# A list of members of the population, with easy constructors, | |
# which allow for random generation of new populations | |
mutable struct Population | |
members::Array{PopMember, 1} | |
n::Integer | |
Population(pop::Array{PopMember, 1}) = new(pop, size(pop)[1]) | |
Population(npop::Integer) = new([PopMember(genRandomTree(3)) for i=1:npop], npop) | |
Population(npop::Integer, nlength::Integer) = new([PopMember(genRandomTree(nlength)) for i=1:npop], npop) | |
end | |
# Sample 10 random members of the population, and make a new one | |
function samplePop(pop::Population)::Population | |
idx = rand(1:pop.n, ns) | |
return Population(pop.members[idx]) | |
end | |
# Sample the population, and get the best member from that sample | |
function bestOfSample(pop::Population)::PopMember | |
sample = samplePop(pop) | |
best_idx = argmin([sample.members[member].score for member=1:sample.n]) | |
return sample.members[best_idx] | |
end | |
function finalizeScores(pop::Population)::Population | |
need_recalculate = batching | |
if need_recalculate | |
@inbounds @simd for member=1:pop.n | |
pop.members[member].score = scoreFunc(pop.members[member].tree) | |
end | |
end | |
return pop | |
end | |
# Return best 10 examples | |
function bestSubPop(pop::Population; topn::Integer=10)::Population | |
best_idx = sortperm([pop.members[member].score for member=1:pop.n]) | |
return Population(pop.members[best_idx[1:topn]]) | |
end |