r"""CelebA dataset formating. |
Download img_align_celeba.zip from |
http://mmlab.ie.cuhk.edu.hk/projects/CelebA.html under the |
link "Align&Cropped Images" in the "Img" directory and list_eval_partition.txt |
under the link "Train/Val/Test Partitions" in the "Eval" directory. Then do: |
unzip img_align_celeba.zip |
Use the script as follow: |
python celeba_formatting.py \ |
--partition_fn [PARTITION_FILE_PATH] \ |
--file_out [OUTPUT_FILE_PATH_PREFIX] \ |
--fn_root [CELEBA_FOLDER] \ |
--set [SUBSET_INDEX] |
""" |
from __future__ import print_function |
import os |
import os.path |
import scipy.io |
import scipy.io.wavfile |
import scipy.ndimage |
import tensorflow as tf |
tf.flags.DEFINE_string("file_out", "", |
"Filename of the output .tfrecords file.") |
tf.flags.DEFINE_string("fn_root", "", "Name of root file path.") |
tf.flags.DEFINE_string("partition_fn", "", "Partition file path.") |
tf.flags.DEFINE_string("set", "", "Name of subset.") |
FLAGS = tf.flags.FLAGS |
def _int64_feature(value): |
return tf.train.Feature(int64_list=tf.train.Int64List(value=[value])) |
def _bytes_feature(value): |
return tf.train.Feature(bytes_list=tf.train.BytesList(value=[value])) |
def main(): |
"""Main converter function.""" |
with open(FLAGS.partition_fn, "r") as infile: |
img_fn_list = infile.readlines() |
img_fn_list = [elem.strip().split() for elem in img_fn_list] |
img_fn_list = [elem[0] for elem in img_fn_list if elem[1] == FLAGS.set] |
fn_root = FLAGS.fn_root |
num_examples = len(img_fn_list) |
file_out = "%s.tfrecords" % FLAGS.file_out |
writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(file_out) |
for example_idx, img_fn in enumerate(img_fn_list): |
if example_idx % 1000 == 0: |
print(example_idx, "/", num_examples) |
image_raw = scipy.ndimage.imread(os.path.join(fn_root, img_fn)) |
rows = image_raw.shape[0] |
cols = image_raw.shape[1] |
depth = image_raw.shape[2] |
image_raw = image_raw.tostring() |
example = tf.train.Example( |
features=tf.train.Features( |
feature={ |
"height": _int64_feature(rows), |
"width": _int64_feature(cols), |
"depth": _int64_feature(depth), |
"image_raw": _bytes_feature(image_raw) |
} |
) |
) |
writer.write(example.SerializeToString()) |
writer.close() |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
main() |