Browse files
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
1 |
import streamlit as st
2 |
3 |
4 |
for name in dir():
5 |
if not name.startswith('_'):
6 |
del globals()[name]
7 |
8 |
import numpy as np
9 |
import pandas as pd
10 |
import streamlit as st
11 |
import gspread
12 |
import as px
13 |
import random
14 |
import gc
15 |
16 |
17 |
def init_conn():
18 |
scope = ['', '']
19 |
20 |
credentials = {
21 |
"type": "service_account",
22 |
"project_id": "dfsnew",
23 |
"private_key_id": "2432f6c3771f70a410c5c878d1359869fc9dddc8",
24 |
"private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----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\nbEyuT7sCPCLeOX/RLy/lCpA=\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
25 |
"client_email": "[email protected]",
26 |
"client_id": "105107448378741046480",
27 |
"auth_uri": "",
28 |
"token_uri": "",
29 |
"auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
30 |
"client_x509_cert_url": "",
31 |
"universe_domain": ""
32 |
33 |
34 |
header= {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) '
35 |
'AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) '
36 |
'Chrome/23.0.1271.64 Safari/537.11',
37 |
'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8',
38 |
'Accept-Charset': 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3',
39 |
'Accept-Encoding': 'none',
40 |
'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.8',
41 |
'Connection': 'keep-alive'}
42 |
43 |
gc_con = gspread.service_account_from_dict(credentials, scope)
44 |
45 |
return gc_con
46 |
47 |
gcservice_account = init_conn()
48 |
49 |
NBAGetGameData = ''
50 |
NBABettingModel = ''
51 |
52 |
game_format = {'Injury and Rotation Adjusted Win %': '{:.2%}'}
53 |
54 |
percentages_format = {'Playoff Odds': '{:.2%}', 'Division Odds': '{:.2%}', 'Top 4 Seed Odds': '{:.2%}', '1 Seed Odds': '{:.2%}', 'Win 1st Round': '{:.2%}',
55 |
'Win 2nd Round': '{:.2%}', 'Win Conference': '{:.2%}', 'Win Title': '{:.2%}', '1': '{:.2%}', '2': '{:.2%}', '3': '{:.2%}',
56 |
'4': '{:.2%}', '5': '{:.2%}', '6': '{:.2%}', '7': '{:.2%}', '8': '{:.2%}', '9': '{:.2%}', '10': '{:.2%}', '11': '{:.2%}',
57 |
'12': '{:.2%}', '13': '{:.2%}', '14': '{:.2%}', '15': '{:.2%}'}
58 |
59 |
@st.cache_resource(ttl = 300)
60 |
def init_baselines():
61 |
sh = gcservice_account.open_by_url(NBABettingModel)
62 |
63 |
worksheet = sh.worksheet('ExportTable')
64 |
raw_display = pd.DataFrame(worksheet.get_values())
65 |
raw_display.columns = raw_display.iloc[0]
66 |
raw_display = raw_display[1:]
67 |
raw_display = raw_display.reset_index(drop=True)
68 |
raw_display.replace('', np.nan, inplace=True)
69 |
cols_to_check = ['Win %', 'Injury and Rotation Adjusted Win %']
70 |
raw_display.loc[:, cols_to_check] = raw_display.loc[:, cols_to_check].replace({'%': ''}, regex=True).astype(float) / 100
71 |
raw_display = raw_display.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce').fillna(raw_display)
72 |
raw_display['Team Date'] = raw_display['Team'] + " " + raw_display['Date']
73 |
raw_display = raw_display.drop(columns=['Day of Season', 'Team', 'Opp', 'Date Num', 'DR Team', 'In Minutes File'])
74 |
game_model = raw_display[raw_display['Injury and Rotation Adjusted Win %'] != ""]
75 |
just_win_probs = game_model[['Team Date', 'Date', 'Time', 'Acro', 'Opponent', 'Injury and Rotation Adjusted Win %', 'Total Proj', 'Projected Points', 'Injury and Rotation Adjusted Expected Margin']]
76 |
77 |
78 |
worksheet = sh.worksheet('SeasonExport')
79 |
raw_display = pd.DataFrame(worksheet.get_values())
80 |
raw_display.columns = raw_display.iloc[0]
81 |
raw_display = raw_display[1:]
82 |
raw_display = raw_display.reset_index(drop=True)
83 |
raw_display.replace('', 0, inplace=True)
84 |
cols_to_check = ['Playoff Odds', 'Division Odds', 'Top 4 Seed Odds', '1 Seed Odds', 'Win 1st Round', 'Win 2nd Round', 'Win Conference', 'Win Title',
85 |
'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15']
86 |
raw_display.loc[:, cols_to_check] = raw_display.loc[:, cols_to_check].replace({'%': ''}, regex=True).astype(float) / 100
87 |
raw_display = raw_display.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce').fillna(raw_display)
88 |
season_model = raw_display[raw_display['Team'] != ""]
89 |
title_sims = season_model[['Team', 'Conference', 'Division', 'Power Rank', 'Team PointMarginPerGame', 'SeasonSimLookup', 'Win Projection Now',
90 |
'Playoff Odds', 'Division Odds', 'Top 4 Seed Odds', '1 Seed Odds', 'Win 1st Round', 'Win 2nd Round', 'Win Conference', 'Win Title']]
91 |
seed_probs = season_model[['Team', 'Conference', 'Division', 'Avg Seed', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15']]
92 |
93 |
sh = gcservice_account.open_by_url('')
94 |
95 |
worksheet = sh.worksheet('Arturo Props')
96 |
raw_display = pd.DataFrame(worksheet.get_all_records())
97 |
raw_display.replace('', np.nan, inplace=True)
98 |
timestamp = raw_display['Date'].head(1)[0]
99 |
100 |
return game_model, season_model, seed_probs, title_sims, just_win_probs, timestamp
101 |
102 |
def convert_df_to_csv(df):
103 |
return df.to_csv().encode('utf-8')
104 |
105 |
game_model, season_model, seed_probs, title_sims, just_win_probs, timestamp = init_baselines()
106 |
t_stamp = f"Last Update: " + str(timestamp) + f" CST"
107 |
108 |
tab1, tab2 = st.tabs(["Game Betting Model", "Season and Futures"])
109 |
110 |
with tab1:
111 |
112 |
col1, col2 = st.columns([1, 9])
113 |
with col1:
114 |
if st.button("Reset Data", key='reset1'):
115 |
116 |
game_model, season_model, seed_probs, title_sims, just_win_probs, timestamp = init_baselines()
117 |
t_stamp = f"Last Update: " + str(timestamp) + f" CST"
118 |
view_var1 ="Would you like to view math and stuff or just the win percentages and margins?", ('Just win probs', 'Gimme details'), key='view_var1')
119 |
split_var1 ="Would you like to view all teams or specific ones?", ('All', 'Specific Teams'), key='split_var1')
120 |
if split_var1 == 'Specific Teams':
121 |
team_var1 = st.multiselect('Which teams would you like to include in the tables?', options = game_model['Acro'].unique(), key='team_var1')
122 |
elif split_var1 == 'All':
123 |
team_var1 = game_model.Acro.values.tolist()
124 |
date_split_var1 ="Would you like to view all Dates or specific ones?", ('All', 'Specific Dates'), key='date_split_var1')
125 |
if date_split_var1 == 'Specific Dates':
126 |
date_var1 = st.multiselect('Which Dates would you like to include in the tables?', options = game_model['Date'].unique(), key='date_var1')
127 |
elif date_split_var1 == 'All':
128 |
date_var1 = game_model.Date.values.tolist()
129 |
with col2:
130 |
if view_var1 == 'Just win probs':
131 |
game_display = just_win_probs[just_win_probs['Acro'].isin(team_var1)]
132 |
game_display = game_display[game_display['Date'].isin(date_var1)]
133 |
game_display = game_display.set_index('Team Date')
134 |
st.dataframe('RdYlGn').format(game_format, precision=2), use_container_width = True)
135 |
136 |
label="Export Game Model",
137 |
138 |
139 |
140 |
141 |
elif view_var1 == 'Gimme details':
142 |
game_display = game_model[game_model['Acro'].isin(team_var1)]
143 |
game_display = game_display[game_display['Date'].isin(date_var1)]
144 |
game_display = game_display.set_index('Team Date')
145 |
st.dataframe('RdYlGn').format(game_format, precision=2), use_container_width = True)
146 |
147 |
label="Export Game Model",
148 |
149 |
150 |
151 |
152 |
153 |
with tab2:
154 |
155 |
col1, col2 = st.columns([1, 9])
156 |
with col1:
157 |
if st.button("Reset Data", key='reset2'):
158 |
159 |
game_model, season_model, seed_probs, title_sims, just_win_probs, timestamp = init_baselines()
160 |
t_stamp = f"Last Update: " + str(timestamp) + f" CST"
161 |
view_var2 ="Would you like to view title odds and win projections or seeding probabilities?", ('Win Odds', 'Seed Probabilities'), key='view_var2')
162 |
split_var2 ="Would you like to view all teams or specific ones?", ('All', 'Specific Teams'), key='split_var2')
163 |
if split_var2 == 'Specific Teams':
164 |
team_var2 = st.multiselect('Which teams would you like to include in the tables?', options = season_model['Team'].unique(), key='team_var2')
165 |
elif split_var2 == 'All':
166 |
team_var2 = season_model.Team.values.tolist()
167 |
conf_var2 ="Would you like to view all conferences or specific ones?", ('All', 'Specific Conferences'), key='conf_var2')
168 |
if conf_var2 == 'Specific Conferences':
169 |
conf_choice_var2 = st.multiselect('Which conferences would you like to include in the tables?', options = season_model['Conference'].unique(), key='conf_choice_var2')
170 |
elif conf_var2 == 'All':
171 |
conf_choice_var2 = season_model.Conference.values.tolist()
172 |
div_var2 ="Would you like to view all divisions or specific ones?", ('All', 'Specific Divisions'), key='div_var2')
173 |
if div_var2 == 'Specific Divisions':
174 |
div_choice_var2 = st.multiselect('Which divisions would you like to include in the tables?', options = season_model['Division'].unique(), key='div_choice_var2')
175 |
elif div_var2 == 'All':
176 |
div_choice_var2 = season_model.Division.values.tolist()
177 |
with col2:
178 |
if view_var2 == 'Win Odds':
179 |
title_sims = title_sims[title_sims['Team'].isin(team_var2)]
180 |
title_sims = title_sims[title_sims['Conference'].isin(conf_choice_var2)]
181 |
title_sims = title_sims[title_sims['Division'].isin(div_choice_var2)]
182 |
season_display = title_sims.set_index('Team')
183 |
season_display = season_display.sort_values(by=['Win Projection Now'], ascending=False)
184 |
st.dataframe('RdYlGn').format(percentages_format, precision=2), use_container_width = True)
185 |
186 |
label="Export Futures Model",
187 |
188 |
189 |
190 |
191 |
elif view_var2 == 'Seed Probabilities':
192 |
seed_probs = seed_probs[seed_probs['Team'].isin(team_var2)]
193 |
seed_probs = seed_probs[seed_probs['Conference'].isin(conf_choice_var2)]
194 |
seed_probs = seed_probs[seed_probs['Division'].isin(div_choice_var2)]
195 |
season_display = seed_probs.set_index('Team')
196 |
season_display = season_display.sort_values(by=['Avg Seed'], ascending=True)
197 |
st.dataframe('RdYlGn').format(percentages_format, precision=2), use_container_width = True)
198 |
199 |
label="Export Futures Model",
200 |
201 |
202 |
203 |