"""Common util functions and classes used by both keras cifar and imagenet.""" |
from __future__ import absolute_import |
from __future__ import division |
from __future__ import print_function |
import os |
from absl import flags |
import tensorflow as tf |
from tensorflow.python.keras.optimizer_v2 import gradient_descent as gradient_descent_v2 |
import tensorflow_model_optimization as tfmot |
from official.utils.flags import core as flags_core |
from official.utils.misc import keras_utils |
FLAGS = flags.FLAGS |
TRAIN_TOP_1 = 'training_accuracy_top_1' |
(1.0, 5), (0.1, 30), (0.01, 60), (0.001, 80) |
] |
class PiecewiseConstantDecayWithWarmup( |
tf.keras.optimizers.schedules.LearningRateSchedule): |
"""Piecewise constant decay with warmup schedule.""" |
def __init__(self, batch_size, epoch_size, warmup_epochs, boundaries, |
multipliers, compute_lr_on_cpu=True, name=None): |
super(PiecewiseConstantDecayWithWarmup, self).__init__() |
if len(boundaries) != len(multipliers) - 1: |
raise ValueError('The length of boundaries must be 1 less than the ' |
'length of multipliers') |
base_lr_batch_size = 256 |
steps_per_epoch = epoch_size // batch_size |
self.rescaled_lr = BASE_LEARNING_RATE * batch_size / base_lr_batch_size |
self.step_boundaries = [float(steps_per_epoch) * x for x in boundaries] |
self.lr_values = [self.rescaled_lr * m for m in multipliers] |
self.warmup_steps = warmup_epochs * steps_per_epoch |
self.compute_lr_on_cpu = compute_lr_on_cpu |
self.name = name |
self.learning_rate_ops_cache = {} |
def __call__(self, step): |
if tf.executing_eagerly(): |
return self._get_learning_rate(step) |
graph = tf.compat.v1.get_default_graph() |
if graph not in self.learning_rate_ops_cache: |
if self.compute_lr_on_cpu: |
with tf.device('/device:CPU:0'): |
self.learning_rate_ops_cache[graph] = self._get_learning_rate(step) |
else: |
self.learning_rate_ops_cache[graph] = self._get_learning_rate(step) |
return self.learning_rate_ops_cache[graph] |
def _get_learning_rate(self, step): |
"""Compute learning rate at given step.""" |
with tf.name_scope('PiecewiseConstantDecayWithWarmup'): |
def warmup_lr(step): |
return self.rescaled_lr * ( |
tf.cast(step, tf.float32) / tf.cast(self.warmup_steps, tf.float32)) |
def piecewise_lr(step): |
return tf.compat.v1.train.piecewise_constant( |
step, self.step_boundaries, self.lr_values) |
return tf.cond(step < self.warmup_steps, |
lambda: warmup_lr(step), |
lambda: piecewise_lr(step)) |
def get_config(self): |
return { |
'rescaled_lr': self.rescaled_lr, |
'step_boundaries': self.step_boundaries, |
'lr_values': self.lr_values, |
'warmup_steps': self.warmup_steps, |
'compute_lr_on_cpu': self.compute_lr_on_cpu, |
'name': self.name |
} |
def get_optimizer(learning_rate=0.1): |
"""Returns optimizer to use.""" |
return gradient_descent_v2.SGD(learning_rate=learning_rate, momentum=0.9) |
def get_callbacks( |
pruning_method=None, |
enable_checkpoint_and_export=False, |
model_dir=None): |
"""Returns common callbacks.""" |
time_callback = keras_utils.TimeHistory( |
FLAGS.batch_size, |
FLAGS.log_steps, |
logdir=FLAGS.model_dir if FLAGS.enable_tensorboard else None) |
callbacks = [time_callback] |
if FLAGS.enable_tensorboard: |
tensorboard_callback = tf.keras.callbacks.TensorBoard( |
log_dir=FLAGS.model_dir, |
profile_batch=FLAGS.profile_steps) |
callbacks.append(tensorboard_callback) |
is_pruning_enabled = pruning_method is not None |
if is_pruning_enabled: |
callbacks.append(tfmot.sparsity.keras.UpdatePruningStep()) |
if model_dir is not None: |
callbacks.append(tfmot.sparsity.keras.PruningSummaries( |
log_dir=model_dir, profile_batch=0)) |
if enable_checkpoint_and_export: |
if model_dir is not None: |
ckpt_full_path = os.path.join(model_dir, 'model.ckpt-{epoch:04d}') |
callbacks.append( |
tf.keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(ckpt_full_path, |
save_weights_only=True)) |
return callbacks |
def build_stats(history, eval_output, callbacks): |
"""Normalizes and returns dictionary of stats. |
Args: |
history: Results of the training step. Supports both categorical_accuracy |
and sparse_categorical_accuracy. |
eval_output: Output of the eval step. Assumes first value is eval_loss and |
second value is accuracy_top_1. |
callbacks: a list of callbacks which might include a time history callback |
used during keras.fit. |
Returns: |
Dictionary of normalized results. |
""" |
stats = {} |
if eval_output: |
stats['accuracy_top_1'] = float(eval_output[1]) |
stats['eval_loss'] = float(eval_output[0]) |
if history and history.history: |
train_hist = history.history |
stats['loss'] = float(train_hist['loss'][-1]) |
if 'categorical_accuracy' in train_hist: |
stats[TRAIN_TOP_1] = float(train_hist['categorical_accuracy'][-1]) |
elif 'sparse_categorical_accuracy' in train_hist: |
stats[TRAIN_TOP_1] = float(train_hist['sparse_categorical_accuracy'][-1]) |
elif 'accuracy' in train_hist: |
stats[TRAIN_TOP_1] = float(train_hist['accuracy'][-1]) |
if not callbacks: |
return stats |
for callback in callbacks: |
if isinstance(callback, keras_utils.TimeHistory): |
timestamp_log = callback.timestamp_log |
stats['step_timestamp_log'] = timestamp_log |
stats['train_finish_time'] = callback.train_finish_time |
if callback.epoch_runtime_log: |
stats['avg_exp_per_second'] = callback.average_examples_per_second |
return stats |
def define_keras_flags( |
dynamic_loss_scale=True, |
model=False, |
optimizer=False, |
pretrained_filepath=False): |
"""Define flags for Keras models.""" |
flags_core.define_base(clean=True, num_gpu=True, run_eagerly=True, |
train_epochs=True, epochs_between_evals=True, |
distribution_strategy=True) |
flags_core.define_performance(num_parallel_calls=False, |
synthetic_data=True, |
dtype=True, |
all_reduce_alg=True, |
num_packs=True, |
tf_gpu_thread_mode=True, |
datasets_num_private_threads=True, |
dynamic_loss_scale=dynamic_loss_scale, |
loss_scale=True, |
fp16_implementation=True, |
tf_data_experimental_slack=True, |
enable_xla=True, |
training_dataset_cache=True) |
flags_core.define_image() |
flags_core.define_benchmark() |
flags_core.define_distribution() |
flags.adopt_module_key_flags(flags_core) |
flags.DEFINE_boolean(name='enable_eager', default=False, help='Enable eager?') |
flags.DEFINE_boolean(name='skip_eval', default=False, help='Skip evaluation?') |
flags.DEFINE_boolean( |
name='set_learning_phase_to_train', default=True, |
help='If skip eval, also set Keras learning phase to 1 (training).') |
flags.DEFINE_boolean( |
name='explicit_gpu_placement', default=False, |
help='If not using distribution strategy, explicitly set device scope ' |
'for the Keras training loop.') |
flags.DEFINE_boolean(name='use_trivial_model', default=False, |
help='Whether to use a trivial Keras model.') |
flags.DEFINE_boolean(name='report_accuracy_metrics', default=True, |
help='Report metrics during training and evaluation.') |
flags.DEFINE_boolean(name='use_tensor_lr', default=True, |
help='Use learning rate tensor instead of a callback.') |
flags.DEFINE_boolean( |
name='enable_tensorboard', default=False, |
help='Whether to enable Tensorboard callback.') |
flags.DEFINE_string( |
name='profile_steps', default=None, |
help='Save profiling data to model dir at given range of global steps. The ' |
'value must be a comma separated pair of positive integers, specifying ' |
'the first and last step to profile. For example, "--profile_steps=2,4" ' |
'triggers the profiler to process 3 steps, starting from the 2nd step. ' |
'Note that profiler has a non-trivial performance overhead, and the ' |
'output file can be gigantic if profiling many steps.') |
flags.DEFINE_integer( |
name='train_steps', default=None, |
help='The number of steps to run for training. If it is larger than ' |
'# batches per epoch, then use # batches per epoch. This flag will be ' |
'ignored if train_epochs is set to be larger than 1. ') |
flags.DEFINE_boolean( |
name='batchnorm_spatial_persistent', default=True, |
help='Enable the spacial persistent mode for CuDNN batch norm kernel.') |
flags.DEFINE_boolean( |
name='enable_get_next_as_optional', default=False, |
help='Enable get_next_as_optional behavior in DistributedIterator.') |
flags.DEFINE_boolean( |
name='enable_checkpoint_and_export', default=False, |
help='Whether to enable a checkpoint callback and export the savedmodel.') |
flags.DEFINE_string( |
name='tpu', default='', help='TPU address to connect to.') |
flags.DEFINE_integer( |
name='steps_per_loop', |
default=500, |
help='Number of steps per training loop. Only training step happens ' |
'inside the loop. Callbacks will not be called inside. Will be capped at ' |
'steps per epoch.') |
flags.DEFINE_boolean( |
name='use_tf_while_loop', |
default=True, |
help='Whether to build a tf.while_loop inside the training loop on the ' |
'host. Setting it to True is critical to have peak performance on ' |
'TPU.') |
if model: |
flags.DEFINE_string('model', 'resnet50_v1.5', |
'Name of model preset. (mobilenet, resnet50_v1.5)') |
if optimizer: |
flags.DEFINE_string('optimizer', 'resnet50_default', |
'Name of optimizer preset. ' |
'(mobilenet_default, resnet50_default)') |
flags.DEFINE_float('initial_learning_rate_per_sample', 0.00007, |
'Initial value of learning rate per sample for ' |
'mobilenet_default.') |
flags.DEFINE_float('lr_decay_factor', 0.94, |
'Learning rate decay factor for mobilenet_default.') |
flags.DEFINE_float('num_epochs_per_decay', 2.5, |
'Number of epochs per decay for mobilenet_default.') |
if pretrained_filepath: |
flags.DEFINE_string('pretrained_filepath', '', |
'Pretrained file path.') |
def get_synth_data(height, width, num_channels, num_classes, dtype): |
"""Creates a set of synthetic random data. |
Args: |
height: Integer height that will be used to create a fake image tensor. |
width: Integer width that will be used to create a fake image tensor. |
num_channels: Integer depth that will be used to create a fake image tensor. |
num_classes: Number of classes that should be represented in the fake labels |
tensor |
dtype: Data type for features/images. |
Returns: |
A tuple of tensors representing the inputs and labels. |
""" |
inputs = tf.random.truncated_normal([height, width, num_channels], |
dtype=dtype, |
mean=127, |
stddev=60, |
name='synthetic_inputs') |
labels = tf.random.uniform([1], |
minval=0, |
maxval=num_classes - 1, |
dtype=tf.int32, |
name='synthetic_labels') |
return inputs, labels |
def define_pruning_flags(): |
"""Define flags for pruning methods.""" |
flags.DEFINE_string('pruning_method', None, |
'Pruning method.' |
'None (no pruning) or polynomial_decay.') |
flags.DEFINE_float('pruning_initial_sparsity', 0.0, |
'Initial sparsity for pruning.') |
flags.DEFINE_float('pruning_final_sparsity', 0.5, |
'Final sparsity for pruning.') |
flags.DEFINE_integer('pruning_begin_step', 0, |
'Begin step for pruning.') |
flags.DEFINE_integer('pruning_end_step', 100000, |
'End step for pruning.') |
flags.DEFINE_integer('pruning_frequency', 100, |
'Frequency for pruning.') |
def get_synth_input_fn(height, width, num_channels, num_classes, |
dtype=tf.float32, drop_remainder=True): |
"""Returns an input function that returns a dataset with random data. |
This input_fn returns a data set that iterates over a set of random data and |
bypasses all preprocessing, e.g. jpeg decode and copy. The host to device |
copy is still included. This used to find the upper throughput bound when |
tuning the full input pipeline. |
Args: |
height: Integer height that will be used to create a fake image tensor. |
width: Integer width that will be used to create a fake image tensor. |
num_channels: Integer depth that will be used to create a fake image tensor. |
num_classes: Number of classes that should be represented in the fake labels |
tensor |
dtype: Data type for features/images. |
drop_remainder: A boolean indicates whether to drop the remainder of the |
batches. If True, the batch dimension will be static. |
Returns: |
An input_fn that can be used in place of a real one to return a dataset |
that can be used for iteration. |
""" |
def input_fn(is_training, data_dir, batch_size, *args, **kwargs): |
"""Returns dataset filled with random data.""" |
inputs, labels = get_synth_data(height=height, |
width=width, |
num_channels=num_channels, |
num_classes=num_classes, |
dtype=dtype) |
labels = tf.cast(labels, dtype=tf.float32) |
data = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensors((inputs, labels)).repeat() |
data = data.batch(batch_size, drop_remainder=drop_remainder) |
data = data.prefetch(buffer_size=tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE) |
return data |
return input_fn |
def set_cudnn_batchnorm_mode(): |
"""Set CuDNN batchnorm mode for better performance. |
Note: Spatial Persistent mode may lead to accuracy losses for certain |
models. |
""" |
if FLAGS.batchnorm_spatial_persistent: |
else: |