is445_demo /
Nirmal16's picture
6a6ff85 verified
import streamlit as st
import altair as alt
import pandas as pd
st.title("Building Inventory Insights")
# Load Dataset
def load_data():
url = ""
return pd.read_csv(url)
data = load_data()
# Data Preview
if st.sidebar.checkbox("Show Raw Data"):
st.subheader("Raw Dataset")
# Selections
brush = alt.selection_interval(encodings=["x"])
click = alt.selection_point(encodings=["color"])
# Add color scale for 'Square Footage'
square_footage_scale = alt.Scale(scheme="blues")
color = alt.Color("Square Footage:Q", scale=square_footage_scale, title="Square Footage")
# Top Panel: Scatter Plot (Year Acquired vs Square Footage)
scatter = (
alt.X("Year Acquired:Q", title="Year Acquired"),
alt.Y("Square Footage:Q", title="Square Footage"),
color=alt.condition(brush, color, alt.value("lightgray")),
size=alt.Size("Total Floors:Q", scale=alt.Scale(range=[50, 300]), title="Total Floors"),
tooltip=["Agency Name", "Location Name", "Square Footage", "Year Acquired"]
.properties(width=550, height=300, title="Building Size by Acquisition Year")
# Bottom Panel: Bar Chart (Square Footage Distribution by Year Acquired)
bar_chart = (
x="Agency Name:O",
y=alt.Y("Year Acquired:Q", title="Year Acquired"),
color=alt.condition(click, color, alt.value("lightgray")),
tooltip=["Agency Name", "Year Acquired"]
.properties(width=550, title="Agency Name Distribution by Year Acquired")
# Combined Chart
chart = alt.vconcat(scatter, bar_chart)
# Tabs for Themes
tab1, tab2 = st.tabs(["Streamlit Theme", "Altair Native Theme"])
with tab1:
The scatter plot visualizes the distribution of building size based on their acquisition year.
Design choices:
- X-axis displays the years acquired sorted in descending order.
- Y-axis displays the square footage.
This scatter plot visualizes the relationship between year-acquired and Square Footage of buildings,
with Total Floors encoded as the size of the points.
st.altair_chart(chart, theme="streamlit", use_container_width=True)
The bar chart visualizes the distribution of Agency Name based on their acquisition year.
Design choices:
- X-axis displays the Agency Name.
- Y-axis displays the Year Acquired.
This bar chart visualizes which agency acquired the count of buildings in which Year.
The Agency Name is taken as the ordinal value.
with tab2:
The scatter plot visualizes the distribution of building size based on their acquisition year.
Design choices:
- X-axis displays the years acquired sorted in descending order.
- Y-axis displays the square footage.
This scatter plot visualizes the relationship between year-acquired and Square Footage of buildings,
with Total Floors encoded as the size of the points.
st.altair_chart(chart, theme=None, use_container_width=True)
The bar chart visualizes the distribution of Agency Name based on their acquisition year.
Design choices:
- X-axis displays the Agency Name.
- Y-axis displays the Year Acquired.
This bar chart visualizes which agency acquired the count of buildings in which Year.
The Agency Name is taken as the ordinal value.