"""Utilities for downloading data from WMT, tokenizing, vocabularies.""" |
from __future__ import print_function |
import gzip |
import os |
import re |
import tarfile |
from six.moves import urllib |
import tensorflow as tf |
_PAD = b"_PAD" |
_GO = b"_GO" |
_EOS = b"_EOS" |
_UNK = b"_CHAR_UNK" |
_SPACE = b"_SPACE" |
PAD_ID = 0 |
GO_ID = 1 |
EOS_ID = 2 |
UNK_ID = 3 |
SPACE_ID = 4 |
_SPEC_CHARS = "" + chr(226) + chr(153) + chr(128) |
_PUNCTUATION = "][.,!?\"':;%$#@&*+}{|><=/^~)(_`,0123456789" + _SPEC_CHARS + "-" |
_WORD_SPLIT = re.compile("([" + _PUNCTUATION + "])") |
_OLD_WORD_SPLIT = re.compile(b"([.,!?\"':;)(])") |
_DIGIT_RE = re.compile(br"\d") |
_WMT_ENFR_TRAIN_URL = "http://www.statmt.org/wmt10/training-giga-fren.tar" |
_WMT_ENFR_DEV_URL = "http://www.statmt.org/wmt15/dev-v2.tgz" |
def maybe_download(directory, filename, url): |
"""Download filename from url unless it's already in directory.""" |
if not tf.gfile.Exists(directory): |
print("Creating directory %s" % directory) |
os.mkdir(directory) |
filepath = os.path.join(directory, filename) |
if not tf.gfile.Exists(filepath): |
print("Downloading %s to %s" % (url, filepath)) |
filepath, _ = urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, filepath) |
statinfo = os.stat(filepath) |
print("Successfully downloaded", filename, statinfo.st_size, "bytes") |
return filepath |
def gunzip_file(gz_path, new_path): |
"""Unzips from gz_path into new_path.""" |
print("Unpacking %s to %s" % (gz_path, new_path)) |
with gzip.open(gz_path, "rb") as gz_file: |
with open(new_path, "wb") as new_file: |
for line in gz_file: |
new_file.write(line) |
def get_wmt_enfr_train_set(directory): |
"""Download the WMT en-fr training corpus to directory unless it's there.""" |
train_path = os.path.join(directory, "giga-fren.release2.fixed") |
if not (tf.gfile.Exists(train_path +".fr") and |
tf.gfile.Exists(train_path +".en")): |
corpus_file = maybe_download(directory, "training-giga-fren.tar", |
print("Extracting tar file %s" % corpus_file) |
with tarfile.open(corpus_file, "r") as corpus_tar: |
corpus_tar.extractall(directory) |
gunzip_file(train_path + ".fr.gz", train_path + ".fr") |
gunzip_file(train_path + ".en.gz", train_path + ".en") |
return train_path |
def get_wmt_enfr_dev_set(directory): |
"""Download the WMT en-fr training corpus to directory unless it's there.""" |
dev_name = "newstest2013" |
dev_path = os.path.join(directory, dev_name) |
if not (tf.gfile.Exists(dev_path + ".fr") and |
tf.gfile.Exists(dev_path + ".en")): |
dev_file = maybe_download(directory, "dev-v2.tgz", _WMT_ENFR_DEV_URL) |
print("Extracting tgz file %s" % dev_file) |
with tarfile.open(dev_file, "r:gz") as dev_tar: |
fr_dev_file = dev_tar.getmember("dev/" + dev_name + ".fr") |
en_dev_file = dev_tar.getmember("dev/" + dev_name + ".en") |
fr_dev_file.name = dev_name + ".fr" |
en_dev_file.name = dev_name + ".en" |
dev_tar.extract(fr_dev_file, directory) |
dev_tar.extract(en_dev_file, directory) |
return dev_path |
def is_char(token): |
if len(token) > _CHAR_MARKER_LEN: |
if token[:_CHAR_MARKER_LEN] == _CHAR_MARKER: |
return True |
return False |
def basic_detokenizer(tokens): |
"""Reverse the process of the basic tokenizer below.""" |
result = [] |
previous_nospace = True |
for t in tokens: |
if is_char(t): |
result.append(t[_CHAR_MARKER_LEN:]) |
previous_nospace = True |
elif t == _SPACE: |
result.append(" ") |
previous_nospace = True |
elif previous_nospace: |
result.append(t) |
previous_nospace = False |
else: |
result.extend([" ", t]) |
previous_nospace = False |
return "".join(result) |
old_style = False |
def basic_tokenizer(sentence): |
"""Very basic tokenizer: split the sentence into a list of tokens.""" |
words = [] |
if old_style: |
for space_separated_fragment in sentence.strip().split(): |
words.extend(re.split(_OLD_WORD_SPLIT, space_separated_fragment)) |
return [w for w in words if w] |
for space_separated_fragment in sentence.strip().split(): |
tokens = [t for t in re.split(_WORD_SPLIT, space_separated_fragment) if t] |
first_is_char = False |
for i, t in enumerate(tokens): |
if len(t) == 1 and t in _PUNCTUATION: |
tokens[i] = _CHAR_MARKER + t |
if i == 0: |
first_is_char = True |
if words and words[-1] != _SPACE and (first_is_char or is_char(words[-1])): |
tokens = [_SPACE] + tokens |
spaced_tokens = [] |
for i, tok in enumerate(tokens): |
spaced_tokens.append(tokens[i]) |
if i < len(tokens) - 1: |
if tok != _SPACE and not (is_char(tok) or is_char(tokens[i+1])): |
spaced_tokens.append(_SPACE) |
words.extend(spaced_tokens) |
return words |
def space_tokenizer(sentence): |
return sentence.strip().split() |
def is_pos_tag(token): |
"""Check if token is a part-of-speech tag.""" |
return(token in ["CC", "CD", "DT", "EX", "FW", "IN", "JJ", "JJR", |
"JJS", "LS", "MD", "NN", "NNS", "NNP", "NNPS", "PDT", |
"POS", "PRP", "PRP$", "RB", "RBR", "RBS", "RP", "SYM", "TO", |
"UH", "VB", "VBD", "VBG", "VBN", "VBP", "VBZ", "WDT", "WP", |
"WP$", "WRB", ".", ",", ":", ")", "-LRB-", "(", "-RRB-", |
"HYPH", "$", "``", "''", "ADD", "AFX", "QTR", "BES", "-DFL-", |
"GW", "HVS", "NFP"]) |
def parse_constraints(inpt, res): |
ntags = len(res) |
nwords = len(inpt) |
npostags = len([x for x in res if is_pos_tag(x)]) |
nclose = len([x for x in res if x[0] == "/"]) |
nopen = ntags - nclose - npostags |
return (abs(npostags - nwords), abs(nclose - nopen)) |
def create_vocabulary(vocabulary_path, data_path, max_vocabulary_size, |
tokenizer=None, normalize_digits=False): |
"""Create vocabulary file (if it does not exist yet) from data file. |
Data file is assumed to contain one sentence per line. Each sentence is |
tokenized and digits are normalized (if normalize_digits is set). |
Vocabulary contains the most-frequent tokens up to max_vocabulary_size. |
We write it to vocabulary_path in a one-token-per-line format, so that later |
token in the first line gets id=0, second line gets id=1, and so on. |
Args: |
vocabulary_path: path where the vocabulary will be created. |
data_path: data file that will be used to create vocabulary. |
max_vocabulary_size: limit on the size of the created vocabulary. |
tokenizer: a function to use to tokenize each data sentence; |
if None, basic_tokenizer will be used. |
normalize_digits: Boolean; if true, all digits are replaced by 0s. |
""" |
if not tf.gfile.Exists(vocabulary_path): |
print("Creating vocabulary %s from data %s" % (vocabulary_path, data_path)) |
vocab, chars = {}, {} |
for c in _PUNCTUATION: |
chars[c] = 1 |
with tf.gfile.GFile(data_path + ".fr", mode="rb") as f: |
counter = 0 |
for line_in in f: |
line = " ".join(line_in.split()) |
counter += 1 |
if counter % 100000 == 0: |
print(" processing fr line %d" % counter) |
for c in line: |
if c in chars: |
chars[c] += 1 |
else: |
chars[c] = 1 |
tokens = tokenizer(line) if tokenizer else basic_tokenizer(line) |
tokens = [t for t in tokens if not is_char(t) and t != _SPACE] |
for w in tokens: |
word = re.sub(_DIGIT_RE, b"0", w) if normalize_digits else w |
if word in vocab: |
vocab[word] += 1000000000 |
else: |
vocab[word] = 1000000000 |
with tf.gfile.GFile(data_path + ".en", mode="rb") as f: |
counter = 0 |
for line_in in f: |
line = " ".join(line_in.split()) |
counter += 1 |
if counter % 100000 == 0: |
print(" processing en line %d" % counter) |
for c in line: |
if c in chars: |
chars[c] += 1 |
else: |
chars[c] = 1 |
tokens = tokenizer(line) if tokenizer else basic_tokenizer(line) |
tokens = [t for t in tokens if not is_char(t) and t != _SPACE] |
for w in tokens: |
word = re.sub(_DIGIT_RE, b"0", w) if normalize_digits else w |
if word in vocab: |
vocab[word] += 1 |
else: |
vocab[word] = 1 |
sorted_vocab = sorted(vocab, key=vocab.get, reverse=True) |
sorted_chars = sorted(chars, key=vocab.get, reverse=True) |
sorted_chars = [_CHAR_MARKER + c for c in sorted_chars] |
vocab_list = _START_VOCAB + sorted_chars + sorted_vocab |
if tokenizer: |
vocab_list = _START_VOCAB + sorted_vocab |
if len(vocab_list) > max_vocabulary_size: |
vocab_list = vocab_list[:max_vocabulary_size] |
with tf.gfile.GFile(vocabulary_path, mode="wb") as vocab_file: |
for w in vocab_list: |
vocab_file.write(w + b"\n") |
def initialize_vocabulary(vocabulary_path): |
"""Initialize vocabulary from file. |
We assume the vocabulary is stored one-item-per-line, so a file: |
dog |
cat |
will result in a vocabulary {"dog": 0, "cat": 1}, and this function will |
also return the reversed-vocabulary ["dog", "cat"]. |
Args: |
vocabulary_path: path to the file containing the vocabulary. |
Returns: |
a pair: the vocabulary (a dictionary mapping string to integers), and |
the reversed vocabulary (a list, which reverses the vocabulary mapping). |
Raises: |
ValueError: if the provided vocabulary_path does not exist. |
""" |
if tf.gfile.Exists(vocabulary_path): |
rev_vocab = [] |
with tf.gfile.GFile(vocabulary_path, mode="rb") as f: |
rev_vocab.extend(f.readlines()) |
rev_vocab = [line.strip() for line in rev_vocab] |
vocab = dict([(x, y) for (y, x) in enumerate(rev_vocab)]) |
return vocab, rev_vocab |
else: |
raise ValueError("Vocabulary file %s not found.", vocabulary_path) |
def sentence_to_token_ids_raw(sentence, vocabulary, |
tokenizer=None, normalize_digits=old_style): |
"""Convert a string to list of integers representing token-ids. |
For example, a sentence "I have a dog" may become tokenized into |
["I", "have", "a", "dog"] and with vocabulary {"I": 1, "have": 2, |
"a": 4, "dog": 7"} this function will return [1, 2, 4, 7]. |
Args: |
sentence: the sentence in bytes format to convert to token-ids. |
vocabulary: a dictionary mapping tokens to integers. |
tokenizer: a function to use to tokenize each sentence; |
if None, basic_tokenizer will be used. |
normalize_digits: Boolean; if true, all digits are replaced by 0s. |
Returns: |
a list of integers, the token-ids for the sentence. |
""" |
if tokenizer: |
words = tokenizer(sentence) |
else: |
words = basic_tokenizer(sentence) |
result = [] |
for w in words: |
if normalize_digits: |
w = re.sub(_DIGIT_RE, b"0", w) |
if w in vocabulary: |
result.append(vocabulary[w]) |
else: |
if tokenizer: |
result.append(UNK_ID) |
else: |
result.append(SPACE_ID) |
for c in w: |
result.append(vocabulary.get(_CHAR_MARKER + c, UNK_ID)) |
result.append(SPACE_ID) |
while result and result[0] == SPACE_ID: |
result = result[1:] |
while result and result[-1] == SPACE_ID: |
result = result[:-1] |
return result |
def sentence_to_token_ids(sentence, vocabulary, |
tokenizer=None, normalize_digits=old_style): |
"""Convert a string to list of integers representing token-ids, tab=0.""" |
tab_parts = sentence.strip().split("\t") |
toks = [sentence_to_token_ids_raw(t, vocabulary, tokenizer, normalize_digits) |
for t in tab_parts] |
res = [] |
for t in toks: |
res.extend(t) |
res.append(0) |
return res[:-1] |
def data_to_token_ids(data_path, target_path, vocabulary_path, |
tokenizer=None, normalize_digits=False): |
"""Tokenize data file and turn into token-ids using given vocabulary file. |
This function loads data line-by-line from data_path, calls the above |
sentence_to_token_ids, and saves the result to target_path. See comment |
for sentence_to_token_ids on the details of token-ids format. |
Args: |
data_path: path to the data file in one-sentence-per-line format. |
target_path: path where the file with token-ids will be created. |
vocabulary_path: path to the vocabulary file. |
tokenizer: a function to use to tokenize each sentence; |
if None, basic_tokenizer will be used. |
normalize_digits: Boolean; if true, all digits are replaced by 0s. |
""" |
if not tf.gfile.Exists(target_path): |
print("Tokenizing data in %s" % data_path) |
vocab, _ = initialize_vocabulary(vocabulary_path) |
with tf.gfile.GFile(data_path, mode="rb") as data_file: |
with tf.gfile.GFile(target_path, mode="w") as tokens_file: |
counter = 0 |
for line in data_file: |
counter += 1 |
if counter % 100000 == 0: |
print(" tokenizing line %d" % counter) |
token_ids = sentence_to_token_ids(line, vocab, tokenizer, |
normalize_digits) |
tokens_file.write(" ".join([str(tok) for tok in token_ids]) + "\n") |
def prepare_wmt_data(data_dir, vocabulary_size, |
tokenizer=None, normalize_digits=False): |
"""Get WMT data into data_dir, create vocabularies and tokenize data. |
Args: |
data_dir: directory in which the data sets will be stored. |
vocabulary_size: size of the joint vocabulary to create and use. |
tokenizer: a function to use to tokenize each data sentence; |
if None, basic_tokenizer will be used. |
normalize_digits: Boolean; if true, all digits are replaced by 0s. |
Returns: |
A tuple of 6 elements: |
(1) path to the token-ids for English training data-set, |
(2) path to the token-ids for French training data-set, |
(3) path to the token-ids for English development data-set, |
(4) path to the token-ids for French development data-set, |
(5) path to the vocabulary file, |
(6) path to the vocabulary file (for compatibility with non-joint vocab). |
""" |
train_path = get_wmt_enfr_train_set(data_dir) |
dev_path = get_wmt_enfr_dev_set(data_dir) |
vocab_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "vocab%d.txt" % vocabulary_size) |
create_vocabulary(vocab_path, train_path, vocabulary_size, |
tokenizer=tokenizer, normalize_digits=normalize_digits) |
fr_train_ids_path = train_path + (".ids%d.fr" % vocabulary_size) |
en_train_ids_path = train_path + (".ids%d.en" % vocabulary_size) |
data_to_token_ids(train_path + ".fr", fr_train_ids_path, vocab_path, |
tokenizer=tokenizer, normalize_digits=normalize_digits) |
data_to_token_ids(train_path + ".en", en_train_ids_path, vocab_path, |
tokenizer=tokenizer, normalize_digits=normalize_digits) |
fr_dev_ids_path = dev_path + (".ids%d.fr" % vocabulary_size) |
en_dev_ids_path = dev_path + (".ids%d.en" % vocabulary_size) |
data_to_token_ids(dev_path + ".fr", fr_dev_ids_path, vocab_path, |
tokenizer=tokenizer, normalize_digits=normalize_digits) |
data_to_token_ids(dev_path + ".en", en_dev_ids_path, vocab_path, |
tokenizer=tokenizer, normalize_digits=normalize_digits) |
return (en_train_ids_path, fr_train_ids_path, |
en_dev_ids_path, fr_dev_ids_path, |
vocab_path, vocab_path) |