"""Interface for the policy of the agents use for navigation.""" |
import abc |
import tensorflow as tf |
from absl import logging |
import embedders |
from envs import task_env |
slim = tf.contrib.slim |
def _print_debug_ios(history, goal, output): |
"""Prints sizes of history, goal and outputs.""" |
if history is not None: |
shape = history.get_shape().as_list() |
if len(shape) != 3: |
raise ValueError('history Tensor must have rank=3') |
if goal is not None: |
logging.info('goal embedding shape ') |
logging.info(goal.get_shape().as_list()) |
if output is not None: |
logging.info('targets shape ') |
logging.info(output.get_shape().as_list()) |
class Policy(object): |
"""Represents the policy of the agent for navigation tasks. |
Instantiates a policy that takes embedders for each modality and builds a |
model to infer the actions. |
""" |
__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta |
def __init__(self, embedders_dict, action_size): |
"""Instantiates the policy. |
Args: |
embedders_dict: Dictionary of embedders for different modalities. Keys |
should be identical to keys of observation modality. |
action_size: Number of possible actions. |
""" |
self._embedders = embedders_dict |
self._action_size = action_size |
@abc.abstractmethod |
def build(self, observations, prev_state): |
"""Builds the model that represents the policy of the agent. |
Args: |
observations: Dictionary of observations from different modalities. Keys |
are the name of the modalities. |
prev_state: The tensor of the previous state of the model. Should be set |
to None if the policy is stateless |
Returns: |
Tuple of (action, state) where action is the action logits and state is |
the state of the model after taking new observation. |
""" |
raise NotImplementedError( |
'Needs implementation as part of Policy interface') |
class LSTMPolicy(Policy): |
"""Represents the implementation of the LSTM based policy. |
The architecture of the model is as follows. It embeds all the observations |
using the embedders, concatenates the embeddings of all the modalities. Feed |
them through two fully connected layers. The lstm takes the features from |
fully connected layer and the previous action and success of previous action |
and feed them to LSTM. The value for each action is predicted afterwards. |
Although the class name has the word LSTM in it, it also supports a mode that |
builds the network without LSTM just for comparison purposes. |
""" |
def __init__(self, |
modality_names, |
embedders_dict, |
action_size, |
params, |
max_episode_length, |
feedforward_mode=False): |
"""Instantiates the LSTM policy. |
Args: |
modality_names: List of modality names. Makes sure the ordering in |
concatenation remains the same as modality_names list. Each modality |
needs to be in the embedders_dict. |
embedders_dict: Dictionary of embedders for different modalities. Keys |
should be identical to keys of observation modality. Values should be |
instance of Embedder class. All the observations except PREV_ACTION |
requires embedder. |
action_size: Number of possible actions. |
params: is instance of tf.hparams and contains the hyperparameters for the |
policy network. |
max_episode_length: integer, specifying the maximum length of each |
episode. |
feedforward_mode: If True, it does not add LSTM to the model. It should |
only be set True for comparison between LSTM and feedforward models. |
""" |
super(LSTMPolicy, self).__init__(embedders_dict, action_size) |
self._modality_names = modality_names |
self._lstm_state_size = params.lstm_state_size |
self._fc_channels = params.fc_channels |
self._weight_decay = params.weight_decay |
self._target_embedding_size = params.target_embedding_size |
self._max_episode_length = max_episode_length |
self._feedforward_mode = feedforward_mode |
def _build_lstm(self, encoded_inputs, prev_state, episode_length, |
prev_action=None): |
"""Builds an LSTM on top of the encoded inputs. |
If prev_action is not None then it concatenates them to the input of LSTM. |
Args: |
encoded_inputs: The embedding of the observations and goal. |
prev_state: previous state of LSTM. |
episode_length: The tensor that contains the length of the sequence for |
each element of the batch. |
prev_action: tensor to previous chosen action and additional bit for |
indicating whether the previous action was successful or not. |
Returns: |
a tuple of (lstm output, lstm state). |
""" |
if prev_action is not None: |
encoded_inputs = tf.concat([encoded_inputs, prev_action], axis=-1) |
with tf.variable_scope('LSTM'): |
lstm_cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.BasicLSTMCell(self._lstm_state_size) |
if prev_state is None: |
tf_prev_state = lstm_cell.zero_state( |
encoded_inputs.get_shape().as_list()[0], dtype=tf.float32) |
else: |
tf_prev_state = tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMStateTuple(prev_state[0], |
prev_state[1]) |
lstm_outputs, lstm_state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn( |
cell=lstm_cell, |
inputs=encoded_inputs, |
sequence_length=episode_length, |
initial_state=tf_prev_state, |
dtype=tf.float32, |
) |
lstm_outputs = tf.reshape(lstm_outputs, [-1, lstm_cell.output_size]) |
return lstm_outputs, lstm_state |
def build( |
self, |
observations, |
prev_state, |
): |
"""Builds the model that represents the policy of the agent. |
Args: |
observations: Dictionary of observations from different modalities. Keys |
are the name of the modalities. Observation should have the following |
key-values. |
observations['goal']: One-hot tensor that indicates the semantic |
category of the goal. The shape should be |
(batch_size x max_sequence_length x goals). |
observations[task_env.ModalityTypes.PREV_ACTION]: has action_size + 1 |
elements where the first action_size numbers are the one hot vector |
of the previous action and the last element indicates whether the |
previous action was successful or not. If |
task_env.ModalityTypes.PREV_ACTION is not in the observation, it |
will not be used in the policy. |
prev_state: Previous state of the model. It should be a tuple of (c,h) |
where c and h are the previous cell value and hidden state of the lstm. |
Each element of tuple has shape of (batch_size x lstm_cell_size). |
If it is set to None, then it initializes the state of the lstm with all |
zeros. |
Returns: |
Tuple of (action, state) where action is the action logits and state is |
the state of the model after taking new observation. |
Raises: |
ValueError: If any of the modality names is not in observations or |
embedders_dict. |
ValueError: If 'goal' is not in the observations. |
""" |
for modality_name in self._modality_names: |
if modality_name not in observations: |
raise ValueError('modality name does not exist in observations: {} not ' |
'in {}'.format(modality_name, observations.keys())) |
if modality_name not in self._embedders: |
if modality_name == task_env.ModalityTypes.PREV_ACTION: |
continue |
raise ValueError('modality name does not have corresponding embedder' |
' {} not in {}'.format(modality_name, |
self._embedders.keys())) |
if task_env.ModalityTypes.GOAL not in observations: |
raise ValueError('goal should be provided in the observations') |
goal = observations[task_env.ModalityTypes.GOAL] |
prev_action = None |
if task_env.ModalityTypes.PREV_ACTION in observations: |
prev_action = observations[task_env.ModalityTypes.PREV_ACTION] |
with tf.variable_scope('policy'): |
with slim.arg_scope( |
[slim.fully_connected], |
activation_fn=tf.nn.relu, |
weights_initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.01), |
weights_regularizer=slim.l2_regularizer(self._weight_decay)): |
all_inputs = [] |
def embed(name): |
with tf.variable_scope('embed_{}'.format(name)): |
return self._embedders[name].build(observations[name]) |
all_inputs = map(embed, [ |
x for x in self._modality_names |
if x != task_env.ModalityTypes.PREV_ACTION |
]) |
shape = goal.get_shape().as_list() |
with tf.variable_scope('embed_goal'): |
encoded_goal = tf.reshape(goal, [shape[0] * shape[1], -1]) |
encoded_goal = slim.fully_connected(encoded_goal, |
self._target_embedding_size) |
encoded_goal = tf.reshape(encoded_goal, [shape[0], shape[1], -1]) |
all_inputs.append(encoded_goal) |
all_inputs = tf.concat(all_inputs, axis=-1, name='concat_embeddings') |
shape = all_inputs.get_shape().as_list() |
all_inputs = tf.reshape(all_inputs, [shape[0] * shape[1], shape[2]]) |
encoded_inputs = slim.fully_connected(all_inputs, self._fc_channels) |
encoded_inputs = slim.fully_connected(encoded_inputs, self._fc_channels) |
if not self._feedforward_mode: |
encoded_inputs = tf.reshape(encoded_inputs, |
[shape[0], shape[1], self._fc_channels]) |
lstm_outputs, lstm_state = self._build_lstm( |
encoded_inputs=encoded_inputs, |
prev_state=prev_state, |
episode_length=tf.ones((shape[0],), dtype=tf.float32) * |
self._max_episode_length, |
prev_action=prev_action, |
) |
else: |
lstm_outputs = encoded_inputs |
lstm_outputs = slim.fully_connected(lstm_outputs, self._fc_channels) |
action_values = slim.fully_connected( |
lstm_outputs, self._action_size, activation_fn=None) |
action_values = tf.reshape(action_values, [shape[0], shape[1], -1]) |
if not self._feedforward_mode: |
return action_values, lstm_state |
else: |
return action_values, None |
class TaskPolicy(Policy): |
"""A covenience abstract class providing functionality to deal with Tasks.""" |
def __init__(self, |
task_config, |
model_hparams=None, |
embedder_hparams=None, |
train_hparams=None): |
"""Constructs a policy which knows how to work with tasks (see tasks.py). |
It allows to read task history, goal and outputs in consistency with the |
task config. |
Args: |
task_config: an object of type tasks.TaskIOConfig (see tasks.py) |
model_hparams: a tf.HParams object containing parameter pertaining to |
model (these are implementation specific) |
embedder_hparams: a tf.HParams object containing parameter pertaining to |
history, goal embedders (these are implementation specific) |
train_hparams: a tf.HParams object containing parameter pertaining to |
trainin (these are implementation specific)` |
""" |
super(TaskPolicy, self).__init__(None, None) |
self._model_hparams = model_hparams |
self._embedder_hparams = embedder_hparams |
self._train_hparams = train_hparams |
self._task_config = task_config |
self._extra_train_ops = [] |
@property |
def extra_train_ops(self): |
"""Training ops in addition to the loss, e.g. batch norm updates. |
Returns: |
A list of tf ops. |
""" |
return self._extra_train_ops |
def _embed_task_ios(self, streams): |
"""Embeds a list of heterogenous streams. |
These streams correspond to task history, goal and output. The number of |
streams is equal to the total number of history, plus one for the goal if |
present, plus one for the output. If the number of history is k, then the |
first k streams are the history. |
The used embedders depend on the input (or goal) types. If an input is an |
image, then a ResNet embedder is used, otherwise |
MLPEmbedder (see embedders.py). |
Args: |
streams: a list of Tensors. |
Returns: |
Three float Tensors history, goal, output. If there are no history, or no |
goal, then the corresponding returned values are None. The shape of the |
embedded history is batch_size x sequence_length x sum of all embedding |
dimensions for all history. The shape of the goal is embedding dimension. |
""" |
index = 0 |
inps = [] |
scopes = [] |
for c in self._task_config.inputs: |
if c == task_env.ModalityTypes.IMAGE: |
scope_name = 'image_embedder/image' |
reuse = scope_name in scopes |
scopes.append(scope_name) |
with tf.variable_scope(scope_name, reuse=reuse): |
resnet_embedder = embedders.ResNet(self._embedder_hparams.image) |
image_embeddings = resnet_embedder.build(streams[index]) |
if self._embedder_hparams.image.is_train: |
self._extra_train_ops += resnet_embedder.extra_train_ops |
inps.append(image_embeddings) |
index += 1 |
else: |
scope_name = 'input_embedder/vector' |
reuse = scope_name in scopes |
scopes.append(scope_name) |
with tf.variable_scope(scope_name, reuse=reuse): |
input_vector_embedder = embedders.MLPEmbedder( |
layers=self._embedder_hparams.vector) |
vector_embedder = input_vector_embedder.build(streams[index]) |
inps.append(vector_embedder) |
index += 1 |
history = tf.concat(inps, axis=2) if inps else None |
goal = None |
if self._task_config.query is not None: |
scope_name = 'image_embedder/query' |
reuse = scope_name in scopes |
scopes.append(scope_name) |
with tf.variable_scope(scope_name, reuse=reuse): |
resnet_goal_embedder = embedders.ResNet(self._embedder_hparams.goal) |
goal = resnet_goal_embedder.build(streams[index]) |
if self._embedder_hparams.goal.is_train: |
self._extra_train_ops += resnet_goal_embedder.extra_train_ops |
index += 1 |
true_target = streams[index] |
return history, goal, true_target |
@abc.abstractmethod |
def build(self, feeds, prev_state): |
pass |
class ReactivePolicy(TaskPolicy): |
"""A policy which ignores history. |
It processes only the current observation (last element in history) and the |
goal to output a prediction. |
""" |
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): |
super(ReactivePolicy, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) |
def build(self, feeds, prev_state): |
history, goal, _ = self._embed_task_ios(feeds) |
_print_debug_ios(history, goal, None) |
with tf.variable_scope('output_decoder'): |
reactive_input = tf.concat([tf.squeeze(history[:, -1, :]), goal], axis=1) |
oconfig = self._task_config.output.shape |
assert len(oconfig) == 1 |
decoder = embedders.MLPEmbedder( |
layers=self._embedder_hparams.predictions.layer_sizes + oconfig) |
predictions = decoder.build(reactive_input) |
return predictions, None |
class RNNPolicy(TaskPolicy): |
"""A policy which takes into account the full history via RNN. |
The implementation might and will change. |
The history, together with the goal, is processed using a stacked LSTM. The |
output of the last LSTM step is used to produce a prediction. Currently, only |
a single step output is supported. |
""" |
def __init__(self, lstm_hparams, *args, **kwargs): |
super(RNNPolicy, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) |
self._lstm_hparams = lstm_hparams |
def build(self, feeds, state): |
history, goal, _ = self._embed_task_ios(feeds) |
_print_debug_ios(history, goal, None) |
params = self._lstm_hparams |
cell = lambda: tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(params.cell_size) |
stacked_lstm = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell( |
[cell() for _ in range(params.num_layers)]) |
batch_size, seq_len, _ = tuple(history.get_shape().as_list()) |
if state is None: |
state = stacked_lstm.zero_state(batch_size, tf.float32) |
for t in range(seq_len): |
if params.concat_goal_everywhere: |
lstm_input = tf.concat([tf.squeeze(history[:, t, :]), goal], axis=1) |
else: |
lstm_input = tf.squeeze(history[:, t, :]) |
output, state = stacked_lstm(lstm_input, state) |
with tf.variable_scope('output_decoder'): |
oconfig = self._task_config.output.shape |
assert len(oconfig) == 1 |
features = tf.concat([output, goal], axis=1) |
assert len(output.get_shape().as_list()) == 2 |
assert len(goal.get_shape().as_list()) == 2 |
decoder = embedders.MLPEmbedder( |
layers=self._embedder_hparams.predictions.layer_sizes + oconfig) |
predictions = decoder.build(features) |
return predictions, state |