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# *** Custom Functions
# *** Will somewhere need to define a list TRUTHS of all valid auxliary truths
struct Transformation
type::Integer # 1 is symmetry, 2 is zero, 3 is equality
Transformation(type::Integer, params::Array{Int32}) = new(type, params)
Transformation(type::Integer, params::Array{Int64}) = new(type, params)
struct Truth
Truth(transformation::Transformation, weights::Array{Float32}) = new(transformation, weights)
Truth(type::Int64, params::Array{Int64}, weights::Array{Float32}) = new(Transformation(type, params), weights)
Truth(transformation::Transformation, weights::Array{Float64}) = new(transformation, weights)
Truth(type::Int64, params::Array{Int64}, weights::Array{Float64}) = new(Transformation(type, params), weights)
# Returns a linear combination when given X of shape nxd, y of shape nx1 is f(x) and w of shape d+2x1, result is shape nx1
function LinearPrediction(cX::Array{Float32}, cy::Array{Float32}, w::Array{Float32})::Array{Float32}
preds = 0
for i in 1:ndims(cX)
preds = preds .+ cX[:,i].*w[i]
preds = preds .+ cy.*w[ndims(cX)+1]
return preds .+ w[ndims(cX)+2]
# Returns a copy of the data with the two specified columns swapped
function swapColumns(cX::Array{Float32, 2}, a::Integer, b::Integer)::Array{Float32, 2}
X1 = copy(cX)
X1[:, a] = cX[:, b]
X1[:, b] = cX[:, a]
return X1
# Returns a copy of the data with the specified integers in the list set to value given
function setVal(cX::Array{Float32, 2}, a::Array{Int32, 1}, val::Float32)::Array{Float32, 2}
X1 = copy(cX)
for i in 1:size(a)[1]
X1[:, a[i]] = fill!(cX[:, a[i]], val)
return X1
# Returns a copy of the data with the specified integer indices in the list set to the first item of that list
function setEq(cX::Array{Float32, 2}, a::Array{Int32, 1})::Array{Float32, 2}
X1 = copy(cX)
val = X1[:, a[1]]
for i in 1:size(a)[1]
X1[:, a[i]] = val
return X1
# Takes in a dataset and returns the transformed version of it as per the specified type and parameters
function transform(cX::Array{Float32, 2}, transformation::Transformation)::Array{Float32, 2}
if transformation.type==1 # then symmetry
a = transformation.params[1]
b = transformation.params[2]
return swapColumns(cX, a, b)
elseif transformation.type==2 # then zero condition
return setVal(cX, transformation.params, Float32(0))
elseif transformation.type == 3 # then equality condition
return setEq(cX, transformation.params)
else # Then error return X
return cX
function transform(cX::Array{Float32, 2}, truth::Truth)::Array{Float32, 2}
return transform(cX, truth.transformation)
# Takes in X that has been transformed and returns what the Truth projects the target values should be
function truthPrediction(X_transformed::Array{Float32, 2}, cy::Array{Float32}, truth::Truth)::Array{Float32}
return LinearPrediction(X_transformed, cy, truth.weights)