annotation /
MudeHui's picture
Add application file
import os
import cv2
import numpy as np
import time
from tqdm import tqdm
import random
# from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon
from numpy.linalg import svd
from collections import namedtuple
from vis_common import get_logger
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Type, Union
logger = get_logger('v_utils')
import pdb
b = pdb.set_trace
IMAGE_EXTS = ['jpg', 'png', 'jpeg', 'JPG', 'PNG', 'JPEG']
(0.12156862745098039, 0.4666666666666667, 0.7058823529411765),
(0.6823529411764706, 0.7803921568627451, 0.9098039215686274),
(1.0, 0.4980392156862745, 0.054901960784313725),
(1.0, 0.7333333333333333, 0.47058823529411764),
(0.17254901960784313, 0.6274509803921569, 0.17254901960784313),
(0.596078431372549, 0.8745098039215686, 0.5411764705882353),
(0.8392156862745098, 0.15294117647058825, 0.1568627450980392),
(1.0, 0.596078431372549, 0.5882352941176471),
(0.5803921568627451, 0.403921568627451, 0.7411764705882353),
(0.7725490196078432, 0.6901960784313725, 0.8352941176470589),
(0.5490196078431373, 0.33725490196078434, 0.29411764705882354),
(0.7686274509803922, 0.611764705882353, 0.5803921568627451),
(0.8901960784313725, 0.4666666666666667, 0.7607843137254902),
(0.9686274509803922, 0.7137254901960784, 0.8235294117647058),
(0.4980392156862745, 0.4980392156862745, 0.4980392156862745),
(0.7803921568627451, 0.7803921568627451, 0.7803921568627451),
(0.7372549019607844, 0.7411764705882353, 0.13333333333333333),
(0.8588235294117647, 0.8588235294117647, 0.5529411764705883),
(0.09019607843137255, 0.7450980392156863, 0.8117647058823529),
(0.6196078431372549, 0.8549019607843137, 0.8980392156862745),
def check_file_in_paths(paths, filename):
for path in paths:
file = os.path.join(path, filename)
if os.path.exists(file):
return True
return False
def clean_backslash(dir):
while dir[-1] == '/':
dir = dir[:-1]
return dir
def odgt2txt(odgt_file,
import io_utils as io_uts
odgt = io_uts.load_odgt(odgt_file)
f = open(txt_file, 'w')
for item in odgt:
string = f"{item[image_key]} {item[segment_key]}\n"
def single_thresh(args, mark_ignore=True):
threshold 255, 128, 0 type of label for a binary label
image_name, label_name, out_label_name = args
image = cv2.imread(image_name, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
mask_org = cv2.imread(label_name, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
if not (image.shape[0] / image.shape[1] == mask_org.shape[0] / mask_org.shape[1]):
# rotate match
if mask_org.shape[1] / mask_org.shape[0] == image.shape[0] / image.shape[1]:
mask_org = cv2.rotate(mask_org, cv2.cv2.ROTATE_90_CLOCKWISE)
print(image_name, label_name, f"shape not match {mask_org.shape} vs {image.shape}")
print(image_name, label_name, "shape not match even rotation")
assert False
name = basename(label_name)
if mask_org.ndim == 3:
mask_org = mask_org[:, :, 0]
mask = np.zeros_like(mask_org)
mask[mask_org > 172] = 1
if mark_ignore:
ignore_region = np.logical_and(
mask_org <= 172,
mask_org >= 70)
mask[ignore_region] = 255
cv2.imwrite(out_label_name, np.uint8(mask))
def find_file_w_exts(filename, exts, w_dot=False):
appex = '.' if w_dot else ''
for ext in exts:
if os.path.exists(f"{filename}{appex}{ext}"):
return True, f"{filename}{appex}{ext}"
return False, None
def seg_folder_to_txt(image_folder, label_folder, root,
exts = ['jpg', 'png', 'jpeg']
image_files = list_all_files(image_folder, exts)
f = open(output_file, 'w')
for image_file in tqdm(image_files):
image_name = basename(image_file)
label_file = f"{label_folder}/{image_name}.png"
assert os.path.exists(label_file), f"{image_file} {label_file}"
image_file = image_file.replace(root, '.')
label_file = label_file.replace(root, '.')
string = f"{image_file} {label_file}\n"
def wait_for_file(filename, step=5.0):
count = 0.0
while not os.path.exists():
count += step
print(f"found {filename} after {count}s")
def get_trimap_by_binary(img, eradius=20, dradius=20):
kernel = np.ones((radius, radius),np.uint8)
erosion = cv2.erode(img, kernel, iterations = 1)
dilation = cv2.dilate(img, kernel, iterations = 1)
trimap = img.copy()
mask = np.logical_and(dilation > 0, erosion == 0)
trimap[mask] = 128
return trimap
def get_matting_trimap(segment, eradius = 30, dradius = 30):
# find the highest box, dilate segment
dilate_ker = np.ones((dradius, dradius), np.uint8)
shrink_ker = np.ones((eradius, eradius), np.uint8)
segment_out = cv2.dilate(segment, dilate_ker, iterations=1)
segment_in = cv2.erode(segment, shrink_ker, iterations=1)
segment_image = np.zeros_like(segment, dtype=np.uint8)
segment_image[segment_out > 0] = 128
segment_image[segment_in > 0] = 255
return segment_image
def get_trimap_by_thresh():
def Mat2EulerImage(mat: np.ndarray, Image):
channel = 1 if mat.ndim == 2 else mat.shape[-1]
return Image(
def EulerImagetoMat(res, channel=1):
for euler thrift, usually a image is set as
struct Image {
1: binary data, // cv::imencode(".png", image), should be bgr image
2: i32 rows,
3: i32 cols,
4: i32 channel
here we transform back
data =
if channel > 1:
return np.fromstring(data, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(
(res.rows, res.cols, channel))
return np.fromstring(data, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(
(res.rows, res.cols))
encode the name of an image with chinese
class NameCoder():
def __init__(self, root_dir):
self.root_dir = root_dir
def __call__(self, name):
import pinyin as py
return py.get(name.replace(
self.root_dir, '').replace('/', '_').replace(' ', '_'),
def basename(path):
return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]
def ext(path):
return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[1][1:]
def get_cur_abs_path(some_file):
return os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(some_file))
def list_all_files(directory, exts=None, recursive=True):
import glob
all_files = []
if exts is None:
for ext in exts:
if not recursive:
files = glob.glob("%s/*%s" % (directory, ext),
files = glob.glob("%s/**/*%s" % (directory, ext),
all_files = all_files + files
all_files = sorted(all_files)
return all_files
def list_all_folders(directory):
import glob
folders = glob.glob(f"{directory}/*/")
return folders
def list_all(folder, exts=None, recur=False):
if exts is None:
return list_all_folders(folder)
return list_all_files(folder, exts, recur)
def split_path(folder):
blocks = folder.split('/')
return [name for name in blocks if name != '']
def dump_image(pred, res_file, score=True, dim='CHW'):
if score:
dump_prob2image(res_file, pred, dim=dim)
res_file = res_file + '.png'
cv2.imwrite(res_file, np.uint8(pred))
def dump_prob2image(filename, array, dim='CHW'):
dump probility map to image when
array: [x, height, width] (x = 1, 3, 4)
if dim == 'CHW':
array = np.transpose(np.uint8(array * 255), (1, 2, 0))
class_num = array.shape[2]
# assert class_num <= 4
if class_num >= 4 :
print('warning: only save the first 3 channels')
array = array[:, :, :3]
if class_num == 2:
array = array[:, :, 1]
cv2.imwrite(filename + '.png', array)
def load_image2prob(filename):
if not filename.endswith('.png'):
filename = filename + '.png'
array = cv2.imread(filename, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
array = np.transpose(array, (2, 0, 1)) / 255
return array
def mask2box(mask):
t, l, b, r
y0, x0, y1, x1
y, x = np.where(mask > 0)
return [np.min(y), np.min(x), np.max(y), np.max(x)]
def dilate_mask(mask, kernel=20):
mask = np.uint8(mask)
kernel = np.ones((kernel, kernel), np.uint8)
mask_out = cv2.dilate(mask, kernel, iterations=1)
return mask_out
def erode_mask(mask, kernel=20):
kernel = np.ones((kernel, kernel), np.uint8)
mask_out = cv2.erode(mask, kernel, iterations=1)
return mask_out
def pack_argument(args, arg_names):
args: object of all arguments
arg_names: list of string name for needed arguments
kwargs = {}
for arg_name in arg_names:
cur_args = getattr(args, arg_name) if hasattr(args, arg_name) else None
if cur_args:
kwargs[arg_name] = cur_args
return kwargs
def line_segment_cross(seg1, seg2):
:param seg1: [start, end]
:param seg2: [start, end]
True if cross, false otherwise
def ccw(A, B, C):
return (C.y - A.y) * (B.x - A.x) > (B.y - A.y) * (C.x - A.x)
# Return true if line segments AB and CD intersect
def intersect(A, B, C, D):
return ccw(A, C, D) != ccw(B, C, D) and ccw(A, B, C) != ccw(A, B, D)
Point = namedtuple('Point', 'x y')
A = Point(seg1[0][0], seg1[0][1])
B = Point(seg1[1][0], seg1[1][1])
C = Point(seg2[0][0], seg2[0][1])
D = Point(seg2[1][0], seg2[1][1])
return intersect(A, B, C, D)
def pts_in_line(pts, lines, th=10):
pts: [x, y]
lines: [[x0, y0, x1, y1]]
count = 0
for line in lines:
x, y = pts
x0, y0, x1, y1 = line
dir0 = np.array([x - x0, y - y0])
dir1 = np.array([x1 - x0, y1 - y0])
diff = min(angle_diff(dir0, dir1),
angle_diff(-1 * dir0, dir1))
if diff < th:
count += 1
return count
def out_of_bound(pt, sz):
x, y = pt
h, w = sz
return x < 0 or y < 0 or x >= w or y >= h
def pts_in_mask(pts, mask, allow_out=True):
pts: n x 2 x, y location
return len n mask
idx = np.zeros(pts.shape[0]) > 0
for i, pt in enumerate(pts):
x, y = pt
if out_of_bound(pt, mask.shape):
if mask[y, x] > 0:
idx[i] = True
return idx
def pts_in_poly(pts, poly, sz):
pts: n x 2 x, y location
return len n mask
mask = np.ones(sz)
return pts_in_mask(pts, mask)
def line_intersect_pt(lines: np.array, randsac=True):
lines: n x 4, [s, e] of line
return: intersect_pt, is_parallel
if lines.shape[0] < 2:
raise ValueError('not enough line')
num = lines.shape[0]
line_id0 = 0
max_correct = 2
best_vp = None
for line_id0 in range(num):
for i in range(num):
if i == line_id0:
lines_cur = lines[[line_id0, i], :]
N = 2
p1 = np.column_stack((lines_cur[:, :2], np.ones(N, dtype=np.float32)))
p2 = np.column_stack((lines_cur[:, 2:], np.ones(N, dtype=np.float32)))
cross_p = np.cross(p1, p2)
vp1 = np.cross(cross_p[0], cross_p[1])
if vp1[2] < 1e-5:
vp1 /= vp1[2]
correct = pts_in_line(vp1[:2], lines)
if max_correct <= correct:
best_vp = vp1[:2]
max_correct = correct
if best_vp is not None:
return best_vp, False
return None, True
def angle_diff(ba, bc, axis=None):
norma = np.linalg.norm(ba, axis=axis)
normb = np.linalg.norm(bc, axis=axis)
dot_prod = np.sum(ba * bc, axis=axis)
cosine_angle = dot_prod / (norma * normb)
angle = np.arccos(cosine_angle) * 180.0 / np.pi
return angle
def on_right_side(rect, sz):
# judge whether rect side
h, w = sz
cx = w // 2
return all([pt[0] >= cx for pt in rect])
def pts_angle(pts):
pts [3 x 2]
ba = pts[0] - pts[1]
bc = pts[2] - pts[1]
angle = angle_diff(ba, bc)
return angle
def sample_points(mask, num_points=100):
# Get the indices where mask values are greater than 0
indices = np.argwhere(mask > 0)
# Randomly select num_points indices
selected_indices = np.random.choice(indices.shape[0], size=num_points, replace=False)
# Get the selected points
selected_points = indices[selected_indices]
return selected_points
def valid_para_ratio(pts, th=5):
pts: [4 x 2]
def valid_ratio(ratio):
return 1.0 / th < ratio < th
ratio0 = line_len(pts[0], pts[1]) / line_len(pts[2], pts[3])
if not valid_ratio(ratio0):
return False
ratio1 = line_len(pts[1], pts[2]) / line_len(pts[3], pts[0])
if not valid_ratio(ratio1):
return False
return True
def line_len(pt0, pt1):
pt0, 1: [1x2]
return np.linalg.norm(pt0 - pt1)
def split_list(seq, part):
split a list to sub lists
size = len(seq) / part + 1 if part > 0 else 1
size = int(size)
return [seq[i:i+size] for i in range(0, len(seq), size)]
def find_portion(mask, portion_x, portion_y, th=0):
if mask.ndim > 2:
raise ValueError(f"mask must be 2 dim, now {mask.ndim}")
y, x = np.where(mask > th)
x = np.percentile(x, portion_x)
y = np.percentile(y, portion_y)
return int(x), int(y)
def random_split(num, portion=0.1, max_num=1000):
num: length of list
max_num is val num
train, val list
val_num = min(portion * num, max_num)
val_num = int(val_num)
idx = [i for i in range(num)]
return idx[val_num:], idx[:val_num]
def shuffle_list(list_in):
return random.shuffle(list_in)
def pick(lst, idx):
return [lst[i] for i in idx]
def mkdir_if_need(folder):
if not os.path.exists(folder):
def mkdir_if_exists(path, image_name):
target_path = os.path.join(path, os.path.dirname(image_name))
if not os.path.exists(target_path):
def mkdir(folder, image_name=None):
if image_name is not None:
mkdir_if_exists(folder, image_name)
return folder
return folder
def save_image_w_pallete(segment, file_name):
import PIL.Image as Image
pallete = get_pallete(256)
segmentation_result = np.uint8(segment)
segmentation_result = Image.fromarray(segmentation_result)
def get_max_size(out_size, max_len):
height, width = out_size
scale = max(height, width) / max_len
if scale > 1:
height, width = np.uint32( np.array(out_size) / scale)
return height ,width
def get_pallete(num_cls):
this function is to get the colormap for visualizing
the segmentation mask
:param num_cls: the number of visulized class
:return: the pallete
n = num_cls
pallete = [0]*(n*3)
for j in range(0,n):
lab = j
pallete[j*3+0] = 0
pallete[j*3+1] = 0
pallete[j*3+2] = 0
i = 0
while (lab > 0):
pallete[j*3+0] |= (((lab >> 0) & 1) << (7-i))
pallete[j*3+1] |= (((lab >> 1) & 1) << (7-i))
pallete[j*3+2] |= (((lab >> 2) & 1) << (7-i))
i = i + 1
lab >>= 3
return pallete
def color2label(label_color, color_map=None):
Convert color image to semantic id based on color_map
color_map = {$rgb: $label_id}
if color map is None. Then we treat 0 as background and all none
zero ids as label id
# default bkg 255
label_color = np.int32(label_color)
height, width = label_color.shape[0:2]
label = label_color[:, :, 0] * (255 ** 2) + \
label_color[:, :, 1] * 255 + \
label_color[:, :, 2]
label_id = np.unique(label)
if color_map is None:
for i, id in enumerate(label_id):
if id == 0:
mask = label == id
label[mask] = i
return label
for rgb, i in color_map.items():
cur_num = rgb[0] * (255 ** 2) + rgb[1] * 255 + rgb[2]
if cur_num in label_id:
mask = (label - cur_num) != 0
label = label * mask + i * (1 - mask)
return label
def flow2color(flow):
assert flow.shape[2] == 2
hsv = np.zeros((flow.shape[0],
flow.shape[1], 3),
hsv[...,1] = 255
mag, ang = cv2.cartToPolar(flow[...,0], flow[...,1])
hsv[...,0] = ang * 180 / np.pi / 2
hsv[...,2] = cv2.normalize(mag,None,0,255,cv2.NORM_MINMAX)
rgb = cv2.cvtColor(np.uint8(hsv), cv2.COLOR_HSV2BGR)
return hsv, rgb
def colorEncode(labelmap, colors, mode='RGB'):
labelmap = labelmap.astype('int')
labelmap_rgb = np.zeros((labelmap.shape[0], labelmap.shape[1], 3),
for label in np.unique(labelmap):
if label < 0:
labelmap_rgb += (labelmap == label)[:, :, np.newaxis] * \
(labelmap.shape[0], labelmap.shape[1], 1))
if mode == 'BGR':
return labelmap_rgb[:, :, ::-1]
return labelmap_rgb
def drawBoundingbox(image, boxes, colors=None):
boxes: t, l, b r
if colors is None:
colors = [[255, 255, 0]] * len(boxes)
for color, box in zip(colors, boxes):
box = box.astype(np.uint32)
t, l, b, r = box[0], box[1], box[2], box[3]
cv2.rectangle(image, (l, t), (r, b), color, 2)
return image
def round2stride(length, stride):
return (length // stride) * stride
def resize_rect(rect, sz_src, sz_tgt):
:param rect: n x 4 x 2 rectangles
:param sz_src: (height, width)
:param sz_tgt:
if len(rect) == 0:
return rect
height, width = sz_src
height_tgt, width_tgt = sz_tgt
rect[:, :, 0] = np.int64(rect[:, :, 0] * width_tgt / width)
rect[:, :, 1] = np.int64(rect[:, :, 1] * height_tgt / height)
return rect
def resize_lines(lines, sz_src, sz_tgt):
:param lines: [n x 4 ] each line [start (x, y), end (x, y)]
:param sz_src:
:param sz_tgt:
assert lines.shape[1] == 2
lines = lines.reshape([-1, 2, 2])
lines = resize_rect(lines, sz_src, sz_tgt)
lines = lines.reshape([-1, 4])
return lines
def resize_LShape(lShapes, sz_src, sz_tgt):
:param lShapes: [n x 6]
:param sz_src:
:param sz_tgt:
assert lShapes.shape[1] == 3
lShapes = lShapes.reshape([-1, 3, 2])
lShapes = resize_rect(lShapes, sz_src, sz_tgt)
lShapes = lShapes.reshape([-1, 6])
return lShapes
def resize_to_fix_side(image, size=960, fix_type='height'):
if fix_type == "height":
scale = size / image.shape[0]
height, width = size, int(scale * image.shape[1])
elif fix_type == "width":
scale = size / image.shape[1]
height, width = int(scale * image.shape[0]), size
raise ValueError("fix type must in [height, widht]")
image = cv2.resize(image, (width, height))
return image
def resize_like(image, src, side="all", interpolation=None):
resize image like src
shape = src.shape[:2]
if interpolation is None:
interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC
if side != "all":
size = shape[0] if side == "height" else shape[1]
image = resize_to_fix_side(image, size, fix_type=side)
return image
image = cv2.resize(image, (shape[1], shape[0]),
return image
def getmaxsize(shape, size=720, fixSide=False):
input: [h, w, c]
output: [w, h]
height, width = shape[:2]
scale = max(height, width) / size
height, width = np.uint32(np.array(shape[:2]) / scale)
if fixSide:
return (width, height)
if scale > 1:
return (width, height)
return (shape[1], shape[0])
def resize2size(images, size, interpolations=None):
:param images:
:param size: width height
:param interpolations:
if interpolations is None:
interpolations = [cv2.INTER_LINEAR for _ in range(len(images))]
for i, (image, interpolation) in enumerate(zip(images, interpolations)):
if interpolation is None:
interpolation = cv2.INTER_LINEAR
if image is None:
print(f"{i}_th image is None")
image = cv2.resize(image, tuple(size), interpolation=interpolation)
images[i] = image
return images
def resize2maxsize(image,
Constraint the maximum length of an image
fixSide: set image side must be the same as size
if interpolation is None:
interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC
image_out = image.copy()
height, width = image.shape[:2]
scale = max(height, width) / size
if image_out.dtype == 'bool':
image_out = np.uint8(image_out)
height, width = np.uint32(np.array(image.shape[:2]) / scale)
if fixSide:
image_out = cv2.resize(image_out, (width, height),
if scale > 1:
image_out = cv2.resize(image_out, (width, height),
if image.dtype == bool:
image_out = image_out > 0
return image_out
def resize2minsize(image, size=256, interpolation=None):
Constraint the minimum length of an image
if size is None:
return image
if interpolation is None:
interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC
height, width = image.shape[:2]
scale = min(height, width) / size
image_out = image.copy()
if image_out.dtype == 'bool':
image_out = np.uint8(image_out)
if scale > 1:
height, width = np.uint32(np.array(image.shape[:2]) / scale)
image_out = cv2.resize(image_out, (width, height),
if image.dtype == bool:
image_out = image_out > 0
return image_out
def resize2minsize(image, size=256, interpolation=None):
Constraint the minimum length of an image
if interpolation is None:
interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC
height, width = image.shape[:2]
scale = min(height, width) / size
image_out = image.copy()
if image_out.dtype == 'bool':
image_out = np.uint8(image_out)
if scale > 1:
height, width = np.uint32(np.array(image.shape[:2]) / scale)
image_out = cv2.resize(image_out, (width, height),
if image.dtype == bool:
image_out = image_out > 0
return image_out
def getimgsizeby(sz, size=960, fix_type='max', stride=1):
height, width = sz
if fix_type == 'min':
scale = min(height, width) / size
elif fix_type == "max":
scale = max(height, width) / size
elif fix_type == 'height':
scale = height / size
elif fix_type == 'width':
scale = width / size
height, width = np.uint32(np.float32(sz) / scale)
if stride > 1:
height = round2stride(height, stride)
width = round2stride(width, stride)
return height, width
def resize2fixSize(image, size=960, fix_type='max', interpolation=None):
if interpolation is None:
interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC
height, width = getimgsizeby(image.shape[:2], size, fix_type)
image_out = image.copy()
if image_out.dtype == 'bool':
image_out = np.uint8(image_out)
image_out = cv2.resize(image_out, (width, height),
if image.dtype == bool:
image_out = image_out > 0
return image_out
def resize2range(image, max_size=720, min_size=480,
interpolation=None, stride=None):
Constraint the maximum length of an image and min size of an image
if conf
if interpolation is None:
interpolation = cv2.INTER_LINEAR
height, width = image.shape[:2]
scale_to_max = max_size / max(height, width)
scale_to_min = min(min_size / min(height, width),
max_size / max(height, width))
image_out = image.copy()
if scale_to_max < 1:
height, width = np.uint32(np.array(image.shape[:2]) * scale_to_max)
if stride is not None:
height = round2stride(height, stride)
width = round2stride(width, stride)
image_out = cv2.resize(image_out, (width, height),
return image_out
if scale_to_min > 1:
height, width = np.uint32(np.array(image.shape[:2]) * scale_to_min)
image_out = cv2.resize(image_out, (width, height),
return image_out
return image_out
def resize2maxshape(image, shape,
shape is the target video shape
resize an image to target shape by padding zeros
when ratio is not match
def get_start_end(scale_id, height_new, width_new):
if scale_id == 0:
s_v, e_v = 0, height_new
s_h = int((shape[1] - width_new) / 2)
e_h = s_h + width_new
s_v = int((shape[0] - height_new) / 2)
e_v = s_v + height_new
s_h, e_h = 0, width_new
return s_v, e_v, s_h, e_h
if interpolation is None:
interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC
shape = list(shape)
image_shape = shape if image.ndim == 2 else shape + [image.shape[-1]]
image_out = np.zeros(image_shape) + mean_value
height, width = image.shape[:2]
scale_rate = np.array([shape[0] / height, shape[1] / width])
scale_id = np.argmin(scale_rate)
scale = scale_rate[scale_id]
image = cv2.resize(image, (int(width * scale), int(height * scale)),
height_new, width_new = image.shape[:2]
s_v, e_v, s_h, e_h = get_start_end(scale_id, height_new, width_new)
image_out[s_v:e_v, s_h:e_h] = image
crop = [s_v, s_h, e_v, e_h] # top, left, bottom, right
if not with_scale:
return image_out
return image_out, scale, crop
def bilinear_interpolation(x, y, points):
'''Interpolate (x,y) from values associated with four points.
The four points are a list of four triplets: (x, y, value).
The four points can be in any order. They should form a rectangle.
>>> bilinear_interpolation(12, 5.5,
... [(10, 4, 100),
... (20, 4, 200),
... (10, 6, 150),
... (20, 6, 300)])
# See formula at:
points = sorted(points) # order points by x, then by y
(x1, y1, q11), (_x1, y2, q12), (x2, _y1, q21), (_x2, _y2, q22) = points
if x1 != _x1 or x2 != _x2 or y1 != _y1 or y2 != _y2:
raise ValueError('points do not form a rectangle')
if not x1 <= x <= x2 or not y1 <= y <= y2:
raise ValueError('(x, y) not within the rectangle')
return (q11 * (x2 - x) * (y2 - y) +
q21 * (x - x1) * (y2 - y) +
q12 * (x2 - x) * (y - y1) +
q22 * (x - x1) * (y - y1)
) / ((x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1) + 0.0)
def dump_to_npy(arrays, file_path=None):
dump set of images to array for local visualization
arrays: the input arrays
file_path: saving path
assert isinstance(arrays, dict)
for k, v in arrays.items():, k + '.npy'), v)
def crop(image, box):
box: t, l, b, r
t, l, b, r = box
return image[t:b, l:r]
def padding_image(image_in,
"""Pad image to target image_size based on a given crop
assert isinstance(pad_val, float) | isinstance(pad_val, list)
if image_size[0] <= image_in.shape[0] and \
image_size[1] <= image_in.shape[1]:
return image_in
image = image_in.copy()
in_dim = np.ndim(image)
if in_dim == 2:
image = image[:, :, None]
if isinstance(pad_val, float):
pad_val = [pad_val] * image.shape[-1]
assert len(pad_val) == image.shape[-1]
dim = image.shape[2]
image_pad = np.ones(image_size + [dim], dtype=image_in.dtype) * \
if not (crop is None):
h, w = image_size
crop_cur = np.uint32([crop[0] * h, crop[1] * w,
crop[2] * h, crop[3] * w])
image = cv2.resize(
image, (crop_cur[3] - crop_cur[1], crop_cur[2] - crop_cur[0]),
h, w = image_in.shape[:2]
# default crop is padding center
hp, wp = image_pad.shape[:2]
t, l = int((hp - h) / 2), int((wp - w) / 2)
crop_cur = [t, l, t + h, l + w]
image_pad[crop_cur[0]:crop_cur[2], crop_cur[1]:crop_cur[3], :] = image
if in_dim == 2:
image_pad = np.squeeze(image_pad)
return image_pad
def enlighting_v2(image, value=30):
hsv = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
h, s, v = cv2.split(hsv)
value = (255 - np.mean(v)) * 0.6
value = int(value)
lim = 255 - value
v[v > lim] = 255
v[v <= lim] += value
final_hsv = cv2.merge((h, s, v))
img = cv2.cvtColor(final_hsv, cv2.COLOR_HSV2BGR)
return img
def enlighting(image):
hsv = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
h, s, v = cv2.split(hsv)
# clahe = cv2.createCLAHE(clipLimit=30, tileGridSize=(8,8))
# v = clahe.apply(v)
v = cv2.equalizeHist(v)
# v = cv2.add(v, value)
# v[v > 255] = 255
# v[v < 0] = 0
final_hsv = cv2.merge((h, s, v))
img = cv2.cvtColor(final_hsv, cv2.COLOR_HSV2BGR)
return img
def white_balance(img):
result = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2LAB)
avg_a = np.average(result[:, :, 1])
avg_b = np.average(result[:, :, 2])
result[:, :, 1] = result[:, :, 1] - ((avg_a - 128) * (result[:, :, 0] / 255.0) * 1.1)
result[:, :, 2] = result[:, :, 2] - ((avg_b - 128) * (result[:, :, 0] / 255.0) * 1.1)
result = cv2.cvtColor(result, cv2.COLOR_LAB2BGR)
return result
def one_hot(label_map, class_num):
shape = np.array(label_map.shape)
length =
label_one_hot = np.zeros((length, class_num))
label_flat = label_map.flatten()
label_one_hot[range(length), label_flat] = 1
label_one_hot = label_one_hot.reshape(shape.tolist() + [class_num])
return label_one_hot
def prob2label(label_prob):
"""Convert probability to a descrete label map
assert label_prob.ndim == 3
return np.argmax(label_prob, axis=2)
label_prob: [0, 1] probability map
def prob2color(label_prob, color_map, bkg_color=[0,0,0]):
color_map: 0-255 [[x, x, x], ...] python list
assert isinstance(color_map, list)
height, width, dim = label_prob.shape
color_map = color_map[:(dim - 1)]
color_map_mat = np.matrix([bkg_color] + color_map)
label_prob_mat = np.matrix(label_prob.reshape((height * width, dim)))
label_color = np.array(label_prob_mat * color_map_mat)
label_color = label_color.reshape((height, width, -1))
return np.uint8(label_color)
def mix_probimage(prob, image, alpha=0.7):
prob: [h, w, dim] or [h, w] uint8
if prob.ndim == 2:
prob = prob[:, :, None]
if prob.dtype == 'uint8':
prob = np.float32(prob) / 255.0
color_map = get_pallete(256)
color_map = np.array(color_map).reshape([-1, 3])[1:, :]
color_map = color_map.tolist()
prob_color = prob2color(prob, color_map)
image = resize_like(image, prob)
mix_image = (1 - alpha) * image + alpha * prob_color
return mix_image
def label2color(label, color_map=None, bkg_color=[0, 0, 0]):
if color_map is None:
color_map = np.uint8(np.array(PALETTE) * 255)
color_map = color_map.tolist()
height, width = label.shape[0:2]
class_num = len(color_map) + 1
label_one_hot = one_hot(label, class_num)
label_color = prob2color(label_one_hot, color_map, bkg_color)
return label_color
def gif_to_frames(in_path, out_path, max_frame=10000):
import imageio
gif = imageio.get_reader(in_path, '.gif')
# Here's the number you're looking for
for frame_id, frame in tqdm(enumerate(gif)):
filename = '%s/%04d.png'% (out_path, frame_id)
frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
cv2.imwrite(filename, frame)
if frame_id > max_frame:
def speedx_video(video_in, video_out, speed):
import moviepy.editor as me
import moviepy
clip = me.VideoFileClip(video_in)
clip =, factor=speedx)
def resize_boxes(boxes, image_shape):
boxes: n x 4 [t, l, b, r]
image_shape: height, width
if len(boxes) == 0:
return boxes
boxes = np.array(boxes)
boxes[:, [0, 2]] *= image_shape[0]
boxes[:, [1, 3]] *= image_shape[1]
return boxes
def lens_blur(img, depth_in, fg_depth,
fg_mask=None, NUM_LAYERS = 20):
def layer_mask(dm, s, e):
# copy image dimensions, but fill with zeros
m = np.zeros(dm.shape)
# set values above start threshold to white
m[dm >= s] = 1
# set values above end threshold to black
m[dm > e] = 0
return m
def to_multi_mask(mask, ch=3):
return np.tile(mask[:, :, None] > 0, (1, 1, ch))
depth = depth_in.copy()
out = np.zeros(img.shape)
min_depth = np.min(np.unique(depth))
max_depth = np.max(np.unique(depth))
min_depth = int(min_depth / max_depth * 255)
fg_depth = int(fg_depth / max_depth * 255)
depth = np.uint8(depth * 255 / max_depth)
s = (255 - min_depth) // NUM_LAYERS
layers = np.array(range(min_depth, 255, s))
for i, a in enumerate(layers[:-1]):
if layers[i] < fg_depth and layers[i+1] > fg_depth:
fg_depth = layers[i]
for a in layers:
l_mask = layer_mask(depth, a, a+s)
l_mask = to_multi_mask(l_mask)
res = blur_filter(img, np.abs(a - fg_depth))
out[l_mask] = res[l_mask]
if fg_mask is not None:
fg_mask = np.tile(fg_mask[:, :, None] > 0, (1, 1, 3))
out[fg_mask] = img[fg_mask]
return out
### Filters
# Change blur by epsilon value (a)
def blur_filter(img, a):
# increase kernel effect slowly, must be odd
k = (a // 10) + 1 if (a // 10) % 2 == 0 else (a // 10) + 2
# can't exceed 255
k = k if k < 255 else 255
kernel = (k, k)
# blur filter
o = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, kernel, 9)
return o
def box_center(box):
boxes: n x 4 [t, l, b, r]
return (box[1] + box[3]) // 2, (box[0] + box[2]) // 2
def mean_value(value, mask):
mean value inside mat
if value.ndim == 2:
value = value[:, :, None]
h, w, dim = value.shape
test = value.reshape([-1, dim])
mean = np.mean(test[mask.flatten(), :], axis=0)
return mean
def is_neighbor_mask(mask0, mask1, min_len=200, kernel=10):
# at least 200 pixel connecting edge
mask = dilate_mask(mask1, kernel=kernel)
intern = np.sum(np.logical_and(mask0 > 0, mask > 0))
return intern > min_len * kernel
def get_salient_components(segment_in, th=0.1, min_th=25):
:param segment_in: 0, 1 mask
:param th:
segment = segment_in.copy()
area_org = np.sum(segment)
segment = np.uint8(segment_in * 255)
ret, labels = cv2.connectedComponents(segment)
if ret == 2:
return [segment_in]
masks = []
for i in range(1, ret):
mask = labels == i
area = np.sum(mask)
if area < area_org * th :
if area < min_th:
return masks
def get_component(segment, criteria='max'):
""" find the largest connected component mask
ret, labels = cv2.connectedComponents(segment)
if ret == 2:
return segment
max_area = 0
idx = 1
for i in range(1, ret):
area = np.sum(labels == i)
if area > max_area:
max_area = area
idx = i
return np.uint8(255 * (labels == idx))
def find_largest_mask(segment, ignore_ids=None):
""" find the largest mask inside component
if ignore_ids is None:
ignore_ids = []
ids = np.unique(segment)
max_area = 0
idx = 1
for i in ids:
if i in ignore_ids:
area = np.sum(segment == i)
if area > max_area:
max_area = area
idx = i
return idx, segment == idx
def find_center_mask(segment, ignore_ids, box = None):
h, w = segment.shape
if box is None:
box = [int(h / 4),
int(w / 4),
int(h * 3 / 4),
int(w * 3 / 4)]
idx, _ = find_largest_mask(
segment[box[0]:box[2], box[1]:box[3]], ignore_ids)
return idx, segment == idx
def get_largest_component(segment_in, criteria='max'):
segment = segment_in.copy()
thresh = 0.3
segment = np.uint8(255 * (np.float32(segment) / 255.0 > thresh))
ret, labels = cv2.connectedComponents(segment)
if ret == 2:
return segment_in
max_area = 0
idx = 1
for i in range(1, ret):
area = np.sum(labels == i)
if area > max_area:
max_area = area
idx = i
mask = dilate_mask(np.uint8(labels == idx))
segment = segment_in * mask
return np.uint8(segment)
def fillholes(mask):
binary mask
des = np.uint8(mask > 0) * 255
contour, hier = cv2.findContours(des,cv2.RETR_CCOMP,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
# des = cv2.merge([des, des, des])
# cv2.drawContours(des, contour, -1, (0, 255, 0), 3)
for i, cnt in enumerate(contour):
cv2.drawContours(des, [cnt], -1, 255, -1)
# mask = des == 0
return des > 0
def video_to_frames(in_path, out_path, max_frame=100000):
"""separate video to frames
print("saving videos to frames at {}".format(out_path))
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(in_path)
frame_id = 0
# cv2.namedWindow("video")
ret, frame =
if not ret:
filename = out_path + '/%04d.jpg' % frame_id
cv2.imwrite(filename, frame)
frame_id += 1
if frame_id > max_frame:
def resize_video(in_path, out_path, sz, max_frame=10000):
"""separate video to frames
sz: height, width of new video
from moviepy.editor import ImageSequenceClip, VideoFileClip
print("resize videos to vidoe at {}".format(out_path))
new_height, new_width = sz
assert os.path.exists(in_path), f"must exist {in_path}"
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(in_path)
fps = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)
progress_bar = tqdm(total=max_frame)
frame_id = 0
frames = []
ret, frame =
if not ret:
frame = cv2.resize(frame, (new_width, new_height))
frames.append(frame[:, :, ::-1])
frame_id += 1
if frame_id > max_frame:
clip = ImageSequenceClip(frames, fps)
clip.write_videofile(out_path, fps=fps)
def frame_to_video_simple(frames,
Combine frames to video
image_path: path of images
import sys
if video_name.endswith('.avi'):
fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID')
elif video_name.endswith('.mp4'):
fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'MP4V')
is_str = False
if isinstance(frames[0], str):
frame = cv2.imread(frames[0], cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
is_str = True
frame = frames[0]
sz = frame.shape[:2]
video = cv2.VideoWriter(video_name, fourcc, fps, (sz[1], sz[0]))
for i, frame in enumerate(tqdm(frames)):
sys.stdout.write('\r>>process %04d / %04d' % (i, len(frames)))
if is_str:
frame = cv2.imread(frame, reader)
print('save to %s' % video_name)
def frame_to_video(image_path,
exts=["jpg", "png"],
Combine frames to video to visualize image & label image
image_path: path of images
exts: 1st is
def to_color_map(label):
assert color_map is not None
bkg = [255, 255, 255]
if is_probability:
if label.ndim == 2:
label = np.float32(label) / 255
label = np.concatenate(
[1 - label[:, :, None],
label[:, :, None]], axis=2)
label = prob2color(label, color_map, bkg_color=bkg)
label[label > len(color_map)] = 0
label = label2color(label, color_map, bkg)
return label[:, :, ::-1]
import sys
ext_image, ext_label = exts
if sz is None:
label = cv2.imread(f"{label_path}/{frame_list[0]}.{ext_label}", cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
sz = label.shape[:2]
if video_name.endswith('.avi'):
fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID')
elif video_name.endswith('.mp4'):
fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'MP4V')
video = cv2.VideoWriter(video_name, fourcc, fps, (sz[1], sz[0]))
for i, image_name in enumerate(frame_list):
sys.stdout.write('\r>>process %04d / %04d' % (i, len(frame_list)))
image = cv2.resize(
cv2.imread(f"{image_path}/{image_name}.jpg", cv2.IMREAD_COLOR),
(sz[1], sz[0]))
label_name = image_name + label_ext
label = cv2.resize(cv2.imread(f"{label_path}/{label_name}.{ext_label}",
(sz[1], sz[0]), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
if not label_map_is_color:
label = to_color_map(label)
frame = np.uint8(image * alpha + label * (1 - alpha))
print('save to %s' % video_name)
def video_to_frame(video_path,
holder: the holder of image list
if image_folder_path is not None:
if video_path.split('.')[-1] == 'gif':
gif_to_frames(video_path, image_folder_path)
vidcap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path)
success, image =
assert success, video_path
sz = image.shape[:2]
count = 0
while success:
if count % sample_rate == 0:
image_path = f'{image_folder_path}/{count:04}.{ext}'
if max_len is not None:
image = resize2maxsize(image, max_len)
# height, width = image.shape[:2]
# length = int(height / 2)
# image = image[:length, :, :]
if image_folder_path is not None:
cv2.imwrite(image_path, image) # save frame as JPEG file
if holder is not None:
success, image =
count += 1
print('success split %s' % video_path)
fps = vidcap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)
return fps, sz
def box_intersect(box0, box1):
# top, left, bottom, right
box = [max(box0[0], box1[0]), max(box0[1], box1[1]),
min(box0[2], box1[2]), min(box0[3], box1[3])]
return box
def timefunc(f):
def f_timer(*args, **kwargs):
start = time.time()
result = f(*args, **kwargs)
end = time.time()
logger.debug(f.__name__, 'took',
end - start, 'second')
return result
return f_timer
def test_one_hot():
label = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
label_one_hot = one_hot(label, 5)
def test_resize2range():
test = np.ones([100, 200])
test2 = resize2range(test, 200, 50)
def test_prob2image():
test = np.random.random_sample((3, 10, 10))
dump_prob2image('test', test)
res = load_image2prob('test')
np.testing.assert_allclose(test, res, rtol=0.5, atol=1e-02)
def shape_match(images):
assert len(images) > 1
shape = images[0].shape[:2]
for image in images[1:]:
cur_shape = image.shape[:2]
if np.sum(np.abs(np.array(shape) - \
return False
return True
def append_apex(filename, appex):
filename = filename.split('.')
prefix = '.'.join(filename[:-1])
filetype = filename[-1]
return '%s_%s.%s' % (prefix, appex, filetype)
def get_obj_center(mask, th=0):
mask: 0
y, x = np.where(mask > th)
if len(y) == 0:
return -1 , -1
x, y = np.mean(x), np.mean(y)
return int(x), int(y)
def poly_area(poly):
poly: [n x 2] np.array [x, y]
return PolyArea(poly[:, 0], poly[:, 1])
def PolyArea(x, y):
return 0.5*np.abs(, np.roll(y, 1)), np.roll(x,1)))
def rect_size(rect):
return np.linalg.norm(rect[0, :] - rect[2, :])
def avg_size(rects, option='median'):
sizes = np.zeros(len(rects))
for i, rect in enumerate(rects):
sizes[i] = rect_size(rect)
if option == 'median':
return np.median(sizes)
if option == 'mean':
return np.mean(sizes)
return None
def poly_ratio(rect, type='min'):
if type == 'avg':
l1 = np.linalg.norm(rect[0, :] - rect[1, :])
l2 = np.linalg.norm(rect[1, :] - rect[2, :])
l3 = np.linalg.norm(rect[2, :] - rect[3, :])
l4 = np.linalg.norm(rect[3, :] - rect[0, :])
return (l1 + l3) / (l2 + l4)
ratio = 0
for i in range(4):
s = i
t = (i + 1) % 4
e = (i + 2) % 4
l1 = np.linalg.norm(rect[s, :] - rect[t, :])
l2 = np.linalg.norm(rect[t, :] - rect[e, :])
cur_ratio = max(l1 / (l2 + 1e-10), l2 / (l1 + 1e-10))
if cur_ratio > ratio:
ratio = cur_ratio
return ratio
def rect_ratio(rect):
""" x / y
:param rect:
x_diff = np.max(rect[:, 0]) - np.min(rect[:, 0])
y_diff = np.max(rect[:, 1]) - np.min(rect[:, 1])
return max(x_diff / y_diff, y_diff / x_diff)
def rect_in_size(rect, image_sz, num_th=4):
"""rectangle inside image
h, w = image_sz
def pt_in_size(pt):
return 0 <= pt[0] < w and 0 <= pt[1] < h
valid = [False for i in range(rect.shape[0])]
for i, pt in enumerate(rect):
if pt_in_size(pt):
valid[i] = True
return np.sum(valid) >= num_th
def valid_rect(rect):
l, r, t, b = rect
return l < r and t < b
def compute_normal_deg_absvar(normal, mask):
normal_cur = normal * mask[:, :, None]
mean_normal = np.sum(normal_cur, axis=(0, 1)) / np.sum(mask)
inner = np.sum(mean_normal[None, None, :] * normal_cur, axis=2)
s = np.clip(np.abs(inner), 0, 1)
diff = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(s))
var = np.sum(diff * mask) / np.sum(mask)
return var
def compute_ignore_mask(x, ignore_value=None):
mask = 1
if ignore_value is None:
return mask
dim = x.ndim
if x.ndim == 2:
x = x[:, :, None]
if not isinstance(ignore_value, list):
ignore_value = [ignore_value] * x.shape[-1]
for i, value in enumerate(ignore_value):
cur_mask = x[:, :, i] == value
mask = mask * cur_mask
if dim == 2:
x = x.squeeze(-1)
return mask
def weight_reduce(res, weights):
dim = res[0].ndim
result = 0
weight_all = 0
for i, x in enumerate(res):
if dim == 2:
x = x[:, :, None]
weight = weights[i]
result = result + (x * weight[:, :, None])
weight_all = weight_all + weight
if dim == 2:
result = result.squeeze(-1)
return result / np.maximum(weight_all[:, :, None], 1e-6)
def mask_assign(x, mask, target):
dim = x.ndim
if dim == 2:
x = x[:, :, None]
for i in range(x.shape[-1]):
cache = x[:, :, i]
cache_tgt = target[:, :, i]
cache[mask] = cache_tgt[mask]
x[:, :, i] = cache
if dim == 2:
x = x.squeeze(-1)
return x
def overlap_poly(poly0, poly1, mask=None):
sz = None
if mask is None:
h = max(np.max(poly0[:, 1]), np.max(poly1[:, 1]))
w = max(np.max(poly0[:, 0]), np.max(poly1[:, 0]))
sz = [h + 1, w + 1]
sz = mask.shape[:2]
vis_map0 = np.zeros(sz)
vis_map1 = np.zeros(sz)
inter_area = np.sum(vis_map0 * vis_map1),
return inter_area, inter_area / np.sum(vis_map0), inter_area / np.sum(vis_map1)
def overlap_rect_mask(rect, mask):
ratio that mask is in rectangle
vis_map = np.zeros(mask.shape)
overlap = np.sum(np.int32(mask > 0) *
np.int32(vis_map > 0))
ratio = overlap / np.sum(vis_map > 0)
return ratio
def pt_in_poly(pt, poly):
poly: list of pt
from shapely.geometry import Point
from shapely.geometry.polygon import Polygon
point = Point(pt[0], pt[1])
polygon = Polygon(poly)
return polygon.contains(point)
def pt_in_poly_w_mask(pt, poly, sz, margin=None):
margin: ratio of area for expand
mask = np.zeros(np.int0(sz))
if margin is not None:
rectArea = PolyArea(poly[:, 0], poly[:, 1])
pixel = np.int0(margin * np.sqrt(rectArea))
mask = dilate_mask(mask, pixel)
pt = np.int0(pt)
return mask[pt[1], pt[0]] > 0
def is_overlap(r_cur, r_over, ths=None):
""" whether two rects are overlapping
r_cur: [l, r, t, b]
if ths is None:
ths = [0, 0]
w_th, h_th = ths
l, r, t, b = r_cur
l0, r0, t0, b0 = r_over
if l >= (r0 + w_th) or r <= (l0 - w_th):
return False
if b <= (t0 - h_th) or t >= (b0 + h_th):
return False
return True
def rect_from_poly(poly):
min_x, max_x = np.min(poly[:, 0]), np.max(poly[:, 0])
min_y, max_y = np.min(poly[:, 1]), np.max(poly[:, 1])
return min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y
def rotate_image_if_needed(image):
from PIL import Image, ExifTags
if hasattr(image, '_getexif'): # only present in JPEGs
for orientation in ExifTags.TAGS.keys():
if ExifTags.TAGS[orientation]=='Orientation':
e = image._getexif() # returns None if no EXIF data
if e is not None:
if orientation in exif:
orientation = exif[orientation]
if orientation == 3: image = image.transpose(Image.ROTATE_180)
elif orientation == 6: image = image.transpose(Image.ROTATE_270)
elif orientation == 8: image = image.transpose(Image.ROTATE_90)
return image
def is_night_scene(image, prob_map, sky_prob_threshold=200, brightness_threshold=100):
Return True if it's a night scene image
image: original image
prob_map: the probability map of image segmentation (red: sky; green: building; blue: background, value from 0 to 255)
sky_prob_threshold: pixel val > sky_prob_threshold will be segmented as sky
brightness_threshold: val < brightness_threshold will be considered as night scene
image = np.array(image.convert('L'))
sky, building, background = prob_map.split()
# calculate average brightness of the sky:
sky_mask = np.array(sky)
sky_brightness = (sky_mask > sky_prob_threshold) * image
if (np.count_nonzero(sky_brightness) == 0):
return False
avg_sky_brightness = sky_brightness[np.nonzero(sky_brightness)].mean()
return avg_sky_brightness < brightness_threshold
def detect_lines(img,
Detects lines using OpenCV LSD Detector
n x 4 line start, line end
# Convert to grayscale if required
if len(img.shape) == 3:
img_copy = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
img_copy = img
h, w = img.shape[:2]
if length_thresh is None:
length_thresh = int(max(h, w) * 0.04)
# Create LSD detector with default parameters
lsd = cv2.createLineSegmentDetector(0)
# Detect lines in the image
# Returns a NumPy array of type N x 1 x 4 of float32
# such that the 4 numbers in the last dimension are (x1, y1, x2, y2)
# These denote the start and end positions of a line
lines = lsd.detect(img_copy)[0]
# Remove singleton dimension
lines = lines[:, 0]
# Filter out the lines whose length is lower than the threshold
dx = lines[:, 2] - lines[:, 0]
dy = lines[:, 3] - lines[:, 1]
lengths = np.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
mask = lengths >= length_thresh
lines = lines[mask]
# todo remove lines at boundary
if fg_mask:
fg_mask = cv2.distanceTransform(fg_mask, distanceType=cv2.DIST_C, maskSize=5).astype(np.float32)
select_id = np.ones((len(lines),))
for ind, l in enumerate(lines):
ll = np.int0(l)
dist = (fg_mask[ll[1], ll[0]] + fg_mask[ll[3], ll[2]]) * 0.5
if dist < 8:
select_id[ind] = 0
lines = lines[select_id > 0]
return lines
def get_a_key(dict_data: Dict[str, Any]):
Get first iterated key value from a dictionary.
dict_data (Dict[str, Any]): dict with string keys.
Optional[str]: str key if non-empty, else None.
if dict_data:
key = next(iter(dict_data))
return key
return None
def shift_to_center(image, mask, shape=None):
shift image object to center at mask center
if shape is None:
shape = image.shape[:2]
assert mask.shape[0] == shape[0]
cy, cx = shape[0] // 2, shape[1] // 2
positions = np.nonzero(mask)
top = positions[0].min()
bottom = positions[0].max()
left = positions[1].min()
right = positions[1].max()
new_l = cx - (right - left) // 2
new_r = new_l + right - left
new_top = cy - (bottom - top) // 2
new_bottom = new_top + bottom - top
new_im = np.zeros(image.shape)
new_im[new_top:new_bottom, new_l:new_r, :] = \
image[top:bottom, left:right, :]
return new_im
def ndarray_to_list(in_dict: dict):
for key, item in in_dict.items():
if isinstance(item, np.ndarray):
in_dict[key] = item.tolist()
if isinstance(item, dict):
in_dict[key] = ndarray_to_list(item)
return in_dict
encode image to string and decode it back
def encode_b64(mat, format='.png'):
mat = cv2.imencode(format, mat)[1]
return base64.b64encode(mat).decode('utf-8')
def decode64(string):
jpg_original = base64.b64decode(string)
jpg_as_np = np.frombuffer(jpg_original, dtype=np.uint8)
img = cv2.imdecode(jpg_as_np, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
return img
def remap_texture(triangle1, triangle2, texture):
import numpy as np
import cv2
# Convert input triangles to numpy arrays
tri1 = np.array(triangle1, dtype=np.float32)
tri2 = np.array(triangle2, dtype=np.float32)
# Find the bounding rectangle of each triangle
rect1 = cv2.boundingRect(tri1)
rect2 = cv2.boundingRect(tri2)
# Offset points by left top corner of the respective rectangles
tri1_rect = np.float32(tri1 - rect1[:2])
tri2_rect = np.float32(tri2 - rect2[:2])
# Apply the affine transformation to map the texture from triangle1 to triangle2
warp_mat = cv2.getAffineTransform(tri1_rect, tri2_rect)
warped_texture = cv2.warpAffine(texture, warp_mat, (rect2[2], rect2[3]))
# Create a mask for the destination triangle
mask = np.zeros((rect2[3], rect2[2], 3), dtype=np.uint8)
cv2.fillConvexPoly(mask, np.int32(tri2_rect), (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 16, 0)
# Apply the mask to the warped texture
remapped_texture = warped_texture * mask
return remapped_texture, mask
def fuse_rgb_mask(image, mask):
image: h, w, [3,4] rgb or rgba image
mask: h, w, [1,3] mask
if isinstance(image, str):
image = cv2.imread(image, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
if isinstance(mask, str):
mask = cv2.imread(mask, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
if not shape_match([image, mask]):
image = cv2.resize(image, (mask.shape[1], mask.shape[0]))
if image.shape[-1] == 4:
image = image[:, :, :3]
if mask.shape[-1] == 3:
mask = mask[:, :, 0]
mask = mask[:, :, None]
if mask.max() == 1:
mask = mask * 255
return np.concatenate([image, mask], axis=2)
def test_remap_texture():
# Define test input values
triangle1 = [(0, 0), (50, 0), (0, 50)]
triangle2 = [(0, 0), (100, 0), (0, 100)]
texture = np.ones((50, 50, 3), dtype=np.uint8) * 255
# Call the remap_texture function with the test input values
remapped_texture = remap_texture(triangle1, triangle2, texture)
# Check if the output is as expected
assert remapped_texture.shape == (100, 100, 3), "Remapped texture shape is incorrect"
assert np.all(remapped_texture[:50, :50] == texture), "Texture not correctly remapped in the destination triangle"
# Print a success message if the test passes
print("Test passed: remap_texture function works as expected")
def test_line_seg_cross():
seg1 = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 1]])
seg2 = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]])
print(line_segment_cross(seg1, seg2))
seg1 = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 1]])
seg2 = np.array([[1, 0], [1.5, 2]])
print(line_segment_cross(seg1, seg2))
if __name__ == '__main__':
# test_one_hot()
# test_resize2range()
# test_prob2image()
# test_line_seg_cross()
# test = np.array([[0, 2], [1, 1], [1, 0], [0, 0]])
# area = PolyArea(test[:, 0], test[:, 1])
# print(area)
# test_remap_texture()
# pt = np.array([0.5, 0.5])
# rect = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 1], [1, 0], [0, 0]])
# print(pt_in_poly(pt, rect))
# test_file = "/opt/tiger/mzy-project/temp/BuildingAR/facader/test.png"
# test_out = "/opt/tiger/mzy-project/temp/BuildingAR/facader/test2.png"
# image = cv2.imread(test_file, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
# image = fillholes(image)
# print(np.unique(image))
# cv2.imwrite(test_out, image * 255)
# test = np.array([[0, 2], [1, 1], [1, 0], [0, 0]])
# print(overlap_poly(test, test))
# area = PolyArea(test[:, 0], test[s:, 1])
# print(area)
# import plot_utils as p_uts
# image = np.zeros((480, 640, 3))
# lines = np.array([[500.5 , 299.6 , 409.375, 235.375],
# [504.575, 309.325, 415.625, 244.575]])
# pt, _ = line_intersect_pt(lines)
# print(pt)
#, np.int32(pt), 1, (255, 0, 0), 2)
# image = p_uts.drawLines(image, lines.reshape([-1, 2, 2]))
# cv2.imwrite('test.png', image)
paths = "/opt/tiger/spark_deploy/spark-3.0/spark-stable/bin:/opt/mlx_deploy/miniconda3/envs/mlx/bin:/opt/tiger/mlx_deploy:/opt/tiger/tce/tce_tools/bin:/home/tiger/.local/bin:/opt/common_tools:/usr/local/go/bin:/opt/tiger/mlx_deploy/vscode/code-server-4.7.1-linux-amd64/lib/vscode/bin/remote-cli:/opt/tiger/spark_deploy/spark-3.0/spark-stable/bin:/opt/mlx_deploy/miniconda3/envs/mlx/bin:/opt/tiger/mlx_deploy:/opt/tiger/spark_deploy/spark-3.0/spark-stable/bin:/opt/mlx_deploy/miniconda3/envs/mlx/bin:/opt/tiger/mlx_deploy:/opt/tiger/spark_deploy/spark-3.0/spark-stable/bin:/opt/mlx_deploy/miniconda3/envs/mlx/bin:/opt/tiger/mlx_deploy:/workspace:/opt/tiger/consul_deploy/bin/go:/root/miniconda3/bin:/root/miniconda3/condabin:/usr/local/cuda/bin:/workspace:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/opt/tiger/ss_bin:/usr/local/jdk/bin:/usr/sbin:/opt/tiger/ss_lib/bin:/opt/tiger/ss_lib/python_package/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/bin:/opt/tiger/yarn_deploy/hadoop/bin:/opt/tiger/yarn_deploy/hive/bin:/opt/tiger/yarn_deploy/jdk/bin:/opt/tiger/hadoop_deploy/jython-2.5.2/bin:/usr/local/bvc/bin:/opt/tiger/arnold/bin:/workspace/bernard/bin:/workspace://bin:/opt/tiger/ss_bin:/opt/tiger/ss_lib/bin:/opt/common_tools:/opt/tiger/yarn_deploy/hadoop/bin:/opt/tiger/yarn_deploy/hive/bin:/workspace:/workspace://bin:/opt/tiger/ss_bin:/opt/tiger/ss_lib/bin:/opt/common_tools:/opt/tiger/yarn_deploy/hadoop/bin:/opt/tiger/yarn_deploy/hive/bin:/workspace://bin:/opt/tiger/ss_bin:/opt/tiger/ss_lib/bin:/opt/common_tools:/opt/tiger/yarn_deploy/hadoop/bin:/opt/tiger/yarn_deploy/hive/bin:/opt/tiger/nastk/bin:/workspace://bin:/opt/tiger/ss_bin:/opt/tiger/ss_lib/bin:/opt/common_tools:/opt/tiger/yarn_deploy/hadoop/bin:/opt/tiger/yarn_deploy/hive/bin"
paths = paths.split(":")
check_file_in_paths(paths, "docker")