class CFG_APP: |
DEBUG = True |
K_TOTAL = 20 |
DEVICE = "cpu" |
MODEL_NAME = "gpt-3.5-turbo" |
DATA_FOLDER = "data/" |
EMBEDDING_MODEL = "sentence-transformers/multi-qa-mpnet-base-dot-v1" |
f"You are {BOT_NAME}, an expert in CSRD regulations, an AI Assistant by Nexialog Consulting. " |
"You are given a question and extracted parts of regulation reports." |
"Provide a clear and structured answer based only on the context provided. " |
"When relevant, use bullet points and lists to structure your answers." |
) |
"When relevant, use facts and numbers from the following documents in your answer. " |
"Whenever you use information from a document, reference it at the end of the sentence by naming it Exc (ex: [exc 2])." |
"Very important ! Never use the word Document or Doc for referencing an Excerpt, always exc. " |
"You don't have to use all documents, only if it makes sense in the conversation. " |
"If no relevant information to answer the question is present in the documents, " |
"just say you don't have enough information to answer." |
) |
"What are the key requirements of the CSRD for companies in the EU?", |
"How does the CSRD differ from the previous Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD)?", |
"Which types of companies are affected by the CSRD, and what are the thresholds for compliance?", |
"How will the CSRD impact the way companies report on sustainability and environmental issues?", |
"Are there specific guidelines or standards that companies must follow under the CSRD for reporting sustainability measures?", |
"Comment la CSRD va-t-elle influencer la transparence et la responsabilité des entreprises en matière de pratiques durables ?", |
"Quelles sont les conséquences pour les entreprises qui ne respectent pas les normes de la CSRD ?", |
"La CSRD exige-t-elle des entreprises de rapporter sur des indicateurs spécifiques de durabilité environnementale et sociale ?", |
"Comment la mise en œuvre de la CSRD peut-elle bénéficier à la performance globale des entreprises ?", |
"Quel rôle jouent les auditeurs et les conseillers en matière de conformité aux exigences de la CSRD ?", |
) |
Important ! Give the output as a standalone question followed by the detected language whatever the form of the query. |
Reformulate the following user message to be a short standalone question in English, in the context of an educational discussion about regulations in banks. Then detect the language of the query |
Sometimes, explanations of some abbreviations will be given in parentheses, keep them. |
--- |
query: C'est quoi les régles que les banques américaines doivent suivre ? |
standalone question: What are the key regulations that banks in the United States must follow? |
language: French |
--- |
query: what are the main effects of bank regulations? |
standalone question: What are the main causes of bank regulations change in the last century? |
language: English |
--- |
query: UL (Unexpected Loss) |
standalone question: What does UL (Unexpected Loss) stand for? |
language: English |
""" |
Important ! Give the output as an answer to the query. First you will translate the query in English and then answer it, in English, in 2 sentences maximum using the right vocabulary of the context of the query. |
Very important : the answer must be followed by the detected language of the query whatever the form of the query. You must keep the question at the begining of the answer. |
Here is an example of the template you must follow to create your answer : |
--- |
query : C'est quoi les régles que les banques américaines doivent suivre ? |
output : What are the rules that American banks must follow ? American banks must follow a set of federal and state regulations imposed by agencies such as the Federal Reserve and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.. |
language : French |
""" |
DOC_METADATA_PATH = f"{DATA_FOLDER}/doc_metadata.json" |