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# Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# ==============================================================================
"""Label map utility functions."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
import logging
import numpy as np
from six import string_types
from six.moves import range
import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf
from google.protobuf import text_format
from object_detection.protos import string_int_label_map_pb2
def _validate_label_map(label_map):
"""Checks if a label map is valid.
label_map: StringIntLabelMap to validate.
ValueError: if label map is invalid.
for item in label_map.item:
if < 0:
raise ValueError('Label map ids should be >= 0.')
if ( == 0 and != 'background' and
item.display_name != 'background'):
raise ValueError('Label map id 0 is reserved for the background label')
def create_category_index(categories):
"""Creates dictionary of COCO compatible categories keyed by category id.
categories: a list of dicts, each of which has the following keys:
'id': (required) an integer id uniquely identifying this category.
'name': (required) string representing category name
e.g., 'cat', 'dog', 'pizza'.
category_index: a dict containing the same entries as categories, but keyed
by the 'id' field of each category.
category_index = {}
for cat in categories:
category_index[cat['id']] = cat
return category_index
def get_max_label_map_index(label_map):
"""Get maximum index in label map.
label_map: a StringIntLabelMapProto
an integer
return max([ for item in label_map.item])
def convert_label_map_to_categories(label_map,
"""Given label map proto returns categories list compatible with eval.
This function converts label map proto and returns a list of dicts, each of
which has the following keys:
'id': (required) an integer id uniquely identifying this category.
'name': (required) string representing category name
e.g., 'cat', 'dog', 'pizza'.
'keypoints': (optional) a dictionary of keypoint string 'label' to integer
We only allow class into the list if its id-label_id_offset is
between 0 (inclusive) and max_num_classes (exclusive).
If there are several items mapping to the same id in the label map,
we will only keep the first one in the categories list.
label_map: a StringIntLabelMapProto or None. If None, a default categories
list is created with max_num_classes categories.
max_num_classes: maximum number of (consecutive) label indices to include.
use_display_name: (boolean) choose whether to load 'display_name' field as
category name. If False or if the display_name field does not exist, uses
'name' field as category names instead.
categories: a list of dictionaries representing all possible categories.
categories = []
list_of_ids_already_added = []
if not label_map:
label_id_offset = 1
for class_id in range(max_num_classes):
'id': class_id + label_id_offset,
'name': 'category_{}'.format(class_id + label_id_offset)
return categories
for item in label_map.item:
if not 0 < <= max_num_classes:
'Ignore item %d since it falls outside of requested '
'label range.',
if use_display_name and item.HasField('display_name'):
name = item.display_name
name =
if not in list_of_ids_already_added:
category = {'id':, 'name': name}
if item.keypoints:
keypoints = {}
list_of_keypoint_ids = []
for kv in item.keypoints:
if in list_of_keypoint_ids:
raise ValueError('Duplicate keypoint ids are not allowed. '
'Found {} more than once'.format(
keypoints[kv.label] =
category['keypoints'] = keypoints
return categories
def load_labelmap(path):
"""Loads label map proto.
path: path to StringIntLabelMap proto text file.
a StringIntLabelMapProto
with, 'r') as fid:
label_map_string =
label_map = string_int_label_map_pb2.StringIntLabelMap()
text_format.Merge(label_map_string, label_map)
except text_format.ParseError:
return label_map
def get_label_map_dict(label_map_path_or_proto,
"""Reads a label map and returns a dictionary of label names to id.
label_map_path_or_proto: path to StringIntLabelMap proto text file or the
proto itself.
use_display_name: whether to use the label map items' display names as keys.
fill_in_gaps_and_background: whether to fill in gaps and background with
respect to the id field in the proto. The id: 0 is reserved for the
'background' class and will be added if it is missing. All other missing
ids in range(1, max(id)) will be added with a dummy class name
("class_<id>") if they are missing.
A dictionary mapping label names to id.
ValueError: if fill_in_gaps_and_background and label_map has non-integer or
negative values.
if isinstance(label_map_path_or_proto, string_types):
label_map = load_labelmap(label_map_path_or_proto)
label_map = label_map_path_or_proto
label_map_dict = {}
for item in label_map.item:
if use_display_name:
label_map_dict[item.display_name] =
label_map_dict[] =
if fill_in_gaps_and_background:
values = set(label_map_dict.values())
if 0 not in values:
label_map_dict['background'] = 0
if not all(isinstance(value, int) for value in values):
raise ValueError('The values in label map must be integers in order to'
if not all(value >= 0 for value in values):
raise ValueError('The values in the label map must be positive.')
if len(values) != max(values) + 1:
# there are gaps in the labels, fill in gaps.
for value in range(1, max(values)):
if value not in values:
# TODO(rathodv): Add a prefix 'class_' here once the tool to generate
# teacher annotation adds this prefix in the data.
label_map_dict[str(value)] = value
return label_map_dict
def get_label_map_hierarchy_lut(label_map_path_or_proto,
"""Reads a label map and returns ancestors and descendants in the hierarchy.
The function returns the ancestors and descendants as separate look up tables
(LUT) numpy arrays of shape [max_id, max_id] where lut[i,j] = 1 when there is
a hierarchical relationship between class i and j.
label_map_path_or_proto: path to StringIntLabelMap proto text file or the
proto itself.
include_identity: Boolean to indicate whether to include a class element
among its ancestors and descendants. Setting this will result in the lut
diagonal being set to 1.
ancestors_lut: Look up table with the ancestors.
descendants_lut: Look up table with the descendants.
if isinstance(label_map_path_or_proto, string_types):
label_map = load_labelmap(label_map_path_or_proto)
label_map = label_map_path_or_proto
hierarchy_dict = {
'ancestors': collections.defaultdict(list),
'descendants': collections.defaultdict(list)
max_id = -1
for item in label_map.item:
max_id = max(max_id,
for ancestor in item.ancestor_ids:
for descendant in item.descendant_ids:
def get_graph_relations_tensor(graph_relations):
graph_relations_tensor = np.zeros([max_id, max_id])
for id_val, ids_related in graph_relations.items():
id_val = int(id_val) - _LABEL_OFFSET
for id_related in ids_related:
id_related -= _LABEL_OFFSET
graph_relations_tensor[id_val, id_related] = 1
if include_identity:
graph_relations_tensor += np.eye(max_id)
return graph_relations_tensor
ancestors_lut = get_graph_relations_tensor(hierarchy_dict['ancestors'])
descendants_lut = get_graph_relations_tensor(hierarchy_dict['descendants'])
return ancestors_lut, descendants_lut
def create_categories_from_labelmap(label_map_path, use_display_name=True):
"""Reads a label map and returns categories list compatible with eval.
This function converts label map proto and returns a list of dicts, each of
which has the following keys:
'id': an integer id uniquely identifying this category.
'name': string representing category name e.g., 'cat', 'dog'.
'keypoints': a dictionary of keypoint string label to integer id. It is only
returned when available in label map proto.
label_map_path: Path to `StringIntLabelMap` proto text file.
use_display_name: (boolean) choose whether to load 'display_name' field
as category name. If False or if the display_name field does not exist,
uses 'name' field as category names instead.
categories: a list of dictionaries representing all possible categories.
label_map = load_labelmap(label_map_path)
max_num_classes = max( for item in label_map.item)
return convert_label_map_to_categories(label_map, max_num_classes,
def create_category_index_from_labelmap(label_map_path, use_display_name=True):
"""Reads a label map and returns a category index.
label_map_path: Path to `StringIntLabelMap` proto text file.
use_display_name: (boolean) choose whether to load 'display_name' field
as category name. If False or if the display_name field does not exist,
uses 'name' field as category names instead.
A category index, which is a dictionary that maps integer ids to dicts
containing categories, e.g.
{1: {'id': 1, 'name': 'dog'}, 2: {'id': 2, 'name': 'cat'}, ...}
categories = create_categories_from_labelmap(label_map_path, use_display_name)
return create_category_index(categories)
def create_class_agnostic_category_index():
"""Creates a category index with a single `object` class."""
return {1: {'id': 1, 'name': 'object'}}