"""Functions for initializing the Julia environment and installing deps.""" from juliacall import convert as jl_convert # type: ignore from .julia_import import jl jl.seval("using Serialization: Serialization") jl.seval("using PythonCall: PythonCall") def _escape_filename(filename): """Turn a path into a string with correctly escaped backslashes.""" str_repr = str(filename) str_repr = str_repr.replace("\\", "\\\\") return str_repr def _load_cluster_manager(cluster_manager): jl.seval(f"using ClusterManagers: addprocs_{cluster_manager}") return jl.seval(f"addprocs_{cluster_manager}") def jl_array(x): if x is None: return None return jl_convert(jl.Array, x) def jl_deserialize_s(s): if s is None: return s buf = jl.IOBuffer() jl.write(buf, jl_array(s)) jl.seekstart(buf) return jl.Serialization.deserialize(buf)