CSRD_GPT / glossary.json
remove ESRS
"ABoR": "Administrative Board of Review",
"ABS": "asset-backed security",
"ABSPP": "asset-backed securities purchase programme",
"ACH": "automated clearing house",
"AIF": "alternative investment fund",
"AMA": "advanced measurement approach",
"AMC": "asset management company",
"AMI-Pay": "Advisory Group on Market Infrastructures for Payments",
"AMI-SeCo": "Advisory Group on Market Infrastructures for Securities and Collateral",
"AML": "anti-money laundering",
"API": "application programming interface",
"APP": "asset purchase programme",
"ASC": "Advisory Scientific Committee",
"ASLP": "automated security lending programme",
"AT1": "Additional Tier 1",
"ATC": "Advisory Technical Committee",
"ATM": "automated teller machine",
"b.o.p.": "balance of payments",
"BCBS": "Basel Committee on Banking Supervision",
"BCPs": "Basel Core Principles",
"BEPGs": "Broad Economic Policy Guidelines",
"BIC": "Business Identifier Code",
"BIS": "Bank for International Settlements",
"BPM6": "Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual",
"bps": "basis points",
"BRM": "breach reporting mechanism",
"BRRD": "Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive",
"c.i.f.": "Cost, insurance and freight at the importer’s border",
"CAPE": "cyclically adjusted price/earnings (ratio)",
"CAPM": "capital asset pricing model",
"CAS": "capital adequacy statement",
"CBOE": "Chicago Board Options Exchange",
"CBPP": "covered bond purchase programme",
"CBR": "combined buffer requirement",
"CCBM": "correspondent central banking model",
"CCBM2": "Collateral Central Bank Management",
"CCoB": "capital conservation buffer",
"CCP": "central counterparty",
"CCyB": "countercyclical capital buffer",
"CDS": "credit default swap",
"CESR": "Committee of European Securities Regulators",
"CET1": "Common Equity Tier 1",
"CGFS": "Committee on the Global Financial System",
"CGO": "Compliance and Governance Office",
"CISS": "composite indicator of systemic stress",
"CJEU": "Court of Justice of the European Union",
"CMU": "capital markets union",
"CO2": "carbon dioxide",
"COGESI": "Contact Group on Euro Securities Infrastructures",
"COI": "Centralised On-Site Inspections Division",
"COREP": "common reporting",
"CPI": "consumer price index",
"CPMI": "Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures",
"CPSIPS": "Core Principles for Systemically Important Payment Systems",
"CRD": "Capital Requirements Directive",
"CRE": "commercial real estate",
"CRR": "Capital Requirements Regulation",
"CSD": "central securities depository ",
"CSPP": "corporate sector purchase programme",
"D-SIB": "domestic systemically important bank",
"DFR": "deposit facility rate",
"DG ECFIN": "Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs, European Commission",
"DGS": "deposit guarantee scheme",
"DLT": "distributed ledger technology",
"DNSH": "Do No Significant Harm",
"DSR": "debt service ratio",
"DSTI": "debt service-to-income",
"DTA": "deferred tax asset",
"DTI": "debt-to-income",
"DvD": "delivery versus delivery",
"DvP": "delivery versus payment",
"EAD": "exposure at default",
"EBA": "European Banking Authority",
"EBITDA": "earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation",
"EBP": "excess bond premium",
"EBPP": "Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment ",
"ECA": "European Court of Auditors",
"ECAF": "Eurosystem credit assessment framework",
"ECB": "European Central Bank ",
"ECL": "expected credit loss",
"ECOFIN": "Economic and Financial Affairs Council. Council of the European Union",
"ECU": "European Currency Unit ",
"EDF": "expected default frequency",
"EDI": "electronic data interchange ",
"EDIS": "European Deposit Insurance Scheme",
"EDP": "excessive deficit procedure ",
"EDW": "European Data Warehouse",
"EEA": "European Economic Area ",
"EER": "effective exchange rate ",
"EFC": "Economic and Financial Committee ",
"EFSF": "European Financial Stability Facility ",
"EFSM": "European Financial Stabilisation Mechanism ",
"EIOPA": "European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority",
"EL": "Expected Loss",
"ELB": "effective lower bound",
"ELBE": "Expected Loss Best Estimate",
"ELMI": "electronic money institution",
"EMIR": "European Market Infrastructure Regulation",
"EMMS": "Euro Money Market Survey",
"EMS": "European Monetary System ",
"EMU": "Economic and Monetary Union ",
"EONIA": "euro overnight index average",
"ERM II": "exchange rate mechanism II",
"ERPB": "Euro Retail Payments Board",
"ESA": "European Supervisory Authority",
"ESA 2010": "European System of Accounts 2010 ",
"ESA 95": "European System of Accounts 1995 ",
"ESCB": "European System of Central Banks",
"ESCG": "European Systemic Cyber Group",
"ESFS": "European System of Financial Supervision",
"ESM": "European Stability Mechanism",
"ESMA": "European Securities and Markets Authority",
"ESRB": "European Systemic Risk Board",
"ETF": "exchange-traded fund",
"EUCLID": "European centralised infrastructure for supervisory data",
"EURIBOR": "euro interbank offered rate",
"€STR": "euro short-term rate",
"EVE": "economic value of equity",
"f.o.b.": "Free on board at the exporter’s border",
"FINREP": "financial reporting",
"FMI": "financial market infrastructure",
"FOLTF": "failing or likely to fail",
"FOMC": "Federal Open Market Committee",
"FRA": "forward rate agreement",
"FSB": "Financial Stability Board",
"FSR": "Financial Stability Review",
"FTS": "funds transfer system",
"FVA": "fair value accounting",
"FVC": "financial vehicle corporation",
"FX": "foreign exchange",
"G-SIB": "global systemically important bank",
"G-SII": "global systemically important institution",
"GAAP": "generally accepted accounting principles",
"GDP": "gross domestic product",
"HICP": "Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices",
"HLEG": "High-Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance",
"HoM": "Head of Mission",
"HQLA": "high-quality liquid asset",
"i.i.p.": "international investment position",
"IAIG": "internationally active insurance group",
"IAIS": "International Association of Insurance Supervisors",
"IAS": "International Accounting Standards",
"IBAN": "International Bank Account Number",
"IC": "internal capital",
"ICAAP": "Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process",
"ICMA": "International Capital Market Association",
"ICPFs": "insurance corporations and pension funds",
"ICR": "interest coverage ratio",
"ICS": "Insurance Capital Standard",
"ICSD": "international central securities depository",
"IF": "investment fund",
"IFRS": "International Financial Reporting Standards",
"IFTS": "interbank funds transfer system",
"ILAAP": "Internal Liquidity Adequacy Assessment Process",
"ILO": "International Labour Organization",
"ILS": "inflation-linked swap",
"IMAS": "SSM Information Management System",
"IMF": "International Monetary Fund",
"IMI": "internal model investigation",
"IOSCO": "International Organization of Securities Commissions",
"IPS": "institutional protection scheme",
"IRB": "internal ratings-based",
"IRBA": "internal ratings-based approach",
"IRR": "internal rate of return",
"IRRBB": "interest rate risk in the banking book",
"IRT": "Internal Resolution Team",
"ISIN": "International Securities Identification Number",
"ITS": "Implementing Technical Standards",
"JSS": "Joint Supervisory Standards",
"JST": "Joint Supervisory Team",
"JSTC": "Joint Supervisory Team coordinator",
"KRI": "key risk indicator",
"LCBG": "large and complex banking group",
"LCR": "liquidity coverage ratio",
"LGD": "loss-given-default",
"LSI": "less significant institution",
"LSTI": "loan service-to-income",
"LTD": "loan-to-deposit",
"LTG": "long-term guarantee",
"LTI": "loan-to-income",
"LTRO": "longer-term refinancing operation",
"LTSF": "loan-to-stable-funding",
"LTV": "loan-to-value",
"M&A": "mergers and acquisitions",
"MDA": "maximum distributable amount",
"MFI": "monetary financial institution",
"MiFID": "Markets in Financial Instruments Directive",
"MiFIR": "Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation",
"MIP": "macroeconomic imbalance procedure",
"MMF": "money market fund",
"MMS": "money market statistics",
"MMSR": "money market statistical reporting",
"MPC": "Monetary Policy Committee",
"MREL": "minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities",
"MSC": "merchant service charge",
"NAV": "net asset value",
"NBNI": "non-bank, non-insurance",
"NCA": "national competent authority",
"NCB": "national central bank",
"NDA": "national designated authority",
"NFC": "non-financial corporation",
"NFCI": "net fee and commission income",
"NII": "net interest income",
"NIRP": "negative interest rate policy",
"NPE": "non-performing exposure",
"NPLs": "non-performing loans",
"NRA": "national resolution authority",
"NSA": "national supervisory authority",
"NSFR": "net stable funding ratio",
"O&D": "options and discretions",
"O-SII": "other systemically important institution",
"OECD": "Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development",
"OFI": "other financial institution",
"OIS": "overnight index swap",
"OJ": "Official Journal of the European Union",
"ORC": "overall recovery capacity",
"OSI": "on-site inspection",
"OTC": "over-the-counter",
"P&L": "profit and loss",
"P/E": "price/earnings (ratio)",
"P2G": "Pillar 2 guidance",
"P2P payment": "peer-to-peer payment",
"P2R": "Pillar 2 requirement",
"PCE": "personal consumption expenditure",
"PD": "probability of default",
"PE-ACH": "pan-European automated clearing house",
"PIN": "personal identification number",
"PPI": "prudential policy index",
"PPP": "purchasing power parity",
"PQD": "public quantitative disclosure",
"PSPP": "public sector purchase programme",
"PvP": "payment versus payment",
"QE": "quantitative easing",
"RAROC": "risk-adjusted return on capital",
"RAS": "risk appetite statement",
"repo": "repurchase agreement, repurchase operation",
"ROA": "return on assets",
"ROE": "return on equity",
"RORAC": "return on risk-adjusted capital",
"RRE": "residential real estate",
"RTGS system": "real-time gross settlement system",
"RTS": "Regulatory Technical Standards",
"RWA": "risk-weighted asset",
"S&P": "Standard & Poor’s",
"SBBS": "sovereign bond-backed security",
"SCR": "Solvency Capital Requirement",
"SDR": "special drawing right",
"SEP": "Supervisory Examination Programme",
"SEPA": "Single Euro Payments Area",
"SFT": "securities financing transaction",
"SGP": "Stability and Growth Pact",
"SI": "significant institution",
"SII": "systemically important institution",
"SIPS": "systemically important payment system",
"SMEs": "small and medium-sized enterprises",
"SPV": "special-purpose vehicle",
"SQA": "Supervisory Quality Assurance",
"SRB": "systemic risk buffer",
"SREP": "Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process",
"SRF": "Single Resolution Fund",
"SRM": "Single Resolution Mechanism",
"SRMR": "Single Resolution Mechanism Regulation",
"SSG": "SSM Simplification Group",
"SSM": "Single Supervisory Mechanism",
"SSMR": "Single Supervisory Mechanism Regulation",
"SSS": "securities settlement system",
"STE": "Short Term Exercise",
"STP": "straight-through processing",
"T2": "Tier 2",
"T2S": "TARGET2-Securities",
"TFEU": "Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union",
"TIPS": "TARGET instant payment settlement",
"TLAC": "total loss-absorbing capacity",
"TLTRO": "targeted longer-term refinancing operation",
"TREA": "total risk exposure amount",
"TRIM": "targeted review of internal models",
"TRN": "transaction reference number",
"TSCG": "Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union",
"UL": "Unexpeccted Loss",
"TSCR": "total SREP capital requirement (P1R+P2R)",
"UCITS": "undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities",
"ULCM": "Unit labour costs in the manufacturing sector.",
"ULCT": "Unit labour costs in the total economy.",
"VaR": "value at risk",
"VIX": "Chicago Board Options Exchange’s Volatility Index",
"XML": "Extensible Markup Language",
"AMS": "Automated Measuring Systems",
"AQI": "Air Quality Indices",
"AR": "Application Requirements",
"AWS": "Alliance for Water Stewardship",
"BAT": "Best Available Technique",
"BAT-AEL": "Best Available Technique-Associated Emission Level",
"BAT-AEPL": "Best Available Technique-Associated Environmental Performance Level",
"BREFs": "Best Available Techniques Reference Documents",
"Btu": "British Thermal Units",
"CapEx": "Capital Expenditure",
"CBD": "Convention for Biological Diversity",
"CDDA": "Common Database on Designated Areas",
"CEN": "European Committee for Standardization",
"CENELEC": "European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization",
"CH4": "Methane",
"CICES": "Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services",
"C02": "Carbon Dioxide",
"DEGURBA": "Degree of Urbanisation",
"DR BP-1": "Disclosure Requirement - General basis for preparation of the sustainability statements",
"DR BP-2": "Disclosure Requirement - Disclosures in relation to specific circumstances",
"DR GOV-1": "Disclosure Requirement - The role of the administrative, management and supervisory bodies",
"DR GOV-2": "Disclosure Requirement - Information provided to and sustainability matters addressed by the undertaking's administrative, management and supervisory bodies",
"DR GOV-3": "Disclosure Requirement - Integration of sustainability- related performance in incentive schemes",
"DR GOV-4": "Disclosure Requirement - Statement on sustainability due diligence",
"DR GOV-5": "Disclosure Requirement - Risk management and internal controls over sustainability reporting",
"DR SBM-1": "Disclosure Requirement - Market position, strategy, business model(s) and value chain",
"DR SBM-2": "Disclosure Requirement - Interests and views of stakeholders",
"DR SBM-3": "Disclosure Requirement - Material impacts, risks and opportunities and their interaction with strategy and business model(s)",
"DR IRO-1": "Disclosure Requirement - Description of the processes to identify and assess material impacts, risks and opportunities",
"DR IRO-2": "Disclosure Requirements in ESRS covered by the undertaking's sustainability statements",
"DR": "Disclosure Requirements",
"EC": "European Commission",
"EFRAG": "European Financial Reporting Advisory Group",
"EFRAG SRB": "European Financial Reporting Advisory Group Sustainability Reporting Board",
"EIA": "Environmental Impact Assessment",
"EMAS": "Eco-Management and Audit Scheme",
"EPC": "Energy Performance Certificate",
"E-PRTR": "European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register",
"EU": "European Union",
"EU ETS": "European Union Emissions Trading System",
"EWC": "European Works Council",
"FPIC": "Free, Prior and Informed Consent",
"FTE": "Full-time equivalent",
"GHG": "Greenhouse Gas",
"GJ": "Giga-Joules",
"GRI": "Global Reporting Initiative",
"GWP": "Global Warming Potential",
"HFCs": "Hydrofluorocarbons",
"IED": "Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council _ (Industrial Emissions Directive)",
"IFC": "International Finance Corporation",
"IPBES": "Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services",
"IPCC": "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change",
"ISEAL": "International Social and Environmental Accreditation and Labelling Alliance",
"ISO": "International Organization for Standardization",
"ISSB": "International Sustainability Standards Board",
"IUCN": "International Union for Conservation of Nature",
"KBA": "Key Biodiversity Areas",
"Kg": "Kilogram",
"lb": "Pounds",
"LEAP": "Locate Evaluate Assess Prepare",
"LGBTQI": "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex",
"MDR": "Minimum Disclosure Requirement",
"MWh": "Mega-Watt-hours",
"N2O": "Nitrous Oxide",
"NACE": "Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community",
"NF3": "Nitrogen trifluoride",
"NGOs": "Non-Governmental Organisations",
"NH3": "Ammonia",
"NOX": "Nitrogen oxides",
"NUTS": "Nomenclature of Territorial Units of Statistics",
"ODS": "Ozone-depleting substance",
"OECM": "One Earth Climate Model",
"OpEX": "Operating Expenditure",
"PBTS": "Persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic substances",
"PCAF": "Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financial",
"PCFs": "Perfluorocarbons",
"PM": "Particulate Matter",
"PMTs": "Persistent, Mobile and Toxic Substances",
"POPs": "Persistent organic pollutants",
"REACH": "Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals",
"SBTi": "Science Based Targets Initiative",
"SBTN": "Science Based Targets Network",
"SCE": "Societas Cooperativa Europaea",
"SDA": "Sectoral Decarbonisation Approach",
"SDGs": "Sustainable Development Goals",
"SDPI": "Sustainable Development Performance Indicator",
"SE": "Societas Europaea",
"SEEA": "System of Environmental-Economic Accounting",
"SEEA EA": "System of Environmental-Economic Accounting Ecosystem Accounting",
"SFDR": "Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 of the European Parliament and of the Council_ (Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation)",
"SOX": "Sulphur oxides",
"SVHC": "Substances of Very High Concern",
"TCFD": "Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures",
"TNFD": "Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures",
"UN": "United Nations",
"UNEP": "United Nations Environment Programme",
"UNESCO": "United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization",
"vPvBs": "Very persistent and very bioaccumulative substances",
"vPvMs": "Very persistent and very mobile substances",
"WDPA": "World Database of Protected Areas",
"WRI": "World Resources Institute",
"WWF": "World-Wide Fund for Nature"