# Load YAML file param_groupings.yml: from yaml import safe_load import sys sys.path.append("..") from pysr import PySRRegressor import pysr import re from docstring_parser import parse found_params = [] def str_param_groups(param_groupings, params, cur_heading=2): global found_params # Recursively print the parameter descriptions, defaults, # with headings from the param groupings dict. if isinstance(param_groupings, list): return "\n\n".join( str_param_groups(param, params, cur_heading) for param in param_groupings ) elif isinstance(param_groupings, dict): for heading, param_grouping in param_groupings.items(): return ( f"{'#' * cur_heading} {heading}" + "\n\n" + str_param_groups(param_grouping, params, cur_heading + 1) ) elif isinstance(param_groupings, str): found_params.append(param_groupings) default_value = re.search( r"Default is `(.*)`", params[param_groupings].description ) clean_desc = re.sub(r"Default is .*", "", params[param_groupings].description) # Prepend every line with 4 spaces: clean_desc = "\n".join(" " + line for line in clean_desc.splitlines()) return ( f" - **`{param_groupings}`**" + "\n\n" + clean_desc + ( "\n\n " + f"*Default:* `{default_value.group(1)}`" if default_value else "" ) ) else: raise TypeError(f"Unexpected type {type(param_groupings)}") if __name__ == "__main__": # This is the path to the param_groupings.yml file # relative to the current file. path = "../pysr/param_groupings.yml" with open(path, "r") as f: param_groupings = safe_load(f) # This is basically a dict of lists and dicts. # Let's load in the parameter descriptions from the docstring of PySRRegressor: raw_params = parse(PySRRegressor.__doc__).params params = { param.arg_name: param for param in raw_params if param.arg_name[-1] != "_" and param.arg_name != "**kwargs" } output = str_param_groups(param_groupings, params, cur_heading=3) assert len(set(found_params) ^ set(params.keys())) == 0 print("## PySRRegressor Parameters") print(output)