"""The Neural GPU Model.""" |
import time |
import numpy as np |
from six.moves import xrange |
import tensorflow as tf |
from tensorflow.python.framework import function |
import data_utils as data |
do_jit = False |
jit_scope = tf.contrib.compiler.jit.experimental_jit_scope |
def conv_linear(args, kw, kh, nin, nout, rate, do_bias, bias_start, prefix): |
"""Convolutional linear map.""" |
if not isinstance(args, (list, tuple)): |
args = [args] |
with tf.variable_scope(prefix): |
with tf.device("/cpu:0"): |
k = tf.get_variable("CvK", [kw, kh, nin, nout]) |
if len(args) == 1: |
arg = args[0] |
else: |
arg = tf.concat(axis=3, values=args) |
res = tf.nn.convolution(arg, k, dilation_rate=(rate, 1), padding="SAME") |
if not do_bias: return res |
with tf.device("/cpu:0"): |
bias_term = tf.get_variable( |
"CvB", [nout], initializer=tf.constant_initializer(bias_start)) |
bias_term = tf.reshape(bias_term, [1, 1, 1, nout]) |
return res + bias_term |
def sigmoid_cutoff(x, cutoff): |
"""Sigmoid with cutoff, e.g., 1.2sigmoid(x) - 0.1.""" |
y = tf.sigmoid(x) |
if cutoff < 1.01: return y |
d = (cutoff - 1.0) / 2.0 |
return tf.minimum(1.0, tf.maximum(0.0, cutoff * y - d), name="cutoff_min") |
@function.Defun(tf.float32, noinline=True) |
def sigmoid_cutoff_12(x): |
"""Sigmoid with cutoff 1.2, specialized for speed and memory use.""" |
y = tf.sigmoid(x) |
return tf.minimum(1.0, tf.maximum(0.0, 1.2 * y - 0.1), name="cutoff_min_12") |
@function.Defun(tf.float32, noinline=True) |
def sigmoid_hard(x): |
"""Hard sigmoid.""" |
return tf.minimum(1.0, tf.maximum(0.0, 0.25 * x + 0.5)) |
def place_at14(decided, selected, it): |
"""Place selected at it-th coordinate of decided, dim=1 of 4.""" |
slice1 = decided[:, :it, :, :] |
slice2 = decided[:, it + 1:, :, :] |
return tf.concat(axis=1, values=[slice1, selected, slice2]) |
def place_at13(decided, selected, it): |
"""Place selected at it-th coordinate of decided, dim=1 of 3.""" |
slice1 = decided[:, :it, :] |
slice2 = decided[:, it + 1:, :] |
return tf.concat(axis=1, values=[slice1, selected, slice2]) |
def tanh_cutoff(x, cutoff): |
"""Tanh with cutoff, e.g., 1.1tanh(x) cut to [-1. 1].""" |
y = tf.tanh(x) |
if cutoff < 1.01: return y |
d = (cutoff - 1.0) / 2.0 |
return tf.minimum(1.0, tf.maximum(-1.0, (1.0 + d) * y)) |
@function.Defun(tf.float32, noinline=True) |
def tanh_hard(x): |
"""Hard tanh.""" |
return tf.minimum(1.0, tf.maximum(0.0, x)) |
def layer_norm(x, nmaps, prefix, epsilon=1e-5): |
"""Layer normalize the 4D tensor x, averaging over the last dimension.""" |
with tf.variable_scope(prefix): |
scale = tf.get_variable("layer_norm_scale", [nmaps], |
initializer=tf.ones_initializer()) |
bias = tf.get_variable("layer_norm_bias", [nmaps], |
initializer=tf.zeros_initializer()) |
mean, variance = tf.nn.moments(x, [3], keep_dims=True) |
norm_x = (x - mean) / tf.sqrt(variance + epsilon) |
return norm_x * scale + bias |
def conv_gru(inpts, mem, kw, kh, nmaps, rate, cutoff, prefix, do_layer_norm, |
args_len=None): |
"""Convolutional GRU.""" |
def conv_lin(args, suffix, bias_start): |
total_args_len = args_len or len(args) * nmaps |
res = conv_linear(args, kw, kh, total_args_len, nmaps, rate, True, |
bias_start, prefix + "/" + suffix) |
if do_layer_norm: |
return layer_norm(res, nmaps, prefix + "/" + suffix) |
else: |
return res |
if cutoff == 1.2: |
reset = sigmoid_cutoff_12(conv_lin(inpts + [mem], "r", 1.0)) |
gate = sigmoid_cutoff_12(conv_lin(inpts + [mem], "g", 1.0)) |
elif cutoff > 10: |
reset = sigmoid_hard(conv_lin(inpts + [mem], "r", 1.0)) |
gate = sigmoid_hard(conv_lin(inpts + [mem], "g", 1.0)) |
else: |
reset = sigmoid_cutoff(conv_lin(inpts + [mem], "r", 1.0), cutoff) |
gate = sigmoid_cutoff(conv_lin(inpts + [mem], "g", 1.0), cutoff) |
if cutoff > 10: |
candidate = tanh_hard(conv_lin(inpts + [reset * mem], "c", 0.0)) |
else: |
candidate = tf.tanh(conv_lin(inpts + [reset * mem], "c", 0.0)) |
return gate * mem + (1 - gate) * candidate |
CHOOSE_K = 256 |
def memory_call(q, l, nmaps, mem_size, vocab_size, num_gpus, update_mem): |
raise ValueError("Fill for experiments with additional memory structures.") |
def memory_run(step, nmaps, mem_size, batch_size, vocab_size, |
global_step, do_training, update_mem, decay_factor, num_gpus, |
target_emb_weights, output_w, gpu_targets_tn, it): |
"""Run memory.""" |
q = step[:, 0, it, :] |
mlabels = gpu_targets_tn[:, it, 0] |
res, mask, mem_loss = memory_call( |
q, mlabels, nmaps, mem_size, vocab_size, num_gpus, update_mem) |
res = tf.gather(target_emb_weights, res) * tf.expand_dims(mask[:, 0], 1) |
gold = tf.nn.dropout(tf.gather(target_emb_weights, mlabels), 0.7) |
use_gold = 1.0 - tf.cast(global_step, tf.float32) / (1000. * decay_factor) |
use_gold = tf.maximum(use_gold, 0.2) * do_training |
mem = tf.cond(tf.less(tf.random_uniform([]), use_gold), |
lambda: use_gold * gold + (1.0 - use_gold) * res, |
lambda: res) |
mem = tf.reshape(mem, [-1, 1, 1, nmaps]) |
return mem, mem_loss, update_mem |
@tf.RegisterGradient("CustomIdG") |
def _custom_id_grad(_, grads): |
return grads |
def quantize(t, quant_scale, max_value=1.0): |
"""Quantize a tensor t with each element in [-max_value, max_value].""" |
t = tf.minimum(max_value, tf.maximum(t, -max_value)) |
big = quant_scale * (t + max_value) + 0.5 |
with tf.get_default_graph().gradient_override_map({"Floor": "CustomIdG"}): |
res = (tf.floor(big) / quant_scale) - max_value |
return res |
def quantize_weights_op(quant_scale, max_value): |
ops = [v.assign(quantize(v, quant_scale, float(max_value))) |
for v in tf.trainable_variables()] |
return tf.group(*ops) |
def autoenc_quantize(x, nbits, nmaps, do_training, layers=1): |
"""Autoencoder into nbits vectors of bits, using noise and sigmoids.""" |
enc_x = tf.reshape(x, [-1, nmaps]) |
for i in xrange(layers - 1): |
enc_x = tf.layers.dense(enc_x, nmaps, name="autoenc_%d" % i) |
enc_x = tf.layers.dense(enc_x, nbits, name="autoenc_%d" % (layers - 1)) |
noise = tf.truncated_normal(tf.shape(enc_x), stddev=2.0) |
dec_x = sigmoid_cutoff_12(enc_x + noise * do_training) |
dec_x = tf.reshape(dec_x, [-1, nbits]) |
for i in xrange(layers): |
dec_x = tf.layers.dense(dec_x, nmaps, name="autodec_%d" % i) |
return tf.reshape(dec_x, tf.shape(x)) |
def make_dense(targets, noclass, low_param): |
"""Move a batch of targets to a dense 1-hot representation.""" |
low = low_param / float(noclass - 1) |
high = 1.0 - low * (noclass - 1) |
targets = tf.cast(targets, tf.int64) |
return tf.one_hot(targets, depth=noclass, on_value=high, off_value=low) |
def reorder_beam(beam_size, batch_size, beam_val, output, is_first, |
tensors_to_reorder): |
"""Reorder to minimize beam costs.""" |
outputs = tf.split(axis=0, num_or_size_splits=beam_size, value=tf.nn.log_softmax(output)) |
all_beam_vals, all_beam_idx = [], [] |
beam_range = 1 if is_first else beam_size |
for i in xrange(beam_range): |
top_out, top_out_idx = tf.nn.top_k(outputs[i], k=beam_size) |
cur_beam_val = beam_val[:, i] |
top_out = tf.Print(top_out, [top_out, top_out_idx, beam_val, i, |
cur_beam_val], "GREPO", summarize=8) |
all_beam_vals.append(top_out + tf.expand_dims(cur_beam_val, 1)) |
all_beam_idx.append(top_out_idx) |
all_beam_idx = tf.reshape(tf.transpose(tf.concat(axis=1, values=all_beam_idx), [1, 0]), |
[-1]) |
top_beam, top_beam_idx = tf.nn.top_k(tf.concat(axis=1, values=all_beam_vals), k=beam_size) |
top_beam_idx = tf.Print(top_beam_idx, [top_beam, top_beam_idx], |
"GREP", summarize=8) |
reordered = [[] for _ in xrange(len(tensors_to_reorder) + 1)] |
top_out_idx = [] |
for i in xrange(beam_size): |
which_idx = top_beam_idx[:, i] * batch_size + tf.range(batch_size) |
top_out_idx.append(tf.gather(all_beam_idx, which_idx)) |
which_beam = top_beam_idx[:, i] / beam_size |
which_beam = which_beam * batch_size + tf.range(batch_size) |
reordered[0].append(tf.gather(output, which_beam)) |
for i, t in enumerate(tensors_to_reorder): |
reordered[i + 1].append(tf.gather(t, which_beam)) |
new_tensors = [tf.concat(axis=0, values=t) for t in reordered] |
top_out_idx = tf.concat(axis=0, values=top_out_idx) |
return (top_beam, new_tensors[0], top_out_idx, new_tensors[1:]) |
class NeuralGPU(object): |
"""Neural GPU Model.""" |
def __init__(self, nmaps, vec_size, niclass, noclass, dropout, |
max_grad_norm, cutoff, nconvs, kw, kh, height, mem_size, |
learning_rate, min_length, num_gpus, num_replicas, |
grad_noise_scale, sampling_rate, act_noise=0.0, do_rnn=False, |
atrous=False, beam_size=1, backward=True, do_layer_norm=False, |
autoenc_decay=1.0): |
self.nmaps = nmaps |
if backward: |
self.global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False, name="global_step") |
self.cur_length = tf.Variable(min_length, trainable=False) |
self.cur_length_incr_op = self.cur_length.assign_add(1) |
self.lr = tf.Variable(learning_rate, trainable=False) |
self.lr_decay_op = self.lr.assign(self.lr * 0.995) |
self.do_training = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name="do_training") |
self.update_mem = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name="update_mem") |
self.noise_param = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name="noise_param") |
self.input = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name="inp") |
self.target = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name="tgt") |
self.prev_step = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name="prev_step") |
gpu_input = tf.split(axis=0, num_or_size_splits=num_gpus, value=self.input) |
gpu_target = tf.split(axis=0, num_or_size_splits=num_gpus, value=self.target) |
gpu_prev_step = tf.split(axis=0, num_or_size_splits=num_gpus, value=self.prev_step) |
batch_size = tf.shape(gpu_input[0])[0] |
if backward: |
adam_lr = 0.005 * self.lr |
adam = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(adam_lr, epsilon=1e-3) |
def adam_update(grads): |
return adam.apply_gradients(zip(grads, tf.trainable_variables()), |
global_step=self.global_step, |
name="adam_update") |
if backward: |
global_step_float = tf.cast(self.global_step, tf.float32) |
sampling_decay_exponent = global_step_float / 100000.0 |
sampling_decay = tf.maximum(0.05, tf.pow(0.5, sampling_decay_exponent)) |
self.sampling = sampling_rate * 0.05 / sampling_decay |
else: |
self.sampling = tf.constant(0.0) |
if num_replicas > 1 or num_gpus > 1: |
with tf.device("/cpu:0"): |
caching_const = tf.constant(0) |
tf.get_variable_scope().set_caching_device(caching_const.op.device) |
def gpu_avg(l): |
if l[0] is None: |
for elem in l: |
assert elem is None |
return 0.0 |
if len(l) < 2: |
return l[0] |
return sum(l) / float(num_gpus) |
self.length_tensor = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name="length") |
with tf.device("/cpu:0"): |
emb_weights = tf.get_variable( |
"embedding", [niclass, vec_size], |
initializer=tf.random_uniform_initializer(-1.7, 1.7)) |
if beam_size > 0: |
target_emb_weights = tf.get_variable( |
"target_embedding", [noclass, nmaps], |
initializer=tf.random_uniform_initializer(-1.7, 1.7)) |
e0 = tf.scatter_update(emb_weights, |
tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.int32, shape=[1]), |
tf.zeros([1, vec_size])) |
output_w = tf.get_variable("output_w", [nmaps, noclass], tf.float32) |
def conv_rate(layer): |
if atrous: |
return 2**layer |
return 1 |
def enc_step(step): |
"""Encoder step.""" |
if autoenc_decay < 1.0: |
quant_step = autoenc_quantize(step, 16, nmaps, self.do_training) |
if backward: |
exp_glob = tf.train.exponential_decay(1.0, self.global_step - 10000, |
1000, autoenc_decay) |
dec_factor = 1.0 - exp_glob |
dec_factor = tf.cond(tf.less(self.global_step, 10500), |
lambda: tf.constant(0.05), lambda: dec_factor) |
else: |
dec_factor = 1.0 |
cur = tf.cond(tf.less(tf.random_uniform([]), dec_factor), |
lambda: quant_step, lambda: step) |
else: |
cur = step |
if dropout > 0.0001: |
cur = tf.nn.dropout(cur, keep_prob) |
if act_noise > 0.00001: |
cur += tf.truncated_normal(tf.shape(cur)) * act_noise_scale |
if do_jit and tf.get_variable_scope().reuse: |
with jit_scope(): |
for layer in xrange(nconvs): |
cur = conv_gru([], cur, kw, kh, nmaps, conv_rate(layer), |
cutoff, "ecgru_%d" % layer, do_layer_norm) |
else: |
for layer in xrange(nconvs): |
cur = conv_gru([], cur, kw, kh, nmaps, conv_rate(layer), |
cutoff, "ecgru_%d" % layer, do_layer_norm) |
return cur |
zero_tgt = tf.zeros([batch_size, nmaps, 1]) |
zero_tgt.set_shape([None, nmaps, 1]) |
def dec_substep(step, decided): |
"""Decoder sub-step.""" |
cur = step |
if dropout > 0.0001: |
cur = tf.nn.dropout(cur, keep_prob) |
if act_noise > 0.00001: |
cur += tf.truncated_normal(tf.shape(cur)) * act_noise_scale |
if do_jit and tf.get_variable_scope().reuse: |
with jit_scope(): |
for layer in xrange(nconvs): |
cur = conv_gru([decided], cur, kw, kh, nmaps, conv_rate(layer), |
cutoff, "dcgru_%d" % layer, do_layer_norm) |
else: |
for layer in xrange(nconvs): |
cur = conv_gru([decided], cur, kw, kh, nmaps, conv_rate(layer), |
cutoff, "dcgru_%d" % layer, do_layer_norm) |
return cur |
def dec_step(step, it, it_int, decided, output_ta, tgts, |
mloss, nupd_in, out_idx, beam_cost): |
"""Decoder step.""" |
nupd, mem_loss = 0, 0.0 |
if mem_size > 0: |
it_incr = tf.minimum(it+1, length - 1) |
mem, mem_loss, nupd = memory_run( |
step, nmaps, mem_size, batch_size, noclass, self.global_step, |
self.do_training, self.update_mem, 10, num_gpus, |
target_emb_weights, output_w, gpu_targets_tn, it_incr) |
step = dec_substep(step, decided) |
output_l = tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(step[:, it, 0, :], 1), 1) |
output = tf.reshape(output_l, [-1, nmaps]) |
output = tf.matmul(output, output_w) |
if beam_size > 1: |
beam_cost, output, out, reordered = reorder_beam( |
beam_size, batch_size, beam_cost, output, it_int == 0, |
[output_l, out_idx, step, decided]) |
[output_l, out_idx, step, decided] = reordered |
else: |
out = tf.multinomial(tf.stop_gradient(output), 1) |
out = tf.to_int32(tf.squeeze(out, [1])) |
out_write = output_ta.write(it, output_l[:batch_size, :, :, :]) |
output = tf.gather(target_emb_weights, out) |
output = tf.reshape(output, [-1, 1, nmaps]) |
output = tf.concat(axis=1, values=[output] * height) |
tgt = tgts[it, :, :, :] |
selected = tf.cond(tf.less(tf.random_uniform([]), self.sampling), |
lambda: output, lambda: tgt) |
dec_write = place_at14(decided, tf.expand_dims(selected, 1), it) |
out_idx = place_at13( |
out_idx, tf.reshape(out, [beam_size * batch_size, 1, 1]), it) |
if mem_size > 0: |
mem = tf.concat(axis=2, values=[mem] * height) |
dec_write = place_at14(dec_write, mem, it_incr) |
return (step, dec_write, out_write, mloss + mem_loss, nupd_in + nupd, |
out_idx, beam_cost) |
gpu_outputs = [] |
gpu_losses = [] |
gpu_grad_norms = [] |
grads_list = [] |
gpu_out_idx = [] |
self.after_enc_step = [] |
for gpu in xrange(num_gpus): |
length = self.length_tensor |
length_float = tf.cast(length, tf.float32) |
if gpu > 0: |
tf.get_variable_scope().reuse_variables() |
gpu_outputs.append([]) |
gpu_losses.append([]) |
gpu_grad_norms.append([]) |
with tf.name_scope("gpu%d" % gpu), tf.device("/gpu:%d" % gpu): |
data.print_out("Creating model.") |
start_time = time.time() |
with tf.device("/cpu:0"): |
tgt_shape = tf.shape(tf.squeeze(gpu_target[gpu], [1])) |
weights = tf.where(tf.squeeze(gpu_target[gpu], [1]) > 0, |
tf.ones(tgt_shape), tf.zeros(tgt_shape)) |
with tf.control_dependencies([e0]): |
start = tf.gather(emb_weights, gpu_input[gpu]) |
gpu_targets_tn = gpu_target[gpu] |
if beam_size > 0: |
embedded_targets_tn = tf.gather(target_emb_weights, |
gpu_targets_tn) |
embedded_targets_tn = tf.transpose( |
embedded_targets_tn, [2, 0, 1, 3]) |
embedded_targets_tn = tf.concat(axis=2, values=[embedded_targets_tn] * height) |
start = tf.transpose(start, [0, 2, 1, 3]) |
first = conv_linear(start, 1, 1, vec_size, nmaps, 1, True, 0.0, "input") |
first = layer_norm(first, nmaps, "input") |
keep_prob = dropout * 3.0 / tf.sqrt(length_float) |
keep_prob = 1.0 - self.do_training * keep_prob |
act_noise_scale = act_noise * self.do_training |
step = conv_gru([gpu_prev_step[gpu]], first, |
kw, kh, nmaps, 1, cutoff, "first", do_layer_norm) |
if do_rnn: |
self.after_enc_step.append(step) |
def lstm_cell(): |
return tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(height * nmaps) |
cell = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell( |
[lstm_cell() for _ in range(nconvs)]) |
with tf.variable_scope("encoder"): |
encoder_outputs, encoder_state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn( |
cell, tf.reshape(step, [batch_size, length, height * nmaps]), |
dtype=tf.float32, time_major=False) |
attn = tf.layers.dense( |
encoder_outputs, height * nmaps, name="attn1") |
@function.Defun(noinline=True) |
def attention_query(query, attn_v): |
vecs = tf.tanh(attn + tf.expand_dims(query, 1)) |
mask = tf.reduce_sum(vecs * tf.reshape(attn_v, [1, 1, -1]), 2) |
mask = tf.nn.softmax(mask) |
return tf.reduce_sum(encoder_outputs * tf.expand_dims(mask, 2), 1) |
with tf.variable_scope("decoder"): |
def decoder_loop_fn(state__prev_cell_out__unused, cell_inp__cur_tgt): |
"""Decoder loop function.""" |
state, prev_cell_out, _ = state__prev_cell_out__unused |
cell_inp, cur_tgt = cell_inp__cur_tgt |
attn_q = tf.layers.dense(prev_cell_out, height * nmaps, |
name="attn_query") |
attn_res = attention_query(attn_q, tf.get_variable( |
"attn_v", [height * nmaps], |
initializer=tf.random_uniform_initializer(-0.1, 0.1))) |
concatenated = tf.reshape(tf.concat(axis=1, values=[cell_inp, attn_res]), |
[batch_size, 2 * height * nmaps]) |
cell_inp = tf.layers.dense( |
concatenated, height * nmaps, name="attn_merge") |
output, new_state = cell(cell_inp, state) |
mem_loss = 0.0 |
if mem_size > 0: |
res, mask, mem_loss = memory_call( |
output, cur_tgt, height * nmaps, mem_size, noclass, |
num_gpus, self.update_mem) |
res = tf.gather(target_emb_weights, res) |
res *= tf.expand_dims(mask[:, 0], 1) |
output = tf.layers.dense( |
tf.concat(axis=1, values=[output, res]), height * nmaps, name="rnnmem") |
return new_state, output, mem_loss |
gpu_targets = tf.squeeze(gpu_target[gpu], [1]) |
gpu_tgt_trans = tf.transpose(gpu_targets, [1, 0]) |
dec_zero = tf.zeros([batch_size, 1], dtype=tf.int32) |
dec_inp = tf.concat(axis=1, values=[dec_zero, gpu_targets]) |
dec_inp = dec_inp[:, :length] |
embedded_dec_inp = tf.gather(target_emb_weights, dec_inp) |
embedded_dec_inp_proj = tf.layers.dense( |
embedded_dec_inp, height * nmaps, name="dec_proj") |
embedded_dec_inp_proj = tf.transpose(embedded_dec_inp_proj, |
[1, 0, 2]) |
init_vals = (encoder_state, |
tf.zeros([batch_size, height * nmaps]), 0.0) |
_, dec_outputs, mem_losses = tf.scan( |
decoder_loop_fn, (embedded_dec_inp_proj, gpu_tgt_trans), |
initializer=init_vals) |
mem_loss = tf.reduce_mean(mem_losses) |
outputs = tf.layers.dense(dec_outputs, nmaps, name="out_proj") |
outputs = tf.matmul(tf.reshape(outputs, [-1, nmaps]), output_w) |
outputs = tf.reshape(outputs, [length, batch_size, noclass]) |
gpu_out_idx.append(tf.argmax(outputs, 2)) |
else: |
enc_length = length |
step = enc_step(step) |
i = tf.constant(1) |
c = lambda i, _s: tf.less(i, enc_length) |
def enc_step_lambda(i, step): |
with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope(), reuse=True): |
new_step = enc_step(step) |
return (i + 1, new_step) |
_, step = tf.while_loop( |
c, enc_step_lambda, [i, step], |
parallel_iterations=1, swap_memory=True) |
self.after_enc_step.append(step) |
if beam_size > 0: |
output_ta = tf.TensorArray( |
dtype=tf.float32, size=length, dynamic_size=False, |
infer_shape=False, name="outputs") |
out_idx = tf.zeros([beam_size * batch_size, length, 1], |
dtype=tf.int32) |
decided_t = tf.zeros([beam_size * batch_size, length, |
height, vec_size]) |
tgts = tf.concat(axis=1, values=[embedded_targets_tn] * beam_size) |
beam_cost = tf.zeros([batch_size, beam_size]) |
step = tf.concat(axis=0, values=[step] * beam_size) |
step, decided_t, output_ta, mem_loss, nupd, oi, bc = dec_step( |
step, 0, 0, decided_t, output_ta, tgts, 0.0, 0, out_idx, |
beam_cost) |
tf.get_variable_scope().reuse_variables() |
def step_lambda(i, step, dec_t, out_ta, ml, nu, oi, bc): |
with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope(), reuse=True): |
s, d, t, nml, nu, oi, bc = dec_step( |
step, i, 1, dec_t, out_ta, tgts, ml, nu, oi, bc) |
return (i + 1, s, d, t, nml, nu, oi, bc) |
i = tf.constant(1) |
c = lambda i, _s, _d, _o, _ml, _nu, _oi, _bc: tf.less(i, length) |
_, step, _, output_ta, mem_loss, nupd, out_idx, _ = tf.while_loop( |
c, step_lambda, |
[i, step, decided_t, output_ta, mem_loss, nupd, oi, bc], |
parallel_iterations=1, swap_memory=True) |
gpu_out_idx.append(tf.squeeze(out_idx, [2])) |
outputs = output_ta.stack() |
outputs = tf.squeeze(outputs, [2, 3]) |
else: |
mem_loss = 0.0 |
outputs = tf.transpose(step[:, :, 1, :], [1, 0, 2]) |
gpu_out_idx.append(tf.argmax(outputs, 2)) |
outputs = tf.matmul(tf.reshape(outputs, [-1, nmaps]), output_w) |
outputs = tf.reshape(outputs, [length, batch_size, noclass]) |
gpu_outputs[gpu] = tf.nn.softmax(outputs) |
targets_soft = make_dense(tf.squeeze(gpu_target[gpu], [1]), |
noclass, 0.1) |
targets_soft = tf.reshape(targets_soft, [-1, noclass]) |
targets_hard = make_dense(tf.squeeze(gpu_target[gpu], [1]), |
noclass, 0.0) |
targets_hard = tf.reshape(targets_hard, [-1, noclass]) |
output = tf.transpose(outputs, [1, 0, 2]) |
xent_soft = tf.reshape(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( |
logits=tf.reshape(output, [-1, noclass]), labels=targets_soft), |
[batch_size, length]) |
xent_hard = tf.reshape(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( |
logits=tf.reshape(output, [-1, noclass]), labels=targets_hard), |
[batch_size, length]) |
low, high = 0.1 / float(noclass - 1), 0.9 |
const = high * tf.log(high) + float(noclass - 1) * low * tf.log(low) |
weight_sum = tf.reduce_sum(weights) + 1e-20 |
true_perp = tf.reduce_sum(xent_hard * weights) / weight_sum |
soft_loss = tf.reduce_sum(xent_soft * weights) / weight_sum |
perp_loss = soft_loss + const |
mem_loss = 0.5 * tf.reduce_mean(mem_loss) / length_float |
total_loss = perp_loss + mem_loss |
gpu_losses[gpu].append(true_perp) |
if backward: |
data.print_out("Creating backward pass for the model.") |
grads = tf.gradients( |
total_loss, tf.trainable_variables(), |
colocate_gradients_with_ops=True) |
for g_i, g in enumerate(grads): |
if isinstance(g, tf.IndexedSlices): |
grads[g_i] = tf.convert_to_tensor(g) |
grads, norm = tf.clip_by_global_norm(grads, max_grad_norm) |
gpu_grad_norms[gpu].append(norm) |
for g in grads: |
if grad_noise_scale > 0.001: |
g += tf.truncated_normal(tf.shape(g)) * self.noise_param |
grads_list.append(grads) |
else: |
gpu_grad_norms[gpu].append(0.0) |
data.print_out("Created model for gpu %d in %.2f s." |
% (gpu, time.time() - start_time)) |
self.updates = [] |
self.after_enc_step = tf.concat(axis=0, values=self.after_enc_step) |
if backward: |
tf.get_variable_scope()._reuse = False |
tf.get_variable_scope().set_caching_device(None) |
grads = [gpu_avg([grads_list[g][i] for g in xrange(num_gpus)]) |
for i in xrange(len(grads_list[0]))] |
update = adam_update(grads) |
self.updates.append(update) |
else: |
self.updates.append(tf.no_op()) |
self.losses = [gpu_avg([gpu_losses[g][i] for g in xrange(num_gpus)]) |
for i in xrange(len(gpu_losses[0]))] |
self.out_idx = tf.concat(axis=0, values=gpu_out_idx) |
self.grad_norms = [gpu_avg([gpu_grad_norms[g][i] for g in xrange(num_gpus)]) |
for i in xrange(len(gpu_grad_norms[0]))] |
self.outputs = [tf.concat(axis=1, values=[gpu_outputs[g] for g in xrange(num_gpus)])] |
self.quantize_op = quantize_weights_op(512, 8) |
if backward: |
self.saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.global_variables(), max_to_keep=10) |
def step(self, sess, inp, target, do_backward_in, noise_param=None, |
beam_size=2, eos_id=2, eos_cost=0.0, update_mem=None, state=None): |
"""Run a step of the network.""" |
batch_size, height, length = inp.shape[0], inp.shape[1], inp.shape[2] |
do_backward = do_backward_in |
train_mode = True |
if do_backward_in is None: |
do_backward = False |
train_mode = False |
if update_mem is None: |
update_mem = do_backward |
feed_in = {} |
if state is None: |
state = np.zeros([batch_size, length, height, self.nmaps]) |
feed_in[self.prev_step.name] = state |
feed_in[self.length_tensor.name] = length |
feed_in[self.noise_param.name] = noise_param if noise_param else 0.0 |
feed_in[self.do_training.name] = 1.0 if do_backward else 0.0 |
feed_in[self.update_mem.name] = 1 if update_mem else 0 |
if do_backward_in is False: |
feed_in[self.sampling.name] = 0.0 |
index = 0 |
feed_out = [] |
if do_backward: |
feed_out.append(self.updates[index]) |
feed_out.append(self.grad_norms[index]) |
if train_mode: |
feed_out.append(self.losses[index]) |
feed_in[self.input.name] = inp |
feed_in[self.target.name] = target |
feed_out.append(self.outputs[index]) |
if train_mode: |
res = sess.run([self.after_enc_step] + feed_out, feed_in) |
after_enc_state, res = res[0], res[1:] |
else: |
feed_in[self.sampling.name] = 1.1 |
res = sess.run([self.after_enc_step, self.out_idx] + feed_out, feed_in) |
after_enc_state, out_idx = res[0], res[1] |
res = [res[2][l] for l in xrange(length)] |
outputs = [out_idx[:, i] for i in xrange(length)] |
cost = [0.0 for _ in xrange(beam_size * batch_size)] |
seen_eos = [0 for _ in xrange(beam_size * batch_size)] |
for idx, logit in enumerate(res): |
best = outputs[idx] |
for b in xrange(batch_size): |
if seen_eos[b] > 1: |
cost[b] -= eos_cost |
else: |
cost[b] += np.log(logit[b][best[b]]) |
if best[b] in [eos_id]: |
seen_eos[b] += 1 |
res = [[-c for c in cost]] + outputs |
offset = 0 |
norm = None |
if do_backward: |
offset = 2 |
norm = res[1] |
if train_mode: |
outputs = res[offset + 1] |
outputs = [outputs[l] for l in xrange(length)] |
return res[offset], outputs, norm, after_enc_state |