from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont from io import BytesIO # Card image information # Historic Site Card files card_frame_path_dict = { '橙': 'data/cards/史跡カードフレーム(橙).png', '白': 'data/cards/史跡カードフレーム(白).png', '紫': 'data/cards/史跡カードフレーム(紫).png', '緑': 'data/cards/史跡カードフレーム(緑).png', '茶': 'data/cards/史跡カードフレーム(茶).png', '赤': 'data/cards/史跡カードフレーム(赤).png', '青': 'data/cards/史跡カードフレーム(青).png', '黄': 'data/cards/史跡カードフレーム(黄).png', '黒': 'data/cards/史跡カードフレーム(黒).png' } card_mark_path_dict = { '区指定': 'data/cards/史跡カード指定マーク(区指定).png', '国指定': 'data/cards/史跡カード指定マーク(国指定).png', '市指定': 'data/cards/史跡カード指定マーク(市指定).png', '府指定': 'data/cards/史跡カード指定マーク(府指定).png', '村指定': 'data/cards/史跡カード指定マーク(村指定).png', '町指定': 'data/cards/史跡カード指定マーク(町指定).png', '県指定': 'data/cards/史跡カード指定マーク(県指定).png', '道指定': 'data/cards/史跡カード指定マーク(道指定).png', '都指定': 'data/cards/史跡カード指定マーク(都指定).png' } # Pixel position information for each area of the card image # Picture PICTURE_LT_XY = (65, 188) PICTURE_RB_XY = (802, 925) PICTURE_SIZE = (PICTURE_RB_XY[0] - PICTURE_LT_XY[0], PICTURE_RB_XY[1] - PICTURE_LT_XY[1]) # Title # Create some margin TITLE_LT_XY = (65, 45) TITLE_RB_XY = (647, 132) # Position to avoid overlapping with the marker insertion point TITLE_SIZE = (TITLE_RB_XY[0] - TITLE_LT_XY[0], TITLE_RB_XY[1] - TITLE_LT_XY[1]) # Explanation Section Divider DESCRIPTION_LINE_L_XY = (52, 1024) DESCRIPTION_LINE_R_XY = (816, 1024) # Historic Site Type HS_TYPE_LT_XY = (56, 972) # Difficulty of Visit DIFFICULTY_LT_XY = (444, 972) # Main Body of Description DESCRIPTION_LT_XY = (46, 1024) DESCRIPTION_RB_XY = (810, 1174) DESCRIPTION_SIZE = (DESCRIPTION_RB_XY[0] - DESCRIPTION_LT_XY[0], DESCRIPTION_RB_XY[1] - DESCRIPTION_LT_XY[1]) # Font information # Ming Typeface font_selif_path = 'data/fonts/SourceHanSerif-Bold.otf' # Gothic Typeface font_sanselif_path = 'data/fonts/SourceHanSans-Bold.otf' def crop_center(pil_img, crop_width, crop_height): img_width, img_height = pil_img.size return pil_img.crop(((img_width - crop_width) // 2, (img_height - crop_height) // 2, (img_width + crop_width) // 2, (img_height + crop_height) // 2)) def crop_max_square(pil_img): return crop_center(pil_img, min(pil_img.size), min(pil_img.size)) def create_historic_site_card_image(img_bytearray, option_dict): # Loading and Cropping of Picture picture_img = picture_img = crop_max_square(picture_img) picture_img = picture_img.resize(PICTURE_SIZE) # Loading of Card Frame card_img =[option_dict['色']]) # Adding a Marker if option_dict['マーク'] in card_mark_path_dict: mark_image =[option_dict['マーク']]) card_img.paste(mark_image, mask=mark_image) # Embedding a Picture in the Card card_img.paste(picture_img, PICTURE_LT_XY) # Preparing for editting the card image card_imgdraw = ImageDraw.Draw(card_img) # Adding a Border to the Card card_imgdraw.line(( (0, 0), (card_img.size[0], 0) ), fill='black', width=15) card_imgdraw.line(( (0, 0), (0, card_img.size[1]) ), fill='black', width=15) card_imgdraw.line(( (card_img.size[0], 0), card_img.size), fill='black', width=15) card_imgdraw.line(( (0, card_img.size[1]), card_img.size), fill='black', width=15) # Adding a Divider Line to the Explanation Section card_imgdraw.line((DESCRIPTION_LINE_L_XY, DESCRIPTION_LINE_R_XY), fill='black', width=3) # Embedding the Title # (Support for multiple lines if needed) title_font_size = 100 while True: title_font = ImageFont.truetype(font_selif_path, title_font_size) title_bbox = card_imgdraw.textbbox(TITLE_LT_XY , option_dict['タイトル'], title_font) if (title_bbox[2] <= TITLE_RB_XY[0] and title_bbox[3] <= TITLE_RB_XY[1]) or title_font_size <= 30: break title_font_size -= 1 card_imgdraw.text((TITLE_LT_XY[0], int((TITLE_LT_XY[1] + TITLE_RB_XY[1]) / 2)), option_dict['タイトル'], fill='black', font=title_font, anchor='lm') # Embedding the Historic Site Type hs_type_display = f'種類:{option_dict["史跡種類"]}' hs_typefont = ImageFont.truetype(font_sanselif_path, 40) card_imgdraw.text(HS_TYPE_LT_XY, hs_type_display, fill='black', font=hs_typefont, anchor='lt') # Embedding the Difficulty of Visit difficulty = int(option_dict['訪問難度']) difficulty = 1 if difficulty < 1 else 5 if difficulty > 5 else difficulty difficulty_display = '訪問難度:' + '☆' * difficulty + '★' * (5 - difficulty) difficulty_font = ImageFont.truetype(font_sanselif_path, 40) card_imgdraw.text(DIFFICULTY_LT_XY, difficulty_display, fill='black', font=difficulty_font, anchor='lt') # Embedding the Description Text description_font = ImageFont.truetype(font_sanselif_path, 40) description_list = [] description_length = len(option_dict['説明文']) temp_start = 0 for i in range(description_length): temp_end = i description_line_bbox = card_imgdraw.textbbox((0, 0), option_dict['説明文'][temp_start:temp_end+1], description_font) if description_line_bbox[2] > DESCRIPTION_SIZE[0]: description_list.append(option_dict['説明文'][temp_start:temp_end]) temp_start = i description_list.append(option_dict['説明文'][temp_start:]) description_display = '\n'.join(description_list) card_imgdraw.text(DESCRIPTION_LT_XY, description_display, fill='black', font=description_font) # Outputting Binary Data output_img_bytearray = BytesIO() card_img.convert('RGB').save(output_img_bytearray, "JPEG", quality=95) # Seek to the beginning of the image, otherwise it results in empty data return output_img_bytearray