import gradio as gr import numpy as np from PIL import Image import requests import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import joblib import hopsworks from tqdm import tqdm import xgboost as xgb from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim from datetime import date from datetime import timedelta from autogluon.tabular import TabularPredictor import shutil # Login to hopsworks and get the feature store # streetName;number;sqm;rooms;soldDate;monthlyFee;monthlyCost;floor;yearBuilt;brf;agency;lat;lon;gdp;unemployment;interestRate columnHeaders = ['streetName','number','sqm','rooms','soldDate','monthlyFee','monthlyCost','floor','yearBuilt', 'brf','agency','lat','lon'] # ,'gdp','unemployment','interestRate' featureToMinMax = { 'sqm': (10, 800), 'rooms': (1, 20), 'monthlyFee': (0, 60000), 'monthlyCost': (0, 20000), 'floor': (-3, 35), 'yearBuilt': (1850, 2023), 'lat': (58.8, 60.2), 'lon': (17.5, 19.1), 'gdp': (505.1, 630.14), 'unemployment': (6.36, 8.66), 'interestRate': (-0.5, 2.64), 'number': (0, 300), 'soldDate': (2010, 2025) } # Extracted from the data featureToName = { 'number' : 'Street number', 'sqm' : 'Size of the apartment in square meters', 'rooms' : 'Number of rooms', 'monthlyFee' : 'Monthly fee', 'monthlyCost' : 'Monthly operating cost', 'floor' : 'Floor', 'yearBuilt' : 'Year built', 'streetName' : 'Name of street', } topAgencies = ['Fastighetsbyrån','Notar','Svensk Fastighetsförmedling','HusmanHagberg','Länsförsäkringar Fastighetsförmedling','Erik Olsson','SkandiaMäklarna','Svenska Mäklarhuset','Bjurfors','Mäklarhuset','BOSTHLM','Innerstadsspecialisten','MOHV','Mäklarringen','Historiska Hem','Södermäklarna','Karlsson & Uddare','UNIK Fastighetsförmedling','Edward & Partners','Widerlöv'] def downloadAutogluonModel(): # Download saved Autogluon model from Hopsworks project = hopsworks.login() mr = project.get_model_registry() temp = mr.get_model("ag_model_20230109", version=5) temp_ag_folder_path = print(temp_ag_folder_path) moveFolder(temp_ag_folder_path) ag_model = TabularPredictor.load("AutogluonModels/ag_model_20230109") # '/ag_model_20230109' return ag_model def moveFolder(temp_ag_folder_path): # Move Autogluon model folder to the correct folder original = temp_ag_folder_path target = "AutogluonModels/" shutil.move(original, target) def downloadModel(): # Download saved Autogluon model from Hopsworks project = hopsworks.login() mr = project.get_model_registry() temp = mr.get_model("xgboost_model", version=5) model_path = xgb_model = joblib.load(model_path + "/xgboost_model.pkl") return xgb_model def getAddressInfo(streetName, number): streetName = cleanAddress(streetName) try: return getCoordinatesFromAddress(streetName, number) except AddressNotFound: return None, None # Adds the financial data to the apartment data def populateApartmentData(aptDf): print('Populating with financial data...') gdpDf = pd.read_csv(f'./data/historicalGDP.csv', sep=';') unemploymentDf = pd.read_csv(f'./data/historicalUnemployment.csv', sep=';') interestRateDf = pd.read_csv(f'./data/historicalInterest.csv', sep=';') gdpDf = interpolateTime(gdpDf) unemploymentDf = interpolateTime(unemploymentDf) interestRateDf = interpolateTime(interestRateDf) aptDf['gdp'] = aptDf['soldDate'].apply(getValueFromTime, args=(gdpDf,)) aptDf['unemployment'] = aptDf['soldDate'].apply(getValueFromTime, args=(unemploymentDf,)) aptDf['interestRate'] = aptDf['soldDate'].apply(getValueFromTime, args=(interestRateDf,)) return aptDf def interpolateTime(df): df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date']) df = df.set_index('date') df = df.resample('MS').mean() df = df.interpolate(method='time') return fixChange(df) def getValueFromTime(datetime, dataDf): # Get the value from the dataDf at the given datetime # If the datetime is not in the dataDf, print the datetime and return '0' # First, set the day of the datetime to the first day of the month # parse datetime to enable replacement datetime = pd.to_datetime(datetime) datetime = datetime.replace(day=1) try: return dataDf.loc[datetime, 'value'] except KeyError: # Try adding one month nextMonth = datetime.month + 1 if nextMonth > 12: datetime = datetime.replace(month=1) datetime = datetime.replace(year=datetime.year + 1) def fixChange(df): # Set change to be the difference between the current and previous price df['change'] = df['value'].diff() # If the change is Nan set it to 0 df['change'] = df['change'].fillna(0) return df def cleanAddress(x): # Remove "-" from the street x = ''.join(x.split('-')) # Remove all zero width spaces, non-breaking spaces and non-breaking hyphens x = x.replace('\u200b', '') x = x.replace('\u00a0', '') x = x.replace('\u2011', '') # Remove all soft hyphens x = x.replace('\xad', '') x = x.replace('\u200c', '') x.strip() return x class AddressNotFound(Exception): pass def getCoordinatesFromAddress(streetName, number): HOST_ADDRESS = '' # HOST_PORT = '8080' EMAIL = '' DOMAIN = HOST_ADDRESS # + ':' + HOST_PORT LOCATOR = Nominatim(user_agent=EMAIL, domain=DOMAIN, scheme='http', timeout=10) number = str(int(float(number))) address = f'{streetName} {number}, Stockholm' if number == '0': address = f'{streetName}, Stockholm' location = LOCATOR.geocode(address) if location is None: raise AddressNotFound else: # Return with a precision of 6 decimals (accuracy of <1 meter) lat = round(location.latitude, 6) lon = round(location.longitude, 6) return lat, lon def dateToFloat(date): year, month, day = str(date).split('-') day = day.split(' ')[0] return int(year) + int(month) / 12 + int(day) / 365 def normalize(x, minVal, maxVal, feature): # Not fantastic res = (float(x) - minVal) / (maxVal - minVal) return min(max(res, 0), 1) def normalizeData(df): # Normalize select numerical values to a value between 0 and 1 print('Normalizing data...') for feature, minMax in tqdm(featureToMinMax.items()): min = minMax[0] max = minMax[1] if feature == 'soldDate': df[feature] = df[feature].apply(lambda x: dateToFloat(x)) df[feature] = df[feature].apply(lambda x: normalize(x, min, max, feature)) return df def parsePrice(price): featureToMinMaxPrice = { 'price': (1.5e5, 7e7) } MIN = featureToMinMaxPrice['price'][0] MAX = featureToMinMaxPrice['price'][1] price = float(price) price = price * (MAX - MIN) + MIN return f'{addDotsToPrice(int(price))} SEK' def addDotsToPrice(price): # Takes an int like 1000000 and returns a string like 1.000.000 toReturn = '' price = str(price) for i, c in enumerate(price): toReturn += c if (len(price) - i) % 3 == 1 and i != len(price) - 1 and c != '-': toReturn += '.' return toReturn def xgbFix(df): features_to_categorical = ["streetName", "brf", "agency"] features_to_float = ["number", "sqm", "rooms", "monthlyFee", "monthlyCost", "floor", "yearBuilt", "gdp", "unemployment", "interestRate", "lat", "lon", "soldDate"] df[features_to_categorical] = df[features_to_categorical].astype("category") df[features_to_float] = df[features_to_float].astype(float) return df model = downloadModel() autoModel = downloadAutogluonModel() def xgboostPred(df): # Drop categorical features df = df.drop(['streetName', 'brf', 'agency'], axis=1) # Save first row as a numpy array results = [] for _,row in df.iterrows(): input_list = row.to_numpy() res = model.predict(np.asarray(input_list).reshape(1, -1)) results.append(res[0]) # This is not done in a good way return results def addExtraAgencyFun(df): # Make 20 copies of the first row with the 20 different top agencies in Sweden # Make a copy of the first row firstRow = df.iloc[0] # Make a list of the copies rows = [firstRow] * len(topAgencies) # Make a dataframe from the list df2 = pd.DataFrame(rows) # Add the top agencies to the dataframe for i, agency in enumerate(topAgencies): df2['agency'].iloc[i] = agency # Concatenate the two dataframes df = pd.concat([df, df2], ignore_index=True) return df def autoPred(df): df = addExtraAgencyFun(df) res = autoModel.predict(df) # Convert to a list res = res.tolist() # Get the last 20 values agencyResults = res[-20:] res = res[:-20] # Get the mean of the agencies agencyToResult = {agency:result for agency, result in zip(topAgencies, agencyResults)} for agency, result in agencyToResult.items(): print(agency, str(result)) # Get the top and bottom 3 agencies with the highest results sortedAgencies = sorted(agencyToResult.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]) meanPrice = sum(agencyResults) / len(agencyResults) top3 = sortedAgencies[-5:] top3.reverse() agencyString = parseAgencyResult(top3, meanPrice) return res, agencyString def parseAgencyResult(top3, meanPrice): toReturn = 'To get the most money for your apartment, you should sell it with the help of one of these agencies:\n' toReturn += 'Top 5:\n' for agency, result in top3: diff = result - meanPrice toReturn += f'{agency}: {parsePrice(result)} ({parsePrice(diff)} above mean)\n' return toReturn def isValidInput(streetName, number, sqm, rooms, monthlyFee, monthlyCost, floor, yearBuilt): # Street name is a string, all other values are numbers if streetName == '': return 'Street name is empty' # If Street name contains numbers it should fail if any(char.isdigit() for char in streetName): return 'Only letters are allowed in street name' toCheck = [number, sqm, rooms, monthlyFee, monthlyCost, floor, yearBuilt] toCheckName = ['number', 'sqm', 'rooms', 'monthlyFee', 'monthlyCost', 'floor', 'yearBuilt'] for val, name in zip(toCheck, toCheckName): MIN = featureToMinMax[name][0] MAX = featureToMinMax[name][1] if val < MIN: return f'{featureToName.get(name)} is too low' if val > MAX: return f'{featureToName.get(name)} is too high' return None def getDates(): today = # inAMonth = today + timedelta(days=30) inAYear = today + timedelta(days=365) lastYear = today - timedelta(days=365) beforeUkraineWar = '2022-02-24' threeYearsAgo = today - timedelta(days=365*3) dateToExplanation = { today.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") : 'today', # inAMonth.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") : 'in a month', inAYear.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") : 'in a year', lastYear.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") : 'last year', threeYearsAgo.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") : 'three years ago', beforeUkraineWar : 'before Russia invaded Ukraine', } return dateToExplanation def sthlm(streetName, number, sqm, rooms, monthlyFee, monthlyCost, floor, yearBuilt, agency, auto): inputErrors = isValidInput(streetName, number, sqm, rooms, monthlyFee, monthlyCost, floor, yearBuilt) if inputErrors is not None: return '0', '', '', inputErrors lat, lon = getAddressInfo(streetName, number) # If none if lat is None or lon is None: return '0', '', '', 'Address not found in the OpenStreetMap dataset (Nominatim), please try another address' brf = 'BRF Kartboken 1' # Not used dates = getDates() input_variables = pd.DataFrame( columns=columnHeaders) for soldDate in dates.keys(): # Parse the input so we can run it through the model # Create a dataframe from the input values input_variables = input_variables.append( pd.DataFrame( [[streetName,number,sqm,rooms,soldDate,monthlyFee,monthlyCost,floor,yearBuilt,brf,agency,lat,lon]], columns=columnHeaders)) df = populateApartmentData(input_variables) df = normalizeData(df) pricePred = None agencyInfo = 'Please use AutoGluon instead of XGBoost to get information about agencies' if auto: pricePred, agencyInfo = autoPred(df) else: df = xgbFix(df) pricePred = xgboostPred(df) explanations = list(dates.values()) result = [] # mainPred = None mainExplanation = None for i, pred in enumerate(pricePred): explanation = explanations[i] if i == 0: mainExplanation = explanation mainPred = pred else: diff = pred - mainPred if diff > 0: result.append(f'If sold {explanation} it would have been worth more: {parsePrice(pred)} (+{parsePrice(diff)})') else: result.append(f'If sold {explanation} it would have been worth less: {parsePrice(pred)} ({parsePrice(diff)})') return f'Predicted price of the apartment {mainExplanation}: {parsePrice(mainPred)}', '\n'.join(result), agencyInfo, '' # All features present in the sthlm dataset numericalInputs = ['number', 'sqm','rooms', 'monthlyFee','monthlyCost','floor','yearBuilt'] inputs = [gr.inputs.Textbox(lines=1, label='streetName')] # Generate the input form for feature in numericalInputs: minVal = featureToMinMax[feature][0] maxVal = featureToMinMax[feature][1] theLabel = f'{featureToName.get(feature)} (min: {minVal}, max: {maxVal})' inputs.append(gr.inputs.Number(default=0, label=theLabel)) # Add a switch to choose between xgboost and autogluon inputs.append(gr.inputs.Dropdown(label='Agency', choices=topAgencies, default='Notar')) inputs.append(gr.inputs.Checkbox( label='Use AutoGluon instead of XGBoost', default=False)) # Create the interface resultOutputs = [gr.outputs.Label(label='Price if sold today'), gr.outputs.Textbox(label='If sold at a different time'), gr.outputs.Textbox(label='Best agencies to use'), gr.outputs.Textbox(label='Error').style(color='red')] demo = gr.Interface( fn=sthlm, title="Stockholm Housing Valuation", description="Predict the price of an apartment in Stockholm. To get information about which agency to use, please select AutoGluon", allow_flagging="never", inputs=inputs, outputs=resultOutputs) demo.launch()