } sub print_stderr { local($this, $message, $verbose) = @_; $verbose = 1 unless defined($verbose); print STDERR $message if $verbose; return 1; } sub print_log { local($this, $message, *LOG, $verbose) = @_; $verbose = 1 unless defined($verbose); print LOG $message if $verbose; return 1; } sub compare_alignment { local($this, $a, $b, $delimiter) = @_; $delimiter = "-" unless $delimiter; my @a_list = split($delimiter, $a); my @b_list = split($delimiter, $b); while (@a_list && @b_list) { $a_head = shift @a_list; $b_head = shift @b_list; next if $a_head eq $b_head; return $a_head <=> $b_head if ($a_head =~ /^\d+$/) && ($b_head =~ /^\d+$/); return $a_head cmp $b_head; } return -1 if @a_list; return 1 if @b_list; return 0; } sub normalize_string { # normalize punctuation, full-width characters (to ASCII) local($this, $s, $control) = @_; $control = "" unless defined($control); $norm_s = $s; $norm_s =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; $norm_s =~ s/ \@([-:\/])/ $1/g; # non-initial left @ $norm_s =~ s/^\@([-:\/])/$1/; # initial left @ $norm_s =~ s/([-:\/])\@ /$1 /g; # non-initial right @ $norm_s =~ s/([-:\/])\@$/$1/; # initial right @ $norm_s =~ s/([\(\)"])([,;.?!])/$1 $2/g; $norm_s =~ s/\bcannot\b/can not/g; $norm_s =~ s/\xC2\xAD/-/g; # soft hyphen $norm_s =~ s/\xE2\x80\x94/-/g; # em dash $norm_s =~ s/\xE2\x80\x95/-/g; # horizontal bar $norm_s =~ s/\xE2\x80\x98/`/g; # grave accent $norm_s =~ s/\xE2\x80\x99/'/g; # apostrophe $norm_s =~ s/\xE2\x80\x9C/"/g; # left double quote mark $norm_s =~ s/\xE2\x80\x9D/"/g; # right double quote mark $norm_s =~ s/\xE2\x94\x80/-/g; # box drawings light horizontal $norm_s =~ s/\xE2\x94\x81/-/g; # box drawings heavy horizontal $norm_s =~ s/\xE3\x80\x81/,/g; # ideographic comma $norm_s =~ s/\xE3\x80\x82/./g; # ideographic full stop $norm_s =~ s/\xE3\x80\x88/"/g; # left angle bracket $norm_s =~ s/\xE3\x80\x89/"/g; # right angle bracket $norm_s =~ s/\xE3\x80\x8A/"/g; # left double angle bracket $norm_s =~ s/\xE3\x80\x8B/"/g; # right double angle bracket $norm_s =~ s/\xE3\x80\x8C/"/g; # left corner bracket $norm_s =~ s/\xE3\x80\x8D/"/g; # right corner bracket $norm_s =~ s/\xE3\x80\x8E/"/g; # left white corner bracket $norm_s =~ s/\xE3\x80\x8F/"/g; # right white corner bracket $norm_s =~ s/\xE3\x83\xBB/\xC2\xB7/g; # katakana middle dot -> middle dot $norm_s =~ s/\xEF\xBB\xBF//g; # UTF8 marker if ($control =~ /\bzh\b/i) { # de-tokenize Chinese unless ($control =~ /\bpreserve-tok\b/) { while ($norm_s =~ /[\xE0-\xEF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF] [\xE0-\xEF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]/) { $norm_s =~ s/([\xE0-\xEF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]) ([\xE0-\xEF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF])/$1$2/g; } $norm_s =~ s/([\xE0-\xEF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]) ([\x21-\x7E])/$1$2/g; $norm_s =~ s/([\x21-\x7E]) ([\xE0-\xEF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF])/$1$2/g; } # fullwidth characters while ($norm_s =~ /\xEF\xBC[\x81-\xBF]/) { ($pre,$fullwidth,$post) = ($norm_s =~ /^(.*)(\xEF\xBC[\x81-\xBF])(.*)$/); $fullwidth =~ s/^\xEF\xBC//; $fullwidth =~ tr/[\x81-\xBF]/[\x21-\x5F]/; $norm_s = "$pre$fullwidth$post"; } while ($norm_s =~ /\xEF\xBD[\x80-\x9E]/) { ($pre,$fullwidth,$post) = ($norm_s =~ /^(.*)(\xEF\xBD[\x80-\x9E])(.*)$/); $fullwidth =~ s/^\xEF\xBD//; $fullwidth =~ tr/[\x80-\x9E]/[\x60-\x7E]/; $norm_s = "$pre$fullwidth$post"; } $norm_s =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/ unless $control =~ /\bpreserve-case\b/; unless ($control =~ /\bpreserve-tok\b/) { while ($norm_s =~ /[\x21-\x2F\x3A-\x40\x5B-\x60\x7B-\x7E] [\x21-\x2F\x3A-\x40\x5B-\x60\x7B-\x7E]/) { $norm_s =~ s/([\x21-\x2F\x3A-\x40\x5B-\x60\x7B-\x7E]) ([\x21-\x2F\x3A-\x40\x5B-\x60\x7B-\x7E])/$1$2/g; } $norm_s =~ s/([\x21-\x7E]) ([\x21-\x2F\x3A-\x40\x5B-\x60\x7B-\x7E])/$1$2/g; $norm_s =~ s/([\x21-\x2F\x3A-\x40\x5B-\x60\x7B-\x7E]) ([\x21-\x7E])/$1$2/g; $norm_s =~ s/ (\xC2\xA9|\xC2\xB7|\xC3\x97) /$1/g; # copyright sign, middle dot, multiplication sign } } if (($control =~ /\bzh\b/i) && ($control =~ /\bnorm-char\b/)) { $norm_s =~ s/\xE6\x96\xBC/\xE4\xBA\x8E/g; # feng1 (first char. of Chin. "lie low", line 1308) $norm_s =~ s/\xE6\xAD\xA7/\xE5\xB2\x90/g; # qi2 (second char. of Chin. "difference", line 1623) $norm_s =~ s/\xE8\x82\xB2/\xE6\xAF\x93/g; # yu4 (second char. of Chin. "sports", line 440) $norm_s =~ s/\xE8\x91\x97/\xE7\x9D\x80/g; # zhao (second char. of Chin. "prominent", line 4) $norm_s =~ s/\xE9\x81\x87/\xE8\xBF\x82/g; # yu4 (second char. of Chin. "good luck", line 959) } if ($control =~ /\bspurious-punct\b/) { $norm_s =~ s/^\s*[-_\." ]+//; $norm_s =~ s/[-_\." ]+\s*$//; $norm_s =~ s/\(\s+end\s+\)\s*$//i; $norm_s =~ s/^\s*null\s*$//i; } $norm_s =~ s/^\s+//; $norm_s =~ s/\s+$//; $norm_s =~ s/\s+/ /g; return $norm_s; } sub normalize_extreme_string { local($this, $s, $control) = @_; $control = "" unless defined($control); $norm_s = $s; $norm_s =~ s/\xE2\xA9\xBE/\xE2\x89\xA5/g; # slanted greater than or equal to return $norm_s; } sub increase_ht_count { local($this, *ht, $incr, @path) = @_; if ($#path == 0) { $ht{($path[0])} = ($ht{($path[0])} || 0) + $incr; } elsif ($#path == 1) { $ht{($path[0])}->{($path[1])} = ($ht{($path[0])}->{($path[1])} || 0) + $incr; } elsif ($#path == 2) { $ht{($path[0])}->{($path[1])}->{($path[2])} = ($ht{($path[0])}->{($path[1])}->{($path[2])} || 0) + $incr; } elsif ($#path == 3) { $ht{($path[0])}->{($path[1])}->{($path[2])}->{($path[3])} = ($ht{($path[0])}->{($path[1])}->{($path[2])}->{($path[3])} || 0) + $incr; } elsif ($#path == 4) { $ht{($path[0])}->{($path[1])}->{($path[2])}->{($path[3])}->{($path[4])} = ($ht{($path[0])}->{($path[1])}->{($path[2])}->{($path[3])}->{($path[4])} || 0) + $incr; } else { print STDERR "increase_ht_count unsupported for path of length " . ($#path + 1) . "\n"; } } sub adjust_numbers { # non-negative integers local($this, $s, $delta) = @_; $result = ""; while ($s =~ /\d/) { ($pre,$i,$post) = ($s =~ /^([^0-9]*)(\d+)([^0-9].*|)$/); $result .= $pre . ($i + $delta); $s = $post; } $result .= $s; return $result; } sub first_defined { local($this, @list) = @_; foreach $elem (@list) { return $elem if defined($elem); } return ""; } sub first_defined_non_empty { local($this, @list) = @_; foreach $item (@list) { return $item if defined($item) && ($item ne ""); } return ""; } sub elem_after_member_list { local($this,$elem,@array) = @_; my @elem_after_member_list = (); foreach $i ((0 .. ($#array - 1))) { push(@elem_after_member_list, $array[$i+1]) if $elem eq $array[$i]; } return join(" ", @elem_after_member_list); } sub add_value_to_list { local($this,$s,$value,$sep) = @_; $s = "" unless defined($s); $sep = "," unless defined($sep); return ($s =~ /\S/) ? "$s$sep$value" : $value; } sub add_new_value_to_list { local($this,$s,$value,$sep) = @_; $s = "" unless defined($s); $sep = "," unless defined($sep); my @values = split(/$sep/, $s); push(@values, $value) if defined($value) && ! $this->member($value, @values); return join($sep, @values); } sub add_new_hash_value_to_list { local($this,*ht,$key,$value,$sep) = @_; $sep = "," unless defined($sep); my $value_s = $ht{$key}; if (defined($value_s)) { my @values = split(/$sep/, $value_s); push(@values, $value) unless $this->member($value, @values); $ht{$key} = join($sep, @values); } else { $ht{$key} = $value; } } sub ip_info { local($this, $ip_address) = @_; my %ip_map = (); $ip_map{""} = "Ulf Hermjakob (bach.isi.edu)"; $ip_map{""} = "Ulf Hermjakob (brahms.isi.edu)"; $ip_map{""} = "Ulf Hermjakob (beethoven.isi.edu ?)"; $ip_map{""} = "Ulf Hermjakob (beethoven.isi.edu)"; $ip_map{""} = "Kevin Knight"; $ip_map{""} = "Kevin Knight"; $ip_map{""} = "Kevin Knight"; $ip_map{""} = "cage.isi.edu"; return ($ip_name = $ip_map{$ip_address}) ? "$ip_address - $ip_name" : $ip_address; } # from standalone de-accent.pl sub de_accent_string { local($this, $s) = @_; $s =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; unless (0) { # Latin-1 if ($s =~ /\xC3[\x80-\xBF]/) { $s =~ s/(À|Á|Â|Ã|Ä|Å)/A/g; $s =~ s/Æ/Ae/g; $s =~ s/Ç/C/g; $s =~ s/Ð/D/g; $s =~ s/(È|É|Ê|Ë)/E/g; $s =~ s/(Ì|Í|Î|Ï)/I/g; $s =~ s/Ñ/N/g; $s =~ s/(Ò|Ó|Ô|Õ|Ö|Ø)/O/g; $s =~ s/(Ù|Ú|Û|Ü)/U/g; $s =~ s/Þ/Th/g; $s =~ s/Ý/Y/g; $s =~ s/(à|á|â|ã|ä|å)/a/g; $s =~ s/æ/ae/g; $s =~ s/ç/c/g; $s =~ s/(è|é|ê|ë)/e/g; $s =~ s/(ì|í|î|ï)/i/g; $s =~ s/ð/d/g; $s =~ s/ñ/n/g; $s =~ s/(ò|ó|ô|õ|ö)/o/g; $s =~ s/ß/ss/g; $s =~ s/þ/th/g; $s =~ s/(ù|ú|û|ü)/u/g; $s =~ s/(ý|ÿ)/y/g; } # Latin Extended-A if ($s =~ /[\xC4-\xC5][\x80-\xBF]/) { $s =~ s/(Ā|Ă|Ą)/A/g; $s =~ s/(ā|ă|ą)/a/g; $s =~ s/(Ć|Ĉ|Ċ|Č)/C/g; $s =~ s/(ć|ĉ|ċ|č)/c/g; $s =~ s/(Ď|Đ)/D/g; $s =~ s/(ď|đ)/d/g; $s =~ s/(Ē|Ĕ|Ė|Ę|Ě)/E/g; $s =~ s/(ē|ĕ|ė|ę|ě)/e/g; $s =~ s/(Ĝ|Ğ|Ġ|Ģ)/G/g; $s =~ s/(ĝ|ğ|ġ|ģ)/g/g; $s =~ s/(Ĥ|Ħ)/H/g; $s =~ s/(ĥ|ħ)/h/g; $s =~ s/(Ĩ|Ī|Ĭ|Į|İ)/I/g; $s =~ s/(ĩ|ī|ĭ|į|ı)/i/g; $s =~ s/IJ/Ij/g; $s =~ s/ij/ij/g; $s =~ s/Ĵ/J/g; $s =~ s/ĵ/j/g; $s =~ s/Ķ/K/g; $s =~ s/(ķ|ĸ)/k/g; $s =~ s/(Ĺ|Ļ|Ľ|Ŀ|Ł)/L/g; $s =~ s/(ļ|ľ|ŀ|ł)/l/g; $s =~ s/(Ń|Ņ|Ň|Ŋ)/N/g; $s =~ s/(ń|ņ|ň|ʼn|ŋ)/n/g; $s =~ s/(Ō|Ŏ|Ő)/O/g; $s =~ s/(ō|ŏ|ő)/o/g; $s =~ s/Œ/Oe/g; $s =~ s/œ/oe/g; $s =~ s/(Ŕ|Ŗ|Ř)/R/g; $s =~ s/(ŕ|ŗ|ř)/r/g; $s =~ s/(Ś|Ŝ|Ş|Š)/S/g; $s =~ s/(ś|ŝ|ş|š|ſ)/s/g; $s =~ s/(Ţ|Ť|Ŧ)/T/g; $s =~ s/(ţ|ť|ŧ)/t/g; $s =~ s/(Ũ|Ū|Ŭ|Ů|Ű|Ų)/U/g; $s =~ s/(ũ|ū|ŭ|ů|ű|ų)/u/g; $s =~ s/Ŵ/W/g; $s =~ s/ŵ/w/g; $s =~ s/(Ŷ|Ÿ)/Y/g; $s =~ s/ŷ/y/g; $s =~ s/(Ź|Ż|Ž)/Z/g; $s =~ s/(ź|ż|ž)/z/g; } # Latin Extended-B if ($s =~ /[\xC7-\xC7][\x80-\xBF]/) { $s =~ s/(\xC7\x8D)/A/g; $s =~ s/(\xC7\x8E)/a/g; $s =~ s/(\xC7\x8F)/I/g; $s =~ s/(\xC7\x90)/i/g; $s =~ s/(\xC7\x91)/O/g; $s =~ s/(\xC7\x92)/o/g; $s =~ s/(\xC7\x93)/U/g; $s =~ s/(\xC7\x94)/u/g; $s =~ s/(\xC7\x95)/U/g; $s =~ s/(\xC7\x96)/u/g; $s =~ s/(\xC7\x97)/U/g; $s =~ s/(\xC7\x98)/u/g; $s =~ s/(\xC7\x99)/U/g; $s =~ s/(\xC7\x9A)/u/g; $s =~ s/(\xC7\x9B)/U/g; $s =~ s/(\xC7\x9C)/u/g; } # Latin Extended Additional if ($s =~ /\xE1[\xB8-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]/) { $s =~ s/(ḁ|ạ|ả|ấ|ầ|ẩ|ẫ|ậ|ắ|ằ|ẳ|ẵ|ặ|ẚ)/a/g; $s =~ s/(ḃ|ḅ|ḇ)/b/g; $s =~ s/(ḉ)/c/g; $s =~ s/(ḋ|ḍ|ḏ|ḑ|ḓ)/d/g; $s =~ s/(ḕ|ḗ|ḙ|ḛ|ḝ|ẹ|ẻ|ẽ|ế|ề|ể|ễ|ệ)/e/g; $s =~ s/(ḟ)/f/g; $s =~ s/(ḡ)/g/g; $s =~ s/(ḣ|ḥ|ḧ|ḩ|ḫ)/h/g; $s =~ s/(ḭ|ḯ|ỉ|ị)/i/g; $s =~ s/(ḱ|ḳ|ḵ)/k/g; $s =~ s/(ḷ|ḹ|ḻ|ḽ)/l/g; $s =~ s/(ḿ|ṁ|ṃ)/m/g; $s =~ s/(ṅ|ṇ|ṉ|ṋ)/m/g; $s =~ s/(ọ|ỏ|ố|ồ|ổ|ỗ|ộ|ớ|ờ|ở|ỡ|ợ|ṍ|ṏ|ṑ|ṓ)/o/g; $s =~ s/(ṕ|ṗ)/p/g; $s =~ s/(ṙ|ṛ|ṝ|ṟ)/r/g; $s =~ s/(ṡ|ṣ|ṥ|ṧ|ṩ|ẛ)/s/g; $s =~ s/(ṫ|ṭ|ṯ|ṱ)/t/g; $s =~ s/(ṳ|ṵ|ṷ|ṹ|ṻ|ụ|ủ|ứ|ừ|ử|ữ|ự)/u/g; $s =~ s/(ṽ|ṿ)/v/g; $s =~ s/(ẁ|ẃ|ẅ|ẇ|ẉ|ẘ)/w/g; $s =~ s/(ẋ|ẍ)/x/g; $s =~ s/(ẏ|ỳ|ỵ|ỷ|ỹ|ẙ)/y/g; $s =~ s/(ẑ|ẓ|ẕ)/z/g; $s =~ s/(Ḁ|Ạ|Ả|Ấ|Ầ|Ẩ|Ẫ|Ậ|Ắ|Ằ|Ẳ|Ẵ|Ặ)/A/g; $s =~ s/(Ḃ|Ḅ|Ḇ)/B/g; $s =~ s/(Ḉ)/C/g; $s =~ s/(Ḋ|Ḍ|Ḏ|Ḑ|Ḓ)/D/g; $s =~ s/(Ḕ|Ḗ|Ḙ|Ḛ|Ḝ|Ẹ|Ẻ|Ẽ|Ế|Ề|Ể|Ễ|Ệ)/E/g; $s =~ s/(Ḟ)/F/g; $s =~ s/(Ḡ)/G/g; $s =~ s/(Ḣ|Ḥ|Ḧ|Ḩ|Ḫ)/H/g; $s =~ s/(Ḭ|Ḯ|Ỉ|Ị)/I/g; $s =~ s/(Ḱ|Ḳ|Ḵ)/K/g; $s =~ s/(Ḷ|Ḹ|Ḻ|Ḽ)/L/g; $s =~ s/(Ḿ|Ṁ|Ṃ)/M/g; $s =~ s/(Ṅ|Ṇ|Ṉ|Ṋ)/N/g; $s =~ s/(Ṍ|Ṏ|Ṑ|Ṓ|Ọ|Ỏ|Ố|Ồ|Ổ|Ỗ|Ộ|Ớ|Ờ|Ở|Ỡ|Ợ)/O/g; $s =~ s/(Ṕ|Ṗ)/P/g; $s =~ s/(Ṙ|Ṛ|Ṝ|Ṟ)/R/g; $s =~ s/(Ṡ|Ṣ|Ṥ|Ṧ|Ṩ)/S/g; $s =~ s/(Ṫ|Ṭ|Ṯ|Ṱ)/T/g; $s =~ s/(Ṳ|Ṵ|Ṷ|Ṹ|Ṻ|Ụ|Ủ|Ứ|Ừ|Ử|Ữ|Ự)/U/g; $s =~ s/(Ṽ|Ṿ)/V/g; $s =~ s/(Ẁ|Ẃ|Ẅ|Ẇ|Ẉ)/W/g; $s =~ s/(Ẍ)/X/g; $s =~ s/(Ẏ|Ỳ|Ỵ|Ỷ|Ỹ)/Y/g; $s =~ s/(Ẑ|Ẓ|Ẕ)/Z/g; } # Greek letters if ($s =~ /\xCE[\x86-\xAB]/) { $s =~ s/ά/α/g; $s =~ s/έ/ε/g; $s =~ s/ί/ι/g; $s =~ s/ϊ/ι/g; $s =~ s/ΐ/ι/g; $s =~ s/ό/ο/g; $s =~ s/ύ/υ/g; $s =~ s/ϋ/υ/g; $s =~ s/ΰ/υ/g; $s =~ s/ώ/ω/g; $s =~ s/Ά/Α/g; $s =~ s/Έ/Ε/g; $s =~ s/Ή/Η/g; $s =~ s/Ί/Ι/g; $s =~ s/Ϊ/Ι/g; $s =~ s/Ύ/Υ/g; $s =~ s/Ϋ/Υ/g; $s =~ s/Ώ/Ω/g; } # Cyrillic letters if ($s =~ /\xD0[\x80-\xAF]/) { $s =~ s/Ѐ/Е/g; $s =~ s/Ё/Е/g; $s =~ s/Ѓ/Г/g; $s =~ s/Ќ/К/g; $s =~ s/Ѝ/И/g; $s =~ s/Й/И/g; $s =~ s/ѐ/е/g; $s =~ s/ё/е/g; $s =~ s/ѓ/г/g; $s =~ s/ќ/к/g; $s =~ s/ѝ/и/g; $s =~ s/й/и/g; } } return $s; } sub read_de_accent_case_resource { local($this, $filename, *ht, *LOG, $verbose) = @_; # e.g. data/char-de-accent-lc.txt if (open(IN, $filename)) { my $mode = "de-accent"; my $line_number = 0; my $n_de_accent_targets = 0; my $n_de_accent_sources = 0; my $n_case_entries = 0; while (<IN>) { s/^\xEF\xBB\xBF//; s/\s*$//; $line_number++; if ($_ =~ /^#+\s*CASE\b/) { $mode = "case"; } elsif ($_ =~ /^#+\s*PUNCTUATION NORMALIZATION\b/) { $mode = "punctuation-normalization"; } elsif ($_ =~ /^#/) { # ignore comment } elsif ($_ =~ /^\s*$/) { # ignore empty line } elsif (($mode eq "de-accent") && (($char_without_accent, @chars_with_accent) = split(/\s+/, $_))) { if (keys %{$ht{DE_ACCENT_INV}->{$char_without_accent}}) { print LOG "Ignoring duplicate de-accent line for target $char_without_accent in l.$line_number in $filename\n" unless $char_without_accent eq "--"; } elsif (@chars_with_accent) { $n_de_accent_targets++; foreach $char_with_accent (@chars_with_accent) { my @prev_target_chars = keys %{$ht{DE_ACCENT}->{$char_with_accent}}; print LOG "Accent character $char_with_accent has duplicate target $char_without_accent (besides @prev_target_chars) in l.$line_number in $filename\n" if @prev_target_chars && (! ($char_without_accent =~ /^[aou]e$/i)); $char_without_accent = "" if $char_without_accent eq "--"; $ht{DE_ACCENT}->{$char_with_accent}->{$char_without_accent} = 1; $ht{DE_ACCENT1}->{$char_with_accent} = $char_without_accent if (! defined($ht{DE_ACCENT1}->{$char_with_accent})) && ($char_without_accent =~ /^.[\x80-\xBF]*$/); $ht{DE_ACCENT_INV}->{$char_without_accent}->{$char_with_accent} = 1; $ht{UPPER_CASE_OR_ACCENTED}->{$char_with_accent} = 1; $n_de_accent_sources++; } } else { print LOG "Empty de-accent list for $char_without_accent in l.$line_number in $filename\n"; } } elsif (($mode eq "punctuation-normalization") && (($norm_punct, @unnorm_puncts) = split(/\s+/, $_))) { if (keys %{$ht{NORM_PUNCT_INV}->{$norm_punct}}) { print LOG "Ignoring duplicate punctuation-normalization line for target $norm_punct in l.$line_number in $filename\n"; } elsif (@unnorm_puncts) { foreach $unnorm_punct (@unnorm_puncts) { my $prev_norm_punct = $ht{NORM_PUNCT}->{$unnorm_punct}; if ($prev_norm_punct) { print LOG "Ignoring duplicate punctuation normalization $unnorm_punct -> $norm_punct (besides $prev_norm_punct) in l.$line_number in $filename\n"; } $ht{NORM_PUNCT}->{$unnorm_punct} = $norm_punct; $ht{NORM_PUNCT_INV}->{$norm_punct}->{$unnorm_punct} = 1; $ht{LC_DE_ACCENT_CHAR_NORM_PUNCT}->{$unnorm_punct} = $norm_punct; } } } elsif (($mode eq "case") && (($uc_char, $lc_char) = ($_ =~ /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*$/))) { $ht{UPPER_TO_LOWER_CASE}->{$uc_char} = $lc_char; $ht{LOWER_TO_UPPER_CASE}->{$lc_char} = $uc_char; $ht{UPPER_CASE_P}->{$uc_char} = 1; $ht{LOWER_CASE_P}->{$lc_char} = 1; $ht{UPPER_CASE_OR_ACCENTED}->{$uc_char} = 1; $n_case_entries++; } else { print LOG "Unrecognized l.$line_number in $filename\n"; } } foreach $char (keys %{$ht{UPPER_CASE_OR_ACCENTED}}) { my $lc_char = $ht{UPPER_TO_LOWER_CASE}->{$char}; $lc_char = $char unless defined($lc_char); my @de_accend_char_results = sort keys %{$ht{DE_ACCENT}->{$lc_char}}; my $new_char = (@de_accend_char_results) ? $de_accend_char_results[0] : $lc_char; $ht{LC_DE_ACCENT_CHAR}->{$char} = $new_char; $ht{LC_DE_ACCENT_CHAR_NORM_PUNCT}->{$char} = $new_char; } close(IN); print LOG "Found $n_case_entries case entries, $n_de_accent_sources/$n_de_accent_targets source/target entries in $line_number lines in file $filename\n" if $verbose; } else { print LOG "Can't open $filename\n"; } } sub de_accent_char { local($this, $char, *ht, $default) = @_; @de_accend_char_results = sort keys %{$ht{DE_ACCENT}->{$char}}; return (@de_accend_char_results) ? @de_accend_char_results : ($default); } sub lower_case_char { local($this, $char, *ht, $default) = @_; return (defined($lc = $ht{UPPER_TO_LOWER_CASE}->{$char})) ? $lc : $default; } sub lower_case_and_de_accent_char { local($this, $char, *ht) = @_; my $lc_char = $this->lower_case_char($char, *ht, $char); return $this->de_accent_char($lc_char, *ht, $lc_char); } sub lower_case_and_de_accent_string { local($this, $string, *ht, $control) = @_; # $this->stopwatch("start", "lower_case_and_de_accent_string", *ht, *LOG); my $norm_punct_p = ($control && ($control =~ /norm-punct/i)); my @chars = $this->split_into_utf8_characters($string); my $result = ""; foreach $char (@chars) { my @lc_de_accented_chars = $this->lower_case_and_de_accent_char($char, *ht); if ($norm_punct_p && (! @lc_de_accented_chars)) { my $norm_punct = $ht{NORM_PUNCT}->{$char}; @lc_de_accented_chars = ($norm_punct) if $norm_punct; } $result .= ((@lc_de_accented_chars) ? $lc_de_accented_chars[0] : $char); } # $this->stopwatch("end", "lower_case_and_de_accent_string", *ht, *LOG); return $result; } sub lower_case_and_de_accent_norm_punct { local($this, $char, *ht) = @_; my $new_char = $ht{LC_DE_ACCENT_CHAR_NORM_PUNCT}->{$char}; return (defined($new_char)) ? $new_char : $char; } sub lower_case_and_de_accent_string2 { local($this, $string, *ht, $control) = @_; my $norm_punct_p = ($control && ($control =~ /norm-punct/i)); # $this->stopwatch("start", "lower_case_and_de_accent_string2", *ht, *LOG); my $s = $string; my $result = ""; while (($char, $rest) = ($s =~ /^(.[\x80-\xBF]*)(.*)$/)) { my $new_char = $ht{LC_DE_ACCENT_CHAR}->{$char}; if (defined($new_char)) { $result .= $new_char; } elsif ($norm_punct_p && defined($new_char = $ht{NORM_PUNCT}->{$char})) { $result .= $new_char; } else { $result .= $char; } $s = $rest; } # $this->stopwatch("end", "lower_case_and_de_accent_string2", *ht, *LOG); return $result; } sub lower_case_string { local($this, $string, *ht, $control) = @_; my $norm_punct_p = ($control && ($control =~ /norm-punct/i)); my $s = $string; my $result = ""; while (($char, $rest) = ($s =~ /^(.[\x80-\xBF]*)(.*)$/)) { my $lc_char = $ht{UPPER_TO_LOWER_CASE}->{$char}; if (defined($lc_char)) { $result .= $lc_char; } elsif ($norm_punct_p && defined($new_char = $ht{NORM_PUNCT}->{$char})) { $result .= $new_char; } else { $result .= $char; } $s = $rest; } return $result; } sub round_to_n_decimal_places { local($this, $x, $n, $fill_decimals_p) = @_; $fill_decimals_p = 0 unless defined($fill_decimals_p); unless (defined($x)) { return $x; } if (($x =~ /^-?\d+$/) && (! $fill_decimals_p)) { return $x; } $factor = 1; foreach $i ((1 .. $n)) { $factor *= 10; } my $rounded_number; if ($x > 0) { $rounded_number = (int(($factor * $x) + 0.5) / $factor); } else { $rounded_number = (int(($factor * $x) - 0.5) / $factor); } if ($fill_decimals_p) { ($period, $decimals) = ($rounded_number =~ /^-?\d+(\.?)(\d*)$/); $rounded_number .= "." unless $period || ($n == 0); foreach ((1 .. ($n - length($decimals)))) { $rounded_number .= 0; } } return $rounded_number; } sub commify { local($caller,$number) = @_; my $text = reverse $number; $text =~ s/(\d\d\d)(?=\d)(?!\d*\.)/$1,/g; return scalar reverse $text; } sub add_javascript_functions { local($caller,@function_names) = @_; $add_javascript_function_s = ""; foreach $function_name (@function_names) { if ($function_name eq "highlight_elems") { $add_javascript_function_s .= " function highlight_elems(group_id, value) { if (group_id != '') { i = 1; id = group_id + '-' + i; while ((s = document.getElementById(id)) != null) { if (! s.origColor) { if (s.style.color) { s.origColor = s.style.color; } else { s.origColor = '#000000'; } } if (value == '1') { s.style.color = '#0000FF'; if (s.innerHTML == '-') { s.style.innerHtml = s.innerHTML; s.innerHTML = '- ← <i>here</i>'; s.style.fontWeight = 900; } else { s.style.fontWeight = 'bold'; } } else { s.style.fontWeight = 'normal'; s.style.color = s.origColor; if (s.style.innerHtml != null) { s.innerHTML = s.style.innerHtml; } } i = i + 1; id = group_id + '-' + i; } } } "; } elsif ($function_name eq "set_style_for_ids") { $add_javascript_function_s .= " function set_style_for_ids(style,id_list) { var ids = id_list.split(/\\s+/); var len = ids.length; var s; for (var i=0; i<len; i++) { var id = ids[i]; if ((s = document.getElementById(id)) != null) { s.setAttribute(\"style\", style); s.style.cssText = style; } } } "; } elsif ($function_name eq "reset_style_for_ids") { $add_javascript_function_s .= " function reset_style_for_ids(default_style,id_list) { var ids = id_list.split(/\\s+/); var len = ids.length; var s; for (var i=0; i<len; i++) { var id = ids[i]; if ((s = document.getElementById(id)) != null) { var ostyle = default_style; if (s.hasAttribute(\"ostyle\")) { ostyle = s.getAttribute(\"ostyle\"); } s.setAttribute(\"style\", ostyle); s.style.cssText = ostyle; } } } "; } elsif ($function_name eq "underline_ids") { $add_javascript_function_s .= " function underline_ids(id_list) { var ids = id_list.split(/\\s+/); var len = ids.length; var s; for (var i=0; i<len; i++) { var id = ids[i]; if ((s = document.getElementById(id)) != null) { s.style.textDecoration = 'underline'; } } } "; } elsif ($function_name eq "bold_ids") { $add_javascript_function_s .= " function bold_ids(id_list) { var ids = id_list.split(/\\s+/); var len = ids.length; var s; for (var i=0; i<len; i++) { var id = ids[i]; if ((s = document.getElementById(id)) != null) { s.style.fontWeight = 'bold'; } } } "; } elsif ($function_name eq "no_textdeco_ids") { $add_javascript_function_s .= " function no_textdeco_ids(id_list) { var ids = id_list.split(/\\s+/); var len = ids.length; var s; for (var i=0; i<len; i++) { var id = ids[i]; if ((s = document.getElementById(id)) != null) { s.style.textDecoration = 'none'; if (s.hasAttribute(\"ostyle\")) { ostyle = s.getAttribute(\"ostyle\"); s.setAttribute(\"style\", ostyle); s.style.cssText = ostyle; } } } } "; } elsif ($function_name eq "no_fontweight_ids") { $add_javascript_function_s .= " function no_fontweight_ids(id_list) { var ids = id_list.split(/\\s+/); var len = ids.length; var s; for (var i=0; i<len; i++) { var id = ids[i]; if ((s = document.getElementById(id)) != null) { s.style.fontWeight = 'normal'; if (s.hasAttribute(\"ostyle\")) { ostyle = s.getAttribute(\"ostyle\"); s.setAttribute(\"style\", ostyle); s.style.cssText = ostyle; } } } } "; } elsif ($function_name eq "popUpBottom") { $add_javascript_function_s .= " function popUpBottom(URL,width,height) { day = new Date(); id = day.getTime(); eval(\"myWindow = window.open(URL, '\" + id + \"', 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=1,location=0,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=1,width=\" + width + \",height=\" + height + \"');\"); } "; } } return $add_javascript_function_s; } sub append_to_file { local($caller, $filename, $s, $mod) = @_; my $result = ""; if (-e $filename) { if (open(OUT, ">>$filename")) { print OUT $s; close(OUT); $result = "Appended"; } else { $result = "Can't append"; } } else { if (open(OUT, ">$filename")) { print OUT $s; close(OUT); $result = "Wrote"; } else { $result = "Can't write"; } } chmod($mod, $filename) if defined($mod) && -e $filename; return $result; } sub square { local($caller, $x) = @_; return $x * $x; } sub mutual_info { local($caller, $ab_count, $a_count, $b_count, $total_count, $smoothing) = @_; $smoothing = 1 unless defined($smoothing); $ab_count = 0 unless defined($ab_count); return 0 unless $a_count && $b_count && $total_count; my $p_ab = $ab_count / $total_count; my $p_a = $a_count / $total_count; my $p_b = $b_count / $total_count; my $expected_ab = $p_a * $p_b * $total_count; return -99 unless $expected_ab || $smoothing; return CORE::log(($ab_count + $smoothing) / ($expected_ab + $smoothing)); } sub mutual_info_multi { local($caller, $multi_count, $total_count, $smoothing, @counts) = @_; return 0 unless $total_count; my $p_indivuals = 1; foreach $count (@counts) { return 0 unless $count; $p_indivuals *= ($count / $total_count); } my $expected_multi_count = $p_indivuals * $total_count; # print STDERR "actual vs. expected multi_count($multi_count, $total_count, $smoothing, @counts) = $multi_count vs. $expected_multi_count\n"; return -99 unless $expected_multi_count || $smoothing; return CORE::log(($multi_count + $smoothing) / ($expected_multi_count + $smoothing)); } sub precision_recall_fmeasure { local($caller, $n_gold, $n_test, $n_shared, $pretty_print_p) = @_; unless (($n_gold =~ /^[1-9]\d*$/) && ($n_test =~ /^[1-9]\d*$/)) { $zero = ($pretty_print_p) ? "0%" : 0; if ($n_gold =~ /^[1-9]\d*$/) { return ("n/a", $zero, $zero); } elsif ($n_test =~ /^[1-9]\d*$/) { return ($zero, "n/a", $zero); } else { return ("n/a", "n/a", "n/a"); } } my $precision = $n_shared / $n_test; my $recall = $n_shared / $n_gold; my $f_measure = ($precision * $recall * 2) / ($precision + $recall); return ($precision, $recall, $f_measure) unless $pretty_print_p; my $pretty_precision = $caller->round_to_n_decimal_places(100*$precision, 1) . "%"; my $pretty_recall = $caller->round_to_n_decimal_places(100*$recall, 1) . "%"; my $pretty_f_measure = $caller->round_to_n_decimal_places(100*$f_measure, 1) . "%"; return ($pretty_precision, $pretty_recall, $pretty_f_measure); } sub recapitalize_named_entity { local($caller, $s) = @_; my @comps = (); foreach $comp (split(/\s+/, $s)) { if ($comp =~ /^(and|da|for|of|on|the|van|von)$/) { push(@comps, $comp); } elsif ($comp =~ /^[a-z]/) { push(@comps, ucfirst $comp); } else { push(@comps, $comp); } } return join(" ", @comps); } sub slot_value_in_double_colon_del_list { local($this, $s, $slot, $default) = @_; $default = "" unless defined($default); if (($value) = ($s =~ /::$slot\s+(\S.*\S|\S)\s*$/)) { $value =~ s/\s*::\S.*\s*$//; return $value; } else { return $default; } } sub synt_in_double_colon_del_list { local($this, $s) = @_; ($value) = ($s =~ /::synt\s+(\S+|\S.*?\S)(?:\s+::.*)?$/); return (defined($value)) ? $value : ""; } sub form_in_double_colon_del_list { local($this, $s) = @_; ($value) = ($s =~ /::form\s+(\S+|\S.*?\S)(?:\s+::.*)?$/); return (defined($value)) ? $value : ""; } sub lex_in_double_colon_del_list { local($this, $s) = @_; ($value) = ($s =~ /::lex\s+(\S+|\S.*?\S)(?:\s+::.*)?$/); return (defined($value)) ? $value : ""; } sub multi_slot_value_in_double_colon_del_list { # e.g. when there are multiple slot/value pairs in a line, e.g. ::eng ... :eng ... local($this, $s, $slot) = @_; @values = (); while (($value, $rest) = ($s =~ /::$slot\s+(\S|\S.*?\S)(\s+::\S.*|\s*)$/)) { push(@values, $value); $s = $rest; } return @values; } sub remove_slot_in_double_colon_del_list { local($this, $s, $slot) = @_; $s =~ s/::$slot(?:|\s+\S|\s+\S.*?\S)(\s+::\S.*|\s*)$/$1/; $s =~ s/^\s*//; return $s; } sub extract_split_info_from_split_dir { local($this, $dir, *ht) = @_; my $n_files = 0; my $n_snt_ids = 0; if (opendir(DIR, $dir)) { my @filenames = sort readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); foreach $filename (@filenames) { next unless $filename =~ /\.txt$/; my $split_class; if (($split_class) = ($filename =~ /-(dev|training|test)-/)) { my $full_filename = "$dir/$filename"; if (open(IN, $full_filename)) { my $old_n_snt_ids = $n_snt_ids; while (<IN>) { if (($snt_id) = ($_ =~ /^#\s*::id\s+(\S+)/)) { if ($old_split_class = $ht{SPLIT_CLASS}->{$snt_id}) { unless ($old_split_class eq $split_class) { print STDERR "Conflicting split class for $snt_id: $old_split_class $split_class\n"; } } else { $ht{SPLIT_CLASS}->{$snt_id} = $split_class; $ht{SPLIT_CLASS_COUNT}->{$split_class} = ($ht{SPLIT_CLASS_COUNT}->{$split_class} || 0) + 1; $n_snt_ids++; } } } $n_files++ unless $n_snt_ids == $old_n_snt_ids; close(IN); } else { print STDERR "Can't open file $full_filename"; } } else { print STDERR "Skipping file $filename when extracting split info from $dir\n"; } } print STDERR "Extracted $n_snt_ids split classes from $n_files files.\n"; } else { print STDERR "Can't open directory $dir to extract split info.\n"; } } sub extract_toks_for_split_class_from_dir { local($this, $dir, *ht, $split_class, $control) = @_; $control = "" unless defined($control); $print_snt_id_p = ($control =~ /\bwith-snt-id\b/); my $n_files = 0; my $n_snts = 0; if (opendir(DIR, $dir)) { my @filenames = sort readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); foreach $filename (@filenames) { next unless $filename =~ /^alignment-release-.*\.txt$/; my $full_filename = "$dir/$filename"; if (open(IN, $full_filename)) { my $old_n_snts = $n_snts; my $snt_id = ""; while (<IN>) { if (($s_value) = ($_ =~ /^#\s*::id\s+(\S+)/)) { $snt_id = $s_value; $proper_split_class_p = ($this_split_class = $ht{SPLIT_CLASS}->{$snt_id}) && ($this_split_class eq $split_class); } elsif (($tok) = ($_ =~ /^#\s*::tok\s+(\S|\S.*\S)\s*$/)) { if ($proper_split_class_p) { print "$snt_id " if $print_snt_id_p; print "$tok\n"; $n_snts++; } } } $n_files++ unless $n_snts == $old_n_snts; close(IN); } else { print STDERR "Can't open file $full_filename"; } } print STDERR "Extracted $n_snts tokenized sentences ($split_class) from $n_files files.\n"; } else { print STDERR "Can't open directory $dir to extract tokens.\n"; } } sub load_relevant_tok_ngram_corpus { local($this, $filename, *ht, $max_lex_rule_span, $ngram_count_min, $optional_ngram_output_filename) = @_; $ngram_count_min = 1 unless $ngram_count_min; $max_lex_rule_span = 10 unless $max_lex_rule_span; my $n_ngram_instances = 0; my $n_ngram_types = 0; if (open(IN, $filename)) { while (<IN>) { s/\s*$//; @tokens = split(/\s+/, $_); foreach $from_token_index ((0 .. $#tokens)) { foreach $to_token_index (($from_token_index .. ($from_token_index + $max_lex_rule_span -1))) { last if $to_token_index > $#tokens; my $ngram = join(" ", @tokens[$from_token_index .. $to_token_index]); $ht{RELEVANT_NGRAM}->{$ngram} = ($ht{RELEVANT_NGRAM}->{$ngram} || 0) + 1; } } } close(IN); if ($optional_ngram_output_filename && open(OUT, ">$optional_ngram_output_filename")) { foreach $ngram (sort keys %{$ht{RELEVANT_NGRAM}}) { $count = $ht{RELEVANT_NGRAM}->{$ngram}; next unless $count >= $ngram_count_min; print OUT "($count) $ngram\n"; $n_ngram_types++; $n_ngram_instances += $count; } close(OUT); print STDERR "Extracted $n_ngram_types ngram types, $n_ngram_instances ngram instances.\n"; print STDERR "Wrote ngram stats to $optional_ngram_output_filename\n"; } } else { print STDERR "Can't open relevant tok ngram corpus $filename\n"; } } sub load_relevant_tok_ngrams { local($this, $filename, *ht) = @_; my $n_entries = 0; if (open(IN, $filename)) { while (<IN>) { s/\s*$//; if (($count, $ngram) = ($_ =~ /^\((\d+)\)\s+(\S|\S.*\S)\s*$/)) { $lc_ngram = lc $ngram; $ht{RELEVANT_NGRAM}->{$lc_ngram} = ($ht{RELEVANT_NGRAM}->{$lc_ngram} || 0) + $count; $ht{RELEVANT_LC_NGRAM}->{$lc_ngram} = ($ht{RELEVANT_LC_NGRAM}->{$lc_ngram} || 0) + $count; $n_entries++; } } close(IN); print STDERR "Read in $n_entries entries from $filename\n"; } else { print STDERR "Can't open relevant tok ngrams from $filename\n"; } } sub snt_id_sort_function { local($this, $a, $b) = @_; if ((($core_a, $index_a) = ($a =~ /^(\S+)\.(\d+)$/)) && (($core_b, $index_b) = ($b =~ /^(\S+)\.(\d+)$/))) { return ($core_a cmp $core_b) || ($index_a <=> $index_b); } else { return $a cmp $b; } } sub count_value_sort_function { local($this, $a_count, $b_count, $a_value, $b_value, $control) = @_; # normalize fractions such as "1/2" if ($a_count > $b_count) { return ($control eq "decreasing") ? -1 : 1; } elsif ($b_count > $a_count) { return ($control eq "decreasing") ? 1 : -1; } $a_value = $num / $den if ($num, $den) = ($a_value =~ /^([1-9]\d*)\/([1-9]\d*)$/); $b_value = $num / $den if ($num, $den) = ($b_value =~ /^([1-9]\d*)\/([1-9]\d*)$/); $a_value =~ s/:/\./ if $a_value =~ /^\d+:\d+$/; $b_value =~ s/:/\./ if $b_value =~ /^\d+:\d+$/; if (($a_value =~ /^-?\d+(\.\d+)?$/) && ($b_value =~ /^-?\d+(\.\d+)?$/)) { return $a_value <=> $b_value; } elsif ($a_value =~ /^-?\d+(\.\d+)?$/) { return 1; } elsif ($b_value =~ /^-?\d+(\.\d+)?$/) { return -1; } else { return $a_value cmp $b_value; } } sub undef_to_blank { local($this, $x) = @_; return (defined($x)) ? $x : ""; } sub en_lex_amr_list { local($this, $s) = @_; $bpe = qr{ \( (?: (?> [^()]+ ) | (??{ $bpe }))* \) }x; # see Perl Cookbook 2nd ed. p. 218 @en_lex_amr_list = (); my $amr_s; my $lex; my $test; while ($s =~ /\S/) { $s =~ s/^\s*//; if (($s =~ /^\([a-z]\d* .*\)/) && (($amr_s, $rest) = ($s =~ /^($bpe)(\s.*|)$/))) { push(@en_lex_amr_list, $amr_s); $s = $rest; } elsif (($lex, $rest) = ($s =~ /^\s*(\S+)(\s.*|)$/)) { push(@en_lex_amr_list, $lex); $s = $rest; } else { print STDERR "en_lex_amr_list can't process: $s\n"; $s = ""; } } return @en_lex_amr_list; } sub make_sure_dir_exists { local($this, $dir, $umask) = @_; mkdir($dir, $umask) unless -d $dir; chmod($umask, $dir); } sub pretty_percentage { local($this, $numerator, $denominator) = @_; return ($denominator == 0) ? "n/a" : ($this->round_to_n_decimal_places(100*$numerator/$denominator, 2) . "%"); } sub html_color_nth_line { local($this, $s, $n, $color, $delimiter) = @_; $delimiter = "<br>" unless defined($delimiter); @lines = split($delimiter, $s); $lines[$n] = "<font color=\"$color\">" . $lines[$n] . "</font>" if ($n =~ /^\d+$/) && ($n <= $#lines); return join($delimiter, @lines); } sub likely_valid_url_format { local($this, $url) = @_; $url = lc $url; return 0 if $url =~ /\s/; return 0 if $url =~ /[@]/; return 1 if $url =~ /^https?:\/\/.+\.[a-z]+(\?.+)?$/; return 1 if $url =~ /[a-z].+\.(com|edu|gov|net|org)$/; return 0; } # see also EnglMorph->special_token_type $common_file_suffixes = "aspx?|bmp|cgi|docx?|gif|html?|jpeg|jpg|mp3|mp4|pdf|php|png|pptx?|stm|svg|txt|xml"; $common_top_domain_suffixes = "museum|info|cat|com|edu|gov|int|mil|net|org|ar|at|au|be|bg|bi|br|ca|ch|cn|co|cz|de|dk|es|eu|fi|fr|gr|hk|hu|id|ie|il|in|ir|is|it|jp|ke|kr|lu|mg|mx|my|nl|no|nz|ph|pl|pt|ro|rs|ru|rw|se|sg|sk|so|tr|tv|tw|tz|ua|ug|uk|us|za"; sub token_is_url_p { local($this, $token) = @_; return 1 if $token =~ /^www(\.[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9_]|\xC3[\x80-\x96\x98-\xB6\xB8-\xBF])+)+\.([a-z]{2,2}|$common_top_domain_suffixes)(\/(\.{1,3}|[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9_%]|\xC3[\x80-\x96\x98-\xB6\xB8-\xBF])+))*(\/[a-z0-9_][-a-z0-9_]+\.($common_file_suffixes))?$/i; return 1 if $token =~ /^https?:\/\/([a-z]\.)?([a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9_]|\xC3[\x80-\x96\x98-\xB6\xB8-\xBF])+\.)+[a-z]{2,}(\/(\.{1,3}|([-a-z0-9_%]|\xC3[\x80-\x96\x98-\xB6\xB8-\xBF])+))*(\/[a-z_][-a-z0-9_]+\.($common_file_suffixes))?$/i; return 1 if $token =~ /^[a-z][-a-z0-9_]+(\.[a-z][-a-z0-9_]+)*\.($common_top_domain_suffixes)(\/[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9_%]|\xC3[\x80-\x96\x98-\xB6\xB8-\xBF])+)*(\/[a-z][-a-z0-9_]+\.($common_file_suffixes))?$/i; return 0; } sub token_is_email_p { local($this, $token) = @_; return ($token =~ /^[a-z][-a-z0-9_]+(\.[a-z][-a-z0-9_]+)*\@[a-z][-a-z0-9_]+(\.[a-z][-a-z0-9_]+)*\.($common_top_domain_suffixes)$/i); } sub token_is_filename_p { local($this, $token) = @_; return 1 if $token =~ /\.($common_file_suffixes)$/; return 0; } sub token_is_xml_token_p { local($this, $token) = @_; return ($token =~ /^&(amp|apos|gt|lt|nbsp|quot|&#\d+|&#x[0-9A-F]+);$/i); } sub token_is_handle_p { local($this, $token) = @_; return ($token =~ /^\@[a-z][_a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9]$/i); } sub min { local($this, @list) = @_; my $min = ""; foreach $item (@list) { $min = $item if ($item =~ /^-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?$/) && (($min eq "") || ($item < $min)); } return $min; } sub max { local($this, @list) = @_; my $max = ""; foreach $item (@list) { $max = $item if defined($item) && ($item =~ /^-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(e[-+]\d+)?$/) && (($max eq "") || ($item > $max)); } return $max; } sub split_tok_s_into_tokens { local($this, $tok_s) = @_; @token_list = (); while (($pre, $link_token, $post) = ($tok_s =~ /^(.*?)\s*(\@?<[^<>]+>\@?)\s*(.*)$/)) { # generate dummy token for leading blank(s) if (($tok_s =~ /^\s/) && ($pre eq "") && ($#token_list < 0)) { push(@token_list, ""); } else { push(@token_list, split(/\s+/, $pre)); } push(@token_list, $link_token); $tok_s = $post; } push(@token_list, split(/\s+/, $tok_s)); return @token_list; } sub shuffle { local($this, @list) = @_; @shuffle_list = (); while (@list) { $len = $#list + 1; $rand_position = int(rand($len)); push(@shuffle_list, $list[$rand_position]); splice(@list, $rand_position, 1); } $s = join(" ", @shuffle_list); return @shuffle_list; } sub timestamp_to_seconds { local($this, $timestamp) = @_; my $epochtime; if (($year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second) = ($timestamp =~ /^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)T(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)$/)) { $epochtime = timelocal($second, $minute, $hour, $day, $month-1, $year); } elsif (($year, $month, $day) = ($timestamp =~ /^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)$/)) { $epochtime = timelocal(0, 0, 0, $day, $month-1, $year); } elsif (($year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second, $second_fraction) = ($timestamp =~ /^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)T(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)\.(\d+)$/)) { $epochtime = timelocal($second, $minute, $hour, $day, $month-1, $year) + ($second_fraction / (10 ** length($second_fraction))); } else { $epochtime = 0; } return $epochtime; } sub timestamp_diff_in_seconds { local($this, $timestamp1, $timestamp2) = @_; my $epochtime1 = $this->timestamp_to_seconds($timestamp1); my $epochtime2 = $this->timestamp_to_seconds($timestamp2); return $epochtime2 - $epochtime1; } sub dirhash { # maps string to hash of length 4 with characters [a-z2-8] (shorter acc. to $len) local($this, $s, $len) = @_; $hash = 9999; $mega = 2 ** 20; $mega1 = $mega - 1; $giga = 2 ** 26; foreach $c (split //, $s) { $hash = $hash*33 + ord($c); $hash = ($hash >> 20) ^ ($hash & $mega1) if $hash >= $giga; } while ($hash >= $mega) { $hash = ($hash >> 20) ^ ($hash & $mega1); } $result = ""; while ($hash) { $c = $hash & 31; $result .= CORE::chr($c + (($c >= 26) ? 24 : 97)); $hash = $hash >> 5; } while (length($result) < 4) { $result .= "8"; } return substr($result, 0, $len) if $len; return $result; } sub full_path_python { foreach $bin_path (split(":", "/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin")) { return $python if -x ($python = "$bin_path/python"); } return "python"; } sub string_contains_unbalanced_paras { local($this, $s) = @_; return 0 unless $s =~ /[(){}\[\]]/; $rest = $s; while (($pre,$left,$right,$post) = ($rest =~ /^(.*)([({\[]).*?([\]})])(.*)$/)) { return 1 unless (($left eq "(") && ($right eq ")")) || (($left eq "[") && ($right eq "]")) || (($left eq "{") && ($right eq "}")); $rest = "$pre$post"; } return 1 if $rest =~ /[(){}\[\]]/; return 0; } sub dequote_string { local($this, $s) = @_; if ($s =~ /^".*"$/) { $s = substr($s, 1, -1); $s =~ s/\\"/"/g; return $s; } elsif ($s =~ /^'.*'$/) { $s = substr($s, 1, -1); $s =~ s/\\'/'/g; return $s; } else { return $s; } } sub defined_non_space { local($this, $s) = @_; return (defined($s) && ($s =~ /\S/)); } sub default_if_undefined { local($this, $s, $default) = @_; return (defined($s) ? $s : $default); } sub remove_empties { local($this, @list) = @_; @filtered_list = (); foreach $elem (@list) { push(@filtered_list, $elem) if defined($elem) && (! ($elem =~ /^\s*$/)) && (! $this->member($elem, @filtered_list)); } return @filtered_list; } # copied from AMRexp.pm sub new_var_for_surf_amr { local($this, $amr_s, $s) = @_; my $letter = ($s =~ /^[a-z]/i) ? lc substr($s, 0, 1) : "x"; return $letter unless ($amr_s =~ /:\S+\s+\($letter\s+\//) || ($amr_s =~ /\s\($letter\s+\//) || ($amr_s =~ /^\s*\($letter\s+\//); # ))) my $i = 2; while (($amr_s =~ /:\S+\s+\($letter$i\s+\//) || ($amr_s =~ /\s+\($letter$i\s+\//) || ($amr_s =~ /^\s*\($letter$i\s+\//)) { # ))) $i++; } return "$letter$i"; } # copied from AMRexp.pm sub new_vars_for_surf_amr { local($this, $amr_s, $ref_amr_s) = @_; my $new_amr_s = ""; my %new_var_ht = (); my $remaining_amr_s = $amr_s; my $pre; my $var; my $concept; my $post; while (($pre, $var, $concept, $post) = ($remaining_amr_s =~ /^(.*?\()([a-z]\d*)\s+\/\s+([^ ()\s]+)(.*)$/s)) { $new_var = $this->new_var_for_surf_amr("$ref_amr_s $new_amr_s", $concept); $new_var_ht{$var} = $new_var; $new_amr_s .= "$pre$new_var / $concept"; $remaining_amr_s = $post; } $new_amr_s .= $remaining_amr_s; # also update any reentrancy variables $remaining_amr_s = $new_amr_s; $new_amr_s2 = ""; while (($pre, $var, $post) = ($remaining_amr_s =~ /^(.*?:\S+\s+)([a-z]\d*)([ ()\s].*)$/s)) { $new_var = $new_var_ht{$var} || $var; $new_amr_s2 .= "$pre$new_var"; $remaining_amr_s = $post; } $new_amr_s2 .= $remaining_amr_s; return $new_amr_s2; } sub update_inner_span_for_id { local($this, $html_line, $slot, $new_value) = @_; # e.g. slot: workset-language-name value: Uyghur if (defined($new_value) && (($pre, $old_value, $post) = ($html_line =~ /^(.*<span\b[^<>]* id="$slot"[^<>]*>)([^<>]*)(<\/span\b[^<>]*>.*)$/i)) && ($old_value ne $new_value)) { # print STDERR "Inserting new $slot $old_value -> $new_value\n"; return $pre . $new_value . $post . "\n"; } else { # no change return $html_line; } } sub levenshtein_distance { local($this, $s1, $s2) = @_; my $i; my $j; my @distance; my @s1_chars = $utf8->split_into_utf8_characters($s1, "return only chars", *empty_ht); my $s1_length = $#s1_chars + 1; my @s2_chars = $utf8->split_into_utf8_characters($s2, "return only chars", *empty_ht); my $s2_length = $#s2_chars + 1; for ($i = 0; $i <= $s1_length; $i++) { $distance[$i][0] = $i; } for ($j = 1; $j <= $s2_length; $j++) { $distance[0][$j] = $j; } for ($j = 1; $j <= $s2_length; $j++) { for ($i = 1; $i <= $s1_length; $i++) { my $substitution_cost = ($s1_chars[$i-1] eq $s2_chars[$j-1]) ? 0 : 1; $distance[$i][$j] = $this->min($distance[$i-1][$j] + 1, $distance[$i][$j-1] + 1, $distance[$i-1][$j-1] + $substitution_cost); # print STDERR "SC($i,$j) = $substitution_cost\n"; # $d = $distance[$i][$j]; # print STDERR "D($i,$j) = $d\n"; } } return $distance[$s1_length][$s2_length]; } sub markup_parts_of_string_in_common_with_ref { local($this, $s, $ref, $start_markup, $end_markup, $deletion_markup, $verbose) = @_; # \x01 temporary start-markup # \x02 temporary end-markup # \x03 temporary deletion-markup $s =~ s/[\x01-\x03]//g; $ref =~ s/[\x01-\x03]//g; my $i; my $j; my @distance; my @s_chars = $utf8->split_into_utf8_characters($s, "return only chars", *empty_ht); my $s_length = $#s_chars + 1; my @ref_chars = $utf8->split_into_utf8_characters($ref, "return only chars", *empty_ht); my $ref_length = $#ref_chars + 1; $distance[0][0] = 0; $del_ins_subst_op[0][0] = "-"; for ($i = 1; $i <= $s_length; $i++) { $distance[$i][0] = $i; $del_ins_subst_op[$i][0] = 0; } for ($j = 1; $j <= $ref_length; $j++) { $distance[0][$j] = $j; $del_ins_subst_op[0][$j] = 1; } for ($j = 1; $j <= $ref_length; $j++) { for ($i = 1; $i <= $s_length; $i++) { my $substitution_cost = (($s_chars[$i-1] eq $ref_chars[$j-1])) ? 0 : 1; my @del_ins_subst_list = ($distance[$i-1][$j] + 1, $distance[$i][$j-1] + 1, $distance[$i-1][$j-1] + $substitution_cost); my $min = $this->min(@del_ins_subst_list); my $del_ins_subst_position = $this->position($min, @del_ins_subst_list); $distance[$i][$j] = $min; $del_ins_subst_op[$i][$j] = $del_ins_subst_position; } } $d = $distance[$s_length][$ref_length]; print STDERR "markup_parts_of_string_in_common_with_ref LD($s,$ref) = $d\n" if $verbose; for ($j = 0; $j <= $ref_length; $j++) { for ($i = 0; $i <= $s_length; $i++) { $d = $distance[$i][$j]; $op = $del_ins_subst_op[$i][$j]; print STDERR "$d($op) " if $verbose; } print STDERR "\n" if $verbose; } my $result = ""; my $i_end = $s_length; my $j_end = $ref_length; my $cost = $distance[$i_end][$j_end]; $i = $i_end; $j = $j_end; while (1) { $result2 = $result; $result2 =~ s/\x01/$start_markup/g; $result2 =~ s/\x02/$end_markup/g; $result2 =~ s/\x03/$deletion_markup/g; print STDERR "i:$i i-end:$i_end j:$j j-end:$j_end r: $result2\n" if $verbose; # matching characters if ($i && $j && ($del_ins_subst_op[$i][$j] == 2) && ($distance[$i-1][$j-1] == $distance[$i][$j])) { $i--; $j--; } else { # previously matching characters if (($i < $i_end) && ($j < $j_end)) { my $sub_s = join("", @s_chars[$i .. $i_end-1]); $result = "\x01" . $sub_s . "\x02" . $result; } # character substitution if ($i && $j && ($del_ins_subst_op[$i][$j] == 2)) { $i--; $j--; $result = $s_chars[$i] . $result; } elsif ($i && ($del_ins_subst_op[$i][$j] == 0)) { $i--; $result = $s_chars[$i] . $result; } elsif ($j && ($del_ins_subst_op[$i][$j] == 1)) { $j--; $result = "\x03" . $result; } else { last; } $i_end = $i; $j_end = $j; } } $result2 = $result; $result2 =~ s/\x01/$start_markup/g; $result2 =~ s/\x02/$end_markup/g; $result2 =~ s/\x03/$deletion_markup/g; print STDERR "i:$i i-end:$i_end j:$j j-end:$j_end r: $result2 *\n" if $verbose; $result =~ s/(\x02)\x03+(\x01)/$1$deletion_markup$2/g; $result =~ s/(\x02)\x03+$/$1$deletion_markup/g; $result =~ s/^\x03+(\x01)/$deletion_markup$1/g; $result =~ s/\x03//g; $result =~ s/\x01/$start_markup/g; $result =~ s/\x02/$end_markup/g; return $result; } sub env_https { my $https = $ENV{'HTTPS'}; return 1 if $https && ($https eq "on"); my $http_via = $ENV{'HTTP_VIA'}; return 1 if $http_via && ($http_via =~ /\bHTTPS\b.* \d+(?:\.\d+){3,}:443\b/); # tmp for beta.isi.edu return 0; } sub env_http_host { return $ENV{'HTTP_HOST'} || ""; } sub env_script_filename { return $ENV{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'} || ""; } sub cgi_mt_app_root_dir { local($this, $target) = @_; my $s; if ($target =~ /filename/i) { $s = $ENV{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'} || ""; } else { $s = $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'} || ""; } return "" unless $s; return $d if ($d) = ($s =~ /^(.*?\/(?:amr-editor|chinese-room-editor|utools|romanizer\/version\/[-.a-z0-9]+|romanizer))\//); return $d if ($d) = ($s =~ /^(.*)\/(?:bin|src|scripts?)\/[^\/]*$/); return $d if ($d) = ($s =~ /^(.*)\/[^\/]*$/); return ""; } sub parent_dir { local($this, $dir) = @_; $dir =~ s/\/[^\/]+\/?$//; return $dir || "/"; } sub span_start { local($this, $span, $default) = @_; $default = "" unless defined($default); return (($start) = ($span =~ /^(\d+)-\d+$/)) ? $start : $default; } sub span_end { local($this, $span, $default) = @_; $default = "" unless defined($default); return (($end) = ($span =~ /^\d+-(\d+)$/)) ? $end : $default; } sub oct_mode { local($this, $filename) = @_; @stat = stat($filename); return "" unless @stat; $mode = $stat[2]; $oct_mode = sprintf("%04o", $mode & 07777); return $oct_mode; } sub csv_to_list { local($this, $s, $control_string) = @_; # Allow quoted string such as "Wait\, what?" as element with escaped comma inside. $control_string = "" unless defined($control_string); $strip_p = ($control_string =~ /\bstrip\b/); $allow_simple_commas_in_quote = ($control_string =~ /\bsimple-comma-ok\b/); $ignore_empty_elem_p = ($control_string =~ /\bno-empty\b/); @cvs_list = (); while ($s ne "") { if ((($elem, $rest) = ($s =~ /^"((?:\\[,\"]|[^,\"][\x80-\xBF]*)*)"(,.*|)$/)) || ($allow_simple_commas_in_quote && (($elem, $rest) = ($s =~ /^"((?:\\[,\"]|[^\"][\x80-\xBF]*)*)"(,.*|)$/))) || (($elem, $rest) = ($s =~ /^([^,]*)(,.*|\s*)$/)) || (($elem, $rest) = ($s =~ /^(.*)()$/))) { if ($strip_p) { $elem =~ s/^\s*//; $elem =~ s/\s*$//; } push(@cvs_list, $elem) unless $ignore_empty_elem_p && ($elem eq ""); $rest =~ s/^,//; $s = $rest; } else { print STDERR "Error in csv_to_list processing $s\n"; last; } } return @cvs_list; } sub kl_divergence { local($this, $distribution_id, $gold_distribution_id, *ht, $smoothing) = @_; my $total_count = $ht{DISTRIBUTION_TOTAL_COUNT}->{$distribution_id}; my $total_gold_count = $ht{DISTRIBUTION_TOTAL_COUNT}->{$gold_distribution_id}; return unless $total_count && $total_gold_count; my @values = keys %{$ht{DISTRIBUTION_VALUE_COUNT}->{$gold_distribution_id}}; my $n_values = $#values + 1; my $min_total_count = $this->min($total_count, $total_gold_count); $smoothing = 1 - (10000/((100+$min_total_count)**2)) unless defined($smoothing); return unless $smoothing; my $smoothed_n_values = $smoothing * $n_values; my $divergence = 0; foreach $value (@values) { my $count = $ht{DISTRIBUTION_VALUE_COUNT}->{$distribution_id}->{$value} || 0; my $gold_count = $ht{DISTRIBUTION_VALUE_COUNT}->{$gold_distribution_id}->{$value}; my $p = ($count + $smoothing) / ($total_count + $smoothed_n_values); my $q = ($gold_count + $smoothing) / ($total_gold_count + $smoothed_n_values); if ($p == 0) { # no impact on divergence } elsif ($q) { my $incr = $p * CORE::log($p/$q); $divergence += $incr; my $incr2 = $this->round_to_n_decimal_places($incr, 5); my $p2 = $this->round_to_n_decimal_places($p, 5); my $q2 = $this->round_to_n_decimal_places($q, 5); $incr2 = "+" . $incr2 if $incr > 0; $log = " value: $value count: $count gold_count: $gold_count p: $p2 q: $q2 $incr2\n"; $ht{KL_DIVERGENCE_LOG}->{$distribution_id}->{$gold_distribution_id}->{$value} = $log; $ht{KL_DIVERGENCE_INCR}->{$distribution_id}->{$gold_distribution_id}->{$value} = $incr; } else { $divergence += 999; } } return $divergence; } sub read_ISO_8859_named_entities { local($this, *ht, $filename, $verbose) = @_; # e.g. from /nfs/isd/ulf/arabic/data/ISO-8859-1-HTML-named-entities.txt # <!ENTITY quot CDATA """ -- quotation mark, =apl quote, u+0022 ISOnum --> # <!ENTITY nbsp CDATA " " -- no-break space --> # <!ENTITY eacute CDATA "é" -- small e, acute accent --> # <!ENTITY Alpha CDATA "Α" -- greek capital letter alpha, u+0391 --> # <!ENTITY alpha CDATA "α" -- greek small letter alpha, u+03B1 ISOgrk3 --> # <!ENTITY dagger CDATA "†" -- dagger, u+2020 ISOpub --> my $n = 0; if (open(IN, $filename)) { while (<IN>) { s/^\xEF\xBB\xBF//; if (($name, $dec_unicode) = ($_ =~ /^<!ENTITY\s+([a-z]{2,6})\s+CDATA\s+"&#(\d{1,5});"/)) { $ht{HTML_ENTITY_NAME_TO_DECUNICODE}->{$name} = $dec_unicode; $ht{HTML_ENTITY_DECUNICODE_TO_NAME}->{$dec_unicode} = $name; $ht{HTML_ENTITY_NAME_TO_UTF8}->{$name} = $utf8->unicode2string($dec_unicode); $n++; # print STDERR "read_ISO_8859_named_entities $name $dec_unicode .\n" if $name =~ /dash/; } } close(IN); print STDERR "Loaded $n entries from $filename\n" if $verbose; } else { print STDERR "Could not open $filename\n" if $verbose; } } sub neg { local($this, $x) = @_; # robust return (defined($x) && ($x =~ /^-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?$/)) ? (- $x) : $x; } sub read_ttable_gloss_data { local($this, $filename, $lang_code, *ht, $direction) = @_; # e.g. /nfs/isd/ulf/croom/oov-lanpairs/som-eng/som-eng-ttable-glosses.txt $direction = "f to e" unless defined($direction); if (open(IN, $filename)) { while (<IN>) { if (($headword, $gloss) = ($_ =~ /^(.*?)\t(.*?)\s*$/)) { if ($direction eq "e to f") { $ht{TTABLE_E_GLOSS}->{$lang_code}->{$headword} = $gloss; } else { $ht{TTABLE_F_GLOSS}->{$lang_code}->{$headword} = $gloss; } } } close(IN); } } sub format_gloss_for_tooltop { local($this, $gloss) = @_; $gloss =~ s/^\s*/\t/; $gloss =~ s/\s*$//; $gloss =~ s/ / /g; $gloss =~ s/\t/
 /g; return $gloss; } sub obsolete_tooltip { local($this, $s, $lang_code, *ht) = @_; return $gloss if defined($gloss = $ht{TTABLE_F_GLOSS}->{$lang_code}->{$s}); @e_s = sort { $ht{T_TABLE_F_E_C}->{$lang_code}->{$s}->{$b} <=> $ht{T_TABLE_F_E_C}->{$lang_code}->{$s}->{$a} } keys %{$ht{T_TABLE_F_E_C}->{$lang_code}->{$s}}; if (@e_s) { $e = shift @e_s; $count = $ht{T_TABLE_F_E_C}->{$lang_code}->{$s}->{$e}; $min_count = $this->max($count * 0.01, 1.0); $count =~ s/(\.\d\d)\d*$/$1/; $result = "$s:
 $e ($count)"; $n = 1; while (@e_s) { $e = shift @e_s; $count = $ht{T_TABLE_F_E_C}->{$lang_code}->{$s}->{$e}; last if $count < $min_count; $count =~ s/(\.\d\d)\d*$/$1/; $result .= "
 $e ($count)"; $n++; last if $n >= 10; } $ht{TTABLE_F_GLOSS}->{$lang_code}->{$s} = $result; return $result; } else { return ""; } } sub markup_html_line_init { local($this, $s, *ht, $id) = @_; my @chars = $utf8->split_into_utf8_characters($s, "return only chars", *empty_ht); $ht{S}->{$id} = $s; } sub markup_html_line_regex { local($this, $id, *ht, $regex, $m_slot, $m_value, *LOG) = @_; unless ($regex eq "") { my $s = $ht{S}->{$id}; my $current_pos = 0; while (($pre, $match_s, $post) = ($s =~ /^(.*?)($regex)(.*)$/)) { $current_pos += $utf8->length_in_utf8_chars($pre); my $match_len = $utf8->length_in_utf8_chars($match_s); $ht{START}->{$id}->{$current_pos}->{$m_slot}->{$m_value} = 1; $ht{STOP}->{$id}->{($current_pos+$match_len)}->{$m_slot}->{$m_value} = 1; $current_pos += $match_len; $s = $post; } } } sub html_markup_line { local($this, $id, *ht, *LOG) = @_; my @titles = (); my @colors = (); my @text_decorations = (); my $s = $ht{S}->{$id}; # print LOG "html_markup_line $id: $s\n"; my @chars = $utf8->split_into_utf8_characters($s, "return only chars", *empty_ht); my $markedup_s = ""; my $new_title = ""; my $new_color = ""; my $new_text_decoration = ""; my $n_spans = 0; my $i; foreach $i ((0 .. ($#chars+1))) { my $stop_span_p = 0; foreach $m_slot (keys %{$ht{STOP}->{$id}->{$i}}) { foreach $m_value (keys %{$ht{STOP}->{$id}->{$i}->{$m_slot}}) { if ($m_slot eq "title") { my $last_positition = $this->last_position($m_value, @titles); splice(@titles, $last_positition, 1) if $last_positition >= 0; $stop_span_p = 1; } elsif ($m_slot eq "color") { my $last_positition = $this->last_position($m_value, @colors); splice(@colors, $last_positition, 1) if $last_positition >= 0; $stop_span_p = 1; } elsif ($m_slot eq "text-decoration") { my $last_positition = $this->last_position($m_value, @text_decorations); splice(@text_decorations, $last_positition, 1) if $last_positition >= 0; $stop_span_p = 1; } } } if ($stop_span_p) { $markedup_s .= "</span>"; $n_spans--; } my $start_span_p = 0; foreach $m_slot (keys %{$ht{START}->{$id}->{$i}}) { foreach $m_value (keys %{$ht{START}->{$id}->{$i}->{$m_slot}}) { if ($m_slot eq "title") { push(@titles, $m_value); $start_span_p = 1; } elsif ($m_slot eq "color") { push(@colors, $m_value); $start_span_p = 1; } elsif ($m_slot eq "text-decoration") { push(@text_decorations, $m_value); $start_span_p = 1; } } } if ($stop_span_p || $start_span_p) { my $new_title = (@titles) ? $titles[$#titles] : ""; my $new_color = (@colors) ? $colors[$#colors] : ""; my $new_text_decoration = (@text_decorations) ? $text_decorations[$#text_decorations] : ""; if ($new_title || $new_color || $new_text_decoration) { my $args = ""; if ($new_title) { $g_title = $this->guard_html_quote($new_title); $args .= " title=\"$g_title\""; } if ($new_color || $new_text_decoration) { $g_color = $this->guard_html_quote($new_color); $g_text_decoration = $this->guard_html_quote($new_text_decoration); $color_clause = ($new_color) ? "color:$g_color;" : ""; $text_decoration_clause = ($new_text_decoration) ? "text-decoration:$g_text_decoration;" : ""; $text_decoration_clause =~ s/text-decoration:(border-bottom:)/$1/g; $args .= " style=\"$color_clause$text_decoration_clause\""; } if ($n_spans) { $markedup_s .= "</span>"; $n_spans--; } $markedup_s .= "<span$args>"; $n_spans++; } } $markedup_s .= $chars[$i] if $i <= $#chars; } print LOG "Error in html_markup_line $id final no. of open spans: $n_spans\n" if $n_spans && $tokenization_log_verbose; return $markedup_s; } sub offset_adjustment { local($this, $g, $s, $offset, $snt_id, *ht, *LOG, $control) = @_; # s(tring) e.g. "can't" # g(old string) e.g. "can not" # Typically when s is a slight variation of g (e.g. with additional tokenization spaces in s) # returns mapping 0->0, 1->1, 2->2, 3->3, 6->4, 7->5 $control = "" unless defined($control); my $verbose = ($control =~ /\bverbose\b/); my $s_offset = 0; my $g_offset = 0; my @s_chars = $utf8->split_into_utf8_characters($s, "return only chars", *ht); my @g_chars = $utf8->split_into_utf8_characters($g, "return only chars", *ht); my $s_len = $#s_chars + 1; my $g_len = $#g_chars + 1; $ht{OFFSET_MAP}->{$snt_id}->{$offset}->{$s_offset} = $g_offset; $ht{OFFSET_MAP}->{$snt_id}->{$offset}->{($s_offset+$s_len)} = $g_offset+$g_len; while (($s_offset < $s_len) && ($g_offset < $g_len)) { if ($s_chars[$s_offset] eq $g_chars[$g_offset]) { $s_offset++; $g_offset++; $ht{OFFSET_MAP}->{$snt_id}->{$offset}->{$s_offset} = $g_offset; } else { my $best_gm = 0; my $best_sm = 0; my $best_match_len = 0; foreach $max_m ((1 .. 4)) { foreach $sm ((0 .. $max_m)) { $max_match_len = 0; while ((($s_index = $s_offset+$sm+$max_match_len) < $s_len) && (($g_index = $g_offset+$max_m+$max_match_len) < $g_len)) { if ($s_chars[$s_index] eq $g_chars[$g_index]) { $max_match_len++; } else { last; } } if ($max_match_len > $best_match_len) { $best_match_len = $max_match_len; $best_sm = $sm; $best_gm = $max_m; } } foreach $gm ((0 .. $max_m)) { $max_match_len = 0; while ((($s_index = $s_offset+$max_m+$max_match_len) < $s_len) && (($g_index = $g_offset+$gm+$max_match_len) < $g_len)) { if ($s_chars[$s_index] eq $g_chars[$g_index]) { $max_match_len++; } else { last; } } if ($max_match_len > $best_match_len) { $best_match_len = $max_match_len; $best_sm = $max_m; $best_gm = $gm; } } } if ($best_match_len) { $s_offset += $best_sm; $g_offset += $best_gm; $ht{OFFSET_MAP}->{$snt_id}->{$offset}->{$s_offset} = $g_offset; } else { last; } } } if ($verbose) { foreach $s_offset (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$ht{OFFSET_MAP}->{$snt_id}->{$offset}}) { my $g_offset = $ht{OFFSET_MAP}->{$snt_id}->{$offset}->{$s_offset}; print LOG " OFFSET_MAP $snt_id.$offset $s/$g $s_offset -> $g_offset\n" if $tokenization_log_verbose; } } } sub length_in_utf8_chars { local($this, $s) = @_; $s =~ s/[\x80-\xBF]//g; $s =~ s/[\x00-\x7F\xC0-\xFF]/c/g; return length($s); } sub split_into_utf8_characters { local($this, $text) = @_; # "return only chars; return trailing whitespaces" @characters = (); while (($char, $rest) = ($text =~ /^(.[\x80-\xBF]*)(.*)$/)) { push(@characters, $char); $text = $rest; } return @characters; } sub first_char_of_string { local($this, $s) = @_; $s =~ s/^(.[\x80-\xBF]*).*$/$1/; return $s; } sub last_char_of_string { local($this, $s) = @_; $s =~ s/^.*([^\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]*)$/$1/; return $s; } sub first_n_chars_of_string { local($this, $s, $n) = @_; $s =~ s/^((?:.[\x80-\xBF]*){$n,$n}).*$/$1/; return $s; } sub last_n_chars_of_string { local($this, $s, $n) = @_; $s =~ s/^.*((?:[^\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]*){$n,$n})$/$1/; return $s; } 1;