import utils, os |
hps = utils.get_hparams(stage=2) |
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = hps.train.gpu_numbers.replace("-", ",") |
import torch |
from torch.nn import functional as F |
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader |
from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter |
import torch.multiprocessing as mp |
import torch.distributed as dist, traceback |
from torch.nn.parallel import DistributedDataParallel as DDP |
from torch.cuda.amp import autocast, GradScaler |
from tqdm import tqdm |
import logging, traceback |
logging.getLogger("matplotlib").setLevel(logging.INFO) |
logging.getLogger("h5py").setLevel(logging.INFO) |
logging.getLogger("numba").setLevel(logging.INFO) |
from random import randint |
from module import commons |
from module.data_utils import ( |
TextAudioSpeakerLoader, |
TextAudioSpeakerCollate, |
DistributedBucketSampler, |
) |
from module.models import ( |
SynthesizerTrn, |
MultiPeriodDiscriminator, |
) |
from module.losses import generator_loss, discriminator_loss, feature_loss, kl_loss |
from module.mel_processing import mel_spectrogram_torch, spec_to_mel_torch |
from process_ckpt import savee |
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False |
torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = False |
torch.backends.cuda.matmul.allow_tf32 = True |
torch.backends.cudnn.allow_tf32 = True |
torch.set_float32_matmul_precision("medium") |
global_step = 0 |
def main(): |
"""Assume Single Node Multi GPUs Training Only""" |
assert torch.cuda.is_available() or torch.backends.mps.is_available(), "Only GPU training is allowed." |
if torch.backends.mps.is_available(): |
n_gpus = 1 |
else: |
n_gpus = torch.cuda.device_count() |
os.environ["MASTER_ADDR"] = "localhost" |
os.environ["MASTER_PORT"] = str(randint(20000, 55555)) |
mp.spawn( |
run, |
nprocs=n_gpus, |
args=( |
n_gpus, |
hps, |
), |
) |
def run(rank, n_gpus, hps): |
global global_step |
if rank == 0: |
logger = utils.get_logger(hps.data.exp_dir) |
logger.info(hps) |
writer = SummaryWriter(log_dir=hps.s2_ckpt_dir) |
writer_eval = SummaryWriter(log_dir=os.path.join(hps.s2_ckpt_dir, "eval")) |
dist.init_process_group( |
backend = "gloo" if os.name == "nt" or torch.backends.mps.is_available() else "nccl", |
init_method="env://", |
world_size=n_gpus, |
rank=rank, |
) |
torch.manual_seed(hps.train.seed) |
if torch.cuda.is_available(): |
torch.cuda.set_device(rank) |
train_dataset = TextAudioSpeakerLoader(hps.data) |
train_sampler = DistributedBucketSampler( |
train_dataset, |
hps.train.batch_size, |
[ |
32, |
300, |
400, |
500, |
600, |
700, |
800, |
900, |
1000, |
1100, |
1200, |
1300, |
1400, |
1500, |
1600, |
1700, |
1800, |
1900, |
], |
num_replicas=n_gpus, |
rank=rank, |
shuffle=True, |
) |
collate_fn = TextAudioSpeakerCollate() |
train_loader = DataLoader( |
train_dataset, |
num_workers=6, |
shuffle=False, |
pin_memory=True, |
collate_fn=collate_fn, |
batch_sampler=train_sampler, |
persistent_workers=True, |
prefetch_factor=16, |
) |
net_g = SynthesizerTrn( |
hps.data.filter_length // 2 + 1, |
hps.train.segment_size // hps.data.hop_length, |
n_speakers=hps.data.n_speakers, |
**hps.model, |
).cuda(rank) if torch.cuda.is_available() else SynthesizerTrn( |
hps.data.filter_length // 2 + 1, |
hps.train.segment_size // hps.data.hop_length, |
n_speakers=hps.data.n_speakers, |
**hps.model, |
).to("mps") |
net_d = MultiPeriodDiscriminator(hps.model.use_spectral_norm).cuda(rank) if torch.cuda.is_available() else MultiPeriodDiscriminator(hps.model.use_spectral_norm).to("mps") |
for name, param in net_g.named_parameters(): |
if not param.requires_grad: |
print(name, "not requires_grad") |
te_p = list(map(id, net_g.enc_p.text_embedding.parameters())) |
et_p = list(map(id, net_g.enc_p.encoder_text.parameters())) |
mrte_p = list(map(id, net_g.enc_p.mrte.parameters())) |
base_params = filter( |
lambda p: id(p) not in te_p + et_p + mrte_p and p.requires_grad, |
net_g.parameters(), |
) |
optim_g = torch.optim.AdamW( |
[ |
{"params": base_params, "lr": hps.train.learning_rate}, |
{ |
"params": net_g.enc_p.text_embedding.parameters(), |
"lr": hps.train.learning_rate * hps.train.text_low_lr_rate, |
}, |
{ |
"params": net_g.enc_p.encoder_text.parameters(), |
"lr": hps.train.learning_rate * hps.train.text_low_lr_rate, |
}, |
{ |
"params": net_g.enc_p.mrte.parameters(), |
"lr": hps.train.learning_rate * hps.train.text_low_lr_rate, |
}, |
], |
hps.train.learning_rate, |
betas=hps.train.betas, |
eps=hps.train.eps, |
) |
optim_d = torch.optim.AdamW( |
net_d.parameters(), |
hps.train.learning_rate, |
betas=hps.train.betas, |
eps=hps.train.eps, |
) |
if torch.cuda.is_available(): |
net_g = DDP(net_g, device_ids=[rank], find_unused_parameters=True) |
net_d = DDP(net_d, device_ids=[rank], find_unused_parameters=True) |
else: |
net_g = net_g.to("mps") |
net_d = net_d.to("mps") |
try: |
_, _, _, epoch_str = utils.load_checkpoint( |
utils.latest_checkpoint_path("%s/logs_s2" % hps.data.exp_dir, "D_*.pth"), |
net_d, |
optim_d, |
) |
if rank == 0: |
logger.info("loaded D") |
_, _, _, epoch_str = utils.load_checkpoint( |
utils.latest_checkpoint_path("%s/logs_s2" % hps.data.exp_dir, "G_*.pth"), |
net_g, |
optim_g, |
) |
global_step = (epoch_str - 1) * len(train_loader) |
except: |
epoch_str = 1 |
global_step = 0 |
if hps.train.pretrained_s2G != "": |
if rank == 0: |
logger.info("loaded pretrained %s" % hps.train.pretrained_s2G) |
print( |
net_g.module.load_state_dict( |
torch.load(hps.train.pretrained_s2G, map_location="cpu")["weight"], |
strict=False, |
) if torch.cuda.is_available() else net_g.load_state_dict( |
torch.load(hps.train.pretrained_s2G, map_location="cpu")["weight"], |
strict=False, |
) |
) |
if hps.train.pretrained_s2D != "": |
if rank == 0: |
logger.info("loaded pretrained %s" % hps.train.pretrained_s2D) |
print( |
net_d.module.load_state_dict( |
torch.load(hps.train.pretrained_s2D, map_location="cpu")["weight"] |
) if torch.cuda.is_available() else net_d.load_state_dict( |
torch.load(hps.train.pretrained_s2D, map_location="cpu")["weight"] |
) |
) |
scheduler_g = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ExponentialLR( |
optim_g, gamma=hps.train.lr_decay, last_epoch=-1 |
) |
scheduler_d = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ExponentialLR( |
optim_d, gamma=hps.train.lr_decay, last_epoch=-1 |
) |
for _ in range(epoch_str): |
scheduler_g.step() |
scheduler_d.step() |
scaler = GradScaler(enabled=hps.train.fp16_run) |
for epoch in range(epoch_str, hps.train.epochs + 1): |
if rank == 0: |
train_and_evaluate( |
rank, |
epoch, |
hps, |
[net_g, net_d], |
[optim_g, optim_d], |
[scheduler_g, scheduler_d], |
scaler, |
[train_loader, None], |
logger, |
[writer, writer_eval], |
) |
else: |
train_and_evaluate( |
rank, |
epoch, |
hps, |
[net_g, net_d], |
[optim_g, optim_d], |
[scheduler_g, scheduler_d], |
scaler, |
[train_loader, None], |
None, |
None, |
) |
scheduler_g.step() |
scheduler_d.step() |
def train_and_evaluate( |
rank, epoch, hps, nets, optims, schedulers, scaler, loaders, logger, writers |
): |
net_g, net_d = nets |
optim_g, optim_d = optims |
train_loader, eval_loader = loaders |
if writers is not None: |
writer, writer_eval = writers |
train_loader.batch_sampler.set_epoch(epoch) |
global global_step |
net_g.train() |
net_d.train() |
for batch_idx, ( |
ssl, |
ssl_lengths, |
spec, |
spec_lengths, |
y, |
y_lengths, |
text, |
text_lengths, |
) in tqdm(enumerate(train_loader)): |
if torch.cuda.is_available(): |
spec, spec_lengths = spec.cuda(rank, non_blocking=True), spec_lengths.cuda( |
rank, non_blocking=True |
) |
y, y_lengths = y.cuda(rank, non_blocking=True), y_lengths.cuda( |
rank, non_blocking=True |
) |
ssl = ssl.cuda(rank, non_blocking=True) |
ssl.requires_grad = False |
text, text_lengths = text.cuda(rank, non_blocking=True), text_lengths.cuda( |
rank, non_blocking=True |
) |
else: |
spec, spec_lengths = spec.to("mps"), spec_lengths.to("mps") |
y, y_lengths = y.to("mps"), y_lengths.to("mps") |
ssl = ssl.to("mps") |
ssl.requires_grad = False |
text, text_lengths = text.to("mps"), text_lengths.to("mps") |
with autocast(enabled=hps.train.fp16_run): |
( |
y_hat, |
kl_ssl, |
ids_slice, |
x_mask, |
z_mask, |
(z, z_p, m_p, logs_p, m_q, logs_q), |
stats_ssl, |
) = net_g(ssl, spec, spec_lengths, text, text_lengths) |
mel = spec_to_mel_torch( |
spec, |
hps.data.filter_length, |
hps.data.n_mel_channels, |
hps.data.sampling_rate, |
hps.data.mel_fmin, |
hps.data.mel_fmax, |
) |
y_mel = commons.slice_segments( |
mel, ids_slice, hps.train.segment_size // hps.data.hop_length |
) |
y_hat_mel = mel_spectrogram_torch( |
y_hat.squeeze(1), |
hps.data.filter_length, |
hps.data.n_mel_channels, |
hps.data.sampling_rate, |
hps.data.hop_length, |
hps.data.win_length, |
hps.data.mel_fmin, |
hps.data.mel_fmax, |
) |
y = commons.slice_segments( |
y, ids_slice * hps.data.hop_length, hps.train.segment_size |
) |
y_d_hat_r, y_d_hat_g, _, _ = net_d(y, y_hat.detach()) |
with autocast(enabled=False): |
loss_disc, losses_disc_r, losses_disc_g = discriminator_loss( |
y_d_hat_r, y_d_hat_g |
) |
loss_disc_all = loss_disc |
optim_d.zero_grad() |
scaler.scale(loss_disc_all).backward() |
scaler.unscale_(optim_d) |
grad_norm_d = commons.clip_grad_value_(net_d.parameters(), None) |
scaler.step(optim_d) |
with autocast(enabled=hps.train.fp16_run): |
y_d_hat_r, y_d_hat_g, fmap_r, fmap_g = net_d(y, y_hat) |
with autocast(enabled=False): |
loss_mel = F.l1_loss(y_mel, y_hat_mel) * hps.train.c_mel |
loss_kl = kl_loss(z_p, logs_q, m_p, logs_p, z_mask) * hps.train.c_kl |
loss_fm = feature_loss(fmap_r, fmap_g) |
loss_gen, losses_gen = generator_loss(y_d_hat_g) |
loss_gen_all = loss_gen + loss_fm + loss_mel + kl_ssl * 1 + loss_kl |
optim_g.zero_grad() |
scaler.scale(loss_gen_all).backward() |
scaler.unscale_(optim_g) |
grad_norm_g = commons.clip_grad_value_(net_g.parameters(), None) |
scaler.step(optim_g) |
scaler.update() |
if rank == 0: |
if global_step % hps.train.log_interval == 0: |
lr = optim_g.param_groups[0]["lr"] |
losses = [loss_disc, loss_gen, loss_fm, loss_mel, kl_ssl, loss_kl] |
logger.info( |
"Train Epoch: {} [{:.0f}%]".format( |
epoch, 100.0 * batch_idx / len(train_loader) |
) |
) |
logger.info([x.item() for x in losses] + [global_step, lr]) |
scalar_dict = { |
"loss/g/total": loss_gen_all, |
"loss/d/total": loss_disc_all, |
"learning_rate": lr, |
"grad_norm_d": grad_norm_d, |
"grad_norm_g": grad_norm_g, |
} |
scalar_dict.update( |
{ |
"loss/g/fm": loss_fm, |
"loss/g/mel": loss_mel, |
"loss/g/kl_ssl": kl_ssl, |
"loss/g/kl": loss_kl, |
} |
) |
image_dict = { |
"slice/mel_org": utils.plot_spectrogram_to_numpy( |
y_mel[0].data.cpu().numpy() |
), |
"slice/mel_gen": utils.plot_spectrogram_to_numpy( |
y_hat_mel[0].data.cpu().numpy() |
), |
"all/mel": utils.plot_spectrogram_to_numpy( |
mel[0].data.cpu().numpy() |
), |
"all/stats_ssl": utils.plot_spectrogram_to_numpy( |
stats_ssl[0].data.cpu().numpy() |
), |
} |
utils.summarize( |
writer=writer, |
global_step=global_step, |
images=image_dict, |
scalars=scalar_dict, |
) |
global_step += 1 |
if epoch % hps.train.save_every_epoch == 0 and rank == 0: |
if hps.train.if_save_latest == 0: |
utils.save_checkpoint( |
net_g, |
optim_g, |
hps.train.learning_rate, |
epoch, |
os.path.join( |
"%s/logs_s2" % hps.data.exp_dir, "G_{}.pth".format(global_step) |
), |
) |
utils.save_checkpoint( |
net_d, |
optim_d, |
hps.train.learning_rate, |
epoch, |
os.path.join( |
"%s/logs_s2" % hps.data.exp_dir, "D_{}.pth".format(global_step) |
), |
) |
else: |
utils.save_checkpoint( |
net_g, |
optim_g, |
hps.train.learning_rate, |
epoch, |
os.path.join( |
"%s/logs_s2" % hps.data.exp_dir, "G_{}.pth".format(233333333333) |
), |
) |
utils.save_checkpoint( |
net_d, |
optim_d, |
hps.train.learning_rate, |
epoch, |
os.path.join( |
"%s/logs_s2" % hps.data.exp_dir, "D_{}.pth".format(233333333333) |
), |
) |
if rank == 0 and hps.train.if_save_every_weights == True: |
if hasattr(net_g, "module"): |
ckpt = net_g.module.state_dict() |
else: |
ckpt = net_g.state_dict() |
logger.info( |
"saving ckpt %s_e%s:%s" |
% ( |
hps.name, |
epoch, |
savee( |
ckpt, |
hps.name + "_e%s_s%s" % (epoch, global_step), |
epoch, |
global_step, |
hps, |
), |
) |
) |
if rank == 0: |
logger.info("====> Epoch: {}".format(epoch)) |
def evaluate(hps, generator, eval_loader, writer_eval): |
generator.eval() |
image_dict = {} |
audio_dict = {} |
print("Evaluating ...") |
with torch.no_grad(): |
for batch_idx, ( |
ssl, |
ssl_lengths, |
spec, |
spec_lengths, |
y, |
y_lengths, |
text, |
text_lengths, |
) in enumerate(eval_loader): |
print(111) |
if torch.cuda.is_available(): |
spec, spec_lengths = spec.cuda(), spec_lengths.cuda() |
y, y_lengths = y.cuda(), y_lengths.cuda() |
ssl = ssl.cuda() |
text, text_lengths = text.cuda(), text_lengths.cuda() |
else: |
spec, spec_lengths = spec.to("mps"), spec_lengths.to("mps") |
y, y_lengths = y.to("mps"), y_lengths.to("mps") |
ssl = ssl.to("mps") |
text, text_lengths = text.to("mps"), text_lengths.to("mps") |
for test in [0, 1]: |
y_hat, mask, *_ = generator.module.infer( |
ssl, spec, spec_lengths, text, text_lengths, test=test |
) if torch.cuda.is_available() else generator.infer( |
ssl, spec, spec_lengths, text, text_lengths, test=test |
) |
y_hat_lengths = mask.sum([1, 2]).long() * hps.data.hop_length |
mel = spec_to_mel_torch( |
spec, |
hps.data.filter_length, |
hps.data.n_mel_channels, |
hps.data.sampling_rate, |
hps.data.mel_fmin, |
hps.data.mel_fmax, |
) |
y_hat_mel = mel_spectrogram_torch( |
y_hat.squeeze(1).float(), |
hps.data.filter_length, |
hps.data.n_mel_channels, |
hps.data.sampling_rate, |
hps.data.hop_length, |
hps.data.win_length, |
hps.data.mel_fmin, |
hps.data.mel_fmax, |
) |
image_dict.update( |
{ |
f"gen/mel_{batch_idx}_{test}": utils.plot_spectrogram_to_numpy( |
y_hat_mel[0].cpu().numpy() |
) |
} |
) |
audio_dict.update( |
{f"gen/audio_{batch_idx}_{test}": y_hat[0, :, : y_hat_lengths[0]]} |
) |
image_dict.update( |
{ |
f"gt/mel_{batch_idx}": utils.plot_spectrogram_to_numpy( |
mel[0].cpu().numpy() |
) |
} |
) |
audio_dict.update({f"gt/audio_{batch_idx}": y[0, :, : y_lengths[0]]}) |
utils.summarize( |
writer=writer_eval, |
global_step=global_step, |
images=image_dict, |
audios=audio_dict, |
audio_sampling_rate=hps.data.sampling_rate, |
) |
generator.train() |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
main() |