File size: 9,443 Bytes
bac55b4 6810bed bac55b4 8004cfc bac55b4 014abd7 bac55b4 5d3564f bac55b4 8004cfc 014abd7 bac55b4 014abd7 bac55b4 0ab59c6 bac55b4 6810bed bac55b4 6810bed bac55b4 014abd7 bac55b4 6810bed bac55b4 6810bed bac55b4 014abd7 bac55b4 014abd7 bac55b4 5d3564f bac55b4 7fee005 bac55b4 7fee005 bac55b4 8004cfc 7fee005 8004cfc 014abd7 8004cfc 014abd7 8004cfc 014abd7 8004cfc 014abd7 8004cfc bac55b4 014abd7 bac55b4 014abd7 bac55b4 b8a5709 014abd7 b8a5709 014abd7 b8a5709 5d3564f bac55b4 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 |
import gradio as gr
from PIL import Image as PIL_Image # Renaming to avoid conflict with Image from gltflib
from io import BytesIO
import json
import os
import glob
import src.constants as constants
from src.front_card_frame import create_card_frame
from src.front_card_image import create_card_image
from src.front_card_image_historic_site import create_historic_site_card_image
from src.picture_box_model import create_picture_box_model
from src.extracted_objects_model import create_extracted_objects_model
from src.card_model import create_card_model
from src.manhole_model import create_manhole_model
language = os.environ.get('LANGUAGE', 'en')
print(f'LANGUAGE: {language}')
with open(f'src/display_message_{language}.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
display_message_dict = json.load(f)
model_type_dict = display_message_dict['model_type_dict']
color_dict = display_message_dict['color_dict']
default_card_design_image_dict = {value:[key]).convert('RGB') for (key, value) in model_type_dict.items()}
def update_card_image(card_design_upload, card_design_dropdown, update_type):
if update_type == 'Upload':
return card_design_upload['background']
return default_card_design_image_dict[card_design_dropdown]
def create_3dmodel(model_no, title, color, mark, historic_site_type, difficulty, description, is_thick, picture_image, card_design_preview_image):
picture_img_bytearray = BytesIO()
picture_image['background'].save(picture_img_bytearray, "JPEG", quality=95) # Seek to the beginning of the image, otherwise it results in empty data.
option_dict = {
'タイトル': title,
'色': color,
'マーク': mark,
'史跡種類': historic_site_type,
'訪問難度': difficulty,
'説明文': description,
'厚み': '有' if is_thick else '無',
'language': language
# Consider implementing model_no categorization rules or creating a factory class
if model_no not in ['A', 'B']:
# Create the card image (front side)
if model_no == '1':
front_img_bytearray = create_historic_site_card_image(picture_img_bytearray, option_dict)
# Retrieve the card image (back side)
back_path = constants.back_card_img_dict[model_no]
back_img =
back_img_bytearray = BytesIO()
back_img.convert('RGB').save(back_img_bytearray, "JPEG", quality=95) # Seek to the beginning of the image, otherwise it results in empty data
back_img_bytearray = BytesIO(), "JPEG", quality=95) # Seek to the beginning of the image, otherwise it results in empty data.
card_frame_bytearray = create_card_frame(back_img_bytearray)
front_img_bytearray = create_card_image(card_frame_bytearray, picture_img_bytearray, option_dict)
# Create a 3D model of the card (return value is the path of the created model)
model_path = create_card_model(front_img_bytearray, back_img_bytearray, option_dict)
# Create a 3D model of the card (return value is the path of the created model)
if model_no == 'A':
model_path = create_picture_box_model(picture_img_bytearray)
if model_no == 'B':
model_path = create_extracted_objects_model(picture_img_bytearray)
return model_path
def create_manhole(image):
img_bytearray = BytesIO()
image['background'].save(img_bytearray, "JPEG", quality=95) # Seek to the beginning of the image, otherwise it results in empty data.
model_path = create_manhole_model(img_bytearray)
return model_path
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
with gr.Tab(display_message_dict['tab_label_card_general']):
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
title = gr.Textbox(label=display_message_dict['label_title'], placeholder=display_message_dict['placeholder_title'])
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
card_design_dropdown = gr.Dropdown(list(default_card_design_image_dict.keys()), label=display_message_dict['label_card_design_sample'])
card_design_upload = gr.ImageEditor(image_mode='RGB', sources="upload", type="pil", crop_size="868:1213", label=display_message_dict['label_card_design_upload'])
with gr.Column():
card_design_preview_image = gr.Image(label=display_message_dict['label_card_design_preview'], type="pil")
card_design_upload.change(fn=lambda card_design_upload, card_design_dropdown: update_card_image(card_design_upload, card_design_dropdown, 'Upload'),
inputs=[card_design_upload, card_design_dropdown], outputs=card_design_preview_image)
card_design_dropdown.change(fn=lambda card_design_upload, card_design_dropdown: update_card_image(card_design_upload, card_design_dropdown, 'Drop'),
inputs=[card_design_upload, card_design_dropdown], outputs=card_design_preview_image)
with gr.Column():
description = gr.Textbox(lines=2, label=display_message_dict['label_description'], placeholder=display_message_dict['placeholder_description'])
is_thick = gr.Checkbox(label=display_message_dict['label_is_thick'], value=False, info=display_message_dict['info_is_thick'])
picture_image = gr.ImageEditor(image_mode='RGB', sources="upload", type="pil", crop_size="1:1", label=display_message_dict['label_image'])
button = gr.Button(display_message_dict['label_button'])
fn=lambda title, description, is_thick, picture_image, card_design_preview_image:
create_3dmodel(None, title, None, None, None, None, description, is_thick, picture_image, card_design_preview_image),
inputs=[title, description, is_thick, picture_image, card_design_preview_image],
outputs=[gr.Model3D(camera_position=(90, 90, 5))]
with gr.Tab(display_message_dict['tab_label_historic_site_card']):
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
title = gr.Textbox(label=display_message_dict['label_title'], placeholder=display_message_dict['placeholder_title'])
color = gr.Radio([(color_dict[key], key) for key in color_dict], value=list(color_dict)[0], label=display_message_dict['label_color'])
# Mark(Designation Type) is only visible for Japanese(Because there are no Designation Type Images for other languages).
# In other languages, mark is only 'No Designation'(No Designation Type Image).
is_mark_visible = True if language == 'ja' else False
mark = gr.Radio(display_message_dict['mark_list'], visible=is_mark_visible,
value=list(display_message_dict['mark_list'])[len(display_message_dict['mark_list'])-1], label=display_message_dict['label_mark'])
historic_site_type = gr.Textbox(label=display_message_dict["label_historic_site_type"], placeholder=display_message_dict["placeholder_historic_site_type"])
with gr.Column():
difficulty = gr.Slider(1, 5, 3, step=1, label=display_message_dict['label_difficulty'])
description = gr.Textbox(lines=2, label=display_message_dict['label_description'], placeholder=display_message_dict['placeholder_description'])
is_thick = gr.Checkbox(label=display_message_dict['label_is_thick'], value=False, info=display_message_dict['info_is_thick'])
picture_image = gr.ImageEditor(image_mode='RGB', sources="upload", type="pil", crop_size="1:1", label=display_message_dict['label_image'])
button = gr.Button(display_message_dict['label_button'])
fn=lambda title, color, mark, historic_site_type, difficulty, description, is_thick, picture_image:
create_3dmodel('1', title, color, mark, historic_site_type, difficulty, description, is_thick, picture_image, None),
inputs=[title, color, mark, historic_site_type, difficulty, description, is_thick, picture_image],
outputs=[gr.Model3D(camera_position=(90, 90, 5))]
with gr.Tab(display_message_dict["tab_label_manhole"]):
image = gr.ImageEditor(image_mode='RGB', sources="upload", type="pil", label=display_message_dict['label_image'])
button = gr.Button(display_message_dict['label_button'])
outputs=[gr.Model3D(camera_position=(90, 90, 5))]
demo.launch() |