include("eureqa.jl") println("Lets try to learn (x2^2 + cos(x3) + 5) using regularized evolution from scratch") const nthreads = Threads.nthreads() println("Running with $nthreads threads") const npop = 100 const annealing = true const niterations = 30 const ncyclesperiteration = 10000 # Generate random initial populations allPops = [Population(npop, 3) for j=1:nthreads] bestScore = Inf # Repeat this many evolutions; we collect and migrate the best # each time. for k=1:niterations # Spawn threads to run indepdent evolutions, then gather them @inbounds Threads.@threads for i=1:nthreads allPops[i] = run(allPops[i], ncyclesperiteration, annealing) end # Get best 10 models from each evolution. Copy because we re-assign later. bestPops = deepcopy(Population([member for pop in allPops for member in bestSubPop(pop).members])) bestCurScoreIdx = argmin([bestPops.members[member].score for member=1:bestPops.n]) bestCurScore = bestPops.members[bestCurScoreIdx].score println(bestCurScore, " is the score for ", stringTree(bestPops.members[bestCurScoreIdx].tree)) # Migration for j=1:nthreads for k in rand(1:npop, 50) # Copy in case one gets copied twice allPops[j].members[k] = deepcopy(bestPops.members[rand(1:size(bestPops.members)[1])]) end end end