"""AutoAugment Train/Eval module. |
""" |
from __future__ import absolute_import |
from __future__ import division |
from __future__ import print_function |
import contextlib |
import os |
import time |
import custom_ops as ops |
import data_utils |
import helper_utils |
import numpy as np |
from shake_drop import build_shake_drop_model |
from shake_shake import build_shake_shake_model |
import tensorflow as tf |
from wrn import build_wrn_model |
tf.flags.DEFINE_string('model_name', 'wrn', |
'wrn, shake_shake_32, shake_shake_96, shake_shake_112, ' |
'pyramid_net') |
tf.flags.DEFINE_string('checkpoint_dir', '/tmp/training', 'Training Directory.') |
tf.flags.DEFINE_string('data_path', '/tmp/data', |
'Directory where dataset is located.') |
tf.flags.DEFINE_string('dataset', 'cifar10', |
'Dataset to train with. Either cifar10 or cifar100') |
tf.flags.DEFINE_integer('use_cpu', 1, '1 if use CPU, else GPU.') |
FLAGS = tf.flags.FLAGS |
arg_scope = tf.contrib.framework.arg_scope |
def setup_arg_scopes(is_training): |
"""Sets up the argscopes that will be used when building an image model. |
Args: |
is_training: Is the model training or not. |
Returns: |
Arg scopes to be put around the model being constructed. |
""" |
batch_norm_decay = 0.9 |
batch_norm_epsilon = 1e-5 |
batch_norm_params = { |
'decay': batch_norm_decay, |
'epsilon': batch_norm_epsilon, |
'scale': True, |
'is_training': is_training, |
} |
scopes = [] |
scopes.append(arg_scope([ops.batch_norm], **batch_norm_params)) |
return scopes |
def build_model(inputs, num_classes, is_training, hparams): |
"""Constructs the vision model being trained/evaled. |
Args: |
inputs: input features/images being fed to the image model build built. |
num_classes: number of output classes being predicted. |
is_training: is the model training or not. |
hparams: additional hyperparameters associated with the image model. |
Returns: |
The logits of the image model. |
""" |
scopes = setup_arg_scopes(is_training) |
with contextlib.nested(*scopes): |
if hparams.model_name == 'pyramid_net': |
logits = build_shake_drop_model( |
inputs, num_classes, is_training) |
elif hparams.model_name == 'wrn': |
logits = build_wrn_model( |
inputs, num_classes, hparams.wrn_size) |
elif hparams.model_name == 'shake_shake': |
logits = build_shake_shake_model( |
inputs, num_classes, hparams, is_training) |
return logits |
class CifarModel(object): |
"""Builds an image model for Cifar10/Cifar100.""" |
def __init__(self, hparams): |
self.hparams = hparams |
def build(self, mode): |
"""Construct the cifar model.""" |
assert mode in ['train', 'eval'] |
self.mode = mode |
self._setup_misc(mode) |
self._setup_images_and_labels() |
self._build_graph(self.images, self.labels, mode) |
self.init = tf.group(tf.global_variables_initializer(), |
tf.local_variables_initializer()) |
def _setup_misc(self, mode): |
"""Sets up miscellaneous in the cifar model constructor.""" |
self.lr_rate_ph = tf.Variable(0.0, name='lrn_rate', trainable=False) |
self.reuse = None if (mode == 'train') else True |
self.batch_size = self.hparams.batch_size |
if mode == 'eval': |
self.batch_size = 25 |
def _setup_images_and_labels(self): |
"""Sets up image and label placeholders for the cifar model.""" |
if FLAGS.dataset == 'cifar10': |
self.num_classes = 10 |
else: |
self.num_classes = 100 |
self.images = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [self.batch_size, 32, 32, 3]) |
self.labels = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, |
[self.batch_size, self.num_classes]) |
def assign_epoch(self, session, epoch_value): |
session.run(self._epoch_update, feed_dict={self._new_epoch: epoch_value}) |
def _build_graph(self, images, labels, mode): |
"""Constructs the TF graph for the cifar model. |
Args: |
images: A 4-D image Tensor |
labels: A 2-D labels Tensor. |
mode: string indicating training mode ( e.g., 'train', 'valid', 'test'). |
""" |
is_training = 'train' in mode |
if is_training: |
self.global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step() |
logits = build_model( |
images, |
self.num_classes, |
is_training, |
self.hparams) |
self.predictions, self.cost = helper_utils.setup_loss( |
logits, labels) |
self.accuracy, self.eval_op = tf.metrics.accuracy( |
tf.argmax(labels, 1), tf.argmax(self.predictions, 1)) |
self._calc_num_trainable_params() |
self.cost = helper_utils.decay_weights(self.cost, |
self.hparams.weight_decay_rate) |
if is_training: |
self._build_train_op() |
with tf.device('/cpu:0'): |
self.saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=2) |
self.init = tf.group(tf.global_variables_initializer(), |
tf.local_variables_initializer()) |
def _calc_num_trainable_params(self): |
self.num_trainable_params = np.sum([ |
np.prod(var.get_shape().as_list()) for var in tf.trainable_variables() |
]) |
tf.logging.info('number of trainable params: {}'.format( |
self.num_trainable_params)) |
def _build_train_op(self): |
"""Builds the train op for the cifar model.""" |
hparams = self.hparams |
tvars = tf.trainable_variables() |
grads = tf.gradients(self.cost, tvars) |
if hparams.gradient_clipping_by_global_norm > 0.0: |
grads, norm = tf.clip_by_global_norm( |
grads, hparams.gradient_clipping_by_global_norm) |
tf.summary.scalar('grad_norm', norm) |
initial_lr = self.lr_rate_ph |
optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer( |
initial_lr, |
0.9, |
use_nesterov=True) |
self.optimizer = optimizer |
apply_op = optimizer.apply_gradients( |
zip(grads, tvars), global_step=self.global_step, name='train_step') |
train_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS) |
with tf.control_dependencies([apply_op]): |
self.train_op = tf.group(*train_ops) |
class CifarModelTrainer(object): |
"""Trains an instance of the CifarModel class.""" |
def __init__(self, hparams): |
self._session = None |
self.hparams = hparams |
self.model_dir = os.path.join(FLAGS.checkpoint_dir, 'model') |
self.log_dir = os.path.join(FLAGS.checkpoint_dir, 'log') |
np.random.seed(0) |
self.data_loader = data_utils.DataSet(hparams) |
np.random.seed() |
self.data_loader.reset() |
def save_model(self, step=None): |
"""Dumps model into the backup_dir. |
Args: |
step: If provided, creates a checkpoint with the given step |
number, instead of overwriting the existing checkpoints. |
""" |
model_save_name = os.path.join(self.model_dir, 'model.ckpt') |
if not tf.gfile.IsDirectory(self.model_dir): |
tf.gfile.MakeDirs(self.model_dir) |
self.saver.save(self.session, model_save_name, global_step=step) |
tf.logging.info('Saved child model') |
def extract_model_spec(self): |
"""Loads a checkpoint with the architecture structure stored in the name.""" |
checkpoint_path = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(self.model_dir) |
if checkpoint_path is not None: |
self.saver.restore(self.session, checkpoint_path) |
tf.logging.info('Loaded child model checkpoint from %s', |
checkpoint_path) |
else: |
self.save_model(step=0) |
def eval_child_model(self, model, data_loader, mode): |
"""Evaluate the child model. |
Args: |
model: image model that will be evaluated. |
data_loader: dataset object to extract eval data from. |
mode: will the model be evalled on train, val or test. |
Returns: |
Accuracy of the model on the specified dataset. |
""" |
tf.logging.info('Evaluating child model in mode %s', mode) |
while True: |
try: |
with self._new_session(model): |
accuracy = helper_utils.eval_child_model( |
self.session, |
model, |
data_loader, |
mode) |
tf.logging.info('Eval child model accuracy: {}'.format(accuracy)) |
break |
except (tf.errors.AbortedError, tf.errors.UnavailableError) as e: |
tf.logging.info('Retryable error caught: %s. Retrying.', e) |
return accuracy |
@contextlib.contextmanager |
def _new_session(self, m): |
"""Creates a new session for model m.""" |
self._session = tf.Session( |
'', |
config=tf.ConfigProto( |
allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False)) |
self.session.run(m.init) |
self.extract_model_spec() |
try: |
yield |
finally: |
tf.Session.reset('') |
self._session = None |
def _build_models(self): |
"""Builds the image models for train and eval.""" |
with tf.variable_scope('model', use_resource=False): |
m = CifarModel(self.hparams) |
m.build('train') |
self._num_trainable_params = m.num_trainable_params |
self._saver = m.saver |
with tf.variable_scope('model', reuse=True, use_resource=False): |
meval = CifarModel(self.hparams) |
meval.build('eval') |
return m, meval |
def _calc_starting_epoch(self, m): |
"""Calculates the starting epoch for model m based on global step.""" |
hparams = self.hparams |
batch_size = hparams.batch_size |
steps_per_epoch = int(hparams.train_size / batch_size) |
with self._new_session(m): |
curr_step = self.session.run(m.global_step) |
total_steps = steps_per_epoch * hparams.num_epochs |
epochs_left = (total_steps - curr_step) // steps_per_epoch |
starting_epoch = hparams.num_epochs - epochs_left |
return starting_epoch |
def _run_training_loop(self, m, curr_epoch): |
"""Trains the cifar model `m` for one epoch.""" |
start_time = time.time() |
while True: |
try: |
with self._new_session(m): |
train_accuracy = helper_utils.run_epoch_training( |
self.session, m, self.data_loader, curr_epoch) |
tf.logging.info('Saving model after epoch') |
self.save_model(step=curr_epoch) |
break |
except (tf.errors.AbortedError, tf.errors.UnavailableError) as e: |
tf.logging.info('Retryable error caught: %s. Retrying.', e) |
tf.logging.info('Finished epoch: {}'.format(curr_epoch)) |
tf.logging.info('Epoch time(min): {}'.format( |
(time.time() - start_time) / 60.0)) |
return train_accuracy |
def _compute_final_accuracies(self, meval): |
"""Run once training is finished to compute final val/test accuracies.""" |
valid_accuracy = self.eval_child_model(meval, self.data_loader, 'val') |
if self.hparams.eval_test: |
test_accuracy = self.eval_child_model(meval, self.data_loader, 'test') |
else: |
test_accuracy = 0 |
tf.logging.info('Test Accuracy: {}'.format(test_accuracy)) |
return valid_accuracy, test_accuracy |
def run_model(self): |
"""Trains and evalutes the image model.""" |
hparams = self.hparams |
with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.device( |
'/cpu:0' if FLAGS.use_cpu else '/gpu:0'): |
m, meval = self._build_models() |
starting_epoch = self._calc_starting_epoch(m) |
valid_accuracy = self.eval_child_model( |
meval, self.data_loader, 'val') |
tf.logging.info('Before Training Epoch: {} Val Acc: {}'.format( |
starting_epoch, valid_accuracy)) |
training_accuracy = None |
for curr_epoch in xrange(starting_epoch, hparams.num_epochs): |
training_accuracy = self._run_training_loop(m, curr_epoch) |
valid_accuracy = self.eval_child_model( |
meval, self.data_loader, 'val') |
tf.logging.info('Epoch: {} Valid Acc: {}'.format( |
curr_epoch, valid_accuracy)) |
valid_accuracy, test_accuracy = self._compute_final_accuracies( |
meval) |
tf.logging.info( |
'Train Acc: {} Valid Acc: {} Test Acc: {}'.format( |
training_accuracy, valid_accuracy, test_accuracy)) |
@property |
def saver(self): |
return self._saver |
@property |
def session(self): |
return self._session |
@property |
def num_trainable_params(self): |
return self._num_trainable_params |
def main(_): |
if FLAGS.dataset not in ['cifar10', 'cifar100']: |
raise ValueError('Invalid dataset: %s' % FLAGS.dataset) |
hparams = tf.contrib.training.HParams( |
train_size=50000, |
validation_size=0, |
eval_test=1, |
dataset=FLAGS.dataset, |
data_path=FLAGS.data_path, |
batch_size=128, |
gradient_clipping_by_global_norm=5.0) |
if FLAGS.model_name == 'wrn': |
hparams.add_hparam('model_name', 'wrn') |
hparams.add_hparam('num_epochs', 200) |
hparams.add_hparam('wrn_size', 160) |
hparams.add_hparam('lr', 0.1) |
hparams.add_hparam('weight_decay_rate', 5e-4) |
elif FLAGS.model_name == 'shake_shake_32': |
hparams.add_hparam('model_name', 'shake_shake') |
hparams.add_hparam('num_epochs', 1800) |
hparams.add_hparam('shake_shake_widen_factor', 2) |
hparams.add_hparam('lr', 0.01) |
hparams.add_hparam('weight_decay_rate', 0.001) |
elif FLAGS.model_name == 'shake_shake_96': |
hparams.add_hparam('model_name', 'shake_shake') |
hparams.add_hparam('num_epochs', 1800) |
hparams.add_hparam('shake_shake_widen_factor', 6) |
hparams.add_hparam('lr', 0.01) |
hparams.add_hparam('weight_decay_rate', 0.001) |
elif FLAGS.model_name == 'shake_shake_112': |
hparams.add_hparam('model_name', 'shake_shake') |
hparams.add_hparam('num_epochs', 1800) |
hparams.add_hparam('shake_shake_widen_factor', 7) |
hparams.add_hparam('lr', 0.01) |
hparams.add_hparam('weight_decay_rate', 0.001) |
elif FLAGS.model_name == 'pyramid_net': |
hparams.add_hparam('model_name', 'pyramid_net') |
hparams.add_hparam('num_epochs', 1800) |
hparams.add_hparam('lr', 0.05) |
hparams.add_hparam('weight_decay_rate', 5e-5) |
hparams.batch_size = 64 |
else: |
raise ValueError('Not Valid Model Name: %s' % FLAGS.model_name) |
cifar_trainer = CifarModelTrainer(hparams) |
cifar_trainer.run_model() |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.INFO) |
tf.app.run() |