import { useState, KeyboardEvent, useEffect } from "react"; import { getRandomWord } from "@/lib/words"; import { motion } from "framer-motion"; import { generateAIResponse, guessWord } from "@/services/mistralService"; import { useToast } from "@/components/ui/use-toast"; import { WelcomeScreen } from "./game/WelcomeScreen"; import { WordDisplay } from "./game/WordDisplay"; import { SentenceBuilder } from "./game/SentenceBuilder"; import { GuessDisplay } from "./game/GuessDisplay"; import { GameOver } from "./game/GameOver"; type GameState = "welcome" | "showing-word" | "building-sentence" | "showing-guess" | "game-over"; export const GameContainer = () => { const [gameState, setGameState] = useState<GameState>("welcome"); const [currentWord, setCurrentWord] = useState<string>(""); const [sentence, setSentence] = useState<string[]>([]); const [playerInput, setPlayerInput] = useState<string>(""); const [isAiThinking, setIsAiThinking] = useState(false); const [aiGuess, setAiGuess] = useState<string>(""); const [successfulRounds, setSuccessfulRounds] = useState<number>(0); const [totalWords, setTotalWords] = useState<number>(0); const { toast } = useToast(); useEffect(() => { const handleKeyPress = (e: KeyboardEvent) => { if (e.key === 'Enter') { if (gameState === 'welcome') { handleStart(); } else if (gameState === 'showing-word') { handleContinue(); } else if (gameState === 'game-over' || gameState === 'showing-guess') { const correct = isGuessCorrect(); if (correct) { handleNextRound(); } else { setGameState("game-over"); } } } }; window.addEventListener('keydown', handleKeyPress as any); return () => window.removeEventListener('keydown', handleKeyPress as any); }, [gameState, aiGuess, currentWord]); const handleStart = () => { const word = getRandomWord(); setCurrentWord(word); setGameState("showing-word"); setSuccessfulRounds(0); setTotalWords(0); console.log("Game started with word:", word); }; const handlePlayerWord = async (e: React.FormEvent) => { e.preventDefault(); if (!playerInput.trim()) return; const word = playerInput.trim(); const newSentence = [...sentence, word]; setSentence(newSentence); setPlayerInput(""); setTotalWords(prev => prev + 1); setIsAiThinking(true); try { const aiWord = await generateAIResponse(currentWord, newSentence); const newSentenceWithAi = [...newSentence, aiWord]; setSentence(newSentenceWithAi); setTotalWords(prev => prev + 1); } catch (error) { console.error('Error in AI turn:', error); toast({ title: "AI Response Delayed", description: "The AI is currently busy. Please try adding another word or wait a moment.", variant: "default", }); } finally { setIsAiThinking(false); } }; const handleMakeGuess = async () => { if (sentence.length === 0) return; setIsAiThinking(true); try { const finalSentence = sentence.join(' '); const guess = await guessWord(finalSentence); setAiGuess(guess); setGameState("showing-guess"); } catch (error) { console.error('Error getting AI guess:', error); toast({ title: "AI Response Delayed", description: "The AI is currently busy. Please try again in a moment.", variant: "default", }); } finally { setIsAiThinking(false); } }; const handleNextRound = () => { if (handleGuessComplete()) { const word = getRandomWord(); setCurrentWord(word); setGameState("showing-word"); setSentence([]); setAiGuess(""); console.log("Next round started with word:", word); } else { setGameState("game-over"); } }; const handlePlayAgain = () => { setGameState("welcome"); setSentence([]); setAiGuess(""); setCurrentWord(""); setSuccessfulRounds(0); setTotalWords(0); }; const handleContinue = () => { setGameState("building-sentence"); setSentence([]); }; const isGuessCorrect = () => { return aiGuess.toLowerCase() === currentWord.toLowerCase(); }; const handleGuessComplete = () => { if (isGuessCorrect()) { setSuccessfulRounds(prev => prev + 1); return true; } return false; }; const getAverageWordsPerRound = () => { if (successfulRounds === 0) return 0; return totalWords / (successfulRounds + 1); // The total words include the ones in the failed last round, so we also count it in the denominator }; return ( <div className="flex min-h-screen items-center justify-center p-4"> <motion.div initial={{ opacity: 0, y: 20 }} animate={{ opacity: 1, y: 0 }} className="w-full max-w-md rounded-xl bg-white p-8 shadow-lg" > {gameState === "welcome" ? ( <WelcomeScreen onStart={handleStart} /> ) : gameState === "showing-word" ? ( <WordDisplay currentWord={currentWord} successfulRounds={successfulRounds} onContinue={handleContinue} /> ) : gameState === "building-sentence" ? ( <SentenceBuilder currentWord={currentWord} successfulRounds={successfulRounds} sentence={sentence} playerInput={playerInput} isAiThinking={isAiThinking} onInputChange={setPlayerInput} onSubmitWord={handlePlayerWord} onMakeGuess={handleMakeGuess} /> ) : gameState === "showing-guess" ? ( <GuessDisplay sentence={sentence} aiGuess={aiGuess} currentWord={currentWord} onNextRound={handleNextRound} onPlayAgain={handlePlayAgain} currentScore={successfulRounds} avgWordsPerRound={getAverageWordsPerRound()} /> ) : gameState === "game-over" ? ( <GameOver successfulRounds={successfulRounds} onPlayAgain={handlePlayAgain} /> ) : null} </motion.div> </div> ); };