"""Adversarial training to learn trivial encryption functions, |
from the paper "Learning to Protect Communications with |
Adversarial Neural Cryptography", Abadi & Andersen, 2016. |
https://arxiv.org/abs/1610.06918 |
This program creates and trains three neural networks, |
termed Alice, Bob, and Eve. Alice takes inputs |
in_m (message), in_k (key) and outputs 'ciphertext'. |
Bob takes inputs in_k, ciphertext and tries to reconstruct |
the message. |
Eve is an adversarial network that takes input ciphertext |
and also tries to reconstruct the message. |
The main function attempts to train these networks and then |
evaluates them, all on random plaintext and key values. |
""" |
from __future__ import absolute_import |
from __future__ import division |
from __future__ import print_function |
import signal |
import sys |
from six.moves import xrange |
import tensorflow as tf |
flags = tf.app.flags |
flags.DEFINE_float('learning_rate', 0.0008, 'Constant learning rate') |
flags.DEFINE_integer('batch_size', 4096, 'Batch size') |
FLAGS = flags.FLAGS |
TEXT_SIZE = 16 |
KEY_SIZE = 16 |
def batch_of_random_bools(batch_size, n): |
"""Return a batch of random "boolean" numbers. |
Args: |
batch_size: Batch size dimension of returned tensor. |
n: number of entries per batch. |
Returns: |
A [batch_size, n] tensor of "boolean" numbers, where each number is |
preresented as -1 or 1. |
""" |
as_int = tf.random.uniform( |
[batch_size, n], minval=0, maxval=2, dtype=tf.int32) |
expanded_range = (as_int * 2) - 1 |
return tf.cast(expanded_range, tf.float32) |
class AdversarialCrypto(object): |
"""Primary model implementation class for Adversarial Neural Crypto. |
This class contains the code for the model itself, |
and when created, plumbs the pathways from Alice to Bob and |
Eve, creates the optimizers and loss functions, etc. |
Attributes: |
eve_loss: Eve's loss function. |
bob_loss: Bob's loss function. Different units from eve_loss. |
eve_optimizer: A tf op that runs Eve's optimizer. |
bob_optimizer: A tf op that runs Bob's optimizer. |
bob_reconstruction_loss: Bob's message reconstruction loss, |
which is comparable to eve_loss. |
reset_eve_vars: Execute this op to completely reset Eve. |
""" |
def get_message_and_key(self): |
"""Generate random pseudo-boolean key and message values.""" |
batch_size = tf.compat.v1.placeholder_with_default(FLAGS.batch_size, shape=[]) |
in_m = batch_of_random_bools(batch_size, TEXT_SIZE) |
in_k = batch_of_random_bools(batch_size, KEY_SIZE) |
return in_m, in_k |
def model(self, collection, message, key=None): |
"""The model for Alice, Bob, and Eve. If key=None, the first fully connected layer |
takes only the message as inputs. Otherwise, it uses both the key |
and the message. |
Args: |
collection: The graph keys collection to add new vars to. |
message: The input message to process. |
key: The input key (if any) to use. |
""" |
if key is not None: |
combined_message = tf.concat(axis=1, values=[message, key]) |
else: |
combined_message = message |
with tf.contrib.framework.arg_scope( |
[tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected, tf.contrib.layers.conv2d], |
variables_collections=[collection]): |
fc = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected( |
combined_message, |
biases_initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0.0), |
activation_fn=None) |
fc = tf.expand_dims(fc, 2) |
fc = tf.expand_dims(fc, 3) |
conv = tf.contrib.layers.conv2d( |
fc, 2, 2, 2, 'SAME', activation_fn=tf.nn.sigmoid) |
conv = tf.contrib.layers.conv2d( |
conv, 2, 1, 1, 'SAME', activation_fn=tf.nn.sigmoid) |
conv = tf.contrib.layers.conv2d( |
conv, 1, 1, 1, 'SAME', activation_fn=tf.nn.tanh) |
conv = tf.squeeze(conv, 3) |
conv = tf.squeeze(conv, 2) |
return conv |
def __init__(self): |
in_m, in_k = self.get_message_and_key() |
encrypted = self.model('alice', in_m, in_k) |
decrypted = self.model('bob', encrypted, in_k) |
eve_out = self.model('eve', encrypted, None) |
self.reset_eve_vars = tf.group( |
*[w.initializer for w in tf.compat.v1.get_collection('eve')]) |
optimizer = tf.compat.v1.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=FLAGS.learning_rate) |
eve_bits_wrong = tf.reduce_sum( |
tf.abs((eve_out + 1.0) / 2.0 - (in_m + 1.0) / 2.0), [1]) |
self.eve_loss = tf.reduce_sum(eve_bits_wrong) |
self.eve_optimizer = optimizer.minimize( |
self.eve_loss, var_list=tf.compat.v1.get_collection('eve')) |
self.bob_bits_wrong = tf.reduce_sum( |
tf.abs((decrypted + 1.0) / 2.0 - (in_m + 1.0) / 2.0), [1]) |
self.bob_reconstruction_loss = tf.reduce_sum(self.bob_bits_wrong) |
bob_eve_error_deviation = tf.abs(float(TEXT_SIZE) / 2.0 - eve_bits_wrong) |
bob_eve_loss = tf.reduce_sum( |
tf.square(bob_eve_error_deviation) / (TEXT_SIZE / 2)**2) |
self.bob_loss = (self.bob_reconstruction_loss / TEXT_SIZE + bob_eve_loss) |
self.bob_optimizer = optimizer.minimize( |
self.bob_loss, |
var_list=(tf.compat.v1.get_collection('alice') + tf.compat.v1.get_collection('bob'))) |
def doeval(s, ac, n, itercount): |
"""Evaluate the current network on n batches of random examples. |
Args: |
s: The current TensorFlow session |
ac: an instance of the AdversarialCrypto class |
n: The number of iterations to run. |
itercount: Iteration count label for logging. |
Returns: |
Bob and Eve's loss, as a percent of bits incorrect. |
""" |
bob_loss_accum = 0 |
eve_loss_accum = 0 |
for _ in xrange(n): |
bl, el = s.run([ac.bob_reconstruction_loss, ac.eve_loss]) |
bob_loss_accum += bl |
eve_loss_accum += el |
bob_loss_percent = bob_loss_accum / (n * FLAGS.batch_size) |
eve_loss_percent = eve_loss_accum / (n * FLAGS.batch_size) |
print('%10d\t%20.2f\t%20.2f'%(itercount, bob_loss_percent, eve_loss_percent)) |
sys.stdout.flush() |
return bob_loss_percent, eve_loss_percent |
def train_until_thresh(s, ac): |
for j in xrange(MAX_TRAINING_LOOPS): |
for _ in xrange(ITERS_PER_ACTOR): |
s.run(ac.bob_optimizer) |
for _ in xrange(ITERS_PER_ACTOR * EVE_MULTIPLIER): |
s.run(ac.eve_optimizer) |
if j % PRINT_EVERY == 0: |
bob_avg_loss, eve_avg_loss = doeval(s, ac, EVAL_BATCHES, j) |
if (bob_avg_loss < BOB_LOSS_THRESH and eve_avg_loss > EVE_LOSS_THRESH): |
print('Target losses achieved.') |
return True |
return False |
def train_and_evaluate(): |
"""Run the full training and evaluation loop.""" |
ac = AdversarialCrypto() |
init = tf.compat.v1.global_variables_initializer() |
with tf.compat.v1.Session() as s: |
s.run(init) |
print('# Batch size: ', FLAGS.batch_size) |
print('# %10s\t%20s\t%20s'%("Iter","Bob_Recon_Error","Eve_Recon_Error")) |
if train_until_thresh(s, ac): |
for _ in xrange(EVE_EXTRA_ROUNDS): |
s.run(ac.eve_optimizer) |
print('Loss after eve extra training:') |
doeval(s, ac, EVAL_BATCHES * 2, 0) |
for _ in xrange(NUMBER_OF_EVE_RESETS): |
print('Resetting Eve') |
s.run(ac.reset_eve_vars) |
eve_counter = 0 |
for _ in xrange(RETRAIN_EVE_LOOPS): |
for _ in xrange(RETRAIN_EVE_ITERS): |
eve_counter += 1 |
s.run(ac.eve_optimizer) |
doeval(s, ac, EVAL_BATCHES, eve_counter) |
doeval(s, ac, EVAL_BATCHES, eve_counter) |
def main(unused_argv): |
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) |
train_and_evaluate() |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
tf.compat.v1.app.run() |