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# Lint as: python3
# Copyright 2020 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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# ==============================================================================
"""Common configuration settings."""
from typing import Optional, Union
import dataclasses
from official.modeling.hyperparams import base_config
from official.modeling.optimization.configs import optimization_config
from official.utils import registry
OptimizationConfig = optimization_config.OptimizationConfig
class DataConfig(base_config.Config):
"""The base configuration for building datasets.
input_path: The path to the input. It can be either (1) a file pattern, or
(2) multiple file patterns separated by comma. It should not be specified
when the following `tfds_name` is specified.
tfds_name: The name of the tensorflow dataset (TFDS). It should not be
specified when the above `input_path` is specified.
tfds_split: A str indicating which split of the data to load from TFDS. It
is required when above `tfds_name` is specified.
global_batch_size: The global batch size across all replicas.
is_training: Whether this data is used for training or not.
drop_remainder: Whether the last batch should be dropped in the case it has
fewer than `global_batch_size` elements.
shuffle_buffer_size: The buffer size used for shuffling training data.
cache: Whether to cache dataset examples. Can be used to avoid re-reading
from disk on the second epoch. Requires significant memory overhead.
cycle_length: The number of files that will be processed concurrently when
interleaving files.
block_length: The number of consecutive elements to produce from each input
element before cycling to another input element when interleaving files.
sharding: Whether sharding is used in the input pipeline.
examples_consume: An `integer` specifying the number of examples it will
produce. If positive, it only takes this number of examples and raises
tf.error.OutOfRangeError after that. Default is -1, meaning it will
exhaust all the examples in the dataset.
tfds_data_dir: A str specifying the directory to read/write TFDS data.
tfds_download: A bool to indicate whether to download data using TFDS.
tfds_as_supervised: A bool. When loading dataset from TFDS, if True,
the returned will have a 2-tuple structure (input, label)
according to; if False, the default,
the returned will have a dictionary with all the features.
tfds_skip_decoding_feature: A str to indicate which features are skipped
for decoding when loading dataset from TFDS. Use comma to separate
multiple features. The main use case is to skip the image/video decoding
for better performance.
input_path: str = ""
tfds_name: str = ""
tfds_split: str = ""
global_batch_size: int = 0
is_training: bool = None
drop_remainder: bool = True
shuffle_buffer_size: int = 100
cache: bool = False
cycle_length: int = 8
block_length: int = 1
sharding: bool = True
examples_consume: int = -1
tfds_data_dir: str = ""
tfds_download: bool = False
tfds_as_supervised: bool = False
tfds_skip_decoding_feature: str = ""
class RuntimeConfig(base_config.Config):
"""High-level configurations for Runtime.
These include parameters that are not directly related to the experiment,
e.g. directories, accelerator type, etc.
distribution_strategy: e.g. 'mirrored', 'tpu', etc.
enable_xla: Whether or not to enable XLA.
per_gpu_thread_count: thread count per GPU.
gpu_thread_mode: Whether and how the GPU device uses its own threadpool.
dataset_num_private_threads: Number of threads for a private threadpool
created for all datasets computation.
tpu: The address of the TPU to use, if any.
num_gpus: The number of GPUs to use, if any.
worker_hosts: comma-separated list of worker ip:port pairs for running
multi-worker models with DistributionStrategy.
task_index: If multi-worker training, the task index of this worker.
all_reduce_alg: Defines the algorithm for performing all-reduce.
num_packs: Sets `num_packs` in the cross device ops used in
MirroredStrategy. For details, see tf.distribute.NcclAllReduce.
mixed_precision_dtype: dtype of mixed precision policy. It can be 'float32',
'float16', or 'bfloat16'.
loss_scale: The type of loss scale, or 'float' value. This is used when
setting the mixed precision policy.
run_eagerly: Whether or not to run the experiment eagerly.
batchnorm_spatial_persistent: Whether or not to enable the spatial
persistent mode for CuDNN batch norm kernel for improved GPU performance.
distribution_strategy: str = "mirrored"
enable_xla: bool = False
gpu_thread_mode: Optional[str] = None
dataset_num_private_threads: Optional[int] = None
per_gpu_thread_count: int = 0
tpu: Optional[str] = None
num_gpus: int = 0
worker_hosts: Optional[str] = None
task_index: int = -1
all_reduce_alg: Optional[str] = None
num_packs: int = 1
loss_scale: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None
mixed_precision_dtype: Optional[str] = None
run_eagerly: bool = False
batchnorm_spatial_persistent: bool = False
class TensorboardConfig(base_config.Config):
"""Configuration for Tensorboard.
track_lr: Whether or not to track the learning rate in Tensorboard. Defaults
to True.
write_model_weights: Whether or not to write the model weights as images in
Tensorboard. Defaults to False.
track_lr: bool = True
write_model_weights: bool = False
class CallbacksConfig(base_config.Config):
"""Configuration for Callbacks.
enable_checkpoint_and_export: Whether or not to enable checkpoints as a
Callback. Defaults to True.
enable_tensorboard: Whether or not to enable Tensorboard as a Callback.
Defaults to True.
enable_time_history: Whether or not to enable TimeHistory Callbacks.
Defaults to True.
enable_checkpoint_and_export: bool = True
enable_tensorboard: bool = True
enable_time_history: bool = True
class TrainerConfig(base_config.Config):
"""Configuration for trainer.
optimizer_config: optimizer config, it includes optimizer, learning rate,
and warmup schedule configs.
train_tf_while_loop: whether or not to use tf while loop.
train_tf_function: whether or not to use tf_function for training loop.
eval_tf_function: whether or not to use tf_function for eval.
steps_per_loop: number of steps per loop.
summary_interval: number of steps between each summary.
checkpoint_intervals: number of steps between checkpoints.
max_to_keep: max checkpoints to keep.
continuous_eval_timeout: maximum number of seconds to wait between
checkpoints, if set to None, continuous eval will wait indefinetely.
optimizer_config: OptimizationConfig = OptimizationConfig()
train_tf_while_loop: bool = True
train_tf_function: bool = True
eval_tf_function: bool = True
steps_per_loop: int = 1000
summary_interval: int = 1000
checkpoint_interval: int = 1000
max_to_keep: int = 5
continuous_eval_timeout: Optional[int] = None
class TaskConfig(base_config.Config):
network: base_config.Config = None
train_data: DataConfig = DataConfig()
validation_data: DataConfig = DataConfig()
class ExperimentConfig(base_config.Config):
"""Top-level configuration."""
task: TaskConfig = TaskConfig()
trainer: TrainerConfig = TrainerConfig()
runtime: RuntimeConfig = RuntimeConfig()
train_steps: int = 0
validation_steps: Optional[int] = None
validation_interval: int = 100
def register_config_factory(name):
"""Register ExperimentConfig factory method."""
return registry.register(_REGISTERED_CONFIGS, name)
def get_exp_config_creater(exp_name: str):
"""Looks up ExperimentConfig factory methods."""
exp_creater = registry.lookup(_REGISTERED_CONFIGS, exp_name)
return exp_creater