from flask import Flask, request from twilio.twiml.messaging_response import MessagingResponse from import Client import os import requests from PIL import Image import io import uuid import shutil app = Flask(__name__) UPLOAD_FOLDER = '/code/uploads' if not os.path.exists(UPLOAD_FOLDER): os.makedirs(UPLOAD_FOLDER) from inference_sdk import InferenceHTTPClient import base64 def predict_pest(filepath): CLIENT = InferenceHTTPClient( api_url="", api_key="oF1aC4b1FBCDtK8CoKx7" ) try: encoded_image = encode_image_to_base64(filepath) result = CLIENT.infer(encoded_image, model_id="pest-detection-ueoco/1") return result['predicted_classes'][0] except Exception as e: print(f"API call error: {e}") return e def predict_disease(filepath): CLIENT = InferenceHTTPClient( api_url="", api_key="oF1aC4b1FBCDtK8CoKx7" ) try: encoded_image = encode_image_to_base64(filepath) result = CLIENT.infer(encoded_image, model_id="plant-disease-detection-iefbi/1") return result['predicted_classes'][0] except Exception as e: print(f"API call error: {e}") return e # Initialize the Flask app account_sid = os.environ.get('TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID') auth_token = os.environ.get('TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN') client = Client(account_sid, auth_token) # WhatsApp number to send messages from (your Twilio number) from_whatsapp_number = 'whatsapp:+14155238886' def classify_pest(image_path): # Implement pest classification model here return f"Detected Pest: [Pest Name] for image at {image_path}" def classify_disease(image_path): # Implement disease classification model here return f"Detected Disease: [Disease Name] for image at {image_path}" @app.route('/whatsapp', methods=['POST']) def whatsapp_webhook(): incoming_msg = request.values.get('Body', '').lower() sender = request.values.get('From') # Check if an image is attached num_media = int(request.values.get('NumMedia', 0)) if num_media > 0: media_url = request.values.get('MediaUrl0') content_type = request.values.get('MediaContentType0') if content_type.startswith('image/'): r = requests.get(media_url) r.raise_for_status() response_text=media_url '''# Generate a unique filename filename = f"{uuid.uuid4()}.jpg" filepath = os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, filename) if 1==1: with open(filepath, 'wb') as out_file: out_file.write(r.content) # Check file size and existence if os.path.getsize(filepath) == 0: response_text = "The image file is empty. Please send a valid image." else: if 'pest' in incoming_msg: response_text = predict_pest(filepath) elif 'disease' in incoming_msg: response_text = predict_disease(filepath) else: response_text = "Please specify if you want to detect a pest or a disease."''' else: response_text = "The attached file is not an image. Please send an image for classification." elif 'bookkeeping' in incoming_msg: response_text = "Please provide the details you'd like to record." else: response_text = get_agricultural_insights(incoming_msg) send_message(sender, response_text) return '', 204 # Return an empty response to Twilio def get_agricultural_insights(query): # Implement your agricultural insights logic here return f"Insights related to: {query}" def send_message(to, body): try: message = client.messages.create( from_=from_whatsapp_number, body=body, to=to ) print(f"Message sent with SID: {message.sid}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error sending message: {e}") # Function to send an initial message def send_initial_message(to_number): send_message( f'whatsapp:{to_number}', 'Welcome to the Agri AI Chatbot! How can I assist you today? You can send an image with "pest" or "disease" to classify it.' ) if __name__ == '__main__': send_initial_message('916382792828')'', port=7860)