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# Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
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# ==============================================================================
"""Library of common learning rate schedules."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
from six.moves import range
from six.moves import zip
import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf
def exponential_decay_with_burnin(global_step,
"""Exponential decay schedule with burn-in period.
In this schedule, learning rate is fixed at burnin_learning_rate
for a fixed period, before transitioning to a regular exponential
decay schedule.
global_step: int tensor representing global step.
learning_rate_base: base learning rate.
learning_rate_decay_steps: steps to take between decaying the learning rate.
Note that this includes the number of burn-in steps.
learning_rate_decay_factor: multiplicative factor by which to decay
learning rate.
burnin_learning_rate: initial learning rate during burn-in period. If
0.0 (which is the default), then the burn-in learning rate is simply
set to learning_rate_base.
burnin_steps: number of steps to use burnin learning rate.
min_learning_rate: the minimum learning rate.
staircase: whether use staircase decay.
If executing eagerly:
returns a no-arg callable that outputs the (scalar)
float tensor learning rate given the current value of global_step.
If in a graph:
immediately returns a (scalar) float tensor representing learning rate.
if burnin_learning_rate == 0:
burnin_learning_rate = learning_rate_base
def eager_decay_rate():
"""Callable to compute the learning rate."""
post_burnin_learning_rate = tf.train.exponential_decay(
global_step - burnin_steps,
if callable(post_burnin_learning_rate):
post_burnin_learning_rate = post_burnin_learning_rate()
return tf.maximum(tf.where(
tf.less(tf.cast(global_step, tf.int32), tf.constant(burnin_steps)),
post_burnin_learning_rate), min_learning_rate, name='learning_rate')
if tf.executing_eagerly():
return eager_decay_rate
return eager_decay_rate()
def cosine_decay_with_warmup(global_step,
"""Cosine decay schedule with warm up period.
Cosine annealing learning rate as described in:
Loshchilov and Hutter, SGDR: Stochastic Gradient Descent with Warm Restarts.
ICLR 2017.
In this schedule, the learning rate grows linearly from warmup_learning_rate
to learning_rate_base for warmup_steps, then transitions to a cosine decay
global_step: int64 (scalar) tensor representing global step.
learning_rate_base: base learning rate.
total_steps: total number of training steps.
warmup_learning_rate: initial learning rate for warm up.
warmup_steps: number of warmup steps.
hold_base_rate_steps: Optional number of steps to hold base learning rate
before decaying.
If executing eagerly:
returns a no-arg callable that outputs the (scalar)
float tensor learning rate given the current value of global_step.
If in a graph:
immediately returns a (scalar) float tensor representing learning rate.
ValueError: if warmup_learning_rate is larger than learning_rate_base,
or if warmup_steps is larger than total_steps.
if total_steps < warmup_steps:
raise ValueError('total_steps must be larger or equal to '
def eager_decay_rate():
"""Callable to compute the learning rate."""
learning_rate = 0.5 * learning_rate_base * (1 + tf.cos(
np.pi *
(tf.cast(global_step, tf.float32) - warmup_steps - hold_base_rate_steps
) / float(total_steps - warmup_steps - hold_base_rate_steps)))
if hold_base_rate_steps > 0:
learning_rate = tf.where(
global_step > warmup_steps + hold_base_rate_steps,
learning_rate, learning_rate_base)
if warmup_steps > 0:
if learning_rate_base < warmup_learning_rate:
raise ValueError('learning_rate_base must be larger or equal to '
slope = (learning_rate_base - warmup_learning_rate) / warmup_steps
warmup_rate = slope * tf.cast(global_step,
tf.float32) + warmup_learning_rate
learning_rate = tf.where(global_step < warmup_steps, warmup_rate,
return tf.where(global_step > total_steps, 0.0, learning_rate,
if tf.executing_eagerly():
return eager_decay_rate
return eager_decay_rate()
def manual_stepping(global_step, boundaries, rates, warmup=False):
"""Manually stepped learning rate schedule.
This function provides fine grained control over learning rates. One must
specify a sequence of learning rates as well as a set of integer steps
at which the current learning rate must transition to the next. For example,
if boundaries = [5, 10] and rates = [.1, .01, .001], then the learning
rate returned by this function is .1 for global_step=0,...,4, .01 for
global_step=5...9, and .001 for global_step=10 and onward.
global_step: int64 (scalar) tensor representing global step.
boundaries: a list of global steps at which to switch learning
rates. This list is assumed to consist of increasing positive integers.
rates: a list of (float) learning rates corresponding to intervals between
the boundaries. The length of this list must be exactly
len(boundaries) + 1.
warmup: Whether to linearly interpolate learning rate for steps in
[0, boundaries[0]].
If executing eagerly:
returns a no-arg callable that outputs the (scalar)
float tensor learning rate given the current value of global_step.
If in a graph:
immediately returns a (scalar) float tensor representing learning rate.
ValueError: if one of the following checks fails:
1. boundaries is a strictly increasing list of positive integers
2. len(rates) == len(boundaries) + 1
3. boundaries[0] != 0
if any([b < 0 for b in boundaries]) or any(
[not isinstance(b, int) for b in boundaries]):
raise ValueError('boundaries must be a list of positive integers')
if any([bnext <= b for bnext, b in zip(boundaries[1:], boundaries[:-1])]):
raise ValueError('Entries in boundaries must be strictly increasing.')
if any([not isinstance(r, float) for r in rates]):
raise ValueError('Learning rates must be floats')
if len(rates) != len(boundaries) + 1:
raise ValueError('Number of provided learning rates must exceed '
'number of boundary points by exactly 1.')
if boundaries and boundaries[0] == 0:
raise ValueError('First step cannot be zero.')
if warmup and boundaries:
slope = (rates[1] - rates[0]) * 1.0 / boundaries[0]
warmup_steps = list(range(boundaries[0]))
warmup_rates = [rates[0] + slope * step for step in warmup_steps]
boundaries = warmup_steps + boundaries
rates = warmup_rates + rates[1:]
boundaries = [0] + boundaries
num_boundaries = len(boundaries)
def eager_decay_rate():
"""Callable to compute the learning rate."""
rate_index = tf.reduce_max(tf.where(
tf.greater_equal(global_step, boundaries),
[0] * num_boundaries))
return tf.reduce_sum(rates * tf.one_hot(rate_index, depth=num_boundaries),
if tf.executing_eagerly():
return eager_decay_rate
return eager_decay_rate()