# Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Objectives to compute loss and value targets. Implements Actor Critic, PCL (vanilla PCL, Unified PCL, Trust PCL), and TRPO. """ import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np class Objective(object): def __init__(self, learning_rate, clip_norm): self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.clip_norm = clip_norm def get_optimizer(self, learning_rate): """Optimizer for gradient descent ops.""" return tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate, epsilon=2e-4) def training_ops(self, loss, learning_rate=None): """Gradient ops.""" opt = self.get_optimizer(learning_rate) params = tf.trainable_variables() grads = tf.gradients(loss, params) if self.clip_norm: grads, global_norm = tf.clip_by_global_norm(grads, self.clip_norm) tf.summary.scalar('grad_global_norm', global_norm) return opt.apply_gradients(zip(grads, params)) def get(self, rewards, pads, values, final_values, log_probs, prev_log_probs, target_log_probs, entropies, logits, target_values, final_target_values): """Get objective calculations.""" raise NotImplementedError() def discounted_future_sum(values, discount, rollout): """Discounted future sum of time-major values.""" discount_filter = tf.reshape( discount ** tf.range(float(rollout)), [-1, 1, 1]) expanded_values = tf.concat( [values, tf.zeros([rollout - 1, tf.shape(values)[1]])], 0) conv_values = tf.transpose(tf.squeeze(tf.nn.conv1d( tf.expand_dims(tf.transpose(expanded_values), -1), discount_filter, stride=1, padding='VALID'), -1)) return conv_values def discounted_two_sided_sum(values, discount, rollout): """Discounted two-sided sum of time-major values.""" roll = float(rollout) discount_filter = tf.reshape( discount ** tf.abs(tf.range(-roll + 1, roll)), [-1, 1, 1]) expanded_values = tf.concat( [tf.zeros([rollout - 1, tf.shape(values)[1]]), values, tf.zeros([rollout - 1, tf.shape(values)[1]])], 0) conv_values = tf.transpose(tf.squeeze(tf.nn.conv1d( tf.expand_dims(tf.transpose(expanded_values), -1), discount_filter, stride=1, padding='VALID'), -1)) return conv_values def shift_values(values, discount, rollout, final_values=0.0): """Shift values up by some amount of time. Those values that shift from a value beyond the last value are calculated using final_values. """ roll_range = tf.cumsum(tf.ones_like(values[:rollout, :]), 0, exclusive=True, reverse=True) final_pad = tf.expand_dims(final_values, 0) * discount ** roll_range return tf.concat([discount ** rollout * values[rollout:, :], final_pad], 0) class ActorCritic(Objective): """Standard Actor-Critic.""" def __init__(self, learning_rate, clip_norm=5, policy_weight=1.0, critic_weight=0.1, tau=0.1, gamma=1.0, rollout=10, eps_lambda=0.0, clip_adv=None, use_target_values=False): super(ActorCritic, self).__init__(learning_rate, clip_norm=clip_norm) self.policy_weight = policy_weight self.critic_weight = critic_weight self.tau = tau self.gamma = gamma self.rollout = rollout self.clip_adv = clip_adv self.eps_lambda = tf.get_variable( # TODO: need a better way 'eps_lambda', [], initializer=tf.constant_initializer(eps_lambda), trainable=False) self.new_eps_lambda = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, []) self.assign_eps_lambda = self.eps_lambda.assign( 0.99 * self.eps_lambda + 0.01 * self.new_eps_lambda) self.use_target_values = use_target_values def get(self, rewards, pads, values, final_values, log_probs, prev_log_probs, target_log_probs, entropies, logits, target_values, final_target_values): not_pad = 1 - pads batch_size = tf.shape(rewards)[1] entropy = not_pad * sum(entropies) rewards = not_pad * rewards value_estimates = not_pad * values log_probs = not_pad * sum(log_probs) target_values = not_pad * tf.stop_gradient(target_values) final_target_values = tf.stop_gradient(final_target_values) sum_rewards = discounted_future_sum(rewards, self.gamma, self.rollout) if self.use_target_values: last_values = shift_values( target_values, self.gamma, self.rollout, final_target_values) else: last_values = shift_values(value_estimates, self.gamma, self.rollout, final_values) future_values = sum_rewards + last_values baseline_values = value_estimates adv = tf.stop_gradient(-baseline_values + future_values) if self.clip_adv: adv = tf.minimum(self.clip_adv, tf.maximum(-self.clip_adv, adv)) policy_loss = -adv * log_probs critic_loss = -adv * baseline_values regularizer = -self.tau * entropy policy_loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.reduce_sum(policy_loss * not_pad, 0)) critic_loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.reduce_sum(critic_loss * not_pad, 0)) regularizer = tf.reduce_mean( tf.reduce_sum(regularizer * not_pad, 0)) # loss for gradient calculation loss = (self.policy_weight * policy_loss + self.critic_weight * critic_loss + regularizer) raw_loss = tf.reduce_mean( # TODO tf.reduce_sum(not_pad * policy_loss, 0)) gradient_ops = self.training_ops( loss, learning_rate=self.learning_rate) tf.summary.histogram('log_probs', tf.reduce_sum(log_probs, 0)) tf.summary.histogram('rewards', tf.reduce_sum(rewards, 0)) tf.summary.scalar('avg_rewards', tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum(rewards, 0))) tf.summary.scalar('policy_loss', tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum(not_pad * policy_loss))) tf.summary.scalar('critic_loss', tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum(not_pad * policy_loss))) tf.summary.scalar('loss', loss) tf.summary.scalar('raw_loss', raw_loss) return (loss, raw_loss, future_values, gradient_ops, tf.summary.merge_all()) class PCL(ActorCritic): """PCL implementation. Implements vanilla PCL, Unified PCL, and Trust PCL depending on provided inputs. """ def get(self, rewards, pads, values, final_values, log_probs, prev_log_probs, target_log_probs, entropies, logits, target_values, final_target_values): not_pad = 1 - pads batch_size = tf.shape(rewards)[1] rewards = not_pad * rewards value_estimates = not_pad * values log_probs = not_pad * sum(log_probs) target_log_probs = not_pad * tf.stop_gradient(sum(target_log_probs)) relative_log_probs = not_pad * (log_probs - target_log_probs) target_values = not_pad * tf.stop_gradient(target_values) final_target_values = tf.stop_gradient(final_target_values) # Prepend. not_pad = tf.concat([tf.ones([self.rollout - 1, batch_size]), not_pad], 0) rewards = tf.concat([tf.zeros([self.rollout - 1, batch_size]), rewards], 0) value_estimates = tf.concat( [self.gamma ** tf.expand_dims( tf.range(float(self.rollout - 1), 0, -1), 1) * tf.ones([self.rollout - 1, batch_size]) * value_estimates[0:1, :], value_estimates], 0) log_probs = tf.concat([tf.zeros([self.rollout - 1, batch_size]), log_probs], 0) prev_log_probs = tf.concat([tf.zeros([self.rollout - 1, batch_size]), prev_log_probs], 0) relative_log_probs = tf.concat([tf.zeros([self.rollout - 1, batch_size]), relative_log_probs], 0) target_values = tf.concat( [self.gamma ** tf.expand_dims( tf.range(float(self.rollout - 1), 0, -1), 1) * tf.ones([self.rollout - 1, batch_size]) * target_values[0:1, :], target_values], 0) sum_rewards = discounted_future_sum(rewards, self.gamma, self.rollout) sum_log_probs = discounted_future_sum(log_probs, self.gamma, self.rollout) sum_prev_log_probs = discounted_future_sum(prev_log_probs, self.gamma, self.rollout) sum_relative_log_probs = discounted_future_sum( relative_log_probs, self.gamma, self.rollout) if self.use_target_values: last_values = shift_values( target_values, self.gamma, self.rollout, final_target_values) else: last_values = shift_values(value_estimates, self.gamma, self.rollout, final_values) future_values = ( - self.tau * sum_log_probs - self.eps_lambda * sum_relative_log_probs + sum_rewards + last_values) baseline_values = value_estimates adv = tf.stop_gradient(-baseline_values + future_values) if self.clip_adv: adv = tf.minimum(self.clip_adv, tf.maximum(-self.clip_adv, adv)) policy_loss = -adv * sum_log_probs critic_loss = -adv * (baseline_values - last_values) policy_loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.reduce_sum(policy_loss * not_pad, 0)) critic_loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.reduce_sum(critic_loss * not_pad, 0)) # loss for gradient calculation loss = (self.policy_weight * policy_loss + self.critic_weight * critic_loss) # actual quantity we're trying to minimize raw_loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.reduce_sum(not_pad * adv * (-baseline_values + future_values), 0)) gradient_ops = self.training_ops( loss, learning_rate=self.learning_rate) tf.summary.histogram('log_probs', tf.reduce_sum(log_probs, 0)) tf.summary.histogram('rewards', tf.reduce_sum(rewards, 0)) tf.summary.histogram('future_values', future_values) tf.summary.histogram('baseline_values', baseline_values) tf.summary.histogram('advantages', adv) tf.summary.scalar('avg_rewards', tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum(rewards, 0))) tf.summary.scalar('policy_loss', tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum(not_pad * policy_loss))) tf.summary.scalar('critic_loss', tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum(not_pad * policy_loss))) tf.summary.scalar('loss', loss) tf.summary.scalar('raw_loss', tf.reduce_mean(raw_loss)) tf.summary.scalar('eps_lambda', self.eps_lambda) return (loss, raw_loss, future_values[self.rollout - 1:, :], gradient_ops, tf.summary.merge_all()) class TRPO(ActorCritic): """TRPO.""" def get(self, rewards, pads, values, final_values, log_probs, prev_log_probs, target_log_probs, entropies, logits, target_values, final_target_values): not_pad = 1 - pads batch_size = tf.shape(rewards)[1] rewards = not_pad * rewards value_estimates = not_pad * values log_probs = not_pad * sum(log_probs) prev_log_probs = not_pad * prev_log_probs target_values = not_pad * tf.stop_gradient(target_values) final_target_values = tf.stop_gradient(final_target_values) sum_rewards = discounted_future_sum(rewards, self.gamma, self.rollout) if self.use_target_values: last_values = shift_values( target_values, self.gamma, self.rollout, final_target_values) else: last_values = shift_values(value_estimates, self.gamma, self.rollout, final_values) future_values = sum_rewards + last_values baseline_values = value_estimates adv = tf.stop_gradient(-baseline_values + future_values) if self.clip_adv: adv = tf.minimum(self.clip_adv, tf.maximum(-self.clip_adv, adv)) policy_loss = -adv * tf.exp(log_probs - prev_log_probs) critic_loss = -adv * baseline_values policy_loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.reduce_sum(policy_loss * not_pad, 0)) critic_loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.reduce_sum(critic_loss * not_pad, 0)) raw_loss = policy_loss # loss for gradient calculation if self.policy_weight == 0: policy_loss = 0.0 elif self.critic_weight == 0: critic_loss = 0.0 loss = (self.policy_weight * policy_loss + self.critic_weight * critic_loss) gradient_ops = self.training_ops( loss, learning_rate=self.learning_rate) tf.summary.histogram('log_probs', tf.reduce_sum(log_probs, 0)) tf.summary.histogram('rewards', tf.reduce_sum(rewards, 0)) tf.summary.scalar('avg_rewards', tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum(rewards, 0))) tf.summary.scalar('policy_loss', tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum(not_pad * policy_loss))) tf.summary.scalar('critic_loss', tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum(not_pad * policy_loss))) tf.summary.scalar('loss', loss) tf.summary.scalar('raw_loss', raw_loss) return (loss, raw_loss, future_values, gradient_ops, tf.summary.merge_all())